#!/usr/bin/env node const e=require("fs"),t=require("path"),n=require("crypto");require("events");const r=require("util"),i=require("https"),s=require("zlib"),o=require("module"),a=require("worker_threads"),B=require("url"),c=require("net"),l=require("os"),u=require("http"),p=require("http2");function h(e){return null==e?[]:Array.isArray(e)?e:[e]}function d(e,t,n,r){var i,s=e[t],o=~r.string.indexOf(t)?null==n||!0===n?"":String(n):"boolean"==typeof n?n:~r.boolean.indexOf(t)?"false"!==n&&("true"===n||(e._.push(0*(i=+n)==0?i:n),!!n)):0*(i=+n)==0?i:n;e[t]=null==s?o:Array.isArray(s)?s.concat(o):[s,o]}function f(e,t){t=t||{};var n,r,i,s,o,a={_:[]},B=0,c=0,l=0,u=(e=e||[]).length;const p=void 0!==t.alias,f=void 0!==t.unknown,C=void 0!==t.default;if(t.alias=t.alias||{},t.string=h(t.string),t.boolean=h(t.boolean),p)for(n in t.alias)for(r=t.alias[n]=h(t.alias[n]),B=0;B0;)for(c=(r=t.alias[t.boolean[B]]||[]).length;c-- >0;)t.boolean.push(r[c]);for(B=t.string.length;B-- >0;)for(c=(r=t.alias[t.string[B]]||[]).length;c-- >0;)t.string.push(r[c]);if(C)for(n in t.default)if(s=typeof t.default[n],r=t.alias[n]=t.alias[n]||[],void 0!==t[s])for(t[s].push(n),B=0;B0;)a[r.shift()]=a[n];return a}const C={__proto__:null,default:f},m=4,g=" ",A="__all__",y="__default__",E="\n";function v(e){if(!e.length)return"";let t=_(e.map((e=>e[0])))+m;return e.map((e=>e[0]+" ".repeat(t-e[0].length)+e[1]+(null==e[2]?"":` (default ${e[2]})`)))}function _(e){let t=0,n=0,r=0,i=e.length;if(i)for(;i--;)n=e[i].length,n>t&&(r=i,t=n);return e[r].length}function b(e){return e}function S(e,t,n){if(!t||!t.length)return"";let r=0,i="";for(i+=E+g+e;r`${o} ${e}`.replace(/\s+/g," "),c=[["-h, --help","Displays this message"]];if(n===y&&c.unshift(["-v, --version","Displays current version"]),s.options=(s.options||[]).concat(a.options,c),s.options.length>0&&(s.usage+=" [options]"),i+=S("Description",s.describe,b),i+=S("Usage",[s.usage],B),r||n!==y)r||n===y||(i+=S("Aliases",s.alibi,B));else{let e,n=/^__/,r="",s=[];for(e in t)"string"==typeof t[e]||n.test(e)||s.push([e,(t[e].describe||[""])[0]])<3&&(r+=E+g+g+`${o} ${e} --help`);i+=S("Available Commands",v(s),b),i+=E+g+"For more info, run any command with the `--help` flag"+r+E}return i+=S("Options",v(s.options),b),i+=S("Examples",s.examples.map(B),b),i},x=function(e,t,n=1){let r=S("ERROR",[t],b);r+=E+g+`Run \`$ ${e} --help\` for more info.`+E,console.error(r),process.exit(n)},D=function(e){return(e||"").split(/^-{1,2}|,|\s+-{1,2}|\s+/).filter(Boolean)},I=function(e){return(e||"").replace(/([.?!])\s*(?=[A-Z])/g,"$1|").split("|")},k={help:w,error:x,parse:D,sentences:I},O="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:{};function N(e,t,n){return e(n={path:t,exports:{},require:function(e,t){return P(e,null==t?n.path:t)}},n.exports),n.exports}function T(e){return e&&e.default||e}function P(){throw new Error("Dynamic requires are not currently supported by @rollup/plugin-commonjs")}const M=T(C),F="__all__",L="__default__";class R{constructor(e,t){let[n,...r]=e.split(/\s+/);t=t||r.length>0,this.bin=n,this.ver="0.0.0",this.default="",this.tree={},this.command(F),this.command([L].concat(t?r:"").join(" ")),this.single=t,this.curr=""}command(e,t,n={}){if(this.single)throw new Error('Disable "single" mode to add commands');let r=[],i=[],s=/(\[|<)/;if(e.split(/\s+/).forEach((e=>{(s.test(e.charAt(0))?i:r).push(e)})),r=r.join(" "),r in this.tree)throw new Error(`Command already exists: ${r}`);return r.includes("__")||i.unshift(r),i=i.join(" "),this.curr=r,n.default&&(this.default=r),this.tree[r]={usage:i,alibi:[],options:[],alias:{},default:{},examples:[]},n.alias&&this.alias(n.alias),t&&this.describe(t),this}describe(e){return this.tree[this.curr||L].describe=Array.isArray(e)?e:k.sentences(e),this}alias(...e){if(this.single)throw new Error('Cannot call `alias()` in "single" mode');if(!this.curr)throw new Error("Cannot call `alias()` before defining a command");return(this.tree[this.curr].alibi=this.tree[this.curr].alibi.concat(...e)).forEach((e=>this.tree[e]=this.curr)),this}option(e,t,n){let r=this.tree[this.curr||F],[i,s]=k.parse(e);if(s&&s.length>1&&([i,s]=[s,i]),e=`--${i}`,s&&s.length>0){e=`-${s}, ${e}`;let t=r.alias[s];r.alias[s]=(t||[]).concat(i)}let o=[e,t||""];return void 0!==n?(o.push(n),r.default[i]=n):s||(r.default[i]=void 0),r.options.push(o),this}action(e){return this.tree[this.curr||L].handler=e,this}example(e){return this.tree[this.curr||L].examples.push(e),this}version(e){return this.ver=e,this}parse(e,t={}){e=e.slice();let n,r,i,s,o=2,a=M(e.slice(o),{alias:{h:"help",v:"version"}}),B=this.single,c=this.bin,l="";if(B)s=this.tree[L];else{let t,B=1,u=a._.length+1;for(;B"<"===e.charAt(0))),f=p._.splice(0,d.length);if(f.length"["===e.charAt(0))).forEach((e=>{f.push(p._.shift())})),f.push(p);let C=s.handler;return t.lazy?{args:f,name:l,handler:C}:C.apply(null,f)}help(e){console.log(k.help(this.bin,this.tree,e||L,this.single))}_version(){console.log(`${this.bin}, ${this.ver}`)}}var G=(e,t)=>new R(e,t),H=!0,K="undefined"!=typeof self?self:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:{},V=0;if(K.process&&K.process.env&&K.process.stdout){var U=K.process.env,Q=U.FORCE_COLOR,J=U.NODE_DISABLE_COLORS,j=U.TERM;H=!J&&"dumb"!==j&&"0"!==Q&&process.stdout.isTTY,H&&(V=j&&j.endsWith("-256color")?2:1)}var W={enabled:H,supportLevel:V};function X(e,t,n){void 0===n&&(n=1);var r="["+e+"m",i="["+t+"m",s=new RegExp("\\x1b\\["+t+"m","g");return function(e){return W.enabled&&W.supportLevel>=n?r+(""+e).replace(s,r)+i:""+e}}function q(e){return(""+e).replace(/\x1b\[[0-9;]+m/g,"").replace(/\x1b\]8;;.*?\x07(.*?)\x1b\]8;;\x07/g,(function(e,t){return t}))}X(0,0);var z=X(1,22),Y=X(2,22);X(3,23),X(4,24),X(7,27),X(8,28),X(9,29);var $=X(30,39),Z=X(31,39),ee=X(32,39),te=X(33,39);X(34,39);var ne=X(35,39),re=X(36,39),ie=X(97,39);X(90,39),X(37,39);var se=X(91,39),oe=X(92,39),ae=X(93,39),Be=X(94,39),ce=X(95,39);X(96,39),X(40,49);var le=X(41,49);X(42,49);var ue=X(43,49);X(44,49),X(45,49),X(46,49),X(107,49),X(100,49),X(101,49),X(102,49),X(103,49),X(104,49),X(105,49),X(106,49),X(47,49);var pe=function(e){return X("38;5;"+e,0,2)};async function he(t,n){if(e.promises.rm)return e.promises.rm(t,n);n=n||{};return(await e.promises.stat(t)).isDirectory()?e.promises.rmdir(t,n):e.promises.unlink(t)}function de(t){return e.promises.stat(t).then((e=>e.isDirectory())).catch((()=>!1))}function fe(t){return e.promises.stat(t).then((e=>e.isFile())).catch((()=>!1))}for(var Ce="2.43.1",me={},ge="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",Ae=0;Ae>>=1,u&&(a=0===a?-2147483648:-a),r[i]+=a,i++,a=o=0}}}return Ee(n,r,i),t.push(n),t}function Ee(e,t,n){4===n?e.push([t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3]]):5===n?e.push([t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4]]):1===n&&e.push([t[0]])}function ve(e){for(var t=0,n=0,r=0,i=0,s="",o=0;o0&&(s+=";"),0!==a.length){for(var B=0,c=[],l=0,u=a;l1&&(h+=_e(p[1]-t)+_e(p[2]-n)+_e(p[3]-r),t=p[1],n=p[2],r=p[3]),5===p.length&&(h+=_e(p[4]-i),i=p[4]),c.push(h)}s+=c.join(",")}}return s}function _e(e){var t="";e=e<0?-e<<1|1:e<<1;do{var n=31&e;(e>>>=5)>0&&(n|=32),t+=ge[n]}while(e>0);return t}var be=function e(t){this.bits=t instanceof e?t.bits.slice():[]};be.prototype.add=function(e){this.bits[e>>5]|=1<<(31&e)},be.prototype.has=function(e){return!!(this.bits[e>>5]&1<<(31&e))};var Se=function(e,t,n){this.start=e,this.end=t,this.original=n,this.intro="",this.outro="",this.content=n,this.storeName=!1,this.edited=!1,Object.defineProperties(this,{previous:{writable:!0,value:null},next:{writable:!0,value:null}})};Se.prototype.appendLeft=function(e){this.outro+=e},Se.prototype.appendRight=function(e){this.intro=this.intro+e},Se.prototype.clone=function(){var e=new Se(this.start,this.end,this.original);return e.intro=this.intro,e.outro=this.outro,e.content=this.content,e.storeName=this.storeName,e.edited=this.edited,e},Se.prototype.contains=function(e){return this.start=r.length)return"\t";var i=r.reduce((function(e,t){var n=/^ +/.exec(t)[0].length;return Math.min(n,e)}),1/0);return new Array(i+1).join(" ")}function Ie(e,t){var n=e.split(/[/\\]/),r=t.split(/[/\\]/);for(n.pop();n[0]===r[0];)n.shift(),r.shift();if(n.length)for(var i=n.length;i--;)n[i]="..";return n.concat(r).join("/")}xe.prototype.toString=function(){return JSON.stringify(this)},xe.prototype.toUrl=function(){return"data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,"+we(this.toString())};var ke=Object.prototype.toString;function Oe(e){return"[object Object]"===ke.call(e)}function Ne(e){for(var t=e.split("\n"),n=[],r=0,i=0;r>1;e=0&&i.push(r),this.rawSegments.push(i)}else this.pending&&this.rawSegments.push(this.pending);this.advance(t),this.pending=null},Te.prototype.addUneditedChunk=function(e,t,n,r,i){for(var s=t.start,o=!0;s1){for(var n=0;n=e&&n<=t)throw new Error("Cannot move a selection inside itself");this._split(e),this._split(t),this._split(n);var r=this.byStart[e],i=this.byEnd[t],s=r.previous,o=i.next,a=this.byStart[n];if(!a&&i===this.lastChunk)return this;var B=a?a.previous:this.lastChunk;return s&&(s.next=o),o&&(o.previous=s),B&&(B.next=r),a&&(a.previous=i),r.previous||(this.firstChunk=i.next),i.next||(this.lastChunk=r.previous,this.lastChunk.next=null),r.previous=B,i.next=a||null,B||(this.firstChunk=r),a||(this.lastChunk=i),this},Fe.prototype.overwrite=function(e,t,n,r){if("string"!=typeof n)throw new TypeError("replacement content must be a string");for(;e<0;)e+=this.original.length;for(;t<0;)t+=this.original.length;if(t>this.original.length)throw new Error("end is out of bounds");if(e===t)throw new Error("Cannot overwrite a zero-length range – use appendLeft or prependRight instead");this._split(e),this._split(t),!0===r&&(Me.storeName||(console.warn("The final argument to magicString.overwrite(...) should be an options object. See https://github.com/rich-harris/magic-string"),Me.storeName=!0),r={storeName:!0});var i=void 0!==r&&r.storeName,s=void 0!==r&&r.contentOnly;if(i){var o=this.original.slice(e,t);this.storedNames[o]=!0}var a=this.byStart[e],B=this.byEnd[t];if(a){if(t>a.end&&a.next!==this.byStart[a.end])throw new Error("Cannot overwrite across a split point");if(a.edit(n,i,s),a!==B){for(var c=a.next;c!==B;)c.edit("",!1),c=c.next;c.edit("",!1)}}else{var l=new Se(e,t,"").edit(n,i);B.next=l,l.previous=B}return this},Fe.prototype.prepend=function(e){if("string"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("outro content must be a string");return this.intro=e+this.intro,this},Fe.prototype.prependLeft=function(e,t){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("inserted content must be a string");this._split(e);var n=this.byEnd[e];return n?n.prependLeft(t):this.intro=t+this.intro,this},Fe.prototype.prependRight=function(e,t){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("inserted content must be a string");this._split(e);var n=this.byStart[e];return n?n.prependRight(t):this.outro=t+this.outro,this},Fe.prototype.remove=function(e,t){for(;e<0;)e+=this.original.length;for(;t<0;)t+=this.original.length;if(e===t)return this;if(e<0||t>this.original.length)throw new Error("Character is out of bounds");if(e>t)throw new Error("end must be greater than start");this._split(e),this._split(t);for(var n=this.byStart[e];n;)n.intro="",n.outro="",n.edit(""),n=t>n.end?this.byStart[n.end]:null;return this},Fe.prototype.lastChar=function(){if(this.outro.length)return this.outro[this.outro.length-1];var e=this.lastChunk;do{if(e.outro.length)return e.outro[e.outro.length-1];if(e.content.length)return e.content[e.content.length-1];if(e.intro.length)return e.intro[e.intro.length-1]}while(e=e.previous);return this.intro.length?this.intro[this.intro.length-1]:""},Fe.prototype.lastLine=function(){var e=this.outro.lastIndexOf(Pe);if(-1!==e)return this.outro.substr(e+1);var t=this.outro,n=this.lastChunk;do{if(n.outro.length>0){if(-1!==(e=n.outro.lastIndexOf(Pe)))return n.outro.substr(e+1)+t;t=n.outro+t}if(n.content.length>0){if(-1!==(e=n.content.lastIndexOf(Pe)))return n.content.substr(e+1)+t;t=n.content+t}if(n.intro.length>0){if(-1!==(e=n.intro.lastIndexOf(Pe)))return n.intro.substr(e+1)+t;t=n.intro+t}}while(n=n.previous);return-1!==(e=this.intro.lastIndexOf(Pe))?this.intro.substr(e+1)+t:this.intro+t},Fe.prototype.slice=function(e,t){for(void 0===e&&(e=0),void 0===t&&(t=this.original.length);e<0;)e+=this.original.length;for(;t<0;)t+=this.original.length;for(var n="",r=this.firstChunk;r&&(r.start>e||r.end<=e);){if(r.start=t)return n;r=r.next}if(r&&r.edited&&r.start!==e)throw new Error("Cannot use replaced character "+e+" as slice start anchor.");for(var i=r;r;){!r.intro||i===r&&r.start!==e||(n+=r.intro);var s=r.start=t;if(s&&r.edited&&r.end!==t)throw new Error("Cannot use replaced character "+t+" as slice end anchor.");var o=i===r?e-r.start:0,a=s?r.content.length+t-r.end:r.content.length;if(n+=r.content.slice(o,a),!r.outro||s&&r.end!==t||(n+=r.outro),s)break;r=r.next}return n},Fe.prototype.snip=function(e,t){var n=this.clone();return n.remove(0,e),n.remove(t,n.original.length),n},Fe.prototype._split=function(e){if(!this.byStart[e]&&!this.byEnd[e])for(var t=this.lastSearchedChunk,n=e>t.end;t;){if(t.contains(e))return this._splitChunk(t,e);t=n?this.byStart[t.end]:this.byEnd[t.start]}},Fe.prototype._splitChunk=function(e,t){if(e.edited&&e.content.length){var n=Ne(this.original)(t);throw new Error("Cannot split a chunk that has already been edited ("+n.line+":"+n.column+' – "'+e.original+'")')}var r=e.split(t);return this.byEnd[t]=e,this.byStart[t]=r,this.byEnd[r.end]=r,e===this.lastChunk&&(this.lastChunk=r),this.lastSearchedChunk=e,!0},Fe.prototype.toString=function(){for(var e=this.intro,t=this.firstChunk;t;)e+=t.toString(),t=t.next;return e+this.outro},Fe.prototype.isEmpty=function(){var e=this.firstChunk;do{if(e.intro.length&&e.intro.trim()||e.content.length&&e.content.trim()||e.outro.length&&e.outro.trim())return!1}while(e=e.next);return!0},Fe.prototype.length=function(){var e=this.firstChunk,t=0;do{t+=e.intro.length+e.content.length+e.outro.length}while(e=e.next);return t},Fe.prototype.trimLines=function(){return this.trim("[\\r\\n]")},Fe.prototype.trim=function(e){return this.trimStart(e).trimEnd(e)},Fe.prototype.trimEndAborted=function(e){var t=new RegExp((e||"\\s")+"+$");if(this.outro=this.outro.replace(t,""),this.outro.length)return!0;var n=this.lastChunk;do{var r=n.end,i=n.trimEnd(t);if(n.end!==r&&(this.lastChunk===n&&(this.lastChunk=n.next),this.byEnd[n.end]=n,this.byStart[n.next.start]=n.next,this.byEnd[n.next.end]=n.next),i)return!0;n=n.previous}while(n);return!1},Fe.prototype.trimEnd=function(e){return this.trimEndAborted(e),this},Fe.prototype.trimStartAborted=function(e){var t=new RegExp("^"+(e||"\\s")+"+");if(this.intro=this.intro.replace(t,""),this.intro.length)return!0;var n=this.firstChunk;do{var r=n.end,i=n.trimStart(t);if(n.end!==r&&(n===this.lastChunk&&(this.lastChunk=n.next),this.byEnd[n.end]=n,this.byStart[n.next.start]=n.next,this.byEnd[n.next.end]=n.next),i)return!0;n=n.next}while(n);return!1},Fe.prototype.trimStart=function(e){return this.trimStartAborted(e),this};var Le=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Re=function(e){void 0===e&&(e={}),this.intro=e.intro||"",this.separator=void 0!==e.separator?e.separator:"\n",this.sources=[],this.uniqueSources=[],this.uniqueSourceIndexByFilename={}};function Ge(e,t){const n=e.split(/[/\\]/).filter(Boolean),r=t.split(/[/\\]/).filter(Boolean);for("."===n[0]&&n.shift(),"."===r[0]&&r.shift();n[0]&&r[0]&&n[0]===r[0];)n.shift(),r.shift();for(;".."===r[0]&&n.length>0;)r.shift(),n.pop();for(;n.pop();)r.unshift("..");return r.join("/")}Re.prototype.addSource=function(e){if(e instanceof Fe)return this.addSource({content:e,filename:e.filename,separator:this.separator});if(!Oe(e)||!e.content)throw new Error("bundle.addSource() takes an object with a `content` property, which should be an instance of MagicString, and an optional `filename`");if(["filename","indentExclusionRanges","separator"].forEach((function(t){Le.call(e,t)||(e[t]=e.content[t])})),void 0===e.separator&&(e.separator=this.separator),e.filename)if(Le.call(this.uniqueSourceIndexByFilename,e.filename)){var t=this.uniqueSources[this.uniqueSourceIndexByFilename[e.filename]];if(e.content.original!==t.content)throw new Error("Illegal source: same filename ("+e.filename+"), different contents")}else this.uniqueSourceIndexByFilename[e.filename]=this.uniqueSources.length,this.uniqueSources.push({filename:e.filename,content:e.content.original});return this.sources.push(e),this},Re.prototype.append=function(e,t){return this.addSource({content:new Fe(e),separator:t&&t.separator||""}),this},Re.prototype.clone=function(){var e=new Re({intro:this.intro,separator:this.separator});return this.sources.forEach((function(t){e.addSource({filename:t.filename,content:t.content.clone(),separator:t.separator})})),e},Re.prototype.generateDecodedMap=function(e){var t=this;void 0===e&&(e={});var n=[];this.sources.forEach((function(e){Object.keys(e.content.storedNames).forEach((function(e){~n.indexOf(e)||n.push(e)}))}));var r=new Te(e.hires);return this.intro&&r.advance(this.intro),this.sources.forEach((function(e,i){i>0&&r.advance(t.separator);var s=e.filename?t.uniqueSourceIndexByFilename[e.filename]:-1,o=e.content,a=Ne(o.original);o.intro&&r.advance(o.intro),o.firstChunk.eachNext((function(t){var i=a(t.start);t.intro.length&&r.advance(t.intro),e.filename?t.edited?r.addEdit(s,t.content,i,t.storeName?n.indexOf(t.original):-1):r.addUneditedChunk(s,t,o.original,i,o.sourcemapLocations):r.advance(t.content),t.outro.length&&r.advance(t.outro)})),o.outro&&r.advance(o.outro)})),{file:e.file?e.file.split(/[/\\]/).pop():null,sources:this.uniqueSources.map((function(t){return e.file?Ie(e.file,t.filename):t.filename})),sourcesContent:this.uniqueSources.map((function(t){return e.includeContent?t.content:null})),names:n,mappings:r.raw}},Re.prototype.generateMap=function(e){return new xe(this.generateDecodedMap(e))},Re.prototype.getIndentString=function(){var e={};return this.sources.forEach((function(t){var n=t.content.indentStr;null!==n&&(e[n]||(e[n]=0),e[n]+=1)})),Object.keys(e).sort((function(t,n){return e[t]-e[n]}))[0]||"\t"},Re.prototype.indent=function(e){var t=this;if(arguments.length||(e=this.getIndentString()),""===e)return this;var n=!this.intro||"\n"===this.intro.slice(-1);return this.sources.forEach((function(r,i){var s=void 0!==r.separator?r.separator:t.separator,o=n||i>0&&/\r?\n$/.test(s);r.content.indent(e,{exclude:r.indentExclusionRanges,indentStart:o}),n="\n"===r.content.lastChar()})),this.intro&&(this.intro=e+this.intro.replace(/^[^\n]/gm,(function(t,n){return n>0?e+t:t}))),this},Re.prototype.prepend=function(e){return this.intro=e+this.intro,this},Re.prototype.toString=function(){var e=this,t=this.sources.map((function(t,n){var r=void 0!==t.separator?t.separator:e.separator;return(n>0?r:"")+t.content.toString()})).join("");return this.intro+t},Re.prototype.isEmpty=function(){return(!this.intro.length||!this.intro.trim())&&!this.sources.some((function(e){return!e.content.isEmpty()}))},Re.prototype.length=function(){return this.sources.reduce((function(e,t){return e+t.content.length()}),this.intro.length)},Re.prototype.trimLines=function(){return this.trim("[\\r\\n]")},Re.prototype.trim=function(e){return this.trimStart(e).trimEnd(e)},Re.prototype.trimStart=function(e){var t=new RegExp("^"+(e||"\\s")+"+");if(this.intro=this.intro.replace(t,""),!this.intro){var n,r=0;do{if(!(n=this.sources[r++]))break}while(!n.content.trimStartAborted(e))}return this},Re.prototype.trimEnd=function(e){var t,n=new RegExp((e||"\\s")+"+$"),r=this.sources.length-1;do{if(!(t=this.sources[r--])){this.intro=this.intro.replace(n,"");break}}while(!t.content.trimEndAborted(e));return this};const He="ArrowFunctionExpression",Ke="BlockStatement",Ve="CallExpression",Ue="ChainExpression",Qe="ExpressionStatement",Je="Identifier",je="ImportDefaultSpecifier",We="ImportNamespaceSpecifier",Xe="NewExpression",qe="Program",ze="Property",Ye="ReturnStatement";function $e(e,t,n,r){if(t.remove(n,r),e.annotations)for(const r of e.annotations)if(r.comment){if(!(r.comment.starte.comment)))t.remove(n.comment.start,n.comment.end)}const et={isNoStatement:!0};function tt(e,t,n=0){let r,i;for(r=e.indexOf(t,n);;){if(-1===(n=e.indexOf("/",n))||n>=r)return r;i=e.charCodeAt(++n),++n,(n=47===i?e.indexOf("\n",n)+1:e.indexOf("*/",n)+2)>r&&(r=e.indexOf(t,n))}}const nt=/\S/g;function rt(e,t){nt.lastIndex=t;return nt.exec(e).index}function it(e){let t,n,r=0;for(t=e.indexOf("\n",r);;){if(r=e.indexOf("/",r),-1===r||r>t)return[t,t+1];if(n=e.charCodeAt(r+1),47===n)return[r,t+1];r=e.indexOf("*/",r+3)+2,r>t&&(t=e.indexOf("\n",r))}}function st(e,t,n,r,i){let s,o,a,B,c=e[0],l=!c.included||c.needsBoundaries;l&&(B=n+it(t.original.slice(n,c.start))[1]);for(let n=1;n<=e.length;n++)s=c,o=B,a=l,c=e[n],l=void 0!==c&&(!c.included||c.needsBoundaries),a||l?(B=s.end+it(t.original.slice(s.end,void 0===c?r:c.start))[1],s.included?a?s.render(t,i,{end:B,start:o}):s.render(t,i):$e(s,t,o,B)):s.render(t,i)}function ot(e,t,n,r){const i=[];let s,o,a,B,c,l=n-1;for(let r=0;rt.exportNamesByVariable.get(e).map((t=>`${t}:${n}${e.getName()}`)).join(`,${n}`))).join(`,${n}`)}${n}})`}function ct(e,t,n){const r=n.compact?"":" ",i=n.compact?"":";";return`function${r}(v)${r}{${r}return exports({${r}${e.map((e=>n.exportNamesByVariable.get(e).map((n=>`${n}:${r}${t?e.getName():"v"}`)).join(`,${r}`))).join(`,${r}`)}${r}}),${r}v${i}${r}}(`}const lt="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_$",ut=64;function pt(e){let t="";do{const n=e%ut;e=Math.floor(e/ut),t=lt[n]+t}while(0!==e);return t}const ht={__proto__:null,await:!0,break:!0,case:!0,catch:!0,class:!0,const:!0,continue:!0,debugger:!0,default:!0,delete:!0,do:!0,else:!0,enum:!0,eval:!0,export:!0,extends:!0,false:!0,finally:!0,for:!0,function:!0,if:!0,implements:!0,import:!0,in:!0,instanceof:!0,interface:!0,let:!0,new:!0,null:!0,package:!0,private:!0,protected:!0,public:!0,return:!0,static:!0,super:!0,switch:!0,this:!0,throw:!0,true:!0,try:!0,typeof:!0,undefined:!0,var:!0,void:!0,while:!0,with:!0,yield:!0};function dt(e,t){let n=e,r=1;for(;t.has(n)||ht[n];)n=`${e}$${pt(r++)}`;return t.add(n),n}const ft=[];function Ct(e,t,n){const r=e.get(t);if(r)return r;const i=n();return e.set(t,i),i}const mt=Symbol("Unknown Key"),gt=[],At=[mt],yt=Symbol("Entities");class Et{constructor(){this.entityPaths=Object.create(null,{[yt]:{value:new Set}})}getEntities(e){let t=this.entityPaths;for(const n of e)t=t[n]=t[n]||Object.create(null,{[yt]:{value:new Set}});return t[yt]}}const vt=new Et;class _t{constructor(){this.entityPaths=Object.create(null,{[yt]:{value:new Map}})}getEntities(e,t){let n=this.entityPaths;for(const t of e)n=n[t]=n[t]||Object.create(null,{[yt]:{value:new Map}});return Ct(n[yt],t,(()=>new Set))}}function bt(e,t=null){return Object.create(t,e)}const St=Symbol("Unknown Value");class wt{constructor(){this.included=!0}deoptimizePath(){}getLiteralValueAtPath(){return St}getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e){return Dt}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t){return e.length>0}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e){return e.length>0}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return!0}include(){}includeCallArguments(e,t){}mayModifyThisWhenCalledAtPath(){return!0}}function xt(e,t){for(const n of t)n.include(e,!1)}const Dt=new class extends wt{includeCallArguments(e,t){xt(e,t)}},It=new class extends wt{getLiteralValueAtPath(){}},kt={value:{callsArgs:null,mutatesSelf:!1,returns:null,returnsPrimitive:Dt}},Ot={value:{returns:null,returnsPrimitive:Dt,callsArgs:null,mutatesSelf:!0}},Nt={value:{returns:null,returnsPrimitive:Dt,callsArgs:[0],mutatesSelf:!1}};class Tt extends wt{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.included=!1}getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e){return 1===e.length?tn(qt,e[0]):Dt}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return e.length>1}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e){return e.length>1}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return 1!==e.length||en(qt,e[0],this.included,t,n)}include(){this.included=!0}includeCallArguments(e,t){xt(e,t)}}const Pt={value:{callsArgs:null,mutatesSelf:!1,returns:Tt,returnsPrimitive:null}},Mt={value:{callsArgs:null,mutatesSelf:!0,returns:Tt,returnsPrimitive:null}},Ft={value:{callsArgs:[0],mutatesSelf:!1,returns:Tt,returnsPrimitive:null}},Lt={value:{callsArgs:[0],mutatesSelf:!0,returns:Tt,returnsPrimitive:null}},Rt=new class extends wt{getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e){return 1===e.length?tn(zt,e[0]):Dt}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return e.length>1}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e){if(1===e.length){const t=e[0];return"string"!=typeof t||!zt[t]}return!0}includeCallArguments(e,t){xt(e,t)}},Gt={value:{callsArgs:null,mutatesSelf:!1,returns:null,returnsPrimitive:Rt}},Ht={value:{callsArgs:[0],mutatesSelf:!1,returns:null,returnsPrimitive:Rt}},Kt=new class extends wt{getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e){return 1===e.length?tn(Yt,e[0]):Dt}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return e.length>1}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e){if(1===e.length){const t=e[0];return"string"!=typeof t||!Yt[t]}return!0}includeCallArguments(e,t){xt(e,t)}},Vt={value:{callsArgs:null,mutatesSelf:!1,returns:null,returnsPrimitive:Kt}},Ut={value:{callsArgs:null,mutatesSelf:!0,returns:null,returnsPrimitive:Kt}},Qt={value:{callsArgs:[0],mutatesSelf:!1,returns:null,returnsPrimitive:Kt}},Jt=new class extends wt{getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e){return 1===e.length?tn($t,e[0]):Dt}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return e.length>1}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return 1!==e.length||en($t,e[0],!0,t,n)}includeCallArguments(e,t){xt(e,t)}},jt={value:{callsArgs:null,mutatesSelf:!1,returns:null,returnsPrimitive:Jt}};class Wt extends wt{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.included=!1}getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e){return 1===e.length?tn(Xt,e[0]):Dt}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return e.length>1}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e){return e.length>1}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return 1!==e.length||en(Xt,e[0],this.included,t,n)}include(){this.included=!0}includeCallArguments(e,t){xt(e,t)}}const Xt=bt({hasOwnProperty:Gt,isPrototypeOf:Gt,propertyIsEnumerable:Gt,toLocaleString:jt,toString:jt,valueOf:kt}),qt=bt({concat:Pt,copyWithin:Mt,every:Ht,fill:Mt,filter:Ft,find:Nt,findIndex:Qt,forEach:Nt,includes:Gt,indexOf:Vt,join:jt,lastIndexOf:Vt,map:Ft,pop:Ot,push:Ut,reduce:Nt,reduceRight:Nt,reverse:Mt,shift:Ot,slice:Pt,some:Ht,sort:Lt,splice:Mt,unshift:Ut},Xt),zt=bt({valueOf:Gt},Xt),Yt=bt({toExponential:jt,toFixed:jt,toLocaleString:jt,toPrecision:jt,valueOf:Vt},Xt),$t=bt({charAt:jt,charCodeAt:Vt,codePointAt:Vt,concat:jt,endsWith:Gt,includes:Gt,indexOf:Vt,lastIndexOf:Vt,localeCompare:Vt,match:Gt,normalize:jt,padEnd:jt,padStart:jt,repeat:jt,replace:{value:{callsArgs:[1],mutatesSelf:!1,returns:null,returnsPrimitive:Jt}},search:Vt,slice:jt,split:Pt,startsWith:Gt,substr:jt,substring:jt,toLocaleLowerCase:jt,toLocaleUpperCase:jt,toLowerCase:jt,toUpperCase:jt,trim:jt,valueOf:jt},Xt);function Zt(e){switch(typeof e){case"boolean":return zt;case"number":return Yt;case"string":return $t;default:return Object.create(null)}}function en(e,t,n,r,i){if("string"!=typeof t||!e[t]||e[t].mutatesSelf&&n)return!0;if(!e[t].callsArgs)return!1;for(const n of e[t].callsArgs)if(r.args[n]&&r.args[n].hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(gt,{args:ft,withNew:!1},i))return!0;return!1}function tn(e,t){return"string"==typeof t&&e[t]?null!==e[t].returnsPrimitive?e[t].returnsPrimitive:new e[t].returns:Dt}const nn=0,rn=1,sn=2;function on(){return{brokenFlow:nn,includedCallArguments:new Set,includedLabels:new Set}}function an(){return{accessed:new Et,assigned:new Et,brokenFlow:nn,called:new _t,ignore:{breaks:!1,continues:!1,labels:new Set,returnAwaitYield:!1},includedLabels:new Set,instantiated:new _t,replacedVariableInits:new Map}}class Bn{constructor(e){this.alwaysRendered=!1,this.included=!1,this.isId=!1,this.isReassigned=!1,this.renderBaseName=null,this.renderName=null,this.name=e}addReference(e){}deoptimizePath(e){}getBaseVariableName(){return this.renderBaseName||this.renderName||this.name}getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n){return St}getName(){const e=this.renderName||this.name;return this.renderBaseName?`${this.renderBaseName}${ht[e]?`['${e}']`:`.${e}`}`:e}getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return Dt}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t){return e.length>0}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t){return!0}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return!0}include(){this.included=!0}includeCallArguments(e,t){for(const n of t)n.include(e,!1)}markCalledFromTryStatement(){}mayModifyThisWhenCalledAtPath(e,t){return!0}setRenderNames(e,t){this.renderBaseName=e,this.renderName=t}}const cn=7;class ln extends Bn{constructor(e,t,n,r){super(e),this.additionalInitializers=null,this.calledFromTryStatement=!1,this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized=[],this.declarations=t?[t]:[],this.init=n,this.deoptimizationTracker=r.deoptimizationTracker,this.module=r.module}addDeclaration(e,t){this.declarations.push(e),null===this.additionalInitializers&&(this.additionalInitializers=null===this.init?[]:[this.init],this.init=Dt,this.isReassigned=!0),null!==t&&this.additionalInitializers.push(t)}consolidateInitializers(){if(null!==this.additionalInitializers){for(const e of this.additionalInitializers)e.deoptimizePath(At);this.additionalInitializers=null}}deoptimizePath(e){if(e.length>cn||this.isReassigned)return;const t=this.deoptimizationTracker.getEntities(e);if(!t.has(this))if(t.add(this),0===e.length){if(!this.isReassigned){this.isReassigned=!0;const e=this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized;this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized=[];for(const t of e)t.deoptimizeCache();this.init&&this.init.deoptimizePath(At)}}else this.init&&this.init.deoptimizePath(e)}getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n){if(this.isReassigned||!this.init||e.length>cn)return St;const r=t.getEntities(e);if(r.has(this.init))return St;this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized.push(n),r.add(this.init);const i=this.init.getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n);return r.delete(this.init),i}getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){if(this.isReassigned||!this.init||e.length>cn)return Dt;const r=t.getEntities(e);if(r.has(this.init))return Dt;this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized.push(n),r.add(this.init);const i=this.init.getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n);return r.delete(this.init),i}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t){if(0===e.length)return!1;if(this.isReassigned||e.length>cn)return!0;const n=t.accessed.getEntities(e);return!n.has(this)&&(n.add(this),this.init&&this.init.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t))}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t){if(this.included||e.length>cn)return!0;if(0===e.length)return!1;if(this.isReassigned)return!0;const n=t.assigned.getEntities(e);return!n.has(this)&&(n.add(this),this.init&&this.init.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t))}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){if(e.length>cn||this.isReassigned)return!0;const r=(t.withNew?n.instantiated:n.called).getEntities(e,t);return!r.has(this)&&(r.add(this),this.init&&this.init.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n))}include(){if(!this.included){this.included=!0;for(const e of this.declarations){e.included||e.include(on(),!1);let t=e.parent;for(;!t.included&&(t.included=!0,t.type!==qe);)t=t.parent}}}includeCallArguments(e,t){if(this.isReassigned||this.init&&e.includedCallArguments.has(this.init))for(const n of t)n.include(e,!1);else this.init&&(e.includedCallArguments.add(this.init),this.init.includeCallArguments(e,t),e.includedCallArguments.delete(this.init))}markCalledFromTryStatement(){this.calledFromTryStatement=!0}mayModifyThisWhenCalledAtPath(e,t){if(this.isReassigned||!this.init||e.length>cn)return!0;const n=t.getEntities(e);if(n.has(this.init))return!0;n.add(this.init);const r=this.init.mayModifyThisWhenCalledAtPath(e,t);return n.delete(this.init),r}}class un{constructor(){this.children=[],this.variables=new Map}addDeclaration(e,t,n,r){const i=e.name;let s=this.variables.get(i);return s?s.addDeclaration(e,n):(s=new ln(e.name,e,n||It,t),this.variables.set(i,s)),s}contains(e){return this.variables.has(e)}findVariable(e){throw new Error("Internal Error: findVariable needs to be implemented by a subclass")}}class pn extends un{constructor(e){super(),this.accessedOutsideVariables=new Map,this.parent=e,e.children.push(this)}addAccessedDynamicImport(e){(this.accessedDynamicImports||(this.accessedDynamicImports=new Set)).add(e),this.parent instanceof pn&&this.parent.addAccessedDynamicImport(e)}addAccessedGlobals(e,t){const n=t.get(this)||new Set;for(const t of e)n.add(t);t.set(this,n),this.parent instanceof pn&&this.parent.addAccessedGlobals(e,t)}addNamespaceMemberAccess(e,t){this.accessedOutsideVariables.set(e,t),this.parent.addNamespaceMemberAccess(e,t)}addReturnExpression(e){this.parent instanceof pn&&this.parent.addReturnExpression(e)}addUsedOutsideNames(e,t,n,r){for(const r of this.accessedOutsideVariables.values())r.included&&(e.add(r.getBaseVariableName()),"system"===t&&n.has(r)&&e.add("exports"));const i=r.get(this);if(i)for(const t of i)e.add(t)}contains(e){return this.variables.has(e)||this.parent.contains(e)}deconflict(e,t,n){const r=new Set;if(this.addUsedOutsideNames(r,e,t,n),this.accessedDynamicImports)for(const e of this.accessedDynamicImports)e.inlineNamespace&&r.add(e.inlineNamespace.getBaseVariableName());for(const[e,t]of this.variables)(t.included||t.alwaysRendered)&&t.setRenderNames(null,dt(e,r));for(const r of this.children)r.deconflict(e,t,n)}findLexicalBoundary(){return this.parent.findLexicalBoundary()}findVariable(e){const t=this.variables.get(e)||this.accessedOutsideVariables.get(e);if(t)return t;const n=this.parent.findVariable(e);return this.accessedOutsideVariables.set(e,n),n}}function hn(e,t){void 0===t&&(t={});var n=t.offsetLine||0,r=t.offsetColumn||0,i=e.split("\n"),s=0,o=i.map((function(e,t){var n=s+e.length+1,r={start:s,end:n,line:t};return s=n,r})),a=0;function B(e,t){return e.start<=t&&t=r.end?1:-1;r;){if(B(r,t))return c(r,t);r=o[a+=i]}}}function dn(e,t,n){if("number"==typeof n)throw new Error("locate takes a { startIndex, offsetLine, offsetColumn } object as the third argument");return hn(e,n)(t,n&&n.startIndex)}const fn={Literal:[],Program:["body"]};function Cn(e){return fn[e.type]=Object.keys(e).filter((t=>"_rollupAnnotations"!==t&&"object"==typeof e[t])),fn[e.type]}const mn="variables";class gn{constructor(e,t,n){this.included=!1,this.esTreeNode=e,this.keys=fn[e.type]||Cn(e),this.parent=t,this.context=t.context,this.createScope(n),this.parseNode(e),this.initialise(),this.context.magicString.addSourcemapLocation(this.start),this.context.magicString.addSourcemapLocation(this.end)}addExportedVariables(e,t){}bind(){for(const e of this.keys){const t=this[e];if(null!==t)if(Array.isArray(t))for(const e of t)null!==e&&e.bind();else t.bind()}}createScope(e){this.scope=e}deoptimizePath(e){}getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n){return St}getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return Dt}hasEffects(e){for(const t of this.keys){const n=this[t];if(null!==n)if(Array.isArray(n)){for(const t of n)if(null!==t&&t.hasEffects(e))return!0}else if(n.hasEffects(e))return!0}return!1}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t){return e.length>0}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t){return!0}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return!0}include(e,t){this.included=!0;for(const n of this.keys){const r=this[n];if(null!==r)if(Array.isArray(r))for(const n of r)null!==n&&n.include(e,t);else r.include(e,t)}}includeAsSingleStatement(e,t){this.include(e,t)}includeCallArguments(e,t){for(const n of t)n.include(e,!1)}initialise(){}insertSemicolon(e){";"!==e.original[this.end-1]&&e.appendLeft(this.end,";")}mayModifyThisWhenCalledAtPath(e,t){return!0}parseNode(e){for(const t of Object.keys(e)){if(this.hasOwnProperty(t))continue;const n=e[t];if("_rollupAnnotations"===t)this.annotations=n;else if("object"!=typeof n||null===n)this[t]=n;else if(Array.isArray(n)){this[t]=[];for(const e of n)this[t].push(null===e?null:new(this.context.nodeConstructors[e.type]||this.context.nodeConstructors.UnknownNode)(e,this,this.scope))}else this[t]=new(this.context.nodeConstructors[n.type]||this.context.nodeConstructors.UnknownNode)(n,this,this.scope)}}render(e,t){for(const n of this.keys){const r=this[n];if(null!==r)if(Array.isArray(r))for(const n of r)null!==n&&n.render(e,t);else r.render(e,t)}}shouldBeIncluded(e){return this.included||!e.brokenFlow&&this.hasEffects(an())}}class An extends gn{createScope(e){this.scope=new pn(e)}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return!(e.length<=1)&&(e.length>2||"prototype"!==e[0])}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e){return!(e.length<=1)&&(e.length>2||"prototype"!==e[0])}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return!t.withNew||(this.body.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n)||null!==this.superClass&&this.superClass.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n))}initialise(){null!==this.id&&this.id.declare("class",this)}}class yn extends An{initialise(){super.initialise(),null!==this.id&&(this.id.variable.isId=!0)}parseNode(e){null!==e.id&&(this.id=new this.context.nodeConstructors.Identifier(e.id,this,this.scope.parent)),super.parseNode(e)}render(e,t){"system"===t.format&&this.id&&t.exportNamesByVariable.has(this.id.variable)&&e.appendLeft(this.end,`${t.compact?"":" "}${Bt([this.id.variable],t)};`),super.render(e,t)}}class En extends ln{constructor(e){super("arguments",null,Dt,e)}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return e.length>1}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(){return!0}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(){return!0}}class vn extends ln{constructor(e){super("this",null,null,e)}getLiteralValueAtPath(){return St}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t){return this.getInit(t).hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t)||super.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t)}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t){return this.getInit(t).hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t)||super.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t)}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return this.getInit(n).hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n)||super.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n)}getInit(e){return e.replacedVariableInits.get(this)||Dt}}class _n extends gn{bind(){super.bind(),this.argument.deoptimizePath([mt,mt])}}class bn extends pn{constructor(e,t){super(e),this.parameters=[],this.hasRest=!1,this.context=t,this.hoistedBodyVarScope=new pn(this)}addParameterDeclaration(e){const t=e.name;let n=this.hoistedBodyVarScope.variables.get(t);return n?n.addDeclaration(e,null):n=new ln(t,e,Dt,this.context),this.variables.set(t,n),n}addParameterVariables(e,t){this.parameters=e;for(const t of e)for(const e of t)e.alwaysRendered=!0;this.hasRest=t}includeCallArguments(e,t){let n=!1,r=!1;const i=this.hasRest&&this.parameters[this.parameters.length-1];for(const n of t)if(n instanceof _n){for(const n of t)n.include(e,!1);break}for(let s=t.length-1;s>=0;s--){const o=this.parameters[s]||i,a=t[s];if(o)if(n=!1,0===o.length)r=!0;else for(const e of o)e.included&&(r=!0),e.calledFromTryStatement&&(n=!0);!r&&a.shouldBeIncluded(e)&&(r=!0),r&&a.include(e,n)}}}class Sn extends bn{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.returnExpression=null,this.returnExpressions=[]}addReturnExpression(e){this.returnExpressions.push(e)}getReturnExpression(){return null===this.returnExpression&&this.updateReturnExpression(),this.returnExpression}updateReturnExpression(){if(1===this.returnExpressions.length)this.returnExpression=this.returnExpressions[0];else{this.returnExpression=Dt;for(const e of this.returnExpressions)e.deoptimizePath(At)}}}class wn extends Sn{constructor(e,t){super(e,t),this.variables.set("arguments",this.argumentsVariable=new En(t)),this.variables.set("this",this.thisVariable=new vn(t))}findLexicalBoundary(){return this}includeCallArguments(e,t){if(super.includeCallArguments(e,t),this.argumentsVariable.included)for(const n of t)n.included||n.include(e,!1)}}function xn(e,t){if("MemberExpression"===e.type)return!e.computed&&xn(e.object,e);if("Identifier"===e.type){if(!t)return!0;switch(t.type){case"MemberExpression":return t.computed||e===t.object;case"MethodDefinition":return t.computed;case"PropertyDefinition":case"Property":return t.computed||e===t.value;case"ExportSpecifier":case"ImportSpecifier":return e===t.local;case"LabeledStatement":case"BreakStatement":case"ContinueStatement":return!1;default:return!0}}return!1}const Dn=Object.freeze(Object.create(null)),In=Object.freeze({}),kn=Object.freeze([]),On=Symbol("Value Properties"),Nn={pure:!0},Tn={pure:!1},Pn={__proto__:null,[On]:Tn},Mn={__proto__:null,[On]:Nn},Fn={__proto__:null,[On]:Tn,prototype:Pn},Ln={__proto__:null,[On]:Nn,prototype:Pn},Rn={__proto__:null,[On]:Nn,from:Mn,of:Mn,prototype:Pn},Gn={__proto__:null,[On]:Nn,supportedLocalesOf:Ln},Hn={global:Pn,globalThis:Pn,self:Pn,window:Pn,__proto__:null,[On]:Tn,Array:{__proto__:null,[On]:Tn,from:Pn,isArray:Mn,of:Mn,prototype:Pn},ArrayBuffer:{__proto__:null,[On]:Nn,isView:Mn,prototype:Pn},Atomics:Pn,BigInt:Fn,BigInt64Array:Fn,BigUint64Array:Fn,Boolean:Ln,constructor:Fn,DataView:Ln,Date:{__proto__:null,[On]:Nn,now:Mn,parse:Mn,prototype:Pn,UTC:Mn},decodeURI:Mn,decodeURIComponent:Mn,encodeURI:Mn,encodeURIComponent:Mn,Error:Ln,escape:Mn,eval:Pn,EvalError:Ln,Float32Array:Rn,Float64Array:Rn,Function:Fn,hasOwnProperty:Pn,Infinity:Pn,Int16Array:Rn,Int32Array:Rn,Int8Array:Rn,isFinite:Mn,isNaN:Mn,isPrototypeOf:Pn,JSON:Pn,Map:Ln,Math:{__proto__:null,[On]:Tn,abs:Mn,acos:Mn,acosh:Mn,asin:Mn,asinh:Mn,atan:Mn,atan2:Mn,atanh:Mn,cbrt:Mn,ceil:Mn,clz32:Mn,cos:Mn,cosh:Mn,exp:Mn,expm1:Mn,floor:Mn,fround:Mn,hypot:Mn,imul:Mn,log:Mn,log10:Mn,log1p:Mn,log2:Mn,max:Mn,min:Mn,pow:Mn,random:Mn,round:Mn,sign:Mn,sin:Mn,sinh:Mn,sqrt:Mn,tan:Mn,tanh:Mn,trunc:Mn},NaN:Pn,Number:{__proto__:null,[On]:Nn,isFinite:Mn,isInteger:Mn,isNaN:Mn,isSafeInteger:Mn,parseFloat:Mn,parseInt:Mn,prototype:Pn},Object:{__proto__:null,[On]:Nn,create:Mn,getNotifier:Mn,getOwn:Mn,getOwnPropertyDescriptor:Mn,getOwnPropertyNames:Mn,getOwnPropertySymbols:Mn,getPrototypeOf:Mn,is:Mn,isExtensible:Mn,isFrozen:Mn,isSealed:Mn,keys:Mn,prototype:Pn},parseFloat:Mn,parseInt:Mn,Promise:{__proto__:null,[On]:Tn,all:Mn,prototype:Pn,race:Mn,resolve:Mn},propertyIsEnumerable:Pn,Proxy:Pn,RangeError:Ln,ReferenceError:Ln,Reflect:Pn,RegExp:Ln,Set:Ln,SharedArrayBuffer:Fn,String:{__proto__:null,[On]:Nn,fromCharCode:Mn,fromCodePoint:Mn,prototype:Pn,raw:Mn},Symbol:{__proto__:null,[On]:Nn,for:Mn,keyFor:Mn,prototype:Pn},SyntaxError:Ln,toLocaleString:Pn,toString:Pn,TypeError:Ln,Uint16Array:Rn,Uint32Array:Rn,Uint8Array:Rn,Uint8ClampedArray:Rn,unescape:Mn,URIError:Ln,valueOf:Pn,WeakMap:Ln,WeakSet:Ln,clearInterval:Fn,clearTimeout:Fn,console:Pn,Intl:{__proto__:null,[On]:Tn,Collator:Gn,DateTimeFormat:Gn,ListFormat:Gn,NumberFormat:Gn,PluralRules:Gn,RelativeTimeFormat:Gn},setInterval:Fn,setTimeout:Fn,TextDecoder:Fn,TextEncoder:Fn,URL:Fn,URLSearchParams:Fn,AbortController:Fn,AbortSignal:Fn,addEventListener:Pn,alert:Pn,AnalyserNode:Fn,Animation:Fn,AnimationEvent:Fn,applicationCache:Pn,ApplicationCache:Fn,ApplicationCacheErrorEvent:Fn,atob:Pn,Attr:Fn,Audio:Fn,AudioBuffer:Fn,AudioBufferSourceNode:Fn,AudioContext:Fn,AudioDestinationNode:Fn,AudioListener:Fn,AudioNode:Fn,AudioParam:Fn,AudioProcessingEvent:Fn,AudioScheduledSourceNode:Fn,AudioWorkletNode:Fn,BarProp:Fn,BaseAudioContext:Fn,BatteryManager:Fn,BeforeUnloadEvent:Fn,BiquadFilterNode:Fn,Blob:Fn,BlobEvent:Fn,blur:Pn,BroadcastChannel:Fn,btoa:Pn,ByteLengthQueuingStrategy:Fn,Cache:Fn,caches:Pn,CacheStorage:Fn,cancelAnimationFrame:Pn,cancelIdleCallback:Pn,CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack:Fn,CanvasGradient:Fn,CanvasPattern:Fn,CanvasRenderingContext2D:Fn,ChannelMergerNode:Fn,ChannelSplitterNode:Fn,CharacterData:Fn,clientInformation:Pn,ClipboardEvent:Fn,close:Pn,closed:Pn,CloseEvent:Fn,Comment:Fn,CompositionEvent:Fn,confirm:Pn,ConstantSourceNode:Fn,ConvolverNode:Fn,CountQueuingStrategy:Fn,createImageBitmap:Pn,Credential:Fn,CredentialsContainer:Fn,crypto:Pn,Crypto:Fn,CryptoKey:Fn,CSS:Fn,CSSConditionRule:Fn,CSSFontFaceRule:Fn,CSSGroupingRule:Fn,CSSImportRule:Fn,CSSKeyframeRule:Fn,CSSKeyframesRule:Fn,CSSMediaRule:Fn,CSSNamespaceRule:Fn,CSSPageRule:Fn,CSSRule:Fn,CSSRuleList:Fn,CSSStyleDeclaration:Fn,CSSStyleRule:Fn,CSSStyleSheet:Fn,CSSSupportsRule:Fn,CustomElementRegistry:Fn,customElements:Pn,CustomEvent:Fn,DataTransfer:Fn,DataTransferItem:Fn,DataTransferItemList:Fn,defaultstatus:Pn,defaultStatus:Pn,DelayNode:Fn,DeviceMotionEvent:Fn,DeviceOrientationEvent:Fn,devicePixelRatio:Pn,dispatchEvent:Pn,document:Pn,Document:Fn,DocumentFragment:Fn,DocumentType:Fn,DOMError:Fn,DOMException:Fn,DOMImplementation:Fn,DOMMatrix:Fn,DOMMatrixReadOnly:Fn,DOMParser:Fn,DOMPoint:Fn,DOMPointReadOnly:Fn,DOMQuad:Fn,DOMRect:Fn,DOMRectReadOnly:Fn,DOMStringList:Fn,DOMStringMap:Fn,DOMTokenList:Fn,DragEvent:Fn,DynamicsCompressorNode:Fn,Element:Fn,ErrorEvent:Fn,Event:Fn,EventSource:Fn,EventTarget:Fn,external:Pn,fetch:Pn,File:Fn,FileList:Fn,FileReader:Fn,find:Pn,focus:Pn,FocusEvent:Fn,FontFace:Fn,FontFaceSetLoadEvent:Fn,FormData:Fn,frames:Pn,GainNode:Fn,Gamepad:Fn,GamepadButton:Fn,GamepadEvent:Fn,getComputedStyle:Pn,getSelection:Pn,HashChangeEvent:Fn,Headers:Fn,history:Pn,History:Fn,HTMLAllCollection:Fn,HTMLAnchorElement:Fn,HTMLAreaElement:Fn,HTMLAudioElement:Fn,HTMLBaseElement:Fn,HTMLBodyElement:Fn,HTMLBRElement:Fn,HTMLButtonElement:Fn,HTMLCanvasElement:Fn,HTMLCollection:Fn,HTMLContentElement:Fn,HTMLDataElement:Fn,HTMLDataListElement:Fn,HTMLDetailsElement:Fn,HTMLDialogElement:Fn,HTMLDirectoryElement:Fn,HTMLDivElem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torageManager:Fn,styleMedia:Pn,StyleSheet:Fn,StyleSheetList:Fn,SubtleCrypto:Fn,SVGAElement:Fn,SVGAngle:Fn,SVGAnimatedAngle:Fn,SVGAnimatedBoolean:Fn,SVGAnimatedEnumeration:Fn,SVGAnimatedInteger:Fn,SVGAnimatedLength:Fn,SVGAnimatedLengthList:Fn,SVGAnimatedNumber:Fn,SVGAnimatedNumberList:Fn,SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio:Fn,SVGAnimatedRect:Fn,SVGAnimatedString:Fn,SVGAnimatedTransformList:Fn,SVGAnimateElement:Fn,SVGAnimateMotionElement:Fn,SVGAnimateTransformElement:Fn,SVGAnimationElement:Fn,SVGCircleElement:Fn,SVGClipPathElement:Fn,SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement:Fn,SVGDefsElement:Fn,SVGDescElement:Fn,SVGDiscardElement:Fn,SVGElement:Fn,SVGEllipseElement:Fn,SVGFEBlendElement:Fn,SVGFEColorMatrixElement:Fn,SVGFEComponentTransferElement:Fn,SVGFECompositeElement:Fn,SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement:Fn,SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement:Fn,SVGFEDisplacementMapElement:Fn,SVGFEDistantLightElement:Fn,SVGFEDropShadowElement:Fn,SVGFEFloodElement:Fn,SVGFEFuncAElement:Fn,SVGFEFuncBElement:Fn,SVGFEFuncGElement:Fn,SVGFEFuncRElement:Fn,SVGFEGaussianBlurElement:Fn,SVGFEImageElement:Fn,SVGFEMergeElement:Fn,SVGFEMergeNodeElement:Fn,SVGFEMorphologyElement:Fn,SVGFEOffsetElement:Fn,SVGFEPointLightElement:Fn,SVGFESpecularLightingElement:Fn,SVGFESpotLightElement:Fn,SVGFETileElement:Fn,SVGFETurbulenceElement:Fn,SVGFilterElement:Fn,SVGForeignObjectElement:Fn,SVGGElement:Fn,SVGGeometryElement:Fn,SVGGradientElement:Fn,SVGGraphicsElement:Fn,SVGImageElement:Fn,SVGLength:Fn,SVGLengthList:Fn,SVGLinearGradientElement:Fn,SVGLineElement:Fn,SVGMarkerElement:Fn,SVGMaskElement:Fn,SVGMatrix:Fn,SVGMetadataElement:Fn,SVGMPathElement:Fn,SVGNumber:Fn,SVGNumberList:Fn,SVGPathElement:Fn,SVGPatternElement:Fn,SVGPoint:Fn,SVGPointList:Fn,SVGPolygonElement:Fn,SVGPolylineElement:Fn,SVGPreserveAspectRatio:Fn,SVGRadialGradientElement:Fn,SVGRect:Fn,SVGRectElement:Fn,SVGScriptElement:Fn,SVGSetElement:Fn,SVGStopElement:Fn,SVGStringList:Fn,SVGStyleElement:Fn,SVGSVGElement:Fn,SVGSwitchElement:Fn,SVGSymbolElement:Fn,SVGTextContentElement:Fn,SVGTextElement:Fn,SVGTextPathElement:Fn,SVGTextPositioningElement:Fn,SVGTitleElement:Fn,SVGTransform:Fn,SVGTransformList:Fn,SVGTSpanElement:Fn,SVGUnitTypes:Fn,SVGUseElement:Fn,SVGViewElement:Fn,TaskAttributionTiming:Fn,Text:Fn,TextEvent:Fn,TextMetrics:Fn,TextTrack:Fn,TextTrackCue:Fn,TextTrackCueList:Fn,TextTrackList:Fn,TimeRanges:Fn,toolbar:Pn,top:Pn,Touch:Fn,TouchEvent:Fn,TouchList:Fn,TrackEvent:Fn,TransitionEvent:Fn,TreeWalker:Fn,UIEvent:Fn,ValidityState:Fn,visualViewport:Pn,VisualViewport:Fn,VTTCue:Fn,WaveShaperNode:Fn,WebAssembly:Pn,WebGL2RenderingContext:Fn,WebGLActiveInfo:Fn,WebGLBuffer:Fn,WebGLContextEvent:Fn,WebGLFramebuffer:Fn,WebGLProgram:Fn,WebGLQuery:Fn,WebGLRenderbuffer:Fn,WebGLRenderingContext:Fn,WebGLSampler:Fn,WebGLShader:Fn,WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat:Fn,WebGLSync:Fn,WebGLTexture:Fn,WebGLTransformFeedback:Fn,WebGLUniformLocation:Fn,WebGLVertexArrayObject:Fn,WebSocket:Fn,WheelEvent:Fn,Window:Fn,Worker:Fn,WritableStream:Fn,XMLDocument:Fn,XMLHttpRequest:Fn,XMLHttpRequestEventTarget:Fn,XMLHttpRequestUpload:Fn,XMLSerializer:Fn,XPathEvaluator:Fn,XPathExpression:Fn,XPathResult:Fn,XSLTProcessor:Fn};for(const e of["window","global","self","globalThis"])Hn[e]=Hn;function Kn(e){let t=Hn;for(const n of e){if("string"!=typeof n)return null;if(t=t[n],!t)return null}return t[On]}function Vn(e){const t=Kn(e);return null!==t&&t.pure}function Un(e){return 1===e.length?"undefined"===e[0]||null!==Kn(e):null!==Kn(e.slice(0,-1))}class Qn extends Bn{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.isReassigned=!0}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return!Un([this.name,...e])}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e){return!Vn([this.name,...e])}}class Jn extends gn{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.variable=null,this.bound=!1}addExportedVariables(e,t){null!==this.variable&&t.has(this.variable)&&e.push(this.variable)}bind(){this.bound||(this.bound=!0,null===this.variable&&xn(this,this.parent)&&(this.variable=this.scope.findVariable(this.name),this.variable.addReference(this)),null!==this.variable&&this.variable instanceof ln&&null!==this.variable.additionalInitializers&&this.variable.consolidateInitializers())}declare(e,t){let n;switch(e){case"var":n=this.scope.addDeclaration(this,this.context,t,!0);break;case"function":n=this.scope.addDeclaration(this,this.context,t,!1);break;case"let":case"const":case"class":n=this.scope.addDeclaration(this,this.context,t,!1);break;case"parameter":n=this.scope.addParameterDeclaration(this);break;default:throw new Error(`Internal Error: Unexpected identifier kind ${e}.`)}return[this.variable=n]}deoptimizePath(e){this.bound||this.bind(),0!==e.length||this.scope.contains(this.name)||this.disallowImportReassignment(),this.variable.deoptimizePath(e)}getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n){return this.bound||this.bind(),this.variable.getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n)}getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return this.bound||this.bind(),this.variable.getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n)}hasEffects(){return this.context.options.treeshake.unknownGlobalSideEffects&&this.variable instanceof Qn&&this.variable.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(gt)}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t){return null!==this.variable&&this.variable.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t)}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t){return!this.variable||this.variable.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t)}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return!this.variable||this.variable.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n)}include(){this.included||(this.included=!0,null!==this.variable&&this.context.includeVariableInModule(this.variable))}includeCallArguments(e,t){this.variable.includeCallArguments(e,t)}mayModifyThisWhenCalledAtPath(e,t){return!this.variable||this.variable.mayModifyThisWhenCalledAtPath(e,t)}render(e,t,{renderedParentType:n,isCalleeOfRenderedParent:r,isShorthandProperty:i}=Dn){if(this.variable){const t=this.variable.getName();t!==this.name&&(e.overwrite(this.start,this.end,t,{contentOnly:!0,storeName:!0}),i&&e.prependRight(this.start,`${this.name}: `)),"eval"===t&&n===Ve&&r&&e.appendRight(this.start,"0, ")}}disallowImportReassignment(){return this.context.error({code:"ILLEGAL_REASSIGNMENT",message:`Illegal reassignment to import '${this.name}'`},this.start)}}class jn extends gn{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.declarationInit=null}addExportedVariables(e,t){this.argument.addExportedVariables(e,t)}bind(){super.bind(),null!==this.declarationInit&&this.declarationInit.deoptimizePath([mt,mt])}declare(e,t){return this.declarationInit=t,this.argument.declare(e,Dt)}deoptimizePath(e){0===e.length&&this.argument.deoptimizePath(gt)}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t){return e.length>0||this.argument.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(gt,t)}}class Wn extends gn{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.isPrototypeDeoptimized=!1}createScope(e){this.scope=new wn(e,this.context)}deoptimizePath(e){1===e.length&&("prototype"===e[0]?this.isPrototypeDeoptimized=!0:e[0]===mt&&(this.isPrototypeDeoptimized=!0,this.scope.getReturnExpression().deoptimizePath(At)))}getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e){return 0===e.length?this.scope.getReturnExpression():Dt}hasEffects(){return null!==this.id&&this.id.hasEffects()}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return!(e.length<=1)&&(e.length>2||"prototype"!==e[0]||this.isPrototypeDeoptimized)}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e){return!(e.length<=1)&&(e.length>2||"prototype"!==e[0]||this.isPrototypeDeoptimized)}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){if(e.length>0)return!0;for(const e of this.params)if(e.hasEffects(n))return!0;const r=n.replacedVariableInits.get(this.scope.thisVariable);n.replacedVariableInits.set(this.scope.thisVariable,t.withNew?new Wt:Dt);const{brokenFlow:i,ignore:s}=n;return n.ignore={breaks:!1,continues:!1,labels:new Set,returnAwaitYield:!0},!!this.body.hasEffects(n)||(n.brokenFlow=i,r?n.replacedVariableInits.set(this.scope.thisVariable,r):n.replacedVariableInits.delete(this.scope.thisVariable),n.ignore=s,!1)}include(e,t){this.included=!0,this.id&&this.id.include();const n=this.scope.argumentsVariable.included;for(const r of this.params)r instanceof Jn&&!n||r.include(e,t);const{brokenFlow:r}=e;e.brokenFlow=nn,this.body.include(e,t),e.brokenFlow=r}includeCallArguments(e,t){this.scope.includeCallArguments(e,t)}initialise(){null!==this.id&&this.id.declare("function",this),this.scope.addParameterVariables(this.params.map((e=>e.declare("parameter",Dt))),this.params[this.params.length-1]instanceof jn),this.body.addImplicitReturnExpressionToScope()}mayModifyThisWhenCalledAtPath(e){return!!e.length||this.referencesThis}parseNode(e){this.referencesThis=!1,this.body=new this.context.nodeConstructors.BlockStatement(e.body,this,this.scope.hoistedBodyVarScope),super.parseNode(e)}}Wn.prototype.preventChildBlockScope=!0;class Xn extends Wn{initialise(){super.initialise(),null!==this.id&&(this.id.variable.isId=!0)}parseNode(e){null!==e.id&&(this.id=new this.context.nodeConstructors.Identifier(e.id,this,this.scope.parent)),super.parseNode(e)}}function qn(e,t){return rt(e,tt(e,"default",t)+7)}function zn(e,t,n,r){const i=tt(e,t,r)+t.length;e=e.slice(i,tt(e,n,i));const s=tt(e,"*");return-1===s?i:i+s+1}class Yn extends gn{include(e,t){super.include(e,t),t&&this.context.includeVariableInModule(this.variable)}initialise(){const e=this.declaration;this.declarationName=e.id&&e.id.name||this.declaration.name,this.variable=this.scope.addExportDefaultDeclaration(this.declarationName||this.context.getModuleName(),this,this.context),this.context.addExport(this)}render(e,t,n){const{start:r,end:i}=n,s=qn(e.original,this.start);if(this.declaration instanceof Xn)this.renderNamedDeclaration(e,s,"function","(",null===this.declaration.id,t);else if(this.declaration instanceof yn)this.renderNamedDeclaration(e,s,"class","{",null===this.declaration.id,t);else{if(this.variable.getOriginalVariable()!==this.variable)return void $e(this,e,r,i);if(!this.variable.included)return e.remove(this.start,s),this.declaration.render(e,t,{isCalleeOfRenderedParent:!1,renderedParentType:Qe}),void(";"!==e.original[this.end-1]&&e.appendLeft(this.end,";"));this.renderVariableDeclaration(e,s,t)}this.declaration.render(e,t)}renderNamedDeclaration(e,t,n,r,i,s){const o=this.variable.getName();e.remove(this.start,t),i&&e.appendLeft(zn(e.original,n,r,t),` ${o}`),"system"===s.format&&this.declaration instanceof yn&&s.exportNamesByVariable.has(this.variable)&&e.appendLeft(this.end,` ${Bt([this.variable],s)};`)}renderVariableDeclaration(e,t,n){const r=59===e.original.charCodeAt(this.end-1),i="system"===n.format&&n.exportNamesByVariable.get(this.variable);i?(e.overwrite(this.start,t,`${n.varOrConst} ${this.variable.getName()} = exports('${i[0]}', `),e.appendRight(r?this.end-1:this.end,")"+(r?"":";"))):(e.overwrite(this.start,t,`${n.varOrConst} ${this.variable.getName()} = `),r||e.appendLeft(this.end,";"))}}Yn.prototype.needsBoundaries=!0;class $n extends Bn{constructor(){super("undefined")}getLiteralValueAtPath(){}}class Zn extends ln{constructor(e,t,n){super(e,t,t.declaration,n),this.hasId=!1,this.originalId=null,this.originalVariable=null;const r=t.declaration;(r instanceof Xn||r instanceof yn)&&r.id?(this.hasId=!0,this.originalId=r.id):r instanceof Jn&&(this.originalId=r)}addReference(e){this.hasId||(this.name=e.name)}getAssignedVariableName(){return this.originalId&&this.originalId.name||null}getBaseVariableName(){const e=this.getOriginalVariable();return e===this?super.getBaseVariableName():e.getBaseVariableName()}getDirectOriginalVariable(){return!this.originalId||!this.hasId&&(this.originalId.variable.isReassigned||this.originalId.variable instanceof $n||"syntheticNamespace"in this.originalId.variable)?null:this.originalId.variable}getName(){const e=this.getOriginalVariable();return e===this?super.getName():e.getName()}getOriginalVariable(){if(this.originalVariable)return this.originalVariable;let e,t=this;const n=new Set;do{n.add(t),e=t,t=e.getDirectOriginalVariable()}while(t instanceof Zn&&!n.has(t));return this.originalVariable=t||e}}const er="_missingExportShim";class tr extends Bn{constructor(e){super(er),this.module=e}}class nr extends Bn{constructor(e,t){super(e.getModuleName()),this.memberVariables=null,this.mergedNamespaces=[],this.referencedEarly=!1,this.references=[],this.context=e,this.module=e.module,this.syntheticNamedExports=t}addReference(e){this.references.push(e),this.name=e.name}deoptimizePath(){const e=this.getMemberVariables();for(const t of Object.keys(e))e[t].deoptimizePath(At)}getMemberVariables(){if(this.memberVariables)return this.memberVariables;const e=Object.create(null);for(const t of this.context.getExports().concat(this.context.getReexports()))"*"!==t[0]&&t!==this.module.info.syntheticNamedExports&&(e[t]=this.context.traceExport(t));return this.memberVariables=e}include(){this.included=!0,this.context.includeAllExports()}prepareNamespace(e){this.mergedNamespaces=e;const t=this.context.getModuleExecIndex();for(const e of this.references)if(e.context.getModuleExecIndex()<=t){this.referencedEarly=!0;break}}renderBlock(e){const t=e.compact?"":" ",n=e.compact?"":"\n",r=e.indent,i=this.getMemberVariables(),s=Object.keys(i).map((n=>{const s=i[n];if(this.referencedEarly||s.isReassigned)return`${r}get ${n}${t}()${t}{${t}return ${s.getName()}${e.compact?"":";"}${t}}`;const o=ht[n]?`'${n}'`:n;return`${r}${o}: ${s.getName()}`}));e.namespaceToStringTag&&s.unshift(`${r}[Symbol.toStringTag]:${t}'Module'`);const o=this.mergedNamespaces.length>0||this.syntheticNamedExports;o||s.unshift(`${r}__proto__:${t}null`);let a=`{${n}${s.join(`,${n}`)}${n}}`;if(o){const e=["/*#__PURE__*/Object.create(null)"];this.mergedNamespaces.length>0&&e.push(...this.mergedNamespaces.map((e=>e.getName()))),this.syntheticNamedExports&&e.push(this.module.getSyntheticNamespace().getName()),s.length>0&&e.push(a),a=`/*#__PURE__*/Object.assign(${e.join(`,${t}`)})`}e.freeze&&(a=`/*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze(${a})`);const B=this.getName();return a=`${e.varOrConst} ${B}${t}=${t}${a};`,"system"===e.format&&e.exportNamesByVariable.has(this)&&(a+=`${n}${Bt([this],e)};`),a}renderFirst(){return this.referencedEarly}}nr.prototype.isNamespace=!0;class rr extends Bn{constructor(e,t,n){super(t),this.baseVariable=null,this.context=e,this.module=e.module,this.syntheticNamespace=n}getBaseVariable(){if(this.baseVariable)return this.baseVariable;let e=this.syntheticNamespace;for(;e instanceof Zn||e instanceof rr;){if(e instanceof Zn){const t=e.getOriginalVariable();if(t===e)break;e=t}e instanceof rr&&(e=e.syntheticNamespace)}return this.baseVariable=e}getBaseVariableName(){return this.syntheticNamespace.getBaseVariableName()}getName(){const e=this.name;return`${this.syntheticNamespace.getName()}${ir(e)}`}include(){this.included||(this.included=!0,this.context.includeVariableInModule(this.syntheticNamespace))}setRenderNames(e,t){super.setRenderNames(e,t)}}const ir=e=>!ht[e]&&/^(?!\d)[\w$]+$/.test(e)?`.${e}`:`[${JSON.stringify(e)}]`;class sr extends Bn{constructor(e,t){super(t),this.module=e,this.isNamespace="*"===t,this.referenced=!1}addReference(e){this.referenced=!0,"default"!==this.name&&"*"!==this.name||this.module.suggestName(e.name)}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return e.length>(this.isNamespace?1:0)}include(){this.included||(this.included=!0,this.module.used=!0)}}const or="break case class catch const continue debugger default delete do else export extends finally for function if import in instanceof let new return super switch this throw try typeof var void while with yield enum await implements package protected static interface private public".split(" "),ar="Infinity NaN undefined null true false eval uneval isFinite isNaN parseFloat parseInt decodeURI decodeURIComponent encodeURI encodeURIComponent escape unescape Object Function Boolean Symbol Error EvalError InternalError RangeError ReferenceError SyntaxError TypeError URIError Number Math Date String RegExp Array Int8Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray Int16Array Uint16Array Int32Array Uint32Array Float32Array Float64Array Map Set WeakMap WeakSet SIMD ArrayBuffer DataView JSON Promise Generator GeneratorFunction Reflect Proxy Intl".split(" "),Br=new Set(or.concat(ar)),cr=/[^$_a-zA-Z0-9]/g,lr=e=>/\d/.test(e[0]);function ur(e){return!lr(e)&&!Br.has(e)&&!cr.test(e)}function pr(e){return e=e.replace(/-(\w)/g,((e,t)=>t.toUpperCase())).replace(cr,"_"),(lr(e)||Br.has(e))&&(e=`_${e}`),e||"_"}const hr=/^(?:\/|(?:[A-Za-z]:)?[\\|/])/,dr=/^\.?\.\//;function fr(e){return hr.test(e)}function Cr(e){return dr.test(e)}function mr(e){return-1==e.indexOf("\\")?e:e.replace(/\\/g,"/")}class gr{constructor(e,t,n,r){this.options=e,this.id=t,this.defaultVariableName="",this.dynamicImporters=[],this.importers=[],this.mostCommonSuggestion=0,this.namespaceVariableName="",this.reexported=!1,this.renderPath=void 0,this.renormalizeRenderPath=!1,this.used=!1,this.variableName="",this.execIndex=1/0,this.suggestedVariableName=pr(t.split(/[\\/]/).pop()),this.nameSuggestions=Object.create(null),this.declarations=Object.create(null),this.exportedVariables=new Map;const i=this;this.info={ast:null,code:null,dynamicallyImportedIds:kn,get dynamicImporters(){return i.dynamicImporters.sort()},hasModuleSideEffects:n,id:t,implicitlyLoadedAfterOneOf:kn,implicitlyLoadedBefore:kn,importedIds:kn,get importers(){return i.importers.sort()},isEntry:!1,isExternal:!0,meta:r,syntheticNamedExports:!1}}getVariableForExportName(e){let t=this.declarations[e];return t||(this.declarations[e]=t=new sr(this,e),this.exportedVariables.set(t,e),t)}setRenderPath(e,n){return this.renderPath="function"==typeof e.paths?e.paths(this.id):e.paths[this.id],this.renderPath||(fr(this.id)?(this.renderPath=mr(t.relative(n,this.id)),this.renormalizeRenderPath=!0):this.renderPath=this.id),this.renderPath}suggestName(e){this.nameSuggestions[e]||(this.nameSuggestions[e]=0),this.nameSuggestions[e]+=1,this.nameSuggestions[e]>this.mostCommonSuggestion&&(this.mostCommonSuggestion=this.nameSuggestions[e],this.suggestedVariableName=e)}warnUnusedImports(){const e=Object.keys(this.declarations).filter((e=>{if("*"===e)return!1;const t=this.declarations[e];return!t.included&&!this.reexported&&!t.referenced}));if(0===e.length)return;const t=1===e.length?`'${e[0]}' is`:`${e.slice(0,-1).map((e=>`'${e}'`)).join(", ")} and '${e.slice(-1)}' are`;this.options.onwarn({code:"UNUSED_EXTERNAL_IMPORT",message:`${t} imported from external module '${this.id}' but never used`,names:e,source:this.id})}}function Ar(e){return e.endsWith(".js")?e.slice(0,-3):e}function yr(e,t){return e.autoId?`${e.basePath?e.basePath+"/":""}${Ar(t)}`:e.id||""}const Er="_interopDefault",vr="_interopDefaultLegacy",_r="_interopNamespace",br="_interopNamespaceDefault",Sr="_interopNamespaceDefaultOnly",wr={auto:Er,default:null,defaultOnly:null,esModule:null,false:null,true:vr};function xr(e,t){return"esModule"===e||t&&("auto"===e||"true"===e)}const Dr={auto:_r,default:br,defaultOnly:Sr,esModule:null,false:null,true:_r};function Ir(e,t){return xr(e,t)&&wr[e]===Er}function kr(){return Sr}function Or(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a,B){return Gr.map((c=>e.has(c)||t.has(c)?Nr[c](n,r,i,s,o,a,B,e):"")).join("")}const Nr={[Er]:(e,t,n,r,i)=>`function ${Er}${e}(e)${e}{${e}return e${e}&&${e}e.__esModule${e}?${e}${i?Tr(e):Pr(e)}${n}${e}}${t}${t}`,[vr]:(e,t,n,r,i)=>`function ${vr}${e}(e)${e}{${e}return e${e}&&${e}typeof e${e}===${e}'object'${e}&&${e}'default'${e}in e${e}?${e}${i?Tr(e):Pr(e)}${n}${e}}${t}${t}`,[_r]:(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a)=>`function ${_r}(e)${e}{${t}`+(a.has(br)?`${r}return e${e}&&${e}e.__esModule${e}?${e}e${e}:${e}${br}(e)${n}${t}`:`${r}if${e}(e${e}&&${e}e.__esModule)${e}return e;${t}`+Mr(e,t,r,r,i,s,o))+`}${t}${t}`,[br]:(e,t,n,r,i,s,o)=>`function ${br}(e)${e}{${t}`+Mr(e,t,r,r,i,s,o)+`}${t}${t}`,[Sr]:(e,t,n,r,i,s,o)=>`function ${Sr}(e)${e}{${t}${r}return ${Rr(`{__proto__: null,${o?`${e}[Symbol.toStringTag]:${e}'Module',`:""}${e}'default':${e}e}`,s)};${t}}${t}${t}`};function Tr(e){return`e${e}:${e}{${e}'default':${e}e${e}}`}function Pr(e){return`e['default']${e}:${e}e`}function Mr(e,t,n,r,i,s,o){return`${r}var n${e}=${e}${o?`{__proto__:${e}null,${e}[Symbol.toStringTag]:${e}'Module'}`:"Object.create(null)"};${t}${r}if${e}(e)${e}{${t}${r}${n}Object.keys(e).forEach(function${e}(k)${e}{${t}`+(i?Fr:Lr)(e,t,n,r+n+n)+`${r}${n}});${t}`+`${r}}${t}`+`${r}n['default']${e}=${e}e;${t}`+`${r}return ${Rr("n",s)};${t}`}function Fr(e,t,n,r){return`${r}if${e}(k${e}!==${e}'default')${e}{${t}${r}${n}var d${e}=${e}Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,${e}k);${t}${r}${n}Object.defineProperty(n,${e}k,${e}d.get${e}?${e}d${e}:${e}{${t}${r}${n}${n}enumerable:${e}true,${t}${r}${n}${n}get:${e}function${e}()${e}{${t}${r}${n}${n}${n}return e[k];${t}${r}${n}${n}}${t}${r}${n}});${t}${r}}${t}`}function Lr(e,t,n,r){return`${r}n[k]${e}=${e}e[k];${t}`}function Rr(e,t){return t?`Object.freeze(${e})`:e}const Gr=Object.keys(Nr);function Hr(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a="return "){const B=i?"":" ",c=i?"":"\n";if(!n)return`${c}${c}${a}${Kr(e,t,r,o)};`;let l="";for(const{defaultVariableName:e,id:i,isChunk:a,name:u,namedExportsMode:p,namespaceVariableName:h,reexports:d}of t)if(d&&n)for(const t of d)if("*"!==t.reexported){const n=Vr(u,t.imported,p,a,e,h,r,i,o);l&&(l+=c),l+="*"!==t.imported&&t.needsLiveBinding?`Object.defineProperty(exports,${B}'${t.reexported}',${B}{${c}${s}enumerable:${B}true,${c}${s}get:${B}function${B}()${B}{${c}${s}${s}return ${n};${c}${s}}${c}});`:`exports.${t.reexported}${B}=${B}${n};`}for(const t of e){const e=`exports.${t.exported}`,n=t.local;e!==n&&(l&&(l+=c),l+=`${e}${B}=${B}${n};`)}for(const{name:e,reexports:r}of t)if(r&&n)for(const t of r)"*"===t.reexported&&(l&&(l+=c),t.needsLiveBinding?l+=`Object.keys(${e}).forEach(function${B}(k)${B}{${c}${s}if${B}(k${B}!==${B}'default'${B}&&${B}!exports.hasOwnProperty(k))${B}Object.defineProperty(exports,${B}k,${B}{${c}${s}${s}enumerable:${B}true,${c}${s}${s}get:${B}function${B}()${B}{${c}${s}${s}${s}return ${e}[k];${c}${s}${s}}${c}${s}});${c}});`:l+=`Object.keys(${e}).forEach(function${B}(k)${B}{${c}${s}if${B}(k${B}!==${B}'default'${B}&&${B}!exports.hasOwnProperty(k))${B}exports[k]${B}=${B}${e}[k];${c}});`);return l?`${c}${c}${l}`:""}function Kr(e,t,n,r){if(e.length>0)return e[0].local;for(const{defaultVariableName:e,id:i,isChunk:s,name:o,namedExportsMode:a,namespaceVariableName:B,reexports:c}of t)if(c)return Vr(o,c[0].imported,a,s,e,B,n,i,r)}function Vr(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a,B){if("default"===t){if(!r){const t=String(o(a)),n=wr[t]?i:e;return xr(t,B)?`${n}['default']`:n}return n?`${e}['default']`:e}return"*"===t?(r?!n:Dr[String(o(a))])?s:e:`${e}.${t}`}function Ur(e){return`Object.defineProperty(exports,${e}'__esModule',${e}{${e}value:${e}true${e}});`}function Qr(e){return`exports[Symbol.toStringTag]${e}=${e}'Module';`}function Jr(e,t,n,r,i){let s="";return e&&(t&&(s+=Ur(r)),n&&(s&&(s+=i),s+=Qr(r))),s}function jr(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a,B,c,l){const u=new Set,p=[],h=(e,n,r)=>{u.add(n),p.push(`${t} ${e}${a}=${a}/*#__PURE__*/${n}(${r});`)};for(const{defaultVariableName:t,imports:r,id:i,isChunk:s,name:o,namedExportsMode:a,namespaceVariableName:B,reexports:c}of e)if(s){for(const{imported:e,reexported:t}of[...r||[],...c||[]])if("*"===e&&"*"!==t){a||h(B,kr(),o);break}}else{const e=String(n(i));let s=!1,a=!1;for(const{imported:n,reexported:i}of[...r||[],...c||[]]){let r,c;"default"===n?s||(s=!0,t!==B&&(c=t,r=wr[e])):"*"===n&&"*"!==i&&(a||(a=!0,r=Dr[e],c=B)),r&&h(c,r,o)}}return`${Or(u,o,a,B,c,l,r,i,s)}${p.length>0?`${p.join(B)}${B}${B}`:""}`}function Wr(e){return"."===e[0]?Ar(e):e}const Xr={assert:!0,buffer:!0,console:!0,constants:!0,domain:!0,events:!0,http:!0,https:!0,os:!0,path:!0,process:!0,punycode:!0,querystring:!0,stream:!0,string_decoder:!0,timers:!0,tty:!0,url:!0,util:!0,vm:!0,zlib:!0};function qr(e,t){const n=t.map((({id:e})=>e)).filter((e=>e in Xr));if(!n.length)return;e({code:"MISSING_NODE_BUILTINS",message:`Creating a browser bundle that depends on Node.js built-in ${1===n.length?`module ('${n[0]}')`:`modules (${n.slice(0,-1).map((e=>`'${e}'`)).join(", ")} and '${n.slice(-1)}')`}. You might need to include https://github.com/ionic-team/rollup-plugin-node-polyfills`,modules:n})}function zr(e,{accessedGlobals:t,dependencies:n,exports:r,hasExports:i,id:s,indentString:o,intro:a,isEntryFacade:B,isModuleFacade:c,namedExportsMode:l,outro:u,varOrConst:p,warn:h},{amd:d,compact:f,esModule:C,externalLiveBindings:m,freeze:g,interop:A,namespaceToStringTag:y,strict:E}){qr(h,n);const v=n.map((e=>`'${Wr(e.id)}'`)),_=n.map((e=>e.name)),b=f?"":"\n",S=f?"":";",w=f?"":" ";l&&i&&(_.unshift("exports"),v.unshift("'exports'")),t.has("require")&&(_.unshift("require"),v.unshift("'require'")),t.has("module")&&(_.unshift("module"),v.unshift("'module'"));const x=yr(d,s),D=(x?`'${x}',${w}`:"")+(v.length?`[${v.join(`,${w}`)}],${w}`:""),I=E?`${w}'use strict';`:"";e.prepend(`${a}${jr(n,p,A,m,g,y,t,w,b,S,o)}`);const k=Hr(r,n,l,A,f,o,m);let O=Jr(l&&i,B&&C,c&&y,w,b);return O&&(O=b+b+O),e.append(`${k}${O}${u}`),e.indent(o).prepend(`${d.define}(${D}function${w}(${_.join(`,${w}`)})${w}{${I}${b}${b}`).append(`${b}${b}});`)}function Yr(e,{accessedGlobals:t,dependencies:n,exports:r,hasExports:i,indentString:s,intro:o,isEntryFacade:a,isModuleFacade:B,namedExportsMode:c,outro:l,varOrConst:u},{compact:p,esModule:h,externalLiveBindings:d,freeze:f,interop:C,namespaceToStringTag:m,strict:g}){const A=p?"":"\n",y=p?"":";",E=p?"":" ",v=g?`'use strict';${A}${A}`:"";let _=Jr(c&&i,a&&h,B&&m,E,A);_&&(_+=A+A);const b=$r(n,p,u,A,E),S=jr(n,u,C,d,f,m,t,E,A,y,s);e.prepend(`${v}${o}${_}${b}${S}`);const w=Hr(r,n,c,C,p,s,d,`module.exports${E}=${E}`);return e.append(`${w}${l}`)}function $r(e,t,n,r,i){let s="",o=!1;for(const{id:a,name:B,reexports:c,imports:l}of e)c||l?(s+=t&&o?",":`${s?`;${r}`:""}${n} `,o=!0,s+=`${B}${i}=${i}require('${a}')`):(s&&(s+=!t||o?`;${r}`:","),o=!1,s+=`require('${a}')`);return s?`${s};${r}${r}`:""}function Zr(e,{intro:t,outro:n,dependencies:r,exports:i,varOrConst:s},{compact:o}){const a=o?"":" ",B=o?"":"\n",c=ei(r,a);c.length>0&&(t+=c.join(B)+B+B),t&&e.prepend(t);const l=ti(i,a,s);return l.length&&e.append(B+B+l.join(B).trim()),n&&e.append(n),e.trim()}function ei(e,t){const n=[];for(const{id:r,reexports:i,imports:s,name:o}of e)if(i||s){if(s){let e=null,i=null;const o=[];for(const t of s)"default"===t.imported?e=t:"*"===t.imported?i=t:o.push(t);i&&n.push(`import${t}*${t}as ${i.local} from${t}'${r}';`),e&&0===o.length?n.push(`import ${e.local} from${t}'${r}';`):o.length>0&&n.push(`import ${e?`${e.local},${t}`:""}{${t}${o.map((e=>e.imported===e.local?e.imported:`${e.imported} as ${e.local}`)).join(`,${t}`)}${t}}${t}from${t}'${r}';`)}if(i){let e=null;const a=[],B=[];for(const t of i)"*"===t.reexported?e=t:"*"===t.imported?a.push(t):B.push(t);if(e&&n.push(`export${t}*${t}from${t}'${r}';`),a.length>0){s&&s.some((e=>"*"===e.imported&&e.local===o))||n.push(`import${t}*${t}as ${o} from${t}'${r}';`);for(const e of a)n.push(`export${t}{${t}${o===e.reexported?o:`${o} as ${e.reexported}`} };`)}B.length>0&&n.push(`export${t}{${t}${B.map((e=>e.imported===e.reexported?e.imported:`${e.imported} as ${e.reexported}`)).join(`,${t}`)}${t}}${t}from${t}'${r}';`)}}else n.push(`import${t}'${r}';`);return n}function ti(e,t,n){const r=[],i=[];for(const s of e)"default"===s.exported?r.push(`export default ${s.local};`):(s.expression&&r.push(`${n} ${s.local}${t}=${t}${s.expression};`),i.push(s.exported===s.local?s.local:`${s.local} as ${s.exported}`));return i.length&&r.push(`export${t}{${t}${i.join(`,${t}`)}${t}};`),r}function ni(e){let t="";for(;e--;)t+=" ";return t}function ri(e){return e.replace(/^\t+/,(e=>e.split("\t").join(" ")))}function ii(e,t,n){let r=e.split("\n");const i=Math.max(0,t-3);let s=Math.min(t+2,r.length);for(r=r.slice(i,s);!/\S/.test(r[r.length-1]);)r.pop(),s-=1;const o=String(s).length;return r.map(((e,r)=>{const s=i+r+1===t;let a=String(r+i+1);for(;a.lengthai(e.id))).sort();return{code:ui.MISSING_IMPLICIT_DEPENDANT,message:`Module "${ai(e.id)}" that should be implicitly loaded before "${1===t.length?t[0]:`${t.slice(0,-1).join('", "')}" and "${t.slice(-1)[0]}`}" is not included in the module graph. Either it was not imported by an included module or only via a tree-shaken dynamic import, or no imported bindings were used and it had otherwise no side-effects.`}}function Li(e,t){return{code:ui.MIXED_EXPORTS,id:e,message:`Entry module "${ai(e)}" is using named and default exports together. Consumers of your bundle will have to use \`${t||"chunk"}["default"]\` to access the default export, which may not be what you want. Use \`output.exports: "named"\` to disable this warning`,url:"https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#outputexports"}}function Ri(e,t,n){return{code:ui.NAMESPACE_CONFLICT,message:`Conflicting namespaces: ${ai(t.id)} re-exports '${e}' from both ${ai(t.exportsAll[e])} and ${ai(n.exportsAll[e])} (will be ignored)`,name:e,reexporter:t.id,sources:[t.exportsAll[e],n.exportsAll[e]]}}function Gi(e){return{code:ui.NO_TRANSFORM_MAP_OR_AST_WITHOUT_CODE,message:`The plugin "${e}" returned a "map" or "ast" without returning a "code". This will be ignored.`}}function Hi(e){const t=ai(e);return{code:ui.PREFER_NAMED_EXPORTS,id:e,message:`Entry module "${t}" is implicitly using "default" export mode, which means for CommonJS output that its default export is assigned to "module.exports". For many tools, such CommonJS output will not be interchangeable with the original ES module. If this is intended, explicitly set "output.exports" to either "auto" or "default", otherwise you might want to consider changing the signature of "${t}" to use named exports only.`,url:"https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#outputexports"}}function Ki(e,t){return{code:ui.SYNTHETIC_NAMED_EXPORTS_NEED_NAMESPACE_EXPORT,id:e,message:`Module "${ai(e)}" that is marked with 'syntheticNamedExports: ${JSON.stringify(t)}' needs ${"string"==typeof t&&"default"!==t?`an export named "${t}"`:"a default export"} that does not reexport an unresolved named export of the same module.`}}function Vi(e,t,n){const r=n?"reexport":"import";return{code:ui.UNEXPECTED_NAMED_IMPORT,id:e,message:`The named export "${t}" was ${r}ed from the external module ${ai(e)} even though its interop type is "defaultOnly". Either remove or change this ${r} or change the value of the "output.interop" option.`,url:"https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#outputinterop"}}function Ui(e){return{code:ui.UNEXPECTED_NAMED_IMPORT,id:e,message:`There was a namespace "*" reexport from the external module ${ai(e)} even though its interop type is "defaultOnly". This will be ignored as namespace reexports only reexport named exports. If this is not intended, either remove or change this reexport or change the value of the "output.interop" option.`,url:"https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#outputinterop"}}function Qi(e){return{code:ui.UNRESOLVED_ENTRY,message:`Entry module cannot be external (${ai(e)}).`}}function Ji(e){return{code:ui.UNRESOLVED_ENTRY,message:`Could not resolve entry module (${ai(e)}).`}}function ji(e,t){return{code:ui.UNRESOLVED_IMPORT,message:`Could not resolve '${e}' from ${ai(t)}`}}function Wi(e,t){return{code:ui.UNRESOLVED_IMPORT,importer:ai(t),message:`'${e}' is imported by ${ai(t)}, but could not be resolved – treating it as an external dependency`,source:e,url:"https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#warning-treating-module-as-external-dependency"}}function Xi(e,t){return{code:ui.EXTERNAL_SYNTHETIC_EXPORTS,importer:ai(t),message:`External '${e}' can not have 'syntheticNamedExports' enabled.`,source:e}}function qi(e){return{code:ui.VALIDATION_ERROR,message:e}}function zi(){return{code:ui.ALREADY_CLOSED,message:'Bundle is already closed, no more calls to "generate" or "write" are allowed.'}}function Yi(e,t,n){$i(e,t,n.onwarn,n.strictDeprecations)}function $i(e,t,n,r){if(t||r){const t=vi(e);if(r)return ci(t);n(t)}}!function(e){e.ALREADY_CLOSED="ALREADY_CLOSED",e.ASSET_NOT_FINALISED="ASSET_NOT_FINALISED",e.ASSET_NOT_FOUND="ASSET_NOT_FOUND",e.ASSET_SOURCE_ALREADY_SET="ASSET_SOURCE_ALREADY_SET",e.ASSET_SOURCE_MISSING="ASSET_SOURCE_MISSING",e.BAD_LOADER="BAD_LOADER",e.CANNOT_EMIT_FROM_OPTIONS_HOOK="CANNOT_EMIT_FROM_OPTIONS_HOOK",e.CHUNK_NOT_GENERATED="CHUNK_NOT_GENERATED",e.CHUNK_INVALID="CHUNK_INVALID",e.CIRCULAR_REEXPORT="CIRCULAR_REEXPORT",e.CYCLIC_CROSS_CHUNK_REEXPORT="CYCLIC_CROSS_CHUNK_REEXPORT",e.DEPRECATED_FEATURE="DEPRECATED_FEATURE",e.EXTERNAL_SYNTHETIC_EXPORTS="EXTERNAL_SYNTHETIC_EXPORTS",e.FILE_NAME_CONFLICT="FILE_NAME_CONFLICT",e.FILE_NOT_FOUND="FILE_NOT_FOUND",e.INPUT_HOOK_IN_OUTPUT_PLUGIN="INPUT_HOOK_IN_OUTPUT_PLUGIN",e.INVALID_CHUNK="INVALID_CHUNK",e.INVALID_EXPORT_OPTION="INVALID_EXPORT_OPTION",e.INVALID_EXTERNAL_ID="INVALID_EXTERNAL_ID",e.INVALID_OPTION="INVALID_OPTION",e.INVALID_PLUGIN_HOOK="INVALID_PLUGIN_HOOK",e.INVALID_ROLLUP_PHASE="INVALID_ROLLUP_PHASE",e.MISSING_EXPORT="MISSING_EXPORT",e.MISSING_IMPLICIT_DEPENDANT="MISSING_IMPLICIT_DEPENDANT",e.MIXED_EXPORTS="MIXED_EXPORTS",e.NAMESPACE_CONFLICT="NAMESPACE_CONFLICT",e.NO_TRANSFORM_MAP_OR_AST_WITHOUT_CODE="NO_TRANSFORM_MAP_OR_AST_WITHOUT_CODE",e.PLUGIN_ERROR="PLUGIN_ERROR",e.PREFER_NAMED_EXPORTS="PREFER_NAMED_EXPORTS",e.SYNTHETIC_NAMED_EXPORTS_NEED_NAMESPACE_EXPORT="SYNTHETIC_NAMED_EXPORTS_NEED_NAMESPACE_EXPORT",e.UNEXPECTED_NAMED_IMPORT="UNEXPECTED_NAMED_IMPORT",e.UNRESOLVED_ENTRY="UNRESOLVED_ENTRY",e.UNRESOLVED_IMPORT="UNRESOLVED_IMPORT",e.VALIDATION_ERROR="VALIDATION_ERROR"}(ui||(ui={}));const Zi=/^[a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z0-9$_]*$/;function es(e){return Zi.test(e)?`.${e}`:`['${e}']`}function ts(e){return e.split(".").map(es).join("")}function ns(e,t,n,r){const i=r?"":" ",s=e.split(".");s[0]=("function"==typeof n?n(s[0]):n[s[0]])||s[0],s.pop();let o=t;return s.map((e=>(o+=es(e),`${o}${i}=${i}${o}${i}||${i}{}${r?"":";"}`))).join(r?",":"\n")+(r&&s.length?";":"\n")}function rs(e,t,n,r,i){const s=r?"":" ",o=e.split(".");o[0]=("function"==typeof n?n(o[0]):n[o[0]])||o[0];const a=o.pop();let B=t,c=o.map((e=>(B+=es(e),`${B}${s}=${s}${B}${s}||${s}{}`))).concat(`${B}${es(a)}`).join(`,${s}`).concat(`${s}=${s}${i}`);return o.length>0&&(c=`(${c})`),c}function is(e){let t=e.length;for(;t--;){const{imports:n,reexports:r}=e[t];if(n||r)return e.slice(0,t+1)}return[]}const ss=e=>`this${ts(e)}`;function os(e,{accessedGlobals:t,dependencies:n,exports:r,hasExports:i,indentString:s,intro:o,namedExportsMode:a,outro:B,varOrConst:c,warn:l},{compact:u,esModule:p,extend:h,freeze:d,externalLiveBindings:f,globals:C,interop:m,name:g,namespaceToStringTag:A,strict:y}){const E=u?"":" ",v=u?"":";",_=u?"":"\n",b=g&&-1!==g.indexOf("."),S=!h&&!b;if(g&&S&&!ur(g))return ci({code:"ILLEGAL_IDENTIFIER_AS_NAME",message:`Given name "${g}" is not a legal JS identifier. If you need this, you can try "output.extend: true".`});qr(l,n);const w=is(n),x=w.map((e=>e.globalName||"null")),D=w.map((e=>e.name));i&&!g&&l({code:"MISSING_NAME_OPTION_FOR_IIFE_EXPORT",message:'If you do not supply "output.name", you may not be able to access the exports of an IIFE bundle.'}),a&&i&&(h?(x.unshift(`${ss(g)}${E}=${E}${ss(g)}${E}||${E}{}`),D.unshift("exports")):(x.unshift("{}"),D.unshift("exports")));const I=y?`${s}'use strict';${_}`:"",k=jr(n,c,m,f,d,A,t,E,_,v,s);e.prepend(`${o}${k}`);let O=`(function${E}(${D.join(`,${E}`)})${E}{${_}${I}${_}`;i&&(!g||h&&a||(O=(S?`${c} ${g}`:ss(g))+`${E}=${E}${O}`),b&&(O=ns(g,"this",C,u)+O));let N=`${_}${_}}(${x.join(`,${E}`)}));`;i&&!h&&a&&(N=`${_}${_}${s}return exports;${N}`);const T=Hr(r,n,a,m,u,s,f);let P=Jr(a&&i,p,A,E,_);return P&&(P=_+_+P),e.append(`${T}${P}${B}`),e.indent(s).prepend(O).append(N)}function as({dependencies:e,exports:t}){const n=new Set(t.map((e=>e.exported)));n.has("default")||n.add("default");for(const{reexports:t}of e)if(t)for(const e of t)"*"===e.imported||n.has(e.reexported)||n.add(e.reexported);return n}const Bs=(e,t,n,r,i)=>e?`${i}${r}${t} _starExcludes${n}=${n}{${n}${[...e].map((e=>`${e}:${n}1`)).join(`,${n}`)}${n}};`:"",cs=(e,t,n,r)=>e.length?`${r}${n}var ${e.join(`,${t}`)};`:"";function ls(e,t,n,r){return 0===e.length?"":1===e.length?`${n}${n}${n}exports('${e[0].name}',${t}${e[0].value});${r}${r}`:`${n}${n}${n}exports({${r}`+e.map((({name:e,value:r})=>`${n}${n}${n}${n}${e}:${t}${r}`)).join(`,${r}`)+`${r}${n}${n}${n}});${r}${r}`}const us=(e,t,n,r)=>ls(e.filter((e=>e.hoisted||e.uninitialized)).map((e=>({name:e.exported,value:e.uninitialized?"void 0":e.local}))),t,n,r),ps=(e,t,n,r)=>ls(e.filter((e=>e.local===er)).map((e=>({name:e.exported,value:er}))),t,n,r),hs=(e,t,n,r)=>ls(e.filter((e=>e.expression)).map((e=>({name:e.exported,value:e.local}))),t,n,r);function ds(e,{accessedGlobals:t,dependencies:n,exports:r,hasExports:i,indentString:s,intro:o,outro:a,usesTopLevelAwait:B,varOrConst:c},l){const u=l.compact?"":"\n",p=l.compact?"":" ",h=n.map((e=>`'${e.id}'`)),d=[];let f;const C=[];for(const{imports:e,reexports:t}of n){const i=[];if(e)for(const t of e)d.push(t.local),"*"===t.imported?i.push(`${t.local}${p}=${p}module;`):i.push(`${t.local}${p}=${p}module.${t.imported};`);if(t){let e=!1;if(t.length>1||1===t.length&&("*"===t[0].reexported||"*"===t[0].imported)){for(const o of t)"*"===o.reexported&&(f||(f=as({dependencies:n,exports:r})),e||(i.push(`${c} _setter${p}=${p}{};`),e=!0),i.push(`for${p}(var _$p${p}in${p}module)${p}{`),i.push(`${s}if${p}(!_starExcludes[_$p])${p}_setter[_$p]${p}=${p}module[_$p];`),i.push("}"));for(const e of t)"*"===e.imported&&"*"!==e.reexported&&i.push(`exports('${e.reexported}',${p}module);`);for(const n of t)"*"!==n.reexported&&"*"!==n.imported&&(e||(i.push(`${c} _setter${p}=${p}{};`),e=!0),i.push(`_setter.${n.reexported}${p}=${p}module.${n.imported};`));e&&i.push("exports(_setter);")}else for(const e of t)i.push(`exports('${e.reexported}',${p}module.${e.imported});`)}C.push(i.join(`${u}${s}${s}${s}`))}const m=l.name?`'${l.name}',${p}`:"",g=t.has("module")?`exports,${p}module`:i?"exports":"";let A=`System.register(${m}[`+h.join(`,${p}`)+`],${p}function${p}(${g})${p}{${u}${s}${l.strict?"'use strict';":""}`+Bs(f,c,p,s,u)+cs(d,p,s,u)+`${u}${s}return${p}{${C.length?`${u}${s}${s}setters:${p}[${C.map((e=>e?`function${p}(module)${p}{${u}${s}${s}${s}${e}${u}${s}${s}}`:l.systemNullSetters?"null":`function${p}()${p}{}`)).join(`,${p}`)}],`:""}${u}`;A+=`${s}${s}execute:${p}${B?`async${p}`:""}function${p}()${p}{${u}${u}`+us(r,p,s,u);const y=`${u}${u}`+hs(r,p,s,u)+ps(r,p,s,u)+`${s}${s}}${u}${s}}${l.compact?"":";"}${u}});`;return o&&e.prepend(o),a&&e.append(a),e.indent(`${s}${s}${s}`).append(y).prepend(A)}function fs(e,t){return e?`${t}${ts(e)}`:"null"}function Cs(e,t,n){const r=e.split(".");let i=t;return r.map((e=>i+=es(e))).join(`${n}&&${n}`)}function ms(e,{accessedGlobals:t,dependencies:n,exports:r,hasExports:i,id:s,indentString:o,intro:a,namedExportsMode:B,outro:c,varOrConst:l,warn:u},{amd:p,compact:h,esModule:d,extend:f,externalLiveBindings:C,freeze:m,interop:g,name:A,namespaceToStringTag:y,globals:E,noConflict:v,strict:_}){const b=h?"":" ",S=h?"":"\n",w=h?"":";",x=h?"f":"factory",D=h?"g":"global";if(i&&!A)return ci({code:"MISSING_NAME_OPTION_FOR_IIFE_EXPORT",message:'You must supply "output.name" for UMD bundles that have exports so that the exports are accessible in environments without a module loader.'});qr(u,n);const I=n.map((e=>`'${Wr(e.id)}'`)),k=n.map((e=>`require('${e.id}')`)),O=is(n),N=O.map((e=>fs(e.globalName,D))),T=O.map((e=>e.name));B&&(i||v)&&(I.unshift("'exports'"),k.unshift("exports"),N.unshift(rs(A,D,E,h,(f?`${fs(A,D)}${b}||${b}`:"")+"{}")),T.unshift("exports"));const P=yr(p,s),M=(P?`'${P}',${b}`:"")+(I.length?`[${I.join(`,${b}`)}],${b}`:""),F=p.define,L=!B&&i?`module.exports${b}=${b}`:"",R=_?`${b}'use strict';${S}`:"";let G;if(v){const e=h?"e":"exports";let t;if(!B&&i)t=`var ${e}${b}=${b}${rs(A,D,E,h,`${x}(${N.join(`,${b}`)})`)};`;else{t=`var ${e}${b}=${b}${N.shift()};${S}${o}${o}${x}(${[e].concat(N).join(`,${b}`)});`}G=`(function${b}()${b}{${S}${o}${o}var current${b}=${b}${Cs(A,D,b)};${S}${o}${o}${t}${S}${o}${o}${e}.noConflict${b}=${b}function${b}()${b}{${b}${fs(A,D)}${b}=${b}current;${b}return ${e}${h?"":"; "}};${S}${o}}())`}else G=`${x}(${N.join(`,${b}`)})`,!B&&i&&(G=rs(A,D,E,h,G));const H=i||v&&B||N.length>0,K=H?`this,${b}`:"",V=H?`(${D}${b}=${b}typeof globalThis${b}!==${b}'undefined'${b}?${b}globalThis${b}:${b}${D}${b}||${b}self,${b}`:"",U=H?")":"",Q=`(function${b}(${H?`${D},${b}`:""}${x})${b}{${S}`+(H?`${o}typeof exports${b}===${b}'object'${b}&&${b}typeof module${b}!==${b}'undefined'${b}?${b}${L}${x}(${k.join(`,${b}`)})${b}:${S}`:"")+`${o}typeof ${F}${b}===${b}'function'${b}&&${b}${F}.amd${b}?${b}${F}(${M}${x})${b}:${S}`+`${o}${V}${G}${U};${S}`+`}(${K}(function${b}(${T.join(", ")})${b}{${R}${S}`,J=S+S+"})));";e.prepend(`${a}${jr(n,l,g,C,m,y,t,b,S,w,o)}`);const j=Hr(r,n,B,g,h,o,C);let W=Jr(B&&i,d,y,b,S);return W&&(W=S+S+W),e.append(`${j}${W}${c}`),e.trim().indent(o).append(J).prepend(Q)}var gs={system:ds,amd:zr,cjs:Yr,es:Zr,iife:os,umd:ms};const As={ArrayPattern(e,t){for(const n of t.elements)n&&As[n.type](e,n)},AssignmentPattern(e,t){As[t.left.type](e,t.left)},Identifier(e,t){e.push(t.name)},MemberExpression(){},ObjectPattern(e,t){for(const n of t.properties)"RestElement"===n.type?As.RestElement(e,n):As[n.value.type](e,n.value)},RestElement(e,t){As[t.argument.type](e,t.argument)}},ys=function(e){const t=[];return As[e.type](t,e),t};class Es extends gn{hasEffects(){return!1}initialise(){this.context.addExport(this)}render(e,t,n){e.remove(n.start,n.end)}}Es.prototype.needsBoundaries=!0;class vs extends gn{bind(){super.bind();for(const e of this.elements)null!==e&&e.deoptimizePath(At)}getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e){return 1!==e.length?Dt:tn(qt,e[0])}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return e.length>1}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return 1!==e.length||en(qt,e[0],this.included,t,n)}}class _s extends gn{addExportedVariables(e,t){for(const n of this.elements)null!==n&&n.addExportedVariables(e,t)}declare(e){const t=[];for(const n of this.elements)null!==n&&t.push(...n.declare(e,Dt));return t}deoptimizePath(e){if(0===e.length)for(const t of this.elements)null!==t&&t.deoptimizePath(e)}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t){if(e.length>0)return!0;for(const e of this.elements)if(null!==e&&e.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(gt,t))return!0;return!1}}class bs extends pn{addDeclaration(e,t,n,r){return r?this.parent.addDeclaration(e,t,Dt,r):super.addDeclaration(e,t,n,!1)}}class Ss extends gn{initialise(){this.directive&&"use strict"!==this.directive&&this.parent.type===qe&&this.context.warn({code:"MODULE_LEVEL_DIRECTIVE",message:`Module level directives cause errors when bundled, '${this.directive}' was ignored.`},this.start)}render(e,t){super.render(e,t),this.included&&this.insertSemicolon(e)}shouldBeIncluded(e){return this.directive&&"use strict"!==this.directive?this.parent.type!==qe:super.shouldBeIncluded(e)}}class ws extends gn{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.directlyIncluded=!1}addImplicitReturnExpressionToScope(){const e=this.body[this.body.length-1];e&&e.type===Ye||this.scope.addReturnExpression(Dt)}createScope(e){this.scope=this.parent.preventChildBlockScope?e:new bs(e)}hasEffects(e){if(this.deoptimizeBody)return!0;for(const t of this.body){if(t.hasEffects(e))return!0;if(e.brokenFlow)break}return!1}include(e,t){if(!this.deoptimizeBody||!this.directlyIncluded){this.included=!0,this.directlyIncluded=!0,this.deoptimizeBody&&(t=!0);for(const n of this.body)(t||n.shouldBeIncluded(e))&&n.include(e,t)}}initialise(){const e=this.body[0];this.deoptimizeBody=e instanceof Ss&&"use asm"===e.directive}render(e,t){this.body.length?st(this.body,e,this.start+1,this.end-1,t):super.render(e,t)}}class xs extends gn{createScope(e){this.scope=new Sn(e,this.context)}deoptimizePath(e){1===e.length&&e[0]===mt&&this.scope.getReturnExpression().deoptimizePath(At)}getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e){return 0===e.length?this.scope.getReturnExpression():Dt}hasEffects(){return!1}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return e.length>1}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e){return e.length>1}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){if(e.length>0)return!0;for(const e of this.params)if(e.hasEffects(n))return!0;const{ignore:r,brokenFlow:i}=n;return n.ignore={breaks:!1,continues:!1,labels:new Set,returnAwaitYield:!0},!!this.body.hasEffects(n)||(n.ignore=r,n.brokenFlow=i,!1)}include(e,t){this.included=!0;for(const n of this.params)n instanceof Jn||n.include(e,t);const{brokenFlow:n}=e;e.brokenFlow=nn,this.body.include(e,t),e.brokenFlow=n}includeCallArguments(e,t){this.scope.includeCallArguments(e,t)}initialise(){this.scope.addParameterVariables(this.params.map((e=>e.declare("parameter",Dt))),this.params[this.params.length-1]instanceof jn),this.body instanceof ws?this.body.addImplicitReturnExpressionToScope():this.scope.addReturnExpression(this.body)}mayModifyThisWhenCalledAtPath(){return!1}parseNode(e){e.body.type===Ke&&(this.body=new this.context.nodeConstructors.BlockStatement(e.body,this,this.scope.hoistedBodyVarScope)),super.parseNode(e)}}xs.prototype.preventChildBlockScope=!0;class Ds extends gn{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.deoptimized=!1}hasEffects(e){return this.deoptimized||this.applyDeoptimizations(),this.right.hasEffects(e)||this.left.hasEffects(e)||this.left.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(gt,e)}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t){return e.length>0&&this.right.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t)}include(e,t){let n;this.deoptimized||this.applyDeoptimizations(),this.included=!0,(t||"="!==this.operator||this.left.included||(n=an(),this.left.hasEffects(n)||this.left.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(gt,n)))&&this.left.include(e,t),this.right.include(e,t)}render(e,t,{preventASI:n,renderedParentType:r}=Dn){if(this.left.included)this.left.render(e,t),this.right.render(e,t);else{const i=rt(e.original,tt(e.original,"=",this.left.end)+1);e.remove(this.start,i),n&&at(e,i,this.right.start),this.right.render(e,t,{renderedParentType:r||this.parent.type})}if("system"===t.format){const n=this.left.variable&&t.exportNamesByVariable.get(this.left.variable);if("Identifier"===this.left.type&&n){const r=t.compact?"":" ",i=tt(e.original,this.operator,this.left.end),s=this.operator.length>1?`${n[0]}${r}${this.operator.slice(0,-1)}${r}`:"";e.overwrite(i,rt(e.original,i+this.operator.length),`=${r}${1===n.length?`exports('${n[0]}',${r}`:ct([this.left.variable],!1,t)}${s}`),e.appendLeft(this.right.end,")")}else{const n=[];this.left.addExportedVariables(n,t.exportNamesByVariable),n.length>0&&(e.prependRight(this.start,`(${ct(n,!0,t)}`),e.appendLeft(this.end,"))"))}}}applyDeoptimizations(){this.deoptimized=!0,this.left.deoptimizePath(gt),this.right.deoptimizePath(At)}}class Is extends gn{addExportedVariables(e,t){this.left.addExportedVariables(e,t)}bind(){super.bind(),this.left.deoptimizePath(gt),this.right.deoptimizePath(At)}declare(e,t){return this.left.declare(e,t)}deoptimizePath(e){0===e.length&&this.left.deoptimizePath(e)}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t){return e.length>0||this.left.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(gt,t)}render(e,t,{isShorthandProperty:n}=Dn){this.left.render(e,t,{isShorthandProperty:n}),this.right.render(e,t)}}class ks extends gn{hasEffects(e){return!e.ignore.returnAwaitYield||this.argument.hasEffects(e)}include(e,t){if(!this.included){this.included=!0;e:if(!this.context.usesTopLevelAwait){let e=this.parent;do{if(e instanceof Wn||e instanceof xs)break e}while(e=e.parent);this.context.usesTopLevelAwait=!0}}this.argument.include(e,t)}}const Os={"!=":(e,t)=>e!=t,"!==":(e,t)=>e!==t,"%":(e,t)=>e%t,"&":(e,t)=>e&t,"*":(e,t)=>e*t,"**":(e,t)=>e**t,"+":(e,t)=>e+t,"-":(e,t)=>e-t,"/":(e,t)=>e/t,"<":(e,t)=>ee<e<=t,"==":(e,t)=>e==t,"===":(e,t)=>e===t,">":(e,t)=>e>t,">=":(e,t)=>e>=t,">>":(e,t)=>e>>t,">>>":(e,t)=>e>>>t,"^":(e,t)=>e^t,in:()=>St,instanceof:()=>St,"|":(e,t)=>e|t};class Ns extends gn{deoptimizeCache(){}getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n){if(e.length>0)return St;const r=this.left.getLiteralValueAtPath(gt,t,n);if(r===St)return St;const i=this.right.getLiteralValueAtPath(gt,t,n);if(i===St)return St;const s=Os[this.operator];return s?s(r,i):St}hasEffects(e){return"+"===this.operator&&this.parent instanceof Ss&&""===this.left.getLiteralValueAtPath(gt,vt,this)||super.hasEffects(e)}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return e.length>1}}class Ts extends gn{hasEffects(e){if(this.label){if(!e.ignore.labels.has(this.label.name))return!0;e.includedLabels.add(this.label.name),e.brokenFlow=sn}else{if(!e.ignore.breaks)return!0;e.brokenFlow=rn}return!1}include(e){this.included=!0,this.label&&(this.label.include(),e.includedLabels.add(this.label.name)),e.brokenFlow=this.label?sn:rn}}class Ps extends gn{getLiteralValueAtPath(e){return e.length>0||null===this.value&&110!==this.context.code.charCodeAt(this.start)||"bigint"==typeof this.value||47===this.context.code.charCodeAt(this.start)?St:this.value}getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e){return 1!==e.length?Dt:tn(this.members,e[0])}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return null===this.value?e.length>0:e.length>1}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e){return e.length>0}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return 1!==e.length||en(this.members,e[0],this.included,t,n)}initialise(){this.members=Zt(this.value)}parseNode(e){this.value=e.value,this.regex=e.regex,super.parseNode(e)}render(e){"string"==typeof this.value&&e.indentExclusionRanges.push([this.start+1,this.end-1])}}function Ms(e){return e.computed?Fs(e.property):e.property.name}function Fs(e){return e instanceof Ps?String(e.value):null}function Ls(e){const t=e.propertyKey,n=e.object;if("string"==typeof t){if(n instanceof Jn)return[{key:n.name,pos:n.start},{key:t,pos:e.property.start}];if(n instanceof Gs){const r=Ls(n);return r&&[...r,{key:t,pos:e.property.start}]}}return null}function Rs(e){let t=e[0].key;for(let n=1;ne.pure))))&&(this.callee.hasEffects(e)||this.callee.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(gt,this.callOptions,e))}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t){if(0===e.length)return!1;const n=t.accessed.getEntities(e);return!n.has(this)&&(n.add(this),this.returnExpression.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t))}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t){if(0===e.length)return!0;const n=t.assigned.getEntities(e);return!n.has(this)&&(n.add(this),this.returnExpression.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t))}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){const r=(t.withNew?n.instantiated:n.called).getEntities(e,t);return!r.has(this)&&(r.add(this),this.returnExpression.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n))}include(e,t){t?(super.include(e,t),t===mn&&this.callee instanceof Jn&&this.callee.variable&&this.callee.variable.markCalledFromTryStatement()):(this.included=!0,this.callee.include(e,!1)),this.callee.includeCallArguments(e,this.arguments),this.returnExpression.included||this.returnExpression.include(e,!1)}initialise(){this.callOptions={args:this.arguments,withNew:!1}}render(e,t,{renderedParentType:n,renderedSurroundingElement:r}=Dn){const i=n||r;if(this.callee.render(e,t,i?{renderedSurroundingElement:i}:Dn),this.arguments.length>0)if(this.arguments[this.arguments.length-1].included)for(const n of this.arguments)n.render(e,t);else{let n=this.arguments.length-2;for(;n>=0&&!this.arguments[n].included;)n--;if(n>=0){for(let r=0;r<=n;r++)this.arguments[r].render(e,t);e.remove(tt(e.original,",",this.arguments[n].end),this.end-1)}else e.remove(tt(e.original,"(",this.callee.end)+1,this.end-1)}}getReturnExpression(e){return null===this.returnExpression?(this.returnExpression=Dt,this.returnExpression=this.callee.getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(gt,e,this)):this.returnExpression}}class Ks extends bn{addDeclaration(e,t,n,r){return r?this.parent.addDeclaration(e,t,n,r):super.addDeclaration(e,t,n,!1)}}class Vs extends gn{createScope(e){this.scope=new Ks(e,this.context)}initialise(){this.param&&this.param.declare("parameter",Dt)}parseNode(e){this.body=new this.context.nodeConstructors.BlockStatement(e.body,this,this.scope),super.parseNode(e)}}Vs.prototype.preventChildBlockScope=!0;class Us extends gn{}class Qs extends pn{findLexicalBoundary(){return this}}class Js extends gn{hasEffects(e){return this.key.hasEffects(e)}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return e.length>0||this.value.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(gt,t,n)}}class js extends gn{createScope(e){this.scope=new Qs(e)}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return e.length>0||null!==this.classConstructor&&this.classConstructor.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(gt,t,n)}initialise(){for(const e of this.body)if(e instanceof Js&&"constructor"===e.kind)return void(this.classConstructor=e);this.classConstructor=null}}class Ws extends An{render(e,t,{renderedParentType:n,renderedSurroundingElement:r}=Dn){super.render(e,t);(n||r)===Qe&&(e.appendRight(this.start,"("),e.prependLeft(this.end,")"))}}class Xs{constructor(e){this.included=!1,this.expressions=e}deoptimizePath(e){for(const t of this.expressions)t.deoptimizePath(e)}getLiteralValueAtPath(){return St}getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return new Xs(this.expressions.map((r=>r.getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n))))}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t){for(const n of this.expressions)if(n.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t))return!0;return!1}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t){for(const n of this.expressions)if(n.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t))return!0;return!1}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){for(const r of this.expressions)if(r.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n))return!0;return!1}include(e,t){for(const n of this.expressions)n.included||n.include(e,t)}includeCallArguments(){}mayModifyThisWhenCalledAtPath(e,t){return this.expressions.some((n=>n.mayModifyThisWhenCalledAtPath(e,t)))}}class qs extends gn{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized=[],this.isBranchResolutionAnalysed=!1,this.usedBranch=null,this.wasPathDeoptimizedWhileOptimized=!1}bind(){super.bind(),this.getUsedBranch()}deoptimizeCache(){if(null!==this.usedBranch){const e=this.usedBranch===this.consequent?this.alternate:this.consequent;this.usedBranch=null;const t=this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized;this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized=[],this.wasPathDeoptimizedWhileOptimized&&e.deoptimizePath(At);for(const e of t)e.deoptimizeCache()}}deoptimizePath(e){if(e.length>0){const t=this.getUsedBranch();null===t?(this.consequent.deoptimizePath(e),this.alternate.deoptimizePath(e)):(this.wasPathDeoptimizedWhileOptimized=!0,t.deoptimizePath(e))}}getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n){const r=this.getUsedBranch();return null===r?St:(this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized.push(n),r.getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n))}getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){const r=this.getUsedBranch();return null===r?new Xs([this.consequent.getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n),this.alternate.getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n)]):(this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized.push(n),r.getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n))}hasEffects(e){return!!this.test.hasEffects(e)||(null===this.usedBranch?this.consequent.hasEffects(e)||this.alternate.hasEffects(e):this.usedBranch.hasEffects(e))}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t){return 0!==e.length&&(null===this.usedBranch?this.consequent.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t)||this.alternate.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t):this.usedBranch.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t))}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t){return 0===e.length||(null===this.usedBranch?this.consequent.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t)||this.alternate.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t):this.usedBranch.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t))}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return null===this.usedBranch?this.consequent.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n)||this.alternate.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n):this.usedBranch.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n)}include(e,t){this.included=!0,t||this.test.shouldBeIncluded(e)||null===this.usedBranch?(this.test.include(e,t),this.consequent.include(e,t),this.alternate.include(e,t)):this.usedBranch.include(e,t)}includeCallArguments(e,t){null===this.usedBranch?(this.consequent.includeCallArguments(e,t),this.alternate.includeCallArguments(e,t)):this.usedBranch.includeCallArguments(e,t)}render(e,t,{renderedParentType:n,isCalleeOfRenderedParent:r,preventASI:i}=Dn){if(this.test.included)super.render(e,t);else{const s=tt(e.original,":",this.consequent.end),o=rt(e.original,(this.consequent.included?tt(e.original,"?",this.test.end):s)+1);i&&at(e,o,this.usedBranch.start),e.remove(this.start,o),this.consequent.included&&e.remove(s,this.end),Ze(this,e),this.usedBranch.render(e,t,{isCalleeOfRenderedParent:n?r:this.parent.callee===this,preventASI:!0,renderedParentType:n||this.parent.type})}}getUsedBranch(){if(this.isBranchResolutionAnalysed)return this.usedBranch;this.isBranchResolutionAnalysed=!0;const e=this.test.getLiteralValueAtPath(gt,vt,this);return e===St?null:this.usedBranch=e?this.consequent:this.alternate}}class zs extends gn{hasEffects(e){if(this.label){if(!e.ignore.labels.has(this.label.name))return!0;e.includedLabels.add(this.label.name),e.brokenFlow=sn}else{if(!e.ignore.continues)return!0;e.brokenFlow=rn}return!1}include(e){this.included=!0,this.label&&(this.label.include(),e.includedLabels.add(this.label.name)),e.brokenFlow=this.label?sn:rn}}class Ys extends gn{hasEffects(e){if(this.test.hasEffects(e))return!0;const{brokenFlow:t,ignore:{breaks:n,continues:r}}=e;return e.ignore.breaks=!0,e.ignore.continues=!0,!!this.body.hasEffects(e)||(e.ignore.breaks=n,e.ignore.continues=r,e.brokenFlow=t,!1)}include(e,t){this.included=!0,this.test.include(e,t);const{brokenFlow:n}=e;this.body.includeAsSingleStatement(e,t),e.brokenFlow=n}}class $s extends gn{hasEffects(){return!1}}class Zs extends gn{bind(){null!==this.declaration&&this.declaration.bind()}hasEffects(e){return null!==this.declaration&&this.declaration.hasEffects(e)}initialise(){this.context.addExport(this)}render(e,t,n){const{start:r,end:i}=n;null===this.declaration?e.remove(r,i):(e.remove(this.start,this.declaration.start),this.declaration.render(e,t,{start:r,end:i}))}}Zs.prototype.needsBoundaries=!0;class eo extends gn{}class to extends gn{bind(){this.left.bind(),this.left.deoptimizePath(gt),this.right.bind(),this.body.bind()}createScope(e){this.scope=new bs(e)}hasEffects(e){if(this.left&&(this.left.hasEffects(e)||this.left.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(gt,e))||this.right&&this.right.hasEffects(e))return!0;const{brokenFlow:t,ignore:{breaks:n,continues:r}}=e;return e.ignore.breaks=!0,e.ignore.continues=!0,!!this.body.hasEffects(e)||(e.ignore.breaks=n,e.ignore.continues=r,e.brokenFlow=t,!1)}include(e,t){this.included=!0,this.left.include(e,t||!0),this.left.deoptimizePath(gt),this.right.include(e,t);const{brokenFlow:n}=e;this.body.includeAsSingleStatement(e,t),e.brokenFlow=n}render(e,t){this.left.render(e,t,et),this.right.render(e,t,et),110===e.original.charCodeAt(this.right.start-1)&&e.prependLeft(this.right.start," "),this.body.render(e,t)}}class no extends gn{bind(){this.left.bind(),this.left.deoptimizePath(gt),this.right.bind(),this.body.bind()}createScope(e){this.scope=new bs(e)}hasEffects(){return!0}include(e,t){this.included=!0,this.left.include(e,t||!0),this.left.deoptimizePath(gt),this.right.include(e,t);const{brokenFlow:n}=e;this.body.includeAsSingleStatement(e,t),e.brokenFlow=n}render(e,t){this.left.render(e,t,et),this.right.render(e,t,et),102===e.original.charCodeAt(this.right.start-1)&&e.prependLeft(this.right.start," "),this.body.render(e,t)}}class ro extends gn{createScope(e){this.scope=new bs(e)}hasEffects(e){if(this.init&&this.init.hasEffects(e)||this.test&&this.test.hasEffects(e)||this.update&&this.update.hasEffects(e))return!0;const{brokenFlow:t,ignore:{breaks:n,continues:r}}=e;return e.ignore.breaks=!0,e.ignore.continues=!0,!!this.body.hasEffects(e)||(e.ignore.breaks=n,e.ignore.continues=r,e.brokenFlow=t,!1)}include(e,t){this.included=!0,this.init&&this.init.includeAsSingleStatement(e,t),this.test&&this.test.include(e,t);const{brokenFlow:n}=e;this.update&&this.update.include(e,t),this.body.includeAsSingleStatement(e,t),e.brokenFlow=n}render(e,t){this.init&&this.init.render(e,t,et),this.test&&this.test.render(e,t,et),this.update&&this.update.render(e,t,et),this.body.render(e,t)}}class io extends Wn{render(e,t,{renderedParentType:n,renderedSurroundingElement:r}=Dn){super.render(e,t);(n||r)===Qe&&(e.appendRight(this.start,"("),e.prependLeft(this.end,")"))}}class so extends bs{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.hoistedDeclarations=[]}addDeclaration(e,t,n,r){return this.hoistedDeclarations.push(e),this.parent.addDeclaration(e,t,n,r)}}const oo=Symbol("unset");class ao extends gn{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.testValue=oo}deoptimizeCache(){this.testValue=St}hasEffects(e){if(this.test.hasEffects(e))return!0;const t=this.getTestValue();if(t===St){const{brokenFlow:t}=e;if(this.consequent.hasEffects(e))return!0;const n=e.brokenFlow;return e.brokenFlow=t,null===this.alternate?!1:!!this.alternate.hasEffects(e)||(e.brokenFlow=e.brokenFlow{const t=e.variable;return t.included?t.getName():""})))].filter(Boolean).join(", ");if(n){const e=this.parent.type,r=e!==qe&&e!==Ke;t.prependRight(this.start,`${r?"{ ":""}var ${n}; `),r&&t.appendLeft(this.end," }")}}shouldKeepAlternateBranch(){let e=this.parent;do{if(e instanceof ao&&e.alternate)return!0;if(e instanceof ws)return!1;e=e.parent}while(e);return!1}}class Bo extends gn{bind(){}hasEffects(){return!1}initialise(){this.context.addImport(this)}render(e,t,n){e.remove(n.start,n.end)}}Bo.prototype.needsBoundaries=!0;class co extends gn{}class lo extends gn{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.inlineNamespace=null,this.mechanism=null,this.resolution=null}hasEffects(){return!0}include(e,t){this.included||(this.included=!0,this.context.includeDynamicImport(this),this.scope.addAccessedDynamicImport(this)),this.source.include(e,t)}initialise(){this.context.addDynamicImport(this)}render(e,t){if(this.inlineNamespace){const n=t.compact?"":" ",r=t.compact?"":";";e.overwrite(this.start,this.end,`Promise.resolve().then(function${n}()${n}{${n}return ${this.inlineNamespace.getName()}${r}${n}})`)}else this.mechanism&&(e.overwrite(this.start,tt(e.original,"(",this.start+6)+1,this.mechanism.left),e.overwrite(this.end-1,this.end,this.mechanism.right)),this.source.render(e,t)}renderFinalResolution(e,t,n,r){if(e.overwrite(this.source.start,this.source.end,t),n){const t=r.compact?"":" ",i=r.compact?"":";";e.prependLeft(this.end,`.then(function${t}(n)${t}{${t}return n.${n}${i}${t}})`)}}setExternalResolution(e,t,n,r,i){this.resolution=t;const s=[...uo[n.format]||[]];let o;({helper:o,mechanism:this.mechanism}=this.getDynamicImportMechanismAndHelper(t,e,n,r)),o&&s.push(o),s.length>0&&this.scope.addAccessedGlobals(s,i)}setInternalResolution(e){this.inlineNamespace=e}getDynamicImportMechanismAndHelper(e,t,n,r){const i=r.hookFirstSync("renderDynamicImport",[{customResolution:"string"==typeof this.resolution?this.resolution:null,format:n.format,moduleId:this.context.module.id,targetModuleId:this.resolution&&"string"!=typeof this.resolution?this.resolution.id:null}]);if(i)return{helper:null,mechanism:i};switch(n.format){case"cjs":{const r=n.compact?"":" ",i=n.compact?"":";",s=`Promise.resolve().then(function${r}()${r}{${r}return`,o=this.getInteropHelper(e,t,n.interop);return{helper:o,mechanism:o?{left:`${s} /*#__PURE__*/${o}(require(`,right:`))${i}${r}})`}:{left:`${s} require(`,right:`)${i}${r}})`}}}case"amd":{const r=n.compact?"":" ",i=n.compact?"c":"resolve",s=n.compact?"e":"reject",o=this.getInteropHelper(e,t,n.interop);return{helper:o,mechanism:{left:`new Promise(function${r}(${i},${r}${s})${r}{${r}require([`,right:`],${r}${o?`function${r}(m)${r}{${r}${i}(/*#__PURE__*/${o}(m));${r}}`:i},${r}${s})${r}})`}}}case"system":return{helper:null,mechanism:{left:"module.import(",right:")"}};case"es":if(n.dynamicImportFunction)return{helper:null,mechanism:{left:`${n.dynamicImportFunction}(`,right:")"}}}return{helper:null,mechanism:null}}getInteropHelper(e,t,n){return"external"===t?Dr[String(n(e instanceof gr?e.id:null))]:"default"===t?kr():null}}const uo={amd:["require"],cjs:["require"],system:["module"]};class po extends gn{}class ho extends gn{}class fo extends gn{hasEffects(e){const t=e.brokenFlow;return e.ignore.labels.add(this.label.name),!!this.body.hasEffects(e)||(e.ignore.labels.delete(this.label.name),e.includedLabels.has(this.label.name)&&(e.includedLabels.delete(this.label.name),e.brokenFlow=t),!1)}include(e,t){this.included=!0;const n=e.brokenFlow;this.body.include(e,t),(t||e.includedLabels.has(this.label.name))&&(this.label.include(),e.includedLabels.delete(this.label.name),e.brokenFlow=n)}render(e,t){this.label.included?this.label.render(e,t):e.remove(this.start,rt(e.original,tt(e.original,":",this.label.end)+1)),this.body.render(e,t)}}class Co extends gn{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized=[],this.isBranchResolutionAnalysed=!1,this.unusedBranch=null,this.usedBranch=null,this.wasPathDeoptimizedWhileOptimized=!1}bind(){super.bind(),this.getUsedBranch()}deoptimizeCache(){if(null!==this.usedBranch){this.usedBranch=null;const e=this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized;this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized=[],this.wasPathDeoptimizedWhileOptimized&&this.unusedBranch.deoptimizePath(At);for(const t of e)t.deoptimizeCache()}}deoptimizePath(e){const t=this.getUsedBranch();null===t?(this.left.deoptimizePath(e),this.right.deoptimizePath(e)):(this.wasPathDeoptimizedWhileOptimized=!0,t.deoptimizePath(e))}getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n){const r=this.getUsedBranch();return null===r?St:(this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized.push(n),r.getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n))}getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){const r=this.getUsedBranch();return null===r?new Xs([this.left.getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n),this.right.getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n)]):(this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized.push(n),r.getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n))}hasEffects(e){return!!this.left.hasEffects(e)||this.usedBranch!==this.left&&this.right.hasEffects(e)}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t){return 0!==e.length&&(null===this.usedBranch?this.left.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t)||this.right.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t):this.usedBranch.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t))}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t){return 0===e.length||(null===this.usedBranch?this.left.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t)||this.right.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t):this.usedBranch.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t))}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return null===this.usedBranch?this.left.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n)||this.right.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n):this.usedBranch.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n)}include(e,t){this.included=!0,t||this.usedBranch===this.right&&this.left.shouldBeIncluded(e)||null===this.usedBranch?(this.left.include(e,t),this.right.include(e,t)):this.usedBranch.include(e,t)}render(e,t,{renderedParentType:n,isCalleeOfRenderedParent:r,preventASI:i}=Dn){if(this.left.included&&this.right.included)this.left.render(e,t,{preventASI:i}),this.right.render(e,t);else{const s=tt(e.original,this.operator,this.left.end);if(this.right.included){const t=rt(e.original,s+2);e.remove(this.start,t),i&&at(e,t,this.right.start)}else e.remove(s,this.end);Ze(this,e),this.usedBranch.render(e,t,{isCalleeOfRenderedParent:n?r:this.parent.callee===this,preventASI:i,renderedParentType:n||this.parent.type})}}getUsedBranch(){if(!this.isBranchResolutionAnalysed){this.isBranchResolutionAnalysed=!0;const e=this.left.getLiteralValueAtPath(gt,vt,this);if(e===St)return null;"||"===this.operator&&e||"&&"===this.operator&&!e||"??"===this.operator&&null!=e?(this.usedBranch=this.left,this.unusedBranch=this.right):(this.usedBranch=this.right,this.unusedBranch=this.left)}return this.usedBranch}}const mo="ROLLUP_ASSET_URL_",go="ROLLUP_CHUNK_URL_",Ao="ROLLUP_FILE_URL_";class yo extends gn{addAccessedGlobals(e,t){const n=this.metaProperty,r=(n&&(n.startsWith(Ao)||n.startsWith(mo)||n.startsWith(go))?vo:Eo)[e];r.length>0&&this.scope.addAccessedGlobals(r,t)}getReferencedFileName(e){const t=this.metaProperty;return t&&t.startsWith(Ao)?e.getFileName(t.substr(Ao.length)):null}hasEffects(){return!1}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return e.length>1}include(){if(!this.included&&(this.included=!0,"import"===this.meta.name)){this.context.addImportMeta(this);const e=this.parent;this.metaProperty=e instanceof Gs&&"string"==typeof e.propertyKey?e.propertyKey:null}}renderFinalMechanism(e,n,r,i){var s;const o=this.parent,a=this.metaProperty;if(a&&(a.startsWith(Ao)||a.startsWith(mo)||a.startsWith(go))){let s,B=null,c=null,l=null;a.startsWith(Ao)?(B=a.substr(Ao.length),s=i.getFileName(B)):a.startsWith(mo)?(Yi(`Using the "${mo}" prefix to reference files is deprecated. Use the "${Ao}" prefix instead.`,!0,this.context.options),c=a.substr(mo.length),s=i.getFileName(c)):(Yi(`Using the "${go}" prefix to reference files is deprecated. Use the "${Ao}" prefix instead.`,!0,this.context.options),l=a.substr(go.length),s=i.getFileName(l));const u=mr(t.relative(t.dirname(n),s));let p;return null!==c&&(p=i.hookFirstSync("resolveAssetUrl",[{assetFileName:s,chunkId:n,format:r,moduleId:this.context.module.id,relativeAssetPath:u}])),p||(p=i.hookFirstSync("resolveFileUrl",[{assetReferenceId:c,chunkId:n,chunkReferenceId:l,fileName:s,format:r,moduleId:this.context.module.id,referenceId:B||c||l,relativePath:u}])||xo[r](u)),void e.overwrite(o.start,o.end,p,{contentOnly:!0})}const B=i.hookFirstSync("resolveImportMeta",[a,{chunkId:n,format:r,moduleId:this.context.module.id}])||(null===(s=Do[r])||void 0===s?void 0:s.call(Do,a,n));"string"==typeof B&&(o instanceof Gs?e.overwrite(o.start,o.end,B,{contentOnly:!0}):e.overwrite(this.start,this.end,B,{contentOnly:!0}))}}const Eo={amd:["document","module","URL"],cjs:["document","require","URL"],es:[],iife:["document","URL"],system:["module"],umd:["document","require","URL"]},vo={amd:["document","require","URL"],cjs:["document","require","URL"],es:[],iife:["document","URL"],system:["module","URL"],umd:["document","require","URL"]},_o=(e,t="URL")=>`new ${t}(${e}).href`,bo=e=>_o(`'${e}', document.currentScript && document.currentScript.src || document.baseURI`),So=e=>(t,n)=>{const r=e(n);return null===t?`({ url: ${r} })`:"url"===t?r:"undefined"},wo=e=>`(document.currentScript && document.currentScript.src || new URL('${e}', document.baseURI).href)`,xo={amd:e=>("."!==e[0]&&(e="./"+e),_o(`require.toUrl('${e}'), document.baseURI`)),cjs:e=>`(typeof document === 'undefined' ? ${_o(`'file:' + __dirname + '/${e}'`,"(require('u' + 'rl').URL)")} : ${bo(e)})`,es:e=>_o(`'${e}', import.meta.url`),iife:e=>bo(e),system:e=>_o(`'${e}', module.meta.url`),umd:e=>`(typeof document === 'undefined' ? ${_o(`'file:' + __dirname + '/${e}'`,"(require('u' + 'rl').URL)")} : ${bo(e)})`},Do={amd:So((()=>_o("module.uri, document.baseURI"))),cjs:So((e=>`(typeof document === 'undefined' ? ${_o("'file:' + __filename","(require('u' + 'rl').URL)")} : ${wo(e)})`)),iife:So((e=>wo(e))),system:e=>null===e?"module.meta":`module.meta.${e}`,umd:So((e=>`(typeof document === 'undefined' ? ${_o("'file:' + __filename","(require('u' + 'rl').URL)")} : ${wo(e)})`))};class Io extends gn{bind(){super.bind();for(const e of this.arguments)e.deoptimizePath(At)}hasEffects(e){var t;for(const t of this.arguments)if(t.hasEffects(e))return!0;return(!this.context.options.treeshake.annotations||!(null===(t=this.annotations)||void 0===t?void 0:t.some((e=>e.pure))))&&(this.callee.hasEffects(e)||this.callee.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(gt,this.callOptions,e))}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return e.length>1}initialise(){this.callOptions={args:this.arguments,withNew:!0}}}class ko extends gn{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.deoptimizedPaths=new Set,this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized=new Map,this.hasUnknownDeoptimizedProperty=!1,this.propertyMap=null,this.unmatchablePropertiesRead=[],this.unmatchablePropertiesWrite=[]}bind(){super.bind(),this.getPropertyMap()}deoptimizeCache(){this.hasUnknownDeoptimizedProperty||this.deoptimizeAllProperties()}deoptimizePath(e){if(this.hasUnknownDeoptimizedProperty)return;const t=this.getPropertyMap(),n=e[0];if(1===e.length){if("string"!=typeof n)return void this.deoptimizeAllProperties();if(!this.deoptimizedPaths.has(n)){this.deoptimizedPaths.add(n);const e=this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized.get(n);if(e)for(const t of e)t.deoptimizeCache()}}const r=1===e.length?At:e.slice(1);for(const e of"string"==typeof n?t[n]?t[n].propertiesRead:[]:this.properties)e.deoptimizePath(r)}getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n){const r=this.getPropertyMap(),i=e[0];return 0===e.length||this.hasUnknownDeoptimizedProperty||"string"!=typeof i||this.deoptimizedPaths.has(i)?St:1!==e.length||r[i]||Xt[i]||0!==this.unmatchablePropertiesRead.length?!r[i]||null===r[i].exactMatchRead||r[i].propertiesRead.length>1?St:(Ct(this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized,i,(()=>[])).push(n),r[i].exactMatchRead.getLiteralValueAtPath(e.slice(1),t,n)):void Ct(this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized,i,(()=>[])).push(n)}getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){const r=this.getPropertyMap(),i=e[0];return 0===e.length||this.hasUnknownDeoptimizedProperty||"string"!=typeof i||this.deoptimizedPaths.has(i)?Dt:1!==e.length||!Xt[i]||0!==this.unmatchablePropertiesRead.length||r[i]&&null!==r[i].exactMatchRead?!r[i]||null===r[i].exactMatchRead||r[i].propertiesRead.length>1?Dt:(Ct(this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized,i,(()=>[])).push(n),r[i].exactMatchRead.getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e.slice(1),t,n)):tn(Xt,i)}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t){if(0===e.length)return!1;const n=e[0],r=this.propertyMap;if(e.length>1&&(this.hasUnknownDeoptimizedProperty||"string"!=typeof n||this.deoptimizedPaths.has(n)||!r[n]||null===r[n].exactMatchRead))return!0;const i=e.slice(1);for(const e of"string"!=typeof n?this.properties:r[n]?r[n].propertiesRead:[])if(e.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(i,t))return!0;return!1}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t){const n=e[0],r=this.propertyMap;if(e.length>1&&(this.hasUnknownDeoptimizedProperty||this.deoptimizedPaths.has(n)||!r[n]||null===r[n].exactMatchRead))return!0;const i=e.slice(1);for(const s of"string"!=typeof n?this.properties:e.length>1?r[n].propertiesRead:r[n]?r[n].propertiesWrite:[])if(s.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(i,t))return!0;return!1}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){const r=e[0];if("string"!=typeof r||this.hasUnknownDeoptimizedProperty||this.deoptimizedPaths.has(r)||(this.propertyMap[r]?!this.propertyMap[r].exactMatchRead:e.length>1||!Xt[r]))return!0;const i=e.slice(1);if(this.propertyMap[r])for(const e of this.propertyMap[r].propertiesRead)if(e.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(i,t,n))return!0;return!(1!==e.length||!Xt[r])&&en(Xt,r,this.included,t,n)}mayModifyThisWhenCalledAtPath(e,t){var n;if(!e.length||"string"!=typeof e[0])return!0;const r=null===(n=this.getPropertyMap()[e[0]])||void 0===n?void 0:n.exactMatchRead;return!r||r.value.mayModifyThisWhenCalledAtPath(e.slice(1),t)}render(e,t,{renderedParentType:n,renderedSurroundingElement:r}=Dn){super.render(e,t);const i=n||r;i!==Qe&&i!==He||(e.appendRight(this.start,"("),e.prependLeft(this.end,")"))}deoptimizeAllProperties(){this.hasUnknownDeoptimizedProperty=!0;for(const e of this.properties)e.deoptimizePath(At);for(const e of this.expressionsToBeDeoptimized.values())for(const t of e)t.deoptimizeCache()}getPropertyMap(){if(null!==this.propertyMap)return this.propertyMap;const e=this.propertyMap=Object.create(null);for(let t=this.properties.length-1;t>=0;t--){const n=this.properties[t];if(n instanceof _n){this.unmatchablePropertiesRead.push(n);continue}const r="get"!==n.kind,i="set"!==n.kind;let s;if(n.computed){const e=n.key.getLiteralValueAtPath(gt,vt,this);if(e===St){i?this.unmatchablePropertiesRead.push(n):this.unmatchablePropertiesWrite.push(n);continue}s=String(e)}else s=n.key instanceof Jn?n.key.name:String(n.key.value);const o=e[s];o?(i&&null===o.exactMatchRead&&(o.exactMatchRead=n,o.propertiesRead.push(n,...this.unmatchablePropertiesRead)),r&&!i&&null===o.exactMatchWrite&&(o.exactMatchWrite=n,o.propertiesWrite.push(n,...this.unmatchablePropertiesWrite))):e[s]={exactMatchRead:i?n:null,exactMatchWrite:r?n:null,propertiesRead:i?[n,...this.unmatchablePropertiesRead]:[],propertiesWrite:r&&!i?[n,...this.unmatchablePropertiesWrite]:[]}}return e}}class Oo extends gn{addExportedVariables(e,t){for(const n of this.properties)n.type===ze?n.value.addExportedVariables(e,t):n.argument.addExportedVariables(e,t)}declare(e,t){const n=[];for(const r of this.properties)n.push(...r.declare(e,t));return n}deoptimizePath(e){if(0===e.length)for(const t of this.properties)t.deoptimizePath(e)}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t){if(e.length>0)return!0;for(const e of this.properties)if(e.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(gt,t))return!0;return!1}}class No extends gn{}class To extends gn{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.hasCachedEffect=!1}hasEffects(e){if(this.hasCachedEffect)return!0;for(const t of this.body)if(t.hasEffects(e))return this.hasCachedEffect=!0;return!1}include(e,t){this.included=!0;for(const n of this.body)(t||n.shouldBeIncluded(e))&&n.include(e,t)}render(e,t){this.body.length?st(this.body,e,this.start,this.end,t):super.render(e,t)}}class Po extends gn{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.declarationInit=null,this.returnExpression=null}bind(){super.bind(),"get"===this.kind&&this.getReturnExpression(),null!==this.declarationInit&&this.declarationInit.deoptimizePath([mt,mt])}declare(e,t){return this.declarationInit=t,this.value.declare(e,Dt)}deoptimizeCache(){}deoptimizePath(e){"get"===this.kind?this.getReturnExpression().deoptimizePath(e):this.value.deoptimizePath(e)}getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n){return"get"===this.kind?this.getReturnExpression().getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n):this.value.getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n)}getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return"get"===this.kind?this.getReturnExpression().getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n):this.value.getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n)}hasEffects(e){const t=this.context.options.treeshake.propertyReadSideEffects;return"ObjectPattern"===this.parent.type&&"always"===t||this.key.hasEffects(e)||this.value.hasEffects(e)}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t){if("get"===this.kind){const n=t.accessed.getEntities(e);return!n.has(this)&&(n.add(this),this.value.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(gt,this.accessorCallOptions,t)||e.length>0&&this.returnExpression.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t))}return this.value.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t)}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t){if("get"===this.kind){const n=t.assigned.getEntities(e);return!n.has(this)&&(n.add(this),this.returnExpression.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t))}if("set"===this.kind){const n=t.assigned.getEntities(e);return!n.has(this)&&(n.add(this),this.value.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(gt,this.accessorCallOptions,t))}return this.value.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t)}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){if("get"===this.kind){const r=(t.withNew?n.instantiated:n.called).getEntities(e,t);return!r.has(this)&&(r.add(this),this.returnExpression.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n))}return this.value.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n)}initialise(){this.accessorCallOptions={args:ft,withNew:!1}}render(e,t){this.shorthand||this.key.render(e,t),this.value.render(e,t,{isShorthandProperty:this.shorthand})}getReturnExpression(){return null===this.returnExpression?(this.returnExpression=Dt,this.returnExpression=this.value.getReturnExpressionWhenCalledAtPath(gt,vt,this)):this.returnExpression}}class Mo extends gn{hasEffects(e){return this.key.hasEffects(e)||this.static&&null!==this.value&&this.value.hasEffects(e)}}class Fo extends gn{hasEffects(e){return!(e.ignore.returnAwaitYield&&(null===this.argument||!this.argument.hasEffects(e)))||(e.brokenFlow=sn,!1)}include(e,t){this.included=!0,this.argument&&this.argument.include(e,t),e.brokenFlow=sn}initialise(){this.scope.addReturnExpression(this.argument||Dt)}render(e,t){this.argument&&(this.argument.render(e,t,{preventASI:!0}),this.argument.start===this.start+6&&e.prependLeft(this.start+6," "))}}class Lo extends gn{deoptimizePath(e){e.length>0&&this.expressions[this.expressions.length-1].deoptimizePath(e)}getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n){return this.expressions[this.expressions.length-1].getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n)}hasEffects(e){for(const t of this.expressions)if(t.hasEffects(e))return!0;return!1}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t){return e.length>0&&this.expressions[this.expressions.length-1].hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t)}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t){return 0===e.length||this.expressions[this.expressions.length-1].hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t)}hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n){return this.expressions[this.expressions.length-1].hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(e,t,n)}include(e,t){this.included=!0;for(let n=0;n=0;s--){const o=this.cases[s];if(o.included&&(i=!0),!i){const e=an();e.ignore.breaks=!0,i=o.hasEffects(e)}i?(o.include(e,t),r=r0&&st(this.cases,e,this.cases[0].start,this.end-1,t)}}class Ko extends gn{bind(){if(super.bind(),this.tag.type===Je){const e=this.tag.name;this.scope.findVariable(e).isNamespace&&this.context.warn({code:"CANNOT_CALL_NAMESPACE",message:`Cannot call a namespace ('${e}')`},this.start),"eval"===e&&this.context.warn({code:"EVAL",message:"Use of eval is strongly discouraged, as it poses security risks and may cause issues with minification",url:"https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#avoiding-eval"},this.start)}}hasEffects(e){return super.hasEffects(e)||this.tag.hasEffectsWhenCalledAtPath(gt,this.callOptions,e)}initialise(){this.callOptions={args:ft,withNew:!1}}}class Vo extends gn{bind(){}hasEffects(){return!1}include(){this.included=!0}parseNode(e){this.value=e.value,super.parseNode(e)}render(){}}class Uo extends gn{getLiteralValueAtPath(e){return e.length>0||1!