import path from 'path'; import { VirtualStats } from './virtual-stats'; import type { Compiler } from 'webpack'; let inode = 45000000; const ALL = 'all'; const STATIC = 'static'; const DYNAMIC = 'dynamic'; type AvailableModules = typeof ALL | typeof STATIC | typeof DYNAMIC; function checkActivation(instance) { if (!instance._compiler) { throw new Error('You must use this plugin only after creating webpack instance!'); } } function getModulePath(filePath, compiler) { return path.isAbsolute(filePath) ? filePath : path.join(compiler.context, filePath); } function createWebpackData(result) { return (backendOrStorage) => { // In Webpack v5, this variable is a "Backend", and has the data stored in a field // _data. In V4, the `_` prefix isn't present. if (backendOrStorage._data) { const curLevelIdx = backendOrStorage._currentLevel; const curLevel = backendOrStorage._levels[curLevelIdx]; return { result, level: curLevel, }; } // Webpack 4 return [null, result]; }; } function getData(storage, key) { // Webpack 5 if (storage._data instanceof Map) { return storage._data.get(key); } else if (storage._data) { return[key]; } else if ( instanceof Map) { // Webpack v4 return; } else { return[key]; } } function setData(backendOrStorage, key, valueFactory) { const value = valueFactory(backendOrStorage); // Webpack v5 if (backendOrStorage._data instanceof Map) { backendOrStorage._data.set(key, value); } else if (backendOrStorage._data) {[key] = value; } else if ( instanceof Map) { // Webpack 4, value); } else {[key] = value; } } function getStatStorage(fileSystem) { if (fileSystem._statStorage) { // Webpack v4 return fileSystem._statStorage; } else if (fileSystem._statBackend) { // webpack v5 return fileSystem._statBackend; } else { // Unknown version? throw new Error("Couldn't find a stat storage"); } } function getFileStorage(fileSystem) { if (fileSystem._readFileStorage) { // Webpack v4 return fileSystem._readFileStorage; } else if (fileSystem._readFileBackend) { // Webpack v5 return fileSystem._readFileBackend; } else { throw new Error("Couldn't find a readFileStorage"); } } function getReadDirBackend(fileSystem) { if (fileSystem._readdirBackend) { return fileSystem._readdirBackend; } else if (fileSystem._readdirStorage) { return fileSystem._readdirStorage; } else { throw new Error("Couldn't find a readDirStorage from Webpack Internals"); } } function getRealpathBackend(fileSystem) { if (fileSystem._realpathBackend) { return fileSystem._realpathBackend; } // Nothing, because not all version of webpack support it } class VirtualModulesPlugin { private _staticModules: Record | null; private _compiler: Compiler | null = null; private _watcher: any = null; public constructor(modules?: Record) { this._staticModules = modules || null; } public getModuleList(filter: AvailableModules = ALL) { let modules = {}; const shouldGetStaticModules = filter === ALL || filter === STATIC; const shouldGetDynamicModules = filter === ALL || filter === DYNAMIC; if (shouldGetStaticModules) { // Get static modules modules = { ...modules, ...this._staticModules, }; } if (shouldGetDynamicModules) { // Get dynamic modules const finalInputFileSystem: any = this._compiler?.inputFileSystem; const virtualFiles = finalInputFileSystem?._virtualFiles ?? {}; const dynamicModules: Record = {}; Object.keys(virtualFiles).forEach((key: string) => { dynamicModules[key] = virtualFiles[key].contents; }); modules = { ...modules, ...dynamicModules, }; } return modules; } public writeModule(filePath: string, contents: string): void { if (!this._compiler) { throw new Error(`Plugin has not been initialized`); } checkActivation(this); const len = contents ? contents.length : 0; const time =; const date = new Date(time); const stats = new VirtualStats({ dev: 8675309, nlink: 0, uid: 1000, gid: 1000, rdev: 0, blksize: 4096, ino: inode++, mode: 33188, size: len, blocks: Math.floor(len / 4096), atime: date, mtime: date, ctime: date, birthtime: date, }); const modulePath = getModulePath(filePath, this._compiler); if (process.env.WVM_DEBUG) // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(, 'Write virtual module:', modulePath, contents); // When using the WatchIgnorePlugin (, // the original watchFileSystem is stored in `wfs`. The following "unwraps" the ignoring // wrappers, giving us access to the "real" watchFileSystem. let finalWatchFileSystem = this._watcher && this._watcher.watchFileSystem; while (finalWatchFileSystem && finalWatchFileSystem.wfs) { finalWatchFileSystem = finalWatchFileSystem.wfs; } let finalInputFileSystem: any = this._compiler.inputFileSystem; while (finalInputFileSystem && finalInputFileSystem._inputFileSystem) { finalInputFileSystem = finalInputFileSystem._inputFileSystem; } finalInputFileSystem._writeVirtualFile(modulePath, stats, contents); if ( finalWatchFileSystem && finalWatchFileSystem.watcher && (finalWatchFileSystem.watcher.fileWatchers.size || finalWatchFileSystem.watcher.fileWatchers.length) ) { const fileWatchers = finalWatchFileSystem.watcher.fileWatchers instanceof Map ? Array.from(finalWatchFileSystem.watcher.fileWatchers.values()) : finalWatchFileSystem.watcher.fileWatchers; for (let fileWatcher of fileWatchers) { if ('watcher' in fileWatcher) { fileWatcher = fileWatcher.watcher; } if (fileWatcher.path === modulePath) { if (process.env.DEBUG) // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(, 'Emit file change:', modulePath, time); delete fileWatcher.directoryWatcher._cachedTimeInfoEntries; fileWatcher.emit('change', time, null); } } } } public apply(compiler: Compiler) { this._compiler = compiler; const afterEnvironmentHook = () => { let finalInputFileSystem: any = compiler.inputFileSystem; while (finalInputFileSystem && finalInputFileSystem._inputFileSystem) { finalInputFileSystem = finalInputFileSystem._inputFileSystem; } if (!finalInputFileSystem._writeVirtualFile) { const originalPurge = finalInputFileSystem.purge; finalInputFileSystem.purge = () => { originalPurge.apply(finalInputFileSystem, []); if (finalInputFileSystem._virtualFiles) { Object.keys(finalInputFileSystem._virtualFiles).forEach((file) => { const data = finalInputFileSystem._virtualFiles[file]; finalInputFileSystem._writeVirtualFile(file, data.stats, data.contents); }); } }; finalInputFileSystem._writeVirtualFile = (file, stats, contents) => { const statStorage = getStatStorage(finalInputFileSystem); const fileStorage = getFileStorage(finalInputFileSystem); const readDirStorage = getReadDirBackend(finalInputFileSystem); const realPathStorage = getRealpathBackend(finalInputFileSystem); finalInputFileSystem._virtualFiles = finalInputFileSystem._virtualFiles || {}; finalInputFileSystem._virtualFiles[file] = { stats: stats, contents: contents }; setData(statStorage, file, createWebpackData(stats)); setData(fileStorage, file, createWebpackData(contents)); const segments = file.split(/[\\/]/); let count = segments.length - 1; const minCount = segments[0] ? 1 : 0; while (count > minCount) { const dir = segments.slice(0, count).join(path.sep) || path.sep; try { finalInputFileSystem.readdirSync(dir); } catch (e) { const time =; const dirStats = new VirtualStats({ dev: 8675309, nlink: 0, uid: 1000, gid: 1000, rdev: 0, blksize: 4096, ino: inode++, mode: 16877, size: stats.size, blocks: Math.floor(stats.size / 4096), atime: time, mtime: time, ctime: time, birthtime: time, }); setData(readDirStorage, dir, createWebpackData([])); if (realPathStorage) { setData(realPathStorage, dir, createWebpackData(dir)); } setData(statStorage, dir, createWebpackData(dirStats)); } let dirData = getData(getReadDirBackend(finalInputFileSystem), dir); // Webpack v4 returns an array, webpack v5 returns an object dirData = dirData[1] || dirData.result; const filename = segments[count]; if (dirData.indexOf(filename) < 0) { const files = dirData.concat([filename]).sort(); setData(getReadDirBackend(finalInputFileSystem), dir, createWebpackData(files)); } else { break; } count--; } }; } }; const afterResolversHook = () => { if (this._staticModules) { for (const [filePath, contents] of Object.entries(this._staticModules)) { this.writeModule(filePath, contents); } this._staticModules = null; } }; // The webpack property is not exposed in webpack v4 const version = typeof (compiler as any).webpack === 'undefined' ? 4 : 5; const watchRunHook = (watcher, callback) => { this._watcher = watcher.compiler || watcher; const virtualFiles = (compiler as any).inputFileSystem._virtualFiles; const fts = compiler.fileTimestamps as any; if (virtualFiles && fts && typeof fts.set === 'function') { Object.keys(virtualFiles).forEach((file) => { const mtime = +virtualFiles[file].stats.mtime; // fts is // Map in webpack 4 // Map in webpack 5 fts.set( file, version === 4 ? mtime : { safeTime: mtime, timestamp: mtime, } ); }); } callback(); }; if (compiler.hooks) { compiler.hooks.afterEnvironment.tap('VirtualModulesPlugin', afterEnvironmentHook); compiler.hooks.afterResolvers.tap('VirtualModulesPlugin', afterResolversHook); compiler.hooks.watchRun.tapAsync('VirtualModulesPlugin', watchRunHook); } else { (compiler as any).plugin('after-environment', afterEnvironmentHook); (compiler as any).plugin('after-resolvers', afterResolversHook); (compiler as any).plugin('watch-run', watchRunHook); } } } export = VirtualModulesPlugin;