using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Globalization; using Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity.Interface; using Microsoft.SmartDevice.MultiTargeting.Connectivity; using System.Net; namespace wptool { class wptool { static int Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { return showHelp(); } string command = null; string wpsdk = null; string udid = null; Guid appid = Guid.Empty; int i; for (i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i] == "--wpsdk") { if (i + 1 < args.Length) { wpsdk = args[++i]; } } else if (command == null) { command = args[i]; if (command == "connect" && i + 1 < args.Length) { udid = args[++i]; } else if (command == "launch" && i + 1 < args.Length) { udid = args[++i]; string rawAppId = args[++i]; try { appid = Guid.Parse(rawAppId); } catch (FormatException fe) { return showHelp("Invalid app GUID format: " + rawAppId); } } } } if (wpsdk == null) { wpsdk = "10.0"; } else { // trim whatever version number they pass in to 2 digits string[] parts = wpsdk.Split(new Char [] {'.'}); wpsdk = ""; i = 0; while (i < 2) { if (wpsdk.Length > 0) { wpsdk += '.'; } if (i < parts.Length) { wpsdk += parts[i]; } else { wpsdk += '0'; } i++; } } if (!wpsdk.Equals("10.0") && !wpsdk.Equals("8.1")) { return showHelp("Unsupported wpsdk value. Please use '10.0' or '8.1'."); } int localeId = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.LCID; MultiTargetingConnectivity multiTargetingConnectivity = new MultiTargetingConnectivity(localeId); Collection devices = multiTargetingConnectivity.GetConnectableDevices(); List deviceList = new List(); i = 0; foreach (ConnectableDevice dev in devices) { // Filter to device and emulators that match the given SDK. We use 6.3 Version as the marker for 8.1 emus, assume rest are 10.0 string versionString = dev.Version.ToString(); if (!dev.IsEmulator() || (wpsdk == "8.1" && versionString.Equals("6.3")) || (wpsdk == "10.0" && !versionString.Equals("6.3"))) { deviceList.Add(dev); i++; } } if (command == "enumerate") { int id = 0; int j = 0; Console.WriteLine("{"); Console.WriteLine("\t\"devices\": ["); foreach (ConnectableDevice dev in deviceList) { string versionString = dev.Version.ToString(); if (!dev.IsEmulator()) { if (j > 0) { Console.WriteLine(","); } string sdk = "null"; if (versionString == "6.3") { sdk = "\"8.1\""; } else if (versionString == "10.0") { sdk = "\"10.0\""; // skip invalid device } else if (versionString.StartsWith("2147483647")) { continue; } Console.WriteLine("\t\t{\n"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\"name\": \"" + dev.Name.Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\","); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\"udid\": " + id + ","); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\"index\": " + id + ","); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\"version\": \"" + versionString + "\","); // windows 8.1: "6.3", windows 10: "10.0" Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\"wpsdk\": " + sdk + ","); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\"type\": \"device\""); Console.Write("\t\t}"); j++; } id++; } Console.WriteLine("\n\t],"); id = 0; j = 0; Console.WriteLine("\t\"emulators\": ["); foreach (ConnectableDevice dev in deviceList) { if (dev.IsEmulator()) { if (j > 0) { Console.WriteLine(","); } Console.WriteLine("\t\t{\n"); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\"name\": \"" + dev.Name.Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\","); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\"udid\": \"" + wpsdk.Replace('.', '-') + "-" + id + "\","); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\"index\": " + id + ","); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\"guid\": \"" + dev.Id + "\","); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\"version\": \"" + dev.Version + "\","); // 6.3 for 8.1 emulators, 6.4 for 10 emulators, 2147483647.2147483647.2147483647.2147483647 for device Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\"uapVersion\": \"" + dev.UapVersion + "\","); // blank/empty for 8.1 emulators and device, 10.0.10586.0 for win 10 emulators Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\"wpsdk\": \"" + wpsdk + "\","); Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\"type\": \"emulator\""); Console.Write("\t\t}"); j++; } id++; } Console.WriteLine("\n\t]"); Console.WriteLine("}"); return 