==this.quasis.length?St:this.quasis[0].value.cooked}render(e,t){e.indentExclusionRanges.push([this.start,this.end]),super.render(e,t)}}class Qo extends pn{constructor(e,t){super(e),this.context=t,this.variables.set("this",new ln("this",null,It,t))}addExportDefaultDeclaration(e,t,n){const r=new Zn(e,t,n);return this.variables.set("default",r),r}addNamespaceMemberAccess(){}deconflict(e,t,n){for(const r of this.children)r.deconflict(e,t,n)}findLexicalBoundary(){return this}findVariable(e){const t=this.variables.get(e)||this.accessedOutsideVariables.get(e);if(t)return t;const n=this.context.traceVariable(e)||this.parent.findVariable(e);return n instanceof Qn&&this.accessedOutsideVariables.set(e,n),n}}class Jo extends gn{bind(){super.bind(),this.variable=this.scope.findVariable("this")}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t){return e.length>0&&this.variable.hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e,t)}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t){return this.variable.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(e,t)}initialise(){this.alias=this.scope.findLexicalBoundary()instanceof Qo?this.context.moduleContext:null,"undefined"===this.alias&&this.context.warn({code:"THIS_IS_UNDEFINED",message:"The 'this' keyword is equivalent to 'undefined' at the top level of an ES module, and has been rewritten",url:"https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#error-this-is-undefined"},this.start);for(let e=this.parent;e instanceof gn;e=e.parent)if(e instanceof Wn){e.referencesThis=!0;break}}render(e){null!==this.alias&&e.overwrite(this.start,this.end,this.alias,{contentOnly:!1,storeName:!0})}}class jo extends gn{hasEffects(){return!0}include(e,t){this.included=!0,this.argument.include(e,t),e.brokenFlow=sn}render(e,t){this.argument.render(e,t,{preventASI:!0}),this.argument.start===this.start+5&&e.prependLeft(this.start+5," ")}}class Wo extends gn{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.directlyIncluded=!1,this.includedLabelsAfterBlock=null}hasEffects(e){return(this.context.options.treeshake.tryCatchDeoptimization?this.block.body.length>0:this.block.hasEffects(e))||null!==this.finalizer&&this.finalizer.hasEffects(e)}include(e,t){var n;const r=null===(n=this.context.options.treeshake)||void 0===n?void 0:n.tryCatchDeoptimization,{brokenFlow:i}=e;if(this.directlyIncluded&&r){if(this.includedLabelsAfterBlock)for(const t of this.includedLabelsAfterBlock)e.includedLabels.add(t)}else this.included=!0,this.directlyIncluded=!0,this.block.include(e,r?mn:t),e.includedLabels.size>0&&(this.includedLabelsAfterBlock=[...e.includedLabels]),e.brokenFlow=i;null!==this.handler&&(this.handler.include(e,t),e.brokenFlow=i),null!==this.finalizer&&this.finalizer.include(e,t)}}const Xo={"!":e=>!e,"+":e=>+e,"-":e=>-e,delete:()=>St,typeof:e=>typeof e,void:()=>{},"~":e=>~e};class qo extends gn{bind(){super.bind(),"delete"===this.operator&&this.argument.deoptimizePath(gt)}getLiteralValueAtPath(e,t,n){if(e.length>0)return St;const r=this.argument.getLiteralValueAtPath(gt,t,n);return r===St?St:Xo[this.operator](r)}hasEffects(e){return!("typeof"===this.operator&&this.argument instanceof Jn)&&(this.argument.hasEffects(e)||"delete"===this.operator&&this.argument.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(gt,e))}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return"void"===this.operator?e.length>0:e.length>1}}class zo extends gn{hasEffects(){return!0}include(e){super.include(e,!0)}}class Yo extends gn{bind(){if(super.bind(),this.argument.deoptimizePath(gt),this.argument instanceof Jn){this.scope.findVariable(this.argument.name).isReassigned=!0}}hasEffects(e){return this.argument.hasEffects(e)||this.argument.hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(gt,e)}hasEffectsWhenAccessedAtPath(e){return e.length>1}render(e,t){if(this.argument.render(e,t),"system"===t.format){const n=this.argument.variable,r=t.exportNamesByVariable.get(n);if(r&&r.length){const i=t.compact?"":" ",s=n.getName();if(this.prefix)1===r.length?e.overwrite(this.start,this.end,`exports('${r[0]}',${i}${this.operator}${s})`):e.overwrite(this.start,this.end,`(${this.operator}${s},${i}${Bt([n],t)},${i}${s})`);else if(r.length>1)e.overwrite(this.start,this.end,`(${ct([n],!1,t)}${this.operator}${s}))`);else{let t;switch(this.operator){case"++":t=`${s}${i}+${i}1`;break;case"--":t=`${s}${i}-${i}1`}e.overwrite(this.start,this.end,`(exports('${r[0]}',${i}${t}),${i}${s}${this.operator})`)}}}}}function $o(e,t){return null!==e.renderBaseName&&t.has(e)&&e.isReassigned}function Zo(e,t){for(const n of e){if(!n.id.included)return!1;if(n.id.type===Je){if(t.has(n.id.variable))return!1}else{const e=[];if(n.id.addExportedVariables(e,t),e.length>0)return!1}}return!0}class ea extends gn{deoptimizePath(){for(const e of this.declarations)e.deoptimizePath(gt)}hasEffectsWhenAssignedAtPath(){return!1}include(e,t){this.included=!0;for(const n of this.declarations)(t||n.shouldBeIncluded(e))&&n.include(e,t)}includeAsSingleStatement(e,t){this.included=!0;for(const n of this.declarations)(t||n.shouldBeIncluded(e))&&(n.include(e,t),n.id.include(e,t))}initialise(){for(const e of this.declarations)e.declareDeclarator(this.kind)}render(e,t,n=Dn){if(Zo(this.declarations,t.exportNamesByVariable)){for(const n of this.declarations)n.render(e,t);n.isNoStatement||59===e.original.charCodeAt(this.end-1)||e.appendLeft(this.end,";")}else this.renderReplacedDeclarations(e,t,n)}renderDeclarationEnd(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a){59===e.original.charCodeAt(this.end-1)&&e.remove(this.end-1,this.end),a||(t+=";"),null!==n?(10!==e.original.charCodeAt(r-1)||10!==e.original.charCodeAt(this.end)&&13!==e.original.charCodeAt(this.end)||(r--,13===e.original.charCodeAt(r)&&r--),r===n+1?e.overwrite(n,i,t):(e.overwrite(n,n+1,t),e.remove(r,i))):e.appendLeft(i,t),s.length>0&&e.appendLeft(i,` ${Bt(s,o)};`)}renderReplacedDeclarations(e,t,{isNoStatement:n}){const r=ot(this.declarations,e,this.start+this.kind.length,this.end-(59===e.original.charCodeAt(this.end-1)?1:0));let i,s;s=rt(e.original,this.start+this.kind.length);let o=s-1;e.remove(this.start,o);let a,B,c=!1,l=!1,u="";const p=[];for(const{node:n,start:h,separator:d,contentEnd:f,end:C}of r)if(n.included){if(a="",B="",!n.id.included||n.id instanceof Jn&&$o(n.id.variable,t.exportNamesByVariable))l&&(u+=";"),c=!1;else{if("system"===t.format&&null!==n.init)if(n.id.type!==Je)n.id.addExportedVariables(p,t.exportNamesByVariable);else{const r=t.exportNamesByVariable.get(n.id.variable);if(r){const i=t.compact?"":" ",s=tt(e.original,"=",n.id.end);e.prependLeft(rt(e.original,s+1),1===r.length?`exports('${r[0]}',${i}`:ct([n.id.variable],!1,t)),B+=")"}}c?u+=",":(l&&(u+=";"),a+=`${this.kind} `,c=!0)}s===o+1?e.overwrite(o,s,u+a):(e.overwrite(o,o+1,u),e.appendLeft(s,a)),n.render(e,t),i=f,s=C,l=!0,o=d,u=B}else e.remove(h,C);this.renderDeclarationEnd(e,u,o,i,s,p,t,n)}}class ta extends gn{declareDeclarator(e){this.id.declare(e,this.init||It)}deoptimizePath(e){this.id.deoptimizePath(e)}hasEffects(e){return this.id.hasEffects(e)||null!==this.init&&this.init.hasEffects(e)}include(e,t){this.included=!0,(t||this.id.shouldBeIncluded(e))&&this.id.include(e,t),this.init&&this.init.include(e,t)}render(e,t){const n=this.id.included;if(n)this.id.render(e,t);else{const t=tt(e.original,"=",this.id.end);e.remove(this.start,rt(e.original,t+1))}if(this.init)this.init.render(e,t,n?Dn:{renderedParentType:Qe});else if(this.id instanceof Jn&&$o(this.id.variable,t.exportNamesByVariable)){const n=t.compact?"":" ";e.appendLeft(this.end,`${n}=${n}void 0`)}}}class na extends gn{hasEffects(e){if(this.test.hasEffects(e))return!0;const{brokenFlow:t,ignore:{breaks:n,continues:r}}=e;return e.ignore.breaks=!0,e.ignore.continues=!0,!!this.body.hasEffects(e)||(e.ignore.breaks=n,e.ignore.continues=r,e.brokenFlow=t,!1)}include(e,t){this.included=!0,this.test.include(e,t);const{brokenFlow:n}=e;this.body.includeAsSingleStatement(e,t),e.brokenFlow=n}}class ra extends gn{bind(){super.bind(),null!==this.argument&&this.argument.deoptimizePath(At)}hasEffects(e){return!e.ignore.returnAwaitYield||null!==this.argument&&this.argument.hasEffects(e)}render(e,t){this.argument&&(this.argument.render(e,t,{preventASI:!0}),this.argument.start===this.start+5&&e.prependLeft(this.start+5," "))}}const ia={ArrayExpression:vs,ArrayPattern:_s,ArrowFunctionExpression:xs,AssignmentExpression:Ds,AssignmentPattern:Is,AwaitExpression:ks,BinaryExpression:Ns,BlockStatement:ws,BreakStatement:Ts,CallExpression:Hs,CatchClause:Vs,ChainExpression:Us,ClassBody:js,ClassDeclaration:yn,ClassExpression:Ws,ConditionalExpression:qs,ContinueStatement:zs,DoWhileStatement:Ys,EmptyStatement:$s,ExportAllDeclaration:Es,ExportDefaultDeclaration:Yn,ExportNamedDeclaration:Zs,ExportSpecifier:eo,ExpressionStatement:Ss,ForInStatement:to,ForOfStatement:no,ForStatement:ro,FunctionDeclaration:Xn,FunctionExpression:io,Identifier:Jn,IfStatement:ao,ImportDeclaration:Bo,ImportDefaultSpecifier:co,ImportExpression:lo,ImportNamespaceSpecifier:po,ImportSpecifier:ho,LabeledStatement:fo,Literal:Ps,LogicalExpression:Co,MemberExpression:Gs,MetaProperty:yo,MethodDefinition:Js,NewExpression:Io,ObjectExpression:ko,ObjectPattern:Oo,PrivateIdentifier:No,Program:To,Property:Po,PropertyDefinition:Mo,RestElement:jn,ReturnStatement:Fo,SequenceExpression:Lo,SpreadElement:_n,Super:Ro,SwitchCase:Go,SwitchStatement:Ho,TaggedTemplateExpression:Ko,TemplateElement:Vo,TemplateLiteral:Uo,ThisExpression:Jo,ThrowStatement:jo,TryStatement:Wo,UnaryExpression:qo,UnknownNode:zo,UpdateExpression:Yo,VariableDeclaration:ea,VariableDeclarator:ta,WhileStatement:na,YieldExpression:ra};function sa(e){return e.id}function oa(e,t){const n=e.filter((e=>e.mappings));for(;n.length>0;){const e=n.pop(),r=e.mappings[t.line-1];let i=!1;if(void 0!==r)for(const n of r)if(n[0]>=t.column){if(1===n.length)break;t={column:n[3],line:n[2]+1,name:5===n.length?e.names[n[4]]:void 0,source:e.sources[n[1]]},i=!0;break}if(!i)throw new Error("Can't resolve original location of error.")}return t}let aa="sourceMa";aa+="ppingURL";const Ba="[ \\f\\r\\t\\v\\u00a0\\u1680\\u2000-\\u200a\\u2028\\u2029\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000\\ufeff]",ca=`//#${Ba}+${aa}=.+`,la=`/\\*#${Ba}+${aa}=.+\\*/`,ua=new RegExp(`(${ca})|(${la})`,"g"),pa=()=>{};let ha=()=>[0,0],da=()=>0,fa=()=>0,Ca={};const ma=e=>1e3*e[0]+e[1]/1e6;function ga(){"undefined"!=typeof process&&"function"==typeof process.hrtime?(ha=process.hrtime.bind(process),da=e=>ma(process.hrtime(e))):"undefined"!=typeof performance&&"function"==typeof performance.now&&(ha=()=>[performance.now(),0],da=e=>performance.now()-e[0]),"undefined"!=typeof process&&"function"==typeof process.memoryUsage&&(fa=()=>process.memoryUsage().heapUsed)}function Aa(e,t){switch(t){case 1:return`# ${e}`;case 2:return`## ${e}`;case 3:return e;default:return`${" ".repeat(t-4)}- ${e}`}}function ya(e,t=3){e=Aa(e,t),Ca.hasOwnProperty(e)||(Ca[e]={memory:0,startMemory:void 0,startTime:void 0,time:0,totalMemory:0});const n=fa();Ca[e].startTime=ha(),Ca[e].startMemory=n}function Ea(e,t=3){if(e=Aa(e,t),Ca.hasOwnProperty(e)){const t=fa();Ca[e].time+=da(Ca[e].startTime),Ca[e].totalMemory=Math.max(Ca[e].totalMemory,t),Ca[e].memory+=t-Ca[e].startMemory}}function va(){const e={};for(const t of Object.keys(Ca))e[t]=[Ca[t].time,Ca[t].memory,Ca[t].totalMemory];return e}let _a=pa,ba=pa;const Sa={load:!0,resolveDynamicImport:!0,resolveId:!0,transform:!0};function wa(e,t){const n={};for(const r of Object.keys(e))if(!0===Sa[r]){let i=`plugin ${t}`;e.name&&(i+=` (${e.name})`),i+=` - ${r}`,n[r]=function(){_a(i,4);let t=e[r].apply(this===n?e:this,arguments);return ba(i,4),t&&"function"==typeof t.then&&(_a(`${i} (async)`,4),t=t.then((e=>(ba(`${i} (async)`,4),e)))),t}}else n[r]=e[r];return n}function xa(e){e.perf?(Ca={},ga(),_a=ya,ba=Ea,e.plugins=e.plugins.map(wa)):(_a=pa,ba=pa)}function Da(e){e.isExecuted=!0;const t=[e],n=new Set;for(const e of t)for(const r of[...e.dependencies,...e.implicitlyLoadedBefore])r instanceof gr||r.isExecuted||!r.info.hasModuleSideEffects&&!e.implicitlyLoadedBefore.has(r)||n.has(r.id)||(r.isExecuted=!0,n.add(r.id),t.push(r))}const Ia={identifier:null,localName:er};function ka(e,t){const n=[],r=(e,r)=>{if(e==r)return;let i;const s=t.slice(e,r);for(;i=ua.exec(s);)n.push([e+i.index,e+ua.lastIndex])};let i=0;for(const t of e.body)r(i,t.start),i=t.end;return r(i,t.length),n}function Oa(e,t,n,r,i=new Map){const s=i.get(t);if(s){if(s.has(e))return r?null:ci(Ci(t,e.id));s.add(e)}else i.set(t,new Set([e]));return e.getVariableForExportName(t,n,r,i)}function Na(e,t){const n=Ct(t.sideEffectDependenciesByVariable,e,(()=>new Set));let r=e;const i=new Set([r]);for(;;){const e=r.module;if(r=r instanceof Zn?r.getDirectOriginalVariable():r instanceof rr?r.syntheticNamespace:null,!r||i.has(r))break;i.add(r),n.add(e);const t=e.sideEffectDependenciesByVariable.get(r);if(t)for(const e of t)n.add(e)}return n}class Ta{constructor(e,t,n,r,i,s,o){this.graph=e,this.id=t,this.options=n,this.alternativeReexportModules=new Map,this.ast=null,this.chunkFileNames=new Set,this.chunkName=null,this.cycles=new Set,this.dependencies=new Set,this.dynamicDependencies=new Set,this.dynamicImporters=[],this.dynamicImports=[],this.execIndex=1/0,this.exportAllSources=new Set,this.exports=Object.create(null),this.exportsAll=Object.create(null),this.implicitlyLoadedAfter=new Set,this.implicitlyLoadedBefore=new Set,this.importDescriptions=Object.create(null),this.importers=[],this.importMetas=[],this.imports=new Set,this.includedDynamicImporters=[],this.isExecuted=!1,this.isUserDefinedEntryPoint=!1,this.preserveSignature=this.options.preserveEntrySignatures,this.reexportDescriptions=Object.create(null),this.sideEffectDependenciesByVariable=new Map,this.sources=new Set,this.userChunkNames=new Set,this.usesTopLevelAwait=!1,this.allExportNames=null,this.exportAllModules=[],this.exportNamesByVariable=null,this.exportShimVariable=new tr(this),this.relevantDependencies=null,this.syntheticExports=new Map,this.syntheticNamespace=null,this.transformDependencies=[],this.transitiveReexports=null,this.excludeFromSourcemap=/\0/.test(t),this.context=n.moduleContext(t);const a=this;this.info={ast:null,code:null,get dynamicallyImportedIds(){const e=[];for(const{resolution:t}of a.dynamicImports)(t instanceof Ta||t instanceof gr)&&e.push(t.id);return e},get dynamicImporters(){return a.dynamicImporters.sort()},hasModuleSideEffects:i,id:t,get implicitlyLoadedAfterOneOf(){return Array.from(a.implicitlyLoadedAfter,sa)},get implicitlyLoadedBefore(){return Array.from(a.implicitlyLoadedBefore,sa)},get importedIds(){return Array.from(a.sources,(e=>a.resolvedIds[e].id))},get importers(){return a.importers.sort()},isEntry:r,isExternal:!1,meta:o,syntheticNamedExports:s}}basename(){const e=t.basename(this.id),n=t.extname(this.id);return pr(n?e.slice(0,-n.length):e)}bindReferences(){this.ast.bind()}error(e,t){return this.addLocationToLogProps(e,t),ci(e)}getAllExportNames(){if(this.allExportNames)return this.allExportNames;const e=this.allExportNames=new Set;for(const t of Object.keys(this.exports))e.add(t);for(const t of Object.keys(this.reexportDescriptions))e.add(t);for(const t of this.exportAllModules)if(t instanceof gr)e.add(`*${t.id}`);else for(const n of t.getAllExportNames())"default"!==n&&e.add(n);return e}getDependenciesToBeIncluded(){if(this.relevantDependencies)return this.relevantDependencies;const e=new Set,t=new Set,n=new Set;let r=this.imports.keys();if(this.info.isEntry||this.includedDynamicImporters.length>0||this.namespace.included||this.implicitlyLoadedAfter.size>0){r=new Set(r);for(const e of[...this.getReexports(),...this.getExports()])r.add(this.getVariableForExportName(e))}for(let e of r){const r=this.sideEffectDependenciesByVariable.get(e);if(r)for(const e of r)n.add(e);e instanceof rr?e=e.getBaseVariable():e instanceof Zn&&(e=e.getOriginalVariable()),t.add(e.module)}if(this.options.treeshake&&"no-treeshake"!==this.info.hasModuleSideEffects)this.addRelevantSideEffectDependencies(e,t,n);else for(const t of this.dependencies)e.add(t);for(const n of t)e.add(n);return this.relevantDependencies=e}getExportNamesByVariable(){if(this.exportNamesByVariable)return this.exportNamesByVariable;const e=new Map;for(const t of this.getAllExportNames()){if(t===this.info.syntheticNamedExports)continue;let n=this.getVariableForExportName(t);if(n instanceof Zn&&(n=n.getOriginalVariable()),!n||!(n.included||n instanceof sr))continue;const r=e.get(n);r?r.push(t):e.set(n,[t])}return this.exportNamesByVariable=e}getExports(){return Object.keys(this.exports)}getReexports(){if(this.transitiveReexports)return this.transitiveReexports;this.transitiveReexports=[];const e=new Set;for(const t in this.reexportDescriptions)e.add(t);for(const t of this.exportAllModules)if(t instanceof gr)e.add(`*${t.id}`);else for(const n of[...t.getReexports(),...t.getExports()])"default"!==n&&e.add(n);return this.transitiveReexports=[...e]}getRenderedExports(){const e=[],t=[];for(const n in this.exports){const r=this.getVariableForExportName(n);(r&&r.included?e:t).push(n)}return{renderedExports:e,removedExports:t}}getSyntheticNamespace(){return null===this.syntheticNamespace&&(this.syntheticNamespace=void 0,this.syntheticNamespace=this.getVariableForExportName("string"==typeof this.info.syntheticNamedExports?this.info.syntheticNamedExports:"default")),this.syntheticNamespace?this.syntheticNamespace:ci(Ki(this.id,this.info.syntheticNamedExports))}getVariableForExportName(e,t,n,r){if("*"===e[0]){if(1===e.length)return this.namespace;return this.graph.modulesById.get(e.slice(1)).getVariableForExportName("*")}const i=this.reexportDescriptions[e];if(i){const e=Oa(i.module,i.localName,t,!1,r);return e?(t&&Pa(e,t,this),e):this.error(Ti(i.localName,this.id,i.module.id),i.start)}const s=this.exports[e];if(s){if(s===Ia)return this.exportShimVariable;const e=s.localName,n=this.traceVariable(e,t);return t&&(Ct(t.sideEffectDependenciesByVariable,n,(()=>new Set)).add(this),Pa(n,t,this)),n}if("default"!==e){let n=null;for(const i of this.exportAllModules){const s=Oa(i,e,t,!0,r);if(s){if(!(s instanceof rr))return s;n||(n=s)}}if(n)return n}if(this.info.syntheticNamedExports){let t=this.syntheticExports.get(e);if(!t){const n=this.getSyntheticNamespace();return t=new rr(this.astContext,e,n),this.syntheticExports.set(e,t),t}return t}return!n&&this.options.shimMissingExports?(this.shimMissingExport(e),this.exportShimVariable):null}hasEffects(){return"no-treeshake"===this.info.hasModuleSideEffects||this.ast.included&&this.ast.hasEffects(an())}include(){const e=on();this.ast.shouldBeIncluded(e)&&this.ast.include(e,!1)}includeAllExports(e){this.isExecuted||(this.graph.needsTreeshakingPass=!0,Da(this));for(const t of this.getExports())if(e||t!==this.info.syntheticNamedExports){const e=this.getVariableForExportName(t);e.deoptimizePath(At),e.included||this.includeVariable(e)}for(const e of this.getReexports()){const t=this.getVariableForExportName(e);t.deoptimizePath(At),t.included||this.includeVariable(t),t instanceof sr&&(t.module.reexported=!0)}e&&this.namespace.prepareNamespace(this.includeAndGetAdditionalMergedNamespaces())}includeAllInBundle(){this.ast.include(on(),!0)}isIncluded(){return this.ast.included||this.namespace.included}linkImports(){this.addModulesToImportDescriptions(this.importDescriptions),this.addModulesToImportDescriptions(this.reexportDescriptions);for(const e in this.exports)"default"!==e&&e!==this.info.syntheticNamedExports&&(this.exportsAll[e]=this.id);const e=[];for(const t of this.exportAllSources){const n=this.graph.modulesById.get(this.resolvedIds[t].id);if(n instanceof gr)e.push(n);else{this.exportAllModules.push(n);for(const e in n.exportsAll)e in this.exportsAll?this.options.onwarn(Ri(e,this,n)):this.exportsAll[e]=n.exportsAll[e]}}this.exportAllModules.push(...e)}render(e){const t=this.magicString.clone();return this.ast.render(t,e),this.usesTopLevelAwait=this.astContext.usesTopLevelAwait,t}setSource({alwaysRemovedCode:e,ast:t,code:n,customTransformCache:r,originalCode:i,originalSourcemap:s,resolvedIds:o,sourcemapChain:a,transformDependencies:B,transformFiles:c,...l}){this.info.code=n,this.originalCode=i,this.originalSourcemap=s,this.sourcemapChain=a,c&&(this.transformFiles=c),this.transformDependencies=B,this.customTransformCache=r,this.updateOptions(l),_a("generate ast",3),this.alwaysRemovedCode=e||[],t||(t=this.tryParse()),this.alwaysRemovedCode.push(...ka(t,this.info.code)),ba("generate ast",3),this.resolvedIds=o||Object.create(null);const u=this.id;this.magicString=new Fe(n,{filename:this.excludeFromSourcemap?null:u,indentExclusionRanges:[]});for(const[e,t]of this.alwaysRemovedCode)this.magicString.remove(e,t);_a("analyse ast",3),this.astContext={addDynamicImport:this.addDynamicImport.bind(this),addExport:this.addExport.bind(this),addImport:this.addImport.bind(this),addImportMeta:this.addImportMeta.bind(this),code:n,deoptimizationTracker:this.graph.deoptimizationTracker,error:this.error.bind(this),fileName:u,getExports:this.getExports.bind(this),getModuleExecIndex:()=>this.execIndex,getModuleName:this.basename.bind(this),getReexports:this.getReexports.bind(this),importDescriptions:this.importDescriptions,includeAllExports:()=>this.includeAllExports(!0),includeDynamicImport:this.includeDynamicImport.bind(this),includeVariableInModule:this.includeVariableInModule.bind(this),magicString:this.magicString,module:this,moduleContext:this.context,nodeConstructors:ia,options:this.options,traceExport:this.getVariableForExportName.bind(this),traceVariable:this.traceVariable.bind(this),usesTopLevelAwait:!1,warn:this.warn.bind(this)},this.scope=new Qo(this.graph.scope,this.astContext),this.namespace=new nr(this.astContext,this.info.syntheticNamedExports),this.ast=new To(t,{type:"Module",context:this.astContext},this.scope),this.info.ast=t,ba("analyse ast",3)}toJSON(){return{alwaysRemovedCode:this.alwaysRemovedCode,ast:this.ast.esTreeNode,code:this.info.code,customTransformCache:this.customTransformCache,dependencies:Array.from(this.dependencies,sa),id:this.id,meta:this.info.meta,moduleSideEffects:this.info.hasModuleSideEffects,originalCode:this.originalCode,originalSourcemap:this.originalSourcemap,resolvedIds:this.resolvedIds,sourcemapChain:this.sourcemapChain,syntheticNamedExports:this.info.syntheticNamedExports,transformDependencies:this.transformDependencies,transformFiles:this.transformFiles}}traceVariable(e,t){const n=this.scope.variables.get(e);if(n)return n;if(e in this.importDescriptions){const n=this.importDescriptions[e],r=n.module;if(r instanceof Ta&&"*"===n.name)return r.namespace;const i=r.getVariableForExportName(n.name,t||this);return i||this.error(Ti(n.name,this.id,r.id),n.start)}return null}tryParse(){try{return this.graph.contextParse(this.info.code)}catch(e){let t=e.message.replace(/ \(\d+:\d+\)$/,"");return this.id.endsWith(".json")?t+=" (Note that you need @rollup/plugin-json to import JSON files)":this.id.endsWith(".js")||(t+=" (Note that you need plugins to import files that are not JavaScript)"),this.error({code:"PARSE_ERROR",message:t,parserError:e},e.pos)}}updateOptions({meta:e,moduleSideEffects:t,syntheticNamedExports:n}){null!=t&&(this.info.hasModuleSideEffects=t),null!=n&&(this.info.syntheticNamedExports=n),null!=e&&(this.info.meta={...this.info.meta,...e})}warn(e,t){this.addLocationToLogProps(e,t),this.options.onwarn(e)}addDynamicImport(e){let t=e.source;t instanceof Uo?1===t.quasis.length&&t.quasis[0].value.cooked&&(t=t.quasis[0].value.cooked):t instanceof Ps&&"string"==typeof t.value&&(t=t.value),this.dynamicImports.push({node:e,resolution:null,argument:t})}addExport(e){if(e instanceof Yn)this.exports.default={identifier:e.variable.getAssignedVariableName(),localName:"default"};else if(e instanceof Es){const t=e.source.value;if(this.sources.add(t),e.exported){const n=e.exported.name;this.reexportDescriptions[n]={localName:"*",module:null,source:t,start:e.start}}else this.exportAllSources.add(t)}else if(e.source instanceof Ps){const t=e.source.value;this.sources.add(t);for(const n of e.specifiers){const e=n.exported.name;this.reexportDescriptions[e]={localName:n.local.name,module:null,source:t,start:n.start}}}else if(e.declaration){const t=e.declaration;if(t instanceof ea)for(const e of t.declarations)for(const t of ys(e.id))this.exports[t]={identifier:null,localName:t};else{const e=t.id.name;this.exports[e]={identifier:null,localName:e}}}else for(const t of e.specifiers){const e=t.local.name,n=t.exported.name;this.exports[n]={identifier:null,localName:e}}}addImport(e){const t=e.source.value;this.sources.add(t);for(const n of e.specifiers){const e=n.type===je,r=n.type===We,i=e?"default":r?"*":n.imported.name;this.importDescriptions[n.local.name]={module:null,name:i,source:t,start:n.start}}}addImportMeta(e){this.importMetas.push(e)}addLocationToLogProps(e,t){e.id=this.id,e.pos=t;let n=this.info.code,{column:r,line:i}=dn(n,t,{offsetLine:1});try{({column:r,line:i}=oa(this.sourcemapChain,{column:r,line:i})),n=this.originalCode}catch(e){this.options.onwarn({code:"SOURCEMAP_ERROR",id:this.id,loc:{column:r,file:this.id,line:i},message:`Error when using sourcemap for reporting an error: ${e.message}`,pos:t})}li(e,{column:r,line:i},n,this.id)}addModulesToImportDescriptions(e){for(const t of Object.keys(e)){const n=e[t],r=this.resolvedIds[n.source].id;n.module=this.graph.modulesById.get(r)}}addRelevantSideEffectDependencies(e,t,n){const r=new Set,i=s=>{for(const o of s)r.has(o)||(r.add(o),t.has(o)?e.add(o):(o.info.hasModuleSideEffects||n.has(o))&&(o instanceof gr||o.hasEffects()?e.add(o):i(o.dependencies)))};i(this.dependencies),i(n)}includeAndGetAdditionalMergedNamespaces(){const e=[];for(const t of this.exportAllModules)if(t instanceof gr){const n=t.getVariableForExportName("*");n.include(),this.imports.add(n),e.push(n)}else if(t.info.syntheticNamedExports){const n=t.getSyntheticNamespace();n.include(),this.imports.add(n),e.push(n)}return e}includeDynamicImport(e){const t=this.dynamicImports.find((t=>t.node===e)).resolution;t instanceof Ta&&(t.includedDynamicImporters.push(this),t.includeAllExports(!0))}includeVariable(e){if(!e.included){e.include(),this.graph.needsTreeshakingPass=!0;const t=e.module;if(t&&t instanceof Ta&&(t.isExecuted||Da(t),t!==this)){const t=Na(e,this);for(const e of t)e.isExecuted||Da(e)}}}includeVariableInModule(e){this.includeVariable(e);const t=e.module;t&&t!==this&&this.imports.add(e)}shimMissingExport(e){this.options.onwarn({code:"SHIMMED_EXPORT",exporter:ai(this.id),exportName:e,message:`Missing export "${e}" has been shimmed in module ${ai(this.id)}.`}),this.exports[e]=Ia}}function Pa(e,t,n){if(e.module instanceof Ta&&e.module!==n){const r=e.module.cycles;if(r.size>0){const i=n.cycles;for(const s of i)if(r.has(s)){t.alternativeReexportModules.set(e,n);break}}}}class Ma{constructor(e,t){this.isOriginal=!0,this.filename=e,this.content=t}traceSegment(e,t,n){return{line:e,column:t,name:n,source:this}}}class Fa{constructor(e,t){this.sources=t,this.names=e.names,this.mappings=e.mappings}traceMappings(){const e=[],t=[],n=[],r=[];for(const i of this.mappings){const s=[];for(const r of i){if(1==r.length)continue;const i=this.sources[r[1]];if(!i)continue;const o=i.traceSegment(r[2],r[3],5===r.length?this.names[r[4]]:"");if(o){let i=e.lastIndexOf(o.source.filename);if(-1===i)i=e.length,e.push(o.source.filename),t[i]=o.source.content;else if(null==t[i])t[i]=o.source.content;else if(null!=o.source.content&&t[i]!==o.source.content)return ci({message:`Multiple conflicting contents for sourcemap source ${o.source.filename}`});const a=[r[0],i,o.line,o.column];if(o.name){let e=n.indexOf(o.name);-1===e&&(e=n.length,n.push(o.name)),a[4]=e}s.push(a)}}r.push(s)}return{sources:e,sourcesContent:t,names:n,mappings:r}}traceSegment(e,t,n){const r=this.mappings[e];if(!r)return null;let i=0,s=r.length-1;for(;i<=s;){const e=i+s>>1,o=r[e];if(o[0]===t){if(1==o.length)return null;const e=this.sources[o[1]];return e?e.traceSegment(o[2],o[3],5===o.length?this.names[o[4]]:n):null}o[0]>t?s=e-1:i=e+1}return null}}function La(e){return function(t,n){return n.mappings?new Fa(n,[t]):(e({code:"SOURCEMAP_BROKEN",message:`Sourcemap is likely to be incorrect: a plugin (${n.plugin}) was used to transform files, but didn't generate a sourcemap for the transformation. Consult the plugin documentation for help`,plugin:n.plugin,url:"https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#warning-sourcemap-is-likely-to-be-incorrect"}),new Fa({mappings:[],names:[]},[t]))}}function Ra(e,n,r,i,s){let o;if(r){const n=r.sources,i=r.sourcesContent||[],s=t.dirname(e)||".",a=r.sourceRoot||".",B=n.map(((e,n)=>new Ma(t.resolve(s,a,e),i[n])));o=new Fa(r,B)}else o=new Ma(e,n);return i.reduce(s,o)}function Ga(e,n,r,i,s,o){const a=La(o),B=r.filter((e=>!e.excludeFromSourcemap)).map((e=>Ra(e.id,e.originalCode,e.originalSourcemap,e.sourcemapChain,a)));let c=new Fa(n,B);c=i.reduce(a,c);let{sources:l,sourcesContent:u,names:p,mappings:h}=c.traceMappings();if(e){const n=t.dirname(e);l=l.map((e=>t.relative(n,e))),e=t.basename(e)}return u=s?null:u,new xe({file:e,sources:l,sourcesContent:u,names:p,mappings:h})}function Ha(e,t,n,r,i){if(!r.length)return n;return{version:3,...Ra(e,t,n,r,La(i)).traceMappings()}}const Ka=()=>n.createHash("sha256"),Va={amd:Ja,cjs:Ja,es:Qa,iife:Ja,system:Qa,umd:Ja};function Ua(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a,B,c,l,u,p){const h=e.slice().reverse();for(const e of h)e.scope.addUsedOutsideNames(r,i,l,u);ja(r,h,p),Va[i](r,n,t,s,o,a,B,c);for(const e of h)e.scope.deconflict(i,l,u)}function Qa(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a){for(const t of n.dependencies)(i||t instanceof gr)&&(t.variableName=dt(t.suggestedVariableName,e));for(const n of t){const t=n.module,r=n.name;n.isNamespace&&(i||t instanceof gr)?n.setRenderNames(null,(t instanceof gr?t:o.get(t)).variableName):t instanceof gr&&"default"===r?n.setRenderNames(null,dt([...t.exportedVariables].some((([e,t])=>"*"===t&&e.included))?t.suggestedVariableName+"__default":t.suggestedVariableName,e)):n.setRenderNames(null,dt(r,e))}for(const t of a)t.setRenderNames(null,dt(t.name,e))}function Ja(e,t,{deconflictedDefault:n,deconflictedNamespace:r,dependencies:i},s,o,a,B){for(const t of i)t.variableName=dt(t.suggestedVariableName,e);for(const t of r)t.namespaceVariableName=dt(`${t.suggestedVariableName}__namespace`,e);for(const t of n)r.has(t)&&Ir(String(s(t.id)),a)?t.defaultVariableName=t.namespaceVariableName:t.defaultVariableName=dt(`${t.suggestedVariableName}__default`,e);for(const e of t){const t=e.module;if(t instanceof gr){const n=e.name;if("default"===n){const n=String(s(t.id)),r=wr[n]?t.defaultVariableName:t.variableName;xr(n,a)?e.setRenderNames(r,"default"):e.setRenderNames(null,r)}else"*"===n?e.setRenderNames(null,Dr[String(s(t.id))]?t.namespaceVariableName:t.variableName):e.setRenderNames(t.variableName,null)}else{const n=B.get(t);o&&e.isNamespace?e.setRenderNames(null,"default"===n.exportMode?n.namespaceVariableName:n.variableName):"default"===n.exportMode?e.setRenderNames(null,n.variableName):e.setRenderNames(n.variableName,n.getVariableExportName(e))}}}function ja(e,t,n){for(const r of t){for(const t of r.scope.variables.values())t.included&&!(t.renderBaseName||t instanceof Zn&&t.getOriginalVariable()!==t)&&t.setRenderNames(null,dt(t.name,e));if(n.has(r)){const t=r.namespace;t.setRenderNames(null,dt(t.name,e))}}}const Wa=/[\\'\r\n\u2028\u2029]/,Xa=/(['\r\n\u2028\u2029])/g,qa=/\\/g;function za(e){return e.match(Wa)?e.replace(qa,"\\\\").replace(Xa,"\\$1"):e}function Ya(e,t,n){let r=0;for(const i of e){let e=i.name[0];if(t[e])do{e=pt(++r),49===e.charCodeAt(0)&&(r+=9*64**(e.length-1),e=pt(r))}while(ht[e]||t[e]);t[e]=i,n.set(i,[e])}}function $a(e,t,n){for(const r of e){let e=0,i=r.name;for(;t[i];)i=r.name+"$"+ ++e;t[i]=r,n.set(r,[i])}}function Za(e,{exports:t,name:n,format:r},i,s,o){const a=e.getExportNames();if("default"===t){if(1!==a.length||"default"!==a[0])return ci(Di("default",a,s))}else if("none"===t&&a.length)return ci(Di("none",a,s));return"auto"===t&&(0===a.length?t="none":1===a.length&&"default"===a[0]?("cjs"===r&&i.has("exports")&&o(Hi(s)),t="default"):("es"!==r&&-1!==a.indexOf("default")&&o(Li(s,n)),t="named")),t}function eB(e){const t=e.split("\n"),n=t.filter((e=>/^\t+/.test(e))),r=t.filter((e=>/^ {2,}/.test(e)));if(0===n.length&&0===r.length)return null;if(n.length>=r.length)return"\t";const i=r.reduce(((e,t)=>{const n=/^ +/.exec(t)[0].length;return Math.min(n,e)}),1/0);return new Array(i+1).join(" ")}function tB(e,t){if(!0!==t.indent)return t.indent;for(let t=0;t=0;s--){const o=t[s];if(!i.has(o)){const t=[];rB(o,t,i,e,n),r.unshift(t)}}const s=new Set;for(const e of r)for(const t of e)s.add(t);return s}function rB(e,t,n,r,i){const s=e.getDependenciesToBeIncluded();for(const e of s){if(e instanceof gr){t.push(e);continue}const s=i.get(e);s===r?n.has(e)||(n.add(e),rB(e,t,n,r,i)):t.push(s)}}function iB(e){if(!e)return null;if("string"==typeof e&&(e=JSON.parse(e)),""===e.mappings)return{mappings:[],names:[],sources:[],version:3};let t;return t="string"==typeof e.mappings?ye(e.mappings):e.mappings,{...e,mappings:t}}function sB({code:e,options:t,outputPluginDriver:n,renderChunk:r,sourcemapChain:i}){return n.hookReduceArg0("renderChunk",[e,r,t],((e,t,n)=>{if(null==t)return e;if("string"==typeof t&&(t={code:t,map:void 0}),null!==t.map){const e=iB(t.map);i.push(e||{missing:!0,plugin:n.name})}return t.code}))}function oB(e,t,n){return Bi(e)?e.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g,((e,r)=>{if(!n.hasOwnProperty(r))return ci(qi(`"[${r}]" is not a valid placeholder in "${t}" pattern.`));const i=n[r]();return Bi(i)?i:ci(qi(`Invalid substitution "${i}" for placeholder "[${r}]" in "${t}" pattern, can be neither absolute nor relative path.`))})):ci(qi(`Invalid pattern "${e}" for "${t}", patterns can be neither absolute nor relative paths and must not contain invalid characters.`))}function aB(e,n){const r=new Set(Object.keys(n).map((e=>e.toLowerCase())));if(!r.has(e.toLocaleLowerCase()))return e;const i=t.extname(e);e=e.substr(0,e.length-i.length);let s,o=1;for(;r.has((s=e+ ++o+i).toLowerCase()););return s}const BB=[".js",".jsx",".ts",".tsx"];function cB(e,t,n,r){const i="function"==typeof t?t(e.id):t[e.id];return i||(n?(r({code:"MISSING_GLOBAL_NAME",guess:e.variableName,message:`No name was provided for external module '${e.id}' in output.globals – guessing '${e.variableName}'`,source:e.id}),e.variableName):void 0)}class lB{constructor(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a,B,c){this.orderedModules=e,this.inputOptions=t,this.outputOptions=n,this.unsetOptions=r,this.pluginDriver=i,this.modulesById=s,this.chunkByModule=o,this.facadeChunkByModule=a,this.includedNamespaces=B,this.manualChunkAlias=c,this.entryModules=[],this.exportMode="named",this.facadeModule=null,this.id=null,this.namespaceVariableName="",this.variableName="",this.accessedGlobalsByScope=new Map,this.dependencies=new Set,this.dynamicDependencies=new Set,this.dynamicEntryModules=[],this.exportNamesByVariable=new Map,this.exports=new Set,this.exportsByName=Object.create(null),this.fileName=null,this.implicitEntryModules=[],this.implicitlyLoadedBefore=new Set,this.imports=new Set,this.indentString=void 0,this.isEmpty=!0,this.name=null,this.needsExportsShim=!1,this.renderedDependencies=null,this.renderedExports=null,this.renderedHash=void 0,this.renderedModules=Object.create(null),this.renderedModuleSources=new Map,this.renderedSource=null,this.sortedExportNames=null,this.strictFacade=!1,this.usedModules=void 0,this.execIndex=e.length>0?e[0].execIndex:1/0;const l=new Set(e);for(const t of e){t.namespace.included&&B.add(t),this.isEmpty&&t.isIncluded()&&(this.isEmpty=!1),(t.info.isEntry||n.preserveModules)&&this.entryModules.push(t);for(const e of t.includedDynamicImporters)l.has(e)||(this.dynamicEntryModules.push(t),t.info.syntheticNamedExports&&!n.preserveModules&&(B.add(t),this.exports.add(t.namespace)));t.implicitlyLoadedAfter.size>0&&this.implicitEntryModules.push(t)}this.suggestedVariableName=pr(this.generateVariableName())}static generateFacade(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a,B,c){const l=new lB([],e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a,null);l.assignFacadeName(c,B),o.has(B)||o.set(B,l);for(const e of B.getDependenciesToBeIncluded())l.dependencies.add(e instanceof Ta?s.get(e):e);return!l.dependencies.has(s.get(B))&&B.info.hasModuleSideEffects&&B.hasEffects()&&l.dependencies.add(s.get(B)),l.ensureReexportsAreAvailableForModule(B),l.facadeModule=B,l.strictFacade=!0,l}canModuleBeFacade(e,t){const n=e.getExportNamesByVariable();for(const t of this.exports)if(!n.has(t))return 0===n.size&&e.isUserDefinedEntryPoint&&"strict"===e.preserveSignature&&this.unsetOptions.has("preserveEntrySignatures")&&this.inputOptions.onwarn({code:"EMPTY_FACADE",id:e.id,message:`To preserve the export signature of the entry module "${ai(e.id)}", an empty facade chunk was created. This often happens when creating a bundle for a web app where chunks are placed in script tags and exports are ignored. In this case it is recommended to set "preserveEntrySignatures: false" to avoid this and reduce the number of chunks. Otherwise if this is intentional, set "preserveEntrySignatures: 'strict'" explicitly to silence this warning.`,url:"https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#preserveentrysignatures"}),!1;for(const r of t)if(!n.has(r)&&r.module!==e)return!1;return!0}generateExports(){this.sortedExportNames=null;const e=new Set(this.exports);if(null!==this.facadeModule&&(!1!==this.facadeModule.preserveSignature||this.strictFacade)){const t=this.facadeModule.getExportNamesByVariable();for(const[n,r]of t){this.exportNamesByVariable.set(n,[...r]);for(const e of r)this.exportsByName[e]=n;e.delete(n)}}this.outputOptions.minifyInternalExports?Ya(e,this.exportsByName,this.exportNamesByVariable):$a(e,this.exportsByName,this.exportNamesByVariable),(this.outputOptions.preserveModules||this.facadeModule&&this.facadeModule.info.isEntry)&&(this.exportMode=Za(this,this.outputOptions,this.unsetOptions,this.facadeModule.id,this.inputOptions.onwarn))}generateFacades(){var e;const t=[],n=new Set([...this.entryModules,...this.implicitEntryModules]),r=new Set(this.dynamicEntryModules.map((e=>e.namespace)));for(const e of n)if(e.preserveSignature)for(const t of e.getExportNamesByVariable().keys())r.add(t);for(const e of n){const n=Array.from(e.userChunkNames,(e=>({name:e})));if(0===n.length&&e.isUserDefinedEntryPoint&&n.push({}),n.push(...Array.from(e.chunkFileNames,(e=>({fileName:e})))),0===n.length&&n.push({}),!this.facadeModule){const t="strict"===e.preserveSignature||"exports-only"===e.preserveSignature&&0!==e.getExportNamesByVariable().size;(!t||this.outputOptions.preserveModules||this.canModuleBeFacade(e,r))&&(this.facadeModule=e,this.facadeChunkByModule.set(e,this),e.preserveSignature&&(this.strictFacade=t),this.assignFacadeName(n.shift(),e))}for(const r of n)t.push(lB.generateFacade(this.inputOptions,this.outputOptions,this.unsetOptions,this.pluginDriver,this.modulesById,this.chunkByModule,this.facadeChunkByModule,this.includedNamespaces,e,r))}for(const t of this.dynamicEntryModules)t.info.syntheticNamedExports||(!this.facadeModule&&this.canModuleBeFacade(t,r)?(this.facadeModule=t,this.facadeChunkByModule.set(t,this),this.strictFacade=!0,this.assignFacadeName({},t)):this.facadeModule===t&&!this.strictFacade&&this.canModuleBeFacade(t,r)?this.strictFacade=!0:(null===(e=this.facadeChunkByModule.get(t))||void 0===e?void 0:e.strictFacade)||(this.includedNamespaces.add(t),this.exports.add(t.namespace)));return t}generateId(e,t,n,r){if(null!==this.fileName)return this.fileName;const[i,s]=this.facadeModule&&this.facadeModule.isUserDefinedEntryPoint?[t.entryFileNames,"output.entryFileNames"]:[t.chunkFileNames,"output.chunkFileNames"];return aB(oB("function"==typeof i?i(this.getChunkInfo()):i,s,{format:()=>t.format,hash:()=>r?this.computeContentHashWithDependencies(e,t,n):"[hash]",name:()=>this.getChunkName()}),n)}generateIdPreserveModules(e,n,r,i){const s=this.orderedModules[0].id,o=si(s);let a;if(fr(s)){const r=t.extname(s),B=i.has("entryFileNames")?BB.includes(r)?"[name].js":"[name][extname].js":n.entryFileNames,c=`${t.dirname(o)}/${oB("function"==typeof B?B(this.getChunkInfo()):B,"output.entryFileNames",{ext:()=>r.substr(1),extname:()=>r,format:()=>n.format,name:()=>this.getChunkName()})}`,{preserveModulesRoot:l}=n;a=l&&c.startsWith(l)?c.slice(l.length).replace(/^[\\/]/,""):Ge(e,c)}else a=`_virtual/${t.basename(o)}`;return aB(mr(a),r)}getChunkInfo(){const e=this.facadeModule,t=this.getChunkName.bind(this);return{exports:this.getExportNames(),facadeModuleId:e&&e.id,isDynamicEntry:this.dynamicEntryModules.length>0,isEntry:null!==e&&e.info.isEntry,isImplicitEntry:this.implicitEntryModules.length>0,modules:this.renderedModules,get name(){return t()},type:"chunk"}}getChunkInfoWithFileNames(){return Object.assign(this.getChunkInfo(),{code:void 0,dynamicImports:Array.from(this.dynamicDependencies,sa),fileName:this.id,implicitlyLoadedBefore:Array.from(this.implicitlyLoadedBefore,sa),importedBindings:this.getImportedBindingsPerDependency(),imports:Array.from(this.dependencies,sa),map:void 0,referencedFiles:this.getReferencedFiles()})}getChunkName(){return this.name||(this.name=si(this.getFallbackChunkName()))}getExportNames(){return this.sortedExportNames||(this.sortedExportNames=Object.keys(this.exportsByName).sort())}getRenderedHash(){if(this.renderedHash)return this.renderedHash;const e=Ka(),t=this.pluginDriver.hookReduceValueSync("augmentChunkHash","",[this.getChunkInfo()],((e,t)=>(t&&(e+=t),e)));return e.update(t),e.update(this.renderedSource.toString()),e.update(this.getExportNames().map((e=>{const t=this.exportsByName[e];return`${ai(t.module.id).replace(/\\/g,"/")}:${t.name}:${e}`})).join(",")),this.renderedHash=e.digest("hex")}getVariableExportName(e){return this.outputOptions.preserveModules&&e instanceof nr?"*":this.exportNamesByVariable.get(e)[0]}link(){this.dependencies=nB(this,this.orderedModules,this.chunkByModule);for(const e of this.orderedModules)this.addDependenciesToChunk(e.dynamicDependencies,this.dynamicDependencies),this.addDependenciesToChunk(e.implicitlyLoadedBefore,this.implicitlyLoadedBefore),this.setUpChunkImportsAndExportsForModule(e)}preRender(e,t){const n=new Re({separator:e.compact?"":"\n\n"});this.usedModules=[],this.indentString=tB(this.orderedModules,e);const r=e.compact?"":"\n",i=e.compact?"":" ",s={compact:e.compact,dynamicImportFunction:e.dynamicImportFunction,exportNamesByVariable:this.exportNamesByVariable,format:e.format,freeze:e.freeze,indent:this.indentString,namespaceToStringTag:e.namespaceToStringTag,outputPluginDriver:this.pluginDriver,varOrConst:e.preferConst?"const":"var"};if(e.hoistTransitiveImports&&!this.outputOptions.preserveModules&&null!==this.facadeModule)for(const e of this.dependencies)e instanceof lB&&this.inlineChunkDependencies(e);this.prepareDynamicImportsAndImportMetas(),this.setIdentifierRenderResolutions(e);let o="";const a=this.renderedModules;for(const t of this.orderedModules){let i=0;if(t.isIncluded()||this.includedNamespaces.has(t)){const a=t.render(s).trim();i=a.length(),i&&(e.compact&&-1!==a.lastLine().indexOf("//")&&a.append("\n"),this.renderedModuleSources.set(t,a),n.addSource(a),this.usedModules.push(t));const B=t.namespace;if(this.includedNamespaces.has(t)&&!this.outputOptions.preserveModules){const e=B.renderBlock(s);B.renderFirst()?o+=r+e:n.addSource(new Fe(e))}}const{renderedExports:B,removedExports:c}=t.getRenderedExports();a[t.id]={originalLength:t.originalCode.length,removedExports:c,renderedExports:B,renderedLength:i}}if(o&&n.prepend(o+r+r),this.needsExportsShim&&n.prepend(`${r}${s.varOrConst} ${er}${i}=${i}void 0;${r}${r}`),e.compact?this.renderedSource=n:this.renderedSource=n.trim(),this.renderedHash=void 0,this.isEmpty&&0===this.getExportNames().length&&0===this.dependencies.size){const e=this.getChunkName();this.inputOptions.onwarn({chunkName:e,code:"EMPTY_BUNDLE",message:`Generated an empty chunk: "${e}"`})}this.setExternalRenderPaths(e,t),this.renderedDependencies=this.getChunkDependencyDeclarations(e),this.renderedExports="none"===this.exportMode?[]:this.getChunkExportDeclarations(e.format)}async render(e,n,r){_a("render format",2);const i=e.format,s=gs[i];e.dynamicImportFunction&&"es"!==i&&this.inputOptions.onwarn({code:"INVALID_OPTION",message:'"output.dynamicImportFunction" is ignored for formats other than "es".'});for(const e of this.dependencies){const t=this.renderedDependencies.get(e);if(e instanceof gr){const n=e.renderPath;t.id=za(e.renormalizeRenderPath?this.getRelativePath(n,!1):n)}else t.namedExportsMode="default"!==e.exportMode,t.id=za(this.getRelativePath(e.id,!1))}this.finaliseDynamicImports(e),this.finaliseImportMetas(i);const o=0!==this.renderedExports.length||[...this.renderedDependencies.values()].some((e=>e.reexports&&0!==e.reexports.length));let a=!1;const B=new Set;for(const e of this.orderedModules){e.usesTopLevelAwait&&(a=!0);const t=this.accessedGlobalsByScope.get(e.scope);if(t)for(const e of t)B.add(e)}if(a&&"es"!==i&&"system"!==i)return ci({code:"INVALID_TLA_FORMAT",message:`Module format ${i} does not support top-level await. Use the "es" or "system" output formats rather.`});if(!this.id)throw new Error("Internal Error: expecting chunk id");const c=s(this.renderedSource,{accessedGlobals:B,dependencies:[...this.renderedDependencies.values()],exports:this.renderedExports,hasExports:o,id:this.id,indentString:this.indentString,intro:n.intro,isEntryFacade:this.outputOptions.preserveModules||null!==this.facadeModule&&this.facadeModule.info.isEntry,isModuleFacade:null!==this.facadeModule,namedExportsMode:"default"!==this.exportMode,outro:n.outro,usesTopLevelAwait:a,varOrConst:e.preferConst?"const":"var",warn:this.inputOptions.onwarn},e);n.banner&&c.prepend(n.banner),n.footer&&c.append(n.footer);const l=c.toString();ba("render format",2);let u=null;const p=[];let h=await sB({code:l,options:e,outputPluginDriver:this.pluginDriver,renderChunk:r,sourcemapChain:p});if(e.sourcemap){let n;_a("sourcemap",2),n=e.file?t.resolve(e.sourcemapFile||e.file):e.dir?t.resolve(e.dir,this.id):t.resolve(this.id);const r=c.generateDecodedMap({});u=Ga(n,r,this.usedModules,p,e.sourcemapExcludeSources,this.inputOptions.onwarn),u.sources=u.sources.map((t=>{const{sourcemapPathTransform:r}=e;if(r){const e=r(t,`${n}.map`);return"string"!=typeof e&&ci(qi("sourcemapPathTransform function must return a string.")),e}return t})).map(mr),ba("sourcemap",2)}return e.compact||"\n"===h[h.length-1]||(h+="\n"),{code:h,map:u}}addDependenciesToChunk(e,t){for(const n of e)if(n instanceof Ta){const e=this.chunkByModule.get(n);e&&e!==this&&t.add(e)}else t.add(n)}assignFacadeName({fileName:e,name:t},n){e?this.fileName=e:this.name=si(t||n.chunkName||oi(n.id))}checkCircularDependencyImport(e,t){const n=e.module;if(n instanceof Ta){const r=this.chunkByModule.get(n);let i;do{if(i=t.alternativeReexportModules.get(e),i){const s=this.chunkByModule.get(i);s&&s!==r&&this.inputOptions.onwarn(mi(n.getExportNamesByVariable().get(e)[0],n.id,i.id,t.id)),t=i}}while(i)}}computeContentHashWithDependencies(e,t,n){const r=Ka();r.update([e.intro,e.outro,e.banner,e.footer].map((e=>e||"")).join(":")),r.update(t.format);const i=new Set([this]);for(const s of i)if(s instanceof gr?r.update(":"+s.renderPath):(r.update(s.getRenderedHash()),r.update(s.generateId(e,t,n,!1))),!(s instanceof gr))for(const e of[...s.dependencies,...s.dynamicDependencies])i.add(e);return r.digest("hex").substr(0,8)}ensureReexportsAreAvailableForModule(e){const t=e.getExportNamesByVariable();for(const n of t.keys()){const t=n instanceof rr,r=t?n.getBaseVariable():n;if(!(r instanceof nr&&this.outputOptions.preserveModules)){this.checkCircularDependencyImport(r,e);const n=r.module;if(n instanceof Ta){const e=this.chunkByModule.get(n);e&&e!==this&&(e.exports.add(r),t&&this.imports.add(r))}}}}finaliseDynamicImports(e){const t="amd"===e.format;for(const[n,r]of this.renderedModuleSources)for(const{node:i,resolution:s}of n.dynamicImports){const n=this.chunkByModule.get(s),o=this.facadeChunkByModule.get(s);if(!s||!i.included||n===this)continue;const a=s instanceof Ta?`'${this.getRelativePath((o||n).id,t)}'`:s instanceof gr?`'${s.renormalizeRenderPath?this.getRelativePath(s.renderPath,t):s.renderPath}'`:s;i.renderFinalResolution(r,a,s instanceof Ta&&!(null==o?void 0:o.strictFacade)&&n.exportNamesByVariable.get(s.namespace)[0],e)}}finaliseImportMetas(e){for(const[t,n]of this.renderedModuleSources)for(const r of t.importMetas)r.renderFinalMechanism(n,this.id,e,this.pluginDriver)}generateVariableName(){if(this.manualChunkAlias)return this.manualChunkAlias;const e=this.entryModules[0]||this.implicitEntryModules[0]||this.dynamicEntryModules[0]||this.orderedModules[this.orderedModules.length-1];return e?e.chunkName||oi(e.id):"chunk"}getChunkDependencyDeclarations(e){const t=this.getImportSpecifiers(),n=this.getReexportSpecifiers(),r=new Map;for(const i of this.dependencies){const s=t.get(i)||null,o=n.get(i)||null,a=i instanceof gr||"default"!==i.exportMode;r.set(i,{defaultVariableName:i.defaultVariableName,globalName:i instanceof gr&&("umd"===e.format||"iife"===e.format)&&cB(i,e.globals,null!==(s||o),this.inputOptions.onwarn),id:void 0,imports:s,isChunk:i instanceof lB,name:i.variableName,namedExportsMode:a,namespaceVariableName:i.namespaceVariableName,reexports:o})}return r}getChunkExportDeclarations(e){const t=[];for(const n of this.getExportNames()){if("*"===n[0])continue;const r=this.exportsByName[n];if(!(r instanceof rr)){const e=r.module;if(e&&this.chunkByModule.get(e)!==this)continue}let i=null,s=!1,o=!1,a=r.getName();if(r instanceof ln){r.init===It&&(o=!0);for(const e of r.declarations)if(e.parent instanceof Xn||e instanceof Yn&&e.declaration instanceof Xn){s=!0;break}}else r instanceof rr&&(i=a,"es"===e&&"default"!==n&&(a=r.renderName));t.push({exported:n,expression:i,hoisted:s,local:a,uninitialized:o})}return t}getDependenciesToBeDeconflicted(e,t,n){const r=new Set,i=new Set,s=new Set;for(const t of[...this.exportNamesByVariable.keys(),...this.imports])if(e||t.isNamespace){const o=t.module;if(o instanceof gr)r.add(o),e&&("default"===t.name?wr[String(n(o.id))]&&i.add(o):"*"===t.name&&Dr[String(n(o.id))]&&s.add(o));else{const n=this.chunkByModule.get(o);n!==this&&(r.add(n),e&&"default"===n.exportMode&&t.isNamespace&&s.add(n))}}if(t)for(const e of this.dependencies)r.add(e);return{deconflictedDefault:i,deconflictedNamespace:s,dependencies:r}}getFallbackChunkName(){return this.manualChunkAlias?this.manualChunkAlias:this.fileName?oi(this.fileName):oi(this.orderedModules[this.orderedModules.length-1].id)}getImportedBindingsPerDependency(){const e={};for(const[t,n]of this.renderedDependencies){const r=new Set;if(n.imports)for(const{imported:e}of n.imports)r.add(e);if(n.reexports)for(const{imported:e}of n.reexports)r.add(e);e[t.id]=[...r]}return e}getImportSpecifiers(){const{interop:e}=this.outputOptions,t=new Map;for(const n of this.imports){const r=n.module;let i,s;if(r instanceof gr){if(i=r,s=n.name,"default"!==s&&"*"!==s&&"defaultOnly"===e(r.id))return ci(Vi(r.id,s,!1))}else i=this.chunkByModule.get(r),s=i.getVariableExportName(n);Ct(t,i,(()=>[])).push({imported:s,local:n.getName()})}return t}getReexportSpecifiers(){const{externalLiveBindings:e,interop:t}=this.outputOptions,n=new Map;for(let r of this.getExportNames()){let i,s,o=!1;if("*"===r[0]){const n=r.substr(1);"defaultOnly"===t(n)&&this.inputOptions.onwarn(Ui(n)),o=e,i=this.modulesById.get(n),s=r="*"}else{const n=this.exportsByName[r];if(n instanceof rr)continue;const a=n.module;if(a instanceof Ta){if(i=this.chunkByModule.get(a),i===this)continue;s=i.getVariableExportName(n),o=n.isReassigned}else{if(i=a,s=n.name,"default"!==s&&"*"!==s&&"defaultOnly"===t(a.id))return ci(Vi(a.id,s,!0));o=e&&("default"!==s||xr(String(t(a.id)),!0))}}Ct(n,i,(()=>[])).push({imported:s,needsLiveBinding:o,reexported:r})}return n}getReferencedFiles(){const e=[];for(const t of this.orderedModules)for(const n of t.importMetas){const t=n.getReferencedFileName(this.pluginDriver);t&&e.push(t)}return e}getRelativePath(e,n){let r=mr(Ge(t.dirname(this.id),e));return n&&r.endsWith(".js")&&(r=r.slice(0,-3)),".."===r?"../../"+t.basename(e):""===r?"../"+t.basename(e):r.startsWith("../")?r:"./"+r}inlineChunkDependencies(e){for(const t of e.dependencies)this.dependencies.has(t)||(this.dependencies.add(t),t instanceof lB&&this.inlineChunkDependencies(t))}prepareDynamicImportsAndImportMetas(){var e;const t=this.accessedGlobalsByScope;for(const n of this.orderedModules){for(const{node:r,resolution:i}of n.dynamicImports)if(r.included)if(i instanceof Ta){const n=this.chunkByModule.get(i);n===this?r.setInternalResolution(i.namespace):r.setExternalResolution((null===(e=this.facadeChunkByModule.get(i))||void 0===e?void 0:e.exportMode)||n.exportMode,i,this.outputOptions,this.pluginDriver,t)}else r.setExternalResolution("external",i,this.outputOptions,this.pluginDriver,t);for(const e of n.importMetas)e.addAccessedGlobals(this.outputOptions.format,t)}}setExternalRenderPaths(e,t){for(const n of[...this.dependencies,...this.dynamicDependencies])n instanceof gr&&n.setRenderPath(e,t)}setIdentifierRenderResolutions({format:e,interop:t,namespaceToStringTag:n}){const r=new Set;for(const t of this.getExportNames()){const n=this.exportsByName[t];n instanceof tr&&(this.needsExportsShim=!0),"es"!==e&&"system"!==e&&n.isReassigned&&!n.isId?n.setRenderNames("exports",t):n instanceof rr?r.add(n):n.setRenderNames(null,null)}const i=new Set(["Object","Promise"]);switch(this.needsExportsShim&&i.add(er),n&&i.add("Symbol"),e){case"system":i.add("module").add("exports");break;case"es":break;case"cjs":i.add("module").add("require").add("__filename").add("__dirname");default:i.add("exports");for(const e of Gr)i.add(e)}Ua(this.orderedModules,this.getDependenciesToBeDeconflicted("es"!==e&&"system"!==e,"amd"===e||"umd"===e||"iife"===e,t),this.imports,i,e,t,this.outputOptions.preserveModules,this.outputOptions.externalLiveBindings,this.chunkByModule,r,this.exportNamesByVariable,this.accessedGlobalsByScope,this.includedNamespaces)}setUpChunkImportsAndExportsForModule(e){const t=new Set(e.imports);if(!this.outputOptions.preserveModules&&this.includedNamespaces.has(e)){const n=e.namespace.getMemberVariables();for(const e of Object.keys(n))t.add(n[e])}for(let n of t){n instanceof Zn&&(n=n.getOriginalVariable()),n instanceof rr&&(n=n.getBaseVariable());const t=this.chunkByModule.get(n.module);t!==this&&(this.imports.add(n),!(n instanceof nr&&this.outputOptions.preserveModules)&&n.module instanceof Ta&&(t.exports.add(n),this.checkCircularDependencyImport(n,e)))}(this.includedNamespaces.has(e)||e.info.isEntry&&!1!==e.preserveSignature||e.includedDynamicImporters.some((e=>this.chunkByModule.get(e)!==this)))&&this.ensureReexportsAreAvailableForModule(e);for(const{node:t,resolution:n}of e.dynamicImports)t.included&&n instanceof Ta&&this.chunkByModule.get(n)===this&&!this.includedNamespaces.has(n)&&(this.includedNamespaces.add(n),this.ensureReexportsAreAvailableForModule(n))}}const uB=(e,t)=>t?`${e}\n${t}`:e,pB=(e,t)=>t?`${e}\n\n${t}`:e;async function hB(e,t){try{let[n,r,i,s]=await Promise.all([t.hookReduceValue("banner",e.banner(),[],uB),t.hookReduceValue("footer",e.footer(),[],uB),t.hookReduceValue("intro",e.intro(),[],pB),t.hookReduceValue("outro",e.outro(),[],pB)]);return i&&(i+="\n\n"),s&&(s=`\n\n${s}`),n.length&&(n+="\n"),r.length&&(r="\n"+r),{intro:i,outro:s,banner:n,footer:r}}catch(e){return ci({code:"ADDON_ERROR",message:`Could not retrieve ${e.hook}. Check configuration of plugin ${e.plugin}.\n\tError Message: ${e.message}`})}}function dB(e,t){const n=[],r=new Set(t.keys()),i=Object.create(null);for(const[e,n]of t){fB(e,i[n]=i[n]||[],r)}for(const[e,t]of Object.entries(i))n.push({alias:e,modules:t});const s=new Map,{dependentEntryPointsByModule:o,dynamicEntryModules:a}=CB(e),B=mB(o,a),c=new Set(e);function l(e,t){const n=new Set([e]);for(const i of n){const a=Ct(s,i,(()=>new Set));if(!t||!u(t,o.get(i))){a.add(e);for(const e of i.getDependenciesToBeIncluded())e instanceof gr||r.has(e)||n.add(e)}}}function u(e,t){const n=new Set(e);for(const e of n)if(!t.has(e)){if(c.has(e))return!1;const t=B.get(e);for(const e of t)n.add(e)}return!0}for(const t of e)r.has(t)||l(t,null);for(const e of a)r.has(e)||l(e,B.get(e));return n.push(...gB([...e,...a],s)),n}function fB(e,t,n){const r=new Set([e]);for(const e of r){n.add(e),t.push(e);for(const t of e.dependencies)t instanceof gr||n.has(t)||r.add(t)}}function CB(e){const t=new Set,n=new Map,r=new Set(e);for(const e of r){const i=new Set([e]);for(const s of i){Ct(n,s,(()=>new Set)).add(e);for(const e of s.getDependenciesToBeIncluded())e instanceof gr||i.add(e);for(const{resolution:e}of s.dynamicImports)e instanceof Ta&&e.includedDynamicImporters.length>0&&(t.add(e),r.add(e));for(const e of s.implicitlyLoadedBefore)t.add(e),r.add(e)}}return{dependentEntryPointsByModule:n,dynamicEntryModules:t}}function mB(e,t){const n=new Map;for(const r of t){const t=Ct(n,r,(()=>new Set));for(const n of[...r.includedDynamicImporters,...r.implicitlyLoadedAfter])for(const r of e.get(n))t.add(r)}return n}function gB(e,t){const n=Object.create(null);for(const[r,i]of t){let t="";for(const n of e)t+=i.has(n)?"X":"_";const s=n[t];s?s.push(r):n[t]=[r]}return Object.keys(n).map((e=>({alias:null,modules:n[e]})))}function AB(e){if(0===e.length)return"/";if(1===e.length)return t.dirname(e[0]);const n=e.slice(1).reduce(((e,t)=>{const n=t.split(/\/+|\\+/);let r;for(r=0;e[r]===n[r]&&r1?n.join("/"):"/"}const yB=(e,t)=>e.execIndex>t.execIndex?1:-1;function EB(e){e.sort(yB)}function vB(e){let t=0;const n=[],r=new Set,i=new Set,s=new Map,o=[],a=e=>{if(e instanceof Ta){for(const t of e.dependencies)s.has(t)?r.has(t)||n.push(_B(t,e,s)):(s.set(t,e),a(t));for(const t of e.implicitlyLoadedBefore)i.add(t);for(const{resolution:t}of e.dynamicImports)t instanceof Ta&&i.add(t);o.push(e)}e.execIndex=t++,r.add(e)};for(const t of e)s.has(t)||(s.set(t,null),a(t));for(const e of i)s.has(e)||(s.set(e,null),a(e));return{orderedModules:o,cyclePaths:n}}function _B(e,t,n){const r=Symbol(e.id),i=[ai(e.id)];let s=t;for(e.cycles.add(r);s!==e;)s.cycles.add(r),i.push(ai(s.id)),s=n.get(s);return i.push(i[0]),i.reverse(),i}var bB;function SB(e,n,r){const i=e||"asset";return aB(oB("function"==typeof r.assetFileNames?r.assetFileNames({name:e,source:n,type:"asset"}):r.assetFileNames,"output.assetFileNames",{hash(){const e=Ka();return e.update(i),e.update(":"),e.update(n),e.digest("hex").substr(0,8)},ext:()=>t.extname(i).substr(1),extname:()=>t.extname(i),name:()=>i.substr(0,i.length-t.extname(i).length)}),r.bundle)}function wB(e,t,n){e in t&&n(bi(e)),t[e]=xB}!function(e){e[e.LOAD_AND_PARSE=0]="LOAD_AND_PARSE",e[e.ANALYSE=1]="ANALYSE",e[e.GENERATE=2]="GENERATE"}(bB||(bB={}));const xB={type:"placeholder"};function DB(e){return Boolean(e&&("asset"===e.type||"chunk"===e.type))}function IB(e){const t=e.fileName||e.name;return!t||"string"==typeof t&&Bi(t)}function kB(e,t,n){if(!("string"==typeof e||e instanceof Uint8Array)){const e=t.fileName||t.name||n;return ci(qi(`Could not set source for ${"string"==typeof e?`asset "${e}"`:"unnamed asset"}, asset source needs to be a string, Uint8Array or Buffer.`))}return e}function OB(e,t){return"string"!=typeof e.fileName?ci(pi(e.name||t)):e.fileName}function NB(e,t){var n;const r=e.fileName||e.module&&(null===(n=null==t?void 0:t.get(e.module))||void 0===n?void 0:n.id);return r||ci(di(e.fileName||e.name))}class TB{constructor(e,t,n){this.graph=e,this.options=t,this.facadeChunkByModule=null,this.output=null,this.assertAssetsFinalized=()=>{for(const[e,t]of this.filesByReferenceId.entries())if("asset"===t.type&&"string"!=typeof t.fileName)return ci(yi(t.name||e))},this.emitFile=e=>DB(e)?IB(e)?"chunk"===e.type?this.emitChunk(e):this.emitAsset(e):ci(qi(`The "fileName" or "name" properties of emitted files must be strings that are neither absolute nor relative paths and do not contain invalid characters, received "${e.fileName||e.name}".`)):ci(qi(`Emitted files must be of type "asset" or "chunk", received "${e&&e.type}".`)),this.getFileName=e=>{const t=this.filesByReferenceId.get(e);return t?"chunk"===t.type?NB(t,this.facadeChunkByModule):OB(t,e):ci(_i(e))},this.setAssetSource=(e,t)=>{const n=this.filesByReferenceId.get(e);if(!n)return ci(gi(e));if("asset"!==n.type)return ci(qi(`Asset sources can only be set for emitted assets but "${e}" is an emitted chunk.`));if(void 0!==n.source)return ci(Ai(n.name||e));const r=kB(t,n,e);this.output?this.finalizeAsset(n,r,e,this.output):n.source=r},this.setOutputBundle=(e,t,n)=>{this.output={assetFileNames:t,bundle:e},this.facadeChunkByModule=n;for(const e of this.filesByReferenceId.values())e.fileName&&wB(e.fileName,this.output.bundle,this.options.onwarn);for(const[e,t]of this.filesByReferenceId.entries())"asset"===t.type&&void 0!==t.source&&this.finalizeAsset(t,t.source,e,this.output)},this.filesByReferenceId=n?new Map(n.filesByReferenceId):new Map}assignReferenceId(e,t){let n;do{const e=Ka();n?e.update(n):e.update(t),n=e.digest("hex").substr(0,8)}while(this.filesByReferenceId.has(n));return this.filesByReferenceId.set(n,e),n}emitAsset(e){const t=void 0!==e.source?kB(e.source,e,null):void 0,n={fileName:e.fileName,name:e.name,source:t,type:"asset"},r=this.assignReferenceId(n,e.fileName||e.name||e.type);return this.output&&(e.fileName&&wB(e.fileName,this.output.bundle,this.options.onwarn),void 0!==t&&this.finalizeAsset(n,t,r,this.output)),r}emitChunk(e){if(this.graph.phase>bB.LOAD_AND_PARSE)return ci(Ni());if("string"!=typeof e.id)return ci(qi(`Emitted chunks need to have a valid string id, received "${e.id}"`));const t={fileName:e.fileName,module:null,name:e.name||e.id,type:"chunk"};return this.graph.moduleLoader.emitChunk(e).then((e=>t.module=e)).catch((()=>{})),this.assignReferenceId(t,e.id)}finalizeAsset(e,t,n,r){const i=e.fileName||PB(r.bundle,t)||SB(e.name,t,r),s={...e,source:t,fileName:i};this.filesByReferenceId.set(n,s);const o=this.options;r.bundle[i]={fileName:i,name:e.name,get isAsset(){return Yi('Accessing "isAsset" on files in the bundle is deprecated, please use "type === \'asset\'" instead',!0,o),!0},source:t,type:"asset"}}}function PB(e,t){for(const n of Object.keys(e)){const r=e[n];if("asset"===r.type&&MB(t,r.source))return n}return null}function MB(e,t){if("string"==typeof e)return e===t;if("string"==typeof t)return!1;if("equals"in e)return e.equals(t);if(e.length!==t.length)return!1;for(let n=0;n1&&RB(this.outputOptions,this.inputOptions.onwarn);const n=AB(LB(e));ba("generate chunks",2),_a("render modules",2);const r=await hB(this.outputOptions,this.pluginDriver);this.prerenderChunks(e,n),ba("render modules",2),await this.addFinalizedChunksToBundle(e,n,r,t)}catch(e){throw await this.pluginDriver.hookParallel("renderError",[e]),e}return await this.pluginDriver.hookSeq("generateBundle",[this.outputOptions,t,e]),this.finaliseAssets(t),ba("GENERATE",1),t}async addFinalizedChunksToBundle(e,t,n,r){this.assignChunkIds(e,t,n,r);for(const t of e)r[t.id]=t.getChunkInfoWithFileNames();await Promise.all(e.map((async e=>{const t=r[e.id];Object.assign(t,await e.render(this.outputOptions,n,t))})))}async addManualChunks(e){const t=new Map,n=await Promise.all(Object.keys(e).map((async t=>({alias:t,entries:await this.graph.moduleLoader.addAdditionalModules(e[t])}))));for(const{alias:e,entries:r}of n)for(const n of r)HB(e,n,t);return t}assignChunkIds(e,n,r,i){const s=[],o=[];for(const t of e)(t.facadeModule&&t.facadeModule.isUserDefinedEntryPoint?s:o).push(t);const a=s.concat(o);for(const e of a)this.outputOptions.file?e.id=t.basename(this.outputOptions.file):this.outputOptions.preserveModules?e.id=e.generateIdPreserveModules(n,this.outputOptions,i,this.unsetOptions):e.id=e.generateId(r,this.outputOptions,i,!0),i[e.id]=xB}assignManualChunks(e){const t=new Map,n={getModuleIds:()=>this.graph.modulesById.keys(),getModuleInfo:this.graph.getModuleInfo};for(const r of this.graph.modulesById.values())if(r instanceof Ta){const i=e(r.id,n);"string"==typeof i&&HB(i,r,t)}return t}finaliseAssets(e){for(const t of Object.keys(e)){const n=e[t];if(n.type||(Yi('A plugin is directly adding properties to the bundle object in the "generateBundle" hook. This is deprecated and will be removed in a future Rollup version, please use "this.emitFile" instead.',!0,this.inputOptions),n.type="asset"),this.outputOptions.validate&&"string"==typeof n.code)try{this.graph.contextParse(n.code,{allowHashBang:!0,ecmaVersion:"latest"})}catch(e){this.inputOptions.onwarn(fi(n,e))}}this.pluginDriver.finaliseAssets()}async generateChunks(){const{manualChunks:e}=this.outputOptions,t="object"==typeof e?await this.addManualChunks(e):this.assignManualChunks(e),n=[],r=new Map;for(const{alias:e,modules:i}of this.outputOptions.inlineDynamicImports?[{alias:null,modules:GB(this.graph.modulesById)}]:this.outputOptions.preserveModules?GB(this.graph.modulesById).map((e=>({alias:null,modules:[e]}))):dB(this.graph.entryModules,t)){EB(i);const t=new lB(i,this.inputOptions,this.outputOptions,this.unsetOptions,this.pluginDriver,this.graph.modulesById,r,this.facadeChunkByModule,this.includedNamespaces,e);n.push(t);for(const e of i)r.set(e,t)}for(const e of n)e.link();const i=[];for(const e of n)i.push(...e.generateFacades());return[...n,...i]}prerenderChunks(e,t){for(const t of e)t.generateExports();for(const n of e)n.preRender(this.outputOptions,t)}}function LB(e){const t=[];for(const n of e)for(const e of n.entryModules)fr(e.id)&&t.push(e.id);return t}function RB(e,t){return"umd"===e.format||"iife"===e.format?ci({code:"INVALID_OPTION",message:"UMD and IIFE output formats are not supported for code-splitting builds."}):"string"==typeof e.file?ci({code:"INVALID_OPTION",message:'When building multiple chunks, the "output.dir" option must be used, not "output.file". To inline dynamic imports, set the "inlineDynamicImports" option.'}):e.sourcemapFile?ci({code:"INVALID_OPTION",message:'"output.sourcemapFile" is only supported for single-file builds.'}):void(!e.amd.autoId&&e.amd.id&&t({code:"INVALID_OPTION",message:'"output.amd.id" is only properly supported for single-file builds. Use "output.amd.autoId" and "output.amd.basePath".'}))}function GB(e){return[...e.values()].filter((e=>e instanceof Ta&&(e.isIncluded()||e.info.isEntry||e.includedDynamicImporters.length>0)))}function HB(e,t,n){const r=n.get(t);if("string"==typeof r&&r!==e)return ci(wi(t.id,e,r));n.set(t,e)}var KB={3:"abstract boolean byte char class double enum export extends final float goto implements import int interface long native package private protected public short static super synchronized throws transient volatile",5:"class enum extends super const export import",6:"enum",strict:"implements interface let package private protected public static yield",strictBind:"eval arguments"},VB="break case catch continue debugger default do else finally for function if return switch throw try var while with null true false instanceof typeof void delete new in this",UB={5:VB,"5module":VB+" export import",6:VB+" const class extends export import super"},QB=/^in(stanceof)?$/,JB="ªµºÀ-ÖØ-öø-ˁˆ-ˑˠ-ˤˬˮͰ-ʹͶͷͺ-ͽͿΆΈ-ΊΌΎ-ΡΣ-ϵϷ-ҁҊ-ԯԱ-Ֆՙՠ-ֈא-תׯ-ײؠ-يٮٯٱ-ۓەۥۦۮۯۺ-ۼۿܐܒ-ܯݍ-ޥޱߊ-ߪߴߵߺࠀ-ࠕࠚࠤࠨࡀ-ࡘࡠ-ࡪࢠ-ࢴࢶ-ࣇऄ-हऽॐक़-ॡॱ-ঀঅ-ঌএঐও-নপ-রলশ-হঽৎড়ঢ়য়-ৡৰৱৼਅ-ਊਏਐਓ-ਨਪ-ਰਲਲ਼ਵਸ਼ਸਹਖ਼-ੜਫ਼ੲ-ੴઅ-ઍએ-ઑઓ-નપ-રલળવ-હઽૐૠૡૹଅ-ଌଏଐଓ-ନପ-ରଲଳଵ-ହଽଡ଼ଢ଼ୟ-ୡୱஃஅ-ஊஎ-ஐஒ-கஙசஜஞடணதந-பம-ஹௐఅ-ఌఎ-ఐఒ-నప-హఽౘ-ౚౠౡಀಅ-ಌಎ-ಐಒ-ನಪ-ಳವ-ಹಽೞೠೡೱೲഄ-ഌഎ-ഐഒ-ഺഽൎൔ-ൖൟ-ൡൺ-ൿඅ-ඖක-නඳ-රලව-ෆก-ะาำเ-ๆກຂຄຆ-ຊຌ-ຣລວ-ະາຳຽເ-ໄໆໜ-ໟༀཀ-ཇཉ-ཬྈ-ྌက-ဪဿၐ-ၕၚ-ၝၡၥၦၮ-ၰၵ-ႁႎႠ-ჅჇჍა-ჺჼ-ቈቊ-ቍቐ-ቖቘቚ-ቝበ-ኈኊ-ኍነ-ኰኲ-ኵኸ-ኾዀዂ-ዅወ-ዖዘ-ጐጒ-ጕጘ-ፚᎀ-ᎏᎠ-Ᏽᏸ-ᏽᐁ-ᙬᙯ-ᙿᚁ-ᚚᚠ-ᛪᛮ-ᛸᜀ-ᜌᜎ-ᜑᜠ-ᜱᝀ-ᝑᝠ-ᝬᝮ-ᝰក-ឳៗៜᠠ-ᡸᢀ-ᢨᢪᢰ-ᣵᤀ-ᤞᥐ-ᥭᥰ-ᥴᦀ-ᦫᦰ-ᧉᨀ-ᨖᨠ-ᩔᪧᬅ-ᬳᭅ-ᭋᮃ-ᮠᮮᮯᮺ-ᯥᰀ-ᰣᱍ-ᱏᱚ-ᱽᲀ-ᲈᲐ-ᲺᲽ-Ჿᳩ-ᳬᳮ-ᳳᳵᳶᳺᴀ-ᶿḀ-ἕἘ-Ἕἠ-ὅὈ-Ὅὐ-ὗὙὛὝὟ-ώᾀ-ᾴᾶ-ᾼιῂ-ῄῆ-ῌῐ-ΐῖ-Ίῠ-Ῥῲ-ῴῶ-ῼⁱⁿₐ-ₜℂℇℊ-ℓℕ℘-ℝℤΩℨK-ℹℼ-ℿⅅ-ⅉⅎⅠ-ↈⰀ-Ⱞⰰ-ⱞⱠ-ⳤⳫ-ⳮⳲⳳⴀ-ⴥⴧⴭⴰ-ⵧⵯⶀ-ⶖⶠ-ⶦⶨ-ⶮⶰ-ⶶⶸ-ⶾⷀ-ⷆⷈ-ⷎⷐ-ⷖⷘ-ⷞ々-〇〡-〩〱-〵〸-〼ぁ-ゖ゛-ゟァ-ヺー-ヿㄅ-ㄯㄱ-ㆎㆠ-ㆿㇰ-ㇿ㐀-䶿一-鿼ꀀ-ꒌꓐ-ꓽꔀ-ꘌꘐ-ꘟꘪꘫꙀ-ꙮꙿ-ꚝꚠ-ꛯꜗ-ꜟꜢ-ꞈꞋ-ꞿꟂ-ꟊꟵ-ꠁꠃ-ꠅꠇ-ꠊꠌ-ꠢꡀ-ꡳꢂ-ꢳꣲ-ꣷꣻꣽꣾꤊ-ꤥꤰ-ꥆꥠ-ꥼꦄ-ꦲꧏꧠ-ꧤꧦ-ꧯꧺ-ꧾꨀ-ꨨꩀ-ꩂꩄ-ꩋꩠ-ꩶꩺꩾ-ꪯꪱꪵꪶꪹ-ꪽꫀꫂꫛ-ꫝꫠ-ꫪꫲ-ꫴꬁ-ꬆꬉ-ꬎꬑ-ꬖꬠ-ꬦꬨ-ꬮꬰ-ꭚꭜ-ꭩꭰ-ꯢ가-힣ힰ-ퟆퟋ-ퟻ豈-舘並-龎ff-stﬓ-ﬗיִײַ-ﬨשׁ-זּטּ-לּמּנּסּףּפּצּ-ﮱﯓ-ﴽﵐ-ﶏﶒ-ﷇﷰ-ﷻﹰ-ﹴﹶ-ﻼA-Za-zヲ-하-ᅦᅧ-ᅬᅭ-ᅲᅳ-ᅵ",jB="‌‍·̀-ͯ·҃-֑҇-ׇֽֿׁׂׅׄؐ-ًؚ-٩ٰۖ-ۜ۟-۪ۤۧۨ-ۭ۰-۹ܑܰ-݊ަ-ް߀-߉߫-߽߳ࠖ-࠙ࠛ-ࠣࠥ-ࠧࠩ-࡙࠭-࡛࣓-ࣣ࣡-ःऺ-़ा-ॏ॑-ॗॢॣ०-९ঁ-ঃ়া-ৄেৈো-্ৗৢৣ০-৯৾ਁ-ਃ਼ਾ-ੂੇੈੋ-੍ੑ੦-ੱੵઁ-ઃ઼ા-ૅે-ૉો-્ૢૣ૦-૯ૺ-૿ଁ-ଃ଼ା-ୄେୈୋ-୍୕-ୗୢୣ୦-୯ஂா-ூெ-ைொ-்ௗ௦-௯ఀ-ఄా-ౄె-ైొ-్ౕౖౢౣ౦-౯ಁ-ಃ಼ಾ-ೄೆ-ೈೊ-್ೕೖೢೣ೦-೯ഀ-ഃ഻഼ാ-ൄെ-ൈൊ-്ൗൢൣ൦-൯ඁ-ඃ්ා-ුූෘ-ෟ෦-෯ෲෳัิ-ฺ็-๎๐-๙ັິ-ຼ່-ໍ໐-໙༘༙༠-༩༹༵༷༾༿ཱ-྄྆྇ྍ-ྗྙ-ྼ࿆ါ-ှ၀-၉ၖ-ၙၞ-ၠၢ-ၤၧ-ၭၱ-ၴႂ-ႍႏ-ႝ፝-፟፩-፱ᜒ-᜔ᜲ-᜴ᝒᝓᝲᝳ឴-៓៝០-៩᠋-᠍᠐-᠙ᢩᤠ-ᤫᤰ-᤻᥆-᥏᧐-᧚ᨗ-ᨛᩕ-ᩞ᩠-᩿᩼-᪉᪐-᪙᪰-᪽ᪿᫀᬀ-ᬄ᬴-᭄᭐-᭙᭫-᭳ᮀ-ᮂᮡ-ᮭ᮰-᮹᯦-᯳ᰤ-᰷᱀-᱉᱐-᱙᳐-᳔᳒-᳨᳭᳴᳷-᳹᷀-᷹᷻-᷿‿⁀⁔⃐-⃥⃜⃡-⃰⳯-⵿⳱ⷠ-〪ⷿ-゙゚〯꘠-꘩꙯ꙴ-꙽ꚞꚟ꛰꛱ꠂ꠆ꠋꠣ-ꠧ꠬ꢀꢁꢴ-ꣅ꣐-꣙꣠-꣱ꣿ-꤉ꤦ-꤭ꥇ-꥓ꦀ-ꦃ꦳-꧀꧐-꧙ꧥ꧰-꧹ꨩ-ꨶꩃꩌꩍ꩐-꩙ꩻ-ꩽꪰꪲ-ꪴꪷꪸꪾ꪿꫁ꫫ-ꫯꫵ꫶ꯣ-ꯪ꯬꯭꯰-꯹ﬞ︀-️︠-︯︳︴﹍-﹏0-9_",WB=new 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ec("+/-",{beforeExpr:!0,binop:9,prefix:!0,startsExpr:!0}),modulo:tc("%",10),star:tc("*",10),slash:tc("/",10),starstar:new ec("**",{beforeExpr:!0}),coalesce:tc("??",1),_break:sc("break"),_case:sc("case",nc),_catch:sc("catch"),_continue:sc("continue"),_debugger:sc("debugger"),_default:sc("default",nc),_do:sc("do",{isLoop:!0,beforeExpr:!0}),_else:sc("else",nc),_finally:sc("finally"),_for:sc("for",{isLoop:!0}),_function:sc("function",rc),_if:sc("if"),_return:sc("return",nc),_switch:sc("switch"),_throw:sc("throw",nc),_try:sc("try"),_var:sc("var"),_const:sc("const"),_while:sc("while",{isLoop:!0}),_with:sc("with"),_new:sc("new",{beforeExpr:!0,startsExpr:!0}),_this:sc("this",rc),_super:sc("super",rc),_class:sc("class",rc),_extends:sc("extends",nc),_export:sc("export"),_import:sc("import",rc),_null:sc("null",rc),_true:sc("true",rc),_false:sc("false",rc),_in:sc("in",{beforeExpr:!0,binop:7}),_instanceof:sc("instanceof",{beforeExpr:!0,binop:7}),_typeof:sc("typeof",{beforeExpr:!0,prefix:!0,startsExpr:!0}),_void:sc("void",{beforeExpr:!0,prefix:!0,startsExpr:!0}),_delete:sc("delete",{beforeExpr:!0,prefix:!0,startsExpr:!0})},ac=/\r\n?|\n|\u2028|\u2029/,Bc=new 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"+KB.strictBind),this.input=String(t),this.containsEsc=!1,n?(this.pos=n,this.lineStart=this.input.lastIndexOf("\n",n-1)+1,this.curLine=this.input.slice(0,this.lineStart).split(ac).length):(this.pos=this.lineStart=0,this.curLine=1),this.type=oc.eof,this.value=null,this.start=this.end=this.pos,this.startLoc=this.endLoc=this.curPosition(),this.lastTokEndLoc=this.lastTokStartLoc=null,this.lastTokStart=this.lastTokEnd=this.pos,this.context=this.initialContext(),this.exprAllowed=!0,this.inModule="module"===e.sourceType,this.strict=this.inModule||this.strictDirective(this.pos),this.potentialArrowAt=-1,this.yieldPos=this.awaitPos=this.awaitIdentPos=0,this.labels=[],this.undefinedExports=Object.create(null),0===this.pos&&e.allowHashBang&&"#!"===this.input.slice(0,2)&&this.skipLineComment(2),this.scopeStack=[],this.enterScope(Sc),this.regexpState=null},Vc={inFunction:{configurable:!0},inGenerator:{configurable:!0},inAsync:{configurable:!0},allowSuper:{configurable:!0},allowDirectSuper:{configurable:!0},treatFunctionsAsVar:{configurable:!0},inNonArrowFunction:{configurable:!0}};Kc.prototype.parse=function(){var e=this.options.program||this.startNode();return this.nextToken(),this.parseTopLevel(e)},Vc.inFunction.get=function(){return(this.currentVarScope().flags&wc)>0},Vc.inGenerator.get=function(){return(this.currentVarScope().flags&Ic)>0},Vc.inAsync.get=function(){return(this.currentVarScope().flags&Dc)>0},Vc.allowSuper.get=function(){return(this.currentThisScope().flags&Nc)>0},Vc.allowDirectSuper.get=function(){return(this.currentThisScope().flags&Tc)>0},Vc.treatFunctionsAsVar.get=function(){return this.treatFunctionsAsVarInScope(this.currentScope())},Vc.inNonArrowFunction.get=function(){return(this.currentThisScope().flags&wc)>0},Kc.extend=function(){for(var e=[],t=arguments.length;t--;)e[t]=arguments[t];for(var n=this,r=0;r=,?^&]/.test(i)||"!"===i&&"="===this.input.charAt(r+1))}e+=t[0].length,uc.lastIndex=e,e+=uc.exec(this.input)[0].length,";"===this.input[e]&&e++}},Uc.eat=function(e){return this.type===e&&(this.next(),!0)},Uc.isContextual=function(e){return this.type===oc.name&&this.value===e&&!this.containsEsc},Uc.eatContextual=function(e){return!!this.isContextual(e)&&(this.next(),!0)},Uc.expectContextual=function(e){this.eatContextual(e)||this.unexpected()},Uc.canInsertSemicolon=function(){return this.type===oc.eof||this.type===oc.braceR||ac.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd,this.start))},Uc.insertSemicolon=function(){if(this.canInsertSemicolon())return this.options.onInsertedSemicolon&&this.options.onInsertedSemicolon(this.lastTokEnd,this.lastTokEndLoc),!0},Uc.semicolon=function(){this.eat(oc.semi)||this.insertSemicolon()||this.unexpected()},Uc.afterTrailingComma=function(e,t){if(this.type===e)return this.options.onTrailingComma&&this.options.onTrailingComma(this.lastTokStart,this.lastTokStartLoc),t||this.next(),!0},Uc.expect=function(e){this.eat(e)||this.unexpected()},Uc.unexpected=function(e){this.raise(null!=e?e:this.start,"Unexpected token")},Uc.checkPatternErrors=function(e,t){if(e){e.trailingComma>-1&&this.raiseRecoverable(e.trailingComma,"Comma is not permitted after the rest element");var n=t?e.parenthesizedAssign:e.parenthesizedBind;n>-1&&this.raiseRecoverable(n,"Parenthesized pattern")}},Uc.checkExpressionErrors=function(e,t){if(!e)return!1;var n=e.shorthandAssign,r=e.doubleProto;if(!t)return n>=0||r>=0;n>=0&&this.raise(n,"Shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns"),r>=0&&this.raiseRecoverable(r,"Redefinition of __proto__ property")},Uc.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams=function(){this.yieldPos&&(!this.awaitPos||this.yieldPos=6&&this.unexpected(),this.parseFunctionStatement(s,!1,!e);case oc._class:return e&&this.unexpected(),this.parseClass(s,!0);case oc._if:return this.parseIfStatement(s);case oc._return:return this.parseReturnStatement(s);case oc._switch:return this.parseSwitchStatement(s);case oc._throw:return this.parseThrowStatement(s);case oc._try:return this.parseTryStatement(s);case oc._const:case oc._var:return r=r||this.value,e&&"var"!==r&&this.unexpected(),this.parseVarStatement(s,r);case oc._while:return this.parseWhileStatement(s);case oc._with:return this.parseWithStatement(s);case oc.braceL:return this.parseBlock(!0,s);case oc.semi:return this.parseEmptyStatement(s);case oc._export:case oc._import:if(this.options.ecmaVersion>10&&i===oc._import){uc.lastIndex=this.pos;var o=uc.exec(this.input),a=this.pos+o[0].length,B=this.input.charCodeAt(a);if(40===B||46===B)return this.parseExpressionStatement(s,this.parseExpression())}return this.options.allowImportExportEverywhere||(t||this.raise(this.start,"'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level"),this.inModule||this.raise(this.start,"'import' and 'export' may appear only with 'sourceType: module'")),i===oc._import?this.parseImport(s):this.parseExport(s,n);default:if(this.isAsyncFunction())return e&&this.unexpected(),this.next(),this.parseFunctionStatement(s,!0,!e);var c=this.value,l=this.parseExpression();return i===oc.name&&"Identifier"===l.type&&this.eat(oc.colon)?this.parseLabeledStatement(s,c,l,e):this.parseExpressionStatement(s,l)}},jc.parseBreakContinueStatement=function(e,t){var n="break"===t;this.next(),this.eat(oc.semi)||this.insertSemicolon()?e.label=null:this.type!==oc.name?this.unexpected():(e.label=this.parseIdent(),this.semicolon());for(var r=0;r=6?this.eat(oc.semi):this.semicolon(),this.finishNode(e,"DoWhileStatement")},jc.parseForStatement=function(e){this.next();var t=this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&(this.inAsync||!this.inFunction&&this.options.allowAwaitOutsideFunction)&&this.eatContextual("await")?this.lastTokStart:-1;if(this.labels.push(Wc),this.enterScope(0),this.expect(oc.parenL),this.type===oc.semi)return t>-1&&this.unexpected(t),this.parseFor(e,null);var n=this.isLet();if(this.type===oc._var||this.type===oc._const||n){var r=this.startNode(),i=n?"let":this.value;return this.next(),this.parseVar(r,!0,i),this.finishNode(r,"VariableDeclaration"),(this.type===oc._in||this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&this.isContextual("of"))&&1===r.declarations.length?(this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&(this.type===oc._in?t>-1&&this.unexpected(t):e.await=t>-1),this.parseForIn(e,r)):(t>-1&&this.unexpected(t),this.parseFor(e,r))}var s=new Jc,o=this.parseExpression(!0,s);return this.type===oc._in||this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&this.isContextual("of")?(this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&(this.type===oc._in?t>-1&&this.unexpected(t):e.await=t>-1),this.toAssignable(o,!1,s),this.checkLValPattern(o),this.parseForIn(e,o)):(this.checkExpressionErrors(s,!0),t>-1&&this.unexpected(t),this.parseFor(e,o))},jc.parseFunctionStatement=function(e,t,n){return this.next(),this.parseFunction(e,zc|(n?0:Yc),!1,t)},jc.parseIfStatement=function(e){return this.next(),e.test=this.parseParenExpression(),e.consequent=this.parseStatement("if"),e.alternate=this.eat(oc._else)?this.parseStatement("if"):null,this.finishNode(e,"IfStatement")},jc.parseReturnStatement=function(e){return this.inFunction||this.options.allowReturnOutsideFunction||this.raise(this.start,"'return' outside of function"),this.next(),this.eat(oc.semi)||this.insertSemicolon()?e.argument=null:(e.argument=this.parseExpression(),this.semicolon()),this.finishNode(e,"ReturnStatement")},jc.parseSwitchStatement=function(e){var t;this.next(),e.discriminant=this.parseParenExpression(),e.cases=[],this.expect(oc.braceL),this.labels.push(Xc),this.enterScope(0);for(var n=!1;this.type!==oc.braceR;)if(this.type===oc._case||this.type===oc._default){var r=this.type===oc._case;t&&this.finishNode(t,"SwitchCase"),e.cases.push(t=this.startNode()),t.consequent=[],this.next(),r?t.test=this.parseExpression():(n&&this.raiseRecoverable(this.lastTokStart,"Multiple default clauses"),n=!0,t.test=null),this.expect(oc.colon)}else t||this.unexpected(),t.consequent.push(this.parseStatement(null));return this.exitScope(),t&&this.finishNode(t,"SwitchCase"),this.next(),this.labels.pop(),this.finishNode(e,"SwitchStatement")},jc.parseThrowStatement=function(e){return this.next(),ac.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd,this.start))&&this.raise(this.lastTokEnd,"Illegal newline after throw"),e.argument=this.parseExpression(),this.semicolon(),this.finishNode(e,"ThrowStatement")};var qc=[];jc.parseTryStatement=function(e){if(this.next(),e.block=this.parseBlock(),e.handler=null,this.type===oc._catch){var t=this.startNode();if(this.next(),this.eat(oc.parenL)){t.param=this.parseBindingAtom();var n="Identifier"===t.param.type;this.enterScope(n?Oc:0),this.checkLValPattern(t.param,n?Gc:Lc),this.expect(oc.parenR)}else this.options.ecmaVersion<10&&this.unexpected(),t.param=null,this.enterScope(0);t.body=this.parseBlock(!1),this.exitScope(),e.handler=this.finishNode(t,"CatchClause")}return e.finalizer=this.eat(oc._finally)?this.parseBlock():null,e.handler||e.finalizer||this.raise(e.start,"Missing catch or finally clause"),this.finishNode(e,"TryStatement")},jc.parseVarStatement=function(e,t){return this.next(),this.parseVar(e,!1,t),this.semicolon(),this.finishNode(e,"VariableDeclaration")},jc.parseWhileStatement=function(e){return this.next(),e.test=this.parseParenExpression(),this.labels.push(Wc),e.body=this.parseStatement("while"),this.labels.pop(),this.finishNode(e,"WhileStatement")},jc.parseWithStatement=function(e){return this.strict&&this.raise(this.start,"'with' in strict mode"),this.next(),e.object=this.parseParenExpression(),e.body=this.parseStatement("with"),this.finishNode(e,"WithStatement")},jc.parseEmptyStatement=function(e){return this.next(),this.finishNode(e,"EmptyStatement")},jc.parseLabeledStatement=function(e,t,n,r){for(var i=0,s=this.labels;i=0;a--){var B=this.labels[a];if(B.statementStart!==e.start)break;B.statementStart=this.start,B.kind=o}return this.labels.push({name:t,kind:o,statementStart:this.start}),e.body=this.parseStatement(r?-1===r.indexOf("label")?r+"label":r:"label"),this.labels.pop(),e.label=n,this.finishNode(e,"LabeledStatement")},jc.parseExpressionStatement=function(e,t){return e.expression=t,this.semicolon(),this.finishNode(e,"ExpressionStatement")},jc.parseBlock=function(e,t,n){for(void 0===e&&(e=!0),void 0===t&&(t=this.startNode()),t.body=[],this.expect(oc.braceL),e&&this.enterScope(0);this.type!==oc.braceR;){var r=this.parseStatement(null);t.body.push(r)}return n&&(this.strict=!1),this.next(),e&&this.exitScope(),this.finishNode(t,"BlockStatement")},jc.parseFor=function(e,t){return e.init=t,this.expect(oc.semi),e.test=this.type===oc.semi?null:this.parseExpression(),this.expect(oc.semi),e.update=this.type===oc.parenR?null:this.parseExpression(),this.expect(oc.parenR),e.body=this.parseStatement("for"),this.exitScope(),this.labels.pop(),this.finishNode(e,"ForStatement")},jc.parseForIn=function(e,t){var n=this.type===oc._in;return this.next(),"VariableDeclaration"===t.type&&null!=t.declarations[0].init&&(!n||this.options.ecmaVersion<8||this.strict||"var"!==t.kind||"Identifier"!==t.declarations[0].id.type)&&this.raise(t.start,(n?"for-in":"for-of")+" loop variable declaration may not have an initializer"),e.left=t,e.right=n?this.parseExpression():this.parseMaybeAssign(),this.expect(oc.parenR),e.body=this.parseStatement("for"),this.exitScope(),this.labels.pop(),this.finishNode(e,n?"ForInStatement":"ForOfStatement")},jc.parseVar=function(e,t,n){for(e.declarations=[],e.kind=n;;){var r=this.startNode();if(this.parseVarId(r,n),this.eat(oc.eq)?r.init=this.parseMaybeAssign(t):"const"!==n||this.type===oc._in||this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&this.isContextual("of")?"Identifier"===r.id.type||t&&(this.type===oc._in||this.isContextual("of"))?r.init=null:this.raise(this.lastTokEnd,"Complex binding patterns require an initialization value"):this.unexpected(),e.declarations.push(this.finishNode(r,"VariableDeclarator")),!this.eat(oc.comma))break}return e},jc.parseVarId=function(e,t){e.id=this.parseBindingAtom(),this.checkLValPattern(e.id,"var"===t?Fc:Lc,!1)};var zc=1,Yc=2,$c=4;jc.parseFunction=function(e,t,n,r){this.initFunction(e),(this.options.ecmaVersion>=9||this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&!r)&&(this.type===oc.star&&t&Yc&&this.unexpected(),e.generator=this.eat(oc.star)),this.options.ecmaVersion>=8&&(e.async=!!r),t&zc&&(e.id=t&$c&&this.type!==oc.name?null:this.parseIdent(),!e.id||t&Yc||this.checkLValSimple(e.id,this.strict||e.generator||e.async?this.treatFunctionsAsVar?Fc:Lc:Rc));var i=this.yieldPos,s=this.awaitPos,o=this.awaitIdentPos;return this.yieldPos=0,this.awaitPos=0,this.awaitIdentPos=0,this.enterScope(Pc(e.async,e.generator)),t&zc||(e.id=this.type===oc.name?this.parseIdent():null),this.parseFunctionParams(e),this.parseFunctionBody(e,n,!1),this.yieldPos=i,this.awaitPos=s,this.awaitIdentPos=o,this.finishNode(e,t&zc?"FunctionDeclaration":"FunctionExpression")},jc.parseFunctionParams=function(e){this.expect(oc.parenL),e.params=this.parseBindingList(oc.parenR,!1,this.options.ecmaVersion>=8),this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams()},jc.parseClass=function(e,t){this.next();var n=this.strict;this.strict=!0,this.parseClassId(e,t),this.parseClassSuper(e);var r=this.startNode(),i=!1;for(r.body=[],this.expect(oc.braceL);this.type!==oc.braceR;){var s=this.parseClassElement(null!==e.superClass);s&&(r.body.push(s),"MethodDefinition"===s.type&&"constructor"===s.kind&&(i&&this.raise(s.start,"Duplicate constructor in the same class"),i=!0))}return this.strict=n,this.next(),e.body=this.finishNode(r,"ClassBody"),this.finishNode(e,t?"ClassDeclaration":"ClassExpression")},jc.parseClassElement=function(e){var t=this;if(this.eat(oc.semi))return null;var n=this.startNode(),r=function(e,r){void 0===r&&(r=!1);var i=t.start,s=t.startLoc;return!!t.eatContextual(e)&&(!(t.type===oc.parenL||r&&t.canInsertSemicolon())||(n.key&&t.unexpected(),n.computed=!1,n.key=t.startNodeAt(i,s),n.key.name=e,t.finishNode(n.key,"Identifier"),!1))};n.kind="method",n.static=r("static");var i=this.eat(oc.star),s=!1;i||(this.options.ecmaVersion>=8&&r("async",!0)?(s=!0,i=this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&this.eat(oc.star)):r("get")?n.kind="get":r("set")&&(n.kind="set")),n.key||this.parsePropertyName(n);var o=n.key,a=!1;return n.computed||n.static||!("Identifier"===o.type&&"constructor"===o.name||"Literal"===o.type&&"constructor"===o.value)?n.static&&"Identifier"===o.type&&"prototype"===o.name&&this.raise(o.start,"Classes may not have a static property named prototype"):("method"!==n.kind&&this.raise(o.start,"Constructor can't have get/set modifier"),i&&this.raise(o.start,"Constructor can't be a generator"),s&&this.raise(o.start,"Constructor can't be an async method"),n.kind="constructor",a=e),this.parseClassMethod(n,i,s,a),"get"===n.kind&&0!==n.value.params.length&&this.raiseRecoverable(n.value.start,"getter should have no params"),"set"===n.kind&&1!==n.value.params.length&&this.raiseRecoverable(n.value.start,"setter should have exactly one param"),"set"===n.kind&&"RestElement"===n.value.params[0].type&&this.raiseRecoverable(n.value.params[0].start,"Setter cannot use rest params"),n},jc.parseClassMethod=function(e,t,n,r){return e.value=this.parseMethod(t,n,r),this.finishNode(e,"MethodDefinition")},jc.parseClassId=function(e,t){this.type===oc.name?(e.id=this.parseIdent(),t&&this.checkLValSimple(e.id,Lc,!1)):(!0===t&&this.unexpected(),e.id=null)},jc.parseClassSuper=function(e){e.superClass=this.eat(oc._extends)?this.parseExprSubscripts():null},jc.parseExport=function(e,t){if(this.next(),this.eat(oc.star))return this.options.ecmaVersion>=11&&(this.eatContextual("as")?(e.exported=this.parseIdent(!0),this.checkExport(t,e.exported.name,this.lastTokStart)):e.exported=null),this.expectContextual("from"),this.type!==oc.string&&this.unexpected(),e.source=this.parseExprAtom(),this.semicolon(),this.finishNode(e,"ExportAllDeclaration");if(this.eat(oc._default)){var n;if(this.checkExport(t,"default",this.lastTokStart),this.type===oc._function||(n=this.isAsyncFunction())){var r=this.startNode();this.next(),n&&this.next(),e.declaration=this.parseFunction(r,zc|$c,!1,n)}else if(this.type===oc._class){var i=this.startNode();e.declaration=this.parseClass(i,"nullableID")}else e.declaration=this.parseMaybeAssign(),this.semicolon();return this.finishNode(e,"ExportDefaultDeclaration")}if(this.shouldParseExportStatement())e.declaration=this.parseStatement(null),"VariableDeclaration"===e.declaration.type?this.checkVariableExport(t,e.declaration.declarations):this.checkExport(t,e.declaration.id.name,e.declaration.id.start),e.specifiers=[],e.source=null;else{if(e.declaration=null,e.specifiers=this.parseExportSpecifiers(t),this.eatContextual("from"))this.type!==oc.string&&this.unexpected(),e.source=this.parseExprAtom();else{for(var s=0,o=e.specifiers;s=6&&e)switch(e.type){case"Identifier":this.inAsync&&"await"===e.name&&this.raise(e.start,"Cannot use 'await' as identifier inside an async function");break;case"ObjectPattern":case"ArrayPattern":case"AssignmentPattern":case"RestElement":break;case"ObjectExpression":e.type="ObjectPattern",n&&this.checkPatternErrors(n,!0);for(var r=0,i=e.properties;r=8&&!s&&"async"===o.name&&!this.canInsertSemicolon()&&this.eat(oc._function))return this.parseFunction(this.startNodeAt(r,i),0,!1,!0);if(n&&!this.canInsertSemicolon()){if(this.eat(oc.arrow))return this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(r,i),[o],!1);if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=8&&"async"===o.name&&this.type===oc.name&&!s)return o=this.parseIdent(!1),!this.canInsertSemicolon()&&this.eat(oc.arrow)||this.unexpected(),this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(r,i),[o],!0)}return o;case oc.regexp:var a=this.value;return(t=this.parseLiteral(a.value)).regex={pattern:a.pattern,flags:a.flags},t;case oc.num:case oc.string:return this.parseLiteral(this.value);case oc._null:case oc._true:case oc._false:return(t=this.startNode()).value=this.type===oc._null?null:this.type===oc._true,t.raw=this.type.keyword,this.next(),this.finishNode(t,"Literal");case oc.parenL:var B=this.start,c=this.parseParenAndDistinguishExpression(n);return e&&(e.parenthesizedAssign<0&&!this.isSimpleAssignTarget(c)&&(e.parenthesizedAssign=B),e.parenthesizedBind<0&&(e.parenthesizedBind=B)),c;case oc.bracketL:return t=this.startNode(),this.next(),t.elements=this.parseExprList(oc.bracketR,!0,!0,e),this.finishNode(t,"ArrayExpression");case oc.braceL:return this.parseObj(!1,e);case oc._function:return t=this.startNode(),this.next(),this.parseFunction(t,0);case oc._class:return this.parseClass(this.startNode(),!1);case oc._new:return this.parseNew();case oc.backQuote:return this.parseTemplate();case oc._import:return this.options.ecmaVersion>=11?this.parseExprImport():this.unexpected();default:this.unexpected()}},el.parseExprImport=function(){var e=this.startNode();this.containsEsc&&this.raiseRecoverable(this.start,"Escape sequence in keyword import");var t=this.parseIdent(!0);switch(this.type){case oc.parenL:return this.parseDynamicImport(e);case oc.dot:return e.meta=t,this.parseImportMeta(e);default:this.unexpected()}},el.parseDynamicImport=function(e){if(this.next(),e.source=this.parseMaybeAssign(),!this.eat(oc.parenR)){var t=this.start;this.eat(oc.comma)&&this.eat(oc.parenR)?this.raiseRecoverable(t,"Trailing comma is not allowed in import()"):this.unexpected(t)}return this.finishNode(e,"ImportExpression")},el.parseImportMeta=function(e){this.next();var t=this.containsEsc;return e.property=this.parseIdent(!0),"meta"!==e.property.name&&this.raiseRecoverable(e.property.start,"The only valid meta property for import is 'import.meta'"),t&&this.raiseRecoverable(e.start,"'import.meta' must not contain escaped characters"),"module"!==this.options.sourceType&&this.raiseRecoverable(e.start,"Cannot use 'import.meta' outside a module"),this.finishNode(e,"MetaProperty")},el.parseLiteral=function(e){var t=this.startNode();return t.value=e,t.raw=this.input.slice(this.start,this.end),110===t.raw.charCodeAt(t.raw.length-1)&&(t.bigint=t.raw.slice(0,-1).replace(/_/g,"")),this.next(),this.finishNode(t,"Literal")},el.parseParenExpression=function(){this.expect(oc.parenL);var e=this.parseExpression();return this.expect(oc.parenR),e},el.parseParenAndDistinguishExpression=function(e){var t,n=this.start,r=this.startLoc,i=this.options.ecmaVersion>=8;if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=6){this.next();var s,o=this.start,a=this.startLoc,B=[],c=!0,l=!1,u=new Jc,p=this.yieldPos,h=this.awaitPos;for(this.yieldPos=0,this.awaitPos=0;this.type!==oc.parenR;){if(c?c=!1:this.expect(oc.comma),i&&this.afterTrailingComma(oc.parenR,!0)){l=!0;break}if(this.type===oc.ellipsis){s=this.start,B.push(this.parseParenItem(this.parseRestBinding())),this.type===oc.comma&&this.raise(this.start,"Comma is not permitted after the rest element");break}B.push(this.parseMaybeAssign(!1,u,this.parseParenItem))}var d=this.start,f=this.startLoc;if(this.expect(oc.parenR),e&&!this.canInsertSemicolon()&&this.eat(oc.arrow))return this.checkPatternErrors(u,!1),this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams(),this.yieldPos=p,this.awaitPos=h,this.parseParenArrowList(n,r,B);B.length&&!l||this.unexpected(this.lastTokStart),s&&this.unexpected(s),this.checkExpressionErrors(u,!0),this.yieldPos=p||this.yieldPos,this.awaitPos=h||this.awaitPos,B.length>1?((t=this.startNodeAt(o,a)).expressions=B,this.finishNodeAt(t,"SequenceExpression",d,f)):t=B[0]}else t=this.parseParenExpression();if(this.options.preserveParens){var C=this.startNodeAt(n,r);return C.expression=t,this.finishNode(C,"ParenthesizedExpression")}return t},el.parseParenItem=function(e){return e},el.parseParenArrowList=function(e,t,n){return this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(e,t),n)};var tl=[];el.parseNew=function(){this.containsEsc&&this.raiseRecoverable(this.start,"Escape sequence in keyword new");var e=this.startNode(),t=this.parseIdent(!0);if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&this.eat(oc.dot)){e.meta=t;var n=this.containsEsc;return e.property=this.parseIdent(!0),"target"!==e.property.name&&this.raiseRecoverable(e.property.start,"The only valid meta property for new is 'new.target'"),n&&this.raiseRecoverable(e.start,"'new.target' must not contain escaped characters"),this.inNonArrowFunction||this.raiseRecoverable(e.start,"'new.target' can only be used in functions"),this.finishNode(e,"MetaProperty")}var r=this.start,i=this.startLoc,s=this.type===oc._import;return e.callee=this.parseSubscripts(this.parseExprAtom(),r,i,!0),s&&"ImportExpression"===e.callee.type&&this.raise(r,"Cannot use new with import()"),this.eat(oc.parenL)?e.arguments=this.parseExprList(oc.parenR,this.options.ecmaVersion>=8,!1):e.arguments=tl,this.finishNode(e,"NewExpression")},el.parseTemplateElement=function(e){var t=e.isTagged,n=this.startNode();return this.type===oc.invalidTemplate?(t||this.raiseRecoverable(this.start,"Bad escape sequence in untagged template literal"),n.value={raw:this.value,cooked:null}):n.value={raw:this.input.slice(this.start,this.end).replace(/\r\n?/g,"\n"),cooked:this.value},this.next(),n.tail=this.type===oc.backQuote,this.finishNode(n,"TemplateElement")},el.parseTemplate=function(e){void 0===e&&(e={});var t=e.isTagged;void 0===t&&(t=!1);var n=this.startNode();this.next(),n.expressions=[];var r=this.parseTemplateElement({isTagged:t});for(n.quasis=[r];!r.tail;)this.type===oc.eof&&this.raise(this.pos,"Unterminated template literal"),this.expect(oc.dollarBraceL),n.expressions.push(this.parseExpression()),this.expect(oc.braceR),n.quasis.push(r=this.parseTemplateElement({isTagged:t}));return this.next(),this.finishNode(n,"TemplateLiteral")},el.isAsyncProp=function(e){return!e.computed&&"Identifier"===e.key.type&&"async"===e.key.name&&(this.type===oc.name||this.type===oc.num||this.type===oc.string||this.type===oc.bracketL||this.type.keyword||this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&this.type===oc.star)&&!ac.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd,this.start))},el.parseObj=function(e,t){var n=this.startNode(),r=!0,i={};for(n.properties=[],this.next();!this.eat(oc.braceR);){if(r)r=!1;else if(this.expect(oc.comma),this.options.ecmaVersion>=5&&this.afterTrailingComma(oc.braceR))break;var s=this.parseProperty(e,t);e||this.checkPropClash(s,i,t),n.properties.push(s)}return this.finishNode(n,e?"ObjectPattern":"ObjectExpression")},el.parseProperty=function(e,t){var n,r,i,s,o=this.startNode();if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&this.eat(oc.ellipsis))return e?(o.argument=this.parseIdent(!1),this.type===oc.comma&&this.raise(this.start,"Comma is not permitted after the rest element"),this.finishNode(o,"RestElement")):(this.type===oc.parenL&&t&&(t.parenthesizedAssign<0&&(t.parenthesizedAssign=this.start),t.parenthesizedBind<0&&(t.parenthesizedBind=this.start)),o.argument=this.parseMaybeAssign(!1,t),this.type===oc.comma&&t&&t.trailingComma<0&&(t.trailingComma=this.start),this.finishNode(o,"SpreadElement"));this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&(o.method=!1,o.shorthand=!1,(e||t)&&(i=this.start,s=this.startLoc),e||(n=this.eat(oc.star)));var a=this.containsEsc;return this.parsePropertyName(o),!e&&!a&&this.options.ecmaVersion>=8&&!n&&this.isAsyncProp(o)?(r=!0,n=this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&this.eat(oc.star),this.parsePropertyName(o,t)):r=!1,this.parsePropertyValue(o,e,n,r,i,s,t,a),this.finishNode(o,"Property")},el.parsePropertyValue=function(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a){if((n||r)&&this.type===oc.colon&&this.unexpected(),this.eat(oc.colon))e.value=t?this.parseMaybeDefault(this.start,this.startLoc):this.parseMaybeAssign(!1,o),e.kind="init";else if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&this.type===oc.parenL)t&&this.unexpected(),e.kind="init",e.method=!0,e.value=this.parseMethod(n,r);else if(t||a||!(this.options.ecmaVersion>=5)||e.computed||"Identifier"!==e.key.type||"get"!==e.key.name&&"set"!==e.key.name||this.type===oc.comma||this.type===oc.braceR||this.type===oc.eq)this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&!e.computed&&"Identifier"===e.key.type?((n||r)&&this.unexpected(),this.checkUnreserved(e.key),"await"!==e.key.name||this.awaitIdentPos||(this.awaitIdentPos=i),e.kind="init",t?e.value=this.parseMaybeDefault(i,s,this.copyNode(e.key)):this.type===oc.eq&&o?(o.shorthandAssign<0&&(o.shorthandAssign=this.start),e.value=this.parseMaybeDefault(i,s,this.copyNode(e.key))):e.value=this.copyNode(e.key),e.shorthand=!0):this.unexpected();else{(n||r)&&this.unexpected(),e.kind=e.key.name,this.parsePropertyName(e),e.value=this.parseMethod(!1);var B="get"===e.kind?0:1;if(e.value.params.length!==B){var c=e.value.start;"get"===e.kind?this.raiseRecoverable(c,"getter should have no params"):this.raiseRecoverable(c,"setter should have exactly one param")}else"set"===e.kind&&"RestElement"===e.value.params[0].type&&this.raiseRecoverable(e.value.params[0].start,"Setter cannot use rest params")}},el.parsePropertyName=function(e){if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=6){if(this.eat(oc.bracketL))return e.computed=!0,e.key=this.parseMaybeAssign(),this.expect(oc.bracketR),e.key;e.computed=!1}return e.key=this.type===oc.num||this.type===oc.string?this.parseExprAtom():this.parseIdent("never"!==this.options.allowReserved)},el.initFunction=function(e){e.id=null,this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&(e.generator=e.expression=!1),this.options.ecmaVersion>=8&&(e.async=!1)},el.parseMethod=function(e,t,n){var r=this.startNode(),i=this.yieldPos,s=this.awaitPos,o=this.awaitIdentPos;return this.initFunction(r),this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&(r.generator=e),this.options.ecmaVersion>=8&&(r.async=!!t),this.yieldPos=0,this.awaitPos=0,this.awaitIdentPos=0,this.enterScope(Pc(t,r.generator)|Nc|(n?Tc:0)),this.expect(oc.parenL),r.params=this.parseBindingList(oc.parenR,!1,this.options.ecmaVersion>=8),this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams(),this.parseFunctionBody(r,!1,!0),this.yieldPos=i,this.awaitPos=s,this.awaitIdentPos=o,this.finishNode(r,"FunctionExpression")},el.parseArrowExpression=function(e,t,n){var r=this.yieldPos,i=this.awaitPos,s=this.awaitIdentPos;return this.enterScope(Pc(n,!1)|kc),this.initFunction(e),this.options.ecmaVersion>=8&&(e.async=!!n),this.yieldPos=0,this.awaitPos=0,this.awaitIdentPos=0,e.params=this.toAssignableList(t,!0),this.parseFunctionBody(e,!0,!1),this.yieldPos=r,this.awaitPos=i,this.awaitIdentPos=s,this.finishNode(e,"ArrowFunctionExpression")},el.parseFunctionBody=function(e,t,n){var r=t&&this.type!==oc.braceL,i=this.strict,s=!1;if(r)e.body=this.parseMaybeAssign(),e.expression=!0,this.checkParams(e,!1);else{var o=this.options.ecmaVersion>=7&&!this.isSimpleParamList(e.params);i&&!o||(s=this.strictDirective(this.end))&&o&&this.raiseRecoverable(e.start,"Illegal 'use strict' directive in function with non-simple parameter list");var a=this.labels;this.labels=[],s&&(this.strict=!0),this.checkParams(e,!i&&!s&&!t&&!n&&this.isSimpleParamList(e.params)),this.strict&&e.id&&this.checkLValSimple(e.id,Hc),e.body=this.parseBlock(!1,void 0,s&&!i),e.expression=!1,this.adaptDirectivePrologue(e.body.body),this.labels=a}this.exitScope()},el.isSimpleParamList=function(e){for(var t=0,n=e;t-1||i.functions.indexOf(e)>-1||i.var.indexOf(e)>-1,i.lexical.push(e),this.inModule&&i.flags&Sc&&delete this.undefinedExports[e]}else if(t===Gc){this.currentScope().lexical.push(e)}else if(t===Rc){var s=this.currentScope();r=this.treatFunctionsAsVar?s.lexical.indexOf(e)>-1:s.lexical.indexOf(e)>-1||s.var.indexOf(e)>-1,s.functions.push(e)}else for(var o=this.scopeStack.length-1;o>=0;--o){var a=this.scopeStack[o];if(a.lexical.indexOf(e)>-1&&!(a.flags&Oc&&a.lexical[0]===e)||!this.treatFunctionsAsVarInScope(a)&&a.functions.indexOf(e)>-1){r=!0;break}if(a.var.push(e),this.inModule&&a.flags&Sc&&delete this.undefinedExports[e],a.flags&xc)break}r&&this.raiseRecoverable(n,"Identifier '"+e+"' has already been declared")},rl.checkLocalExport=function(e){-1===this.scopeStack[0].lexical.indexOf(e.name)&&-1===this.scopeStack[0].var.indexOf(e.name)&&(this.undefinedExports[e.name]=e)},rl.currentScope=function(){return this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length-1]},rl.currentVarScope=function(){for(var e=this.scopeStack.length-1;;e--){var t=this.scopeStack[e];if(t.flags&xc)return t}},rl.currentThisScope=function(){for(var e=this.scopeStack.length-1;;e--){var t=this.scopeStack[e];if(t.flags&xc&&!(t.flags&kc))return t}};var sl=function(e,t,n){this.type="",this.start=t,this.end=0,e.options.locations&&(this.loc=new Ac(e,n)),e.options.directSourceFile&&(this.sourceFile=e.options.directSourceFile),e.options.ranges&&(this.range=[t,0])},ol=Kc.prototype;function al(e,t,n,r){return e.type=t,e.end=n,this.options.locations&&(e.loc.end=r),this.options.ranges&&(e.range[1]=n),e}ol.startNode=function(){return new sl(this,this.start,this.startLoc)},ol.startNodeAt=function(e,t){return new sl(this,e,t)},ol.finishNode=function(e,t){return al.call(this,e,t,this.lastTokEnd,this.lastTokEndLoc)},ol.finishNodeAt=function(e,t,n,r){return al.call(this,e,t,n,r)},ol.copyNode=function(e){var t=new sl(this,e.start,this.startLoc);for(var n in e)t[n]=e[n];return t};var Bl=function(e,t,n,r,i){this.token=e,this.isExpr=!!t,this.preserveSpace=!!n,this.override=r,this.generator=!!i},cl={b_stat:new Bl("{",!1),b_expr:new Bl("{",!0),b_tmpl:new Bl("${",!1),p_stat:new Bl("(",!1),p_expr:new Bl("(",!0),q_tmpl:new Bl("`",!0,!0,(function(e){return e.tryReadTemplateToken()})),f_stat:new Bl("function",!1),f_expr:new Bl("function",!0),f_expr_gen:new Bl("function",!0,!1,null,!0),f_gen:new Bl("function",!1,!1,null,!0)},ll=Kc.prototype;ll.initialContext=function(){return[cl.b_stat]},ll.braceIsBlock=function(e){var t=this.curContext();return t===cl.f_expr||t===cl.f_stat||(e!==oc.colon||t!==cl.b_stat&&t!==cl.b_expr?e===oc._return||e===oc.name&&this.exprAllowed?ac.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd,this.start)):e===oc._else||e===oc.semi||e===oc.eof||e===oc.parenR||e===oc.arrow||(e===oc.braceL?t===cl.b_stat:e!==oc._var&&e!==oc._const&&e!==oc.name&&!this.exprAllowed):!t.isExpr)},ll.inGeneratorContext=function(){for(var e=this.context.length-1;e>=1;e--){var t=this.context[e];if("function"===t.token)return t.generator}return!1},ll.updateContext=function(e){var t,n=this.type;n.keyword&&e===oc.dot?this.exprAllowed=!1:(t=n.updateContext)?t.call(this,e):this.exprAllowed=n.beforeExpr},oc.parenR.updateContext=oc.braceR.updateContext=function(){if(1!==this.context.length){var e=this.context.pop();e===cl.b_stat&&"function"===this.curContext().token&&(e=this.context.pop()),this.exprAllowed=!e.isExpr}else this.exprAllowed=!0},oc.braceL.updateContext=function(e){this.context.push(this.braceIsBlock(e)?cl.b_stat:cl.b_expr),this.exprAllowed=!0},oc.dollarBraceL.updateContext=function(){this.context.push(cl.b_tmpl),this.exprAllowed=!0},oc.parenL.updateContext=function(e){var t=e===oc._if||e===oc._for||e===oc._with||e===oc._while;this.context.push(t?cl.p_stat:cl.p_expr),this.exprAllowed=!0},oc.incDec.updateContext=function(){},oc._function.updateContext=oc._class.updateContext=function(e){!e.beforeExpr||e===oc._else||e===oc.semi&&this.curContext()!==cl.p_stat||e===oc._return&&ac.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd,this.start))||(e===oc.colon||e===oc.braceL)&&this.curContext()===cl.b_stat?this.context.push(cl.f_stat):this.context.push(cl.f_expr),this.exprAllowed=!1},oc.backQuote.updateContext=function(){this.curContext()===cl.q_tmpl?this.context.pop():this.context.push(cl.q_tmpl),this.exprAllowed=!1},oc.star.updateContext=function(e){if(e===oc._function){var t=this.context.length-1;this.context[t]===cl.f_expr?this.context[t]=cl.f_expr_gen:this.context[t]=cl.f_gen}this.exprAllowed=!0},oc.name.updateContext=function(e){var t=!1;this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&e!==oc.dot&&("of"===this.value&&!this.exprAllowed||"yield"===this.value&&this.inGeneratorContext())&&(t=!0),this.exprAllowed=t};var ul="ASCII ASCII_Hex_Digit AHex Alphabetic Alpha Any Assigned Bidi_Control Bidi_C Bidi_Mirrored Bidi_M Case_Ignorable CI Cased Changes_When_Casefolded CWCF Changes_When_Casemapped CWCM Changes_When_Lowercased CWL Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded CWKCF Changes_When_Titlecased CWT Changes_When_Uppercased CWU Dash Default_Ignorable_Code_Point DI Deprecated Dep Diacritic Dia Emoji Emoji_Component Emoji_Modifier Emoji_Modifier_Base Emoji_Presentation Extender Ext Grapheme_Base Gr_Base Grapheme_Extend Gr_Ext Hex_Digit Hex IDS_Binary_Operator IDSB IDS_Trinary_Operator IDST ID_Continue IDC ID_Start IDS Ideographic Ideo Join_Control Join_C Logical_Order_Exception LOE Lowercase Lower Math Noncharacter_Code_Point NChar Pattern_Syntax Pat_Syn Pattern_White_Space Pat_WS Quotation_Mark QMark Radical Regional_Indicator RI Sentence_Terminal STerm Soft_Dotted SD Terminal_Punctuation Term Unified_Ideograph UIdeo Uppercase Upper Variation_Selector VS White_Space space XID_Continue XIDC XID_Start XIDS",pl=ul+" Extended_Pictographic",hl=pl,dl=hl+" EBase EComp EMod EPres ExtPict",fl={9:ul,10:pl,11:hl,12:dl},Cl="Cased_Letter LC Close_Punctuation Pe Connector_Punctuation Pc Control Cc cntrl Currency_Symbol Sc Dash_Punctuation Pd Decimal_Number Nd digit Enclosing_Mark Me Final_Punctuation Pf Format Cf Initial_Punctuation Pi Letter L Letter_Number Nl Line_Separator Zl Lowercase_Letter Ll Mark M Combining_Mark Math_Symbol Sm Modifier_Letter Lm Modifier_Symbol Sk Nonspacing_Mark Mn Number N Open_Punctuation Ps Other C Other_Letter Lo Other_Number No Other_Punctuation Po Other_Symbol So Paragraph_Separator Zp Private_Use Co Punctuation P punct Separator Z Space_Separator Zs Spacing_Mark Mc Surrogate Cs Symbol S Titlecase_Letter Lt Unassigned Cn Uppercase_Letter Lu",ml="Adlam Adlm Ahom Ahom Anatolian_Hieroglyphs Hluw Arabic Arab Armenian Armn Avestan Avst Balinese Bali Bamum Bamu Bassa_Vah Bass Batak Batk Bengali Beng Bhaiksuki Bhks Bopomofo Bopo Brahmi Brah Braille Brai Buginese Bugi Buhid Buhd Canadian_Aboriginal Cans Carian Cari Caucasian_Albanian Aghb Chakma Cakm Cham Cham Cherokee Cher Common Zyyy Coptic Copt Qaac Cuneiform Xsux Cypriot Cprt Cyrillic Cyrl Deseret Dsrt Devanagari Deva Duployan Dupl Egyptian_Hieroglyphs Egyp Elbasan Elba Ethiopic Ethi Georgian Geor Glagolitic Glag Gothic Goth Grantha Gran Greek Grek Gujarati Gujr Gurmukhi Guru Han Hani Hangul Hang Hanunoo Hano Hatran Hatr Hebrew Hebr Hiragana Hira Imperial_Aramaic Armi Inherited Zinh Qaai Inscriptional_Pahlavi Phli Inscriptional_Parthian Prti Javanese Java Kaithi Kthi Kannada Knda Katakana Kana Kayah_Li Kali Kharoshthi Khar Khmer Khmr Khojki Khoj Khudawadi Sind Lao Laoo Latin Latn Lepcha Lepc Limbu Limb Linear_A Lina Linear_B Linb Lisu Lisu Lycian Lyci Lydian Lydi Mahajani Mahj Malayalam Mlym Mandaic Mand Manichaean Mani Marchen Marc Masaram_Gondi Gonm Meetei_Mayek Mtei Mende_Kikakui Mend Meroitic_Cursive Merc Meroitic_Hieroglyphs Mero Miao Plrd Modi Modi Mongolian Mong Mro Mroo Multani Mult Myanmar Mymr Nabataean Nbat New_Tai_Lue Talu Newa Newa Nko Nkoo Nushu Nshu Ogham Ogam Ol_Chiki Olck Old_Hungarian Hung Old_Italic Ital Old_North_Arabian Narb Old_Permic Perm Old_Persian Xpeo Old_South_Arabian Sarb Old_Turkic Orkh Oriya Orya Osage Osge Osmanya Osma Pahawh_Hmong Hmng Palmyrene Palm Pau_Cin_Hau Pauc Phags_Pa Phag Phoenician Phnx Psalter_Pahlavi Phlp Rejang Rjng Runic Runr Samaritan Samr Saurashtra Saur Sharada Shrd Shavian Shaw Siddham Sidd SignWriting Sgnw Sinhala Sinh Sora_Sompeng Sora Soyombo Soyo Sundanese Sund Syloti_Nagri Sylo Syriac Syrc Tagalog Tglg Tagbanwa Tagb Tai_Le Tale Tai_Tham Lana Tai_Viet Tavt Takri Takr Tamil Taml Tangut Tang Telugu Telu Thaana Thaa Thai Thai Tibetan Tibt Tifinagh Tfng Tirhuta Tirh Ugaritic Ugar Vai Vaii Warang_Citi Wara Yi Yiii Zanabazar_Square Zanb",gl=ml+" Dogra Dogr Gunjala_Gondi Gong Hanifi_Rohingya Rohg Makasar Maka Medefaidrin Medf Old_Sogdian Sogo Sogdian Sogd",Al=gl+" Elymaic Elym Nandinagari Nand Nyiakeng_Puachue_Hmong Hmnp Wancho Wcho",yl=Al+" Chorasmian Chrs Diak Dives_Akuru Khitan_Small_Script Kits Yezi Yezidi",El={9:ml,10:gl,11:Al,12:yl},vl={};function _l(e){var t=vl[e]={binary:mc(fl[e]+" "+Cl),nonBinary:{General_Category:mc(Cl),Script:mc(El[e])}};t.nonBinary.Script_Extensions=t.nonBinary.Script,t.nonBinary.gc=t.nonBinary.General_Category,t.nonBinary.sc=t.nonBinary.Script,t.nonBinary.scx=t.nonBinary.Script_Extensions}_l(9),_l(10),_l(11),_l(12);var bl=Kc.prototype,Sl=function(e){this.parser=e,this.validFlags="gim"+(e.options.ecmaVersion>=6?"uy":"")+(e.options.ecmaVersion>=9?"s":""),this.unicodeProperties=vl[e.options.ecmaVersion>=12?12:e.options.ecmaVersion],this.source="",this.flags="",this.start=0,this.switchU=!1,this.switchN=!1,this.pos=0,this.lastIntValue=0,this.lastStringValue="",this.lastAssertionIsQuantifiable=!1,this.numCapturingParens=0,this.maxBackReference=0,this.groupNames=[],this.backReferenceNames=[]};function wl(e){return e<=65535?String.fromCharCode(e):(e-=65536,String.fromCharCode(55296+(e>>10),56320+(1023&e)))}function xl(e){return 36===e||e>=40&&e<=43||46===e||63===e||e>=91&&e<=94||e>=123&&e<=125}function Dl(e){return $B(e,!0)||36===e||95===e}function Il(e){return ZB(e,!0)||36===e||95===e||8204===e||8205===e}function kl(e){return e>=65&&e<=90||e>=97&&e<=122}function Ol(e){return e>=0&&e<=1114111}function Nl(e){return 100===e||68===e||115===e||83===e||119===e||87===e}function Tl(e){return kl(e)||95===e}function Pl(e){return Tl(e)||Ml(e)}function Ml(e){return e>=48&&e<=57}function Fl(e){return e>=48&&e<=57||e>=65&&e<=70||e>=97&&e<=102}function Ll(e){return e>=65&&e<=70?e-65+10:e>=97&&e<=102?e-97+10:e-48}function Rl(e){return e>=48&&e<=55}Sl.prototype.reset=function(e,t,n){var r=-1!==n.indexOf("u");this.start=0|e,this.source=t+"",this.flags=n,this.switchU=r&&this.parser.options.ecmaVersion>=6,this.switchN=r&&this.parser.options.ecmaVersion>=9},Sl.prototype.raise=function(e){this.parser.raiseRecoverable(this.start,"Invalid regular expression: /"+this.source+"/: "+e)},Sl.prototype.at=function(e,t){void 0===t&&(t=!1);var n=this.source,r=n.length;if(e>=r)return-1;var i=n.charCodeAt(e);if(!t&&!this.switchU||i<=55295||i>=57344||e+1>=r)return i;var s=n.charCodeAt(e+1);return s>=56320&&s<=57343?(i<<10)+s-56613888:i},Sl.prototype.nextIndex=function(e,t){void 0===t&&(t=!1);var n=this.source,r=n.length;if(e>=r)return r;var i,s=n.charCodeAt(e);return!t&&!this.switchU||s<=55295||s>=57344||e+1>=r||(i=n.charCodeAt(e+1))<56320||i>57343?e+1:e+2},Sl.prototype.current=function(e){return void 0===e&&(e=!1),this.at(this.pos,e)},Sl.prototype.lookahead=function(e){return void 0===e&&(e=!1),this.at(this.nextIndex(this.pos,e),e)},Sl.prototype.advance=function(e){void 0===e&&(e=!1),this.pos=this.nextIndex(this.pos,e)},Sl.prototype.eat=function(e,t){return void 0===t&&(t=!1),this.current(t)===e&&(this.advance(t),!0)},bl.validateRegExpFlags=function(e){for(var t=e.validFlags,n=e.flags,r=0;r-1&&this.raise(e.start,"Duplicate regular expression flag")}},bl.validateRegExpPattern=function(e){this.regexp_pattern(e),!e.switchN&&this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&e.groupNames.length>0&&(e.switchN=!0,this.regexp_pattern(e))},bl.regexp_pattern=function(e){e.pos=0,e.lastIntValue=0,e.lastStringValue="",e.lastAssertionIsQuantifiable=!1,e.numCapturingParens=0,e.maxBackReference=0,e.groupNames.length=0,e.backReferenceNames.length=0,this.regexp_disjunction(e),e.pos!==e.source.length&&(e.eat(41)&&e.raise("Unmatched ')'"),(e.eat(93)||e.eat(125))&&e.raise("Lone quantifier brackets")),e.maxBackReference>e.numCapturingParens&&e.raise("Invalid escape");for(var t=0,n=e.backReferenceNames;t=9&&(n=e.eat(60)),e.eat(61)||e.eat(33))return this.regexp_disjunction(e),e.eat(41)||e.raise("Unterminated group"),e.lastAssertionIsQuantifiable=!n,!0}return e.pos=t,!1},bl.regexp_eatQuantifier=function(e,t){return void 0===t&&(t=!1),!!this.regexp_eatQuantifierPrefix(e,t)&&(e.eat(63),!0)},bl.regexp_eatQuantifierPrefix=function(e,t){return e.eat(42)||e.eat(43)||e.eat(63)||this.regexp_eatBracedQuantifier(e,t)},bl.regexp_eatBracedQuantifier=function(e,t){var n=e.pos;if(e.eat(123)){var r=0,i=-1;if(this.regexp_eatDecimalDigits(e)&&(r=e.lastIntValue,e.eat(44)&&this.regexp_eatDecimalDigits(e)&&(i=e.lastIntValue),e.eat(125)))return-1!==i&&i=9?this.regexp_groupSpecifier(e):63===e.current()&&e.raise("Invalid group"),this.regexp_disjunction(e),e.eat(41))return e.numCapturingParens+=1,!0;e.raise("Unterminated group")}return!1},bl.regexp_eatExtendedAtom=function(e){return e.eat(46)||this.regexp_eatReverseSolidusAtomEscape(e)||this.regexp_eatCharacterClass(e)||this.regexp_eatUncapturingGroup(e)||this.regexp_eatCapturingGroup(e)||this.regexp_eatInvalidBracedQuantifier(e)||this.regexp_eatExtendedPatternCharacter(e)},bl.regexp_eatInvalidBracedQuantifier=function(e){return this.regexp_eatBracedQuantifier(e,!0)&&e.raise("Nothing to repeat"),!1},bl.regexp_eatSyntaxCharacter=function(e){var t=e.current();return!!xl(t)&&(e.lastIntValue=t,e.advance(),!0)},bl.regexp_eatPatternCharacters=function(e){for(var t=e.pos,n=0;-1!==(n=e.current())&&!xl(n);)e.advance();return e.pos!==t},bl.regexp_eatExtendedPatternCharacter=function(e){var t=e.current();return!(-1===t||36===t||t>=40&&t<=43||46===t||63===t||91===t||94===t||124===t)&&(e.advance(),!0)},bl.regexp_groupSpecifier=function(e){if(e.eat(63)){if(this.regexp_eatGroupName(e))return-1!==e.groupNames.indexOf(e.lastStringValue)&&e.raise("Duplicate capture group name"),void e.groupNames.push(e.lastStringValue);e.raise("Invalid group")}},bl.regexp_eatGroupName=function(e){if(e.lastStringValue="",e.eat(60)){if(this.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierName(e)&&e.eat(62))return!0;e.raise("Invalid capture group name")}return!1},bl.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierName=function(e){if(e.lastStringValue="",this.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierStart(e)){for(e.lastStringValue+=wl(e.lastIntValue);this.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierPart(e);)e.lastStringValue+=wl(e.lastIntValue);return!0}return!1},bl.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierStart=function(e){var t=e.pos,n=this.options.ecmaVersion>=11,r=e.current(n);return e.advance(n),92===r&&this.regexp_eatRegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence(e,n)&&(r=e.lastIntValue),Dl(r)?(e.lastIntValue=r,!0):(e.pos=t,!1)},bl.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierPart=function(e){var t=e.pos,n=this.options.ecmaVersion>=11,r=e.current(n);return e.advance(n),92===r&&this.regexp_eatRegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence(e,n)&&(r=e.lastIntValue),Il(r)?(e.lastIntValue=r,!0):(e.pos=t,!1)},bl.regexp_eatAtomEscape=function(e){return!!(this.regexp_eatBackReference(e)||this.regexp_eatCharacterClassEscape(e)||this.regexp_eatCharacterEscape(e)||e.switchN&&this.regexp_eatKGroupName(e))||(e.switchU&&(99===e.current()&&e.raise("Invalid unicode escape"),e.raise("Invalid escape")),!1)},bl.regexp_eatBackReference=function(e){var t=e.pos;if(this.regexp_eatDecimalEscape(e)){var n=e.lastIntValue;if(e.switchU)return n>e.maxBackReference&&(e.maxBackReference=n),!0;if(n<=e.numCapturingParens)return!0;e.pos=t}return!1},bl.regexp_eatKGroupName=function(e){if(e.eat(107)){if(this.regexp_eatGroupName(e))return e.backReferenceNames.push(e.lastStringValue),!0;e.raise("Invalid named reference")}return!1},bl.regexp_eatCharacterEscape=function(e){return this.regexp_eatControlEscape(e)||this.regexp_eatCControlLetter(e)||this.regexp_eatZero(e)||this.regexp_eatHexEscapeSequence(e)||this.regexp_eatRegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence(e,!1)||!e.switchU&&this.regexp_eatLegacyOctalEscapeSequence(e)||this.regexp_eatIdentityEscape(e)},bl.regexp_eatCControlLetter=function(e){var t=e.pos;if(e.eat(99)){if(this.regexp_eatControlLetter(e))return!0;e.pos=t}return!1},bl.regexp_eatZero=function(e){return 48===e.current()&&!Ml(e.lookahead())&&(e.lastIntValue=0,e.advance(),!0)},bl.regexp_eatControlEscape=function(e){var t=e.current();return 116===t?(e.lastIntValue=9,e.advance(),!0):110===t?(e.lastIntValue=10,e.advance(),!0):118===t?(e.lastIntValue=11,e.advance(),!0):102===t?(e.lastIntValue=12,e.advance(),!0):114===t&&(e.lastIntValue=13,e.advance(),!0)},bl.regexp_eatControlLetter=function(e){var t=e.current();return!!kl(t)&&(e.lastIntValue=t%32,e.advance(),!0)},bl.regexp_eatRegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence=function(e,t){void 0===t&&(t=!1);var n=e.pos,r=t||e.switchU;if(e.eat(117)){if(this.regexp_eatFixedHexDigits(e,4)){var i=e.lastIntValue;if(r&&i>=55296&&i<=56319){var s=e.pos;if(e.eat(92)&&e.eat(117)&&this.regexp_eatFixedHexDigits(e,4)){var o=e.lastIntValue;if(o>=56320&&o<=57343)return e.lastIntValue=1024*(i-55296)+(o-56320)+65536,!0}e.pos=s,e.lastIntValue=i}return!0}if(r&&e.eat(123)&&this.regexp_eatHexDigits(e)&&e.eat(125)&&Ol(e.lastIntValue))return!0;r&&e.raise("Invalid unicode escape"),e.pos=n}return!1},bl.regexp_eatIdentityEscape=function(e){if(e.switchU)return!!this.regexp_eatSyntaxCharacter(e)||!!e.eat(47)&&(e.lastIntValue=47,!0);var t=e.current();return!(99===t||e.switchN&&107===t)&&(e.lastIntValue=t,e.advance(),!0)},bl.regexp_eatDecimalEscape=function(e){e.lastIntValue=0;var t=e.current();if(t>=49&&t<=57){do{e.lastIntValue=10*e.lastIntValue+(t-48),e.advance()}while((t=e.current())>=48&&t<=57);return!0}return!1},bl.regexp_eatCharacterClassEscape=function(e){var t=e.current();if(Nl(t))return e.lastIntValue=-1,e.advance(),!0;if(e.switchU&&this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&(80===t||112===t)){if(e.lastIntValue=-1,e.advance(),e.eat(123)&&this.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyValueExpression(e)&&e.eat(125))return!0;e.raise("Invalid property name")}return!1},bl.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyValueExpression=function(e){var t=e.pos;if(this.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyName(e)&&e.eat(61)){var n=e.lastStringValue;if(this.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyValue(e)){var r=e.lastStringValue;return this.regexp_validateUnicodePropertyNameAndValue(e,n,r),!0}}if(e.pos=t,this.regexp_eatLoneUnicodePropertyNameOrValue(e)){var i=e.lastStringValue;return this.regexp_validateUnicodePropertyNameOrValue(e,i),!0}return!1},bl.regexp_validateUnicodePropertyNameAndValue=function(e,t,n){fc(e.unicodeProperties.nonBinary,t)||e.raise("Invalid property name"),e.unicodeProperties.nonBinary[t].test(n)||e.raise("Invalid property value")},bl.regexp_validateUnicodePropertyNameOrValue=function(e,t){e.unicodeProperties.binary.test(t)||e.raise("Invalid property name")},bl.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyName=function(e){var t=0;for(e.lastStringValue="";Tl(t=e.current());)e.lastStringValue+=wl(t),e.advance();return""!==e.lastStringValue},bl.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyValue=function(e){var t=0;for(e.lastStringValue="";Pl(t=e.current());)e.lastStringValue+=wl(t),e.advance();return""!==e.lastStringValue},bl.regexp_eatLoneUnicodePropertyNameOrValue=function(e){return this.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyValue(e)},bl.regexp_eatCharacterClass=function(e){if(e.eat(91)){if(e.eat(94),this.regexp_classRanges(e),e.eat(93))return!0;e.raise("Unterminated character class")}return!1},bl.regexp_classRanges=function(e){for(;this.regexp_eatClassAtom(e);){var t=e.lastIntValue;if(e.eat(45)&&this.regexp_eatClassAtom(e)){var n=e.lastIntValue;!e.switchU||-1!==t&&-1!==n||e.raise("Invalid character class"),-1!==t&&-1!==n&&t>n&&e.raise("Range out of order in character class")}}},bl.regexp_eatClassAtom=function(e){var t=e.pos;if(e.eat(92)){if(this.regexp_eatClassEscape(e))return!0;if(e.switchU){var n=e.current();(99===n||Rl(n))&&e.raise("Invalid class escape"),e.raise("Invalid escape")}e.pos=t}var r=e.current();return 93!==r&&(e.lastIntValue=r,e.advance(),!0)},bl.regexp_eatClassEscape=function(e){var t=e.pos;if(e.eat(98))return e.lastIntValue=8,!0;if(e.switchU&&e.eat(45))return e.lastIntValue=45,!0;if(!e.switchU&&e.eat(99)){if(this.regexp_eatClassControlLetter(e))return!0;e.pos=t}return this.regexp_eatCharacterClassEscape(e)||this.regexp_eatCharacterEscape(e)},bl.regexp_eatClassControlLetter=function(e){var t=e.current();return!(!Ml(t)&&95!==t)&&(e.lastIntValue=t%32,e.advance(),!0)},bl.regexp_eatHexEscapeSequence=function(e){var t=e.pos;if(e.eat(120)){if(this.regexp_eatFixedHexDigits(e,2))return!0;e.switchU&&e.raise("Invalid escape"),e.pos=t}return!1},bl.regexp_eatDecimalDigits=function(e){var t=e.pos,n=0;for(e.lastIntValue=0;Ml(n=e.current());)e.lastIntValue=10*e.lastIntValue+(n-48),e.advance();return e.pos!==t},bl.regexp_eatHexDigits=function(e){var t=e.pos,n=0;for(e.lastIntValue=0;Fl(n=e.current());)e.lastIntValue=16*e.lastIntValue+Ll(n),e.advance();return e.pos!==t},bl.regexp_eatLegacyOctalEscapeSequence=function(e){if(this.regexp_eatOctalDigit(e)){var t=e.lastIntValue;if(this.regexp_eatOctalDigit(e)){var n=e.lastIntValue;t<=3&&this.regexp_eatOctalDigit(e)?e.lastIntValue=64*t+8*n+e.lastIntValue:e.lastIntValue=8*t+n}else e.lastIntValue=t;return!0}return!1},bl.regexp_eatOctalDigit=function(e){var t=e.current();return Rl(t)?(e.lastIntValue=t-48,e.advance(),!0):(e.lastIntValue=0,!1)},bl.regexp_eatFixedHexDigits=function(e,t){var n=e.pos;e.lastIntValue=0;for(var r=0;r>10),56320+(1023&e)))}Hl.next=function(e){!e&&this.type.keyword&&this.containsEsc&&this.raiseRecoverable(this.start,"Escape sequence in keyword "+this.type.keyword),this.options.onToken&&this.options.onToken(new Gl(this)),this.lastTokEnd=this.end,this.lastTokStart=this.start,this.lastTokEndLoc=this.endLoc,this.lastTokStartLoc=this.startLoc,this.nextToken()},Hl.getToken=function(){return this.next(),new Gl(this)},"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&(Hl[Symbol.iterator]=function(){var e=this;return{next:function(){var t=e.getToken();return{done:t.type===oc.eof,value:t}}}}),Hl.curContext=function(){return this.context[this.context.length-1]},Hl.nextToken=function(){var e=this.curContext();return e&&e.preserveSpace||this.skipSpace(),this.start=this.pos,this.options.locations&&(this.startLoc=this.curPosition()),this.pos>=this.input.length?this.finishToken(oc.eof):e.override?e.override(this):void this.readToken(this.fullCharCodeAtPos())},Hl.readToken=function(e){return $B(e,this.options.ecmaVersion>=6)||92===e?this.readWord():this.getTokenFromCode(e)},Hl.fullCharCodeAtPos=function(){var e=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos);return e<=55295||e>=57344?e:(e<<10)+this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1)-56613888},Hl.skipBlockComment=function(){var e,t=this.options.onComment&&this.curPosition(),n=this.pos,r=this.input.indexOf("*/",this.pos+=2);if(-1===r&&this.raise(this.pos-2,"Unterminated comment"),this.pos=r+2,this.options.locations)for(Bc.lastIndex=n;(e=Bc.exec(this.input))&&e.index8&&e<14||e>=5760&&lc.test(String.fromCharCode(e))))break e;++this.pos}}},Hl.finishToken=function(e,t){this.end=this.pos,this.options.locations&&(this.endLoc=this.curPosition());var n=this.type;this.type=e,this.value=t,this.updateContext(n)},Hl.readToken_dot=function(){var e=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1);if(e>=48&&e<=57)return this.readNumber(!0);var t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2);return this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&46===e&&46===t?(this.pos+=3,this.finishToken(oc.ellipsis)):(++this.pos,this.finishToken(oc.dot))},Hl.readToken_slash=function(){var e=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1);return this.exprAllowed?(++this.pos,this.readRegexp()):61===e?this.finishOp(oc.assign,2):this.finishOp(oc.slash,1)},Hl.readToken_mult_modulo_exp=function(e){var t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1),n=1,r=42===e?oc.star:oc.modulo;return this.options.ecmaVersion>=7&&42===e&&42===t&&(++n,r=oc.starstar,t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2)),61===t?this.finishOp(oc.assign,n+1):this.finishOp(r,n)},Hl.readToken_pipe_amp=function(e){var t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1);if(t===e){if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=12)if(61===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2))return this.finishOp(oc.assign,3);return this.finishOp(124===e?oc.logicalOR:oc.logicalAND,2)}return 61===t?this.finishOp(oc.assign,2):this.finishOp(124===e?oc.bitwiseOR:oc.bitwiseAND,1)},Hl.readToken_caret=function(){return 61===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1)?this.finishOp(oc.assign,2):this.finishOp(oc.bitwiseXOR,1)},Hl.readToken_plus_min=function(e){var t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1);return t===e?45!==t||this.inModule||62!==this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2)||0!==this.lastTokEnd&&!ac.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd,this.pos))?this.finishOp(oc.incDec,2):(this.skipLineComment(3),this.skipSpace(),this.nextToken()):61===t?this.finishOp(oc.assign,2):this.finishOp(oc.plusMin,1)},Hl.readToken_lt_gt=function(e){var t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1),n=1;return t===e?(n=62===e&&62===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2)?3:2,61===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+n)?this.finishOp(oc.assign,n+1):this.finishOp(oc.bitShift,n)):33!==t||60!==e||this.inModule||45!==this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2)||45!==this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+3)?(61===t&&(n=2),this.finishOp(oc.relational,n)):(this.skipLineComment(4),this.skipSpace(),this.nextToken())},Hl.readToken_eq_excl=function(e){var t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1);return 61===t?this.finishOp(oc.equality,61===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2)?3:2):61===e&&62===t&&this.options.ecmaVersion>=6?(this.pos+=2,this.finishToken(oc.arrow)):this.finishOp(61===e?oc.eq:oc.prefix,1)},Hl.readToken_question=function(){var e=this.options.ecmaVersion;if(e>=11){var t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1);if(46===t){var n=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2);if(n<48||n>57)return this.finishOp(oc.questionDot,2)}if(63===t){if(e>=12)if(61===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2))return this.finishOp(oc.assign,3);return this.finishOp(oc.coalesce,2)}}return this.finishOp(oc.question,1)},Hl.getTokenFromCode=function(e){switch(e){case 46:return this.readToken_dot();case 40:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oc.parenL);case 41:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oc.parenR);case 59:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oc.semi);case 44:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oc.comma);case 91:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oc.bracketL);case 93:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oc.bracketR);case 123:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oc.braceL);case 125:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oc.braceR);case 58:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oc.colon);case 96:if(this.options.ecmaVersion<6)break;return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oc.backQuote);case 48:var t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1);if(120===t||88===t)return this.readRadixNumber(16);if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=6){if(111===t||79===t)return this.readRadixNumber(8);if(98===t||66===t)return this.readRadixNumber(2)}case 49:case 50:case 51:case 52:case 53:case 54:case 55:case 56:case 57:return this.readNumber(!1);case 34:case 39:return this.readString(e);case 47:return this.readToken_slash();case 37:case 42:return this.readToken_mult_modulo_exp(e);case 124:case 38:return this.readToken_pipe_amp(e);case 94:return this.readToken_caret();case 43:case 45:return this.readToken_plus_min(e);case 60:case 62:return this.readToken_lt_gt(e);case 61:case 33:return this.readToken_eq_excl(e);case 63:return this.readToken_question();case 126:return this.finishOp(oc.prefix,1)}this.raise(this.pos,"Unexpected character '"+Ul(e)+"'")},Hl.finishOp=function(e,t){var n=this.input.slice(this.pos,this.pos+t);return this.pos+=t,this.finishToken(e,n)},Hl.readRegexp=function(){for(var e,t,n=this.pos;;){this.pos>=this.input.length&&this.raise(n,"Unterminated regular expression");var r=this.input.charAt(this.pos);if(ac.test(r)&&this.raise(n,"Unterminated regular expression"),e)e=!1;else{if("["===r)t=!0;else if("]"===r&&t)t=!1;else if("/"===r&&!t)break;e="\\"===r}++this.pos}var i=this.input.slice(n,this.pos);++this.pos;var s=this.pos,o=this.readWord1();this.containsEsc&&this.unexpected(s);var a=this.regexpState||(this.regexpState=new Sl(this));a.reset(n,i,o),this.validateRegExpFlags(a),this.validateRegExpPattern(a);var B=null;try{B=new RegExp(i,o)}catch(e){}return this.finishToken(oc.regexp,{pattern:i,flags:o,value:B})},Hl.readInt=function(e,t,n){for(var r=this.options.ecmaVersion>=12&&void 0===t,i=n&&48===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos),s=this.pos,o=0,a=0,B=0,c=null==t?1/0:t;B=97?l-97+10:l>=65?l-65+10:l>=48&&l<=57?l-48:1/0)>=e)break;a=l,o=o*e+u}}return r&&95===a&&this.raiseRecoverable(this.pos-1,"Numeric separator is not allowed at the last of digits"),this.pos===s||null!=t&&this.pos-s!==t?null:o},Hl.readRadixNumber=function(e){var t=this.pos;this.pos+=2;var n=this.readInt(e);return null==n&&this.raise(this.start+2,"Expected number in radix "+e),this.options.ecmaVersion>=11&&110===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos)?(n=Vl(this.input.slice(t,this.pos)),++this.pos):$B(this.fullCharCodeAtPos())&&this.raise(this.pos,"Identifier directly after number"),this.finishToken(oc.num,n)},Hl.readNumber=function(e){var t=this.pos;e||null!==this.readInt(10,void 0,!0)||this.raise(t,"Invalid number");var n=this.pos-t>=2&&48===this.input.charCodeAt(t);n&&this.strict&&this.raise(t,"Invalid number");var r=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos);if(!n&&!e&&this.options.ecmaVersion>=11&&110===r){var i=Vl(this.input.slice(t,this.pos));return++this.pos,$B(this.fullCharCodeAtPos())&&this.raise(this.pos,"Identifier directly after number"),this.finishToken(oc.num,i)}n&&/[89]/.test(this.input.slice(t,this.pos))&&(n=!1),46!==r||n||(++this.pos,this.readInt(10),r=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos)),69!==r&&101!==r||n||(43!==(r=this.input.charCodeAt(++this.pos))&&45!==r||++this.pos,null===this.readInt(10)&&this.raise(t,"Invalid number")),$B(this.fullCharCodeAtPos())&&this.raise(this.pos,"Identifier directly after number");var s=Kl(this.input.slice(t,this.pos),n);return this.finishToken(oc.num,s)},Hl.readCodePoint=function(){var e;if(123===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos)){this.options.ecmaVersion<6&&this.unexpected();var t=++this.pos;e=this.readHexChar(this.input.indexOf("}",this.pos)-this.pos),++this.pos,e>1114111&&this.invalidStringToken(t,"Code point out of bounds")}else e=this.readHexChar(4);return e},Hl.readString=function(e){for(var t="",n=++this.pos;;){this.pos>=this.input.length&&this.raise(this.start,"Unterminated string constant");var r=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos);if(r===e)break;92===r?(t+=this.input.slice(n,this.pos),t+=this.readEscapedChar(!1),n=this.pos):(cc(r,this.options.ecmaVersion>=10)&&this.raise(this.start,"Unterminated string constant"),++this.pos)}return t+=this.input.slice(n,this.pos++),this.finishToken(oc.string,t)};var Ql={};Hl.tryReadTemplateToken=function(){this.inTemplateElement=!0;try{this.readTmplToken()}catch(e){if(e!==Ql)throw e;this.readInvalidTemplateToken()}this.inTemplateElement=!1},Hl.invalidStringToken=function(e,t){if(this.inTemplateElement&&this.options.ecmaVersion>=9)throw Ql;this.raise(e,t)},Hl.readTmplToken=function(){for(var e="",t=this.pos;;){this.pos>=this.input.length&&this.raise(this.start,"Unterminated template");var n=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos);if(96===n||36===n&&123===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1))return this.pos!==this.start||this.type!==oc.template&&this.type!==oc.invalidTemplate?(e+=this.input.slice(t,this.pos),this.finishToken(oc.template,e)):36===n?