import { Message } from './user/mod'; import Peer from 'json-rpc-peer'; import { Wechaty } from './wechaty'; export interface IoOptions { wechaty: Wechaty; token: string; apihost?: string; protocol?: string; servicePort?: number; } export declare const IO_EVENT_DICT: { botie: string; error: string; heartbeat: string; jsonrpc: string; login: string; logout: string; message: string; raw: string; reset: string; scan: string; shutdown: string; sys: string; update: string; }; export declare class Io { private options; private readonly id; private readonly protocol; private eventBuffer; private ws; private readonly state; private reconnectTimer?; private reconnectTimeout?; private lifeTimer?; private onMessage; private scanPayload?; protected jsonRpc?: Peer; constructor(options: IoOptions); toString(): string; private connected; start(): Promise; private initEventHook; private initWebSocket; private wsOnOpen; private wsOnMessage; private wsOnError; private wsOnClose; private reconnect; private send; stop(): Promise; /** * * Prepare to be overwritten by server setting * */ private ioMessage; protected syncMessage(m: Message): Promise; } //#