0; } // This won't just connect, it will launch the emulator! if (command == "connect" || command == "launch") { if (udid == null) { return showHelp("Missing device/emulator UDID"); } // TODO Validate that the udid is either our generated udid (i.e. 10-0-1), or it's GUID, or it's an integer index value! int id = 0; // Search devices for udid! ConnectableDevice connectableDevice = null; foreach (ConnectableDevice dev in deviceList) { // Is it a matching GUID, matching UDID or matching Index value? if (dev.Id.Equals(udid) || (wpsdk.Replace('.', '-') + "-" + id).Equals(udid) || udid.Equals(id.ToString())) { connectableDevice = dev; break; } id++; } if (connectableDevice == null) { return showHelp(String.Format("Invalid device UDID '{0:D}'", udid)); } try { IDevice device = connectableDevice.Connect(); if (command == "launch") { IRemoteApplication app = device.GetApplication(appid); app.TerminateRunningInstances(); app.Launch(); Console.WriteLine("{"); Console.WriteLine("\t\"success\": true"); Console.WriteLine("}"); } else { try { string destinationIp; string sourceIp; int destinationPort; device.GetEndPoints(0, out sourceIp, out destinationIp, out destinationPort); var address = IPAddress.Parse(destinationIp); ISystemInfo systemInfo = device.GetSystemInfo(); Version version = new Version(systemInfo.OSMajor, systemInfo.OSMinor, systemInfo.OSBuildNo); Console.WriteLine("{"); Console.WriteLine("\t\"success\": true,"); Console.WriteLine("\t\"ip\": \"" + address.ToString() + "\","); Console.WriteLine("\t\"port\": " + destinationPort.ToString() + ","); Console.WriteLine("\t\"osVersion\": \"" + version.ToString() + "\","); Console.WriteLine("\t\"availablePhysical\": " + systemInfo.AvailPhys.ToString() + ","); Console.WriteLine("\t\"totalPhysical\": " + systemInfo.TotalPhys.ToString() + ","); Console.WriteLine("\t\"availableVirtual\": " + systemInfo.AvailVirtual.ToString() + ","); Console.WriteLine("\t\"totalVirtual\": " + systemInfo.TotalVirtual.ToString() + ","); Console.WriteLine("\t\"architecture\": \"" + systemInfo.ProcessorArchitecture.ToString() + "\","); Console.WriteLine("\t\"instructionSet\": \"" + systemInfo.InstructionSet.ToString() + "\","); Console.WriteLine("\t\"processorCount\": " + systemInfo.NumberOfProcessors.ToString() + ""); Console.WriteLine("}"); } catch (Exception ex) { // // ConnectableDevice throws an error when connecting to a physical Windows 10 device // physical Windows 10 devices can be connected to using // From some point of Windows 10 SDK, IDevice.GetEndPoints throws Exception for Windows Phone 8.1 device too. // Interestingly ConnectableDevice.Version returns 8.1 _or_ 6.3 in this case. // Returning ok for now because we can still connect to the device. // if (command == "connect" && !connectableDevice.IsEmulator()) { Console.WriteLine("{"); Console.WriteLine("\t\"success\": true,"); Console.WriteLine("\t\"ip\": \"\","); Console.WriteLine("\t\"osVersion\": \"" + connectableDevice.Version.ToString() + "\""); Console.WriteLine("}"); return 0; } } } return 0; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("{"); Console.WriteLine("\t\"success\": false,"); Console.WriteLine("\t\"message\": \"" + ex.Message.Trim().Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\""); Console.WriteLine("}"); return 1; } } if (command != null) { return showHelp(String.Format("Invalid command '{0}'", command)); } return showHelp(); } static int showHelp(string msg = "") { Console.WriteLine("Appcelerator Windows Phone Tool v1.0\n"); if (msg.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + msg + "\n"); } Console.WriteLine("Usage:"); Console.WriteLine(" wptool [--wpsdk ]"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Commands:"); Console.WriteLine(" enumerate List all devices and emulators"); Console.WriteLine(" connect Connects to the specified device"); Console.WriteLine(" launch Connects to the specified device and launches the app with the given product guid"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Options:"); Console.WriteLine(" --wpsdk The version of the Windows Phone SDK emulators to use (e.g. '10.0', or '8.1')"); Console.WriteLine(" Defaults to Windows 10 Mobile (e.g. 10.0)"); Console.WriteLine(""); return msg.Length > 0 ? 1 : 0; } } }