(this.pos+=2,this.finishToken(oc.dollarBraceL)):(++this.pos,this.finishToken(oc.backQuote));if(92===n)e+=this.input.slice(t,this.pos),e+=this.readEscapedChar(!0),t=this.pos;else if(cc(n)){switch(e+=this.input.slice(t,this.pos),++this.pos,n){case 13:10===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos)&&++this.pos;case 10:e+="\n";break;default:e+=String.fromCharCode(n)}this.options.locations&&(++this.curLine,this.lineStart=this.pos),t=this.pos}else++this.pos}},Hl.readInvalidTemplateToken=function(){for(;this.pos=48&&t<=55){var r=this.input.substr(this.pos-1,3).match(/^[0-7]+/)[0],i=parseInt(r,8);return i>255&&(r=r.slice(0,-1),i=parseInt(r,8)),this.pos+=r.length-1,t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos),"0"===r&&56!==t&&57!==t||!this.strict&&!e||this.invalidStringToken(this.pos-1-r.length,e?"Octal literal in template string":"Octal literal in strict mode"),String.fromCharCode(i)}return cc(t)?"":String.fromCharCode(t)}},Hl.readHexChar=function(e){var t=this.pos,n=this.readInt(16,e);return null===n&&this.invalidStringToken(t,"Bad character escape sequence"),n},Hl.readWord1=function(){this.containsEsc=!1;for(var e="",t=!0,n=this.pos,r=this.options.ecmaVersion>=6;this.posnew Promise(((n,r)=>e.readFile(t,"utf-8",((e,t)=>e?r(e):n(t)))));function $l(n){const r=t.dirname(n);try{e.readdirSync(r)}catch(t){$l(r);try{e.mkdirSync(r)}catch(e){if("EEXIST"!==e.code)throw e}}}function Zl(t,n){return new Promise(((r,i)=>{$l(t),e.writeFile(t,n,(e=>{e?i(e):r()}))}))}function eu(e,t,n,r,i,s){let o=null,a=null;if(i){o=new Set;for(const n of i)e===n.source&&t===n.importer&&o.add(n.plugin);a=(e,t)=>({...e,resolve:(e,n,{custom:s,skipSelf:o}=Dn)=>r(e,n,s,o?[...i,{importer:n,plugin:t,source:e}]:i)})}return n.hookFirst("resolveId",[e,t,{custom:s}],a,o)}async function tu(e,n,r,i,s,o,a){const B=await eu(e,n,i,s,o,a);return null!=B?B:void 0===n||fr(e)||"."===e[0]?nu(n?t.resolve(t.dirname(n),e):t.resolve(e),r):null}function nu(e,t){let n=ru(e,t);return n||(n=ru(e+".mjs",t),n||(n=ru(e+".js",t),n))}function ru(n,r){try{const i=e.lstatSync(n);if(!r&&i.isSymbolicLink())return ru(e.realpathSync(n),r);if(r&&i.isSymbolicLink()||i.isFile()){const r=t.basename(n);if(-1!==e.readdirSync(t.dirname(n)).indexOf(r))return n}}catch(e){}}const iu="at position ",su="at output position ";function ou(e,t,{hook:n,id:r}={}){return"string"==typeof e&&(e={message:e}),e.code&&e.code!==ui.PLUGIN_ERROR&&(e.pluginCode=e.code),e.code=ui.PLUGIN_ERROR,e.plugin=t,n&&(e.hook=n),r&&(e.id=r),ci(e)}const au=[{active:!0,deprecated:"resolveAssetUrl",replacement:"resolveFileUrl"}];function Bu(e,t){for(const{active:n,deprecated:r,replacement:i}of au)for(const s of e)r in s&&Yi({message:`The "${r}" hook used by plugin ${s.name} is deprecated. The "${i}" hook should be used instead.`,plugin:s.name},n,t)}function cu(e){return{has(t){const n=e[t];return!!n&&(n[0]=0,!0)},get(t){const n=e[t];if(n)return n[0]=0,n[1]},set(t,n){e[t]=[0,n]},delete:t=>delete e[t]}}function lu(e,t){return{has:n=>(t(),e.has(n)),get:n=>(t(),e.get(n)),set:(n,r)=>(t(),e.set(n,r)),delete:n=>(t(),e.delete(n))}}const uu={has:()=>!1,get(){},set(){},delete:()=>!1};function pu(e){return e.startsWith(iu)||e.startsWith(su)?ci({code:"ANONYMOUS_PLUGIN_CACHE",message:"A plugin is trying to use the Rollup cache but is not declaring a plugin name or cacheKey."}):ci({code:"DUPLICATE_PLUGIN_NAME",message:`The plugin name ${e} is being used twice in the same build. Plugin names must be distinct or provide a cacheKey (please post an issue to the plugin if you are a plugin user).`})}function hu(e){return{has:()=>pu(e),get:()=>pu(e),set:()=>pu(e),delete:()=>pu(e)}}function du(e,t,n,r){const i=t.id,s=[];let o=null===e.map?null:iB(e.map);const a=e.code;let B=e.ast;const c=[],l=[];let u=!1;const p=()=>u=!0;let h;const d=e.code;return n.hookReduceArg0("transform",[d,i],(function(e,n,i){let o,a;if("string"==typeof n)o=n;else{if(!n||"object"!=typeof n)return e;if(t.updateOptions(n),null==n.code)return(n.map||n.ast)&&r(Gi(i.name)),e;({code:o,map:a,ast:B}=n)}return null!==a&&s.push(iB("string"==typeof a?JSON.parse(a):a)||{missing:!0,plugin:i.name}),o}),((e,t)=>(h=t,{...e,cache:u?e.cache:lu(e.cache,p),warn(t,n){"string"==typeof t&&(t={message:t}),n&&li(t,n,d,i),t.id=i,t.hook="transform",e.warn(t)},error:(t,n)=>("string"==typeof t&&(t={message:t}),n&&li(t,n,d,i),t.id=i,t.hook="transform",e.error(t)),emitAsset:(t,n)=>(l.push({type:"asset",name:t,source:n}),e.emitAsset(t,n)),emitChunk:(t,n)=>(l.push({type:"chunk",id:t,name:n&&n.name}),e.emitChunk(t,n)),emitFile:e=>(l.push(e),n.emitFile(e)),addWatchFile(t){c.push(t),e.addWatchFile(t)},setAssetSource(){return this.error({code:"INVALID_SETASSETSOURCE",message:"setAssetSource cannot be called in transform for caching reasons. Use emitFile with a source, or call setAssetSource in another hook."})},getCombinedSourcemap(){const e=Ha(i,a,o,s,r);if(!e){return new Fe(a).generateMap({includeContent:!0,hires:!0,source:i})}return o!==e&&(o=e,s.length=0),new xe({...e,file:null,sourcesContent:e.sourcesContent})}}))).catch((e=>ou(e,h.name,{hook:"transform",id:i}))).then((e=>(u||l.length&&(t.transformFiles=l),{ast:B,code:e,customTransformCache:u,meta:t.info.meta,originalCode:a,originalSourcemap:o,sourcemapChain:s,transformDependencies:c})))}class fu{constructor(e,t,n,r){this.graph=e,this.modulesById=t,this.options=n,this.pluginDriver=r,this.implicitEntryModules=new Set,this.indexedEntryModules=[],this.latestLoadModulesPromise=Promise.resolve(),this.nextEntryModuleIndex=0,this.resolveId=async(e,t,n,r=null)=>this.addDefaultsToResolvedId(this.getNormalizedResolvedIdWithoutDefaults(!this.options.external(e,t,!1)&&await tu(e,t,this.options.preserveSymlinks,this.pluginDriver,this.resolveId,r,n),t,e)),this.hasModuleSideEffects=n.treeshake?n.treeshake.moduleSideEffects:()=>!0}async addAdditionalModules(e){const t=this.extendLoadModulesPromise(Promise.all(e.map((e=>this.loadEntryModule(e,!1,void 0,null)))));return await this.awaitLoadModulesPromise(),t}async addEntryModules(e,t){const n=this.nextEntryModuleIndex;this.nextEntryModuleIndex+=e.length;const r=await this.extendLoadModulesPromise(Promise.all(e.map((({id:e,importer:t})=>this.loadEntryModule(e,!0,t,null)))).then((r=>{let i=n;for(let n=0;ne.module===s));o?o.index=Math.min(o.index,i):this.indexedEntryModules.push({module:s,index:i}),i++}return this.indexedEntryModules.sort((({index:e},{index:t})=>e>t?1:-1)),r})));return await this.awaitLoadModulesPromise(),{entryModules:this.indexedEntryModules.map((({module:e})=>e)),implicitEntryModules:[...this.implicitEntryModules],newEntryModules:r}}async emitChunk({fileName:e,id:t,importer:n,name:r,implicitlyLoadedAfterOneOf:i,preserveSignature:s}){const o={fileName:e||null,id:t,importer:n,name:r||null},a=i?await this.addEntryWithImplicitDependants(o,i):(await this.addEntryModules([o],!1)).newEntryModules[0];return null!=s&&(a.preserveSignature=s),a}addDefaultsToResolvedId(e){var t,n;if(!e)return null;const r=e.external||!1;return{external:r,id:e.id,meta:e.meta||In,moduleSideEffects:null!==(t=e.moduleSideEffects)&&void 0!==t?t:this.hasModuleSideEffects(e.id,r),syntheticNamedExports:null!==(n=e.syntheticNamedExports)&&void 0!==n&&n}}addEntryWithImplicitDependants(e,t){return this.extendLoadModulesPromise(this.loadEntryModule(e.id,!1,e.importer,null).then((async n=>{if(mu(n,e,!1),!n.info.isEntry){this.implicitEntryModules.add(n);const r=await Promise.all(t.map((t=>this.loadEntryModule(t,!1,e.importer,n.id))));for(const e of r)n.implicitlyLoadedAfter.add(e);for(const e of n.implicitlyLoadedAfter)e.implicitlyLoadedBefore.add(n)}return n})))}async addModuleSource(e,t,n){var r;let i;_a("load modules",3);try{i=null!==(r=await this.pluginDriver.hookFirst("load",[e]))&&void 0!==r?r:await Yl(e)}catch(n){ba("load modules",3);let r=`Could not load ${e}`;throw t&&(r+=` (imported by ${ai(t)})`),r+=`: ${n.message}`,n.message=r,n}ba("load modules",3);const s="string"==typeof i?{code:i}:"object"==typeof i&&"string"==typeof i.code?i:ci(Ei(e)),o=this.graph.cachedModules.get(e);if(o&&!o.customTransformCache&&o.originalCode===s.code){if(o.transformFiles)for(const e of o.transformFiles)this.pluginDriver.emitFile(e);n.setSource(o)}else n.updateOptions(s),n.setSource(await du(s,n,this.pluginDriver,this.options.onwarn))}async awaitLoadModulesPromise(){let e;do{e=this.latestLoadModulesPromise,await e}while(e!==this.latestLoadModulesPromise)}extendLoadModulesPromise(e){return this.latestLoadModulesPromise=Promise.all([e,this.latestLoadModulesPromise]),this.latestLoadModulesPromise.catch((()=>{})),e}async fetchDynamicDependencies(e){const t=await Promise.all(e.dynamicImports.map((async t=>{const n=await this.resolveDynamicImport(e,"string"==typeof t.argument?t.argument:t.argument.esTreeNode,e.id);return null===n?null:"string"==typeof n?(t.resolution=n,null):t.resolution=await this.fetchResolvedDependency(ai(n.id),e.id,n)})));for(const n of t)n&&(e.dynamicDependencies.add(n),n.dynamicImporters.push(e.id))}async fetchModule({id:e,meta:t,moduleSideEffects:n,syntheticNamedExports:r},i,s){const o=this.modulesById.get(e);if(o instanceof Ta){if(s){o.info.isEntry=!0,this.implicitEntryModules.delete(o);for(const e of o.implicitlyLoadedAfter)e.implicitlyLoadedBefore.delete(o);o.implicitlyLoadedAfter.clear()}return o}const a=new Ta(this.graph,e,this.options,s,n,r,t);return this.modulesById.set(e,a),this.graph.watchFiles[e]=!0,await this.addModuleSource(e,i,a),await this.pluginDriver.hookParallel("moduleParsed",[a.info]),await Promise.all([this.fetchStaticDependencies(a),this.fetchDynamicDependencies(a)]),a.linkImports(),a}fetchResolvedDependency(e,t,n){if(n.external){this.modulesById.has(n.id)||this.modulesById.set(n.id,new gr(this.options,n.id,n.moduleSideEffects,n.meta));const r=this.modulesById.get(n.id);return r instanceof gr?Promise.resolve(r):ci(Ii(e,t))}return this.fetchModule(n,t,!1)}async fetchStaticDependencies(e){for(const t of await Promise.all(Array.from(e.sources,(async t=>this.fetchResolvedDependency(t,e.id,e.resolvedIds[t]=e.resolvedIds[t]||this.handleResolveId(await this.resolveId(t,e.id,In),t,e.id))))))e.dependencies.add(t),t.importers.push(e.id)}getNormalizedResolvedIdWithoutDefaults(e,t,n){if(e){if("object"==typeof e)return{...e,external:e.external||this.options.external(e.id,t,!0)};const n=this.options.external(e,t,!0);return{external:n,id:n?Cu(e,t):e}}const r=Cu(n,t);return!1===e||this.options.external(r,t,!0)?{external:!0,id:r}:null}handleResolveId(e,t,n){return null===e?Cr(t)?ci(ji(t,n)):(this.options.onwarn(Wi(t,n)),{external:!0,id:t,meta:In,moduleSideEffects:this.hasModuleSideEffects(t,!0),syntheticNamedExports:!1}):(e.external&&e.syntheticNamedExports&&this.options.onwarn(Xi(t,n)),e)}async loadEntryModule(e,t,n,r){const i=await tu(e,n,this.options.preserveSymlinks,this.pluginDriver,this.resolveId,null,In);return null==i?ci(null===r?Ji(e):Mi(e,r)):!1===i||"object"==typeof i&&i.external?ci(null===r?Qi(e):Pi(e,r)):this.fetchModule(this.addDefaultsToResolvedId("object"==typeof i?i:{id:i}),void 0,t)}async resolveDynamicImport(e,t,n){const r=await this.pluginDriver.hookFirst("resolveDynamicImport",[t,n]);return"string"!=typeof t?"string"==typeof r?r:r?{external:!1,moduleSideEffects:!0,...r}:null:null==r?e.resolvedIds[t]=e.resolvedIds[t]||this.handleResolveId(await this.resolveId(t,e.id,In),t,e.id):this.handleResolveId(this.addDefaultsToResolvedId(this.getNormalizedResolvedIdWithoutDefaults(r,n,t)),t,n)}}function Cu(e,n){return Cr(e)?n?t.resolve(n,"..",e):t.resolve(e):e}function mu(e,{fileName:t,name:n},r){null!==t?e.chunkFileNames.add(t):null!==n&&(null===e.chunkName&&(e.chunkName=n),r&&e.userChunkNames.add(n))}function gu(e,t,n,r,i,s){let o=!1;return(...a)=>(o||(o=!0,Yi({message:`The "this.${t}" plugin context function used by plugin ${r} is deprecated. The "this.${n}" plugin context function should be used instead.`,plugin:r},i,s)),e(...a))}function Au(e,t,n,r,i,s){let o,a=!0;if("string"!=typeof e.cacheKey&&(e.name.startsWith(iu)||e.name.startsWith(su)||s.has(e.name)?a=!1:s.add(e.name)),t)if(a){const n=e.cacheKey||e.name;o=cu(t[n]||(t[n]=Object.create(null)))}else o=hu(e.name);else o=uu;return{addWatchFile(e){if(n.phase>=bB.GENERATE)return this.error(Oi());n.watchFiles[e]=!0},cache:o,emitAsset:gu(((e,t)=>i.emitFile({type:"asset",name:e,source:t})),"emitAsset","emitFile",e.name,!0,r),emitChunk:gu(((e,t)=>i.emitFile({type:"chunk",id:e,name:t&&t.name})),"emitChunk","emitFile",e.name,!0,r),emitFile:i.emitFile,error:t=>ou(t,e.name),getAssetFileName:gu(i.getFileName,"getAssetFileName","getFileName",e.name,!0,r),getChunkFileName:gu(i.getFileName,"getChunkFileName","getFileName",e.name,!0,r),getFileName:i.getFileName,getModuleIds:()=>n.modulesById.keys(),getModuleInfo:n.getModuleInfo,getWatchFiles:()=>Object.keys(n.watchFiles),isExternal:gu(((e,t,n=!1)=>r.external(e,t,n)),"isExternal","resolve",e.name,!0,r),meta:{rollupVersion:Ce,watchMode:n.watchMode},get moduleIds(){const t=n.modulesById.keys();return function*(){Yi({message:`Accessing "this.moduleIds" on the plugin context by plugin ${e.name} is deprecated. The "this.getModuleIds" plugin context function should be used instead.`,plugin:e.name},!1,r),yield*t}()},parse:n.contextParse.bind(n),resolve:(t,r,{custom:i,skipSelf:s}=Dn)=>n.moduleLoader.resolveId(t,r,i,s?[{importer:r,plugin:e,source:t}]:null),resolveId:gu(((e,t)=>n.moduleLoader.resolveId(e,t,Dn).then((e=>e&&e.id))),"resolveId","resolve",e.name,!0,r),setAssetSource:i.setAssetSource,warn(t){"string"==typeof t&&(t={message:t}),t.code&&(t.pluginCode=t.code),t.code="PLUGIN_WARNING",t.plugin=e.name,r.onwarn(t)}}}const yu={buildEnd:1,buildStart:1,closeBundle:1,closeWatcher:1,load:1,moduleParsed:1,options:1,resolveDynamicImport:1,resolveId:1,transform:1,watchChange:1},Eu=Object.keys(yu);function vu(e,t){return ci({code:"INVALID_PLUGIN_HOOK",message:`Error running plugin hook ${e} for ${t}, expected a function hook.`})}class _u{constructor(e,t,n,r,i){this.graph=e,this.options=t,this.pluginContexts=new Map,Bu(n,t),this.pluginCache=r,this.fileEmitter=new TB(e,t,i&&i.fileEmitter),this.emitFile=this.fileEmitter.emitFile,this.getFileName=this.fileEmitter.getFileName,this.finaliseAssets=this.fileEmitter.assertAssetsFinalized,this.setOutputBundle=this.fileEmitter.setOutputBundle,this.plugins=n.concat(i?i.plugins:[]);const s=new Set;for(const n of this.plugins)this.pluginContexts.set(n,Au(n,r,e,t,this.fileEmitter,s));if(i)for(const e of n)for(const n of Eu)n in e&&t.onwarn(Si(e.name,n))}createOutputPluginDriver(e){return new _u(this.graph,this.options,e,this.pluginCache,this)}hookFirst(e,t,n,r){let i=Promise.resolve(void 0);for(const s of this.plugins)r&&r.has(s)||(i=i.then((r=>null!=r?r:this.runHook(e,t,s,!1,n))));return i}hookFirstSync(e,t,n){for(const r of this.plugins){const i=this.runHookSync(e,t,r,n);if(null!=i)return i}return null}hookParallel(e,t,n){const r=[];for(const i of this.plugins){const s=this.runHook(e,t,i,!1,n);s&&r.push(s)}return Promise.all(r).then((()=>{}))}hookReduceArg0(e,[t,...n],r,i){let s=Promise.resolve(t);for(const t of this.plugins)s=s.then((s=>{const o=[s,...n],a=this.runHook(e,o,t,!1,i);return a?a.then((e=>r.call(this.pluginContexts.get(t),s,e,t))):s}));return s}hookReduceArg0Sync(e,[t,...n],r,i){for(const s of this.plugins){const o=[t,...n],a=this.runHookSync(e,o,s,i);t=r.call(this.pluginContexts.get(s),t,a,s)}return t}hookReduceValue(e,t,n,r,i){let s=Promise.resolve(t);for(const t of this.plugins)s=s.then((s=>{const o=this.runHook(e,n,t,!0,i);return o?o.then((e=>r.call(this.pluginContexts.get(t),s,e,t))):s}));return s}hookReduceValueSync(e,t,n,r,i){let s=t;for(const t of this.plugins){const o=this.runHookSync(e,n,t,i);s=r.call(this.pluginContexts.get(t),s,o,t)}return s}hookSeq(e,t,n){let r=Promise.resolve();for(const i of this.plugins)r=r.then((()=>this.runHook(e,t,i,!1,n)));return r}hookSeqSync(e,t,n){for(const r of this.plugins)this.runHookSync(e,t,r,n)}runHook(e,t,n,r,i){const s=n[e];if(!s)return;let o=this.pluginContexts.get(n);return i&&(o=i(o,n)),Promise.resolve().then((()=>"function"!=typeof s?r?s:vu(e,n.name):s.apply(o,t))).catch((t=>ou(t,n.name,{hook:e})))}runHookSync(e,t,n,r){const i=n[e];if(!i)return;let s=this.pluginContexts.get(n);r&&(s=r(s,n));try{return"function"!=typeof i?vu(e,n.name):i.apply(s,t)}catch(t){return ou(t,n.name,{hook:e})}}}function bu(e,t,n){n(e,t)}function Su(e,t,n){}var wu={};function xu(e,t,n=e.type){let r=t.commentNodes[t.commentIndex];for(;r&&e.start>=r.end;)Du(e,r),r=t.commentNodes[++t.commentIndex];r&&r.end<=e.end&&wu[n](e,t,xu)}function Du(e,t){for(e._rollupAnnotations?e._rollupAnnotations.push({comment:t}):e._rollupAnnotations=[{comment:t}];e.type===Qe||e.type===Ue;)e=e.expression;e.type!==Ve&&e.type!==Xe||(e._rollupAnnotations?e._rollupAnnotations.push({pure:!0}):e._rollupAnnotations=[{pure:!0}])}wu.Program=wu.BlockStatement=function(e,t,n){for(var r=0,i=e.body;rIu.test(e.value);function Ou(e,t){xu(t,{commentIndex:0,commentNodes:e.filter(ku)})}function Nu(e){return Array.isArray(e)?e.map((e=>({fileName:null,id:e,implicitlyLoadedAfter:[],importer:void 0,name:null}))):Object.keys(e).map((t=>({fileName:null,id:e[t],implicitlyLoadedAfter:[],importer:void 0,name:t})))}class Tu{constructor(e,t){var n,r;if(this.options=e,this.entryModules=[],this.modulesById=new Map,this.needsTreeshakingPass=!1,this.phase=bB.LOAD_AND_PARSE,this.watchFiles=Object.create(null),this.watchMode=!1,this.externalModules=[],this.implicitEntryModules=[],this.modules=[],this.getModuleInfo=e=>{const t=this.modulesById.get(e);return t?t.info:null},this.deoptimizationTracker=new Et,this.cachedModules=new Map,!1!==e.cache){if(null===(n=e.cache)||void 0===n?void 0:n.modules)for(const t of e.cache.modules)this.cachedModules.set(t.id,t);this.pluginCache=(null===(r=e.cache)||void 0===r?void 0:r.plugins)||Object.create(null);for(const e in this.pluginCache){const t=this.pluginCache[e];for(const e of Object.keys(t))t[e][0]++}}if(t){this.watchMode=!0;const e=(...e)=>this.pluginDriver.hookSeqSync("watchChange",e),n=()=>this.pluginDriver.hookSeqSync("closeWatcher",[]);t.on("change",e),t.on("close",n),t.once("restart",(()=>{t.removeListener("change",e),t.removeListener("close",n)}))}this.pluginDriver=new _u(this,e,e.plugins,this.pluginCache),this.scope=new zl,this.acornParser=Kc.extend(...e.acornInjectPlugins),this.moduleLoader=new fu(this,this.modulesById,this.options,this.pluginDriver)}async build(){_a("generate module graph",2),await this.generateModuleGraph(),ba("generate module graph",2),_a("sort modules",2),this.phase=bB.ANALYSE,this.sortModules(),ba("sort modules",2),_a("mark included statements",2),this.includeStatements(),ba("mark included statements",2),this.phase=bB.GENERATE}contextParse(e,t={}){const n=t.onComment,r=[];t.onComment=n&&"function"==typeof n?(e,i,s,o,...a)=>(r.push({type:e?"Block":"Line",value:i,start:s,end:o}),n.call(t,e,i,s,o,...a)):r;const i=this.acornParser.parse(e,{...this.options.acorn,...t});return"object"==typeof n&&n.push(...r),t.onComment=n,Ou(r,i),i}getCache(){for(const e in this.pluginCache){const t=this.pluginCache[e];let n=!0;for(const e of Object.keys(t))t[e][0]>=this.options.experimentalCacheExpiry?delete t[e]:n=!1;n&&delete this.pluginCache[e]}return{modules:this.modules.map((e=>e.toJSON())),plugins:this.pluginCache}}async generateModuleGraph(){if(({entryModules:this.entryModules,implicitEntryModules:this.implicitEntryModules}=await this.moduleLoader.addEntryModules(Nu(this.options.input),!0)),0===this.entryModules.length)throw new Error("You must supply options.input to rollup");for(const e of this.modulesById.values())e instanceof Ta?this.modules.push(e):this.externalModules.push(e)}includeStatements(){for(const e of[...this.entryModules,...this.implicitEntryModules])!1!==e.preserveSignature?e.includeAllExports(!1):Da(e);if(this.options.treeshake){let e=1;do{_a(`treeshaking pass ${e}`,3),this.needsTreeshakingPass=!1;for(const e of this.modules)e.isExecuted&&("no-treeshake"===e.info.hasModuleSideEffects?e.includeAllInBundle():e.include());ba("treeshaking pass "+e++,3)}while(this.needsTreeshakingPass)}else for(const e of this.modules)e.includeAllInBundle();for(const e of this.externalModules)e.warnUnusedImports();for(const e of this.implicitEntryModules)for(const t of e.implicitlyLoadedAfter)t.info.isEntry||t.isIncluded()||ci(Fi(t))}sortModules(){const{orderedModules:e,cyclePaths:t}=vB(this.entryModules);for(const e of t)this.options.onwarn({code:"CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY",cycle:e,importer:e[0],message:`Circular dependency: ${e.join(" -> ")}`});this.modules=e;for(const e of this.modules)e.bindReferences();this.warnForMissingExports()}warnForMissingExports(){for(const e of this.modules)for(const t of Object.keys(e.importDescriptions)){const n=e.importDescriptions[t];"*"===n.name||n.module.getVariableForExportName(n.name)||e.warn({code:"NON_EXISTENT_EXPORT",message:`Non-existent export '${n.name}' is imported from ${ai(n.module.id)}`,name:n.name,source:n.module.id},n.start)}}}function Pu(e){return Array.isArray(e)?e.filter(Boolean):e?[e]:[]}function Mu(e){if(e.__esModule)return e;var t=Object.defineProperty({},"__esModule",{value:!0});return Object.keys(e).forEach((function(n){var r=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,n);Object.defineProperty(t,n,r.get?r:{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return e[n]}})})),t}var Fu=Mu(ql);const Lu=Object.getPrototypeOf||(e=>e.__proto__),Ru=e=>{if(e.acorn)return e.acorn;const t=Fu;if(0!=t.version.indexOf("6.")&&0==t.version.indexOf("6.0.")&&0!=t.version.indexOf("7."))throw new Error(`acorn-private-class-elements requires acorn@^6.1.0 or acorn@7.0.0, not ${t.version}`);for(let n=e;n&&n!==t.Parser;n=Lu(n))if(n!==t.Parser)throw new Error("acorn-private-class-elements does not support mixing different acorn copies");return t};var Gu=function(e){if(e.prototype.parsePrivateName)return e;const t=Ru(e);return(e=class extends e{_branch(){return this.__branch=this.__branch||new e({ecmaVersion:this.options.ecmaVersion},this.input),this.__branch.end=this.end,this.__branch.pos=this.pos,this.__branch.type=this.type,this.__branch.value=this.value,this.__branch.containsEsc=this.containsEsc,this.__branch}parsePrivateClassElementName(e){e.computed=!1,e.key=this.parsePrivateName(),"constructor"==e.key.name&&this.raise(e.key.start,"Classes may not have a private element named constructor");const t={get:"set",set:"get"}[e.kind],n=this._privateBoundNames;return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,e.key.name)&&n[e.key.name]!==t&&this.raise(e.start,"Duplicate private element"),n[e.key.name]=e.kind||!0,delete this._unresolvedPrivateNames[e.key.name],e.key}parsePrivateName(){const e=this.startNode();return e.name=this.value,this.next(),this.finishNode(e,"PrivateIdentifier"),"never"==this.options.allowReserved&&this.checkUnreserved(e),e}getTokenFromCode(e){if(35===e){++this.pos;const e=this.readWord1();return this.finishToken(this.privateIdentifierToken,e)}return super.getTokenFromCode(e)}parseClass(e,t){const n=this._outerPrivateBoundNames;this._outerPrivateBoundNames=this._privateBoundNames,this._privateBoundNames=Object.create(this._privateBoundNames||null);const r=this._outerUnresolvedPrivateNames;this._outerUnresolvedPrivateNames=this._unresolvedPrivateNames,this._unresolvedPrivateNames=Object.create(null);const i=super.parseClass(e,t),s=this._unresolvedPrivateNames;if(this._privateBoundNames=this._outerPrivateBoundNames,this._outerPrivateBoundNames=n,this._unresolvedPrivateNames=this._outerUnresolvedPrivateNames,this._outerUnresolvedPrivateNames=r,this._unresolvedPrivateNames)Object.assign(this._unresolvedPrivateNames,s);else{const e=Object.keys(s);e.length&&(e.sort(((e,t)=>s[e]-s[t])),this.raise(s[e[0]],"Usage of undeclared private name"))}return i}parseClassSuper(e){const t=this._privateBoundNames;this._privateBoundNames=this._outerPrivateBoundNames;const n=this._unresolvedPrivateNames;this._unresolvedPrivateNames=this._outerUnresolvedPrivateNames;const r=super.parseClassSuper(e);return this._privateBoundNames=t,this._unresolvedPrivateNames=n,r}parseSubscript(e,n,r,i,s,o){const a=this.options.ecmaVersion>=11&&t.tokTypes.questionDot,B=this._branch();if(!(B.eat(t.tokTypes.dot)||a&&B.eat(t.tokTypes.questionDot))||B.type!=this.privateIdentifierToken)return super.parseSubscript.apply(this,arguments);let c=!1;this.eat(t.tokTypes.dot)||(this.expect(t.tokTypes.questionDot),c=!0);let l=this.startNodeAt(n,r);return l.object=e,l.computed=!1,a&&(l.optional=c),this.type==this.privateIdentifierToken?("Super"==e.type&&this.raise(this.start,"Cannot access private element on super"),l.property=this.parsePrivateName(),this._privateBoundNames&&this._privateBoundNames[l.property.name]||(this._unresolvedPrivateNames||this.raise(l.property.start,"Usage of undeclared private name"),this._unresolvedPrivateNames[l.property.name]=l.property.start)):l.property=this.parseIdent(!0),this.finishNode(l,"MemberExpression")}parseMaybeUnary(e,t){const n=super.parseMaybeUnary(e,t);return"delete"==n.operator&&"MemberExpression"==n.argument.type&&"PrivateIdentifier"==n.argument.property.type&&this.raise(n.start,"Private elements may not be deleted"),n}}).prototype.privateIdentifierToken=new t.TokenType("privateIdentifier"),e};const Hu=Gu;var Ku=function(e){const t=(e.acorn||Fu).tokTypes;return e=Hu(e),class extends e{_maybeParseFieldValue(e){if(this.eat(t.eq)){const n=this._inFieldValue;this._inFieldValue=!0,this.type===t.name&&"await"===this.value&&(this.inAsync||this.options.allowAwaitOutsideFunction)?e.value=this.parseAwait():e.value=this.parseExpression(),this._inFieldValue=n}else e.value=null}parseClassElement(e){if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=8&&(this.type==t.name||this.type.keyword||this.type==this.privateIdentifierToken||this.type==t.bracketL||this.type==t.string||this.type==t.num)){const e=this._branch();if(e.type==t.bracketL){let n=0;do{e.eat(t.bracketL)?++n:e.eat(t.bracketR)?--n:e.next()}while(n>0)}else e.next(!0);let n=e.type==t.eq||e.type==t.semi;if(!n&&e.canInsertSemicolon()&&(n=e.type!=t.parenL),n){const e=this.startNode();return this.type==this.privateIdentifierToken?this.parsePrivateClassElementName(e):this.parsePropertyName(e),("Identifier"===e.key.type&&"constructor"===e.key.name||"Literal"===e.key.type&&"constructor"===e.key.value)&&this.raise(e.key.start,"Classes may not have a field called constructor"),this.enterScope(67),this._maybeParseFieldValue(e),this.exitScope(),this.finishNode(e,"PropertyDefinition"),this.semicolon(),e}}return super.parseClassElement.apply(this,arguments)}parseIdent(e,t){const n=super.parseIdent(e,t);return this._inFieldValue&&"arguments"==n.name&&this.raise(n.start,"A class field initializer may not contain arguments"),n}}};const Vu=Gu;var Uu=function(e){const t=Vu(e),n=(e.acorn||Fu).tokTypes;return class extends t{_maybeParseFieldValue(e){if(this.eat(n.eq)){const t=this._inStaticFieldScope;this._inStaticFieldScope=this.currentThisScope(),e.value=this.parseExpression(),this._inStaticFieldScope=t}else e.value=null}parseClassElement(e){if(this.options.ecmaVersion<8||!this.isContextual("static"))return super.parseClassElement.apply(this,arguments);const t=this._branch();if(t.next(),-1==[n.name,n.bracketL,n.string,n.num,this.privateIdentifierToken].indexOf(t.type)&&!t.type.keyword)return super.parseClassElement.apply(this,arguments);if(t.type==n.bracketL){let e=0;do{t.eat(n.bracketL)?++e:t.eat(n.bracketR)?--e:t.next()}while(e>0)}else t.next();if(t.type!=n.eq&&!t.canInsertSemicolon()&&t.type!=n.semi)return super.parseClassElement.apply(this,arguments);const r=this.startNode();return r.static=this.eatContextual("static"),this.type==this.privateIdentifierToken?this.parsePrivateClassElementName(r):this.parsePropertyName(r),("Identifier"===r.key.type&&"constructor"===r.key.name||"Literal"===r.key.type&&!r.computed&&"constructor"===r.key.value)&&this.raise(r.key.start,"Classes may not have a field called constructor"),"prototype"!==(r.key.name||r.key.value)||r.computed||this.raise(r.key.start,"Classes may not have a static property named prototype"),this.enterScope(67),this._maybeParseFieldValue(r),this.exitScope(),this.finishNode(r,"PropertyDefinition"),this.semicolon(),r}parsePropertyName(e){e.static&&this.type==this.privateIdentifierToken?this.parsePrivateClassElementName(e):super.parsePropertyName(e)}parseIdent(e,t){const n=super.parseIdent(e,t);return this._inStaticFieldScope&&this.currentThisScope()===this._inStaticFieldScope&&"arguments"==n.name&&this.raise(n.start,"A static class field initializer may not contain arguments"),n}}};const Qu=e=>console.warn(e.message||e);function Ju(e,t,n,r,i=/$./){const s=new Set(t),o=Object.keys(e).filter((e=>!(s.has(e)||i.test(e))));o.length>0&&r({code:"UNKNOWN_OPTION",message:`Unknown ${n}: ${o.join(", ")}. Allowed options: ${[...s].sort().join(", ")}`})}function ju(e){var t,n;const r=new Set,i=null!==(t=e.context)&&void 0!==t?t:"undefined",s=Wu(e),o=e.strictDeprecations||!1,a={acorn:Xu(e),acornInjectPlugins:qu(e),cache:zu(e),context:i,experimentalCacheExpiry:null!==(n=e.experimentalCacheExpiry)&&void 0!==n?n:10,external:Yu(e.external),inlineDynamicImports:$u(e,s,o),input:Zu(e),manualChunks:ep(e,s,o),moduleContext:tp(e,i),onwarn:s,perf:e.perf||!1,plugins:Pu(e.plugins),preserveEntrySignatures:np(e,r),preserveModules:rp(e,s,o),preserveSymlinks:e.preserveSymlinks||!1,shimMissingExports:e.shimMissingExports||!1,strictDeprecations:o,treeshake:ip(e,s,o)};return Ju(e,[...Object.keys(a),"watch"],"input options",a.onwarn,/^(output)$/),{options:a,unsetOptions:r}}const Wu=e=>e.onwarn?t=>{t.toString=()=>{let e="";return t.plugin&&(e+=`(${t.plugin} plugin) `),t.loc&&(e+=`${ai(t.loc.file)} (${t.loc.line}:${t.loc.column}) `),e+=t.message,e},e.onwarn(t,Qu)}:Qu,Xu=e=>({allowAwaitOutsideFunction:!0,ecmaVersion:"latest",preserveParens:!1,sourceType:"module",...e.acorn}),qu=e=>[Ku,Uu,...Pu(e.acornInjectPlugins)],zu=e=>{var t;return(null===(t=e.cache)||void 0===t?void 0:t.cache)||e.cache},Yu=e=>{if(!0===e)return()=>!0;if("function"==typeof e)return(t,...n)=>!t.startsWith("\0")&&e(t,...n)||!1;if(e){const t=new Set,n=[];for(const r of Pu(e))r instanceof RegExp?n.push(r):t.add(r);return(e,...r)=>t.has(e)||n.some((t=>t.test(e)))}return()=>!1},$u=(e,t,n)=>{const r=e.inlineDynamicImports;return r&&$i('The "inlineDynamicImports" option is deprecated. Use the "output.inlineDynamicImports" option instead.',!1,t,n),r},Zu=e=>{const t=e.input;return null==t?[]:"string"==typeof t?[t]:t},ep=(e,t,n)=>{const r=e.manualChunks;return r&&$i('The "manualChunks" option is deprecated. Use the "output.manualChunks" option instead.',!1,t,n),r},tp=(e,n)=>{const r=e.moduleContext;if("function"==typeof r)return e=>{var t;return null!==(t=r(e))&&void 0!==t?t:n};if(r){const e=Object.create(null);for(const n of Object.keys(r))e[t.resolve(n)]=r[n];return t=>e[t]||n}return()=>n},np=(e,t)=>{const n=e.preserveEntrySignatures;return null==n&&t.add("preserveEntrySignatures"),null!=n?n:"strict"},rp=(e,t,n)=>{const r=e.preserveModules;return r&&$i('The "preserveModules" option is deprecated. Use the "output.preserveModules" option instead.',!1,t,n),r},ip=(e,t,n)=>{const r=e.treeshake;return!1!==r&&(r&&!0!==r?(void 0!==r.pureExternalModules&&$i('The "treeshake.pureExternalModules" option is deprecated. The "treeshake.moduleSideEffects" option should be used instead. "treeshake.pureExternalModules: true" is equivalent to "treeshake.moduleSideEffects: \'no-external\'"',!0,t,n),{annotations:!1!==r.annotations,moduleSideEffects:sp(r.moduleSideEffects,r.pureExternalModules,t),propertyReadSideEffects:"always"===r.propertyReadSideEffects?"always":!1!==r.propertyReadSideEffects,tryCatchDeoptimization:!1!==r.tryCatchDeoptimization,unknownGlobalSideEffects:!1!==r.unknownGlobalSideEffects}):{annotations:!0,moduleSideEffects:()=>!0,propertyReadSideEffects:!0,tryCatchDeoptimization:!0,unknownGlobalSideEffects:!0})},sp=(e,t,n)=>{if("boolean"==typeof e)return()=>e;if("no-external"===e)return(e,t)=>!t;if("function"==typeof e)return(t,n)=>!!t.startsWith("\0")||!1!==e(t,n);if(Array.isArray(e)){const t=new Set(e);return e=>t.has(e)}e&&n(ki("treeshake.moduleSideEffects",'please use one of false, "no-external", a function or an array'));const r=Yu(t);return(e,t)=>!(t&&r(e))};function op(e,t,n){var r,i,s,o,a,B,c;const l=new Set(n),u=e.compact||!1,p=Bp(e),h=cp(e,t),d=lp(e,h,t),f=ap(e,d,t),C={amd:pp(e),assetFileNames:null!==(r=e.assetFileNames)&&void 0!==r?r:"assets/[name]-[hash][extname]",banner:hp(e,"banner"),chunkFileNames:null!==(i=e.chunkFileNames)&&void 0!==i?i:"[name]-[hash].js",compact:u,dir:dp(e,f),dynamicImportFunction:fp(e,t),entryFileNames:Cp(e,l),esModule:null===(s=e.esModule)||void 0===s||s,exports:mp(e,l),extend:e.extend||!1,externalLiveBindings:null===(o=e.externalLiveBindings)||void 0===o||o,file:f,footer:hp(e,"footer"),format:p,freeze:null===(a=e.freeze)||void 0===a||a,globals:e.globals||{},hoistTransitiveImports:null===(B=e.hoistTransitiveImports)||void 0===B||B,indent:gp(e,u),inlineDynamicImports:h,interop:yp(e,t),intro:hp(e,"intro"),manualChunks:Ep(e,h,d,t),minifyInternalExports:vp(e,p,u),name:e.name,namespaceToStringTag:e.namespaceToStringTag||!1,noConflict:e.noConflict||!1,outro:hp(e,"outro"),paths:e.paths||{},plugins:Pu(e.plugins),preferConst:e.preferConst||!1,preserveModules:d,preserveModulesRoot:up(e),sourcemap:e.sourcemap||!1,sourcemapExcludeSources:e.sourcemapExcludeSources||!1,sourcemapFile:e.sourcemapFile,sourcemapPathTransform:e.sourcemapPathTransform,strict:null===(c=e.strict)||void 0===c||c,systemNullSetters:e.systemNullSetters||!1,validate:e.validate||!1};return Ju(e,Object.keys(C),"output options",t.onwarn),{options:C,unsetOptions:l}}const ap=(e,t,n)=>{const r=e.file;if("string"==typeof r){if(t)return ci({code:"INVALID_OPTION",message:'You must set "output.dir" instead of "output.file" when using the "output.preserveModules" option.'});if(!Array.isArray(n.input))return ci({code:"INVALID_OPTION",message:'You must set "output.dir" instead of "output.file" when providing named inputs.'})}return r},Bp=e=>{const t=e.format;switch(t){case void 0:case"es":case"esm":case"module":return"es";case"cjs":case"commonjs":return"cjs";case"system":case"systemjs":return"system";case"amd":case"iife":case"umd":return t;default:return ci({message:'You must specify "output.format", which can be one of "amd", "cjs", "system", "es", "iife" or "umd".',url:"https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#outputformat"})}},cp=(e,t)=>{var n;const r=(null!==(n=e.inlineDynamicImports)&&void 0!==n?n:t.inlineDynamicImports)||!1,{input:i}=t;return r&&(Array.isArray(i)?i:Object.keys(i)).length>1?ci({code:"INVALID_OPTION",message:'Multiple inputs are not supported for "output.inlineDynamicImports".'}):r},lp=(e,t,n)=>{var r;const i=(null!==(r=e.preserveModules)&&void 0!==r?r:n.preserveModules)||!1;if(i){if(t)return ci({code:"INVALID_OPTION",message:'The "output.inlineDynamicImports" option is not supported for "output.preserveModules".'});if(!1===n.preserveEntrySignatures)return ci({code:"INVALID_OPTION",message:'Setting "preserveEntrySignatures" to "false" is not supported for "output.preserveModules".'})}return i},up=e=>{const n=e.preserveModulesRoot;if(null!=n)return t.resolve(n)},pp=e=>{const t={autoId:!1,basePath:"",define:"define",...e.amd};if((t.autoId||t.basePath)&&t.id)return ci({code:"INVALID_OPTION",message:'"output.amd.autoId"/"output.amd.basePath" and "output.amd.id" cannot be used together.'});if(t.basePath&&!t.autoId)return ci({code:"INVALID_OPTION",message:'"output.amd.basePath" only works with "output.amd.autoId".'});let n;return n=t.autoId?{autoId:!0,basePath:t.basePath,define:t.define}:{autoId:!1,define:t.define,id:t.id},n},hp=(e,t)=>{const n=e[t];return"function"==typeof n?n:()=>n||""},dp=(e,t)=>{const n=e.dir;return"string"==typeof n&&"string"==typeof t?ci({code:"INVALID_OPTION",message:'You must set either "output.file" for a single-file build or "output.dir" when generating multiple chunks.'}):n},fp=(e,t)=>{const n=e.dynamicImportFunction;return n&&Yi('The "output.dynamicImportFunction" option is deprecated. Use the "renderDynamicImport" plugin hook instead.',!1,t),n},Cp=(e,t)=>{const n=e.entryFileNames;return null==n&&t.add("entryFileNames"),null!=n?n:"[name].js"};function mp(e,t){const n=e.exports;if(null==n)t.add("exports");else if(!["default","named","none","auto"].includes(n))return ci(xi(n));return n||"auto"}const gp=(e,t)=>{if(t)return"";const n=e.indent;return!1===n?"":null==n||n},Ap=new Set(["auto","esModule","default","defaultOnly",!0,!1]),yp=(e,t)=>{const n=e.interop,r=new Set,i=e=>{if(!r.has(e)){if(r.add(e),!Ap.has(e))return ci({code:"INVALID_OPTION",message:`The value ${JSON.stringify(e)} is not supported for "output.interop". Use one of ${Array.from(Ap.values(),(e=>JSON.stringify(e))).join(", ")} instead.`,url:"https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#outputinterop"});"boolean"==typeof e&&Yi({message:`The boolean value "${e}" for the "output.interop" option is deprecated. Use ${e?'"auto"':'"esModule", "default" or "defaultOnly"'} instead.`,url:"https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#outputinterop"},!1,t)}return e};if("function"==typeof n){const e=Object.create(null);let t=null;return r=>null===r?t||i(t=n(r)):r in e?e[r]:i(e[r]=n(r))}return void 0===n?()=>!0:()=>i(n)},Ep=(e,t,n,r)=>{const i=e.manualChunks||r.manualChunks;if(i){if(t)return ci({code:"INVALID_OPTION",message:'The "output.manualChunks" option is not supported for "output.inlineDynamicImports".'});if(n)return ci({code:"INVALID_OPTION",message:'The "output.manualChunks" option is not supported for "output.preserveModules".'})}return i||{}},vp=(e,t,n)=>{var r;return null!==(r=e.minifyInternalExports)&&void 0!==r?r:n||"es"===t||"system"===t};function _p(e){return bp(e,null)}async function bp(e,t){const{options:n,unsetOptions:r}=await Sp(e,null!==t);xa(n);const i=new Tu(n,t),s=!1!==e.cache;delete n.cache,delete e.cache,_a("BUILD",1);try{await i.pluginDriver.hookParallel("buildStart",[n]),await i.build()}catch(e){const t=Object.keys(i.watchFiles);throw t.length>0&&(e.watchFiles=t),await i.pluginDriver.hookParallel("buildEnd",[e]),await i.pluginDriver.hookParallel("closeBundle",[]),e}await i.pluginDriver.hookParallel("buildEnd",[]),ba("BUILD",1);const o={cache:s?i.getCache():void 0,closed:!1,async close(){o.closed||(o.closed=!0,await i.pluginDriver.hookParallel("closeBundle",[]))},generate:async e=>o.closed?ci(zi()):Dp(!1,n,r,e,i),watchFiles:Object.keys(i.watchFiles),write:async e=>o.closed?ci(zi()):Dp(!0,n,r,e,i)};return n.perf&&(o.getTimings=va),o}async function Sp(e,t){if(!e)throw new Error("You must supply an options object to rollup");const n=Pu(e.plugins),{options:r,unsetOptions:i}=ju(await n.reduce(wp(t),Promise.resolve(e)));return xp(r.plugins,iu),{options:r,unsetOptions:i}}function wp(e){return async(t,n)=>n.options&&n.options.call({meta:{rollupVersion:Ce,watchMode:e}},await t)||t}function xp(e,t){for(let n=0;nPp(c[e],s)))),await o.hookParallel("writeBundle",[s,c])}return Op(c)}function Ip(e,t,n,r){if(!e)throw new Error("You must supply an options object");const i=Pu(e.plugins);xp(i,su);const s=t.createOutputPluginDriver(i);return{...kp(n,r,e,s),outputPluginDriver:s}}function kp(e,t,n,r){return op(r.hookReduceArg0Sync("outputOptions",[n.output||n],((e,t)=>t||e),(e=>{const t=()=>e.error(hi());return{...e,emitFile:t,setAssetSource:t}})),e,t)}function Op(e){return{output:Object.keys(e).map((t=>e[t])).filter((e=>Object.keys(e).length>0)).sort(((e,t)=>{const n=Tp(e),r=Tp(t);return n===r?0:n5&&t<2015&&(t+=2009),r[n]=t}else r[n]=e&&eh(e,n)?e[n]:t[n];else r[n]=t[n];return r}function Gp(){}function Hp(){return!1}function Kp(){return!0}function Vp(){return this}function Up(){return null}var Qp=function(){function e(e,s,o){var a,B=[],c=[];function l(){var l=s(e[a],a),u=l instanceof i;return u&&(l=l.v),l instanceof n?(l=l.v)instanceof r?c.push.apply(c,o?l.v.slice().reverse():l.v):c.push(l):l!==t&&(l instanceof r?B.push.apply(B,o?l.v.slice().reverse():l.v):B.push(l)),u}if(Array.isArray(e))if(o){for(a=e.length;--a>=0&&!l(););B.reverse(),c.reverse()}else for(a=0;a=0;)e[n]===t&&e.splice(n,1)}function qp(e,t){if(e.length<2)return e.slice();return function e(n){if(n.length<=1)return n;var r=Math.floor(n.length/2),i=n.slice(0,r),s=n.slice(r);return function(e,n){for(var r=[],i=0,s=0,o=0;i{n+=e})),n}function oh(e,t){return e._annotations&t}function ah(e,t){e._annotations|=t}var Bh="",ch=!0,lh="break case catch class const continue debugger default delete do else export extends finally for function if in instanceof let new return switch throw try typeof var void while with",uh="false null true",ph="enum implements import interface package private protected public static super this "+uh+" "+lh,hh="return new delete throw else case yield await";lh=zp(lh),ph=zp(ph),hh=zp(hh),uh=zp(uh);var dh=zp(Mp("+-*&%=<>!?|~^")),fh=/[0-9a-f]/i,Ch=/^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i,mh=/^0[0-7]+$/,gh=/^0o[0-7]+$/i,Ah=/^0b[01]+$/i,yh=/^\d*\.?\d*(?:e[+-]?\d*(?:\d\.?|\.?\d)\d*)?$/i,Eh=/^(0[xob])?[0-9a-f]+n$/i,vh=zp(["in","instanceof","typeof","new","void","delete","++","--","+","-","!","~","&","|","^","*","**","/","%",">>","<<",">>>","<",">","<=",">=","==","===","!=","!==","?","=","+=","-=","||=","&&=","??=","/=","*=","**=","%=",">>=","<<=",">>>=","|=","^=","&=","&&","??","||"]),_h=zp(Mp("  \n\r\t\f\v​           \u2028\u2029   \ufeff")),bh=zp(Mp("\n\r\u2028\u2029")),Sh=zp(Mp(";]),:")),wh=zp(Mp("[{(,;:")),xh=zp(Mp("[]{}(),;:")),Dh={ID_Start:/[$A-Z_a-z\xAA\xB5\xBA\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037A-\u037D\u037F\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03F5\u03F7-\u0481\u048A-\u052F\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0620-\u064A\u066E\u066F\u0671-\u06D3\u06D5\u06E5\u06E6\u06EE\u06EF\u06FA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710\u0712-\u072F\u074D-\u07A5\u07B1\u07CA-\u07EA\u07F4\u07F5\u07FA\u0800-\u0815\u081A\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0858\u08A0-\u08B4\u0904-\u0939\u093D\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0971-\u0980\u0985-\u098C\u098F\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09BD\u09CE\u09DC\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E1\u09F0\u09F1\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32\u0A33\u0A35\u0A36\u0A38\u0A39\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A72-\u0A74\u0A85-\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABD\u0AD0\u0AE0\u0AE1\u0AF9\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32\u0B33\u0B35-\u0B39\u0B3D\u0B5C\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B61\u0B71\u0B83\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E\u0B9F\u0BA3\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB9\u0BD0\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C39\u0C3D\u0C58-\u0C5A\u0C60\u0C61\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CBD\u0CDE\u0CE0\u0CE1\u0CF1\u0CF2\u0D05-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D3A\u0D3D\u0D4E\u0D5F-\u0D61\u0D7A-\u0D7F\u0D85-\u0D96\u0D9A-\u0DB1\u0DB3-\u0DBB\u0DBD\u0DC0-\u0DC6\u0E01-\u0E30\u0E32\u0E33\u0E40-\u0E46\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84\u0E87\u0E88\u0E8A\u0E8D\u0E94-\u0E97\u0E99-\u0E9F\u0EA1-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7\u0EAA\u0EAB\u0EAD-\u0EB0\u0EB2\u0EB3\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0EC6\u0EDC-\u0EDF\u0F00\u0F40-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F6C\u0F88-\u0F8C\u1000-\u102A\u103F\u1050-\u1055\u105A-\u105D\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106E-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108E\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FC-\u1248\u124A-\u124D\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125A-\u125D\u1260-\u1288\u128A-\u128D\u1290-\u12B0\u12B2-\u12B5\u12B8-\u12BE\u12C0\u12C2-\u12C5\u12C8-\u12D6\u12D8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135A\u1380-\u138F\u13A0-\u13F5\u13F8-\u13FD\u1401-\u166C\u166F-\u167F\u1681-\u169A\u16A0-\u16EA\u16EE-\u16F8\u1700-\u170C\u170E-\u1711\u1720-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176C\u176E-\u1770\u1780-\u17B3\u17D7\u17DC\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u18A8\u18AA\u18B0-\u18F5\u1900-\u191E\u1950-\u196D\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19AB\u19B0-\u19C9\u1A00-\u1A16\u1A20-\u1A54\u1AA7\u1B05-\u1B33\u1B45-\u1B4B\u1B83-\u1BA0\u1BAE\u1BAF\u1BBA-\u1BE5\u1C00-\u1C23\u1C4D-\u1C4F\u1C5A-\u1C7D\u1CE9-\u1CEC\u1CEE-\u1CF1\u1CF5\u1CF6\u1D00-\u1DBF\u1E00-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u2102\u2107\u210A-\u2113\u2115\u2118-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u2139\u213C-\u213F\u2145-\u2149\u214E\u2160-\u2188\u2C00-\u2C2E\u2C30-\u2C5E\u2C60-\u2CE4\u2CEB-\u2CEE\u2CF2\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\u2D30-\u2D67\u2D6F\u2D80-\u2D96\u2DA0-\u2DA6\u2DA8-\u2DAE\u2DB0-\u2DB6\u2DB8-\u2DBE\u2DC0-\u2DC6\u2DC8-\u2DCE\u2DD0-\u2DD6\u2DD8-\u2DDE\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303C\u3041-\u3096\u309B-\u309F\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FC-\u30FF\u3105-\u312D\u3131-\u318E\u31A0-\u31BA\u31F0-\u31FF\u3400-\u4DB5\u4E00-\u9FD5\uA000-\uA48C\uA4D0-\uA4FD\uA500-\uA60C\uA610-\uA61F\uA62A\uA62B\uA640-\uA66E\uA67F-\uA69D\uA6A0-\uA6EF\uA717-\uA71F\uA722-\uA788\uA78B-\uA7AD\uA7B0-\uA7B7\uA7F7-\uA801\uA803-\uA805\uA807-\uA80A\uA80C-\uA822\uA840-\uA873\uA882-\uA8B3\uA8F2-\uA8F7\uA8FB\uA8FD\uA90A-\uA925\uA930-\uA946\uA960-\uA97C\uA984-\uA9B2\uA9CF\uA9E0-\uA9E4\uA9E6-\uA9EF\uA9FA-\uA9FE\uAA00-\uAA28\uAA40-\uAA42\uAA44-\uAA4B\uAA60-\uAA76\uAA7A\uAA7E-\uAAAF\uAAB1\uAAB5\uAAB6\uAAB9-\uAABD\uAAC0\uAAC2\uAADB-\uAADD\uAAE0-\uAAEA\uAAF2-\uAAF4\uAB01-\uAB06\uAB09-\uAB0E\uAB11-\uAB16\uAB20-\uAB26\uAB28-\uAB2E\uAB30-\uAB5A\uAB5C-\uAB65\uAB70-\uABE2\uAC00-\uD7A3\uD7B0-\uD7C6\uD7CB-\uD7FB\uF900-\uFA6D\uFA70-\uFAD9\uFB00-\uFB06\uFB13-\uFB17\uFB1D\uFB1F-\uFB28\uFB2A-\uFB36\uFB38-\uFB3C\uFB3E\uFB40\uFB41\uFB43\uFB44\uFB46-\uFBB1\uFBD3-\uFD3D\uFD50-\uFD8F\uFD92-\uFDC7\uFDF0-\uFDFB\uFE70-\uFE74\uFE76-\uFEFC\uFF21-\uFF3A\uFF41-\uFF5A\uFF66-\uFFBE\uFFC2-\uFFC7\uFFCA-\uFFCF\uFFD2-\uFFD7\uFFDA-\uFFDC]|\uD800[\uDC00-\uDC0B\uDC0D-\uDC26\uDC28-\uDC3A\uDC3C\uDC3D\uDC3F-\uDC4D\uDC50-\uDC5D\uDC80-\uDCFA\uDD40-\uDD74\uDE80-\uDE9C\uDEA0-\uDED0\uDF00-\uDF1F\uDF30-\uDF4A\uDF50-\uDF75\uDF80-\uDF9D\uDFA0-\uDFC3\uDFC8-\uDFCF\uDFD1-\uDFD5]|\uD801[\uDC00-\uDC9D\uDD00-\uDD27\uDD30-\uDD63\uDE00-\uDF36\uDF40-\uDF55\uDF60-\uDF67]|\uD802[\uDC00-\uDC05\uDC08\uDC0A-\uDC35\uDC37\uDC38\uDC3C\uDC3F-\uDC55\uDC60-\uDC76\uDC80-\uDC9E\uDCE0-\uDCF2\uDCF4\uDCF5\uDD00-\uDD15\uDD20-\uDD39\uDD80-\uDDB7\uDDBE\uDDBF\uDE00\uDE10-\uDE13\uDE15-\uDE17\uDE19-\uDE33\uDE60-\uDE7C\uDE80-\uDE9C\uDEC0-\uDEC7\uDEC9-\uDEE4\uDF00-\uDF35\uDF40-\uDF55\uDF60-\uDF72\uDF80-\uDF91]|\uD8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Ih(e,t){if(Th(e.charCodeAt(t))){if(Ph(e.charCodeAt(t+1)))return e.charAt(t)+e.charAt(t+1)}else if(Ph(e.charCodeAt(t))&&Th(e.charCodeAt(t-1)))return e.charAt(t-1)+e.charAt(t);return e.charAt(t)}function kh(e,t){return Th(e.charCodeAt(t))?65536+(e.charCodeAt(t)-55296<<10)+e.charCodeAt(t+1)-56320:e.charCodeAt(t)}function Oh(e){for(var t=0,n=0;n65535?(e-=65536,String.fromCharCode(55296+(e>>10))+String.fromCharCode(e%1024+56320)):String.fromCharCode(e)}function Th(e){return e>=55296&&e<=56319}function Ph(e){return e>=56320&&e<=57343}function Mh(e){return e>=48&&e<=57}function Fh(e){return Dh.ID_Start.test(e)}function Lh(e){return Dh.ID_Continue.test(e)}const Rh=/^[a-z_$][a-z0-9_$]*$/i;function Gh(e){return Rh.test(e)}function Hh(e,t){if(Rh.test(e))return!0;if(!t&&/[\ud800-\udfff]/.test(e))return!1;var n=Dh.ID_Start.exec(e);return!(!n||0!==n.index)&&(!(e=e.slice(n[0].length))||!!(n=Dh.ID_Continue.exec(e))&&n[0].length===e.length)}function Kh(e,t=!0){if(!t&&e.includes("e"))return NaN;if(Ch.test(e))return parseInt(e.substr(2),16);if(mh.test(e))return parseInt(e.substr(1),8);if(gh.test(e))return parseInt(e.substr(2),8);if(Ah.test(e))return parseInt(e.substr(2),2);if(yh.test(e))return parseFloat(e);var n=parseFloat(e);return n==e?n:void 0}class Vh extends Error{constructor(e,t,n,r,i){super(),this.name="SyntaxError",this.message=e,this.filename=t,this.line=n,this.col=r,this.pos=i}}function Uh(e,t,n,r,i){throw new Vh(e,t,n,r,i)}function Qh(e,t,n){return e.type==t&&(null==n||e.value==n)}var Jh={};function jh(e,t,n,r){var i={text:e,filename:t,pos:0,tokpos:0,line:1,tokline:0,col:0,tokcol:0,newline_before:!1,regex_allowed:!1,brace_counter:0,template_braces:[],comments_before:[],directives:{},directive_stack:[]};function s(){return Ih(i.text,i.pos)}function o(){if(!(46===i.text.charCodeAt(i.pos+1)))return!1;const e=i.text.charCodeAt(i.pos+2);return e<48||e>57}function a(e,t){var n=Ih(i.text,i.pos++);if(e&&!n)throw Jh;return bh.has(n)?(i.newline_before=i.newline_before||!t,++i.line,i.col=0,"\r"==n&&"\n"==s()&&(++i.pos,n="\n")):(n.length>1&&(++i.pos,++i.col),++i.col),n}function B(e){for(;e--;)a()}function c(e){return i.text.substr(i.pos,e.length)==e}function l(e,t){var n=i.text.indexOf(e,i.pos);if(t&&-1==n)throw Jh;return n}function u(){i.tokline=i.line,i.tokcol=i.col,i.tokpos=i.pos}var p=!1,h=null;function d(e,n,r){i.regex_allowed="operator"==e&&!Xh.has(n)||"keyword"==e&&hh.has(n)||"punc"==e&&wh.has(n)||"arrow"==e,"punc"!=e||"."!=n&&"?."!=n?r||(p=!1):p=!0;const s=i.tokline,o=i.tokcol,a=i.tokpos,B=i.newline_before,c=t;let l=[],u=[];r||(l=i.comments_before,u=i.comments_before=[]),i.newline_before=!1;const d=new od(e,n,s,o,a,B,l,u,c);return r||(h=d),d}function f(){for(;_h.has(s());)a()}function C(e){Uh(e,t,i.tokline,i.tokcol,i.tokpos)}function m(e){var t=!1,n=!1,r=!1,i="."==e,o=!1,B=!1,c=function(e){for(var t,n="",r=0;(t=s())&&e(t,r++);)n+=a();return n}((function(s,a){if(o)return!1;switch(s.charCodeAt(0)){case 95:return B=!0;case 98:case 66:return r=!0;case 111:case 79:case 120:case 88:return!r&&(r=!0);case 101:case 69:return!!r||!t&&(t=n=!0);case 45:return n||0==a&&!e;case 43:return n;case n=!1,46:return!(i||r||t)&&(i=!0)}return"n"===s?(o=!0,!0):fh.test(s)}));if(e&&(c=e+c),Bh=c,mh.test(c)&&k.has_directive("use strict")&&C("Legacy octal literals are not allowed in strict mode"),B&&(c.endsWith("_")?C("Numeric separators are not allowed at the end of numeric literals"):c.includes("__")&&C("Only one underscore is allowed as numeric separator"),c=c.replace(/_/g,"")),c.endsWith("n")){const e=c.slice(0,-1),t=Kh(e,Ch.test(e));if(!i&&Eh.test(c)&&!isNaN(t))return d("big_int",e);C("Invalid or unexpected token")}var l=Kh(c);if(!isNaN(l))return d("num",l);C("Invalid syntax: "+c)}function g(e){return e>="0"&&e<="7"}function A(e,t,n){var r=a(!0,e);switch(r.charCodeAt(0)){case 110:return"\n";case 114:return"\r";case 116:return"\t";case 98:return"\b";case 118:return"\v";case 102:return"\f";case 120:return String.fromCharCode(y(2,t));case 117:if("{"==s()){for(a(!0),"}"===s()&&C("Expecting hex-character between {}");"0"==s();)a(!0);var o,B=l("}",!0)-i.pos;return(B>6||(o=y(B,t))>1114111)&&C("Unicode reference out of bounds"),a(!0),Nh(o)}return String.fromCharCode(y(4,t));case 10:return"";case 13:if("\n"==s())return a(!0,e),""}if(g(r)){if(n&&t){"0"===r&&!g(s())||C("Octal escape sequences are not allowed in template strings")}return function(e,t){var n=s();n>="0"&&n<="7"&&(e+=a(!0))[0]<="3"&&(n=s())>="0"&&n<="7"&&(e+=a(!0));if("0"===e)return"\0";e.length>0&&k.has_directive("use strict")&&t&&C("Legacy octal escape sequences are not allowed in strict mode");return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e,8))}(r,t)}return r}function y(e,t){for(var n=0;e>0;--e){if(!t&&isNaN(parseInt(s(),16)))return parseInt(n,16)||"";var r=a(!0);isNaN(parseInt(r,16))&&C("Invalid hex-character pattern in string"),n+=r}return parseInt(n,16)}var E=I("Unterminated string constant",(function(){const e=i.pos;for(var t=a(),n=[];;){var r=a(!0,!0);if("\\"==r)r=A(!0,!0);else if("\r"==r||"\n"==r)C("Unterminated string constant");else if(r==t)break;n.push(r)}var s=d("string",n.join(""));return Bh=i.text.slice(e,i.pos),s.quote=t,s})),v=I("Unterminated template",(function(e){e&&i.template_braces.push(i.brace_counter);var t,n,r="",o="";for(a(!0,!0);"`"!=(t=a(!0,!0));){if("\r"==t)"\n"==s()&&++i.pos,t="\n";else if("$"==t&&"{"==s())return a(!0,!0),i.brace_counter++,n=d(e?"template_head":"template_substitution",r),Bh=o,ch=!1,n;if(o+=t,"\\"==t){var B=i.pos;t=A(!0,!(h&&("name"===h.type||"punc"===h.type&&(")"===h.value||"]"===h.value))),!0),o+=i.text.substr(B,i.pos-B)}r+=t}return i.template_braces.pop(),n=d(e?"template_head":"template_substitution",r),Bh=o,ch=!0,n}));function _(e){var t,n=i.regex_allowed,r=function(){for(var e=i.text,t=i.pos,n=i.text.length;t")&&i.newline_before){B(3),_("comment4");continue}}var t=s();if(!t)return d("eof");var l=t.charCodeAt(0);switch(l){case 34:case 39:return E();case 46:return a(),Mh(s().charCodeAt(0))?m("."):"."===s()?(a(),a(),d("expand","...")):d("punc",".");case 47:var h=D();if(h===k)continue;return h;case 61:return a(),">"===s()?(a(),d("arrow","=>")):x("=");case 63:if(!o())break;return a(),a(),d("punc","?.");case 96:return v(!0);case 123:i.brace_counter++;break;case 125:if(i.brace_counter--,i.template_braces.length>0&&i.template_braces[i.template_braces.length-1]===i.brace_counter)return v(!1)}if(Mh(l))return m();if(xh.has(t))return d("punc",a());if(dh.has(t))return x();if(92==l||Fh(t))return g=void 0,g=S(),p?d("name",g):uh.has(g)?d("atom",g):lh.has(g)?vh.has(g)?d("operator",g):d("keyword",g):d("name",g);if(35==l)return a(),d("privatename",S());break}var g;C("Unexpected character '"+t+"'")}return k.next=a,k.peek=s,k.context=function(e){return e&&(i=e),i},k.add_directive=function(e){i.directive_stack[i.directive_stack.length-1].push(e),void 0===i.directives[e]?i.directives[e]=1:i.directives[e]++},k.push_directives_stack=function(){i.directive_stack.push([])},k.pop_directives_stack=function(){for(var e=i.directive_stack[i.directive_stack.length-1],t=0;t0},k}var Wh=zp(["typeof","void","delete","--","++","!","~","-","+"]),Xh=zp(["--","++"]),qh=zp(["=","+=","-=","??=","&&=","||=","/=","*=","**=","%=",">>=","<<=",">>>=","|=","^=","&="]),zh=zp(["??=","&&=","||="]),Yh=function(e,t){for(var n=0;n","<=",">=","in","instanceof"],[">>","<<",">>>"],["+","-"],["*","/","%"],["**"]],{}),$h=zp(["atom","num","big_int","string","regexp","name"]);function Zh(e,t){const n=new WeakMap;t=Rp(t,{bare_returns:!1,ecma:null,expression:!1,filename:null,html5_comments:!0,module:!1,shebang:!0,strict:!1,toplevel:null},!0);var r={input:"string"==typeof e?jh(e,t.filename,t.html5_comments,t.shebang):e,token:null,prev:null,peeked:null,in_function:0,in_async:-1,in_generator:-1,in_directives:!0,in_loop:0,labels:[]};function i(e,t){return Qh(r.token,e,t)}function s(){return r.peeked||(r.peeked=r.input())}function o(){return r.prev=r.token,r.peeked||s(),r.token=r.peeked,r.peeked=null,r.in_directives=r.in_directives&&("string"==r.token.type||i("punc",";")),r.token}function a(){return r.prev}function B(e,t,n,i){var s=r.input.context();Uh(e,s.filename,null!=t?t:s.tokline,null!=n?n:s.tokcol,null!=i?i:s.tokpos)}function c(e,t){B(t,e.line,e.col)}function l(e){null==e&&(e=r.token),c(e,"Unexpected token: "+e.type+" ("+e.value+")")}function u(e,t){if(i(e,t))return o();c(r.token,"Unexpected token "+r.token.type+" «"+r.token.value+"», expected "+e+" «"+t+"»")}function p(e){return u("punc",e)}function h(e){return e.nlb||!e.comments_before.every((e=>!e.nlb))}function d(){return!t.strict&&(i("eof")||i("punc","}")||h(r.token))}function f(){return r.in_generator===r.in_function}function C(){return r.in_async===r.in_function||0===r.in_function&&r.input.has_directive("use strict")}function m(e){i("punc",";")?o():e||d()||l()}function g(){p("(");var e=Ce(!0);return p(")"),e}function A(e){return function(...t){const n=r.token,i=e(...t);return i.start=n,i.end=a(),i}}function y(){(i("operator","/")||i("operator","/="))&&(r.peeked=null,r.token=r.input(r.token.value.substr(1)))}r.token=o();var E=A((function e(n,f,A){switch(y(),r.token.type){case"string":if(r.in_directives){var E=s();!Bh.includes("\\")&&(Qh(E,"punc",";")||Qh(E,"punc","}")||h(E)||Qh(E,"eof"))?r.input.add_directive(r.token.value):r.in_directives=!1}var D=r.in_directives,k=_();return D&&k.body instanceof hC?new ld(k.body):k;case"template_head":case"num":case"big_int":case"regexp":case"operator":case"atom":return _();case"name":if("async"==r.token.value&&Qh(s(),"keyword","function"))return o(),o(),f&&B("functions are not allowed as the body of a loop"),I(Pd,!1,!0,n);if("import"==r.token.value&&!Qh(s(),"punc","(")&&!Qh(s(),"punc",".")){o();var N=function(){var e,t,n=a();i("name")&&(e=se(rC));i("punc",",")&&o();((t=Z(!0))||e)&&u("name","from");var s=r.token;"string"!==s.type&&l();return o(),new cf({start:n,imported_name:e,imported_names:t,module_name:new hC({start:s,value:s.value,quote:s.quote,end:s}),end:r.token})}();return m(),N}return Qh(s(),"punc",":")?v():_();case"punc":switch(r.token.value){case"{":return new fd({start:r.token,body:M(),end:a()});case"[":case"(":return _();case";":return r.in_directives=!1,o(),new Cd;default:l()}case"keyword":switch(r.token.value){case"break":return o(),b(Qd);case"continue":return o(),b(Jd);case"debugger":return o(),m(),new cd;case"do":o();var T=me(e);u("keyword","while");var L=g();return m(!0),new Ed({body:T,condition:L});case"while":return o(),new vd({condition:g(),body:me((function(){return e(!1,!0)}))});case"for":return o(),function(){var e="`for await` invalid in this context",t=r.token;"name"==t.type&&"await"==t.value?(C()||c(t,e),o()):t=!1;p("(");var n=null;if(i("punc",";"))t&&c(t,e);else{n=i("keyword","var")?(o(),R(!0)):i("keyword","let")?(o(),G(!0)):i("keyword","const")?(o(),H(!0)):Ce(!0,!0);var s=i("operator","in"),a=i("name","of");if(t&&!a&&c(t,e),s||a)return n instanceof nf?n.definitions.length>1&&c(n.start,"Only one variable declaration allowed in for..in loop"):he(n)||(n=de(n))instanceof Md||c(n.start,"Invalid left-hand side in for..in loop"),o(),s?x(n):w(n,!!t)}return S(n)}();case"class":return o(),f&&B("classes are not allowed as the body of a loop"),A&&B("classes are not allowed as the body of an if"),q(Hf,n);case"function":return o(),f&&B("functions are not allowed as the body of a loop"),I(Pd,!1,!1,n);case"if":return o(),P();case"return":0!=r.in_function||t.bare_returns||B("'return' outside of function"),o();var K=null;return i("punc",";")?o():d()||(K=Ce(!0),m()),new Kd({value:K});case"switch":return o(),new qd({expression:g(),body:me(F)});case"throw":o(),h(r.token)&&B("Illegal newline after 'throw'");K=Ce(!0);return m(),new Vd({value:K});case"try":return o(),function(){var e=M(),t=null,n=null;if(i("keyword","catch")){var s=r.token;if(o(),i("punc","{"))var c=null;else{p("(");c=O(void 0,nC);p(")")}t=new ef({start:s,argname:c,body:M(),end:a()})}if(i("keyword","finally")){s=r.token;o(),n=new tf({start:s,body:M(),end:a()})}t||n||B("Missing catch/finally blocks");return new Zd({body:e,bcatch:t,bfinally:n})}();case"var":o();N=R();return m(),N;case"let":o();N=G();return m(),N;case"const":o();N=H();return m(),N;case"with":return r.input.has_directive("use strict")&&B("Strict mode may not include a with statement"),o(),new wd({expression:g(),body:e()});case"export":if(!Qh(s(),"punc","(")){o();N=ee();return i("punc",";")&&m(),N}}}l()}));function v(){var e=se(sC);"await"===e.name&&r.in_async===r.in_function&&c(r.prev,"await cannot be used as label inside async function"),r.labels.some((t=>t.name===e.name))&&B("Label "+e.name+" defined twice"),p(":"),r.labels.push(e);var t=E();return r.labels.pop(),t instanceof Ad||e.references.forEach((function(t){t instanceof Jd&&(t=t.label.start,B("Continue label `"+e.name+"` refers to non-IterationStatement.",t.line,t.col,t.pos))})),new gd({body:t,label:e})}function _(e){return new ud({body:(e=Ce(!0),m(),e)})}function b(e){var t,n=null;d()||(n=se(cC,!0)),null!=n?((t=r.labels.find((e=>e.name===n.name)))||B("Undefined label "+n.name),n.thedef=t):0==r.in_loop&&B(e.TYPE+" not inside a loop or switch"),m();var i=new e({label:n});return t&&t.references.push(i),i}function S(e){p(";");var t=i("punc",";")?null:Ce(!0);p(";");var n=i("punc",")")?null:Ce(!0);return p(")"),new _d({init:e,condition:t,step:n,body:me((function(){return E(!1,!0)}))})}function w(e,t){var n=e instanceof nf?e.definitions[0].name:null,r=Ce(!0);return p(")"),new Sd({await:t,init:e,name:n,object:r,body:me((function(){return E(!1,!0)}))})}function x(e){var t=Ce(!0);return p(")"),new bd({init:e,object:t,body:me((function(){return E(!1,!0)}))})}var D=function(e,t,n){h(r.token)&&B("Unexpected newline before arrow (=>)"),u("arrow","=>");var s=T(i("punc","{"),!1,n),o=s instanceof Array&&s.length?s[s.length-1].end:s instanceof Array?e:s.end;return new Td({start:e,end:o,async:n,argnames:t,body:s})},I=function(e,t,n,r){var s=e===Pd,B=i("operator","*");B&&o();var c=i("name")?se(s?zf:Zf):null;s&&!c&&(r?e=Nd:l()),!c||e===Od||c instanceof Qf||l(a());var u=[],p=T(!0,B||t,n,c,u);return new e({start:u.start,end:p.end,is_generator:B,async:n,name:c,argnames:u,body:p})};function k(e,t){var n=new Set,r=!1,i=!1,s=!1,o=!!t,a={add_parameter:function(t){if(n.has(t.value))!1===r&&(r=t),a.check_strict();else if(n.add(t.value),e)switch(t.value){case"arguments":case"eval":case"yield":o&&c(t,"Unexpected "+t.value+" identifier as parameter inside strict mode");break;default:ph.has(t.value)&&l()}},mark_default_assignment:function(e){!1===i&&(i=e)},mark_spread:function(e){!1===s&&(s=e)},mark_strict_mode:function(){o=!0},is_strict:function(){return!1!==i||!1!==s||o},check_strict:function(){a.is_strict()&&!1!==r&&c(r,"Parameter "+r.value+" was used already")}};return a}function O(e,t){var n,s=!1;return void 0===e&&(e=k(!0,r.input.has_directive("use strict"))),i("expand","...")&&(s=r.token,e.mark_spread(r.token),o()),n=N(e,t),i("operator","=")&&!1===s&&(e.mark_default_assignment(r.token),o(),n=new wf({start:n.start,left:n,operator:"=",right:Ce(!1),end:r.token})),!1!==s&&(i("punc",")")||l(),n=new Id({start:s,expression:n,end:s})),e.check_strict(),n}function N(e,t){var n,c=[],u=!0,h=!1,d=r.token;if(void 0===e&&(e=k(!1,r.input.has_directive("use strict"))),t=void 0===t?qf:t,i("punc","[")){for(o();!i("punc","]");){if(u?u=!1:p(","),i("expand","...")&&(h=!0,n=r.token,e.mark_spread(r.token),o()),i("punc"))switch(r.token.value){case",":c.push(new EC({start:r.token,end:r.token}));continue;case"]":break;case"[":case"{":c.push(N(e,t));break;default:l()}else i("name")?(e.add_parameter(r.token),c.push(se(t))):B("Invalid function parameter");i("operator","=")&&!1===h&&(e.mark_default_assignment(r.token),o(),c[c.length-1]=new wf({start:c[c.length-1].start,left:c[c.length-1],operator:"=",right:Ce(!1),end:r.token})),h&&(i("punc","]")||B("Rest element must be last element"),c[c.length-1]=new Id({start:n,expression:c[c.length-1],end:n}))}return p("]"),e.check_strict(),new Md({start:d,names:c,is_array:!0,end:a()})}if(i("punc","{")){for(o();!i("punc","}");){if(u?u=!1:p(","),i("expand","...")&&(h=!0,n=r.token,e.mark_spread(r.token),o()),i("name")&&(Qh(s(),"punc")||Qh(s(),"operator"))&&[",","}","="].includes(s().value)){e.add_parameter(r.token);var f=a(),C=se(t);h?c.push(new Id({start:n,expression:C,end:C.end})):c.push(new kf({start:f,key:C.name,value:C,end:C.end}))}else{if(i("punc","}"))continue;var m=r.token,g=te();null===g?l(a()):"name"!==a().type||i("punc",":")?(p(":"),c.push(new kf({start:m,quote:m.quote,key:g,value:N(e,t),end:a()}))):c.push(new kf({start:a(),key:g,value:new t({start:a(),name:g,end:a()}),end:a()}))}h?i("punc","}")||B("Rest element must be last element"):i("operator","=")&&(e.mark_default_assignment(r.token),o(),c[c.length-1].value=new wf({start:c[c.length-1].value.start,left:c[c.length-1].value,operator:"=",right:Ce(!1),end:r.token}))}return p("}"),e.check_strict(),new Md({start:d,names:c,is_array:!1,end:a()})}if(i("name"))return e.add_parameter(r.token),se(t);B("Invalid function parameter")}function T(e,t,n,s,a){var B=r.in_loop,c=r.labels,l=r.in_generator,u=r.in_async;if(++r.in_function,t&&(r.in_generator=r.in_function),n&&(r.in_async=r.in_function),a&&function(e){var t=k(!0,r.input.has_directive("use strict"));for(p("(");!i("punc",")");){var n=O(t);if(e.push(n),i("punc",")")||p(","),n instanceof Id)break}o()}(a),e&&(r.in_directives=!0),r.in_loop=0,r.labels=[],e){r.input.push_directives_stack();var h=M();s&&ie(s),a&&a.forEach(ie),r.input.pop_directives_stack()}else h=[new Kd({start:r.token,value:Ce(!1),end:r.token})];return--r.in_function,r.in_loop=B,r.labels=c,r.in_generator=l,r.in_async=u,h}function P(){var e=g(),t=E(!1,!1,!0),n=null;return i("keyword","else")&&(o(),n=E(!1,!1,!0)),new Xd({condition:e,body:t,alternative:n})}function M(){p("{");for(var e=[];!i("punc","}");)i("eof")&&l(),e.push(E());return o(),e}function F(){p("{");for(var e,t=[],n=null,s=null;!i("punc","}");)i("eof")&&l(),i("keyword","case")?(s&&(s.end=a()),n=[],s=new $d({start:(e=r.token,o(),e),expression:Ce(!0),body:n}),t.push(s),p(":")):i("keyword","default")?(s&&(s.end=a()),n=[],s=new Yd({start:(e=r.token,o(),p(":"),e),body:n}),t.push(s)):(n||l(),n.push(E()));return s&&(s.end=a()),o(),t}function L(e,t){for(var n,s=[];;){var c="var"===t?Jf:"const"===t?Wf:"let"===t?Xf:null;if(i("punc","{")||i("punc","[")?n=new af({start:r.token,name:N(void 0,c),value:i("operator","=")?(u("operator","="),Ce(!1,e)):null,end:a()}):"import"==(n=new af({start:r.token,name:se(c),value:i("operator","=")?(o(),Ce(!1,e)):e||"const"!==t?null:B("Missing initializer in const declaration"),end:a()})).name.name&&B("Unexpected token: import"),s.push(n),!i("punc",","))break;o()}return s}var R=function(e){return new rf({start:a(),definitions:L(e,"var"),end:a()})},G=function(e){return new sf({start:a(),definitions:L(e,"let"),end:a()})},H=function(e){return new of({start:a(),definitions:L(e,"const"),end:a()})};function K(){var e,t=r.token;switch(t.type){case"name":e=re(oC);break;case"num":e=new dC({start:t,end:t,value:t.value,raw:Bh});break;case"big_int":e=new fC({start:t,end:t,value:t.value});break;case"string":e=new hC({start:t,end:t,value:t.value,quote:t.quote});break;case"regexp":const[n,r,i]=t.value.match(/^\/(.*)\/(\w*)$/);e=new CC({start:t,end:t,value:{source:r,flags:i}});break;case"atom":switch(t.value){case"false":e=new bC({start:t,end:t});break;case"true":e=new SC({start:t,end:t});break;case"null":e=new gC({start:t,end:t})}}return o(),e}function V(e,t){var n=function(e,t){return t?new wf({start:e.start,left:e,operator:"=",right:t,end:t.end}):e};return e instanceof Df?n(new Md({start:e.start,end:e.end,is_array:!1,names:e.properties.map((e=>V(e)))}),t):e instanceof kf?(e.value=V(e.value),n(e,t)):e instanceof EC?e:e instanceof Md?(e.names=e.names.map((e=>V(e))),n(e,t)):e instanceof oC?n(new qf({name:e.name,start:e.start,end:e.end}),t):e instanceof Id?(e.expression=V(e.expression),n(e,t)):e instanceof xf?n(new Md({start:e.start,end:e.end,is_array:!0,names:e.elements.map((e=>V(e)))}),t):e instanceof Sf?n(V(e.left,e.right),t):e instanceof wf?(e.left=V(e.left),e):void B("Invalid function parameter",e.start.line,e.start.col)}var U=function(e,t){if(i("operator","new"))return function(e){var t=r.token;if(u("operator","new"),i("punc","."))return o(),u("name","target"),ae(new Uf({start:t,end:a()}),e);var n,s=U(!1);i("punc","(")?(o(),n=J(")",!0)):n=[];var B=new hf({start:t,expression:s,args:n,end:a()});return oe(B),ae(B,e)}(e);if(i("operator","import"))return function(){var e=r.token;return u("operator","import"),u("punc","."),u("name","meta"),ae(new lf({start:e,end:a()}),!1)}();var B,c=r.token,h=i("name","async")&&"["!=(B=s()).value&&"arrow"!=B.type&&K();if(i("punc")){switch(r.token.value){case"(":if(h&&!e)break;var d=function(e,t){var n,s,B,c=[];for(p("(");!i("punc",")");)n&&l(n),i("expand","...")?(n=r.token,t&&(s=r.token),o(),c.push(new Id({start:a(),expression:Ce(),end:r.token}))):c.push(Ce()),i("punc",")")||(p(","),i("punc",")")&&(B=a(),t&&(s=B)));return p(")"),e&&i("arrow","=>")?n&&B&&l(B):s&&l(s),c}(t,!h);if(t&&i("arrow","=>"))return D(c,d.map((e=>V(e))),!!h);var f=h?new pf({expression:h,args:d}):1==d.length?d[0]:new df({expressions:d});if(f.start){const e=c.comments_before.length;if(n.set(c,e),f.start.comments_before.unshift(...c.comments_before),c.comments_before=f.start.comments_before,0==e&&c.comments_before.length>0){var C=c.comments_before[0];C.nlb||(C.nlb=c.nlb,c.nlb=!1)}c.comments_after=f.start.comments_after}f.start=c;var m=a();return f.end&&(m.comments_before=f.end.comments_before,f.end.comments_after.push(...m.comments_after),m.comments_after=f.end.comments_after),f.end=m,f instanceof pf&&oe(f),ae(f,e);case"[":return ae(j(),e);case"{":return ae(X(),e)}h||l()}if(t&&i("name")&&Qh(s(),"arrow")){var g=new qf({name:r.token.value,start:c,end:c});return o(),D(c,[g],!!h)}if(i("keyword","function")){o();var A=I(Nd,!1,!!h);return A.start=c,A.end=a(),ae(A,e)}if(h)return ae(h,e);if(i("keyword","class")){o();var y=q(Kf);return y.start=c,y.end=a(),ae(y,e)}return i("template_head")?ae(Q(),e):$h.has(r.token.type)?ae(K(),e):void l()};function Q(){var e=[],t=r.token;for(e.push(new Rd({start:r.token,raw:Bh,value:r.token.value,end:r.token}));!ch;)o(),y(),e.push(Ce(!0)),e.push(new Rd({start:r.token,raw:Bh,value:r.token.value,end:r.token}));return o(),new Ld({start:t,segments:e,end:r.token})}function J(e,t,n){for(var s=!0,B=[];!i("punc",e)&&(s?s=!1:p(","),!t||!i("punc",e));)i("punc",",")&&n?B.push(new EC({start:r.token,end:r.token})):i("expand","...")?(o(),B.push(new Id({start:a(),expression:Ce(),end:r.token}))):B.push(Ce(!1));return o(),B}var j=A((function(){return p("["),new xf({elements:J("]",!t.strict,!0)})})),W=A(((e,t)=>I(Od,e,t))),X=A((function(){var e=r.token,n=!0,s=[];for(p("{");!i("punc","}")&&(n?n=!1:p(","),t.strict||!i("punc","}"));)if("expand"!=(e=r.token).type){var B,c=te();if(i("punc",":"))null===c?l(a()):(o(),B=Ce(!1));else{var u=z(c,e);if(u){s.push(u);continue}B=new oC({start:a(),name:c,end:a()})}i("operator","=")&&(o(),B=new Sf({start:e,left:B,operator:"=",right:Ce(!1),logical:!1,end:a()})),s.push(new kf({start:e,quote:e.quote,key:c instanceof ad?c:""+c,value:B,end:a()}))}else o(),s.push(new Id({start:e,expression:Ce(!1),end:a()}));return o(),new Df({properties:s})}));function q(e,t){var n,s,B,c,u=[];for(r.input.push_directives_stack(),r.input.add_directive("use strict"),"name"==r.token.type&&"extends"!=r.token.value&&(B=se(e===Hf?eC:tC)),e!==Hf||B||(t?e=Kf:l()),"extends"==r.token.value&&(o(),c=Ce(!0)),p("{");i("punc",";");)o();for(;!i("punc","}");)for(n=r.token,(s=z(te(),n,!0))||l(),u.push(s);i("punc",";");)o();return r.input.pop_directives_stack(),o(),new e({start:n,name:B,extends:c,properties:u,end:a()})}function z(e,t,n){const r=(e,n=Yf)=>"string"==typeof e||"number"==typeof e?new n({start:t,name:""+e,end:a()}):(null===e&&l(),e),s=()=>!(i("punc","(")||i("punc",",")||i("punc","}")||i("operator","="));var B=!1,c=!1,u=!1,p=!1,h=null;n&&"static"===e&&s()&&(c=!0,e=te()),"async"===e&&s()&&(B=!0,e=te()),"operator"===a().type&&"*"===a().value&&(u=!0,e=te()),"get"!==e&&"set"!==e||!s()||(h=e,e=te()),"privatename"===a().type&&(p=!0);const d=a();if(null!=h){if(p){return new("get"===h?Nf:Of)({start:t,static:c,key:r(e),value:W(),end:a()})}{const n="get"===h?Pf:Tf;return e=r(e),new n({start:t,static:c,key:e,quote:e instanceof Yf?d.quote:void 0,value:W(),end:a()})}}if(i("punc","(")){e=r(e);return new(p?Ff:Mf)({start:t,static:c,is_generator:u,async:B,key:e,quote:e instanceof Yf?d.quote:void 0,value:W(u,B),end:a()})}if(n){const n=r(e,$f),s=n instanceof $f?d.quote:void 0,B=p?Gf:Rf;if(i("operator","="))return o(),new B({start:t,static:c,quote:s,key:n,value:Ce(!1),end:a()});if(i("name")||i("privatename")||i("operator","*")||i("punc",";")||i("punc","}"))return new B({start:t,static:c,quote:s,key:n,end:a()})}}function Y(e){function t(e){return new e({name:te(),start:a(),end:a()})}var n,s,B=e?iC:BC,c=e?rC:aC,l=r.token;return e?n=t(B):s=t(c),i("name","as")?(o(),e?s=t(c):n=t(B)):e?s=new c(n):n=new B(s),new Bf({start:l,foreign_name:n,name:s,end:a()})}function $(e,t){var n,i=e?iC:BC,s=e?rC:aC,o=r.token,B=a();return t=t||new s({name:"*",start:o,end:B}),n=new i({name:"*",start:o,end:B}),new Bf({start:o,foreign_name:n,name:t,end:B})}function Z(e){var t;if(i("punc","{")){for(o(),t=[];!i("punc","}");)t.push(Y(e)),i("punc",",")&&o();o()}else if(i("operator","*")){var n;o(),e&&i("name","as")&&(o(),n=se(e?rC:BC)),t=[$(e,n)]}return t}function ee(){var e,t,n,B,c,u=r.token;if(i("keyword","default"))e=!0,o();else if(t=Z(!1)){if(i("name","from")){o();var p=r.token;return"string"!==p.type&&l(),o(),new uf({start:u,is_default:e,exported_names:t,module_name:new hC({start:p,value:p.value,quote:p.quote,end:p}),end:a()})}return new uf({start:u,is_default:e,exported_names:t,end:a()})}return i("punc","{")||e&&(i("keyword","class")||i("keyword","function"))&&Qh(s(),"punc")?(B=Ce(!1),m()):(n=E(e))instanceof nf&&e?l(n.start):n instanceof nf||n instanceof Pd||n instanceof Hf?c=n:n instanceof Kf||n instanceof Nd?B=n:n instanceof ud?B=n.body:l(n.start),new uf({start:u,is_default:e,exported_value:B,exported_definition:c,end:a()})}function te(){var e=r.token;switch(e.type){case"punc":if("["===e.value){o();var t=Ce(!1);return p("]"),t}l(e);case"operator":if("*"===e.value)return o(),null;["delete","in","instanceof","new","typeof","void"].includes(e.value)||l(e);case"name":case"privatename":case"string":case"num":case"big_int":case"keyword":case"atom":return o(),e.value;default:l(e)}}function ne(){var e=r.token;return"name"!=e.type&&"privatename"!=e.type&&l(),o(),e.value}function re(e){var t=r.token.value;return new("this"==t?lC:"super"==t?uC:e)({name:String(t),start:r.token,end:r.token})}function ie(e){var t=e.name;f()&&"yield"==t&&c(e.start,"Yield cannot be used as identifier inside generators"),r.input.has_directive("use strict")&&("yield"==t&&c(e.start,"Unexpected yield identifier inside strict mode"),e instanceof Qf&&("arguments"==t||"eval"==t)&&c(e.start,"Unexpected "+t+" in strict mode"))}function se(e,t){if(!i("name"))return t||B("Name expected"),null;var n=re(e);return ie(n),o(),n}function oe(e){var t=e.start,r=t.comments_before;const i=n.get(t);for(var s=null!=i?i:r.length;--s>=0;){var o=r[s];if(/[@#]__/.test(o.value)){if(/[@#]__PURE__/.test(o.value)){ah(e,OC);break}if(/[@#]__INLINE__/.test(o.value)){ah(e,NC);break}if(/[@#]__NOINLINE__/.test(o.value)){ah(e,TC);break}}}}var ae=function(e,t,n){var r=e.start;if(i("punc",".")){o();const s=i("privatename")?mf:Cf;return ae(new s({start:r,expression:e,optional:!1,property:ne(),end:a()}),t,n)}if(i("punc","[")){o();var s=Ce(!0);return p("]"),ae(new gf({start:r,expression:e,optional:!1,property:s,end:a()}),t,n)}if(t&&i("punc","(")){o();var B=new pf({start:r,expression:e,optional:!1,args:Be(),end:a()});return oe(B),ae(B,!0,n)}if(i("punc","?.")){let n;if(o(),t&&i("punc","(")){o();const t=new pf({start:r,optional:!0,expression:e,args:Be(),end:a()});oe(t),n=ae(t,!0,!0)}else if(i("name")||i("privatename")){const s=i("privatename")?mf:Cf;n=ae(new s({start:r,expression:e,optional:!0,property:ne(),end:a()}),t,!0)}else if(i("punc","[")){o();const i=Ce(!0);p("]"),n=ae(new gf({start:r,expression:e,optional:!0,property:i,end:a()}),t,!0)}return n||l(),n instanceof Af?n:new Af({start:r,expression:n,end:a()})}return i("template_head")?(n&&l(),ae(new Fd({start:r,prefix:e,template_string:Q(),end:a()}),t)):e};function Be(){for(var e=[];!i("punc",")");)i("expand","...")?(o(),e.push(new Id({start:a(),expression:Ce(!1),end:a()}))):e.push(Ce(!1)),i("punc",")")||p(",");return o(),e}var ce=function(e,t){var n=r.token;if("name"==n.type&&"await"==n.value&&C())return o(),C()||B("Unexpected await expression outside async function",r.prev.line,r.prev.col,r.prev.pos),new jd({start:a(),end:r.token,expression:ce(!0)});if(i("operator")&&Wh.has(n.value)){o(),y();var s=le(Ef,n,ce(e));return s.start=n,s.end=a(),s}for(var c=U(e,t);i("operator")&&Xh.has(r.token.value)&&!h(r.token);)c instanceof Td&&l(),(c=le(vf,r.token,c)).start=n,c.end=r.token,o();return c};function le(e,t,n){var i=t.value;switch(i){case"++":case"--":he(n)||B("Invalid use of "+i+" operator",t.line,t.col,t.pos);break;case"delete":n instanceof oC&&r.input.has_directive("use strict")&&B("Calling delete on expression not allowed in strict mode",n.start.line,n.start.col,n.start.pos)}return new e({operator:i,expression:n})}var ue=function(e,t,n){var s=i("operator")?r.token.value:null;"in"==s&&n&&(s=null),"**"==s&&e instanceof Ef&&!Qh(e.start,"punc","(")&&"--"!==e.operator&&"++"!==e.operator&&l(e.start);var a=null!=s?Yh[s]:null;if(null!=a&&(a>t||"**"===s&&t===a)){o();var B=ue(ce(!0),a,n);return ue(new _f({start:e.start,left:e,operator:s,right:B,end:B.end}),t,n)}return e};var pe=function(e){var t=r.token,n=function(e){return ue(ce(!0,!0),0,e)}(e);if(i("operator","?")){o();var s=Ce(!1);return p(":"),new bf({start:t,condition:n,consequent:s,alternative:Ce(!1,e),end:a()})}return n};function he(e){return e instanceof ff||e instanceof oC}function de(e){if(e instanceof Df)e=new Md({start:e.start,names:e.properties.map(de),is_array:!1,end:e.end});else if(e instanceof xf){for(var t=[],n=0;n=0;)s+="this."+t[o]+" = props."+t[o]+";";const a=r&&Object.create(r.prototype);(a&&a.initialize||n&&n.initialize)&&(s+="this.initialize();"),s+="}",s+="this.flags = 0;",s+="}";var B=new Function(s)();if(a&&(B.prototype=a,B.BASE=r),r&&r.SUBCLASSES.push(B),B.prototype.CTOR=B,B.prototype.constructor=B,B.PROPS=t||null,B.SELF_PROPS=i,B.SUBCLASSES=[],e&&(B.prototype.TYPE=B.TYPE=e),n)for(o in n)eh(n,o)&&("$"===o[0]?B[o.substr(1)]=n[o]:B.prototype[o]=n[o]);return B.DEFMETHOD=function(e,t){this.prototype[e]=t},B}const td=(e,t)=>Boolean(e.flags&t),nd=(e,t,n)=>{n?e.flags|=t:e.flags&=~t},rd=1,id=2,sd=4;class od{constructor(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a,B){this.flags=s?1:0,this.type=e,this.value=t,this.line=n,this.col=r,this.pos=i,this.comments_before=o,this.comments_after=a,this.file=B,Object.seal(this)}get nlb(){return td(this,rd)}set nlb(e){nd(this,rd,e)}get quote(){return td(this,sd)?td(this,id)?"'":'"':""}set quote(e){nd(this,id,"'"===e),nd(this,sd,!!e)}}var ad=ed("Node","start end",{_clone:function(e){if(e){var t=this.clone();return t.transform(new kC((function(e){if(e!==t)return e.clone(!0)})))}return new this.CTOR(this)},clone:function(e){return this._clone(e)},$documentation:"Base class of all AST nodes",$propdoc:{start:"[AST_Token] The first token of this node",end:"[AST_Token] The last token of this node"},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this)},walk:function(e){return this._walk(e)},_children_backwards:()=>{}},null),Bd=ed("Statement",null,{$documentation:"Base class of all statements"}),cd=ed("Debugger",null,{$documentation:"Represents a debugger statement"},Bd),ld=ed("Directive","value quote",{$documentation:'Represents a directive, like "use strict";',$propdoc:{value:"[string] The value of this directive as a plain string (it's not an AST_String!)",quote:"[string] the original quote character"}},Bd),ud=ed("SimpleStatement","body",{$documentation:"A statement consisting of an expression, i.e. a = 1 + 2",$propdoc:{body:"[AST_Node] an expression node (should not be instanceof AST_Statement)"},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,(function(){this.body._walk(e)}))},_children_backwards(e){e(this.body)}},Bd);function pd(e,t){const n=e.body;for(var r=0,i=n.length;r SymbolDef for all variables/functions defined in this scope",functions:"[Map/S] like `variables`, but only lists function declarations",uses_with:"[boolean/S] tells whether this scope uses the `with` statement",uses_eval:"[boolean/S] tells whether this scope contains a direct call to the global `eval`",parent_scope:"[AST_Scope?/S] link to the parent scope",enclosed:"[SymbolDef*/S] a list of all symbol definitions that are accessed from this scope or any subscopes",cname:"[integer/S] current index for mangling variables (used internally by the mangler)"},get_defun_scope:function(){for(var e=this;e.is_block_scope();)e=e.parent_scope;return e},clone:function(e,t){var n=this._clone(e);return e&&this.variables&&t&&!this._block_scope?n.figure_out_scope({},{toplevel:t,parent_scope:this.parent_scope}):(this.variables&&(n.variables=new Map(this.variables)),this.functions&&(n.functions=new Map(this.functions)),this.enclosed&&(n.enclosed=this.enclosed.slice()),this._block_scope&&(n._block_scope=this._block_scope)),n},pinned:function(){return this.uses_eval||this.uses_with}},dd),Dd=ed("Toplevel","globals",{$documentation:"The toplevel scope",$propdoc:{globals:"[Map/S] a map of name -> SymbolDef for all undeclared names"},wrap_commonjs:function(e){var t=this.body,n="(function(exports){'$ORIG';})(typeof "+e+"=='undefined'?("+e+"={}):"+e+");";return n=(n=Zh(n)).transform(new kC((function(e){if(e instanceof ld&&"$ORIG"==e.value)return Qp.splice(t)})))},wrap_enclose:function(e){"string"!=typeof e&&(e="");var t=e.indexOf(":");t<0&&(t=e.length);var n=this.body;return Zh(["(function(",e.slice(0,t),'){"$ORIG"})(',e.slice(t+1),")"].join("")).transform(new kC((function(e){if(e instanceof ld&&"$ORIG"==e.value)return Qp.splice(n)})))}},xd),Id=ed("Expansion","expression",{$documentation:"An expandible argument, such as ...rest, a splat, such as [1,2,...all], or an expansion in a variable declaration, such as var [first, ...rest] = list",$propdoc:{expression:"[AST_Node] the thing to be expanded"},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,(function(){this.expression.walk(e)}))},_children_backwards(e){e(this.expression)}}),kd=ed("Lambda","name argnames uses_arguments is_generator async",{$documentation:"Base class for functions",$propdoc:{name:"[AST_SymbolDeclaration?] the name of this function",argnames:"[AST_SymbolFunarg|AST_Destructuring|AST_Expansion|AST_DefaultAssign*] array of function arguments, destructurings, or expanding arguments",uses_arguments:"[boolean/S] tells whether this function accesses the arguments array",is_generator:"[boolean] is this a generator method",async:"[boolean] is this method async"},args_as_names:function(){for(var e=[],t=0;t b)"},kd),Pd=ed("Defun",null,{$documentation:"A function definition"},kd),Md=ed("Destructuring","names is_array",{$documentation:"A destructuring of several names. Used in destructuring assignment and with destructuring function argument names",$propdoc:{names:"[AST_Node*] Array of properties or elements",is_array:"[Boolean] Whether the destructuring represents an object or array"},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,(function(){this.names.forEach((function(t){t._walk(e)}))}))},_children_backwards(e){let t=this.names.length;for(;t--;)e(this.names[t])},all_symbols:function(){var e=[];return this.walk(new IC((function(t){t instanceof Vf&&e.push(t)}))),e}}),Fd=ed("PrefixedTemplateString","template_string prefix",{$documentation:"A templatestring with a prefix, such as String.raw`foobarbaz`",$propdoc:{template_string:"[AST_TemplateString] The template string",prefix:"[AST_Node] The prefix, which will get called."},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,(function(){this.prefix._walk(e),this.template_string._walk(e)}))},_children_backwards(e){e(this.template_string),e(this.prefix)}}),Ld=ed("TemplateString","segments",{$documentation:"A template string literal",$propdoc:{segments:"[AST_Node*] One or more segments, starting with AST_TemplateSegment. AST_Node may follow AST_TemplateSegment, but each AST_Node must be followed by AST_TemplateSegment."},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,(function(){this.segments.forEach((function(t){t._walk(e)}))}))},_children_backwards(e){let t=this.segments.length;for(;t--;)e(this.segments[t])}}),Rd=ed("TemplateSegment","value raw",{$documentation:"A segment of a template string literal",$propdoc:{value:"Content of the segment",raw:"Raw source of the segment"}}),Gd=ed("Jump",null,{$documentation:"Base class for “jumps” (for now that's `return`, `throw`, `break` and `continue`)"},Bd),Hd=ed("Exit","value",{$documentation:"Base class for “exits” (`return` and `throw`)",$propdoc:{value:"[AST_Node?] the value returned or thrown by this statement; could be null for AST_Return"},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,this.value&&function(){this.value._walk(e)})},_children_backwards(e){this.value&&e(this.value)}},Gd),Kd=ed("Return",null,{$documentation:"A `return` statement"},Hd),Vd=ed("Throw",null,{$documentation:"A `throw` statement"},Hd),Ud=ed("LoopControl","label",{$documentation:"Base class for loop control statements (`break` and `continue`)",$propdoc:{label:"[AST_LabelRef?] the label, or null if none"},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,this.label&&function(){this.label._walk(e)})},_children_backwards(e){this.label&&e(this.label)}},Gd),Qd=ed("Break",null,{$documentation:"A `break` statement"},Ud),Jd=ed("Continue",null,{$documentation:"A `continue` statement"},Ud),jd=ed("Await","expression",{$documentation:"An `await` statement",$propdoc:{expression:"[AST_Node] the mandatory expression being awaited"},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,(function(){this.expression._walk(e)}))},_children_backwards(e){e(this.expression)}}),Wd=ed("Yield","expression is_star",{$documentation:"A `yield` statement",$propdoc:{expression:"[AST_Node?] the value returned or thrown by this statement; could be null (representing undefined) but only when is_star is set to false",is_star:"[Boolean] Whether this is a yield or yield* statement"},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,this.expression&&function(){this.expression._walk(e)})},_children_backwards(e){this.expression&&e(this.expression)}}),Xd=ed("If","condition alternative",{$documentation:"A `if` statement",$propdoc:{condition:"[AST_Node] the `if` condition",alternative:"[AST_Statement?] the `else` part, or null if not present"},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,(function(){this.condition._walk(e),this.body._walk(e),this.alternative&&this.alternative._walk(e)}))},_children_backwards(e){this.alternative&&e(this.alternative),e(this.body),e(this.condition)}},md),qd=ed("Switch","expression",{$documentation:"A `switch` statement",$propdoc:{expression:"[AST_Node] the `switch` “discriminant”"},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,(function(){this.expression._walk(e),pd(this,e)}))},_children_backwards(e){let t=this.body.length;for(;t--;)e(this.body[t]);e(this.expression)}},dd),zd=ed("SwitchBranch",null,{$documentation:"Base class for `switch` branches"},dd),Yd=ed("Default",null,{$documentation:"A `default` switch branch"},zd),$d=ed("Case","expression",{$documentation:"A `case` switch branch",$propdoc:{expression:"[AST_Node] the `case` expression"},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,(function(){this.expression._walk(e),pd(this,e)}))},_children_backwards(e){let t=this.body.length;for(;t--;)e(this.body[t]);e(this.expression)}},zd),Zd=ed("Try","bcatch bfinally",{$documentation:"A `try` statement",$propdoc:{bcatch:"[AST_Catch?] the catch block, or null if not present",bfinally:"[AST_Finally?] the finally block, or null if not present"},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,(function(){pd(this,e),this.bcatch&&this.bcatch._walk(e),this.bfinally&&this.bfinally._walk(e)}))},_children_backwards(e){this.bfinally&&e(this.bfinally),this.bcatch&&e(this.bcatch);let t=this.body.length;for(;t--;)e(this.body[t])}},dd),ef=ed("Catch","argname",{$documentation:"A `catch` node; only makes sense as part of a `try` statement",$propdoc:{argname:"[AST_SymbolCatch|AST_Destructuring|AST_Expansion|AST_DefaultAssign] symbol for the exception"},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,(function(){this.argname&&this.argname._walk(e),pd(this,e)}))},_children_backwards(e){let t=this.body.length;for(;t--;)e(this.body[t]);this.argname&&e(this.argname)}},dd),tf=ed("Finally",null,{$documentation:"A `finally` node; only makes sense as part of a `try` statement"},dd),nf=ed("Definitions","definitions",{$documentation:"Base class for `var` or `const` nodes (variable declarations/initializations)",$propdoc:{definitions:"[AST_VarDef*] array of variable definitions"},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,(function(){for(var t=this.definitions,n=0,r=t.length;n a`"},_f),xf=ed("Array","elements",{$documentation:"An array literal",$propdoc:{elements:"[AST_Node*] array of elements"},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,(function(){for(var t=this.elements,n=0,r=t.length;n!1},If),Nf=ed("PrivateGetter","static",{$propdoc:{static:"[boolean] whether this is a static private getter"},$documentation:"A private getter property",computed_key:()=>!1},If),Tf=ed("ObjectSetter","quote static",{$propdoc:{quote:"[string|undefined] the original quote character, if any",static:"[boolean] whether this is a static setter (classes only)"},$documentation:"An object setter property",computed_key(){return!(this.key instanceof Yf)}},If),Pf=ed("ObjectGetter","quote static",{$propdoc:{quote:"[string|undefined] the original quote character, if any",static:"[boolean] whether this is a static getter (classes only)"},$documentation:"An object getter property",computed_key(){return!(this.key instanceof Yf)}},If),Mf=ed("ConciseMethod","quote static is_generator async",{$propdoc:{quote:"[string|undefined] the original quote character, if any",static:"[boolean] is this method static (classes only)",is_generator:"[boolean] is this a generator method",async:"[boolean] is this method async"},$documentation:"An ES6 concise method inside an object or class",computed_key(){return!(this.key instanceof Yf)}},If),Ff=ed("PrivateMethod","",{$documentation:"A private class method inside a class"},Mf),Lf=ed("Class","name extends properties",{$propdoc:{name:"[AST_SymbolClass|AST_SymbolDefClass?] optional class name.",extends:"[AST_Node]? optional parent class",properties:"[AST_ObjectProperty*] array of properties"},$documentation:"An ES6 class",_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,(function(){this.name&&this.name._walk(e),this.extends&&this.extends._walk(e),this.properties.forEach((t=>t._walk(e)))}))},_children_backwards(e){let t=this.properties.length;for(;t--;)e(this.properties[t]);this.extends&&e(this.extends),this.name&&e(this.name)}},xd),Rf=ed("ClassProperty","static quote",{$documentation:"A class property",$propdoc:{static:"[boolean] whether this is a static key",quote:"[string] which quote is being used"},_walk:function(e){return e._visit(this,(function(){this.key instanceof ad&&this.key._walk(e),this.value instanceof ad&&this.value._walk(e)}))},_children_backwards(e){this.value instanceof ad&&e(this.value),this.key instanceof ad&&e(this.key)},computed_key(){return!(this.key instanceof $f)}},If),Gf=ed("ClassProperty","",{$documentation:"A class property for a private property"},Rf),Hf=ed("DefClass",null,{$documentation:"A class definition"},Lf),Kf=ed("ClassExpression",null,{$documentation:"A class expression."},Lf),Vf=ed("Symbol","scope name thedef",{$propdoc:{name:"[string] name of this symbol",scope:"[AST_Scope/S] the current scope (not necessarily the definition scope)",thedef:"[SymbolDef/S] the definition of this symbol"},$documentation:"Base class for all symbols"}),Uf=ed("NewTarget",null,{$documentation:"A reference to new.target"}),Qf=ed("SymbolDeclaration","init",{$documentation:"A declaration symbol (symbol in var/const, function name or argument, symbol in catch)"},Vf),Jf=ed("SymbolVar",null,{$documentation:"Symbol defining a variable"},Qf),jf=ed("SymbolBlockDeclaration",null,{$documentation:"Base class for block-scoped declaration symbols"},Qf),Wf=ed("SymbolConst",null,{$documentation:"A constant declaration"},jf),Xf=ed("SymbolLet",null,{$documentation:"A block-scoped `let` declaration"},jf),qf=ed("SymbolFunarg",null,{$documentation:"Symbol naming a function argument"},Jf),zf=ed("SymbolDefun",null,{$documentation:"Symbol defining a function"},Qf),Yf=ed("SymbolMethod",null,{$documentation:"Symbol in an object defining a method"},Vf),$f=ed("SymbolClassProperty",null,{$documentation:"Symbol for a class property"},Vf),Zf=ed("SymbolLambda",null,{$documentation:"Symbol naming a function expression"},Qf),eC=ed("SymbolDefClass",null,{$documentation:"Symbol naming a class's name in a class declaration. Lexically scoped to its containing scope, and accessible within the class."},jf),tC=ed("SymbolClass",null,{$documentation:"Symbol naming a class's name. Lexically scoped to the class."},Qf),nC=ed("SymbolCatch",null,{$documentation:"Symbol naming the exception in catch"},jf),rC=ed("SymbolImport",null,{$documentation:"Symbol referring to an imported name"},jf),iC=ed("SymbolImportForeign",null,{$documentation:"A symbol imported from a module, but it is defined in the other module, and its real name is irrelevant for this module's purposes"},Vf),sC=ed("Label","references",{$documentation:"Symbol naming a label (declaration)",$propdoc:{references:"[AST_LoopControl*] a list of nodes referring to this label"},initialize:function(){this.references=[],this.thedef=this}},Vf),oC=ed("SymbolRef",null,{$documentation:"Reference to some symbol (not definition/declaration)"},Vf),aC=ed("SymbolExport",null,{$documentation:"Symbol referring to a name to export"},oC),BC=ed("SymbolExportForeign",null,{$documentation:"A symbol exported from this module, but it is used in the other module, and its real name is irrelevant for this module's purposes"},Vf),cC=ed("LabelRef",null,{$documentation:"Reference to a label symbol"},Vf),lC=ed("This",null,{$documentation:"The `this` symbol"},Vf),uC=ed("Super",null,{$documentation:"The `super` symbol"},lC),pC=ed("Constant",null,{$documentation:"Base class for all constants",getValue:function(){return this.value}}),hC=ed("String","value quote",{$documentation:"A string literal",$propdoc:{value:"[string] the contents of this string",quote:"[string] the original quote character"}},pC),dC=ed("Number","value raw",{$documentation:"A number literal",$propdoc:{value:"[number] the numeric value",raw:"[string] numeric value as string"}},pC),fC=ed("BigInt","value",{$documentation:"A big int literal",$propdoc:{value:"[string] big int value"}},pC),CC=ed("RegExp","value",{$documentation:"A regexp literal",$propdoc:{value:"[RegExp] the actual regexp"}},pC),mC=ed("Atom",null,{$documentation:"Base class for atoms"},pC),gC=ed("Null",null,{$documentation:"The `null` atom",value:null},mC),AC=ed("NaN",null,{$documentation:"The impossible value",value:NaN},mC),yC=ed("Undefined",null,{$documentation:"The `undefined` value",value:void 0},mC),EC=ed("Hole",null,{$documentation:"A hole in an array",value:void 0},mC),vC=ed("Infinity",null,{$documentation:"The `Infinity` value",value:1/0},mC),_C=ed("Boolean",null,{$documentation:"Base class for booleans"},mC),bC=ed("False",null,{$documentation:"The `false` atom",value:!1},_C),SC=ed("True",null,{$documentation:"The `true` atom",value:!0},_C);function wC(e,t,n=[e]){const r=n.push.bind(n);for(;n.length;){const e=n.pop(),i=t(e,n);if(i){if(i===DC)return!0}else e._children_backwards(r)}return!1}function xC(e,t,n){const r=[e],i=r.push.bind(r),s=n?n.slice():[],o=[];let a;const B={parent:(e=0)=>-1===e?a:n&&e>=s.length?(e-=s.length,n[n.length-(e+1)]):s[s.length-(1+e)]};for(;r.length;){for(a=r.pop();o.length&&r.length==o[o.length-1];)s.pop(),o.pop();const e=t(a,B);if(e){if(e===DC)return!0;continue}const n=r.length;a._children_backwards(i),r.length>n&&(s.push(a),o.push(n-1))}return!1}const DC=Symbol("abort walk");class IC{constructor(e){this.visit=e,this.stack=[],this.directives=Object.create(null)}_visit(e,t){this.push(e);var n=this.visit(e,t?function(){t.call(e)}:Gp);return!n&&t&&t.call(e),this.pop(),n}parent(e){return this.stack[this.stack.length-2-(e||0)]}push(e){e instanceof kd?this.directives=Object.create(this.directives):e instanceof ld&&!this.directives[e.value]?this.directives[e.value]=e:e instanceof Lf&&(this.directives=Object.create(this.directives),this.directives["use strict"]||(this.directives["use strict"]=e)),this.stack.push(e)}pop(){var e=this.stack.pop();(e instanceof kd||e instanceof Lf)&&(this.directives=Object.getPrototypeOf(this.directives))}self(){return this.stack[this.stack.length-1]}find_parent(e){for(var t=this.stack,n=t.length;--n>=0;){var r=t[n];if(r instanceof e)return r}}has_directive(e){var t=this.directives[e];if(t)return t;var n=this.stack[this.stack.length-1];if(n instanceof xd&&n.body)for(var r=0;r=0;){if((r=t[n])instanceof gd&&r.label.name==e.label.name)return r.body}else for(n=t.length;--n>=0;){var r;if((r=t[n])instanceof Ad||e instanceof Qd&&r instanceof qd)return r}}}class kC extends IC{constructor(e,t){super(),this.before=e,this.after=t}}const OC=1,NC=2,TC=4,PC={__proto__:null,AST_Accessor:Od,AST_Array:xf,AST_Arrow:Td,AST_Assign:Sf,AST_Atom:mC,AST_Await:jd,AST_BigInt:fC,AST_Binary:_f,AST_Block:dd,AST_BlockStatement:fd,AST_Boolean:_C,AST_Break:Qd,AST_Call:pf,AST_Case:$d,AST_Catch:ef,AST_Chain:Af,AST_Class:Lf,AST_ClassExpression:Kf,AST_ClassPrivateProperty:Gf,AST_ClassProperty:Rf,AST_ConciseMethod:Mf,AST_Conditional:bf,AST_Const:of,AST_Constant:pC,AST_Continue:Jd,AST_Debugger:cd,AST_Default:Yd,AST_DefaultAssign:wf,AST_DefClass:Hf,AST_Definitions:nf,AST_Defun:Pd,AST_Destructuring:Md,AST_Directive:ld,AST_Do:Ed,AST_Dot:Cf,AST_DotHash:mf,AST_DWLoop:yd,AST_EmptyStatement:Cd,AST_Exit:Hd,AST_Expansion:Id,AST_Export:uf,AST_False:bC,AST_Finally:tf,AST_For:_d,AST_ForIn:bd,AST_ForOf:Sd,AST_Function:Nd,AST_Hole:EC,AST_If:Xd,AST_Import:cf,AST_ImportMeta:lf,AST_Infinity:vC,AST_IterationStatement:Ad,AST_Jump:Gd,AST_Label:sC,AST_LabeledStatement:gd,AST_LabelRef:cC,AST_Lambda:kd,AST_Let:sf,AST_LoopControl:Ud,AST_NameMapping:Bf,AST_NaN:AC,AST_New:hf,AST_NewTarget:Uf,AST_Node:ad,AST_Null:gC,AST_Number:dC,AST_Object:Df,AST_ObjectGetter:Pf,AST_ObjectKeyVal:kf,AST_ObjectProperty:If,AST_ObjectSetter:Tf,AST_PrefixedTemplateString:Fd,AST_PrivateGetter:Nf,AST_PrivateMethod:Ff,AST_PrivateSetter:Of,AST_PropAccess:ff,AST_RegExp:CC,AST_Return:Kd,AST_Scope:xd,AST_Sequence:df,AST_SimpleStatement:ud,AST_Statement:Bd,AST_StatementWithBody:md,AST_String:hC,AST_Sub:gf,AST_Super:uC,AST_Switch:qd,AST_SwitchBranch:zd,AST_Symbol:Vf,AST_SymbolBlockDeclaration:jf,AST_SymbolCatch:nC,AST_SymbolClass:tC,AST_SymbolClassProperty:$f,AST_SymbolConst:Wf,AST_SymbolDeclaration:Qf,AST_SymbolDefClass:eC,AST_SymbolDefun:zf,AST_SymbolExport:aC,AST_SymbolExportForeign:BC,AST_SymbolFunarg:qf,AST_SymbolImport:rC,AST_SymbolImportForeign:iC,AST_SymbolLambda:Zf,AST_SymbolLet:Xf,AST_SymbolMethod:Yf,AST_SymbolRef:oC,AST_SymbolVar:Jf,AST_TemplateSegment:Rd,AST_TemplateString:Ld,AST_This:lC,AST_Throw:Vd,AST_Token:od,AST_Toplevel:Dd,AST_True:SC,AST_Try:Zd,AST_Unary:yf,AST_UnaryPostfix:vf,AST_UnaryPrefix:Ef,AST_Undefined:yC,AST_Var:rf,AST_VarDef:af,AST_While:vd,AST_With:wd,AST_Yield:Wd,TreeTransformer:kC,TreeWalker:IC,walk:wC,walk_abort:DC,walk_body:pd,walk_parent:xC,_INLINE:NC,_NOINLINE:TC,_PURE:OC};function MC(e,t){e.DEFMETHOD("transform",(function(e,n){let r;if(e.push(this),e.before&&(r=e.before(this,t,n)),void 0===r&&(r=this,t(r,e),e.after)){const t=e.after(r,n);void 0!==t&&(r=t)}return e.pop(),r}))}function FC(e,t){return Qp(e,(function(e){return e.transform(t,!0)}))}function LC(e){let t=e.parent(-1);for(let n,r=0;n=e.parent(r);r++){if(n instanceof Bd&&n.body===t)return!0;if(!(n instanceof df&&n.expressions[0]===t||"Call"===n.TYPE&&n.expression===t||n instanceof Fd&&n.prefix===t||n instanceof Cf&&n.expression===t||n instanceof gf&&n.expression===t||n instanceof bf&&n.condition===t||n instanceof _f&&n.left===t||n instanceof vf&&n.expression===t))return!1;t=n}}function RC(e){return e instanceof Df||(e instanceof df?RC(e.expressions[0]):"Call"===e.TYPE?RC(e.expression):e instanceof Fd?RC(e.prefix):e instanceof Cf||e instanceof gf?RC(e.expression):e instanceof bf?RC(e.condition):e instanceof _f?RC(e.left):e instanceof vf&&RC(e.expression))}MC(ad,Gp),MC(gd,(function(e,t){e.label=e.label.transform(t),e.body=e.body.transform(t)})),MC(ud,(function(e,t){e.body=e.body.transform(t)})),MC(dd,(function(e,t){e.body=FC(e.body,t)})),MC(Ed,(function(e,t){e.body=e.body.transform(t),e.condition=e.condition.transform(t)})),MC(vd,(function(e,t){e.condition=e.condition.transform(t),e.body=e.body.transform(t)})),MC(_d,(function(e,t){e.init&&(e.init=e.init.transform(t)),e.condition&&(e.condition=e.condition.transform(t)),e.step&&(e.step=e.step.transform(t)),e.body=e.body.transform(t)})),MC(bd,(function(e,t){e.init=e.init.transform(t),e.object=e.object.transform(t),e.body=e.body.transform(t)})),MC(wd,(function(e,t){e.expression=e.expression.transform(t),e.body=e.body.transform(t)})),MC(Hd,(function(e,t){e.value&&(e.value=e.value.transform(t))})),MC(Ud,(function(e,t){e.label&&(e.label=e.label.transform(t))})),MC(Xd,(function(e,t){e.condition=e.condition.transform(t),e.body=e.body.transform(t),e.alternative&&(e.alternative=e.alternative.transform(t))})),MC(qd,(function(e,t){e.expression=e.expression.transform(t),e.body=FC(e.body,t)})),MC($d,(function(e,t){e.expression=e.expression.transform(t),e.body=FC(e.body,t)})),MC(Zd,(function(e,t){e.body=FC(e.body,t),e.bcatch&&(e.bcatch=e.bcatch.transform(t)),e.bfinally&&(e.bfinally=e.bfinally.transform(t))})),MC(ef,(function(e,t){e.argname&&(e.argname=e.argname.transform(t)),e.body=FC(e.body,t)})),MC(nf,(function(e,t){e.definitions=FC(e.definitions,t)})),MC(af,(function(e,t){e.name=e.name.transform(t),e.value&&(e.value=e.value.transform(t))})),MC(Md,(function(e,t){e.names=FC(e.names,t)})),MC(kd,(function(e,t){e.name&&(e.name=e.name.transform(t)),e.argnames=FC(e.argnames,t),e.body instanceof ad?e.body=e.body.transform(t):e.body=FC(e.body,t)})),MC(pf,(function(e,t){e.expression=e.expression.transform(t),e.args=FC(e.args,t)})),MC(df,(function(e,t){const n=FC(e.expressions,t);e.expressions=n.length?n:[new dC({value:0})]})),MC(Cf,(function(e,t){e.expression=e.expression.transform(t)})),MC(gf,(function(e,t){e.expression=e.expression.transform(t),e.property=e.property.transform(t)})),MC(Af,(function(e,t){e.expression=e.expression.transform(t)})),MC(Wd,(function(e,t){e.expression&&(e.expression=e.expression.transform(t))})),MC(jd,(function(e,t){e.expression=e.expression.transform(t)})),MC(yf,(function(e,t){e.expression=e.expression.transform(t)})),MC(_f,(function(e,t){e.left=e.left.transform(t),e.right=e.right.transform(t)})),MC(bf,(function(e,t){e.condition=e.condition.transform(t),e.consequent=e.consequent.transform(t),e.alternative=e.alternative.transform(t)})),MC(xf,(function(e,t){e.elements=FC(e.elements,t)})),MC(Df,(function(e,t){e.properties=FC(e.properties,t)})),MC(If,(function(e,t){e.key instanceof ad&&(e.key=e.key.transform(t)),e.value&&(e.value=e.value.transform(t))})),MC(Lf,(function(e,t){e.name&&(e.name=e.name.transform(t)),e.extends&&(e.extends=e.extends.transform(t)),e.properties=FC(e.properties,t)})),MC(Id,(function(e,t){e.expression=e.expression.transform(t)})),MC(Bf,(function(e,t){e.foreign_name=e.foreign_name.transform(t),e.name=e.name.transform(t)})),MC(cf,(function(e,t){e.imported_name&&(e.imported_name=e.imported_name.transform(t)),e.imported_names&&FC(e.imported_names,t),e.module_name=e.module_name.transform(t)})),MC(uf,(function(e,t){e.exported_definition&&(e.exported_definition=e.exported_definition.transform(t)),e.exported_value&&(e.exported_value=e.exported_value.transform(t)),e.exported_names&&FC(e.exported_names,t),e.module_name&&(e.module_name=e.module_name.transform(t))})),MC(Ld,(function(e,t){e.segments=FC(e.segments,t)})),MC(Fd,(function(e,t){e.prefix=e.prefix.transform(t),e.template_string=e.template_string.transform(t)})),function(){var e=function(e){for(var t=!0,n=0;n1||e.guardedHandlers&&e.guardedHandlers.length)throw new Error("Multiple catch clauses are not supported.");return new Zd({start:n(e),end:r(e),body:o(e.block).body,bcatch:o(t[0]),bfinally:e.finalizer?new tf(o(e.finalizer)):null})},Property:function(e){var t=e.key,i={start:n(t||e.value),end:r(e.value),key:"Identifier"==t.type?t.name:t.value,value:o(e.value)};return e.computed&&(i.key=o(e.key)),e.method?(i.is_generator=e.value.generator,i.async=e.value.async,e.computed?i.key=o(e.key):i.key=new Yf({name:i.key}),new Mf(i)):"init"==e.kind?("Identifier"!=t.type&&"Literal"!=t.type&&(i.key=o(t)),new kf(i)):("string"!=typeof i.key&&"number"!=typeof i.key||(i.key=new Yf({name:i.key})),i.value=new Od(i.value),"get"==e.kind?new Pf(i):"set"==e.kind?new Tf(i):"method"==e.kind?(i.async=e.value.async,i.is_generator=e.value.generator,i.quote=e.computed?'"':null,new Mf(i)):void 0)},MethodDefinition:function(e){var t={start:n(e),end:r(e),key:e.computed?o(e.key):new Yf({name:e.key.name||e.key.value}),value:o(e.value),static:e.static};return"get"==e.kind?new Pf(t):"set"==e.kind?new Tf(t):(t.is_generator=e.value.generator,t.async=e.value.async,new Mf(t))},FieldDefinition:function(e){let t;if(e.computed)t=o(e.key);else{if("Identifier"!==e.key.type)throw new Error("Non-Identifier key in FieldDefinition");t=o(e.key)}return new Rf({start:n(e),end:r(e),key:t,value:o(e.value),static:e.static})},PropertyDefinition:function(e){let t;if(e.computed)t=o(e.key);else{if("Identifier"!==e.key.type)throw new Error("Non-Identifier key in PropertyDefinition");t=o(e.key)}return new Rf({start:n(e),end:r(e),key:t,value:o(e.value),static:e.static})},ArrayExpression:function(e){return new xf({start:n(e),end:r(e),elements:e.elements.map((function(e){return null===e?new EC:o(e)}))})},ObjectExpression:function(e){return new 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Bf({start:n(e),end:r(e),foreign_name:o(e.imported),name:o(e.local)}))):"ImportDefaultSpecifier"===e.type?t=o(e.local):"ImportNamespaceSpecifier"===e.type&&(i||(i=[]),i.push(new Bf({start:n(e),end:r(e),foreign_name:new iC({name:"*"}),name:o(e.local)})))})),new cf({start:n(e),end:r(e),imported_name:t,imported_names:i,module_name:o(e.source)})},ExportAllDeclaration:function(e){return new uf({start:n(e),end:r(e),exported_names:[new Bf({name:new BC({name:"*"}),foreign_name:new BC({name:"*"})})],module_name:o(e.source)})},ExportNamedDeclaration:function(e){return new uf({start:n(e),end:r(e),exported_definition:o(e.declaration),exported_names:e.specifiers&&e.specifiers.length?e.specifiers.map((function(e){return new Bf({foreign_name:o(e.exported),name:o(e.local)})})):null,module_name:o(e.source)})},ExportDefaultDeclaration:function(e){return new uf({start:n(e),end:r(e),exported_value:o(e.declaration),is_default:!0})},Literal:function(e){var t=e.value,i={start:n(e),end:r(e)},s=e.regex;if(s&&s.pattern)return i.value={source:s.pattern,flags:s.flags},new CC(i);if(s){const n=e.raw||t,r=n.match(/^\/(.*)\/(\w*)$/);if(!r)throw new Error("Invalid regex source "+n);const[s,o,a]=r;return i.value={source:o,flags:a},new CC(i)}if(null===t)return new gC(i);switch(typeof t){case"string":return i.value=t,new hC(i);case"number":return i.value=t,i.raw=e.raw||t.toString(),new dC(i);case"boolean":return new(t?SC:bC)(i)}},MetaProperty:function(e){return"new"===e.meta.name&&"target"===e.property.name?new Uf({start:n(e),end:r(e)}):"import"===e.meta.name&&"meta"===e.property.name?new lf({start:n(e),end:r(e)}):void 0},Identifier:function(e){var t=s[s.length-2];return new("LabeledStatement"==t.type?sC:"VariableDeclarator"==t.type&&t.id===e?"const"==t.kind?Wf:"let"==t.kind?Xf:Jf:/Import.*Specifier/.test(t.type)?t.local===e?rC:iC:"ExportSpecifier"==t.type?t.local===e?aC:BC:"FunctionExpression"==t.type?t.id===e?Zf:qf:"FunctionDeclaration"==t.type?t.id===e?zf:qf:"ArrowFunctionExpression"==t.type?t.params.includes(e)?qf:oC:"ClassExpression"==t.type?t.id===e?tC:oC:"Property"==t.type?t.key===e&&t.computed||t.value===e?oC:Yf:"PropertyDefinition"==t.type||"FieldDefinition"===t.type?t.key===e&&t.computed||t.value===e?oC:$f:"ClassDeclaration"==t.type?t.id===e?eC:oC:"MethodDefinition"==t.type?t.computed?oC:Yf:"CatchClause"==t.type?nC:"BreakStatement"==t.type||"ContinueStatement"==t.type?cC:oC)({start:n(e),end:r(e),name:e.name})},BigIntLiteral:e=>new fC({start:n(e),end:r(e),value:e.value})};function n(e){var t=e.loc,n=t&&t.start,r=e.range;return new od("","",n&&n.line||0,n&&n.column||0,r?r[0]:e.start,!1,[],[],t&&t.source)}function r(e){var 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Function("to_moz","to_moz_block","to_moz_scope","return("+l+")")(c,u,p),t[e]=B,a(i,l)}t.UpdateExpression=t.UnaryExpression=function(e){return new(("prefix"in e?e.prefix:"UnaryExpression"==e.type)?Ef:vf)({start:n(e),end:r(e),operator:e.operator,expression:o(e.argument)})},t.ClassDeclaration=t.ClassExpression=function(e){return new("ClassDeclaration"===e.type?Hf:Kf)({start:n(e),end:r(e),name:o(e.id),extends:o(e.superClass),properties:e.body.body.map(o)})},i("EmptyStatement",Cd),i("BlockStatement",fd,"body@body"),i("IfStatement",Xd,"test>condition, consequent>body, alternate>alternative"),i("LabeledStatement",gd,"label>label, body>body"),i("BreakStatement",Qd,"label>label"),i("ContinueStatement",Jd,"label>label"),i("WithStatement",wd,"object>expression, body>body"),i("SwitchStatement",qd,"discriminant>expression, cases@body"),i("ReturnStatement",Kd,"argument>value"),i("ThrowStatement",Vd,"argument>value"),i("WhileStatement",vd,"test>condition, body>body"),i("DoWhileStatement",Ed,"test>condition, body>body"),i("ForStatement",_d,"init>init, test>condition, update>step, body>body"),i("ForInStatement",bd,"left>init, right>object, body>body"),i("ForOfStatement",Sd,"left>init, right>object, body>body, await=await"),i("AwaitExpression",jd,"argument>expression"),i("YieldExpression",Wd,"argument>expression, delegate=is_star"),i("DebuggerStatement",cd),i("VariableDeclarator",af,"id>name, init>value"),i("CatchClause",ef,"param>argname, body%body"),i("ThisExpression",lC),i("Super",uC),i("BinaryExpression",_f,"operator=operator, left>left, right>right"),i("LogicalExpression",_f,"operator=operator, left>left, right>right"),i("AssignmentExpression",Sf,"operator=operator, left>left, right>right"),i("ConditionalExpression",bf,"test>condition, consequent>consequent, alternate>alternative"),i("NewExpression",hf,"callee>expression, arguments@args"),i("CallExpression",pf,"callee>expression, optional=optional, arguments@args"),a(Dd,(function(e){return p("Program",e)})),a(Id,(function(e){return{type:l()?"RestElement":"SpreadElement",argument:c(e.expression)}})),a(Fd,(function(e){return{type:"TaggedTemplateExpression",tag:c(e.prefix),quasi:c(e.template_string)}})),a(Ld,(function(e){for(var t=[],n=[],r=0;r({type:"BigIntLiteral",value:e.value}))),_C.DEFMETHOD("to_mozilla_ast",pC.prototype.to_mozilla_ast),gC.DEFMETHOD("to_mozilla_ast",pC.prototype.to_mozilla_ast),EC.DEFMETHOD("to_mozilla_ast",(function(){return null})),dd.DEFMETHOD("to_mozilla_ast",fd.prototype.to_mozilla_ast),kd.DEFMETHOD("to_mozilla_ast",Nd.prototype.to_mozilla_ast);var s=null;function o(e){s.push(e);var n=null!=e?t[e.type](e):null;return s.pop(),n}function a(e,t){e.DEFMETHOD("to_mozilla_ast",(function(e){return function(e,t){var n=e.start,r=e.end;return n&&r?(null!=n.pos&&null!=r.endpos&&(t.range=[n.pos,r.endpos]),n.line&&(t.loc={start:{line:n.line,column:n.col},end:r.endline?{line:r.endline,column:r.endcol}:null},n.file&&(t.loc.source=n.file)),t):t}(this,t(this,e))}))}ad.from_mozilla_ast=function(e){var t=s;s=[];var n=o(e);return s=t,n};var B=null;function c(e){null===B&&(B=[]),B.push(e);var t=null!=e?e.to_mozilla_ast(B[B.length-2]):null;return B.pop(),0===B.length&&(B=null),t}function l(){for(var e=B.length;e--;)if(B[e]instanceof Md)return!0;return!1}function u(e){return{type:"BlockStatement",body:e.body.map(c)}}function p(e,t){var n=t.body.map(c);return t.body[0]instanceof ud&&t.body[0].body instanceof hC&&n.unshift(c(new Cd(t.body[0]))),{type:e,body:n}}}();const GC=/^$|[;{][\s\n]*$/,HC=10,KC=32,VC=/[@#]__(PURE|INLINE|NOINLINE)__/g;function UC(e){return("comment2"===e.type||"comment1"===e.type)&&/@preserve|@lic|@cc_on|^\**!/i.test(e.value)}function QC(e){var t=!e;void 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hC&&(n.in_directive=!1)})),n.in_directive=!1}function r(e,t){t.print("{"),t.with_indent(t.next_indent(),(function(){t.append_comments(e,!0)})),t.print("}")}function i(e,t,i){e.body.length>0?t.with_block((function(){n(e.body,!1,t,i)})):r(e,t)}function s(e,t,n){var r=!1;n&&(r=wC(e,(e=>e instanceof xd||(e instanceof _f&&"in"==e.operator?DC:void 0)))),e.print(t,r)}function o(e,t,n){return n.option("quote_keys")?n.print_string(e):""+ +e==e&&e>=0?n.option("keep_numbers")?n.print(e):n.print(l(e)):(ph.has(e)?n.option("ie8"):n.option("ecma")<2015||n.option("safari10")?!Gh(e):!Hh(e,!0))||t&&n.option("keep_quoted_props")?n.print_string(e,t):n.print_name(e)}ad.DEFMETHOD("print",(function(e,t){var n=this,r=n._codegen;function i(){e.prepend_comments(n),n.add_source_map(e),r(n,e),e.append_comments(n)}n instanceof xd?e.active_scope=n:!e.use_asm&&n instanceof ld&&"use 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ad&&e.with_square((function(){n.name.print(e)})),e.with_parens((function(){n.argnames.forEach((function(t,n){n&&e.comma(),t.print(e)}))})),e.space(),i(n,e,!0)})),e(kd,(function(e,t){e._do_print(t)})),e(Fd,(function(e,t){var n=e.prefix,r=n instanceof kd||n instanceof _f||n instanceof bf||n instanceof df||n instanceof yf||n instanceof Cf&&n.expression instanceof Df;r&&t.print("("),e.prefix.print(t),r&&t.print(")"),e.template_string.print(t)})),e(Ld,(function(e,t){var n=t.parent()instanceof Fd;t.print("`");for(var r=0;r"),e.space();const s=t.body[0];if(1===t.body.length&&s instanceof Kd){const t=s.value;t?RC(t)?(e.print("("),t.print(e),e.print(")")):t.print(e):e.print("{}")}else i(t,e);r&&e.print(")")})),Hd.DEFMETHOD("_do_print",(function(e,t){if(e.print(t),this.value){e.space();const 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bd)||n&&n.init!==this)&&e.semicolon()})),e(sf,(function(e,t){e._do_print(t,"let")})),e(rf,(function(e,t){e._do_print(t,"var")})),e(of,(function(e,t){e._do_print(t,"const")})),e(cf,(function(e,t){t.print("import"),t.space(),e.imported_name&&e.imported_name.print(t),e.imported_name&&e.imported_names&&(t.print(","),t.space()),e.imported_names&&(1===e.imported_names.length&&"*"===e.imported_names[0].foreign_name.name?e.imported_names[0].print(t):(t.print("{"),e.imported_names.forEach((function(n,r){t.space(),n.print(t),r0&&(e.comma(),e.should_break()&&(e.newline(),e.indent())),t.print(e)}))})),e(df,(function(e,t){e._do_print(t)})),e(Cf,(function(e,t){var n=e.expression;n.print(t);var r=e.property,i=ph.has(r)?t.option("ie8"):!Hh(r,t.option("ecma")>=2015||t.option("safari10"));e.optional&&t.print("?."),i?(t.print("["),t.add_mapping(e.end),t.print_string(r),t.print("]")):(n instanceof dC&&n.getValue()>=0&&(/[xa-f.)]/i.test(t.last())||t.print(".")),e.optional||t.print("."),t.add_mapping(e.end),t.print_name(r))})),e(mf,(function(e,t){e.expression.print(t);var n=e.property;e.optional&&t.print("?"),t.print(".#"),t.print_name(n)})),e(gf,(function(e,t){e.expression.print(t),e.optional&&t.print("?."),t.print("["),e.property.print(t),t.print("]")})),e(Af,(function(e,t){e.expression.print(t)})),e(Ef,(function(e,t){var n=e.operator;t.print(n),(/^[a-z]/i.test(n)||/[+-]$/.test(n)&&e.expression instanceof Ef&&/^[+-]/.test(e.expression.operator))&&t.space(),e.expression.print(t)})),e(vf,(function(e,t){e.expression.print(t),t.print(e.operator)})),e(_f,(function(e,t){var n=e.operator;e.left.print(t),">"==n[0]&&e.left instanceof vf&&"--"==e.left.operator?t.print(" "):t.space(),t.print(n),("<"==n||"<<"==n)&&e.right instanceof Ef&&"!"==e.right.operator&&e.right.expression instanceof Ef&&"--"==e.right.expression.operator?t.print(" 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n;e.is_generator&&e.async?n="async*":e.is_generator?n="*":e.async&&(n="async"),e._print_getter_setter(n,!0,t)})),e(Mf,(function(e,t){var n;e.is_generator&&e.async?n="async*":e.is_generator?n="*":e.async&&(n="async"),e._print_getter_setter(n,!1,t)})),Vf.DEFMETHOD("_do_print",(function(e){var t=this.definition();e.print_name(t?t.mangled_name||t.name:this.name)})),e(Vf,(function(e,t){e._do_print(t)})),e(EC,Gp),e(lC,(function(e,t){t.print("this")})),e(uC,(function(e,t){t.print("super")})),e(pC,(function(e,t){t.print(e.getValue())})),e(hC,(function(e,t){t.print_string(e.getValue(),e.quote,t.in_directive)})),e(dC,(function(e,t){(t.option("keep_numbers")||t.use_asm)&&e.raw?t.print(e.raw):t.print(l(e.getValue()))})),e(fC,(function(e,t){t.print(e.getValue()+"n")}));const a=/(<\s*\/\s*script)/i,B=(e,t)=>t.replace("/","\\/");function c(e,t){t.option("braces")?u(e,t):!e||e instanceof Cd?t.force_semicolon():e.print(t)}function l(e){var t,n,r,i=e.toString(10).replace(/^0\./,".").replace("e+","e"),s=[i];return Math.floor(e)===e&&(e<0?s.push("-0x"+(-e).toString(16).toLowerCase()):s.push("0x"+e.toString(16).toLowerCase())),(t=/^\.0+/.exec(i))?(n=t[0].length,r=i.slice(n),s.push(r+"e-"+(r.length+n-1))):(t=/0+$/.exec(i))?(n=t[0].length,s.push(i.slice(0,-n)+"e"+n)):(t=/^(\d)\.(\d+)e(-?\d+)$/.exec(i))&&s.push(t[1]+t[2]+"e"+(t[3]-t[2].length)),function(e){for(var t=e[0],n=t.length,r=1;rnull===e&&null===t||e.TYPE===t.TYPE&&e.shallow_cmp(t),jC=(e,t)=>{if(!JC(e,t))return!1;const n=[e],r=[t],i=n.push.bind(n),s=r.push.bind(r);for(;n.length&&r.length;){const e=n.pop(),t=r.pop();if(!JC(e,t))return!1;if(e._children_backwards(i),t._children_backwards(s),n.length!==r.length)return!1}return 0==n.length&&0==r.length},WC=e=>{const t=Object.keys(e).map((t=>{if("eq"===e[t])return`this.${t} === other.${t}`;if("exist"===e[t])return`(this.${t} == null ? other.${t} == null : this.${t} === other.${t})`;throw new Error(`mkshallow: Unexpected instruction: ${e[t]}`)})).join(" && ");return new Function("other","return "+t)},XC=()=>!0;ad.prototype.shallow_cmp=function(){throw new Error("did not find a shallow_cmp function for "+this.constructor.name)},cd.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,ld.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({value:"eq"}),ud.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,dd.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,Cd.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,gd.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({"label.name":"eq"}),Ed.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,vd.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,_d.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({init:"exist",condition:"exist",step:"exist"}),bd.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,Sd.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,wd.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,Dd.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,Id.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,kd.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({is_generator:"eq",async:"eq"}),Md.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({is_array:"eq"}),Fd.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,Ld.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,Rd.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({value:"eq"}),Gd.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,Ud.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,jd.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,Wd.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({is_star:"eq"}),Xd.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({alternative:"exist"}),qd.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,zd.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,Zd.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({bcatch:"exist",bfinally:"exist"}),ef.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({argname:"exist"}),tf.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,nf.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,af.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({value:"exist"}),Bf.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,cf.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({imported_name:"exist",imported_names:"exist"}),lf.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,uf.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({exported_definition:"exist",exported_value:"exist",exported_names:"exist",module_name:"eq",is_default:"eq"}),pf.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,df.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,ff.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,Af.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,Cf.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({property:"eq"}),yf.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({operator:"eq"}),_f.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({operator:"eq"}),bf.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,xf.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,Df.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,If.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,kf.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({key:"eq"}),Tf.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({static:"eq"}),Pf.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({static:"eq"}),Mf.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({static:"eq",is_generator:"eq",async:"eq"}),Lf.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({name:"exist",extends:"exist"}),Rf.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({static:"eq"}),Vf.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({name:"eq"}),Uf.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,lC.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,uC.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC,hC.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({value:"eq"}),dC.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({value:"eq"}),fC.prototype.shallow_cmp=WC({value:"eq"}),CC.prototype.shallow_cmp=function(e){return this.value.flags===e.value.flags&&this.value.source===e.value.source},mC.prototype.shallow_cmp=XC;const qC=1,zC=2;let YC=null,$C=null;class ZC{constructor(e,t,n){this.name=t.name,this.orig=[t],this.init=n,this.eliminated=0,this.assignments=0,this.scope=e,this.replaced=0,this.global=!1,this.export=0,this.mangled_name=null,this.undeclared=!1,this.id=ZC.next_id++,this.chained=!1,this.direct_access=!1,this.escaped=0,this.recursive_refs=0,this.references=[],this.should_replace=void 0,this.single_use=!1,this.fixed=!1,Object.seal(this)}fixed_value(){return!this.fixed||this.fixed instanceof ad?this.fixed:this.fixed()}unmangleable(e){return e||(e={}),!!(YC&&YC.has(this.id)&&th(e.keep_fnames,this.orig[0].name))||(this.global&&!e.toplevel||this.export&qC||this.undeclared||!e.eval&&this.scope.pinned()||(this.orig[0]instanceof Zf||this.orig[0]instanceof zf)&&th(e.keep_fnames,this.orig[0].name)||this.orig[0]instanceof Yf||(this.orig[0]instanceof tC||this.orig[0]instanceof eC)&&th(e.keep_classnames,this.orig[0].name))}mangle(e){const t=e.cache&&e.cache.props;if(this.global&&t&&t.has(this.name))this.mangled_name=t.get(this.name);else if(!this.mangled_name&&!this.unmangleable(e)){var n=this.scope,r=this.orig[0];e.ie8&&r instanceof Zf&&(n=n.parent_scope);const i=em(this);this.mangled_name=i?i.mangled_name||i.name:n.next_mangled(e,this),this.global&&t&&t.set(this.name,this.mangled_name)}}}function em(e){if(e.orig[0]instanceof nC&&e.scope.is_block_scope())return e.scope.get_defun_scope().variables.get(e.name)}function tm(e){const t=new Set;for(const n of new Set(e))!function e(n){null==n||t.has(n)||(t.add(n),e(n.parent_scope))}(n);return[...t]}function nm(e,t){var n=e.enclosed;e:for(;;){var r=rm(++e.cname);if(!ph.has(r)&&!(t.reserved.has(r)||$C&&$C.has(r))){for(let e=n.length;--e>=0;){const i=n[e];if(r==(i.mangled_name||i.unmangleable(t)&&i.name))continue e}return r}}}ZC.next_id=1,xd.DEFMETHOD("figure_out_scope",(function(e,{parent_scope:t=null,toplevel:n=this}={}){if(e=Rp(e,{cache:null,ie8:!1,safari10:!1}),!(n instanceof Dd))throw new Error("Invalid toplevel scope");var r=this.parent_scope=t,i=new Map,s=null,o=null,a=[],B=new IC(((t,n)=>{if(t.is_block_scope()){const i=r;t.block_scope=r=new xd(t),r._block_scope=!0;const s=t instanceof ef?i.parent_scope:i;if(r.init_scope_vars(s),r.uses_with=i.uses_with,r.uses_eval=i.uses_eval,e.safari10&&(t instanceof _d||t instanceof bd)&&a.push(r),t instanceof qd){const e=r;r=i,t.expression.walk(B),r=e;for(let e=0;ee===t||(t instanceof jf?e instanceof Zf:!(e instanceof Xf||e instanceof Wf))))||Uh(`"${t.name}" is redeclared`,t.start.file,t.start.line,t.start.col,t.start.pos),t instanceof qf||c(f,2),s!==r){t.mark_enclosed();var f=r.find_variable(t);t.thedef!==f&&(t.thedef=f,t.reference())}}else if(t instanceof cC){var C=i.get(t.name);if(!C)throw new Error(Wp("Undefined label {name} [{line},{col}]",{name:t.name,line:t.start.line,col:t.start.col}));t.thedef=C}r instanceof Dd||!(t instanceof uf||t instanceof cf)||Uh(`"${t.TYPE}" statement may only appear at the top level`,t.start.file,t.start.line,t.start.col,t.start.pos)}}));function c(e,t){if(o){var n=0;do{t++}while(B.parent(n++)!==o)}var r=B.parent(t);if(e.export=r instanceof uf?qC:0){var i=r.exported_definition;(i instanceof Pd||i instanceof Hf)&&r.is_default&&(e.export=zC)}}this.walk(B);this instanceof Dd&&(this.globals=new Map);B=new IC((e=>{if(e instanceof Ud&&e.label)return e.label.thedef.references.push(e),!0;if(e instanceof oC){var t,r=e.name;if("eval"==r&&B.parent()instanceof pf)for(var i=e.scope;i&&!i.uses_eval;i=i.parent_scope)i.uses_eval=!0;return B.parent()instanceof Bf&&B.parent(1).module_name||!(t=e.scope.find_variable(r))?(t=n.def_global(e),e instanceof aC&&(t.export=qC)):t.scope instanceof kd&&"arguments"==r&&(t.scope.uses_arguments=!0),e.thedef=t,e.reference(),!e.scope.is_block_scope()||t.orig[0]instanceof jf||(e.scope=e.scope.get_defun_scope()),!0}var s;if(e instanceof nC&&(s=em(e.definition())))for(i=e.scope;i&&(jp(i.enclosed,s),i!==s.scope);)i=i.parent_scope}));if(this.walk(B),(e.ie8||e.safari10)&&wC(this,(e=>{if(e instanceof nC){var t=e.name,r=e.thedef.references,i=e.scope.get_defun_scope(),s=i.find_variable(t)||n.globals.get(t)||i.def_variable(e);return r.forEach((function(e){e.thedef=s,e.reference()})),e.thedef=s,e.reference(),!0}})),e.safari10)for(const e of a)e.parent_scope.variables.forEach((function(t){jp(e.enclosed,t)}))})),Dd.DEFMETHOD("def_global",(function(e){var t=this.globals,n=e.name;if(t.has(n))return t.get(n);var r=new ZC(this,e);return r.undeclared=!0,r.global=!0,t.set(n,r),r})),xd.DEFMETHOD("init_scope_vars",(function(e){this.variables=new Map,this.functions=new Map,this.uses_with=!1,this.uses_eval=!1,this.parent_scope=e,this.enclosed=[],this.cname=-1})),xd.DEFMETHOD("conflicting_def",(function(e){return this.enclosed.find((t=>t.name===e))||this.variables.has(e)||this.parent_scope&&this.parent_scope.conflicting_def(e)})),xd.DEFMETHOD("conflicting_def_shallow",(function(e){return this.enclosed.find((t=>t.name===e))||this.variables.has(e)})),xd.DEFMETHOD("add_child_scope",(function(e){if(e.parent_scope===this)return;e.parent_scope=this;const t=(()=>{const e=[];let t=this;do{e.push(t)}while(t=t.parent_scope);return e.reverse(),e})(),n=new Set(e.enclosed),r=[];for(const e of t){r.forEach((t=>jp(e.enclosed,t)));for(const t of e.variables.values())n.has(t)&&(jp(r,t),jp(e.enclosed,t))}})),xd.DEFMETHOD("create_symbol",(function(e,{source:t,tentative_name:n,scope:r,conflict_scopes:i=[r],init:s=null}={}){let o;if(i=tm(i),n){n=o=n.replace(/(?:^[^a-z_$]|[^a-z0-9_$])/gi,"_");let e=0;for(;i.find((e=>e.conflicting_def_shallow(o)));)o=n+"$"+e++}if(!o)throw new Error("No symbol name could be generated in create_symbol()");const a=Jp(e,t,{name:o,scope:r});return this.def_variable(a,s||null),a.mark_enclosed(),a})),ad.DEFMETHOD("is_block_scope",Hp),Lf.DEFMETHOD("is_block_scope",Hp),kd.DEFMETHOD("is_block_scope",Hp),Dd.DEFMETHOD("is_block_scope",Hp),zd.DEFMETHOD("is_block_scope",Hp),dd.DEFMETHOD("is_block_scope",Kp),xd.DEFMETHOD("is_block_scope",(function(){return this._block_scope||!1})),Ad.DEFMETHOD("is_block_scope",Kp),kd.DEFMETHOD("init_scope_vars",(function(){xd.prototype.init_scope_vars.apply(this,arguments),this.uses_arguments=!1,this.def_variable(new qf({name:"arguments",start:this.start,end:this.end}))})),Td.DEFMETHOD("init_scope_vars",(function(){xd.prototype.init_scope_vars.apply(this,arguments),this.uses_arguments=!1})),Vf.DEFMETHOD("mark_enclosed",(function(){for(var e=this.definition(),t=this.scope;t&&(jp(t.enclosed,e),t!==e.scope);)t=t.parent_scope})),Vf.DEFMETHOD("reference",(function(){this.definition().references.push(this),this.mark_enclosed()})),xd.DEFMETHOD("find_variable",(function(e){return e instanceof Vf&&(e=e.name),this.variables.get(e)||this.parent_scope&&this.parent_scope.find_variable(e)})),xd.DEFMETHOD("def_function",(function(e,t){var n=this.def_variable(e,t);return(!n.init||n.init instanceof Pd)&&(n.init=t),this.functions.set(e.name,n),n})),xd.DEFMETHOD("def_variable",(function(e,t){var n=this.variables.get(e.name);return n?(n.orig.push(e),n.init&&(n.scope!==e.scope||n.init instanceof Nd)&&(n.init=t)):(n=new ZC(this,e,t),this.variables.set(e.name,n),n.global=!this.parent_scope),e.thedef=n})),xd.DEFMETHOD("next_mangled",(function(e){return nm(this,e)})),Dd.DEFMETHOD("next_mangled",(function(e){let t;const n=this.mangled_names;do{t=nm(this,e)}while(n.has(t));return t})),Nd.DEFMETHOD("next_mangled",(function(e,t){for(var n=t.orig[0]instanceof qf&&this.name&&this.name.definition(),r=n?n.mangled_name||n.name:null;;){var i=nm(this,e);if(!r||r!=i)return i}})),Vf.DEFMETHOD("unmangleable",(function(e){var t=this.definition();return!t||t.unmangleable(e)})),sC.DEFMETHOD("unmangleable",Hp),Vf.DEFMETHOD("unreferenced",(function(){return!this.definition().references.length&&!this.scope.pinned()})),Vf.DEFMETHOD("definition",(function(){return this.thedef})),Vf.DEFMETHOD("global",(function(){return this.thedef.global})),Dd.DEFMETHOD("_default_mangler_options",(function(e){return(e=Rp(e,{eval:!1,ie8:!1,keep_classnames:!1,keep_fnames:!1,module:!1,reserved:[],toplevel:!1})).module&&(e.toplevel=!0),Array.isArray(e.reserved)||e.reserved instanceof Set||(e.reserved=[]),e.reserved=new Set(e.reserved),e.reserved.add("arguments"),e})),Dd.DEFMETHOD("mangle_names",(function(e){e=this._default_mangler_options(e);var t=-1,n=[];e.keep_fnames&&(YC=new Set);const r=this.mangled_names=new Set;e.cache&&(this.globals.forEach(s),e.cache.props&&e.cache.props.forEach((function(e){r.add(e)})));var i=new IC((function(r,i){if(r instanceof gd){var o=t;return i(),t=o,!0}if(r instanceof xd)r.variables.forEach(s);else if(r.is_block_scope())r.block_scope.variables.forEach(s);else if(YC&&r instanceof af&&r.value instanceof kd&&!r.value.name&&th(e.keep_fnames,r.name.name))YC.add(r.name.definition().id);else{if(r instanceof sC){let e;do{e=rm(++t)}while(ph.has(e));return r.mangled_name=e,!0}!e.ie8&&!e.safari10&&r instanceof nC&&n.push(r.definition())}}));function s(t){!(e.reserved.has(t.name)||t.export&qC)&&n.push(t)}this.walk(i),(e.keep_fnames||e.keep_classnames)&&($C=new Set,n.forEach((t=>{t.name.length<6&&t.unmangleable(e)&&$C.add(t.name)}))),n.forEach((t=>{t.mangle(e)})),YC=null,$C=null})),Dd.DEFMETHOD("find_colliding_names",(function(e){const t=e.cache&&e.cache.props,n=new Set;return e.reserved.forEach(r),this.globals.forEach(i),this.walk(new IC((function(e){e instanceof xd&&e.variables.forEach(i),e instanceof nC&&i(e.definition())}))),n;function r(e){n.add(e)}function i(n){var i=n.name;if(n.global&&t&&t.has(i))i=t.get(i);else if(!n.unmangleable(e))return;r(i)}})),Dd.DEFMETHOD("expand_names",(function(e){rm.reset(),rm.sort(),e=this._default_mangler_options(e);var t=this.find_colliding_names(e),n=0;function r(r){if(r.global&&e.cache)return;if(r.unmangleable(e))return;if(e.reserved.has(r.name))return;const i=em(r),s=r.name=i?i.name:function(){var e;do{e=rm(n++)}while(t.has(e)||ph.has(e));return e}();r.orig.forEach((function(e){e.name=s})),r.references.forEach((function(e){e.name=s}))}this.globals.forEach(r),this.walk(new IC((function(e){e instanceof xd&&e.variables.forEach(r),e instanceof nC&&r(e.definition())})))})),ad.DEFMETHOD("tail_node",Vp),df.DEFMETHOD("tail_node",(function(){return this.expressions[this.expressions.length-1]})),Dd.DEFMETHOD("compute_char_frequency",(function(e){e=this._default_mangler_options(e);try{ad.prototype.print=function(n,r){this._print(n,r),this instanceof Vf&&!this.unmangleable(e)?rm.consider(this.name,-1):e.properties&&(this instanceof mf?rm.consider("#"+this.property,-1):this instanceof Cf?rm.consider(this.property,-1):this instanceof gf&&t(this.property))},rm.consider(this.print_to_string(),1)}finally{ad.prototype.print=ad.prototype._print}function t(e){e instanceof hC?rm.consider(e.value,-1):e instanceof bf?