import Peer, { JsonRpcPayload, JsonRpcPayloadError, JsonRpcPayloadNotification, JsonRpcPayloadRequest, JsonRpcPayloadResponse, // format, MethodNotFound, } from 'json-rpc-peer' // // // type UnionToIntersection = // (U extends any ? (k: U)=>void : never) extends ((k: infer I)=>void) ? I : never // type UnknownJsonRpcPayload = Partial> const isJsonRpcRequest = (payload: JsonRpcPayload): payload is JsonRpcPayloadRequest => ('method' in payload) const isJsonRpcNotification = (payload: JsonRpcPayload): payload is JsonRpcPayloadNotification => isJsonRpcRequest(payload) && (!('id' in payload)) const isJsonRpcResponse = (payload: JsonRpcPayload): payload is JsonRpcPayloadResponse => ('result' in payload) const isJsonRpcError = (payload: JsonRpcPayload): payload is JsonRpcPayloadError => ('error' in payload) interface IoPeerOptions { serviceGrpcPort: number, } const getPeer = (options: IoPeerOptions) => { const getServiceGrpcPort = () => options.serviceGrpcPort const serviceImpl = { /** * Huan(202101) Need to be fixed by new IO Bus system. * See: */ getHostieGrpcPort: getServiceGrpcPort, } const onMessage = async (message: JsonRpcPayload): Promise => { if (isJsonRpcRequest(message)) { const { // id, method, // params, } = message if (!(method in serviceImpl)) { console.error('serviceImpl does not contain method: ' + method) return } const serviceMethodName = method as keyof typeof serviceImpl switch (serviceMethodName) { /** * Huan(202101) Need to be fixed by new IO Bus system. * See: */ case 'getHostieGrpcPort': return serviceImpl[serviceMethodName]() default: throw new MethodNotFound(serviceMethodName) } } else if (isJsonRpcResponse(message)) { // NOOP: we are server } else if (isJsonRpcNotification(message)) { // NOOP: we are server } else if (isJsonRpcError(message)) { // NOOP: we are server } else { throw new Error('unknown json-rpc message: ' + JSON.stringify(message)) } } const ioPeer = new Peer(onMessage) return ioPeer } export { getPeer, isJsonRpcError, isJsonRpcNotification, isJsonRpcRequest, isJsonRpcResponse, }