(t(e.consequent),t(e.alternative)):e instanceof df&&t(e.tail_node())}rm.sort()}));const rm=(()=>{const e="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_".split(""),t="0123456789".split("");let n,r;function i(){r=new Map,e.forEach((function(e){r.set(e,0)})),t.forEach((function(e){r.set(e,0)}))}function s(e,t){return r.get(t)-r.get(e)}function o(e){var t="",r=54;e++;do{e--,t+=n[e%r],e=Math.floor(e/r),r=64}while(e>0);return t}return o.consider=function(e,t){for(var n=e.length;--n>=0;)r.set(e[n],r.get(e[n])+t)},o.sort=function(){n=qp(e,s).concat(qp(t,s))},o.reset=i,i(),o})();let im;ad.prototype.size=function(e,t){im=e&&e.mangle_options;let n=0;return xC(this,((e,t)=>{if(n+=e._size(t),e instanceof Td&&e.is_braceless())return n+=e.body[0].value._size(t),!0}),t||e&&e.stack),im=void 0,n},ad.prototype._size=()=>0,cd.prototype._size=()=>8,ld.prototype._size=function(){return 2+this.value.length};const sm=e=>e.length&&e.length-1;dd.prototype._size=function(){return 2+sm(this.body)},Dd.prototype._size=function(){return sm(this.body)},Cd.prototype._size=()=>1,gd.prototype._size=()=>2,Ed.prototype._size=()=>9,vd.prototype._size=()=>7,_d.prototype._size=()=>8,bd.prototype._size=()=>8,wd.prototype._size=()=>6,Id.prototype._size=()=>3;const om=e=>(e.is_generator?1:0)+(e.async?6:0);Od.prototype._size=function(){return om(this)+4+sm(this.argnames)+sm(this.body)},Nd.prototype._size=function(e){return 2*!!LC(e)+om(this)+12+sm(this.argnames)+sm(this.body)},Pd.prototype._size=function(){return om(this)+13+sm(this.argnames)+sm(this.body)},Td.prototype._size=function(){let e=2+sm(this.argnames);1===this.argnames.length&&this.argnames[0]instanceof Vf||(e+=2);const t=this.is_braceless()?0:sm(this.body)+2;return om(this)+e+t},Md.prototype._size=()=>2,Ld.prototype._size=function(){return 2+3*Math.floor(this.segments.length/2)},Rd.prototype._size=function(){return this.value.length},Kd.prototype._size=function(){return this.value?7:6},Vd.prototype._size=()=>6,Qd.prototype._size=function(){return this.label?6:5},Jd.prototype._size=function(){return this.label?9:8},Xd.prototype._size=()=>4,qd.prototype._size=function(){return 8+sm(this.body)},$d.prototype._size=function(){return 5+sm(this.body)},Yd.prototype._size=function(){return 8+sm(this.body)},Zd.prototype._size=function(){return 3+sm(this.body)},ef.prototype._size=function(){let e=7+sm(this.body);return this.argname&&(e+=2),e},tf.prototype._size=function(){return 7+sm(this.body)};const am=(e,t)=>e+sm(t.definitions);rf.prototype._size=function(){return am(4,this)},sf.prototype._size=function(){return am(4,this)},of.prototype._size=function(){return am(6,this)},af.prototype._size=function(){return this.value?1:0},Bf.prototype._size=function(){return this.name?4:0},cf.prototype._size=function(){let e=6;return this.imported_name&&(e+=1),(this.imported_name||this.imported_names)&&(e+=5),this.imported_names&&(e+=2+sm(this.imported_names)),e},lf.prototype._size=()=>11,uf.prototype._size=function(){let e=7+(this.is_default?8:0);return this.exported_value&&(e+=this.exported_value._size()),this.exported_names&&(e+=2+sm(this.exported_names)),this.module_name&&(e+=5),e},pf.prototype._size=function(){return this.optional?4+sm(this.args):2+sm(this.args)},hf.prototype._size=function(){return 6+sm(this.args)},df.prototype._size=function(){return sm(this.expressions)},Cf.prototype._size=function(){return this.optional?this.property.length+2:this.property.length+1},mf.prototype._size=function(){return this.optional?this.property.length+3:this.property.length+2},gf.prototype._size=function(){return this.optional?4:2},yf.prototype._size=function(){return"typeof"===this.operator?7:"void"===this.operator?5:this.operator.length},_f.prototype._size=function(e){if("in"===this.operator)return 4;let t=this.operator.length;return("+"===this.operator||"-"===this.operator)&&this.right instanceof yf&&this.right.operator===this.operator&&(t+=1),this.needs_parens(e)&&(t+=2),t},bf.prototype._size=()=>3,xf.prototype._size=function(){return 2+sm(this.elements)},Df.prototype._size=function(e){let t=2;return LC(e)&&(t+=2),t+sm(this.properties)};const Bm=e=>"string"==typeof e?e.length:0;kf.prototype._size=function(){return Bm(this.key)+1};const cm=e=>e?7:0;Pf.prototype._size=function(){return 5+cm(this.static)+Bm(this.key)},Tf.prototype._size=function(){return 5+cm(this.static)+Bm(this.key)},Mf.prototype._size=function(){return cm(this.static)+Bm(this.key)+om(this)},Ff.prototype._size=function(){return Mf.prototype._size.call(this)+1},Nf.prototype._size=Of.prototype._size=function(){return Mf.prototype._size.call(this)+4},Lf.prototype._size=function(){return(this.name?8:7)+(this.extends?8:0)},Rf.prototype._size=function(){return cm(this.static)+("string"==typeof this.key?this.key.length+2:0)+(this.value?1:0)},Gf.prototype._size=function(){return Rf.prototype._size.call(this)+1},Vf.prototype._size=function(){return!im||this.definition().unmangleable(im)?this.name.length:1},$f.prototype._size=function(){return this.name.length},oC.prototype._size=Qf.prototype._size=function(){const{name:e,thedef:t}=this;return t&&t.global?e.length:"arguments"===e?9:Vf.prototype._size.call(this)},Uf.prototype._size=()=>10,iC.prototype._size=function(){return this.name.length},BC.prototype._size=function(){return this.name.length},lC.prototype._size=()=>4,uC.prototype._size=()=>5,hC.prototype._size=function(){return this.value.length+2},dC.prototype._size=function(){const{value:e}=this;return 0===e?1:e>0&&Math.floor(e)===e?Math.floor(Math.log10(e)+1):e.toString().length},fC.prototype._size=function(){return this.value.length},CC.prototype._size=function(){return this.value.toString().length},gC.prototype._size=()=>4,AC.prototype._size=()=>3,yC.prototype._size=()=>6,EC.prototype._size=()=>0,vC.prototype._size=()=>8,SC.prototype._size=()=>4,bC.prototype._size=()=>5,jd.prototype._size=()=>6,Wd.prototype._size=()=>6;const lm=1,um=2,pm=4,hm=8,dm=16,fm=32,Cm=256,mm=512,gm=1024,Am=Cm|mm|gm,ym=(e,t)=>e.flags&t,Em=(e,t)=>{e.flags|=t},vm=(e,t)=>{e.flags&=~t};class _m extends IC{constructor(e,{false_by_default:t=!1,mangle_options:n=!1}){super(),void 0===e.defaults||e.defaults||(t=!0),this.options=Rp(e,{arguments:!1,arrows:!t,booleans:!t,booleans_as_integers:!1,collapse_vars:!t,comparisons:!t,computed_props:!t,conditionals:!t,dead_code:!t,defaults:!0,directives:!t,drop_console:!1,drop_debugger:!t,ecma:5,evaluate:!t,expression:!1,global_defs:!1,hoist_funs:!1,hoist_props:!t,hoist_vars:!1,ie8:!1,if_return:!t,inline:!t,join_vars:!t,keep_classnames:!1,keep_fargs:!0,keep_fnames:!1,keep_infinity:!1,loops:!t,module:!1,negate_iife:!t,passes:1,properties:!t,pure_getters:!t&&"strict",pure_funcs:null,reduce_funcs:!t,reduce_vars:!t,sequences:!t,side_effects:!t,switches:!t,top_retain:null,toplevel:!(!e||!e.top_retain),typeofs:!t,unsafe:!1,unsafe_arrows:!1,unsafe_comps:!1,unsafe_Function:!1,unsafe_math:!1,unsafe_symbols:!1,unsafe_methods:!1,unsafe_proto:!1,unsafe_regexp:!1,unsafe_undefined:!1,unused:!t,warnings:!1},!0);var r=this.options.global_defs;if("object"==typeof r)for(var i in r)"@"===i[0]&&eh(r,i)&&(r[i.slice(1)]=Zh(r[i],{expression:!0}));!0===this.options.inline&&(this.options.inline=3);var s=this.options.pure_funcs;this.pure_funcs="function"==typeof s?s:s?function(e){return!s.includes(e.expression.print_to_string())}:Kp;var o=this.options.top_retain;o instanceof RegExp?this.top_retain=function(e){return o.test(e.name)}:"function"==typeof o?this.top_retain=o:o&&("string"==typeof o&&(o=o.split(/,/)),this.top_retain=function(e){return o.includes(e.name)}),this.options.module&&(this.directives["use strict"]=!0,this.options.toplevel=!0);var a=this.options.toplevel;this.toplevel="string"==typeof a?{funcs:/funcs/.test(a),vars:/vars/.test(a)}:{funcs:a,vars:a};var B=this.options.sequences;this.sequences_limit=1==B?800:0|B,this.evaluated_regexps=new Map,this._toplevel=void 0,this.mangle_options=n}option(e){return this.options[e]}exposed(e){if(e.export)return!0;if(e.global)for(var t=0,n=e.orig.length;t0||this.option("reduce_vars"))&&this._toplevel.reset_opt_flags(this),this._toplevel=this._toplevel.transform(this),t>1){let e=0;if(wC(this._toplevel,(()=>{e++})),e=0;){if(!(i[s]instanceof kf))return;n||i[s].key!==t||(n=i[s].value)}}return n instanceof oC&&n.fixed_value()||n}}function wm(e,t,n,r,i,s){var o=t.parent(i),a=$m(n,o);if(a)return a;if(!s&&o instanceof pf&&o.expression===n&&!(r instanceof Td)&&!(r instanceof Lf)&&!o.is_callee_pure(e)&&(!(r instanceof Nd)||!(o instanceof hf)&&r.contains_this()))return!0;if(o instanceof xf)return wm(e,t,o,o,i+1);if(o instanceof kf&&n===o.value){var B=t.parent(i+1);return wm(e,t,B,B,i+2)}if(o instanceof ff&&o.expression===n){var c=Sm(r,o.property);return!s&&wm(e,t,o,c,i+1)}}function xm(e){return e instanceof Td||e instanceof Nd}function Dm(e){if(e instanceof lC)return!0;if(e instanceof oC)return e.definition().orig[0]instanceof Zf;if(e instanceof ff){if((e=e.expression)instanceof oC){if(e.is_immutable())return!1;e=e.fixed_value()}return!e||!(e instanceof CC)&&(e instanceof pC||Dm(e))}return!1}function Im(e,t){if(!(e instanceof oC))return!1;for(var n=e.definition().orig,r=n.length;--r>=0;)if(n[r]instanceof t)return!0}function km(e){for(let t=0;;t++){const n=e.parent(t);if(n instanceof Dd)return n;if(n instanceof kd)return n;if(n.block_scope)return n.block_scope}}function Om(e,t){for(var n,r=0;(n=e.parent(r++))&&!(n instanceof xd);)if(n instanceof ef&&n.argname){n=n.argname.definition().scope;break}return n.find_variable(t)}function Nm(e,t){if(1==t.length)return t[0];if(0==t.length)throw new Error("trying to create a sequence with length zero!");return Jp(df,e,{expressions:t.reduce(Mm,[])})}function Tm(e,t){switch(typeof e){case"string":return Jp(hC,t,{value:e});case"number":return isNaN(e)?Jp(AC,t):isFinite(e)?1/e<0?Jp(Ef,t,{operator:"-",expression:Jp(dC,t,{value:-e})}):Jp(dC,t,{value:e}):e<0?Jp(Ef,t,{operator:"-",expression:Jp(vC,t)}):Jp(vC,t);case"boolean":return Jp(e?SC:bC,t);case"undefined":return Jp(yC,t);default:if(null===e)return Jp(gC,t,{value:null});if(e instanceof RegExp)return Jp(CC,t,{value:{source:rh(e.source),flags:e.flags}});throw new Error(Wp("Can't handle constant of type: {type}",{type:typeof e}))}}function Pm(e,t,n){return e instanceof Ef&&"delete"==e.operator||e instanceof pf&&e.expression===t&&(n instanceof ff||n instanceof oC&&"eval"==n.name)?Nm(t,[Jp(dC,t,{value:0}),n]):n}function Mm(e,t){return t instanceof df?e.push(...t.expressions):e.push(t),e}function Fm(e){if(null===e)return[];if(e instanceof fd)return e.body;if(e instanceof Cd)return[];if(e instanceof Bd)return[e];throw new Error("Can't convert thing to statement array")}function Lm(e){return null===e||(e instanceof Cd||e instanceof fd&&0==e.body.length)}function Rm(e){return!(e instanceof Hf||e instanceof Pd||e instanceof sf||e instanceof of||e instanceof uf||e instanceof cf)}function Gm(e){return e instanceof Ad&&e.body instanceof fd?e.body:e}function Hm(e){return"Call"==e.TYPE&&(e.expression instanceof Nd||Hm(e.expression))}function Km(e){return e instanceof oC&&e.definition().undeclared}bm(ad,(function(e){return e})),Dd.DEFMETHOD("drop_console",(function(){return this.transform(new kC((function(e){if("Call"==e.TYPE){var t=e.expression;if(t instanceof ff){for(var n=t.expression;n.expression;)n=n.expression;if(Km(n)&&"console"==n.name)return Jp(yC,e)}}})))})),ad.DEFMETHOD("equivalent_to",(function(e){return jC(this,e)})),xd.DEFMETHOD("process_expression",(function(e,t){var n=this,r=new kC((function(i){if(e&&i instanceof ud)return Jp(Kd,i,{value:i.body});if(!e&&i instanceof Kd){if(t){var s=i.value&&i.value.drop_side_effect_free(t,!0);return s?Jp(ud,i,{body:s}):Jp(Cd,i)}return Jp(ud,i,{body:i.value||Jp(Ef,i,{operator:"void",expression:Jp(dC,i,{value:0})})})}if(i instanceof Lf||i instanceof kd&&i!==n)return i;if(i instanceof dd){var o=i.body.length-1;o>=0&&(i.body[o]=i.body[o].transform(r))}else i instanceof Xd?(i.body=i.body.transform(r),i.alternative&&(i.alternative=i.alternative.transform(r))):i instanceof wd&&(i.body=i.body.transform(r));return i}));n.transform(r)})),function(e){function t(e,t){t.assignments=0,t.chained=!1,t.direct_access=!1,t.escaped=0,t.recursive_refs=0,t.references=[],t.single_use=void 0,t.scope.pinned()?t.fixed=!1:t.orig[0]instanceof Wf||!e.exposed(t)?t.fixed=t.init:t.fixed=!1}function n(e,n,r){r.variables.forEach((function(r){t(n,r),null===r.fixed?(e.defs_to_safe_ids.set(r.id,e.safe_ids),o(e,r,!0)):r.fixed&&(e.loop_ids.set(r.id,e.in_loop),o(e,r,!0))}))}function r(e,n){n.block_scope&&n.block_scope.variables.forEach((n=>{t(e,n)}))}function i(e){e.safe_ids=Object.create(e.safe_ids)}function s(e){e.safe_ids=Object.getPrototypeOf(e.safe_ids)}function o(e,t,n){e.safe_ids[t.id]=n}function a(e,t){if("m"==t.single_use)return!1;if(e.safe_ids[t.id]){if(null==t.fixed){var n=t.orig[0];if(n instanceof qf||"arguments"==n.name)return!1;t.fixed=Jp(yC,n)}return!0}return t.fixed instanceof Pd}function B(e,t,n,r){if(void 0===t.fixed)return!0;let i;return null===t.fixed&&(i=e.defs_to_safe_ids.get(t.id))?(i[t.id]=!1,e.defs_to_safe_ids.delete(t.id),!0):!!eh(e.safe_ids,t.id)&&(!!a(e,t)&&(!1!==t.fixed&&(!(null!=t.fixed&&(!r||t.references.length>t.assignments))&&(t.fixed instanceof Pd?r instanceof ad&&t.fixed.parent_scope===n:t.orig.every((e=>!(e instanceof Wf||e instanceof zf||e instanceof Zf)))))))}function c(e,t,n,r,i,s=0,o=1){var a=e.parent(s);if(i){if(i.is_constant())return;if(i instanceof Kf)return}if(a instanceof Sf&&("="===a.operator||a.logical)&&r===a.right||a instanceof pf&&(r!==a.expression||a instanceof hf)||a instanceof Hd&&r===a.value&&r.scope!==t.scope||a instanceof af&&r===a.value||a instanceof Wd&&r===a.value&&r.scope!==t.scope)return!(o>1)||i&&i.is_constant_expression(n)||(o=1),void((!t.escaped||t.escaped>o)&&(t.escaped=o));if(a instanceof xf||a instanceof jd||a instanceof _f&&zm.has(a.operator)||a instanceof bf&&r!==a.condition||a instanceof Id||a instanceof df&&r===a.tail_node())c(e,t,n,a,a,s+1,o);else if(a instanceof kf&&r===a.value){var B=e.parent(s+1);c(e,t,n,B,B,s+2,o)}else if(a instanceof ff&&r===a.expression&&(c(e,t,n,a,i=Sm(i,a.property),s+1,o+1),i))return;s>0||a instanceof df&&r!==a.tail_node()||a instanceof ud||(t.direct_access=!0)}e(ad,Gp);const l=e=>wC(e,(e=>{if(e instanceof Vf){var t=e.definition();t&&(e instanceof oC&&t.references.push(e),t.fixed=!1)}}));e(Od,(function(e,t,r){return i(e),n(e,r,this),t(),s(e),!0})),e(Sf,(function(e,t,n){var r=this;if(r.left instanceof Md)return void l(r.left);const a=()=>{if(r.logical)return r.left.walk(e),i(e),r.right.walk(e),s(e),!0};var u=r.left;if(!(u instanceof oC))return a();var p=u.definition(),h=B(e,p,u.scope,r.right);if(p.assignments++,!h)return a();var d=p.fixed;if(!d&&"="!=r.operator&&!r.logical)return a();var f="="==r.operator,C=f?r.right:r;return wm(n,e,r,C,0)?a():(p.references.push(u),r.logical||(f||(p.chained=!0),p.fixed=f?function(){return r.right}:function(){return Jp(_f,r,{operator:r.operator.slice(0,-1),left:d instanceof ad?d:d(),right:r.right})}),r.logical?(o(e,p,!1),i(e),r.right.walk(e),s(e),!0):(o(e,p,!1),r.right.walk(e),o(e,p,!0),c(e,p,u.scope,r,C,0,1),!0))})),e(_f,(function(e){if(zm.has(this.operator))return this.left.walk(e),i(e),this.right.walk(e),s(e),!0})),e(dd,(function(e,t,n){r(n,this)})),e($d,(function(e){return i(e),this.expression.walk(e),s(e),i(e),pd(this,e),s(e),!0})),e(Lf,(function(e,t){return vm(this,dm),i(e),t(),s(e),!0})),e(bf,(function(e){return this.condition.walk(e),i(e),this.consequent.walk(e),s(e),i(e),this.alternative.walk(e),s(e),!0})),e(Af,(function(e,t){const n=e.safe_ids;return t(),e.safe_ids=n,!0})),e(pf,(function(e){this.expression.walk(e),this.optional&&i(e);for(const t of this.args)t.walk(e);return!0})),e(ff,(function(e){if(this.optional)return this.expression.walk(e),i(e),this.property instanceof ad&&this.property.walk(e),!0})),e(Yd,(function(e,t){return i(e),t(),s(e),!0})),e(kd,(function(e,t,r){return vm(this,dm),i(e),n(e,r,this),this.uses_arguments?(t(),void s(e)):(!this.name&&(a=e.parent())instanceof pf&&a.expression===this&&!a.args.some((e=>e instanceof Id))&&this.argnames.every((e=>e instanceof Vf))&&this.argnames.forEach(((t,n)=>{if(t.definition){var r=t.definition();r.orig.length>1||(void 0!==r.fixed||this.uses_arguments&&!e.has_directive("use strict")?r.fixed=!1:(r.fixed=function(){return a.args[n]||Jp(yC,a)},e.loop_ids.set(r.id,e.in_loop),o(e,r,!0)))}})),t(),s(e),!0);var a})),e(Ed,(function(e,t,n){r(n,this);const o=e.in_loop;return e.in_loop=this,i(e),this.body.walk(e),hg(this)&&(s(e),i(e)),this.condition.walk(e),s(e),e.in_loop=o,!0})),e(_d,(function(e,t,n){r(n,this),this.init&&this.init.walk(e);const o=e.in_loop;return e.in_loop=this,i(e),this.condition&&this.condition.walk(e),this.body.walk(e),this.step&&(hg(this)&&(s(e),i(e)),this.step.walk(e)),s(e),e.in_loop=o,!0})),e(bd,(function(e,t,n){r(n,this),l(this.init),this.object.walk(e);const o=e.in_loop;return e.in_loop=this,i(e),this.body.walk(e),s(e),e.in_loop=o,!0})),e(Xd,(function(e){return this.condition.walk(e),i(e),this.body.walk(e),s(e),this.alternative&&(i(e),this.alternative.walk(e),s(e)),!0})),e(gd,(function(e){return i(e),this.body.walk(e),s(e),!0})),e(nC,(function(){this.definition().fixed=!1})),e(oC,(function(e,t,n){var r,i=this.definition();i.references.push(this),1==i.references.length&&!i.fixed&&i.orig[0]instanceof zf&&e.loop_ids.set(i.id,e.in_loop),void 0!==i.fixed&&a(e,i)?i.fixed&&((r=this.fixed_value())instanceof kd&&gg(e,i)?i.recursive_refs++:r&&!n.exposed(i)&&function(e,t,n){return t.option("unused")&&!n.scope.pinned()&&n.references.length-n.recursive_refs==1&&e.loop_ids.get(n.id)===e.in_loop}(e,n,i)?i.single_use=r instanceof kd&&!r.pinned()||r instanceof Lf||i.scope===this.scope&&r.is_constant_expression():i.single_use=!1,wm(n,e,this,r,0,function(e){return!!e&&(e.is_constant()||e instanceof kd||e instanceof lC)}(r))&&(i.single_use?i.single_use="m":i.fixed=!1)):i.fixed=!1,c(e,i,this.scope,this,r,0,1)})),e(Dd,(function(e,r,i){this.globals.forEach((function(e){t(i,e)})),n(e,i,this)})),e(Zd,(function(e,t,n){return r(n,this),i(e),pd(this,e),s(e),this.bcatch&&(i(e),this.bcatch.walk(e),s(e)),this.bfinally&&this.bfinally.walk(e),!0})),e(yf,(function(e){var t=this;if("++"===t.operator||"--"===t.operator){var n=t.expression;if(n instanceof oC){var r=n.definition(),i=B(e,r,n.scope,!0);if(r.assignments++,i){var s=r.fixed;if(s)return r.references.push(n),r.chained=!0,r.fixed=function(){return Jp(_f,t,{operator:t.operator.slice(0,-1),left:Jp(Ef,t,{operator:"+",expression:s instanceof ad?s:s()}),right:Jp(dC,t,{value:1})})},o(e,r,!0),!0}}}})),e(af,(function(e,t){var n=this;if(n.name instanceof Md)l(n.name);else{var r=n.name.definition();if(n.value){if(B(e,r,n.name.scope,n.value))return r.fixed=function(){return n.value},e.loop_ids.set(r.id,e.in_loop),o(e,r,!1),t(),o(e,r,!0),!0;r.fixed=!1}}})),e(vd,(function(e,t,n){r(n,this);const o=e.in_loop;return e.in_loop=this,i(e),t(),s(e),e.in_loop=o,!0}))}((function(e,t){e.DEFMETHOD("reduce_vars",t)})),Dd.DEFMETHOD("reset_opt_flags",(function(e){const t=this,n=e.option("reduce_vars"),r=new IC((function(i,s){if(vm(i,Am),n)return e.top_retain&&i instanceof Pd&&r.parent()===t&&Em(i,gm),i.reduce_vars(r,s,e)}));r.safe_ids=Object.create(null),r.in_loop=null,r.loop_ids=new Map,r.defs_to_safe_ids=new Map,t.walk(r)})),Vf.DEFMETHOD("fixed_value",(function(){var e=this.thedef.fixed;return!e||e instanceof ad?e:e()})),oC.DEFMETHOD("is_immutable",(function(){var e=this.definition().orig;return 1==e.length&&e[0]instanceof Zf}));var Vm=zp("Array Boolean clearInterval clearTimeout console Date decodeURI decodeURIComponent encodeURI encodeURIComponent Error escape eval EvalError Function isFinite isNaN JSON Math Number parseFloat parseInt RangeError ReferenceError RegExp Object setInterval setTimeout String SyntaxError TypeError unescape URIError");oC.DEFMETHOD("is_declared",(function(e){return!this.definition().undeclared||e.option("unsafe")&&Vm.has(this.name)}));var Um=zp("Infinity NaN undefined"),Qm;function Jm(e){return e instanceof vC||e instanceof AC||e instanceof yC}function jm(e,t){var n,r,i=t.find_parent(xd).get_defun_scope();!function(){var e=t.self(),s=0;do{if(e instanceof ef||e instanceof tf)s++;else if(e instanceof Ad)n=!0;else{if(e instanceof xd){i=e;break}e instanceof Zd&&(r=!0)}}while(e=t.parent(s++))}();var s,o=10;do{s=!1,B(e),t.option("dead_code")&&l(e,t),t.option("if_return")&&c(e,t),t.sequences_limit>0&&(p(e,t),d(e,t)),t.option("join_vars")&&C(e),t.option("collapse_vars")&&a(e,t)}while(s&&o-- >0);function a(e,t){if(i.pinned())return e;for(var o,a=[],B=e.length,c=new kC((function(e){if(S)return e;if(!b)return e!==u[p]?e:++p=0;){0==B&&t.option("unused")&&T();var u=[];for(P(e[B]);a.length>0;){u=a.pop();var p=0,h=u[u.length-1],d=null,f=null,C=null,m=F(h);if(m&&!Dm(m)&&!m.has_side_effects(t)){var g=R(h),A=H(m);m instanceof oC&&g.set(m.name,!1);var y=K(h),E=V(),v=h.may_throw(t),_=h.name instanceof qf,b=_,S=!1,w=0,x=!o||!b;if(!x){for(var D=t.self().argnames.lastIndexOf(h.name)+1;!S&&Dw)w=!1;else{S=!1,p=0,b=_;for(I=B;!S&&I!(e instanceof Id)))){var r=t.has_directive("use strict");r&&!Fp(r,n.body)&&(r=!1);var i=n.argnames.length;o=e.args.slice(i);for(var s=new Set,B=i;--B>=0;){var c=n.argnames[B],l=e.args[B];const i=c.definition&&c.definition();if(!(i&&i.orig.length>1)&&(o.unshift(Jp(af,c,{name:c,value:l})),!s.has(c.name)))if(s.add(c.name),c instanceof Id){var u=e.args.slice(B);u.every((e=>!N(n,e,r)))&&a.unshift([Jp(af,c,{name:c.expression,value:Jp(xf,e,{elements:u})})])}else l?(l instanceof kd&&l.pinned()||N(n,l,r))&&(l=null):l=Jp(yC,c).transform(t),l&&a.unshift([Jp(af,c,{name:c,value:l})])}}}function P(e){if(u.push(e),e instanceof Sf)e.left.has_side_effects(t)||a.push(u.slice()),P(e.right);else if(e instanceof _f)P(e.left),P(e.right);else if(e instanceof pf&&!oh(e,TC))P(e.expression),e.args.forEach(P);else if(e instanceof $d)P(e.expression);else if(e instanceof bf)P(e.condition),P(e.consequent),P(e.alternative);else if(e instanceof nf){var n=e.definitions.length,r=n-200;for(r<0&&(r=0);r1&&!(e.name instanceof qf)||(r>1?function(e){var t=e.value;if(t instanceof oC&&"arguments"!=t.name){var n=t.definition();if(!n.undeclared)return d=n}}(e):!t.exposed(n))?Jp(oC,e.name,e.name):void 0}}function L(e){return e instanceof Sf?e.right:e.value}function R(e){var n=new Map;if(e instanceof yf)return n;var r=new IC((function(e){for(var i=e;i instanceof ff;)i=i.expression;(i instanceof oC||i instanceof lC)&&n.set(i.name,n.get(i.name)||wm(t,r,e,e,0))}));return L(e).walk(r),n}function G(n){if(n.name instanceof qf){var r=t.parent(),i=t.self().argnames,s=i.indexOf(n.name);if(s<0)r.args.length=Math.min(r.args.length,i.length-1);else{var o=r.args;o[s]&&(o[s]=Jp(dC,o[s],{value:0}))}return!0}var a=!1;return e[B].transform(new kC((function(e,t,r){return a?e:e===n||e.body===n?(a=!0,e instanceof af?(e.value=e.name instanceof Wf?Jp(yC,e.value):null,e):r?Qp.skip:null):void 0}),(function(e){if(e instanceof df)switch(e.expressions.length){case 0:return null;case 1:return e.expressions[0]}})))}function H(e){for(;e instanceof ff;)e=e.expression;return e instanceof oC&&e.definition().scope===i&&!(n&&(g.has(e.name)||h instanceof yf||h instanceof Sf&&!h.logical&&"="!=h.operator))}function K(e){return e instanceof yf?Ym.has(e.operator):L(e).has_side_effects(t)}function V(){if(y)return!1;if(d)return!0;if(m instanceof oC){var e=m.definition();if(e.references.length-e.replaced==(h instanceof af?1:2))return!0}return!1}function U(e){if(!e.definition)return!0;var t=e.definition();return!(1==t.orig.length&&t.orig[0]instanceof zf)&&(t.scope.get_defun_scope()!==i||!t.references.every((e=>{var t=e.scope.get_defun_scope();return"Scope"==t.TYPE&&(t=t.parent_scope),t===i})))}function Q(e,t){if(e instanceof Sf)return Q(e.left,!0);if(e instanceof yf)return Q(e.expression,!0);if(e instanceof af)return e.value&&Q(e.value);if(t){if(e instanceof Cf)return Q(e.expression,!0);if(e instanceof gf)return Q(e.expression,!0);if(e instanceof oC)return e.definition().scope!==i}return!1}}function B(e){for(var t=[],n=0;n=0;){var r=e[n];if(r instanceof Xd&&r.body instanceof Kd&&++t>1)return!0}return!1}(e),i=n instanceof kd,o=e.length;--o>=0;){var a=e[o],B=g(o),c=e[B];if(i&&!c&&a instanceof Kd){if(!a.value){s=!0,e.splice(o,1);continue}if(a.value instanceof Ef&&"void"==a.value.operator){s=!0,e[o]=Jp(ud,a,{body:a.value.expression});continue}}if(a instanceof Xd){var l;if(f(l=Bg(a.body))){l.label&&Xp(l.label.thedef.references,l),s=!0,(a=a.clone()).condition=a.condition.negate(t);var p=m(a.body,l);a.body=Jp(fd,a,{body:Fm(a.alternative).concat(C())}),a.alternative=Jp(fd,a,{body:p}),e[o]=a.transform(t);continue}if(f(l=Bg(a.alternative))){l.label&&Xp(l.label.thedef.references,l),s=!0,(a=a.clone()).body=Jp(fd,a.body,{body:Fm(a.body).concat(C())});p=m(a.alternative,l);a.alternative=Jp(fd,a.alternative,{body:p}),e[o]=a.transform(t);continue}}if(a instanceof Xd&&a.body instanceof Kd){var h=a.body.value;if(!h&&!a.alternative&&(i&&!c||c instanceof Kd&&!c.value)){s=!0,e[o]=Jp(ud,a.condition,{body:a.condition});continue}if(h&&!a.alternative&&c instanceof Kd&&c.value){s=!0,(a=a.clone()).alternative=c,e[o]=a.transform(t),e.splice(B,1);continue}if(h&&!a.alternative&&(!c&&i&&r||c instanceof Kd)){s=!0,(a=a.clone()).alternative=c||Jp(Kd,a,{value:null}),e[o]=a.transform(t),c&&e.splice(B,1);continue}var d=e[A(o)];if(t.option("sequences")&&i&&!a.alternative&&d instanceof Xd&&d.body instanceof Kd&&g(B)==e.length&&c instanceof ud){s=!0,(a=a.clone()).alternative=Jp(fd,c,{body:[c,Jp(Kd,c,{value:null})]}),e[o]=a.transform(t),e.splice(B,1);continue}}}function f(r){if(!r)return!1;for(var s=o+1,a=e.length;s=0;){var r=e[n];if(!(r instanceof rf&&u(r)))break}return n}}function l(e,t){for(var n,r=t.self(),i=0,o=0,a=e.length;i!e.value))}function p(e,t){if(!(e.length<2)){for(var n=[],r=0,i=0,o=e.length;i=t.sequences_limit&&c();var B=a.body;n.length>0&&(B=B.drop_side_effect_free(t)),B&&Mm(n,B)}else a instanceof nf&&u(a)||a instanceof Pd||c(),e[r++]=a}c(),e.length=r,r!=o&&(s=!0)}function c(){if(n.length){var t=Nm(n[0],n);e[r++]=Jp(ud,t,{body:t}),n=[]}}}function h(e,t){if(!(e instanceof fd))return e;for(var n=null,r=0,i=e.body.length;re instanceof xd||(e instanceof _f&&"in"===e.operator?DC:void 0)))||(a.init?a.init=n(a.init):(a.init=r.body,i--,s=!0))}}else a instanceof bd?a.init instanceof of||a.init instanceof sf||(a.object=n(a.object)):a instanceof Xd?a.condition=n(a.condition):(a instanceof qd||a instanceof wd)&&(a.expression=n(a.expression));if(t.option("conditionals")&&a instanceof Xd){var B=[],c=h(a.body,B),l=h(a.alternative,B);if(!1!==c&&!1!==l&&B.length>0){var u=B.length;B.push(Jp(Xd,a,{condition:a.condition,body:c||Jp(Cd,a.body),alternative:l})),B.unshift(i,1),[].splice.apply(e,B),o+=u,i+=u+1,r=null,s=!0;continue}}e[i++]=a,r=a instanceof ud?a:null}e.length=i}function f(e,n){if(e instanceof nf){var r,s=e.definitions[e.definitions.length-1];if(s.value instanceof Df)if(n instanceof Sf&&!n.logical?r=[n]:n instanceof df&&(r=n.expressions.slice()),r){var o=!1;do{var a=r[0];if(!(a instanceof Sf))break;if("="!=a.operator)break;if(!(a.left instanceof ff))break;var B=a.left.expression;if(!(B instanceof oC))break;if(s.name.name!=B.name)break;if(!a.right.is_constant_expression(i))break;var c=a.left.property;if(c instanceof ad&&(c=c.evaluate(t)),c instanceof ad)break;c=""+c;var l=t.option("ecma")<2015&&t.has_directive("use strict")?function(e){return e.key!=c&&e.key&&e.key.name!=c}:function(e){return e.key&&e.key.name!=c};if(!s.value.properties.every(l))break;var u=s.value.properties.filter((function(e){return e.key===c}))[0];u?u.value=new df({start:u.start,expressions:[u.value.clone(),a.right.clone()],end:u.end}):s.value.properties.push(Jp(kf,a,{key:c,value:a.right})),r.shift(),o=!0}while(r.length);return o&&r}}}function C(e){for(var t,n=0,r=-1,i=e.length;nr instanceof rf?(r.remove_initializers(),n.push(r),!0):r instanceof Pd&&(r===t||!e.has_directive("use strict"))?(n.push(r===t?r:Jp(rf,r,{definitions:[Jp(af,r,{name:Jp(Jf,r.name,r.name),value:null})]})),!0):r instanceof uf||r instanceof cf?(n.push(r),!0):r instanceof xd||void 0))}function Xm(e){return e instanceof pC?e.getValue():e instanceof Ef&&"void"==e.operator&&e.expression instanceof pC?void 0:e}function qm(e,t){return ym(e,hm)||e instanceof yC||e instanceof Ef&&"void"==e.operator&&!e.expression.has_side_effects(t)}!function(e){function t(e){return/strict/.test(e.option("pure_getters"))}ad.DEFMETHOD("may_throw_on_access",(function(e){return!e.option("pure_getters")||this._dot_throw(e)})),e(ad,t),e(gC,Kp),e(yC,Kp),e(pC,Hp),e(xf,Hp),e(Df,(function(e){if(!t(e))return!1;for(var n=this.properties.length;--n>=0;)if(this.properties[n]._dot_throw(e))return!0;return!1})),e(Lf,Hp),e(If,Hp),e(Pf,Kp),e(Id,(function(e){return this.expression._dot_throw(e)})),e(Nd,Hp),e(Td,Hp),e(vf,Hp),e(Ef,(function(){return"void"==this.operator})),e(_f,(function(e){return("&&"==this.operator||"||"==this.operator||"??"==this.operator)&&(this.left._dot_throw(e)||this.right._dot_throw(e))})),e(Sf,(function(e){return!!this.logical||"="==this.operator&&this.right._dot_throw(e)})),e(bf,(function(e){return this.consequent._dot_throw(e)||this.alternative._dot_throw(e)})),e(Cf,(function(e){return!!t(e)&&("prototype"!=this.property||!(this.expression instanceof Nd||this.expression instanceof Lf))})),e(Af,(function(e){return this.expression._dot_throw(e)})),e(df,(function(e){return this.tail_node()._dot_throw(e)})),e(oC,(function(e){if("arguments"===this.name)return!1;if(ym(this,hm))return!0;if(!t(e))return!1;if(Km(this)&&this.is_declared(e))return!1;if(this.is_immutable())return!1;var n=this.fixed_value();return!n||n._dot_throw(e)}))}((function(e,t){e.DEFMETHOD("_dot_throw",t)})),function(e){const t=zp("! delete"),n=zp("in instanceof == != === !== < <= >= >");e(ad,Hp),e(Ef,(function(){return t.has(this.operator)})),e(_f,(function(){return n.has(this.operator)||zm.has(this.operator)&&this.left.is_boolean()&&this.right.is_boolean()})),e(bf,(function(){return this.consequent.is_boolean()&&this.alternative.is_boolean()})),e(Sf,(function(){return"="==this.operator&&this.right.is_boolean()})),e(df,(function(){return this.tail_node().is_boolean()})),e(SC,Kp),e(bC,Kp)}((function(e,t){e.DEFMETHOD("is_boolean",t)})),function(e){e(ad,Hp),e(dC,Kp);var t=zp("+ - ~ ++ --");e(yf,(function(){return t.has(this.operator)}));var n=zp("- * / % & | ^ << >> >>>");e(_f,(function(e){return n.has(this.operator)||"+"==this.operator&&this.left.is_number(e)&&this.right.is_number(e)})),e(Sf,(function(e){return n.has(this.operator.slice(0,-1))||"="==this.operator&&this.right.is_number(e)})),e(df,(function(e){return this.tail_node().is_number(e)})),e(bf,(function(e){return this.consequent.is_number(e)&&this.alternative.is_number(e)}))}((function(e,t){e.DEFMETHOD("is_number",t)})),Qm=function(e,t){e.DEFMETHOD("is_string",t)},Qm(ad,Hp),Qm(hC,Kp),Qm(Ld,Kp),Qm(Ef,(function(){return"typeof"==this.operator})),Qm(_f,(function(e){return"+"==this.operator&&(this.left.is_string(e)||this.right.is_string(e))})),Qm(Sf,(function(e){return("="==this.operator||"+="==this.operator)&&this.right.is_string(e)})),Qm(df,(function(e){return this.tail_node().is_string(e)})),Qm(bf,(function(e){return this.consequent.is_string(e)&&this.alternative.is_string(e)}));var zm=zp("&& || ??"),Ym=zp("delete ++ --");function $m(e,t){return t instanceof yf&&Ym.has(t.operator)?t.expression:t instanceof Sf&&t.left===e?e:void 0}function Zm(e,t){return e.size()>t.size()?t:e}function eg(e,t){return Zm(Jp(ud,e,{body:e}),Jp(ud,t,{body:t})).body}function tg(e,t,n){return(LC(e)?eg:Zm)(t,n)}function ng(e){const t=new Map;for(var n of Object.keys(e))t.set(n,zp(e[n]));return t}!function(e){function t(e,n){if(e instanceof ad)return Jp(e.CTOR,n,e);if(Array.isArray(e))return Jp(xf,n,{elements:e.map((function(e){return t(e,n)}))});if(e&&"object"==typeof e){var r=[];for(var i in e)eh(e,i)&&r.push(Jp(kf,n,{key:i,value:t(e[i],n)}));return Jp(Df,n,{properties:r})}return Tm(e,n)}Dd.DEFMETHOD("resolve_defines",(function(e){return e.option("global_defs")?(this.figure_out_scope({ie8:e.option("ie8")}),this.transform(new kC((function(t){var n=t._find_defs(e,"");if(n){for(var r,i=0,s=t;(r=this.parent(i++))&&r instanceof ff&&r.expression===s;)s=r;if(!$m(s,r))return n}})))):this})),e(ad,Gp),e(Af,(function(e,t){return this.expression._find_defs(e,t)})),e(Cf,(function(e,t){return this.expression._find_defs(e,"."+this.property+t)})),e(Qf,(function(){this.global()})),e(oC,(function(e,n){if(this.global()){var r=e.option("global_defs"),i=this.name+n;return eh(r,i)?t(r[i],this):void 0}}))}((function(e,t){e.DEFMETHOD("_find_defs",t)}));var rg=["constructor","toString","valueOf"],ig=ng({Array:["indexOf","join","lastIndexOf","slice"].concat(rg),Boolean:rg,Function:rg,Number:["toExponential","toFixed","toPrecision"].concat(rg),Object:rg,RegExp:["test"].concat(rg),String:["charAt","charCodeAt","concat","indexOf","italics","lastIndexOf","match","replace","search","slice","split","substr","substring","toLowerCase","toUpperCase","trim"].concat(rg)}),sg=ng({Array:["isArray"],Math:["abs","acos","asin","atan","ceil","cos","exp","floor","log","round","sin","sqrt","tan","atan2","pow","max","min"],Number:["isFinite","isNaN"],Object:["create","getOwnPropertyDescriptor","getOwnPropertyNames","getPrototypeOf","isExtensible","isFrozen","isSealed","keys"],String:["fromCharCode"]});!function(e){ad.DEFMETHOD("evaluate",(function(e){if(!e.option("evaluate"))return this;var t=this._eval(e,1);return!t||t instanceof RegExp?t:"function"==typeof t||"object"==typeof t?this:t}));var t=zp("! ~ - + void");ad.DEFMETHOD("is_constant",(function(){return this instanceof pC?!(this instanceof CC):this instanceof Ef&&this.expression instanceof pC&&t.has(this.operator)})),e(Bd,(function(){throw new Error(Wp("Cannot evaluate a statement [{file}:{line},{col}]",this.start))})),e(kd,Vp),e(Lf,Vp),e(ad,Vp),e(pC,(function(){return this.getValue()})),e(fC,Vp),e(CC,(function(e){let t=e.evaluated_regexps.get(this);if(void 0===t){try{t=(0,eval)(this.print_to_string())}catch(e){t=null}e.evaluated_regexps.set(this,t)}return t||this})),e(Ld,(function(){return 1!==this.segments.length?this:this.segments[0].value})),e(Nd,(function(e){if(e.option("unsafe")){var t=function(){};return t.node=this,t.toString=()=>this.print_to_string(),t}return this})),e(xf,(function(e,t){if(e.option("unsafe")){for(var n=[],r=0,i=this.elements.length;r"object"==typeof e||"function"==typeof e||"symbol"==typeof e;e(_f,(function(e,t){r.has(this.operator)||t++;var n=this.left._eval(e,t);if(n===this.left)return this;var o,a=this.right._eval(e,t);if(a===this.right)return this;if(null!=n&&null!=a&&i.has(this.operator)&&s(n)&&s(a)&&typeof n==typeof a)return this;switch(this.operator){case"&&":o=n&&a;break;case"||":o=n||a;break;case"??":o=null!=n?n:a;break;case"|":o=n|a;break;case"&":o=n&a;break;case"^":o=n^a;break;case"+":o=n+a;break;case"*":o=n*a;break;case"**":o=Math.pow(n,a);break;case"/":o=n/a;break;case"%":o=n%a;break;case"-":o=n-a;break;case"<<":o=n<>":o=n>>a;break;case">>>":o=n>>>a;break;case"==":o=n==a;break;case"===":o=n===a;break;case"!=":o=n!=a;break;case"!==":o=n!==a;break;case"<":o=n":o=n>a;break;case">=":o=n>=a;break;default:return this}return isNaN(o)&&e.find_parent(wd)?this:o})),e(bf,(function(e,t){var n=this.condition._eval(e,t);if(n===this.condition)return this;var r=n?this.consequent:this.alternative,i=r._eval(e,t);return i===r?this:i}));const o=new Set;e(oC,(function(e,t){if(o.has(this))return this;var n=this.fixed_value();if(!n)return this;o.add(this);const r=n._eval(e,t);if(o.delete(this),r===n)return this;if(r&&"object"==typeof r){var i=this.definition().escaped;if(i&&t>i)return this}return r}));var a={Array,Math,Number,Object,String},B=ng({Math:["E","LN10","LN2","LOG2E","LOG10E","PI","SQRT1_2","SQRT2"],Number:["MAX_VALUE","MIN_VALUE","NaN","NEGATIVE_INFINITY","POSITIVE_INFINITY"]});const c=new Set(["dotAll","global","ignoreCase","multiline","sticky","unicode"]);e(ff,(function(e,t){if(this.optional){if(null==this.expression._eval(e,t))return}if(e.option("unsafe")){var n=this.property;if(n instanceof ad&&(n=n._eval(e,t))===this.property)return this;var r,i=this.expression;if(Km(i)){var s,o="hasOwnProperty"===i.name&&"call"===n&&(s=e.parent()&&e.parent().args)&&s&&s[0]&&s[0].evaluate(e);if(null==(o=o instanceof Cf?o.expression:o)||o.thedef&&o.thedef.undeclared)return this.clone();var l=B.get(i.name);if(!l||!l.has(n))return this;r=a[i.name]}else{if((r=i._eval(e,t+1))instanceof RegExp){if("source"==n)return rh(r.source);if("flags"==n||c.has(n))return r[n]}if(!r||r===i||!eh(r,n))return this;if("function"==typeof r)switch(n){case"name":return r.node.name?r.node.name.name:"";case"length":return r.node.length_property();default:return this}}return r[n]}return this})),e(Af,(function(e,t){const n=this.expression._eval(e,t);return n===this.expression?this:n})),e(pf,(function(e,t){var n=this.expression;if(this.optional){if(null==this.expression._eval(e,t))return}if(e.option("unsafe")&&n instanceof ff){var r,i=n.property;if(i instanceof ad&&(i=i._eval(e,t))===n.property)return this;var s=n.expression;if(Km(s)){var o="hasOwnProperty"===s.name&&"call"===i&&this.args[0]&&this.args[0].evaluate(e);if(null==(o=o instanceof Cf?o.expression:o)||o.thedef&&o.thedef.undeclared)return this.clone();var B=sg.get(s.name);if(!B||!B.has(i))return this;r=a[s.name]}else{if((r=s._eval(e,t+1))===s||!r)return this;var c=ig.get(r.constructor.name);if(!c||!c.has(i))return this}for(var l=[],u=0,p=this.args.length;u=":return i.operator="<",i;case">":return i.operator="<=",i}switch(s){case"==":return i.operator="!=",i;case"!=":return i.operator="==",i;case"===":return i.operator="!==",i;case"!==":return i.operator="===",i;case"&&":return i.operator="||",i.left=i.left.negate(e,r),i.right=i.right.negate(e),n(this,i,r);case"||":return i.operator="&&",i.left=i.left.negate(e,r),i.right=i.right.negate(e),n(this,i,r);case"??":return i.right=i.right.negate(e),n(this,i,r)}return t(this)}))}((function(e,t){e.DEFMETHOD("negate",(function(e,n){return t.call(this,e,n)}))}));var og=zp("Boolean decodeURI decodeURIComponent Date encodeURI encodeURIComponent Error escape EvalError isFinite isNaN Number Object parseFloat parseInt RangeError ReferenceError String SyntaxError TypeError unescape URIError");pf.DEFMETHOD("is_callee_pure",(function(e){if(e.option("unsafe")){var t=this.expression,n=this.args&&this.args[0]&&this.args[0].evaluate(e);if(t.expression&&"hasOwnProperty"===t.expression.name&&(null==n||n.thedef&&n.thedef.undeclared))return!1;if(Km(t)&&og.has(t.name))return!0;let r;if(t instanceof Cf&&Km(t.expression)&&(r=sg.get(t.expression.name))&&r.has(t.property))return!0}return!!oh(this,OC)||!e.pure_funcs(this)})),ad.DEFMETHOD("is_call_pure",Hp),Cf.DEFMETHOD("is_call_pure",(function(e){if(!e.option("unsafe"))return;const t=this.expression;let n;return t instanceof xf?n=ig.get("Array"):t.is_boolean()?n=ig.get("Boolean"):t.is_number(e)?n=ig.get("Number"):t instanceof CC?n=ig.get("RegExp"):t.is_string(e)?n=ig.get("String"):this.may_throw_on_access(e)||(n=ig.get("Object")),n&&n.has(this.property)}));const ag=new Set(["Number","String","Array","Object","Function","Promise"]);function Bg(e){return e&&e.aborts()}!function(e){function t(e,t){for(var n=e.length;--n>=0;)if(e[n].has_side_effects(t))return!0;return!1}e(ad,Kp),e(Cd,Hp),e(pC,Hp),e(lC,Hp),e(dd,(function(e){return t(this.body,e)})),e(pf,(function(e){return!(this.is_callee_pure(e)||this.expression.is_call_pure(e)&&!this.expression.has_side_effects(e))||t(this.args,e)})),e(qd,(function(e){return this.expression.has_side_effects(e)||t(this.body,e)})),e($d,(function(e){return this.expression.has_side_effects(e)||t(this.body,e)})),e(Zd,(function(e){return t(this.body,e)||this.bcatch&&this.bcatch.has_side_effects(e)||this.bfinally&&this.bfinally.has_side_effects(e)})),e(Xd,(function(e){return this.condition.has_side_effects(e)||this.body&&this.body.has_side_effects(e)||this.alternative&&this.alternative.has_side_effects(e)})),e(gd,(function(e){return this.body.has_side_effects(e)})),e(ud,(function(e){return this.body.has_side_effects(e)})),e(kd,Hp),e(Lf,(function(e){return!(!this.extends||!this.extends.has_side_effects(e))||t(this.properties,e)})),e(_f,(function(e){return this.left.has_side_effects(e)||this.right.has_side_effects(e)})),e(Sf,Kp),e(bf,(function(e){return this.condition.has_side_effects(e)||this.consequent.has_side_effects(e)||this.alternative.has_side_effects(e)})),e(yf,(function(e){return Ym.has(this.operator)||this.expression.has_side_effects(e)})),e(oC,(function(e){return!this.is_declared(e)&&!ag.has(this.name)})),e($f,Hp),e(Qf,Hp),e(Df,(function(e){return t(this.properties,e)})),e(If,(function(e){return this.computed_key()&&this.key.has_side_effects(e)||this.value&&this.value.has_side_effects(e)})),e(Rf,(function(e){return this.computed_key()&&this.key.has_side_effects(e)||this.static&&this.value&&this.value.has_side_effects(e)})),e(Mf,(function(e){return this.computed_key()&&this.key.has_side_effects(e)})),e(Pf,(function(e){return this.computed_key()&&this.key.has_side_effects(e)})),e(Tf,(function(e){return this.computed_key()&&this.key.has_side_effects(e)})),e(xf,(function(e){return t(this.elements,e)})),e(Cf,(function(e){return!this.optional&&this.expression.may_throw_on_access(e)||this.expression.has_side_effects(e)})),e(gf,(function(e){return(!this.optional||!Sg(this.expression))&&(!this.optional&&this.expression.may_throw_on_access(e)||this.expression.has_side_effects(e)||this.property.has_side_effects(e))})),e(Af,(function(e){return this.expression.has_side_effects(e)})),e(df,(function(e){return t(this.expressions,e)})),e(nf,(function(e){return t(this.definitions,e)})),e(af,(function(){return this.value})),e(Rd,Hp),e(Ld,(function(e){return t(this.segments,e)}))}((function(e,t){e.DEFMETHOD("has_side_effects",t)})),function(e){function t(e,t){for(var n=e.length;--n>=0;)if(e[n].may_throw(t))return!0;return!1}e(ad,Kp),e(pC,Hp),e(Cd,Hp),e(kd,Hp),e(Qf,Hp),e(lC,Hp),e(Lf,(function(e){return!(!this.extends||!this.extends.may_throw(e))||t(this.properties,e)})),e(xf,(function(e){return t(this.elements,e)})),e(Sf,(function(e){return!!this.right.may_throw(e)||!(!e.has_directive("use strict")&&"="==this.operator&&this.left instanceof oC)&&this.left.may_throw(e)})),e(_f,(function(e){return this.left.may_throw(e)||this.right.may_throw(e)})),e(dd,(function(e){return t(this.body,e)})),e(pf,(function(e){return(!this.optional||!Sg(this.expression))&&(!!t(this.args,e)||!this.is_callee_pure(e)&&(!!this.expression.may_throw(e)||(!(this.expression instanceof kd)||t(this.expression.body,e))))})),e($d,(function(e){return this.expression.may_throw(e)||t(this.body,e)})),e(bf,(function(e){return this.condition.may_throw(e)||this.consequent.may_throw(e)||this.alternative.may_throw(e)})),e(nf,(function(e){return t(this.definitions,e)})),e(Xd,(function(e){return this.condition.may_throw(e)||this.body&&this.body.may_throw(e)||this.alternative&&this.alternative.may_throw(e)})),e(gd,(function(e){return this.body.may_throw(e)})),e(Df,(function(e){return t(this.properties,e)})),e(If,(function(e){return!!this.value&&this.value.may_throw(e)})),e(Rf,(function(e){return this.computed_key()&&this.key.may_throw(e)||this.static&&this.value&&this.value.may_throw(e)})),e(Mf,(function(e){return this.computed_key()&&this.key.may_throw(e)})),e(Pf,(function(e){return this.computed_key()&&this.key.may_throw(e)})),e(Tf,(function(e){return this.computed_key()&&this.key.may_throw(e)})),e(Kd,(function(e){return this.value&&this.value.may_throw(e)})),e(df,(function(e){return t(this.expressions,e)})),e(ud,(function(e){return this.body.may_throw(e)})),e(Cf,(function(e){return!this.optional&&this.expression.may_throw_on_access(e)||this.expression.may_throw(e)})),e(gf,(function(e){return(!this.optional||!Sg(this.expression))&&(!this.optional&&this.expression.may_throw_on_access(e)||this.expression.may_throw(e)||this.property.may_throw(e))})),e(Af,(function(e){return this.expression.may_throw(e)})),e(qd,(function(e){return this.expression.may_throw(e)||t(this.body,e)})),e(oC,(function(e){return!this.is_declared(e)&&!ag.has(this.name)})),e($f,Hp),e(Zd,(function(e){return this.bcatch?this.bcatch.may_throw(e):t(this.body,e)||this.bfinally&&this.bfinally.may_throw(e)})),e(yf,(function(e){return!("typeof"==this.operator&&this.expression instanceof oC)&&this.expression.may_throw(e)})),e(af,(function(e){return!!this.value&&this.value.may_throw(e)}))}((function(e,t){e.DEFMETHOD("may_throw",t)})),function(e){function t(e){let t=!0;return wC(this,(n=>{if(n instanceof oC){if(ym(this,dm))return t=!1,DC;var r=n.definition();if(Fp(r,this.enclosed)&&!this.variables.has(r.name)){if(e){var i=e.find_variable(n);if(r.undeclared?!i:i===r)return t="f",!0}return t=!1,DC}return!0}if(n instanceof lC&&this instanceof Td)return t=!1,DC})),t}e(ad,Hp),e(pC,Kp),e(Lf,(function(e){if(this.extends&&!this.extends.is_constant_expression(e))return!1;for(const t of this.properties){if(t.computed_key()&&!t.key.is_constant_expression(e))return!1;if(t.static&&t.value&&!t.value.is_constant_expression(e))return!1}return t.call(this,e)})),e(kd,t),e(yf,(function(){return this.expression.is_constant_expression()})),e(_f,(function(){return this.left.is_constant_expression()&&this.right.is_constant_expression()})),e(xf,(function(){return this.elements.every((e=>e.is_constant_expression()))})),e(Df,(function(){return this.properties.every((e=>e.is_constant_expression()))})),e(If,(function(){return!(this.key instanceof ad||!this.value||!this.value.is_constant_expression())}))}((function(e,t){e.DEFMETHOD("is_constant_expression",t)})),function(e){function t(){for(var e=0;e{if(e instanceof Qf){const n=e.definition();!t&&!n.global||s.has(n.id)||s.set(n.id,n)}})),n.value){if(n.name instanceof Md)n.walk(l);else{var i=n.name.definition();Yp(B,i.id,n.value),i.chained||n.name.fixed_value()!==n.value||o.set(i.id,n)}n.value.has_side_effects(e)&&n.value.walk(l)}})),!0}return p(i,u)}}));t.walk(l),l=new IC(p),s.forEach((function(e){var t=B.get(e.id);t&&t.forEach((function(e){e.walk(l)}))}));var u=new kC((function(B,l,p){var h=u.parent();if(r){const e=i(B);if(e instanceof oC){var d=e.definition(),f=s.has(d.id);if(B instanceof Sf){if(!f||o.has(d.id)&&o.get(d.id)!==B)return Pm(h,B,B.right.transform(u))}else if(!f)return p?Qp.skip:Jp(dC,B,{value:0})}}if(c===t){if(B.name&&(B instanceof Kf&&!th(e.option("keep_classnames"),(d=B.name.definition()).name)||B instanceof Nd&&!th(e.option("keep_fnames"),(d=B.name.definition()).name))&&(!s.has(d.id)||d.orig.length>1)&&(B.name=null),B instanceof kd&&!(B instanceof Od))for(var C=!e.option("keep_fargs"),m=B.argnames,g=m.length;--g>=0;){var A=m[g];A instanceof Id&&(A=A.expression),A instanceof wf&&(A=A.left),A instanceof Md||s.has(A.definition().id)?C=!1:(Em(A,lm),C&&m.pop())}if((B instanceof Pd||B instanceof Hf)&&B!==t){const t=B.name.definition();if(!(t.global&&!n||s.has(t.id))){if(t.eliminated++,B instanceof Hf){const t=B.drop_side_effect_free(e);if(t)return Jp(ud,B,{body:t})}return p?Qp.skip:Jp(Cd,B)}}if(B instanceof nf&&!(h instanceof bd&&h.init===B)){var y=!(h instanceof Dd||B instanceof rf),E=[],v=[],_=[],b=[];switch(B.definitions.forEach((function(t){t.value&&(t.value=t.value.transform(u));var n=t.name instanceof Md,i=n?new ZC(null,{name:""}):t.name.definition();if(y&&i.global)return _.push(t);if(!r&&!y||n&&(t.name.names.length||t.name.is_array||1!=e.option("pure_getters"))||s.has(i.id)){if(t.value&&o.has(i.id)&&o.get(i.id)!==t&&(t.value=t.value.drop_side_effect_free(e)),t.name instanceof Jf){var c=a.get(i.id);if(c.length>1&&(!t.value||i.orig.indexOf(t.name)>i.eliminated)){if(t.value){var l=Jp(oC,t.name,t.name);i.references.push(l);var p=Jp(Sf,t,{operator:"=",logical:!1,left:l,right:t.value});o.get(i.id)===t&&o.set(i.id,p),b.push(p.transform(u))}return Xp(c,t),void i.eliminated++}}t.value?(b.length>0&&(_.length>0?(b.push(t.value),t.value=Nm(t.value,b)):E.push(Jp(ud,B,{body:Nm(B,b)})),b=[]),_.push(t)):v.push(t)}else if(i.orig[0]instanceof nC){(h=t.value&&t.value.drop_side_effect_free(e))&&b.push(h),t.value=null,v.push(t)}else{var h;(h=t.value&&t.value.drop_side_effect_free(e))&&b.push(h),i.eliminated++}})),(v.length>0||_.length>0)&&(B.definitions=v.concat(_),E.push(B)),b.length>0&&E.push(Jp(ud,B,{body:Nm(B,b)})),E.length){case 0:return p?Qp.skip:Jp(Cd,B);case 1:return E[0];default:return p?Qp.splice(E):Jp(fd,B,{body:E})}}if(B instanceof _d)return l(B,this),B.init instanceof fd&&(S=B.init,B.init=S.body.pop(),S.body.push(B)),B.init instanceof ud?B.init=B.init.body:Lm(B.init)&&(B.init=null),S?p?Qp.splice(S.body):S:B;if(B instanceof gd&&B.body instanceof _d){if(l(B,this),B.body instanceof fd){var S=B.body;return B.body=S.body.pop(),S.body.push(B),p?Qp.splice(S.body):S}return B}if(B instanceof fd)return l(B,this),p&&B.body.every(Rm)?Qp.splice(B.body):B;if(B instanceof xd){const e=c;return c=B,l(B,this),c=e,B}}}));function p(e,n){var r;const a=i(e);if(a instanceof oC&&!Im(e.left,jf)&&t.variables.get(a.name)===(r=a.definition()))return e instanceof Sf&&(e.right.walk(l),r.chained||e.left.fixed_value()!==e.right||o.set(r.id,e)),!0;if(e instanceof oC){if(r=e.definition(),!s.has(r.id)&&(s.set(r.id,r),r.orig[0]instanceof nC)){const e=r.scope.is_block_scope()&&r.scope.get_defun_scope().variables.get(r.name);e&&s.set(e.id,e)}return!0}if(e instanceof xd){var B=c;return c=e,n(),c=B,!0}}t.transform(u)})),xd.DEFMETHOD("hoist_declarations",(function(e){var t=this;if(e.has_directive("use asm"))return t;if(!Array.isArray(t.body))return t;var n=e.option("hoist_funs"),r=e.option("hoist_vars");if(n||r){var i=[],s=[],o=new Map,a=0,B=0;wC(t,(e=>e instanceof xd&&e!==t||(e instanceof rf?(++B,!0):void 0))),r=r&&B>1;var c=new kC((function(B){if(B!==t){if(B instanceof ld)return i.push(B),Jp(Cd,B);if(n&&B instanceof Pd&&!(c.parent()instanceof uf)&&c.parent()===t)return s.push(B),Jp(Cd,B);if(r&&B instanceof rf&&!B.definitions.some((e=>e.name instanceof Md))){B.definitions.forEach((function(e){o.set(e.name.name,e),++a}));var l=B.to_assignments(e),u=c.parent();if(u instanceof bd&&u.init===B){if(null==l){var p=B.definitions[0].name;return Jp(oC,p,p)}return l}return u instanceof _d&&u.init===B?l:l?Jp(ud,B,{body:l}):Jp(Cd,B)}if(B instanceof xd)return B}}));if(t=t.transform(c),a>0){var l=[];const e=t instanceof kd,n=e?t.args_as_names():null;if(o.forEach(((t,r)=>{e&&n.some((e=>e.name===t.name.name))?o.delete(r):((t=t.clone()).value=null,l.push(t),o.set(r,t))})),l.length>0){for(;0e instanceof Id||e.computed_key()))){o(s,this);const e=new Map,n=[];return c.properties.forEach((({key:r,value:o})=>{const B=km(i),c=t.create_symbol(a.CTOR,{source:a,scope:B,conflict_scopes:new Set([B,...a.definition().references.map((e=>e.scope))]),tentative_name:a.name+"_"+r});e.set(String(r),c.definition()),n.push(Jp(af,s,{name:c,value:o}))})),r.set(B.id,e),Qp.splice(n)}}else if(s instanceof ff&&s.expression instanceof oC){const e=r.get(s.expression.definition().id);if(e){const t=e.get(String(Xm(s.property))),n=Jp(oC,s,{name:t.name,scope:s.expression.scope,thedef:t});return n.reference({}),n}}}));return t.transform(i)})),function(e){function t(e,t,n){var r=e.length;if(!r)return null;for(var i=[],s=!1,o=0;o0&&(B[0].body=a.concat(B[0].body)),e.body=B;n=B[B.length-1];){var h=n.body[n.body.length-1];if(h instanceof Qd&&t.loopcontrol_target(h)===e&&n.body.pop(),n.body.length||n instanceof $d&&(s||n.expression.has_side_effects(t)))break;B.pop()===s&&(s=null)}if(0==B.length)return Jp(fd,e,{body:a.concat(Jp(ud,e.expression,{body:e.expression}))}).optimize(t);if(1==B.length&&(B[0]===o||B[0]===s)){var d=!1,f=new IC((function(t){if(d||t instanceof kd||t instanceof ud)return!0;t instanceof Qd&&f.loopcontrol_target(t)===e&&(d=!0)}));if(e.walk(f),!d){var C,m=B[0].body.slice();return(C=B[0].expression)&&m.unshift(Jp(ud,C,{body:C})),m.unshift(Jp(ud,e.expression,{body:e.expression})),Jp(fd,e,{body:m}).optimize(t)}}return e;function g(e,n){n&&!Bg(n)?n.body=n.body.concat(e.body):Wm(t,e,a)}})),bm(Zd,(function(e,t){if(jm(e.body,t),e.bcatch&&e.bfinally&&e.bfinally.body.every(Lm)&&(e.bfinally=null),t.option("dead_code")&&e.body.every(Lm)){var n=[];return e.bcatch&&Wm(t,e.bcatch,n),e.bfinally&&n.push(...e.bfinally.body),Jp(fd,e,{body:n}).optimize(t)}return e})),nf.DEFMETHOD("remove_initializers",(function(){var e=[];this.definitions.forEach((function(t){t.name instanceof Qf?(t.value=null,e.push(t)):wC(t.name,(n=>{n instanceof Qf&&e.push(Jp(af,t,{name:n,value:null}))}))})),this.definitions=e})),nf.DEFMETHOD("to_assignments",(function(e){var t=e.option("reduce_vars"),n=[];for(const e of this.definitions){if(e.value){var r=Jp(oC,e.name,e.name);n.push(Jp(Sf,e,{operator:"=",logical:!1,left:r,right:e.value})),t&&(r.definition().fixed=!1)}else if(e.value){var i=Jp(af,e,{name:e.name,value:e.value}),s=Jp(rf,e,{definitions:[i]});n.push(s)}const o=e.name.definition();o.eliminated++,o.replaced--}return 0==n.length?null:Nm(this,n)})),bm(nf,(function(e){return 0==e.definitions.length?Jp(Cd,e):e})),bm(af,(function(e){return e.name instanceof Xf&&null!=e.value&&qm(e.value)&&(e.value=null),e})),bm(cf,(function(e){return e})),bm(pf,(function(e,t){var n=e.expression,r=n;Ig(e.args);var i=e.args.every((e=>!(e instanceof Id)));if(t.option("reduce_vars")&&r instanceof oC&&!oh(e,TC)){const e=r.fixed_value();fg(e,t)||(r=e)}if(e.optional&&Sg(r))return Jp(yC,e);var s=r instanceof kd;if(s&&r.pinned())return e;if(t.option("unused")&&i&&s&&!r.uses_arguments){for(var o=0,a=0,B=0,c=e.args.length;B=r.argnames.length;if(l||ym(r.argnames[B],lm)){if(g=e.args[B].drop_side_effect_free(t))e.args[o++]=g;else if(!l){e.args[o++]=Jp(dC,e.args[B],{value:0});continue}}else e.args[o++]=e.args[B];a=o}e.args.length=a}if(t.option("unsafe"))if(Km(n))switch(n.name){case"Array":if(1!=e.args.length)return Jp(xf,e,{elements:e.args}).optimize(t);if(e.args[0]instanceof dC&&e.args[0].value<=11){const t=[];for(let n=0;n=1&&e.args.length<=2&&e.args.every((e=>{var n=e.evaluate(t);return u.push(n),e!==n}))){let[n,r]=u;n=rh(new RegExp(n).source);const i=Jp(CC,e,{value:{source:n,flags:r}});if(i._eval(t)!==i)return i}}else if(n instanceof Cf)switch(n.property){case"toString":if(0==e.args.length&&!n.expression.may_throw_on_access(t))return Jp(_f,e,{left:Jp(hC,e,{value:""}),operator:"+",right:n.expression}).optimize(t);break;case"join":if(n.expression instanceof xf)e:{var p;if(!(e.args.length>0&&(p=e.args[0].evaluate(t))===e.args[0])){var h,d=[],f=[];for(B=0,c=n.expression.elements.length;B0&&(d.push(Jp(hC,e,{value:f.join(p)})),f.length=0),d.push(C))}return f.length>0&&d.push(Jp(hC,e,{value:f.join(p)})),0==d.length?Jp(hC,e,{value:""}):1==d.length?d[0].is_string(t)?d[0]:Jp(_f,d[0],{operator:"+",left:Jp(hC,e,{value:""}),right:d[0]}):""==p?(h=d[0].is_string(t)||d[1].is_string(t)?d.shift():Jp(hC,e,{value:""}),d.reduce((function(e,t){return Jp(_f,t,{operator:"+",left:e,right:t})}),h).optimize(t)):((g=e.clone()).expression=g.expression.clone(),g.expression.expression=g.expression.expression.clone(),g.expression.expression.elements=d,tg(t,e,g));var g}}break;case"charAt":if(n.expression.is_string(t)){var A=e.args[0],y=A?A.evaluate(t):0;if(y!==A)return Jp(gf,n,{expression:n.expression,property:Tm(0|y,A||n)}).optimize(t)}break;case"apply":if(2==e.args.length&&e.args[1]instanceof xf)return(T=e.args[1].elements.slice()).unshift(e.args[0]),Jp(pf,e,{expression:Jp(Cf,n,{expression:n.expression,optional:!1,property:"call"}),args:T}).optimize(t);break;case"call":var E=n.expression;if(E instanceof oC&&(E=E.fixed_value()),E instanceof kd&&!E.contains_this())return(e.args.length?Nm(this,[e.args[0],Jp(pf,e,{expression:n.expression,args:e.args.slice(1)})]):Jp(pf,e,{expression:n.expression,args:[]})).optimize(t)}if(t.option("unsafe_Function")&&Km(n)&&"Function"==n.name){if(0==e.args.length)return Jp(Nd,e,{argnames:[],body:[]}).optimize(t);if(e.args.every((e=>e instanceof hC)))try{var v=Zh(w="n(function("+e.args.slice(0,-1).map((function(e){return e.value})).join(",")+"){"+e.args[e.args.length-1].value+"})"),_={ie8:t.option("ie8")};v.figure_out_scope(_);var b,S=new _m(t.options,{mangle_options:t.mangle_options});(v=v.transform(S)).figure_out_scope(_),rm.reset(),v.compute_char_frequency(_),v.mangle_names(_),wC(v,(e=>{if(xm(e))return b=e,DC}));var w=QC();return fd.prototype._codegen.call(b,b,w),e.args=[Jp(hC,e,{value:b.argnames.map((function(e){return e.print_to_string()})).join(",")}),Jp(hC,e.args[e.args.length-1],{value:w.get().replace(/^{|}$/g,"")})],e}catch(e){if(!(e instanceof Vh))throw e}}var x=s&&r.body[0],D=s&&!r.is_generator&&!r.async,I=D&&t.option("inline")&&!e.is_callee_pure(t);if(I&&x instanceof Kd){let n=x.value;if(!n||n.is_constant_expression()){n=n?n.clone(!0):Jp(yC,e);const r=e.args.concat(n);return Nm(e,r).optimize(t)}if(1===r.argnames.length&&r.argnames[0]instanceof qf&&e.args.length<2&&n instanceof oC&&n.name===r.argnames[0].name){const n=(e.args[0]||Jp(yC)).optimize(t);let r;return n instanceof ff&&(r=t.parent())instanceof pf&&r.expression===e?Nm(e,[Jp(dC,e,{value:0}),n]):n}}if(I){var k,O,N=-1;let s,o,a;if(i&&!r.uses_arguments&&!(t.parent()instanceof Lf)&&!(r.name&&r instanceof Nd)&&(o=function(e){var n=r.body,i=n.length;if(t.option("inline")<3)return 1==i&&M(e);e=null;for(var s=0;s!e.value)))return!1}else{if(e)return!1;o instanceof Cd||(e=o)}}return M(e)}(x))&&(n===r||oh(e,NC)||t.option("unused")&&1==(s=n.definition()).references.length&&!gg(t,s)&&r.is_constant_expression(n.scope))&&!oh(e,OC|TC)&&!r.contains_this()&&function(){var e=new Set;do{if((k=t.parent(++N)).is_block_scope()&&k.block_scope&&k.block_scope.variables.forEach((function(t){e.add(t.name)})),k instanceof ef)k.argname&&e.add(k.argname.name);else if(k instanceof Ad)O=[];else if(k instanceof oC&&k.fixed_value()instanceof xd)return!1}while(!(k instanceof xd));var n=!(k instanceof Dd)||t.toplevel.vars,i=t.option("inline");return!!function(e,t){for(var n=r.body.length,i=0;i=0;){var a=s.definitions[o].name;if(a instanceof Md||e.has(a.name)||Um.has(a.name)||k.conflicting_def(a.name))return!1;O&&O.push(a.definition())}}}return!0}(e,i>=3&&n)&&(!!function(e,t){for(var n=0,i=r.argnames.length;n=2&&n)&&(!O||0==O.length||!vg(r,O)))}()&&(a=km(t))&&!yg(a,r)&&!function(){let e,n=0;for(;e=t.parent(n++);){if(e instanceof wf)return!0;if(e instanceof dd)break}return!1}()&&!(k instanceof Lf))return Em(r,Cm),a.add_child_scope(r),Nm(e,function(n){var i=[],s=[];if(function(t,n){for(var i=r.argnames.length,s=e.args.length;--s>=i;)n.push(e.args[s]);for(s=i;--s>=0;){var o=r.argnames[s],a=e.args[s];if(ym(o,lm)||!o.name||k.conflicting_def(o.name))a&&n.push(a);else{var B=Jp(Jf,o,o);o.definition().orig.push(B),!a&&O&&(a=Jp(yC,e)),F(t,n,B,a)}}t.reverse(),n.reverse()}(i,s),function(e,t){for(var n=t.length,i=0,s=r.body.length;ie.name!=l.name))){var u=r.variables.get(l.name),p=Jp(oC,l,l);u.references.push(p),t.splice(n++,0,Jp(Sf,c,{operator:"=",logical:!1,left:p,right:Jp(yC,l)}))}}}}(i,s),s.push(n),i.length){const e=k.body.indexOf(t.parent(N-1))+1;k.body.splice(e,0,Jp(rf,r,{definitions:i}))}return s.map((e=>e.clone(!0)))}(o)).optimize(t)}if(I&&oh(e,NC))return Em(r,Cm),(r=Jp(r.CTOR===Pd?Nd:r.CTOR,r,r)).figure_out_scope({},{parent_scope:km(t),toplevel:t.get_toplevel()}),Jp(pf,e,{expression:r,args:e.args}).optimize(t);if(D&&t.option("side_effects")&&r.body.every(Lm)){var T=e.args.concat(Jp(yC,e));return Nm(e,T).optimize(t)}if(t.option("negate_iife")&&t.parent()instanceof ud&&Hm(e))return e.negate(t,!0);var P=e.evaluate(t);return P!==e?(P=Tm(P,e).optimize(t),tg(t,P,e)):e;function M(t){return t?t instanceof Kd?t.value?t.value.clone(!0):Jp(yC,e):t instanceof ud?Jp(Ef,t,{operator:"void",expression:t.body.clone(!0)}):void 0:Jp(yC,e)}function F(t,n,r,i){var s=r.definition();k.variables.has(r.name)||(k.variables.set(r.name,s),k.enclosed.push(s),t.push(Jp(af,r,{name:r,value:null})));var o=Jp(oC,r,r);s.references.push(o),i&&n.push(Jp(Sf,e,{operator:"=",logical:!1,left:o,right:i.clone()}))}})),bm(hf,(function(e,t){return t.option("unsafe")&&Km(e.expression)&&["Object","RegExp","Function","Error","Array"].includes(e.expression.name)?Jp(pf,e,e).transform(t):e})),bm(df,(function(e,t){if(!t.option("side_effects"))return e;var n,r,i=[];n=LC(t),r=e.expressions.length-1,e.expressions.forEach((function(e,s){s0&&qm(i[s],t);)s--;s0)return(n=this.clone()).right=Nm(this.right,t.slice(s)),(t=t.slice(0,s)).push(n),Nm(this,t).optimize(e)}}return this}));var Cg=zp("== === != !== * & | ^");function mg(e){return e instanceof xf||e instanceof kd||e instanceof Df||e instanceof Lf}function gg(e,t){for(var n,r=0;n=e.parent(r);r++)if(n instanceof kd||n instanceof Lf){var i=n.name;if(i&&i.definition()===t)break}return n}function Ag(e){for(var t,n=0;t=e.parent(n++);){if(t instanceof Bd)return!1;if(t instanceof xf||t instanceof kf||t instanceof Df)return!0}return!1}function yg(e,t){for(const n of t.enclosed){if(t.variables.has(n.name))continue;const r=e.find_variable(n.name);if(r){if(r===n)continue;return!0}}return!1}function Eg(e,t){return e instanceof oC||e.TYPE===t.TYPE}function vg(e,t){const n=e=>{if(e instanceof oC&&Fp(e.definition(),t))return DC};return xC(e,((t,r)=>{if(t instanceof xd&&t!==e){var i=r.parent();if(i instanceof pf&&i.expression===t)return;return!wC(t,n)||DC}}))}bm(_f,(function(e,t){function n(){return e.left.is_constant()||e.right.is_constant()||!e.left.has_side_effects(t)&&!e.right.has_side_effects(t)}function r(t){if(n()){t&&(e.operator=t);var r=e.left;e.left=e.right,e.right=r}}if(Cg.has(e.operator)&&e.right.is_constant()&&!e.left.is_constant()&&(e.left instanceof _f&&Yh[e.left.operator]>=Yh[e.operator]||r()),e=e.lift_sequences(t),t.option("comparisons"))switch(e.operator){case"===":case"!==":var i=!0;(e.left.is_string(t)&&e.right.is_string(t)||e.left.is_number(t)&&e.right.is_number(t)||e.left.is_boolean()&&e.right.is_boolean()||e.left.equivalent_to(e.right))&&(e.operator=e.operator.substr(0,2));case"==":case"!=":if(!i&&qm(e.left,t))e.left=Jp(gC,e.left);else if(t.option("typeofs")&&e.left instanceof hC&&"undefined"==e.left.value&&e.right instanceof Ef&&"typeof"==e.right.operator){var s=e.right.expression;(s instanceof oC?!s.is_declared(t):s instanceof ff&&t.option("ie8"))||(e.right=s,e.left=Jp(yC,e.left).optimize(t),2==e.operator.length&&(e.operator+="="))}else if(e.left instanceof oC&&e.right instanceof oC&&e.left.definition()===e.right.definition()&&mg(e.left.fixed_value()))return Jp("="==e.operator[0]?SC:bC,e);break;case"&&":case"||":var o=e.left;if(o.operator==e.operator&&(o=o.right),o instanceof _f&&o.operator==("&&"==e.operator?"!==":"===")&&e.right instanceof _f&&o.operator==e.right.operator&&(qm(o.left,t)&&e.right.left instanceof gC||o.left instanceof gC&&qm(e.right.left,t))&&!o.right.has_side_effects(t)&&o.right.equivalent_to(e.right.right)){var a=Jp(_f,e,{operator:o.operator.slice(0,-1),left:Jp(gC,e),right:o.right});return o!==e.left&&(a=Jp(_f,e,{operator:e.operator,left:e.left.left,right:a})),a}}if("+"==e.operator&&t.in_boolean_context()){var B=e.left.evaluate(t),c=e.right.evaluate(t);if(B&&"string"==typeof B)return Nm(e,[e.right,Jp(SC,e)]).optimize(t);if(c&&"string"==typeof c)return Nm(e,[e.left,Jp(SC,e)]).optimize(t)}if(t.option("comparisons")&&e.is_boolean()){if(!(t.parent()instanceof _f)||t.parent()instanceof Sf){var l=Jp(Ef,e,{operator:"!",expression:e.negate(t,LC(t))});e=tg(t,e,l)}if(t.option("unsafe_comps"))switch(e.operator){case"<":r(">");break;case"<=":r(">=")}}if("+"==e.operator){if(e.right instanceof hC&&""==e.right.getValue()&&e.left.is_string(t))return e.left;if(e.left instanceof hC&&""==e.left.getValue()&&e.right.is_string(t))return e.right;if(e.left instanceof _f&&"+"==e.left.operator&&e.left.left instanceof hC&&""==e.left.left.getValue()&&e.right.is_string(t))return e.left=e.left.right,e}if(t.option("evaluate")){switch(e.operator){case"&&":if(!(B=!!ym(e.left,um)||!ym(e.left,pm)&&e.left.evaluate(t)))return Pm(t.parent(),t.self(),e.left).optimize(t);if(!(B instanceof ad))return Nm(e,[e.left,e.right]).optimize(t);if(c=e.right.evaluate(t)){if(!(c instanceof ad)){if("&&"==(u=t.parent()).operator&&u.left===t.self()||t.in_boolean_context())return e.left.optimize(t)}}else{if(t.in_boolean_context())return Nm(e,[e.left,Jp(bC,e)]).optimize(t);Em(e,pm)}if("||"==e.left.operator)if(!(p=e.left.right.evaluate(t)))return Jp(bf,e,{condition:e.left.left,consequent:e.right,alternative:e.left.right}).optimize(t);break;case"||":var u,p;if(!(B=!!ym(e.left,um)||!ym(e.left,pm)&&e.left.evaluate(t)))return Nm(e,[e.left,e.right]).optimize(t);if(!(B instanceof ad))return Pm(t.parent(),t.self(),e.left).optimize(t);if(c=e.right.evaluate(t)){if(!(c instanceof ad)){if(t.in_boolean_context())return Nm(e,[e.left,Jp(SC,e)]).optimize(t);Em(e,um)}}else if("||"==(u=t.parent()).operator&&u.left===t.self()||t.in_boolean_context())return e.left.optimize(t);if("&&"==e.left.operator)if((p=e.left.right.evaluate(t))&&!(p instanceof ad))return Jp(bf,e,{condition:e.left.left,consequent:e.left.right,alternative:e.right}).optimize(t);break;case"??":if(Sg(e.left))return e.right;if(!((B=e.left.evaluate(t))instanceof ad))return null==B?e.right:e.left;if(t.in_boolean_context()){const n=e.right.evaluate(t);if(!(n instanceof ad||n))return e.left}}var h=!0;switch(e.operator){case"+":if(e.right instanceof pC&&e.left instanceof _f&&"+"==e.left.operator&&e.left.is_string(t)){var d=(f=Jp(_f,e,{operator:"+",left:e.left.right,right:e.right})).optimize(t);f!==d&&(e=Jp(_f,e,{operator:"+",left:e.left.left,right:d}))}if(e.left instanceof _f&&"+"==e.left.operator&&e.left.is_string(t)&&e.right instanceof _f&&"+"==e.right.operator&&e.right.is_string(t)){var f,C=(f=Jp(_f,e,{operator:"+",left:e.left.right,right:e.right.left})).optimize(t);f!==C&&(e=Jp(_f,e,{operator:"+",left:Jp(_f,e.left,{operator:"+",left:e.left.left,right:C}),right:e.right.right}))}if(e.right instanceof Ef&&"-"==e.right.operator&&e.left.is_number(t)){e=Jp(_f,e,{operator:"-",left:e.left,right:e.right.expression});break}if(e.left instanceof Ef&&"-"==e.left.operator&&n()&&e.right.is_number(t)){e=Jp(_f,e,{operator:"-",left:e.right,right:e.left.expression});break}if(e.left instanceof Ld){var m=e.left;if((d=e.right.evaluate(t))!=e.right)return m.segments[m.segments.length-1].value+=String(d),m}if(e.right instanceof Ld){d=e.right;if((m=e.left.evaluate(t))!=e.left)return d.segments[0].value=String(m)+d.segments[0].value,d}if(e.left instanceof Ld&&e.right instanceof Ld){var g=(m=e.left).segments;d=e.right;g[g.length-1].value+=d.segments[0].value;for(var A=1;A=Yh[e.operator])){var y=Jp(_f,e,{operator:e.operator,left:e.right,right:e.left});e=e.right instanceof pC&&!(e.left instanceof pC)?tg(t,y,e):tg(t,e,y)}h&&e.is_number(t)&&(e.right instanceof _f&&e.right.operator==e.operator&&(e=Jp(_f,e,{operator:e.operator,left:Jp(_f,e.left,{operator:e.operator,left:e.left,right:e.right.left,start:e.left.start,end:e.right.left.end}),right:e.right.right})),e.right instanceof pC&&e.left instanceof _f&&e.left.operator==e.operator&&(e.left.left instanceof pC?e=Jp(_f,e,{operator:e.operator,left:Jp(_f,e.left,{operator:e.operator,left:e.left.left,right:e.right,start:e.left.left.start,end:e.right.end}),right:e.left.right}):e.left.right instanceof pC&&(e=Jp(_f,e,{operator:e.operator,left:Jp(_f,e.left,{operator:e.operator,left:e.left.right,right:e.right,start:e.left.right.start,end:e.right.end}),right:e.left.left}))),e.left instanceof _f&&e.left.operator==e.operator&&e.left.right instanceof pC&&e.right instanceof _f&&e.right.operator==e.operator&&e.right.left instanceof pC&&(e=Jp(_f,e,{operator:e.operator,left:Jp(_f,e.left,{operator:e.operator,left:Jp(_f,e.left.left,{operator:e.operator,left:e.left.right,right:e.right.left,start:e.left.right.start,end:e.right.left.end}),right:e.left.left}),right:e.right.right})))}}if(e.right instanceof _f&&e.right.operator==e.operator&&(zm.has(e.operator)||"+"==e.operator&&(e.right.left.is_string(t)||e.left.is_string(t)&&e.right.right.is_string(t))))return e.left=Jp(_f,e.left,{operator:e.operator,left:e.left.transform(t),right:e.right.left.transform(t)}),e.right=e.right.right.transform(t),e.transform(t);var E=e.evaluate(t);return E!==e?(E=Tm(E,e).optimize(t),tg(t,E,e)):e})),bm(aC,(function(e){return e})),bm(oC,(function(e,t){if(!t.option("ie8")&&Km(e)&&!t.find_parent(wd))switch(e.name){case"undefined":return Jp(yC,e).optimize(t);case"NaN":return Jp(AC,e).optimize(t);case"Infinity":return Jp(vC,e).optimize(t)}const n=t.parent();if(t.option("reduce_vars")&&$m(e,n)!==e){const s=e.definition(),o=km(t);if(t.top_retain&&s.global&&t.top_retain(s))return s.fixed=!1,s.single_use=!1,e;let a=e.fixed_value(),B=s.single_use&&!(n instanceof pf&&n.is_callee_pure(t)||oh(n,TC))&&!(n instanceof uf&&a instanceof kd&&a.name);if(B&&a instanceof ad&&(B=!a.has_side_effects(t)&&!a.may_throw(t)),B&&(a instanceof kd||a instanceof Lf))if(fg(a,t))B=!1;else if(s.scope===e.scope||1!=s.escaped&&!ym(a,dm)&&!Ag(t)&&t.option("reduce_funcs")){if(gg(t,s))B=!1;else if((s.scope!==e.scope||s.orig[0]instanceof qf)&&(B=a.is_constant_expression(e.scope),"f"==B)){var r=e.scope;do{(r instanceof Pd||xm(r))&&Em(r,dm)}while(r=r.parent_scope)}}else B=!1;if(B&&a instanceof kd&&(B=s.scope===e.scope&&!yg(o,a)||n instanceof pf&&n.expression===e&&!yg(o,a)&&!(a.name&&a.name.definition().recursive_refs>0)),B&&a){if(a instanceof Hf&&(Em(a,Cm),a=Jp(Kf,a,a)),a instanceof Pd&&(Em(a,Cm),a=Jp(Nd,a,a)),s.recursive_refs>0&&a.name instanceof zf){const e=a.name.definition();let t=a.variables.get(a.name.name),n=t&&t.orig[0];n instanceof Zf||(n=Jp(Zf,a.name,a.name),n.scope=a,a.name=n,t=a.def_function(n)),wC(a,(n=>{n instanceof oC&&n.definition()===e&&(n.thedef=t,t.references.push(n))}))}return(a instanceof kd||a instanceof Lf)&&a.parent_scope!==o&&(a=a.clone(!0,t.get_toplevel()),o.add_child_scope(a)),a.optimize(t)}if(a){let n;if(a instanceof lC)s.orig[0]instanceof qf||!s.references.every((e=>s.scope===e.scope))||(n=a);else{var i=a.evaluate(t);i===a||!t.option("unsafe_regexp")&&i instanceof RegExp||(n=Tm(i,a))}if(n){const r=e.size(t),i=n.size(t);let o=0;if(t.option("unused")&&!t.exposed(s)&&(o=(r+2+i)/(s.references.length-s.assignments)),i<=r+o)return n}}}return e})),bm(yC,(function(e,t){if(t.option("unsafe_undefined")){var n=Om(t,"undefined");if(n){var r=Jp(oC,e,{name:"undefined",scope:n.scope,thedef:n});return Em(r,hm),r}}var i=$m(t.self(),t.parent());return i&&Eg(i,e)?e:Jp(Ef,e,{operator:"void",expression:Jp(dC,e,{value:0})})})),bm(vC,(function(e,t){var n=$m(t.self(),t.parent());return n&&Eg(n,e)?e:!t.option("keep_infinity")||n&&!Eg(n,e)||Om(t,"Infinity")?Jp(_f,e,{operator:"/",left:Jp(dC,e,{value:1}),right:Jp(dC,e,{value:0})}):e})),bm(AC,(function(e,t){var n=$m(t.self(),t.parent());return n&&!Eg(n,e)||Om(t,"NaN")?Jp(_f,e,{operator:"/",left:Jp(dC,e,{value:0}),right:Jp(dC,e,{value:0})}):e}));const _g=zp("+ - / * % >> << >>> | ^ &"),bg=zp("* | ^ &");function Sg(e){let t;return e instanceof gC||qm(e)||e instanceof oC&&(t=e.definition().fixed)instanceof ad&&Sg(t)||e instanceof ff&&e.optional&&Sg(e.expression)||e instanceof pf&&e.optional&&Sg(e.expression)||e instanceof Af&&Sg(e.expression)}function wg(e,t,n){if(t.may_throw(n))return!1;let r;if(e instanceof _f&&"=="===e.operator&&((r=Sg(e.left)&&e.left)||(r=Sg(e.right)&&e.right))&&(r===e.left?e.right:e.left).equivalent_to(t))return!0;if(e instanceof _f&&"||"===e.operator){let n,r;const i=e=>{if(!(e instanceof _f)||"==="!==e.operator&&"=="!==e.operator)return!1;let i,s=0;return e.left instanceof gC&&(s++,n=e,i=e.right),e.right instanceof gC&&(s++,n=e,i=e.left),qm(e.left)&&(s++,r=e,i=e.right),qm(e.right)&&(s++,r=e,i=e.left),1===s&&!!i.equivalent_to(t)};if(!i(e.left))return!1;if(!i(e.right))return!1;if(n&&r&&n!==r)return!0}return!1}function xg(e,t){return e instanceof oC&&(e=e.fixed_value()),!!e&&(!(e instanceof kd||e instanceof Lf)||(!(e instanceof kd&&e.contains_this())||t.parent()instanceof hf))}function Dg(e,t){return t.in_boolean_context()?tg(t,e,Nm(e,[e,Jp(SC,e)]).optimize(t)):e}function Ig(e){for(var t=0;te instanceof EC))&&(e.splice(t,1,...r.elements),t--)}}}function kg(e){for(var t=0;te instanceof kf))?(e.splice(t,1,...r.properties),t--):r instanceof pC&&!(r instanceof hC)&&e.splice(t,1)}}}function Og(e,t){if(!t.option("computed_props"))return e;if(!(e.key instanceof pC))return e;if(e.key instanceof hC||e.key instanceof dC){if("__proto__"===e.key.value)return e;if("constructor"==e.key.value&&t.parent()instanceof Lf)return e;e.key=e instanceof kf?e.key.value:Jp(e instanceof Rf?$f:Yf,e.key,{name:e.key.value})}return e}bm(Sf,(function(e,t){if(e.logical)return e.lift_sequences(t);var n;if(t.option("dead_code")&&e.left instanceof oC&&(n=e.left.definition()).scope===t.find_parent(kd)){var r,i=0,s=e;do{if(r=s,(s=t.parent(i++))instanceof Hd){if(o(i,s))break;if(vg(n.scope,[n]))break;return"="==e.operator?e.right:(n.fixed=!1,Jp(_f,e,{operator:e.operator.slice(0,-1),left:e.left,right:e.right}).optimize(t))}}while(s instanceof _f&&s.right===r||s instanceof df&&s.tail_node()===r)}return"="==(e=e.lift_sequences(t)).operator&&e.left instanceof oC&&e.right instanceof _f&&(e.right.left instanceof oC&&e.right.left.name==e.left.name&&_g.has(e.right.operator)?(e.operator=e.right.operator+"=",e.right=e.right.right):e.right.right instanceof oC&&e.right.right.name==e.left.name&&bg.has(e.right.operator)&&!e.right.left.has_side_effects(t)&&(e.operator=e.right.operator+"=",e.right=e.right.left)),e;function o(n,r){var i=e.right;e.right=Jp(gC,i);var s=r.may_throw(t);e.right=i;for(var o,a=e.left.definition().scope;(o=t.parent(n++))!==a;)if(o instanceof Zd){if(o.bfinally)return!0;if(s&&o.bcatch)return!0}}})),bm(wf,(function(e,t){if(!t.option("evaluate"))return e;var n=e.right.evaluate(t);return void 0===n?e=e.left:n!==e.right&&(n=Tm(n,e.right),e.right=Zm(n,e.right)),e})),bm(bf,(function(e,t){if(!t.option("conditionals"))return e;if(e.condition instanceof df){var n=e.condition.expressions.slice();return e.condition=n.pop(),n.push(e),Nm(e,n)}var r=e.condition.evaluate(t);if(r!==e.condition)return Pm(t.parent(),t.self(),r?e.consequent:e.alternative);var i=r.negate(t,LC(t));tg(t,r,i)===i&&(e=Jp(bf,e,{condition:i,consequent:e.alternative,alternative:e.consequent}));var s,o=e.condition,a=e.consequent,B=e.alternative;if(o instanceof oC&&a instanceof oC&&o.definition()===a.definition())return Jp(_f,e,{operator:"||",left:o,right:B});if(a instanceof Sf&&B instanceof Sf&&a.operator===B.operator&&a.logical===B.logical&&a.left.equivalent_to(B.left)&&(!e.condition.has_side_effects(t)||"="==a.operator&&!a.left.has_side_effects(t)))return Jp(Sf,e,{operator:a.operator,left:a.left,logical:a.logical,right:Jp(bf,e,{condition:e.condition,consequent:a.right,alternative:B.right})});if(a instanceof pf&&B.TYPE===a.TYPE&&a.args.length>0&&a.args.length==B.args.length&&a.expression.equivalent_to(B.expression)&&!e.condition.has_side_effects(t)&&!a.expression.has_side_effects(t)&&"number"==typeof(s=function(){for(var e=a.args,t=B.args,n=0,r=e.length;n=2020&&wg(o,B,t))return Jp(_f,e,{operator:"??",left:B,right:a}).optimize(t);if(B instanceof df&&a.equivalent_to(B.expressions[B.expressions.length-1]))return Nm(e,[Jp(_f,e,{operator:"||",left:o,right:Nm(e,B.expressions.slice(0,-1))}),a]).optimize(t);if(B instanceof _f&&"&&"==B.operator&&a.equivalent_to(B.right))return Jp(_f,e,{operator:"&&",left:Jp(_f,e,{operator:"||",left:o,right:B.left}),right:a}).optimize(t);if(a instanceof bf&&a.alternative.equivalent_to(B))return Jp(bf,e,{condition:Jp(_f,e,{left:e.condition,operator:"&&",right:a.condition}),consequent:a.consequent,alternative:B});if(a.equivalent_to(B))return Nm(e,[e.condition,a]).optimize(t);if(a instanceof _f&&"||"==a.operator&&a.right.equivalent_to(B))return Jp(_f,e,{operator:"||",left:Jp(_f,e,{operator:"&&",left:e.condition,right:a.left}),right:B}).optimize(t);var l=t.in_boolean_context();return p(e.consequent)?h(e.alternative)?u(e.condition):Jp(_f,e,{operator:"||",left:u(e.condition),right:e.alternative}):h(e.consequent)?p(e.alternative)?u(e.condition.negate(t)):Jp(_f,e,{operator:"&&",left:u(e.condition.negate(t)),right:e.alternative}):p(e.alternative)?Jp(_f,e,{operator:"||",left:u(e.condition.negate(t)),right:e.consequent}):h(e.alternative)?Jp(_f,e,{operator:"&&",left:u(e.condition),right:e.consequent}):e;function u(e){return e.is_boolean()?e:Jp(Ef,e,{operator:"!",expression:e.negate(t)})}function p(e){return e instanceof SC||l&&e instanceof pC&&e.getValue()||e instanceof Ef&&"!"==e.operator&&e.expression instanceof pC&&!e.expression.getValue()}function h(e){return e instanceof bC||l&&e instanceof pC&&!e.getValue()||e instanceof Ef&&"!"==e.operator&&e.expression instanceof pC&&e.expression.getValue()}})),bm(_C,(function(e,t){if(t.in_boolean_context())return Jp(dC,e,{value:+e.value});var n=t.parent();return t.option("booleans_as_integers")?(n instanceof _f&&("==="==n.operator||"!=="==n.operator)&&(n.operator=n.operator.replace(/=$/,"")),Jp(dC,e,{value:+e.value})):t.option("booleans")?n instanceof _f&&("=="==n.operator||"!="==n.operator)?Jp(dC,e,{value:+e.value}):Jp(Ef,e,{operator:"!",expression:Jp(dC,e,{value:1-e.value})}):e})),ff.DEFMETHOD("flatten_object",(function(e,t){if(t.option("properties")&&"__proto__"!==e){var n=t.option("unsafe_arrows")&&t.option("ecma")>=2015,r=this.expression;if(r instanceof Df)for(var i=r.properties,s=i.length;--s>=0;){var o=i[s];if(""+(o instanceof Mf?o.key.name:o.key)==e){if(!i.every((e=>(e instanceof kf||n&&e instanceof Mf&&!e.is_generator)&&!e.computed_key())))return;if(!xg(o.value,t))return;return Jp(gf,this,{expression:Jp(xf,r,{elements:i.map((function(e){var t=e.value;t instanceof Od&&(t=Jp(Nd,t,t));var n=e.key;return n instanceof ad&&!(n instanceof Yf)?Nm(e,[n,t]):t}))}),property:Jp(dC,this,{value:s})})}}}})),bm(gf,(function(e,t){var n,r=e.expression,i=e.property;if(t.option("properties")){var s=i.evaluate(t);if(s!==i){if("string"==typeof s)if("undefined"==s)s=void 0;else(E=parseFloat(s)).toString()==s&&(s=E);i=e.property=Zm(i,Tm(s,i).transform(t));var o=""+s;if(Gh(o)&&o.length<=i.size()+1)return Jp(Cf,e,{expression:r,optional:e.optional,property:o,quote:i.quote}).optimize(t)}}e:if(t.option("arguments")&&r instanceof oC&&"arguments"==r.name&&1==r.definition().orig.length&&(n=r.scope)instanceof kd&&n.uses_arguments&&!(n instanceof Td)&&i instanceof dC){for(var a=i.getValue(),B=new Set,c=n.argnames,l=0;l1)&&(p=null)}else if(!p&&!t.option("keep_fargs")&&a=n.argnames.length;)p=n.create_symbol(qf,{source:n,scope:n,tentative_name:"argument_"+n.argnames.length}),n.argnames.push(p);if(p){var d=Jp(oC,e,p);return d.reference({}),vm(p,lm),d}}if($m(e,t.parent()))return e;if(s!==i){var f=e.flatten_object(o,t);f&&(r=e.expression=f.expression,i=e.property=f.property)}if(t.option("properties")&&t.option("side_effects")&&i instanceof dC&&r instanceof xf){a=i.getValue();var C=r.elements,m=C[a];e:if(xg(m,t)){for(var g=!0,A=[],y=C.length;--y>a;){(E=C[y].drop_side_effect_free(t))&&(A.unshift(E),g&&E.has_side_effects(t)&&(g=!1))}if(m instanceof Id)break e;for(m=m instanceof EC?Jp(yC,m):m,g||A.unshift(m);--y>=0;){var E;if((E=C[y])instanceof Id)break e;(E=E.drop_side_effect_free(t))?A.unshift(E):a--}return g?(A.push(m),Nm(e,A).optimize(t)):Jp(gf,e,{expression:Jp(xf,r,{elements:A}),property:Jp(dC,i,{value:a})})}}var v=e.evaluate(t);return v!==e?tg(t,v=Tm(v,e).optimize(t),e):e.optional&&Sg(e.expression)?Jp(yC,e):e})),bm(Af,(function(e,t){return e.expression=e.expression.optimize(t),e})),kd.DEFMETHOD("contains_this",(function(){return wC(this,(e=>e instanceof lC?DC:e!==this&&e instanceof xd&&!(e instanceof Td)||void 0))})),bm(Cf,(function(e,t){const n=t.parent();if($m(e,n))return e;if(t.option("unsafe_proto")&&e.expression instanceof Cf&&"prototype"==e.expression.property){var r=e.expression.expression;if(Km(r))switch(r.name){case"Array":e.expression=Jp(xf,e.expression,{elements:[]});break;case"Function":e.expression=Jp(Nd,e.expression,{argnames:[],body:[]});break;case"Number":e.expression=Jp(dC,e.expression,{value:0});break;case"Object":e.expression=Jp(Df,e.expression,{properties:[]});break;case"RegExp":e.expression=Jp(CC,e.expression,{value:{source:"t",flags:""}});break;case"String":e.expression=Jp(hC,e.expression,{value:""})}}if(!(n instanceof pf&&oh(n,TC))){const n=e.flatten_object(e.property,t);if(n)return n.optimize(t)}let i=e.evaluate(t);return i!==e?(i=Tm(i,e).optimize(t),tg(t,i,e)):e.optional&&Sg(e.expression)?Jp(yC,e):e})),bm(xf,(function(e,t){var n=Dg(e,t);return n!==e?n:(Ig(e.elements),e)})),bm(Df,(function(e,t){var n=Dg(e,t);return n!==e?n:(kg(e.properties),e)})),bm(CC,Dg),bm(Kd,(function(e,t){return e.value&&qm(e.value,t)&&(e.value=null),e})),bm(Td,ug),bm(Nd,(function(e,t){if(e=ug(e,t),t.option("unsafe_arrows")&&t.option("ecma")>=2015&&!e.name&&!e.is_generator&&!e.uses_arguments&&!e.pinned()){if(!wC(e,(e=>{if(e instanceof lC)return DC})))return Jp(Td,e,e).optimize(t)}return e})),bm(Lf,(function(e){return e})),bm(Wd,(function(e,t){return e.expression&&!e.is_star&&qm(e.expression,t)&&(e.expression=null),e})),bm(Ld,(function(e,t){if(!t.option("evaluate")||t.parent()instanceof Fd)return e;for(var n=[],r=0;r=2015&&(!(n instanceof RegExp)||n.test(e.key+""))){var r=e.key,i=e.value;if((i instanceof Td&&Array.isArray(i.body)&&!i.contains_this()||i instanceof Nd)&&!i.name)return Jp(Mf,e,{async:i.async,is_generator:i.is_generator,key:r instanceof ad?r:Jp(Yf,e,{name:r}),value:Jp(Od,i,i),quote:e.quote})}return e})),bm(Md,(function(e,t){if(1==t.option("pure_getters")&&t.option("unused")&&!e.is_array&&Array.isArray(e.names)&&!function(e){for(var t=[/^VarDef$/,/^(Const|Let|Var)$/,/^Export$/],n=0,r=0,i=t.length;n>>=Mg,r>0&&(t|=Rg),n+=Pg.encode(t)}while(r>0);return n},Kg={encode:Hg},Vg=N((function(e,t){t.getArg=function(e,t,n){if(t in e)return e[t];if(3===arguments.length)return n;throw new Error('"'+t+'" is a required argument.')};const n=/^(?:([\w+\-.]+):)?\/\/(?:(\w+:\w+)@)?([\w.-]*)(?::(\d+))?(.*)$/,r=/^data:.+\,.+$/;function i(e){const t=e.match(n);return t?{scheme:t[1],auth:t[2],host:t[3],port:t[4],path:t[5]}:null}function s(e){let t="";return e.scheme&&(t+=e.scheme+":"),t+="//",e.auth&&(t+=e.auth+"@"),e.host&&(t+=e.host),e.port&&(t+=":"+e.port),e.path&&(t+=e.path),t}t.urlParse=i,t.urlGenerate=s;const o=function(e){const t=[];return function(n){for(let e=0;e32&&t.pop(),r}}((function(e){let n=e;const r=i(e);if(r){if(!r.path)return e;n=r.path}const o=t.isAbsolute(n),a=[];let B=0,c=0;for(;;){if(B=c,c=n.indexOf("/",B),-1===c){a.push(n.slice(B));break}for(a.push(n.slice(B,c));c=0;c--){const e=a[c];"."===e?a.splice(c,1):".."===e?l++:l>0&&(""===e?(a.splice(c+1,l),l=0):(a.splice(c,2),l--))}return n=a.join("/"),""===n&&(n=o?"/":"."),r?(r.path=n,s(r)):n}));function a(e,t){""===e&&(e="."),""===t&&(t=".");const n=i(t),a=i(e);if(a&&(e=a.path||"/"),n&&!n.scheme)return a&&(n.scheme=a.scheme),s(n);if(n||t.match(r))return t;if(a&&!a.host&&!a.path)return a.host=t,s(a);const B="/"===t.charAt(0)?t:o(e.replace(/\/+$/,"")+"/"+t);return a?(a.path=B,s(a)):B}t.normalize=o,t.join=a,t.isAbsolute=function(e){return"/"===e.charAt(0)||n.test(e)},t.relative=function(e,t){""===e&&(e="."),e=e.replace(/\/$/,"");let n=0;for(;0!==t.indexOf(e+"/");){const r=e.lastIndexOf("/");if(r<0)return t;if((e=e.slice(0,r)).match(/^([^\/]+:\/)?\/*$/))return t;++n}return Array(n+1).join("../")+t.substr(e.length+1)};const B=!("__proto__"in Object.create(null));function c(e){return e}function l(e){if(!e)return!1;const t=e.length;if(t<9)return!1;if(95!==e.charCodeAt(t-1)||95!==e.charCodeAt(t-2)||111!==e.charCodeAt(t-3)||116!==e.charCodeAt(t-4)||111!==e.charCodeAt(t-5)||114!==e.charCodeAt(t-6)||112!==e.charCodeAt(t-7)||95!==e.charCodeAt(t-8)||95!==e.charCodeAt(t-9))return!1;for(let n=t-10;n>=0;n--)if(36!==e.charCodeAt(n))return!1;return!0}function u(e,t){return e===t?0:null===e?1:null===t?-1:e>t?1:-1}t.toSetString=B?c:function(e){return l(e)?"$"+e:e},t.fromSetString=B?c:function(e){return l(e)?e.slice(1):e},t.compareByOriginalPositions=function(e,t,n){let r=u(e.source,t.source);return 0!==r?r:(r=e.originalLine-t.originalLine,0!==r?r:(r=e.originalColumn-t.originalColumn,0!==r||n?r:(r=e.generatedColumn-t.generatedColumn,0!==r?r:(r=e.generatedLine-t.generatedLine,0!==r?r:u(e.name,t.name)))))},t.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated=function(e,t,n){let r=e.generatedLine-t.generatedLine;return 0!==r?r:(r=e.generatedColumn-t.generatedColumn,0!==r||n?r:(r=u(e.source,t.source),0!==r?r:(r=e.originalLine-t.originalLine,0!==r?r:(r=e.originalColumn-t.originalColumn,0!==r?r:u(e.name,t.name)))))},t.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated=function(e,t){let n=e.generatedLine-t.generatedLine;return 0!==n?n:(n=e.generatedColumn-t.generatedColumn,0!==n?n:(n=u(e.source,t.source),0!==n?n:(n=e.originalLine-t.originalLine,0!==n?n:(n=e.originalColumn-t.originalColumn,0!==n?n:u(e.name,t.name)))))},t.parseSourceMapInput=function(e){return JSON.parse(e.replace(/^\)]}'[^\n]*\n/,""))},t.computeSourceURL=function(e,t,n){if(t=t||"",e&&("/"!==e[e.length-1]&&"/"!==t[0]&&(e+="/"),t=e+t),n){const e=i(n);if(!e)throw new Error("sourceMapURL could not be parsed");if(e.path){const t=e.path.lastIndexOf("/");t>=0&&(e.path=e.path.substring(0,t+1))}t=a(s(e),t)}return o(t)}}));class Ug{constructor(){this._array=[],this._set=new Map}static fromArray(e,t){const n=new Ug;for(let r=0,i=e.length;r=0)return t;throw new Error('"'+e+'" is not in the set.')}at(e){if(e>=0&&en||r==n&&s>=i||Vg.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(e,t)<=0}class Wg{constructor(){this._array=[],this._sorted=!0,this._last={generatedLine:-1,generatedColumn:0}}unsortedForEach(e,t){this._array.forEach(e,t)}add(e){jg(this._last,e)?(this._last=e,this._array.push(e)):(this._sorted=!1,this._array.push(e))}toArray(){return this._sorted||(this._array.sort(Vg.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated),this._sorted=!0),this._array}}var Xg=Wg,qg={MappingList:Xg};const zg=Jg.ArraySet,Yg=qg.MappingList;class $g{constructor(e){e||(e={}),this._file=Vg.getArg(e,"file",null),this._sourceRoot=Vg.getArg(e,"sourceRoot",null),this._skipValidation=Vg.getArg(e,"skipValidation",!1),this._sources=new zg,this._names=new zg,this._mappings=new Yg,this._sourcesContents=null}static fromSourceMap(e){const t=e.sourceRoot,n=new $g({file:e.file,sourceRoot:t});return e.eachMapping((function(e){const r={generated:{line:e.generatedLine,column:e.generatedColumn}};null!=e.source&&(r.source=e.source,null!=t&&(r.source=Vg.relative(t,r.source)),r.original={line:e.originalLine,column:e.originalColumn},null!=e.name&&(r.name=e.name)),n.addMapping(r)})),e.sources.forEach((function(r){let i=r;null!==t&&(i=Vg.relative(t,r)),n._sources.has(i)||n._sources.add(i);const s=e.sourceContentFor(r);null!=s&&n.setSourceContent(r,s)})),n}addMapping(e){const t=Vg.getArg(e,"generated"),n=Vg.getArg(e,"original",null);let r=Vg.getArg(e,"source",null),i=Vg.getArg(e,"name",null);this._skipValidation||this._validateMapping(t,n,r,i),null!=r&&(r=String(r),this._sources.has(r)||this._sources.add(r)),null!=i&&(i=String(i),this._names.has(i)||this._names.add(i)),this._mappings.add({generatedLine:t.line,generatedColumn:t.column,originalLine:null!=n&&n.line,originalColumn:null!=n&&n.column,source:r,name:i})}setSourceContent(e,t){let n=e;null!=this._sourceRoot&&(n=Vg.relative(this._sourceRoot,n)),null!=t?(this._sourcesContents||(this._sourcesContents=Object.create(null)),this._sourcesContents[Vg.toSetString(n)]=t):this._sourcesContents&&(delete this._sourcesContents[Vg.toSetString(n)],0===Object.keys(this._sourcesContents).length&&(this._sourcesContents=null))}applySourceMap(e,t,n){let r=t;if(null==t){if(null==e.file)throw new Error('SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap requires either an explicit source file, or the source map\'s "file" property. Both were omitted.');r=e.file}const i=this._sourceRoot;null!=i&&(r=Vg.relative(i,r));const s=this._mappings.toArray().length>0?new zg:this._sources,o=new zg;this._mappings.unsortedForEach((function(t){if(t.source===r&&null!=t.originalLine){const r=e.originalPositionFor({line:t.originalLine,column:t.originalColumn});null!=r.source&&(t.source=r.source,null!=n&&(t.source=Vg.join(n,t.source)),null!=i&&(t.source=Vg.relative(i,t.source)),t.originalLine=r.line,t.originalColumn=r.column,null!=r.name&&(t.name=r.name))}const a=t.source;null==a||s.has(a)||s.add(a);const B=t.name;null==B||o.has(B)||o.add(B)}),this),this._sources=s,this._names=o,e.sources.forEach((function(t){const r=e.sourceContentFor(t);null!=r&&(null!=n&&(t=Vg.join(n,t)),null!=i&&(t=Vg.relative(i,t)),this.setSourceContent(t,r))}),this)}_validateMapping(e,t,n,r){if(t&&"number"!=typeof t.line&&"number"!=typeof t.column)throw new Error("original.line and original.column are not numbers -- you probably meant to omit the original mapping entirely and only map the generated position. If so, pass null for the original mapping instead of an object with empty or null values.");if(e&&"line"in e&&"column"in e&&e.line>0&&e.column>=0&&!t&&!n&&!r);else if(!(e&&"line"in e&&"column"in e&&t&&"line"in t&&"column"in t&&e.line>0&&e.column>=0&&t.line>0&&t.column>=0&&n))throw new Error("Invalid mapping: "+JSON.stringify({generated:e,source:n,original:t,name:r}))}_serializeMappings(){let e,t,n,r,i=0,s=1,o=0,a=0,B=0,c=0,l="";const u=this._mappings.toArray();for(let p=0,h=u.length;p0){if(!Vg.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(t,u[p-1]))continue;e+=","}e+=Kg.encode(t.generatedColumn-i),i=t.generatedColumn,null!=t.source&&(r=this._sources.indexOf(t.source),e+=Kg.encode(r-c),c=r,e+=Kg.encode(t.originalLine-1-a),a=t.originalLine-1,e+=Kg.encode(t.originalColumn-o),o=t.originalColumn,null!=t.name&&(n=this._names.indexOf(t.name),e+=Kg.encode(n-B),B=n)),l+=e}return l}_generateSourcesContent(e,t){return e.map((function(e){if(!this._sourcesContents)return null;null!=t&&(e=Vg.relative(t,e));const n=Vg.toSetString(e);return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._sourcesContents,n)?this._sourcesContents[n]:null}),this)}toJSON(){const e={version:this._version,sources:this._sources.toArray(),names:this._names.toArray(),mappings:this._serializeMappings()};return null!=this._file&&(e.file=this._file),null!=this._sourceRoot&&(e.sourceRoot=this._sourceRoot),this._sourcesContents&&(e.sourcesContent=this._generateSourcesContent(e.sources,e.sourceRoot)),e}toString(){return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON())}}$g.prototype._version=3;var Zg=$g,eA={SourceMapGenerator:Zg},tA=N((function(e,t){function n(e,r,i,s,o,a){const B=Math.floor((r-e)/2)+e,c=o(i,s[B],!0);return 0===c?B:c>0?r-B>1?n(B,r,i,s,o,a):a==t.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND?r1?n(e,B,i,s,o,a):a==t.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND?B:e<0?-1:e}t.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND=1,t.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND=2,t.search=function(e,r,i,s){if(0===r.length)return-1;let o=n(-1,r.length,e,r,i,s||t.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND);if(o<0)return-1;for(;o-1>=0&&0===i(r[o],r[o-1],!0);)--o;return o}})),nA=N((function(e){if("function"==typeof fetch){let t=null;e.exports=function(){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new Error("You must provide the URL of lib/mappings.wasm by calling SourceMapConsumer.initialize({ 'lib/mappings.wasm': ... }) before using SourceMapConsumer");return fetch(t).then((e=>e.arrayBuffer()))},e.exports.initialize=e=>t=e}else{const t=require("fs"),n=require("path");e.exports=function(){return new Promise(((e,r)=>{const i=n.join(__dirname,"mappings.wasm");t.readFile(i,null,((t,n)=>{t?r(t):e(n.buffer)}))}))},e.exports.initialize=e=>{console.debug("SourceMapConsumer.initialize is a no-op when running in node.js")}}}));function rA(){this.generatedLine=0,this.generatedColumn=0,this.lastGeneratedColumn=null,this.source=null,this.originalLine=null,this.originalColumn=null,this.name=null}let iA=null;var sA=function(){if(iA)return iA;const e=[];return iA=nA().then((t=>WebAssembly.instantiate(t,{env:{mapping_callback(t,n,r,i,s,o,a,B,c,l){const u=new rA;u.generatedLine=t+1,u.generatedColumn=n,r&&(u.lastGeneratedColumn=i-1),s&&(u.source=o,u.originalLine=a+1,u.originalColumn=B,c&&(u.name=l)),e[e.length-1](u)},start_all_generated_locations_for(){console.time("all_generated_locations_for")},end_all_generated_locations_for(){console.timeEnd("all_generated_locations_for")},start_compute_column_spans(){console.time("compute_column_spans")},end_compute_column_spans(){console.timeEnd("compute_column_spans")},start_generated_location_for(){console.time("generated_location_for")},end_generated_location_for(){console.timeEnd("generated_location_for")},start_original_location_for(){console.time("original_location_for")},end_original_location_for(){console.timeEnd("original_location_for")},start_parse_mappings(){console.time("parse_mappings")},end_parse_mappings(){console.timeEnd("parse_mappings")},start_sort_by_generated_location(){console.time("sort_by_generated_location")},end_sort_by_generated_location(){console.timeEnd("sort_by_generated_location")},start_sort_by_original_location(){console.time("sort_by_original_location")},end_sort_by_original_location(){console.timeEnd("sort_by_original_location")}}}))).then((t=>({exports:t.instance.exports,withMappingCallback:(t,n)=>{e.push(t);try{n()}finally{e.pop()}}}))).then(null,(e=>{throw iA=null,e})),iA};const oA=Jg.ArraySet,aA=Symbol("smcInternal");class BA{constructor(e,t){return e==aA?Promise.resolve(this):dA(e,t)}static initialize(e){nA.initialize(e["lib/mappings.wasm"])}static fromSourceMap(e,t){return fA(e,t)}static with(e,t,n){let r=null;return new BA(e,t).then((e=>(r=e,n(e)))).then((e=>(r&&r.destroy(),e)),(e=>{throw r&&r.destroy(),e}))}_parseMappings(e,t){throw new Error("Subclasses must implement _parseMappings")}eachMapping(e,t,n){throw new Error("Subclasses must implement eachMapping")}allGeneratedPositionsFor(e){throw new Error("Subclasses must implement allGeneratedPositionsFor")}destroy(){throw new Error("Subclasses must implement destroy")}}BA.prototype._version=3,BA.GENERATED_ORDER=1,BA.ORIGINAL_ORDER=2,BA.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND=1,BA.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND=2;var cA=BA;class lA extends BA{constructor(e,t){return super(aA).then((n=>{let r=e;"string"==typeof e&&(r=Vg.parseSourceMapInput(e));const i=Vg.getArg(r,"version");let s=Vg.getArg(r,"sources");const o=Vg.getArg(r,"names",[]);let a=Vg.getArg(r,"sourceRoot",null);const B=Vg.getArg(r,"sourcesContent",null),c=Vg.getArg(r,"mappings"),l=Vg.getArg(r,"file",null);if(i!=n._version)throw new Error("Unsupported version: "+i);return a&&(a=Vg.normalize(a)),s=s.map(String).map(Vg.normalize).map((function(e){return a&&Vg.isAbsolute(a)&&Vg.isAbsolute(e)?Vg.relative(a,e):e})),n._names=oA.fromArray(o.map(String),!0),n._sources=oA.fromArray(s,!0),n._absoluteSources=n._sources.toArray().map((function(e){return Vg.computeSourceURL(a,e,t)})),n.sourceRoot=a,n.sourcesContent=B,n._mappings=c,n._sourceMapURL=t,n.file=l,n._computedColumnSpans=!1,n._mappingsPtr=0,n._wasm=null,sA().then((e=>(n._wasm=e,n)))}))}_findSourceIndex(e){let t=e;if(null!=this.sourceRoot&&(t=Vg.relative(this.sourceRoot,t)),this._sources.has(t))return this._sources.indexOf(t);for(let t=0;t{null!==t.source&&(t.source=this._sources.at(t.source),t.source=Vg.computeSourceURL(s,t.source,this._sourceMapURL),null!==t.name&&(t.name=this._names.at(t.name))),e.call(r,t)}),(()=>{switch(i){case BA.GENERATED_ORDER:this._wasm.exports.by_generated_location(this._getMappingsPtr());break;case BA.ORIGINAL_ORDER:this._wasm.exports.by_original_location(this._getMappingsPtr());break;default:throw new Error("Unknown order of iteration.")}}))}allGeneratedPositionsFor(e){let t=Vg.getArg(e,"source");const n=Vg.getArg(e,"line"),r=e.column||0;if(t=this._findSourceIndex(t),t<0)return[];if(n<1)throw new Error("Line numbers must be >= 1");if(r<0)throw new Error("Column numbers must be >= 0");const i=[];return this._wasm.withMappingCallback((e=>{let t=e.lastGeneratedColumn;this._computedColumnSpans&&null===t&&(t=1/0),i.push({line:e.generatedLine,column:e.generatedColumn,lastColumn:t})}),(()=>{this._wasm.exports.all_generated_locations_for(this._getMappingsPtr(),t,n-1,"column"in e,r)})),i}destroy(){0!==this._mappingsPtr&&(this._wasm.exports.free_mappings(this._mappingsPtr),this._mappingsPtr=0)}computeColumnSpans(){this._computedColumnSpans||(this._wasm.exports.compute_column_spans(this._getMappingsPtr()),this._computedColumnSpans=!0)}originalPositionFor(e){const t={generatedLine:Vg.getArg(e,"line"),generatedColumn:Vg.getArg(e,"column")};if(t.generatedLine<1)throw new Error("Line numbers must be >= 1");if(t.generatedColumn<0)throw new Error("Column numbers must be >= 0");let n,r=Vg.getArg(e,"bias",BA.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND);if(null==r&&(r=BA.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND),this._wasm.withMappingCallback((e=>n=e),(()=>{this._wasm.exports.original_location_for(this._getMappingsPtr(),t.generatedLine-1,t.generatedColumn,r)})),n&&n.generatedLine===t.generatedLine){let e=Vg.getArg(n,"source",null);null!==e&&(e=this._sources.at(e),e=Vg.computeSourceURL(this.sourceRoot,e,this._sourceMapURL));let t=Vg.getArg(n,"name",null);return null!==t&&(t=this._names.at(t)),{source:e,line:Vg.getArg(n,"originalLine",null),column:Vg.getArg(n,"originalColumn",null),name:t}}return{source:null,line:null,column:null,name:null}}hasContentsOfAllSources(){return!!this.sourcesContent&&(this.sourcesContent.length>=this._sources.size()&&!this.sourcesContent.some((function(e){return null==e})))}sourceContentFor(e,t){if(!this.sourcesContent)return null;const n=this._findSourceIndex(e);if(n>=0)return this.sourcesContent[n];let r,i=e;if(null!=this.sourceRoot&&(i=Vg.relative(this.sourceRoot,i)),null!=this.sourceRoot&&(r=Vg.urlParse(this.sourceRoot))){const e=i.replace(/^file:\/\//,"");if("file"==r.scheme&&this._sources.has(e))return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf(e)];if((!r.path||"/"==r.path)&&this._sources.has("/"+i))return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf("/"+i)]}if(t)return null;throw new Error('"'+i+'" is not in the SourceMap.')}generatedPositionFor(e){let t=Vg.getArg(e,"source");if(t=this._findSourceIndex(t),t<0)return{line:null,column:null,lastColumn:null};const n={source:t,originalLine:Vg.getArg(e,"line"),originalColumn:Vg.getArg(e,"column")};if(n.originalLine<1)throw new Error("Line numbers must be >= 1");if(n.originalColumn<0)throw new Error("Column numbers must be >= 0");let r,i=Vg.getArg(e,"bias",BA.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND);if(null==i&&(i=BA.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND),this._wasm.withMappingCallback((e=>r=e),(()=>{this._wasm.exports.generated_location_for(this._getMappingsPtr(),n.source,n.originalLine-1,n.originalColumn,i)})),r&&r.source===n.source){let e=r.lastGeneratedColumn;return this._computedColumnSpans&&null===e&&(e=1/0),{line:Vg.getArg(r,"generatedLine",null),column:Vg.getArg(r,"generatedColumn",null),lastColumn:e}}return{line:null,column:null,lastColumn:null}}}lA.prototype.consumer=BA;var uA=lA;class pA extends BA{constructor(e,t){return super(aA).then((n=>{let r=e;"string"==typeof e&&(r=Vg.parseSourceMapInput(e));const i=Vg.getArg(r,"version"),s=Vg.getArg(r,"sections");if(i!=n._version)throw new Error("Unsupported version: "+i);n._sources=new oA,n._names=new oA,n.__generatedMappings=null,n.__originalMappings=null,n.__generatedMappingsUnsorted=null,n.__originalMappingsUnsorted=null;let o={line:-1,column:0};return Promise.all(s.map((e=>{if(e.url)throw new Error("Support for url field in sections not implemented.");const n=Vg.getArg(e,"offset"),r=Vg.getArg(n,"line"),i=Vg.getArg(n,"column");if(r({generatedOffset:{generatedLine:r+1,generatedColumn:i+1},consumer:e})))}))).then((e=>(n._sections=e,n)))}))}get _generatedMappings(){return this.__generatedMappings||this._sortGeneratedMappings(),this.__generatedMappings}get _originalMappings(){return this.__originalMappings||this._sortOriginalMappings(),this.__originalMappings}get _generatedMappingsUnsorted(){return this.__generatedMappingsUnsorted||this._parseMappings(this._mappings,this.sourceRoot),this.__generatedMappingsUnsorted}get _originalMappingsUnsorted(){return this.__originalMappingsUnsorted||this._parseMappings(this._mappings,this.sourceRoot),this.__originalMappingsUnsorted}_sortGeneratedMappings(){const e=this._generatedMappingsUnsorted;e.sort(Vg.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated),this.__generatedMappings=e}_sortOriginalMappings(){const e=this._originalMappingsUnsorted;e.sort(Vg.compareByOriginalPositions),this.__originalMappings=e}get sources(){const e=[];for(let t=0;ti.push(e)));for(let e=0;e= 1");if(n.originalColumn<0)throw new Error("Column numbers must be >= 0");const r=[];let i=this._findMapping(n,this._originalMappings,"originalLine","originalColumn",Vg.compareByOriginalPositions,tA.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND);if(i>=0){let n=this._originalMappings[i];if(void 0===e.column){const e=n.originalLine;for(;n&&n.originalLine===e;){let e=n.lastGeneratedColumn;this._computedColumnSpans&&null===e&&(e=1/0),r.push({line:Vg.getArg(n,"generatedLine",null),column:Vg.getArg(n,"generatedColumn",null),lastColumn:e}),n=this._originalMappings[++i]}}else{const e=n.originalColumn;for(;n&&n.originalLine===t&&n.originalColumn==e;){let e=n.lastGeneratedColumn;this._computedColumnSpans&&null===e&&(e=1/0),r.push({line:Vg.getArg(n,"generatedLine",null),column:Vg.getArg(n,"generatedColumn",null),lastColumn:e}),n=this._originalMappings[++i]}}}return r}destroy(){for(let e=0;e=0;t--)this.prepend(e[t]);else{if(!e[yA]&&"string"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("Expected a SourceNode, string, or an array of SourceNodes and strings. Got "+e);this.children.unshift(e)}return this}walk(e){let t;for(let n=0,r=this.children.length;n0){for(t=[],n=0;n1)throw new Error("inline source map only works with singular input");t.sourceMap.content=FA(e[s])}r=t.parse.toplevel}n&&"strict"!==t.mangle.properties.keep_quoted&&OA(r,n),t.wrap&&(r=r.wrap_commonjs(t.wrap)),t.enclose&&(r=r.wrap_enclose(t.enclose)),i&&(i.rename=Date.now()),i&&(i.compress=Date.now()),t.compress&&(r=new _m(t.compress,{mangle_options:t.mangle}).compress(r)),i&&(i.scope=Date.now()),t.mangle&&r.figure_out_scope(t.mangle),i&&(i.mangle=Date.now()),t.mangle&&(rm.reset(),r.compute_char_frequency(t.mangle),r.mangle_names(t.mangle)),i&&(i.properties=Date.now()),t.mangle&&t.mangle.properties&&(r=TA(r,t.mangle.properties)),i&&(i.format=Date.now());var o={};if(t.format.ast&&(o.ast=r),t.format.spidermonkey&&(o.ast=r.to_mozilla_ast()),!eh(t.format,"code")||t.format.code){if(t.sourceMap&&(t.format.source_map=await DA({file:t.sourceMap.filename,orig:t.sourceMap.content,root:t.sourceMap.root}),t.sourceMap.includeSources)){if(e instanceof Dd)throw new Error("original source content unavailable");for(var s in e)eh(e,s)&&t.format.source_map.get().setSourceContent(s,e[s])}delete t.format.ast,delete t.format.code,delete t.format.spidermonkey;var a=QC(t.format);if(r.print(a),o.code=a.get(),t.sourceMap)if(t.sourceMap.asObject?o.map=t.format.source_map.get().toJSON():o.map=t.format.source_map.toString(),"inline"==t.sourceMap.url){var B="object"==typeof o.map?JSON.stringify(o.map):o.map;o.code+="\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,"+MA(B)}else t.sourceMap.url&&(o.code+="\n//# sourceMappingURL="+t.sourceMap.url)}return t.nameCache&&t.mangle&&(t.mangle.cache&&(t.nameCache.vars=GA(t.mangle.cache)),t.mangle.properties&&t.mangle.properties.cache&&(t.nameCache.props=GA(t.mangle.properties.cache))),t.format&&t.format.source_map&&t.format.source_map.destroy(),i&&(i.end=Date.now(),o.timings={parse:.001*(i.rename-i.parse),rename:.001*(i.compress-i.rename),compress:.001*(i.scope-i.compress),scope:.001*(i.mangle-i.scope),mangle:.001*(i.properties-i.mangle),properties:.001*(i.format-i.properties),format:.001*(i.end-i.format),total:.001*(i.end-i.start)}),o}var KA={3:"abstract boolean byte char class double enum export extends final float goto implements import int interface long native package private protected public short static super synchronized throws transient volatile",5:"class enum extends super const export import",6:"enum",strict:"implements interface let package private protected public static yield",strictBind:"eval arguments"},VA="break case catch continue debugger default do else finally for function if return switch throw try var while with null true false instanceof typeof void delete new in this",UA={5:VA,"5module":VA+" export import",6:VA+" const class extends export import 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"+KA.strictBind),this.input=String(t),this.containsEsc=!1,n?(this.pos=n,this.lineStart=this.input.lastIndexOf("\n",n-1)+1,this.curLine=this.input.slice(0,this.lineStart).split(ay).length):(this.pos=this.lineStart=0,this.curLine=1),this.type=oy.eof,this.value=null,this.start=this.end=this.pos,this.startLoc=this.endLoc=this.curPosition(),this.lastTokEndLoc=this.lastTokStartLoc=null,this.lastTokStart=this.lastTokEnd=this.pos,this.context=this.initialContext(),this.exprAllowed=!0,this.inModule="module"===e.sourceType,this.strict=this.inModule||this.strictDirective(this.pos),this.potentialArrowAt=-1,this.yieldPos=this.awaitPos=this.awaitIdentPos=0,this.labels=[],this.undefinedExports={},0===this.pos&&e.allowHashBang&&"#!"===this.input.slice(0,2)&&this.skipLineComment(2),this.scopeStack=[],this.enterScope(by),this.regexpState=null},Ky={inFunction:{configurable:!0},inGenerator:{configurable:!0},inAsync:{configurable:!0},allowSuper:{configurable:!0},allowDirectSuper:{configurable:!0},treatFunctionsAsVar:{configurable:!0}};Hy.prototype.parse=function(){var e=this.options.program||this.startNode();return this.nextToken(),this.parseTopLevel(e)},Ky.inFunction.get=function(){return(this.currentVarScope().flags&Sy)>0},Ky.inGenerator.get=function(){return(this.currentVarScope().flags&Dy)>0},Ky.inAsync.get=function(){return(this.currentVarScope().flags&xy)>0},Ky.allowSuper.get=function(){return(this.currentThisScope().flags&Oy)>0},Ky.allowDirectSuper.get=function(){return(this.currentThisScope().flags&Ny)>0},Ky.treatFunctionsAsVar.get=function(){return this.treatFunctionsAsVarInScope(this.currentScope())},Hy.prototype.inNonArrowFunction=function(){return(this.currentThisScope().flags&Sy)>0},Hy.extend=function(){for(var e=[],t=arguments.length;t--;)e[t]=arguments[t];for(var n=this,r=0;r=,?^&]/.test(i)||"!"===i&&"="===this.input.charAt(r+1))}e+=t[0].length,uy.lastIndex=e,e+=uy.exec(this.input)[0].length,";"===this.input[e]&&e++}},Vy.eat=function(e){return this.type===e&&(this.next(),!0)},Vy.isContextual=function(e){return this.type===oy.name&&this.value===e&&!this.containsEsc},Vy.eatContextual=function(e){return!!this.isContextual(e)&&(this.next(),!0)},Vy.expectContextual=function(e){this.eatContextual(e)||this.unexpected()},Vy.canInsertSemicolon=function(){return this.type===oy.eof||this.type===oy.braceR||ay.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd,this.start))},Vy.insertSemicolon=function(){if(this.canInsertSemicolon())return this.options.onInsertedSemicolon&&this.options.onInsertedSemicolon(this.lastTokEnd,this.lastTokEndLoc),!0},Vy.semicolon=function(){this.eat(oy.semi)||this.insertSemicolon()||this.unexpected()},Vy.afterTrailingComma=function(e,t){if(this.type===e)return this.options.onTrailingComma&&this.options.onTrailingComma(this.lastTokStart,this.lastTokStartLoc),t||this.next(),!0},Vy.expect=function(e){this.eat(e)||this.unexpected()},Vy.unexpected=function(e){this.raise(null!=e?e:this.start,"Unexpected token")},Vy.checkPatternErrors=function(e,t){if(e){e.trailingComma>-1&&this.raiseRecoverable(e.trailingComma,"Comma is not permitted after the rest element");var n=t?e.parenthesizedAssign:e.parenthesizedBind;n>-1&&this.raiseRecoverable(n,"Parenthesized pattern")}},Vy.checkExpressionErrors=function(e,t){if(!e)return!1;var n=e.shorthandAssign,r=e.doubleProto;if(!t)return n>=0||r>=0;n>=0&&this.raise(n,"Shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns"),r>=0&&this.raiseRecoverable(r,"Redefinition of __proto__ property")},Vy.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams=function(){this.yieldPos&&(!this.awaitPos||this.yieldPos=6&&this.unexpected(),this.parseFunctionStatement(s,!1,!e);case oy._class:return e&&this.unexpected(),this.parseClass(s,!0);case oy._if:return this.parseIfStatement(s);case oy._return:return this.parseReturnStatement(s);case oy._switch:return this.parseSwitchStatement(s);case oy._throw:return this.parseThrowStatement(s);case oy._try:return this.parseTryStatement(s);case oy._const:case oy._var:return r=r||this.value,e&&"var"!==r&&this.unexpected(),this.parseVarStatement(s,r);case oy._while:return this.parseWhileStatement(s);case oy._with:return this.parseWithStatement(s);case oy.braceL:return this.parseBlock(!0,s);case oy.semi:return this.parseEmptyStatement(s);case oy._export:case oy._import:if(this.options.ecmaVersion>10&&i===oy._import){uy.lastIndex=this.pos;var o=uy.exec(this.input),a=this.pos+o[0].length,B=this.input.charCodeAt(a);if(40===B||46===B)return this.parseExpressionStatement(s,this.parseExpression())}return this.options.allowImportExportEverywhere||(t||this.raise(this.start,"'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level"),this.inModule||this.raise(this.start,"'import' and 'export' may appear only with 'sourceType: module'")),i===oy._import?this.parseImport(s):this.parseExport(s,n);default:if(this.isAsyncFunction())return e&&this.unexpected(),this.next(),this.parseFunctionStatement(s,!0,!e);var c=this.value,l=this.parseExpression();return i===oy.name&&"Identifier"===l.type&&this.eat(oy.colon)?this.parseLabeledStatement(s,c,l,e):this.parseExpressionStatement(s,l)}},Jy.parseBreakContinueStatement=function(e,t){var n="break"===t;this.next(),this.eat(oy.semi)||this.insertSemicolon()?e.label=null:this.type!==oy.name?this.unexpected():(e.label=this.parseIdent(),this.semicolon());for(var r=0;r=6?this.eat(oy.semi):this.semicolon(),this.finishNode(e,"DoWhileStatement")},Jy.parseForStatement=function(e){this.next();var t=this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&(this.inAsync||!this.inFunction&&this.options.allowAwaitOutsideFunction)&&this.eatContextual("await")?this.lastTokStart:-1;if(this.labels.push(jy),this.enterScope(0),this.expect(oy.parenL),this.type===oy.semi)return t>-1&&this.unexpected(t),this.parseFor(e,null);var n=this.isLet();if(this.type===oy._var||this.type===oy._const||n){var r=this.startNode(),i=n?"let":this.value;return this.next(),this.parseVar(r,!0,i),this.finishNode(r,"VariableDeclaration"),(this.type===oy._in||this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&this.isContextual("of"))&&1===r.declarations.length?(this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&(this.type===oy._in?t>-1&&this.unexpected(t):e.await=t>-1),this.parseForIn(e,r)):(t>-1&&this.unexpected(t),this.parseFor(e,r))}var s=new Qy,o=this.parseExpression(!0,s);return this.type===oy._in||this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&this.isContextual("of")?(this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&(this.type===oy._in?t>-1&&this.unexpected(t):e.await=t>-1),this.toAssignable(o,!1,s),this.checkLVal(o),this.parseForIn(e,o)):(this.checkExpressionErrors(s,!0),t>-1&&this.unexpected(t),this.parseFor(e,o))},Jy.parseFunctionStatement=function(e,t,n){return this.next(),this.parseFunction(e,qy|(n?0:zy),!1,t)},Jy.parseIfStatement=function(e){return this.next(),e.test=this.parseParenExpression(),e.consequent=this.parseStatement("if"),e.alternate=this.eat(oy._else)?this.parseStatement("if"):null,this.finishNode(e,"IfStatement")},Jy.parseReturnStatement=function(e){return this.inFunction||this.options.allowReturnOutsideFunction||this.raise(this.start,"'return' outside of function"),this.next(),this.eat(oy.semi)||this.insertSemicolon()?e.argument=null:(e.argument=this.parseExpression(),this.semicolon()),this.finishNode(e,"ReturnStatement")},Jy.parseSwitchStatement=function(e){var t;this.next(),e.discriminant=this.parseParenExpression(),e.cases=[],this.expect(oy.braceL),this.labels.push(Wy),this.enterScope(0);for(var n=!1;this.type!==oy.braceR;)if(this.type===oy._case||this.type===oy._default){var r=this.type===oy._case;t&&this.finishNode(t,"SwitchCase"),e.cases.push(t=this.startNode()),t.consequent=[],this.next(),r?t.test=this.parseExpression():(n&&this.raiseRecoverable(this.lastTokStart,"Multiple default clauses"),n=!0,t.test=null),this.expect(oy.colon)}else t||this.unexpected(),t.consequent.push(this.parseStatement(null));return this.exitScope(),t&&this.finishNode(t,"SwitchCase"),this.next(),this.labels.pop(),this.finishNode(e,"SwitchStatement")},Jy.parseThrowStatement=function(e){return this.next(),ay.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd,this.start))&&this.raise(this.lastTokEnd,"Illegal newline after throw"),e.argument=this.parseExpression(),this.semicolon(),this.finishNode(e,"ThrowStatement")};var Xy=[];Jy.parseTryStatement=function(e){if(this.next(),e.block=this.parseBlock(),e.handler=null,this.type===oy._catch){var t=this.startNode();if(this.next(),this.eat(oy.parenL)){t.param=this.parseBindingAtom();var n="Identifier"===t.param.type;this.enterScope(n?ky:0),this.checkLVal(t.param,n?Ry:Fy),this.expect(oy.parenR)}else this.options.ecmaVersion<10&&this.unexpected(),t.param=null,this.enterScope(0);t.body=this.parseBlock(!1),this.exitScope(),e.handler=this.finishNode(t,"CatchClause")}return e.finalizer=this.eat(oy._finally)?this.parseBlock():null,e.handler||e.finalizer||this.raise(e.start,"Missing catch or finally clause"),this.finishNode(e,"TryStatement")},Jy.parseVarStatement=function(e,t){return this.next(),this.parseVar(e,!1,t),this.semicolon(),this.finishNode(e,"VariableDeclaration")},Jy.parseWhileStatement=function(e){return this.next(),e.test=this.parseParenExpression(),this.labels.push(jy),e.body=this.parseStatement("while"),this.labels.pop(),this.finishNode(e,"WhileStatement")},Jy.parseWithStatement=function(e){return this.strict&&this.raise(this.start,"'with' in strict mode"),this.next(),e.object=this.parseParenExpression(),e.body=this.parseStatement("with"),this.finishNode(e,"WithStatement")},Jy.parseEmptyStatement=function(e){return this.next(),this.finishNode(e,"EmptyStatement")},Jy.parseLabeledStatement=function(e,t,n,r){for(var i=0,s=this.labels;i=0;a--){var B=this.labels[a];if(B.statementStart!==e.start)break;B.statementStart=this.start,B.kind=o}return this.labels.push({name:t,kind:o,statementStart:this.start}),e.body=this.parseStatement(r?-1===r.indexOf("label")?r+"label":r:"label"),this.labels.pop(),e.label=n,this.finishNode(e,"LabeledStatement")},Jy.parseExpressionStatement=function(e,t){return e.expression=t,this.semicolon(),this.finishNode(e,"ExpressionStatement")},Jy.parseBlock=function(e,t,n){for(void 0===e&&(e=!0),void 0===t&&(t=this.startNode()),t.body=[],this.expect(oy.braceL),e&&this.enterScope(0);this.type!==oy.braceR;){var r=this.parseStatement(null);t.body.push(r)}return n&&(this.strict=!1),this.next(),e&&this.exitScope(),this.finishNode(t,"BlockStatement")},Jy.parseFor=function(e,t){return e.init=t,this.expect(oy.semi),e.test=this.type===oy.semi?null:this.parseExpression(),this.expect(oy.semi),e.update=this.type===oy.parenR?null:this.parseExpression(),this.expect(oy.parenR),e.body=this.parseStatement("for"),this.exitScope(),this.labels.pop(),this.finishNode(e,"ForStatement")},Jy.parseForIn=function(e,t){var n=this.type===oy._in;return this.next(),"VariableDeclaration"===t.type&&null!=t.declarations[0].init&&(!n||this.options.ecmaVersion<8||this.strict||"var"!==t.kind||"Identifier"!==t.declarations[0].id.type)?this.raise(t.start,(n?"for-in":"for-of")+" loop variable declaration may not have an initializer"):"AssignmentPattern"===t.type&&this.raise(t.start,"Invalid left-hand side in for-loop"),e.left=t,e.right=n?this.parseExpression():this.parseMaybeAssign(),this.expect(oy.parenR),e.body=this.parseStatement("for"),this.exitScope(),this.labels.pop(),this.finishNode(e,n?"ForInStatement":"ForOfStatement")},Jy.parseVar=function(e,t,n){for(e.declarations=[],e.kind=n;;){var r=this.startNode();if(this.parseVarId(r,n),this.eat(oy.eq)?r.init=this.parseMaybeAssign(t):"const"!==n||this.type===oy._in||this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&this.isContextual("of")?"Identifier"===r.id.type||t&&(this.type===oy._in||this.isContextual("of"))?r.init=null:this.raise(this.lastTokEnd,"Complex binding patterns require an initialization value"):this.unexpected(),e.declarations.push(this.finishNode(r,"VariableDeclarator")),!this.eat(oy.comma))break}return e},Jy.parseVarId=function(e,t){e.id=this.parseBindingAtom(),this.checkLVal(e.id,"var"===t?My:Fy,!1)};var qy=1,zy=2,Yy=4;Jy.parseFunction=function(e,t,n,r){this.initFunction(e),(this.options.ecmaVersion>=9||this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&!r)&&(this.type===oy.star&&t&zy&&this.unexpected(),e.generator=this.eat(oy.star)),this.options.ecmaVersion>=8&&(e.async=!!r),t&qy&&(e.id=t&Yy&&this.type!==oy.name?null:this.parseIdent(),!e.id||t&zy||this.checkLVal(e.id,this.strict||e.generator||e.async?this.treatFunctionsAsVar?My:Fy:Ly));var i=this.yieldPos,s=this.awaitPos,o=this.awaitIdentPos;return this.yieldPos=0,this.awaitPos=0,this.awaitIdentPos=0,this.enterScope(Ty(e.async,e.generator)),t&qy||(e.id=this.type===oy.name?this.parseIdent():null),this.parseFunctionParams(e),this.parseFunctionBody(e,n,!1),this.yieldPos=i,this.awaitPos=s,this.awaitIdentPos=o,this.finishNode(e,t&qy?"FunctionDeclaration":"FunctionExpression")},Jy.parseFunctionParams=function(e){this.expect(oy.parenL),e.params=this.parseBindingList(oy.parenR,!1,this.options.ecmaVersion>=8),this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams()},Jy.parseClass=function(e,t){this.next();var n=this.strict;this.strict=!0,this.parseClassId(e,t),this.parseClassSuper(e);var r=this.startNode(),i=!1;for(r.body=[],this.expect(oy.braceL);this.type!==oy.braceR;){var s=this.parseClassElement(null!==e.superClass);s&&(r.body.push(s),"MethodDefinition"===s.type&&"constructor"===s.kind&&(i&&this.raise(s.start,"Duplicate constructor in the same class"),i=!0))}return this.strict=n,this.next(),e.body=this.finishNode(r,"ClassBody"),this.finishNode(e,t?"ClassDeclaration":"ClassExpression")},Jy.parseClassElement=function(e){var t=this;if(this.eat(oy.semi))return null;var n=this.startNode(),r=function(e,r){void 0===r&&(r=!1);var i=t.start,s=t.startLoc;return!!t.eatContextual(e)&&(!(t.type===oy.parenL||r&&t.canInsertSemicolon())||(n.key&&t.unexpected(),n.computed=!1,n.key=t.startNodeAt(i,s),n.key.name=e,t.finishNode(n.key,"Identifier"),!1))};n.kind="method",n.static=r("static");var i=this.eat(oy.star),s=!1;i||(this.options.ecmaVersion>=8&&r("async",!0)?(s=!0,i=this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&this.eat(oy.star)):r("get")?n.kind="get":r("set")&&(n.kind="set")),n.key||this.parsePropertyName(n);var o=n.key,a=!1;return n.computed||n.static||!("Identifier"===o.type&&"constructor"===o.name||"Literal"===o.type&&"constructor"===o.value)?n.static&&"Identifier"===o.type&&"prototype"===o.name&&this.raise(o.start,"Classes may not have a static property named prototype"):("method"!==n.kind&&this.raise(o.start,"Constructor can't have get/set modifier"),i&&this.raise(o.start,"Constructor can't be a generator"),s&&this.raise(o.start,"Constructor can't be an async method"),n.kind="constructor",a=e),this.parseClassMethod(n,i,s,a),"get"===n.kind&&0!==n.value.params.length&&this.raiseRecoverable(n.value.start,"getter should have no params"),"set"===n.kind&&1!==n.value.params.length&&this.raiseRecoverable(n.value.start,"setter should have exactly one param"),"set"===n.kind&&"RestElement"===n.value.params[0].type&&this.raiseRecoverable(n.value.params[0].start,"Setter cannot use rest params"),n},Jy.parseClassMethod=function(e,t,n,r){return e.value=this.parseMethod(t,n,r),this.finishNode(e,"MethodDefinition")},Jy.parseClassId=function(e,t){this.type===oy.name?(e.id=this.parseIdent(),t&&this.checkLVal(e.id,Fy,!1)):(!0===t&&this.unexpected(),e.id=null)},Jy.parseClassSuper=function(e){e.superClass=this.eat(oy._extends)?this.parseExprSubscripts():null},Jy.parseExport=function(e,t){if(this.next(),this.eat(oy.star))return this.options.ecmaVersion>=11&&(this.eatContextual("as")?(e.exported=this.parseIdent(!0),this.checkExport(t,e.exported.name,this.lastTokStart)):e.exported=null),this.expectContextual("from"),this.type!==oy.string&&this.unexpected(),e.source=this.parseExprAtom(),this.semicolon(),this.finishNode(e,"ExportAllDeclaration");if(this.eat(oy._default)){var n;if(this.checkExport(t,"default",this.lastTokStart),this.type===oy._function||(n=this.isAsyncFunction())){var r=this.startNode();this.next(),n&&this.next(),e.declaration=this.parseFunction(r,qy|Yy,!1,n)}else if(this.type===oy._class){var i=this.startNode();e.declaration=this.parseClass(i,"nullableID")}else e.declaration=this.parseMaybeAssign(),this.semicolon();return this.finishNode(e,"ExportDefaultDeclaration")}if(this.shouldParseExportStatement())e.declaration=this.parseStatement(null),"VariableDeclaration"===e.declaration.type?this.checkVariableExport(t,e.declaration.declarations):this.checkExport(t,e.declaration.id.name,e.declaration.id.start),e.specifiers=[],e.source=null;else{if(e.declaration=null,e.specifiers=this.parseExportSpecifiers(t),this.eatContextual("from"))this.type!==oy.string&&this.unexpected(),e.source=this.parseExprAtom();else{for(var s=0,o=e.specifiers;s=6&&e)switch(e.type){case"Identifier":this.inAsync&&"await"===e.name&&this.raise(e.start,"Cannot use 'await' as identifier inside an async function");break;case"ObjectPattern":case"ArrayPattern":case"RestElement":break;case"ObjectExpression":e.type="ObjectPattern",n&&this.checkPatternErrors(n,!0);for(var r=0,i=e.properties;r=8&&!s&&"async"===o.name&&!this.canInsertSemicolon()&&this.eat(oy._function))return this.parseFunction(this.startNodeAt(r,i),0,!1,!0);if(n&&!this.canInsertSemicolon()){if(this.eat(oy.arrow))return this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(r,i),[o],!1);if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=8&&"async"===o.name&&this.type===oy.name&&!s)return o=this.parseIdent(!1),!this.canInsertSemicolon()&&this.eat(oy.arrow)||this.unexpected(),this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(r,i),[o],!0)}return o;case oy.regexp:var a=this.value;return(t=this.parseLiteral(a.value)).regex={pattern:a.pattern,flags:a.flags},t;case oy.num:case oy.string:return this.parseLiteral(this.value);case oy._null:case oy._true:case oy._false:return(t=this.startNode()).value=this.type===oy._null?null:this.type===oy._true,t.raw=this.type.keyword,this.next(),this.finishNode(t,"Literal");case oy.parenL:var B=this.start,c=this.parseParenAndDistinguishExpression(n);return e&&(e.parenthesizedAssign<0&&!this.isSimpleAssignTarget(c)&&(e.parenthesizedAssign=B),e.parenthesizedBind<0&&(e.parenthesizedBind=B)),c;case oy.bracketL:return t=this.startNode(),this.next(),t.elements=this.parseExprList(oy.bracketR,!0,!0,e),this.finishNode(t,"ArrayExpression");case oy.braceL:return this.parseObj(!1,e);case oy._function:return t=this.startNode(),this.next(),this.parseFunction(t,0);case oy._class:return this.parseClass(this.startNode(),!1);case oy._new:return this.parseNew();case oy.backQuote:return this.parseTemplate();case oy._import:return this.options.ecmaVersion>=11?this.parseExprImport():this.unexpected();default:this.unexpected()}},Zy.parseExprImport=function(){var e=this.startNode();this.containsEsc&&this.raiseRecoverable(this.start,"Escape sequence in keyword import");var t=this.parseIdent(!0);switch(this.type){case oy.parenL:return this.parseDynamicImport(e);case oy.dot:return e.meta=t,this.parseImportMeta(e);default:this.unexpected()}},Zy.parseDynamicImport=function(e){if(this.next(),e.source=this.parseMaybeAssign(),!this.eat(oy.parenR)){var t=this.start;this.eat(oy.comma)&&this.eat(oy.parenR)?this.raiseRecoverable(t,"Trailing comma is not allowed in import()"):this.unexpected(t)}return this.finishNode(e,"ImportExpression")},Zy.parseImportMeta=function(e){this.next();var t=this.containsEsc;return e.property=this.parseIdent(!0),"meta"!==e.property.name&&this.raiseRecoverable(e.property.start,"The only valid meta property for import is 'import.meta'"),t&&this.raiseRecoverable(e.start,"'import.meta' must not contain escaped characters"),"module"!==this.options.sourceType&&this.raiseRecoverable(e.start,"Cannot use 'import.meta' outside a module"),this.finishNode(e,"MetaProperty")},Zy.parseLiteral=function(e){var t=this.startNode();return t.value=e,t.raw=this.input.slice(this.start,this.end),110===t.raw.charCodeAt(t.raw.length-1)&&(t.bigint=t.raw.slice(0,-1).replace(/_/g,"")),this.next(),this.finishNode(t,"Literal")},Zy.parseParenExpression=function(){this.expect(oy.parenL);var e=this.parseExpression();return this.expect(oy.parenR),e},Zy.parseParenAndDistinguishExpression=function(e){var t,n=this.start,r=this.startLoc,i=this.options.ecmaVersion>=8;if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=6){this.next();var s,o=this.start,a=this.startLoc,B=[],c=!0,l=!1,u=new Qy,p=this.yieldPos,h=this.awaitPos;for(this.yieldPos=0,this.awaitPos=0;this.type!==oy.parenR;){if(c?c=!1:this.expect(oy.comma),i&&this.afterTrailingComma(oy.parenR,!0)){l=!0;break}if(this.type===oy.ellipsis){s=this.start,B.push(this.parseParenItem(this.parseRestBinding())),this.type===oy.comma&&this.raise(this.start,"Comma is not permitted after the rest element");break}B.push(this.parseMaybeAssign(!1,u,this.parseParenItem))}var d=this.start,f=this.startLoc;if(this.expect(oy.parenR),e&&!this.canInsertSemicolon()&&this.eat(oy.arrow))return this.checkPatternErrors(u,!1),this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams(),this.yieldPos=p,this.awaitPos=h,this.parseParenArrowList(n,r,B);B.length&&!l||this.unexpected(this.lastTokStart),s&&this.unexpected(s),this.checkExpressionErrors(u,!0),this.yieldPos=p||this.yieldPos,this.awaitPos=h||this.awaitPos,B.length>1?((t=this.startNodeAt(o,a)).expressions=B,this.finishNodeAt(t,"SequenceExpression",d,f)):t=B[0]}else t=this.parseParenExpression();if(this.options.preserveParens){var C=this.startNodeAt(n,r);return C.expression=t,this.finishNode(C,"ParenthesizedExpression")}return t},Zy.parseParenItem=function(e){return e},Zy.parseParenArrowList=function(e,t,n){return this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(e,t),n)};var eE=[];Zy.parseNew=function(){this.containsEsc&&this.raiseRecoverable(this.start,"Escape sequence in keyword new");var e=this.startNode(),t=this.parseIdent(!0);if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&this.eat(oy.dot)){e.meta=t;var n=this.containsEsc;return e.property=this.parseIdent(!0),"target"!==e.property.name&&this.raiseRecoverable(e.property.start,"The only valid meta property for new is 'new.target'"),n&&this.raiseRecoverable(e.start,"'new.target' must not contain escaped characters"),this.inNonArrowFunction()||this.raiseRecoverable(e.start,"'new.target' can only be used in functions"),this.finishNode(e,"MetaProperty")}var r=this.start,i=this.startLoc,s=this.type===oy._import;return e.callee=this.parseSubscripts(this.parseExprAtom(),r,i,!0),s&&"ImportExpression"===e.callee.type&&this.raise(r,"Cannot use new with import()"),this.eat(oy.parenL)?e.arguments=this.parseExprList(oy.parenR,this.options.ecmaVersion>=8,!1):e.arguments=eE,this.finishNode(e,"NewExpression")},Zy.parseTemplateElement=function(e){var t=e.isTagged,n=this.startNode();return this.type===oy.invalidTemplate?(t||this.raiseRecoverable(this.start,"Bad escape sequence in untagged template literal"),n.value={raw:this.value,cooked:null}):n.value={raw:this.input.slice(this.start,this.end).replace(/\r\n?/g,"\n"),cooked:this.value},this.next(),n.tail=this.type===oy.backQuote,this.finishNode(n,"TemplateElement")},Zy.parseTemplate=function(e){void 0===e&&(e={});var t=e.isTagged;void 0===t&&(t=!1);var n=this.startNode();this.next(),n.expressions=[];var r=this.parseTemplateElement({isTagged:t});for(n.quasis=[r];!r.tail;)this.type===oy.eof&&this.raise(this.pos,"Unterminated template literal"),this.expect(oy.dollarBraceL),n.expressions.push(this.parseExpression()),this.expect(oy.braceR),n.quasis.push(r=this.parseTemplateElement({isTagged:t}));return this.next(),this.finishNode(n,"TemplateLiteral")},Zy.isAsyncProp=function(e){return!e.computed&&"Identifier"===e.key.type&&"async"===e.key.name&&(this.type===oy.name||this.type===oy.num||this.type===oy.string||this.type===oy.bracketL||this.type.keyword||this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&this.type===oy.star)&&!ay.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd,this.start))},Zy.parseObj=function(e,t){var n=this.startNode(),r=!0,i={};for(n.properties=[],this.next();!this.eat(oy.braceR);){if(r)r=!1;else if(this.expect(oy.comma),this.options.ecmaVersion>=5&&this.afterTrailingComma(oy.braceR))break;var s=this.parseProperty(e,t);e||this.checkPropClash(s,i,t),n.properties.push(s)}return this.finishNode(n,e?"ObjectPattern":"ObjectExpression")},Zy.parseProperty=function(e,t){var n,r,i,s,o=this.startNode();if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&this.eat(oy.ellipsis))return e?(o.argument=this.parseIdent(!1),this.type===oy.comma&&this.raise(this.start,"Comma is not permitted after the rest element"),this.finishNode(o,"RestElement")):(this.type===oy.parenL&&t&&(t.parenthesizedAssign<0&&(t.parenthesizedAssign=this.start),t.parenthesizedBind<0&&(t.parenthesizedBind=this.start)),o.argument=this.parseMaybeAssign(!1,t),this.type===oy.comma&&t&&t.trailingComma<0&&(t.trailingComma=this.start),this.finishNode(o,"SpreadElement"));this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&(o.method=!1,o.shorthand=!1,(e||t)&&(i=this.start,s=this.startLoc),e||(n=this.eat(oy.star)));var a=this.containsEsc;return this.parsePropertyName(o),!e&&!a&&this.options.ecmaVersion>=8&&!n&&this.isAsyncProp(o)?(r=!0,n=this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&this.eat(oy.star),this.parsePropertyName(o,t)):r=!1,this.parsePropertyValue(o,e,n,r,i,s,t,a),this.finishNode(o,"Property")},Zy.parsePropertyValue=function(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a){if((n||r)&&this.type===oy.colon&&this.unexpected(),this.eat(oy.colon))e.value=t?this.parseMaybeDefault(this.start,this.startLoc):this.parseMaybeAssign(!1,o),e.kind="init";else if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&this.type===oy.parenL)t&&this.unexpected(),e.kind="init",e.method=!0,e.value=this.parseMethod(n,r);else if(t||a||!(this.options.ecmaVersion>=5)||e.computed||"Identifier"!==e.key.type||"get"!==e.key.name&&"set"!==e.key.name||this.type===oy.comma||this.type===oy.braceR||this.type===oy.eq)this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&!e.computed&&"Identifier"===e.key.type?((n||r)&&this.unexpected(),this.checkUnreserved(e.key),"await"!==e.key.name||this.awaitIdentPos||(this.awaitIdentPos=i),e.kind="init",t?e.value=this.parseMaybeDefault(i,s,e.key):this.type===oy.eq&&o?(o.shorthandAssign<0&&(o.shorthandAssign=this.start),e.value=this.parseMaybeDefault(i,s,e.key)):e.value=e.key,e.shorthand=!0):this.unexpected();else{(n||r)&&this.unexpected(),e.kind=e.key.name,this.parsePropertyName(e),e.value=this.parseMethod(!1);var B="get"===e.kind?0:1;if(e.value.params.length!==B){var c=e.value.start;"get"===e.kind?this.raiseRecoverable(c,"getter should have no params"):this.raiseRecoverable(c,"setter should have exactly one param")}else"set"===e.kind&&"RestElement"===e.value.params[0].type&&this.raiseRecoverable(e.value.params[0].start,"Setter cannot use rest params")}},Zy.parsePropertyName=function(e){if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=6){if(this.eat(oy.bracketL))return e.computed=!0,e.key=this.parseMaybeAssign(),this.expect(oy.bracketR),e.key;e.computed=!1}return e.key=this.type===oy.num||this.type===oy.string?this.parseExprAtom():this.parseIdent("never"!==this.options.allowReserved)},Zy.initFunction=function(e){e.id=null,this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&(e.generator=e.expression=!1),this.options.ecmaVersion>=8&&(e.async=!1)},Zy.parseMethod=function(e,t,n){var r=this.startNode(),i=this.yieldPos,s=this.awaitPos,o=this.awaitIdentPos;return this.initFunction(r),this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&(r.generator=e),this.options.ecmaVersion>=8&&(r.async=!!t),this.yieldPos=0,this.awaitPos=0,this.awaitIdentPos=0,this.enterScope(Ty(t,r.generator)|Oy|(n?Ny:0)),this.expect(oy.parenL),r.params=this.parseBindingList(oy.parenR,!1,this.options.ecmaVersion>=8),this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams(),this.parseFunctionBody(r,!1,!0),this.yieldPos=i,this.awaitPos=s,this.awaitIdentPos=o,this.finishNode(r,"FunctionExpression")},Zy.parseArrowExpression=function(e,t,n){var r=this.yieldPos,i=this.awaitPos,s=this.awaitIdentPos;return this.enterScope(Ty(n,!1)|Iy),this.initFunction(e),this.options.ecmaVersion>=8&&(e.async=!!n),this.yieldPos=0,this.awaitPos=0,this.awaitIdentPos=0,e.params=this.toAssignableList(t,!0),this.parseFunctionBody(e,!0,!1),this.yieldPos=r,this.awaitPos=i,this.awaitIdentPos=s,this.finishNode(e,"ArrowFunctionExpression")},Zy.parseFunctionBody=function(e,t,n){var r=t&&this.type!==oy.braceL,i=this.strict,s=!1;if(r)e.body=this.parseMaybeAssign(),e.expression=!0,this.checkParams(e,!1);else{var o=this.options.ecmaVersion>=7&&!this.isSimpleParamList(e.params);i&&!o||(s=this.strictDirective(this.end))&&o&&this.raiseRecoverable(e.start,"Illegal 'use strict' directive in function with non-simple parameter list");var a=this.labels;this.labels=[],s&&(this.strict=!0),this.checkParams(e,!i&&!s&&!t&&!n&&this.isSimpleParamList(e.params)),this.strict&&e.id&&this.checkLVal(e.id,Gy),e.body=this.parseBlock(!1,void 0,s&&!i),e.expression=!1,this.adaptDirectivePrologue(e.body.body),this.labels=a}this.exitScope()},Zy.isSimpleParamList=function(e){for(var t=0,n=e;t-1||i.functions.indexOf(e)>-1||i.var.indexOf(e)>-1,i.lexical.push(e),this.inModule&&i.flags&by&&delete this.undefinedExports[e]}else if(t===Ry){this.currentScope().lexical.push(e)}else if(t===Ly){var s=this.currentScope();r=this.treatFunctionsAsVar?s.lexical.indexOf(e)>-1:s.lexical.indexOf(e)>-1||s.var.indexOf(e)>-1,s.functions.push(e)}else for(var o=this.scopeStack.length-1;o>=0;--o){var a=this.scopeStack[o];if(a.lexical.indexOf(e)>-1&&!(a.flags&ky&&a.lexical[0]===e)||!this.treatFunctionsAsVarInScope(a)&&a.functions.indexOf(e)>-1){r=!0;break}if(a.var.push(e),this.inModule&&a.flags&by&&delete this.undefinedExports[e],a.flags&wy)break}r&&this.raiseRecoverable(n,"Identifier '"+e+"' has already been declared")},nE.checkLocalExport=function(e){-1===this.scopeStack[0].lexical.indexOf(e.name)&&-1===this.scopeStack[0].var.indexOf(e.name)&&(this.undefinedExports[e.name]=e)},nE.currentScope=function(){return this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length-1]},nE.currentVarScope=function(){for(var e=this.scopeStack.length-1;;e--){var t=this.scopeStack[e];if(t.flags&wy)return t}},nE.currentThisScope=function(){for(var e=this.scopeStack.length-1;;e--){var t=this.scopeStack[e];if(t.flags&wy&&!(t.flags&Iy))return t}};var iE=function(e,t,n){this.type="",this.start=t,this.end=0,e.options.locations&&(this.loc=new Ay(e,n)),e.options.directSourceFile&&(this.sourceFile=e.options.directSourceFile),e.options.ranges&&(this.range=[t,0])},sE=Hy.prototype;function oE(e,t,n,r){return e.type=t,e.end=n,this.options.locations&&(e.loc.end=r),this.options.ranges&&(e.range[1]=n),e}sE.startNode=function(){return new iE(this,this.start,this.startLoc)},sE.startNodeAt=function(e,t){return new iE(this,e,t)},sE.finishNode=function(e,t){return oE.call(this,e,t,this.lastTokEnd,this.lastTokEndLoc)},sE.finishNodeAt=function(e,t,n,r){return oE.call(this,e,t,n,r)};var aE=function(e,t,n,r,i){this.token=e,this.isExpr=!!t,this.preserveSpace=!!n,this.override=r,this.generator=!!i},BE={b_stat:new aE("{",!1),b_expr:new aE("{",!0),b_tmpl:new aE("${",!1),p_stat:new aE("(",!1),p_expr:new aE("(",!0),q_tmpl:new aE("`",!0,!0,(function(e){return e.tryReadTemplateToken()})),f_stat:new aE("function",!1),f_expr:new aE("function",!0),f_expr_gen:new aE("function",!0,!1,null,!0),f_gen:new aE("function",!1,!1,null,!0)},cE=Hy.prototype;cE.initialContext=function(){return[BE.b_stat]},cE.braceIsBlock=function(e){var t=this.curContext();return t===BE.f_expr||t===BE.f_stat||(e!==oy.colon||t!==BE.b_stat&&t!==BE.b_expr?e===oy._return||e===oy.name&&this.exprAllowed?ay.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd,this.start)):e===oy._else||e===oy.semi||e===oy.eof||e===oy.parenR||e===oy.arrow||(e===oy.braceL?t===BE.b_stat:e!==oy._var&&e!==oy._const&&e!==oy.name&&!this.exprAllowed):!t.isExpr)},cE.inGeneratorContext=function(){for(var e=this.context.length-1;e>=1;e--){var t=this.context[e];if("function"===t.token)return t.generator}return!1},cE.updateContext=function(e){var t,n=this.type;n.keyword&&e===oy.dot?this.exprAllowed=!1:(t=n.updateContext)?t.call(this,e):this.exprAllowed=n.beforeExpr},oy.parenR.updateContext=oy.braceR.updateContext=function(){if(1!==this.context.length){var e=this.context.pop();e===BE.b_stat&&"function"===this.curContext().token&&(e=this.context.pop()),this.exprAllowed=!e.isExpr}else this.exprAllowed=!0},oy.braceL.updateContext=function(e){this.context.push(this.braceIsBlock(e)?BE.b_stat:BE.b_expr),this.exprAllowed=!0},oy.dollarBraceL.updateContext=function(){this.context.push(BE.b_tmpl),this.exprAllowed=!0},oy.parenL.updateContext=function(e){var t=e===oy._if||e===oy._for||e===oy._with||e===oy._while;this.context.push(t?BE.p_stat:BE.p_expr),this.exprAllowed=!0},oy.incDec.updateContext=function(){},oy._function.updateContext=oy._class.updateContext=function(e){!e.beforeExpr||e===oy.semi||e===oy._else||e===oy._return&&ay.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd,this.start))||(e===oy.colon||e===oy.braceL)&&this.curContext()===BE.b_stat?this.context.push(BE.f_stat):this.context.push(BE.f_expr),this.exprAllowed=!1},oy.backQuote.updateContext=function(){this.curContext()===BE.q_tmpl?this.context.pop():this.context.push(BE.q_tmpl),this.exprAllowed=!1},oy.star.updateContext=function(e){if(e===oy._function){var t=this.context.length-1;this.context[t]===BE.f_expr?this.context[t]=BE.f_expr_gen:this.context[t]=BE.f_gen}this.exprAllowed=!0},oy.name.updateContext=function(e){var t=!1;this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&e!==oy.dot&&("of"===this.value&&!this.exprAllowed||"yield"===this.value&&this.inGeneratorContext())&&(t=!0),this.exprAllowed=t};var lE="ASCII ASCII_Hex_Digit AHex Alphabetic Alpha Any Assigned Bidi_Control Bidi_C Bidi_Mirrored Bidi_M Case_Ignorable CI Cased Changes_When_Casefolded CWCF Changes_When_Casemapped CWCM Changes_When_Lowercased CWL Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded CWKCF Changes_When_Titlecased CWT Changes_When_Uppercased CWU Dash Default_Ignorable_Code_Point DI Deprecated Dep Diacritic Dia Emoji Emoji_Component Emoji_Modifier Emoji_Modifier_Base Emoji_Presentation Extender Ext Grapheme_Base Gr_Base Grapheme_Extend Gr_Ext Hex_Digit Hex IDS_Binary_Operator IDSB IDS_Trinary_Operator IDST ID_Continue IDC ID_Start IDS Ideographic Ideo Join_Control Join_C Logical_Order_Exception LOE Lowercase Lower Math Noncharacter_Code_Point NChar Pattern_Syntax Pat_Syn Pattern_White_Space Pat_WS Quotation_Mark QMark Radical Regional_Indicator RI Sentence_Terminal STerm Soft_Dotted SD Terminal_Punctuation Term Unified_Ideograph UIdeo Uppercase Upper Variation_Selector VS White_Space space XID_Continue XIDC XID_Start XIDS",uE=lE+" Extended_Pictographic",pE=uE,hE={9:lE,10:uE,11:pE},dE="Cased_Letter LC Close_Punctuation Pe Connector_Punctuation Pc Control Cc cntrl Currency_Symbol Sc Dash_Punctuation Pd Decimal_Number Nd digit Enclosing_Mark Me Final_Punctuation Pf Format Cf Initial_Punctuation Pi Letter L Letter_Number Nl Line_Separator Zl Lowercase_Letter Ll Mark M Combining_Mark Math_Symbol Sm Modifier_Letter Lm Modifier_Symbol Sk Nonspacing_Mark Mn Number N Open_Punctuation Ps Other C Other_Letter Lo Other_Number No Other_Punctuation Po Other_Symbol So Paragraph_Separator Zp Private_Use Co Punctuation P punct Separator Z Space_Separator Zs Spacing_Mark Mc Surrogate Cs Symbol S Titlecase_Letter Lt Unassigned Cn Uppercase_Letter Lu",fE="Adlam Adlm Ahom Ahom Anatolian_Hieroglyphs Hluw Arabic Arab Armenian Armn Avestan Avst Balinese Bali Bamum Bamu Bassa_Vah Bass Batak Batk Bengali Beng Bhaiksuki Bhks Bopomofo Bopo Brahmi Brah Braille Brai Buginese Bugi Buhid Buhd Canadian_Aboriginal Cans Carian Cari Caucasian_Albanian Aghb Chakma Cakm Cham Cham Cherokee Cher Common Zyyy Coptic Copt Qaac Cuneiform Xsux Cypriot Cprt Cyrillic Cyrl Deseret Dsrt Devanagari Deva Duployan Dupl Egyptian_Hieroglyphs Egyp Elbasan Elba Ethiopic Ethi Georgian Geor Glagolitic Glag Gothic Goth Grantha Gran Greek Grek Gujarati Gujr Gurmukhi Guru Han Hani Hangul Hang Hanunoo Hano Hatran Hatr Hebrew Hebr Hiragana Hira Imperial_Aramaic Armi Inherited Zinh Qaai Inscriptional_Pahlavi Phli Inscriptional_Parthian Prti Javanese Java Kaithi Kthi Kannada Knda Katakana Kana Kayah_Li Kali Kharoshthi Khar Khmer Khmr Khojki Khoj Khudawadi Sind Lao Laoo Latin Latn Lepcha Lepc Limbu Limb Linear_A Lina Linear_B Linb Lisu Lisu Lycian Lyci Lydian Lydi Mahajani Mahj Malayalam Mlym Mandaic Mand Manichaean Mani Marchen Marc Masaram_Gondi Gonm Meetei_Mayek Mtei Mende_Kikakui Mend Meroitic_Cursive Merc Meroitic_Hieroglyphs Mero Miao Plrd Modi Modi Mongolian Mong Mro Mroo Multani Mult Myanmar Mymr Nabataean Nbat New_Tai_Lue Talu Newa Newa Nko Nkoo Nushu Nshu Ogham Ogam Ol_Chiki Olck Old_Hungarian Hung Old_Italic Ital Old_North_Arabian Narb Old_Permic Perm Old_Persian Xpeo Old_South_Arabian Sarb Old_Turkic Orkh Oriya Orya Osage Osge Osmanya Osma Pahawh_Hmong Hmng Palmyrene Palm Pau_Cin_Hau Pauc Phags_Pa Phag Phoenician Phnx Psalter_Pahlavi Phlp Rejang Rjng Runic Runr Samaritan Samr Saurashtra Saur Sharada Shrd Shavian Shaw Siddham Sidd SignWriting Sgnw Sinhala Sinh Sora_Sompeng Sora Soyombo Soyo Sundanese Sund Syloti_Nagri Sylo Syriac Syrc Tagalog Tglg Tagbanwa Tagb Tai_Le Tale Tai_Tham Lana Tai_Viet Tavt Takri Takr Tamil Taml Tangut Tang Telugu Telu Thaana Thaa Thai Thai Tibetan Tibt Tifinagh Tfng Tirhuta Tirh Ugaritic Ugar Vai Vaii Warang_Citi Wara Yi Yiii Zanabazar_Square Zanb",CE=fE+" Dogra Dogr Gunjala_Gondi Gong Hanifi_Rohingya Rohg Makasar Maka Medefaidrin Medf Old_Sogdian Sogo Sogdian Sogd",mE=CE+" Elymaic Elym Nandinagari Nand Nyiakeng_Puachue_Hmong Hmnp Wancho Wcho",gE={9:fE,10:CE,11:mE},AE={};function yE(e){var t=AE[e]={binary:my(hE[e]+" "+dE),nonBinary:{General_Category:my(dE),Script:my(gE[e])}};t.nonBinary.Script_Extensions=t.nonBinary.Script,t.nonBinary.gc=t.nonBinary.General_Category,t.nonBinary.sc=t.nonBinary.Script,t.nonBinary.scx=t.nonBinary.Script_Extensions}yE(9),yE(10),yE(11);var EE=Hy.prototype,vE=function(e){this.parser=e,this.validFlags="gim"+(e.options.ecmaVersion>=6?"uy":"")+(e.options.ecmaVersion>=9?"s":""),this.unicodeProperties=AE[e.options.ecmaVersion>=11?11:e.options.ecmaVersion],this.source="",this.flags="",this.start=0,this.switchU=!1,this.switchN=!1,this.pos=0,this.lastIntValue=0,this.lastStringValue="",this.lastAssertionIsQuantifiable=!1,this.numCapturingParens=0,this.maxBackReference=0,this.groupNames=[],this.backReferenceNames=[]};function _E(e){return e<=65535?String.fromCharCode(e):(e-=65536,String.fromCharCode(55296+(e>>10),56320+(1023&e)))}function bE(e){return 36===e||e>=40&&e<=43||46===e||63===e||e>=91&&e<=94||e>=123&&e<=125}function SE(e){return $A(e,!0)||36===e||95===e}function wE(e){return ZA(e,!0)||36===e||95===e||8204===e||8205===e}function xE(e){return e>=65&&e<=90||e>=97&&e<=122}function DE(e){return e>=0&&e<=1114111}function IE(e){return 100===e||68===e||115===e||83===e||119===e||87===e}function kE(e){return xE(e)||95===e}function OE(e){return kE(e)||NE(e)}function NE(e){return e>=48&&e<=57}function TE(e){return e>=48&&e<=57||e>=65&&e<=70||e>=97&&e<=102}function PE(e){return e>=65&&e<=70?e-65+10:e>=97&&e<=102?e-97+10:e-48}function ME(e){return e>=48&&e<=55}vE.prototype.reset=function(e,t,n){var r=-1!==n.indexOf("u");this.start=0|e,this.source=t+"",this.flags=n,this.switchU=r&&this.parser.options.ecmaVersion>=6,this.switchN=r&&this.parser.options.ecmaVersion>=9},vE.prototype.raise=function(e){this.parser.raiseRecoverable(this.start,"Invalid regular expression: /"+this.source+"/: "+e)},vE.prototype.at=function(e,t){void 0===t&&(t=!1);var n=this.source,r=n.length;if(e>=r)return-1;var i=n.charCodeAt(e);if(!t&&!this.switchU||i<=55295||i>=57344||e+1>=r)return i;var s=n.charCodeAt(e+1);return s>=56320&&s<=57343?(i<<10)+s-56613888:i},vE.prototype.nextIndex=function(e,t){void 0===t&&(t=!1);var n=this.source,r=n.length;if(e>=r)return r;var i,s=n.charCodeAt(e);return!t&&!this.switchU||s<=55295||s>=57344||e+1>=r||(i=n.charCodeAt(e+1))<56320||i>57343?e+1:e+2},vE.prototype.current=function(e){return void 0===e&&(e=!1),this.at(this.pos,e)},vE.prototype.lookahead=function(e){return void 0===e&&(e=!1),this.at(this.nextIndex(this.pos,e),e)},vE.prototype.advance=function(e){void 0===e&&(e=!1),this.pos=this.nextIndex(this.pos,e)},vE.prototype.eat=function(e,t){return void 0===t&&(t=!1),this.current(t)===e&&(this.advance(t),!0)},EE.validateRegExpFlags=function(e){for(var t=e.validFlags,n=e.flags,r=0;r-1&&this.raise(e.start,"Duplicate regular expression flag")}},EE.validateRegExpPattern=function(e){this.regexp_pattern(e),!e.switchN&&this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&e.groupNames.length>0&&(e.switchN=!0,this.regexp_pattern(e))},EE.regexp_pattern=function(e){e.pos=0,e.lastIntValue=0,e.lastStringValue="",e.lastAssertionIsQuantifiable=!1,e.numCapturingParens=0,e.maxBackReference=0,e.groupNames.length=0,e.backReferenceNames.length=0,this.regexp_disjunction(e),e.pos!==e.source.length&&(e.eat(41)&&e.raise("Unmatched ')'"),(e.eat(93)||e.eat(125))&&e.raise("Lone quantifier brackets")),e.maxBackReference>e.numCapturingParens&&e.raise("Invalid escape");for(var t=0,n=e.backReferenceNames;t=9&&(n=e.eat(60)),e.eat(61)||e.eat(33))return this.regexp_disjunction(e),e.eat(41)||e.raise("Unterminated group"),e.lastAssertionIsQuantifiable=!n,!0}return e.pos=t,!1},EE.regexp_eatQuantifier=function(e,t){return void 0===t&&(t=!1),!!this.regexp_eatQuantifierPrefix(e,t)&&(e.eat(63),!0)},EE.regexp_eatQuantifierPrefix=function(e,t){return e.eat(42)||e.eat(43)||e.eat(63)||this.regexp_eatBracedQuantifier(e,t)},EE.regexp_eatBracedQuantifier=function(e,t){var n=e.pos;if(e.eat(123)){var r=0,i=-1;if(this.regexp_eatDecimalDigits(e)&&(r=e.lastIntValue,e.eat(44)&&this.regexp_eatDecimalDigits(e)&&(i=e.lastIntValue),e.eat(125)))return-1!==i&&i=9?this.regexp_groupSpecifier(e):63===e.current()&&e.raise("Invalid group"),this.regexp_disjunction(e),e.eat(41))return e.numCapturingParens+=1,!0;e.raise("Unterminated group")}return!1},EE.regexp_eatExtendedAtom=function(e){return e.eat(46)||this.regexp_eatReverseSolidusAtomEscape(e)||this.regexp_eatCharacterClass(e)||this.regexp_eatUncapturingGroup(e)||this.regexp_eatCapturingGroup(e)||this.regexp_eatInvalidBracedQuantifier(e)||this.regexp_eatExtendedPatternCharacter(e)},EE.regexp_eatInvalidBracedQuantifier=function(e){return this.regexp_eatBracedQuantifier(e,!0)&&e.raise("Nothing to repeat"),!1},EE.regexp_eatSyntaxCharacter=function(e){var t=e.current();return!!bE(t)&&(e.lastIntValue=t,e.advance(),!0)},EE.regexp_eatPatternCharacters=function(e){for(var t=e.pos,n=0;-1!==(n=e.current())&&!bE(n);)e.advance();return e.pos!==t},EE.regexp_eatExtendedPatternCharacter=function(e){var t=e.current();return!(-1===t||36===t||t>=40&&t<=43||46===t||63===t||91===t||94===t||124===t)&&(e.advance(),!0)},EE.regexp_groupSpecifier=function(e){if(e.eat(63)){if(this.regexp_eatGroupName(e))return-1!==e.groupNames.indexOf(e.lastStringValue)&&e.raise("Duplicate capture group name"),void e.groupNames.push(e.lastStringValue);e.raise("Invalid group")}},EE.regexp_eatGroupName=function(e){if(e.lastStringValue="",e.eat(60)){if(this.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierName(e)&&e.eat(62))return!0;e.raise("Invalid capture group name")}return!1},EE.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierName=function(e){if(e.lastStringValue="",this.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierStart(e)){for(e.lastStringValue+=_E(e.lastIntValue);this.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierPart(e);)e.lastStringValue+=_E(e.lastIntValue);return!0}return!1},EE.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierStart=function(e){var t=e.pos,n=this.options.ecmaVersion>=11,r=e.current(n);return e.advance(n),92===r&&this.regexp_eatRegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence(e,n)&&(r=e.lastIntValue),SE(r)?(e.lastIntValue=r,!0):(e.pos=t,!1)},EE.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierPart=function(e){var t=e.pos,n=this.options.ecmaVersion>=11,r=e.current(n);return e.advance(n),92===r&&this.regexp_eatRegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence(e,n)&&(r=e.lastIntValue),wE(r)?(e.lastIntValue=r,!0):(e.pos=t,!1)},EE.regexp_eatAtomEscape=function(e){return!!(this.regexp_eatBackReference(e)||this.regexp_eatCharacterClassEscape(e)||this.regexp_eatCharacterEscape(e)||e.switchN&&this.regexp_eatKGroupName(e))||(e.switchU&&(99===e.current()&&e.raise("Invalid unicode escape"),e.raise("Invalid escape")),!1)},EE.regexp_eatBackReference=function(e){var t=e.pos;if(this.regexp_eatDecimalEscape(e)){var n=e.lastIntValue;if(e.switchU)return n>e.maxBackReference&&(e.maxBackReference=n),!0;if(n<=e.numCapturingParens)return!0;e.pos=t}return!1},EE.regexp_eatKGroupName=function(e){if(e.eat(107)){if(this.regexp_eatGroupName(e))return e.backReferenceNames.push(e.lastStringValue),!0;e.raise("Invalid named reference")}return!1},EE.regexp_eatCharacterEscape=function(e){return this.regexp_eatControlEscape(e)||this.regexp_eatCControlLetter(e)||this.regexp_eatZero(e)||this.regexp_eatHexEscapeSequence(e)||this.regexp_eatRegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence(e,!1)||!e.switchU&&this.regexp_eatLegacyOctalEscapeSequence(e)||this.regexp_eatIdentityEscape(e)},EE.regexp_eatCControlLetter=function(e){var t=e.pos;if(e.eat(99)){if(this.regexp_eatControlLetter(e))return!0;e.pos=t}return!1},EE.regexp_eatZero=function(e){return 48===e.current()&&!NE(e.lookahead())&&(e.lastIntValue=0,e.advance(),!0)},EE.regexp_eatControlEscape=function(e){var t=e.current();return 116===t?(e.lastIntValue=9,e.advance(),!0):110===t?(e.lastIntValue=10,e.advance(),!0):118===t?(e.lastIntValue=11,e.advance(),!0):102===t?(e.lastIntValue=12,e.advance(),!0):114===t&&(e.lastIntValue=13,e.advance(),!0)},EE.regexp_eatControlLetter=function(e){var t=e.current();return!!xE(t)&&(e.lastIntValue=t%32,e.advance(),!0)},EE.regexp_eatRegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence=function(e,t){void 0===t&&(t=!1);var n=e.pos,r=t||e.switchU;if(e.eat(117)){if(this.regexp_eatFixedHexDigits(e,4)){var i=e.lastIntValue;if(r&&i>=55296&&i<=56319){var s=e.pos;if(e.eat(92)&&e.eat(117)&&this.regexp_eatFixedHexDigits(e,4)){var o=e.lastIntValue;if(o>=56320&&o<=57343)return e.lastIntValue=1024*(i-55296)+(o-56320)+65536,!0}e.pos=s,e.lastIntValue=i}return!0}if(r&&e.eat(123)&&this.regexp_eatHexDigits(e)&&e.eat(125)&&DE(e.lastIntValue))return!0;r&&e.raise("Invalid unicode escape"),e.pos=n}return!1},EE.regexp_eatIdentityEscape=function(e){if(e.switchU)return!!this.regexp_eatSyntaxCharacter(e)||!!e.eat(47)&&(e.lastIntValue=47,!0);var t=e.current();return!(99===t||e.switchN&&107===t)&&(e.lastIntValue=t,e.advance(),!0)},EE.regexp_eatDecimalEscape=function(e){e.lastIntValue=0;var t=e.current();if(t>=49&&t<=57){do{e.lastIntValue=10*e.lastIntValue+(t-48),e.advance()}while((t=e.current())>=48&&t<=57);return!0}return!1},EE.regexp_eatCharacterClassEscape=function(e){var t=e.current();if(IE(t))return e.lastIntValue=-1,e.advance(),!0;if(e.switchU&&this.options.ecmaVersion>=9&&(80===t||112===t)){if(e.lastIntValue=-1,e.advance(),e.eat(123)&&this.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyValueExpression(e)&&e.eat(125))return!0;e.raise("Invalid property name")}return!1},EE.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyValueExpression=function(e){var t=e.pos;if(this.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyName(e)&&e.eat(61)){var n=e.lastStringValue;if(this.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyValue(e)){var r=e.lastStringValue;return this.regexp_validateUnicodePropertyNameAndValue(e,n,r),!0}}if(e.pos=t,this.regexp_eatLoneUnicodePropertyNameOrValue(e)){var i=e.lastStringValue;return this.regexp_validateUnicodePropertyNameOrValue(e,i),!0}return!1},EE.regexp_validateUnicodePropertyNameAndValue=function(e,t,n){fy(e.unicodeProperties.nonBinary,t)||e.raise("Invalid property name"),e.unicodeProperties.nonBinary[t].test(n)||e.raise("Invalid property value")},EE.regexp_validateUnicodePropertyNameOrValue=function(e,t){e.unicodeProperties.binary.test(t)||e.raise("Invalid property name")},EE.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyName=function(e){var t=0;for(e.lastStringValue="";kE(t=e.current());)e.lastStringValue+=_E(t),e.advance();return""!==e.lastStringValue},EE.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyValue=function(e){var t=0;for(e.lastStringValue="";OE(t=e.current());)e.lastStringValue+=_E(t),e.advance();return""!==e.lastStringValue},EE.regexp_eatLoneUnicodePropertyNameOrValue=function(e){return this.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyValue(e)},EE.regexp_eatCharacterClass=function(e){if(e.eat(91)){if(e.eat(94),this.regexp_classRanges(e),e.eat(93))return!0;e.raise("Unterminated character class")}return!1},EE.regexp_classRanges=function(e){for(;this.regexp_eatClassAtom(e);){var t=e.lastIntValue;if(e.eat(45)&&this.regexp_eatClassAtom(e)){var n=e.lastIntValue;!e.switchU||-1!==t&&-1!==n||e.raise("Invalid character class"),-1!==t&&-1!==n&&t>n&&e.raise("Range out of order in character class")}}},EE.regexp_eatClassAtom=function(e){var t=e.pos;if(e.eat(92)){if(this.regexp_eatClassEscape(e))return!0;if(e.switchU){var n=e.current();(99===n||ME(n))&&e.raise("Invalid class escape"),e.raise("Invalid escape")}e.pos=t}var r=e.current();return 93!==r&&(e.lastIntValue=r,e.advance(),!0)},EE.regexp_eatClassEscape=function(e){var t=e.pos;if(e.eat(98))return e.lastIntValue=8,!0;if(e.switchU&&e.eat(45))return e.lastIntValue=45,!0;if(!e.switchU&&e.eat(99)){if(this.regexp_eatClassControlLetter(e))return!0;e.pos=t}return this.regexp_eatCharacterClassEscape(e)||this.regexp_eatCharacterEscape(e)},EE.regexp_eatClassControlLetter=function(e){var t=e.current();return!(!NE(t)&&95!==t)&&(e.lastIntValue=t%32,e.advance(),!0)},EE.regexp_eatHexEscapeSequence=function(e){var t=e.pos;if(e.eat(120)){if(this.regexp_eatFixedHexDigits(e,2))return!0;e.switchU&&e.raise("Invalid escape"),e.pos=t}return!1},EE.regexp_eatDecimalDigits=function(e){var t=e.pos,n=0;for(e.lastIntValue=0;NE(n=e.current());)e.lastIntValue=10*e.lastIntValue+(n-48),e.advance();return e.pos!==t},EE.regexp_eatHexDigits=function(e){var t=e.pos,n=0;for(e.lastIntValue=0;TE(n=e.current());)e.lastIntValue=16*e.lastIntValue+PE(n),e.advance();return e.pos!==t},EE.regexp_eatLegacyOctalEscapeSequence=function(e){if(this.regexp_eatOctalDigit(e)){var t=e.lastIntValue;if(this.regexp_eatOctalDigit(e)){var n=e.lastIntValue;t<=3&&this.regexp_eatOctalDigit(e)?e.lastIntValue=64*t+8*n+e.lastIntValue:e.lastIntValue=8*t+n}else e.lastIntValue=t;return!0}return!1},EE.regexp_eatOctalDigit=function(e){var t=e.current();return ME(t)?(e.lastIntValue=t-48,e.advance(),!0):(e.lastIntValue=0,!1)},EE.regexp_eatFixedHexDigits=function(e,t){var n=e.pos;e.lastIntValue=0;for(var r=0;r>10),56320+(1023&e)))}LE.next=function(e){!e&&this.type.keyword&&this.containsEsc&&this.raiseRecoverable(this.start,"Escape sequence in keyword "+this.type.keyword),this.options.onToken&&this.options.onToken(new FE(this)),this.lastTokEnd=this.end,this.lastTokStart=this.start,this.lastTokEndLoc=this.endLoc,this.lastTokStartLoc=this.startLoc,this.nextToken()},LE.getToken=function(){return this.next(),new FE(this)},"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&(LE[Symbol.iterator]=function(){var e=this;return{next:function(){var t=e.getToken();return{done:t.type===oy.eof,value:t}}}}),LE.curContext=function(){return this.context[this.context.length-1]},LE.nextToken=function(){var e=this.curContext();return e&&e.preserveSpace||this.skipSpace(),this.start=this.pos,this.options.locations&&(this.startLoc=this.curPosition()),this.pos>=this.input.length?this.finishToken(oy.eof):e.override?e.override(this):void this.readToken(this.fullCharCodeAtPos())},LE.readToken=function(e){return $A(e,this.options.ecmaVersion>=6)||92===e?this.readWord():this.getTokenFromCode(e)},LE.fullCharCodeAtPos=function(){var e=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos);return e<=55295||e>=57344?e:(e<<10)+this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1)-56613888},LE.skipBlockComment=function(){var e,t=this.options.onComment&&this.curPosition(),n=this.pos,r=this.input.indexOf("*/",this.pos+=2);if(-1===r&&this.raise(this.pos-2,"Unterminated comment"),this.pos=r+2,this.options.locations)for(By.lastIndex=n;(e=By.exec(this.input))&&e.index8&&e<14||e>=5760&&ly.test(String.fromCharCode(e))))break e;++this.pos}}},LE.finishToken=function(e,t){this.end=this.pos,this.options.locations&&(this.endLoc=this.curPosition());var n=this.type;this.type=e,this.value=t,this.updateContext(n)},LE.readToken_dot=function(){var e=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1);if(e>=48&&e<=57)return this.readNumber(!0);var t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2);return this.options.ecmaVersion>=6&&46===e&&46===t?(this.pos+=3,this.finishToken(oy.ellipsis)):(++this.pos,this.finishToken(oy.dot))},LE.readToken_slash=function(){var e=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1);return this.exprAllowed?(++this.pos,this.readRegexp()):61===e?this.finishOp(oy.assign,2):this.finishOp(oy.slash,1)},LE.readToken_mult_modulo_exp=function(e){var t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1),n=1,r=42===e?oy.star:oy.modulo;return this.options.ecmaVersion>=7&&42===e&&42===t&&(++n,r=oy.starstar,t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2)),61===t?this.finishOp(oy.assign,n+1):this.finishOp(r,n)},LE.readToken_pipe_amp=function(e){var t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1);if(t===e){if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=12)if(61===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2))return this.finishOp(oy.assign,3);return this.finishOp(124===e?oy.logicalOR:oy.logicalAND,2)}return 61===t?this.finishOp(oy.assign,2):this.finishOp(124===e?oy.bitwiseOR:oy.bitwiseAND,1)},LE.readToken_caret=function(){return 61===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1)?this.finishOp(oy.assign,2):this.finishOp(oy.bitwiseXOR,1)},LE.readToken_plus_min=function(e){var t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1);return t===e?45!==t||this.inModule||62!==this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2)||0!==this.lastTokEnd&&!ay.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd,this.pos))?this.finishOp(oy.incDec,2):(this.skipLineComment(3),this.skipSpace(),this.nextToken()):61===t?this.finishOp(oy.assign,2):this.finishOp(oy.plusMin,1)},LE.readToken_lt_gt=function(e){var t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1),n=1;return t===e?(n=62===e&&62===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2)?3:2,61===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+n)?this.finishOp(oy.assign,n+1):this.finishOp(oy.bitShift,n)):33!==t||60!==e||this.inModule||45!==this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2)||45!==this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+3)?(61===t&&(n=2),this.finishOp(oy.relational,n)):(this.skipLineComment(4),this.skipSpace(),this.nextToken())},LE.readToken_eq_excl=function(e){var t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1);return 61===t?this.finishOp(oy.equality,61===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2)?3:2):61===e&&62===t&&this.options.ecmaVersion>=6?(this.pos+=2,this.finishToken(oy.arrow)):this.finishOp(61===e?oy.eq:oy.prefix,1)},LE.readToken_question=function(){var e=this.options.ecmaVersion;if(e>=11){var t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1);if(46===t){var n=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2);if(n<48||n>57)return this.finishOp(oy.questionDot,2)}if(63===t){if(e>=12)if(61===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+2))return this.finishOp(oy.assign,3);return this.finishOp(oy.coalesce,2)}}return this.finishOp(oy.question,1)},LE.getTokenFromCode=function(e){switch(e){case 46:return this.readToken_dot();case 40:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oy.parenL);case 41:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oy.parenR);case 59:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oy.semi);case 44:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oy.comma);case 91:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oy.bracketL);case 93:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oy.bracketR);case 123:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oy.braceL);case 125:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oy.braceR);case 58:return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oy.colon);case 96:if(this.options.ecmaVersion<6)break;return++this.pos,this.finishToken(oy.backQuote);case 48:var t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1);if(120===t||88===t)return this.readRadixNumber(16);if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=6){if(111===t||79===t)return this.readRadixNumber(8);if(98===t||66===t)return this.readRadixNumber(2)}case 49:case 50:case 51:case 52:case 53:case 54:case 55:case 56:case 57:return this.readNumber(!1);case 34:case 39:return this.readString(e);case 47:return this.readToken_slash();case 37:case 42:return this.readToken_mult_modulo_exp(e);case 124:case 38:return this.readToken_pipe_amp(e);case 94:return this.readToken_caret();case 43:case 45:return this.readToken_plus_min(e);case 60:case 62:return this.readToken_lt_gt(e);case 61:case 33:return this.readToken_eq_excl(e);case 63:return this.readToken_question();case 126:return this.finishOp(oy.prefix,1)}this.raise(this.pos,"Unexpected character '"+HE(e)+"'")},LE.finishOp=function(e,t){var n=this.input.slice(this.pos,this.pos+t);return this.pos+=t,this.finishToken(e,n)},LE.readRegexp=function(){for(var e,t,n=this.pos;;){this.pos>=this.input.length&&this.raise(n,"Unterminated regular expression");var r=this.input.charAt(this.pos);if(ay.test(r)&&this.raise(n,"Unterminated regular expression"),e)e=!1;else{if("["===r)t=!0;else if("]"===r&&t)t=!1;else if("/"===r&&!t)break;e="\\"===r}++this.pos}var i=this.input.slice(n,this.pos);++this.pos;var s=this.pos,o=this.readWord1();this.containsEsc&&this.unexpected(s);var a=this.regexpState||(this.regexpState=new vE(this));a.reset(n,i,o),this.validateRegExpFlags(a),this.validateRegExpPattern(a);var B=null;try{B=new RegExp(i,o)}catch(e){}return this.finishToken(oy.regexp,{pattern:i,flags:o,value:B})},LE.readInt=function(e,t,n){for(var r=this.options.ecmaVersion>=12&&void 0===t,i=n&&48===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos),s=this.pos,o=0,a=0,B=0,c=null==t?1/0:t;B=97?l-97+10:l>=65?l-65+10:l>=48&&l<=57?l-48:1/0)>=e)break;a=l,o=o*e+u}}return r&&95===a&&this.raiseRecoverable(this.pos-1,"Numeric separator is not allowed at the last of digits"),this.pos===s||null!=t&&this.pos-s!==t?null:o},LE.readRadixNumber=function(e){var t=this.pos;this.pos+=2;var n=this.readInt(e);return null==n&&this.raise(this.start+2,"Expected number in radix "+e),this.options.ecmaVersion>=11&&110===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos)?(n=GE(this.input.slice(t,this.pos)),++this.pos):$A(this.fullCharCodeAtPos())&&this.raise(this.pos,"Identifier directly after number"),this.finishToken(oy.num,n)},LE.readNumber=function(e){var t=this.pos;e||null!==this.readInt(10,void 0,!0)||this.raise(t,"Invalid number");var n=this.pos-t>=2&&48===this.input.charCodeAt(t);n&&this.strict&&this.raise(t,"Invalid number");var r=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos);if(!n&&!e&&this.options.ecmaVersion>=11&&110===r){var i=GE(this.input.slice(t,this.pos));return++this.pos,$A(this.fullCharCodeAtPos())&&this.raise(this.pos,"Identifier directly after number"),this.finishToken(oy.num,i)}n&&/[89]/.test(this.input.slice(t,this.pos))&&(n=!1),46!==r||n||(++this.pos,this.readInt(10),r=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos)),69!==r&&101!==r||n||(43!==(r=this.input.charCodeAt(++this.pos))&&45!==r||++this.pos,null===this.readInt(10)&&this.raise(t,"Invalid number")),$A(this.fullCharCodeAtPos())&&this.raise(this.pos,"Identifier directly after number");var s=RE(this.input.slice(t,this.pos),n);return this.finishToken(oy.num,s)},LE.readCodePoint=function(){var e;if(123===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos)){this.options.ecmaVersion<6&&this.unexpected();var t=++this.pos;e=this.readHexChar(this.input.indexOf("}",this.pos)-this.pos),++this.pos,e>1114111&&this.invalidStringToken(t,"Code point out of bounds")}else e=this.readHexChar(4);return e},LE.readString=function(e){for(var t="",n=++this.pos;;){this.pos>=this.input.length&&this.raise(this.start,"Unterminated string constant");var r=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos);if(r===e)break;92===r?(t+=this.input.slice(n,this.pos),t+=this.readEscapedChar(!1),n=this.pos):(cy(r,this.options.ecmaVersion>=10)&&this.raise(this.start,"Unterminated string constant"),++this.pos)}return t+=this.input.slice(n,this.pos++),this.finishToken(oy.string,t)};var KE={};LE.tryReadTemplateToken=function(){this.inTemplateElement=!0;try{this.readTmplToken()}catch(e){if(e!==KE)throw e;this.readInvalidTemplateToken()}this.inTemplateElement=!1},LE.invalidStringToken=function(e,t){if(this.inTemplateElement&&this.options.ecmaVersion>=9)throw KE;this.raise(e,t)},LE.readTmplToken=function(){for(var e="",t=this.pos;;){this.pos>=this.input.length&&this.raise(this.start,"Unterminated template");var n=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos);if(96===n||36===n&&123===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1))return this.pos!==this.start||this.type!==oy.template&&this.type!==oy.invalidTemplate?(e+=this.input.slice(t,this.pos),this.finishToken(oy.template,e)):36===n?(this.pos+=2,this.finishToken(oy.dollarBraceL)):(++this.pos,this.finishToken(oy.backQuote));if(92===n)e+=this.input.slice(t,this.pos),e+=this.readEscapedChar(!0),t=this.pos;else if(cy(n)){switch(e+=this.input.slice(t,this.pos),++this.pos,n){case 13:10===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos)&&++this.pos;case 10:e+="\n";break;default:e+=String.fromCharCode(n)}this.options.locations&&(++this.curLine,this.lineStart=this.pos),t=this.pos}else++this.pos}},LE.readInvalidTemplateToken=function(){for(;this.pos=48&&t<=55){var r=this.input.substr(this.pos-1,3).match(/^[0-7]+/)[0],i=parseInt(r,8);return i>255&&(r=r.slice(0,-1),i=parseInt(r,8)),this.pos+=r.length-1,t=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos),"0"===r&&56!==t&&57!==t||!this.strict&&!e||this.invalidStringToken(this.pos-1-r.length,e?"Octal literal in template string":"Octal literal in strict mode"),String.fromCharCode(i)}return cy(t)?"":String.fromCharCode(t)}},LE.readHexChar=function(e){var t=this.pos,n=this.readInt(16,e);return null===n&&this.invalidStringToken(t,"Bad character escape sequence"),n},LE.readWord1=function(){this.containsEsc=!1;for(var e="",t=!0,n=this.pos,r=this.options.ecmaVersion>=6;this.pos=n?r+(""+e).replace(s,r)+i:""+e}}function rv(e){return(""+e).replace(/\x1b\[[0-9;]+m/g,"").replace(/\x1b\]8;;.*?\x07(.*?)\x1b\]8;;\x07/g,(function(e,t){return t}))}nv(0,0);var iv=nv(1,22),sv=nv(2,22);nv(3,23),nv(4,24),nv(7,27),nv(8,28),nv(9,29),nv(30,39);var ov=nv(31,39);function av(e){return e.replace(/^\t+/,(e=>" ".repeat(e.length)))}function Bv(e,t,n,{before:r=2,after:i=3,colors:s=!0}={}){const o=e.split("\n"),a=Math.max(0,t-r),B=Math.min(o.length,t+i+1),c=String(B).length,l=" ".repeat(c),u=sv("|");let p="";for(let e=a;e")+` ${i} ${u} ${s}\n`;const e=Math.max(0,s.length-r.length+n);p+=` ${l} ${u} ${" ".repeat(e)}${iv(ov("^"))}\n`}else p+=` ${i} ${u} ${s}\n`}return s?p:rv(p)}function cv(e,n){let r=0;const i=e.output.filter((e=>!/\.map$/.test(e.fileName))).sort(((e,t)=>lv(t)-lv(e)));let s=!1;const o=i.reduce(((e,i)=>{s||"asset"!==i.type||/\.(css|html)/.test(i.fileName)||(e+="\n",s=!0);const o="asset"===i.type?i.source:i.code,a=o.length;r+=o.length;let 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t=/^[\da-fA-F]+$/,n=/^\d+$/,r=new WeakMap;function i(e){e=e.Parser.acorn||e;let t=r.get(e);if(!t){const n=e.tokTypes,i=e.TokContext,s=e.TokenType,o=new i("...",!0,!0),c={tc_oTag:o,tc_cTag:a,tc_expr:B},l={jsxName:new s("jsxName"),jsxText:new s("jsxText",{beforeExpr:!0}),jsxTagStart:new s("jsxTagStart",{startsExpr:!0}),jsxTagEnd:new s("jsxTagEnd")};l.jsxTagStart.updateContext=function(){this.context.push(B),this.context.push(o),this.exprAllowed=!1},l.jsxTagEnd.updateContext=function(e){let t=this.context.pop();t===o&&e===n.slash||t===a?(this.context.pop(),this.exprAllowed=this.curContext()===B):this.exprAllowed=!0},t={tokContexts:c,tokTypes:l},r.set(e,t)}return t}function s(e){return e?"JSXIdentifier"===e.type?e.name:"JSXNamespacedName"===e.type?e.namespace.name+":"+e.name.name:"JSXMemberExpression"===e.type?s(e.object)+"."+s(e.property):void 0:e}e.exports=function(e){return e=e||{},function(r){return function(e,r){const o=r.acorn||WE,a=i(o),B=o.tokTypes,c=a.tokTypes,l=o.tokContexts,u=a.tokContexts.tc_oTag,p=a.tokContexts.tc_cTag,h=a.tokContexts.tc_expr,d=o.isNewLine,f=o.isIdentifierStart,C=o.isIdentifierChar;return class extends r{static get acornJsx(){return a}jsx_readToken(){let e="",t=this.pos;for(;;){this.pos>=this.input.length&&this.raise(this.start,"Unterminated JSX contents");let n=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos);switch(n){case 60:case 123:return this.pos===this.start?60===n&&this.exprAllowed?(++this.pos,this.finishToken(c.jsxTagStart)):this.getTokenFromCode(n):(e+=this.input.slice(t,this.pos),this.finishToken(c.jsxText,e));case 38:e+=this.input.slice(t,this.pos),e+=this.jsx_readEntity(),t=this.pos;break;case 62:case 125:this.raise(this.pos,"Unexpected token `"+this.input[this.pos]+"`. Did you mean `"+(62===n?">":"}")+'` or `{"'+this.input[this.pos]+'"}`?');default:d(n)?(e+=this.input.slice(t,this.pos),e+=this.jsx_readNewLine(!0),t=this.pos):++this.pos}}}jsx_readNewLine(e){let t,n=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos);return++this.pos,13===n&&10===this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos)?(++this.pos,t=e?"\n":"\r\n"):t=String.fromCharCode(n),this.options.locations&&(++this.curLine,this.lineStart=this.pos),t}jsx_readString(e){let t="",n=++this.pos;for(;;){this.pos>=this.input.length&&this.raise(this.start,"Unterminated string constant");let r=this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos);if(r===e)break;38===r?(t+=this.input.slice(n,this.pos),t+=this.jsx_readEntity(),n=this.pos):d(r)?(t+=this.input.slice(n,this.pos),t+=this.jsx_readNewLine(!1),n=this.pos):++this.pos}return t+=this.input.slice(n,this.pos++),this.finishToken(B.string,t)}jsx_readEntity(){let e,r="",i=0,s=this.input[this.pos];"&"!==s&&this.raise(this.pos,"Entity must start with an ampersand");let o=++this.pos;for(;this.pos")}let a=i.name?"Element":"Fragment";return n["opening"+a]=i,n["closing"+a]=o,n.children=r,this.type===B.relational&&"<"===this.value&&this.raise(this.start,"Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag"),this.finishNode(n,"JSX"+a)}jsx_parseText(){let e=this.parseLiteral(this.value);return e.type="JSXText",e}jsx_parseElement(){let e=this.start,t=this.startLoc;return this.next(),this.jsx_parseElementAt(e,t)}parseExprAtom(e){return this.type===c.jsxText?this.jsx_parseText():this.type===c.jsxTagStart?this.jsx_parseElement():super.parseExprAtom(e)}readToken(e){let t=this.curContext();if(t===h)return this.jsx_readToken();if(t===u||t===p){if(f(e))return this.jsx_readWord();if(62==e)return++this.pos,this.finishToken(c.jsxTagEnd);if((34===e||39===e)&&t==u)return this.jsx_readString(e)}return 60===e&&this.exprAllowed&&33!==this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos+1)?(++this.pos,this.finishToken(c.jsxTagStart)):super.readToken(e)}updateContext(e){if(this.type==B.braceL){var t=this.curContext();t==u?this.context.push(l.b_expr):t==h?this.context.push(l.b_tmpl):super.updateContext(e),this.exprAllowed=!0}else{if(this.type!==B.slash||e!==c.jsxTagStart)return super.updateContext(e);this.context.length-=2,this.context.push(p),this.exprAllowed=!1}}}}({allowNamespaces:!1!==e.allowNamespaces,allowNamespacedObjects:!!e.allowNamespacedObjects},r)}},Object.defineProperty(e.exports,"tokTypes",{get:function(){return i(WE).tokTypes},configurable:!0,enumerable:!0})}));function kv(e,t,n,r,i){n||(n=Qv),function e(r,i,s){var o=s||r.type,a=t[o];n[o](r,i,e),a&&a(r,i)}(e,r,i)}function Ov(e,t,n,r,i){var s=[];n||(n=Qv),function e(r,i,o){var a=o||r.type,B=t[a],c=r!==s[s.length-1];c&&s.push(r),n[a](r,i,e),B&&B(r,i||s,s),c&&s.pop()}(e,r,i)}function Nv(e,t,n,r,i){var s=n?Kv(n,r||void 0):r;!function e(t,n,r){s[r||t.type](t,n,e)}(e,t,i)}function Tv(e){return"string"==typeof e?function(t){return t===e}:e||function(){return!0}}var Pv=function(e,t){this.node=e,this.state=t};function Mv(e,t,n,r,i){var s;n||(n=Qv),function e(r,i,o){var a=o||r.type;n[a](r,i,e),s!==r&&(t(r,i,a),s=r)}(e,r,i)}function Fv(e,t,n,r){n||(n=Qv);var i,s=[];!function e(r,o,a){var B=a||r.type,c=r!==s[s.length-1];c&&s.push(r),n[B](r,o,e),i!==r&&(t(r,o||s,s,B),i=r),c&&s.pop()}(e,r)}function Lv(e,t,n,r,i,s){i||(i=Qv),r=Tv(r);try{!function e(s,o,a){var B=a||s.type;if((null==t||s.start<=t)&&(null==n||s.end>=n)&&i[B](s,o,e),(null==t||s.start===t)&&(null==n||s.end===n)&&r(B,s))throw new Pv(s,o)}(e,s)}catch(e){if(e instanceof Pv)return e;throw e}}function Rv(e,t,n,r,i){n=Tv(n),r||(r=Qv);try{!function e(i,s,o){var a=o||i.type;if(!(i.start>t||i.end=t&&n(a,i))throw new Pv(i,s);r[a](i,s,e)}}(e,i)}catch(e){if(e instanceof Pv)return e;throw e}}function Hv(e,t,n,r,i){var s;return n=Tv(n),r||(r=Qv),function e(i,o,a){if(!(i.start>t)){var B=a||i.type;i.end<=t&&(!s||s.node.end0&&(s+=";"),0!==a.length){for(var B=0,c=[],l=0,u=a;l1&&(h+=$v(p[1]-t)+$v(p[2]-n)+$v(p[3]-r),t=p[1],n=p[2],r=p[3]),5===p.length&&(h+=$v(p[4]-i),i=p[4]),c.push(h)}s+=c.join(",")}}return s}function $v(e){var t="";e=e<0?-e<<1|1:e<<1;do{var n=31&e;(e>>>=5)>0&&(n|=32),t+=zv[n]}while(e>0);return t}var Zv=function e(t){this.bits=t instanceof e?t.bits.slice():[]};Zv.prototype.add=function(e){this.bits[e>>5]|=1<<(31&e)},Zv.prototype.has=function(e){return!!(this.bits[e>>5]&1<<(31&e))};var e_=function(e,t,n){this.start=e,this.end=t,this.original=n,this.intro="",this.outro="",this.content=n,this.storeName=!1,this.edited=!1,Object.defineProperties(this,{previous:{writable:!0,value:null},next:{writable:!0,value:null}})};e_.prototype.appendLeft=function(e){this.outro+=e},e_.prototype.appendRight=function(e){this.intro=this.intro+e},e_.prototype.clone=function(){var e=new e_(this.start,this.end,this.original);return e.intro=this.intro,e.outro=this.outro,e.content=this.content,e.storeName=this.storeName,e.edited=this.edited,e},e_.prototype.contains=function(e){return this.start=r.length)return"\t";var i=r.reduce((function(e,t){var n=/^ +/.exec(t)[0].length;return Math.min(n,e)}),1/0);return new Array(i+1).join(" ")}function i_(e,t){var n=e.split(/[/\\]/),r=t.split(/[/\\]/);for(n.pop();n[0]===r[0];)n.shift(),r.shift();if(n.length)for(var i=n.length;i--;)n[i]="..";return n.concat(r).join("/")}n_.prototype.toString=function(){return JSON.stringify(this)},n_.prototype.toUrl=function(){return"data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,"+t_(this.toString())};var s_=Object.prototype.toString;function o_(e){return"[object Object]"===s_.call(e)}function a_(e){for(var t=e.split("\n"),n=[],r=0,i=0;r>1;e=0&&i.push(r),this.rawSegments.push(i)}else this.pending&&this.rawSegments.push(this.pending);this.advance(t),this.pending=null},B_.prototype.addUneditedChunk=function(e,t,n,r,i){for(var s=t.start,o=!0;s1){for(var n=0;n=e&&n<=t)throw new Error("Cannot move a selection inside itself");this._split(e),this._split(t),this._split(n);var r=this.byStart[e],i=this.byEnd[t],s=r.previous,o=i.next,a=this.byStart[n];if(!a&&i===this.lastChunk)return this;var B=a?a.previous:this.lastChunk;return s&&(s.next=o),o&&(o.previous=s),B&&(B.next=r),a&&(a.previous=i),r.previous||(this.firstChunk=i.next),i.next||(this.lastChunk=r.previous,this.lastChunk.next=null),r.previous=B,i.next=a||null,B||(this.firstChunk=r),a||(this.lastChunk=i),this},u_.prototype.overwrite=function(e,t,n,r){if("string"!=typeof n)throw new TypeError("replacement content must be a string");for(;e<0;)e+=this.original.length;for(;t<0;)t+=this.original.length;if(t>this.original.length)throw new Error("end is out of bounds");if(e===t)throw new Error("Cannot overwrite a zero-length range – use appendLeft or prependRight instead");this._split(e),this._split(t),!0===r&&(l_.storeName||(console.warn("The final argument to magicString.overwrite(...) should be an options object. See https://github.com/rich-harris/magic-string"),l_.storeName=!0),r={storeName:!0});var i=void 0!==r&&r.storeName,s=void 0!==r&&r.contentOnly;if(i){var o=this.original.slice(e,t);this.storedNames[o]=!0}var a=this.byStart[e],B=this.byEnd[t];if(a){if(t>a.end&&a.next!==this.byStart[a.end])throw new Error("Cannot overwrite across a split point");if(a.edit(n,i,s),a!==B){for(var c=a.next;c!==B;)c.edit("",!1),c=c.next;c.edit("",!1)}}else{var l=new e_(e,t,"").edit(n,i);B.next=l,l.previous=B}return this},u_.prototype.prepend=function(e){if("string"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("outro content must be a string");return this.intro=e+this.intro,this},u_.prototype.prependLeft=function(e,t){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("inserted content must be a string");this._split(e);var n=this.byEnd[e];return n?n.prependLeft(t):this.intro=t+this.intro,this},u_.prototype.prependRight=function(e,t){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("inserted content must be a string");this._split(e);var n=this.byStart[e];return n?n.prependRight(t):this.outro=t+this.outro,this},u_.prototype.remove=function(e,t){for(;e<0;)e+=this.original.length;for(;t<0;)t+=this.original.length;if(e===t)return this;if(e<0||t>this.original.length)throw new Error("Character is out of bounds");if(e>t)throw new Error("end must be greater than start");this._split(e),this._split(t);for(var n=this.byStart[e];n;)n.intro="",n.outro="",n.edit(""),n=t>n.end?this.byStart[n.end]:null;return this},u_.prototype.lastChar=function(){if(this.outro.length)return this.outro[this.outro.length-1];var e=this.lastChunk;do{if(e.outro.length)return e.outro[e.outro.length-1];if(e.content.length)return e.content[e.content.length-1];if(e.intro.length)return e.intro[e.intro.length-1]}while(e=e.previous);return this.intro.length?this.intro[this.intro.length-1]:""},u_.prototype.lastLine=function(){var e=this.outro.lastIndexOf(c_);if(-1!==e)return this.outro.substr(e+1);var t=this.outro,n=this.lastChunk;do{if(n.outro.length>0){if(-1!==(e=n.outro.lastIndexOf(c_)))return n.outro.substr(e+1)+t;t=n.outro+t}if(n.content.length>0){if(-1!==(e=n.content.lastIndexOf(c_)))return n.content.substr(e+1)+t;t=n.content+t}if(n.intro.length>0){if(-1!==(e=n.intro.lastIndexOf(c_)))return n.intro.substr(e+1)+t;t=n.intro+t}}while(n=n.previous);return-1!==(e=this.intro.lastIndexOf(c_))?this.intro.substr(e+1)+t:this.intro+t},u_.prototype.slice=function(e,t){for(void 0===e&&(e=0),void 0===t&&(t=this.original.length);e<0;)e+=this.original.length;for(;t<0;)t+=this.original.length;for(var n="",r=this.firstChunk;r&&(r.start>e||r.end<=e);){if(r.start=t)return n;r=r.next}if(r&&r.edited&&r.start!==e)throw new Error("Cannot use replaced character "+e+" as slice start anchor.");for(var i=r;r;){!r.intro||i===r&&r.start!==e||(n+=r.intro);var s=r.start=t;if(s&&r.edited&&r.end!==t)throw new Error("Cannot use replaced character "+t+" as slice end anchor.");var o=i===r?e-r.start:0,a=s?r.content.length+t-r.end:r.content.length;if(n+=r.content.slice(o,a),!r.outro||s&&r.end!==t||(n+=r.outro),s)break;r=r.next}return n},u_.prototype.snip=function(e,t){var n=this.clone();return n.remove(0,e),n.remove(t,n.original.length),n},u_.prototype._split=function(e){if(!this.byStart[e]&&!this.byEnd[e])for(var t=this.lastSearchedChunk,n=e>t.end;t;){if(t.contains(e))return this._splitChunk(t,e);t=n?this.byStart[t.end]:this.byEnd[t.start]}},u_.prototype._splitChunk=function(e,t){if(e.edited&&e.content.length){var n=a_(this.original)(t);throw new Error("Cannot split a chunk that has already been edited ("+n.line+":"+n.column+' – "'+e.original+'")')}var r=e.split(t);return this.byEnd[t]=e,this.byStart[t]=r,this.byEnd[r.end]=r,e===this.lastChunk&&(this.lastChunk=r),this.lastSearchedChunk=e,!0},u_.prototype.toString=function(){for(var e=this.intro,t=this.firstChunk;t;)e+=t.toString(),t=t.next;return e+this.outro},u_.prototype.isEmpty=function(){var e=this.firstChunk;do{if(e.intro.length&&e.intro.trim()||e.content.length&&e.content.trim()||e.outro.length&&e.outro.trim())return!1}while(e=e.next);return!0},u_.prototype.length=function(){var e=this.firstChunk,t=0;do{t+=e.intro.length+e.content.length+e.outro.length}while(e=e.next);return t},u_.prototype.trimLines=function(){return this.trim("[\\r\\n]")},u_.prototype.trim=function(e){return this.trimStart(e).trimEnd(e)},u_.prototype.trimEndAborted=function(e){var t=new RegExp((e||"\\s")+"+$");if(this.outro=this.outro.replace(t,""),this.outro.length)return!0;var n=this.lastChunk;do{var r=n.end,i=n.trimEnd(t);if(n.end!==r&&(this.lastChunk===n&&(this.lastChunk=n.next),this.byEnd[n.end]=n,this.byStart[n.next.start]=n.next,this.byEnd[n.next.end]=n.next),i)return!0;n=n.previous}while(n);return!1},u_.prototype.trimEnd=function(e){return this.trimEndAborted(e),this},u_.prototype.trimStartAborted=function(e){var t=new RegExp("^"+(e||"\\s")+"+");if(this.intro=this.intro.replace(t,""),this.intro.length)return!0;var n=this.firstChunk;do{var r=n.end,i=n.trimStart(t);if(n.end!==r&&(n===this.lastChunk&&(this.lastChunk=n.next),this.byEnd[n.end]=n,this.byStart[n.next.start]=n.next,this.byEnd[n.next.end]=n.next),i)return!0;n=n.next}while(n);return!1},u_.prototype.trimStart=function(e){return this.trimStartAborted(e),this};const{stringify:p_}=JSON;if(!String.prototype.repeat)throw new Error("String.prototype.repeat is undefined, see https://github.com/davidbonnet/astring#installation");if(!String.prototype.endsWith)throw new Error("String.prototype.endsWith is undefined, see https://github.com/davidbonnet/astring#installation");const h_={"||":3,"&&":4,"|":5,"^":6,"&":7,"==":8,"!=":8,"===":8,"!==":8,"<":9,">":9,"<=":9,">=":9,in:9,instanceof:9,"<<":10,">>":10,">>>":10,"+":11,"-":11,"*":12,"%":12,"/":12,"**":13},d_=17,f_={ArrayExpression:20,TaggedTemplateExpression:20,ThisExpression:20,Identifier:20,Literal:18,TemplateLiteral:20,Super:20,SequenceExpression:20,MemberExpression:19,ChainExpression:19,CallExpression:19,NewExpression:19,ArrowFunctionExpression:d_,ClassExpression:d_,FunctionExpression:d_,ObjectExpression:d_,UpdateExpression:16,UnaryExpression:15,AwaitExpression:15,BinaryExpression:14,LogicalExpression:13,ConditionalExpression:4,AssignmentExpression:3,YieldExpression:2,RestElement:1};function C_(e,t){const{generator:n}=e;if(e.write("("),null!=t&&t.length>0){n[t[0].type](t[0],e);const{length:r}=t;for(let i=1;i0){e.write(r);for(let t=1;t0){n.VariableDeclarator(r[0],e);for(let t=1;t0){t.write(r),i&&null!=e.comments&&y_(t,e.comments,s,r);const{length:a}=o;for(let e=0;e0){for(;i0&&t.write(", ");const e=n[i],r=e.type[6];if("D"===r)t.write(e.local.name,e),i++;else{if("N"!==r)break;t.write("* as "+e.local.name,e),i++}}if(i0)for(let e=0;;){const i=n[e],{name:s}=i.local;if(t.write(s,i),s!==i.exported.name&&t.write(" as "+i.exported.name),!(++e "),"O"===e.body.type[0]?(t.write("("),this.ObjectExpression(e.body,t),t.write(")")):this[e.body.type](e.body,t)},ThisExpression(e,t){t.write("this",e)},Super(e,t){t.write("super",e)},RestElement:S_=function(e,t){t.write("..."),this[e.argument.type](e.argument,t)},SpreadElement:S_,YieldExpression(e,t){t.write(e.delegate?"yield*":"yield"),e.argument&&(t.write(" "),this[e.argument.type](e.argument,t))},AwaitExpression(e,t){t.write("await ",e),g_(t,e.argument,e)},TemplateLiteral(e,t){const{quasis:n,expressions:r}=e;t.write("`");const{length:i}=r;for(let e=0;e0){const{elements:n}=e,{length:r}=n;for(let e=0;;){const i=n[e];if(null!=i&&this[i.type](i,t),!(++e0){t.write(r),i&&null!=e.comments&&y_(t,e.comments,s,r);const o=","+r,{properties:a}=e,{length:B}=a;for(let e=0;;){const n=a[e];if(i&&null!=n.comments&&y_(t,n.comments,s,r),t.write(s),this[n.type](n,t),!(++e0){const{properties:n}=e,{length:r}=n;for(let e=0;this[n[e].type](n[e],t),++e1||"U"===i[0]&&("n"===i[1]||"p"===i[1])&&r.prefix&&r.operator[0]===n&&("+"===n||"-"===n))&&t.write(" "),t.expressionsPrecedence[i]t.expressionsPrecedence.ConditionalExpression?this[e.test.type](e.test,t):(t.write("("),this[e.test.type](e.test,t),t.write(")")),t.write(" ? "),this[e.consequent.type](e.consequent,t),t.write(" : "),this[e.alternate.type](e.alternate,t)},NewExpression(e,t){t.write("new "),t.expressionsPrecedence[e.callee.type]0&&(this.lineEndSize>0&&(1===r.length?e[n-1]===r:e.endsWith(r))?(this.line+=this.lineEndSize,this.column=0):this.column+=n)}toString(){return this.output}}function T_(e,t){const n=new N_(t);return n.generator[e.type](e,n),n.output}const P_={__proto__:null,NEEDS_PARENTHESES:d_,EXPRESSIONS_PRECEDENCE:f_,GENERATOR:I_,baseGenerator:O_,generate:T_},M_=e=>"default"in e?e.default:e,F_=M_(P_),L_=M_(Jv);let R_;function G_(e,t){return R_=t,F_.generate(e,{generator:H_})}M_(qv).extend(L_.base);let H_={...F_.baseGenerator,StringLiteral(e,t){e.raw&&t.write(e.raw),t.write(`'${e.value.replace(/'/g,"\\'")}'`)},ImportSpecifier(e,t){const{imported:n,local:r}=e;n&&n.name!==r.name&&(this[n.type](n,t),t.write(" as ")),this[r.type](r,t)},ImportDeclaration(e,t){const{specifiers:n=[],source:r}=e;if(t.write("import "),n.length){let e;if("ImportDefaultSpecifier"===n[0].type&&(e=n.shift(),this[e.type](e,t)),n.length){e&&t.write(", "),t.write("{ ");for(const e of n)this[e.type](e,t);t.write(" }")}t.write(" from ")}this[r.type](r,t),t.write(";")},ImportExpression(e,t){t.write("import("),this[e.source.type](e.source,t),t.write(")")},JSXFragment(e,t){t.write("<>");for(const n of e.children)this[n.type](n,t);t.write("")},JSXElement(e,t){const{openingElement:n,children:r,closingElement:i}=e;if(this[n.type](n,t),r)for(const e of r)this[e.type](e,t);i&&this[i.type](i,t)},JSXOpeningElement(e,t){const{name:n,attributes:r,selfClosing:i}=e;t.write("<"),this[n.type](n,t);for(const e of r)this[e.type](e,t);t.write(i?"/>":">")},JSXClosingElement(e,t){t.write("")},JSXExpressionContainer(e,t){"JSXEmptyExpression"!==e.expression.type&&(t.write("{"),this[e.expression.type](e.expression,t),t.write("}"))},JSXMemberExpression(e,t){this[e.object.type](e.object,t),t.write("."),this[e.property.type](e.property,t)},JSXIdentifier(e,t){this.Identifier(e,t)},JSXAttribute(e,t){const{name:n,value:r}=e;t.write(" "),this[n.type](n,t),r&&(t.write("="),this[r.type](r,t))},JSXSpreadAttribute(e,t){t.write(" {..."),this[e.argument.type](e.argument,t),t.write("}")},JSXText(e,t){t.write(e.raw)}};H_.ImportDefaultSpecifier=H_.ImportSpecifier,H_.BooleanLiteral=H_.Literal,H_.RegexpLiteral=H_.Literal,H_.NumberLiteral=H_.Literal;for(let e in H_){const t=H_[e];H_[e]=function(e,n){if(null==e)return"";if(R_){if(e._string)return void n.write(e._string);if(null!=e.start&&null!=e.end)try{return void n.write(R_.out.slice(e.start,e.end))}catch(e){}}t.call(this,e,n)}}function K_(e){return e=String(e),t=>K_.ast(e.replace(/[A-Z0-9]+/g,(e=>G_(t[e],R_))))}function V_(e,t,n){Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:n})}K_.ast=function(e,t){Array.isArray(e)&&(e=e.reduce(((e,n,r)=>e+n+(r===t.length?"":t[r])),""));const n=this.ctx;if(!n)throw Error("template.ast() called without a parsing context.");return n.parse(e,{expression:!0})};class U_{constructor(e,t,n){if(e&&n.paths.has(e))return n.paths.get(e);if(this.node=e,this.ancestors=t,this.ctx=n,this.shouldStop=!1,this.shouldSkip=!1,V_(this,"ancestors",t),V_(this,"ctx",n),V_(this,"shouldStop",!1),this.start=e&&e.start,this.end=e&&e.end,this.key=null,this.parentKey=this.listKey=null,this.inList=!1,e){const t=this.parent;for(const n in t){const r=t[n];if(r===e)this.key=this.parentKey=n;else if(Array.isArray(r)){const t=r.indexOf(e);-1!==t&&(this.inList=!0,this.listKey=this.parentKey=n,this.key=t)}}n.paths.set(e,this)}}get parentPath(){const e=this.ancestors.slice(),t=e.pop();if(t)return new U_(t,e,this.ctx)}get parent(){return this.ancestors[this.ancestors.length-1]}get _containerPath(){const e=this.ancestors.slice();let t;for(;t=e.pop();)if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,"body"))return new U_(t,e,this.ctx);return null}get container(){const e=this._containerPath;return e&&e.node}forEach(e){(Array.isArray(this.node)?this.node:[this.node]).forEach((t=>{e(new U_(t,this.ancestors.slice(),this.ctx))}))}get(e){const t=this.ancestors.slice();let n,r=this.node;const i=/(?:(?:\.|^)([^.[]+)|\[([^[\]]+)\])/g;for(;n=i.exec(e);){const e=r;r=r[n[1]||n[2]],Array.isArray(r)||t.push(e)}return new U_(r,t,this.ctx)}replaceWith(e){if(e instanceof U_&&(e=e.node),this.node=e,this.inList?this.parent[this.listKey][this.key]=e:this.parent[this.parentKey]=e,this.ctx.paths.set(e,this),this._regenerateParent())this._hasString=!1;else{let t=G_(e,this.ctx);this._hasString=!0,this.ctx.out.overwrite(this.start,this.end,t)}this._requeue()}replaceWithString(e){this.node._string=e,!this._hasString&&this._regenerateParent()||(this._hasString=!0,this.ctx.out.overwrite(this.start,this.end,e))}remove(){this.replaceWithString("")}prependString(e){this.ctx.out.appendLeft(this.start,e)}appendString(e){this.ctx.out.appendRight(this.end,e)}_regenerate(){const{start:e,end:t}=this.node;this.node.start=this.node.end=this.node._string=null;let n=G_(this.node,this.ctx);this.node.start=e,this.node.end=t,this.replaceWithString(n)}_regenerateParent(){let e=this;for(;e=e.parentPath;)if(!0===e._hasString)return e._regenerate(),!0;return!1}stop(){this.shouldStop=!0}skip(){this.shouldSkip=!0}getOutput(){return this.ctx.out.slice(this.start,this.end)}getSource(){return this.ctx.code.substring(this.start,this.end)}unshiftContainer(e,t){this.node[e].unshift(t),this._regenerateParent()||this._regenerate()}pushContainer(e,t){this.node[e].push(t),this._regenerateParent()||this._regenerate()}_requeue(){this.ctx.queue.add(this)}}const Q_={clone(e,t){const n={type:e.type};for(let t in e)"_string"!==t&&"start"!==t&&"end"!==t&&"loc"!==t&&(n[t]=e[t]);return 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mS(){gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+1)===ab.equalsTo?wS(ob.assign,2):wS(ob.slash,1)}function gS(e){let t=e===ab.asterisk?ob.star:ob.modulo,n=1,r=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+1);e===ab.asterisk&&r===ab.asterisk&&(n++,r=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+2),t=ob.exponent),r===ab.equalsTo&&gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+2)!==ab.greaterThan&&(n++,t=ob.assign),wS(t,n)}function AS(e){const t=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+1);if(t!==e){if(e===ab.verticalBar){if(t===ab.greaterThan)return void wS(ob.pipeline,2);if(t===ab.rightCurlyBrace&&Cb)return void wS(ob.braceBarR,2)}t!==ab.equalsTo?wS(e===ab.verticalBar?ob.bitwiseOR:ob.bitwiseAND,1):wS(ob.assign,2)}else gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+2)===ab.equalsTo?wS(ob.assign,3):wS(e===ab.verticalBar?ob.logicalOR:ob.logicalAND,2)}function yS(){gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+1)===ab.equalsTo?wS(ob.assign,2):wS(ob.bitwiseXOR,1)}function ES(e){const t=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+1);t!==e?t===ab.equalsTo?wS(ob.assign,2):e===ab.plusSign?wS(ob.plus,1):wS(ob.minus,1):wS(ob.preIncDec,2)}function vS(e){const t=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+1);if(t===e){const t=e===ab.greaterThan&&gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+2)===ab.greaterThan?3:2;return gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+t)===ab.equalsTo?void wS(ob.assign,t+1):e===ab.greaterThan&&mb.isType?void wS(ob.greaterThan,1):void wS(ob.bitShift,t)}t===ab.equalsTo?wS(ob.relationalOrEqual,2):e===ab.lessThan?wS(ob.lessThan,1):wS(ob.greaterThan,1)}function _S(e){const t=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+1);if(t!==ab.equalsTo)return e===ab.equalsTo&&t===ab.greaterThan?(mb.pos+=2,void fS(ob.arrow)):void wS(e===ab.equalsTo?ob.eq:ob.bang,1);wS(ob.equality,gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+2)===ab.equalsTo?3:2)}function bS(){const e=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+1),t=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+2);e!==ab.questionMark||mb.isType?e!==ab.dot||t>=ab.digit0&&t<=ab.digit9?(++mb.pos,fS(ob.question)):(mb.pos+=2,fS(ob.questionDot)):t===ab.equalsTo?wS(ob.assign,3):wS(ob.nullishCoalescing,2)}function SS(e){switch(e){case ab.numberSign:return++mb.pos,void fS(ob.hash);case ab.dot:return void CS();case ab.leftParenthesis:return++mb.pos,void fS(ob.parenL);case ab.rightParenthesis:return++mb.pos,void fS(ob.parenR);case ab.semicolon:return++mb.pos,void fS(ob.semi);case ab.comma:return++mb.pos,void fS(ob.comma);case ab.leftSquareBracket:return++mb.pos,void fS(ob.bracketL);case ab.rightSquareBracket:return++mb.pos,void fS(ob.bracketR);case ab.leftCurlyBrace:return void(Cb&&gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+1)===ab.verticalBar?wS(ob.braceBarL,2):(++mb.pos,fS(ob.braceL)));case ab.rightCurlyBrace:return++mb.pos,void fS(ob.braceR);case ab.colon:return void(gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+1)===ab.colon?wS(ob.doubleColon,2):(++mb.pos,fS(ob.colon)));case ab.questionMark:return void bS();case ab.atSign:return++mb.pos,void fS(ob.at);case ab.graveAccent:return++mb.pos,void fS(ob.backQuote);case ab.digit0:{const e=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+1);if(e===ab.lowercaseX||e===ab.uppercaseX||e===ab.lowercaseO||e===ab.uppercaseO||e===ab.lowercaseB||e===ab.uppercaseB)return void IS()}case ab.digit1:case ab.digit2:case ab.digit3:case ab.digit4:case ab.digit5:case ab.digit6:case ab.digit7:case ab.digit8:case ab.digit9:return void kS(!1);case ab.quotationMark:case ab.apostrophe:return void OS(e);case ab.slash:return void mS();case ab.percentSign:case ab.asterisk:return void gS(e);case ab.verticalBar:case ab.ampersand:return void AS(e);case ab.caret:return void yS();case ab.plusSign:case ab.dash:return void ES(e);case ab.lessThan:case ab.greaterThan:return void vS(e);case ab.equalsTo:case ab.exclamationMark:return void _S(e);case ab.tilde:return void wS(ob.tilde,1)}Pb(`Unexpected character '${String.fromCharCode(e)}'`,mb.pos)}function wS(e,t){mb.pos+=t,fS(e)}function xS(){const e=mb.pos;let t=!1,n=!1;for(;;){if(mb.pos>=gb.length)return void Pb("Unterminated regular expression",e);const r=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos);if(t)t=!1;else{if(r===ab.leftSquareBracket)n=!0;else if(r===ab.rightSquareBracket&&n)n=!1;else if(r===ab.slash&&!n)break;t=r===ab.backslash}++mb.pos}++mb.pos,TS(),fS(ob.regexp)}function DS(){for(;;){const e=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos);if(!(e>=ab.digit0&&e<=ab.digit9||e>=ab.lowercaseA&&e<=ab.lowercaseF||e>=ab.uppercaseA&&e<=ab.uppercaseF||e===ab.underscore))break;mb.pos++}}function IS(){let e=!1;const t=mb.pos;mb.pos+=2,DS();const n=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos);n===ab.lowercaseN?(++mb.pos,e=!0):n===ab.lowercaseM&&Pb("Invalid decimal",t),fS(e?ob.bigint:ob.num)}function kS(e){let t=!1,n=!1;e||DS();let r=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos);r===ab.dot&&(++mb.pos,DS(),r=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos)),r!==ab.uppercaseE&&r!==ab.lowercaseE||(r=gb.charCodeAt(++mb.pos),r!==ab.plusSign&&r!==ab.dash||++mb.pos,DS(),r=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos)),r===ab.lowercaseN?(++mb.pos,t=!0):r===ab.lowercaseM&&(++mb.pos,n=!0),fS(t?ob.bigint:n?ob.decimal:ob.num)}function OS(e){for(mb.pos++;;){if(mb.pos>=gb.length)return void Pb("Unterminated string constant");const t=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos);if(t===ab.backslash)mb.pos++;else if(t===e)break;mb.pos++}mb.pos++,fS(ob.string)}function NS(){for(;;){if(mb.pos>=gb.length)return void Pb("Unterminated template");const e=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos);if(e===ab.graveAccent||e===ab.dollarSign&&gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos+1)===ab.leftCurlyBrace)return mb.pos===mb.start&&rS(ob.template)?e===ab.dollarSign?(mb.pos+=2,void fS(ob.dollarBraceL)):(++mb.pos,void fS(ob.backQuote)):void fS(ob.template);e===ab.backslash&&mb.pos++,mb.pos++}}function TS(){for(;mb.pos",nbsp:" ",iexcl:"¡",cent:"¢",pound:"£",curren:"¤",yen:"¥",brvbar:"¦",sect:"§",uml:"¨",copy:"©",ordf:"ª",laquo:"«",not:"¬",shy:"­",reg:"®",macr:"¯",deg:"°",plusmn:"±",sup2:"²",sup3:"³",acute:"´",micro:"µ",para:"¶",middot:"·",cedil:"¸",sup1:"¹",ordm:"º",raquo:"»",frac14:"¼",frac12:"½",frac34:"¾",iquest:"¿",Agrave:"À",Aacute:"Á",Acirc:"Â",Atilde:"Ã",Auml:"Ä",Aring:"Å",AElig:"Æ",Ccedil:"Ç",Egrave:"È",Eacute:"É",Ecirc:"Ê",Euml:"Ë",Igrave:"Ì",Iacute:"Í",Icirc:"Î",Iuml:"Ï",ETH:"Ð",Ntilde:"Ñ",Ograve:"Ò",Oacute:"Ó",Ocirc:"Ô",Otilde:"Õ",Ouml:"Ö",times:"×",Oslash:"Ø",Ugrave:"Ù",Uacute:"Ú",Ucirc:"Û",Uuml:"Ü",Yacute:"Ý",THORN:"Þ",szlig:"ß",agrave:"à",aacute:"á",acirc:"â",atilde:"ã",auml:"ä",aring:"å",aelig:"æ",ccedil:"ç",egrave:"è",eacute:"é",ecirc:"ê",euml:"ë",igrave:"ì",iacute:"í",icirc:"î",iuml:"ï",eth:"ð",ntilde:"ñ",ograve:"ò",oacute:"ó",ocirc:"ô",otilde:"õ",ouml:"ö",divide:"÷",oslash:"ø",ugrave:"ù",uacute:"ú",ucirc:"û",uuml:"ü",yacute:"ý",thorn:"þ",yuml:"ÿ",OElig:"Œ",oelig:"œ",Scaron:"Š",scaron:"š",Yuml:"Ÿ",fnof:"ƒ",circ:"ˆ",tilde:"˜",Alpha:"Α",Beta:"Β",Gamma:"Γ",Delta:"Δ",Epsilon:"Ε",Zeta:"Ζ",Eta:"Η",Theta:"Θ",Iota:"Ι",Kappa:"Κ",Lambda:"Λ",Mu:"Μ",Nu:"Ν",Xi:"Ξ",Omicron:"Ο",Pi:"Π",Rho:"Ρ",Sigma:"Σ",Tau:"Τ",Upsilon:"Υ",Phi:"Φ",Chi:"Χ",Psi:"Ψ",Omega:"Ω",alpha:"α",beta:"β",gamma:"γ",delta:"δ",epsilon:"ε",zeta:"ζ",eta:"η",theta:"θ",iota:"ι",kappa:"κ",lambda:"λ",mu:"μ",nu:"ν",xi:"ξ",omicron:"ο",pi:"π",rho:"ρ",sigmaf:"ς",sigma:"σ",tau:"τ",upsilon:"υ",phi:"φ",chi:"χ",psi:"ψ",omega:"ω",thetasym:"ϑ",upsih:"ϒ",piv:"ϖ",ensp:" ",emsp:" ",thinsp:" ",zwnj:"‌",zwj:"‍",lrm:"‎",rlm:"‏",ndash:"–",mdash:"—",lsquo:"‘",rsquo:"’",sbquo:"‚",ldquo:"“",rdquo:"”",bdquo:"„",dagger:"†",Dagger:"‡",bull:"•",hellip:"…",permil:"‰",prime:"′",Prime:"″",lsaquo:"‹",rsaquo:"›",oline:"‾",frasl:"⁄",euro:"€",image:"ℑ",weierp:"℘",real:"ℜ",trade:"™",alefsym:"ℵ",larr:"←",uarr:"↑",rarr:"→",darr:"↓",harr:"↔",crarr:"↵",lArr:"⇐",uArr:"⇑",rArr:"⇒",dArr:"⇓",hArr:"⇔",forall:"∀",part:"∂",exist:"∃",empty:"∅",nabla:"∇",isin:"∈",notin:"∉",ni:"∋",prod:"∏",sum:"∑",minus:"−",lowast:"∗",radic:"√",prop:"∝",infin:"∞",ang:"∠",and:"∧",or:"∨",cap:"∩",cup:"∪",int:"∫",there4:"∴",sim:"∼",cong:"≅",asymp:"≈",ne:"≠",equiv:"≡",le:"≤",ge:"≥",sub:"⊂",sup:"⊃",nsub:"⊄",sube:"⊆",supe:"⊇",oplus:"⊕",otimes:"⊗",perp:"⊥",sdot:"⋅",lceil:"⌈",rceil:"⌉",lfloor:"⌊",rfloor:"⌋",lang:"〈",rang:"〉",loz:"◊",spades:"♠",clubs:"♣",hearts:"♥",diams:"♦"};function MS(e){const[t,n]=FS(e.jsxPragma||"React.createElement"),[r,i]=FS(e.jsxFragmentPragma||"React.Fragment");return{base:t,suffix:n,fragmentBase:r,fragmentSuffix:i}}function FS(e){let t=e.indexOf(".");return-1===t&&(t=e.length),[e.slice(0,t),e.slice(t)]}class LS{getPrefixCode(){return""}getSuffixCode(){return""}}const RS=/^[\da-fA-F]+$/,GS=/^\d+$/;class HS extends LS{__init(){this.lastLineNumber=1}__init2(){this.lastIndex=0}__init3(){this.filenameVarName=null}constructor(e,t,n,r,i){super(),this.rootTransformer=e,this.tokens=t,this.importProcessor=n,this.nameManager=r,this.options=i,HS.prototype.__init.call(this),HS.prototype.__init2.call(this),HS.prototype.__init3.call(this),this.jsxPragmaInfo=MS(i)}process(){return!!this.tokens.matches1(ob.jsxTagStart)&&(this.processJSXTag(),!0)}getPrefixCode(){return this.filenameVarName?`const ${this.filenameVarName} = ${JSON.stringify(this.options.filePath||"")};`:""}getLineNumberForIndex(e){const t=this.tokens.code;for(;this.lastIndex or > at the end of the tag.");for(this.tokens.replaceToken(""),this.processChildren();!this.tokens.matches1(ob.jsxTagEnd);)this.tokens.replaceToken("");this.tokens.replaceToken(")")}}}function KS(e){const t=e.charCodeAt(0);return t>=ab.lowercaseA&&t<=ab.lowercaseZ}function VS(e){let t="",n="",r=!1,i=!1;for(let s=0;s0||t.namedExports.length>0)continue;[...t.defaultNames,...t.wildcardNames,...t.namedImports.map((({localName:e})=>e))].every((e=>this.isTypeName(e)))&&this.importsToReplace.set(e,"")}}isTypeName(e){return this.isTypeScriptTransformEnabled&&!this.nonTypeIdentifiers.has(e)}generateImportReplacements(){for(const[e,t]of this.importInfoByPath.entries()){const{defaultNames:n,wildcardNames:r,namedImports:i,namedExports:s,exportStarNames:o,hasStarExport:a}=t;if(0===n.length&&0===r.length&&0===i.length&&0===s.length&&0===o.length&&!a){this.importsToReplace.set(e,`require('${e}');`);continue}const B=this.getFreeIdentifierForPath(e);let c;c=this.enableLegacyTypeScriptModuleInterop?B:r.length>0?r[0]:this.getFreeIdentifierForPath(e);let l=`var ${B} = require('${e}');`;if(r.length>0)for(const e of r){l+=` var ${e} = ${this.enableLegacyTypeScriptModuleInterop?B:`${this.helperManager.getHelperName("interopRequireWildcard")}(${B})`};`}else o.length>0&&c!==B?l+=` var ${c} = ${this.helperManager.getHelperName("interopRequireWildcard")}(${B});`:n.length>0&&c!==B&&(l+=` var ${c} = ${this.helperManager.getHelperName("interopRequireDefault")}(${B});`);for(const{importedName:e,localName:t}of s)l+=` ${this.helperManager.getHelperName("createNamedExportFrom")}(${B}, '${t}', '${e}');`;for(const e of o)l+=` exports.${e} = ${c};`;a&&(l+=` ${this.helperManager.getHelperName("createStarExport")}(${B});`),this.importsToReplace.set(e,l);for(const e of n)this.identifierReplacements.set(e,`${c}.default`);for(const{importedName:e,localName:t}of i)this.identifierReplacements.set(t,`${B}.${e}`)}}getFreeIdentifierForPath(e){const t=e.split("/"),n=t[t.length-1].replace(/\W/g,"");return this.nameManager.claimFreeName(`_${n}`)}preprocessImportAtIndex(e){const t=[],n=[];let r=[];if(e++,(this.tokens.matchesContextualAtIndex(e,sb._type)||this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e,ob._typeof))&&!this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e+1,ob.comma)&&!this.tokens.matchesContextualAtIndex(e+1,sb._from))return;if(this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e,ob.parenL))return;if(this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e,ob.name)&&(t.push(this.tokens.identifierNameAtIndex(e)),e++,this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e,ob.comma)&&e++),this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e,ob.star)&&(e+=2,n.push(this.tokens.identifierNameAtIndex(e)),e++),this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e,ob.braceL)&&(e++,({newIndex:e,namedImports:r}=this.getNamedImports(e))),this.tokens.matchesContextualAtIndex(e,sb._from)&&e++,!this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e,ob.string))throw new Error("Expected string token at the end of import statement.");const i=this.tokens.stringValueAtIndex(e),s=this.getImportInfo(i);s.defaultNames.push(...t),s.wildcardNames.push(...n),s.namedImports.push(...r),0===t.length&&0===n.length&&0===r.length&&(s.hasBareImport=!0)}preprocessExportAtIndex(e){if(this.tokens.matches2AtIndex(e,ob._export,ob._var)||this.tokens.matches2AtIndex(e,ob._export,ob._let)||this.tokens.matches2AtIndex(e,ob._export,ob._const))this.preprocessVarExportAtIndex(e);else if(this.tokens.matches2AtIndex(e,ob._export,ob._function)||this.tokens.matches2AtIndex(e,ob._export,ob._class)){const t=this.tokens.identifierNameAtIndex(e+2);this.addExportBinding(t,t)}else if(this.tokens.matches3AtIndex(e,ob._export,ob.name,ob._function)){const t=this.tokens.identifierNameAtIndex(e+3);this.addExportBinding(t,t)}else this.tokens.matches2AtIndex(e,ob._export,ob.braceL)?this.preprocessNamedExportAtIndex(e):this.tokens.matches2AtIndex(e,ob._export,ob.star)&&this.preprocessExportStarAtIndex(e)}preprocessVarExportAtIndex(e){let t=0;for(let n=e+2;;n++)if(this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(n,ob.braceL)||this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(n,ob.dollarBraceL)||this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(n,ob.bracketL))t++;else if(this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(n,ob.braceR)||this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(n,ob.bracketR))t--;else{if(0===t&&!this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(n,ob.name))break;if(this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(1,ob.eq)){const e=this.tokens.currentToken().rhsEndIndex;if(null==e)throw new Error("Expected = token with an end index.");n=e-1}else{if(Qb(this.tokens.tokens[n])){const e=this.tokens.identifierNameAtIndex(n);this.identifierReplacements.set(e,`exports.${e}`)}}}}preprocessNamedExportAtIndex(e){e+=2;const{newIndex:t,namedImports:n}=this.getNamedImports(e);if(e=t,!this.tokens.matchesContextualAtIndex(e,sb._from)){for(const{importedName:e,localName:t}of n)this.addExportBinding(e,t);return}if(e++,!this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e,ob.string))throw new Error("Expected string token at the end of import statement.");const r=this.tokens.stringValueAtIndex(e);this.getImportInfo(r).namedExports.push(...n)}preprocessExportStarAtIndex(e){let t=null;if(this.tokens.matches3AtIndex(e,ob._export,ob.star,ob._as)?(e+=3,t=this.tokens.identifierNameAtIndex(e),e+=2):e+=3,!this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e,ob.string))throw new Error("Expected string token at the end of star export statement.");const n=this.tokens.stringValueAtIndex(e),r=this.getImportInfo(n);null!==t?r.exportStarNames.push(t):r.hasStarExport=!0}getNamedImports(e){const t=[];for(;;){if(this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e,ob.braceR)){e++;break}let n=!1;(this.tokens.matchesContextualAtIndex(e,sb._type)||this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e,ob._typeof))&&this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e+1,ob.name)&&!this.tokens.matchesContextualAtIndex(e+1,sb._as)&&(n=!0,e++);const r=this.tokens.identifierNameAtIndex(e);let i;if(e++,this.tokens.matchesContextualAtIndex(e,sb._as)?(e++,i=this.tokens.identifierNameAtIndex(e),e++):i=r,n||t.push({importedName:r,localName:i}),this.tokens.matches2AtIndex(e,ob.comma,ob.braceR)){e+=2;break}if(this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e,ob.braceR)){e++;break}if(!this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e,ob.comma))throw new Error(`Unexpected token: ${JSON.stringify(this.tokens.tokens[e])}`);e++}return{newIndex:e,namedImports:t}}getImportInfo(e){const t=this.importInfoByPath.get(e);if(t)return t;const n={defaultNames:[],wildcardNames:[],namedImports:[],namedExports:[],hasBareImport:!1,exportStarNames:[],hasStarExport:!1};return this.importInfoByPath.set(e,n),n}addExportBinding(e,t){this.exportBindingsByLocalName.has(e)||this.exportBindingsByLocalName.set(e,[]),this.exportBindingsByLocalName.get(e).push(t)}claimImportCode(e){const t=this.importsToReplace.get(e);return this.importsToReplace.set(e,""),t||""}getIdentifierReplacement(e){return this.identifierReplacements.get(e)||null}resolveExportBinding(e){const t=this.exportBindingsByLocalName.get(e);return t&&0!==t.length?t.map((e=>`exports.${e}`)).join(" = "):null}getGlobalNames(){return new Set([...this.identifierReplacements.keys(),...this.exportBindingsByLocalName.keys()])}}function XS(e,t,{compiledFilename:n}){let r="AAAA";for(let t=0;t obj[importedName]});\n }\n ",createStarExport:'\n function createStarExport(obj) {\n Object.keys(obj)\n .filter((key) => key !== "default" && key !== "__esModule")\n .forEach((key) => {\n if (exports.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n return;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(exports, key, {enumerable: true, get: () => obj[key]});\n });\n }\n ',nullishCoalesce:"\n function nullishCoalesce(lhs, rhsFn) {\n if (lhs != null) {\n return lhs;\n } else {\n return rhsFn();\n }\n }\n ",asyncNullishCoalesce:"\n async function asyncNullishCoalesce(lhs, rhsFn) {\n if (lhs != null) {\n return lhs;\n } else {\n return await rhsFn();\n }\n }\n ",optionalChain:"\n function optionalChain(ops) {\n let lastAccessLHS = undefined;\n let value = ops[0];\n let i = 1;\n while (i < ops.length) {\n const op = ops[i];\n const fn = ops[i + 1];\n i += 2;\n if ((op === 'optionalAccess' || op === 'optionalCall') && value == null) {\n return undefined;\n }\n if (op === 'access' || op === 'optionalAccess') {\n lastAccessLHS = value;\n value = fn(value);\n } else if (op === 'call' || op === 'optionalCall') {\n value = fn((...args) => value.call(lastAccessLHS, ...args));\n lastAccessLHS = undefined;\n }\n }\n return value;\n }\n ",asyncOptionalChain:"\n async function asyncOptionalChain(ops) {\n let lastAccessLHS = undefined;\n let value = ops[0];\n let i = 1;\n while (i < ops.length) {\n const op = ops[i];\n const fn = ops[i + 1];\n i += 2;\n if ((op === 'optionalAccess' || op === 'optionalCall') && value == null) {\n return undefined;\n }\n if (op === 'access' || op === 'optionalAccess') {\n lastAccessLHS = value;\n value = await fn(value);\n } else if (op === 'call' || op === 'optionalCall') {\n value = await fn((...args) => value.call(lastAccessLHS, ...args));\n lastAccessLHS = undefined;\n }\n }\n return value;\n }\n ",optionalChainDelete:"\n function optionalChainDelete(ops) {\n const result = OPTIONAL_CHAIN_NAME(ops);\n return result == null ? true : result;\n }\n ",asyncOptionalChainDelete:"\n async function asyncOptionalChainDelete(ops) {\n const result = await ASYNC_OPTIONAL_CHAIN_NAME(ops);\n return result == null ? true : result;\n }\n "};class zS{__init(){this.helperNames={}}constructor(e){this.nameManager=e,zS.prototype.__init.call(this)}getHelperName(e){let t=this.helperNames[e];return t||(t=this.nameManager.claimFreeName(`_${e}`),this.helperNames[e]=t,t)}emitHelpers(){let e="";this.helperNames.optionalChainDelete&&this.getHelperName("optionalChain"),this.helperNames.asyncOptionalChainDelete&&this.getHelperName("asyncOptionalChain");for(const[t,n]of Object.entries(qS)){const r=this.helperNames[t];let i=n;"optionalChainDelete"===t?i=i.replace("OPTIONAL_CHAIN_NAME",this.helperNames.optionalChain):"asyncOptionalChainDelete"===t&&(i=i.replace("ASYNC_OPTIONAL_CHAIN_NAME",this.helperNames.asyncOptionalChain)),r&&(e+=" ",e+=i.replace(t,r).replace(/\s+/g," ").trim())}return e}}function YS(e,t,n){$S(e,n)&&ZS(e,t,n)}function $S(e,t){for(const n of e.tokens)if(n.type===ob.name&&Jb(n)&&t.has(e.identifierNameForToken(n)))return!0;return!1}function ZS(e,t,n){const r=[];let i=t.length-1;for(let s=e.tokens.length-1;;s--){for(;r.length>0&&r[r.length-1].startTokenIndex===s+1;)r.pop();for(;i>=0&&t[i].endTokenIndex===s+1;)r.push(t[i]),i--;if(s<0)break;const o=e.tokens[s],a=e.identifierNameForToken(o);if(r.length>1&&o.type===ob.name&&n.has(a))if(Wb(o))ew(r[r.length-1],e,a);else if(Xb(o)){let t=r.length-1;for(;t>0&&!r[t].isFunctionScope;)t--;if(t<0)throw new Error("Did not find parent function scope.");ew(r[t],e,a)}}if(r.length>0)throw new Error("Expected empty scope stack after processing file.")}function ew(e,t,n){for(let r=e.startTokenIndex;r=r._score)&&(r=o)}r&&r._score>0&&((t=this._propNames).push.apply(t,r._propNames),(n=this._messages).push.apply(n,r._messages))},e.prototype.getError=function(e){for(var t=[],n=this._propNames.length-1;n>=0;n--){var i=this._propNames[n];e+="number"==typeof i?"["+i+"]":i?"."+i:"";var s=this._messages[n];s&&t.push(e+" "+s)}return new r(e,t.join("; "))},e.prototype.getErrorDetail=function(e){for(var t=[],n=this._propNames.length-1;n>=0;n--){var r=this._propNames[n];e+="number"==typeof r?"["+r+"]":r?"."+r:"";var i=this._messages[n];i&&t.push({path:e,message:i})}var s=null;for(n=t.length-1;n>=0;n--)s&&(t[n].nested=[s]),s=t[n];return s},e}();t.DetailContext=s;var o=function(){function e(){this.contexts=[]}return e.prototype.createContext=function(){var e=new s;return this.contexts.push(e),e},e}()})),iw=N((function(e,t){var n=O&&O.__extends||function(){var e=function(t,n){return(e=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(e,t){e.__proto__=t}||function(e,t){for(var n in t)t.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(e[n]=t[n])})(t,n)};return function(t,n){function r(){this.constructor=t}e(t,n),t.prototype=null===n?Object.create(n):(r.prototype=n.prototype,new r)}}();Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.basicTypes=t.BasicType=t.TParamList=t.TParam=t.param=t.TFunc=t.func=t.TProp=t.TOptional=t.opt=t.TIface=t.iface=t.TEnumLiteral=t.enumlit=t.TEnumType=t.enumtype=t.TIntersection=t.intersection=t.TUnion=t.union=t.TTuple=t.tuple=t.TArray=t.array=t.TLiteral=t.lit=t.TName=t.name=t.TType=void 0;var r=function(){};function i(e){return"string"==typeof e?o(e):e}function s(e,t){var n=e[t];if(!n)throw new Error("Unknown type "+t);return n}function o(e){return new a(e)}t.TType=r,t.name=o;var a=function(e){function t(t){var n=e.call(this)||this;return n.name=t,n._failMsg="is not a "+t,n}return n(t,e),t.prototype.getChecker=function(e,n,r){var i=this,o=s(e,this.name),a=o.getChecker(e,n,r);return o instanceof v||o instanceof t?a:function(e,t){return!!a(e,t)||t.fail(null,i._failMsg,0)}},t}(r);t.TName=a,t.lit=function(e){return new B(e)};var B=function(e){function t(t){var n=e.call(this)||this;return n.value=t,n.name=JSON.stringify(t),n._failMsg="is not "+n.name,n}return n(t,e),t.prototype.getChecker=function(e,t){var n=this;return function(e,t){return e===n.value||t.fail(null,n._failMsg,-1)}},t}(r);t.TLiteral=B,t.array=function(e){return new c(i(e))};var c=function(e){function t(t){var n=e.call(this)||this;return n.ttype=t,n}return n(t,e),t.prototype.getChecker=function(e,t){var n=this.ttype.getChecker(e,t);return function(e,t){if(!Array.isArray(e))return t.fail(null,"is not an array",0);for(var r=0;r0&&r.push(i+" more"),n._failMsg="is none of "+r.join(", ")):n._failMsg="is none of "+i+" types",n}return n(t,e),t.prototype.getChecker=function(e,t){var n=this,r=this.ttypes.map((function(n){return n.getChecker(e,t)}));return function(e,t){for(var i=t.unionResolver(),s=0;s0&&!mb.error;)rS(ob.braceL)||rS(ob.bracketL)?e++:(rS(ob.braceR)||rS(ob.bracketR))&&e--,Yb();return!0}return!1}function cx(){const e=mb.snapshot(),t=lx();return mb.restoreFromSnapshot(e),t}function lx(){if(Yb(),rS(ob.parenR)||rS(ob.ellipsis))return!0;if(Bx()){if(rS(ob.colon)||rS(ob.comma)||rS(ob.question)||rS(ob.eq))return!0;if(rS(ob.parenR)&&(Yb(),rS(ob.arrow)))return!0}return!1}function ux(e){const t=eS(0);Tb(e);fx()||mx(),tS(t)}function px(){rS(ob.colon)&&ux(ob.colon)}function hx(){rS(ob.colon)&&Cx()}function dx(){nS(ob.colon)&&mx()}function fx(){const e=mb.snapshot();return Sb(sb._asserts)&&!kb()?(Yb(),xb(sb._is)?(mx(),!0):vw()||rS(ob._this)?(Yb(),xb(sb._is)&&mx(),!0):(mb.restoreFromSnapshot(e),!1)):!(!vw()&&!rS(ob._this))&&(Yb(),Sb(sb._is)&&!kb()?(Yb(),mx(),!0):(mb.restoreFromSnapshot(e),!1))}function Cx(){const e=eS(0);Tb(ob.colon),mx(),tS(e)}function mx(){gx(),!kb()&&nS(ob._extends)&&(gx(),Tb(ob.question),mx(),Tb(ob.colon),mx())}function gx(){ax()?ex(Zw.TSFunctionType):rS(ob._new)?ex(Zw.TSConstructorType):ox()}function Ax(){const e=eS(1);mx(),Tb(ob.greaterThan),tS(e),FD()}function yx(){if(nS(ob.jsxTagStart)){mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].type=ob.typeParameterStart;const e=eS(1);for(;!rS(ob.greaterThan)&&!mb.error;)mx(),nS(ob.comma);_D(),tS(e)}}function Ex(){for(;!rS(ob.braceL)&&!mb.error;)vx(),nS(ob.comma)}function vx(){ww(),rS(ob.lessThan)&&Hx()}function _x(){dw(!1),Tw(),nS(ob._extends)&&Ex(),Qw()}function bx(){dw(!1),Tw(),Tb(ob.eq),mx(),Nb()}function Sx(){if(rS(ob.string)?zD():mI(),nS(ob.eq)){const e=mb.tokens.length-1;ID(),mb.tokens[e].rhsEndIndex=mb.tokens.length}}function wx(){for(dw(!1),Tb(ob.braceL);!nS(ob.braceR)&&!mb.error;)Sx(),nS(ob.comma)}function xx(){Tb(ob.braceL),aO(ob.braceR)}function Dx(){dw(!1),nS(ob.dot)?Dx():xx()}function Ix(){Sb(sb._global)?mI():rS(ob.string)?WD():Pb(),rS(ob.braceL)?xx():Nb()}function kx(){fw(),Tb(ob.eq),Nx(),Nb()}function Ox(){return Sb(sb._require)&&iS()===ob.parenL}function Nx(){Ox()?Tx():ww()}function Tx(){Db(sb._require),Tb(ob.parenL),rS(ob.string)||Pb(),zD(),Tb(ob.parenR)}function Px(){if(Ob())return!1;switch(mb.type){case ob._function:{const e=eS(1);Yb();return pO(mb.start,!0),tS(e),!0}case ob._class:{const e=eS(1);return dO(!0,!1),tS(e),!0}case ob._const:if(rS(ob._const)&&wb(sb._enum)){const e=eS(1);return Tb(ob._const),Db(sb._enum),mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].type=ob._enum,wx(),tS(e),!0}case ob._var:case ob._let:{const e=eS(1);return tO(mb.type),tS(e),!0}case ob.name:{const e=eS(1),t=mb.contextualKeyword;let n=!1;return t===sb._global?(Ix(),n=!0):n=Lx(t,!0),tS(e),n}default:return!1}}function Mx(){return Lx(mb.contextualKeyword,!0)}function Fx(e){switch(e){case sb._declare:{const e=mb.tokens.length-1;if(Px())return mb.tokens[e].type=ob._declare,!0;break}case sb._global:if(rS(ob.braceL))return xx(),!0;break;default:return Lx(e,!1)}return!1}function Lx(e,t){switch(e){case sb._abstract:if(Rx(ob._class,t))return t&&Yb(),mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].type=ob._abstract,dO(!0,!1),!0;break;case sb._enum:if(Rx(ob.name,t))return t&&Yb(),mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].type=ob._enum,wx(),!0;break;case sb._interface:if(Rx(ob.name,t)){const e=eS(1);return t&&Yb(),_x(),tS(e),!0}break;case sb._module:if(t&&Yb(),rS(ob.string)){const e=eS(t?2:1);return Ix(),tS(e),!0}if(Rx(ob.name,t)){const e=eS(t?2:1);return t&&Yb(),Dx(),tS(e),!0}break;case sb._namespace:if(Rx(ob.name,t)){const e=eS(1);return t&&Yb(),Dx(),tS(e),!0}break;case sb._type:if(Rx(ob.name,t)){const e=eS(1);return t&&Yb(),bx(),tS(e),!0}}return!1}function Rx(e,t){return!Ob()&&(t||rS(e))}function Gx(){const e=mb.snapshot();return Pw(),hO(),px(),Tb(ob.arrow),mb.error?(mb.restoreFromSnapshot(e),!1):(dI(!0),!0)}function Hx(){const e=eS(0);for(Tb(ob.lessThan);!nS(ob.greaterThan)&&!mb.error;)mx(),nS(ob.comma);tS(e)}function Kx(){if(rS(ob.name))switch(mb.contextualKeyword){case sb._abstract:case sb._declare:case sb._enum:case sb._interface:case sb._module:case sb._namespace:case sb._type:return!0}return!1}function Vx(e,t){if(rS(ob.colon)&&ux(ob.colon),rS(ob.braceL)||!Ob())dI(!1,t);else{let t=mb.tokens.length-1;for(;t>=0&&(mb.tokens[t].start>=e||mb.tokens[t].type===ob._default||mb.tokens[t].type===ob._export);)mb.tokens[t].isType=!0,t--}}function Ux(e,t,n){if(kb()||!nS(ob.bang)){if(rS(ob.lessThan)){const n=mb.snapshot();if(!t&&VD()){if(Gx())return}if(Hx(),!t&&nS(ob.parenL)?(mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].subscriptStartIndex=e,UD()):rS(ob.backQuote)?iI():Pb(),!mb.error)return;mb.restoreFromSnapshot(n)}else!t&&rS(ob.questionDot)&&iS()===ob.lessThan&&(Yb(),mb.tokens[e].isOptionalChainStart=!0,mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].subscriptStartIndex=e,Hx(),Tb(ob.parenL),UD());KD(e,t,n)}else mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].type=ob.nonNullAssertion}function Qx(){if(rS(ob.lessThan)){const e=mb.snapshot();mb.type=ob.typeParameterStart,Hx(),rS(ob.parenL)||Pb(),mb.error&&mb.restoreFromSnapshot(e)}}function Jx(){return rS(ob._import)?(Tb(ob._import),kx(),!0):nS(ob.eq)?(DD(),Nb(),!0):xb(sb._as)?(Db(sb._namespace),mI(),Nb(),!0):(Sb(sb._type)&&iS()===ob.braceL&&Yb(),!1)}function jx(){if(Sb(sb._abstract)&&iS()===ob._class)return mb.type=ob._abstract,Yb(),dO(!0,!0),!0;if(Sb(sb._interface)){const e=eS(2);return Lx(sb._interface,!0),tS(e),!0}return!1}function Wx(){if(mb.type===ob._const){const e=oS();if(e.type===ob.name&&e.contextualKeyword===sb._enum)return Tb(ob._const),Db(sb._enum),mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].type=ob._enum,wx(),!0}return!1}function Xx(){Sw([sb._public,sb._protected,sb._private])}function qx(e,t){let n=!1,r=!1;for(;;){const e=Sw([sb._abstract,sb._readonly,sb._declare]);if(null==e)break;e===sb._readonly&&(r=!0),e===sb._abstract&&(n=!0)}if(!n&&!e){if(Hw())return!0}return!!r&&(EO(t),vO(),_O(),!0)}function zx(e){Fx(e)||Nb()}function Yx(){const e=xb(sb._declare);e&&(mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].type=ob._declare);let t=!1;if(rS(ob.name))if(e){const e=eS(2);t=Mx(),tS(e)}else t=Mx();if(!t)if(e){const e=eS(2);Lk(!0),tS(e)}else Lk(!0)}function $x(e){if(e&&rS(ob.lessThan)&&Hx(),xb(sb._implements)){mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].type=ob._implements;const e=eS(1);Ex(),tS(e)}}function Zx(){Tw()}function eD(){Tw()}function tD(){const e=eS(0);nS(ob.bang),hx(),tS(e)}function nD(){rS(ob.colon)&&Cx()}function rD(e,t){return db?iD(e,t):sD(e,t)}function iD(e,t){if(!rS(ob.lessThan))return kD(e,t);const n=mb.snapshot();let r=kD(e,t);return mb.error?(mb.restoreFromSnapshot(n),mb.type=ob.typeParameterStart,Pw(),r=kD(e,t),r||Pb(),r):r}function sD(e,t){if(!rS(ob.lessThan))return kD(e,t);const n=mb.snapshot();Pw();const r=kD(e,t);return r||Pb(),mb.error?(mb.restoreFromSnapshot(n),kD(e,t)):r}function oD(){if(rS(ob.colon)){const e=mb.snapshot();ux(ob.colon),Ib()&&Pb(),rS(ob.arrow)||Pb(),mb.error&&mb.restoreFromSnapshot(e)}return nS(ob.arrow)}function aD(){const e=eS(0);nS(ob.question),hx(),tS(e)}function BD(){rS(ob.lessThan)&&Hx(),Vk()}function cD(){for(;;){if(mb.pos>=gb.length)return void Pb("Unterminated JSX contents");const e=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos);switch(e){case ab.lessThan:case ab.leftCurlyBrace:return mb.pos===mb.start?e===ab.lessThan?(mb.pos++,void fS(ob.jsxTagStart)):void SS(e):void fS(ob.jsxText);default:mb.pos++}}}function lD(e){for(mb.pos++;;){if(mb.pos>=gb.length)return void Pb("Unterminated string constant");if(gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos)===e){mb.pos++;break}mb.pos++}fS(ob.string)}function uD(){let e;do{if(mb.pos>gb.length)return void Pb("Unexpectedly reached the end of input.");e=gb.charCodeAt(++mb.pos)}while(Gb[e]||e===ab.dash);fS(ob.jsxName)}function pD(){_D()}function hD(e){pD(),nS(ob.colon)?pD():mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].identifierRole=e}function dD(){for(hD(Ub.Access);rS(ob.dot);)_D(),pD()}function fD(){switch(mb.type){case ob.braceL:return Yb(),mD(),void _D();case ob.jsxTagStart:return vD(),void _D();case ob.string:return void _D();default:Pb("JSX value should be either an expression or a quoted JSX text")}}function CD(){Tb(ob.ellipsis),DD()}function mD(){rS(ob.braceR)||DD()}function gD(){if(nS(ob.braceL))return Tb(ob.ellipsis),ID(),void _D();hD(Ub.ObjectKey),rS(ob.eq)&&(_D(),fD())}function AD(){if(rS(ob.jsxTagEnd))return!1;for(dD(),fb&&yx();!rS(ob.slash)&&!rS(ob.jsxTagEnd)&&!mb.error;)gD();const e=rS(ob.slash);return e&&_D(),e}function yD(){rS(ob.jsxTagEnd)||dD()}function ED(){if(!AD())for(bD();;)switch(mb.type){case ob.jsxTagStart:if(_D(),rS(ob.slash))return _D(),void yD();ED(),bD();break;case ob.jsxText:bD();break;case ob.braceL:Yb(),rS(ob.ellipsis)?(CD(),bD()):(mD(),bD());break;default:return void Pb()}}function vD(){_D(),ED()}function _D(){mb.tokens.push(new zb),dS(),mb.start=mb.pos;const e=gb.charCodeAt(mb.pos);if(Hb[e])uD();else if(e===ab.quotationMark||e===ab.apostrophe)lD(e);else switch(++mb.pos,e){case ab.greaterThan:fS(ob.jsxTagEnd);break;case ab.lessThan:fS(ob.jsxTagStart);break;case ab.slash:fS(ob.slash);break;case ab.equalsTo:fS(ob.eq);break;case ab.leftCurlyBrace:fS(ob.braceL);break;case ab.dot:fS(ob.dot);break;case ab.colon:fS(ob.colon);break;default:Pb()}}function bD(){mb.tokens.push(new zb),mb.start=mb.pos,cD()}function SD(e){if(rS(ob.question)){const e=iS();if(e===ob.colon||e===ob.comma||e===ob.parenR)return}TD(e)}function wD(){nS(ob.question)&&(mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].isType=!0),rS(ob.colon)&&(fb?Cx():Cb&&uk())}!function(e){e[e.TSFunctionType=0]="TSFunctionType";e[e.TSConstructorType=1]="TSConstructorType"}(Zw||(Zw={}));class xD{constructor(e){this.stop=e}}function DD(e=!1){if(ID(e),rS(ob.comma))for(;nS(ob.comma);)ID(e)}function ID(e=!1,t=!1){return fb?rD(e,t):Cb?Nk(e,t):kD(e,t)}function kD(e,t){if(rS(ob._yield))return AI(),!1;(rS(ob.parenL)||rS(ob.name)||rS(ob._yield))&&(mb.potentialArrowAt=mb.start);const n=OD(e);return t&&tI(),mb.type&ob.IS_ASSIGN?(Yb(),ID(e),!1):n}function OD(e){return!!PD(e)||(ND(e),!1)}function ND(e){fb||Cb?SD(e):TD(e)}function TD(e){nS(ob.question)&&(ID(),Tb(ob.colon),ID(e))}function PD(e){const t=mb.tokens.length;return!!FD()||(MD(t,-1,e),!1)}function MD(e,t,n){if(fb&&(ob._in&ob.PRECEDENCE_MASK)>t&&!kb()&&xb(sb._as)){mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].type=ob._as;const r=eS(1);return mx(),tS(r),void MD(e,t,n)}const r=mb.type&ob.PRECEDENCE_MASK;if(r>0&&(!n||!rS(ob._in))&&r>t){const i=mb.type;Yb(),i===ob.nullishCoalescing&&(mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].nullishStartIndex=e);const s=mb.tokens.length;FD(),MD(s,i&ob.IS_RIGHT_ASSOCIATIVE?r-1:r,n),i===ob.nullishCoalescing&&(mb.tokens[e].numNullishCoalesceStarts++,mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].numNullishCoalesceEnds++),MD(e,t,n)}}function FD(){if(fb&&!db&&nS(ob.lessThan))return Ax(),!1;if(mb.type&ob.IS_PREFIX)return Yb(),FD(),!1;if(LD())return!0;for(;mb.type&ob.IS_POSTFIX&&!Ib();)mb.type===ob.preIncDec&&(mb.type=ob.postIncDec),Yb();return!1}function LD(){const e=mb.tokens.length;return!!WD()||(RD(e),mb.tokens.length>e&&mb.tokens[e].isOptionalChainStart&&(mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].isOptionalChainEnd=!0),!1)}function RD(e,t=!1){Cb?Pk(e,t):GD(e,t)}function GD(e,t=!1){const n=new xD(!1);do{HD(e,t,n)}while(!n.stop&&!mb.error)}function HD(e,t,n){fb?Ux(e,t,n):Cb?fk(e,t,n):KD(e,t,n)}function KD(e,t,n){if(!t&&nS(ob.doubleColon))jD(),n.stop=!0,RD(e,t);else if(rS(ob.questionDot)){if(mb.tokens[e].isOptionalChainStart=!0,t&&iS()===ob.parenL)return void(n.stop=!0);Yb(),mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].subscriptStartIndex=e,nS(ob.bracketL)?(DD(),Tb(ob.bracketR)):nS(ob.parenL)?UD():XD()}else if(nS(ob.dot))mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].subscriptStartIndex=e,XD();else if(nS(ob.bracketL))mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].subscriptStartIndex=e,DD(),Tb(ob.bracketR);else if(!t&&rS(ob.parenL))if(VD()){const t=mb.snapshot(),r=mb.tokens.length;Yb(),mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].subscriptStartIndex=e;const i=yb();mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].contextId=i,UD(),mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].contextId=i,QD()&&(mb.restoreFromSnapshot(t),n.stop=!0,mb.scopeDepth++,hO(),JD(r))}else{Yb(),mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].subscriptStartIndex=e;const t=yb();mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].contextId=t,UD(),mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].contextId=t}else rS(ob.backQuote)?iI():n.stop=!0}function VD(){return mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].contextualKeyword===sb._async&&!Ib()}function UD(){let e=!0;for(;!nS(ob.parenR)&&!mb.error;){if(e)e=!1;else if(Tb(ob.comma),nS(ob.parenR))break;CI(!1)}}function QD(){return rS(ob.colon)||rS(ob.arrow)}function JD(e){fb?nD():Cb&&Ok(),Tb(ob.arrow),pI(e)}function jD(){const e=mb.tokens.length;WD(),RD(e,!0)}function WD(){if(nS(ob.modulo))return mI(),!1;if(rS(ob.jsxText))return zD(),!1;if(rS(ob.lessThan)&&db)return mb.type=ob.jsxTagStart,vD(),Yb(),!1;const e=mb.potentialArrowAt===mb.start;switch(mb.type){case ob.slash:case ob.assign:Zb();case ob._super:case ob._this:case ob.regexp:case ob.num:case ob.bigint:case ob.decimal:case ob.string:case ob._null:case ob._true:case ob._false:return Yb(),!1;case ob._import:return Yb(),rS(ob.dot)&&(mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].type=ob.name,Yb(),mI()),!1;case ob.name:{const t=mb.tokens.length,n=mb.start,r=mb.contextualKeyword;return mI(),r===sb._await?(gI(),!1):r===sb._async&&rS(ob._function)&&!Ib()?(Yb(),pO(n,!1),!1):e&&!Ib()&&r===sb._async&&rS(ob.name)?(mb.scopeDepth++,dw(!1),Tb(ob.arrow),pI(t),!0):e&&!Ib()&&rS(ob.arrow)?(mb.scopeDepth++,Cw(!1),Tb(ob.arrow),pI(t),!0):(mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].identifierRole=Ub.Access,!1)}case ob._do:return Yb(),oO(),!1;case ob.parenL:return $D(e);case ob.bracketL:return Yb(),fI(ob.bracketR,!0),!1;case ob.braceL:return sI(!1,!1),!1;case ob._function:return qD(),!1;case ob.at:Gk();case ob._class:return dO(!1),!1;case ob._new:return nI(),!1;case ob.backQuote:return iI(),!1;case ob.doubleColon:return Yb(),jD(),!1;case ob.hash:{const e=cS();return Hb[e]||e===ab.backslash?XD():Yb(),!1}default:return Pb(),!1}}function XD(){nS(ob.hash),mI()}function qD(){const e=mb.start;mI(),nS(ob.dot)&&mI(),pO(e,!1)}function zD(){Yb()}function YD(){Tb(ob.parenL),DD(),Tb(ob.parenR)}function $D(e){const t=mb.snapshot(),n=mb.tokens.length;Tb(ob.parenL);let r=!0;for(;!rS(ob.parenR)&&!mb.error;){if(r)r=!1;else if(Tb(ob.comma),rS(ob.parenR))break;if(rS(ob.ellipsis)){hw(!1),tI();break}ID(!1,!0)}if(Tb(ob.parenR),e&&ZD()){if(eI())return mb.restoreFromSnapshot(t),mb.scopeDepth++,hO(),eI(),pI(n),!0}return!1}function ZD(){return rS(ob.colon)||!Ib()}function eI(){return fb?oD():Cb?Tk():nS(ob.arrow)}function tI(){(fb||Cb)&&wD()}function nI(){Tb(ob._new),nS(ob.dot)?mI():(jD(),nS(ob.questionDot),rI())}function rI(){fb?Qx():Cb&&Ck(),nS(ob.parenL)&&fI(ob.parenR)}function iI(){for($b(),$b();!rS(ob.backQuote)&&!mb.error;)Tb(ob.dollarBraceL),DD(),$b(),$b();Yb()}function sI(e,t){const n=yb();let r=!0;for(Yb(),mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].contextId=n;!nS(ob.braceR)&&!mb.error;){if(r)r=!1;else if(Tb(ob.comma),nS(ob.braceR))break;let i=!1;if(rS(ob.ellipsis)){const n=mb.tokens.length;if(pw(),e&&(mb.tokens.length===n+2&&Cw(t),nS(ob.braceR)))break}else e||(i=nS(ob.star)),!e&&Sb(sb._async)?(i&&Pb(),mI(),rS(ob.colon)||rS(ob.parenL)||rS(ob.braceR)||rS(ob.eq)||rS(ob.comma)||(rS(ob.star)&&(Yb(),i=!0),lI(n))):lI(n),cI(e,t,n)}mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].contextId=n}function oI(e){return!e&&(rS(ob.string)||rS(ob.num)||rS(ob.bracketL)||rS(ob.name)||!!(mb.type&ob.IS_KEYWORD))}function aI(e,t){const n=mb.start;return rS(ob.parenL)?(e&&Pb(),uI(n,!1),!0):!!oI(e)&&(lI(t),uI(n,!1),!0)}function BI(e,t){if(nS(ob.colon))return void(e?Ew(t):ID(!1));let n;n=e?0===mb.scopeDepth?Ub.ObjectShorthandTopLevelDeclaration:t?Ub.ObjectShorthandBlockScopedDeclaration:Ub.ObjectShorthandFunctionScopedDeclaration:Ub.ObjectShorthand,mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].identifierRole=n,Ew(t,!0)}function cI(e,t,n){fb?Zx():Cb&&Sk();aI(e,n)||BI(e,t)}function lI(e){Cb&&hk(),nS(ob.bracketL)?(mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].contextId=e,ID(),Tb(ob.bracketR),mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].contextId=e):(rS(ob.num)||rS(ob.string)||rS(ob.bigint)||rS(ob.decimal)?WD():XD(),mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].identifierRole=Ub.ObjectKey,mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].contextId=e)}function uI(e,t){const n=yb();mb.scopeDepth++;const r=mb.tokens.length;hO(t,n),hI(e,n);const i=mb.tokens.length;mb.scopes.push(new ub(r,i,!0)),mb.scopeDepth--}function pI(e){dI(!0);const t=mb.tokens.length;mb.scopes.push(new ub(e,t,!0)),mb.scopeDepth--}function hI(e,t=0){fb?Vx(e,t):Cb?dk(t):dI(!1,t)}function dI(e,t=0){e&&!rS(ob.braceL)?ID():oO(!0,t)}function fI(e,t=!1){let n=!0;for(;!nS(e)&&!mb.error;){if(n)n=!1;else if(Tb(ob.comma),nS(e))break;CI(t)}}function CI(e){e&&rS(ob.comma)||(rS(ob.ellipsis)?(pw(),tI()):rS(ob.question)?Yb():ID(!1,!0))}function mI(){Yb(),mb.tokens[mb.tokens.length-1].type=ob.name}function gI(){FD()}function AI(){Yb(),rS(ob.semi)||Ib()||(nS(ob.star),ID())}function yI(e){return(e.type===ob.name||!!(e.type&ob.IS_KEYWORD))&&e.contextualKeyword!==sb._from}function EI(e){const t=eS(0);Tb(e||ob.colon),lk(),tS(t)}function vI(){Tb(ob.modulo),Db(sb._checks),nS(ob.parenL)&&(DD(),Tb(ob.parenR))}function _I(){const e=eS(0);Tb(ob.colon),rS(ob.modulo)?vI():(lk(),rS(ob.modulo)&&vI()),tS(e)}function bI(){Yb(),PI(!0)}function SI(){Yb(),mI(),rS(ob.lessThan)&&KI(),Tb(ob.parenL),rk(),Tb(ob.parenR),_I(),Nb()}function wI(){rS(ob._class)?bI():rS(ob._function)?SI():rS(ob._var)?xI():xb(sb._module)?nS(ob.dot)?kI():DI():Sb(sb._type)?OI():Sb(sb._opaque)?NI():Sb(sb._interface)?TI():rS(ob._export)?II():Pb()}function xI(){Yb(),pk(),Nb()}function DI(){for(rS(ob.string)?WD():mI(),Tb(ob.braceL);!rS(ob.braceR)&&!mb.error;)rS(ob._import)?(Yb(),RO()):Pb();Tb(ob.braceR)}function II(){Tb(ob._export),nS(ob._default)?rS(ob._function)||rS(ob._class)?wI():(lk(),Nb()):rS(ob._var)||rS(ob._function)||rS(ob._class)||Sb(sb._opaque)?wI():rS(ob.star)||rS(ob.braceL)||Sb(sb._interface)||Sb(sb._type)||Sb(sb._opaque)?wO():Pb()}function kI(){Db(sb._exports),uk(),Nb()}function OI(){Yb(),RI()}function NI(){Yb(),GI(!0)}function TI(){Yb(),PI()}function PI(e=!1){if(LI(),rS(ob.lessThan)&&KI(),nS(ob._extends))do{MI()}while(!e&&nS(ob.comma));if(Sb(sb._mixins)){Yb();do{MI()}while(nS(ob.comma))}if(Sb(sb._implements)){Yb();do{MI()}while(nS(ob.comma))}qI(e,!1,e)}function MI(){$I(!1),rS(ob.lessThan)&&VI()}function FI(){PI()}function LI(){mI()}function RI(){LI(),rS(ob.lessThan)&&KI(),EI(ob.eq),Nb()}function GI(e){Db(sb._type),LI(),rS(ob.lessThan)&&KI(),rS(ob.colon)&&EI(ob.colon),e||EI(ob.eq),Nb()}function HI(){hk(),pk(),nS(ob.eq)&&lk()}function KI(){const e=eS(0);rS(ob.lessThan)||rS(ob.typeParameterStart)?Yb():Pb();do{HI(),rS(ob.greaterThan)||Tb(ob.comma)}while(!rS(ob.greaterThan)&&!mb.error);Tb(ob.greaterThan),tS(e)}function VI(){const e=eS(0);for(Tb(ob.lessThan);!rS(ob.greaterThan)&&!mb.error;)lk(),rS(ob.greaterThan)||Tb(ob.comma);Tb(ob.greaterThan),tS(e)}function UI(){if(Db(sb._interface),nS(ob._extends))do{MI()}while(nS(ob.comma));qI(!1,!1,!1)}function QI(){rS(ob.num)||rS(ob.string)?WD():mI()}function JI(){iS()===ob.colon?(QI(),EI()):lk(),Tb(ob.bracketR),EI()}function jI(){QI(),Tb(ob.bracketR),Tb(ob.bracketR),rS(ob.lessThan)||rS(ob.parenL)?WI():(nS(ob.question),EI())}function WI(){for(rS(ob.lessThan)&&KI(),Tb(ob.parenL);!rS(ob.parenR)&&!rS(ob.ellipsis)&&!mb.error;)nk(),rS(ob.parenR)||Tb(ob.comma);nS(ob.ellipsis)&&nk(),Tb(ob.parenR),EI()}function XI(){WI()}function qI(e,t,n){let r;for(t&&rS(ob.braceBarL)?(Tb(ob.braceBarL),r=ob.braceBarR):(Tb(ob.braceL),r=ob.braceR);!rS(r)&&!mb.error;){if(n&&Sb(sb._proto)){const t=iS();t!==ob.colon&&t!==ob.question&&(Yb(),e=!1)}if(e&&Sb(sb._static)){const e=iS();e!==ob.colon&&e!==ob.question&&Yb()}if(hk(),nS(ob.bracketL))nS(ob.bracketL)?jI():JI();else if(rS(ob.parenL)||rS(ob.lessThan))XI();else{if(Sb(sb._get)||Sb(sb._set)){const e=iS();e!==ob.name&&e!==ob.string&&e!==ob.num||Yb()}zI()}YI()}Tb(r)}function zI(){if(rS(ob.ellipsis)){if(Tb(ob.ellipsis),nS(ob.comma)||nS(ob.semi),rS(ob.braceR))return;lk()}else QI(),rS(ob.lessThan)||rS(ob.parenL)?WI():(nS(ob.question),EI())}function YI(){nS(ob.semi)||nS(ob.comma)||rS(ob.braceR)||rS(ob.braceBarR)||Pb()}function $I(e){for(e||mI();nS(ob.dot);)mI()}function ZI(){$I(!0),rS(ob.lessThan)&&VI()}function ek(){Tb(ob._typeof),ik()}function tk(){for(Tb(ob.bracketL);mb.pos0&&t0?this.tokens[this.tokenIndex-1].end:0,this.tokenIndex0&&this.tokenAtRelativeIndex(-1).type===ob._delete?e.isAsyncOperation?this.resultCode+=this.helperManager.getHelperName("asyncOptionalChainDelete"):this.resultCode+=this.helperManager.getHelperName("optionalChainDelete"):e.isAsyncOperation?this.resultCode+=this.helperManager.getHelperName("asyncOptionalChain"):this.resultCode+=this.helperManager.getHelperName("optionalChain"),this.resultCode+="([")}appendTokenSuffix(){const e=this.currentToken();if(e.isOptionalChainEnd&&(this.resultCode+="])"),e.numNullishCoalesceEnds)for(let t=0;t require");const e=this.tokens.currentToken().contextId;if(null==e)throw new Error("Expected context ID on dynamic import invocation.");for(this.tokens.copyToken();!this.tokens.matchesContextIdAndLabel(ob.parenR,e);)this.rootTransformer.processToken();return void this.tokens.replaceToken("))")}if(this.removeImportAndDetectIfType())this.tokens.removeToken();else{const e=this.tokens.stringValue();this.tokens.replaceTokenTrimmingLeftWhitespace(this.importProcessor.claimImportCode(e)),this.tokens.appendCode(this.importProcessor.claimImportCode(e))}this.tokens.matches1(ob.semi)&&this.tokens.removeToken()}removeImportAndDetectIfType(){if(this.tokens.removeInitialToken(),this.tokens.matchesContextual(sb._type)&&!this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(this.tokens.currentIndex()+1,ob.comma)&&!this.tokens.matchesContextualAtIndex(this.tokens.currentIndex()+1,sb._from))return this.removeRemainingImport(),!0;if(this.tokens.matches1(ob.name)||this.tokens.matches1(ob.star))return this.removeRemainingImport(),!1;if(this.tokens.matches1(ob.string))return!1;let e=!1;for(;!this.tokens.matches1(ob.string);)(!e&&this.tokens.matches1(ob.braceL)||this.tokens.matches1(ob.comma))&&(this.tokens.removeToken(),(this.tokens.matches2(ob.name,ob.comma)||this.tokens.matches2(ob.name,ob.braceR)||this.tokens.matches4(ob.name,ob.name,ob.name,ob.comma)||this.tokens.matches4(ob.name,ob.name,ob.name,ob.braceR))&&(e=!0)),this.tokens.removeToken();return!e}removeRemainingImport(){for(;!this.tokens.matches1(ob.string);)this.tokens.removeToken()}processIdentifier(){const e=this.tokens.currentToken();if(e.shadowsGlobal)return!1;if(e.identifierRole===Ub.ObjectShorthand)return this.processObjectShorthand();if(e.identifierRole!==Ub.Access)return!1;const t=this.importProcessor.getIdentifierReplacement(this.tokens.identifierNameForToken(e));if(!t)return!1;let n=this.tokens.currentIndex()+1;for(;n=2&&this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e-2,ob.dot))return!1;if(e>=2&&[ob._var,ob._let,ob._const].includes(this.tokens.tokens[e-2].type))return!1;const n=this.importProcessor.resolveExportBinding(this.tokens.identifierNameForToken(t));return!!n&&(this.tokens.copyToken(),this.tokens.appendCode(` ${n} =`),!0)}processComplexAssignment(){const e=this.tokens.currentIndex(),t=this.tokens.tokens[e-1];if(t.type!==ob.name)return!1;if(t.shadowsGlobal)return!1;if(e>=2&&this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e-2,ob.dot))return!1;const n=this.importProcessor.resolveExportBinding(this.tokens.identifierNameForToken(t));return!!n&&(this.tokens.appendCode(` = ${n}`),this.tokens.copyToken(),!0)}processPreIncDec(){const e=this.tokens.currentIndex(),t=this.tokens.tokens[e+1];if(t.type!==ob.name)return!1;if(t.shadowsGlobal)return!1;if(e+2=1&&this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e-1,ob.dot))return!1;const r=this.tokens.identifierNameForToken(t),i=this.importProcessor.resolveExportBinding(r);if(!i)return!1;const s=this.tokens.rawCodeForToken(n),o=this.importProcessor.getIdentifierReplacement(r)||r;if("++"===s)this.tokens.replaceToken(`(${o} = ${i} = ${o} + 1, ${o} - 1)`);else{if("--"!==s)throw new Error(`Unexpected operator: ${s}`);this.tokens.replaceToken(`(${o} = ${i} = ${o} - 1, ${o} + 1)`)}return this.tokens.removeToken(),!0}processExportDefault(){if(this.tokens.matches4(ob._export,ob._default,ob._function,ob.name)||this.tokens.matches5(ob._export,ob._default,ob.name,ob._function,ob.name)){this.tokens.removeInitialToken(),this.tokens.removeToken();const e=this.processNamedFunction();this.tokens.appendCode(` exports.default = ${e};`)}else if(this.tokens.matches4(ob._export,ob._default,ob._class,ob.name)||this.tokens.matches5(ob._export,ob._default,ob._abstract,ob._class,ob.name)){this.tokens.removeInitialToken(),this.tokens.removeToken(),this.tokens.matches1(ob._abstract)&&this.tokens.removeToken();const e=this.rootTransformer.processNamedClass();this.tokens.appendCode(` exports.default = ${e};`)}else{if(this.tokens.matches3(ob._export,ob._default,ob.at))throw new Error("Export default statements with decorators are not yet supported.");if(rN(this.isTypeScriptTransformEnabled,this.tokens,this.declarationInfo))this.tokens.removeInitialToken(),this.tokens.removeToken(),this.tokens.removeToken();else if(this.reactHotLoaderTransformer){const e=this.nameManager.claimFreeName("_default");this.tokens.replaceToken(`let ${e}; exports.`),this.tokens.copyToken(),this.tokens.appendCode(` = ${e} =`),this.reactHotLoaderTransformer.setExtractedDefaultExportName(e)}else this.tokens.replaceToken("exports."),this.tokens.copyToken(),this.tokens.appendCode(" =")}}processExportVar(){this.isSimpleExportVar()?this.processSimpleExportVar():this.processComplexExportVar()}isSimpleExportVar(){let e=this.tokens.currentIndex();if(e++,e++,!this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e,ob.name))return!1;for(e++;e ("):this.tokens.replaceTokenTrimmingLeftWhitespace(", () => ("),!0}if(this.tokens.matches1(ob._delete)){if(this.tokens.tokenAtRelativeIndex(1).isOptionalChainStart)return this.tokens.removeInitialToken(),!0}const e=this.tokens.currentToken().subscriptStartIndex;if(null!=e&&this.tokens.tokens[e].isOptionalChainStart&&this.tokens.tokenAtRelativeIndex(-1).type!==ob._super){const t=this.nameManager.claimFreeName("_");let n;if(n=e>0&&this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e-1,ob._delete)&&this.isLastSubscriptInChain()?`${t} => delete ${t}`:`${t} => ${t}`,this.tokens.tokens[e].isAsyncOperation&&(n=`async ${n}`),this.tokens.matches2(ob.questionDot,ob.parenL)||this.tokens.matches2(ob.questionDot,ob.lessThan))this.justSkippedSuper()&&this.tokens.appendCode(".bind(this)"),this.tokens.replaceTokenTrimmingLeftWhitespace(`, 'optionalCall', ${n}`);else if(this.tokens.matches2(ob.questionDot,ob.bracketL))this.tokens.replaceTokenTrimmingLeftWhitespace(`, 'optionalAccess', ${n}`);else if(this.tokens.matches1(ob.questionDot))this.tokens.replaceTokenTrimmingLeftWhitespace(`, 'optionalAccess', ${n}.`);else if(this.tokens.matches1(ob.dot))this.tokens.replaceTokenTrimmingLeftWhitespace(`, 'access', ${n}.`);else if(this.tokens.matches1(ob.bracketL))this.tokens.replaceTokenTrimmingLeftWhitespace(`, 'access', ${n}[`);else{if(!this.tokens.matches1(ob.parenL))throw new Error("Unexpected subscript operator in optional chain.");this.justSkippedSuper()&&this.tokens.appendCode(".bind(this)"),this.tokens.replaceTokenTrimmingLeftWhitespace(`, 'call', ${n}(`)}return!0}return!1}isLastSubscriptInChain(){let e=0;for(let t=this.tokens.currentIndex()+1;;t++){if(t>=this.tokens.tokens.length)throw new Error("Reached the end of the code while finding the end of the access chain.");if(this.tokens.tokens[t].isOptionalChainStart?e++:this.tokens.tokens[t].isOptionalChainEnd&&e--,e<0)return!0;if(0===e&&null!=this.tokens.tokens[t].subscriptStartIndex)return!1}}justSkippedSuper(){let e=0,t=this.tokens.currentIndex()-1;for(;;){if(t<0)throw new Error("Reached the start of the code while finding the start of the access chain.");if(this.tokens.tokens[t].isOptionalChainStart?e--:this.tokens.tokens[t].isOptionalChainEnd&&e++,e<0)return!1;if(0===e&&null!=this.tokens.tokens[t].subscriptStartIndex)return this.tokens.tokens[t-1].type===ob._super;t--}}}class lN extends LS{constructor(e,t,n,r){super(),this.rootTransformer=e,this.tokens=t,this.importProcessor=n,this.options=r}process(){const e=this.tokens.currentIndex();if("createReactClass"===this.tokens.identifierName()){const t=this.importProcessor&&this.importProcessor.getIdentifierReplacement("createReactClass");return t?this.tokens.replaceToken(`(0, ${t})`):this.tokens.copyToken(),this.tryProcessCreateClassCall(e),!0}if(this.tokens.matches3(ob.name,ob.dot,ob.name)&&"React"===this.tokens.identifierName()&&"createClass"===this.tokens.identifierNameAtIndex(this.tokens.currentIndex()+2)){const t=this.importProcessor&&this.importProcessor.getIdentifierReplacement("React")||"React";return t?(this.tokens.replaceToken(t),this.tokens.copyToken(),this.tokens.copyToken()):(this.tokens.copyToken(),this.tokens.copyToken(),this.tokens.copyToken()),this.tryProcessCreateClassCall(e),!0}return!1}tryProcessCreateClassCall(e){const t=this.findDisplayName(e);t&&this.classNeedsDisplayName()&&(this.tokens.copyExpectedToken(ob.parenL),this.tokens.copyExpectedToken(ob.braceL),this.tokens.appendCode(`displayName: '${t}',`),this.rootTransformer.processBalancedCode(),this.tokens.copyExpectedToken(ob.braceR),this.tokens.copyExpectedToken(ob.parenR))}findDisplayName(e){return e<2?null:this.tokens.matches2AtIndex(e-2,ob.name,ob.eq)||e>=2&&this.tokens.tokens[e-2].identifierRole===Ub.ObjectKey?this.tokens.identifierNameAtIndex(e-2):this.tokens.matches2AtIndex(e-2,ob._export,ob._default)?this.getDisplayNameFromFilename():null}getDisplayNameFromFilename(){const e=(this.options.filePath||"unknown").split("/"),t=e[e.length-1],n=t.lastIndexOf("."),r=-1===n?t:t.slice(0,n);return"index"===r&&e[e.length-2]?e[e.length-2]:r}classNeedsDisplayName(){let e=this.tokens.currentIndex();if(!this.tokens.matches2(ob.parenL,ob.braceL))return!1;const t=e+1,n=this.tokens.tokens[t].contextId;if(null==n)throw new Error("Expected non-null context ID on object open-brace.");for(;e({variableName:e,uniqueLocalName:e})));return this.extractedDefaultExportName&&t.push({variableName:this.extractedDefaultExportName,uniqueLocalName:"default"}),`\n;(function () {\n var reactHotLoader = require('react-hot-loader').default;\n var leaveModule = require('react-hot-loader').leaveModule;\n if (!reactHotLoader) {\n return;\n }\n${t.map((({variableName:e,uniqueLocalName:t})=>` reactHotLoader.register(${e}, "${t}", ${JSON.stringify(this.filePath||"")});`)).join("\n")}\n leaveModule(module);\n})();`}process(){return!1}}const pN=new Set(["break","case","catch","class","const","continue","debugger","default","delete","do","else","export","extends","finally","for","function","if","import","in","instanceof","new","return","super","switch","this","throw","try","typeof","var","void","while","with","yield","enum","implements","interface","let","package","private","protected","public","static","await"]);function hN(e){if(0===e.length)return!1;if(!Hb[e.charCodeAt(0)])return!1;for(let t=1;t` var ${e};`)).join("");let t="";for(const e of this.transformers)t+=e.getSuffixCode();let n=this.tokens.finish();if(n.startsWith("#!")){let r=n.indexOf("\n");return-1===r&&(r=n.length,n+="\n"),n.slice(0,r+1)+e+n.slice(r+1)+t}return e+this.tokens.finish()+t}processBalancedCode(){let e=0,t=0;for(;!this.tokens.isAtEnd();){if(this.tokens.matches1(ob.braceL)||this.tokens.matches1(ob.dollarBraceL))e++;else if(this.tokens.matches1(ob.braceR)){if(0===e)return;e--}if(this.tokens.matches1(ob.parenL))t++;else if(this.tokens.matches1(ob.parenR)){if(0===t)return;t--}this.processToken()}}processToken(){if(this.tokens.matches1(ob._class))this.processClass();else{for(const e of this.transformers){if(e.process())return}this.tokens.copyToken()}}processNamedClass(){if(!this.tokens.matches2(ob._class,ob.name))throw new Error("Expected identifier for exported class name.");const e=this.tokens.identifierNameAtIndex(this.tokens.currentIndex()+1);return this.processClass(),e}processClass(){const e=XO(this,this.tokens,this.nameManager),t=e.headerInfo.isExpression&&e.staticInitializerNames.length+e.instanceInitializerNames.length>0;let n=e.headerInfo.className;t&&(n=this.nameManager.claimFreeName("_class"),this.generatedVariables.push(n),this.tokens.appendCode(` (${n} =`));const r=this.tokens.currentToken().contextId;if(null==r)throw new Error("Expected class to have a context ID.");for(this.tokens.copyExpectedToken(ob._class);!this.tokens.matchesContextIdAndLabel(ob.braceL,r);)this.processToken();this.processClassBody(e,n);const i=e.staticInitializerNames.map((e=>`${n}.${e}()`));t?this.tokens.appendCode(`, ${i.map((e=>`${e}, `)).join("")}${n})`):e.staticInitializerNames.length>0&&this.tokens.appendCode(` ${i.map((e=>`${e};`)).join(" ")}`)}processClassBody(e,t){const{headerInfo:n,constructorInsertPos:r,constructorInitializerStatements:i,fields:s,instanceInitializerNames:o,rangesToRemove:a}=e;let B=0,c=0;const l=this.tokens.currentToken().contextId;if(null==l)throw new Error("Expected non-null context ID on class.");this.tokens.copyExpectedToken(ob.braceL),this.isReactHotLoaderTransformEnabled&&this.tokens.appendCode("__reactstandin__regenerateByEval(key, code) {this[key] = eval(code);}");const u=i.length+o.length>0;if(null===r&&u){const e=this.makeConstructorInitCode(i,o,t);if(n.hasSuperclass){const t=this.nameManager.claimFreeName("args");this.tokens.appendCode(`constructor(...${t}) { super(...${t}); ${e}; }`)}else this.tokens.appendCode(`constructor() { ${e}; }`)}for(;!this.tokens.matchesContextIdAndLabel(ob.braceR,l);)if(B=a[c].start){for(this.tokens.currentIndex()`${n}.prototype.${e}.call(this)`))].join(";")}processPossibleArrowParamEnd(){if(this.tokens.matches2(ob.parenR,ob.colon)&&this.tokens.tokenAtRelativeIndex(1).isType){let e=this.tokens.currentIndex()+1;for(;this.tokens.tokens[e].isType;)e++;if(this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(e,ob.arrow)){for(this.tokens.removeInitialToken();this.tokens.currentIndex()"),!0}}return!1}processPossibleAsyncArrowWithTypeParams(){if(!this.tokens.matchesContextual(sb._async)&&!this.tokens.matches1(ob._async))return!1;const e=this.tokens.tokenAtRelativeIndex(1);if(e.type!==ob.lessThan||!e.isType)return!1;let t=this.tokens.currentIndex()+1;for(;this.tokens.tokens[t].isType;)t++;if(this.tokens.matches1AtIndex(t,ob.parenL)){for(this.tokens.replaceToken("async ("),this.tokens.removeInitialToken();this.tokens.currentIndex()this.string.length)return null;for(var t=0,n=this.offsets;n[t+1]<=e;)t++;return{line:t,column:e-n[t]}},e.prototype.indexForLocation=function(e){var t=e.line,n=e.column;return t<0||t>=this.offsets.length||n<0||n>this.lengthOfLine(t)?null:this.offsets[t]+n},e.prototype.lengthOfLine=function(e){var t=this.offsets[e];return(e===this.offsets.length-1?this.string.length:this.offsets[e+1])-t},e}();function AN(e,t){if(0===t.length)return"";const n=Object.keys(t[0]).filter((e=>"type"!==e&&"value"!==e&&"start"!==e&&"end"!==e&&"loc"!==e)),r=Object.keys(t[0].type).filter((e=>"label"!==e&&"keyword"!==e)),i=["Location","Label","Raw",...n,...r],s=new gN(e),o=[i,...t.map((function(t){const i=e.slice(t.start,t.end);return[c(t.start,t.end),lb(t.type),yN(String(i),14),...n.map((e=>B(t[e],e))),...r.map((e=>B(t.type[e],e)))]}))],a=i.map((()=>0));for(const e of o)for(let t=0;te.map(((e,t)=>e.padEnd(a[t]))).join(" "))).join("\n");function B(e,t){return!0===e?t:!1===e||null===e?"":String(e)}function c(e,t){return`${l(e)}-${l(t)}`}function l(e){const t=s.locationForIndex(e);return t?`${t.line+1}:${t.column+1}`:"Unknown"}}function yN(e,t){return e.length>t?`${e.slice(0,t-3)}...`:e}function EN(e){const t=new Set;for(let n=0;n"default"in e?e.default:e,kN=IN(DN).transform;function ON(e={}){const t=[].concat(e.include||[]),n=[];return e.typescript&&n.push("typescript"),{name:"sucrase",transform(r,i){if(!function(n){return"\0"!==n[0]&&(!(!e.typescript||!/\.tsx?$/.test(n))||t.length>0&&t.some((e=>n.match(e))))}(i))return null;let s=!1;const o=n.slice();o.includes=function(e){return"jsx"!==e||s?n.includes(e):s=!0};try{const t=kN(r,{transforms:o,production:!0===e.production,filePath:i,sourceMapOptions:e.sourcemap?{compiledFilename:i}:void 0});return{code:t.code,map:e.sourcemap?t.sourceMap:null}}catch(e){throw e.codeFrame=Bv(r,e.loc.line-1,e.loc.column),e}}}}const NN=/\b(module\.exports|exports)\b/,TN=/(\bimport\s*(\{.*?\}\s*from|\s[\w$]+\s+from)?\s*['"]|[\s;]export(\s+(default|const|var|let|function|class)[^\w$]|\s*\{))/,PN="function $$cjs_default$$(m,i){for(i in m)if(i!='default')return m;return m.default||m}";function MN({include:e,extensions:t=[".js",".cjs"]}={}){return{name:"fast-cjs",transform(n,r){if(!t.some((e=>r.endsWith(e))))return;if(e){if(!("function"==typeof e?e(r):r.match(e)))return}const i=NN.test(n),s=TN.test(n);if(!i||s)return;let o=!1,a=new Map,B=new Map;n=(n=n.replace(/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//g,"")).replace(/([^.\w$])require\s*\((['"])(.*?)\2\)/g,((e,t,n,r)=>{let i=a.get(r);if(!i){let e="$cjs$"+r.replace(/[^\w_$]+/g,"_"),t=(B.get(e)||0)+1;B.set(e,t),t>1&&(e+=t),i={id:e,specifier:n+r+n},a.set(r,i)}return o=!0,`${t}$$cjs_default$$(${i.id})`}));let c="";a.forEach((e=>{c+=`import * as ${e.id} from ${e.specifier};`}));let l=c;return o&&(l+=PN),{code:n=`${l}var module={exports:{}},exports=module.exports;${n}\nexport default module.exports`,map:null}}}}const FN="true"===process.env.BYPASS_HMR,LN="\nimport '@prefresh/core';\nif (import.meta.hot) {\n let a=0, m=import(import.meta.url);\n import.meta.hot.accept(async ({module}) => {\n m = await m;\n try {\n if (!a++) for (let i in module) self.__PREFRESH__.replaceComponent(m[i], module[i]);\n } catch (e) {\n import.meta.hot.invalidate();\n throw e;\n }\n });\n}\n",RN=Promise.resolve("function log(...args) {\n\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n\tconsole.info('[wmr] ', ...args);\n}\n\nconst strip = url => url.replace(/\\?t=\\d+/g, '');\n\nconst resolve = url => new URL(url, location.origin).href;\nlet ws;\n\n/**\n * @param {boolean} [needsReload] Force page to reload once it's connected\n * to the server.\n */\nfunction connect(needsReload) {\n\tws = new WebSocket(location.origin.replace('http', 'ws') + '/_hmr', 'hmr');\n\tfunction sendSocketMessage(msg) {\n\t\tws.send(JSON.stringify(msg));\n\t}\n\n\tws.addEventListener('open', () => {\n\t\tlog(`Connected to server.`);\n\t\tif (needsReload) {\n\t\t\twindow.location.reload();\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tqueue.forEach(sendSocketMessage);\n\t\t\tqueue = [];\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\n\tws.addEventListener('message', handleMessage);\n\tws.addEventListener('error', handleError);\n}\n\nconnect();\n\nlet errorCount = 0;\nlet errorOverlay;\n\nconst URL_SUFFIX = /\\/(index\\.html)?$/;\n\nfunction handleMessage(e) {\n\tconst data = JSON.parse(e.data);\n\tswitch (data.type) {\n\t\tcase 'reload':\n\t\t\twindow.location.reload();\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase 'update':\n\t\t\tif (errorOverlay) {\n\t\t\t\terrorOverlay.remove();\n\t\t\t\terrorOverlay = null;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tdata.changes.forEach(url => {\n\t\t\t\turl = resolve(url);\n\t\t\t\tif (!mods.get(url)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (/\\.(css|s[ac]ss)$/.test(url)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (mods.has(url + '?module')) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\turl += '?module';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tupdateStyleSheet(url);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t} else if (url.replace(URL_SUFFIX, '') === resolve(location.pathname).replace(URL_SUFFIX, '')) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn location.reload();\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfor (const el of document.querySelectorAll('[src],[href]')) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// @ts-ignore-next\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconst p = el.src ? 'src' : 'href';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (el[p] && strip(resolve(el[p])) === url) el[p] = strip(el[p]) + '?t=' + Date.now();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t// ignore already-pending updates (but not in-flight updates):\n\t\t\t\tif (updateQueue.indexOf(url) < 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\tupdateQueue.push(url);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tconst errorId = errorCount;\n\t\t\t\tif (!updating) {\n\t\t\t\t\tdequeue(Date.now()).then(() => {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (errorId === errorCount) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// try {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// \tconsole.clear();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// } catch (e) {}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase 'info':\n\t\t\tlog(data.message);\n\n\t\t\tif (data.kind === 'restart') {\n\t\t\t\tlet timeout = setTimeout(() => {\n\t\t\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconnect(true);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tclearTimeout(timeout);\n\t\t\t\t\t} catch (err) {}\n\t\t\t\t}, 1000);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase 'error': {\n\t\t\terrorCount++;\n\t\t\terrorOverlay = createErrorOverlay(data);\n\t\t\tlet msg = data.error;\n\t\t\tif (data.codeFrame) {\n\t\t\t\tmsg += '\\n' + data.codeFrame;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tconsole.error(msg);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\tlog('unknown message: ', data);\n\t}\n}\n\nfunction handleError(e) {\n\tif (e && e.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') {\n\t\tsetTimeout(connect, 1000);\n\t}\n\tlog('connection error', e);\n}\n\n// HMR updates are queued uniquely and run in sequence\nconst updateQueue = [];\nlet updating = false;\nfunction dequeue(date) {\n\tupdating = updateQueue.length !== 0;\n\treturn (\n\t\tupdating &&\n\t\tupdate(updateQueue.shift(), date).then(\n\t\t\t() => dequeue(date),\n\t\t\t() => dequeue(date)\n\t\t)\n\t);\n}\n\nfunction update(url, date) {\n\tconst mod = getMod(url);\n\tconst dispose = Array.from(mod.dispose);\n\tconst accept = Array.from(mod.accept);\n\tconst newUrl = url + (/\\?/.test(url) ? '&' : '?') + 't=' + date;\n\tconst p = mod.import ? mod.import(newUrl) : import(newUrl);\n\n\treturn p\n\t\t.then(m => {\n\t\t\taccept.forEach(c => (c({ module: m }), mod.accept.delete(c)));\n\t\t\tdispose.forEach(c => (c(), mod.dispose.delete(c)));\n\t\t\t// accept.forEach(c => c({ module: m }));\n\t\t\t// dispose.forEach(c => c());\n\t\t})\n\t\t.catch(err => {\n\t\t\tconsole.error(err);\n\t\t});\n}\n\nconst mods = new Map();\nfunction getMod(url) {\n\turl = strip(url);\n\tlet mod = mods.get(url);\n\tif (!mod) mods.set(url, (mod = { accept: new Set(), dispose: new Set() }));\n\treturn mod;\n}\n\nlet queue = [];\n\n// HMR API\nexport function createHotContext(url) {\n\tconst mod = getMod(url);\n\treturn {\n\t\taccept(fn) {\n\t\t\tif (!ws || ws.readyState !== ws.OPEN) {\n\t\t\t\tqueue.push({ id: url.replace(location.origin, ''), type: 'hotAccepted' });\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tws.send(JSON.stringify({ id: url.replace(location.origin, ''), type: 'hotAccepted' }));\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tmod.accept.add(fn);\n\t\t},\n\t\tdispose(fn) {\n\t\t\tmod.dispose.add(fn);\n\t\t},\n\t\tinvalidate() {\n\t\t\tlocation.reload();\n\t\t}\n\t};\n}\n\n// CSS HMR API (for sheets imported via proxy modules)\nconst styles = new Map();\nexport function style(filename, id) {\n\tid = resolve(id || filename);\n\tlet node = styles.get(id);\n\tif (node) {\n\t\tnode.href = filename + (/\\?/.test(filename) ? '&' : '?') + 't=' + Date.now();\n\t} else {\n\t\tconst node = document.createElement('link');\n\t\tnode.rel = 'stylesheet';\n\t\tnode.href = filename;\n\t\tdocument.head.appendChild(node);\n\t\tstyles.set(id, node);\n\t}\n}\n\nfunction traverseSheet(sheet, target) {\n\tfor (let i = 0; i < sheet.rules.length; i++) {\n\t\tif (sheet.rules[i].href && resolve(strip(sheet.rules[i].href)) === strip(target)) {\n\t\t\treturn sheet.rules[i];\n\t\t} else if (sheet.rules[i].styleSheet) {\n\t\t\treturn traverseSheet(sheet.rules[i].styleSheet, target);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\n// Update a non-imported stylesheet\nfunction updateStyleSheet(url) {\n\tconst sheets = document.styleSheets;\n\n\tfor (let i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++) {\n\t\tif (sheets[i].href && strip(sheets[i].href) === url) {\n\t\t\t// @ts-ignore\n\t\t\tsheets[i].ownerNode.href = strip(url) + '?t=' + Date.now();\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tconst found = traverseSheet(sheets[i], url);\n\t\tif (found) {\n\t\t\tconst index = [].indexOf.call(found.parentStyleSheet.rules, found);\n\t\t\tconst urlStr = JSON.stringify(strip(url) + '?t=' + Date.now());\n\t\t\tconst css = found.cssText.replace(/^(@import|@use)\\s*(?:url\\([^)]*\\)|(['\"]).*?\\2)/, '$1 ' + urlStr);\n\t\t\tfound.parentStyleSheet.insertRule(css, index);\n\t\t\tfound.parentStyleSheet.deleteRule(index + 1);\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\n// Listen for iframe close events\n\n/**\n *\n * @param {{type: \"error\", error: string, codeFrame: string, stack: import('errorstacks').StackFrame[]}} data\n */\nfunction createErrorOverlay(data) {\n\tif (errorOverlay) errorOverlay.remove();\n\n\tconst iframe = document.createElement('iframe');\n\tiframe.style.cssText = `position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; z-index: 99999; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none;`;\n\n\tiframe.addEventListener('load', () => {\n\t\tconst doc = iframe.contentDocument;\n\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * @param {string} tag\n\t\t * @param {Record | null} props\n\t\t * @param {any[]} children\n\t\t * @returns {HTMLElement}\n\t\t */\n\t\tfunction h(tag, props, ...children) {\n\t\t\tprops = props || {};\n\t\t\ttag = tag.replace(/([.#])([^.#]+)/g, (s, g, i) => ((props[g == '.' ? 'className' : 'id'] = i), ''));\n\t\t\tconst el = Object.assign(doc.createElement(tag), props);\n\t\t\tel.append(...children);\n\t\t\treturn el;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tconst STYLE = `\n\t\t:root {\n\t\t\t--bg: #fff;\n\t\t\t--bg-code-frame: rgb(255, 0, 32, 0.1);\n\t\t\t--bg-active-line: #fbcecc;\n\t\t\t--text: #222;\n\t\t\t--text2: #444;\n\t\t\t--title: #e84644;\n\t\t\t--code: #333;\n\t\t\tfont-family: sans-serif;\n\t\t\tline-height: 1.4;\n\t\t\tcolor: var(--text);\n\t\t\tbackground: var(--bg);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t* {\n\t\t\tbox-sizing: border-box;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {\n\t\t\t:root {\n\t\t\t\t--bg-code-frame: rgba(251, 93, 113, 0.2);\n\t\t\t\t--bg-active-line: #4f1919;\n\t\t\t\t--bg: #353535;\n\t\t\t\t--text: #f7f7f7;\n\t\t\t\t--text2: #ddd;\n\t\t\t\t--code: #fdd1d1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t.close {\n\t\t\tcursor: pointer;\n\t\t\tposition: absolute;\n\t\t\ttop: 1rem;\n\t\t\tright: 1rem;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t.inner {\n\t\t\tmax-width: 48rem;\n\t\t\tpadding: 4rem 1rem;\n\t\t\tmargin: 0 auto;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t.title {\n\t\t\tcolor: var(--title);\n\t\t\tfont-weight: normal;\n\t\t\tfont-size: 1.5rem;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t.code-frame {\n\t\t\toverflow: auto;\n\t\t\tpadding: 0.5rem;\n\t\t\tbackground: var(--bg-code-frame);\n\t\t\tcolor: var(--code);\n\t\t}\n\t\t.line {\n\t\t\tpadding: 0.25rem 0.5rem;\n\t\t}\n\t\t.active-line {\n\t\t\tdisplay: inline-block;\n\t\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\t\tbackground: var(--bg-active-line);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t.detail {\n\t\t\tcursor: pointer;\n\t\t\tcolor: var(--text2);\n\t\t}\n\t\t.stack-frame {\n\t\t\tpadding: 0.5rem 0;\n\t\t}\n\t\t.stack-name {\n\t\t\tcolor: var(--text);\n\t\t}\n\t\t.stack-loc {\n\t\t\tcolor: var(--text2);\n\t\t\tfont-family: monospace;\n\t\t}\n\t\t`;\n\n\t\tconst lines = data.codeFrame.split('\\n').reduce((lines, line, i, arr) => {\n\t\t\tlines.push(\n\t\t\t\th(\n\t\t\t\t\t'span',\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tclassName: 'line' + (line.startsWith('>') ? ' active-line' : '')\n\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\tline\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tif (i < arr.length - 1) lines.push('\\n');\n\t\t\treturn lines;\n\t\t}, /** @type {any} */ ([]));\n\n\t\tconst frames = data.stack.map(frame =>\n\t\t\th(\n\t\t\t\t'div.stack-frame',\n\t\t\t\tnull,\n\t\t\t\th('div.stack-name', null, frame.name),\n\t\t\t\th('div.stack-loc', null, `${frame.fileName}:${frame.line}:${frame.column}`)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t);\n\n\t\tdoc.body.append(\n\t\t\th(\n\t\t\t\t'div#wmr-error-overlay',\n\t\t\t\tnull,\n\t\t\t\th('style', null, STYLE),\n\t\t\t\th(\n\t\t\t\t\t'div',\n\t\t\t\t\tnull,\n\t\t\t\t\th(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'button.close',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonclick() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terrorOverlay.remove();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terrorOverlay = null;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'close'\n\t\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\t\t\th(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'div.inner',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnull,\n\t\t\t\t\t\th('h1.title', null, String(data.error)),\n\t\t\t\t\t\th('pre.code-frame', null, h('code', null, ...lines)),\n\t\t\t\t\t\th(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'details.detail',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnull,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\th('summary', null, `${data.stack.length} stack frames were collapsed.`),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t...frames\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t);\n\t});\n\n\tdocument.body.appendChild(iframe);\n\treturn iframe;\n}\n"),GN=Promise.resolve("export function createHotContext() {}\n\nexport function style(filename) {\n\tif (typeof document === 'undefined') {\n\t\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef\n\t\twmr.ssr.head.elements.add({ type: 'link', props: { rel: 'stylesheet', href: filename } });\n\t} else {\n\t\tconst prev = document.querySelector('link[rel=stylesheet][href=\"' + filename + '\"]');\n\t\tif (prev) return;\n\t\tconst node = document.createElement('link');\n\t\tnode.rel = 'stylesheet';\n\t\tnode.href = filename;\n\t\tdocument.head.appendChild(node);\n\t}\n}\n");function HN({hot:e=!0}={}){return FN&&(e=!1),e?RN:GN}function KN({hot:e=!0,preact:t}={}){return FN&&(e=!1),{name:"wmr",resolveId(e){if("wmr"==e)return"\0wmr.js"},load(t){if("\0wmr.js"==t)return HN({hot:e})},resolveImportMeta:t=>"hot"===t?e?"$IMPORT_META_HOT$":"undefined":null,transform(n,r){if("\0"===r[0]||!/\.[tj]sx?$/.test(r))return;let i=/(import\.meta\.hot|\$IMPORT_META_HOT\$)/.test(n),s="",o="";n.match(/module\.hot/)&&(i=!0,s+=`const module={${e?"hot:import.meta.hot":""}};\n`);const a=TN.test(n),B=n.match(/\bexport\b/);if(n.match(/html`[^`]*<([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.:-]*|\$\{.+?\})[^>]*>/)&&B&&t&&(i=!0,o+="\n"+LN),!i&&!e||!a)return null;const c=new u_(n,{filename:r,indentExclusionRanges:void 0});return e?i?(c.append(o),c.prepend(`import { createHotContext as $w_h$ } from 'wmr';const $IMPORT_META_HOT$ = $w_h$(import.meta.url);${s}`)):c.append("\nimport { createHotContext as $w_h$ } from 'wmr'; $w_h$(import.meta.url);"):FN||c.prepend(`const $IMPORT_META_HOT$ = undefined;${s}`),{code:c.toString(),map:c.generateMap({includeContent:!1})}}}}async function VN(e,t,{resolveId:n}){const r=/(?:@import\s+['"](.*?)['"];|url\(["']?(.*?)["']?\))/g;let i,s=e,o=0;for(;i=r.exec(e);){const e=i[1]||i[2],r=i.index+i[0].indexOf(e)+o,a=r+e.length,B=await n(e,t);"string"==typeof B&&(s=s.slice(0,r)+B+s.slice(a),o+=B.length-e.length)}return s}var UN="comm",QN="rule",JN="decl",jN="@import",WN=Math.abs,XN=String.fromCharCode;function qN(e){return e.trim()}function zN(e,t,n){return e.replace(t,n)}function YN(e,t){return 0|e.charCodeAt(t)}function $N(e,t,n){return e.slice(t,n)}function ZN(e){return e.length}function eT(e){return e.length}function tT(e,t){return t.push(e),e}var nT=1,rT=1,iT=0,sT=0,oT=0,aT="";function BT(e,t,n,r,i,s,o){return{value:e,root:t,parent:n,type:r,props:i,children:s,line:nT,column:rT,length:o,return:""}}function cT(){return oT}function lT(){return oT=sT>0?YN(aT,--sT):0,rT--,10===oT&&(rT=1,nT--),oT}function uT(){return oT=sT2||fT(oT)>3?"":" "}function ET(e){for(;uT();)switch(fT(oT)){case 0:tT(ST(sT-1),e);break;case 2:tT(gT(oT),e);break;default:tT(XN(oT),e)}return e}function vT(e,t){for(;--t&&uT()&&!(oT<48||oT>102||oT>57&&oT<65||oT>70&&oT<97););return dT(e,hT()+(t<6&&32==pT()&&32==uT()))}function _T(e){for(;uT();)switch(oT){case e:return sT;case 34:case 39:return _T(34===e||39===e?e:oT);case 40:41===e&&_T(e);break;case 92:uT()}return sT}function bT(e,t){for(;uT()&&e+oT!==57&&(e+oT!==84||47!==pT()););return"/*"+dT(t,sT-1)+"*"+XN(47===e?e:uT())}function ST(e){for(;!fT(pT());)uT();return dT(e,sT)}function wT(e){return mT(xT("",null,null,null,[""],e=CT(e),0,[0],e))}function xT(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a,B){for(var c=0,l=0,u=o,p=0,h=0,d=0,f=1,C=1,m=1,g=0,A="",y=i,E=s,v=r,_=A;C;)switch(d=g,g=uT()){case 34:case 39:case 91:case 40:_+=gT(g);break;case 9:case 10:case 13:case 32:_+=yT(d);break;case 92:_+=vT(hT()-1,7);continue;case 47:switch(pT()){case 42:case 47:tT(IT(bT(uT(),hT()),t,n),B);break;default:_+="/"}break;case 123*f:a[c++]=ZN(_)*m;case 125*f:case 59:case 0:switch(g){case 0:case 125:C=0;case 59+l:h>0&&ZN(_)-u&&tT(h>32?kT(_+";",r,n,u-1):kT(zN(_," ","")+";",r,n,u-2),B);break;case 59:_+=";";default:if(tT(v=DT(_,t,n,c,l,i,a,A,y=[],E=[],u),s),123===g)if(0===l)xT(_,t,v,v,y,s,u,a,E);else switch(p){case 100:case 109:case 115:xT(e,v,v,r&&tT(DT(e,v,v,0,0,i,a,A,i,y=[],u),E),i,E,u,a,r?y:E);break;default:xT(_,v,v,v,[""],E,u,a,E)}}c=l=h=0,f=m=1,A=_="",u=o;break;case 58:u=1+ZN(_),h=d;default:if(f<1)if(123==g)--f;else if(125==g&&0==f++&&125==lT())continue;switch(_+=XN(g),g*f){case 38:m=l>0?1:(_+="\f",-1);break;case 44:a[c++]=(ZN(_)-1)*m,m=1;break;case 64:45===pT()&&(_+=gT(uT())),p=pT(),l=ZN(A=_+=ST(hT())),g++;break;case 45:45===d&&2==ZN(_)&&(f=0)}}return s}function DT(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a,B,c,l){for(var u=i-1,p=0===i?s:[""],h=eT(p),d=0,f=0,C=0;d0?p[m]+" "+g:zN(g,/&\f/g,p[m])))&&(B[C++]=A);return BT(e,t,n,0===i?QN:a,B,c,l)}function IT(e,t,n){return BT(e,t,n,UN,XN(cT()),$N(e,2,-2),0)}function kT(e,t,n,r){return BT(e,t,n,JN,$N(e,0,r),$N(e,r+1,-1),r)}function OT(e,t){for(var n="",r=eT(e),i=0;i{if("composes"!==e.props&&"composes-with"!==e.props)return!0;const n=e.children.match(/^\s*(.+?)(?:\s+from\s+(['"])(.*?)\2)?\s*$/);if(!n)return void console.log("failed to parse composes:\n"+e.children);let r=n[1].split(/\s+/);const i=n[3];for(let e of r)i&&(e=LT(e,"",i)),t.add(e)})),RT=t.size?" "+Array.from(t).join(" "):"",e.props=e.props.map((e=>VT(e)))}}function HT(e,t,n){return t+(n=LT(n,RT)||n)}const KT=new Set(["lang","not","nth-child","nth-last-child","nth-last-of-type","nth-of-type","dir","has","host","host-context","is","nth-col","nth-last-col","where","global"]);function VT(e,t=!1){let n="";const r=AT(e);for(let e=0;e>>0).toString(36)}async function WT(n,r,i=[],s){r.match(/^[^/]*\\/)&&(r=r.split(t.sep).join(t.posix.sep));const o="_"+jT(r);let a=new Map;const B=new Map;let c=PT(n,((e,n,i)=>{let c=o;if(i){const n=t.posix.join(t.posix.dirname(r),i);c="_"+jT(n);const o=t.posix.join(t.posix.dirname(s||r),i);let a=B.get(o);a||(a={filename:o,classNames:new Set,id:n,suffix:c},B.set(o,a)),a.classNames.add(e)}const l=e+c;let u=a.get(e);if(u||(u=new Set([l]),a.set(e,u)),n)for(const e of n.trim().split(" "))u.add(e);return l}));return c+=(await Promise.all(Array.from(B.values()).map((async t=>PT(await e.promises.readFile(t.filename,"utf-8"),((e,n,r)=>((r||n)&&console.error('Recursive/nested ICSS "composes:" is not currently supported.'),e+t.suffix)),(e=>{for(const n of t.classNames)if(e.value.split(/[: ()[\],>&+*]/).indexOf("."+n))return!0})))))).join(""),a.forEach(((e,t)=>{const n=/^\d|[^a-z0-9_$]/gi.test(t)?"'":"",r=Array.from(e).join(" ");i.push(`${n+t+n}:'${r}'`)})),c}const XT=/^(abstract|async|boolean|break|byte|case|catch|char|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|double|else|enum|export|extends|false|final|finally|float|for|function|goto|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|int|interface|let|long|native|new|null|package|private|protected|public|return|short|static|super|switch|synchronized|this|throw|throws|transient|true|try|typeof|var|void|volatile|while|with|yield)$/;function qT({root:n,hot:r,production:i,alias:s}){let o=0;const a=new Map,B=new Map;return{name:"wmr-styles",async transform(c,l){if(!l.match(/\.(css|s[ac]ss)$/))return;if("\0"===l[0])return;let u=l,p=QT(s,l);u=p?p.slice("/@alias/".length):t.relative(n,l);const h=[];/\.module\.(css|s[ac]ss)$/.test(l)?c=await WT(c,u,h,l):(/(composes:|:global|:local)/.test(c)&&console.warn('Warning: ICSS ("composes:") is only supported in CSS Modules.'),c=PT(c));const d=this;c=await VN(c,u,{async resolveId(r){if(-1===r.indexOf(":")){const s=t.resolve(t.dirname(u),r.split(t.posix.sep).join(t.sep));if(!s.startsWith(n))return;if(d.addWatchFile(s),B.has(s)||B.set(s,new Set),B.get(s).add(l),i){const t="__WMR_ASSET_ID_"+o++;return a.set(t,{filePath:s,source:s.endsWith(".css")?await e.promises.readFile(s,"utf-8"):await e.promises.readFile(s)}),t}const c=d.emitFile({type:"asset",name:t.basename(s),source:s.endsWith(".css")?await e.promises.readFile(s,"utf-8"):await e.promises.readFile(s)});return JSON.parse(d.getFileName(c))}}});const f=this.emitFile({type:"asset",name:t.basename(l).replace(/\.s[ac]ss$/,".css"),fileName:i?void 0:l+"?asset",source:c}),C=h.map((e=>{const t=e.match(/^(['"]?)([^:'"]+?)\1:(.+)$/);if(!t)return;if(XT.test(t[2])){const e=ne(String(t[2])),n=re(u);return console.warn(te(`Cannot use reserved word "${e}" as classname; found in "${n}"`))}let n=t[2].replace(/-+([a-z0-9])/gi,((e,t)=>t.toUpperCase()));return n.match(/^\d/)&&(n="$"+n),n+"="+t[3]})).filter(Boolean).join(",");let m=`\n\t\t\t\timport { style } from 'wmr';\n\t\t\t\tstyle(import.meta.ROLLUP_FILE_URL_${f}, ${JSON.stringify(u)});\n\t\t\t\tconst styles = {${h.join(",")}};\n\t\t\t\texport default styles;\n\t\t\t\t${C?`export const ${C};`:""}\n\t\t\t`;return r&&(m+="\n\t\t\t\t\timport { createHotContext } from 'wmr';\n\t\t\t\t\tcreateHotContext(import.meta.url).accept(({ module: { default: s } }) => {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfor (let i in s) styles[i] = s[i];\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t"),m=m.replace(/^\s+/gm,""),{code:m,moduleSideEffects:!0,syntheticNamedExports:!0,map:null}},async generateBundle(e,n){for(const e in n){const r=n[e];"asset"===r.type&&r.fileName.endsWith(".css")&&(r.source=r.source.replace(/__WMR_ASSET_ID_\d+/g,(e=>{const n=a.get(e),r=this.emitFile({type:"asset",name:t.basename(n.filePath),source:n.source});return"/"+this.getFileName(r)})))}},watchChange(e){const t=B.get(e);if(t)return Array.from(t)}}}const zT=gv("sass");let YT;async function $T({id:e,...t}){if(!YT){for(const e of["sass","node-sass"])try{zT(Y("Attempting to load compiler from ")+re(e));let t=await Promise.resolve().then((function(){return require(e)}));t=t.default||t,zT(Y("Loaded compiler from ")+ee(e)),YT=r.promisify(t.render.bind(t));break}catch(e){}if(!YT)throw new Error("Please install a sass implementation to use sass/scss:\n npm i -D sass\n or:\n npm i -D node-sass")}const n=await YT(t);return zT(re(e)+Y(" compiled in ")+ce(`+${n.stats.duration}ms`)),{css:n.css.toString(),map:n.map&&n.map.toString(),includedFiles:n.stats.includedFiles}}function ZT({production:n,sourcemap:r,root:i}){const s=new Map;return{name:"sass",async transform(o,a){if("\0"===a[0])return;if(!/\.s[ac]ss$/.test(a))return;const B=await $T({id:a,data:o,includePaths:[t.dirname(a)],importer:[(n,r,s)=>{!async function(n,r,s,o){const a=await o(n);let B=a?a.id:n;if(B===n)return void s(null);t.isAbsolute(B)||(B=t.join(i,B)),s({file:B,contents:await e.promises.readFile(B,"utf-8")})}(n,0,s,this.resolve.bind(this))}],outputStyle:n?"compressed":void 0,sourceMap:!1!==r});for(const e of B.includedFiles)this.addWatchFile(e),s.has(e)||s.set(e,new Set),s.get(e).add(a);return{code:B.css,map:B.map||null}},watchChange(e){const t=s.get(e);if(t)return Array.from(t)}}}function eP(e,t){let n=e.message;"ENOTFOUND"===e.code?n="It looks like you're offline.":404===e.code&&(n="Package doesn't exist.");const r=Error(`${t}: ${n}`);throw Object.assign(r,{code:e.code})}function tP(e,t){return nP(e,t).then(rP).then(JSON.parse)}function nP(e,t){return new Promise(((n,r)=>{i.get(e,t||{},(t=>{const i=t.statusCode||0;if(i>=200&&i<400)return n(t);const s=Object.assign(Error(`${t.statusMessage}: ${e}`),{code:i,status:i,res:t});r(s)})).on("error",r)}))}function rP(e){return new Promise(((t,n)=>{let r="";e.setEncoding("utf-8"),e.on("data",(e=>{"string"!=typeof e&&(e=e.toString("utf-8")),r+=e})),e.once("end",(()=>{t(r)})),e.once("error",n)}))}function iP(e,t){const n=new Map;return function(...r){const i=t?t(...r):r[0];let s=n.get(i);return void 0===s&&(s=e(...r),n.set(i,s)),s}}const sP=require("stream");var oP=sP.Readable,aP=sP,BP=sP.Writable,cP=sP.Duplex,lP=sP.Transform,uP=sP.PassThrough,pP=sP.finished,hP=sP.pipeline;oP.Stream=aP,oP.Writable=BP,oP.Duplex=cP,oP.Transform=lP,oP.PassThrough=uP,oP.finished=pP,oP.pipeline=hP;var dP=require("util").inherits;const{Buffer:fP}=require("buffer"),CP=Symbol.for("BufferList");function mP(e){if(!(this instanceof mP))return new 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e.length>B?e.slice(0,B):e},mP.prototype.shallowSlice=function(e,t){if(e=e||0,t="number"!=typeof t?this.length:t,e<0&&(e+=this.length),t<0&&(t+=this.length),e===t)return this._new();const n=this._offset(e),r=this._offset(t),i=this._bufs.slice(n[0],r[0]+1);return 0===r[1]?i.pop():i[i.length-1]=i[i.length-1].slice(0,r[1]),0!==n[1]&&(i[0]=i[0].slice(n[1])),this._new(i)},mP.prototype.toString=function(e,t,n){return this.slice(t,n).toString(e)},mP.prototype.consume=function(e){if(e=Math.trunc(e),Number.isNaN(e)||e<=0)return this;for(;this._bufs.length;){if(!(e>=this._bufs[0].length)){this._bufs[0]=this._bufs[0].slice(e),this.length-=e;break}e-=this._bufs[0].length,this.length-=this._bufs[0].length,this._bufs.shift()}return this},mP.prototype.duplicate=function(){const e=this._new();for(let t=0;tthis.length?this.length:t;const r=this._offset(t);let i=r[0],s=r[1];for(;i=e.length){const n=t.indexOf(e,s);if(-1!==n)return this._reverseOffset([i,n]);s=t.length-e.length+1}else{const 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i=e[r];t?n.push(i):n.push(255-i)}var s=0,o=n.length;for(r=0;r=Math.pow(10,n)&&n++,t+n+e},JP=function(e,t){return UP(e,0,e.length,t)},jP=function(e){var t="";e.name&&(t+=QP(" path="+e.name+"\n")),e.linkname&&(t+=QP(" linkpath="+e.linkname+"\n"));var n=e.pax;if(n)for(var r in n)t+=QP(" "+r+"="+n[r]+"\n");return Buffer.from(t)},WP=function(e){for(var t={};e.length;){for(var n=0;n100;){var i=n.indexOf("/");if(-1===i)return null;r+=r?"/"+n.slice(0,i):n.slice(0,i),n=n.slice(i+1)}return 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sM(e);$P.call(this,e),e=e||{},this._offset=0,this._buffer=EP(),this._missing=0,this._partial=!1,this._onparse=eM,this._header=null,this._stream=null,this._overflow=null,this._cb=null,this._locked=!1,this._destroyed=!1,this._pax=null,this._paxGlobal=null,this._gnuLongPath=null,this._gnuLongLinkPath=null;var t=this,n=t._buffer,r=function(){t._continue()},i=function(e){if(t._locked=!1,e)return t.destroy(e);t._stream||r()},s=function(){t._stream=null;var e=tM(t._header.size);e?t._parse(e,o):t._parse(512,u),t._locked||r()},o=function(){t._buffer.consume(tM(t._header.size)),t._parse(512,u),r()},a=function(){var e=t._header.size;t._paxGlobal=zP.decodePax(n.slice(0,e)),n.consume(e),s()},B=function(){var e=t._header.size;t._pax=zP.decodePax(n.slice(0,e)),t._paxGlobal&&(t._pax=Object.assign({},t._paxGlobal,t._pax)),n.consume(e),s()},c=function(){var r=t._header.size;this._gnuLongPath=zP.decodeLongPath(n.slice(0,r),e.filenameEncoding),n.consume(r),s()},l=function(){var 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r())};this._onheader=u,this._parse(512,u)};YP.inherits(sM,$P),sM.prototype.destroy=function(e){this._destroyed||(this._destroyed=!0,e&&this.emit("error",e),this.emit("close"),this._stream&&this._stream.emit("close"))},sM.prototype._parse=function(e,t){this._destroyed||(this._offset+=e,this._missing=e,t===this._onheader&&(this._partial=!1),this._onparse=t)},sM.prototype._continue=function(){if(!this._destroyed){var e=this._cb;this._cb=eM,this._overflow?this._write(this._overflow,void 0,e):e()}},sM.prototype._write=function(e,t,n){if(!this._destroyed){var r=this._stream,i=this._buffer,s=this._missing;if(e.length&&(this._partial=!0),e.lengths&&(o=e.slice(s),e=e.slice(0,s)),r?r.end(e):i.append(e),this._overflow=o,this._onparse()}},sM.prototype._final=function(e){if(this._partial)return this.destroy(new Error("Unexpected end of data"));e()};var oM=sM,aM=require("fs").constants||require("constants"),BM=cM;function cM(e,t){if(e&&t)return cM(e)(t);if("function"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("need wrapper function");return Object.keys(e).forEach((function(t){n[t]=e[t]})),n;function n(){for(var t=new Array(arguments.length),n=0;nconsole.error("SEMVER",...e):()=>{};var RM=LM;const GM="2.0.0",HM=256,KM=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER||9007199254740991,VM=16;var UM={SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION:GM,MAX_LENGTH:HM,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER:KM,MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH:VM},QM=N((function(e,t){const{MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH:n}=UM,r=(t=e.exports={}).re=[],i=t.src=[],s=t.t={};let o=0;const a=(e,t,n)=>{const a=o++;RM(a,t),s[e]=a,i[a]=t,r[a]=new RegExp(t,n?"g":void 0)};a("NUMERICIDENTIFIER","0|[1-9]\\d*"),a("NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE","[0-9]+"),a("NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER","\\d*[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9-]*"),a("MAINVERSION",`(${i[s.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})\\.(${i[s.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})\\.(${i[s.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})`),a("MAINVERSIONLOOSE",`(${i[s.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})\\.(${i[s.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})\\.(${i[s.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})`),a("PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER",`(?:${i[s.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]}|${i[s.NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER]})`),a("PRERELEASEIDENTIFIERLOOSE",`(?:${i[s.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE]}|${i[s.NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER]})`),a("PRERELEASE",`(?:-(${i[s.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER]}(?:\\.${i[s.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER]})*))`),a("PRERELEASELOOSE",`(?:-?(${i[s.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]}(?:\\.${i[s.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})*))`),a("BUILDIDENTIFIER","[0-9A-Za-z-]+"),a("BUILD",`(?:\\+(${i[s.BUILDIDENTIFIER]}(?:\\.${i[s.BUILDIDENTIFIER]})*))`),a("FULLPLAIN",`v?${i[s.MAINVERSION]}${i[s.PRERELEASE]}?${i[s.BUILD]}?`),a("FULL",`^${i[s.FULLPLAIN]}$`),a("LOOSEPLAIN",`[v=\\s]*${i[s.MAINVERSIONLOOSE]}${i[s.PRERELEASELOOSE]}?${i[s.BUILD]}?`),a("LOOSE",`^${i[s.LOOSEPLAIN]}$`),a("GTLT","((?:<|>)?=?)"),a("XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE",`${i[s.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE]}|x|X|\\*`),a("XRANGEIDENTIFIER",`${i[s.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]}|x|X|\\*`),a("XRANGEPLAIN",`[v=\\s]*(${i[s.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})(?:\\.(${i[s.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})(?:\\.(${i[s.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})(?:${i[s.PRERELEASE]})?${i[s.BUILD]}?)?)?`),a("XRANGEPLAINLOOSE",`[v=\\s]*(${i[s.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})(?:\\.(${i[s.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})(?:\\.(${i[s.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})(?:${i[s.PRERELEASELOOSE]})?${i[s.BUILD]}?)?)?`),a("XRANGE",`^${i[s.GTLT]}\\s*${i[s.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`),a("XRANGELOOSE",`^${i[s.GTLT]}\\s*${i[s.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`),a("COERCE",`(^|[^\\d])(\\d{1,${n}})(?:\\.(\\d{1,${n}}))?(?:\\.(\\d{1,${n}}))?(?:$|[^\\d])`),a("COERCERTL",i[s.COERCE],!0),a("LONETILDE","(?:~>?)"),a("TILDETRIM",`(\\s*)${i[s.LONETILDE]}\\s+`,!0),t.tildeTrimReplace="$1~",a("TILDE",`^${i[s.LONETILDE]}${i[s.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`),a("TILDELOOSE",`^${i[s.LONETILDE]}${i[s.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`),a("LONECARET","(?:\\^)"),a("CARETTRIM",`(\\s*)${i[s.LONECARET]}\\s+`,!0),t.caretTrimReplace="$1^",a("CARET",`^${i[s.LONECARET]}${i[s.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`),a("CARETLOOSE",`^${i[s.LONECARET]}${i[s.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`),a("COMPARATORLOOSE",`^${i[s.GTLT]}\\s*(${i[s.LOOSEPLAIN]})$|^$`),a("COMPARATOR",`^${i[s.GTLT]}\\s*(${i[s.FULLPLAIN]})$|^$`),a("COMPARATORTRIM",`(\\s*)${i[s.GTLT]}\\s*(${i[s.LOOSEPLAIN]}|${i[s.XRANGEPLAIN]})`,!0),t.comparatorTrimReplace="$1$2$3",a("HYPHENRANGE",`^\\s*(${i[s.XRANGEPLAIN]})\\s+-\\s+(${i[s.XRANGEPLAIN]})\\s*$`),a("HYPHENRANGELOOSE",`^\\s*(${i[s.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]})\\s+-\\s+(${i[s.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]})\\s*$`),a("STAR","(<|>)?=?\\s*\\*"),a("GTE0","^\\s*>=\\s*0.0.0\\s*$"),a("GTE0PRE","^\\s*>=\\s*0.0.0-0\\s*$")}));const JM=["includePrerelease","loose","rtl"],jM=e=>e?"object"!=typeof e?{loose:!0}:JM.filter((t=>e[t])).reduce(((e,t)=>(e[t]=!0,e)),{}):{};var WM=jM;const XM=/^[0-9]+$/,qM=(e,t)=>{const n=XM.test(e),r=XM.test(t);return n&&r&&(e=+e,t=+t),e===t?0:n&&!r?-1:r&&!n?1:eqM(t,e);var YM={compareIdentifiers:qM,rcompareIdentifiers:zM};const{MAX_LENGTH:$M,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER:ZM}=UM,{re:eF,t:tF}=QM,{compareIdentifiers:nF}=YM;class rF{constructor(e,t){if(t=WM(t),e instanceof rF){if(e.loose===!!t.loose&&e.includePrerelease===!!t.includePrerelease)return e;e=e.version}else if("string"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError(`Invalid Version: ${e}`);if(e.length>$M)throw new TypeError(`version is longer than ${$M} characters`);RM("SemVer",e,t),this.options=t,this.loose=!!t.loose,this.includePrerelease=!!t.includePrerelease;const n=e.trim().match(t.loose?eF[tF.LOOSE]:eF[tF.FULL]);if(!n)throw new TypeError(`Invalid Version: ${e}`);if(this.raw=e,this.major=+n[1],this.minor=+n[2],this.patch=+n[3],this.major>ZM||this.major<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid major version");if(this.minor>ZM||this.minor<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid minor version");if(this.patch>ZM||this.patch<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid patch version");n[4]?this.prerelease=n[4].split(".").map((e=>{if(/^[0-9]+$/.test(e)){const t=+e;if(t>=0&&t=0;)"number"==typeof this.prerelease[e]&&(this.prerelease[e]++,e=-2);-1===e&&this.prerelease.push(0)}t&&(this.prerelease[0]===t?isNaN(this.prerelease[1])&&(this.prerelease=[t,0]):this.prerelease=[t,0]);break;default:throw new Error(`invalid increment argument: ${e}`)}return this.format(),this.raw=this.version,this}}var iF=rF,sF=function(e){e.prototype[Symbol.iterator]=function*(){for(let e=this.head;e;e=e.next)yield e.value}},oF=aF;function aF(e){var t=this;if(t instanceof aF||(t=new aF),t.tail=null,t.head=null,t.length=0,e&&"function"==typeof e.forEach)e.forEach((function(e){t.push(e)}));else if(arguments.length>0)for(var n=0,r=arguments.length;n1)n=t;else{if(!this.head)throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty list with no initial value");r=this.head.next,n=this.head.value}for(var i=0;null!==r;i++)n=e(n,r.value,i),r=r.next;return n},aF.prototype.reduceReverse=function(e,t){var n,r=this.tail;if(arguments.length>1)n=t;else{if(!this.tail)throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty list with no initial value");r=this.tail.prev,n=this.tail.value}for(var i=this.length-1;null!==r;i--)n=e(n,r.value,i),r=r.prev;return n},aF.prototype.toArray=function(){for(var e=new Array(this.length),t=0,n=this.head;null!==n;t++)e[t]=n.value,n=n.next;return e},aF.prototype.toArrayReverse=function(){for(var e=new Array(this.length),t=0,n=this.tail;null!==n;t++)e[t]=n.value,n=n.prev;return e},aF.prototype.slice=function(e,t){(t=t||this.length)<0&&(t+=this.length),(e=e||0)<0&&(e+=this.length);var n=new aF;if(tthis.length&&(t=this.length);for(var r=0,i=this.head;null!==i&&rthis.length&&(t=this.length);for(var r=this.length,i=this.tail;null!==i&&r>t;r--)i=i.prev;for(;null!==i&&r>e;r--,i=i.prev)n.push(i.value);return n},aF.prototype.splice=function(e,t,...n){e>this.length&&(e=this.length-1),e<0&&(e=this.length+e);for(var r=0,i=this.head;null!==i&&r1;class _F{constructor(e){if("number"==typeof e&&(e={max:e}),e||(e={}),e.max&&("number"!=typeof e.max||e.max<0))throw new TypeError("max must be a non-negative number");this[pF]=e.max||1/0;const t=e.length||vF;if(this[dF]="function"!=typeof t?vF:t,this[fF]=e.stale||!1,e.maxAge&&"number"!=typeof e.maxAge)throw new TypeError("maxAge must be a number");this[CF]=e.maxAge||0,this[mF]=e.dispose,this[gF]=e.noDisposeOnSet||!1,this[EF]=e.updateAgeOnGet||!1,this.reset()}set max(e){if("number"!=typeof e||e<0)throw new TypeError("max must be a non-negative number");this[pF]=e||1/0,wF(this)}get max(){return this[pF]}set allowStale(e){this[fF]=!!e}get allowStale(){return this[fF]}set maxAge(e){if("number"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("maxAge must be a non-negative number");this[CF]=e,wF(this)}get maxAge(){return this[CF]}set lengthCalculator(e){"function"!=typeof e&&(e=vF),e!==this[dF]&&(this[dF]=e,this[hF]=0,this[AF].forEach((e=>{e.length=this[dF](e.value,e.key),this[hF]+=e.length}))),wF(this)}get lengthCalculator(){return this[dF]}get length(){return this[hF]}get itemCount(){return this[AF].length}rforEach(e,t){t=t||this;for(let n=this[AF].tail;null!==n;){const r=n.prev;IF(this,e,n,t),n=r}}forEach(e,t){t=t||this;for(let n=this[AF].head;null!==n;){const r=n.next;IF(this,e,n,t),n=r}}keys(){return this[AF].toArray().map((e=>e.key))}values(){return this[AF].toArray().map((e=>e.value))}reset(){this[mF]&&this[AF]&&this[AF].length&&this[AF].forEach((e=>this[mF](e.key,e.value))),this[yF]=new Map,this[AF]=new oF,this[hF]=0}dump(){return this[AF].map((e=>!SF(this,e)&&{k:e.key,v:e.value,e:e.now+(e.maxAge||0)})).toArray().filter((e=>e))}dumpLru(){return this[AF]}set(e,t,n){if((n=n||this[CF])&&"number"!=typeof n)throw new TypeError("maxAge must be a number");const r=n?Date.now():0,i=this[dF](t,e);if(this[yF].has(e)){if(i>this[pF])return xF(this,this[yF].get(e)),!1;const s=this[yF].get(e).value;return this[mF]&&(this[gF]||this[mF](e,s.value)),s.now=r,s.maxAge=n,s.value=t,this[hF]+=i-s.length,s.length=i,this.get(e),wF(this),!0}const s=new DF(e,t,i,r,n);return s.length>this[pF]?(this[mF]&&this[mF](e,t),!1):(this[hF]+=s.length,this[AF].unshift(s),this[yF].set(e,this[AF].head),wF(this),!0)}has(e){if(!this[yF].has(e))return!1;const t=this[yF].get(e).value;return!SF(this,t)}get(e){return bF(this,e,!0)}peek(e){return bF(this,e,!1)}pop(){const e=this[AF].tail;return e?(xF(this,e),e.value):null}del(e){xF(this,this[yF].get(e))}load(e){this.reset();const t=Date.now();for(let n=e.length-1;n>=0;n--){const r=e[n],i=r.e||0;if(0===i)this.set(r.k,r.v);else{const e=i-t;e>0&&this.set(r.k,r.v,e)}}}prune(){this[yF].forEach(((e,t)=>bF(this,t,!1)))}}const bF=(e,t,n)=>{const r=e[yF].get(t);if(r){const t=r.value;if(SF(e,t)){if(xF(e,r),!e[fF])return}else n&&(e[EF]&&(r.value.now=Date.now()),e[AF].unshiftNode(r));return t.value}},SF=(e,t)=>{if(!t||!t.maxAge&&!e[CF])return!1;const n=Date.now()-t.now;return t.maxAge?n>t.maxAge:e[CF]&&n>e[CF]},wF=e=>{if(e[hF]>e[pF])for(let t=e[AF].tail;e[hF]>e[pF]&&null!==t;){const n=t.prev;xF(e,t),t=n}},xF=(e,t)=>{if(t){const n=t.value;e[mF]&&e[mF](n.key,n.value),e[hF]-=n.length,e[yF].delete(n.key),e[AF].removeNode(t)}};class DF{constructor(e,t,n,r,i){this.key=e,this.value=t,this.length=n,this.now=r,this.maxAge=i||0}}const IF=(e,t,n,r)=>{let i=n.value;SF(e,i)&&(xF(e,n),e[fF]||(i=void 0)),i&&t.call(r,i.value,i.key,e)};var kF=_F;const OF=(e,t,n)=>new iF(e,n).compare(new iF(t,n));var NF=OF;const TF=(e,t,n)=>0===NF(e,t,n);var PF=TF;const MF=(e,t,n)=>0!==NF(e,t,n);var FF=MF;const LF=(e,t,n)=>NF(e,t,n)>0;var RF=LF;const GF=(e,t,n)=>NF(e,t,n)>=0;var HF=GF;const KF=(e,t,n)=>NF(e,t,n)<0;var VF=KF;const UF=(e,t,n)=>NF(e,t,n)<=0;var QF=UF;const JF=(e,t,n,r)=>{switch(t){case"===":return"object"==typeof e&&(e=e.version),"object"==typeof n&&(n=n.version),e===n;case"!==":return"object"==typeof e&&(e=e.version),"object"==typeof n&&(n=n.version),e!==n;case"":case"=":case"==":return PF(e,n,r);case"!=":return FF(e,n,r);case">":return RF(e,n,r);case">=":return HF(e,n,r);case"<":return VF(e,n,r);case"<=":return QF(e,n,r);default:throw new TypeError(`Invalid operator: ${t}`)}};var jF=JF;const WF=Symbol("SemVer ANY");class XF{static get ANY(){return WF}constructor(e,t){if(t=WM(t),e instanceof XF){if(e.loose===!!t.loose)return e;e=e.value}RM("comparator",e,t),this.options=t,this.loose=!!t.loose,this.parse(e),this.semver===WF?this.value="":this.value=this.operator+this.semver.version,RM("comp",this)}parse(e){const t=this.options.loose?zF[YF.COMPARATORLOOSE]:zF[YF.COMPARATOR],n=e.match(t);if(!n)throw new TypeError(`Invalid comparator: ${e}`);this.operator=void 0!==n[1]?n[1]:"","="===this.operator&&(this.operator=""),n[2]?this.semver=new iF(n[2],this.options.loose):this.semver=WF}toString(){return this.value}test(e){if(RM("Comparator.test",e,this.options.loose),this.semver===WF||e===WF)return!0;if("string"==typeof e)try{e=new iF(e,this.options)}catch(e){return!1}return jF(e,this.operator,this.semver,this.options)}intersects(e,t){if(!(e instanceof XF))throw new TypeError("a Comparator is required");if(t&&"object"==typeof t||(t={loose:!!t,includePrerelease:!1}),""===this.operator)return""===this.value||new ZF(e.value,t).test(this.value);if(""===e.operator)return""===e.value||new ZF(this.value,t).test(e.semver);const n=!(">="!==this.operator&&">"!==this.operator||">="!==e.operator&&">"!==e.operator),r=!("<="!==this.operator&&"<"!==this.operator||"<="!==e.operator&&"<"!==e.operator),i=this.semver.version===e.semver.version,s=!(">="!==this.operator&&"<="!==this.operator||">="!==e.operator&&"<="!==e.operator),o=jF(this.semver,"<",e.semver,t)&&(">="===this.operator||">"===this.operator)&&("<="===e.operator||"<"===e.operator),a=jF(this.semver,">",e.semver,t)&&("<="===this.operator||"<"===this.operator)&&(">="===e.operator||">"===e.operator);return n||r||i&&s||o||a}}var qF=XF;const{re:zF,t:YF}=QM;class $F{constructor(e,t){if(t=WM(t),e instanceof $F)return e.loose===!!t.loose&&e.includePrerelease===!!t.includePrerelease?e:new $F(e.raw,t);if(e instanceof qF)return this.raw=e.value,this.set=[[e]],this.format(),this;if(this.options=t,this.loose=!!t.loose,this.includePrerelease=!!t.includePrerelease,this.raw=e,this.set=e.split(/\s*\|\|\s*/).map((e=>this.parseRange(e.trim()))).filter((e=>e.length)),!this.set.length)throw new TypeError(`Invalid SemVer Range: ${e}`);if(this.set.length>1){const e=this.set[0];if(this.set=this.set.filter((e=>!oL(e[0]))),0===this.set.length)this.set=[e];else if(this.set.length>1)for(const e of this.set)if(1===e.length&&aL(e[0])){this.set=[e];break}}this.format()}format(){return this.range=this.set.map((e=>e.join(" ").trim())).join("||").trim(),this.range}toString(){return this.range}parseRange(e){e=e.trim();const t=`parseRange:${Object.keys(this.options).join(",")}:${e}`,n=eL.get(t);if(n)return n;const r=this.options.loose,i=r?tL[nL.HYPHENRANGELOOSE]:tL[nL.HYPHENRANGE];e=e.replace(i,AL(this.options.includePrerelease)),RM("hyphen replace",e),e=e.replace(tL[nL.COMPARATORTRIM],rL),RM("comparator trim",e,tL[nL.COMPARATORTRIM]),e=(e=(e=e.replace(tL[nL.TILDETRIM],iL)).replace(tL[nL.CARETTRIM],sL)).split(/\s+/).join(" ");const s=r?tL[nL.COMPARATORLOOSE]:tL[nL.COMPARATOR],o=e.split(" ").map((e=>cL(e,this.options))).join(" ").split(/\s+/).map((e=>gL(e,this.options))).filter(this.options.loose?e=>!!e.match(s):()=>!0).map((e=>new qF(e,this.options)));o.length;const a=new Map;for(const e of o){if(oL(e))return[e];a.set(e.value,e)}a.size>1&&a.has("")&&a.delete("");const B=[...a.values()];return eL.set(t,B),B}intersects(e,t){if(!(e instanceof $F))throw new TypeError("a Range is required");return this.set.some((n=>BL(n,t)&&e.set.some((e=>BL(e,t)&&n.every((n=>e.every((e=>n.intersects(e,t)))))))))}test(e){if(!e)return!1;if("string"==typeof e)try{e=new iF(e,this.options)}catch(e){return!1}for(let t=0;t"<0.0.0-0"===e.value,aL=e=>""===e.value,BL=(e,t)=>{let n=!0;const r=e.slice();let i=r.pop();for(;n&&r.length;)n=r.every((e=>i.intersects(e,t))),i=r.pop();return n},cL=(e,t)=>(RM("comp",e,t),e=hL(e,t),RM("caret",e),e=uL(e,t),RM("tildes",e),e=fL(e,t),RM("xrange",e),e=mL(e,t),RM("stars",e),e),lL=e=>!e||"x"===e.toLowerCase()||"*"===e,uL=(e,t)=>e.trim().split(/\s+/).map((e=>pL(e,t))).join(" "),pL=(e,t)=>{const n=t.loose?tL[nL.TILDELOOSE]:tL[nL.TILDE];return e.replace(n,((t,n,r,i,s)=>{let o;return RM("tilde",e,t,n,r,i,s),lL(n)?o="":lL(r)?o=`>=${n}.0.0 <${+n+1}.0.0-0`:lL(i)?o=`>=${n}.${r}.0 <${n}.${+r+1}.0-0`:s?(RM("replaceTilde pr",s),o=`>=${n}.${r}.${i}-${s} <${n}.${+r+1}.0-0`):o=`>=${n}.${r}.${i} <${n}.${+r+1}.0-0`,RM("tilde return",o),o}))},hL=(e,t)=>e.trim().split(/\s+/).map((e=>dL(e,t))).join(" "),dL=(e,t)=>{RM("caret",e,t);const n=t.loose?tL[nL.CARETLOOSE]:tL[nL.CARET],r=t.includePrerelease?"-0":"";return e.replace(n,((t,n,i,s,o)=>{let a;return RM("caret",e,t,n,i,s,o),lL(n)?a="":lL(i)?a=`>=${n}.0.0${r} <${+n+1}.0.0-0`:lL(s)?a="0"===n?`>=${n}.${i}.0${r} <${n}.${+i+1}.0-0`:`>=${n}.${i}.0${r} <${+n+1}.0.0-0`:o?(RM("replaceCaret pr",o),a="0"===n?"0"===i?`>=${n}.${i}.${s}-${o} <${n}.${i}.${+s+1}-0`:`>=${n}.${i}.${s}-${o} <${n}.${+i+1}.0-0`:`>=${n}.${i}.${s}-${o} <${+n+1}.0.0-0`):(RM("no pr"),a="0"===n?"0"===i?`>=${n}.${i}.${s}${r} <${n}.${i}.${+s+1}-0`:`>=${n}.${i}.${s}${r} <${n}.${+i+1}.0-0`:`>=${n}.${i}.${s} <${+n+1}.0.0-0`),RM("caret return",a),a}))},fL=(e,t)=>(RM("replaceXRanges",e,t),e.split(/\s+/).map((e=>CL(e,t))).join(" ")),CL=(e,t)=>{e=e.trim();const n=t.loose?tL[nL.XRANGELOOSE]:tL[nL.XRANGE];return e.replace(n,((n,r,i,s,o,a)=>{RM("xRange",e,n,r,i,s,o,a);const B=lL(i),c=B||lL(s),l=c||lL(o),u=l;return"="===r&&u&&(r=""),a=t.includePrerelease?"-0":"",B?n=">"===r||"<"===r?"<0.0.0-0":"*":r&&u?(c&&(s=0),o=0,">"===r?(r=">=",c?(i=+i+1,s=0,o=0):(s=+s+1,o=0)):"<="===r&&(r="<",c?i=+i+1:s=+s+1),"<"===r&&(a="-0"),n=`${r+i}.${s}.${o}${a}`):c?n=`>=${i}.0.0${a} <${+i+1}.0.0-0`:l&&(n=`>=${i}.${s}.0${a} <${i}.${+s+1}.0-0`),RM("xRange 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e.resolutions){const r=n.replace(/([.\\^$[]{}()?!])/g,"$1").replace(/\*\*/g,".+").replace(/\*/g,"[^/]+");if(new RegExp("^"+r+"$","gi").test(t))return e.resolutions[n]}}async function GL(e){const n=e.module+"@"+e.version,r=PL.get(n);if(r&&Date.now()-r.time<=TL)return e.version=r.version,e;if(!e.version){FL||(FL=await ML(t.resolve(IL,"..","package.json"))||{});const n=LL(FL,e.module)||RL(FL,e.module);e.version=n||"latest"}const i=await ML(t.resolve(IL,e.module,"package.json"));if(i)return PL.set(n,{time:Date.now(),version:i.version}),e.version=i.version,e;const s=await HL(e);return PL.set(n,{time:Date.now(),version:s.version}),s}async function HL(e){const{module:t,version:n}=e,r=KL(await UL(t),n);if(!r)throw Error(`Unknown package version: ${t}@${n}`);return e.version=r,e}function KL(e,t){const n=e["dist-tags"];if(n.hasOwnProperty(t))return n[t];if(e.versions.hasOwnProperty(t))return t;const r=Object.keys(e.versions);return vL(r,t)}const VL={headers:{accept:"application/vnd.npm.install-v1+json"}},UL=iP((async e=>{try{return await tP(`${NL}/${e}`,VL)}catch(t){throw eP(t,`npm registry lookup failed for "${e}"`)}}));async function QL({module:e,version:t}){const n=await UL(e),r=KL(n,t);if(!r)throw Error(`Unknown package version: ${e}@${t}`);const i=n.versions[r];return await zL(i.dist.tarball,e,t)}const JL=new Map;async function jL({module:n,version:r,path:i=""}){i=i.replace(/^\.?\//g,"");const s=WL.get(n+"/"+r);if(s){const e=s.get(i);return e||qL({module:n,version:r,path:i})}const o=`${n}@${r} :: \n${i}`;let a=JL.get(o);if(null!=a)return a;try{const r=t.resolve(IL,n,i),s=await e.promises.readFile(r,"utf-8");return JL.set(o,s),s}catch(r){if(await e.promises.stat(t.resolve(IL,n)).catch((()=>null)))throw Error(`File not found ${r.message}`)}return QL({module:n,version:r}),qL({module:n,version:r,path:i})}const WL=new Map,XL=new Map;function qL({module:e,version:t,path:n=""}){const r=e+"/"+t;let 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i=FM.extract();i.on("entry",((e,n,r)=>{let{type:i,name:s}=e;if(s=s.replace(/^package\//,""),"file"!==i||!xL.test(s)||DL.test(s))return n.resume(),r();t(s,n).then(r)})),i.on("finish",n),i.on("error",r),e.pipe(s.createGunzip()).pipe(i)}))}function ZL(e,t){if("string"==typeof e)return e;if(e){let n,r;if(Array.isArray(e)){for(n=0;n0)return(l=ZL(i[c],B))?l.replace("*",a.substring(c.length-1)):eR(r,a,1)}return eR(r,a)}}function rR(e,t={}){let n,r=0,i=t.browser,s=t.fields||["module","main"];for(i&&!s.includes("browser")&&s.unshift("browser");rjL({module:p,version:h,path:e}),C=e=>f(e).then((()=>!0)).catch((()=>!1)),m=r?!!o:!l;let g,A=await oR(d,{readFile:f,hasFile:C,module:p,internal:m});return A=A.replace(/^\//,""),/\.css$/.test(s)&&await C(A)?(g=`./node_modules/${a.module}/${A}`,i(`${re(yv(s))} -> ${Y(yv(g))}`),g):(g=`${n}${a.module}${a.version?"@"+a.version:""}/${A}`,i(`${re(yv(s))} -> ${Y(yv(g))}`),g)},load(e){if(!e.startsWith(n))return;e=e.substring(n.length);return jL(cR(e))}}}const BR=/^((?:@[\w.-]{1,200}\/)?[\w.-]{1,200})(?:@([a-z0-9^.~>=<-]{1,50}))?(?:\/(.*))?$/i,cR=iP((e=>{let[,t="",n="",r=""]=e.match(BR)||[];if(!t)throw Error(`Invalid specifier: ${e}`);n=(n||"").toLowerCase(),t=t.toLowerCase();return{module:t,version:n,path:r,specifier:t+(r?"/"+r:"")}}));function lR(e){return!("\\"!==t.sep||!/^(([A-Z]+:)?\\|\.\.?(\\|$))/.test(e))||/^(file:\/\/)?([A-Z]:)?(\/|\.\.?(\/|$))/.test(e)}function uR({publicPath:e,filter:n}={}){return{name:"public-path",resolveFileUrl(r){if(!e||n&&!n(r))return null;let i=t.posix.join(e,r.fileName);if(/^(https?:)?\/\//.test(e)){const t=/^https?:\/\//.test(e),n=t?e:"https:"+e;i=new URL(r.fileName,n).href.substring(t?0:6)}return JSON.stringify(i)}}}var pR=(e,t)=>{t=t||process.argv;const n=e.startsWith("-")?"":1===e.length?"-":"--",r=t.indexOf(n+e),i=t.indexOf("--");return-1!==r&&(-1===i||r=2,has16m:e>=3}}function mR(e){if(0===fR)return 0;if(pR("color=16m")||pR("color=full")||pR("color=truecolor"))return 3;if(pR("color=256"))return 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t={};for(var n in vR)vR.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(t[vR[n]]=n);var r=e.exports={rgb:{channels:3,labels:"rgb"},hsl:{channels:3,labels:"hsl"},hsv:{channels:3,labels:"hsv"},hwb:{channels:3,labels:"hwb"},cmyk:{channels:4,labels:"cmyk"},xyz:{channels:3,labels:"xyz"},lab:{channels:3,labels:"lab"},lch:{channels:3,labels:"lch"},hex:{channels:1,labels:["hex"]},keyword:{channels:1,labels:["keyword"]},ansi16:{channels:1,labels:["ansi16"]},ansi256:{channels:1,labels:["ansi256"]},hcg:{channels:3,labels:["h","c","g"]},apple:{channels:3,labels:["r16","g16","b16"]},gray:{channels:1,labels:["gray"]}};for(var i in r)if(r.hasOwnProperty(i)){if(!("channels"in r[i]))throw new Error("missing channels property: "+i);if(!("labels"in r[i]))throw new Error("missing channel labels property: "+i);if(r[i].labels.length!==r[i].channels)throw new Error("channel and label counts mismatch: "+i);var s=r[i].channels,o=r[i].labels;delete r[i].channels,delete r[i].labels,Object.defineProperty(r[i],"channels",{value:s}),Object.defineProperty(r[i],"labels",{value:o})}function a(e,t){return Math.pow(e[0]-t[0],2)+Math.pow(e[1]-t[1],2)+Math.pow(e[2]-t[2],2)}r.rgb.hsl=function(e){var t,n,r=e[0]/255,i=e[1]/255,s=e[2]/255,o=Math.min(r,i,s),a=Math.max(r,i,s),B=a-o;return a===o?t=0:r===a?t=(i-s)/B:i===a?t=2+(s-r)/B:s===a&&(t=4+(r-i)/B),(t=Math.min(60*t,360))<0&&(t+=360),n=(o+a)/2,[t,100*(a===o?0:n<=.5?B/(a+o):B/(2-a-o)),100*n]},r.rgb.hsv=function(e){var t,n,r,i,s,o=e[0]/255,a=e[1]/255,B=e[2]/255,c=Math.max(o,a,B),l=c-Math.min(o,a,B),u=function(e){return(c-e)/6/l+.5};return 0===l?i=s=0:(s=l/c,t=u(o),n=u(a),r=u(B),o===c?i=r-n:a===c?i=1/3+t-r:B===c&&(i=2/3+n-t),i<0?i+=1:i>1&&(i-=1)),[360*i,100*s,100*c]},r.rgb.hwb=function(e){var t=e[0],n=e[1],i=e[2];return[r.rgb.hsl(e)[0],100*(1/255*Math.min(t,Math.min(n,i))),100*(i=1-1/255*Math.max(t,Math.max(n,i)))]},r.rgb.cmyk=function(e){var t,n=e[0]/255,r=e[1]/255,i=e[2]/255;return[100*((1-n-(t=Math.min(1-n,1-r,1-i)))/(1-t)||0),100*((1-r-t)/(1-t)||0),100*((1-i-t)/(1-t)||0),100*t]},r.rgb.keyword=function(e){var n=t[e];if(n)return n;var r,i=1/0;for(var s in vR)if(vR.hasOwnProperty(s)){var o=a(e,vR[s]);o.04045?Math.pow((t+.055)/1.055,2.4):t/12.92)+.3576*(n=n>.04045?Math.pow((n+.055)/1.055,2.4):n/12.92)+.1805*(r=r>.04045?Math.pow((r+.055)/1.055,2.4):r/12.92)),100*(.2126*t+.7152*n+.0722*r),100*(.0193*t+.1192*n+.9505*r)]},r.rgb.lab=function(e){var t=r.rgb.xyz(e),n=t[0],i=t[1],s=t[2];return i/=100,s/=108.883,n=(n/=95.047)>.008856?Math.pow(n,1/3):7.787*n+16/116,[116*(i=i>.008856?Math.pow(i,1/3):7.787*i+16/116)-16,500*(n-i),200*(i-(s=s>.008856?Math.pow(s,1/3):7.787*s+16/116))]},r.hsl.rgb=function(e){var t,n,r,i,s,o=e[0]/360,a=e[1]/100,B=e[2]/100;if(0===a)return[s=255*B,s,s];t=2*B-(n=B<.5?B*(1+a):B+a-B*a),i=[0,0,0];for(var c=0;c<3;c++)(r=o+1/3*-(c-1))<0&&r++,r>1&&r--,s=6*r<1?t+6*(n-t)*r:2*r<1?n:3*r<2?t+(n-t)*(2/3-r)*6:t,i[c]=255*s;return i},r.hsl.hsv=function(e){var t=e[0],n=e[1]/100,r=e[2]/100,i=n,s=Math.max(r,.01);return n*=(r*=2)<=1?r:2-r,i*=s<=1?s:2-s,[t,100*(0===r?2*i/(s+i):2*n/(r+n)),100*((r+n)/2)]},r.hsv.rgb=function(e){var t=e[0]/60,n=e[1]/100,r=e[2]/100,i=Math.floor(t)%6,s=t-Math.floor(t),o=255*r*(1-n),a=255*r*(1-n*s),B=255*r*(1-n*(1-s));switch(r*=255,i){case 0:return[r,B,o];case 1:return[a,r,o];case 2:return[o,r,B];case 3:return[o,a,r];case 4:return[B,o,r];case 5:return[r,o,a]}},r.hsv.hsl=function(e){var t,n,r,i=e[0],s=e[1]/100,o=e[2]/100,a=Math.max(o,.01);return r=(2-s)*o,n=s*a,[i,100*(n=(n/=(t=(2-s)*a)<=1?t:2-t)||0),100*(r/=2)]},r.hwb.rgb=function(e){var t,n,r,i,s,o,a,B=e[0]/360,c=e[1]/100,l=e[2]/100,u=c+l;switch(u>1&&(c/=u,l/=u),r=6*B-(t=Math.floor(6*B)),0!=(1&t)&&(r=1-r),i=c+r*((n=1-l)-c),t){default:case 6:case 0:s=n,o=i,a=c;break;case 1:s=i,o=n,a=c;break;case 2:s=c,o=n,a=i;break;case 3:s=c,o=i,a=n;break;case 4:s=i,o=c,a=n;break;case 5:s=n,o=c,a=i}return[255*s,255*o,255*a]},r.cmyk.rgb=function(e){var t=e[0]/100,n=e[1]/100,r=e[2]/100,i=e[3]/100;return[255*(1-Math.min(1,t*(1-i)+i)),255*(1-Math.min(1,n*(1-i)+i)),255*(1-Math.min(1,r*(1-i)+i))]},r.xyz.rgb=function(e){var t,n,r,i=e[0]/100,s=e[1]/100,o=e[2]/100;return n=-.9689*i+1.8758*s+.0415*o,r=.0557*i+-.204*s+1.057*o,t=(t=3.2406*i+-1.5372*s+-.4986*o)>.0031308?1.055*Math.pow(t,1/2.4)-.055:12.92*t,n=n>.0031308?1.055*Math.pow(n,1/2.4)-.055:12.92*n,r=r>.0031308?1.055*Math.pow(r,1/2.4)-.055:12.92*r,[255*(t=Math.min(Math.max(0,t),1)),255*(n=Math.min(Math.max(0,n),1)),255*(r=Math.min(Math.max(0,r),1))]},r.xyz.lab=function(e){var t=e[0],n=e[1],r=e[2];return n/=100,r/=108.883,t=(t/=95.047)>.008856?Math.pow(t,1/3):7.787*t+16/116,[116*(n=n>.008856?Math.pow(n,1/3):7.787*n+16/116)-16,500*(t-n),200*(n-(r=r>.008856?Math.pow(r,1/3):7.787*r+16/116))]},r.lab.xyz=function(e){var t,n,r,i=e[0];t=e[1]/500+(n=(i+16)/116),r=n-e[2]/200;var s=Math.pow(n,3),o=Math.pow(t,3),a=Math.pow(r,3);return n=s>.008856?s:(n-16/116)/7.787,t=o>.008856?o:(t-16/116)/7.787,r=a>.008856?a:(r-16/116)/7.787,[t*=95.047,n*=100,r*=108.883]},r.lab.lch=function(e){var t,n=e[0],r=e[1],i=e[2];return(t=360*Math.atan2(i,r)/2/Math.PI)<0&&(t+=360),[n,Math.sqrt(r*r+i*i),t]},r.lch.lab=function(e){var t,n=e[0],r=e[1];return t=e[2]/360*2*Math.PI,[n,r*Math.cos(t),r*Math.sin(t)]},r.rgb.ansi16=function(e){var t=e[0],n=e[1],i=e[2],s=1 in arguments?arguments[1]:r.rgb.hsv(e)[2];if(0===(s=Math.round(s/50)))return 30;var o=30+(Math.round(i/255)<<2|Math.round(n/255)<<1|Math.round(t/255));return 2===s&&(o+=60),o},r.hsv.ansi16=function(e){return r.rgb.ansi16(r.hsv.rgb(e),e[2])},r.rgb.ansi256=function(e){var t=e[0],n=e[1],r=e[2];return t===n&&n===r?t<8?16:t>248?231:Math.round((t-8)/247*24)+232:16+36*Math.round(t/255*5)+6*Math.round(n/255*5)+Math.round(r/255*5)},r.ansi16.rgb=function(e){var t=e%10;if(0===t||7===t)return e>50&&(t+=3.5),[t=t/10.5*255,t,t];var n=.5*(1+~~(e>50));return[(1&t)*n*255,(t>>1&1)*n*255,(t>>2&1)*n*255]},r.ansi256.rgb=function(e){if(e>=232){var t=10*(e-232)+8;return[t,t,t]}var n;return e-=16,[Math.floor(e/36)/5*255,Math.floor((n=e%36)/6)/5*255,n%6/5*255]},r.rgb.hex=function(e){var t=(((255&Math.round(e[0]))<<16)+((255&Math.round(e[1]))<<8)+(255&Math.round(e[2]))).toString(16).toUpperCase();return"000000".substring(t.length)+t},r.hex.rgb=function(e){var t=e.toString(16).match(/[a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3}/i);if(!t)return[0,0,0];var n=t[0];3===t[0].length&&(n=n.split("").map((function(e){return e+e})).join(""));var r=parseInt(n,16);return[r>>16&255,r>>8&255,255&r]},r.rgb.hcg=function(e){var t,n=e[0]/255,r=e[1]/255,i=e[2]/255,s=Math.max(Math.max(n,r),i),o=Math.min(Math.min(n,r),i),a=s-o;return t=a<=0?0:s===n?(r-i)/a%6:s===r?2+(i-n)/a:4+(n-r)/a+4,t/=6,[360*(t%=1),100*a,100*(a<1?o/(1-a):0)]},r.hsl.hcg=function(e){var t=e[1]/100,n=e[2]/100,r=1,i=0;return(r=n<.5?2*t*n:2*t*(1-n))<1&&(i=(n-.5*r)/(1-r)),[e[0],100*r,100*i]},r.hsv.hcg=function(e){var t=e[1]/100,n=e[2]/100,r=t*n,i=0;return r<1&&(i=(n-r)/(1-r)),[e[0],100*r,100*i]},r.hcg.rgb=function(e){var t=e[0]/360,n=e[1]/100,r=e[2]/100;if(0===n)return[255*r,255*r,255*r];var i,s=[0,0,0],o=t%1*6,a=o%1,B=1-a;switch(Math.floor(o)){case 0:s[0]=1,s[1]=a,s[2]=0;break;case 1:s[0]=B,s[1]=1,s[2]=0;break;case 2:s[0]=0,s[1]=1,s[2]=a;break;case 3:s[0]=0,s[1]=B,s[2]=1;break;case 4:s[0]=a,s[1]=0,s[2]=1;break;default:s[0]=1,s[1]=0,s[2]=B}return i=(1-n)*r,[255*(n*s[0]+i),255*(n*s[1]+i),255*(n*s[2]+i)]},r.hcg.hsv=function(e){var t=e[1]/100,n=t+e[2]/100*(1-t),r=0;return n>0&&(r=t/n),[e[0],100*r,100*n]},r.hcg.hsl=function(e){var t=e[1]/100,n=e[2]/100*(1-t)+.5*t,r=0;return n>0&&n<.5?r=t/(2*n):n>=.5&&n<1&&(r=t/(2*(1-n))),[e[0],100*r,100*n]},r.hcg.hwb=function(e){var t=e[1]/100,n=t+e[2]/100*(1-t);return[e[0],100*(n-t),100*(1-n)]},r.hwb.hcg=function(e){var t=e[1]/100,n=1-e[2]/100,r=n-t,i=0;return r<1&&(i=(n-r)/(1-r)),[e[0],100*r,100*i]},r.apple.rgb=function(e){return[e[0]/65535*255,e[1]/65535*255,e[2]/65535*255]},r.rgb.apple=function(e){return[e[0]/255*65535,e[1]/255*65535,e[2]/255*65535]},r.gray.rgb=function(e){return[e[0]/100*255,e[0]/100*255,e[0]/100*255]},r.gray.hsl=r.gray.hsv=function(e){return[0,0,e[0]]},r.gray.hwb=function(e){return[0,100,e[0]]},r.gray.cmyk=function(e){return[0,0,0,e[0]]},r.gray.lab=function(e){return[e[0],0,0]},r.gray.hex=function(e){var t=255&Math.round(e[0]/100*255),n=((t<<16)+(t<<8)+t).toString(16).toUpperCase();return"000000".substring(n.length)+n},r.rgb.gray=function(e){return[(e[0]+e[1]+e[2])/3/255*100]}}));function bR(){for(var e={},t=Object.keys(_R),n=t.length,r=0;r1&&(t=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)),e(t))};return"conversion"in e&&(t.conversion=e.conversion),t}function NR(e){var t=function(t){if(null==t)return t;arguments.length>1&&(t=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));var n=e(t);if("object"==typeof n)for(var r=n.length,i=0;ifunction(){const n=e.apply(TR,arguments);return`[${n+t}m`},n=(e,t)=>function(){const n=e.apply(TR,arguments);return`[${38+t};5;${n}m`},r=(e,t)=>function(){const n=e.apply(TR,arguments);return`[${38+t};2;${n[0]};${n[1]};${n[2]}m`};Object.defineProperty(e,"exports",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){const e=new 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r=n[t];i[t]={open:`[${r[0]}m`,close:`[${r[1]}m`},n[t]=i[t],e.set(r[0],r[1])}Object.defineProperty(i,t,{value:n,enumerable:!1}),Object.defineProperty(i,"codes",{value:e,enumerable:!1})}const s=e=>e,o=(e,t,n)=>[e,t,n];i.color.close="",i.bgColor.close="",i.color.ansi={ansi:t(s,0)},i.color.ansi256={ansi256:n(s,0)},i.color.ansi16m={rgb:r(o,0)},i.bgColor.ansi={ansi:t(s,10)},i.bgColor.ansi256={ansi256:n(s,10)},i.bgColor.ansi16m={rgb:r(o,10)};for(let e of Object.keys(TR)){if("object"!=typeof TR[e])continue;const s=TR[e];"ansi16"===e&&(e="ansi"),"ansi16"in s&&(i.color.ansi[e]=t(s.ansi16,0),i.bgColor.ansi[e]=t(s.ansi16,10)),"ansi256"in s&&(i.color.ansi256[e]=n(s.ansi256,0),i.bgColor.ansi256[e]=n(s.ansi256,10)),"rgb"in s&&(i.color.ansi16m[e]=r(s.rgb,0),i.bgColor.ansi16m[e]=r(s.rgb,10))}return i}})}));const MR=require("os"),FR=process.env;let LR;function RR(e){return 0!==e&&{level:e,hasBasic:!0,has256:e>=2,has16m:e>=3}}function GR(e){if(!1===LR)return 0;if(pR("color=16m")||pR("color=full")||pR("color=truecolor"))return 3;if(pR("color=256"))return 2;if(e&&!e.isTTY&&!0!==LR)return 0;const t=LR?1:0;if("win32"===process.platform){const e=MR.release().split(".");return Number(process.versions.node.split(".")[0])>=8&&Number(e[0])>=10&&Number(e[2])>=10586?Number(e[2])>=14931?3:2:1}if("CI"in FR)return["TRAVIS","CIRCLECI","APPVEYOR","GITLAB_CI"].some((e=>e in FR))||"codeship"===FR.CI_NAME?1:t;if("TEAMCITY_VERSION"in FR)return/^(9\.(0*[1-9]\d*)\.|\d{2,}\.)/.test(FR.TEAMCITY_VERSION)?1:0;if("truecolor"===FR.COLORTERM)return 3;if("TERM_PROGRAM"in FR){const e=parseInt((FR.TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION||"").split(".")[0],10);switch(FR.TERM_PROGRAM){case"iTerm.app":return e>=3?3:2;case"Apple_Terminal":return 2}}return/-256(color)?$/i.test(FR.TERM)?2:/^screen|^xterm|^vt100|^vt220|^rxvt|color|ansi|cygwin|linux/i.test(FR.TERM)||"COLORTERM"in FR?1:(FR.TERM,t)}function HR(e){return RR(GR(e))}pR("no-color")||pR("no-colors")||pR("color=false")?LR=!1:(pR("color")||pR("colors")||pR("color=true")||pR("color=always"))&&(LR=!0),"FORCE_COLOR"in FR&&(LR=0===FR.FORCE_COLOR.length||0!==parseInt(FR.FORCE_COLOR,10));var KR={supportsColor:HR,stdout:HR(process.stdout),stderr:HR(process.stderr)};const VR=/(?:\\(u[a-f\d]{4}|x[a-f\d]{2}|.))|(?:\{(~)?(\w+(?:\([^)]*\))?(?:\.\w+(?:\([^)]*\))?)*)(?:[ \t]|(?=\r?\n)))|(\})|((?:.|[\r\n\f])+?)/gi,UR=/(?:^|\.)(\w+)(?:\(([^)]*)\))?/g,QR=/^(['"])((?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\])*)\1$/,JR=/\\(u[a-f\d]{4}|x[a-f\d]{2}|.)|([^\\])/gi,jR=new Map([["n","\n"],["r","\r"],["t","\t"],["b","\b"],["f","\f"],["v","\v"],["0","\0"],["\\","\\"],["e",""],["a",""]]);function WR(e){return"u"===e[0]&&5===e.length||"x"===e[0]&&3===e.length?String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e.slice(1),16)):jR.get(e)||e}function XR(e,t){const n=[],r=t.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/g);let i;for(const t of r)if(isNaN(t)){if(!(i=t.match(QR)))throw new Error(`Invalid Chalk template style argument: ${t} (in style '${e}')`);n.push(i[2].replace(JR,((e,t,n)=>t?WR(t):n)))}else n.push(Number(t));return n}function qR(e){UR.lastIndex=0;const t=[];let n;for(;null!==(n=UR.exec(e));){const e=n[1];if(n[2]){const r=XR(e,n[2]);t.push([e].concat(r))}else t.push([e])}return t}function zR(e,t){const n={};for(const e of t)for(const t of e.styles)n[t[0]]=e.inverse?null:t.slice(1);let r=e;for(const e of Object.keys(n))if(Array.isArray(n[e])){if(!(e in r))throw new Error(`Unknown Chalk style: ${e}`);r=n[e].length>0?r[e].apply(r,n[e]):r[e]}return r}var YR=(e,t)=>{const n=[],r=[];let i=[];if(t.replace(VR,((t,s,o,a,B,c)=>{if(s)i.push(WR(s));else if(a){const t=i.join("");i=[],r.push(0===n.length?t:zR(e,n)(t)),n.push({inverse:o,styles:qR(a)})}else if(B){if(0===n.length)throw new Error("Found extraneous } in Chalk template literal");r.push(zR(e,n)(i.join(""))),i=[],n.pop()}else i.push(c)})),r.push(i.join("")),n.length>0){const e=`Chalk template literal is missing ${n.length} closing bracket${1===n.length?"":"s"} (\`}\`)`;throw new Error(e)}return r.join("")},$R=N((function(e){const t=KR.stdout,n="win32"===process.platform&&!(process.env.TERM||"").toLowerCase().startsWith("xterm"),r=["ansi","ansi","ansi256","ansi16m"],i=new Set(["gray"]),s=Object.create(null);function o(e,n){n=n||{};const r=t?t.level:0;e.level=void 0===n.level?r:n.level,e.enabled="enabled"in n?n.enabled:e.level>0}function a(e){if(!this||!(this instanceof a)||this.template){const t={};return o(t,e),t.template=function(){const e=[].slice.call(arguments);return u.apply(null,[t.template].concat(e))},Object.setPrototypeOf(t,a.prototype),Object.setPrototypeOf(t.template,t),t.template.constructor=a,t.template}o(this,e)}n&&(PR.blue.open="");for(const e of Object.keys(PR))PR[e].closeRe=new RegExp(ER(PR[e].close),"g"),s[e]={get(){const t=PR[e];return c.call(this,this._styles?this._styles.concat(t):[t],this._empty,e)}};s.visible={get(){return c.call(this,this._styles||[],!0,"visible")}},PR.color.closeRe=new RegExp(ER(PR.color.close),"g");for(const e of Object.keys(PR.color.ansi))i.has(e)||(s[e]={get(){const t=this.level;return function(){const n=PR.color[r[t]][e].apply(null,arguments),i={open:n,close:PR.color.close,closeRe:PR.color.closeRe};return c.call(this,this._styles?this._styles.concat(i):[i],this._empty,e)}}});PR.bgColor.closeRe=new RegExp(ER(PR.bgColor.close),"g");for(const e of Object.keys(PR.bgColor.ansi)){if(i.has(e))continue;s["bg"+e[0].toUpperCase()+e.slice(1)]={get(){const t=this.level;return function(){const n=PR.bgColor[r[t]][e].apply(null,arguments),i={open:n,close:PR.bgColor.close,closeRe:PR.bgColor.closeRe};return c.call(this,this._styles?this._styles.concat(i):[i],this._empty,e)}}}}const B=Object.defineProperties((()=>{}),s);function c(e,t,n){const r=function(){return l.apply(r,arguments)};r._styles=e,r._empty=t;const i=this;return Object.defineProperty(r,"level",{enumerable:!0,get:()=>i.level,set(e){i.level=e}}),Object.defineProperty(r,"enabled",{enumerable:!0,get:()=>i.enabled,set(e){i.enabled=e}}),r.hasGrey=this.hasGrey||"gray"===n||"grey"===n,r.__proto__=B,r}function l(){const e=arguments,t=e.length;let r=String(arguments[0]);if(0===t)return"";if(t>1)for(let n=1;n=g)return;let t=!!e&&e.ignoreUnclosed;switch(n=C.charCodeAt(E),(n===rG||n===sG||n===aG&&C.charCodeAt(E+1)!==rG)&&(A=E,y+=1),n){case rG:case iG:case oG:case aG:case sG:r=E;do{r+=1,n=C.charCodeAt(r),n===rG&&(A=r,y+=1)}while(n===iG||n===rG||n===oG||n===aG||n===sG);f=["space",C.slice(E,r)],E=r-1;break;case BG:case cG:case pG:case hG:case CG:case dG:case uG:let e=String.fromCharCode(n);f=[e,e,y,E-A];break;case lG:if(h=v.length?v.pop()[1]:"",d=C.charCodeAt(E+1),"url"===h&&d!==ZR&&d!==eG&&d!==iG&&d!==rG&&d!==oG&&d!==sG&&d!==aG){r=E;do{if(u=!1,r=C.indexOf(")",r+1),-1===r){if(m||t){r=E;break}b("bracket")}for(p=r;C.charCodeAt(p-1)===tG;)p-=1,u=!u}while(u);f=["brackets",C.slice(E,r+1),y,E-A,y,r-A],E=r}else r=C.indexOf(")",E+1),a=C.slice(E,r+1),-1===r||yG.test(a)?f=["(","(",y,E-A]:(f=["brackets",a,y,E-A,y,r-A],E=r);break;case ZR:case eG:i=n===ZR?"'":'"',r=E;do{if(u=!1,r=C.indexOf(i,r+1),-1===r){if(m||t){r=E+1;break}b("string")}for(p=r;C.charCodeAt(p-1)===tG;)p-=1,u=!u}while(u);a=C.slice(E,r+1),s=a.split("\n"),o=s.length-1,o>0?(c=y+o,l=r-s[o].length):(c=y,l=A),f=["string",C.slice(E,r+1),y,E-A,c,r-l],A=l,y=c,E=r;break;case mG:gG.lastIndex=E+1,gG.test(C),r=0===gG.lastIndex?C.length-1:gG.lastIndex-2,f=["at-word",C.slice(E,r+1),y,E-A,y,r-A],E=r;break;case tG:for(r=E,B=!0;C.charCodeAt(r+1)===tG;)r+=1,B=!B;if(n=C.charCodeAt(r+1),B&&n!==nG&&n!==iG&&n!==rG&&n!==oG&&n!==aG&&n!==sG&&(r+=1,EG.test(C.charAt(r)))){for(;EG.test(C.charAt(r+1));)r+=1;C.charCodeAt(r+1)===iG&&(r+=1)}f=["word",C.slice(E,r+1),y,E-A,y,r-A],E=r;break;default:n===nG&&C.charCodeAt(E+1)===fG?(r=C.indexOf("*/",E+2)+1,0===r&&(m||t?r=C.length:b("comment")),a=C.slice(E,r+1),s=a.split("\n"),o=s.length-1,o>0?(c=y+o,l=r-s[o].length):(c=y,l=A),f=["comment",a,y,E-A,c,r-l],A=l,y=c,E=r):(AG.lastIndex=E+1,AG.test(C),r=0===AG.lastIndex?C.length-1:AG.lastIndex-2,f=["word",C.slice(E,r+1),y,E-A,y,r-A],v.push(f),E=r)}return E++,f},endOfFile:function(){return 0===_.length&&E>=g},position:function(){return E}}}var _G="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".split(""),bG=function(e){if(0<=e&&e<_G.length)return _G[e];throw new TypeError("Must be between 0 and 63: "+e)},SG=function(e){return 65<=e&&e<=90?e-65:97<=e&&e<=122?e-97+26:48<=e&&e<=57?e-48+52:43==e?62:47==e?63:-1},wG={encode:bG,decode:SG},xG=5,DG=1<>1;return 1==(1&e)?-t:t}var TG=function(e){var t,n="",r=OG(e);do{t=r&IG,(r>>>=xG)>0&&(t|=kG),n+=wG.encode(t)}while(r>0);return n},PG=function(e,t,n){var r,i,s=e.length,o=0,a=0;do{if(t>=s)throw new Error("Expected more digits in base 64 VLQ value.");if(-1===(i=wG.decode(e.charCodeAt(t++))))throw new Error("Invalid base64 digit: "+e.charAt(t-1));r=!!(i&kG),o+=(i&=IG)<=0;l--)"."===(o=B[l])?B.splice(l,1):".."===o?c++:c>0&&(""===o?(B.splice(l+1,c),c=0):(B.splice(l,2),c--));return""===(n=B.join("/"))&&(n=a?"/":"."),r?(r.path=n,s(r)):n}function a(e,t){""===e&&(e="."),""===t&&(t=".");var n=i(t),a=i(e);if(a&&(e=a.path||"/"),n&&!n.scheme)return a&&(n.scheme=a.scheme),s(n);if(n||t.match(r))return t;if(a&&!a.host&&!a.path)return a.host=t,s(a);var B="/"===t.charAt(0)?t:o(e.replace(/\/+$/,"")+"/"+t);return a?(a.path=B,s(a)):B}t.urlParse=i,t.urlGenerate=s,t.normalize=o,t.join=a,t.isAbsolute=function(e){return"/"===e.charAt(0)||n.test(e)},t.relative=function(e,t){""===e&&(e="."),e=e.replace(/\/$/,"");for(var n=0;0!==t.indexOf(e+"/");){var r=e.lastIndexOf("/");if(r<0)return t;if((e=e.slice(0,r)).match(/^([^\/]+:\/)?\/*$/))return t;++n}return Array(n+1).join("../")+t.substr(e.length+1)};var B=!("__proto__"in Object.create(null));function c(e){return e}function l(e){if(!e)return!1;var t=e.length;if(t<9)return!1;if(95!==e.charCodeAt(t-1)||95!==e.charCodeAt(t-2)||111!==e.charCodeAt(t-3)||116!==e.charCodeAt(t-4)||111!==e.charCodeAt(t-5)||114!==e.charCodeAt(t-6)||112!==e.charCodeAt(t-7)||95!==e.charCodeAt(t-8)||95!==e.charCodeAt(t-9))return!1;for(var n=t-10;n>=0;n--)if(36!==e.charCodeAt(n))return!1;return!0}function u(e,t){return e===t?0:null===e?1:null===t?-1:e>t?1:-1}t.toSetString=B?c:function(e){return l(e)?"$"+e:e},t.fromSetString=B?c:function(e){return l(e)?e.slice(1):e},t.compareByOriginalPositions=function(e,t,n){var r=u(e.source,t.source);return 0!==r||0!==(r=e.originalLine-t.originalLine)||0!==(r=e.originalColumn-t.originalColumn)||n||0!==(r=e.generatedColumn-t.generatedColumn)||0!==(r=e.generatedLine-t.generatedLine)?r:u(e.name,t.name)},t.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated=function(e,t,n){var r=e.generatedLine-t.generatedLine;return 0!==r||0!==(r=e.generatedColumn-t.generatedColumn)||n||0!==(r=u(e.source,t.source))||0!==(r=e.originalLine-t.originalLine)||0!==(r=e.originalColumn-t.originalColumn)?r:u(e.name,t.name)},t.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated=function(e,t){var n=e.generatedLine-t.generatedLine;return 0!==n||0!==(n=e.generatedColumn-t.generatedColumn)||0!==(n=u(e.source,t.source))||0!==(n=e.originalLine-t.originalLine)||0!==(n=e.originalColumn-t.originalColumn)?n:u(e.name,t.name)},t.parseSourceMapInput=function(e){return JSON.parse(e.replace(/^\)]}'[^\n]*\n/,""))},t.computeSourceURL=function(e,t,n){if(t=t||"",e&&("/"!==e[e.length-1]&&"/"!==t[0]&&(e+="/"),t=e+t),n){var r=i(n);if(!r)throw new Error("sourceMapURL could not be parsed");if(r.path){var B=r.path.lastIndexOf("/");B>=0&&(r.path=r.path.substring(0,B+1))}t=a(s(r),t)}return o(t)}})),LG=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,RG="undefined"!=typeof Map;function GG(){this._array=[],this._set=RG?new Map:Object.create(null)}GG.fromArray=function(e,t){for(var n=new GG,r=0,i=e.length;r=0)return t}else{var n=FG.toSetString(e);if(LG.call(this._set,n))return this._set[n]}throw new Error('"'+e+'" is not in the set.')},GG.prototype.at=function(e){if(e>=0&&en||r==n&&s>=i||FG.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(e,t)<=0}function UG(){this._array=[],this._sorted=!0,this._last={generatedLine:-1,generatedColumn:0}}UG.prototype.unsortedForEach=function(e,t){this._array.forEach(e,t)},UG.prototype.add=function(e){VG(this._last,e)?(this._last=e,this._array.push(e)):(this._sorted=!1,this._array.push(e))},UG.prototype.toArray=function(){return this._sorted||(this._array.sort(FG.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated),this._sorted=!0),this._array};var QG=UG,JG={MappingList:QG},jG=KG.ArraySet,WG=JG.MappingList;function XG(e){e||(e={}),this._file=FG.getArg(e,"file",null),this._sourceRoot=FG.getArg(e,"sourceRoot",null),this._skipValidation=FG.getArg(e,"skipValidation",!1),this._sources=new jG,this._names=new jG,this._mappings=new WG,this._sourcesContents=null}XG.prototype._version=3,XG.fromSourceMap=function(e){var t=e.sourceRoot,n=new XG({file:e.file,sourceRoot:t});return e.eachMapping((function(e){var r={generated:{line:e.generatedLine,column:e.generatedColumn}};null!=e.source&&(r.source=e.source,null!=t&&(r.source=FG.relative(t,r.source)),r.original={line:e.originalLine,column:e.originalColumn},null!=e.name&&(r.name=e.name)),n.addMapping(r)})),e.sources.forEach((function(r){var i=r;null!==t&&(i=FG.relative(t,r)),n._sources.has(i)||n._sources.add(i);var s=e.sourceContentFor(r);null!=s&&n.setSourceContent(r,s)})),n},XG.prototype.addMapping=function(e){var t=FG.getArg(e,"generated"),n=FG.getArg(e,"original",null),r=FG.getArg(e,"source",null),i=FG.getArg(e,"name",null);this._skipValidation||this._validateMapping(t,n,r,i),null!=r&&(r=String(r),this._sources.has(r)||this._sources.add(r)),null!=i&&(i=String(i),this._names.has(i)||this._names.add(i)),this._mappings.add({generatedLine:t.line,generatedColumn:t.column,originalLine:null!=n&&n.line,originalColumn:null!=n&&n.column,source:r,name:i})},XG.prototype.setSourceContent=function(e,t){var n=e;null!=this._sourceRoot&&(n=FG.relative(this._sourceRoot,n)),null!=t?(this._sourcesContents||(this._sourcesContents=Object.create(null)),this._sourcesContents[FG.toSetString(n)]=t):this._sourcesContents&&(delete this._sourcesContents[FG.toSetString(n)],0===Object.keys(this._sourcesContents).length&&(this._sourcesContents=null))},XG.prototype.applySourceMap=function(e,t,n){var r=t;if(null==t){if(null==e.file)throw new Error('SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap requires either an explicit source file, or the source map\'s "file" property. Both were omitted.');r=e.file}var i=this._sourceRoot;null!=i&&(r=FG.relative(i,r));var s=new jG,o=new jG;this._mappings.unsortedForEach((function(t){if(t.source===r&&null!=t.originalLine){var a=e.originalPositionFor({line:t.originalLine,column:t.originalColumn});null!=a.source&&(t.source=a.source,null!=n&&(t.source=FG.join(n,t.source)),null!=i&&(t.source=FG.relative(i,t.source)),t.originalLine=a.line,t.originalColumn=a.column,null!=a.name&&(t.name=a.name))}var B=t.source;null==B||s.has(B)||s.add(B);var c=t.name;null==c||o.has(c)||o.add(c)}),this),this._sources=s,this._names=o,e.sources.forEach((function(t){var r=e.sourceContentFor(t);null!=r&&(null!=n&&(t=FG.join(n,t)),null!=i&&(t=FG.relative(i,t)),this.setSourceContent(t,r))}),this)},XG.prototype._validateMapping=function(e,t,n,r){if(t&&"number"!=typeof t.line&&"number"!=typeof t.column)throw new Error("original.line and original.column are not numbers -- you probably meant to omit the original mapping entirely and only map the generated position. If so, pass null for the original mapping instead of an object with empty or null values.");if((!(e&&"line"in e&&"column"in e&&e.line>0&&e.column>=0)||t||n||r)&&!(e&&"line"in e&&"column"in e&&t&&"line"in t&&"column"in t&&e.line>0&&e.column>=0&&t.line>0&&t.column>=0&&n))throw new Error("Invalid mapping: "+JSON.stringify({generated:e,source:n,original:t,name:r}))},XG.prototype._serializeMappings=function(){for(var e,t,n,r,i=0,s=1,o=0,a=0,B=0,c=0,l="",u=this._mappings.toArray(),p=0,h=u.length;p0){if(!FG.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(t,u[p-1]))continue;e+=","}e+=MG.encode(t.generatedColumn-i),i=t.generatedColumn,null!=t.source&&(r=this._sources.indexOf(t.source),e+=MG.encode(r-c),c=r,e+=MG.encode(t.originalLine-1-a),a=t.originalLine-1,e+=MG.encode(t.originalColumn-o),o=t.originalColumn,null!=t.name&&(n=this._names.indexOf(t.name),e+=MG.encode(n-B),B=n)),l+=e}return l},XG.prototype._generateSourcesContent=function(e,t){return e.map((function(e){if(!this._sourcesContents)return null;null!=t&&(e=FG.relative(t,e));var n=FG.toSetString(e);return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._sourcesContents,n)?this._sourcesContents[n]:null}),this)},XG.prototype.toJSON=function(){var e={version:this._version,sources:this._sources.toArray(),names:this._names.toArray(),mappings:this._serializeMappings()};return null!=this._file&&(e.file=this._file),null!=this._sourceRoot&&(e.sourceRoot=this._sourceRoot),this._sourcesContents&&(e.sourcesContent=this._generateSourcesContent(e.sources,e.sourceRoot)),e},XG.prototype.toString=function(){return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON())};var qG=XG,zG={SourceMapGenerator:qG},YG=N((function(e,t){function n(e,r,i,s,o,a){var B=Math.floor((r-e)/2)+e,c=o(i,s[B],!0);return 0===c?B:c>0?r-B>1?n(B,r,i,s,o,a):a==t.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND?r1?n(e,B,i,s,o,a):a==t.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND?B:e<0?-1:e}t.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND=1,t.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND=2,t.search=function(e,r,i,s){if(0===r.length)return-1;var o=n(-1,r.length,e,r,i,s||t.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND);if(o<0)return-1;for(;o-1>=0&&0===i(r[o],r[o-1],!0);)--o;return o}}));function $G(e,t,n){var r=e[t];e[t]=e[n],e[n]=r}function ZG(e,t){return Math.round(e+Math.random()*(t-e))}function eH(e,t,n,r){if(n=0){var s=this._originalMappings[i];if(void 0===e.column)for(var o=s.originalLine;s&&s.originalLine===o;)r.push({line:FG.getArg(s,"generatedLine",null),column:FG.getArg(s,"generatedColumn",null),lastColumn:FG.getArg(s,"lastGeneratedColumn",null)}),s=this._originalMappings[++i];else for(var a=s.originalColumn;s&&s.originalLine===t&&s.originalColumn==a;)r.push({line:FG.getArg(s,"generatedLine",null),column:FG.getArg(s,"generatedColumn",null),lastColumn:FG.getArg(s,"lastGeneratedColumn",null)}),s=this._originalMappings[++i]}return r};var oH=sH;function aH(e,t){var n=e;"string"==typeof e&&(n=FG.parseSourceMapInput(e));var r=FG.getArg(n,"version"),i=FG.getArg(n,"sources"),s=FG.getArg(n,"names",[]),o=FG.getArg(n,"sourceRoot",null),a=FG.getArg(n,"sourcesContent",null),B=FG.getArg(n,"mappings"),c=FG.getArg(n,"file",null);if(r!=this._version)throw new Error("Unsupported version: "+r);o&&(o=FG.normalize(o)),i=i.map(String).map(FG.normalize).map((function(e){return o&&FG.isAbsolute(o)&&FG.isAbsolute(e)?FG.relative(o,e):e})),this._names=rH.fromArray(s.map(String),!0),this._sources=rH.fromArray(i,!0),this._absoluteSources=this._sources.toArray().map((function(e){return FG.computeSourceURL(o,e,t)})),this.sourceRoot=o,this.sourcesContent=a,this._mappings=B,this._sourceMapURL=t,this.file=c}function BH(){this.generatedLine=0,this.generatedColumn=0,this.source=null,this.originalLine=null,this.originalColumn=null,this.name=null}aH.prototype=Object.create(sH.prototype),aH.prototype.consumer=sH,aH.prototype._findSourceIndex=function(e){var t,n=e;if(null!=this.sourceRoot&&(n=FG.relative(this.sourceRoot,n)),this._sources.has(n))return this._sources.indexOf(n);for(t=0;t1&&(n.source=u+i[1],u+=i[1],n.originalLine=c+i[2],c=n.originalLine,n.originalLine+=1,n.originalColumn=l+i[3],l=n.originalColumn,i.length>4&&(n.name=p+i[4],p+=i[4])),g.push(n),"number"==typeof n.originalLine&&m.push(n)}iH(g,FG.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated),this.__generatedMappings=g,iH(m,FG.compareByOriginalPositions),this.__originalMappings=m},aH.prototype._findMapping=function(e,t,n,r,i,s){if(e[n]<=0)throw new TypeError("Line must be greater than or equal to 1, got "+e[n]);if(e[r]<0)throw new TypeError("Column must be greater than or equal to 0, got "+e[r]);return YG.search(e,t,i,s)},aH.prototype.computeColumnSpans=function(){for(var e=0;e=0){var r=this._generatedMappings[n];if(r.generatedLine===t.generatedLine){var i=FG.getArg(r,"source",null);null!==i&&(i=this._sources.at(i),i=FG.computeSourceURL(this.sourceRoot,i,this._sourceMapURL));var s=FG.getArg(r,"name",null);return null!==s&&(s=this._names.at(s)),{source:i,line:FG.getArg(r,"originalLine",null),column:FG.getArg(r,"originalColumn",null),name:s}}}return{source:null,line:null,column:null,name:null}},aH.prototype.hasContentsOfAllSources=function(){return!!this.sourcesContent&&(this.sourcesContent.length>=this._sources.size()&&!this.sourcesContent.some((function(e){return null==e})))},aH.prototype.sourceContentFor=function(e,t){if(!this.sourcesContent)return null;var n=this._findSourceIndex(e);if(n>=0)return this.sourcesContent[n];var r,i=e;if(null!=this.sourceRoot&&(i=FG.relative(this.sourceRoot,i)),null!=this.sourceRoot&&(r=FG.urlParse(this.sourceRoot))){var s=i.replace(/^file:\/\//,"");if("file"==r.scheme&&this._sources.has(s))return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf(s)];if((!r.path||"/"==r.path)&&this._sources.has("/"+i))return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf("/"+i)]}if(t)return null;throw new Error('"'+i+'" is not in the SourceMap.')},aH.prototype.generatedPositionFor=function(e){var t=FG.getArg(e,"source");if((t=this._findSourceIndex(t))<0)return{line:null,column:null,lastColumn:null};var n={source:t,originalLine:FG.getArg(e,"line"),originalColumn:FG.getArg(e,"column")},r=this._findMapping(n,this._originalMappings,"originalLine","originalColumn",FG.compareByOriginalPositions,FG.getArg(e,"bias",sH.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND));if(r>=0){var i=this._originalMappings[r];if(i.source===n.source)return{line:FG.getArg(i,"generatedLine",null),column:FG.getArg(i,"generatedColumn",null),lastColumn:FG.getArg(i,"lastGeneratedColumn",null)}}return{line:null,column:null,lastColumn:null}};var cH=aH;function lH(e,t){var n=e;"string"==typeof e&&(n=FG.parseSourceMapInput(e));var r=FG.getArg(n,"version"),i=FG.getArg(n,"sections");if(r!=this._version)throw new Error("Unsupported version: "+r);this._sources=new rH,this._names=new rH;var s={line:-1,column:0};this._sections=i.map((function(e){if(e.url)throw new Error("Support for url field in sections not implemented.");var n=FG.getArg(e,"offset"),r=FG.getArg(n,"line"),i=FG.getArg(n,"column");if(r=0;t--)this.prepend(e[t]);else{if(!e[CH]&&"string"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("Expected a SourceNode, string, or an array of SourceNodes and strings. Got "+e);this.children.unshift(e)}return this},mH.prototype.walk=function(e){for(var t,n=0,r=this.children.length;n0){for(t=[],n=0;n0)}startWith(e,t){return!!e&&e.substr(0,t.length)===t}getAnnotationURL(e){return e.match(/\/\*\s*# sourceMappingURL=(.*)\s*\*\//)[1].trim()}loadAnnotation(e){let t=e.match(/\/\*\s*# sourceMappingURL=(.*)\s*\*\//gm);if(t&&t.length>0){let e=t[t.length-1];e&&(this.annotation=this.getAnnotationURL(e))}}decodeInline(e){let t="data:application/json,";if(this.startWith(e,t))return decodeURIComponent(e.substr(t.length));if(/^data:application\/json;charset=utf-?8;base64,/.test(e)||/^data:application\/json;base64,/.test(e))return bH(e.substr(RegExp.lastMatch.length));let n=e.match(/data:application\/json;([^,]+),/)[1];throw new Error("Unsupported source map encoding "+n)}loadMap(n,r){if(!1===r)return!1;if(r){if("string"==typeof r)return r;if("function"==typeof r){let t=r(n);if(t&&e.existsSync&&e.existsSync(t))return e.readFileSync(t,"utf-8").toString().trim();throw new Error("Unable to load previous source map: "+t.toString())}if(r instanceof _H.SourceMapConsumer)return _H.SourceMapGenerator.fromSourceMap(r).toString();if(r instanceof _H.SourceMapGenerator)return r.toString();if(this.isMap(r))return JSON.stringify(r);throw new Error("Unsupported previous source map format: "+r.toString())}if(this.inline)return this.decodeInline(this.annotation);if(this.annotation){let r=this.annotation;return n&&(r=t.join(t.dirname(n),r)),this.root=t.dirname(r),!(!e.existsSync||!e.existsSync(r))&&e.readFileSync(r,"utf-8").toString().trim()}}isMap(e){return"object"==typeof e&&("string"==typeof e.mappings||"string"==typeof e._mappings)}}let wH=0;class xH{constructor(e,n={}){if(null==e||"object"==typeof e&&!e.toString)throw new Error(`PostCSS received ${e} instead of CSS string`);this.css=e.toString(),"\ufeff"===this.css[0]||"￾"===this.css[0]?(this.hasBOM=!0,this.css=this.css.slice(1)):this.hasBOM=!1,n.from&&(/^\w+:\/\//.test(n.from)||t.isAbsolute(n.from)?this.file=n.from:this.file=t.resolve(n.from));let r=new SH(this.css,n);if(r.text){this.map=r;let e=r.consumer().file;!this.file&&e&&(this.file=this.mapResolve(e))}this.file||(wH+=1,this.id=""),this.map&&(this.map.file=this.from)}error(e,t,n,r={}){let i,s=this.origin(t,n);return i=s?new OH(e,s.line,s.column,s.source,s.file,r.plugin):new OH(e,t,n,this.css,this.file,r.plugin),i.input={line:t,column:n,source:this.css},this.file&&(i.input.file=this.file),i}origin(e,t){if(!this.map)return!1;let n=this.map.consumer(),r=n.originalPositionFor({line:e,column:t});if(!r.source)return!1;let i={file:this.mapResolve(r.source),line:r.line,column:r.column},s=n.sourceContentFor(r.source);return s&&(i.source=s),i}mapResolve(e){return/^\w+:\/\//.test(e)?e:t.resolve(this.map.consumer().sourceRoot||".",e)}get from(){return this.file||this.id}}const DH={brackets:$R.cyan,"at-word":$R.cyan,comment:$R.gray,string:$R.green,class:$R.yellow,call:$R.cyan,hash:$R.magenta,"(":$R.cyan,")":$R.cyan,"{":$R.yellow,"}":$R.yellow,"[":$R.yellow,"]":$R.yellow,":":$R.yellow,";":$R.yellow};function IH([e,t],n){if("word"===e){if("."===t[0])return"class";if("#"===t[0])return"hash"}if(!n.endOfFile()){let e=n.nextToken();if(n.back(e),"brackets"===e[0]||"("===e[0])return"call"}return e}function kH(e){let t=vG(new xH(e),{ignoreErrors:!0}),n="";for(;!t.endOfFile();){let e=t.nextToken(),r=DH[IH(e,t)];n+=r?e[1].split(/\r?\n/).map((e=>r(e))).join("\n"):e[1]}return n}class OH extends Error{constructor(e,t,n,r,i,s){super(e),this.name="CssSyntaxError",this.reason=e,i&&(this.file=i),r&&(this.source=r),s&&(this.plugin=s),void 0!==t&&void 0!==n&&(this.line=t,this.column=n),this.setMessage(),Error.captureStackTrace&&Error.captureStackTrace(this,OH)}setMessage(){this.message=this.plugin?this.plugin+": ":"",this.message+=this.file?this.file:"",void 0!==this.line&&(this.message+=":"+this.line+":"+this.column),this.message+=": "+this.reason}showSourceCode(e){if(!this.source)return"";let t=this.source;kH&&(void 0===e&&(e=AR.stdout),e&&(t=kH(t)));let n=t.split(/\r?\n/),r=Math.max(this.line-3,0),i=Math.min(this.line+2,n.length),s=String(i).length;function o(t){return e&&$R.red?$R.red.bold(t):t}function a(t){return e&&$R.gray?$R.gray(t):t}return n.slice(r,i).map(((e,t)=>{let n=r+1+t,i=" "+(" "+n).slice(-s)+" | ";if(n===this.line){let t=a(i.replace(/\d/g," "))+e.slice(0,this.column-1).replace(/[^\t]/g," ");return o(">")+a(i)+e+"\n "+t+o("^")}return" "+a(i)+e})).join("\n")}toString(){let e=this.showSourceCode();return e&&(e="\n\n"+e+"\n"),this.name+": "+this.message+e}}const NH={colon:": ",indent:" ",beforeDecl:"\n",beforeRule:"\n",beforeOpen:" ",beforeClose:"\n",beforeComment:"\n",after:"\n",emptyBody:"",commentLeft:" ",commentRight:" ",semicolon:!1};function TH(e){return e[0].toUpperCase()+e.slice(1)}class PH{constructor(e){this.builder=e}stringify(e,t){this[e.type](e,t)}root(e){this.body(e),e.raws.after&&this.builder(e.raws.after)}comment(e){let t=this.raw(e,"left","commentLeft"),n=this.raw(e,"right","commentRight");this.builder("/*"+t+e.text+n+"*/",e)}decl(e,t){let n=this.raw(e,"between","colon"),r=e.prop+n+this.rawValue(e,"value");e.important&&(r+=e.raws.important||" !important"),t&&(r+=";"),this.builder(r,e)}rule(e){this.block(e,this.rawValue(e,"selector")),e.raws.ownSemicolon&&this.builder(e.raws.ownSemicolon,e,"end")}atrule(e,t){let n="@"+e.name,r=e.params?this.rawValue(e,"params"):"";if(void 0!==e.raws.afterName?n+=e.raws.afterName:r&&(n+=" "),e.nodes)this.block(e,n+r);else{let i=(e.raws.between||"")+(t?";":"");this.builder(n+r+i,e)}}body(e){let t=e.nodes.length-1;for(;t>0&&"comment"===e.nodes[t].type;)t-=1;let n=this.raw(e,"semicolon");for(let r=0;r{if(r=e.raws[t],void 0!==r)return!1}))}return void 0===r&&(r=NH[n]),s.rawCache[n]=r,r}rawSemicolon(e){let t;return e.walk((e=>{if(e.nodes&&e.nodes.length&&"decl"===e.last.type&&(t=e.raws.semicolon,void 0!==t))return!1})),t}rawEmptyBody(e){let t;return e.walk((e=>{if(e.nodes&&0===e.nodes.length&&(t=e.raws.after,void 0!==t))return!1})),t}rawIndent(e){if(e.raws.indent)return e.raws.indent;let t;return e.walk((n=>{let r=n.parent;if(r&&r!==e&&r.parent&&r.parent===e&&void 0!==n.raws.before){let e=n.raws.before.split("\n");return t=e[e.length-1],t=t.replace(/[^\s]/g,""),!1}})),t}rawBeforeComment(e,t){let n;return e.walkComments((e=>{if(void 0!==e.raws.before)return n=e.raws.before,-1!==n.indexOf("\n")&&(n=n.replace(/[^\n]+$/,"")),!1})),void 0===n?n=this.raw(t,null,"beforeDecl"):n&&(n=n.replace(/[^\s]/g,"")),n}rawBeforeDecl(e,t){let n;return e.walkDecls((e=>{if(void 0!==e.raws.before)return n=e.raws.before,-1!==n.indexOf("\n")&&(n=n.replace(/[^\n]+$/,"")),!1})),void 0===n?n=this.raw(t,null,"beforeRule"):n&&(n=n.replace(/[^\s]/g,"")),n}rawBeforeRule(e){let t;return e.walk((n=>{if(n.nodes&&(n.parent!==e||e.first!==n)&&void 0!==n.raws.before)return t=n.raws.before,-1!==t.indexOf("\n")&&(t=t.replace(/[^\n]+$/,"")),!1})),t&&(t=t.replace(/[^\s]/g,"")),t}rawBeforeClose(e){let t;return e.walk((e=>{if(e.nodes&&e.nodes.length>0&&void 0!==e.raws.after)return t=e.raws.after,-1!==t.indexOf("\n")&&(t=t.replace(/[^\n]+$/,"")),!1})),t&&(t=t.replace(/[^\s]/g,"")),t}rawBeforeOpen(e){let t;return e.walk((e=>{if("decl"!==e.type&&(t=e.raws.between,void 0!==t))return!1})),t}rawColon(e){let t;return e.walkDecls((e=>{if(void 0!==e.raws.between)return t=e.raws.between.replace(/[^\s:]/g,""),!1})),t}beforeAfter(e,t){let n;n="decl"===e.type?this.raw(e,null,"beforeDecl"):"comment"===e.type?this.raw(e,null,"beforeComment"):"before"===t?this.raw(e,null,"beforeRule"):this.raw(e,null,"beforeClose");let r=e.parent,i=0;for(;r&&"root"!==r.type;)i+=1,r=r.parent;if(-1!==n.indexOf("\n")){let t=this.raw(e,null,"indent");if(t.length)for(let e=0;eFH(e,n))):("object"===s&&null!==i&&(i=FH(i)),n[r]=i)}return n}class LH{constructor(e={}){if(this.raws={},"production"!==process.env.NODE_ENV&&"object"!=typeof e&&void 0!==e)throw new Error("PostCSS nodes constructor accepts object, not "+JSON.stringify(e));for(let t in e)this[t]=e[t]}error(e,t={}){if(this.source){let n=this.positionBy(t);return this.source.input.error(e,n.line,n.column,t)}return new OH(e)}warn(e,t,n){let r={node:this};for(let e in n)r[e]=n[e];return e.warn(t,r)}remove(){return this.parent&&this.parent.removeChild(this),this.parent=void 0,this}toString(e=MH){e.stringify&&(e=e.stringify);let t="";return e(this,(e=>{t+=e})),t}clone(e={}){let t=FH(this);for(let n in e)t[n]=e[n];return t}cloneBefore(e={}){let t=this.clone(e);return this.parent.insertBefore(this,t),t}cloneAfter(e={}){let t=this.clone(e);return this.parent.insertAfter(this,t),t}replaceWith(...e){if(this.parent){for(let t of e)this.parent.insertBefore(this,t);this.remove()}return this}next(){if(!this.parent)return;let e=this.parent.index(this);return this.parent.nodes[e+1]}prev(){if(!this.parent)return;let e=this.parent.index(this);return this.parent.nodes[e-1]}before(e){return this.parent.insertBefore(this,e),this}after(e){return this.parent.insertAfter(this,e),this}toJSON(){let e={};for(let t in this){if(!this.hasOwnProperty(t))continue;if("parent"===t)continue;let n=this[t];n instanceof Array?e[t]=n.map((e=>"object"==typeof e&&e.toJSON?e.toJSON():e)):"object"==typeof n&&n.toJSON?e[t]=n.toJSON():e[t]=n}return e}raw(e,t){return(new PH).raw(this,e,t)}root(){let e=this;for(;e.parent;)e=e.parent;return e}cleanRaws(e){delete this.raws.before,delete this.raws.after,e||delete this.raws.between}positionInside(e){let t=this.toString(),n=this.source.start.column,r=this.source.start.line;for(let i=0;i0}previous(){return this.previousMaps||(this.previousMaps=[],this.root.walk((e=>{if(e.source&&e.source.input.map){let t=e.source.input.map;-1===this.previousMaps.indexOf(t)&&this.previousMaps.push(t)}}))),this.previousMaps}isInline(){if(void 0!==this.mapOpts.inline)return this.mapOpts.inline;let e=this.mapOpts.annotation;return(void 0===e||!0===e)&&(!this.previous().length||this.previous().some((e=>e.inline)))}isSourcesContent(){return void 0!==this.mapOpts.sourcesContent?this.mapOpts.sourcesContent:!this.previous().length||this.previous().some((e=>e.withContent()))}clearAnnotation(){if(!1===this.mapOpts.annotation)return;let e;for(let t=this.root.nodes.length-1;t>=0;t--)e=this.root.nodes[t],"comment"===e.type&&0===e.text.indexOf("# sourceMappingURL=")&&this.root.removeChild(t)}setSourcesContent(){let e={};this.root.walk((t=>{if(t.source){let n=t.source.input.from;if(n&&!e[n]){e[n]=!0;let r=this.relative(n);this.map.setSourceContent(r,t.source.input.css)}}}))}applyPrevMaps(){for(let e of this.previous()){let n,r=this.relative(e.file),i=e.root||t.dirname(e.file);!1===this.mapOpts.sourcesContent?(n=new _H.SourceMapConsumer(e.text),n.sourcesContent&&(n.sourcesContent=n.sourcesContent.map((()=>null)))):n=e.consumer(),this.map.applySourceMap(n,r,this.relative(i))}}isAnnotation(){return!!this.isInline()||(void 0!==this.mapOpts.annotation?this.mapOpts.annotation:!this.previous().length||this.previous().some((e=>e.annotation)))}toBase64(e){return Buffer?Buffer.from(e).toString("base64"):window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(e)))}addAnnotation(){let e;e=this.isInline()?"data:application/json;base64,"+this.toBase64(this.map.toString()):"string"==typeof this.mapOpts.annotation?this.mapOpts.annotation:this.outputFile()+".map";let t="\n";-1!==this.css.indexOf("\r\n")&&(t="\r\n"),this.css+=t+"/*# sourceMappingURL="+e+" */"}outputFile(){return this.opts.to?this.relative(this.opts.to):this.opts.from?this.relative(this.opts.from):"to.css"}generateMap(){return this.generateString(),this.isSourcesContent()&&this.setSourcesContent(),this.previous().length>0&&this.applyPrevMaps(),this.isAnnotation()&&this.addAnnotation(),this.isInline()?[this.css]:[this.css,this.map]}relative(e){if(0===e.indexOf("<"))return e;if(/^\w+:\/\//.test(e))return e;let n=this.opts.to?t.dirname(this.opts.to):".";return"string"==typeof this.mapOpts.annotation&&(n=t.dirname(t.resolve(n,this.mapOpts.annotation))),e=t.relative(n,e),"\\"===t.sep?e.replace(/\\/g,"/"):e}sourcePath(e){return this.mapOpts.from?this.mapOpts.from:this.relative(e.source.input.from)}generateString(){this.css="",this.map=new _H.SourceMapGenerator({file:this.outputFile()});let e,t,n=1,r=1;this.stringify(this.root,((i,s,o)=>{if(this.css+=i,s&&"end"!==o&&(s.source&&s.source.start?this.map.addMapping({source:this.sourcePath(s),generated:{line:n,column:r-1},original:{line:s.source.start.line,column:s.source.start.column-1}}):this.map.addMapping({source:"",original:{line:1,column:0},generated:{line:n,column:r-1}})),e=i.match(/\n/g),e?(n+=e.length,t=i.lastIndexOf("\n"),r=i.length-t):r+=i.length,s&&"start"!==o){let e=s.parent||{raws:{}};("decl"!==s.type||s!==e.last||e.raws.semicolon)&&(s.source&&s.source.end?this.map.addMapping({source:this.sourcePath(s),generated:{line:n,column:r-2},original:{line:s.source.end.line,column:s.source.end.column-1}}):this.map.addMapping({source:"",original:{line:1,column:0},generated:{line:n,column:r-1}}))}}))}generate(){if(this.clearAnnotation(),this.isMap())return this.generateMap();let e="";return this.stringify(this.root,(t=>{e+=t})),[e]}}let HH={};function KH(e){HH[e]||(HH[e]=!0,"undefined"!=typeof console&&console.warn&&console.warn(e))}class VH{constructor(e,t={}){if(this.type="warning",this.text=e,t.node&&t.node.source){let e=t.node.positionBy(t);this.line=e.line,this.column=e.column}for(let e in t)this[e]=t[e]}toString(){return this.node?this.node.error(this.text,{plugin:this.plugin,index:this.index,word:this.word}).message:this.plugin?this.plugin+": "+this.text:this.text}}class UH{constructor(e,t,n){this.processor=e,this.messages=[],this.root=t,this.opts=n,this.css=void 0,this.map=void 0}toString(){return this.css}warn(e,t={}){t.plugin||this.lastPlugin&&this.lastPlugin.postcssPlugin&&(t.plugin=this.lastPlugin.postcssPlugin);let n=new VH(e,t);return this.messages.push(n),n}warnings(){return this.messages.filter((e=>"warning"===e.type))}get content(){return this.css}}class QH extends LH{constructor(e){super(e),this.type="comment"}}function JH(e){return e.map((e=>(e.nodes&&(e.nodes=JH(e.nodes)),delete e.source,e)))}class jH extends LH{push(e){return e.parent=this,this.nodes.push(e),this}each(e){this.lastEach||(this.lastEach=0),this.indexes||(this.indexes={}),this.lastEach+=1;let t,n,r=this.lastEach;if(this.indexes[r]=0,this.nodes){for(;this.indexes[r]{let r;try{r=e(t,n)}catch(e){if(e.postcssNode=t,e.stack&&t.source&&/\n\s{4}at /.test(e.stack)){let n=t.source;e.stack=e.stack.replace(/\n\s{4}at /,`$&${n.input.from}:${n.start.line}:${n.start.column}$&`)}throw e}return!1!==r&&t.walk&&(r=t.walk(e)),r}))}walkDecls(e,t){return t?e instanceof RegExp?this.walk(((n,r)=>{if("decl"===n.type&&e.test(n.prop))return t(n,r)})):this.walk(((n,r)=>{if("decl"===n.type&&n.prop===e)return t(n,r)})):(t=e,this.walk(((e,n)=>{if("decl"===e.type)return t(e,n)})))}walkRules(e,t){return t?e instanceof RegExp?this.walk(((n,r)=>{if("rule"===n.type&&e.test(n.selector))return t(n,r)})):this.walk(((n,r)=>{if("rule"===n.type&&n.selector===e)return t(n,r)})):(t=e,this.walk(((e,n)=>{if("rule"===e.type)return t(e,n)})))}walkAtRules(e,t){return t?e instanceof RegExp?this.walk(((n,r)=>{if("atrule"===n.type&&e.test(n.name))return t(n,r)})):this.walk(((n,r)=>{if("atrule"===n.type&&n.name===e)return t(n,r)})):(t=e,this.walk(((e,n)=>{if("atrule"===e.type)return t(e,n)})))}walkComments(e){return this.walk(((t,n)=>{if("comment"===t.type)return e(t,n)}))}append(...e){for(let t of e){let e=this.normalize(t,this.last);for(let t of e)this.nodes.push(t)}return this}prepend(...e){e=e.reverse();for(let t of e){let e=this.normalize(t,this.first,"prepend").reverse();for(let t of e)this.nodes.unshift(t);for(let t in this.indexes)this.indexes[t]=this.indexes[t]+e.length}return this}cleanRaws(e){if(super.cleanRaws(e),this.nodes)for(let t of this.nodes)t.cleanRaws(e)}insertBefore(e,t){let n,r=0===(e=this.index(e))&&"prepend",i=this.normalize(t,this.nodes[e],r).reverse();for(let t of i)this.nodes.splice(e,0,t);for(let t in this.indexes)n=this.indexes[t],e<=n&&(this.indexes[t]=n+i.length);return this}insertAfter(e,t){e=this.index(e);let n,r=this.normalize(t,this.nodes[e]).reverse();for(let t of r)this.nodes.splice(e+1,0,t);for(let t in this.indexes)n=this.indexes[t],e=e&&(this.indexes[n]=t-1);return this}removeAll(){for(let e of this.nodes)e.parent=void 0;return this.nodes=[],this}replaceValues(e,t,n){return n||(n=t,t={}),this.walkDecls((r=>{t.props&&-1===t.props.indexOf(r.prop)||t.fast&&-1===r.value.indexOf(t.fast)||(r.value=r.value.replace(e,n))})),this}every(e){return this.nodes.every(e)}some(e){return this.nodes.some(e)}index(e){return"number"==typeof e?e:this.nodes.indexOf(e)}get first(){if(this.nodes)return this.nodes[0]}get last(){if(this.nodes)return this.nodes[this.nodes.length-1]}normalize(e,t){if("string"==typeof e){e=JH(require("./parse")(e).nodes)}else if(Array.isArray(e)){e=e.slice(0);for(let t of e)t.parent&&t.parent.removeChild(t,"ignore")}else if("root"===e.type){e=e.nodes.slice(0);for(let t of e)t.parent&&t.parent.removeChild(t,"ignore")}else if(e.type)e=[e];else if(e.prop){if(void 0===e.value)throw new Error("Value field is missed in node creation");"string"!=typeof e.value&&(e.value=String(e.value)),e=[new RH(e)]}else if(e.selector){e=[new(require("./rule"))(e)]}else if(e.name){e=[new(require("./at-rule"))(e)]}else{if(!e.text)throw new Error("Unknown node type in node creation");e=[new QH(e)]}return e.map((e=>(e.parent&&e.parent.removeChild(e),void 0===e.raws.before&&t&&void 0!==t.raws.before&&(e.raws.before=t.raws.before.replace(/[^\s]/g,"")),e.parent=this,e)))}}class WH extends jH{constructor(e){super(e),this.type="atrule"}append(...e){return this.nodes||(this.nodes=[]),super.append(...e)}prepend(...e){return this.nodes||(this.nodes=[]),super.prepend(...e)}}class XH extends jH{constructor(e){super(e),this.type="root",this.nodes||(this.nodes=[])}removeChild(e,t){let n=this.index(e);return!t&&0===n&&this.nodes.length>1&&(this.nodes[1].raws.before=this.nodes[n].raws.before),super.removeChild(e)}normalize(e,t,n){let r=super.normalize(e);if(t)if("prepend"===n)this.nodes.length>1?t.raws.before=this.nodes[1].raws.before:delete t.raws.before;else if(this.first!==t)for(let e of r)e.raws.before=t.raws.before;return r}toResult(e={}){return new(require("./lazy-result"))(new(require("./processor")),this,e).stringify()}}let qH={split(e,t,n){let r=[],i="",s=!1,o=0,a=!1,B=!1;for(let n=0;n0&&(o-=1):0===o&&-1!==t.indexOf(c)&&(s=!0),s?(""!==i&&r.push(i.trim()),i="",s=!1):i+=c}return(n||""!==i)&&r.push(i.trim()),r},space:e=>qH.split(e,[" ","\n","\t"]),comma:e=>qH.split(e,[","],!0)};class zH extends jH{constructor(e){super(e),this.type="rule",this.nodes||(this.nodes=[])}get selectors(){return qH.comma(this.selector)}set selectors(e){let t=this.selector?this.selector.match(/,\s*/):null,n=t?t[0]:","+this.raw("between","beforeOpen");this.selector=e.join(n)}}class YH{constructor(e){this.input=e,this.root=new XH,this.current=this.root,this.spaces="",this.semicolon=!1,this.createTokenizer(),this.root.source={input:e,start:{line:1,column:1}}}createTokenizer(){this.tokenizer=vG(this.input)}parse(){let e;for(;!this.tokenizer.endOfFile();)switch(e=this.tokenizer.nextToken(),e[0]){case"space":this.spaces+=e[1];break;case";":this.freeSemicolon(e);break;case"}":this.end(e);break;case"comment":this.comment(e);break;case"at-word":this.atrule(e);break;case"{":this.emptyRule(e);break;default:this.other(e)}this.endFile()}comment(e){let t=new QH;this.init(t,e[2],e[3]),t.source.end={line:e[4],column:e[5]};let n=e[1].slice(2,-2);if(/^\s*$/.test(n))t.text="",t.raws.left=n,t.raws.right="";else{let e=n.match(/^(\s*)([^]*[^\s])(\s*)$/);t.text=e[2],t.raws.left=e[1],t.raws.right=e[3]}}emptyRule(e){let t=new zH;this.init(t,e[2],e[3]),t.selector="",t.raws.between="",this.current=t}other(e){let t=!1,n=null,r=!1,i=null,s=[],o=[],a=e;for(;a;){if(n=a[0],o.push(a),"("===n||"["===n)i||(i=a),s.push("("===n?")":"]");else if(0===s.length){if(";"===n){if(r)return void this.decl(o);break}if("{"===n)return void this.rule(o);if("}"===n){this.tokenizer.back(o.pop()),t=!0;break}":"===n&&(r=!0)}else n===s[s.length-1]&&(s.pop(),0===s.length&&(i=null));a=this.tokenizer.nextToken()}if(this.tokenizer.endOfFile()&&(t=!0),s.length>0&&this.unclosedBracket(i),t&&r){for(;o.length&&(a=o[o.length-1][0],"space"===a||"comment"===a);)this.tokenizer.back(o.pop());this.decl(o)}else this.unknownWord(o)}rule(e){e.pop();let t=new zH;this.init(t,e[0][2],e[0][3]),t.raws.between=this.spacesAndCommentsFromEnd(e),this.raw(t,"selector",e),this.current=t}decl(e){let t=new RH;this.init(t);let n,r=e[e.length-1];for(";"===r[0]&&(this.semicolon=!0,e.pop()),r[4]?t.source.end={line:r[4],column:r[5]}:t.source.end={line:r[2],column:r[3]};"word"!==e[0][0];)1===e.length&&this.unknownWord(e),t.raws.before+=e.shift()[1];for(t.source.start={line:e[0][2],column:e[0][3]},t.prop="";e.length;){let n=e[0][0];if(":"===n||"space"===n||"comment"===n)break;t.prop+=e.shift()[1]}for(t.raws.between="";e.length;){if(n=e.shift(),":"===n[0]){t.raws.between+=n[1];break}"word"===n[0]&&/\w/.test(n[1])&&this.unknownWord([n]),t.raws.between+=n[1]}"_"!==t.prop[0]&&"*"!==t.prop[0]||(t.raws.before+=t.prop[0],t.prop=t.prop.slice(1)),t.raws.between+=this.spacesAndCommentsFromStart(e),this.precheckMissedSemicolon(e);for(let r=e.length-1;r>0;r--){if(n=e[r],"!important"===n[1].toLowerCase()){t.important=!0;let n=this.stringFrom(e,r);n=this.spacesFromEnd(e)+n," !important"!==n&&(t.raws.important=n);break}if("important"===n[1].toLowerCase()){let n=e.slice(0),i="";for(let e=r;e>0;e--){let t=n[e][0];if(0===i.trim().indexOf("!")&&"space"!==t)break;i=n.pop()[1]+i}0===i.trim().indexOf("!")&&(t.important=!0,t.raws.important=i,e=n)}if("space"!==n[0]&&"comment"!==n[0])break}this.raw(t,"value",e),-1!==t.value.indexOf(":")&&this.checkMissedSemicolon(e)}atrule(e){let t,n,r=new WH;r.name=e[1].slice(1),""===r.name&&this.unnamedAtrule(r,e),this.init(r,e[2],e[3]);let i=!1,s=!1,o=[];for(;!this.tokenizer.endOfFile();){if(";"===(e=this.tokenizer.nextToken())[0]){r.source.end={line:e[2],column:e[3]},this.semicolon=!0;break}if("{"===e[0]){s=!0;break}if("}"===e[0]){if(o.length>0){for(n=o.length-1,t=o[n];t&&"space"===t[0];)t=o[--n];t&&(r.source.end={line:t[4],column:t[5]})}this.end(e);break}if(o.push(e),this.tokenizer.endOfFile()){i=!0;break}}r.raws.between=this.spacesAndCommentsFromEnd(o),o.length?(r.raws.afterName=this.spacesAndCommentsFromStart(o),this.raw(r,"params",o),i&&(e=o[o.length-1],r.source.end={line:e[4],column:e[5]},this.spaces=r.raws.between,r.raws.between="")):(r.raws.afterName="",r.params=""),s&&(r.nodes=[],this.current=r)}end(e){this.current.nodes&&this.current.nodes.length&&(this.current.raws.semicolon=this.semicolon),this.semicolon=!1,this.current.raws.after=(this.current.raws.after||"")+this.spaces,this.spaces="",this.current.parent?(this.current.source.end={line:e[2],column:e[3]},this.current=this.current.parent):this.unexpectedClose(e)}endFile(){this.current.parent&&this.unclosedBlock(),this.current.nodes&&this.current.nodes.length&&(this.current.raws.semicolon=this.semicolon),this.current.raws.after=(this.current.raws.after||"")+this.spaces}freeSemicolon(e){if(this.spaces+=e[1],this.current.nodes){let e=this.current.nodes[this.current.nodes.length-1];e&&"rule"===e.type&&!e.raws.ownSemicolon&&(e.raws.ownSemicolon=this.spaces,this.spaces="")}}init(e,t,n){this.current.push(e),e.source={start:{line:t,column:n},input:this.input},e.raws.before=this.spaces,this.spaces="","comment"!==e.type&&(this.semicolon=!1)}raw(e,t,n){let r,i,s,o,a=n.length,B="",c=!0,l=/^([.|#])?([\w])+/i;for(let t=0;te+t[1]),"");e.raws[t]={value:B,raw:r}}e[t]=B}spacesAndCommentsFromEnd(e){let t,n="";for(;e.length&&(t=e[e.length-1][0],"space"===t||"comment"===t);)n=e.pop()[1]+n;return n}spacesAndCommentsFromStart(e){let t,n="";for(;e.length&&(t=e[0][0],"space"===t||"comment"===t);)n+=e.shift()[1];return n}spacesFromEnd(e){let t,n="";for(;e.length&&(t=e[e.length-1][0],"space"===t);)n=e.pop()[1]+n;return n}stringFrom(e,t){let n="";for(let r=t;r=0&&(n=e[i],"space"===n[0]||(r+=1,2!==r));i--);throw this.input.error("Missed semicolon",n[2],n[3])}}function $H(e,t){let n=new xH(e,t),r=new YH(n);try{r.parse()}catch(e){throw"production"!==process.env.NODE_ENV&&"CssSyntaxError"===e.name&&t&&t.from&&(/\.scss$/i.test(t.from)?e.message+="\nYou tried to parse SCSS with the standard CSS parser; try again with the postcss-scss parser":/\.sass/i.test(t.from)?e.message+="\nYou tried to parse Sass with the standard CSS parser; try again with the postcss-sass parser":/\.less$/i.test(t.from)&&(e.message+="\nYou tried to parse Less with the standard CSS parser; try again with the postcss-less parser")),e}return r.root}function ZH(e){return"object"==typeof e&&"function"==typeof e.then}class eK{constructor(e,t,n){let r;if(this.stringified=!1,this.processed=!1,"object"==typeof t&&null!==t&&"root"===t.type)r=t;else if(t instanceof eK||t instanceof UH)r=t.root,t.map&&(void 0===n.map&&(n.map={}),n.map.inline||(n.map.inline=!1),n.map.prev=t.map);else{let e=$H;n.syntax&&(e=n.syntax.parse),n.parser&&(e=n.parser),e.parse&&(e=e.parse);try{r=e(t,n)}catch(e){this.error=e}}this.result=new UH(e,r,n)}get processor(){return this.result.processor}get opts(){return this.result.opts}get css(){return this.stringify().css}get content(){return this.stringify().content}get map(){return this.stringify().map}get root(){return this.sync().root}get messages(){return this.sync().messages}warnings(){return this.sync().warnings()}toString(){return this.css}then(e,t){return"production"!==process.env.NODE_ENV&&("from"in this.opts||KH("Without `from` option PostCSS could generate wrong source map and will not find Browserslist config. Set it to CSS file path or to `undefined` to prevent this warning.")),this.async().then(e,t)}catch(e){return this.async().catch(e)}finally(e){return this.async().then(e,e)}handleError(e,t){try{if(this.error=e,"CssSyntaxError"!==e.name||e.plugin){if(t.postcssVersion&&"production"!==process.env.NODE_ENV){let e=t.postcssPlugin,n=t.postcssVersion,r=this.result.processor.version,i=n.split("."),s=r.split(".");(i[0]!==s[0]||parseInt(i[1])>parseInt(s[1]))&&console.error("Unknown error from PostCSS plugin. Your current PostCSS version is "+r+", but "+e+" uses "+n+". Perhaps this is the source of the error below.")}}else e.plugin=t.postcssPlugin,e.setMessage()}catch(e){console&&console.error&&console.error(e)}}asyncTick(e,t){if(this.plugin>=this.processor.plugins.length)return this.processed=!0,e();try{let n=this.processor.plugins[this.plugin],r=this.run(n);this.plugin+=1,ZH(r)?r.then((()=>{this.asyncTick(e,t)})).catch((e=>{this.handleError(e,n),this.processed=!0,t(e)})):this.asyncTick(e,t)}catch(e){this.processed=!0,t(e)}}async(){return this.processed?new Promise(((e,t)=>{this.error?t(this.error):e(this.stringify())})):(this.processing||(this.processing=new Promise(((e,t)=>{if(this.error)return t(this.error);this.plugin=0,this.asyncTick(e,t)})).then((()=>(this.processed=!0,this.stringify())))),this.processing)}sync(){if(this.processed)return this.result;if(this.processed=!0,this.processing)throw new Error("Use process(css).then(cb) to work with async plugins");if(this.error)throw this.error;for(let e of this.result.processor.plugins){if(ZH(this.run(e)))throw new Error("Use process(css).then(cb) to work with async plugins")}return this.result}run(e){this.result.lastPlugin=e;try{return e(this.result.root,this.result)}catch(t){throw this.handleError(t,e),t}}stringify(){if(this.stringified)return this.result;this.stringified=!0,this.sync();let e=this.result.opts,t=MH;e.syntax&&(t=e.syntax.stringify),e.stringifier&&(t=e.stringifier),t.stringify&&(t=t.stringify);let n=new GH(t,this.result.root,this.result.opts).generate();return this.result.css=n[0],this.result.map=n[1],this.result}}class tK{constructor(e=[]){this.version="7.0.32",this.plugins=this.normalize(e)}use(e){return this.plugins=this.plugins.concat(this.normalize([e])),this}process(e,t={}){return 0===this.plugins.length&&t.parser===t.stringifier&&"production"!==process.env.NODE_ENV&&"undefined"!=typeof console&&console.warn&&console.warn("You did not set any plugins, parser, or stringifier. Right now, PostCSS does nothing. Pick plugins for your case on https://www.postcss.parts/ and use them in postcss.config.js."),new eK(this,e,t)}normalize(e){let t=[];for(let n of e)if(n.postcss&&(n=n.postcss),"object"==typeof n&&Array.isArray(n.plugins))t=t.concat(n.plugins);else if("function"==typeof n)t.push(n);else{if("object"!=typeof n||!n.parse&&!n.stringify)throw new Error(n+" is not a PostCSS plugin");if("production"!==process.env.NODE_ENV)throw new Error("PostCSS syntaxes cannot be used as plugins. Instead, please use one of the syntax/parser/stringifier options as outlined in your PostCSS runner documentation.")}return t}}let nK={prefix(e){let t=e.match(/^(-\w+-)/);return t?t[0]:""},unprefixed:e=>e.replace(/^-\w+-/,"")};function rK(...e){return 1===e.length&&Array.isArray(e[0])&&(e=e[0]),new tK(e)}rK.plugin=function(e,t){function n(...n){let r=t(...n);return r.postcssPlugin=e,r.postcssVersion=(new tK).version,r}let r;return Object.defineProperty(n,"postcss",{get:()=>(r||(r=n()),r)}),n.process=function(e,t,r){return rK([n(r)]).process(e,t)},n},rK.stringify=MH,rK.parse=$H,rK.vendor=nK,rK.list=qH,rK.comment=e=>new QH(e),rK.atRule=e=>new WH(e),rK.decl=e=>new RH(e),rK.rule=e=>new zH(e),rK.root=e=>new XH(e);const iK={__proto__:null,default:rK};var sK=N((function(e,t){function n(e){this.options=e}Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),n.prototype.canRemove=function(e){const t=this.options.remove;if(t)return t(e);if(!(0===e.indexOf("!")))return!0;if(this.options.removeAll||this._hasFirst)return!0;if(this.options.removeAllButFirst&&!this._hasFirst)return this._hasFirst=!0,!1},t.default=n,e.exports=t.default})),oK=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.default=function(e){const t=[],n=e.length;let r,i=0;for(;i{const t=new n.default(e),i={},o={};function a(e,n=" "){const i=e+"@|@"+n;if(o[i])return o[i];const a=(0,r.default)(e).reduce(((r,[i,s,o])=>{const a=e.slice(s,o);return i?t.canRemove(a)?r+n:`${r}/*${a}*/`:r+a}),""),B=s(a).join(" ");return o[i]=B,B}return e=>{e.walk((e=>{if("comment"===e.type&&t.canRemove(e.text))e.remove();else if(e.raws.between&&(e.raws.between=a(e.raws.between)),"decl"!==e.type){if("rule"===e.type&&e.raws.selector&&e.raws.selector.raw)e.raws.selector.raw=a(e.raws.selector.raw,"");else if("atrule"===e.type){if(e.raws.afterName){const t=a(e.raws.afterName);t.length?e.raws.afterName=" "+t+" ":e.raws.afterName=t+" "}e.raws.params&&e.raws.params.raw&&(e.raws.params.raw=a(e.raws.params.raw))}}else if(e.raws.value&&e.raws.value.raw&&(e.raws.value.value===e.value?e.value=a(e.raws.value.raw):e.value=a(e.value),e.raws.value=null),e.raws.important){e.raws.important=a(e.raws.important);const t=function(e){if(i[e])return i[e];const t=(0,r.default)(e).filter((([e])=>e));return i[e]=t,t}(e.raws.important);e.raws.important=t.length?e.raws.important:"!important"}}))}})),e.exports=t.default})),cK="Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible ",lK=Array.prototype.slice,uK=Object.prototype.toString,pK="[object Function]",hK=function(e){var t=this;if("function"!=typeof t||uK.call(t)!==pK)throw new TypeError(cK+t);for(var n,r=lK.call(arguments,1),i=function(){if(this instanceof n){var i=t.apply(this,r.concat(lK.call(arguments)));return Object(i)===i?i:this}return t.apply(e,r.concat(lK.call(arguments)))},s=Math.max(0,t.length-r.length),o=[],a=0;a>7,i=[];for(;n;){var o=Math.floor(Math.log(n)/s)+1;i.unshift("#"+o),n-=Math.pow(2,o-1)}return t.concat(i).join(" ")}(t);return n.forEach((function(t){return e[EK.browserVersions[t]]=o})),e}),{}),t}),{}),t};var n=i(VK),r=i(UK);function i(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}var s=Math.log(2)})),JK=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.default=function(e){return Object.keys(e).reduce((function(t,n){var r=e[n];return t[AK.browsers[n]]=Object.keys(r).reduce((function(e,t){var n=r[t];return"_"===t?n.split(" ").forEach((function(t){return e[t]=null})):e[t]=n,e}),{}),t}),{})}})),jK=N((function(e){var t=QK.default,n=JK.default,r=require("path"),i=require("fs"),s=/^\s*\[(.+)]\s*$/,o=/^browserslist-config-/,a=/@[^/]+\/browserslist-config(-|$|\/)/,B="Browserslist config should be a string or an array of strings with browser queries",c=!1,l={},u={};function p(e){var t=" Use `dangerousExtend` option to disable.";if(!o.test(e)&&!a.test(e))throw new KK("Browserslist config needs `browserslist-config-` prefix. "+t);if(-1!==e.replace(/^@[^/]+\//,"").indexOf("."))throw new KK("`.` not allowed in Browserslist config name. "+t);if(-1!==e.indexOf("node_modules"))throw new KK("`node_modules` not allowed in Browserslist config."+t)}function h(e){if(e in l)return l[e];var t=i.existsSync(e)&&i.statSync(e).isFile();return process.env.BROWSERSLIST_DISABLE_CACHE||(l[e]=t),t}function d(e,t){var n=h(e)?r.dirname(e):e,i=r.resolve(n);do{var s=t(i);if(void 0!==s)return s}while(i!==(i=r.dirname(i)))}function f(e){if(Array.isArray(e)){for(var t=0;t=0&&!(r>oV(e[s]));s--)i.unshift(e[s]);return i}function BV(e){for(var t=[],n=0;n"===e?function(e){return parseFloat(e)>t}:">="===e?function(e){return parseFloat(e)>=t}:"<"===e?function(e){return parseFloat(e)"===e?function(e){return dV(e=e.split(".").map(pV),t)>0}:">="===e?function(e){return dV(e=e.split(".").map(pV),t)>=0}:"<"===e?function(e){return e=e.split(".").map(pV),dV(t,e)>0}:function(e){return e=e.split(".").map(pV),dV(t,e)>=0}}function pV(e){return parseInt(e)}function hV(e,t){return et?1:0}function dV(e,t){return hV(parseInt(e[0]),parseInt(t[0]))||hV(parseInt(e[1]||"0"),parseInt(t[1]||"0"))||hV(parseInt(e[2]||"0"),parseInt(t[2]||"0"))}function fV(e,t){switch(void 0===(t=t.split(".").map(pV))[1]&&(t[1]="x"),e){case"<=":return function(e){return CV(e=e.split(".").map(pV),t)<=0};default:case">=":return function(e){return CV(e=e.split(".").map(pV),t)>=0}}}function CV(e,t){return e[0]!==t[0]?e[0]=e}));return n.concat(s.map(sV(i.name)))}),[])}function yV(e){return{name:e.name,versions:e.versions,released:e.released,releaseDate:e.releaseDate}}function EV(e,t){e.versions=e.versions.map((function(e){return t[e]||e})),e.released=e.versions.map((function(e){return t[e]||e}));var n={};for(var r in e.releaseDate)n[t[r]||r]=e.releaseDate[r];return e.releaseDate=n,e}function vV(e,t){if(e=e.toLowerCase(),e=kV.aliases[e]||e,t.mobileToDesktop&&kV.desktopNames[e]){var n=kV.data[kV.desktopNames[e]];if("android"===e)return bV(yV(kV.data[e]),n);var r=yV(n);return r.name=e,"op_mob"===e&&(r=EV(r,{"10.0-10.1":"10"})),r}return kV.data[e]}function _V(e,t){var n=$K,r=t[t.length-1];return e.filter((function(e){return/^(?:[2-4]\.|[34]$)/.test(e)})).concat(t.slice(n-r-1))}function bV(e,t){return e.released=_V(e.released,t.released),e.versions=_V(e.versions,t.versions),e}function SV(e,t){var n=vV(e,t);if(!n)throw new KK("Unknown browser "+e);return n}function wV(e){return new KK("Unknown browser query `"+e+"`. Maybe you are using old Browserslist or made typo in query.")}function xV(e,t,n){if(n.mobileToDesktop)return e;var r=kV.data.android.released,i=r[r.length-1]-$K-t;return i>0?e.slice(-1):e.slice(i-1)}function DV(e,t){return(e=Array.isArray(e)?PV(e.map(OV)):OV(e)).reduce((function(e,n,r){var i=n.queryString,s=0===i.indexOf("not ");if(s){if(0===r)throw new KK("Write any browsers query (for instance, `defaults`) before `"+i+"`");i=i.slice(4)}for(var o=0;o 0.5%","last 2 versions","Firefox ESR","not dead"],kV.aliases={fx:"firefox",ff:"firefox",ios:"ios_saf",explorer:"ie",blackberry:"bb",explorermobile:"ie_mob",operamini:"op_mini",operamobile:"op_mob",chromeandroid:"and_chr",firefoxandroid:"and_ff",ucandroid:"and_uc",qqandroid:"and_qq"},kV.desktopNames={and_chr:"chrome",and_ff:"firefox",ie_mob:"ie",op_mob:"opera",android:"chrome"},kV.versionAliases={},kV.clearCaches=jK.clearCaches,kV.parseConfig=jK.parseConfig,kV.readConfig=jK.readConfig,kV.findConfig=jK.findConfig,kV.loadConfig=jK.loadConfig,kV.coverage=function(e,t){var n;if(void 0===t)n=kV.usage.global;else if("my stats"===t){var r={};r.path=zK.resolve?zK.resolve("."):".";var i=jK.getStat(r);if(!i)throw new KK("Custom usage statistics was not provided");for(var s in n={},i)cV(n,s,i[s])}else if("string"==typeof t)t=t.length>2?t.toLowerCase():t.toUpperCase(),jK.loadCountry(kV.usage,t,kV.data),n=kV.usage[t];else for(var o in"dataByBrowser"in t&&(t=t.dataByBrowser),n={},t)for(var a in t[o])n[o+" "+a]=t[o][a];return e.reduce((function(e,t){var r=n[t];return void 0===r&&(r=n[t.replace(/ \S+$/," 0")]),e+(r||0)}),0)};var MV=[{regexp:/^last\s+(\d+)\s+major\s+versions?$/i,select:function(e,t){return Object.keys(qK).reduce((function(n,r){var i=vV(r,e);if(!i)return n;var s=aV(i.released,t);return s=s.map(sV(i.name)),"android"===i.name&&(s=xV(s,t,e)),n.concat(s)}),[])}},{regexp:/^last\s+(\d+)\s+versions?$/i,select:function(e,t){return Object.keys(qK).reduce((function(n,r){var i=vV(r,e);if(!i)return n;var s=i.released.slice(-t);return s=s.map(sV(i.name)),"android"===i.name&&(s=xV(s,t,e)),n.concat(s)}),[])}},{regexp:/^last\s+(\d+)\s+electron\s+major\s+versions?$/i,select:function(e,t){return aV(Object.keys(GK),t).map((function(e){return"chrome "+GK[e]}))}},{regexp:/^last\s+(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+major\s+versions?$/i,select:function(e,t,n){var r=SV(n,e),i=aV(r.released,t).map(sV(r.name));return"android"===r.name&&(i=xV(i,t,e)),i}},{regexp:/^last\s+(\d+)\s+electron\s+versions?$/i,select:function(e,t){return Object.keys(GK).slice(-t).map((function(e){return"chrome "+GK[e]}))}},{regexp:/^last\s+(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+versions?$/i,select:function(e,t,n){var r=SV(n,e),i=r.released.slice(-t).map(sV(r.name));return"android"===r.name&&(i=xV(i,t,e)),i}},{regexp:/^unreleased\s+versions$/i,select:function(e){return Object.keys(qK).reduce((function(t,n){var r=vV(n,e);if(!r)return t;var i=r.versions.filter((function(e){return-1===r.released.indexOf(e)}));return i=i.map(sV(r.name)),t.concat(i)}),[])}},{regexp:/^unreleased\s+electron\s+versions?$/i,select:function(){return[]}},{regexp:/^unreleased\s+(\w+)\s+versions?$/i,select:function(e,t){var n=SV(t,e);return n.versions.filter((function(e){return-1===n.released.indexOf(e)})).map(sV(n.name))}},{regexp:/^last\s+(\d*.?\d+)\s+years?$/i,select:function(e,t){return AV(Date.now()-YK*t,e)}},{regexp:/^since (\d+)(?:-(\d+))?(?:-(\d+))?$/i,select:function(e,t,n,r){return t=parseInt(t),n=parseInt(n||"01")-1,r=parseInt(r||"01"),AV(Date.UTC(t,n,r,0,0,0),e)}},{regexp:/^(>=?|<=?)\s*(\d*\.?\d+)%$/,select:function(e,t,n){n=parseFloat(n);var r=kV.usage.global;return Object.keys(r).reduce((function(e,i){return">"===t?r[i]>n&&e.push(i):"<"===t?r[i]=n&&e.push(i),e}),[])}},{regexp:/^(>=?|<=?)\s*(\d*\.?\d+)%\s+in\s+my\s+stats$/,select:function(e,t,n){if(n=parseFloat(n),!e.customUsage)throw new KK("Custom usage statistics was not provided");var r=e.customUsage;return Object.keys(r).reduce((function(e,i){return">"===t?r[i]>n&&e.push(i):"<"===t?r[i]=n&&e.push(i),e}),[])}},{regexp:/^(>=?|<=?)\s*(\d*\.?\d+)%\s+in\s+(\S+)\s+stats$/,select:function(e,t,n,r){n=parseFloat(n);var i=jK.loadStat(e,r,kV.data);if(i)for(var s in e.customUsage={},i)cV(e.customUsage,s,i[s]);if(!e.customUsage)throw new KK("Custom usage statistics was not provided");var o=e.customUsage;return Object.keys(o).reduce((function(e,r){return">"===t?o[r]>n&&e.push(r):"<"===t?o[r]=n&&e.push(r),e}),[])}},{regexp:/^(>=?|<=?)\s*(\d*\.?\d+)%\s+in\s+((alt-)?\w\w)$/,select:function(e,t,n,r){n=parseFloat(n),r=2===r.length?r.toUpperCase():r.toLowerCase(),jK.loadCountry(kV.usage,r,kV.data);var i=kV.usage[r];return Object.keys(i).reduce((function(e,r){return">"===t?i[r]>n&&e.push(r):"<"===t?i[r]=n&&e.push(r),e}),[])}},{regexp:/^cover\s+(\d*\.?\d+)%(\s+in\s+(my\s+stats|(alt-)?\w\w))?$/,select:function(e,t,n){t=parseFloat(t);var r=kV.usage.global;if(n)if(n.match(/^\s+in\s+my\s+stats$/)){if(!e.customUsage)throw new KK("Custom usage statistics was not provided");r=e.customUsage}else{var i=n.match(/\s+in\s+((alt-)?\w\w)/)[1];i=2===i.length?i.toUpperCase():i.toLowerCase(),jK.loadCountry(kV.usage,i,kV.data),r=kV.usage[i]}for(var s,o=Object.keys(r).sort((function(e,t){return r[t]-r[e]})),a=0,B=[],c=0;c<=o.length&&(s=o[c],0!==r[s])&&(a+=r[s],B.push(s),!(a>=t));c++);return B}},{regexp:/^supports\s+([\w-]+)$/,select:function(e,t){jK.loadFeature(kV.cache,t);var n=kV.cache[t];return Object.keys(n).reduce((function(e,t){var r=n[t];return(r.indexOf("y")>=0||r.indexOf("a")>=0)&&e.push(t),e}),[])}},{regexp:/^electron\s+([\d.]+)\s*-\s*([\d.]+)$/i,select:function(e,t,n){var r=iV(t),i=iV(n);if(!GK[r])throw new KK("Unknown version "+t+" of electron");if(!GK[i])throw new KK("Unknown version "+n+" of electron");return t=parseFloat(t),n=parseFloat(n),Object.keys(GK).filter((function(e){var r=parseFloat(e);return r>=t&&r<=n})).map((function(e){return"chrome "+GK[e]}))}},{regexp:/^node\s+([\d.]+)\s*-\s*([\d.]+)$/i,select:function(e,t,n){var r=WK.filter((function(e){return"nodejs"===e.name})).map((function(e){return e.version})),i=/^(0|[1-9]\d*)(\.(0|[1-9]\d*)){0,2}$/;if(!i.test(t))throw new KK("Unknown version "+t+" of Node.js");if(!i.test(n))throw new KK("Unknown version "+n+" of Node.js");return r.filter(fV(">=",t)).filter(fV("<=",n)).map((function(e){return"node "+e}))}},{regexp:/^(\w+)\s+([\d.]+)\s*-\s*([\d.]+)$/i,select:function(e,t,n,r){var i=SV(t,e);return n=parseFloat(gV(i,n)||n),r=parseFloat(gV(i,r)||r),i.released.filter((function(e){var t=parseFloat(e);return t>=n&&t<=r})).map(sV(i.name))}},{regexp:/^electron\s*(>=?|<=?)\s*([\d.]+)$/i,select:function(e,t,n){var r=iV(n);return Object.keys(GK).filter(lV(t,r)).map((function(e){return"chrome "+GK[e]}))}},{regexp:/^node\s*(>=?|<=?)\s*([\d.]+)$/i,select:function(e,t,n){return WK.filter((function(e){return"nodejs"===e.name})).map((function(e){return e.version})).filter(uV(t,n)).map((function(e){return"node "+e}))}},{regexp:/^(\w+)\s*(>=?|<=?)\s*([\d.]+)$/,select:function(e,t,n,r){var i=SV(t,e),s=kV.versionAliases[i.name][r];return s&&(r=s),i.released.filter(lV(n,r)).map((function(e){return i.name+" "+e}))}},{regexp:/^(firefox|ff|fx)\s+esr$/i,select:function(){return["firefox 78"]}},{regexp:/(operamini|op_mini)\s+all/i,select:function(){return["op_mini 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r=SV(t,e),i=gV(r,n);if(i)n=i;else{if(!(i=gV(r,i=-1===n.indexOf(".")?n+".0":n.replace(/\.0$/,"")))){if(e.ignoreUnknownVersions)return[];throw new KK("Unknown version "+n+" of "+t)}n=i}return[r.name+" "+n]}},{regexp:/^browserslist config$/i,select:function(e){return kV(void 0,e)}},{regexp:/^extends (.+)$/i,select:function(e,t){return DV(jK.loadQueries(e,t),e)}},{regexp:/^defaults$/i,select:function(e){return DV(kV.defaults,e)}},{regexp:/^dead$/i,select:function(e){return DV(["ie <= 10","ie_mob <= 11","bb <= 10","op_mob <= 12.1","samsung 4"],e)}},{regexp:/^(\w+)$/i,select:function(e,t){throw vV(t,e)?new KK("Specify versions in Browserslist query for browser "+t):wV(t)}}];!function(){for(var e in qK){var t=qK[e];kV.data[e]={name:e,versions:rV(qK[e].versions),released:rV(qK[e].versions.slice(0,-3)),releaseDate:qK[e].release_date},cV(kV.usage.global,e,t.usage_global),kV.versionAliases[e]={};for(var n=0;n-1}function gU(e,t){var n=this.__data__,r=SU(n,e);return r<0?n.push([e,t]):n[r][1]=t,this}function AU(e){var t=-1,n=e?e.length:0;for(this.clear();++t>"},gJ={A:{A:{2:"I D F E nB",164:"A B"},B:{66:"Z MB M N S T U V W",164:"C O H P J K L"},C:{2:"0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 mB cB G a I D F E A B C O H P J K L b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z AB BB CB DB EB FB GB SB IB JB KB LB R NB OB PB QB HB Y XB TB UB VB WB RB Z MB M lB N S T U V uB xB"},D:{2:"G a I D F E A B C O H P J K L b c d e f g h i j k",66:"0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z AB BB CB DB EB FB GB SB IB JB KB LB R NB OB PB QB HB Y XB TB UB VB WB RB Z MB M N S T U V W zB dB eB"},E:{2:"G a I D F E A B C O H fB YB hB iB jB kB ZB X Q oB pB"},F:{2:"E B C P J K L b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v qB rB sB tB X aB vB Q",66:"0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 w x y z AB BB CB DB EB GB IB JB KB LB R NB OB PB QB HB Y"},G:{2:"F YB wB bB yB XC 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B AC BC CC DC EC"},H:{292:"FC"},I:{2:"cB G M GC HC IC JC bB KC LC"},J:{2:"D A"},K:{2:"A FB",292:"B C X aB Q"},L:{2:"W"},M:{2:"N"},N:{164:"A B"},O:{2:"MC"},P:{2:"G NC OC PC QC RC ZB SC TC UC"},Q:{66:"VC"},R:{2:"WC"},S:{2:"gB"}},B:5,C:"CSS Device Adaptation"},AJ={A:{A:{2:"I D F E A B nB"},B:{2:"C O H P J K L Z MB M N S T U V W"},C:{1:"5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB GB SB IB JB KB LB R NB OB PB QB HB Y XB TB UB VB WB RB Z MB M lB N S T U V",2:"mB cB G a I D F E A B C O H P J uB xB",33:"0 1 2 3 4 K L b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z"},D:{2:"0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 G a I D F E A B C O H P J K L b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z AB BB CB DB EB FB GB SB IB JB KB LB R NB OB PB QB HB Y XB TB UB VB WB RB Z MB M N S T U V W zB dB eB"},E:{2:"G a I D F E A B C O H fB YB hB iB jB kB ZB X Q oB pB"},F:{2:"0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E B C P J K L b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z AB BB CB DB EB GB IB JB KB LB R NB OB PB QB HB Y qB rB sB tB X aB vB Q"},G:{2:"F YB wB bB yB XC 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B AC BC CC DC EC"},H:{2:"FC"},I:{2:"cB G M GC HC IC JC bB KC LC"},J:{2:"D A"},K:{2:"A B C FB X aB Q"},L:{2:"W"},M:{1:"N"},N:{2:"A B"},O:{2:"MC"},P:{2:"G NC OC PC QC RC ZB SC TC UC"},Q:{2:"VC"},R:{2:"WC"},S:{33:"gB"}},B:5,C:":dir() CSS pseudo-class"},yJ={A:{A:{2:"I D F E A B nB"},B:{2:"C O H P J K L",260:"Z MB M N S T U V W"},C:{1:"IB JB KB LB R NB OB PB QB HB Y XB TB UB VB WB RB Z MB M lB N S T U V",2:"mB cB G a I D F E A B C O H P J K L b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s uB xB",260:"0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t u v w x y z AB BB CB DB EB FB GB SB"},D:{2:"0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 G a I D F E A B C O H P J K L b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z AB BB CB DB",194:"EB FB GB SB IB JB KB",260:"LB R NB OB PB QB HB Y XB TB UB VB WB RB Z MB M N S T U V W zB dB eB"},E:{1:"H oB pB",2:"G a I D F E A B fB YB hB iB jB kB ZB",260:"O",772:"C X Q"},F:{2:"0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E B C P J K L b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z qB rB sB tB X aB vB Q",260:"8 9 AB BB CB DB EB GB IB JB KB LB R NB OB PB QB HB Y"},G:{1:"DC EC",2:"F YB wB bB yB XC 0B 1B 2B 3B 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Escaping special characters with \\ may help.",this.currToken[A.FIELDS.START_POS])},v.namespace=function(){var e=this.prevToken&&this.content(this.prevToken)||!0;return this.nextToken[A.FIELDS.TYPE]===y.word?(this.position++,this.word(e)):this.nextToken[A.FIELDS.TYPE]===y.asterisk?(this.position++,this.universal(e)):void 0},v.nesting=function(){if(this.nextToken&&"|"===this.content(this.nextToken))return void this.position++;var e=this.currToken;this.newNode(new m.default({value:this.content(),source:k(e),sourceIndex:e[A.FIELDS.START_POS]})),this.position++},v.parentheses=function(){var e=this.current.last,t=1;if(this.position++,e&&e.type===E.PSEUDO){var n=new a.default({source:{start:x(this.tokens[this.position-1])}}),r=this.current;for(e.append(n),this.current=n;this.position1&&e.nextToken&&e.nextToken[A.FIELDS.TYPE]===y.openParenthesis&&e.error("Misplaced parenthesis.",{index:e.nextToken[A.FIELDS.START_POS]})})):this.expected(["pseudo-class","pseudo-element"],this.position-1)},v.space=function(){var e=this.content();0===this.position||this.prevToken[A.FIELDS.TYPE]===y.comma||this.prevToken[A.FIELDS.TYPE]===y.openParenthesis||this.current.nodes.every((function(e){return"comment"===e.type}))?(this.spaces=this.optionalSpace(e),this.position++):this.position===this.tokens.length-1||this.nextToken[A.FIELDS.TYPE]===y.comma||this.nextToken[A.FIELDS.TYPE]===y.closeParenthesis?(this.current.last.spaces.after=this.optionalSpace(e),this.position++):this.combinator()},v.string=function(){var e=this.currToken;this.newNode(new p.default({value:this.content(),source:k(e),sourceIndex:e[A.FIELDS.START_POS]})),this.position++},v.universal=function(e){var t=this.nextToken;if(t&&"|"===this.content(t))return this.position++,this.namespace();var n=this.currToken;this.newNode(new f.default({value:this.content(),source:k(n),sourceIndex:n[A.FIELDS.START_POS]}),e),this.position++},v.splitWord=function(e,t){for(var n=this,r=this.nextToken,o=this.content();r&&~[y.dollar,y.caret,y.equals,y.word].indexOf(r[A.FIELDS.TYPE]);){this.position++;var a=this.content();if(o+=a,a.lastIndexOf("\\")===a.length-1){var c=this.nextToken;c&&c[A.FIELDS.TYPE]===y.space&&(o+=this.requiredSpace(this.content(c)),this.position++)}r=this.nextToken}var p=(0,i.default)(o,".").filter((function(e){return"\\"!==o[e-1]})),h=(0,i.default)(o,"#").filter((function(e){return"\\"!==o[e-1]})),d=(0,i.default)(o,"#{");d.length&&(h=h.filter((function(e){return!~d.indexOf(e)})));var f=(0,g.default)((0,s.default)([0].concat(p,h)));f.forEach((function(r,i){var s,a=f[i+1]||o.length,c=o.slice(r,a);if(0===i&&t)return t.call(n,c,f.length);var d=n.currToken,C=d[A.FIELDS.START_POS]+f[i],m=I(d[1],d[2]+r,d[3],d[2]+(a-1));if(~p.indexOf(r)){var g={value:c.slice(1),source:m,sourceIndex:C};s=new B.default(N(g,"value"))}else if(~h.indexOf(r)){var y={value:c.slice(1),source:m,sourceIndex:C};s=new l.default(N(y,"value"))}else{var E={value:c,source:m,sourceIndex:C};N(E,"value"),s=new u.default(E)}n.newNode(s,e),e=null})),this.position++},v.word=function(e){var t=this.nextToken;return t&&"|"===this.content(t)?(this.position++,this.namespace()):this.splitWord(e)},v.loop=function(){for(;this.position=48&&t<=57)return!0;var r=e.charCodeAt(2);return t===C3&&r>=48&&r<=57}return n===C3?(t=e.charCodeAt(1))>=48&&t<=57:n>=48&&n<=57}var y3=function(e){var t,n,r,i=0,s=e.length;if(0===s||!A3(e))return!1;for((t=e.charCodeAt(i))!==f3&&t!==d3||i++;i57);)i+=1;if(t=e.charCodeAt(i),n=e.charCodeAt(i+1),t===C3&&n>=48&&n<=57)for(i+=2;i57);)i+=1;if(t=e.charCodeAt(i),n=e.charCodeAt(i+1),r=e.charCodeAt(i+2),(t===m3||t===g3)&&(n>=48&&n<=57||(n===f3||n===d3)&&r>=48&&r<=57))for(i+=n===f3||n===d3?3:2;i57);)i+=1;return{number:e.slice(0,i),unit:e.slice(i)}};function E3(e){return this instanceof E3?(this.nodes=c3(e),this):new E3(e)}E3.prototype.toString=function(){return Array.isArray(this.nodes)?h3(this.nodes):""},E3.prototype.walk=function(e,t){return l3(this.nodes,e,t),this},E3.unit=y3,E3.walk=l3,E3.stringify=h3;var v3=E3,_3=N((function(e,t){var n=function(){function e(e,t){var n;if(Object.defineProperty(this,"name",{enumerable:!1,writable:!1,value:"JisonParserError"}),null==e&&(e="???"),Object.defineProperty(this,"message",{enumerable:!1,writable:!0,value:e}),this.hash=t,t&&t.exception instanceof Error){var r=t.exception;this.message=r.message||e,n=r.stack}n||(Error.hasOwnProperty("captureStackTrace")?Error.captureStackTrace(this,this.constructor):n=new Error(e).stack),n&&Object.defineProperty(this,"stack",{enumerable:!1,writable:!1,value:n})}function t(e,t,n){n=n||0;for(var r=0;r1)return e;if(c.cleanupAfterLex&&c.cleanupAfterLex(s),u&&(u.lexer=void 0,u.parser=void 0,c.yy===u&&(c.yy=void 0)),u=void 0,this.parseError=this.originalParseError,this.quoteName=this.originalQuoteName,n.length=0,r.length=0,i.length=0,o=0,!s){for(var l=this.__error_infos.length-1;l>=0;l--){var p=this.__error_infos[l];p&&"function"==typeof p.destroy&&p.destroy()}this.__error_infos.length=0}return e},this.constructParseErrorInfo=function(e,t,s,B){var l={errStr:e,exception:t,text:c.match,value:c.yytext,token:this.describeSymbol(a)||a,token_id:a,line:c.yylineno,expected:s,recoverable:B,state:h,action:d,new_state:y,symbol_stack:n,state_stack:r,value_stack:i,stack_pointer:o,yy:u,lexer:c,parser:this,destroy:function(){var e=!!this.recoverable;for(var t in this)this.hasOwnProperty(t)&&"object"==typeof t&&(this[t]=void 0);this.recoverable=e}};return this.__error_infos.push(l),l};var h,d,f,C,m,g,A,y,E=function(){var e=c.lex();return"number"!=typeof e&&(e=t.symbols_[e]||e),e||B},v={$:!0,_$:void 0,yy:u},_=!1;try{if(this.__reentrant_call_depth++,c.setInput(e,u),"function"==typeof c.canIUse)c.canIUse().fastLex&&(E=p);for(i[o]=null,r[o]=0,n[o]=0,++o,this.pre_parse&&this.pre_parse.call(this,u),u.pre_parse&&u.pre_parse.call(this,u),y=r[o-1];;){if(h=y,this.defaultActions[h])d=2,y=this.defaultActions[h];else if(a||(a=E()),C=s[h]&&s[h][a]||l,y=C[1],!(d=C[0])){var b,S=this.describeSymbol(a)||a,w=this.collect_expected_token_set(h);b="number"==typeof c.yylineno?"Parse error on line "+(c.yylineno+1)+": ":"Parse error: ","function"==typeof c.showPosition&&(b+="\n"+c.showPosition(69,10)+"\n"),w.length?b+="Expecting "+w.join(", ")+", got unexpected "+S:b+="Unexpected "+S,m=this.constructParseErrorInfo(b,null,w,!1),void 0!==(f=this.parseError(m.errStr,m,this.JisonParserError))&&(_=f);break}switch(d){default:if(d instanceof Array){m=this.constructParseErrorInfo("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+h+", token: "+a,null,null,!1),void 0!==(f=this.parseError(m.errStr,m,this.JisonParserError))&&(_=f);break}m=this.constructParseErrorInfo("Parsing halted. No viable error recovery approach available due to internal system failure.",null,null,!1),void 0!==(f=this.parseError(m.errStr,m,this.JisonParserError))&&(_=f);break;case 1:n[o]=a,i[o]=c.yytext,r[o]=y,++o,a=0;continue;case 2:if(g=(A=this.productions_[y-1])[1],void 0!==(f=this.performAction.call(v,y,o-1,i))){_=f;break}o-=g;var x=A[0];n[o]=x,i[o]=v.$,y=s[r[o-1]][x],r[o]=y,++o;continue;case 3:-2!==o&&(_=!0,o--,void 0!==i[o]&&(_=i[o]))}break}}catch(e){if(e instanceof this.JisonParserError)throw e;if(c&&"function"==typeof c.JisonLexerError&&e instanceof c.JisonLexerError)throw e;m=this.constructParseErrorInfo("Parsing aborted due to exception.",e,null,!1),_=!1,void 0!==(f=this.parseError(m.errStr,m,this.JisonParserError))&&(_=f)}finally{_=this.cleanupAfterParse(_,!0,!0),this.__reentrant_call_depth--}return _}};i.originalParseError=i.parseError,i.originalQuoteName=i.quoteName;var s=function(){function e(e,t){var n;if(Object.defineProperty(this,"name",{enumerable:!1,writable:!1,value:"JisonLexerError"}),null==e&&(e="???"),Object.defineProperty(this,"message",{enumerable:!1,writable:!0,value:e}),this.hash=t,t&&t.exception instanceof Error){var r=t.exception;this.message=r.message||e,n=r.stack}n||(Error.hasOwnProperty("captureStackTrace")?Error.captureStackTrace(this,this.constructor):n=new Error(e).stack),n&&Object.defineProperty(this,"stack",{enumerable:!1,writable:!1,value:n})}return"function"==typeof Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.setPrototypeOf(e.prototype,Error.prototype):e.prototype=Object.create(Error.prototype),e.prototype.constructor=e,e.prototype.name="JisonLexerError",{EOF:1,ERROR:2,__currentRuleSet__:null,__error_infos:[],__decompressed:!1,done:!1,_backtrack:!1,_input:"",_more:!1,_signaled_error_token:!1,conditionStack:[],match:"",matched:"",matches:!1,yytext:"",offset:0,yyleng:0,yylineno:0,yylloc:null,constructLexErrorInfo:function(e,t,n){if(e=""+e,null==n&&(n=!(e.indexOf("\n")>0&&e.indexOf("^")>0)),this.yylloc&&n)if("function"==typeof this.prettyPrintRange)this.prettyPrintRange(this.yylloc),/\n\s*$/.test(e)||(e+="\n"),e+="\n Erroneous area:\n"+this.prettyPrintRange(this.yylloc);else if("function"==typeof this.showPosition){var r=this.showPosition();r&&(e.length&&"\n"!==e[e.length-1]&&"\n"!==r[0]?e+="\n"+r:e+=r)}var i={errStr:e,recoverable:!!t,text:this.match,token:null,line:this.yylineno,loc:this.yylloc,yy:this.yy,lexer:this,destroy:function(){var e=!!this.recoverable;for(var t in this)this.hasOwnProperty(t)&&"object"==typeof t&&(this[t]=void 0);this.recoverable=e}};return this.__error_infos.push(i),i},parseError:function(e,t,n){if(n||(n=this.JisonLexerError),this.yy){if(this.yy.parser&&"function"==typeof this.yy.parser.parseError)return this.yy.parser.parseError.call(this,e,t,n)||this.ERROR;if("function"==typeof this.yy.parseError)return this.yy.parseError.call(this,e,t,n)||this.ERROR}throw new n(e,t)},yyerror:function(e){var t="";this.yylloc&&(t=" on line "+(this.yylineno+1));var n=this.constructLexErrorInfo("Lexical error"+t+": "+e,this.options.lexerErrorsAreRecoverable),r=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1);return r.length&&(n.extra_error_attributes=r),this.parseError(n.errStr,n,this.JisonLexerError)||this.ERROR},cleanupAfterLex:function(e){if(this.setInput("",{}),!e){for(var t=this.__error_infos.length-1;t>=0;t--){var n=this.__error_infos[t];n&&"function"==typeof n.destroy&&n.destroy()}this.__error_infos.length=0}return this},clear:function(){this.yytext="",this.yyleng=0,this.match="",this.matches=!1,this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1;var e=this.yylloc?this.yylloc.last_column:0;this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:e,last_line:this.yylineno+1,last_column:e,range:[this.offset,this.offset]}},setInput:function(e,t){if(this.yy=t||this.yy||{},!this.__decompressed){for(var n=this.rules,r=0,i=n.length;r1){this.yylineno-=n.length-1,this.yylloc.last_line=this.yylineno+1;var r=this.match,i=r.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);1===i.length&&(i=(r=this.matched).split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g)),this.yylloc.last_column=i[i.length-1].length}else this.yylloc.last_column-=t;return this.yylloc.range[1]=this.yylloc.range[0]+this.yyleng,this.done=!1,this},more:function(){return this._more=!0,this},reject:function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else{var e="";this.yylloc&&(e=" on line "+(this.yylineno+1));var t=this.constructLexErrorInfo("Lexical error"+e+": You can only invoke reject() in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion (options.backtrack_lexer = true).",!1);this._signaled_error_token=this.parseError(t.errStr,t,this.JisonLexerError)||this.ERROR}return this},less:function(e){return this.unput(this.match.slice(e))},pastInput:function(e,t){var n=this.matched.substring(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);e<0?e=n.length:e||(e=20),t<0?t=n.length:t||(t=1);var r=(n=n.substr(2*-e-2)).replace(/\r\n|\r/g,"\n").split("\n");return(n=(r=r.slice(-t)).join("\n")).length>e&&(n="..."+n.substr(-e)),n},upcomingInput:function(e,t){var n=this.match;e<0?e=n.length+this._input.length:e||(e=20),t<0?t=e:t||(t=1),n.length<2*e+2&&(n+=this._input.substring(0,2*e+2));var r=n.replace(/\r\n|\r/g,"\n").split("\n");return(n=(r=r.slice(0,t)).join("\n")).length>e&&(n=n.substring(0,e)+"..."),n},showPosition:function(e,t){var n=this.pastInput(e).replace(/\s/g," "),r=new Array(n.length+1).join("-");return n+this.upcomingInput(t).replace(/\s/g," ")+"\n"+r+"^"},deriveLocationInfo:function(e,t,n,r){var i={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0,range:[0,0]};return e&&(i.first_line=0|e.first_line,i.last_line=0|e.last_line,i.first_column=0|e.first_column,i.last_column=0|e.last_column,e.range&&(i.range[0]=0|e.range[0],i.range[1]=0|e.range[1])),(i.first_line<=0||i.last_line=i.first_line)&&(i.last_line=0|r.last_line,i.last_column=0|r.last_column,r.range&&(i.range[1]=0|r.range[1]))),i.last_line<=0&&(i.first_line<=0?(i.first_line=this.yylloc.first_line,i.last_line=this.yylloc.last_line,i.first_column=this.yylloc.first_column,i.last_column=this.yylloc.last_column,i.range[0]=this.yylloc.range[0],i.range[1]=this.yylloc.range[1]):(i.last_line=this.yylloc.last_line,i.last_column=this.yylloc.last_column,i.range[1]=this.yylloc.range[1])),i.first_line<=0&&(i.first_line=i.last_line,i.first_column=0,i.range[1]=i.range[0]),i.first_column<0&&(i.first_column=0),i.last_column<0&&(i.last_column=i.first_column>0?i.first_column:80),i},prettyPrintRange:function(e,t,n){e=this.deriveLocationInfo(e,t,n);var r=(this.matched+this._input).split("\n"),i=Math.max(1,t?t.first_line:e.first_line-3),s=Math.max(1,n?n.last_line:e.last_line+1),o=1+Math.log10(1|s)|0,a=new Array(o).join(" "),B=[],c=r.slice(i-1,s+1).map((function(t,n){var r=n+i,s=(a+r).substr(-o)+": "+t,c=new Array(o+1).join("^"),l=3,u=0;(r===e.first_line?(l+=e.first_column,u=Math.max(2,(r===e.last_line?e.last_column:t.length)-e.first_column+1)):r===e.last_line?u=Math.max(2,e.last_column+1):r>e.first_line&&r0&&B.push(n));return s=s.replace(/\t/g," ")}));if(B.length>4){var l=B[1]+1,u=B[B.length-2]-1,p=new Array(o+1).join(" ")+" (...continued...)";p+="\n"+new Array(o+1).join("-")+" (---------------)",c.splice(l,u-l+1,p)}return c.join("\n")},describeYYLLOC:function(e,t){var n,r=e.first_line,i=e.last_line,s=e.first_column,o=e.last_column;if(0===i-r?(n="line "+r+", ",n+=o-s<=1?"column "+s:"columns "+s+" .. "+o):n="lines "+r+"(column "+s+") .. "+i+"(column "+o+")",e.range&&t){var a=e.range[0],B=e.range[1]-1;n+=B<=a?" {String Offset: "+a+"}":" {String Offset range: "+a+" .. "+B+"}"}return n},test_match:function(e,t){var n,r,i,s,o;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(i={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylloc.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column,range:this.yylloc.range.slice(0)},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done}),o=(s=e[0]).length,(r=s.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g)).length>1?(this.yylineno+=r.length-1,this.yylloc.last_line=this.yylineno+1,this.yylloc.last_column=r[r.length-1].length):this.yylloc.last_column+=o,this.yytext+=s,this.match+=s,this.matched+=s,this.matches=e,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.yylloc.range[1]+=o,this.offset+=o,this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(o),n=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,t,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),n)return n;if(this._backtrack){for(var a in i)this[a]=i[a];return this.__currentRuleSet__=null,!1}return!!this._signaled_error_token&&(n=this._signaled_error_token,this._signaled_error_token=!1,n)},next:function(){if(this.done)return this.clear(),this.EOF;var e,t,n,r;this._input||(this.done=!0),this._more||this.clear();var i=this.__currentRuleSet__;if(!(i||(i=this.__currentRuleSet__=this._currentRules())&&i.rules)){var s="";this.options.trackPosition&&(s=" on line "+(this.yylineno+1));var o=this.constructLexErrorInfo("Internal lexer engine error"+s+': The lex grammar programmer pushed a non-existing condition name "'+this.topState()+'"; this is a fatal error and should be reported to the application programmer team!',!1);return this.parseError(o.errStr,o,this.JisonLexerError)||this.ERROR}for(var a=i.rules,B=i.__rule_regexes,c=i.__rule_count,l=1;l<=c;l++)if((n=this._input.match(B[l]))&&(!t||n[0].length>t[0].length)){if(t=n,r=l,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(!1!==(e=this.test_match(n,a[l])))return e;if(this._backtrack){t=void 0;continue}return!1}if(!this.options.flex)break}if(t)return!1!==(e=this.test_match(t,a[r]))&&e;if(this._input){s="";this.options.trackPosition&&(s=" on line "+(this.yylineno+1));o=this.constructLexErrorInfo("Lexical error"+s+": Unrecognized text.",this.options.lexerErrorsAreRecoverable);var u=this._input,p=this.topState(),h=this.conditionStack.length;return(e=this.parseError(o.errStr,o,this.JisonLexerError)||this.ERROR)===this.ERROR&&(this.matches||u!==this._input||p!==this.topState()||h!==this.conditionStack.length||this.input()),e}return this.done=!0,this.clear(),this.EOF},lex:function(){var e;for("function"==typeof this.pre_lex&&(e=this.pre_lex.call(this,0)),"function"==typeof this.options.pre_lex&&(e=this.options.pre_lex.call(this,e)||e),this.yy&&"function"==typeof this.yy.pre_lex&&(e=this.yy.pre_lex.call(this,e)||e);!e;)e=this.next();return this.yy&&"function"==typeof this.yy.post_lex&&(e=this.yy.post_lex.call(this,e)||e),"function"==typeof this.options.post_lex&&(e=this.options.post_lex.call(this,e)||e),"function"==typeof this.post_lex&&(e=this.post_lex.call(this,e)||e),e},fastLex:function(){for(var e;!e;)e=this.next();return e},canIUse:function(){return{fastLex:!("function"==typeof this.pre_lex||"function"==typeof this.options.pre_lex||this.yy&&"function"==typeof this.yy.pre_lex||this.yy&&"function"==typeof this.yy.post_lex||"function"==typeof this.options.post_lex||"function"==typeof this.post_lex)&&"function"==typeof this.fastLex}},begin:function(e){return this.pushState(e)},pushState:function(e){return this.conditionStack.push(e),this.__currentRuleSet__=null,this},popState:function(){return this.conditionStack.length-1>0?(this.__currentRuleSet__=null,this.conditionStack.pop()):this.conditionStack[0]},topState:function(e){return(e=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(e||0))>=0?this.conditionStack[e]:"INITIAL"},_currentRules:function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]]:this.conditions.INITIAL},stateStackSize:function(){return this.conditionStack.length},options:{trackPosition:!0,caseInsensitive:!0},JisonLexerError:e,performAction:function(e,t,n){switch(t){case 0:break;default:return 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"+r);var a=n[o][s]*e;return!1!==i?(i=Math.pow(10,parseInt(i)||5),Math.round(a*i)/i):a};t.default=r,e.exports=t.default})),S3=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.default=void 0;var n,r=(n=b3)&&n.__esModule?n:{default:n};function i(e){switch(e){case"LengthValue":case"AngleValue":case"TimeValue":case"FrequencyValue":case"ResolutionValue":case"EmValue":case"ExValue":case"ChValue":case"RemValue":case"VhValue":case"VwValue":case"VminValue":case"VmaxValue":case"PercentageValue":case"Number":return!0}return!1}function s(e){return"+"===e?"-":"+"}function o(e){return"+"===e||"-"===e}function a(e,t,n,B){if(!o(e))throw new Error(`invalid operator ${e}`);var c=t.type;if(i(c)){var l=n.findIndex((function(e){return e.node.type===c}));if(l>=0){if(0===t.value)return;var p=function(e,t,n){switch(e.type){case"LengthValue":case"AngleValue":case"TimeValue":case"FrequencyValue":case"ResolutionValue":if(t.type===e.type&&t.unit&&e.unit){var 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Function||Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,e.length-1)&&"String"!==e.constructor.name))},O3=N((function(e){var t=Array.prototype.concat,n=Array.prototype.slice,r=e.exports=function(e){for(var r=[],i=0,s=e.length;i=4&&1!==e[3]&&(t=", "+e[3]),"hwb("+e[0]+", "+e[1]+"%, "+e[2]+"%"+t+")"},r.to.keyword=function(e){return t[e.slice(0,3)]}})),T3=[].slice,P3=["keyword","gray","hex"],M3={};Object.keys(TR).forEach((function(e){M3[T3.call(TR[e].labels).sort().join("")]=e}));var F3={};function L3(e,t){if(!(this instanceof L3))return new L3(e,t);if(t&&t in P3&&(t=null),t&&!(t in TR))throw new Error("Unknown model: "+t);var n,r;if(null==e)this.model="rgb",this.color=[0,0,0],this.valpha=1;else if(e instanceof L3)this.model=e.model,this.color=e.color.slice(),this.valpha=e.valpha;else if("string"==typeof e){var i=N3.get(e);if(null===i)throw new Error("Unable to parse color from string: "+e);this.model=i.model,r=TR[this.model].channels,this.color=i.value.slice(0,r),this.valpha="number"==typeof i.value[r]?i.value[r]:1}else if(e.length){this.model=t||"rgb",r=TR[this.model].channels;var s=T3.call(e,0,r);this.color=U3(s,r),this.valpha="number"==typeof e[r]?e[r]:1}else if("number"==typeof e)e&=16777215,this.model="rgb",this.color=[e>>16&255,e>>8&255,255&e],this.valpha=1;else{this.valpha=1;var o=Object.keys(e);"alpha"in e&&(o.splice(o.indexOf("alpha"),1),this.valpha="number"==typeof e.alpha?e.alpha:0);var a=o.sort().join("");if(!(a in M3))throw new Error("Unable to parse color from object: "+JSON.stringify(e));this.model=M3[a];var B=TR[this.model].labels,c=[];for(n=0;nn?(t+.05)/(n+.05):(n+.05)/(t+.05)},level:function(e){var t=this.contrast(e);return t>=7.1?"AAA":t>=4.5?"AA":""},isDark:function(){var e=this.rgb().color;return(299*e[0]+587*e[1]+114*e[2])/1e3<128},isLight:function(){return!this.isDark()},negate:function(){for(var e=this.rgb(),t=0;t<3;t++)e.color[t]=255-e.color[t];return e},lighten:function(e){var t=this.hsl();return t.color[2]+=t.color[2]*e,t},darken:function(e){var t=this.hsl();return t.color[2]-=t.color[2]*e,t},saturate:function(e){var t=this.hsl();return t.color[1]+=t.color[1]*e,t},desaturate:function(e){var t=this.hsl();return t.color[1]-=t.color[1]*e,t},whiten:function(e){var t=this.hwb();return t.color[1]+=t.color[1]*e,t},blacken:function(e){var t=this.hwb();return t.color[2]+=t.color[2]*e,t},grayscale:function(){var e=this.rgb().color,t=.3*e[0]+.59*e[1]+.11*e[2];return L3.rgb(t,t,t)},fade:function(e){return this.alpha(this.valpha-this.valpha*e)},opaquer:function(e){return this.alpha(this.valpha+this.valpha*e)},rotate:function(e){var t=this.hsl(),n=t.color[0];return n=(n=(n+e)%360)<0?360+n:n,t.color[0]=n,t},mix:function(e,t){if(!e||!e.rgb)throw new Error('Argument to "mix" was not a Color instance, but rather an instance of '+typeof e);var n=e.rgb(),r=this.rgb(),i=void 0===t?.5:t,s=2*i-1,o=n.alpha()-r.alpha(),a=((s*o==-1?s:(s+o)/(1+s*o))+1)/2,B=1-a;return L3.rgb(a*n.red()+B*r.red(),a*n.green()+B*r.green(),a*n.blue()+B*r.blue(),n.alpha()*i+r.alpha()*(1-i))}},Object.keys(TR).forEach((function(e){if(-1===P3.indexOf(e)){var t=TR[e].channels;L3.prototype[e]=function(){if(this.model===e)return new L3(this);if(arguments.length)return new L3(arguments,e);var n="number"==typeof arguments[t]?t:this.valpha;return new L3(V3(TR[this.model][e].raw(this.color)).concat(n),e)},L3[e]=function(n){return"number"==typeof n&&(n=U3(T3.call(arguments),t)),new L3(n,e)}}}));var Q3=L3;const 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n=t.toString();e.value=n,l[e.value]=n}))}))})),Y3=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.default=function(e){return e.nodes.reduce(((e,t)=>("div"!==t.type?e[e.length-1].push(t):e.push([]),e)),[[]])},e.exports=t.default})),$3=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.default=function(){return{type:"space",value:" "}},e.exports=t.default})),Z3=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.default=function(e){return(0,t2.stringify)({nodes:e.reduce(((t,n,r)=>(n.forEach(((i,s)=>{s===n.length-1&&r===e.length-1&&"space"===i.type||t.push(i)})),r!==e.length-1&&(t[t.length-1].type="div",t[t.length-1].value=","),t)),[])})},e.exports=t.default})),e6=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.default=function(e){const t=(0,n.default)(e).reduce(((e,t)=>{const 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this.indexes)n<=(r=this.indexes[i])&&(this.indexes[i]=r+1);return this},t.prototype.insertBefore=function(e,t){t.parent=this;var n=this.index(e);this.nodes.splice(n,0,t),t.parent=this;var r=void 0;for(var i in this.indexes)(r=this.indexes[i])<=n&&(this.indexes[i]=r+1);return this},t.prototype.each=function(e){this.lastEach||(this.lastEach=0),this.indexes||(this.indexes={}),this.lastEach++;var t=this.lastEach;if(this.indexes[t]=0,this.length){for(var n=void 0,r=void 0;this.indexes[t]0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{};i(this,t);var r=s(this,e.call(this,n));return r.type=E6.ATTRIBUTE,r.raws=r.raws||{},r._constructed=!0,r}return function(e,t){if("function"!=typeof t&&null!==t)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not "+typeof t);e.prototype=Object.create(t&&t.prototype,{constructor:{value:e,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),t&&(Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.setPrototypeOf(e,t):e.__proto__=t)}(t,e),t.prototype._spacesFor=function(e){var 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0,C=void 0,m=void 0,g=void 0,A=void 0,y=void 0,E=void 0,v=void 0;function _(t,n){if(!e.safe)throw e.error("Unclosed "+t,a,B-o,B);g=(i+=n).length-1}for(;B0?(A=a+C,y=g-m[C].length):(A=a,y=o),v=n.comment,a=A,h=A,p=g-y):(r.lastIndex=B+1,r.test(i),g=0===r.lastIndex?i.length-1:r.lastIndex-2,v=n.word,h=a,p=g-o),c=g+1}t.push([v,a,B-o,h,p,B,c]),y&&(o=y,y=null),B=c}return t};var n=function(e){if(e&&e.__esModule)return e;var t={};if(null!=e)for(var n in e)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,n)&&(t[n]=e[n]);return t.default=e,t}(L6);var r=/[ \n\t\r\(\)\*:;!&'"\+\|~>,=$^\[\]\\]|\/(?=\*)/g;e.exports=t.default})),G6=N((function(e,t){t.__esModule=!0;var n=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{};b(this,e),this.rule=t,this.options=Object.assign({lossy:!1,safe:!1},n),this.position=0,this.root=new o.default,this.root.errorGenerator=this._errorGenerator();var r=new a.default;this.root.append(r),this.current=r,this.css="string"==typeof 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TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}(this,e),this.func=t||function(){},this.funcRes=null,this.options=n}return e.prototype._shouldUpdateSelector=function(e){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},n=Object.assign({},this.options,t);return!1!==n.updateSelector&&"string"!=typeof e},e.prototype._isLossy=function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},t=Object.assign({},this.options,e);return!1===t.lossless},e.prototype._root=function(e){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},n=new r.default(e,this._parseOptions(t));return n.root},e.prototype._parseOptions=function(e){return{lossy:this._isLossy(e)}},e.prototype._run=function(e){var t=this,n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{};return new Promise((function(r,i){try{var s=t._root(e,n);Promise.resolve(t.func(s)).then((function(r){var i=void 0;return 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n=this._runSync(e,t);return n.string||n.root.toString()},e}();t.default=i,e.exports=t.default})),K6=N((function(e,t){t.__esModule=!0,t.universal=t.tag=t.string=t.selector=t.root=t.pseudo=t.nesting=t.id=t.comment=t.combinator=t.className=t.attribute=void 0;var n=d(N6),r=d(w6),i=d(P6),s=d(x6),o=d(D6),a=d(M6),B=d(O6),c=d(_6),l=d(b6),u=d(k6),p=d(I6),h=d(T6);function d(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}t.attribute=function(e){return new n.default(e)},t.className=function(e){return new r.default(e)},t.combinator=function(e){return new i.default(e)},t.comment=function(e){return new s.default(e)},t.id=function(e){return new o.default(e)},t.nesting=function(e){return new a.default(e)},t.pseudo=function(e){return new B.default(e)},t.root=function(e){return new c.default(e)},t.selector=function(e){return new l.default(e)},t.string=function(e){return new u.default(e)},t.tag=function(e){return new p.default(e)},t.universal=function(e){return new h.default(e)}})),V6=N((function(e,t){t.__esModule=!0,t.isUniversal=t.isTag=t.isString=t.isSelector=t.isRoot=t.isPseudo=t.isNesting=t.isIdentifier=t.isComment=t.isCombinator=t.isClassName=t.isAttribute=void 0;var n,r="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(e){return typeof e}:function(e){return e&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof e};t.isNode=s,t.isPseudoElement=u,t.isPseudoClass=function(e){return c(e)&&!u(e)},t.isContainer=function(e){return!(!s(e)||!e.walk)},t.isNamespace=function(e){return B(e)||a(e)||l(e)};var i=((n={})[E6.ATTRIBUTE]=!0,n[E6.CLASS]=!0,n[E6.COMBINATOR]=!0,n[E6.COMMENT]=!0,n[E6.ID]=!0,n[E6.NESTING]=!0,n[E6.PSEUDO]=!0,n[E6.ROOT]=!0,n[E6.SELECTOR]=!0,n[E6.STRING]=!0,n[E6.TAG]=!0,n[E6.UNIVERSAL]=!0,n);function s(e){return"object"===(void 0===e?"undefined":r(e))&&i[e.type]}function o(e,t){return s(t)&&t.type===e}var 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hGe="Á",dGe="á",fGe="Â",CGe="â",mGe="´",gGe="Æ",AGe="æ",yGe="À",EGe="à",vGe="&",_Ge="&",bGe="Å",SGe="å",wGe="Ã",xGe="ã",DGe="Ä",IGe="ä",kGe="¦",OGe="Ç",NGe="ç",TGe="¸",PGe="¢",MGe="©",FGe="©",LGe="¤",RGe="°",GGe="÷",HGe="É",KGe="é",VGe="Ê",UGe="ê",QGe="È",JGe="è",jGe="Ð",WGe="ð",XGe="Ë",qGe="ë",zGe="½",YGe="¼",$Ge="¾",ZGe=">",eHe=">",tHe="Í",nHe="í",rHe="Î",iHe="î",sHe="¡",oHe="Ì",aHe="ì",BHe="¿",cHe="Ï",lHe="ï",uHe="«",pHe="<",hHe="<",dHe="¯",fHe="µ",CHe="·",mHe=" ",gHe="¬",AHe="Ñ",yHe="ñ",EHe="Ó",vHe="ó",_He="Ô",bHe="ô",SHe="Ò",wHe="ò",xHe="ª",DHe="º",IHe="Ø",kHe="ø",OHe="Õ",NHe="õ",THe="Ö",PHe="ö",MHe="¶",FHe="±",LHe="£",RHe='"',GHe='"',HHe="»",KHe="®",VHe="®",UHe="§",QHe="­",JHe="¹",jHe="²",WHe="³",XHe="ß",qHe="Þ",zHe="þ",YHe="×",$He="Ú",ZHe="ú",eKe="Û",tKe="û",nKe="Ù",rKe="ù",iKe="¨",sKe="Ü",oKe="ü",aKe="Ý",BKe="ý",cKe="¥",lKe="ÿ";const uKe={Aacute:hGe,aacute:dGe,Acirc:fGe,acirc:CGe,acute:mGe,AElig:gGe,aelig:AGe,Agrave:yGe,agrave:EGe,amp:vGe,AMP:_Ge,Aring:bGe,aring:SGe,Atilde:wGe,atilde:xGe,Auml:DGe,auml:IGe,brvbar:kGe,Ccedil:OGe,ccedil:NGe,cedil:TGe,cent:PGe,copy:MGe,COPY:FGe,curren:LGe,deg:RGe,divide:GGe,Eacute:HGe,eacute:KGe,Ecirc:VGe,ecirc:UGe,Egrave:QGe,egrave:JGe,ETH:jGe,eth:WGe,Euml:XGe,euml:qGe,frac12:zGe,frac14:YGe,frac34:$Ge,gt:ZGe,GT:eHe,Iacute:tHe,iacute:nHe,Icirc:rHe,icirc:iHe,iexcl:sHe,Igrave:oHe,igrave:aHe,iquest:BHe,Iuml:cHe,iuml:lHe,laquo:uHe,lt:pHe,LT:hHe,macr:dHe,micro:fHe,middot:CHe,nbsp:mHe,not:gHe,Ntilde:AHe,ntilde:yHe,Oacute:EHe,oacute:vHe,Ocirc:_He,ocirc:bHe,Ograve:SHe,ograve:wHe,ordf:xHe,ordm:DHe,Oslash:IHe,oslash:kHe,Otilde:OHe,otilde:NHe,Ouml:THe,ouml:PHe,para:MHe,plusmn:FHe,pound:LHe,quot:RHe,QUOT:GHe,raquo:HHe,reg:KHe,REG:VHe,sect:UHe,shy:QHe,sup1:JHe,sup2:jHe,sup3:WHe,szlig:XHe,THORN:qHe,thorn:zHe,times:YHe,Uacute:$He,uacute:ZHe,Ucirc:eKe,ucirc:tKe,Ugrave:nKe,ugrave:rKe,uml:iKe,Uuml:sKe,uuml:oKe,Yacute:aKe,yacute:BKe,yen:cKe,yuml:lKe},pKe={__proto__:null,Aacute:hGe,aacute:dGe,Acirc:fGe,acirc:CGe,acute:mGe,AElig:gGe,aelig:AGe,Agrave:yGe,agrave:EGe,amp:vGe,AMP:_Ge,Aring:bGe,aring:SGe,Atilde:wGe,atilde:xGe,Auml:DGe,auml:IGe,brvbar:kGe,Ccedil:OGe,ccedil:NGe,cedil:TGe,cent:PGe,copy:MGe,COPY:FGe,curren:LGe,deg:RGe,divide:GGe,Eacute:HGe,eacute:KGe,Ecirc:VGe,ecirc:UGe,Egrave:QGe,egrave:JGe,ETH:jGe,eth:WGe,Euml:XGe,euml:qGe,frac12:zGe,frac14:YGe,frac34:$Ge,gt:ZGe,GT:eHe,Iacute:tHe,iacute:nHe,Icirc:rHe,icirc:iHe,iexcl:sHe,Igrave:oHe,igrave:aHe,iquest:BHe,Iuml:cHe,iuml:lHe,laquo:uHe,lt:pHe,LT:hHe,macr:dHe,micro:fHe,middot:CHe,nbsp:mHe,not:gHe,Ntilde:AHe,ntilde:yHe,Oacute:EHe,oacute:vHe,Ocirc:_He,ocirc:bHe,Ograve:SHe,ograve:wHe,ordf:xHe,ordm:DHe,Oslash:IHe,oslash:kHe,Otilde:OHe,otilde:NHe,Ouml:THe,ouml:PHe,para:MHe,plusmn:FHe,pound:LHe,quot:RHe,QUOT:GHe,raquo:HHe,reg:KHe,REG:VHe,sect:UHe,shy:QHe,sup1:JHe,sup2:jHe,sup3:WHe,szlig:XHe,THORN:qHe,thorn:zHe,times:YHe,Uacute:$He,uacute:ZHe,Ucirc:eKe,ucirc:tKe,Ugrave:nKe,ugrave:rKe,uml:iKe,Uuml:sKe,uuml:oKe,Yacute:aKe,yacute:BKe,yen:cKe,yuml:lKe,default:uKe};var 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e===r?function(e){e===r?this._state=t:(this._state=n,this._index--)}:function(i){i===r||i===e?this._state=t:(this._state=n,this._index--)}}function NVe(e,t){var n=e.toLowerCase();return function(r){r===n||r===e?this._state=t:(this._state=xKe,this._index--)}}function 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x(){i.forEach(function(t){if(t.__P)try{t.__H.__h.forEach(g),t.__H.__h.forEach(j),t.__H.__h=[];}catch(u){t.__H.__h=[],n$1.__e(u,t.__v);}}),i=[];}n$1.__b=function(n){u=null,c&&c(n);},n$1.__r=function(n){f&&f(n),t=0;var r=(u=n.__c).__H;r&&(r.__h.forEach(g),r.__h.forEach(j),r.__h=[]);},n$1.diffed=function(t){e&&e(t);var o=t.__c;o&&o.__H&&o.__H.__h.length&&(1!==i.push(o)&&r===n$1.requestAnimationFrame||((r=n$1.requestAnimationFrame)||function(n){var t,u=function(){clearTimeout(r),b&&cancelAnimationFrame(t),setTimeout(n);},r=setTimeout(u,100);b&&(t=requestAnimationFrame(u));})(x)),u=void 0;},n$1.__c=function(t,u){u.some(function(t){try{t.__h.forEach(g),t.__h=t.__h.filter(function(n){return !n.__||j(n)});}catch(r){u.some(function(n){n.__h&&(n.__h=[]);}),u=[],n$1.__e(r,t.__v);}}),a&&a(t,u);},n$1.unmount=function(t){v&&v(t);var u=t.__c;if(u&&u.__H)try{u.__H.__.forEach(g);}catch(t){n$1.__e(t,u.__v);}};var b="function"==typeof requestAnimationFrame;function g(n){var t=u;"function"==typeof n.__c&&n.__c(),u=t;}function j(n){var t=u;n.__c=n.__(),u=t;}function k(n,t){return !n||n.length!==t.length||t.some(function(t,u){return t!==n[u]})}function w(n,t){return "function"==typeof t?t(n):t}\n\n function count$1(node) {\n var sum = 0,\n children = node.children,\n i = children && children.length;\n if (!i) sum = 1;\n else while (--i >= 0) sum += children[i].value;\n node.value = sum;\n }\n\n function node_count() {\n return this.eachAfter(count$1);\n }\n\n function node_each(callback, that) {\n let index = -1;\n for (const node of this) {\n callback.call(that, node, ++index, this);\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n function node_eachBefore(callback, that) {\n var node = this, nodes = [node], children, i, index = -1;\n while (node = nodes.pop()) {\n callback.call(that, node, ++index, this);\n if (children = node.children) {\n for (i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n nodes.push(children[i]);\n }\n }\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n function node_eachAfter(callback, that) {\n var node = this, nodes = [node], next = [], children, i, n, index = -1;\n while (node = nodes.pop()) {\n next.push(node);\n if (children = node.children) {\n for (i = 0, n = children.length; i < n; ++i) {\n nodes.push(children[i]);\n }\n }\n }\n while (node = next.pop()) {\n callback.call(that, node, ++index, this);\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n function node_find(callback, that) {\n let index = -1;\n for (const node of this) {\n if (callback.call(that, node, ++index, this)) {\n return node;\n }\n }\n }\n\n function node_sum(value) {\n return this.eachAfter(function(node) {\n var sum = +value(node.data) || 0,\n children = node.children,\n i = children && children.length;\n while (--i >= 0) sum += children[i].value;\n node.value = sum;\n });\n }\n\n function node_sort(compare) {\n return this.eachBefore(function(node) {\n if (node.children) {\n node.children.sort(compare);\n }\n });\n }\n\n function node_path(end) {\n var start = this,\n ancestor = leastCommonAncestor(start, end),\n nodes = [start];\n while (start !== ancestor) {\n start = start.parent;\n nodes.push(start);\n }\n var k = nodes.length;\n while (end !== ancestor) {\n nodes.splice(k, 0, end);\n end = end.parent;\n }\n return nodes;\n }\n\n function leastCommonAncestor(a, b) {\n if (a === b) return a;\n var aNodes = a.ancestors(),\n bNodes = b.ancestors(),\n c = null;\n a = aNodes.pop();\n b = bNodes.pop();\n while (a === b) {\n c = a;\n a = aNodes.pop();\n b = bNodes.pop();\n }\n return c;\n }\n\n function node_ancestors() {\n var node = this, nodes = [node];\n while (node = node.parent) {\n nodes.push(node);\n }\n return nodes;\n }\n\n function node_descendants() {\n return Array.from(this);\n }\n\n function node_leaves() {\n var leaves = [];\n this.eachBefore(function(node) {\n if (!node.children) {\n leaves.push(node);\n }\n });\n return leaves;\n }\n\n function node_links() {\n var root = this, links = [];\n root.each(function(node) {\n if (node !== root) { // Don’t include the root’s parent, if any.\n links.push({source: node.parent, target: node});\n }\n });\n return links;\n }\n\n function* node_iterator() {\n var node = this, current, next = [node], children, i, n;\n do {\n current = next.reverse(), next = [];\n while (node = current.pop()) {\n yield node;\n if (children = node.children) {\n for (i = 0, n = children.length; i < n; ++i) {\n next.push(children[i]);\n }\n }\n }\n } while (next.length);\n }\n\n function hierarchy(data, children) {\n if (data instanceof Map) {\n data = [undefined, data];\n if (children === undefined) children = mapChildren;\n } else if (children === undefined) {\n children = objectChildren;\n }\n\n var root = new Node$1(data),\n node,\n nodes = [root],\n child,\n childs,\n i,\n n;\n\n while (node = nodes.pop()) {\n if ((childs = children(node.data)) && (n = (childs = Array.from(childs)).length)) {\n node.children = childs;\n for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n nodes.push(child = childs[i] = new Node$1(childs[i]));\n child.parent = node;\n child.depth = node.depth + 1;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return root.eachBefore(computeHeight);\n }\n\n function node_copy() {\n return hierarchy(this).eachBefore(copyData);\n }\n\n function objectChildren(d) {\n return d.children;\n }\n\n function mapChildren(d) {\n return Array.isArray(d) ? d[1] : null;\n }\n\n function copyData(node) {\n if (node.data.value !== undefined) node.value = node.data.value;\n node.data = node.data.data;\n }\n\n function computeHeight(node) {\n var height = 0;\n do node.height = height;\n while ((node = node.parent) && (node.height < ++height));\n }\n\n function Node$1(data) {\n this.data = data;\n this.depth =\n this.height = 0;\n this.parent = null;\n }\n\n Node$1.prototype = hierarchy.prototype = {\n constructor: Node$1,\n count: node_count,\n each: node_each,\n eachAfter: node_eachAfter,\n eachBefore: node_eachBefore,\n find: node_find,\n sum: node_sum,\n sort: node_sort,\n path: node_path,\n ancestors: node_ancestors,\n descendants: node_descendants,\n leaves: node_leaves,\n links: node_links,\n copy: node_copy,\n [Symbol.iterator]: node_iterator\n };\n\n function required(f) {\n if (typeof f !== "function") throw new Error;\n return f;\n }\n\n function constantZero() {\n return 0;\n }\n\n function constant$1(x) {\n return function() {\n return x;\n };\n }\n\n function roundNode(node) {\n node.x0 = Math.round(node.x0);\n node.y0 = Math.round(node.y0);\n node.x1 = Math.round(node.x1);\n node.y1 = Math.round(node.y1);\n }\n\n function treemapDice(parent, x0, y0, x1, y1) {\n var nodes = parent.children,\n node,\n i = -1,\n n = nodes.length,\n k = parent.value && (x1 - x0) / parent.value;\n\n while (++i < n) {\n node = nodes[i], node.y0 = y0, node.y1 = y1;\n node.x0 = x0, node.x1 = x0 += node.value * k;\n }\n }\n\n function treemapSlice(parent, x0, y0, x1, y1) {\n var nodes = parent.children,\n node,\n i = -1,\n n = nodes.length,\n k = parent.value && (y1 - y0) / parent.value;\n\n while (++i < n) {\n node = nodes[i], node.x0 = x0, node.x1 = x1;\n node.y0 = y0, node.y1 = y0 += node.value * k;\n }\n }\n\n var phi = (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2;\n\n function squarifyRatio(ratio, parent, x0, y0, x1, y1) {\n var rows = [],\n nodes = parent.children,\n row,\n nodeValue,\n i0 = 0,\n i1 = 0,\n n = nodes.length,\n dx, dy,\n value = parent.value,\n sumValue,\n minValue,\n maxValue,\n newRatio,\n minRatio,\n alpha,\n beta;\n\n while (i0 < n) {\n dx = x1 - x0, dy = y1 - y0;\n\n // Find the next non-empty node.\n do sumValue = nodes[i1++].value; while (!sumValue && i1 < n);\n minValue = maxValue = sumValue;\n alpha = Math.max(dy / dx, dx / dy) / (value * ratio);\n beta = sumValue * sumValue * alpha;\n minRatio = Math.max(maxValue / beta, beta / minValue);\n\n // Keep adding nodes while the aspect ratio maintains or improves.\n for (; i1 < n; ++i1) {\n sumValue += nodeValue = nodes[i1].value;\n if (nodeValue < minValue) minValue = nodeValue;\n if (nodeValue > maxValue) maxValue = nodeValue;\n beta = sumValue * sumValue * alpha;\n newRatio = Math.max(maxValue / beta, beta / minValue);\n if (newRatio > minRatio) { sumValue -= nodeValue; break; }\n minRatio = newRatio;\n }\n\n // Position and record the row orientation.\n rows.push(row = {value: sumValue, dice: dx < dy, children: nodes.slice(i0, i1)});\n if (row.dice) treemapDice(row, x0, y0, x1, value ? y0 += dy * sumValue / value : y1);\n else treemapSlice(row, x0, y0, value ? x0 += dx * sumValue / value : x1, y1);\n value -= sumValue, i0 = i1;\n }\n\n return rows;\n }\n\n var squarify = (function custom(ratio) {\n\n function squarify(parent, x0, y0, x1, y1) {\n squarifyRatio(ratio, parent, x0, y0, x1, y1);\n }\n\n squarify.ratio = function(x) {\n return custom((x = +x) > 1 ? x : 1);\n };\n\n return squarify;\n })(phi);\n\n function d3treemap() {\n var tile = squarify,\n round = false,\n dx = 1,\n dy = 1,\n paddingStack = [0],\n paddingInner = constantZero,\n paddingTop = constantZero,\n paddingRight = constantZero,\n paddingBottom = constantZero,\n paddingLeft = constantZero;\n\n function treemap(root) {\n root.x0 =\n root.y0 = 0;\n root.x1 = dx;\n root.y1 = dy;\n root.eachBefore(positionNode);\n paddingStack = [0];\n if (round) root.eachBefore(roundNode);\n return root;\n }\n\n function positionNode(node) {\n var p = paddingStack[node.depth],\n x0 = node.x0 + p,\n y0 = node.y0 + p,\n x1 = node.x1 - p,\n y1 = node.y1 - p;\n if (x1 < x0) x0 = x1 = (x0 + x1) / 2;\n if (y1 < y0) y0 = y1 = (y0 + y1) / 2;\n node.x0 = x0;\n node.y0 = y0;\n node.x1 = x1;\n node.y1 = y1;\n if (node.children) {\n p = paddingStack[node.depth + 1] = paddingInner(node) / 2;\n x0 += paddingLeft(node) - p;\n y0 += paddingTop(node) - p;\n x1 -= paddingRight(node) - p;\n y1 -= paddingBottom(node) - p;\n if (x1 < x0) x0 = x1 = (x0 + x1) / 2;\n if (y1 < y0) y0 = y1 = (y0 + y1) / 2;\n tile(node, x0, y0, x1, y1);\n }\n }\n\n treemap.round = function(x) {\n return arguments.length ? (round = !!x, treemap) : round;\n };\n\n treemap.size = function(x) {\n return arguments.length ? (dx = +x[0], dy = +x[1], treemap) : [dx, dy];\n };\n\n treemap.tile = function(x) {\n return arguments.length ? (tile = required(x), treemap) : tile;\n };\n\n treemap.padding = function(x) {\n return arguments.length ? treemap.paddingInner(x).paddingOuter(x) : treemap.paddingInner();\n };\n\n treemap.paddingInner = function(x) {\n return arguments.length ? (paddingInner = typeof x === "function" ? x : constant$1(+x), treemap) : paddingInner;\n };\n\n treemap.paddingOuter = function(x) {\n return arguments.length ? treemap.paddingTop(x).paddingRight(x).paddingBottom(x).paddingLeft(x) : treemap.paddingTop();\n };\n\n treemap.paddingTop = function(x) {\n return arguments.length ? (paddingTop = typeof x === "function" ? x : constant$1(+x), treemap) : paddingTop;\n };\n\n treemap.paddingRight = function(x) {\n return arguments.length ? (paddingRight = typeof x === "function" ? x : constant$1(+x), treemap) : paddingRight;\n };\n\n treemap.paddingBottom = function(x) {\n return arguments.length ? (paddingBottom = typeof x === "function" ? x : constant$1(+x), treemap) : paddingBottom;\n };\n\n treemap.paddingLeft = function(x) {\n return arguments.length ? (paddingLeft = typeof x === "function" ? x : constant$1(+x), treemap) : paddingLeft;\n };\n\n return treemap;\n }\n\n var treemapResquarify = (function custom(ratio) {\n\n function resquarify(parent, x0, y0, x1, y1) {\n if ((rows = parent._squarify) && (rows.ratio === ratio)) {\n var rows,\n row,\n nodes,\n i,\n j = -1,\n n,\n m = rows.length,\n value = parent.value;\n\n while (++j < m) {\n row = rows[j], nodes = row.children;\n for (i = row.value = 0, n = nodes.length; i < n; ++i) row.value += nodes[i].value;\n if (row.dice) treemapDice(row, x0, y0, x1, value ? y0 += (y1 - y0) * row.value / value : y1);\n else treemapSlice(row, x0, y0, value ? x0 += (x1 - x0) * row.value / value : x1, y1);\n value -= row.value;\n }\n } else {\n parent._squarify = rows = squarifyRatio(ratio, parent, x0, y0, x1, y1);\n rows.ratio = ratio;\n }\n }\n\n resquarify.ratio = function(x) {\n return custom((x = +x) > 1 ? x : 1);\n };\n\n return resquarify;\n })(phi);\n\n const LABELS = {\n renderedLength: "Rendered",\n gzipLength: "Gzip",\n brotliLength: "Brotli",\n };\n\n const getAvailableSizeOptions = (options = {}) => {\n const availableSizeProperties = ["renderedLength"];\n if (options.gzip) {\n availableSizeProperties.push("gzipLength");\n }\n if (options.brotli) {\n availableSizeProperties.push("brotliLength");\n }\n\n return availableSizeProperties;\n };\n\n const SideBar = ({\n availableSizeProperties,\n sizeProperty,\n setSizeProperty,\n }) => {\n const handleChange = (sizeProp) => () => {\n if (sizeProp !== sizeProperty) {\n setSizeProperty(sizeProp);\n }\n };\n return m$1`\n \n `;\n };\n\n function ascending(a, b) {\n return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : a >= b ? 0 : NaN;\n }\n\n function bisector(f) {\n let delta = f;\n let compare = f;\n\n if (f.length === 1) {\n delta = (d, x) => f(d) - x;\n compare = ascendingComparator(f);\n }\n\n function left(a, x, lo, hi) {\n if (lo == null) lo = 0;\n if (hi == null) hi = a.length;\n while (lo < hi) {\n const mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;\n if (compare(a[mid], x) < 0) lo = mid + 1;\n else hi = mid;\n }\n return lo;\n }\n\n function right(a, x, lo, hi) {\n if (lo == null) lo = 0;\n if (hi == null) hi = a.length;\n while (lo < hi) {\n const mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;\n if (compare(a[mid], x) > 0) hi = mid;\n else lo = mid + 1;\n }\n return lo;\n }\n\n function center(a, x, lo, hi) {\n if (lo == null) lo = 0;\n if (hi == null) hi = a.length;\n const i = left(a, x, lo, hi - 1);\n return i > lo && delta(a[i - 1], x) > -delta(a[i], x) ? i - 1 : i;\n }\n\n return {left, center, right};\n }\n\n function ascendingComparator(f) {\n return (d, x) => ascending(f(d), x);\n }\n\n function number$1(x) {\n return x === null ? NaN : +x;\n }\n\n const ascendingBisect = bisector(ascending);\n const bisectRight = ascendingBisect.right;\n bisector(number$1).center;\n\n class InternMap extends Map {\n constructor(entries, key = keyof) {\n super();\n Object.defineProperties(this, {_intern: {value: new Map()}, _key: {value: key}});\n if (entries != null) for (const [key, value] of entries) this.set(key, value);\n }\n get(key) {\n return super.get(intern_get(this, key));\n }\n has(key) {\n return super.has(intern_get(this, key));\n }\n set(key, value) {\n return super.set(intern_set(this, key), value);\n }\n delete(key) {\n return super.delete(intern_delete(this, key));\n }\n }\n\n function intern_get({_intern, _key}, value) {\n const key = _key(value);\n return _intern.has(key) ? _intern.get(key) : value;\n }\n\n function intern_set({_intern, _key}, value) {\n const key = _key(value);\n if (_intern.has(key)) return _intern.get(key);\n _intern.set(key, value);\n return value;\n }\n\n function intern_delete({_intern, _key}, value) {\n const key = _key(value);\n if (_intern.has(key)) {\n value = _intern.get(value);\n _intern.delete(key);\n }\n return value;\n }\n\n function keyof(value) {\n return value !== null && typeof value === "object" ? value.valueOf() : value;\n }\n\n function identity$2(x) {\n return x;\n }\n\n function group(values, ...keys) {\n return nest(values, identity$2, identity$2, keys);\n }\n\n function nest(values, map, reduce, keys) {\n return (function regroup(values, i) {\n if (i >= keys.length) return reduce(values);\n const groups = new InternMap();\n const keyof = keys[i++];\n let index = -1;\n for (const value of values) {\n const key = keyof(value, ++index, values);\n const group = groups.get(key);\n if (group) group.push(value);\n else groups.set(key, [value]);\n }\n for (const [key, values] of groups) {\n groups.set(key, regroup(values, i));\n }\n return map(groups);\n })(values, 0);\n }\n\n var e10 = Math.sqrt(50),\n e5 = Math.sqrt(10),\n e2 = Math.sqrt(2);\n\n function ticks(start, stop, count) {\n var reverse,\n i = -1,\n n,\n ticks,\n step;\n\n stop = +stop, start = +start, count = +count;\n if (start === stop && count > 0) return [start];\n if (reverse = stop < start) n = start, start = stop, stop = n;\n if ((step = tickIncrement(start, stop, count)) === 0 || !isFinite(step)) return [];\n\n if (step > 0) {\n start = Math.ceil(start / step);\n stop = Math.floor(stop / step);\n ticks = new Array(n = Math.ceil(stop - start + 1));\n while (++i < n) ticks[i] = (start + i) * step;\n } else {\n step = -step;\n start = Math.ceil(start * step);\n stop = Math.floor(stop * step);\n ticks = new Array(n = Math.ceil(stop - start + 1));\n while (++i < n) ticks[i] = (start + i) / step;\n }\n\n if (reverse) ticks.reverse();\n\n return ticks;\n }\n\n function tickIncrement(start, stop, count) {\n var step = (stop - start) / Math.max(0, count),\n power = Math.floor(Math.log(step) / Math.LN10),\n error = step / Math.pow(10, power);\n return power >= 0\n ? (error >= e10 ? 10 : error >= e5 ? 5 : error >= e2 ? 2 : 1) * Math.pow(10, power)\n : -Math.pow(10, -power) / (error >= e10 ? 10 : error >= e5 ? 5 : error >= e2 ? 2 : 1);\n }\n\n function tickStep(start, stop, count) {\n var step0 = Math.abs(stop - start) / Math.max(0, count),\n step1 = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(step0) / Math.LN10)),\n error = step0 / step1;\n if (error >= e10) step1 *= 10;\n else if (error >= e5) step1 *= 5;\n else if (error >= e2) step1 *= 2;\n return stop < start ? -step1 : step1;\n }\n\n /*!\n * bytes\n * Copyright(c) 2012-2014 TJ Holowaychuk\n * Copyright(c) 2015 Jed Watson\n * MIT Licensed\n */\n var format_1 = format$1;\n\n /**\n * Module variables.\n * @private\n */\n\n var formatThousandsRegExp = /\\B(?=(\\d{3})+(?!\\d))/g;\n\n var formatDecimalsRegExp = /(?:\\.0*|(\\.[^0]+)0+)$/;\n\n var map$1 = {\n b: 1,\n kb: 1 << 10,\n mb: 1 << 20,\n gb: 1 << 30,\n tb: Math.pow(1024, 4),\n pb: Math.pow(1024, 5),\n };\n\n /**\n * Format the given value in bytes into a string.\n *\n * If the value is negative, it is kept as such. If it is a float,\n * it is rounded.\n *\n * @param {number} value\n * @param {object} [options]\n * @param {number} [options.decimalPlaces=2]\n * @param {number} [options.fixedDecimals=false]\n * @param {string} [options.thousandsSeparator=]\n * @param {string} [options.unit=]\n * @param {string} [options.unitSeparator=]\n *\n * @returns {string|null}\n * @public\n */\n\n function format$1(value, options) {\n if (!Number.isFinite(value)) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var mag = Math.abs(value);\n var thousandsSeparator = (options && options.thousandsSeparator) || \'\';\n var unitSeparator = (options && options.unitSeparator) || \'\';\n var decimalPlaces = (options && options.decimalPlaces !== undefined) ? options.decimalPlaces : 2;\n var fixedDecimals = Boolean(options && options.fixedDecimals);\n var unit = (options && options.unit) || \'\';\n\n if (!unit || !map$1[unit.toLowerCase()]) {\n if (mag >= map$1.pb) {\n unit = \'PB\';\n } else if (mag >= map$1.tb) {\n unit = \'TB\';\n } else if (mag >= map$1.gb) {\n unit = \'GB\';\n } else if (mag >= map$1.mb) {\n unit = \'MB\';\n } else if (mag >= map$1.kb) {\n unit = \'KB\';\n } else {\n unit = \'B\';\n }\n }\n\n var val = value / map$1[unit.toLowerCase()];\n var str = val.toFixed(decimalPlaces);\n\n if (!fixedDecimals) {\n str = str.replace(formatDecimalsRegExp, \'$1\');\n }\n\n if (thousandsSeparator) {\n str = str.replace(formatThousandsRegExp, thousandsSeparator);\n }\n\n return str + unitSeparator + unit;\n }\n\n const Node = ({\n node,\n backgroundColor,\n fontColor,\n onClick,\n isSelected,\n onNodeHover,\n sizeProperty,\n }) => {\n const {\n nodeUid,\n x0,\n x1,\n y1,\n y0,\n clipUid,\n data,\n originalValue,\n children = null,\n } = node;\n\n const tspan1Props = {};\n const tspan2Props = {};\n if (children != null) {\n tspan1Props.dx = 3;\n tspan2Props.dx = 3;\n tspan1Props.y = 13;\n tspan2Props.y = 13;\n } else {\n tspan1Props.x = 3;\n tspan2Props.x = 3;\n tspan1Props.y = "1.1em";\n tspan2Props.y = "2.3em";\n }\n\n const handleClickSelection = (event) => {\n if (window.getSelection().toString() !== "") {\n event.stopPropagation();\n }\n };\n\n return m$1`\n {\n evt.stopPropagation();\n onNodeHover(node);\n }}\n >\n \n \n \n \n \n \n ${data.name}\n ${format_1(originalValue[sizeProperty])}\n \n \n `;\n };\n\n const TreeMap = ({\n root,\n layout,\n color,\n width,\n height,\n onNodeHover,\n sizeProperty,\n }) => {\n const [selectedNode, setSelectedNode] = l(null);\n\n const desiredValue = root.originalValue[sizeProperty] * 0.2;\n\n //handle zoom of selected node\n const selectedNodeMultiplier =\n selectedNode != null\n ? desiredValue > selectedNode.originalValue[sizeProperty]\n ? desiredValue / selectedNode.originalValue[sizeProperty]\n : 3\n : 1;\n\n // i only need to increase value of leaf nodes\n // as folders will sum they up\n const nodesToIncrease =\n selectedNode != null\n ? selectedNode.children != null\n ? selectedNode.leaves()\n : [selectedNode]\n : [];\n\n const nodesToIncreaseSet = new Set(nodesToIncrease);\n\n // update value for nodes\n root = root.eachAfter((node) => {\n let sum = 0;\n const children = node.children;\n if (children != null) {\n let i = children.length;\n while (--i >= 0) sum += children[i].value;\n } else {\n sum = nodesToIncreaseSet.has(node)\n ? node.originalValue[sizeProperty] * selectedNodeMultiplier\n : node.originalValue[sizeProperty];\n }\n\n node.value = sum;\n });\n\n layout(root);\n\n // this will make groups by height\n const nestedDataMap = group(root.descendants(), (d) => d.height);\n const nestedData = Array.from(nestedDataMap, ([key, values]) => ({\n key,\n values,\n }));\n nestedData.sort((a, b) => b.key - a.key);\n\n return m$1`\n \n ${nestedData.map(({ key, values }) => {\n return m$1`\n \n ${values.map((node) => {\n const { backgroundColor, fontColor } = color(node);\n return m$1`\n <${Node}\n node=${node}\n backgroundColor=${backgroundColor}\n fontColor=${fontColor}\n onClick=${() =>\n setSelectedNode(selectedNode === node ? null : node)}\n isSelected=${selectedNode === node}\n onNodeHover=${onNodeHover}\n sizeProperty=${sizeProperty}\n />\n `;\n })}\n \n `;\n })}\n \n `;\n };\n\n const Tooltip = ({\n node,\n visible,\n root,\n sizeProperty,\n availableSizeProperties,\n importedByCache,\n }) => {\n const ref = s();\n const [style, setStyle] = l({});\n const content = d(() => {\n if (!node) return null;\n\n const mainSize = node.originalValue[sizeProperty];\n\n const percentageNum = (100 * mainSize) / root.originalValue[sizeProperty];\n const percentage = percentageNum.toFixed(2);\n const percentageString = percentage + "%";\n\n const uid = node.data.uid;\n\n const path = node\n .ancestors()\n .reverse()\n .map((d) => d.data.name)\n .join("/");\n\n return m$1`\n
\n ${availableSizeProperties.map((sizeProp) => {\n if (sizeProp === sizeProperty) {\n return m$1`\n
\n ${LABELS[sizeProp]}:${" "}${format_1(mainSize)}${" "}(${percentageString})\n
\n `;\n } else {\n return m$1`\n
\n ${LABELS[sizeProp]}:${" "}\n ${format_1(node.originalValue[sizeProp])}\n
\n `;\n }\n })}\n ${uid &&\n importedByCache.has(uid) &&\n m$1`\n
Imported By:
\n ${[...new Set(importedByCache.get(uid).map(({ id }) => id))].map(\n (id) => m$1`
`\n )}\n
\n `}\n `;\n }, [node]);\n\n const updatePosition = (mouseCoords) => {\n const pos = {\n left: mouseCoords.x + Tooltip.marginX,\n top: mouseCoords.y + Tooltip.marginY,\n };\n\n const boundingRect = ref.current.getBoundingClientRect();\n\n if (pos.left + boundingRect.width > window.innerWidth) {\n // Shifting horizontally\n pos.left = window.innerWidth - boundingRect.width;\n }\n\n if (pos.top + boundingRect.height > window.innerHeight) {\n // Flipping vertically\n pos.top = mouseCoords.y - Tooltip.marginY - boundingRect.height;\n }\n\n setStyle(pos);\n };\n\n const handleMouseMove = (event) => {\n updatePosition({\n x: event.pageX,\n y: event.pageY,\n });\n };\n\n y(() => {\n document.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove, true);\n return () => {\n document.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove, true);\n };\n }, []);\n\n return m$1`\n \n ${content}\n \n `;\n };\n\n Tooltip.marginX = 10;\n Tooltip.marginY = 30;\n\n const Chart = ({\n layout,\n root,\n color,\n width,\n height,\n sizeProperty,\n availableSizeProperties,\n importedCache,\n importedByCache,\n }) => {\n const [showTooltip, setShowTooltip] = l(false);\n const [tooltipNode, setTooltipNode] = l(null);\n\n const handleMouseOut = () => {\n setShowTooltip(false);\n };\n\n y(() => {\n document.addEventListener("mouseover", handleMouseOut);\n return () => {\n document.removeEventListener("mouseover", handleMouseOut);\n };\n }, []);\n\n return m$1`\n <${TreeMap}\n layout=${layout}\n root=${root}\n color=${color}\n width=${width}\n height=${height}\n sizeProperty=${sizeProperty}\n availableSizeProperties=${availableSizeProperties}\n onNodeHover=${(node) => {\n setTooltipNode(node);\n setShowTooltip(true);\n }}\n />\n <${Tooltip}\n visible=${showTooltip}\n node=${tooltipNode}\n root=${root}\n sizeProperty=${sizeProperty}\n availableSizeProperties=${availableSizeProperties}\n importedByCache=${importedByCache}\n importedCache=${importedCache}\n />\n `;\n };\n\n let count = 0;\n\n class Id {\n constructor(id) {\n this._id = id;\n this._href = createUrl({ hash: id }).href;\n }\n\n get id() {\n return this._id;\n }\n\n get href() {\n return this._href;\n }\n\n toString() {\n return `url(${this.href})`;\n }\n }\n\n function uid (name) {\n count += 1;\n const id = ["O", name, count].filter(Boolean).join("-");\n return new Id(id);\n }\n\n function createUrl(options = {}) {\n const url = new URL(window.location);\n return Object.assign(url, options);\n }\n\n function initRange(domain, range) {\n switch (arguments.length) {\n case 0: break;\n case 1: this.range(domain); break;\n default: this.range(range).domain(domain); break;\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n function initInterpolator(domain, interpolator) {\n switch (arguments.length) {\n case 0: break;\n case 1: {\n if (typeof domain === "function") this.interpolator(domain);\n else this.range(domain);\n break;\n }\n default: {\n this.domain(domain);\n if (typeof interpolator === "function") this.interpolator(interpolator);\n else this.range(interpolator);\n break;\n }\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n function define(constructor, factory, prototype) {\n constructor.prototype = factory.prototype = prototype;\n prototype.constructor = constructor;\n }\n\n function extend(parent, definition) {\n var prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);\n for (var key in definition) prototype[key] = definition[key];\n return prototype;\n }\n\n function Color() {}\n\n var darker = 0.7;\n var brighter = 1 / darker;\n\n var reI = "\\\\s*([+-]?\\\\d+)\\\\s*",\n reN = "\\\\s*([+-]?\\\\d*\\\\.?\\\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\\\d+)?)\\\\s*",\n reP = "\\\\s*([+-]?\\\\d*\\\\.?\\\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\\\d+)?)%\\\\s*",\n reHex = /^#([0-9a-f]{3,8})$/,\n reRgbInteger = new RegExp("^rgb\\\\(" + [reI, reI, reI] + "\\\\)$"),\n reRgbPercent = new RegExp("^rgb\\\\(" + [reP, reP, reP] + "\\\\)$"),\n reRgbaInteger = new RegExp("^rgba\\\\(" + [reI, reI, reI, reN] + "\\\\)$"),\n reRgbaPercent = new RegExp("^rgba\\\\(" + [reP, reP, reP, reN] + "\\\\)$"),\n reHslPercent = new RegExp("^hsl\\\\(" + [reN, reP, reP] + "\\\\)$"),\n reHslaPercent = new RegExp("^hsla\\\\(" + [reN, reP, reP, reN] + "\\\\)$");\n\n var named = {\n aliceblue: 0xf0f8ff,\n antiquewhite: 0xfaebd7,\n aqua: 0x00ffff,\n aquamarine: 0x7fffd4,\n azure: 0xf0ffff,\n beige: 0xf5f5dc,\n bisque: 0xffe4c4,\n black: 0x000000,\n blanchedalmond: 0xffebcd,\n blue: 0x0000ff,\n blueviolet: 0x8a2be2,\n brown: 0xa52a2a,\n burlywood: 0xdeb887,\n cadetblue: 0x5f9ea0,\n chartreuse: 0x7fff00,\n chocolate: 0xd2691e,\n coral: 0xff7f50,\n cornflowerblue: 0x6495ed,\n cornsilk: 0xfff8dc,\n crimson: 0xdc143c,\n cyan: 0x00ffff,\n darkblue: 0x00008b,\n darkcyan: 0x008b8b,\n darkgoldenrod: 0xb8860b,\n darkgray: 0xa9a9a9,\n darkgreen: 0x006400,\n darkgrey: 0xa9a9a9,\n darkkhaki: 0xbdb76b,\n darkmagenta: 0x8b008b,\n darkolivegreen: 0x556b2f,\n darkorange: 0xff8c00,\n darkorchid: 0x9932cc,\n darkred: 0x8b0000,\n darksalmon: 0xe9967a,\n darkseagreen: 0x8fbc8f,\n darkslateblue: 0x483d8b,\n darkslategray: 0x2f4f4f,\n darkslategrey: 0x2f4f4f,\n darkturquoise: 0x00ced1,\n darkviolet: 0x9400d3,\n deeppink: 0xff1493,\n deepskyblue: 0x00bfff,\n dimgray: 0x696969,\n dimgrey: 0x696969,\n dodgerblue: 0x1e90ff,\n firebrick: 0xb22222,\n floralwhite: 0xfffaf0,\n forestgreen: 0x228b22,\n fuchsia: 0xff00ff,\n gainsboro: 0xdcdcdc,\n ghostwhite: 0xf8f8ff,\n gold: 0xffd700,\n goldenrod: 0xdaa520,\n gray: 0x808080,\n green: 0x008000,\n greenyellow: 0xadff2f,\n grey: 0x808080,\n honeydew: 0xf0fff0,\n hotpink: 0xff69b4,\n indianred: 0xcd5c5c,\n indigo: 0x4b0082,\n ivory: 0xfffff0,\n khaki: 0xf0e68c,\n lavender: 0xe6e6fa,\n lavenderblush: 0xfff0f5,\n lawngreen: 0x7cfc00,\n lemonchiffon: 0xfffacd,\n lightblue: 0xadd8e6,\n lightcoral: 0xf08080,\n lightcyan: 0xe0ffff,\n lightgoldenrodyellow: 0xfafad2,\n lightgray: 0xd3d3d3,\n lightgreen: 0x90ee90,\n lightgrey: 0xd3d3d3,\n lightpink: 0xffb6c1,\n lightsalmon: 0xffa07a,\n lightseagreen: 0x20b2aa,\n lightskyblue: 0x87cefa,\n lightslategray: 0x778899,\n lightslategrey: 0x778899,\n lightsteelblue: 0xb0c4de,\n lightyellow: 0xffffe0,\n lime: 0x00ff00,\n limegreen: 0x32cd32,\n linen: 0xfaf0e6,\n magenta: 0xff00ff,\n maroon: 0x800000,\n mediumaquamarine: 0x66cdaa,\n mediumblue: 0x0000cd,\n mediumorchid: 0xba55d3,\n mediumpurple: 0x9370db,\n mediumseagreen: 0x3cb371,\n mediumslateblue: 0x7b68ee,\n mediumspringgreen: 0x00fa9a,\n mediumturquoise: 0x48d1cc,\n mediumvioletred: 0xc71585,\n midnightblue: 0x191970,\n mintcream: 0xf5fffa,\n mistyrose: 0xffe4e1,\n moccasin: 0xffe4b5,\n navajowhite: 0xffdead,\n navy: 0x000080,\n oldlace: 0xfdf5e6,\n olive: 0x808000,\n olivedrab: 0x6b8e23,\n orange: 0xffa500,\n orangered: 0xff4500,\n orchid: 0xda70d6,\n palegoldenrod: 0xeee8aa,\n palegreen: 0x98fb98,\n paleturquoise: 0xafeeee,\n palevioletred: 0xdb7093,\n papayawhip: 0xffefd5,\n peachpuff: 0xffdab9,\n peru: 0xcd853f,\n pink: 0xffc0cb,\n plum: 0xdda0dd,\n powderblue: 0xb0e0e6,\n purple: 0x800080,\n rebeccapurple: 0x663399,\n red: 0xff0000,\n rosybrown: 0xbc8f8f,\n royalblue: 0x4169e1,\n saddlebrown: 0x8b4513,\n salmon: 0xfa8072,\n sandybrown: 0xf4a460,\n seagreen: 0x2e8b57,\n seashell: 0xfff5ee,\n sienna: 0xa0522d,\n silver: 0xc0c0c0,\n skyblue: 0x87ceeb,\n slateblue: 0x6a5acd,\n slategray: 0x708090,\n slategrey: 0x708090,\n snow: 0xfffafa,\n springgreen: 0x00ff7f,\n steelblue: 0x4682b4,\n tan: 0xd2b48c,\n teal: 0x008080,\n thistle: 0xd8bfd8,\n tomato: 0xff6347,\n turquoise: 0x40e0d0,\n violet: 0xee82ee,\n wheat: 0xf5deb3,\n white: 0xffffff,\n whitesmoke: 0xf5f5f5,\n yellow: 0xffff00,\n yellowgreen: 0x9acd32\n };\n\n define(Color, color, {\n copy: function(channels) {\n return Object.assign(new this.constructor, this, channels);\n },\n displayable: function() {\n return this.rgb().displayable();\n },\n hex: color_formatHex, // Deprecated! Use color.formatHex.\n formatHex: color_formatHex,\n formatHsl: color_formatHsl,\n formatRgb: color_formatRgb,\n toString: color_formatRgb\n });\n\n function color_formatHex() {\n return this.rgb().formatHex();\n }\n\n function color_formatHsl() {\n return hslConvert(this).formatHsl();\n }\n\n function color_formatRgb() {\n return this.rgb().formatRgb();\n }\n\n function color(format) {\n var m, l;\n format = (format + "").trim().toLowerCase();\n return (m = reHex.exec(format)) ? (l = m[1].length, m = parseInt(m[1], 16), l === 6 ? rgbn(m) // #ff0000\n : l === 3 ? new Rgb((m >> 8 & 0xf) | (m >> 4 & 0xf0), (m >> 4 & 0xf) | (m & 0xf0), ((m & 0xf) << 4) | (m & 0xf), 1) // #f00\n : l === 8 ? rgba(m >> 24 & 0xff, m >> 16 & 0xff, m >> 8 & 0xff, (m & 0xff) / 0xff) // #ff000000\n : l === 4 ? rgba((m >> 12 & 0xf) | (m >> 8 & 0xf0), (m >> 8 & 0xf) | (m >> 4 & 0xf0), (m >> 4 & 0xf) | (m & 0xf0), (((m & 0xf) << 4) | (m & 0xf)) / 0xff) // #f000\n : null) // invalid hex\n : (m = reRgbInteger.exec(format)) ? new Rgb(m[1], m[2], m[3], 1) // rgb(255, 0, 0)\n : (m = reRgbPercent.exec(format)) ? new Rgb(m[1] * 255 / 100, m[2] * 255 / 100, m[3] * 255 / 100, 1) // rgb(100%, 0%, 0%)\n : (m = reRgbaInteger.exec(format)) ? rgba(m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4]) // rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)\n : (m = reRgbaPercent.exec(format)) ? rgba(m[1] * 255 / 100, m[2] * 255 / 100, m[3] * 255 / 100, m[4]) // rgb(100%, 0%, 0%, 1)\n : (m = reHslPercent.exec(format)) ? hsla(m[1], m[2] / 100, m[3] / 100, 1) // hsl(120, 50%, 50%)\n : (m = reHslaPercent.exec(format)) ? hsla(m[1], m[2] / 100, m[3] / 100, m[4]) // hsla(120, 50%, 50%, 1)\n : named.hasOwnProperty(format) ? rgbn(named[format]) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n : format === "transparent" ? new Rgb(NaN, NaN, NaN, 0)\n : null;\n }\n\n function rgbn(n) {\n return new Rgb(n >> 16 & 0xff, n >> 8 & 0xff, n & 0xff, 1);\n }\n\n function rgba(r, g, b, a) {\n if (a <= 0) r = g = b = NaN;\n return new Rgb(r, g, b, a);\n }\n\n function rgbConvert(o) {\n if (!(o instanceof Color)) o = color(o);\n if (!o) return new Rgb;\n o = o.rgb();\n return new Rgb(o.r, o.g, o.b, o.opacity);\n }\n\n function rgb$1(r, g, b, opacity) {\n return arguments.length === 1 ? rgbConvert(r) : new Rgb(r, g, b, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity);\n }\n\n function Rgb(r, g, b, opacity) {\n this.r = +r;\n this.g = +g;\n this.b = +b;\n this.opacity = +opacity;\n }\n\n define(Rgb, rgb$1, extend(Color, {\n brighter: function(k) {\n k = k == null ? brighter : Math.pow(brighter, k);\n return new Rgb(this.r * k, this.g * k, this.b * k, this.opacity);\n },\n darker: function(k) {\n k = k == null ? darker : Math.pow(darker, k);\n return new Rgb(this.r * k, this.g * k, this.b * k, this.opacity);\n },\n rgb: function() {\n return this;\n },\n displayable: function() {\n return (-0.5 <= this.r && this.r < 255.5)\n && (-0.5 <= this.g && this.g < 255.5)\n && (-0.5 <= this.b && this.b < 255.5)\n && (0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1);\n },\n hex: rgb_formatHex, // Deprecated! Use color.formatHex.\n formatHex: rgb_formatHex,\n formatRgb: rgb_formatRgb,\n toString: rgb_formatRgb\n }));\n\n function rgb_formatHex() {\n return "#" + hex(this.r) + hex(this.g) + hex(this.b);\n }\n\n function rgb_formatRgb() {\n var a = this.opacity; a = isNaN(a) ? 1 : Math.max(0, Math.min(1, a));\n return (a === 1 ? "rgb(" : "rgba(")\n + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.r) || 0)) + ", "\n + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.g) || 0)) + ", "\n + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.b) || 0))\n + (a === 1 ? ")" : ", " + a + ")");\n }\n\n function hex(value) {\n value = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(value) || 0));\n return (value < 16 ? "0" : "") + value.toString(16);\n }\n\n function hsla(h, s, l, a) {\n if (a <= 0) h = s = l = NaN;\n else if (l <= 0 || l >= 1) h = s = NaN;\n else if (s <= 0) h = NaN;\n return new Hsl(h, s, l, a);\n }\n\n function hslConvert(o) {\n if (o instanceof Hsl) return new Hsl(o.h, o.s, o.l, o.opacity);\n if (!(o instanceof Color)) o = color(o);\n if (!o) return new Hsl;\n if (o instanceof Hsl) return o;\n o = o.rgb();\n var r = o.r / 255,\n g = o.g / 255,\n b = o.b / 255,\n min = Math.min(r, g, b),\n max = Math.max(r, g, b),\n h = NaN,\n s = max - min,\n l = (max + min) / 2;\n if (s) {\n if (r === max) h = (g - b) / s + (g < b) * 6;\n else if (g === max) h = (b - r) / s + 2;\n else h = (r - g) / s + 4;\n s /= l < 0.5 ? max + min : 2 - max - min;\n h *= 60;\n } else {\n s = l > 0 && l < 1 ? 0 : h;\n }\n return new Hsl(h, s, l, o.opacity);\n }\n\n function hsl(h, s, l, opacity) {\n return arguments.length === 1 ? hslConvert(h) : new Hsl(h, s, l, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity);\n }\n\n function Hsl(h, s, l, opacity) {\n this.h = +h;\n this.s = +s;\n this.l = +l;\n this.opacity = +opacity;\n }\n\n define(Hsl, hsl, extend(Color, {\n brighter: function(k) {\n k = k == null ? brighter : Math.pow(brighter, k);\n return new Hsl(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity);\n },\n darker: function(k) {\n k = k == null ? darker : Math.pow(darker, k);\n return new Hsl(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity);\n },\n rgb: function() {\n var h = this.h % 360 + (this.h < 0) * 360,\n s = isNaN(h) || isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s,\n l = this.l,\n m2 = l + (l < 0.5 ? l : 1 - l) * s,\n m1 = 2 * l - m2;\n return new Rgb(\n hsl2rgb(h >= 240 ? h - 240 : h + 120, m1, m2),\n hsl2rgb(h, m1, m2),\n hsl2rgb(h < 120 ? h + 240 : h - 120, m1, m2),\n this.opacity\n );\n },\n displayable: function() {\n return (0 <= this.s && this.s <= 1 || isNaN(this.s))\n && (0 <= this.l && this.l <= 1)\n && (0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1);\n },\n formatHsl: function() {\n var a = this.opacity; a = isNaN(a) ? 1 : Math.max(0, Math.min(1, a));\n return (a === 1 ? "hsl(" : "hsla(")\n + (this.h || 0) + ", "\n + (this.s || 0) * 100 + "%, "\n + (this.l || 0) * 100 + "%"\n + (a === 1 ? ")" : ", " + a + ")");\n }\n }));\n\n /* From FvD 13.37, CSS Color Module Level 3 */\n function hsl2rgb(h, m1, m2) {\n return (h < 60 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * h / 60\n : h < 180 ? m2\n : h < 240 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * (240 - h) / 60\n : m1) * 255;\n }\n\n var constant = x => () => x;\n\n function linear$1(a, d) {\n return function(t) {\n return a + t * d;\n };\n }\n\n function exponential(a, b, y) {\n return a = Math.pow(a, y), b = Math.pow(b, y) - a, y = 1 / y, function(t) {\n return Math.pow(a + t * b, y);\n };\n }\n\n function gamma(y) {\n return (y = +y) === 1 ? nogamma : function(a, b) {\n return b - a ? exponential(a, b, y) : constant(isNaN(a) ? b : a);\n };\n }\n\n function nogamma(a, b) {\n var d = b - a;\n return d ? linear$1(a, d) : constant(isNaN(a) ? b : a);\n }\n\n var rgb = (function rgbGamma(y) {\n var color = gamma(y);\n\n function rgb(start, end) {\n var r = color((start = rgb$1(start)).r, (end = rgb$1(end)).r),\n g = color(start.g, end.g),\n b = color(start.b, end.b),\n opacity = nogamma(start.opacity, end.opacity);\n return function(t) {\n start.r = r(t);\n start.g = g(t);\n start.b = b(t);\n start.opacity = opacity(t);\n return start + "";\n };\n }\n\n rgb.gamma = rgbGamma;\n\n return rgb;\n })(1);\n\n function numberArray(a, b) {\n if (!b) b = [];\n var n = a ? Math.min(b.length, a.length) : 0,\n c = b.slice(),\n i;\n return function(t) {\n for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) c[i] = a[i] * (1 - t) + b[i] * t;\n return c;\n };\n }\n\n function isNumberArray(x) {\n return ArrayBuffer.isView(x) && !(x instanceof DataView);\n }\n\n function genericArray(a, b) {\n var nb = b ? b.length : 0,\n na = a ? Math.min(nb, a.length) : 0,\n x = new Array(na),\n c = new Array(nb),\n i;\n\n for (i = 0; i < na; ++i) x[i] = interpolate(a[i], b[i]);\n for (; i < nb; ++i) c[i] = b[i];\n\n return function(t) {\n for (i = 0; i < na; ++i) c[i] = x[i](t);\n return c;\n };\n }\n\n function date(a, b) {\n var d = new Date;\n return a = +a, b = +b, function(t) {\n return d.setTime(a * (1 - t) + b * t), d;\n };\n }\n\n function interpolateNumber(a, b) {\n return a = +a, b = +b, function(t) {\n return a * (1 - t) + b * t;\n };\n }\n\n function object(a, b) {\n var i = {},\n c = {},\n k;\n\n if (a === null || typeof a !== "object") a = {};\n if (b === null || typeof b !== "object") b = {};\n\n for (k in b) {\n if (k in a) {\n i[k] = interpolate(a[k], b[k]);\n } else {\n c[k] = b[k];\n }\n }\n\n return function(t) {\n for (k in i) c[k] = i[k](t);\n return c;\n };\n }\n\n var reA = /[-+]?(?:\\d+\\.?\\d*|\\.?\\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\\d+)?/g,\n reB = new RegExp(reA.source, "g");\n\n function zero(b) {\n return function() {\n return b;\n };\n }\n\n function one(b) {\n return function(t) {\n return b(t) + "";\n };\n }\n\n function string(a, b) {\n var bi = reA.lastIndex = reB.lastIndex = 0, // scan index for next number in b\n am, // current match in a\n bm, // current match in b\n bs, // string preceding current number in b, if any\n i = -1, // index in s\n s = [], // string constants and placeholders\n q = []; // number interpolators\n\n // Coerce inputs to strings.\n a = a + "", b = b + "";\n\n // Interpolate pairs of numbers in a & b.\n while ((am = reA.exec(a))\n && (bm = reB.exec(b))) {\n if ((bs = bm.index) > bi) { // a string precedes the next number in b\n bs = b.slice(bi, bs);\n if (s[i]) s[i] += bs; // coalesce with previous string\n else s[++i] = bs;\n }\n if ((am = am[0]) === (bm = bm[0])) { // numbers in a & b match\n if (s[i]) s[i] += bm; // coalesce with previous string\n else s[++i] = bm;\n } else { // interpolate non-matching numbers\n s[++i] = null;\n q.push({i: i, x: interpolateNumber(am, bm)});\n }\n bi = reB.lastIndex;\n }\n\n // Add remains of b.\n if (bi < b.length) {\n bs = b.slice(bi);\n if (s[i]) s[i] += bs; // coalesce with previous string\n else s[++i] = bs;\n }\n\n // Special optimization for only a single match.\n // Otherwise, interpolate each of the numbers and rejoin the string.\n return s.length < 2 ? (q[0]\n ? one(q[0].x)\n : zero(b))\n : (b = q.length, function(t) {\n for (var i = 0, o; i < b; ++i) s[(o = q[i]).i] = o.x(t);\n return s.join("");\n });\n }\n\n function interpolate(a, b) {\n var t = typeof b, c;\n return b == null || t === "boolean" ? constant(b)\n : (t === "number" ? interpolateNumber\n : t === "string" ? ((c = color(b)) ? (b = c, rgb) : string)\n : b instanceof color ? rgb\n : b instanceof Date ? date\n : isNumberArray(b) ? numberArray\n : Array.isArray(b) ? genericArray\n : typeof b.valueOf !== "function" && typeof b.toString !== "function" || isNaN(b) ? object\n : interpolateNumber)(a, b);\n }\n\n function interpolateRound(a, b) {\n return a = +a, b = +b, function(t) {\n return Math.round(a * (1 - t) + b * t);\n };\n }\n\n function constants(x) {\n return function() {\n return x;\n };\n }\n\n function number(x) {\n return +x;\n }\n\n var unit = [0, 1];\n\n function identity$1(x) {\n return x;\n }\n\n function normalize(a, b) {\n return (b -= (a = +a))\n ? function(x) { return (x - a) / b; }\n : constants(isNaN(b) ? NaN : 0.5);\n }\n\n function clamper(a, b) {\n var t;\n if (a > b) t = a, a = b, b = t;\n return function(x) { return Math.max(a, Math.min(b, x)); };\n }\n\n // normalize(a, b)(x) takes a domain value x in [a,b] and returns the corresponding parameter t in [0,1].\n // interpolate(a, b)(t) takes a parameter t in [0,1] and returns the corresponding range value x in [a,b].\n function bimap(domain, range, interpolate) {\n var d0 = domain[0], d1 = domain[1], r0 = range[0], r1 = range[1];\n if (d1 < d0) d0 = normalize(d1, d0), r0 = interpolate(r1, r0);\n else d0 = normalize(d0, d1), r0 = interpolate(r0, r1);\n return function(x) { return r0(d0(x)); };\n }\n\n function polymap(domain, range, interpolate) {\n var j = Math.min(domain.length, range.length) - 1,\n d = new Array(j),\n r = new Array(j),\n i = -1;\n\n // Reverse descending domains.\n if (domain[j] < domain[0]) {\n domain = domain.slice().reverse();\n range = range.slice().reverse();\n }\n\n while (++i < j) {\n d[i] = normalize(domain[i], domain[i + 1]);\n r[i] = interpolate(range[i], range[i + 1]);\n }\n\n return function(x) {\n var i = bisectRight(domain, x, 1, j) - 1;\n return r[i](d[i](x));\n };\n }\n\n function copy$1(source, target) {\n return target\n .domain(source.domain())\n .range(source.range())\n .interpolate(source.interpolate())\n .clamp(source.clamp())\n .unknown(source.unknown());\n }\n\n function transformer$1() {\n var domain = unit,\n range = unit,\n interpolate$1 = interpolate,\n transform,\n untransform,\n unknown,\n clamp = identity$1,\n piecewise,\n output,\n input;\n\n function rescale() {\n var n = Math.min(domain.length, range.length);\n if (clamp !== identity$1) clamp = clamper(domain[0], domain[n - 1]);\n piecewise = n > 2 ? polymap : bimap;\n output = input = null;\n return scale;\n }\n\n function scale(x) {\n return isNaN(x = +x) ? unknown : (output || (output = piecewise(domain.map(transform), range, interpolate$1)))(transform(clamp(x)));\n }\n\n scale.invert = function(y) {\n return clamp(untransform((input || (input = piecewise(range, domain.map(transform), interpolateNumber)))(y)));\n };\n\n scale.domain = function(_) {\n return arguments.length ? (domain = Array.from(_, number), rescale()) : domain.slice();\n };\n\n scale.range = function(_) {\n return arguments.length ? (range = Array.from(_), rescale()) : range.slice();\n };\n\n scale.rangeRound = function(_) {\n return range = Array.from(_), interpolate$1 = interpolateRound, rescale();\n };\n\n scale.clamp = function(_) {\n return arguments.length ? (clamp = _ ? true : identity$1, rescale()) : clamp !== identity$1;\n };\n\n scale.interpolate = function(_) {\n return arguments.length ? (interpolate$1 = _, rescale()) : interpolate$1;\n };\n\n scale.unknown = function(_) {\n return arguments.length ? (unknown = _, scale) : unknown;\n };\n\n return function(t, u) {\n transform = t, untransform = u;\n return rescale();\n };\n }\n\n function continuous() {\n return transformer$1()(identity$1, identity$1);\n }\n\n function formatDecimal(x) {\n return Math.abs(x = Math.round(x)) >= 1e21\n ? x.toLocaleString("en").replace(/,/g, "")\n : x.toString(10);\n }\n\n // Computes the decimal coefficient and exponent of the specified number x with\n // significant digits p, where x is positive and p is in [1, 21] or undefined.\n // For example, formatDecimalParts(1.23) returns ["123", 0].\n function formatDecimalParts(x, p) {\n if ((i = (x = p ? x.toExponential(p - 1) : x.toExponential()).indexOf("e")) < 0) return null; // NaN, ±Infinity\n var i, coefficient = x.slice(0, i);\n\n // The string returned by toExponential either has the form \\d\\.\\d+e[-+]\\d+\n // (e.g., 1.2e+3) or the form \\de[-+]\\d+ (e.g., 1e+3).\n return [\n coefficient.length > 1 ? coefficient[0] + coefficient.slice(2) : coefficient,\n +x.slice(i + 1)\n ];\n }\n\n function exponent(x) {\n return x = formatDecimalParts(Math.abs(x)), x ? x[1] : NaN;\n }\n\n function formatGroup(grouping, thousands) {\n return function(value, width) {\n var i = value.length,\n t = [],\n j = 0,\n g = grouping[0],\n length = 0;\n\n while (i > 0 && g > 0) {\n if (length + g + 1 > width) g = Math.max(1, width - length);\n t.push(value.substring(i -= g, i + g));\n if ((length += g + 1) > width) break;\n g = grouping[j = (j + 1) % grouping.length];\n }\n\n return t.reverse().join(thousands);\n };\n }\n\n function formatNumerals(numerals) {\n return function(value) {\n return value.replace(/[0-9]/g, function(i) {\n return numerals[+i];\n });\n };\n }\n\n // [[fill]align][sign][symbol][0][width][,][.precision][~][type]\n var re = /^(?:(.)?([<>=^]))?([+\\-( ])?([$#])?(0)?(\\d+)?(,)?(\\.\\d+)?(~)?([a-z%])?$/i;\n\n function formatSpecifier(specifier) {\n if (!(match = re.exec(specifier))) throw new Error("invalid format: " + specifier);\n var match;\n return new FormatSpecifier({\n fill: match[1],\n align: match[2],\n sign: match[3],\n symbol: match[4],\n zero: match[5],\n width: match[6],\n comma: match[7],\n precision: match[8] && match[8].slice(1),\n trim: match[9],\n type: match[10]\n });\n }\n\n formatSpecifier.prototype = FormatSpecifier.prototype; // instanceof\n\n function FormatSpecifier(specifier) {\n this.fill = specifier.fill === undefined ? " " : specifier.fill + "";\n this.align = specifier.align === undefined ? ">" : specifier.align + "";\n this.sign = specifier.sign === undefined ? "-" : specifier.sign + "";\n this.symbol = specifier.symbol === undefined ? "" : specifier.symbol + "";\n this.zero = !!specifier.zero;\n this.width = specifier.width === undefined ? undefined : +specifier.width;\n this.comma = !!specifier.comma;\n this.precision = specifier.precision === undefined ? undefined : +specifier.precision;\n this.trim = !!specifier.trim;\n this.type = specifier.type === undefined ? "" : specifier.type + "";\n }\n\n FormatSpecifier.prototype.toString = function() {\n return this.fill\n + this.align\n + this.sign\n + this.symbol\n + (this.zero ? "0" : "")\n + (this.width === undefined ? "" : Math.max(1, this.width | 0))\n + (this.comma ? "," : "")\n + (this.precision === undefined ? "" : "." + Math.max(0, this.precision | 0))\n + (this.trim ? "~" : "")\n + this.type;\n };\n\n // Trims insignificant zeros, e.g., replaces 1.2000k with 1.2k.\n function formatTrim(s) {\n out: for (var n = s.length, i = 1, i0 = -1, i1; i < n; ++i) {\n switch (s[i]) {\n case ".": i0 = i1 = i; break;\n case "0": if (i0 === 0) i0 = i; i1 = i; break;\n default: if (!+s[i]) break out; if (i0 > 0) i0 = 0; break;\n }\n }\n return i0 > 0 ? s.slice(0, i0) + s.slice(i1 + 1) : s;\n }\n\n var prefixExponent;\n\n function formatPrefixAuto(x, p) {\n var d = formatDecimalParts(x, p);\n if (!d) return x + "";\n var coefficient = d[0],\n exponent = d[1],\n i = exponent - (prefixExponent = Math.max(-8, Math.min(8, Math.floor(exponent / 3))) * 3) + 1,\n n = coefficient.length;\n return i === n ? coefficient\n : i > n ? coefficient + new Array(i - n + 1).join("0")\n : i > 0 ? coefficient.slice(0, i) + "." + coefficient.slice(i)\n : "0." + new Array(1 - i).join("0") + formatDecimalParts(x, Math.max(0, p + i - 1))[0]; // less than 1y!\n }\n\n function formatRounded(x, p) {\n var d = formatDecimalParts(x, p);\n if (!d) return x + "";\n var coefficient = d[0],\n exponent = d[1];\n return exponent < 0 ? "0." + new Array(-exponent).join("0") + coefficient\n : coefficient.length > exponent + 1 ? coefficient.slice(0, exponent + 1) + "." + coefficient.slice(exponent + 1)\n : coefficient + new Array(exponent - coefficient.length + 2).join("0");\n }\n\n var formatTypes = {\n "%": (x, p) => (x * 100).toFixed(p),\n "b": (x) => Math.round(x).toString(2),\n "c": (x) => x + "",\n "d": formatDecimal,\n "e": (x, p) => x.toExponential(p),\n "f": (x, p) => x.toFixed(p),\n "g": (x, p) => x.toPrecision(p),\n "o": (x) => Math.round(x).toString(8),\n "p": (x, p) => formatRounded(x * 100, p),\n "r": formatRounded,\n "s": formatPrefixAuto,\n "X": (x) => Math.round(x).toString(16).toUpperCase(),\n "x": (x) => Math.round(x).toString(16)\n };\n\n function identity(x) {\n return x;\n }\n\n var map = Array.prototype.map,\n prefixes = ["y","z","a","f","p","n","µ","m","","k","M","G","T","P","E","Z","Y"];\n\n function formatLocale(locale) {\n var group = locale.grouping === undefined || locale.thousands === undefined ? identity : formatGroup(map.call(locale.grouping, Number), locale.thousands + ""),\n currencyPrefix = locale.currency === undefined ? "" : locale.currency[0] + "",\n currencySuffix = locale.currency === undefined ? "" : locale.currency[1] + "",\n decimal = locale.decimal === undefined ? "." : locale.decimal + "",\n numerals = locale.numerals === undefined ? identity : formatNumerals(map.call(locale.numerals, String)),\n percent = locale.percent === undefined ? "%" : locale.percent + "",\n minus = locale.minus === undefined ? "−" : locale.minus + "",\n nan = locale.nan === undefined ? "NaN" : locale.nan + "";\n\n function newFormat(specifier) {\n specifier = formatSpecifier(specifier);\n\n var fill = specifier.fill,\n align = specifier.align,\n sign = specifier.sign,\n symbol = specifier.symbol,\n zero = specifier.zero,\n width = specifier.width,\n comma = specifier.comma,\n precision = specifier.precision,\n trim = specifier.trim,\n type = specifier.type;\n\n // The "n" type is an alias for ",g".\n if (type === "n") comma = true, type = "g";\n\n // The "" type, and any invalid type, is an alias for ".12~g".\n else if (!formatTypes[type]) precision === undefined && (precision = 12), trim = true, type = "g";\n\n // If zero fill is specified, padding goes after sign and before digits.\n if (zero || (fill === "0" && align === "=")) zero = true, fill = "0", align = "=";\n\n // Compute the prefix and suffix.\n // For SI-prefix, the suffix is lazily computed.\n var prefix = symbol === "$" ? currencyPrefix : symbol === "#" && /[boxX]/.test(type) ? "0" + type.toLowerCase() : "",\n suffix = symbol === "$" ? currencySuffix : /[%p]/.test(type) ? percent : "";\n\n // What format function should we use?\n // Is this an integer type?\n // Can this type generate exponential notation?\n var formatType = formatTypes[type],\n maybeSuffix = /[defgprs%]/.test(type);\n\n // Set the default precision if not specified,\n // or clamp the specified precision to the supported range.\n // For significant precision, it must be in [1, 21].\n // For fixed precision, it must be in [0, 20].\n precision = precision === undefined ? 6\n : /[gprs]/.test(type) ? Math.max(1, Math.min(21, precision))\n : Math.max(0, Math.min(20, precision));\n\n function format(value) {\n var valuePrefix = prefix,\n valueSuffix = suffix,\n i, n, c;\n\n if (type === "c") {\n valueSuffix = formatType(value) + valueSuffix;\n value = "";\n } else {\n value = +value;\n\n // Determine the sign. -0 is not less than 0, but 1 / -0 is!\n var valueNegative = value < 0 || 1 / value < 0;\n\n // Perform the initial formatting.\n value = isNaN(value) ? nan : formatType(Math.abs(value), precision);\n\n // Trim insignificant zeros.\n if (trim) value = formatTrim(value);\n\n // If a negative value rounds to zero after formatting, and no explicit positive sign is requested, hide the sign.\n if (valueNegative && +value === 0 && sign !== "+") valueNegative = false;\n\n // Compute the prefix and suffix.\n valuePrefix = (valueNegative ? (sign === "(" ? sign : minus) : sign === "-" || sign === "(" ? "" : sign) + valuePrefix;\n valueSuffix = (type === "s" ? prefixes[8 + prefixExponent / 3] : "") + valueSuffix + (valueNegative && sign === "(" ? ")" : "");\n\n // Break the formatted value into the integer “value” part that can be\n // grouped, and fractional or exponential “suffix” part that is not.\n if (maybeSuffix) {\n i = -1, n = value.length;\n while (++i < n) {\n if (c = value.charCodeAt(i), 48 > c || c > 57) {\n valueSuffix = (c === 46 ? decimal + value.slice(i + 1) : value.slice(i)) + valueSuffix;\n value = value.slice(0, i);\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n // If the fill character is not "0", grouping is applied before padding.\n if (comma && !zero) value = group(value, Infinity);\n\n // Compute the padding.\n var length = valuePrefix.length + value.length + valueSuffix.length,\n padding = length < width ? new Array(width - length + 1).join(fill) : "";\n\n // If the fill character is "0", grouping is applied after padding.\n if (comma && zero) value = group(padding + value, padding.length ? width - valueSuffix.length : Infinity), padding = "";\n\n // Reconstruct the final output based on the desired alignment.\n switch (align) {\n case "<": value = valuePrefix + value + valueSuffix + padding; break;\n case "=": value = valuePrefix + padding + value + valueSuffix; break;\n case "^": value = padding.slice(0, length = padding.length >> 1) + valuePrefix + value + valueSuffix + padding.slice(length); break;\n default: value = padding + valuePrefix + value + valueSuffix; break;\n }\n\n return numerals(value);\n }\n\n format.toString = function() {\n return specifier + "";\n };\n\n return format;\n }\n\n function formatPrefix(specifier, value) {\n var f = newFormat((specifier = formatSpecifier(specifier), specifier.type = "f", specifier)),\n e = Math.max(-8, Math.min(8, Math.floor(exponent(value) / 3))) * 3,\n k = Math.pow(10, -e),\n prefix = prefixes[8 + e / 3];\n return function(value) {\n return f(k * value) + prefix;\n };\n }\n\n return {\n format: newFormat,\n formatPrefix: formatPrefix\n };\n }\n\n var locale;\n var format;\n var formatPrefix;\n\n defaultLocale({\n thousands: ",",\n grouping: [3],\n currency: ["$", ""]\n });\n\n function defaultLocale(definition) {\n locale = formatLocale(definition);\n format = locale.format;\n formatPrefix = locale.formatPrefix;\n return locale;\n }\n\n function precisionFixed(step) {\n return Math.max(0, -exponent(Math.abs(step)));\n }\n\n function precisionPrefix(step, value) {\n return Math.max(0, Math.max(-8, Math.min(8, Math.floor(exponent(value) / 3))) * 3 - exponent(Math.abs(step)));\n }\n\n function precisionRound(step, max) {\n step = Math.abs(step), max = Math.abs(max) - step;\n return Math.max(0, exponent(max) - exponent(step)) + 1;\n }\n\n function tickFormat(start, stop, count, specifier) {\n var step = tickStep(start, stop, count),\n precision;\n specifier = formatSpecifier(specifier == null ? ",f" : specifier);\n switch (specifier.type) {\n case "s": {\n var value = Math.max(Math.abs(start), Math.abs(stop));\n if (specifier.precision == null && !isNaN(precision = precisionPrefix(step, value))) specifier.precision = precision;\n return formatPrefix(specifier, value);\n }\n case "":\n case "e":\n case "g":\n case "p":\n case "r": {\n if (specifier.precision == null && !isNaN(precision = precisionRound(step, Math.max(Math.abs(start), Math.abs(stop))))) specifier.precision = precision - (specifier.type === "e");\n break;\n }\n case "f":\n case "%": {\n if (specifier.precision == null && !isNaN(precision = precisionFixed(step))) specifier.precision = precision - (specifier.type === "%") * 2;\n break;\n }\n }\n return format(specifier);\n }\n\n function linearish(scale) {\n var domain = scale.domain;\n\n scale.ticks = function(count) {\n var d = domain();\n return ticks(d[0], d[d.length - 1], count == null ? 10 : count);\n };\n\n scale.tickFormat = function(count, specifier) {\n var d = domain();\n return tickFormat(d[0], d[d.length - 1], count == null ? 10 : count, specifier);\n };\n\n scale.nice = function(count) {\n if (count == null) count = 10;\n\n var d = domain();\n var i0 = 0;\n var i1 = d.length - 1;\n var start = d[i0];\n var stop = d[i1];\n var prestep;\n var step;\n var maxIter = 10;\n\n if (stop < start) {\n step = start, start = stop, stop = step;\n step = i0, i0 = i1, i1 = step;\n }\n \n while (maxIter-- > 0) {\n step = tickIncrement(start, stop, count);\n if (step === prestep) {\n d[i0] = start;\n d[i1] = stop;\n return domain(d);\n } else if (step > 0) {\n start = Math.floor(start / step) * step;\n stop = Math.ceil(stop / step) * step;\n } else if (step < 0) {\n start = Math.ceil(start * step) / step;\n stop = Math.floor(stop * step) / step;\n } else {\n break;\n }\n prestep = step;\n }\n\n return scale;\n };\n\n return scale;\n }\n\n function linear() {\n var scale = continuous();\n\n scale.copy = function() {\n return copy$1(scale, linear());\n };\n\n initRange.apply(scale, arguments);\n\n return linearish(scale);\n }\n\n function transformer() {\n var x0 = 0,\n x1 = 1,\n t0,\n t1,\n k10,\n transform,\n interpolator = identity$1,\n clamp = false,\n unknown;\n\n function scale(x) {\n return isNaN(x = +x) ? unknown : interpolator(k10 === 0 ? 0.5 : (x = (transform(x) - t0) * k10, clamp ? Math.max(0, Math.min(1, x)) : x));\n }\n\n scale.domain = function(_) {\n return arguments.length ? ([x0, x1] = _, t0 = transform(x0 = +x0), t1 = transform(x1 = +x1), k10 = t0 === t1 ? 0 : 1 / (t1 - t0), scale) : [x0, x1];\n };\n\n scale.clamp = function(_) {\n return arguments.length ? (clamp = !!_, scale) : clamp;\n };\n\n scale.interpolator = function(_) {\n return arguments.length ? (interpolator = _, scale) : interpolator;\n };\n\n function range(interpolate) {\n return function(_) {\n var r0, r1;\n return arguments.length ? ([r0, r1] = _, interpolator = interpolate(r0, r1), scale) : [interpolator(0), interpolator(1)];\n };\n }\n\n scale.range = range(interpolate);\n\n scale.rangeRound = range(interpolateRound);\n\n scale.unknown = function(_) {\n return arguments.length ? (unknown = _, scale) : unknown;\n };\n\n return function(t) {\n transform = t, t0 = t(x0), t1 = t(x1), k10 = t0 === t1 ? 0 : 1 / (t1 - t0);\n return scale;\n };\n }\n\n function copy(source, target) {\n return target\n .domain(source.domain())\n .interpolator(source.interpolator())\n .clamp(source.clamp())\n .unknown(source.unknown());\n }\n\n function sequential() {\n var scale = linearish(transformer()(identity$1));\n\n scale.copy = function() {\n return copy(scale, sequential());\n };\n\n return initInterpolator.apply(scale, arguments);\n }\n\n const COLOR_BASE = "#cecece";\n\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#relativeluminancedef\n const rc = 0.2126;\n const gc = 0.7152;\n const bc = 0.0722;\n // low-gamma adjust coefficient\n const lowc = 1 / 12.92;\n\n function adjustGamma(_) {\n return Math.pow((_ + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);\n }\n\n function relativeLuminance(o) {\n const rsrgb = o.r / 255;\n const gsrgb = o.g / 255;\n const bsrgb = o.b / 255;\n\n const r = rsrgb <= 0.03928 ? rsrgb * lowc : adjustGamma(rsrgb);\n const g = gsrgb <= 0.03928 ? gsrgb * lowc : adjustGamma(gsrgb);\n const b = bsrgb <= 0.03928 ? bsrgb * lowc : adjustGamma(bsrgb);\n\n return r * rc + g * gc + b * bc;\n }\n\n const createRainbowColor = (root) => {\n const colorParentMap = new Map();\n colorParentMap.set(root, COLOR_BASE);\n\n if (root.children != null) {\n const colorScale = sequential([0, root.children.length - 1], (n) =>\n hsl(360 * n, 0.6, 0.85)\n );\n root.children.forEach((c, id) => {\n colorParentMap.set(c, colorScale(id));\n });\n }\n\n const colorMap = new Map();\n\n const lightScale = linear().domain([0, root.height]).range([0.9, 0.3]);\n\n const getBackgroundColor = (node) => {\n const parents = node.ancestors();\n const colorStr =\n parents.length === 1\n ? colorParentMap.get(parents[0])\n : colorParentMap.get(parents[parents.length - 2]);\n\n const hslColor = hsl(colorStr);\n hslColor.l = lightScale(node.depth);\n\n return hslColor;\n };\n\n return (node) => {\n if (!colorMap.has(node)) {\n const backgroundColor = getBackgroundColor(node);\n const l = relativeLuminance(backgroundColor.rgb());\n const fontColor = l > 0.179 ? "#000" : "#fff";\n colorMap.set(node, { backgroundColor, fontColor });\n }\n\n return colorMap.get(node);\n };\n };\n\n const Main = ({\n width,\n height,\n data: { tree, nodes, links, options = {} },\n }) => {\n const availableSizeProperties = getAvailableSizeOptions(options);\n\n const [sizeProperty, setSizeProperty] = l(availableSizeProperties[0]);\n\n const layout = d3treemap()\n .size([width, height])\n .paddingOuter(8)\n .paddingTop(20)\n .paddingInner(5)\n .round(true)\n .tile(treemapResquarify);\n\n const root = hierarchy(tree)\n .eachAfter((node) => {\n const value = {};\n for (const prop of availableSizeProperties) {\n value[prop] = 0;\n }\n\n // use node.data.children because if it is empty d3 will skip this node\n // and it will look like it is actually a leaf - which technically it is but not exactly\n // it is just a chunk without deps - usually just with imports\n if (node.children == null && node.data.children != null) {\n // this should be root withiout children\n for (const prop of availableSizeProperties) {\n value[prop] += node.data[prop] || 0;\n }\n } else if (node.data.children != null) {\n const children = node.children;\n let i = node.data.children.length;\n while (--i >= 0) {\n for (const prop of availableSizeProperties) {\n value[prop] += children[i].originalValue[prop] || 0;\n }\n }\n } else {\n for (const prop of availableSizeProperties) {\n value[prop] = nodes[node.data.uid][prop] || 0;\n }\n }\n\n node.clipUid = uid("clip");\n node.nodeUid = uid("node");\n\n node.originalValue = value;\n node.value = value[sizeProperty];\n })\n .sort(\n (a, b) => b.originalValue[sizeProperty] - a.originalValue[sizeProperty]\n );\n\n const color = createRainbowColor(root);\n\n const importedByCache = new Map();\n const importedCache = new Map();\n\n for (const { source, target } of links || []) {\n if (!importedByCache.has(target)) {\n importedByCache.set(target, []);\n }\n if (!importedCache.has(source)) {\n importedCache.set(source, []);\n }\n\n importedByCache.get(target).push({ uid: source, ...nodes[source] });\n importedCache.get(source).push({ uid: target, ...nodes[target] });\n }\n\n return m$1`\n <${SideBar}\n sizeProperty=${sizeProperty}\n availableSizeProperties=${availableSizeProperties}\n setSizeProperty=${setSizeProperty}\n />\n <${Chart}\n layout=${layout}\n root=${root}\n color=${color}\n width=${width}\n height=${height}\n sizeProperty=${sizeProperty}\n availableSizeProperties=${availableSizeProperties}\n importedByCache=${importedByCache}\n importedCache=${importedCache}\n />\n `;\n };\n\n const drawChart = (parentNode, data, width, height) => {\n N(\n m$1` <${Main} data=${data} width=${width} height=${height} /> `,\n parentNode\n );\n };\n\n return drawChart;\n\n}());\n'),Promise.resolve(':root {\n --font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto,\n "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji",\n "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";\n 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0;\n}\n\n.sidebar {\n position: fixed;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n font-size: 0.7rem;\n align-items: center;\n margin: 0 50px;\n height: 20px;\n}\n\n.size-selectors {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.size-selector {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n margin-right: 1rem;\n}\n.size-selector input {\n margin: 0 0.3rem 0 0;\n}\n\n.filters {\n flex: 1;\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.filter {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n flex: 1;\n}\n.filter input {\n flex: 1;\n height: 1rem;\n padding: 0.1rem;\n font-size: 0.7rem;\n margin-left: 0.3rem;\n}\n.filter + .filter {\n margin-left: 0.5rem;\n}')]);return fze({title:e,style:i,script:r,nodesData:JSON.stringify(t)})},mze=1;const gze=require("path"),Aze="\0",yze=(e,t)=>{let n={name:"root",children:[]};for(const[r,{renderedLength:i}]of e){const e={renderedLength:i},s=r,o={uid:t.setValueByModuleId(r,e)};s.startsWith(Aze)?vze(n,[s],o):vze(n,s.split(gze.sep),o)}return n=Eze(n),n},Eze=e=>{let t=e;const n=[],r=[];for(const t of e.children||[])t.name.startsWith(Aze)?n.push(t):r.push(t);for(1===r.length&&r[0].children&&(t=r[0]);t.children&&1===t.children.length&&t.children[0].children;)t=t.children[0];return t.children=t.children.concat(n),t};function vze(e,t,n){""===t[0]&&t.shift();let r=e.children.find((e=>e.name===t[0]));if(null==r&&(r={name:t[0],children:[]},e.children.push(r)),1===t.length)return Object.assign(r,n),void delete r.children;t.shift(),vze(r,t,n)}const _ze=e=>{if(1===e.length)return e[0];return{name:"root",children:e}},bze=(e,t,n,r)=>{const i={},s=[e];for(;s.length>0;){const e=s.shift(),o=r.getUid(e);if(i[o])continue;i[o]=!0;const a=r.getValue(o,{renderedLength:0}),B=t(e),{importedIds:c,isEntry:l,isExternal:u,dynamicallyImportedIds:p=[]}=B;l&&(a.isEntry=!0),u&&(a.isExternal=!0);for(const e of c){const t=r.getUid(e);n.push({source:o,target:t}),s.push(e)}for(const e of p){const t=r.getUid(e);n.push({source:o,target:t,dynamic:!0}),s.push(e)}}},Sze=(e,t)=>e.startsWith(Aze)||t.isExternal||!gze.isAbsolute(e),wze=(e,t)=>{let n=null;for(const[r,i]of Object.entries(t)){const t=e[i];if(!Sze(r,t)){null==n&&(n=r);for(let e=0;e>>=Oze,r>0&&(t|=Pze),n+=kze.encode(t)}while(r>0);return n},Lze={encode:Fze},Rze=N((function(e,t){t.getArg=function(e,t,n){if(t in e)return e[t];if(3===arguments.length)return n;throw new Error('"'+t+'" is a required argument.')};const n=/^(?:([\w+\-.]+):)?\/\/(?:(\w+:\w+)@)?([\w.-]*)(?::(\d+))?(.*)$/,r=/^data:.+\,.+$/;function i(e){const t=e.match(n);return t?{scheme:t[1],auth:t[2],host:t[3],port:t[4],path:t[5]}:null}function s(e){let t="";return e.scheme&&(t+=e.scheme+":"),t+="//",e.auth&&(t+=e.auth+"@"),e.host&&(t+=e.host),e.port&&(t+=":"+e.port),e.path&&(t+=e.path),t}t.urlParse=i,t.urlGenerate=s;const o=function(e){const t=[];return function(n){for(let e=0;e32&&t.pop(),r}}((function(e){let n=e;const r=i(e);if(r){if(!r.path)return e;n=r.path}const o=t.isAbsolute(n),a=[];let B=0,c=0;for(;;){if(B=c,c=n.indexOf("/",B),-1===c){a.push(n.slice(B));break}for(a.push(n.slice(B,c));c=0;c--){const e=a[c];"."===e?a.splice(c,1):".."===e?l++:l>0&&(""===e?(a.splice(c+1,l),l=0):(a.splice(c,2),l--))}return n=a.join("/"),""===n&&(n=o?"/":"."),r?(r.path=n,s(r)):n}));function a(e,t){""===e&&(e="."),""===t&&(t=".");const n=i(t),a=i(e);if(a&&(e=a.path||"/"),n&&!n.scheme)return a&&(n.scheme=a.scheme),s(n);if(n||t.match(r))return t;if(a&&!a.host&&!a.path)return a.host=t,s(a);const B="/"===t.charAt(0)?t:o(e.replace(/\/+$/,"")+"/"+t);return a?(a.path=B,s(a)):B}t.normalize=o,t.join=a,t.isAbsolute=function(e){return"/"===e.charAt(0)||n.test(e)},t.relative=function(e,t){""===e&&(e="."),e=e.replace(/\/$/,"");let n=0;for(;0!==t.indexOf(e+"/");){const r=e.lastIndexOf("/");if(r<0)return t;if((e=e.slice(0,r)).match(/^([^\/]+:\/)?\/*$/))return t;++n}return Array(n+1).join("../")+t.substr(e.length+1)};const B=!("__proto__"in Object.create(null));function c(e){return e}function l(e){if(!e)return!1;const t=e.length;if(t<9)return!1;if(95!==e.charCodeAt(t-1)||95!==e.charCodeAt(t-2)||111!==e.charCodeAt(t-3)||116!==e.charCodeAt(t-4)||111!==e.charCodeAt(t-5)||114!==e.charCodeAt(t-6)||112!==e.charCodeAt(t-7)||95!==e.charCodeAt(t-8)||95!==e.charCodeAt(t-9))return!1;for(let n=t-10;n>=0;n--)if(36!==e.charCodeAt(n))return!1;return!0}function u(e,t){return e===t?0:null===e?1:null===t?-1:e>t?1:-1}t.toSetString=B?c:function(e){return l(e)?"$"+e:e},t.fromSetString=B?c:function(e){return l(e)?e.slice(1):e},t.compareByOriginalPositions=function(e,t,n){let r=u(e.source,t.source);return 0!==r?r:(r=e.originalLine-t.originalLine,0!==r?r:(r=e.originalColumn-t.originalColumn,0!==r||n?r:(r=e.generatedColumn-t.generatedColumn,0!==r?r:(r=e.generatedLine-t.generatedLine,0!==r?r:u(e.name,t.name)))))},t.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated=function(e,t,n){let r=e.generatedLine-t.generatedLine;return 0!==r?r:(r=e.generatedColumn-t.generatedColumn,0!==r||n?r:(r=u(e.source,t.source),0!==r?r:(r=e.originalLine-t.originalLine,0!==r?r:(r=e.originalColumn-t.originalColumn,0!==r?r:u(e.name,t.name)))))},t.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated=function(e,t){let n=e.generatedLine-t.generatedLine;return 0!==n?n:(n=e.generatedColumn-t.generatedColumn,0!==n?n:(n=u(e.source,t.source),0!==n?n:(n=e.originalLine-t.originalLine,0!==n?n:(n=e.originalColumn-t.originalColumn,0!==n?n:u(e.name,t.name)))))},t.parseSourceMapInput=function(e){return JSON.parse(e.replace(/^\)]}'[^\n]*\n/,""))},t.computeSourceURL=function(e,t,n){if(t=t||"",e&&("/"!==e[e.length-1]&&"/"!==t[0]&&(e+="/"),t=e+t),n){const e=i(n);if(!e)throw new Error("sourceMapURL could not be parsed");if(e.path){const t=e.path.lastIndexOf("/");t>=0&&(e.path=e.path.substring(0,t+1))}t=a(s(e),t)}return o(t)}}));class Gze{constructor(){this._array=[],this._set=new Map}static fromArray(e,t){const n=new Gze;for(let r=0,i=e.length;r=0)return t;throw new Error('"'+e+'" is not in the set.')}at(e){if(e>=0&&en||r==n&&s>=i||Rze.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(e,t)<=0}class Uze{constructor(){this._array=[],this._sorted=!0,this._last={generatedLine:-1,generatedColumn:0}}unsortedForEach(e,t){this._array.forEach(e,t)}add(e){Vze(this._last,e)?(this._last=e,this._array.push(e)):(this._sorted=!1,this._array.push(e))}toArray(){return this._sorted||(this._array.sort(Rze.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated),this._sorted=!0),this._array}}var Qze=Uze,Jze={MappingList:Qze};const jze=Kze.ArraySet,Wze=Jze.MappingList;class Xze{constructor(e){e||(e={}),this._file=Rze.getArg(e,"file",null),this._sourceRoot=Rze.getArg(e,"sourceRoot",null),this._skipValidation=Rze.getArg(e,"skipValidation",!1),this._sources=new jze,this._names=new jze,this._mappings=new Wze,this._sourcesContents=null}static fromSourceMap(e){const t=e.sourceRoot,n=new Xze({file:e.file,sourceRoot:t});return e.eachMapping((function(e){const r={generated:{line:e.generatedLine,column:e.generatedColumn}};null!=e.source&&(r.source=e.source,null!=t&&(r.source=Rze.relative(t,r.source)),r.original={line:e.originalLine,column:e.originalColumn},null!=e.name&&(r.name=e.name)),n.addMapping(r)})),e.sources.forEach((function(r){let i=r;null!==t&&(i=Rze.relative(t,r)),n._sources.has(i)||n._sources.add(i);const s=e.sourceContentFor(r);null!=s&&n.setSourceContent(r,s)})),n}addMapping(e){const t=Rze.getArg(e,"generated"),n=Rze.getArg(e,"original",null);let r=Rze.getArg(e,"source",null),i=Rze.getArg(e,"name",null);this._skipValidation||this._validateMapping(t,n,r,i),null!=r&&(r=String(r),this._sources.has(r)||this._sources.add(r)),null!=i&&(i=String(i),this._names.has(i)||this._names.add(i)),this._mappings.add({generatedLine:t.line,generatedColumn:t.column,originalLine:null!=n&&n.line,originalColumn:null!=n&&n.column,source:r,name:i})}setSourceContent(e,t){let n=e;null!=this._sourceRoot&&(n=Rze.relative(this._sourceRoot,n)),null!=t?(this._sourcesContents||(this._sourcesContents=Object.create(null)),this._sourcesContents[Rze.toSetString(n)]=t):this._sourcesContents&&(delete this._sourcesContents[Rze.toSetString(n)],0===Object.keys(this._sourcesContents).length&&(this._sourcesContents=null))}applySourceMap(e,t,n){let r=t;if(null==t){if(null==e.file)throw new Error('SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap requires either an explicit source file, or the source map\'s "file" property. Both were omitted.');r=e.file}const i=this._sourceRoot;null!=i&&(r=Rze.relative(i,r));const s=this._mappings.toArray().length>0?new jze:this._sources,o=new jze;this._mappings.unsortedForEach((function(t){if(t.source===r&&null!=t.originalLine){const r=e.originalPositionFor({line:t.originalLine,column:t.originalColumn});null!=r.source&&(t.source=r.source,null!=n&&(t.source=Rze.join(n,t.source)),null!=i&&(t.source=Rze.relative(i,t.source)),t.originalLine=r.line,t.originalColumn=r.column,null!=r.name&&(t.name=r.name))}const a=t.source;null==a||s.has(a)||s.add(a);const B=t.name;null==B||o.has(B)||o.add(B)}),this),this._sources=s,this._names=o,e.sources.forEach((function(t){const r=e.sourceContentFor(t);null!=r&&(null!=n&&(t=Rze.join(n,t)),null!=i&&(t=Rze.relative(i,t)),this.setSourceContent(t,r))}),this)}_validateMapping(e,t,n,r){if(t&&"number"!=typeof t.line&&"number"!=typeof t.column)throw new Error("original.line and original.column are not numbers -- you probably meant to omit the original mapping entirely and only map the generated position. If so, pass null for the original mapping instead of an object with empty or null values.");if(e&&"line"in e&&"column"in e&&e.line>0&&e.column>=0&&!t&&!n&&!r);else if(!(e&&"line"in e&&"column"in e&&t&&"line"in t&&"column"in t&&e.line>0&&e.column>=0&&t.line>0&&t.column>=0&&n))throw new Error("Invalid mapping: "+JSON.stringify({generated:e,source:n,original:t,name:r}))}_serializeMappings(){let e,t,n,r,i=0,s=1,o=0,a=0,B=0,c=0,l="";const u=this._mappings.toArray();for(let p=0,h=u.length;p0){if(!Rze.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(t,u[p-1]))continue;e+=","}e+=Lze.encode(t.generatedColumn-i),i=t.generatedColumn,null!=t.source&&(r=this._sources.indexOf(t.source),e+=Lze.encode(r-c),c=r,e+=Lze.encode(t.originalLine-1-a),a=t.originalLine-1,e+=Lze.encode(t.originalColumn-o),o=t.originalColumn,null!=t.name&&(n=this._names.indexOf(t.name),e+=Lze.encode(n-B),B=n)),l+=e}return l}_generateSourcesContent(e,t){return e.map((function(e){if(!this._sourcesContents)return null;null!=t&&(e=Rze.relative(t,e));const n=Rze.toSetString(e);return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._sourcesContents,n)?this._sourcesContents[n]:null}),this)}toJSON(){const e={version:this._version,sources:this._sources.toArray(),names:this._names.toArray(),mappings:this._serializeMappings()};return null!=this._file&&(e.file=this._file),null!=this._sourceRoot&&(e.sourceRoot=this._sourceRoot),this._sourcesContents&&(e.sourcesContent=this._generateSourcesContent(e.sources,e.sourceRoot)),e}toString(){return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON())}}Xze.prototype._version=3;var qze=Xze,zze={SourceMapGenerator:qze},Yze=N((function(e,t){function n(e,r,i,s,o,a){const B=Math.floor((r-e)/2)+e,c=o(i,s[B],!0);return 0===c?B:c>0?r-B>1?n(B,r,i,s,o,a):a==t.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND?r1?n(e,B,i,s,o,a):a==t.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND?B:e<0?-1:e}t.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND=1,t.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND=2,t.search=function(e,r,i,s){if(0===r.length)return-1;let o=n(-1,r.length,e,r,i,s||t.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND);if(o<0)return-1;for(;o-1>=0&&0===i(r[o],r[o-1],!0);)--o;return o}})),$ze=N((function(e){if("function"==typeof fetch){let t=null;e.exports=function(){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new Error("You must provide the URL of lib/mappings.wasm by calling SourceMapConsumer.initialize({ 'lib/mappings.wasm': ... }) before using SourceMapConsumer");return fetch(t).then((e=>e.arrayBuffer()))},e.exports.initialize=e=>t=e}else{const t=require("fs"),n=require("path");e.exports=function(){return new Promise(((e,r)=>{const i=n.join(__dirname,"mappings.wasm");t.readFile(i,null,((t,n)=>{t?r(t):e(n.buffer)}))}))},e.exports.initialize=e=>{console.debug("SourceMapConsumer.initialize is a no-op when running in node.js")}}}));function Zze(){this.generatedLine=0,this.generatedColumn=0,this.lastGeneratedColumn=null,this.source=null,this.originalLine=null,this.originalColumn=null,this.name=null}let eYe=null;var tYe=function(){if(eYe)return eYe;const e=[];return eYe=$ze().then((t=>WebAssembly.instantiate(t,{env:{mapping_callback(t,n,r,i,s,o,a,B,c,l){const u=new Zze;u.generatedLine=t+1,u.generatedColumn=n,r&&(u.lastGeneratedColumn=i-1),s&&(u.source=o,u.originalLine=a+1,u.originalColumn=B,c&&(u.name=l)),e[e.length-1](u)},start_all_generated_locations_for(){console.time("all_generated_locations_for")},end_all_generated_locations_for(){console.timeEnd("all_generated_locations_for")},start_compute_column_spans(){console.time("compute_column_spans")},end_compute_column_spans(){console.timeEnd("compute_column_spans")},start_generated_location_for(){console.time("generated_location_for")},end_generated_location_for(){console.timeEnd("generated_location_for")},start_original_location_for(){console.time("original_location_for")},end_original_location_for(){console.timeEnd("original_location_for")},start_parse_mappings(){console.time("parse_mappings")},end_parse_mappings(){console.timeEnd("parse_mappings")},start_sort_by_generated_location(){console.time("sort_by_generated_location")},end_sort_by_generated_location(){console.timeEnd("sort_by_generated_location")},start_sort_by_original_location(){console.time("sort_by_original_location")},end_sort_by_original_location(){console.timeEnd("sort_by_original_location")}}}))).then((t=>({exports:t.instance.exports,withMappingCallback:(t,n)=>{e.push(t);try{n()}finally{e.pop()}}}))).then(null,(e=>{throw eYe=null,e})),eYe};const nYe=Kze.ArraySet,rYe=Symbol("smcInternal");class iYe{constructor(e,t){return e==rYe?Promise.resolve(this):lYe(e,t)}static initialize(e){$ze.initialize(e["lib/mappings.wasm"])}static fromSourceMap(e,t){return uYe(e,t)}static with(e,t,n){let r=null;return new iYe(e,t).then((e=>(r=e,n(e)))).then((e=>(r&&r.destroy(),e)),(e=>{throw r&&r.destroy(),e}))}_parseMappings(e,t){throw new Error("Subclasses must implement _parseMappings")}eachMapping(e,t,n){throw new Error("Subclasses must implement eachMapping")}allGeneratedPositionsFor(e){throw new Error("Subclasses must implement allGeneratedPositionsFor")}destroy(){throw new Error("Subclasses must implement destroy")}}iYe.prototype._version=3,iYe.GENERATED_ORDER=1,iYe.ORIGINAL_ORDER=2,iYe.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND=1,iYe.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND=2;var sYe=iYe;class oYe extends iYe{constructor(e,t){return super(rYe).then((n=>{let r=e;"string"==typeof e&&(r=Rze.parseSourceMapInput(e));const i=Rze.getArg(r,"version");let s=Rze.getArg(r,"sources");const o=Rze.getArg(r,"names",[]);let a=Rze.getArg(r,"sourceRoot",null);const B=Rze.getArg(r,"sourcesContent",null),c=Rze.getArg(r,"mappings"),l=Rze.getArg(r,"file",null);if(i!=n._version)throw new Error("Unsupported version: "+i);return a&&(a=Rze.normalize(a)),s=s.map(String).map(Rze.normalize).map((function(e){return a&&Rze.isAbsolute(a)&&Rze.isAbsolute(e)?Rze.relative(a,e):e})),n._names=nYe.fromArray(o.map(String),!0),n._sources=nYe.fromArray(s,!0),n._absoluteSources=n._sources.toArray().map((function(e){return Rze.computeSourceURL(a,e,t)})),n.sourceRoot=a,n.sourcesContent=B,n._mappings=c,n._sourceMapURL=t,n.file=l,n._computedColumnSpans=!1,n._mappingsPtr=0,n._wasm=null,tYe().then((e=>(n._wasm=e,n)))}))}_findSourceIndex(e){let t=e;if(null!=this.sourceRoot&&(t=Rze.relative(this.sourceRoot,t)),this._sources.has(t))return this._sources.indexOf(t);for(let t=0;t{null!==t.source&&(t.source=this._sources.at(t.source),t.source=Rze.computeSourceURL(s,t.source,this._sourceMapURL),null!==t.name&&(t.name=this._names.at(t.name))),e.call(r,t)}),(()=>{switch(i){case iYe.GENERATED_ORDER:this._wasm.exports.by_generated_location(this._getMappingsPtr());break;case iYe.ORIGINAL_ORDER:this._wasm.exports.by_original_location(this._getMappingsPtr());break;default:throw new Error("Unknown order of iteration.")}}))}allGeneratedPositionsFor(e){let t=Rze.getArg(e,"source");const n=Rze.getArg(e,"line"),r=e.column||0;if(t=this._findSourceIndex(t),t<0)return[];if(n<1)throw new Error("Line numbers must be >= 1");if(r<0)throw new Error("Column numbers must be >= 0");const i=[];return this._wasm.withMappingCallback((e=>{let t=e.lastGeneratedColumn;this._computedColumnSpans&&null===t&&(t=1/0),i.push({line:e.generatedLine,column:e.generatedColumn,lastColumn:t})}),(()=>{this._wasm.exports.all_generated_locations_for(this._getMappingsPtr(),t,n-1,"column"in e,r)})),i}destroy(){0!==this._mappingsPtr&&(this._wasm.exports.free_mappings(this._mappingsPtr),this._mappingsPtr=0)}computeColumnSpans(){this._computedColumnSpans||(this._wasm.exports.compute_column_spans(this._getMappingsPtr()),this._computedColumnSpans=!0)}originalPositionFor(e){const t={generatedLine:Rze.getArg(e,"line"),generatedColumn:Rze.getArg(e,"column")};if(t.generatedLine<1)throw new Error("Line numbers must be >= 1");if(t.generatedColumn<0)throw new Error("Column numbers must be >= 0");let n,r=Rze.getArg(e,"bias",iYe.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND);if(null==r&&(r=iYe.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND),this._wasm.withMappingCallback((e=>n=e),(()=>{this._wasm.exports.original_location_for(this._getMappingsPtr(),t.generatedLine-1,t.generatedColumn,r)})),n&&n.generatedLine===t.generatedLine){let e=Rze.getArg(n,"source",null);null!==e&&(e=this._sources.at(e),e=Rze.computeSourceURL(this.sourceRoot,e,this._sourceMapURL));let t=Rze.getArg(n,"name",null);return null!==t&&(t=this._names.at(t)),{source:e,line:Rze.getArg(n,"originalLine",null),column:Rze.getArg(n,"originalColumn",null),name:t}}return{source:null,line:null,column:null,name:null}}hasContentsOfAllSources(){return!!this.sourcesContent&&(this.sourcesContent.length>=this._sources.size()&&!this.sourcesContent.some((function(e){return null==e})))}sourceContentFor(e,t){if(!this.sourcesContent)return null;const n=this._findSourceIndex(e);if(n>=0)return this.sourcesContent[n];let r,i=e;if(null!=this.sourceRoot&&(i=Rze.relative(this.sourceRoot,i)),null!=this.sourceRoot&&(r=Rze.urlParse(this.sourceRoot))){const e=i.replace(/^file:\/\//,"");if("file"==r.scheme&&this._sources.has(e))return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf(e)];if((!r.path||"/"==r.path)&&this._sources.has("/"+i))return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf("/"+i)]}if(t)return null;throw new Error('"'+i+'" is not in the SourceMap.')}generatedPositionFor(e){let t=Rze.getArg(e,"source");if(t=this._findSourceIndex(t),t<0)return{line:null,column:null,lastColumn:null};const n={source:t,originalLine:Rze.getArg(e,"line"),originalColumn:Rze.getArg(e,"column")};if(n.originalLine<1)throw new Error("Line numbers must be >= 1");if(n.originalColumn<0)throw new Error("Column numbers must be >= 0");let r,i=Rze.getArg(e,"bias",iYe.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND);if(null==i&&(i=iYe.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND),this._wasm.withMappingCallback((e=>r=e),(()=>{this._wasm.exports.generated_location_for(this._getMappingsPtr(),n.source,n.originalLine-1,n.originalColumn,i)})),r&&r.source===n.source){let e=r.lastGeneratedColumn;return this._computedColumnSpans&&null===e&&(e=1/0),{line:Rze.getArg(r,"generatedLine",null),column:Rze.getArg(r,"generatedColumn",null),lastColumn:e}}return{line:null,column:null,lastColumn:null}}}oYe.prototype.consumer=iYe;var aYe=oYe;class BYe extends iYe{constructor(e,t){return super(rYe).then((n=>{let r=e;"string"==typeof e&&(r=Rze.parseSourceMapInput(e));const i=Rze.getArg(r,"version"),s=Rze.getArg(r,"sections");if(i!=n._version)throw new Error("Unsupported version: "+i);n._sources=new nYe,n._names=new nYe,n.__generatedMappings=null,n.__originalMappings=null,n.__generatedMappingsUnsorted=null,n.__originalMappingsUnsorted=null;let o={line:-1,column:0};return Promise.all(s.map((e=>{if(e.url)throw new Error("Support for url field in sections not implemented.");const n=Rze.getArg(e,"offset"),r=Rze.getArg(n,"line"),i=Rze.getArg(n,"column");if(r({generatedOffset:{generatedLine:r+1,generatedColumn:i+1},consumer:e})))}))).then((e=>(n._sections=e,n)))}))}get _generatedMappings(){return this.__generatedMappings||this._sortGeneratedMappings(),this.__generatedMappings}get _originalMappings(){return this.__originalMappings||this._sortOriginalMappings(),this.__originalMappings}get _generatedMappingsUnsorted(){return this.__generatedMappingsUnsorted||this._parseMappings(this._mappings,this.sourceRoot),this.__generatedMappingsUnsorted}get _originalMappingsUnsorted(){return this.__originalMappingsUnsorted||this._parseMappings(this._mappings,this.sourceRoot),this.__originalMappingsUnsorted}_sortGeneratedMappings(){const e=this._generatedMappingsUnsorted;e.sort(Rze.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated),this.__generatedMappings=e}_sortOriginalMappings(){const e=this._originalMappingsUnsorted;e.sort(Rze.compareByOriginalPositions),this.__originalMappings=e}get sources(){const e=[];for(let t=0;ti.push(e)));for(let e=0;e= 1");if(n.originalColumn<0)throw new Error("Column numbers must be >= 0");const r=[];let i=this._findMapping(n,this._originalMappings,"originalLine","originalColumn",Rze.compareByOriginalPositions,Yze.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND);if(i>=0){let n=this._originalMappings[i];if(void 0===e.column){const e=n.originalLine;for(;n&&n.originalLine===e;){let e=n.lastGeneratedColumn;this._computedColumnSpans&&null===e&&(e=1/0),r.push({line:Rze.getArg(n,"generatedLine",null),column:Rze.getArg(n,"generatedColumn",null),lastColumn:e}),n=this._originalMappings[++i]}}else{const e=n.originalColumn;for(;n&&n.originalLine===t&&n.originalColumn==e;){let e=n.lastGeneratedColumn;this._computedColumnSpans&&null===e&&(e=1/0),r.push({line:Rze.getArg(n,"generatedLine",null),column:Rze.getArg(n,"generatedColumn",null),lastColumn:e}),n=this._originalMappings[++i]}}}return r}destroy(){for(let e=0;e=0;t--)this.prepend(e[t]);else{if(!e[CYe]&&"string"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("Expected a SourceNode, string, or an array of SourceNodes and strings. Got "+e);this.children.unshift(e)}return this}walk(e){let t;for(let n=0,r=this.children.length;n0){for(t=[],n=0;n{const i=Object.create(null);let s=1,o=0;for(let a=0;aSYe.with(t,null,(t=>wYe(e,n,t,r)));var DYe=xYe;const IYe=require("zlib"),{promisify:kYe}=require("util"),OYe=kYe(IYe.gzip),NYe=kYe(IYe.brotliCompress||(()=>{})),TYe=e=>({level:9,...e}),PYe=IYe.brotliCompress?(e,t)=>({params:{[IYe.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_MODE]:IYe.constants.BROTLI_MODE_TEXT,[IYe.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY]:IYe.constants.BROTLI_MAX_QUALITY,[IYe.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_SIZE_HINT]:t.length},...e}):()=>({}),MYe=e=>t=>OYe(t,TYe(e||{})),FYe=e=>{const t=MYe(e);return async e=>(await t(Buffer.from(e,"utf-8"))).length},LYe=e=>t=>NYe(t,PYe(e||{},t)),RYe=IYe.brotliCompress?e=>{const t=LYe(e);return async e=>(await t(Buffer.from(e,"utf-8"))).length}:()=>()=>Promise.resolve(void 0);var GYe={createGzipSizeGetter:FYe,createBrotliSizeGetter:RYe},HYe="rollup-plugin-visualizer",KYe="4.2.2",VYe="plugin/index.js",UYe="Denis Bardadym ",QYe="MIT",JYe="./bin/cli.js",jYe=["bin/*","lib/*","plugin/*"],WYe={type:"git",url:"git@github.com:btd/rollup-plugin-visualizer.git"},XYe="https://github.com/btd/rollup-plugin-visualizer",qYe={url:"https://github.com/btd/rollup-plugin-visualizer/issues"},zYe={lint:"eslint .",build:"node build.js",clean:"del-cli lib",prepare:"npm run build",test:"node build.js --all --e2e && node build.js --all --test"},YYe={nanoid:"^3.1.22",open:"^7.4.2","source-map":"^0.7.3",yargs:"^16.2.0"},$Ye={rollup:">=1.20.0"},ZYe={"@rollup/plugin-commonjs":"^17.1.0","@rollup/plugin-node-resolve":"^11.2.0",bytes:"^3.1.0","d3-array":"^2.12.0","d3-color":"^2.0.0","d3-hierarchy":"^2.0.0","d3-scale":"^3.2.3","d3-shape":"^2.1.0","del-cli":"^3.0.1",eslint:"^7.22.0",htm:"^3.0.4",postcss:"^8.2.8","postcss-url":"^10.1.3",preact:"^10.5.13",prettier:"^2.2.1",rollup:"^2.42.3","rollup-plugin-postcss":"^4.0.0","rollup-plugin-terser":"^7.0.2",sass:"^1.32.8",webcola:"^3.4.0"},e$e={node:">=10"};const t$e={name:HYe,version:KYe,main:VYe,author:UYe,license:QYe,bin:JYe,files:jYe,repository:WYe,homepage:XYe,bugs:qYe,scripts:zYe,dependencies:YYe,peerDependencies:$Ye,devDependencies:ZYe,engines:e$e},n$e={__proto__:null,name:HYe,version:KYe,main:VYe,author:UYe,license:QYe,bin:JYe,files:jYe,repository:WYe,homepage:XYe,bugs:qYe,scripts:zYe,dependencies:YYe,peerDependencies:$Ye,devDependencies:ZYe,engines:e$e,default:t$e},r$e=T(n$e),i$e=require("fs").promises,s$e=require("path"),{buildTree:o$e,mergeTrees:a$e,addLinks:B$e,removeCommonPrefix:c$e}=xze,{createGzipSizeGetter:l$e,createBrotliSizeGetter:u$e}=GYe,p$e="rollup output configuration missing sourcemap = true. You should add output.sourcemap = true or disable sourcemap in this plugin",h$e=e=>`${e} missing source map`,d$e=e=>"type"in e?"asset"===e.type:e.isAsset;var f$e=function(e){const t=!!(e=e||{}).json,n=e.filename||(t?"stats.json":"stats.html"),r=e.title||"RollUp Visualizer",i=!!e.open,s=e.openOptions||{},o=e.template||"treemap";if(!rze.includes(o))throw new Error(`Unknown template type ${o}. Known: ${rze}`);const a=!!e.gzipSize,B=!!e.brotliSize,c=new Map,l=a?l$e("object"==typeof e.gzipSize?e.gzipSize:{}):null,u=B?u$e("object"==typeof e.brotliSize?e.brotliSize:{}):null,p=async(e,t)=>{const n={};return a&&(n.gzipLength=await l(t)),B&&(n.brotliLength=await u(t)),n};return{name:"visualizer",transform:async(e,t)=>(c.set(t,await p(0,e)),null),async generateBundle(l,u){e.sourcemap&&!l.sourcemap&&this.warn(p$e);const h=[],d=new hze,f=[];for(const[t,n]of Object.entries(u)){if(d$e(n))continue;let r;if(e.sourcemap){n.map||this.warn(h$e(t));const e=await DYe(t,n,l.dir||s$e.dirname(l.file));r=o$e(Object.entries(e),d)}else{const e=Object.entries(n.modules);r=o$e(e,d)}const i=await p(0,n.code);Object.assign(r,i,{renderedLength:n.code.length,isRoot:!0,name:t},p(0,n.code)),h.push(r)}for(const e of Object.values(u))d$e(e)||null==e.facadeModuleId||B$e(e.facadeModuleId,this.getModuleInfo.bind(this),f,d);const{nodes:C,nodeIds:m}=d;for(const[e,t]of Object.entries(m))if(C[t]){const n=c.get(e)||{};0===C[t].renderedLength&&(a&&(n.gzipLength=0),B&&(n.brotliLength=0)),C[t]={...C[t],...n}}else this.warn(`Could not find mapping for node ${e} ${t}`);c$e(C,m);for(const[e,t]of Object.entries(m))C[t]?C[t].id=e:this.warn(`Could not find mapping for node ${e} ${t}`);const g=a$e(h),A={version:mze,tree:g,nodes:C,links:f,env:{rollup:this.meta.rollupVersion,[r$e.name]:r$e.version},options:{gzip:a,brotli:B,sourcemap:e.sourcemap}},y=t?JSON.stringify(A,null,2):await Cze({title:r,data:A,template:o});if(await i$e.mkdir(s$e.dirname(n),{recursive:!0}),await i$e.writeFile(n,y),i)return nze(n,s)}}};const C$e=1===new Uint8Array(new Uint16Array([1]).buffer)[0];function m$e(e,t="@"){if(!y$e)return E$e.then((()=>m$e(e)));const n=e.length+1,r=(y$e.__heap_base.value||y$e.__heap_base)+4*n-y$e.memory.buffer.byteLength;r>0&&y$e.memory.grow(Math.ceil(r/65536));const i=y$e.sa(n-1);if((C$e?A$e:g$e)(e,new Uint16Array(y$e.memory.buffer,i,n)),!y$e.parse())throw Object.assign(new Error(`Parse error ${t}:${e.slice(0,y$e.e()).split("\n").length}:${y$e.e()-e.lastIndexOf("\n",y$e.e()-1)}`),{idx:y$e.e()});const s=[],o=[];for(;y$e.ri();){const t=y$e.is(),n=y$e.ie();let r;y$e.ip()&&(r=a(e.slice(t-1,n+1))),s.push({n:r,s:t,e:n,ss:y$e.ss(),se:y$e.se(),d:y$e.id()})}for(;y$e.re();)o.push(e.slice(y$e.es(),y$e.ee()));function a(e){try{return(0,eval)(e)}catch{}}return[s,o,!!y$e.f()]}function g$e(e,t){const n=e.length;let r=0;for(;r>>8}}function A$e(e,t){const n=e.length;let r=0;for(;re.charCodeAt(0))):Buffer.from(v$e,"base64"))).then(WebAssembly.instantiate).then((({exports:e})=>{y$e=e}));var v$e;async function _$e(e,t,{resolveImportMeta:n,resolveId:r,resolveDynamicImport:i}={}){const[s]=await m$e(e,t);let o="",a=0,B=0;const c=new Map,l=(e,t,n,r)=>{const i=c.get(e);if(i)return i.placeholder;const s=`%%_RESOLVE_#${++B}#_%%`;return c.set(e,{placeholder:s,spec:e,p:t(n,r)}),s},u=async(e,t)=>{let n=i&&await i(e,t);return null==n&&r&&(n=await r(e,t)),n};for(const B of s){if(B.s-1;c&&(B.e<0&&(B.e=e.indexOf(")",B.s)),B.se=e.indexOf(")",B.e)+1);let p="",h=e.substring(B.e,B.se),d=e.substring(B.s,B.e);if(a=B.se,s){const t=/\s*\.\s*([a-z_$][a-z0-9_$]*)/gi;t.lastIndex=a;const r=t.exec(e);if(r&&r.index===a){a=t.lastIndex,d+=r[0];const e=r[1];n&&(d=l(d,n,e))}o+=d}else{if(c){if(d=d.replace(/\/\*[\s\S]*\*\//g,"").replace(/^\s*\/\/.*$/gm,"").trim(),p=(d.match(/^\s*(['"`])/)||[])[1],!p){i&&console.warn(`Cannot resolve dynamic expression in import(${d})`),o+=d+h;continue}if(d=d.replace(/^\s*(['"`])(.*)\1\s*$/g,"$2"),i){d=l(d,u,d,t),o+=p+d+p+h;continue}}r&&(d=l(d,r,d,t)),o+=p+d+p+h}}o+=e.substring(a);const p=new Map;return await Promise.all(Array.from(c.values()).map((async e=>{p.set(e.placeholder,await e.p||e.spec)}))),o=o.replace(/%%_RESOLVE_#\d+#_%%/g,(e=>p.get(e))),o}function b$e(){return{name:"default-loaders",async transform(e,t){if(/\.([tj]sx?|mjs)$/.test(t))return await _$e(e,t,{resolveId(e){if(!/^[-\w]+:/.test(e)){if(e.endsWith(".json"))return`json:${e}`;if(yUe.test(e))return`url:${e}`}return null}})}}}function S$e(e){const{plugins:t,publicPath:n,alias:r,root:i,env:s,minify:o,mode:a,sourcemap:B,features:c,visualize:l}=e;let u=t.findIndex((e=>"post"===e.enforce));-1===u&&(u=t.length);const p="build"===a;return[...t.slice(0,u),p&&CUe({root:i,publicPath:n}),QUe(),XUe({production:p}),vUe({inline:!p,root:i,alias:r}),DUe({root:i}),xUe({inline:!p,cwd:i}),mUe({alias:r}),ON({typescript:!0,sourcemap:B,production:p}),p&&(Kqe.default||Kqe)({include:/\.(m?jsx?|tsx?)$/,exclude:/\/node_modules\//}),p&&uR({publicPath:n}),ZT({production:p,sourcemap:B,root:i}),qT({hot:!p,root:i,production:p,alias:r}),AUe({env:s,NODE_ENV:p?"production":"development"}),cb({production:p}),KN({hot:!p,preact:c.preact}),MN({include:/(^npm\/|[/\\]node_modules[/\\]|\.cjs$)/}),p&&aR({external:!1}),wUe({extensions:[".ts",".tsx",".js",".cjs"],index:!0}),...t.slice(u),b$e(),p&&NUe({publicPath:n}),o&&p7({sourcemap:B}),p&&jUe({root:i}),p&&l&&f$e({open:!0,gzipSize:!0,brotliSize:!0})].filter(Boolean)}const w$e=e=>e.split(t.sep).join(t.posix.sep);async function x$e(e){let{root:n,cwd:r,out:i,sourcemap:s,profile:o,minify:a,npmChunks:B=!1,output:c}=e;const l=/^\.\/(node_modules|dist|build)\//,u=[];await xv(n,((e,n)=>{l.test(n)||/\.html?/.test(e)&&u.push("./"+w$e(t.relative(r,n)))}));const p=await _p({input:u,perf:!!o,preserveEntrySignatures:"allow-extension",manualChunks:B?D$e:void 0,plugins:S$e(e)}),h={entryFileNames:"[name].[hash].js",chunkFileNames:"chunks/[name].[hash].js",assetFileNames:"assets/[name].[hash][extname]",compact:!0,paths:e=>(/^\/\//.test(e)&&(e="https:"+e),e),hoistTransitiveImports:!0,plugins:[a&&bv({compress:!0,sourcemap:s})],sourcemap:s,sourcemapPathTransform(e,r){let i=w$e(t.relative(n,t.resolve(t.dirname(r),e)));return i=i.replace(/^\.\//g,""),i=i.replace(/^(\.?\.?\/)?npm\//,"@npm/"),"source:///"+i},preferConst:!0,dir:i||"dist"},d=await p.write(h);return c&&(Array.isArray(c)||(c=[c]),c.length&&await Promise.all(c.map((e=>("function"==typeof e&&(e=e({...h})),p.write(e)))))),await p.close(),d}function D$e(e,{getModuleIds:n,getModuleInfo:r}){const i=r(e);if(/^npm\//.test(i.id)){if(i.importers.every((e=>/^npm\//.test(e))))return null;if(i.importers.length+i.dynamicImporters.length>1){let e=i.id;const r=Array.from(n()).filter((t=>t!==e));for(;e.length>1;){const n=t.posix.dirname(e);if(r.find((e=>e.startsWith(n))))break;e=n}return e.replace(/^npm\/((?:@[^/]+\/)?[^/]+)@[^/]+/,"@npm/$1")}}return null}function I$e({cwd:e=".",out:t=".cache",publicPath:n}){let r;try{r=new a.Worker(`(${k$e})(require('worker_threads').workerData)\n\t\t\t\t.then(r => require('worker_threads').parentPort.postMessage([1,r]))\n\t\t\t\t.catch(err => require('worker_threads').parentPort.postMessage([0,err && err.stack || err+'']))`,{eval:!0,workerData:{cwd:e,out:t,publicPath:n},stderr:!0})}catch(e){throw Error(`Failed to prerender, Workers aren't supported in your current Node.JS version (try v14 or later).\n ${e}`)}return r.stderr.on("data",(e=>{/^\(node:\d+\) ExperimentalWarning:/.test(e.toString("utf-8"))||process.stderr.write(e)})),new Promise(((e,t)=>{const n=e=>{if("string"==typeof e){const n=new Error("Prerendering Error: "+e.replace(/\n {4}at [\s\S]+$/g,""));return n.stack=e,t(n)}t(e)};r.on("message",(([t,r])=>t?e(r):n(r))),r.once("error",n),r.once("exit",e)}))}async function k$e({cwd:e,out:t,publicPath:n}){const r=require("path"),i=require("fs").promises;function s(e){return e.replace(/&/g,"&").replace(/"/g,""").replace(//g,">")}globalThis.location={},globalThis.self=globalThis;try{await i.writeFile(r.resolve(e,t,"package.json"),'{"type":"module"}')}catch(e){throw Error(`Failed to write {"type":"module"} package.json to dist directory.\n ${e}`)}const o=await i.readFile(r.resolve(e,t,"index.html"),"utf-8");let a;const B=/]*?)?\s+src=(['"]?)([^>]*?)\1(?:\s[^>]*?)?>/g;let c;for(;c=B.exec(o);)c&&!/^(?:https?|file|data)/.test(c[2])&&(a=c[2].replace(n,"").replace(/^(\.?\/)?/g,""),a=r.resolve(e,t,a));if(!a)throw Error('Unable to detect `:u.data&&console.warn("You passed in prerender-data in a non-object format: ",u.data)):C=u;let m=l.elements?Array.from(new Set(Array.from(l.elements).map(h))).join(""):"",g=o;if(l.title){const e=`${s(l.title)}`,t=/([^<>]*?)<\/title>/i;t.test(g)?g=g.replace(t,e):m=e+m}l.lang&&(g=g.replace(/(<html(\s[^>]*?)?>)/,`<html lang="${s(l.lang)}">`)),g=g.replace(/(<\/head>)/,m+"$1"),g=g.replace(/(<body(\s[^>]*?)?>)/,"$1"+C),await i.mkdir(r.dirname(B),{recursive:!0}).catch(Object),await i.writeFile(B,g)}return await i.unlink(r.resolve(e,t,"package.json")).catch(Object),{routes:f}}const O$e=/\n|\r|\r\n/,N$e=/^\s*([\w.-]+)\s*=\s*(.*)?\s*$/;function T$e(e){return e.split(O$e).reduce(((e,t)=>{const n=t.match(N$e);if(n){const t=n[1];let r=n[2]||"";const i=r.length-1,s='"'===r[0]&&'"'===r[i];"'"===r[0]&&"'"===r[i]||s?(r=r.substring(1,i),s&&(r=r.replace(/\\n/g,"\n"))):r=r.trim(),e[t]=r}return e}),{})}async function P$e(n,r,i){return(await Promise.all(r.map((async r=>{const s=t.join(n,r);try{const t=await e.promises.readFile(s,"utf-8");return i&&i.push(s),T$e(t)}catch(e){return{}}})))).reduce(((e,t)=>Object.assign(e,t)),{})}function M$e(){return Object.keys(process.env).reduce(((e,t)=>(t.startsWith("WMR_")&&(e[t]=process.env[t]),e)),{})}const F$e=e=>e,L$e={compact:!0,hoistTransitiveImports:!1,indent:!1,interop:!1,minifyInternalExports:!1,preferConst:!0,sourcemap:!1};let R$e;const G$e=F$e((async(e,{out:t,hmr:n=!0,rewriteNodeImports:r=!0,format:i="es"})=>{const s=e.endsWith("wmr.config.ts");e=e.replace(/\.css\.js$/,".css");const o=await _p({input:e,treeshake:!1,preserveModules:!0,inlineDynamicImports:!1,preserveEntrySignatures:"strict",cache:R$e,plugins:[{name:"wmr-single-file-resolver",resolveId:t=>t==e?null:("wmr"!==t||s?r&&!/^\.?\.?(\/|$)/.test(t)?t=`/@npm/${t}`:/\.css$/.test(t)&&(t+=".js"):t="/_wmr.js",{id:t,external:!0,moduleSideEffects:!0})},ON({typescript:!0,sourcemap:!1,production:!1}),n&&KN(),cb()].filter(Boolean)});R$e=o.cache;return(await o.write({...L$e,dir:t,assetFileNames:"[name].[ext]",paths:e=>e,format:i,exports:"auto"})).output[0].code}));async function H$e(e){try{return await new Promise(((t,n)=>{const r=c.createServer();r.unref(),r.on("error",n),r.listen({port:e},(()=>{r.close(t)}))})),!0}catch(e){if("EADDRINUSE"!==e.code)throw e;return!1}}async function K$e(e){let t=0;for("string"==typeof e&&(e=parseInt(e,10));t<=20&&!H$e(e);)e++,t++;return e}async function V$e(e){const t="number"==typeof e.port?e.port:process.env.PORT;if(void 0!==t){if(await H$e(+t))return+t;throw new Error(`Another process is already running on port ${t}. Please choose a different port.`)}return await K$e(8080)}function U$e(e,{host:t,https:n}){if("string"==typeof e)return[e];const r=n?"https:":"http:",i=e.port;if(""!==t)return[`${r}//${t}:${i}`];const s=l.networkInterfaces(),o=[`${r}//localhost:${i}`];for(const e in s)for(const n of s[e]){const{family:e,address:s,internal:a}=n;"IPv4"!==e||s===t||a||o.push(`${r}//${s}:${i}`)}return o}const Q$e=process.versions.node.split("."),J$e=+Q$e[0]>12||12==+Q$e[0]&&+Q$e[1]>=19;async function j$e(n,r,i=[]){n.cwd=t.resolve(n.cwd||""),process.chdir(n.cwd),n.debug&&Cv(!0),n.root=n.cwd,n.sourcemap=!1,n.minify="build"===r,n.plugins=[],n.output=[],n.middleware=[],n.features={preact:!0},n.alias=n.alias||n.aliases||{};const s="start"!==r;n.prod=s,n.mode=r;const o=process.env.NODE_ENV||(s?"production":"development"),a=await P$e(n.cwd,[".env",".env.local",`.env.${o}`,`.env.${o}.local`],i);n.env={...a,...M$e()},n.out=t.resolve(n.cwd,n.out||".cache"),n.overlayDir=n.out;const c=e.promises.mkdir(n.out,{recursive:!0}).catch((e=>{console.warn(`Warning: Failed to create output directory: ${e.message}`)}));n.public=n.public||"public",n.publicPath=n.publicPath||"/",n.publicPath.endsWith("/")||(n.publicPath+="/"),n.host=process.env.HOST||n.host||"localhost","build"!==r&&(n.port=await V$e(n)),"."!==n.public&&await de(t.join(n.cwd,n.public))&&(n.root=t.join(n.cwd,n.public));let l=n.public;await c;const u=t.resolve(n.cwd,"package.json");let p;try{p=JSON.parse(await e.promises.readFile(u,"utf-8")),Object.assign(n.alias,p.alias||{}),i.push(u)}catch(e){}const h=[".ts",".js",".mjs"];let d,f;for(const r of h){const s=t.resolve(n.cwd,`wmr.config${r}`);if(await fe(s)){let o=s;i.push(o),".ts"===r&&(o=t.resolve(n.cwd,"wmr.config.js"),await G$e(s,{out:t.resolve("."),hmr:!1,rewriteNodeImports:!1,format:p&&"module"===p.type?"es":"commonjs"}));const a=B.pathToFileURL(o);try{const t=J$e?`(x => import(x + '?t=${Date.now()}'))`:"(x => import(x))";d=await eval(t)(a.toString());break}catch(e){console.log(e),f=e;try{d=eval("(x => require(x))")(a)}catch(e){if(".mjs"===r||!/import statement/.test(e))throw Error(`Failed to load wmr.config${r}\n${f}\n${e}`)}}finally{".ts"===r&&e.promises.unlink(o)}}}const C=async(e,t)=>{for(const r of t){if(!r[e])return;const t=await r[e](n);if(t){if(t.plugins)throw new Error(`In plugin ${r.name}: Plugin method "${e}()" must not return a "plugins" property.`);n=W$e(n,t)}}},m=e=>Object.keys(e).some((t=>"function"==typeof e[t])),g=e=>{e&&(Array.isArray(e)||m(e)?n.plugins=n.plugins.concat(e):n=W$e(n,e))};if(d){if(d.default){const e="function"==typeof d.default?await d.default(n):d.default;g(e)}if(d[r]){const e=await d[r](n);g(e)}}if(n.aliases&&Object.keys(n.aliases).length>0&&(Av('Found "aliases" property in WMR\'s configuration. It will be removed in a future version of WMR. Please switch to "alias" instead.'),Object.assign(n.alias,n.aliases)),n.plugins&&(n.plugins=n.plugins.flat().sort(((e,t)=>("post"===e.enforce?1:"pre"===e.enforce?-1:0)-("post"===t.enforce?1:"pre"===t.enforce?-1:0)))),await C("config",n.plugins),await C("configResolved",n.plugins),l!==n.public&&"."!==n.public&&await de(t.join(n.cwd,n.public))&&(n.root=t.join(n.cwd,n.public)),!("src/*"in n.alias)){const e=t.resolve(n.cwd,"src");e!==n.root&&await de(e)&&(n.alias["src/*"]=e)}for(const e in n.alias)if(e.endsWith("/*")){const r=n.alias[e];n.alias[e]=t.resolve(n.cwd,r)}return gv("wmr:config")(n),n}function W$e(e,t){const n={...e};for(const e in t){const r=t[e];if(null==r)continue;const i=n[e];Array.isArray(i)&&Array.isArray(r)?n[e]=[...i,...r]:n[e]=null!==i&&"object"==typeof i&&"object"==typeof r?W$e(i,r):r}return n}async function X$e(n){n.out=n.out||"dist",kL(n.cwd),n=await j$e(n,"build"),await Promise.all((await e.promises.readdir(n.out)).map((e=>he(t.join(n.out,e),{recursive:!0}))));const 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instanceof n?e:new n((function(t){t(e)}))}(e.value).then(o,a)}B((r=r.apply(e,t||[])).next())}))}function rZe(e,t){var n,r,i,s,o={label:0,sent:function(){if(1&i[0])throw i[1];return i[1]},trys:[],ops:[]};return s={next:a(0),throw:a(1),return:a(2)},"function"==typeof Symbol&&(s[Symbol.iterator]=function(){return this}),s;function a(s){return function(a){return function(s){if(n)throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");for(;o;)try{if(n=1,r&&(i=2&s[0]?r.return:s[0]?r.throw||((i=r.return)&&i.call(r),0):r.next)&&!(i=i.call(r,s[1])).done)return i;switch(r=0,i&&(s=[2&s[0],i.value]),s[0]){case 0:case 1:i=s;break;case 4:return o.label++,{value:s[1],done:!1};case 5:o.label++,r=s[1],s=[0];continue;case 7:s=o.ops.pop(),o.trys.pop();continue;default:if(!(i=o.trys,(i=i.length>0&&i[i.length-1])||6!==s[0]&&2!==s[0])){o=0;continue}if(3===s[0]&&(!i||s[1]>i[0]&&s[1]<i[3])){o.label=s[1];break}if(6===s[0]&&o.label<i[1]){o.label=i[1],i=s;break}if(i&&o.label<i[2]){o.label=i[2],o.ops.push(s);break}i[2]&&o.ops.pop(),o.trys.pop();continue}s=t.call(e,o)}catch(e){s=[6,e],r=0}finally{n=i=0}if(5&s[0])throw s[1];return{value:s[0]?s[1]:void 0,done:!0}}([s,a])}}}function iZe(e,t,n,r){void 0===r&&(r=n),e[r]=t[n]}function sZe(e,t){for(var n in e)"default"===n||t.hasOwnProperty(n)||(t[n]=e[n])}function oZe(e){var t="function"==typeof Symbol&&Symbol.iterator,n=t&&e[t],r=0;if(n)return n.call(e);if(e&&"number"==typeof e.length)return{next:function(){return e&&r>=e.length&&(e=void 0),{value:e&&e[r++],done:!e}}};throw new TypeError(t?"Object is not iterable.":"Symbol.iterator is not defined.")}function aZe(e,t){var n="function"==typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator];if(!n)return e;var r,i,s=n.call(e),o=[];try{for(;(void 0===t||t-- >0)&&!(r=s.next()).done;)o.push(r.value)}catch(e){i={error:e}}finally{try{r&&!r.done&&(n=s.return)&&n.call(s)}finally{if(i)throw i.error}}return o}function BZe(){for(var e=[],t=0;t<arguments.length;t++)e=e.concat(aZe(arguments[t]));return e}function cZe(){for(var e=0,t=0,n=arguments.length;t<n;t++)e+=arguments[t].length;var r=Array(e),i=0;for(t=0;t<n;t++)for(var s=arguments[t],o=0,a=s.length;o<a;o++,i++)r[i]=s[o];return r}function lZe(e){return this instanceof lZe?(this.v=e,this):new lZe(e)}function uZe(e,t,n){if(!Symbol.asyncIterator)throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");var r,i=n.apply(e,t||[]),s=[];return r={},o("next"),o("throw"),o("return"),r[Symbol.asyncIterator]=function(){return this},r;function o(e){i[e]&&(r[e]=function(t){return new Promise((function(n,r){s.push([e,t,n,r])>1||a(e,t)}))})}function a(e,t){try{(n=i[e](t)).value instanceof lZe?Promise.resolve(n.value.v).then(B,c):l(s[0][2],n)}catch(e){l(s[0][3],e)}var n}function B(e){a("next",e)}function c(e){a("throw",e)}function l(e,t){e(t),s.shift(),s.length&&a(s[0][0],s[0][1])}}function pZe(e){var t,n;return t={},r("next"),r("throw",(function(e){throw e})),r("return"),t[Symbol.iterator]=function(){return this},t;function r(r,i){t[r]=e[r]?function(t){return(n=!n)?{value:lZe(e[r](t)),done:"return"===r}:i?i(t):t}:i}}function hZe(e){if(!Symbol.asyncIterator)throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");var t,n=e[Symbol.asyncIterator];return n?n.call(e):(e="function"==typeof oZe?oZe(e):e[Symbol.iterator](),t={},r("next"),r("throw"),r("return"),t[Symbol.asyncIterator]=function(){return this},t);function r(n){t[n]=e[n]&&function(t){return new Promise((function(r,i){(function(e,t,n,r){Promise.resolve(r).then((function(t){e({value:t,done:n})}),t)})(r,i,(t=e[n](t)).done,t.value)}))}}}function dZe(e,t){return 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yZe=1e3,EZe=60*yZe,vZe=60*EZe,_Ze=24*vZe,bZe=7*_Ze,SZe=365.25*_Ze,wZe=function(e,t){t=t||{};var n=typeof e;if("string"===n&&e.length>0)return xZe(e);if("number"===n&&isFinite(e))return t.long?IZe(e):DZe(e);throw new Error("val is not a non-empty string or a valid number. val="+JSON.stringify(e))};function xZe(e){if(!((e=String(e)).length>100)){var t=/^(-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|weeks?|w|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec(e);if(t){var n=parseFloat(t[1]);switch((t[2]||"ms").toLowerCase()){case"years":case"year":case"yrs":case"yr":case"y":return n*SZe;case"weeks":case"week":case"w":return n*bZe;case"days":case"day":case"d":return n*_Ze;case"hours":case"hour":case"hrs":case"hr":case"h":return n*vZe;case"minutes":case"minute":case"mins":case"min":case"m":return n*EZe;case"seconds":case"second":case"secs":case"sec":case"s":return n*yZe;case"milliseconds":case"millisecond":case"msecs":case"msec":case"ms":return 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e})),n.formatArgs.call(i,t);var l=i.log||n.log;l.apply(i,t)}}return o.namespace=e,o.enabled=n.enabled(e),o.useColors=n.useColors(),o.color=t(e),o.destroy=r,o.extend=i,"function"==typeof n.init&&n.init(o),n.instances.push(o),o}function r(){var e=n.instances.indexOf(this);return-1!==e&&(n.instances.splice(e,1),!0)}function i(e,t){return n(this.namespace+(void 0===t?":":t)+e)}return n.debug=n,n.default=n,n.coerce=function(e){if(e instanceof Error)return e.stack||e.message;return e},n.disable=function(){n.enable("")},n.enable=function(e){var t;n.save(e),n.names=[],n.skips=[];var r=("string"==typeof e?e:"").split(/[\s,]+/),i=r.length;for(t=0;t<i;t++)r[t]&&("-"===(e=r[t].replace(/\*/g,".*?"))[0]?n.skips.push(new RegExp("^"+e.substr(1)+"$")):n.names.push(new RegExp("^"+e+"$")));for(t=0;t<n.instances.length;t++){var s=n.instances[t];s.enabled=n.enabled(s.namespace)}},n.enabled=function(e){if("*"===e[e.length-1])return!0;var t,r;for(t=0,r=n.skips.length;t<r;t++)if(n.skips[t].test(e))return!1;for(t=0,r=n.names.length;t<r;t++)if(n.names[t].test(e))return!0;return!1},n.humanize=wZe,Object.keys(e).forEach((function(t){n[t]=e[t]})),n.instances=[],n.names=[],n.skips=[],n.formatters={},n.selectColor=t,n.enable(n.load()),n}var NZe=OZe,TZe=N((function(e,t){function n(e){return(n="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(e){return typeof e}:function(e){return e&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof e})(e)}t.log=function(){var e;return"object"===("undefined"==typeof console?"undefined":n(console))&&console.log&&(e=console).log.apply(e,arguments)},t.formatArgs=function(t){if(t[0]=(this.useColors?"%c":"")+this.namespace+(this.useColors?" %c":" ")+t[0]+(this.useColors?"%c ":" ")+"+"+e.exports.humanize(this.diff),!this.useColors)return;var n="color: "+this.color;t.splice(1,0,n,"color: inherit");var 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"+t,(function(e){n(null,null===e)})):n(null,!1)},s1e=function(e,t){if(e1e(e))try{return!!jZe("command -v "+t+" 2>/dev/null && { echo >&1 "+t+"; exit 0; }")}catch(e){return!1}return n1e(e)},o1e=function(e,t,n){if(!/^(?!(?:.*\s|.*\.|\W+)$)(?:[a-zA-Z]:)?(?:(?:[^<>:"\|\?\*\n])+(?:\/\/|\/|\\\\|\\)?)+$/m.test(e))return!1;try{return!!jZe("where "+t,{stdio:[]})}catch(e){return!1}},a1e=function(e){return/[^A-Za-z0-9_\/:=-]/.test(e)&&(e=(e="'"+e.replace(/'/g,"'\\''")+"'").replace(/^(?:'')+/g,"").replace(/\\'''/g,"\\'")),e};$Ze&&(a1e=function(e){return/[\\]/.test(e)?'"'+XZe.dirname(e)+'"'+":"+('"'+XZe.basename(e)+'"'):'"'+e+'"'});var B1e=function e(t,n){var r=a1e(t);if(!n&&"undefined"!=typeof Promise)return new Promise((function(n,r){e(t,(function(e,i){i?n(t):r(e)}))}));$Ze?i1e(t,r,n):r1e(t,r,n)},c1e=function(e){var t=a1e(e);return $Ze?o1e(e,t):s1e(e,t)};B1e.sync=c1e;var 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l=m1e.exec(e);if(s=r,r+=l[0],i=s+l[1],n=m1e.lastIndex,!(B[i]||t&&t[i]===i)){var u;if(t&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,i))u=t[i];else{var p=h1e.lstatSync(i);if(!p.isSymbolicLink()){B[i]=!0,t&&(t[i]=i);continue}var h=null;if(!p1e){var d=p.dev.toString(32)+":"+p.ino.toString(32);a.hasOwnProperty(d)&&(h=a[d])}null===h&&(h1e.statSync(i),h=h1e.readlinkSync(i)),u=u1e.resolve(s,h),t&&(t[i]=u),p1e||(a[d]=h)}e=u1e.resolve(u,e.slice(n)),c()}}return t&&(t[o]=e),e},y1e=function(e,t,n){if("function"!=typeof n&&(n=C1e(t),t=null),e=u1e.resolve(e),t&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,e))return process.nextTick(n.bind(null,null,t[e]));var r,i,s,o,a=e,B={},c={};function l(){var t=g1e.exec(e);r=t[0].length,i=t[0],s=t[0],o="",p1e&&!c[s]?h1e.lstat(s,(function(e){if(e)return n(e);c[s]=!0,u()})):process.nextTick(u)}function u(){if(r>=e.length)return t&&(t[a]=e),n(null,e);m1e.lastIndex=r;var B=m1e.exec(e);return o=i,i+=B[0],s=o+B[1],r=m1e.lastIndex,c[s]||t&&t[s]===s?process.nextTick(u):t&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,s)?d(t[s]):h1e.lstat(s,p)}function p(e,r){if(e)return n(e);if(!r.isSymbolicLink())return c[s]=!0,t&&(t[s]=s),process.nextTick(u);if(!p1e){var i=r.dev.toString(32)+":"+r.ino.toString(32);if(B.hasOwnProperty(i))return h(null,B[i],s)}h1e.stat(s,(function(e){if(e)return n(e);h1e.readlink(s,(function(e,t){p1e||(B[i]=t),h(e,t)}))}))}function h(e,r,i){if(e)return n(e);var s=u1e.resolve(o,r);t&&(t[i]=s),d(s)}function d(t){e=u1e.resolve(t,e.slice(r)),l()}l()},E1e={realpathSync:A1e,realpath:y1e},v1e=I1e;I1e.realpath=I1e,I1e.sync=k1e,I1e.realpathSync=k1e,I1e.monkeypatch=O1e,I1e.unmonkeypatch=N1e;var _1e=require("fs"),b1e=_1e.realpath,S1e=_1e.realpathSync,w1e=process.version,x1e=/^v[0-5]\./.test(w1e);function D1e(e){return e&&"realpath"===e.syscall&&("ELOOP"===e.code||"ENOMEM"===e.code||"ENAMETOOLONG"===e.code)}function I1e(e,t,n){if(x1e)return b1e(e,t,n);"function"==typeof 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s.length&&(o[o.length-1]+=a.shift(),o.push.apply(o,a)),t.push.apply(t,o),t}function q1e(e){return e?("{}"===e.substr(0,2)&&(e="\\{\\}"+e.substr(2)),e0e(j1e(e),!0).map(W1e)):[]}function z1e(e){return"{"+e+"}"}function Y1e(e){return/^-?0\d/.test(e)}function $1e(e,t){return e<=t}function Z1e(e,t){return e>=t}function e0e(e,t){var n=[],r=M1e("{","}",e);if(!r||/\$$/.test(r.pre))return[e];var i,s=/^-?\d+\.\.-?\d+(?:\.\.-?\d+)?$/.test(r.body),o=/^[a-zA-Z]\.\.[a-zA-Z](?:\.\.-?\d+)?$/.test(r.body),a=s||o,B=r.body.indexOf(",")>=0;if(!a&&!B)return r.post.match(/,.*\}/)?e0e(e=r.pre+"{"+r.body+V1e+r.post):[e];if(a)i=r.body.split(/\.\./);else if(1===(i=X1e(r.body)).length&&1===(i=e0e(i[0],!1).map(z1e)).length)return(u=r.post.length?e0e(r.post,!1):[""]).map((function(e){return r.pre+i[0]+e}));var c,l=r.pre,u=r.post.length?e0e(r.post,!1):[""];if(a){var p=J1e(i[0]),h=J1e(i[1]),d=Math.max(i[0].length,i[1].length),f=3==i.length?Math.abs(J1e(i[2])):1,C=$1e;h<p&&(f*=-1,C=Z1e);var m=i.some(Y1e);c=[];for(var g=p;C(g,h);g+=f){var A;if(o)"\\"===(A=String.fromCharCode(g))&&(A="");else if(A=String(g),m){var y=d-A.length;if(y>0){var E=new Array(y+1).join("0");A=g<0?"-"+E+A.slice(1):E+A}}c.push(A)}}else c=T1e(i,(function(e){return e0e(e,!1)}));for(var v=0;v<c.length;v++)for(var _=0;_<u.length;_++){var b=l+c[v]+u[_];(!t||a||b)&&n.push(b)}return n}var t0e=d0e;d0e.Minimatch=f0e;var n0e={sep:"/"};try{n0e=require("path")}catch(e){}var r0e=d0e.GLOBSTAR=f0e.GLOBSTAR={},i0e={"!":{open:"(?:(?!(?:",close:"))[^/]*?)"},"?":{open:"(?:",close:")?"},"+":{open:"(?:",close:")+"},"*":{open:"(?:",close:")*"},"@":{open:"(?:",close:")"}},s0e="[^/]",o0e=s0e+"*?",a0e="(?:(?!(?:\\/|^)(?:\\.{1,2})($|\\/)).)*?",B0e="(?:(?!(?:\\/|^)\\.).)*?",c0e=l0e("().*{}+?[]^$\\!");function l0e(e){return e.split("").reduce((function(e,t){return e[t]=!0,e}),{})}var u0e=/\/+/;function p0e(e,t){return t=t||{},function(n,r,i){return d0e(n,e,t)}}function h0e(e,t){e=e||{},t=t||{};var n={};return 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e.map(this.parse,this)}),this),this.debug(this.pattern,n),n=n.filter((function(e){return-1===e.indexOf(!1)})),this.debug(this.pattern,n),this.set=n}else this.empty=!0;else this.comment=!0}}function m0e(){var e=this.pattern,t=!1,n=0;if(!this.options.nonegate){for(var r=0,i=e.length;r<i&&"!"===e.charAt(r);r++)t=!t,n++;n&&(this.pattern=e.substr(n)),this.negate=t}}function g0e(e,t){if(t||(t=this instanceof f0e?this.options:{}),void 0===(e=void 0===e?this.pattern:e))throw new TypeError("undefined pattern");return t.nobrace||!e.match(/\{.*\}/)?[e]:G1e(e)}d0e.filter=p0e,d0e.defaults=function(e){if(!e||!Object.keys(e).length)return d0e;var t=d0e,n=function(n,r,i){return t.minimatch(n,r,h0e(e,i))};return n.Minimatch=function(n,r){return new t.Minimatch(n,h0e(e,r))},n},f0e.defaults=function(e){return e&&Object.keys(e).length?d0e.defaults(e).Minimatch:f0e},f0e.prototype.debug=function(){},f0e.prototype.make=C0e,f0e.prototype.parseNegate=m0e,d0e.braceExpand=function(e,t){return g0e(e,t)},f0e.prototype.braceExpand=g0e,f0e.prototype.parse=y0e;var A0e={};function y0e(e,t){if(e.length>65536)throw new TypeError("pattern is too long");var n=this.options;if(!n.noglobstar&&"**"===e)return r0e;if(""===e)return"";var r,i="",s=!!n.nocase,o=!1,a=[],B=[],c=!1,l=-1,u=-1,p="."===e.charAt(0)?"":n.dot?"(?!(?:^|\\/)\\.{1,2}(?:$|\\/))":"(?!\\.)",h=this;function d(){if(r){switch(r){case"*":i+=o0e,s=!0;break;case"?":i+=s0e,s=!0;break;default:i+="\\"+r}h.debug("clearStateChar %j %j",r,i),r=!1}}for(var f,C=0,m=e.length;C<m&&(f=e.charAt(C));C++)if(this.debug("%s\t%s %s %j",e,C,i,f),o&&c0e[f])i+="\\"+f,o=!1;else switch(f){case"/":return!1;case"\\":d(),o=!0;continue;case"?":case"*":case"+":case"@":case"!":if(this.debug("%s\t%s %s %j <-- stateChar",e,C,i,f),c){this.debug(" in class"),"!"===f&&C===u+1&&(f="^"),i+=f;continue}h.debug("call clearStateChar %j",r),d(),r=f,n.noext&&d();continue;case"(":if(c){i+="(";continue}if(!r){i+="\\(";continue}a.push({type:r,start:C-1,reStart:i.length,open:i0e[r].open,close:i0e[r].close}),i+="!"===r?"(?:(?!(?:":"(?:",this.debug("plType %j %j",r,i),r=!1;continue;case")":if(c||!a.length){i+="\\)";continue}d(),s=!0;var g=a.pop();i+=g.close,"!"===g.type&&B.push(g),g.reEnd=i.length;continue;case"|":if(c||!a.length||o){i+="\\|",o=!1;continue}d(),i+="|";continue;case"[":if(d(),c){i+="\\"+f;continue}c=!0,u=C,l=i.length,i+=f;continue;case"]":if(C===u+1||!c){i+="\\"+f,o=!1;continue}if(c){var A=e.substring(u+1,C);try{RegExp("["+A+"]")}catch(e){var y=this.parse(A,A0e);i=i.substr(0,l)+"\\["+y[0]+"\\]",s=s||y[1],c=!1;continue}}s=!0,c=!1,i+=f;continue;default:d(),o?o=!1:!c0e[f]||"^"===f&&c||(i+="\\"),i+=f}for(c&&(A=e.substr(u+1),y=this.parse(A,A0e),i=i.substr(0,l)+"\\["+y[0],s=s||y[1]),g=a.pop();g;g=a.pop()){var E=i.slice(g.reStart+g.open.length);this.debug("setting tail",i,g),E=E.replace(/((?:\\{2}){0,64})(\\?)\|/g,(function(e,t,n){return n||(n="\\"),t+t+n+"|"})),this.debug("tail=%j\n %s",E,E,g,i);var v="*"===g.type?o0e:"?"===g.type?s0e:"\\"+g.type;s=!0,i=i.slice(0,g.reStart)+v+"\\("+E}d(),o&&(i+="\\\\");var _=!1;switch(i.charAt(0)){case".":case"[":case"(":_=!0}for(var b=B.length-1;b>-1;b--){var S=B[b],w=i.slice(0,S.reStart),x=i.slice(S.reStart,S.reEnd-8),D=i.slice(S.reEnd-8,S.reEnd),I=i.slice(S.reEnd);D+=I;var k=w.split("(").length-1,O=I;for(C=0;C<k;C++)O=O.replace(/\)[+*?]?/,"");var N="";""===(I=O)&&t!==A0e&&(N="$"),i=w+x+I+N+D}if(""!==i&&s&&(i="(?=.)"+i),_&&(i=p+i),t===A0e)return[i,s];if(!s)return _0e(e);var T=n.nocase?"i":"";try{var P=new RegExp("^"+i+"$",T)}catch(e){return new RegExp("$.")}return P._glob=e,P._src=i,P}function E0e(){if(this.regexp||!1===this.regexp)return this.regexp;var e=this.set;if(!e.length)return this.regexp=!1,this.regexp;var t=this.options,n=t.noglobstar?o0e:t.dot?a0e:B0e,r=t.nocase?"i":"",i=e.map((function(e){return e.map((function(e){return e===r0e?n:"string"==typeof e?b0e(e):e._src})).join("\\/")})).join("|");i="^(?:"+i+")$",this.negate&&(i="^(?!"+i+").*$");try{this.regexp=new RegExp(i,r)}catch(e){this.regexp=!1}return this.regexp}function v0e(e,t){if(this.debug("match",e,this.pattern),this.comment)return!1;if(this.empty)return""===e;if("/"===e&&t)return!0;var n=this.options;"/"!==n0e.sep&&(e=e.split(n0e.sep).join("/")),e=e.split(u0e),this.debug(this.pattern,"split",e);var r,i,s=this.set;for(this.debug(this.pattern,"set",s),i=e.length-1;i>=0&&!(r=e[i]);i--);for(i=0;i<s.length;i++){var o=s[i],a=e;if(n.matchBase&&1===o.length&&(a=[r]),this.matchOne(a,o,t))return!!n.flipNegate||!this.negate}return!n.flipNegate&&this.negate}function _0e(e){return e.replace(/\\(.)/g,"$1")}function b0e(e){return e.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g,"\\$&")}function S0e(e){return"/"===e.charAt(0)}function w0e(e){var t=/^([a-zA-Z]:|[\\\/]{2}[^\\\/]+[\\\/]+[^\\\/]+)?([\\\/])?([\s\S]*?)$/.exec(e),n=t[1]||"",r=Boolean(n&&":"!==n.charAt(1));return Boolean(t[2]||r)}d0e.makeRe=function(e,t){return new f0e(e,t||{}).makeRe()},f0e.prototype.makeRe=E0e,d0e.match=function(e,t,n){var r=new f0e(t,n=n||{});return e=e.filter((function(e){return r.match(e)})),r.options.nonull&&!e.length&&e.push(t),e},f0e.prototype.match=v0e,f0e.prototype.matchOne=function(e,t,n){var r=this.options;this.debug("matchOne",{this:this,file:e,pattern:t}),this.debug("matchOne",e.length,t.length);for(var i=0,s=0,o=e.length,a=t.length;i<o&&s<a;i++,s++){this.debug("matchOne loop");var B,c=t[s],l=e[i];if(this.debug(t,c,l),!1===c)return!1;if(c===r0e){this.debug("GLOBSTAR",[t,c,l]);var u=i,p=s+1;if(p===a){for(this.debug("** at the end");i<o;i++)if("."===e[i]||".."===e[i]||!r.dot&&"."===e[i].charAt(0))return!1;return!0}for(;u<o;){var h=e[u];if(this.debug("\nglobstar while",e,u,t,p,h),this.matchOne(e.slice(u),t.slice(p),n))return this.debug("globstar found match!",u,o,h),!0;if("."===h||".."===h||!r.dot&&"."===h.charAt(0)){this.debug("dot detected!",e,u,t,p);break}this.debug("globstar swallow a segment, and continue"),u++}return!(!n||(this.debug("\n>>> no match, partial?",e,u,t,p),u!==o))}if("string"==typeof c?(B=r.nocase?l.toLowerCase()===c.toLowerCase():l===c,this.debug("string match",c,l,B)):(B=l.match(c),this.debug("pattern match",c,l,B)),!B)return!1}if(i===o&&s===a)return!0;if(i===o)return n;if(s===a)return i===o-1&&""===e[i];throw new Error("wtf?")};var x0e="win32"===process.platform?w0e:S0e,D0e=S0e,I0e=w0e;x0e.posix=D0e,x0e.win32=I0e;var k0e=U0e,O0e=V0e,N0e=j0e,T0e=G0e,P0e=q0e,M0e=W0e,F0e=X0e,L0e=z0e,R0e=Y0e;function G0e(e,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)}var H0e=require("path"),K0e=t0e.Minimatch;function V0e(e,t){return e.toLowerCase().localeCompare(t.toLowerCase())}function U0e(e,t){return e.localeCompare(t)}function Q0e(e,t){e.ignore=t.ignore||[],Array.isArray(e.ignore)||(e.ignore=[e.ignore]),e.ignore.length&&(e.ignore=e.ignore.map(J0e))}function J0e(e){var t=null;if("/**"===e.slice(-3)){var n=e.replace(/(\/\*\*)+$/,"");t=new K0e(n,{dot:!0})}return{matcher:new K0e(e,{dot:!0}),gmatcher:t}}function j0e(e,t,n){if(n||(n={}),n.matchBase&&-1===t.indexOf("/")){if(n.noglobstar)throw new Error("base matching requires globstar");t="**/"+t}e.silent=!!n.silent,e.pattern=t,e.strict=!1!==n.strict,e.realpath=!!n.realpath,e.realpathCache=n.realpathCache||Object.create(null),e.follow=!!n.follow,e.dot=!!n.dot,e.mark=!!n.mark,e.nodir=!!n.nodir,e.nodir&&(e.mark=!0),e.sync=!!n.sync,e.nounique=!!n.nounique,e.nonull=!!n.nonull,e.nosort=!!n.nosort,e.nocase=!!n.nocase,e.stat=!!n.stat,e.noprocess=!!n.noprocess,e.absolute=!!n.absolute,e.maxLength=n.maxLength||1/0,e.cache=n.cache||Object.create(null),e.statCache=n.statCache||Object.create(null),e.symlinks=n.symlinks||Object.create(null),Q0e(e,n),e.changedCwd=!1;var r=process.cwd();G0e(n,"cwd")?(e.cwd=H0e.resolve(n.cwd),e.changedCwd=e.cwd!==r):e.cwd=r,e.root=n.root||H0e.resolve(e.cwd,"/"),e.root=H0e.resolve(e.root),"win32"===process.platform&&(e.root=e.root.replace(/\\/g,"/")),e.cwdAbs=x0e(e.cwd)?e.cwd:q0e(e,e.cwd),"win32"===process.platform&&(e.cwdAbs=e.cwdAbs.replace(/\\/g,"/")),e.nomount=!!n.nomount,n.nonegate=!0,n.nocomment=!0,e.minimatch=new K0e(t,n),e.options=e.minimatch.options}function W0e(e){for(var t=e.nounique,n=t?[]:Object.create(null),r=0,i=e.matches.length;r<i;r++){var s=e.matches[r];if(s&&0!==Object.keys(s).length){var o=Object.keys(s);t?n.push.apply(n,o):o.forEach((function(e){n[e]=!0}))}else if(e.nonull){var a=e.minimatch.globSet[r];t?n.push(a):n[a]=!0}}if(t||(n=Object.keys(n)),e.nosort||(n=n.sort(e.nocase?V0e:U0e)),e.mark){for(r=0;r<n.length;r++)n[r]=e._mark(n[r]);e.nodir&&(n=n.filter((function(t){var n=!/\/$/.test(t),r=e.cache[t]||e.cache[q0e(e,t)];return n&&r&&(n="DIR"!==r&&!Array.isArray(r)),n})))}e.ignore.length&&(n=n.filter((function(t){return!z0e(e,t)}))),e.found=n}function X0e(e,t){var n=q0e(e,t),r=e.cache[n],i=t;if(r){var s="DIR"===r||Array.isArray(r),o="/"===t.slice(-1);if(s&&!o?i+="/":!s&&o&&(i=i.slice(0,-1)),i!==t){var a=q0e(e,i);e.statCache[a]=e.statCache[n],e.cache[a]=e.cache[n]}}return i}function q0e(e,t){var n=t;return n="/"===t.charAt(0)?H0e.join(e.root,t):x0e(t)||""===t?t:e.changedCwd?H0e.resolve(e.cwd,t):H0e.resolve(t),"win32"===process.platform&&(n=n.replace(/\\/g,"/")),n}function z0e(e,t){return!!e.ignore.length&&e.ignore.some((function(e){return e.matcher.match(t)||!(!e.gmatcher||!e.gmatcher.match(t))}))}function Y0e(e,t){return!!e.ignore.length&&e.ignore.some((function(e){return!(!e.gmatcher||!e.gmatcher.match(t))}))}var $0e={alphasort:k0e,alphasorti:O0e,setopts:N0e,ownProp:T0e,makeAbs:P0e,finish:M0e,mark:F0e,isIgnored:L0e,childrenIgnored:R0e},Z0e=a2e;a2e.GlobSync=B2e;var e2e=require("fs");require("util");var t2e=require("path"),n2e=require("assert"),r2e=$0e.setopts,i2e=$0e.ownProp,s2e=$0e.childrenIgnored,o2e=$0e.isIgnored;function a2e(e,t){if("function"==typeof t||3===arguments.length)throw new TypeError("callback provided to sync glob\nSee: https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob/issues/167");return new B2e(e,t).found}function B2e(e,t){if(!e)throw new Error("must provide pattern");if("function"==typeof t||3===arguments.length)throw new TypeError("callback provided to sync glob\nSee: https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob/issues/167");if(!(this instanceof B2e))return new B2e(e,t);if(r2e(this,e,t),this.noprocess)return this;var n=this.minimatch.set.length;this.matches=new Array(n);for(var r=0;r<n;r++)this._process(this.minimatch.set[r],r,!1);this._finish()}B2e.prototype._finish=function(){if(n2e(this instanceof B2e),this.realpath){var e=this;this.matches.forEach((function(t,n){var r=e.matches[n]=Object.create(null);for(var i in t)try{i=e._makeAbs(i),r[v1e.realpathSync(i,e.realpathCache)]=!0}catch(t){if("stat"!==t.syscall)throw t;r[e._makeAbs(i)]=!0}}))}$0e.finish(this)},B2e.prototype._process=function(e,t,n){n2e(this instanceof B2e);for(var r,i=0;"string"==typeof e[i];)i++;switch(i){case e.length:return void this._processSimple(e.join("/"),t);case 0:r=null;break;default:r=e.slice(0,i).join("/")}var s,o=e.slice(i);null===r?s=".":x0e(r)||x0e(e.join("/"))?(r&&x0e(r)||(r="/"+r),s=r):s=r;var a=this._makeAbs(s);s2e(this,s)||(o[0]===t0e.GLOBSTAR?this._processGlobStar(r,s,a,o,t,n):this._processReaddir(r,s,a,o,t,n))},B2e.prototype._processReaddir=function(e,t,n,r,i,s){var o=this._readdir(n,s);if(o){for(var a=r[0],B=!!this.minimatch.negate,c=a._glob,l=this.dot||"."===c.charAt(0),u=[],p=0;p<o.length;p++){if("."!==(f=o[p]).charAt(0)||l)(B&&!e?!f.match(a):f.match(a))&&u.push(f)}var h=u.length;if(0!==h)if(1!==r.length||this.mark||this.stat){r.shift();for(p=0;p<h;p++){var d;f=u[p];d=e?[e,f]:[f],this._process(d.concat(r),i,s)}}else{this.matches[i]||(this.matches[i]=Object.create(null));for(var p=0;p<h;p++){var f=u[p];e&&(f="/"!==e.slice(-1)?e+"/"+f:e+f),"/"!==f.charAt(0)||this.nomount||(f=t2e.join(this.root,f)),this._emitMatch(i,f)}}}},B2e.prototype._emitMatch=function(e,t){if(!o2e(this,t)){var n=this._makeAbs(t);if(this.mark&&(t=this._mark(t)),this.absolute&&(t=n),!this.matches[e][t]){if(this.nodir){var r=this.cache[n];if("DIR"===r||Array.isArray(r))return}this.matches[e][t]=!0,this.stat&&this._stat(t)}}},B2e.prototype._readdirInGlobStar=function(e){if(this.follow)return this._readdir(e,!1);var t,n;try{n=e2e.lstatSync(e)}catch(e){if("ENOENT"===e.code)return null}var r=n&&n.isSymbolicLink();return this.symlinks[e]=r,r||!n||n.isDirectory()?t=this._readdir(e,!1):this.cache[e]="FILE",t},B2e.prototype._readdir=function(e,t){if(t&&!i2e(this.symlinks,e))return this._readdirInGlobStar(e);if(i2e(this.cache,e)){var n=this.cache[e];if(!n||"FILE"===n)return null;if(Array.isArray(n))return n}try{return this._readdirEntries(e,e2e.readdirSync(e))}catch(t){return this._readdirError(e,t),null}},B2e.prototype._readdirEntries=function(e,t){if(!this.mark&&!this.stat)for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var r=t[n];r="/"===e?e+r:e+"/"+r,this.cache[r]=!0}return this.cache[e]=t,t},B2e.prototype._readdirError=function(e,t){switch(t.code){case"ENOTSUP":case"ENOTDIR":var n=this._makeAbs(e);if(this.cache[n]="FILE",n===this.cwdAbs){var r=new Error(t.code+" invalid cwd "+this.cwd);throw r.path=this.cwd,r.code=t.code,r}break;case"ENOENT":case"ELOOP":case"ENAMETOOLONG":case"UNKNOWN":this.cache[this._makeAbs(e)]=!1;break;default:if(this.cache[this._makeAbs(e)]=!1,this.strict)throw t;this.silent||console.error("glob error",t)}},B2e.prototype._processGlobStar=function(e,t,n,r,i,s){var o=this._readdir(n,s);if(o){var a=r.slice(1),B=e?[e]:[],c=B.concat(a);this._process(c,i,!1);var l=o.length;if(!this.symlinks[n]||!s)for(var u=0;u<l;u++){if("."!==o[u].charAt(0)||this.dot){var p=B.concat(o[u],a);this._process(p,i,!0);var h=B.concat(o[u],r);this._process(h,i,!0)}}}},B2e.prototype._processSimple=function(e,t){var n=this._stat(e);if(this.matches[t]||(this.matches[t]=Object.create(null)),n){if(e&&x0e(e)&&!this.nomount){var r=/[\/\\]$/.test(e);"/"===e.charAt(0)?e=t2e.join(this.root,e):(e=t2e.resolve(this.root,e),r&&(e+="/"))}"win32"===process.platform&&(e=e.replace(/\\/g,"/")),this._emitMatch(t,e)}},B2e.prototype._stat=function(e){var t=this._makeAbs(e),n="/"===e.slice(-1);if(e.length>this.maxLength)return!1;if(!this.stat&&i2e(this.cache,t)){var r=this.cache[t];if(Array.isArray(r)&&(r="DIR"),!n||"DIR"===r)return r;if(n&&"FILE"===r)return!1}var i=this.statCache[t];if(!i){var s;try{s=e2e.lstatSync(t)}catch(e){if(e&&("ENOENT"===e.code||"ENOTDIR"===e.code))return this.statCache[t]=!1,!1}if(s&&s.isSymbolicLink())try{i=e2e.statSync(t)}catch(e){i=s}else i=s}this.statCache[t]=i;r=!0;return i&&(r=i.isDirectory()?"DIR":"FILE"),this.cache[t]=this.cache[t]||r,(!n||"FILE"!==r)&&r},B2e.prototype._mark=function(e){return $0e.mark(this,e)},B2e.prototype._makeAbs=function(e){return $0e.makeAbs(this,e)};var c2e=Object.create(null),l2e=BM(u2e);function u2e(e,t){return c2e[e]?(c2e[e].push(t),null):(c2e[e]=[t],p2e(e))}function p2e(e){return lM((function t(){var n=c2e[e],r=n.length,i=h2e(arguments);try{for(var s=0;s<r;s++)n[s].apply(null,i)}finally{n.length>r?(n.splice(0,r),process.nextTick((function(){t.apply(null,i)}))):delete c2e[e]}}))}function h2e(e){for(var t=e.length,n=[],r=0;r<t;r++)n[r]=e[r];return n}var d2e=_2e,f2e=require("fs"),C2e=require("events").EventEmitter,m2e=require("path"),g2e=require("assert"),A2e=$0e.setopts,y2e=$0e.ownProp;require("util");var E2e=$0e.childrenIgnored,v2e=$0e.isIgnored;function _2e(e,t,n){if("function"==typeof t&&(n=t,t={}),t||(t={}),t.sync){if(n)throw new TypeError("callback provided to sync glob");return Z0e(e,t)}return new w2e(e,t,n)}_2e.sync=Z0e;var b2e=_2e.GlobSync=Z0e.GlobSync;function S2e(e,t){if(null===t||"object"!=typeof t)return e;for(var n=Object.keys(t),r=n.length;r--;)e[n[r]]=t[n[r]];return e}function w2e(e,t,n){if("function"==typeof t&&(n=t,t=null),t&&t.sync){if(n)throw new TypeError("callback provided to sync glob");return new b2e(e,t)}if(!(this instanceof w2e))return new w2e(e,t,n);A2e(this,e,t),this._didRealPath=!1;var r=this.minimatch.set.length;this.matches=new Array(r),"function"==typeof n&&(n=lM(n),this.on("error",n),this.on("end",(function(e){n(null,e)})));var i=this;if(this._processing=0,this._emitQueue=[],this._processQueue=[],this.paused=!1,this.noprocess)return this;if(0===r)return o();for(var s=0;s<r;s++)this._process(this.minimatch.set[s],s,!1,o);function o(){--i._processing,i._processing<=0&&i._finish()}}function x2e(e,t,n){return function(r,i){r?e._readdirError(t,r,n):e._readdirEntries(t,i,n)}}_2e.glob=_2e,_2e.hasMagic=function(e,t){var n=S2e({},t);n.noprocess=!0;var r=new w2e(e,n).minimatch.set;if(!e)return!1;if(r.length>1)return!0;for(var i=0;i<r[0].length;i++)if("string"!=typeof r[0][i])return!0;return!1},_2e.Glob=w2e,dP(w2e,C2e),w2e.prototype._finish=function(){if(g2e(this instanceof w2e),!this.aborted){if(this.realpath&&!this._didRealpath)return this._realpath();$0e.finish(this),this.emit("end",this.found)}},w2e.prototype._realpath=function(){if(!this._didRealpath){this._didRealpath=!0;var e=this.matches.length;if(0===e)return this._finish();for(var t=this,n=0;n<this.matches.length;n++)this._realpathSet(n,r)}function r(){0==--e&&t._finish()}},w2e.prototype._realpathSet=function(e,t){var n=this.matches[e];if(!n)return t();var r=Object.keys(n),i=this,s=r.length;if(0===s)return t();var o=this.matches[e]=Object.create(null);r.forEach((function(n,r){n=i._makeAbs(n),v1e.realpath(n,i.realpathCache,(function(r,a){r?"stat"===r.syscall?o[n]=!0:i.emit("error",r):o[a]=!0,0==--s&&(i.matches[e]=o,t())}))}))},w2e.prototype._mark=function(e){return $0e.mark(this,e)},w2e.prototype._makeAbs=function(e){return $0e.makeAbs(this,e)},w2e.prototype.abort=function(){this.aborted=!0,this.emit("abort")},w2e.prototype.pause=function(){this.paused||(this.paused=!0,this.emit("pause"))},w2e.prototype.resume=function(){if(this.paused){if(this.emit("resume"),this.paused=!1,this._emitQueue.length){var e=this._emitQueue.slice(0);this._emitQueue.length=0;for(var t=0;t<e.length;t++){var n=e[t];this._emitMatch(n[0],n[1])}}if(this._processQueue.length){var r=this._processQueue.slice(0);this._processQueue.length=0;for(t=0;t<r.length;t++){var i=r[t];this._processing--,this._process(i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3])}}}},w2e.prototype._process=function(e,t,n,r){if(g2e(this instanceof w2e),g2e("function"==typeof r),!this.aborted)if(this._processing++,this.paused)this._processQueue.push([e,t,n,r]);else{for(var i,s=0;"string"==typeof e[s];)s++;switch(s){case e.length:return void this._processSimple(e.join("/"),t,r);case 0:i=null;break;default:i=e.slice(0,s).join("/")}var o,a=e.slice(s);null===i?o=".":x0e(i)||x0e(e.join("/"))?(i&&x0e(i)||(i="/"+i),o=i):o=i;var B=this._makeAbs(o);if(E2e(this,o))return r();a[0]===t0e.GLOBSTAR?this._processGlobStar(i,o,B,a,t,n,r):this._processReaddir(i,o,B,a,t,n,r)}},w2e.prototype._processReaddir=function(e,t,n,r,i,s,o){var a=this;this._readdir(n,s,(function(B,c){return a._processReaddir2(e,t,n,r,i,s,c,o)}))},w2e.prototype._processReaddir2=function(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a){if(!o)return a();for(var B=r[0],c=!!this.minimatch.negate,l=B._glob,u=this.dot||"."===l.charAt(0),p=[],h=0;h<o.length;h++){if("."!==(f=o[h]).charAt(0)||u)(c&&!e?!f.match(B):f.match(B))&&p.push(f)}var d=p.length;if(0===d)return a();if(1===r.length&&!this.mark&&!this.stat){this.matches[i]||(this.matches[i]=Object.create(null));for(h=0;h<d;h++){var f=p[h];e&&(f="/"!==e?e+"/"+f:e+f),"/"!==f.charAt(0)||this.nomount||(f=m2e.join(this.root,f)),this._emitMatch(i,f)}return a()}r.shift();for(h=0;h<d;h++){f=p[h];e&&(f="/"!==e?e+"/"+f:e+f),this._process([f].concat(r),i,s,a)}a()},w2e.prototype._emitMatch=function(e,t){if(!this.aborted&&!v2e(this,t))if(this.paused)this._emitQueue.push([e,t]);else{var n=x0e(t)?t:this._makeAbs(t);if(this.mark&&(t=this._mark(t)),this.absolute&&(t=n),!this.matches[e][t]){if(this.nodir){var r=this.cache[n];if("DIR"===r||Array.isArray(r))return}this.matches[e][t]=!0;var i=this.statCache[n];i&&this.emit("stat",t,i),this.emit("match",t)}}},w2e.prototype._readdirInGlobStar=function(e,t){if(!this.aborted){if(this.follow)return this._readdir(e,!1,t);var n=this,r=l2e("lstat\0"+e,(function(r,i){if(r&&"ENOENT"===r.code)return t();var s=i&&i.isSymbolicLink();n.symlinks[e]=s,s||!i||i.isDirectory()?n._readdir(e,!1,t):(n.cache[e]="FILE",t())}));r&&f2e.lstat(e,r)}},w2e.prototype._readdir=function(e,t,n){if(!this.aborted&&(n=l2e("readdir\0"+e+"\0"+t,n))){if(t&&!y2e(this.symlinks,e))return this._readdirInGlobStar(e,n);if(y2e(this.cache,e)){var r=this.cache[e];if(!r||"FILE"===r)return n();if(Array.isArray(r))return n(null,r)}f2e.readdir(e,x2e(this,e,n))}},w2e.prototype._readdirEntries=function(e,t,n){if(!this.aborted){if(!this.mark&&!this.stat)for(var r=0;r<t.length;r++){var i=t[r];i="/"===e?e+i:e+"/"+i,this.cache[i]=!0}return this.cache[e]=t,n(null,t)}},w2e.prototype._readdirError=function(e,t,n){if(!this.aborted){switch(t.code){case"ENOTSUP":case"ENOTDIR":var r=this._makeAbs(e);if(this.cache[r]="FILE",r===this.cwdAbs){var i=new Error(t.code+" invalid cwd "+this.cwd);i.path=this.cwd,i.code=t.code,this.emit("error",i),this.abort()}break;case"ENOENT":case"ELOOP":case"ENAMETOOLONG":case"UNKNOWN":this.cache[this._makeAbs(e)]=!1;break;default:this.cache[this._makeAbs(e)]=!1,this.strict&&(this.emit("error",t),this.abort()),this.silent||console.error("glob error",t)}return n()}},w2e.prototype._processGlobStar=function(e,t,n,r,i,s,o){var a=this;this._readdir(n,s,(function(B,c){a._processGlobStar2(e,t,n,r,i,s,c,o)}))},w2e.prototype._processGlobStar2=function(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a){if(!o)return a();var B=r.slice(1),c=e?[e]:[],l=c.concat(B);this._process(l,i,!1,a);var u=this.symlinks[n],p=o.length;if(u&&s)return a();for(var h=0;h<p;h++){if("."!==o[h].charAt(0)||this.dot){var d=c.concat(o[h],B);this._process(d,i,!0,a);var f=c.concat(o[h],r);this._process(f,i,!0,a)}}a()},w2e.prototype._processSimple=function(e,t,n){var r=this;this._stat(e,(function(i,s){r._processSimple2(e,t,i,s,n)}))},w2e.prototype._processSimple2=function(e,t,n,r,i){if(this.matches[t]||(this.matches[t]=Object.create(null)),!r)return i();if(e&&x0e(e)&&!this.nomount){var s=/[\/\\]$/.test(e);"/"===e.charAt(0)?e=m2e.join(this.root,e):(e=m2e.resolve(this.root,e),s&&(e+="/"))}"win32"===process.platform&&(e=e.replace(/\\/g,"/")),this._emitMatch(t,e),i()},w2e.prototype._stat=function(e,t){var n=this._makeAbs(e),r="/"===e.slice(-1);if(e.length>this.maxLength)return t();if(!this.stat&&y2e(this.cache,n)){var i=this.cache[n];if(Array.isArray(i)&&(i="DIR"),!r||"DIR"===i)return t(null,i);if(r&&"FILE"===i)return t()}var s=this.statCache[n];if(void 0!==s){if(!1===s)return t(null,s);var o=s.isDirectory()?"DIR":"FILE";return r&&"FILE"===o?t():t(null,o,s)}var a=this,B=l2e("stat\0"+n,(function(r,i){if(i&&i.isSymbolicLink())return f2e.stat(n,(function(r,s){r?a._stat2(e,n,null,i,t):a._stat2(e,n,r,s,t)}));a._stat2(e,n,r,i,t)}));B&&f2e.lstat(n,B)},w2e.prototype._stat2=function(e,t,n,r,i){if(n&&("ENOENT"===n.code||"ENOTDIR"===n.code))return this.statCache[t]=!1,i();var s="/"===e.slice(-1);if(this.statCache[t]=r,"/"===t.slice(-1)&&r&&!r.isDirectory())return i(null,!1,r);var o=!0;return r&&(o=r.isDirectory()?"DIR":"FILE"),this.cache[t]=this.cache[t]||o,s&&"FILE"===o?i():i(null,o,r)};var D2e=R2e;R2e.sync=Q2e;var I2e=require("assert"),k2e=require("path"),O2e=require("fs"),N2e=void 0;try{N2e=d2e}catch(e){}var T2e=parseInt("666",8),P2e={nosort:!0,silent:!0},M2e=0,F2e="win32"===process.platform;function L2e(e){if(["unlink","chmod","stat","lstat","rmdir","readdir"].forEach((function(t){e[t]=e[t]||O2e[t],e[t+="Sync"]=e[t]||O2e[t]})),e.maxBusyTries=e.maxBusyTries||3,e.emfileWait=e.emfileWait||1e3,!1===e.glob&&(e.disableGlob=!0),!0!==e.disableGlob&&void 0===N2e)throw Error("glob dependency not found, set `options.disableGlob = true` if intentional");e.disableGlob=e.disableGlob||!1,e.glob=e.glob||P2e}function R2e(e,t,n){"function"==typeof t&&(n=t,t={}),I2e(e,"rimraf: missing path"),I2e.equal(typeof e,"string","rimraf: path should be a string"),I2e.equal(typeof n,"function","rimraf: callback function required"),I2e(t,"rimraf: invalid options argument provided"),I2e.equal(typeof t,"object","rimraf: options should be object"),L2e(t);var r=0,i=null,s=0;if(t.disableGlob||!N2e.hasMagic(e))return o(null,[e]);function o(e,o){return e?n(e):0===(s=o.length)?n():void o.forEach((function(e){G2e(e,t,(function o(a){if(a){if(("EBUSY"===a.code||"ENOTEMPTY"===a.code||"EPERM"===a.code)&&r<t.maxBusyTries)return r++,setTimeout((function(){G2e(e,t,o)}),100*r);if("EMFILE"===a.code&&M2e<t.emfileWait)return setTimeout((function(){G2e(e,t,o)}),M2e++);"ENOENT"===a.code&&(a=null)}M2e=0,function(e){i=i||e,0==--s&&n(i)}(a)}))}))}t.lstat(e,(function(n,r){if(!n)return o(null,[e]);N2e(e,t.glob,o)}))}function G2e(e,t,n){I2e(e),I2e(t),I2e("function"==typeof n),t.lstat(e,(function(r,i){return r&&"ENOENT"===r.code?n(null):(r&&"EPERM"===r.code&&F2e&&H2e(e,t,r,n),i&&i.isDirectory()?V2e(e,t,r,n):void t.unlink(e,(function(r){if(r){if("ENOENT"===r.code)return n(null);if("EPERM"===r.code)return F2e?H2e(e,t,r,n):V2e(e,t,r,n);if("EISDIR"===r.code)return V2e(e,t,r,n)}return n(r)})))}))}function H2e(e,t,n,r){I2e(e),I2e(t),I2e("function"==typeof r),n&&I2e(n instanceof Error),t.chmod(e,T2e,(function(i){i?r("ENOENT"===i.code?null:n):t.stat(e,(function(i,s){i?r("ENOENT"===i.code?null:n):s.isDirectory()?V2e(e,t,n,r):t.unlink(e,r)}))}))}function K2e(e,t,n){I2e(e),I2e(t),n&&I2e(n instanceof Error);try{t.chmodSync(e,T2e)}catch(e){if("ENOENT"===e.code)return;throw n}try{var r=t.statSync(e)}catch(e){if("ENOENT"===e.code)return;throw n}r.isDirectory()?J2e(e,t,n):t.unlinkSync(e)}function V2e(e,t,n,r){I2e(e),I2e(t),n&&I2e(n instanceof Error),I2e("function"==typeof r),t.rmdir(e,(function(i){!i||"ENOTEMPTY"!==i.code&&"EEXIST"!==i.code&&"EPERM"!==i.code?i&&"ENOTDIR"===i.code?r(n):r(i):U2e(e,t,r)}))}function U2e(e,t,n){I2e(e),I2e(t),I2e("function"==typeof n),t.readdir(e,(function(r,i){if(r)return n(r);var s,o=i.length;if(0===o)return t.rmdir(e,n);i.forEach((function(r){R2e(k2e.join(e,r),t,(function(r){if(!s)return r?n(s=r):void(0==--o&&t.rmdir(e,n))}))}))}))}function Q2e(e,t){var n;if(L2e(t=t||{}),I2e(e,"rimraf: missing path"),I2e.equal(typeof e,"string","rimraf: path should be a string"),I2e(t,"rimraf: missing options"),I2e.equal(typeof t,"object","rimraf: options should be object"),t.disableGlob||!N2e.hasMagic(e))n=[e];else try{t.lstatSync(e),n=[e]}catch(r){n=N2e.sync(e,t.glob)}if(n.length)for(var r=0;r<n.length;r++){e=n[r];try{var i=t.lstatSync(e)}catch(n){if("ENOENT"===n.code)return;"EPERM"===n.code&&F2e&&K2e(e,t,n)}try{i&&i.isDirectory()?J2e(e,t,null):t.unlinkSync(e)}catch(n){if("ENOENT"===n.code)return;if("EPERM"===n.code)return F2e?K2e(e,t,n):J2e(e,t,n);if("EISDIR"!==n.code)throw n;J2e(e,t,n)}}}function J2e(e,t,n){I2e(e),I2e(t),n&&I2e(n instanceof Error);try{t.rmdirSync(e)}catch(r){if("ENOENT"===r.code)return;if("ENOTDIR"===r.code)throw n;"ENOTEMPTY"!==r.code&&"EEXIST"!==r.code&&"EPERM"!==r.code||j2e(e,t)}}function j2e(e,t){I2e(e),I2e(t),t.readdirSync(e).forEach((function(n){Q2e(k2e.join(e,n),t)}));for(var n=F2e?100:1,r=0;;){var i=!0;try{var s=t.rmdirSync(e,t);return i=!1,s}finally{if(++r<n&&i)continue}}}var W2e=require("path"),X2e=require("fs"),q2e=parseInt("0777",8),z2e=Y2e.mkdirp=Y2e.mkdirP=Y2e;function Y2e(e,t,n,r){"function"==typeof t?(n=t,t={}):t&&"object"==typeof t||(t={mode:t});var i=t.mode,s=t.fs||X2e;void 0===i&&(i=q2e),r||(r=null);var o=n||function(){};e=W2e.resolve(e),s.mkdir(e,i,(function(n){if(!n)return o(null,r=r||e);switch(n.code){case"ENOENT":if(W2e.dirname(e)===e)return o(n);Y2e(W2e.dirname(e),t,(function(n,r){n?o(n,r):Y2e(e,t,o,r)}));break;default:s.stat(e,(function(e,t){e||!t.isDirectory()?o(n,r):o(null,r)}))}}))}Y2e.sync=function e(t,n,r){n&&"object"==typeof n||(n={mode:n});var i=n.mode,s=n.fs||X2e;void 0===i&&(i=q2e),r||(r=null),t=W2e.resolve(t);try{s.mkdirSync(t,i),r=r||t}catch(i){switch(i.code){case"ENOENT":r=e(W2e.dirname(t),n,r),e(t,n,r);break;default:var o;try{o=s.statSync(t)}catch(e){throw i}if(!o.isDirectory())throw i}}return r};var $2e=N((function(e,t){(function(){var n,r="Expected a function",i="__lodash_hash_undefined__",s="__lodash_placeholder__",o=16,a=32,B=64,c=128,l=256,u=1/0,p=9007199254740991,h=NaN,d=4294967295,f=[["ary",c],["bind",1],["bindKey",2],["curry",8],["curryRight",o],["flip",512],["partial",a],["partialRight",B],["rearg",l]],C="[object Arguments]",m="[object Array]",g="[object Boolean]",A="[object Date]",y="[object Error]",E="[object Function]",v="[object GeneratorFunction]",_="[object Map]",b="[object Number]",S="[object Object]",w="[object Promise]",x="[object RegExp]",D="[object Set]",I="[object String]",k="[object Symbol]",N="[object WeakMap]",T="[object ArrayBuffer]",P="[object DataView]",M="[object Float32Array]",F="[object Float64Array]",L="[object Int8Array]",R="[object Int16Array]",G="[object Int32Array]",H="[object Uint8Array]",K="[object Uint8ClampedArray]",V="[object Uint16Array]",U="[object Uint32Array]",Q=/\b__p \+= '';/g,J=/\b(__p \+=) '' \+/g,j=/(__e\(.*?\)|\b__t\)) \+\n'';/g,W=/&(?:amp|lt|gt|quot|#39);/g,X=/[&<>"']/g,q=RegExp(W.source),z=RegExp(X.source),Y=/<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,$=/<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,Z=/<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,ee=/\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/,te=/^\w*$/,ne=/[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g,re=/[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g,ie=RegExp(re.source),se=/^\s+|\s+$/g,oe=/^\s+/,ae=/\s+$/,Be=/\{(?:\n\/\* \[wrapped with .+\] \*\/)?\n?/,ce=/\{\n\/\* \[wrapped with (.+)\] \*/,le=/,? & /,ue=/[^\x00-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7f]+/g,pe=/\\(\\)?/g,he=/\$\{([^\\}]*(?:\\.[^\\}]*)*)\}/g,de=/\w*$/,fe=/^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i,Ce=/^0b[01]+$/i,me=/^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/,ge=/^0o[0-7]+$/i,Ae=/^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/,ye=/[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff\u0100-\u017f]/g,Ee=/($^)/,ve=/['\n\r\u2028\u2029\\]/g,_e="\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff",be="\\u2700-\\u27bf",Se="a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff",we="A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde",xe="\\ufe0e\\ufe0f",De="\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf\\u2000-\\u206f 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]/,rt=["Array","Buffer","DataView","Date","Error","Float32Array","Float64Array","Function","Int8Array","Int16Array","Int32Array","Map","Math","Object","Promise","RegExp","Set","String","Symbol","TypeError","Uint8Array","Uint8ClampedArray","Uint16Array","Uint32Array","WeakMap","_","clearTimeout","isFinite","parseInt","setTimeout"],it=-1,st={};st[M]=st[F]=st[L]=st[R]=st[G]=st[H]=st[K]=st[V]=st[U]=!0,st[C]=st[m]=st[T]=st[g]=st[P]=st[A]=st[y]=st[E]=st[_]=st[b]=st[S]=st[x]=st[D]=st[I]=st[N]=!1;var ot={};ot[C]=ot[m]=ot[T]=ot[P]=ot[g]=ot[A]=ot[M]=ot[F]=ot[L]=ot[R]=ot[G]=ot[_]=ot[b]=ot[S]=ot[x]=ot[D]=ot[I]=ot[k]=ot[H]=ot[K]=ot[V]=ot[U]=!0,ot[y]=ot[E]=ot[N]=!1;var at={"\\":"\\","'":"'","\n":"n","\r":"r","\u2028":"u2028","\u2029":"u2029"},Bt=parseFloat,ct=parseInt,lt="object"==typeof O&&O&&O.Object===Object&&O,ut="object"==typeof self&&self&&self.Object===Object&&self,pt=lt||ut||Function("return this")(),ht=t&&!t.nodeType&&t,dt=ht&&e&&!e.nodeType&&e,ft=dt&&dt.exports===ht,Ct=ft&<.process,mt=function(){try{var e=dt&&dt.require&&dt.require("util").types;return e||Ct&&Ct.binding&&Ct.binding("util")}catch(e){}}(),gt=mt&&mt.isArrayBuffer,At=mt&&mt.isDate,yt=mt&&mt.isMap,Et=mt&&mt.isRegExp,vt=mt&&mt.isSet,_t=mt&&mt.isTypedArray;function bt(e,t,n){switch(n.length){case 0:return e.call(t);case 1:return e.call(t,n[0]);case 2:return e.call(t,n[0],n[1]);case 3:return e.call(t,n[0],n[1],n[2])}return e.apply(t,n)}function St(e,t,n,r){for(var i=-1,s=null==e?0:e.length;++i<s;){var o=e[i];t(r,o,n(o),e)}return r}function wt(e,t){for(var n=-1,r=null==e?0:e.length;++n<r&&!1!==t(e[n],n,e););return e}function xt(e,t){for(var n=null==e?0:e.length;n--&&!1!==t(e[n],n,e););return e}function Dt(e,t){for(var n=-1,r=null==e?0:e.length;++n<r;)if(!t(e[n],n,e))return!1;return!0}function It(e,t){for(var n=-1,r=null==e?0:e.length,i=0,s=[];++n<r;){var o=e[n];t(o,n,e)&&(s[i++]=o)}return s}function kt(e,t){return!!(null==e?0:e.length)&&Ht(e,t,0)>-1}function Ot(e,t,n){for(var r=-1,i=null==e?0:e.length;++r<i;)if(n(t,e[r]))return!0;return!1}function Nt(e,t){for(var n=-1,r=null==e?0:e.length,i=Array(r);++n<r;)i[n]=t(e[n],n,e);return i}function Tt(e,t){for(var n=-1,r=t.length,i=e.length;++n<r;)e[i+n]=t[n];return e}function Pt(e,t,n,r){var i=-1,s=null==e?0:e.length;for(r&&s&&(n=e[++i]);++i<s;)n=t(n,e[i],i,e);return n}function Mt(e,t,n,r){var i=null==e?0:e.length;for(r&&i&&(n=e[--i]);i--;)n=t(n,e[i],i,e);return n}function Ft(e,t){for(var n=-1,r=null==e?0:e.length;++n<r;)if(t(e[n],n,e))return!0;return!1}var Lt=Qt("length");function Rt(e,t,n){var r;return n(e,(function(e,n,i){if(t(e,n,i))return r=n,!1})),r}function Gt(e,t,n,r){for(var i=e.length,s=n+(r?1:-1);r?s--:++s<i;)if(t(e[s],s,e))return s;return-1}function Ht(e,t,n){return t==t?function(e,t,n){var r=n-1,i=e.length;for(;++r<i;)if(e[r]===t)return r;return-1}(e,t,n):Gt(e,Vt,n)}function Kt(e,t,n,r){for(var i=n-1,s=e.length;++i<s;)if(r(e[i],t))return i;return-1}function Vt(e){return e!=e}function Ut(e,t){var n=null==e?0:e.length;return n?Wt(e,t)/n:h}function Qt(e){return function(t){return null==t?n:t[e]}}function Jt(e){return function(t){return null==e?n:e[t]}}function jt(e,t,n,r,i){return i(e,(function(e,i,s){n=r?(r=!1,e):t(n,e,i,s)})),n}function Wt(e,t){for(var r,i=-1,s=e.length;++i<s;){var o=t(e[i]);o!==n&&(r=r===n?o:r+o)}return r}function Xt(e,t){for(var n=-1,r=Array(e);++n<e;)r[n]=t(n);return r}function qt(e){return function(t){return e(t)}}function zt(e,t){return Nt(t,(function(t){return e[t]}))}function Yt(e,t){return e.has(t)}function $t(e,t){for(var n=-1,r=e.length;++n<r&&Ht(t,e[n],0)>-1;);return n}function Zt(e,t){for(var n=e.length;n--&&Ht(t,e[n],0)>-1;);return n}function en(e,t){for(var n=e.length,r=0;n--;)e[n]===t&&++r;return r}var tn=Jt({À:"A",Á:"A",Â:"A",Ã:"A",Ä:"A",Å:"A",à:"a",á:"a",â:"a",ã:"a",ä:"a",å:"a",Ç:"C",ç:"c",Ð:"D",ð:"d",È:"E",É:"E",Ê:"E",Ë:"E",è:"e",é:"e",ê:"e",ë:"e",Ì:"I",Í:"I",Î:"I",Ï:"I",ì:"i",í:"i",î:"i",ï:"i",Ñ:"N",ñ:"n",Ò:"O",Ó:"O",Ô:"O",Õ:"O",Ö:"O",Ø:"O",ò:"o",ó:"o",ô:"o",õ:"o",ö:"o",ø:"o",Ù:"U",Ú:"U",Û:"U",Ü:"U",ù:"u",ú:"u",û:"u",ü:"u",Ý:"Y",ý:"y",ÿ:"y",Æ:"Ae",æ:"ae",Þ:"Th",þ:"th",ß:"ss",Ā:"A",Ă:"A",Ą:"A",ā:"a",ă:"a",ą:"a",Ć:"C",Ĉ:"C",Ċ:"C",Č:"C",ć:"c",ĉ:"c",ċ:"c",č:"c",Ď:"D",Đ:"D",ď:"d",đ:"d",Ē:"E",Ĕ:"E",Ė:"E",Ę:"E",Ě:"E",ē:"e",ĕ:"e",ė:"e",ę:"e",ě:"e",Ĝ:"G",Ğ:"G",Ġ:"G",Ģ:"G",ĝ:"g",ğ:"g",ġ:"g",ģ:"g",Ĥ:"H",Ħ:"H",ĥ:"h",ħ:"h",Ĩ:"I",Ī:"I",Ĭ:"I",Į:"I",İ:"I",ĩ:"i",ī:"i",ĭ:"i",į:"i",ı:"i",Ĵ:"J",ĵ:"j",Ķ:"K",ķ:"k",ĸ:"k",Ĺ:"L",Ļ:"L",Ľ:"L",Ŀ:"L",Ł:"L",ĺ:"l",ļ:"l",ľ:"l",ŀ:"l",ł:"l",Ń:"N",Ņ:"N",Ň:"N",Ŋ:"N",ń:"n",ņ:"n",ň:"n",ŋ:"n",Ō:"O",Ŏ:"O",Ő:"O",ō:"o",ŏ:"o",ő:"o",Ŕ:"R",Ŗ:"R",Ř:"R",ŕ:"r",ŗ:"r",ř:"r",Ś:"S",Ŝ:"S",Ş:"S",Š:"S",ś:"s",ŝ:"s",ş:"s",š:"s",Ţ:"T",Ť:"T",Ŧ:"T",ţ:"t",ť:"t",ŧ:"t",Ũ:"U",Ū:"U",Ŭ:"U",Ů:"U",Ű:"U",Ų:"U",ũ:"u",ū:"u",ŭ:"u",ů:"u",ű:"u",ų:"u",Ŵ:"W",ŵ:"w",Ŷ:"Y",ŷ:"y",Ÿ:"Y",Ź:"Z",Ż:"Z",Ž:"Z",ź:"z",ż:"z",ž:"z",IJ:"IJ",ij:"ij",Œ:"Oe",œ:"oe",ʼn:"'n",ſ:"s"}),nn=Jt({"&":"&","<":"<",">":">",'"':""","'":"'"});function rn(e){return"\\"+at[e]}function sn(e){return tt.test(e)}function on(e){var t=-1,n=Array(e.size);return e.forEach((function(e,r){n[++t]=[r,e]})),n}function an(e,t){return function(n){return e(t(n))}}function Bn(e,t){for(var n=-1,r=e.length,i=0,o=[];++n<r;){var a=e[n];a!==t&&a!==s||(e[n]=s,o[i++]=n)}return o}function cn(e){var t=-1,n=Array(e.size);return e.forEach((function(e){n[++t]=e})),n}function ln(e){var t=-1,n=Array(e.size);return e.forEach((function(e){n[++t]=[e,e]})),n}function un(e){return sn(e)?function(e){var t=Ze.lastIndex=0;for(;Ze.test(e);)++t;return t}(e):Lt(e)}function pn(e){return sn(e)?function(e){return e.match(Ze)||[]}(e):function(e){return e.split("")}(e)}var hn=Jt({"&":"&","<":"<",">":">",""":'"',"'":"'"});var dn=function e(t){var O=(t=null==t?pt:dn.defaults(pt.Object(),t,dn.pick(pt,rt))).Array,_e=t.Date,be=t.Error,Se=t.Function,we=t.Math,xe=t.Object,De=t.RegExp,Ie=t.String,ke=t.TypeError,Oe=O.prototype,Ne=Se.prototype,Te=xe.prototype,Pe=t["__core-js_shared__"],Me=Ne.toString,Fe=Te.hasOwnProperty,Le=0,Re=function(){var e=/[^.]+$/.exec(Pe&&Pe.keys&&Pe.keys.IE_PROTO||"");return e?"Symbol(src)_1."+e:""}(),Ge=Te.toString,He=Me.call(xe),Ke=pt._,Ve=De("^"+Me.call(Fe).replace(re,"\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g,"$1.*?")+"$"),Ue=ft?t.Buffer:n,Qe=t.Symbol,Je=t.Uint8Array,je=Ue?Ue.allocUnsafe:n,We=an(xe.getPrototypeOf,xe),Xe=xe.create,qe=Te.propertyIsEnumerable,ze=Oe.splice,Ze=Qe?Qe.isConcatSpreadable:n,tt=Qe?Qe.iterator:n,at=Qe?Qe.toStringTag:n,lt=function(){try{var e=us(xe,"defineProperty");return e({},"",{}),e}catch(e){}}(),ut=t.clearTimeout!==pt.clearTimeout&&t.clearTimeout,ht=_e&&_e.now!==pt.Date.now&&_e.now,dt=t.setTimeout!==pt.setTimeout&&t.setTimeout,Ct=we.ceil,mt=we.floor,Lt=xe.getOwnPropertySymbols,Jt=Ue?Ue.isBuffer:n,fn=t.isFinite,Cn=Oe.join,mn=an(xe.keys,xe),gn=we.max,An=we.min,yn=_e.now,En=t.parseInt,vn=we.random,_n=Oe.reverse,bn=us(t,"DataView"),Sn=us(t,"Map"),wn=us(t,"Promise"),xn=us(t,"Set"),Dn=us(t,"WeakMap"),In=us(xe,"create"),kn=Dn&&new Dn,On={},Nn=Rs(bn),Tn=Rs(Sn),Pn=Rs(wn),Mn=Rs(xn),Fn=Rs(Dn),Ln=Qe?Qe.prototype:n,Rn=Ln?Ln.valueOf:n,Gn=Ln?Ln.toString:n;function Hn(e){if(na(e)&&!Jo(e)&&!(e instanceof Qn)){if(e instanceof Un)return e;if(Fe.call(e,"__wrapped__"))return Gs(e)}return new Un(e)}var Kn=function(){function e(){}return function(t){if(!ta(t))return{};if(Xe)return Xe(t);e.prototype=t;var r=new e;return e.prototype=n,r}}();function Vn(){}function Un(e,t){this.__wrapped__=e,this.__actions__=[],this.__chain__=!!t,this.__index__=0,this.__values__=n}function Qn(e){this.__wrapped__=e,this.__actions__=[],this.__dir__=1,this.__filtered__=!1,this.__iteratees__=[],this.__takeCount__=d,this.__views__=[]}function Jn(e){var t=-1,n=null==e?0:e.length;for(this.clear();++t<n;){var r=e[t];this.set(r[0],r[1])}}function jn(e){var t=-1,n=null==e?0:e.length;for(this.clear();++t<n;){var r=e[t];this.set(r[0],r[1])}}function Wn(e){var t=-1,n=null==e?0:e.length;for(this.clear();++t<n;){var r=e[t];this.set(r[0],r[1])}}function Xn(e){var t=-1,n=null==e?0:e.length;for(this.__data__=new Wn;++t<n;)this.add(e[t])}function qn(e){var t=this.__data__=new jn(e);this.size=t.size}function zn(e,t){var n=Jo(e),r=!n&&Qo(e),i=!n&&!r&&qo(e),s=!n&&!r&&!i&&la(e),o=n||r||i||s,a=o?Xt(e.length,Ie):[],B=a.length;for(var c in e)!t&&!Fe.call(e,c)||o&&("length"==c||i&&("offset"==c||"parent"==c)||s&&("buffer"==c||"byteLength"==c||"byteOffset"==c)||gs(c,B))||a.push(c);return a}function Yn(e){var t=e.length;return t?e[Xr(0,t-1)]:n}function $n(e,t){return Ms(Ii(e),ar(t,0,e.length))}function Zn(e){return Ms(Ii(e))}function er(e,t,r){(r!==n&&!Ko(e[t],r)||r===n&&!(t in e))&&sr(e,t,r)}function tr(e,t,r){var i=e[t];Fe.call(e,t)&&Ko(i,r)&&(r!==n||t in e)||sr(e,t,r)}function nr(e,t){for(var n=e.length;n--;)if(Ko(e[n][0],t))return n;return-1}function rr(e,t,n,r){return pr(e,(function(e,i,s){t(r,e,n(e),s)})),r}function ir(e,t){return e&&ki(t,Na(t),e)}function sr(e,t,n){"__proto__"==t&<?lt(e,t,{configurable:!0,enumerable:!0,value:n,writable:!0}):e[t]=n}function or(e,t){for(var r=-1,i=t.length,s=O(i),o=null==e;++r<i;)s[r]=o?n:xa(e,t[r]);return s}function ar(e,t,r){return e==e&&(r!==n&&(e=e<=r?e:r),t!==n&&(e=e>=t?e:t)),e}function Br(e,t,r,i,s,o){var a,B=1&t,c=2&t,l=4&t;if(r&&(a=s?r(e,i,s,o):r(e)),a!==n)return a;if(!ta(e))return e;var u=Jo(e);if(u){if(a=function(e){var t=e.length,n=new e.constructor(t);t&&"string"==typeof e[0]&&Fe.call(e,"index")&&(n.index=e.index,n.input=e.input);return n}(e),!B)return Ii(e,a)}else{var p=ds(e),h=p==E||p==v;if(qo(e))return _i(e,B);if(p==S||p==C||h&&!s){if(a=c||h?{}:Cs(e),!B)return c?function(e,t){return ki(e,hs(e),t)}(e,function(e,t){return e&&ki(t,Ta(t),e)}(a,e)):function(e,t){return ki(e,ps(e),t)}(e,ir(a,e))}else{if(!ot[p])return s?e:{};a=function(e,t,n){var r=e.constructor;switch(t){case T:return bi(e);case g:case A:return new r(+e);case P:return function(e,t){var n=t?bi(e.buffer):e.buffer;return new e.constructor(n,e.byteOffset,e.byteLength)}(e,n);case M:case F:case L:case R:case G:case H:case K:case V:case U:return Si(e,n);case _:return new r;case b:case I:return new r(e);case x:return function(e){var t=new e.constructor(e.source,de.exec(e));return t.lastIndex=e.lastIndex,t}(e);case D:return new r;case k:return function(e){return Rn?xe(Rn.call(e)):{}}(e)}}(e,p,B)}}o||(o=new qn);var d=o.get(e);if(d)return d;o.set(e,a),aa(e)?e.forEach((function(n){a.add(Br(n,t,r,n,e,o))})):ra(e)&&e.forEach((function(n,i){a.set(i,Br(n,t,r,i,e,o))}));var f=u?n:(l?c?is:rs:c?Ta:Na)(e);return wt(f||e,(function(n,i){f&&(n=e[i=n]),tr(a,i,Br(n,t,r,i,e,o))})),a}function cr(e,t,r){var i=r.length;if(null==e)return!i;for(e=xe(e);i--;){var s=r[i],o=t[s],a=e[s];if(a===n&&!(s in e)||!o(a))return!1}return!0}function lr(e,t,i){if("function"!=typeof e)throw new ke(r);return Os((function(){e.apply(n,i)}),t)}function ur(e,t,n,r){var i=-1,s=kt,o=!0,a=e.length,B=[],c=t.length;if(!a)return B;n&&(t=Nt(t,qt(n))),r?(s=Ot,o=!1):t.length>=200&&(s=Yt,o=!1,t=new Xn(t));e:for(;++i<a;){var l=e[i],u=null==n?l:n(l);if(l=r||0!==l?l:0,o&&u==u){for(var p=c;p--;)if(t[p]===u)continue e;B.push(l)}else s(t,u,r)||B.push(l)}return B}Hn.templateSettings={escape:Y,evaluate:$,interpolate:Z,variable:"",imports:{_:Hn}},Hn.prototype=Vn.prototype,Hn.prototype.constructor=Hn,Un.prototype=Kn(Vn.prototype),Un.prototype.constructor=Un,Qn.prototype=Kn(Vn.prototype),Qn.prototype.constructor=Qn,Jn.prototype.clear=function(){this.__data__=In?In(null):{},this.size=0},Jn.prototype.delete=function(e){var t=this.has(e)&&delete this.__data__[e];return this.size-=t?1:0,t},Jn.prototype.get=function(e){var t=this.__data__;if(In){var r=t[e];return r===i?n:r}return Fe.call(t,e)?t[e]:n},Jn.prototype.has=function(e){var t=this.__data__;return In?t[e]!==n:Fe.call(t,e)},Jn.prototype.set=function(e,t){var r=this.__data__;return this.size+=this.has(e)?0:1,r[e]=In&&t===n?i:t,this},jn.prototype.clear=function(){this.__data__=[],this.size=0},jn.prototype.delete=function(e){var t=this.__data__,n=nr(t,e);return!(n<0)&&(n==t.length-1?t.pop():ze.call(t,n,1),--this.size,!0)},jn.prototype.get=function(e){var t=this.__data__,r=nr(t,e);return r<0?n:t[r][1]},jn.prototype.has=function(e){return nr(this.__data__,e)>-1},jn.prototype.set=function(e,t){var n=this.__data__,r=nr(n,e);return r<0?(++this.size,n.push([e,t])):n[r][1]=t,this},Wn.prototype.clear=function(){this.size=0,this.__data__={hash:new Jn,map:new(Sn||jn),string:new Jn}},Wn.prototype.delete=function(e){var t=cs(this,e).delete(e);return this.size-=t?1:0,t},Wn.prototype.get=function(e){return cs(this,e).get(e)},Wn.prototype.has=function(e){return cs(this,e).has(e)},Wn.prototype.set=function(e,t){var n=cs(this,e),r=n.size;return n.set(e,t),this.size+=n.size==r?0:1,this},Xn.prototype.add=Xn.prototype.push=function(e){return this.__data__.set(e,i),this},Xn.prototype.has=function(e){return this.__data__.has(e)},qn.prototype.clear=function(){this.__data__=new jn,this.size=0},qn.prototype.delete=function(e){var t=this.__data__,n=t.delete(e);return this.size=t.size,n},qn.prototype.get=function(e){return this.__data__.get(e)},qn.prototype.has=function(e){return this.__data__.has(e)},qn.prototype.set=function(e,t){var n=this.__data__;if(n instanceof jn){var r=n.__data__;if(!Sn||r.length<199)return r.push([e,t]),this.size=++n.size,this;n=this.__data__=new Wn(r)}return n.set(e,t),this.size=n.size,this};var pr=Ti(yr),hr=Ti(Er,!0);function dr(e,t){var n=!0;return pr(e,(function(e,r,i){return n=!!t(e,r,i)})),n}function fr(e,t,r){for(var i=-1,s=e.length;++i<s;){var o=e[i],a=t(o);if(null!=a&&(B===n?a==a&&!ca(a):r(a,B)))var B=a,c=o}return c}function Cr(e,t){var n=[];return pr(e,(function(e,r,i){t(e,r,i)&&n.push(e)})),n}function mr(e,t,n,r,i){var s=-1,o=e.length;for(n||(n=ms),i||(i=[]);++s<o;){var a=e[s];t>0&&n(a)?t>1?mr(a,t-1,n,r,i):Tt(i,a):r||(i[i.length]=a)}return i}var gr=Pi(),Ar=Pi(!0);function yr(e,t){return e&&gr(e,t,Na)}function Er(e,t){return e&&Ar(e,t,Na)}function vr(e,t){return It(t,(function(t){return $o(e[t])}))}function _r(e,t){for(var r=0,i=(t=Ai(t,e)).length;null!=e&&r<i;)e=e[Ls(t[r++])];return r&&r==i?e:n}function br(e,t,n){var r=t(e);return Jo(e)?r:Tt(r,n(e))}function Sr(e){return null==e?e===n?"[object Undefined]":"[object Null]":at&&at in xe(e)?function(e){var t=Fe.call(e,at),r=e[at];try{e[at]=n;var i=!0}catch(e){}var s=Ge.call(e);i&&(t?e[at]=r:delete e[at]);return s}(e):function(e){return Ge.call(e)}(e)}function wr(e,t){return e>t}function xr(e,t){return null!=e&&Fe.call(e,t)}function Dr(e,t){return null!=e&&t in xe(e)}function Ir(e,t,r){for(var i=r?Ot:kt,s=e[0].length,o=e.length,a=o,B=O(o),c=1/0,l=[];a--;){var u=e[a];a&&t&&(u=Nt(u,qt(t))),c=An(u.length,c),B[a]=!r&&(t||s>=120&&u.length>=120)?new Xn(a&&u):n}u=e[0];var p=-1,h=B[0];e:for(;++p<s&&l.length<c;){var d=u[p],f=t?t(d):d;if(d=r||0!==d?d:0,!(h?Yt(h,f):i(l,f,r))){for(a=o;--a;){var C=B[a];if(!(C?Yt(C,f):i(e[a],f,r)))continue e}h&&h.push(f),l.push(d)}}return l}function kr(e,t,r){var i=null==(e=xs(e,t=Ai(t,e)))?e:e[Ls(zs(t))];return null==i?n:bt(i,e,r)}function Or(e){return na(e)&&Sr(e)==C}function Nr(e,t,r,i,s){return e===t||(null==e||null==t||!na(e)&&!na(t)?e!=e&&t!=t:function(e,t,r,i,s,o){var a=Jo(e),B=Jo(t),c=a?m:ds(e),l=B?m:ds(t),u=(c=c==C?S:c)==S,p=(l=l==C?S:l)==S,h=c==l;if(h&&qo(e)){if(!qo(t))return!1;a=!0,u=!1}if(h&&!u)return o||(o=new qn),a||la(e)?ts(e,t,r,i,s,o):function(e,t,n,r,i,s,o){switch(n){case P:if(e.byteLength!=t.byteLength||e.byteOffset!=t.byteOffset)return!1;e=e.buffer,t=t.buffer;case T:return!(e.byteLength!=t.byteLength||!s(new Je(e),new Je(t)));case g:case A:case b:return Ko(+e,+t);case y:return e.name==t.name&&e.message==t.message;case x:case I:return e==t+"";case _:var a=on;case D:var B=1&r;if(a||(a=cn),e.size!=t.size&&!B)return!1;var c=o.get(e);if(c)return c==t;r|=2,o.set(e,t);var l=ts(a(e),a(t),r,i,s,o);return o.delete(e),l;case k:if(Rn)return Rn.call(e)==Rn.call(t)}return!1}(e,t,c,r,i,s,o);if(!(1&r)){var d=u&&Fe.call(e,"__wrapped__"),f=p&&Fe.call(t,"__wrapped__");if(d||f){var E=d?e.value():e,v=f?t.value():t;return o||(o=new qn),s(E,v,r,i,o)}}if(!h)return!1;return o||(o=new qn),function(e,t,r,i,s,o){var a=1&r,B=rs(e),c=B.length,l=rs(t).length;if(c!=l&&!a)return!1;var u=c;for(;u--;){var p=B[u];if(!(a?p in t:Fe.call(t,p)))return!1}var h=o.get(e),d=o.get(t);if(h&&d)return h==t&&d==e;var f=!0;o.set(e,t),o.set(t,e);var C=a;for(;++u<c;){var m=e[p=B[u]],g=t[p];if(i)var A=a?i(g,m,p,t,e,o):i(m,g,p,e,t,o);if(!(A===n?m===g||s(m,g,r,i,o):A)){f=!1;break}C||(C="constructor"==p)}if(f&&!C){var y=e.constructor,E=t.constructor;y==E||!("constructor"in e)||!("constructor"in t)||"function"==typeof y&&y instanceof y&&"function"==typeof E&&E instanceof E||(f=!1)}return o.delete(e),o.delete(t),f}(e,t,r,i,s,o)}(e,t,r,i,Nr,s))}function Tr(e,t,r,i){var s=r.length,o=s,a=!i;if(null==e)return!o;for(e=xe(e);s--;){var B=r[s];if(a&&B[2]?B[1]!==e[B[0]]:!(B[0]in e))return!1}for(;++s<o;){var c=(B=r[s])[0],l=e[c],u=B[1];if(a&&B[2]){if(l===n&&!(c in e))return!1}else{var p=new qn;if(i)var h=i(l,u,c,e,t,p);if(!(h===n?Nr(u,l,3,i,p):h))return!1}}return!0}function Pr(e){return!(!ta(e)||(t=e,Re&&Re in t))&&($o(e)?Ve:me).test(Rs(e));var t}function Mr(e){return"function"==typeof e?e:null==e?iB:"object"==typeof e?Jo(e)?Kr(e[0],e[1]):Hr(e):hB(e)}function Fr(e){if(!_s(e))return mn(e);var t=[];for(var n in xe(e))Fe.call(e,n)&&"constructor"!=n&&t.push(n);return t}function Lr(e){if(!ta(e))return function(e){var t=[];if(null!=e)for(var n in xe(e))t.push(n);return t}(e);var t=_s(e),n=[];for(var r in e)("constructor"!=r||!t&&Fe.call(e,r))&&n.push(r);return n}function Rr(e,t){return e<t}function Gr(e,t){var n=-1,r=Wo(e)?O(e.length):[];return pr(e,(function(e,i,s){r[++n]=t(e,i,s)})),r}function Hr(e){var t=ls(e);return 1==t.length&&t[0][2]?Ss(t[0][0],t[0][1]):function(n){return n===e||Tr(n,e,t)}}function Kr(e,t){return ys(e)&&bs(t)?Ss(Ls(e),t):function(r){var i=xa(r,e);return i===n&&i===t?Da(r,e):Nr(t,i,3)}}function Vr(e,t,r,i,s){e!==t&&gr(t,(function(o,a){if(s||(s=new qn),ta(o))!function(e,t,r,i,s,o,a){var B=Is(e,r),c=Is(t,r),l=a.get(c);if(l)return void er(e,r,l);var u=o?o(B,c,r+"",e,t,a):n,p=u===n;if(p){var h=Jo(c),d=!h&&qo(c),f=!h&&!d&&la(c);u=c,h||d||f?Jo(B)?u=B:Xo(B)?u=Ii(B):d?(p=!1,u=_i(c,!0)):f?(p=!1,u=Si(c,!0)):u=[]:sa(c)||Qo(c)?(u=B,Qo(B)?u=ga(B):ta(B)&&!$o(B)||(u=Cs(c))):p=!1}p&&(a.set(c,u),s(u,c,i,o,a),a.delete(c));er(e,r,u)}(e,t,a,r,Vr,i,s);else{var B=i?i(Is(e,a),o,a+"",e,t,s):n;B===n&&(B=o),er(e,a,B)}}),Ta)}function Ur(e,t){var r=e.length;if(r)return gs(t+=t<0?r:0,r)?e[t]:n}function Qr(e,t,n){t=t.length?Nt(t,(function(e){return Jo(e)?function(t){return _r(t,1===e.length?e[0]:e)}:e})):[iB];var r=-1;return t=Nt(t,qt(Bs())),function(e,t){var n=e.length;for(e.sort(t);n--;)e[n]=e[n].value;return e}(Gr(e,(function(e,n,i){return{criteria:Nt(t,(function(t){return t(e)})),index:++r,value:e}})),(function(e,t){return function(e,t,n){var r=-1,i=e.criteria,s=t.criteria,o=i.length,a=n.length;for(;++r<o;){var B=wi(i[r],s[r]);if(B)return r>=a?B:B*("desc"==n[r]?-1:1)}return e.index-t.index}(e,t,n)}))}function Jr(e,t,n){for(var r=-1,i=t.length,s={};++r<i;){var o=t[r],a=_r(e,o);n(a,o)&&Zr(s,Ai(o,e),a)}return s}function jr(e,t,n,r){var i=r?Kt:Ht,s=-1,o=t.length,a=e;for(e===t&&(t=Ii(t)),n&&(a=Nt(e,qt(n)));++s<o;)for(var B=0,c=t[s],l=n?n(c):c;(B=i(a,l,B,r))>-1;)a!==e&&ze.call(a,B,1),ze.call(e,B,1);return e}function Wr(e,t){for(var n=e?t.length:0,r=n-1;n--;){var i=t[n];if(n==r||i!==s){var s=i;gs(i)?ze.call(e,i,1):ui(e,i)}}return e}function Xr(e,t){return e+mt(vn()*(t-e+1))}function qr(e,t){var n="";if(!e||t<1||t>p)return n;do{t%2&&(n+=e),(t=mt(t/2))&&(e+=e)}while(t);return n}function zr(e,t){return Ns(ws(e,t,iB),e+"")}function Yr(e){return Yn(Ka(e))}function $r(e,t){var n=Ka(e);return Ms(n,ar(t,0,n.length))}function Zr(e,t,r,i){if(!ta(e))return e;for(var s=-1,o=(t=Ai(t,e)).length,a=o-1,B=e;null!=B&&++s<o;){var c=Ls(t[s]),l=r;if("__proto__"===c||"constructor"===c||"prototype"===c)return e;if(s!=a){var u=B[c];(l=i?i(u,c,B):n)===n&&(l=ta(u)?u:gs(t[s+1])?[]:{})}tr(B,c,l),B=B[c]}return e}var ei=kn?function(e,t){return kn.set(e,t),e}:iB,ti=lt?function(e,t){return lt(e,"toString",{configurable:!0,enumerable:!1,value:tB(t),writable:!0})}:iB;function ni(e){return Ms(Ka(e))}function ri(e,t,n){var r=-1,i=e.length;t<0&&(t=-t>i?0:i+t),(n=n>i?i:n)<0&&(n+=i),i=t>n?0:n-t>>>0,t>>>=0;for(var s=O(i);++r<i;)s[r]=e[r+t];return s}function ii(e,t){var n;return pr(e,(function(e,r,i){return!(n=t(e,r,i))})),!!n}function si(e,t,n){var r=0,i=null==e?r:e.length;if("number"==typeof t&&t==t&&i<=2147483647){for(;r<i;){var s=r+i>>>1,o=e[s];null!==o&&!ca(o)&&(n?o<=t:o<t)?r=s+1:i=s}return i}return oi(e,t,iB,n)}function oi(e,t,r,i){var s=0,o=null==e?0:e.length;if(0===o)return 0;for(var a=(t=r(t))!=t,B=null===t,c=ca(t),l=t===n;s<o;){var u=mt((s+o)/2),p=r(e[u]),h=p!==n,d=null===p,f=p==p,C=ca(p);if(a)var m=i||f;else m=l?f&&(i||h):B?f&&h&&(i||!d):c?f&&h&&!d&&(i||!C):!d&&!C&&(i?p<=t:p<t);m?s=u+1:o=u}return An(o,4294967294)}function ai(e,t){for(var n=-1,r=e.length,i=0,s=[];++n<r;){var o=e[n],a=t?t(o):o;if(!n||!Ko(a,B)){var B=a;s[i++]=0===o?0:o}}return s}function Bi(e){return"number"==typeof e?e:ca(e)?h:+e}function ci(e){if("string"==typeof e)return e;if(Jo(e))return Nt(e,ci)+"";if(ca(e))return Gn?Gn.call(e):"";var t=e+"";return"0"==t&&1/e==-1/0?"-0":t}function li(e,t,n){var r=-1,i=kt,s=e.length,o=!0,a=[],B=a;if(n)o=!1,i=Ot;else if(s>=200){var c=t?null:qi(e);if(c)return cn(c);o=!1,i=Yt,B=new Xn}else B=t?[]:a;e:for(;++r<s;){var l=e[r],u=t?t(l):l;if(l=n||0!==l?l:0,o&&u==u){for(var p=B.length;p--;)if(B[p]===u)continue e;t&&B.push(u),a.push(l)}else i(B,u,n)||(B!==a&&B.push(u),a.push(l))}return a}function ui(e,t){return null==(e=xs(e,t=Ai(t,e)))||delete e[Ls(zs(t))]}function pi(e,t,n,r){return Zr(e,t,n(_r(e,t)),r)}function hi(e,t,n,r){for(var i=e.length,s=r?i:-1;(r?s--:++s<i)&&t(e[s],s,e););return n?ri(e,r?0:s,r?s+1:i):ri(e,r?s+1:0,r?i:s)}function di(e,t){var n=e;return n instanceof Qn&&(n=n.value()),Pt(t,(function(e,t){return t.func.apply(t.thisArg,Tt([e],t.args))}),n)}function fi(e,t,n){var r=e.length;if(r<2)return r?li(e[0]):[];for(var i=-1,s=O(r);++i<r;)for(var o=e[i],a=-1;++a<r;)a!=i&&(s[i]=ur(s[i]||o,e[a],t,n));return li(mr(s,1),t,n)}function Ci(e,t,r){for(var i=-1,s=e.length,o=t.length,a={};++i<s;){var B=i<o?t[i]:n;r(a,e[i],B)}return a}function mi(e){return Xo(e)?e:[]}function gi(e){return"function"==typeof e?e:iB}function Ai(e,t){return Jo(e)?e:ys(e,t)?[e]:Fs(Aa(e))}var yi=zr;function Ei(e,t,r){var i=e.length;return r=r===n?i:r,!t&&r>=i?e:ri(e,t,r)}var vi=ut||function(e){return pt.clearTimeout(e)};function _i(e,t){if(t)return e.slice();var n=e.length,r=je?je(n):new e.constructor(n);return e.copy(r),r}function bi(e){var t=new e.constructor(e.byteLength);return new Je(t).set(new Je(e)),t}function Si(e,t){var n=t?bi(e.buffer):e.buffer;return new e.constructor(n,e.byteOffset,e.length)}function wi(e,t){if(e!==t){var r=e!==n,i=null===e,s=e==e,o=ca(e),a=t!==n,B=null===t,c=t==t,l=ca(t);if(!B&&!l&&!o&&e>t||o&&a&&c&&!B&&!l||i&&a&&c||!r&&c||!s)return 1;if(!i&&!o&&!l&&e<t||l&&r&&s&&!i&&!o||B&&r&&s||!a&&s||!c)return-1}return 0}function xi(e,t,n,r){for(var i=-1,s=e.length,o=n.length,a=-1,B=t.length,c=gn(s-o,0),l=O(B+c),u=!r;++a<B;)l[a]=t[a];for(;++i<o;)(u||i<s)&&(l[n[i]]=e[i]);for(;c--;)l[a++]=e[i++];return l}function Di(e,t,n,r){for(var i=-1,s=e.length,o=-1,a=n.length,B=-1,c=t.length,l=gn(s-a,0),u=O(l+c),p=!r;++i<l;)u[i]=e[i];for(var h=i;++B<c;)u[h+B]=t[B];for(;++o<a;)(p||i<s)&&(u[h+n[o]]=e[i++]);return u}function Ii(e,t){var n=-1,r=e.length;for(t||(t=O(r));++n<r;)t[n]=e[n];return t}function ki(e,t,r,i){var s=!r;r||(r={});for(var o=-1,a=t.length;++o<a;){var B=t[o],c=i?i(r[B],e[B],B,r,e):n;c===n&&(c=e[B]),s?sr(r,B,c):tr(r,B,c)}return r}function Oi(e,t){return function(n,r){var i=Jo(n)?St:rr,s=t?t():{};return i(n,e,Bs(r,2),s)}}function Ni(e){return zr((function(t,r){var i=-1,s=r.length,o=s>1?r[s-1]:n,a=s>2?r[2]:n;for(o=e.length>3&&"function"==typeof o?(s--,o):n,a&&As(r[0],r[1],a)&&(o=s<3?n:o,s=1),t=xe(t);++i<s;){var B=r[i];B&&e(t,B,i,o)}return t}))}function Ti(e,t){return function(n,r){if(null==n)return n;if(!Wo(n))return e(n,r);for(var i=n.length,s=t?i:-1,o=xe(n);(t?s--:++s<i)&&!1!==r(o[s],s,o););return n}}function Pi(e){return function(t,n,r){for(var i=-1,s=xe(t),o=r(t),a=o.length;a--;){var B=o[e?a:++i];if(!1===n(s[B],B,s))break}return t}}function Mi(e){return function(t){var r=sn(t=Aa(t))?pn(t):n,i=r?r[0]:t.charAt(0),s=r?Ei(r,1).join(""):t.slice(1);return i[e]()+s}}function Fi(e){return function(t){return Pt($a(Qa(t).replace(Ye,"")),e,"")}}function Li(e){return function(){var t=arguments;switch(t.length){case 0:return new e;case 1:return new e(t[0]);case 2:return new e(t[0],t[1]);case 3:return new e(t[0],t[1],t[2]);case 4:return new e(t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3]);case 5:return new e(t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4]);case 6:return new e(t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5]);case 7:return new e(t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5],t[6])}var n=Kn(e.prototype),r=e.apply(n,t);return ta(r)?r:n}}function Ri(e){return function(t,r,i){var s=xe(t);if(!Wo(t)){var o=Bs(r,3);t=Na(t),r=function(e){return o(s[e],e,s)}}var a=e(t,r,i);return a>-1?s[o?t[a]:a]:n}}function Gi(e){return ns((function(t){var i=t.length,s=i,o=Un.prototype.thru;for(e&&t.reverse();s--;){var a=t[s];if("function"!=typeof a)throw new ke(r);if(o&&!B&&"wrapper"==os(a))var B=new Un([],!0)}for(s=B?s:i;++s<i;){var c=os(a=t[s]),l="wrapper"==c?ss(a):n;B=l&&Es(l[0])&&424==l[1]&&!l[4].length&&1==l[9]?B[os(l[0])].apply(B,l[3]):1==a.length&&Es(a)?B[c]():B.thru(a)}return function(){var e=arguments,n=e[0];if(B&&1==e.length&&Jo(n))return B.plant(n).value();for(var r=0,s=i?t[r].apply(this,e):n;++r<i;)s=t[r].call(this,s);return s}}))}function Hi(e,t,r,i,s,o,a,B,l,u){var p=t&c,h=1&t,d=2&t,f=24&t,C=512&t,m=d?n:Li(e);return function n(){for(var c=arguments.length,g=O(c),A=c;A--;)g[A]=arguments[A];if(f)var y=as(n),E=en(g,y);if(i&&(g=xi(g,i,s,f)),o&&(g=Di(g,o,a,f)),c-=E,f&&c<u){var v=Bn(g,y);return Wi(e,t,Hi,n.placeholder,r,g,v,B,l,u-c)}var _=h?r:this,b=d?_[e]:e;return c=g.length,B?g=Ds(g,B):C&&c>1&&g.reverse(),p&&l<c&&(g.length=l),this&&this!==pt&&this instanceof n&&(b=m||Li(b)),b.apply(_,g)}}function Ki(e,t){return function(n,r){return function(e,t,n,r){return yr(e,(function(e,i,s){t(r,n(e),i,s)})),r}(n,e,t(r),{})}}function Vi(e,t){return function(r,i){var s;if(r===n&&i===n)return t;if(r!==n&&(s=r),i!==n){if(s===n)return i;"string"==typeof r||"string"==typeof i?(r=ci(r),i=ci(i)):(r=Bi(r),i=Bi(i)),s=e(r,i)}return s}}function Ui(e){return ns((function(t){return t=Nt(t,qt(Bs())),zr((function(n){var r=this;return e(t,(function(e){return bt(e,r,n)}))}))}))}function Qi(e,t){var r=(t=t===n?" ":ci(t)).length;if(r<2)return r?qr(t,e):t;var i=qr(t,Ct(e/un(t)));return sn(t)?Ei(pn(i),0,e).join(""):i.slice(0,e)}function Ji(e){return function(t,r,i){return i&&"number"!=typeof i&&As(t,r,i)&&(r=i=n),t=da(t),r===n?(r=t,t=0):r=da(r),function(e,t,n,r){for(var i=-1,s=gn(Ct((t-e)/(n||1)),0),o=O(s);s--;)o[r?s:++i]=e,e+=n;return o}(t,r,i=i===n?t<r?1:-1:da(i),e)}}function ji(e){return function(t,n){return"string"==typeof t&&"string"==typeof n||(t=ma(t),n=ma(n)),e(t,n)}}function Wi(e,t,r,i,s,o,c,l,u,p){var h=8&t;t|=h?a:B,4&(t&=~(h?B:a))||(t&=-4);var d=[e,t,s,h?o:n,h?c:n,h?n:o,h?n:c,l,u,p],f=r.apply(n,d);return Es(e)&&ks(f,d),f.placeholder=i,Ts(f,e,t)}function Xi(e){var t=we[e];return function(e,n){if(e=ma(e),(n=null==n?0:An(fa(n),292))&&fn(e)){var r=(Aa(e)+"e").split("e");return+((r=(Aa(t(r[0]+"e"+(+r[1]+n)))+"e").split("e"))[0]+"e"+(+r[1]-n))}return t(e)}}var qi=xn&&1/cn(new xn([,-0]))[1]==u?function(e){return new xn(e)}:cB;function zi(e){return function(t){var n=ds(t);return n==_?on(t):n==D?ln(t):function(e,t){return Nt(t,(function(t){return[t,e[t]]}))}(t,e(t))}}function Yi(e,t,i,u,p,h,d,f){var C=2&t;if(!C&&"function"!=typeof e)throw new ke(r);var m=u?u.length:0;if(m||(t&=-97,u=p=n),d=d===n?d:gn(fa(d),0),f=f===n?f:fa(f),m-=p?p.length:0,t&B){var g=u,A=p;u=p=n}var y=C?n:ss(e),E=[e,t,i,u,p,g,A,h,d,f];if(y&&function(e,t){var n=e[1],r=t[1],i=n|r,o=i<131,a=r==c&&8==n||r==c&&n==l&&e[7].length<=t[8]||384==r&&t[7].length<=t[8]&&8==n;if(!o&&!a)return e;1&r&&(e[2]=t[2],i|=1&n?0:4);var B=t[3];if(B){var u=e[3];e[3]=u?xi(u,B,t[4]):B,e[4]=u?Bn(e[3],s):t[4]}(B=t[5])&&(u=e[5],e[5]=u?Di(u,B,t[6]):B,e[6]=u?Bn(e[5],s):t[6]);(B=t[7])&&(e[7]=B);r&c&&(e[8]=null==e[8]?t[8]:An(e[8],t[8]));null==e[9]&&(e[9]=t[9]);e[0]=t[0],e[1]=i}(E,y),e=E[0],t=E[1],i=E[2],u=E[3],p=E[4],!(f=E[9]=E[9]===n?C?0:e.length:gn(E[9]-m,0))&&24&t&&(t&=-25),t&&1!=t)v=8==t||t==o?function(e,t,r){var i=Li(e);return function s(){for(var o=arguments.length,a=O(o),B=o,c=as(s);B--;)a[B]=arguments[B];var l=o<3&&a[0]!==c&&a[o-1]!==c?[]:Bn(a,c);return(o-=l.length)<r?Wi(e,t,Hi,s.placeholder,n,a,l,n,n,r-o):bt(this&&this!==pt&&this instanceof s?i:e,this,a)}}(e,t,f):t!=a&&33!=t||p.length?Hi.apply(n,E):function(e,t,n,r){var i=1&t,s=Li(e);return function t(){for(var o=-1,a=arguments.length,B=-1,c=r.length,l=O(c+a),u=this&&this!==pt&&this instanceof t?s:e;++B<c;)l[B]=r[B];for(;a--;)l[B++]=arguments[++o];return bt(u,i?n:this,l)}}(e,t,i,u);else var v=function(e,t,n){var r=1&t,i=Li(e);return function t(){return(this&&this!==pt&&this instanceof t?i:e).apply(r?n:this,arguments)}}(e,t,i);return Ts((y?ei:ks)(v,E),e,t)}function $i(e,t,r,i){return e===n||Ko(e,Te[r])&&!Fe.call(i,r)?t:e}function Zi(e,t,r,i,s,o){return ta(e)&&ta(t)&&(o.set(t,e),Vr(e,t,n,Zi,o),o.delete(t)),e}function es(e){return sa(e)?n:e}function ts(e,t,r,i,s,o){var a=1&r,B=e.length,c=t.length;if(B!=c&&!(a&&c>B))return!1;var l=o.get(e),u=o.get(t);if(l&&u)return l==t&&u==e;var p=-1,h=!0,d=2&r?new Xn:n;for(o.set(e,t),o.set(t,e);++p<B;){var f=e[p],C=t[p];if(i)var m=a?i(C,f,p,t,e,o):i(f,C,p,e,t,o);if(m!==n){if(m)continue;h=!1;break}if(d){if(!Ft(t,(function(e,t){if(!Yt(d,t)&&(f===e||s(f,e,r,i,o)))return d.push(t)}))){h=!1;break}}else if(f!==C&&!s(f,C,r,i,o)){h=!1;break}}return o.delete(e),o.delete(t),h}function ns(e){return Ns(ws(e,n,Js),e+"")}function rs(e){return br(e,Na,ps)}function is(e){return br(e,Ta,hs)}var ss=kn?function(e){return kn.get(e)}:cB;function os(e){for(var t=e.name+"",n=On[t],r=Fe.call(On,t)?n.length:0;r--;){var i=n[r],s=i.func;if(null==s||s==e)return i.name}return t}function as(e){return(Fe.call(Hn,"placeholder")?Hn:e).placeholder}function Bs(){var e=Hn.iteratee||sB;return e=e===sB?Mr:e,arguments.length?e(arguments[0],arguments[1]):e}function cs(e,t){var n=e.__data__;return function(e){var t=typeof e;return"string"==t||"number"==t||"symbol"==t||"boolean"==t?"__proto__"!==e:null===e}(t)?n["string"==typeof t?"string":"hash"]:n.map}function ls(e){for(var t=Na(e),n=t.length;n--;){var r=t[n],i=e[r];t[n]=[r,i,bs(i)]}return t}function us(e,t){var r=function(e,t){return null==e?n:e[t]}(e,t);return Pr(r)?r:n}var ps=Lt?function(e){return null==e?[]:(e=xe(e),It(Lt(e),(function(t){return qe.call(e,t)})))}:CB,hs=Lt?function(e){for(var t=[];e;)Tt(t,ps(e)),e=We(e);return t}:CB,ds=Sr;function fs(e,t,n){for(var r=-1,i=(t=Ai(t,e)).length,s=!1;++r<i;){var o=Ls(t[r]);if(!(s=null!=e&&n(e,o)))break;e=e[o]}return s||++r!=i?s:!!(i=null==e?0:e.length)&&ea(i)&&gs(o,i)&&(Jo(e)||Qo(e))}function Cs(e){return"function"!=typeof e.constructor||_s(e)?{}:Kn(We(e))}function ms(e){return Jo(e)||Qo(e)||!!(Ze&&e&&e[Ze])}function gs(e,t){var n=typeof e;return!!(t=null==t?p:t)&&("number"==n||"symbol"!=n&&Ae.test(e))&&e>-1&&e%1==0&&e<t}function As(e,t,n){if(!ta(n))return!1;var r=typeof t;return!!("number"==r?Wo(n)&&gs(t,n.length):"string"==r&&t in n)&&Ko(n[t],e)}function ys(e,t){if(Jo(e))return!1;var n=typeof e;return!("number"!=n&&"symbol"!=n&&"boolean"!=n&&null!=e&&!ca(e))||(te.test(e)||!ee.test(e)||null!=t&&e in xe(t))}function Es(e){var t=os(e),n=Hn[t];if("function"!=typeof n||!(t in Qn.prototype))return!1;if(e===n)return!0;var r=ss(n);return!!r&&e===r[0]}(bn&&ds(new bn(new ArrayBuffer(1)))!=P||Sn&&ds(new Sn)!=_||wn&&ds(wn.resolve())!=w||xn&&ds(new xn)!=D||Dn&&ds(new Dn)!=N)&&(ds=function(e){var t=Sr(e),r=t==S?e.constructor:n,i=r?Rs(r):"";if(i)switch(i){case Nn:return P;case Tn:return _;case Pn:return w;case Mn:return D;case Fn:return N}return t});var vs=Pe?$o:mB;function _s(e){var t=e&&e.constructor;return e===("function"==typeof t&&t.prototype||Te)}function bs(e){return e==e&&!ta(e)}function Ss(e,t){return function(r){return null!=r&&(r[e]===t&&(t!==n||e in xe(r)))}}function ws(e,t,r){return t=gn(t===n?e.length-1:t,0),function(){for(var n=arguments,i=-1,s=gn(n.length-t,0),o=O(s);++i<s;)o[i]=n[t+i];i=-1;for(var a=O(t+1);++i<t;)a[i]=n[i];return a[t]=r(o),bt(e,this,a)}}function xs(e,t){return t.length<2?e:_r(e,ri(t,0,-1))}function Ds(e,t){for(var r=e.length,i=An(t.length,r),s=Ii(e);i--;){var o=t[i];e[i]=gs(o,r)?s[o]:n}return e}function Is(e,t){if(("constructor"!==t||"function"!=typeof e[t])&&"__proto__"!=t)return e[t]}var ks=Ps(ei),Os=dt||function(e,t){return pt.setTimeout(e,t)},Ns=Ps(ti);function Ts(e,t,n){var r=t+"";return Ns(e,function(e,t){var n=t.length;if(!n)return e;var r=n-1;return t[r]=(n>1?"& ":"")+t[r],t=t.join(n>2?", ":" "),e.replace(Be,"{\n/* [wrapped with "+t+"] */\n")}(r,function(e,t){return wt(f,(function(n){var r="_."+n[0];t&n[1]&&!kt(e,r)&&e.push(r)})),e.sort()}(function(e){var t=e.match(ce);return t?t[1].split(le):[]}(r),n)))}function Ps(e){var t=0,r=0;return function(){var i=yn(),s=16-(i-r);if(r=i,s>0){if(++t>=800)return arguments[0]}else t=0;return e.apply(n,arguments)}}function Ms(e,t){var r=-1,i=e.length,s=i-1;for(t=t===n?i:t;++r<t;){var o=Xr(r,s),a=e[o];e[o]=e[r],e[r]=a}return e.length=t,e}var Fs=function(e){var t=Mo(e,(function(e){return 500===n.size&&n.clear(),e})),n=t.cache;return t}((function(e){var t=[];return 46===e.charCodeAt(0)&&t.push(""),e.replace(ne,(function(e,n,r,i){t.push(r?i.replace(pe,"$1"):n||e)})),t}));function Ls(e){if("string"==typeof e||ca(e))return e;var t=e+"";return"0"==t&&1/e==-1/0?"-0":t}function Rs(e){if(null!=e){try{return Me.call(e)}catch(e){}try{return e+""}catch(e){}}return""}function Gs(e){if(e instanceof Qn)return e.clone();var t=new Un(e.__wrapped__,e.__chain__);return t.__actions__=Ii(e.__actions__),t.__index__=e.__index__,t.__values__=e.__values__,t}var Hs=zr((function(e,t){return Xo(e)?ur(e,mr(t,1,Xo,!0)):[]})),Ks=zr((function(e,t){var r=zs(t);return Xo(r)&&(r=n),Xo(e)?ur(e,mr(t,1,Xo,!0),Bs(r,2)):[]})),Vs=zr((function(e,t){var r=zs(t);return Xo(r)&&(r=n),Xo(e)?ur(e,mr(t,1,Xo,!0),n,r):[]}));function Us(e,t,n){var r=null==e?0:e.length;if(!r)return-1;var i=null==n?0:fa(n);return i<0&&(i=gn(r+i,0)),Gt(e,Bs(t,3),i)}function Qs(e,t,r){var i=null==e?0:e.length;if(!i)return-1;var s=i-1;return r!==n&&(s=fa(r),s=r<0?gn(i+s,0):An(s,i-1)),Gt(e,Bs(t,3),s,!0)}function Js(e){return(null==e?0:e.length)?mr(e,1):[]}function js(e){return e&&e.length?e[0]:n}var Ws=zr((function(e){var t=Nt(e,mi);return t.length&&t[0]===e[0]?Ir(t):[]})),Xs=zr((function(e){var t=zs(e),r=Nt(e,mi);return t===zs(r)?t=n:r.pop(),r.length&&r[0]===e[0]?Ir(r,Bs(t,2)):[]})),qs=zr((function(e){var t=zs(e),r=Nt(e,mi);return(t="function"==typeof t?t:n)&&r.pop(),r.length&&r[0]===e[0]?Ir(r,n,t):[]}));function zs(e){var t=null==e?0:e.length;return t?e[t-1]:n}var Ys=zr($s);function $s(e,t){return e&&e.length&&t&&t.length?jr(e,t):e}var Zs=ns((function(e,t){var n=null==e?0:e.length,r=or(e,t);return Wr(e,Nt(t,(function(e){return gs(e,n)?+e:e})).sort(wi)),r}));function eo(e){return null==e?e:_n.call(e)}var to=zr((function(e){return li(mr(e,1,Xo,!0))})),no=zr((function(e){var t=zs(e);return Xo(t)&&(t=n),li(mr(e,1,Xo,!0),Bs(t,2))})),ro=zr((function(e){var t=zs(e);return t="function"==typeof t?t:n,li(mr(e,1,Xo,!0),n,t)}));function io(e){if(!e||!e.length)return[];var t=0;return e=It(e,(function(e){if(Xo(e))return t=gn(e.length,t),!0})),Xt(t,(function(t){return Nt(e,Qt(t))}))}function so(e,t){if(!e||!e.length)return[];var r=io(e);return null==t?r:Nt(r,(function(e){return bt(t,n,e)}))}var oo=zr((function(e,t){return Xo(e)?ur(e,t):[]})),ao=zr((function(e){return fi(It(e,Xo))})),Bo=zr((function(e){var t=zs(e);return Xo(t)&&(t=n),fi(It(e,Xo),Bs(t,2))})),co=zr((function(e){var t=zs(e);return t="function"==typeof t?t:n,fi(It(e,Xo),n,t)})),lo=zr(io);var uo=zr((function(e){var t=e.length,r=t>1?e[t-1]:n;return r="function"==typeof r?(e.pop(),r):n,so(e,r)}));function po(e){var t=Hn(e);return t.__chain__=!0,t}function ho(e,t){return t(e)}var fo=ns((function(e){var t=e.length,r=t?e[0]:0,i=this.__wrapped__,s=function(t){return or(t,e)};return!(t>1||this.__actions__.length)&&i instanceof Qn&&gs(r)?((i=i.slice(r,+r+(t?1:0))).__actions__.push({func:ho,args:[s],thisArg:n}),new Un(i,this.__chain__).thru((function(e){return t&&!e.length&&e.push(n),e}))):this.thru(s)}));var Co=Oi((function(e,t,n){Fe.call(e,n)?++e[n]:sr(e,n,1)}));var mo=Ri(Us),go=Ri(Qs);function Ao(e,t){return(Jo(e)?wt:pr)(e,Bs(t,3))}function yo(e,t){return(Jo(e)?xt:hr)(e,Bs(t,3))}var Eo=Oi((function(e,t,n){Fe.call(e,n)?e[n].push(t):sr(e,n,[t])}));var vo=zr((function(e,t,n){var r=-1,i="function"==typeof t,s=Wo(e)?O(e.length):[];return pr(e,(function(e){s[++r]=i?bt(t,e,n):kr(e,t,n)})),s})),_o=Oi((function(e,t,n){sr(e,n,t)}));function bo(e,t){return(Jo(e)?Nt:Gr)(e,Bs(t,3))}var So=Oi((function(e,t,n){e[n?0:1].push(t)}),(function(){return[[],[]]}));var wo=zr((function(e,t){if(null==e)return[];var n=t.length;return n>1&&As(e,t[0],t[1])?t=[]:n>2&&As(t[0],t[1],t[2])&&(t=[t[0]]),Qr(e,mr(t,1),[])})),xo=ht||function(){return pt.Date.now()};function Do(e,t,r){return t=r?n:t,t=e&&null==t?e.length:t,Yi(e,c,n,n,n,n,t)}function Io(e,t){var i;if("function"!=typeof t)throw new ke(r);return e=fa(e),function(){return--e>0&&(i=t.apply(this,arguments)),e<=1&&(t=n),i}}var ko=zr((function(e,t,n){var r=1;if(n.length){var i=Bn(n,as(ko));r|=a}return Yi(e,r,t,n,i)})),Oo=zr((function(e,t,n){var r=3;if(n.length){var i=Bn(n,as(Oo));r|=a}return Yi(t,r,e,n,i)}));function No(e,t,i){var s,o,a,B,c,l,u=0,p=!1,h=!1,d=!0;if("function"!=typeof e)throw new ke(r);function f(t){var r=s,i=o;return s=o=n,u=t,B=e.apply(i,r)}function C(e){return u=e,c=Os(g,t),p?f(e):B}function m(e){var r=e-l;return l===n||r>=t||r<0||h&&e-u>=a}function g(){var e=xo();if(m(e))return A(e);c=Os(g,function(e){var n=t-(e-l);return h?An(n,a-(e-u)):n}(e))}function A(e){return c=n,d&&s?f(e):(s=o=n,B)}function y(){var e=xo(),r=m(e);if(s=arguments,o=this,l=e,r){if(c===n)return C(l);if(h)return vi(c),c=Os(g,t),f(l)}return c===n&&(c=Os(g,t)),B}return t=ma(t)||0,ta(i)&&(p=!!i.leading,a=(h="maxWait"in i)?gn(ma(i.maxWait)||0,t):a,d="trailing"in i?!!i.trailing:d),y.cancel=function(){c!==n&&vi(c),u=0,s=l=o=c=n},y.flush=function(){return c===n?B:A(xo())},y}var To=zr((function(e,t){return lr(e,1,t)})),Po=zr((function(e,t,n){return lr(e,ma(t)||0,n)}));function Mo(e,t){if("function"!=typeof e||null!=t&&"function"!=typeof t)throw new ke(r);var n=function(){var r=arguments,i=t?t.apply(this,r):r[0],s=n.cache;if(s.has(i))return s.get(i);var o=e.apply(this,r);return n.cache=s.set(i,o)||s,o};return n.cache=new(Mo.Cache||Wn),n}function Fo(e){if("function"!=typeof e)throw new ke(r);return function(){var t=arguments;switch(t.length){case 0:return!e.call(this);case 1:return!e.call(this,t[0]);case 2:return!e.call(this,t[0],t[1]);case 3:return!e.call(this,t[0],t[1],t[2])}return!e.apply(this,t)}}Mo.Cache=Wn;var Lo=yi((function(e,t){var n=(t=1==t.length&&Jo(t[0])?Nt(t[0],qt(Bs())):Nt(mr(t,1),qt(Bs()))).length;return zr((function(r){for(var i=-1,s=An(r.length,n);++i<s;)r[i]=t[i].call(this,r[i]);return bt(e,this,r)}))})),Ro=zr((function(e,t){var r=Bn(t,as(Ro));return Yi(e,a,n,t,r)})),Go=zr((function(e,t){var r=Bn(t,as(Go));return Yi(e,B,n,t,r)})),Ho=ns((function(e,t){return Yi(e,l,n,n,n,t)}));function Ko(e,t){return e===t||e!=e&&t!=t}var Vo=ji(wr),Uo=ji((function(e,t){return e>=t})),Qo=Or(function(){return arguments}())?Or:function(e){return na(e)&&Fe.call(e,"callee")&&!qe.call(e,"callee")},Jo=O.isArray,jo=gt?qt(gt):function(e){return na(e)&&Sr(e)==T};function Wo(e){return null!=e&&ea(e.length)&&!$o(e)}function Xo(e){return na(e)&&Wo(e)}var qo=Jt||mB,zo=At?qt(At):function(e){return na(e)&&Sr(e)==A};function Yo(e){if(!na(e))return!1;var t=Sr(e);return t==y||"[object DOMException]"==t||"string"==typeof e.message&&"string"==typeof e.name&&!sa(e)}function $o(e){if(!ta(e))return!1;var t=Sr(e);return t==E||t==v||"[object AsyncFunction]"==t||"[object Proxy]"==t}function Zo(e){return"number"==typeof e&&e==fa(e)}function ea(e){return"number"==typeof e&&e>-1&&e%1==0&&e<=p}function ta(e){var t=typeof e;return null!=e&&("object"==t||"function"==t)}function na(e){return null!=e&&"object"==typeof e}var ra=yt?qt(yt):function(e){return na(e)&&ds(e)==_};function ia(e){return"number"==typeof e||na(e)&&Sr(e)==b}function sa(e){if(!na(e)||Sr(e)!=S)return!1;var t=We(e);if(null===t)return!0;var n=Fe.call(t,"constructor")&&t.constructor;return"function"==typeof n&&n instanceof n&&Me.call(n)==He}var oa=Et?qt(Et):function(e){return na(e)&&Sr(e)==x};var aa=vt?qt(vt):function(e){return na(e)&&ds(e)==D};function Ba(e){return"string"==typeof e||!Jo(e)&&na(e)&&Sr(e)==I}function ca(e){return"symbol"==typeof e||na(e)&&Sr(e)==k}var la=_t?qt(_t):function(e){return na(e)&&ea(e.length)&&!!st[Sr(e)]};var ua=ji(Rr),pa=ji((function(e,t){return e<=t}));function ha(e){if(!e)return[];if(Wo(e))return Ba(e)?pn(e):Ii(e);if(tt&&e[tt])return function(e){for(var t,n=[];!(t=e.next()).done;)n.push(t.value);return n}(e[tt]());var t=ds(e);return(t==_?on:t==D?cn:Ka)(e)}function da(e){return e?(e=ma(e))===u||e===-1/0?17976931348623157e292*(e<0?-1:1):e==e?e:0:0===e?e:0}function fa(e){var t=da(e),n=t%1;return t==t?n?t-n:t:0}function Ca(e){return e?ar(fa(e),0,d):0}function ma(e){if("number"==typeof e)return e;if(ca(e))return h;if(ta(e)){var t="function"==typeof e.valueOf?e.valueOf():e;e=ta(t)?t+"":t}if("string"!=typeof e)return 0===e?e:+e;e=e.replace(se,"");var n=Ce.test(e);return n||ge.test(e)?ct(e.slice(2),n?2:8):fe.test(e)?h:+e}function ga(e){return ki(e,Ta(e))}function Aa(e){return null==e?"":ci(e)}var ya=Ni((function(e,t){if(_s(t)||Wo(t))ki(t,Na(t),e);else for(var n in t)Fe.call(t,n)&&tr(e,n,t[n])})),Ea=Ni((function(e,t){ki(t,Ta(t),e)})),va=Ni((function(e,t,n,r){ki(t,Ta(t),e,r)})),_a=Ni((function(e,t,n,r){ki(t,Na(t),e,r)})),ba=ns(or);var Sa=zr((function(e,t){e=xe(e);var r=-1,i=t.length,s=i>2?t[2]:n;for(s&&As(t[0],t[1],s)&&(i=1);++r<i;)for(var o=t[r],a=Ta(o),B=-1,c=a.length;++B<c;){var l=a[B],u=e[l];(u===n||Ko(u,Te[l])&&!Fe.call(e,l))&&(e[l]=o[l])}return e})),wa=zr((function(e){return e.push(n,Zi),bt(Ma,n,e)}));function xa(e,t,r){var i=null==e?n:_r(e,t);return i===n?r:i}function Da(e,t){return null!=e&&fs(e,t,Dr)}var Ia=Ki((function(e,t,n){null!=t&&"function"!=typeof t.toString&&(t=Ge.call(t)),e[t]=n}),tB(iB)),ka=Ki((function(e,t,n){null!=t&&"function"!=typeof t.toString&&(t=Ge.call(t)),Fe.call(e,t)?e[t].push(n):e[t]=[n]}),Bs),Oa=zr(kr);function Na(e){return Wo(e)?zn(e):Fr(e)}function Ta(e){return Wo(e)?zn(e,!0):Lr(e)}var Pa=Ni((function(e,t,n){Vr(e,t,n)})),Ma=Ni((function(e,t,n,r){Vr(e,t,n,r)})),Fa=ns((function(e,t){var n={};if(null==e)return n;var r=!1;t=Nt(t,(function(t){return t=Ai(t,e),r||(r=t.length>1),t})),ki(e,is(e),n),r&&(n=Br(n,7,es));for(var i=t.length;i--;)ui(n,t[i]);return n}));var La=ns((function(e,t){return null==e?{}:function(e,t){return Jr(e,t,(function(t,n){return Da(e,n)}))}(e,t)}));function Ra(e,t){if(null==e)return{};var n=Nt(is(e),(function(e){return[e]}));return t=Bs(t),Jr(e,n,(function(e,n){return t(e,n[0])}))}var Ga=zi(Na),Ha=zi(Ta);function Ka(e){return null==e?[]:zt(e,Na(e))}var Va=Fi((function(e,t,n){return t=t.toLowerCase(),e+(n?Ua(t):t)}));function Ua(e){return Ya(Aa(e).toLowerCase())}function Qa(e){return(e=Aa(e))&&e.replace(ye,tn).replace($e,"")}var Ja=Fi((function(e,t,n){return e+(n?"-":"")+t.toLowerCase()})),ja=Fi((function(e,t,n){return e+(n?" ":"")+t.toLowerCase()})),Wa=Mi("toLowerCase");var Xa=Fi((function(e,t,n){return e+(n?"_":"")+t.toLowerCase()}));var qa=Fi((function(e,t,n){return e+(n?" ":"")+Ya(t)}));var za=Fi((function(e,t,n){return e+(n?" ":"")+t.toUpperCase()})),Ya=Mi("toUpperCase");function $a(e,t,r){return e=Aa(e),(t=r?n:t)===n?function(e){return nt.test(e)}(e)?function(e){return e.match(et)||[]}(e):function(e){return e.match(ue)||[]}(e):e.match(t)||[]}var Za=zr((function(e,t){try{return bt(e,n,t)}catch(e){return Yo(e)?e:new be(e)}})),eB=ns((function(e,t){return wt(t,(function(t){t=Ls(t),sr(e,t,ko(e[t],e))})),e}));function tB(e){return function(){return e}}var nB=Gi(),rB=Gi(!0);function iB(e){return e}function sB(e){return Mr("function"==typeof e?e:Br(e,1))}var oB=zr((function(e,t){return function(n){return kr(n,e,t)}})),aB=zr((function(e,t){return function(n){return kr(e,n,t)}}));function BB(e,t,n){var r=Na(t),i=vr(t,r);null!=n||ta(t)&&(i.length||!r.length)||(n=t,t=e,e=this,i=vr(t,Na(t)));var s=!(ta(n)&&"chain"in n&&!n.chain),o=$o(e);return wt(i,(function(n){var r=t[n];e[n]=r,o&&(e.prototype[n]=function(){var t=this.__chain__;if(s||t){var n=e(this.__wrapped__),i=n.__actions__=Ii(this.__actions__);return i.push({func:r,args:arguments,thisArg:e}),n.__chain__=t,n}return r.apply(e,Tt([this.value()],arguments))})})),e}function cB(){}var lB=Ui(Nt),uB=Ui(Dt),pB=Ui(Ft);function hB(e){return ys(e)?Qt(Ls(e)):function(e){return function(t){return _r(t,e)}}(e)}var dB=Ji(),fB=Ji(!0);function CB(){return[]}function mB(){return!1}var gB=Vi((function(e,t){return e+t}),0),AB=Xi("ceil"),yB=Vi((function(e,t){return e/t}),1),EB=Xi("floor");var vB,_B=Vi((function(e,t){return e*t}),1),bB=Xi("round"),SB=Vi((function(e,t){return e-t}),0);return Hn.after=function(e,t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new ke(r);return e=fa(e),function(){if(--e<1)return t.apply(this,arguments)}},Hn.ary=Do,Hn.assign=ya,Hn.assignIn=Ea,Hn.assignInWith=va,Hn.assignWith=_a,Hn.at=ba,Hn.before=Io,Hn.bind=ko,Hn.bindAll=eB,Hn.bindKey=Oo,Hn.castArray=function(){if(!arguments.length)return[];var e=arguments[0];return Jo(e)?e:[e]},Hn.chain=po,Hn.chunk=function(e,t,r){t=(r?As(e,t,r):t===n)?1:gn(fa(t),0);var i=null==e?0:e.length;if(!i||t<1)return[];for(var s=0,o=0,a=O(Ct(i/t));s<i;)a[o++]=ri(e,s,s+=t);return a},Hn.compact=function(e){for(var t=-1,n=null==e?0:e.length,r=0,i=[];++t<n;){var s=e[t];s&&(i[r++]=s)}return i},Hn.concat=function(){var e=arguments.length;if(!e)return[];for(var t=O(e-1),n=arguments[0],r=e;r--;)t[r-1]=arguments[r];return Tt(Jo(n)?Ii(n):[n],mr(t,1))},Hn.cond=function(e){var t=null==e?0:e.length,n=Bs();return e=t?Nt(e,(function(e){if("function"!=typeof e[1])throw new ke(r);return[n(e[0]),e[1]]})):[],zr((function(n){for(var r=-1;++r<t;){var i=e[r];if(bt(i[0],this,n))return bt(i[1],this,n)}}))},Hn.conforms=function(e){return function(e){var t=Na(e);return function(n){return cr(n,e,t)}}(Br(e,1))},Hn.constant=tB,Hn.countBy=Co,Hn.create=function(e,t){var n=Kn(e);return null==t?n:ir(n,t)},Hn.curry=function e(t,r,i){var s=Yi(t,8,n,n,n,n,n,r=i?n:r);return s.placeholder=e.placeholder,s},Hn.curryRight=function e(t,r,i){var s=Yi(t,o,n,n,n,n,n,r=i?n:r);return s.placeholder=e.placeholder,s},Hn.debounce=No,Hn.defaults=Sa,Hn.defaultsDeep=wa,Hn.defer=To,Hn.delay=Po,Hn.difference=Hs,Hn.differenceBy=Ks,Hn.differenceWith=Vs,Hn.drop=function(e,t,r){var i=null==e?0:e.length;return i?ri(e,(t=r||t===n?1:fa(t))<0?0:t,i):[]},Hn.dropRight=function(e,t,r){var i=null==e?0:e.length;return i?ri(e,0,(t=i-(t=r||t===n?1:fa(t)))<0?0:t):[]},Hn.dropRightWhile=function(e,t){return e&&e.length?hi(e,Bs(t,3),!0,!0):[]},Hn.dropWhile=function(e,t){return e&&e.length?hi(e,Bs(t,3),!0):[]},Hn.fill=function(e,t,r,i){var s=null==e?0:e.length;return s?(r&&"number"!=typeof r&&As(e,t,r)&&(r=0,i=s),function(e,t,r,i){var s=e.length;for((r=fa(r))<0&&(r=-r>s?0:s+r),(i=i===n||i>s?s:fa(i))<0&&(i+=s),i=r>i?0:Ca(i);r<i;)e[r++]=t;return e}(e,t,r,i)):[]},Hn.filter=function(e,t){return(Jo(e)?It:Cr)(e,Bs(t,3))},Hn.flatMap=function(e,t){return mr(bo(e,t),1)},Hn.flatMapDeep=function(e,t){return mr(bo(e,t),u)},Hn.flatMapDepth=function(e,t,r){return r=r===n?1:fa(r),mr(bo(e,t),r)},Hn.flatten=Js,Hn.flattenDeep=function(e){return(null==e?0:e.length)?mr(e,u):[]},Hn.flattenDepth=function(e,t){return(null==e?0:e.length)?mr(e,t=t===n?1:fa(t)):[]},Hn.flip=function(e){return Yi(e,512)},Hn.flow=nB,Hn.flowRight=rB,Hn.fromPairs=function(e){for(var t=-1,n=null==e?0:e.length,r={};++t<n;){var i=e[t];r[i[0]]=i[1]}return r},Hn.functions=function(e){return null==e?[]:vr(e,Na(e))},Hn.functionsIn=function(e){return null==e?[]:vr(e,Ta(e))},Hn.groupBy=Eo,Hn.initial=function(e){return(null==e?0:e.length)?ri(e,0,-1):[]},Hn.intersection=Ws,Hn.intersectionBy=Xs,Hn.intersectionWith=qs,Hn.invert=Ia,Hn.invertBy=ka,Hn.invokeMap=vo,Hn.iteratee=sB,Hn.keyBy=_o,Hn.keys=Na,Hn.keysIn=Ta,Hn.map=bo,Hn.mapKeys=function(e,t){var n={};return t=Bs(t,3),yr(e,(function(e,r,i){sr(n,t(e,r,i),e)})),n},Hn.mapValues=function(e,t){var n={};return t=Bs(t,3),yr(e,(function(e,r,i){sr(n,r,t(e,r,i))})),n},Hn.matches=function(e){return Hr(Br(e,1))},Hn.matchesProperty=function(e,t){return Kr(e,Br(t,1))},Hn.memoize=Mo,Hn.merge=Pa,Hn.mergeWith=Ma,Hn.method=oB,Hn.methodOf=aB,Hn.mixin=BB,Hn.negate=Fo,Hn.nthArg=function(e){return e=fa(e),zr((function(t){return Ur(t,e)}))},Hn.omit=Fa,Hn.omitBy=function(e,t){return Ra(e,Fo(Bs(t)))},Hn.once=function(e){return Io(2,e)},Hn.orderBy=function(e,t,r,i){return null==e?[]:(Jo(t)||(t=null==t?[]:[t]),Jo(r=i?n:r)||(r=null==r?[]:[r]),Qr(e,t,r))},Hn.over=lB,Hn.overArgs=Lo,Hn.overEvery=uB,Hn.overSome=pB,Hn.partial=Ro,Hn.partialRight=Go,Hn.partition=So,Hn.pick=La,Hn.pickBy=Ra,Hn.property=hB,Hn.propertyOf=function(e){return function(t){return null==e?n:_r(e,t)}},Hn.pull=Ys,Hn.pullAll=$s,Hn.pullAllBy=function(e,t,n){return e&&e.length&&t&&t.length?jr(e,t,Bs(n,2)):e},Hn.pullAllWith=function(e,t,r){return e&&e.length&&t&&t.length?jr(e,t,n,r):e},Hn.pullAt=Zs,Hn.range=dB,Hn.rangeRight=fB,Hn.rearg=Ho,Hn.reject=function(e,t){return(Jo(e)?It:Cr)(e,Fo(Bs(t,3)))},Hn.remove=function(e,t){var n=[];if(!e||!e.length)return n;var r=-1,i=[],s=e.length;for(t=Bs(t,3);++r<s;){var o=e[r];t(o,r,e)&&(n.push(o),i.push(r))}return Wr(e,i),n},Hn.rest=function(e,t){if("function"!=typeof e)throw new ke(r);return zr(e,t=t===n?t:fa(t))},Hn.reverse=eo,Hn.sampleSize=function(e,t,r){return t=(r?As(e,t,r):t===n)?1:fa(t),(Jo(e)?$n:$r)(e,t)},Hn.set=function(e,t,n){return null==e?e:Zr(e,t,n)},Hn.setWith=function(e,t,r,i){return i="function"==typeof i?i:n,null==e?e:Zr(e,t,r,i)},Hn.shuffle=function(e){return(Jo(e)?Zn:ni)(e)},Hn.slice=function(e,t,r){var i=null==e?0:e.length;return i?(r&&"number"!=typeof r&&As(e,t,r)?(t=0,r=i):(t=null==t?0:fa(t),r=r===n?i:fa(r)),ri(e,t,r)):[]},Hn.sortBy=wo,Hn.sortedUniq=function(e){return e&&e.length?ai(e):[]},Hn.sortedUniqBy=function(e,t){return e&&e.length?ai(e,Bs(t,2)):[]},Hn.split=function(e,t,r){return r&&"number"!=typeof r&&As(e,t,r)&&(t=r=n),(r=r===n?d:r>>>0)?(e=Aa(e))&&("string"==typeof t||null!=t&&!oa(t))&&!(t=ci(t))&&sn(e)?Ei(pn(e),0,r):e.split(t,r):[]},Hn.spread=function(e,t){if("function"!=typeof e)throw new ke(r);return t=null==t?0:gn(fa(t),0),zr((function(n){var r=n[t],i=Ei(n,0,t);return r&&Tt(i,r),bt(e,this,i)}))},Hn.tail=function(e){var t=null==e?0:e.length;return t?ri(e,1,t):[]},Hn.take=function(e,t,r){return e&&e.length?ri(e,0,(t=r||t===n?1:fa(t))<0?0:t):[]},Hn.takeRight=function(e,t,r){var i=null==e?0:e.length;return i?ri(e,(t=i-(t=r||t===n?1:fa(t)))<0?0:t,i):[]},Hn.takeRightWhile=function(e,t){return e&&e.length?hi(e,Bs(t,3),!1,!0):[]},Hn.takeWhile=function(e,t){return e&&e.length?hi(e,Bs(t,3)):[]},Hn.tap=function(e,t){return t(e),e},Hn.throttle=function(e,t,n){var i=!0,s=!0;if("function"!=typeof e)throw new ke(r);return ta(n)&&(i="leading"in n?!!n.leading:i,s="trailing"in n?!!n.trailing:s),No(e,t,{leading:i,maxWait:t,trailing:s})},Hn.thru=ho,Hn.toArray=ha,Hn.toPairs=Ga,Hn.toPairsIn=Ha,Hn.toPath=function(e){return Jo(e)?Nt(e,Ls):ca(e)?[e]:Ii(Fs(Aa(e)))},Hn.toPlainObject=ga,Hn.transform=function(e,t,n){var r=Jo(e),i=r||qo(e)||la(e);if(t=Bs(t,4),null==n){var s=e&&e.constructor;n=i?r?new s:[]:ta(e)&&$o(s)?Kn(We(e)):{}}return(i?wt:yr)(e,(function(e,r,i){return t(n,e,r,i)})),n},Hn.unary=function(e){return Do(e,1)},Hn.union=to,Hn.unionBy=no,Hn.unionWith=ro,Hn.uniq=function(e){return e&&e.length?li(e):[]},Hn.uniqBy=function(e,t){return e&&e.length?li(e,Bs(t,2)):[]},Hn.uniqWith=function(e,t){return t="function"==typeof t?t:n,e&&e.length?li(e,n,t):[]},Hn.unset=function(e,t){return null==e||ui(e,t)},Hn.unzip=io,Hn.unzipWith=so,Hn.update=function(e,t,n){return null==e?e:pi(e,t,gi(n))},Hn.updateWith=function(e,t,r,i){return i="function"==typeof i?i:n,null==e?e:pi(e,t,gi(r),i)},Hn.values=Ka,Hn.valuesIn=function(e){return null==e?[]:zt(e,Ta(e))},Hn.without=oo,Hn.words=$a,Hn.wrap=function(e,t){return Ro(gi(t),e)},Hn.xor=ao,Hn.xorBy=Bo,Hn.xorWith=co,Hn.zip=lo,Hn.zipObject=function(e,t){return Ci(e||[],t||[],tr)},Hn.zipObjectDeep=function(e,t){return Ci(e||[],t||[],Zr)},Hn.zipWith=uo,Hn.entries=Ga,Hn.entriesIn=Ha,Hn.extend=Ea,Hn.extendWith=va,BB(Hn,Hn),Hn.add=gB,Hn.attempt=Za,Hn.camelCase=Va,Hn.capitalize=Ua,Hn.ceil=AB,Hn.clamp=function(e,t,r){return r===n&&(r=t,t=n),r!==n&&(r=(r=ma(r))==r?r:0),t!==n&&(t=(t=ma(t))==t?t:0),ar(ma(e),t,r)},Hn.clone=function(e){return Br(e,4)},Hn.cloneDeep=function(e){return Br(e,5)},Hn.cloneDeepWith=function(e,t){return Br(e,5,t="function"==typeof t?t:n)},Hn.cloneWith=function(e,t){return Br(e,4,t="function"==typeof t?t:n)},Hn.conformsTo=function(e,t){return null==t||cr(e,t,Na(t))},Hn.deburr=Qa,Hn.defaultTo=function(e,t){return null==e||e!=e?t:e},Hn.divide=yB,Hn.endsWith=function(e,t,r){e=Aa(e),t=ci(t);var i=e.length,s=r=r===n?i:ar(fa(r),0,i);return(r-=t.length)>=0&&e.slice(r,s)==t},Hn.eq=Ko,Hn.escape=function(e){return(e=Aa(e))&&z.test(e)?e.replace(X,nn):e},Hn.escapeRegExp=function(e){return(e=Aa(e))&&ie.test(e)?e.replace(re,"\\$&"):e},Hn.every=function(e,t,r){var i=Jo(e)?Dt:dr;return r&&As(e,t,r)&&(t=n),i(e,Bs(t,3))},Hn.find=mo,Hn.findIndex=Us,Hn.findKey=function(e,t){return Rt(e,Bs(t,3),yr)},Hn.findLast=go,Hn.findLastIndex=Qs,Hn.findLastKey=function(e,t){return Rt(e,Bs(t,3),Er)},Hn.floor=EB,Hn.forEach=Ao,Hn.forEachRight=yo,Hn.forIn=function(e,t){return null==e?e:gr(e,Bs(t,3),Ta)},Hn.forInRight=function(e,t){return null==e?e:Ar(e,Bs(t,3),Ta)},Hn.forOwn=function(e,t){return e&&yr(e,Bs(t,3))},Hn.forOwnRight=function(e,t){return e&&Er(e,Bs(t,3))},Hn.get=xa,Hn.gt=Vo,Hn.gte=Uo,Hn.has=function(e,t){return null!=e&&fs(e,t,xr)},Hn.hasIn=Da,Hn.head=js,Hn.identity=iB,Hn.includes=function(e,t,n,r){e=Wo(e)?e:Ka(e),n=n&&!r?fa(n):0;var i=e.length;return n<0&&(n=gn(i+n,0)),Ba(e)?n<=i&&e.indexOf(t,n)>-1:!!i&&Ht(e,t,n)>-1},Hn.indexOf=function(e,t,n){var r=null==e?0:e.length;if(!r)return-1;var i=null==n?0:fa(n);return i<0&&(i=gn(r+i,0)),Ht(e,t,i)},Hn.inRange=function(e,t,r){return t=da(t),r===n?(r=t,t=0):r=da(r),function(e,t,n){return e>=An(t,n)&&e<gn(t,n)}(e=ma(e),t,r)},Hn.invoke=Oa,Hn.isArguments=Qo,Hn.isArray=Jo,Hn.isArrayBuffer=jo,Hn.isArrayLike=Wo,Hn.isArrayLikeObject=Xo,Hn.isBoolean=function(e){return!0===e||!1===e||na(e)&&Sr(e)==g},Hn.isBuffer=qo,Hn.isDate=zo,Hn.isElement=function(e){return na(e)&&1===e.nodeType&&!sa(e)},Hn.isEmpty=function(e){if(null==e)return!0;if(Wo(e)&&(Jo(e)||"string"==typeof e||"function"==typeof e.splice||qo(e)||la(e)||Qo(e)))return!e.length;var t=ds(e);if(t==_||t==D)return!e.size;if(_s(e))return!Fr(e).length;for(var n in e)if(Fe.call(e,n))return!1;return!0},Hn.isEqual=function(e,t){return Nr(e,t)},Hn.isEqualWith=function(e,t,r){var i=(r="function"==typeof r?r:n)?r(e,t):n;return i===n?Nr(e,t,n,r):!!i},Hn.isError=Yo,Hn.isFinite=function(e){return"number"==typeof e&&fn(e)},Hn.isFunction=$o,Hn.isInteger=Zo,Hn.isLength=ea,Hn.isMap=ra,Hn.isMatch=function(e,t){return e===t||Tr(e,t,ls(t))},Hn.isMatchWith=function(e,t,r){return r="function"==typeof r?r:n,Tr(e,t,ls(t),r)},Hn.isNaN=function(e){return ia(e)&&e!=+e},Hn.isNative=function(e){if(vs(e))throw new be("Unsupported core-js use. Try https://npms.io/search?q=ponyfill.");return Pr(e)},Hn.isNil=function(e){return null==e},Hn.isNull=function(e){return null===e},Hn.isNumber=ia,Hn.isObject=ta,Hn.isObjectLike=na,Hn.isPlainObject=sa,Hn.isRegExp=oa,Hn.isSafeInteger=function(e){return Zo(e)&&e>=-9007199254740991&&e<=p},Hn.isSet=aa,Hn.isString=Ba,Hn.isSymbol=ca,Hn.isTypedArray=la,Hn.isUndefined=function(e){return e===n},Hn.isWeakMap=function(e){return na(e)&&ds(e)==N},Hn.isWeakSet=function(e){return na(e)&&"[object WeakSet]"==Sr(e)},Hn.join=function(e,t){return null==e?"":Cn.call(e,t)},Hn.kebabCase=Ja,Hn.last=zs,Hn.lastIndexOf=function(e,t,r){var i=null==e?0:e.length;if(!i)return-1;var s=i;return r!==n&&(s=(s=fa(r))<0?gn(i+s,0):An(s,i-1)),t==t?function(e,t,n){for(var r=n+1;r--;)if(e[r]===t)return r;return r}(e,t,s):Gt(e,Vt,s,!0)},Hn.lowerCase=ja,Hn.lowerFirst=Wa,Hn.lt=ua,Hn.lte=pa,Hn.max=function(e){return e&&e.length?fr(e,iB,wr):n},Hn.maxBy=function(e,t){return e&&e.length?fr(e,Bs(t,2),wr):n},Hn.mean=function(e){return Ut(e,iB)},Hn.meanBy=function(e,t){return Ut(e,Bs(t,2))},Hn.min=function(e){return e&&e.length?fr(e,iB,Rr):n},Hn.minBy=function(e,t){return e&&e.length?fr(e,Bs(t,2),Rr):n},Hn.stubArray=CB,Hn.stubFalse=mB,Hn.stubObject=function(){return{}},Hn.stubString=function(){return""},Hn.stubTrue=function(){return!0},Hn.multiply=_B,Hn.nth=function(e,t){return e&&e.length?Ur(e,fa(t)):n},Hn.noConflict=function(){return pt._===this&&(pt._=Ke),this},Hn.noop=cB,Hn.now=xo,Hn.pad=function(e,t,n){e=Aa(e);var r=(t=fa(t))?un(e):0;if(!t||r>=t)return e;var i=(t-r)/2;return Qi(mt(i),n)+e+Qi(Ct(i),n)},Hn.padEnd=function(e,t,n){e=Aa(e);var r=(t=fa(t))?un(e):0;return t&&r<t?e+Qi(t-r,n):e},Hn.padStart=function(e,t,n){e=Aa(e);var r=(t=fa(t))?un(e):0;return t&&r<t?Qi(t-r,n)+e:e},Hn.parseInt=function(e,t,n){return n||null==t?t=0:t&&(t=+t),En(Aa(e).replace(oe,""),t||0)},Hn.random=function(e,t,r){if(r&&"boolean"!=typeof r&&As(e,t,r)&&(t=r=n),r===n&&("boolean"==typeof t?(r=t,t=n):"boolean"==typeof e&&(r=e,e=n)),e===n&&t===n?(e=0,t=1):(e=da(e),t===n?(t=e,e=0):t=da(t)),e>t){var i=e;e=t,t=i}if(r||e%1||t%1){var s=vn();return An(e+s*(t-e+Bt("1e-"+((s+"").length-1))),t)}return Xr(e,t)},Hn.reduce=function(e,t,n){var r=Jo(e)?Pt:jt,i=arguments.length<3;return r(e,Bs(t,4),n,i,pr)},Hn.reduceRight=function(e,t,n){var r=Jo(e)?Mt:jt,i=arguments.length<3;return r(e,Bs(t,4),n,i,hr)},Hn.repeat=function(e,t,r){return t=(r?As(e,t,r):t===n)?1:fa(t),qr(Aa(e),t)},Hn.replace=function(){var e=arguments,t=Aa(e[0]);return e.length<3?t:t.replace(e[1],e[2])},Hn.result=function(e,t,r){var i=-1,s=(t=Ai(t,e)).length;for(s||(s=1,e=n);++i<s;){var o=null==e?n:e[Ls(t[i])];o===n&&(i=s,o=r),e=$o(o)?o.call(e):o}return e},Hn.round=bB,Hn.runInContext=e,Hn.sample=function(e){return(Jo(e)?Yn:Yr)(e)},Hn.size=function(e){if(null==e)return 0;if(Wo(e))return Ba(e)?un(e):e.length;var t=ds(e);return t==_||t==D?e.size:Fr(e).length},Hn.snakeCase=Xa,Hn.some=function(e,t,r){var i=Jo(e)?Ft:ii;return r&&As(e,t,r)&&(t=n),i(e,Bs(t,3))},Hn.sortedIndex=function(e,t){return si(e,t)},Hn.sortedIndexBy=function(e,t,n){return oi(e,t,Bs(n,2))},Hn.sortedIndexOf=function(e,t){var n=null==e?0:e.length;if(n){var r=si(e,t);if(r<n&&Ko(e[r],t))return r}return-1},Hn.sortedLastIndex=function(e,t){return si(e,t,!0)},Hn.sortedLastIndexBy=function(e,t,n){return oi(e,t,Bs(n,2),!0)},Hn.sortedLastIndexOf=function(e,t){if(null==e?0:e.length){var n=si(e,t,!0)-1;if(Ko(e[n],t))return n}return-1},Hn.startCase=qa,Hn.startsWith=function(e,t,n){return e=Aa(e),n=null==n?0:ar(fa(n),0,e.length),t=ci(t),e.slice(n,n+t.length)==t},Hn.subtract=SB,Hn.sum=function(e){return e&&e.length?Wt(e,iB):0},Hn.sumBy=function(e,t){return e&&e.length?Wt(e,Bs(t,2)):0},Hn.template=function(e,t,r){var i=Hn.templateSettings;r&&As(e,t,r)&&(t=n),e=Aa(e),t=va({},t,i,$i);var s,o,a=va({},t.imports,i.imports,$i),B=Na(a),c=zt(a,B),l=0,u=t.interpolate||Ee,p="__p += '",h=De((t.escape||Ee).source+"|"+u.source+"|"+(u===Z?he:Ee).source+"|"+(t.evaluate||Ee).source+"|$","g"),d="//# sourceURL="+(Fe.call(t,"sourceURL")?(t.sourceURL+"").replace(/\s/g," "):"lodash.templateSources["+ ++it+"]")+"\n";e.replace(h,(function(t,n,r,i,a,B){return r||(r=i),p+=e.slice(l,B).replace(ve,rn),n&&(s=!0,p+="' +\n__e("+n+") +\n'"),a&&(o=!0,p+="';\n"+a+";\n__p += '"),r&&(p+="' +\n((__t = ("+r+")) == null ? '' : __t) +\n'"),l=B+t.length,t})),p+="';\n";var f=Fe.call(t,"variable")&&t.variable;f||(p="with (obj) {\n"+p+"\n}\n"),p=(o?p.replace(Q,""):p).replace(J,"$1").replace(j,"$1;"),p="function("+(f||"obj")+") {\n"+(f?"":"obj || (obj = {});\n")+"var __t, __p = ''"+(s?", __e = _.escape":"")+(o?", __j = Array.prototype.join;\nfunction print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }\n":";\n")+p+"return __p\n}";var C=Za((function(){return Se(B,d+"return "+p).apply(n,c)}));if(C.source=p,Yo(C))throw C;return C},Hn.times=function(e,t){if((e=fa(e))<1||e>p)return[];var n=d,r=An(e,d);t=Bs(t),e-=d;for(var i=Xt(r,t);++n<e;)t(n);return i},Hn.toFinite=da,Hn.toInteger=fa,Hn.toLength=Ca,Hn.toLower=function(e){return Aa(e).toLowerCase()},Hn.toNumber=ma,Hn.toSafeInteger=function(e){return e?ar(fa(e),-9007199254740991,p):0===e?e:0},Hn.toString=Aa,Hn.toUpper=function(e){return Aa(e).toUpperCase()},Hn.trim=function(e,t,r){if((e=Aa(e))&&(r||t===n))return e.replace(se,"");if(!e||!(t=ci(t)))return e;var i=pn(e),s=pn(t);return Ei(i,$t(i,s),Zt(i,s)+1).join("")},Hn.trimEnd=function(e,t,r){if((e=Aa(e))&&(r||t===n))return e.replace(ae,"");if(!e||!(t=ci(t)))return e;var i=pn(e);return Ei(i,0,Zt(i,pn(t))+1).join("")},Hn.trimStart=function(e,t,r){if((e=Aa(e))&&(r||t===n))return e.replace(oe,"");if(!e||!(t=ci(t)))return e;var i=pn(e);return Ei(i,$t(i,pn(t))).join("")},Hn.truncate=function(e,t){var r=30,i="...";if(ta(t)){var s="separator"in t?t.separator:s;r="length"in t?fa(t.length):r,i="omission"in t?ci(t.omission):i}var o=(e=Aa(e)).length;if(sn(e)){var a=pn(e);o=a.length}if(r>=o)return e;var B=r-un(i);if(B<1)return i;var c=a?Ei(a,0,B).join(""):e.slice(0,B);if(s===n)return c+i;if(a&&(B+=c.length-B),oa(s)){if(e.slice(B).search(s)){var l,u=c;for(s.global||(s=De(s.source,Aa(de.exec(s))+"g")),s.lastIndex=0;l=s.exec(u);)var p=l.index;c=c.slice(0,p===n?B:p)}}else if(e.indexOf(ci(s),B)!=B){var h=c.lastIndexOf(s);h>-1&&(c=c.slice(0,h))}return c+i},Hn.unescape=function(e){return(e=Aa(e))&&q.test(e)?e.replace(W,hn):e},Hn.uniqueId=function(e){var t=++Le;return Aa(e)+t},Hn.upperCase=za,Hn.upperFirst=Ya,Hn.each=Ao,Hn.eachRight=yo,Hn.first=js,BB(Hn,(vB={},yr(Hn,(function(e,t){Fe.call(Hn.prototype,t)||(vB[t]=e)})),vB),{chain:!1}),Hn.VERSION="4.17.20",wt(["bind","bindKey","curry","curryRight","partial","partialRight"],(function(e){Hn[e].placeholder=Hn})),wt(["drop","take"],(function(e,t){Qn.prototype[e]=function(r){r=r===n?1:gn(fa(r),0);var i=this.__filtered__&&!t?new Qn(this):this.clone();return i.__filtered__?i.__takeCount__=An(r,i.__takeCount__):i.__views__.push({size:An(r,d),type:e+(i.__dir__<0?"Right":"")}),i},Qn.prototype[e+"Right"]=function(t){return this.reverse()[e](t).reverse()}})),wt(["filter","map","takeWhile"],(function(e,t){var n=t+1,r=1==n||3==n;Qn.prototype[e]=function(e){var t=this.clone();return t.__iteratees__.push({iteratee:Bs(e,3),type:n}),t.__filtered__=t.__filtered__||r,t}})),wt(["head","last"],(function(e,t){var n="take"+(t?"Right":"");Qn.prototype[e]=function(){return this[n](1).value()[0]}})),wt(["initial","tail"],(function(e,t){var n="drop"+(t?"":"Right");Qn.prototype[e]=function(){return this.__filtered__?new Qn(this):this[n](1)}})),Qn.prototype.compact=function(){return this.filter(iB)},Qn.prototype.find=function(e){return this.filter(e).head()},Qn.prototype.findLast=function(e){return this.reverse().find(e)},Qn.prototype.invokeMap=zr((function(e,t){return"function"==typeof e?new Qn(this):this.map((function(n){return kr(n,e,t)}))})),Qn.prototype.reject=function(e){return this.filter(Fo(Bs(e)))},Qn.prototype.slice=function(e,t){e=fa(e);var r=this;return r.__filtered__&&(e>0||t<0)?new Qn(r):(e<0?r=r.takeRight(-e):e&&(r=r.drop(e)),t!==n&&(r=(t=fa(t))<0?r.dropRight(-t):r.take(t-e)),r)},Qn.prototype.takeRightWhile=function(e){return this.reverse().takeWhile(e).reverse()},Qn.prototype.toArray=function(){return this.take(d)},yr(Qn.prototype,(function(e,t){var r=/^(?:filter|find|map|reject)|While$/.test(t),i=/^(?:head|last)$/.test(t),s=Hn[i?"take"+("last"==t?"Right":""):t],o=i||/^find/.test(t);s&&(Hn.prototype[t]=function(){var t=this.__wrapped__,a=i?[1]:arguments,B=t instanceof Qn,c=a[0],l=B||Jo(t),u=function(e){var t=s.apply(Hn,Tt([e],a));return i&&p?t[0]:t};l&&r&&"function"==typeof c&&1!=c.length&&(B=l=!1);var p=this.__chain__,h=!!this.__actions__.length,d=o&&!p,f=B&&!h;if(!o&&l){t=f?t:new Qn(this);var C=e.apply(t,a);return C.__actions__.push({func:ho,args:[u],thisArg:n}),new Un(C,p)}return d&&f?e.apply(this,a):(C=this.thru(u),d?i?C.value()[0]:C.value():C)})})),wt(["pop","push","shift","sort","splice","unshift"],(function(e){var t=Oe[e],n=/^(?:push|sort|unshift)$/.test(e)?"tap":"thru",r=/^(?:pop|shift)$/.test(e);Hn.prototype[e]=function(){var e=arguments;if(r&&!this.__chain__){var i=this.value();return t.apply(Jo(i)?i:[],e)}return this[n]((function(n){return t.apply(Jo(n)?n:[],e)}))}})),yr(Qn.prototype,(function(e,t){var n=Hn[t];if(n){var r=n.name+"";Fe.call(On,r)||(On[r]=[]),On[r].push({name:t,func:n})}})),On[Hi(n,2).name]=[{name:"wrapper",func:n}],Qn.prototype.clone=function(){var e=new Qn(this.__wrapped__);return e.__actions__=Ii(this.__actions__),e.__dir__=this.__dir__,e.__filtered__=this.__filtered__,e.__iteratees__=Ii(this.__iteratees__),e.__takeCount__=this.__takeCount__,e.__views__=Ii(this.__views__),e},Qn.prototype.reverse=function(){if(this.__filtered__){var e=new Qn(this);e.__dir__=-1,e.__filtered__=!0}else(e=this.clone()).__dir__*=-1;return e},Qn.prototype.value=function(){var e=this.__wrapped__.value(),t=this.__dir__,n=Jo(e),r=t<0,i=n?e.length:0,s=function(e,t,n){var r=-1,i=n.length;for(;++r<i;){var s=n[r],o=s.size;switch(s.type){case"drop":e+=o;break;case"dropRight":t-=o;break;case"take":t=An(t,e+o);break;case"takeRight":e=gn(e,t-o)}}return{start:e,end:t}}(0,i,this.__views__),o=s.start,a=s.end,B=a-o,c=r?a:o-1,l=this.__iteratees__,u=l.length,p=0,h=An(B,this.__takeCount__);if(!n||!r&&i==B&&h==B)return di(e,this.__actions__);var d=[];e:for(;B--&&p<h;){for(var f=-1,C=e[c+=t];++f<u;){var m=l[f],g=m.iteratee,A=m.type,y=g(C);if(2==A)C=y;else if(!y){if(1==A)continue e;break e}}d[p++]=C}return d},Hn.prototype.at=fo,Hn.prototype.chain=function(){return po(this)},Hn.prototype.commit=function(){return new Un(this.value(),this.__chain__)},Hn.prototype.next=function(){this.__values__===n&&(this.__values__=ha(this.value()));var e=this.__index__>=this.__values__.length;return{done:e,value:e?n:this.__values__[this.__index__++]}},Hn.prototype.plant=function(e){for(var t,r=this;r instanceof Vn;){var i=Gs(r);i.__index__=0,i.__values__=n,t?s.__wrapped__=i:t=i;var s=i;r=r.__wrapped__}return s.__wrapped__=e,t},Hn.prototype.reverse=function(){var e=this.__wrapped__;if(e instanceof Qn){var t=e;return this.__actions__.length&&(t=new Qn(this)),(t=t.reverse()).__actions__.push({func:ho,args:[eo],thisArg:n}),new Un(t,this.__chain__)}return this.thru(eo)},Hn.prototype.toJSON=Hn.prototype.valueOf=Hn.prototype.value=function(){return di(this.__wrapped__,this.__actions__)},Hn.prototype.first=Hn.prototype.head,tt&&(Hn.prototype[tt]=function(){return this}),Hn}();dt?((dt.exports=dn)._=dn,ht._=dn):pt._=dn}).call(O)})),Z2e=require("os"),e3e=require("path");function t3e(e){return e3e.join(process.env.HOME,"Library","Application Support",e)}function n3e(e){return process.env.XDG_CONFIG_HOME?e3e.join(process.env.XDG_CONFIG_HOME,e):e3e.join(process.env.HOME,".config",e)}function r3e(e){return process.env.LOCALAPPDATA?e3e.join(process.env.LOCALAPPDATA,e):e3e.join(process.env.USERPROFILE,"Local Settings","Application Data",e)}function i3e(e){if("string"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("`name` must be string");switch(Z2e.platform()){case"darwin":return t3e(e);case"linux":return n3e(e);case"win32":return r3e(e)}throw new Error("Platform not supported")}var s3e=i3e,o3e=N((function(e){!function(t,n,r){e.exports?e.exports=r():t.eol=r()}(O,0,(function(){var e={},t="undefined"!=typeof process&&"win32"===process.platform?"\r\n":"\n",n=/\r\n|\r|\n/g;function r(e){function t(t){return t.replace(n,e)}return t.toString=function(){return e},t}return e.lf=r("\n"),e.cr=r("\r"),e.crlf=r("\r\n"),e.auto=r(t),e.before=function(e){return t+e},e.after=function(e){return e+t},e.split=function(e){return e.split(n)},e}))})),a3e="win32"===process.platform,B3e=a3e?/[^:]\\$/:/.\/$/,c3e=function(){var e;return e=a3e?process.env.TEMP||process.env.TMP||(process.env.SystemRoot||process.env.windir)+"\\temp":process.env.TMPDIR||process.env.TMP||process.env.TEMP||"/tmp",B3e.test(e)&&(e=e.slice(0,-1)),e};const l3e=require("fs"),u3e=require("path"),p3e=require("crypto"),h3e=process.binding("constants"),d3e=c3e(),f3e="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",C3e=/XXXXXX/,m3e=3,g3e=(h3e.O_CREAT||h3e.fs.O_CREAT)|(h3e.O_EXCL||h3e.fs.O_EXCL)|(h3e.O_RDWR||h3e.fs.O_RDWR),A3e=h3e.EBADF||h3e.os.errno.EBADF,y3e=h3e.ENOENT||h3e.os.errno.ENOENT,E3e=448,v3e=384,_3e=[];var b3e=!1,S3e=!1;function w3e(e){var t=[],n=null;try{n=p3e.randomBytes(e)}catch(t){n=p3e.pseudoRandomBytes(e)}for(var r=0;r<e;r++)t.push(f3e[n[r]%f3e.length]);return t.join("")}function x3e(e){return void 0===e}function D3e(e,t){return"function"==typeof e?[t||{},e]:x3e(e)?[{},t]:[e,t]}function I3e(e){if(e.name)return u3e.join(e.dir||d3e,e.name);if(e.template)return e.template.replace(C3e,w3e(6));const t=[e.prefix||"tmp-",process.pid,w3e(12),e.postfix||""].join("");return u3e.join(e.dir||d3e,t)}function k3e(e,t){var n=D3e(e,t),r=n[0],i=n[1],s=r.name?1:r.tries||m3e;return isNaN(s)||s<0?i(new Error("Invalid tries")):r.template&&!r.template.match(C3e)?i(new Error("Invalid template provided")):void function e(){const t=I3e(r);l3e.stat(t,(function(n){if(!n)return s-- >0?e():i(new Error("Could not get a unique tmp filename, max tries reached "+t));i(null,t)}))}()}function O3e(e){var t=D3e(e)[0],n=t.name?1:t.tries||m3e;if(isNaN(n)||n<0)throw new Error("Invalid tries");if(t.template&&!t.template.match(C3e))throw new Error("Invalid template provided");do{const e=I3e(t);try{l3e.statSync(e)}catch(t){return e}}while(n-- >0);throw new Error("Could not get a unique tmp filename, max tries reached")}function N3e(e,t){var n=D3e(e,t),r=n[0],i=n[1];r.postfix=x3e(r.postfix)?".tmp":r.postfix,k3e(r,(function(e,t){if(e)return i(e);l3e.open(t,g3e,r.mode||v3e,(function(e,n){return e?i(e):r.discardDescriptor?l3e.close(n,(function(e){if(e){try{l3e.unlinkSync(t)}catch(t){V3e(t)||(e=t)}return i(e)}i(null,t,void 0,L3e(t,-1,r))})):r.detachDescriptor?i(null,t,n,L3e(t,-1,r)):void i(null,t,n,L3e(t,n,r))}))}))}function T3e(e){var t=D3e(e)[0];t.postfix=t.postfix||".tmp";const n=t.discardDescriptor||t.detachDescriptor,r=O3e(t);var i=l3e.openSync(r,g3e,t.mode||v3e);return t.discardDescriptor&&(l3e.closeSync(i),i=void 0),{name:r,fd:i,removeCallback:L3e(r,n?-1:i,t)}}function P3e(e){const t=[e];do{for(var n=t.pop(),r=!1,i=l3e.readdirSync(n),s=0,o=i.length;s<o;s++){var a=u3e.join(n,i[s]);l3e.lstatSync(a).isDirectory()?(r||(r=!0,t.push(n)),t.push(a)):l3e.unlinkSync(a)}r||l3e.rmdirSync(n)}while(0!==t.length)}function M3e(e,t){var n=D3e(e,t),r=n[0],i=n[1];k3e(r,(function(e,t){if(e)return i(e);l3e.mkdir(t,r.mode||E3e,(function(e){if(e)return i(e);i(null,t,R3e(t,r))}))}))}function F3e(e){var t=D3e(e)[0];const n=O3e(t);return l3e.mkdirSync(n,t.mode||E3e),{name:n,removeCallback:R3e(n,t)}}function L3e(e,t,n){const r=G3e((function(e){try{0<=e[0]&&l3e.closeSync(e[0])}catch(e){if(!K3e(e)&&!V3e(e))throw e}try{l3e.unlinkSync(e[1])}catch(e){if(!V3e(e))throw e}}),[t,e]);return n.keep||_3e.unshift(r),r}function R3e(e,t){const n=G3e(t.unsafeCleanup?P3e:l3e.rmdirSync.bind(l3e),e);return t.keep||_3e.unshift(n),n}function G3e(e,t){var n=!1;return function r(i){if(!n){const i=_3e.indexOf(r);i>=0&&_3e.splice(i,1),n=!0,e(t)}i&&i(null)}}function H3e(){if(!S3e||b3e)for(;_3e.length;)try{_3e[0].call(null)}catch(e){}}function K3e(e){return U3e(e,-A3e,"EBADF")}function V3e(e){return U3e(e,-y3e,"ENOENT")}function U3e(e,t,n){return e.code==t||e.code==n}function Q3e(){b3e=!0}const J3e=process.versions.node.split(".").map((function(e){return parseInt(e,10)}));0===J3e[0]&&(J3e[1]<9||9===J3e[1]&&J3e[2]<5)&&process.addListener("uncaughtException",(function(e){throw S3e=!0,H3e(),e})),process.addListener("exit",(function(e){e&&(S3e=!0),H3e()}));var j3e=d3e,W3e=M3e,X3e=F3e,q3e=N3e,z3e=T3e,Y3e=k3e,$3e=O3e,Z3e=Q3e,e6e={tmpdir:j3e,dir:W3e,dirSync:X3e,file:q3e,fileSync:z3e,tmpName:Y3e,tmpNameSync:$3e,setGracefulCleanup:Z3e},t6e={child:require("child_process"),crypto:require("crypto"),fs:require("fs"),os:require("os"),path:require("path"),process,util:require("util")};function n6e(e,t){var n=t6e.process.platform;return"darwin"===n?a6e(e,t):"linux"===n?s6e(e,t):"win32"===n?m6e(e,t):void t(new Error("Platform not yet supported."))}function r6e(e){if("string"!=typeof e)throw new Error("Expected a string.");return e.replace(/"/g,'\\"')}function i6e(){if(arguments.length<1||arguments.length>3)throw new Error("Wrong number of arguments.");var e=arguments[0],t={},n=function(){};if("string"!=typeof e)throw new Error("Command should be a string.");if(2===arguments.length)if(t6e.util.isObject(arguments[1]))t=arguments[1];else{if(!t6e.util.isFunction(arguments[1]))throw new Error("Expected options or callback.");n=arguments[1]}else if(3===arguments.length){if(!t6e.util.isObject(arguments[1]))throw new Error("Expected options to be an object.");if(t=arguments[1],!t6e.util.isFunction(arguments[2]))throw new Error("Expected callback to be a function.");n=arguments[2]}if(/^sudo/i.test(e))return n(new Error('Command should not be prefixed with "sudo".'));if(void 0===t.name){var r=t6e.process.title;if(!C6e(r))return n(new Error("process.title cannot be used as a valid name."));t.name=r}else if(!C6e(t.name)){var i="";return i+="options.name must be alphanumeric only ",i+="(spaces are allowed) and <= 70 characters.",n(new Error(i))}if(void 0!==t.icns){if("string"!=typeof t.icns)return n(new Error("options.icns must be a string if provided."));if(0===t.icns.trim().length)return n(new Error("options.icns must not be empty if provided."))}var s=t6e.process.platform;if("darwin"!==s&&"linux"!==s&&"win32"!==s)return n(new Error("Platform not yet supported."));var o={command:e,options:t,uuid:void 0,path:void 0};n6e(o,n)}function s6e(e,t){o6e(e,(function(n,r){if(n)return t(n);var i=[];if(i.push('"'+r6e(r)+'"'),/kdesudo/i.test(r)){i.push("--comment",'"'+e.options.name+' needs administrative privileges. Please enter your password."'),i.push("--")}else/pkexec/i.test(r)&&i.push("--disable-internal-agent");i.push(e.command),i=i.join(" "),t6e.child.exec(i,{maxBuffer:D6e},(function(e,n,r){e&&(/No authentication agent found/.test(r)?e=new Error(x6e):/Request dismissed|Command failed/i.test(e)&&(e=new Error(w6e))),t(e,n,r)}))}))}function o6e(e,t){var n=0,r=["/usr/bin/kdesudo","/usr/bin/pkexec"];!function e(){if(n===r.length)return t(new Error("Unable to find pkexec or kdesudo."));var i=r[n++];t6e.fs.stat(i,(function(n){if(n){if("ENOTDIR"===n.code)return e();if("ENOENT"===n.code)return e();t(n)}else t(void 0,i)}))}()}function a6e(e,t){var n=t6e.os.tmpdir();return n?t6e.process.env.USER?void f6e(e,(function(r,i){if(r)return t(r);function s(n,r,i){d6e(t6e.path.dirname(e.path),(function(e){return n?t(n):e?t(e):void t(void 0,r,i)}))}e.uuid=i,e.path=t6e.path.join(n,e.uuid,e.options.name+".app"),B6e(e,(function(t){if(t)return s(t);l6e(e,(function(t){if(t)return s(t);p6e(e,(function(t){if(t)return s(t);c6e(e,(function(t){if(t)return s(t);u6e(e,(function(t){if(t)return s(t);h6e(e,s)}))}))}))}))}))})):t(new Error("env['USER'] not defined.")):t(new Error("os.tmpdir() not defined."))}function B6e(e,t){var n=t6e.path.dirname(e.path);t6e.fs.mkdir(n,(function(r){if(r)return t(r);var i=t6e.path.join(n,"sudo-prompt-applet.zip");t6e.fs.writeFile(i,S6e,"base64",(function(n){if(n)return t(n);var r=[];r.push("/usr/bin/unzip"),r.push("-o"),r.push('"'+r6e(i)+'"'),r.push('-d "'+r6e(e.path)+'"'),r=r.join(" "),t6e.child.exec(r,t)}))}))}function c6e(e,t){var n=t6e.path.join(e.path,"Contents","MacOS","sudo-prompt-command"),r=[],i=t6e.process.cwd();r.push('cd "'+r6e(i)+'"'),r.push(e.command),r=r.join("\n"),t6e.fs.writeFile(n,r,"utf-8",t)}function l6e(e,t){if(!e.options.icns)return t();t6e.fs.readFile(e.options.icns,(function(n,r){if(n)return t(n);var i=t6e.path.join(e.path,"Contents","Resources","applet.icns");t6e.fs.writeFile(i,r,t)}))}function u6e(e,t){var n=t6e.path.join(e.path,"Contents","MacOS","applet"),r={cwd:t6e.path.dirname(n)};t6e.child.exec("./"+t6e.path.basename(n),r,t)}function p6e(e,t){var n=r6e(t6e.path.join(e.path,"Contents","Info.plist")),r=r6e("CFBundleName"),i=e.options.name+" Password Prompt";if(/'/.test(i))return t(new Error("Value should not contain single quotes."));var s=[];s.push("/usr/bin/defaults"),s.push("write"),s.push('"'+n+'"'),s.push('"'+r+'"'),s.push("'"+i+"'"),s=s.join(" "),t6e.child.exec(s,t)}function h6e(e,t){var n=t6e.path.join(e.path,"Contents","MacOS");t6e.fs.readFile(t6e.path.join(n,"code"),"utf-8",(function(r,i){if(r){if("ENOENT"===r.code)return t(new Error(w6e));t(r)}else t6e.fs.readFile(t6e.path.join(n,"stdout"),"utf-8",(function(r,s){if(r)return t(r);t6e.fs.readFile(t6e.path.join(n,"stderr"),"utf-8",(function(n,r){if(n)return t(n);0===(i=parseInt(i.trim(),10))?t(void 0,s,r):((n=new Error("Command failed: "+e.command+"\n"+r)).code=i,t(n,s,r))}))}))}))}function d6e(e,t){if("string"!=typeof e||!e.trim())return t(new Error("Argument path not defined."));var n=[];if("win32"===t6e.process.platform){if(/"/.test(e))return t(new Error("Argument path cannot contain double-quotes."));n.push('rmdir /s /q "'+e+'"')}else n.push("/bin/rm"),n.push("-rf"),n.push('"'+r6e(t6e.path.normalize(e))+'"');n=n.join(" "),t6e.child.exec(n,t)}function f6e(e,t){t6e.crypto.randomBytes(256,(function(n,r){n&&(r=Date.now()+""+Math.random());var i=t6e.crypto.createHash("SHA256");i.update("sudo-prompt-3"),i.update(e.options.name),i.update(e.command),i.update(r);var s=i.digest("hex").slice(-32);if(!s||"string"!=typeof s||32!==s.length)return t(new Error("Expected a valid UUID."));t(void 0,s)}))}function C6e(e){return!!/^[a-z0-9 ]+$/i.test(e)&&(0!==e.trim().length&&!(e.length>70))}function m6e(e,t){var n=t6e.os.tmpdir();if(!n)return t(new Error("os.tmpdir() not defined."));f6e(e,(function(r,i){return r?t(r):(e.uuid=i,e.path=t6e.path.join(n,e.uuid),/"/.test(e.path)?t(new Error("instance.path cannot contain double-quotes.")):(e.pathElevate=t6e.path.join(e.path,"elevate.vbs"),e.pathExecute=t6e.path.join(e.path,"execute.bat"),e.pathCommand=t6e.path.join(e.path,"command.bat"),e.pathStdout=t6e.path.join(e.path,"stdout"),e.pathStderr=t6e.path.join(e.path,"stderr"),e.pathStatus=t6e.path.join(e.path,"status"),void t6e.fs.mkdir(e.path,(function(n){if(n)return t(n);function r(n,r,i){d6e(e.path,(function(e){return n?t(n):e?t(e):void t(void 0,r,i)}))}v6e(e,(function(t){if(t)return r(t);_6e(e,(function(t){if(t)return r(t);E6e(e,(function(t){if(t)return r(t);g6e(e,(function(t){if(t)return r(t);y6e(e,(function(t){if(t)return r(t);A6e(e,r)}))}))}))}))}))}))))}))}function g6e(e,t){var n=[];n.push("powershell.exe"),n.push("Start-Process"),n.push("-FilePath"),n.push("\"'"+e.pathExecute.replace(/'/g,"`'")+"'\""),n.push("-WindowStyle hidden"),n.push("-Verb runAs"),n=n.join(" "),t6e.child.exec(n,(function(e,n,r){e?/canceled by the user/i.test(e)?t(w6e):t(e):t()})).stdin.end()}function A6e(e,t){t6e.fs.readFile(e.pathStatus,"utf-8",(function(n,r){if(n)return t(n);t6e.fs.readFile(e.pathStdout,"utf-8",(function(n,i){if(n)return t(n);t6e.fs.readFile(e.pathStderr,"utf-8",(function(n,s){if(n)return t(n);0===(r=parseInt(r.trim(),10))?t(void 0,i,s):((n=new Error("Command failed: "+e.command+"\r\n"+s)).code=r,t(n,i,s))}))}))}))}function y6e(e,t){t6e.fs.stat(e.pathStatus,(function(n,r){n&&"ENOENT"===n.code||r.size<2?setTimeout((function(){t6e.fs.stat(e.pathStdout,(function(n){if(n)return t(w6e);y6e(e,t)}))}),1e3):n?t(n):t()}))}function E6e(e,t){var n=t6e.process.cwd();if(/"/.test(n))return t(new Error("process.cwd() cannot contain double-quotes."));var r=[];r.push("@echo off"),r.push("chcp 65001>nul"),r.push('cd /d "'+n+'"'),r.push(e.command),r=r.join("\r\n"),t6e.fs.writeFile(e.pathCommand,r,"utf-8",t)}function v6e(e,t){t()}function _6e(e,t){var n=[];n.push("@echo off"),n.push('call "'+e.pathCommand+'" > "'+e.pathStdout+'" 2> "'+e.pathStderr+'"'),n.push('(echo %ERRORLEVEL%) > "'+e.pathStatus+'"'),n=n.join("\r\n"),t6e.fs.writeFile(e.pathExecute,n,"utf-8",t)}var b6e=i6e,S6e="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WGAAAAAA=",w6e="User did not grant permission.",x6e="No polkit authentication agent found.",D6e=134217728,I6e={exec:b6e},k6e=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});const n=require("child_process"),r=AZe.__importDefault(e6e),i=AZe.__importDefault(QZe),s=AZe.__importDefault(require("path")),o=AZe.__importDefault(I6e),a=i.default("devcert:util");function B(e,t,r={}){return a(`execFileSync: \`${e} ${t.join(" ")}\``),n.execFileSync(e,t,r)}t.openssl=function(e){return B("openssl",e,{stdio:"pipe",env:Object.assign({RANDFILE:s.default.join(O6e.configPath(".rnd"))},process.env)})},t.run=B,t.sudoAppend=function(e,t){B("sudo",["tee","-a",e],{input:t})},t.waitForUser=function(){return new Promise((e=>{process.stdin.resume(),process.stdin.on("data",e)}))},t.reportableError=function(e){return new Error(`${e} | This is a bug in devcert, please report the issue at https://github.com/davewasmer/devcert/issues`)},t.mktmp=function(){return r.default.fileSync({discardDescriptor:!0}).name},t.sudo=function(e){return new Promise(((t,n)=>{o.default.exec(e,{name:"devcert"},((e,r,i)=>{let s=e||"string"==typeof i&&i.trim().length>0&&new Error(i);s?n(s):t(r)}))}))}})),O6e=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});const n=AZe.__importDefault(require("path")),r=require("fs"),i=AZe.__importDefault(o3e);function s(){z2e.sync(t.configDir),z2e.sync(t.domainsDir),z2e.sync(t.rootCADir)}t.VALID_IP=/(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)){3}/,t.VALID_DOMAIN=/^(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?\.?)+[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]$/i,t.isMac="darwin"===process.platform,t.isLinux="linux"===process.platform,t.isWindows="win32"===process.platform,t.configDir=s3e("devcert"),t.configPath=n.default.join.bind(n.default,t.configDir),t.domainsDir=t.configPath("domains"),t.pathForDomain=n.default.join.bind(n.default,t.domainsDir),t.caVersionFile=t.configPath("devcert-ca-version"),t.opensslSerialFilePath=t.configPath("certificate-authority","serial"),t.opensslDatabaseFilePath=t.configPath("certificate-authority","index.txt"),t.caSelfSignConfig=n.default.join(__dirname,"../openssl-configurations/certificate-authority-self-signing.conf"),t.withDomainSigningRequestConfig=function(e,t){let s=k6e.mktmp(),o=r.readFileSync(n.default.join(__dirname,"../openssl-configurations/domain-certificate-signing-requests.conf"),"utf-8"),a=$2e.template(o)({domain:e});r.writeFileSync(s,i.default.auto(a)),t(s),r.unlinkSync(s)},t.withDomainCertificateConfig=function(e,s){let o=k6e.mktmp(),a=r.readFileSync(n.default.join(__dirname,"../openssl-configurations/domain-certificates.conf"),"utf-8"),B=$2e.template(a)({domain:e,serialFile:t.opensslSerialFilePath,databaseFile:t.opensslDatabaseFilePath,domainDir:t.pathForDomain(e)});r.writeFileSync(o,i.default.auto(B)),s(o),r.unlinkSync(o)},t.rootCADir=t.configPath("certificate-authority"),t.rootCAKeyPath=t.configPath("certificate-authority","private-key.key"),t.rootCACertPath=t.configPath("certificate-authority","certificate.cert"),t.getLegacyConfigDir=function(){if(t.isWindows&&process.env.LOCALAPPDATA)return n.default.join(process.env.LOCALAPPDATA,"devcert","config");{let e=process.getuid&&process.getuid(),r=t.isLinux&&0===e?n.default.resolve("/usr/local/share"):require("os").homedir();return n.default.join(r,".config","devcert")}},t.ensureConfigDirs=s,s()}));const N6e=require("net"),T6e=e=>new Promise(((t,n)=>{"number"==typeof e&&(e={port:e});const r=N6e.createServer();r.unref(),r.on("error",n),r.listen(e,(()=>{const e=r.address().port;r.close((()=>{t(e)}))}))}));var P6e=e=>e?T6e(e).catch((()=>T6e(0))):T6e(0),M6e=N((function(e){const t=e.exports,n="[",r="]",i="",s=";",o="Apple_Terminal"===process.env.TERM_PROGRAM;t.cursorTo=(e,t)=>{if("number"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("The `x` argument is required");return"number"!=typeof t?n+(e+1)+"G":n+(t+1)+";"+(e+1)+"H"},t.cursorMove=(e,t)=>{if("number"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("The `x` argument is required");let r="";return e<0?r+=n+-e+"D":e>0&&(r+=n+e+"C"),t<0?r+=n+-t+"A":t>0&&(r+=n+t+"B"),r},t.cursorUp=e=>n+("number"==typeof e?e:1)+"A",t.cursorDown=e=>n+("number"==typeof e?e:1)+"B",t.cursorForward=e=>n+("number"==typeof e?e:1)+"C",t.cursorBackward=e=>n+("number"==typeof e?e:1)+"D",t.cursorLeft="",t.cursorSavePosition=n+(o?"7":"s"),t.cursorRestorePosition=n+(o?"8":"u"),t.cursorGetPosition="",t.cursorNextLine="",t.cursorPrevLine="",t.cursorHide="[?25l",t.cursorShow="[?25h",t.eraseLines=e=>{let n="";for(let r=0;r<e;r++)n+=t.eraseLine+(r<e-1?t.cursorUp():"");return e&&(n+=t.cursorLeft),n},t.eraseEndLine="",t.eraseStartLine="",t.eraseLine="",t.eraseDown="",t.eraseUp="",t.eraseScreen="",t.scrollUp="",t.scrollDown="",t.clearScreen="c",t.clearTerminal="win32"===process.platform?`${t.eraseScreen}`:`${t.eraseScreen}`,t.beep=i,t.link=(e,t)=>[r,"8",s,s,t,i,e,r,"8",s,s,i].join(""),t.image=(e,t)=>{let n=r+"1337;File=inline=1";return(t=t||{}).width&&(n+=`;width=${t.width}`),t.height&&(n+=`;height=${t.height}`),!1===t.preserveAspectRatio&&(n+=";preserveAspectRatio=0"),n+":"+e.toString("base64")+i},t.iTerm={},t.iTerm.setCwd=e=>r+"50;CurrentDir="+(e||process.cwd())+i})),F6e=function(e){try{return e()}catch(e){}},L6e=K6e;K6e.sync=V6e;var R6e=require("fs");function G6e(e,t){var n=void 0!==t.pathExt?t.pathExt:process.env.PATHEXT;if(!n)return!0;if(-1!==(n=n.split(";")).indexOf(""))return!0;for(var r=0;r<n.length;r++){var i=n[r].toLowerCase();if(i&&e.substr(-i.length).toLowerCase()===i)return!0}return!1}function H6e(e,t,n){return!(!e.isSymbolicLink()&&!e.isFile())&&G6e(t,n)}function K6e(e,t,n){R6e.stat(e,(function(r,i){n(r,!r&&H6e(i,e,t))}))}function V6e(e,t){return H6e(R6e.statSync(e),e,t)}var U6e=j6e;j6e.sync=W6e;var Q6e=require("fs"),J6e;function j6e(e,t,n){Q6e.stat(e,(function(e,r){n(e,!e&&X6e(r,t))}))}function W6e(e,t){return X6e(Q6e.statSync(e),t)}function X6e(e,t){return e.isFile()&&q6e(e,t)}function q6e(e,t){var n=e.mode,r=e.uid,i=e.gid,s=void 0!==t.uid?t.uid:process.getuid&&process.getuid(),o=void 0!==t.gid?t.gid:process.getgid&&process.getgid(),a=parseInt("100",8),B=parseInt("010",8);return n&parseInt("001",8)||n&B&&i===o||n&a&&r===s||n&(a|B)&&0===s}require("fs"),J6e="win32"===process.platform||O.TESTING_WINDOWS?L6e:U6e;var z6e=Y6e;function Y6e(e,t,n){if("function"==typeof t&&(n=t,t={}),!n){if("function"!=typeof Promise)throw new TypeError("callback not provided");return new Promise((function(n,r){Y6e(e,t||{},(function(e,t){e?r(e):n(t)}))}))}J6e(e,t||{},(function(e,r){e&&("EACCES"===e.code||t&&t.ignoreErrors)&&(e=null,r=!1),n(e,r)}))}function $6e(e,t){try{return J6e.sync(e,t||{})}catch(e){if(t&&t.ignoreErrors||"EACCES"===e.code)return!1;throw e}}Y6e.sync=$6e;var Z6e=s5e;s5e.sync=o5e;var e5e="win32"===process.platform||"cygwin"===process.env.OSTYPE||"msys"===process.env.OSTYPE,t5e=require("path"),n5e=e5e?";":":";function r5e(e){var t=new Error("not 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c=r[a];'"'===c.charAt(0)&&'"'===c.slice(-1)&&(c=c.slice(1,-1));var l=t5e.join(c,e);!c&&/^\.[\\\/]/.test(e)&&(l=e.slice(0,2)+l);for(var u=0,p=i.length;u<p;u++){var h=l+i[u];try{if(z6e.sync(h,{pathExt:s})){if(!t.all)return h;o.push(h)}}catch(e){}}}if(t.all&&o.length)return o;if(t.nothrow)return null;throw r5e(e)}var a5e=e=>{const t=(e=e||{}).env||process.env;return"win32"!==(e.platform||process.platform)?"PATH":Object.keys(t).find((e=>"PATH"===e.toUpperCase()))||"Path"};const B5e=require("path"),c5e=a5e();function l5e(e,t){const n=process.cwd(),r=null!=e.options.cwd;if(r)try{process.chdir(e.options.cwd)}catch(e){}let i;try{i=Z6e.sync(e.command,{path:(e.options.env||process.env)[c5e],pathExt:t?B5e.delimiter:void 0})}catch(e){}finally{process.chdir(n)}return i&&(i=B5e.resolve(r?e.options.cwd:"",i)),i}function u5e(e){return l5e(e)||l5e(e,!0)}var p5e=u5e;const h5e=/([()\][%!^"`<>&|;, *?])/g;function d5e(e){return e=e.replace(h5e,"^$1")}function f5e(e,t){return e=(e=`"${e=(e=(e=`${e}`).replace(/(\\*)"/g,'$1$1\\"')).replace(/(\\*)$/,"$1$1")}"`).replace(h5e,"^$1"),t&&(e=e.replace(h5e,"^$1")),e}var C5e=d5e,m5e=f5e,g5e={command:C5e,argument:m5e},A5e=/^#!.*/,y5e=function(e){var t=e.match(A5e);if(!t)return null;var n=t[0].replace(/#! ?/,"").split(" "),r=n[0].split("/").pop(),i=n[1];return"env"===r?i:r+(i?" "+i:"")};const E5e=require("fs");function v5e(e){let t,n;Buffer.alloc?t=Buffer.alloc(150):(t=new Buffer(150),t.fill(0));try{n=E5e.openSync(e,"r"),E5e.readSync(n,t,0,150,0),E5e.closeSync(n)}catch(e){}return y5e(t.toString())}var _5e=v5e,b5e=N((function(e,t){var n;t=e.exports=j,n="object"==typeof process&&process.env&&process.env.NODE_DEBUG&&/\bsemver\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG)?function(){var e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0);e.unshift("SEMVER"),console.log.apply(console,e)}:function(){},t.SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION="2.0.0";var r=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER||9007199254740991,i=t.re=[],s=t.src=[],o=0,a=o++;s[a]="0|[1-9]\\d*";var B=o++;s[B]="[0-9]+";var c=o++;s[c]="\\d*[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9-]*";var l=o++;s[l]="("+s[a]+")\\.("+s[a]+")\\.("+s[a]+")";var u=o++;s[u]="("+s[B]+")\\.("+s[B]+")\\.("+s[B]+")";var p=o++;s[p]="(?:"+s[a]+"|"+s[c]+")";var h=o++;s[h]="(?:"+s[B]+"|"+s[c]+")";var d=o++;s[d]="(?:-("+s[p]+"(?:\\."+s[p]+")*))";var f=o++;s[f]="(?:-?("+s[h]+"(?:\\."+s[h]+")*))";var C=o++;s[C]="[0-9A-Za-z-]+";var m=o++;s[m]="(?:\\+("+s[C]+"(?:\\."+s[C]+")*))";var g=o++,A="v?"+s[l]+s[d]+"?"+s[m]+"?";s[g]="^"+A+"$";var y="[v=\\s]*"+s[u]+s[f]+"?"+s[m]+"?",E=o++;s[E]="^"+y+"$";var v=o++;s[v]="((?:<|>)?=?)";var _=o++;s[_]=s[B]+"|x|X|\\*";var b=o++;s[b]=s[a]+"|x|X|\\*";var S=o++;s[S]="[v=\\s]*("+s[b]+")(?:\\.("+s[b]+")(?:\\.("+s[b]+")(?:"+s[d]+")?"+s[m]+"?)?)?";var w=o++;s[w]="[v=\\s]*("+s[_]+")(?:\\.("+s[_]+")(?:\\.("+s[_]+")(?:"+s[f]+")?"+s[m]+"?)?)?";var x=o++;s[x]="^"+s[v]+"\\s*"+s[S]+"$";var D=o++;s[D]="^"+s[v]+"\\s*"+s[w]+"$";var I=o++;s[I]="(?:^|[^\\d])(\\d{1,16})(?:\\.(\\d{1,16}))?(?:\\.(\\d{1,16}))?(?:$|[^\\d])";var k=o++;s[k]="(?:~>?)";var O=o++;s[O]="(\\s*)"+s[k]+"\\s+",i[O]=new RegExp(s[O],"g");var N=o++;s[N]="^"+s[k]+s[S]+"$";var T=o++;s[T]="^"+s[k]+s[w]+"$";var P=o++;s[P]="(?:\\^)";var M=o++;s[M]="(\\s*)"+s[P]+"\\s+",i[M]=new RegExp(s[M],"g");var F=o++;s[F]="^"+s[P]+s[S]+"$";var L=o++;s[L]="^"+s[P]+s[w]+"$";var R=o++;s[R]="^"+s[v]+"\\s*("+y+")$|^$";var G=o++;s[G]="^"+s[v]+"\\s*("+A+")$|^$";var H=o++;s[H]="(\\s*)"+s[v]+"\\s*("+y+"|"+s[S]+")",i[H]=new RegExp(s[H],"g");var K=o++;s[K]="^\\s*("+s[S]+")\\s+-\\s+("+s[S]+")\\s*$";var V=o++;s[V]="^\\s*("+s[w]+")\\s+-\\s+("+s[w]+")\\s*$";var U=o++;s[U]="(<|>)?=?\\s*\\*";for(var Q=0;Q<35;Q++)n(Q,s[Q]),i[Q]||(i[Q]=new RegExp(s[Q]));function J(e,t){if(t&&"object"==typeof t||(t={loose:!!t,includePrerelease:!1}),e instanceof j)return e;if("string"!=typeof e)return null;if(e.length>256)return null;if(!(t.loose?i[E]:i[g]).test(e))return null;try{return new j(e,t)}catch(e){return null}}function j(e,t){if(t&&"object"==typeof t||(t={loose:!!t,includePrerelease:!1}),e instanceof j){if(e.loose===t.loose)return e;e=e.version}else if("string"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("Invalid Version: "+e);if(e.length>256)throw new TypeError("version is longer than 256 characters");if(!(this instanceof j))return new j(e,t);n("SemVer",e,t),this.options=t,this.loose=!!t.loose;var s=e.trim().match(t.loose?i[E]:i[g]);if(!s)throw new TypeError("Invalid Version: "+e);if(this.raw=e,this.major=+s[1],this.minor=+s[2],this.patch=+s[3],this.major>r||this.major<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid major version");if(this.minor>r||this.minor<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid minor version");if(this.patch>r||this.patch<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid patch version");s[4]?this.prerelease=s[4].split(".").map((function(e){if(/^[0-9]+$/.test(e)){var t=+e;if(t>=0&&t<r)return t}return e})):this.prerelease=[],this.build=s[5]?s[5].split("."):[],this.format()}t.parse=J,t.valid=function(e,t){var n=J(e,t);return n?n.version:null},t.clean=function(e,t){var n=J(e.trim().replace(/^[=v]+/,""),t);return n?n.version:null},t.SemVer=j,j.prototype.format=function(){return this.version=this.major+"."+this.minor+"."+this.patch,this.prerelease.length&&(this.version+="-"+this.prerelease.join(".")),this.version},j.prototype.toString=function(){return this.version},j.prototype.compare=function(e){return n("SemVer.compare",this.version,this.options,e),e instanceof j||(e=new j(e,this.options)),this.compareMain(e)||this.comparePre(e)},j.prototype.compareMain=function(e){return e instanceof j||(e=new j(e,this.options)),X(this.major,e.major)||X(this.minor,e.minor)||X(this.patch,e.patch)},j.prototype.comparePre=function(e){if(e instanceof j||(e=new j(e,this.options)),this.prerelease.length&&!e.prerelease.length)return-1;if(!this.prerelease.length&&e.prerelease.length)return 1;if(!this.prerelease.length&&!e.prerelease.length)return 0;var t=0;do{var r=this.prerelease[t],i=e.prerelease[t];if(n("prerelease compare",t,r,i),void 0===r&&void 0===i)return 0;if(void 0===i)return 1;if(void 0===r)return-1;if(r!==i)return X(r,i)}while(++t)},j.prototype.inc=function(e,t){switch(e){case"premajor":this.prerelease.length=0,this.patch=0,this.minor=0,this.major++,this.inc("pre",t);break;case"preminor":this.prerelease.length=0,this.patch=0,this.minor++,this.inc("pre",t);break;case"prepatch":this.prerelease.length=0,this.inc("patch",t),this.inc("pre",t);break;case"prerelease":0===this.prerelease.length&&this.inc("patch",t),this.inc("pre",t);break;case"major":0===this.minor&&0===this.patch&&0!==this.prerelease.length||this.major++,this.minor=0,this.patch=0,this.prerelease=[];break;case"minor":0===this.patch&&0!==this.prerelease.length||this.minor++,this.patch=0,this.prerelease=[];break;case"patch":0===this.prerelease.length&&this.patch++,this.prerelease=[];break;case"pre":if(0===this.prerelease.length)this.prerelease=[0];else{for(var n=this.prerelease.length;--n>=0;)"number"==typeof this.prerelease[n]&&(this.prerelease[n]++,n=-2);-1===n&&this.prerelease.push(0)}t&&(this.prerelease[0]===t?isNaN(this.prerelease[1])&&(this.prerelease=[t,0]):this.prerelease=[t,0]);break;default:throw new Error("invalid increment argument: "+e)}return this.format(),this.raw=this.version,this},t.inc=function(e,t,n,r){"string"==typeof n&&(r=n,n=void 0);try{return new j(e,n).inc(t,r).version}catch(e){return null}},t.diff=function(e,t){if($(e,t))return null;var n=J(e),r=J(t),i="";if(n.prerelease.length||r.prerelease.length){i="pre";var s="prerelease"}for(var o in n)if(("major"===o||"minor"===o||"patch"===o)&&n[o]!==r[o])return i+o;return s},t.compareIdentifiers=X;var W=/^[0-9]+$/;function X(e,t){var n=W.test(e),r=W.test(t);return n&&r&&(e=+e,t=+t),e===t?0:n&&!r?-1:r&&!n?1:e<t?-1:1}function q(e,t,n){return new j(e,n).compare(new j(t,n))}function z(e,t,n){return q(e,t,n)>0}function Y(e,t,n){return q(e,t,n)<0}function $(e,t,n){return 0===q(e,t,n)}function Z(e,t,n){return 0!==q(e,t,n)}function ee(e,t,n){return q(e,t,n)>=0}function te(e,t,n){return q(e,t,n)<=0}function ne(e,t,n,r){switch(t){case"===":return"object"==typeof e&&(e=e.version),"object"==typeof n&&(n=n.version),e===n;case"!==":return"object"==typeof e&&(e=e.version),"object"==typeof n&&(n=n.version),e!==n;case"":case"=":case"==":return $(e,n,r);case"!=":return Z(e,n,r);case">":return z(e,n,r);case">=":return ee(e,n,r);case"<":return Y(e,n,r);case"<=":return te(e,n,r);default:throw new TypeError("Invalid operator: "+t)}}function re(e,t){if(t&&"object"==typeof t||(t={loose:!!t,includePrerelease:!1}),e instanceof re){if(e.loose===!!t.loose)return e;e=e.value}if(!(this instanceof re))return new re(e,t);n("comparator",e,t),this.options=t,this.loose=!!t.loose,this.parse(e),this.semver===ie?this.value="":this.value=this.operator+this.semver.version,n("comp",this)}t.rcompareIdentifiers=function(e,t){return X(t,e)},t.major=function(e,t){return new j(e,t).major},t.minor=function(e,t){return new j(e,t).minor},t.patch=function(e,t){return new j(e,t).patch},t.compare=q,t.compareLoose=function(e,t){return q(e,t,!0)},t.rcompare=function(e,t,n){return q(t,e,n)},t.sort=function(e,n){return e.sort((function(e,r){return t.compare(e,r,n)}))},t.rsort=function(e,n){return e.sort((function(e,r){return t.rcompare(e,r,n)}))},t.gt=z,t.lt=Y,t.eq=$,t.neq=Z,t.gte=ee,t.lte=te,t.cmp=ne,t.Comparator=re;var ie={};function se(e,t){if(t&&"object"==typeof t||(t={loose:!!t,includePrerelease:!1}),e instanceof se)return e.loose===!!t.loose&&e.includePrerelease===!!t.includePrerelease?e:new se(e.raw,t);if(e instanceof re)return new se(e.value,t);if(!(this instanceof se))return new se(e,t);if(this.options=t,this.loose=!!t.loose,this.includePrerelease=!!t.includePrerelease,this.raw=e,this.set=e.split(/\s*\|\|\s*/).map((function(e){return this.parseRange(e.trim())}),this).filter((function(e){return e.length})),!this.set.length)throw new TypeError("Invalid SemVer Range: "+e);this.format()}function oe(e){return!e||"x"===e.toLowerCase()||"*"===e}function ae(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a,B,c,l,u,p){return((t=oe(n)?"":oe(r)?">="+n+".0.0":oe(i)?">="+n+"."+r+".0":">="+t)+" "+(a=oe(B)?"":oe(c)?"<"+(+B+1)+".0.0":oe(l)?"<"+B+"."+(+c+1)+".0":u?"<="+B+"."+c+"."+l+"-"+u:"<="+a)).trim()}function Be(e,t,r){for(var i=0;i<e.length;i++)if(!e[i].test(t))return!1;if(t.prerelease.length&&!r.includePrerelease){for(i=0;i<e.length;i++)if(n(e[i].semver),e[i].semver!==ie&&e[i].semver.prerelease.length>0){var s=e[i].semver;if(s.major===t.major&&s.minor===t.minor&&s.patch===t.patch)return!0}return!1}return!0}function ce(e,t,n){try{t=new se(t,n)}catch(e){return!1}return t.test(e)}function le(e,t,n,r){var i,s,o,a,B;switch(e=new j(e,r),t=new se(t,r),n){case">":i=z,s=te,o=Y,a=">",B=">=";break;case"<":i=Y,s=ee,o=z,a="<",B="<=";break;default:throw new TypeError('Must provide a hilo val of "<" or ">"')}if(ce(e,t,r))return!1;for(var c=0;c<t.set.length;++c){var l=t.set[c],u=null,p=null;if(l.forEach((function(e){e.semver===ie&&(e=new re(">=0.0.0")),u=u||e,p=p||e,i(e.semver,u.semver,r)?u=e:o(e.semver,p.semver,r)&&(p=e)})),u.operator===a||u.operator===B)return!1;if((!p.operator||p.operator===a)&&s(e,p.semver))return!1;if(p.operator===B&&o(e,p.semver))return!1}return!0}re.prototype.parse=function(e){var t=this.options.loose?i[R]:i[G],n=e.match(t);if(!n)throw new TypeError("Invalid comparator: "+e);this.operator=n[1],"="===this.operator&&(this.operator=""),n[2]?this.semver=new j(n[2],this.options.loose):this.semver=ie},re.prototype.toString=function(){return this.value},re.prototype.test=function(e){return n("Comparator.test",e,this.options.loose),this.semver===ie||("string"==typeof e&&(e=new j(e,this.options)),ne(e,this.operator,this.semver,this.options))},re.prototype.intersects=function(e,t){if(!(e instanceof re))throw new TypeError("a Comparator is required");var n;if(t&&"object"==typeof t||(t={loose:!!t,includePrerelease:!1}),""===this.operator)return n=new se(e.value,t),ce(this.value,n,t);if(""===e.operator)return n=new se(this.value,t),ce(e.semver,n,t);var r=!(">="!==this.operator&&">"!==this.operator||">="!==e.operator&&">"!==e.operator),i=!("<="!==this.operator&&"<"!==this.operator||"<="!==e.operator&&"<"!==e.operator),s=this.semver.version===e.semver.version,o=!(">="!==this.operator&&"<="!==this.operator||">="!==e.operator&&"<="!==e.operator),a=ne(this.semver,"<",e.semver,t)&&(">="===this.operator||">"===this.operator)&&("<="===e.operator||"<"===e.operator),B=ne(this.semver,">",e.semver,t)&&("<="===this.operator||"<"===this.operator)&&(">="===e.operator||">"===e.operator);return r||i||s&&o||a||B},t.Range=se,se.prototype.format=function(){return this.range=this.set.map((function(e){return e.join(" ").trim()})).join("||").trim(),this.range},se.prototype.toString=function(){return this.range},se.prototype.parseRange=function(e){var t=this.options.loose;e=e.trim();var r=t?i[V]:i[K];e=e.replace(r,ae),n("hyphen replace",e),e=e.replace(i[H],"$1$2$3"),n("comparator trim",e,i[H]),e=(e=(e=e.replace(i[O],"$1~")).replace(i[M],"$1^")).split(/\s+/).join(" ");var s=t?i[R]:i[G],o=e.split(" ").map((function(e){return function(e,t){return n("comp",e,t),e=function(e,t){return e.trim().split(/\s+/).map((function(e){return function(e,t){n("caret",e,t);var r=t.loose?i[L]:i[F];return e.replace(r,(function(t,r,i,s,o){var a;return n("caret",e,t,r,i,s,o),oe(r)?a="":oe(i)?a=">="+r+".0.0 <"+(+r+1)+".0.0":oe(s)?a="0"===r?">="+r+"."+i+".0 <"+r+"."+(+i+1)+".0":">="+r+"."+i+".0 <"+(+r+1)+".0.0":o?(n("replaceCaret pr",o),a="0"===r?"0"===i?">="+r+"."+i+"."+s+"-"+o+" <"+r+"."+i+"."+(+s+1):">="+r+"."+i+"."+s+"-"+o+" <"+r+"."+(+i+1)+".0":">="+r+"."+i+"."+s+"-"+o+" <"+(+r+1)+".0.0"):(n("no pr"),a="0"===r?"0"===i?">="+r+"."+i+"."+s+" <"+r+"."+i+"."+(+s+1):">="+r+"."+i+"."+s+" <"+r+"."+(+i+1)+".0":">="+r+"."+i+"."+s+" <"+(+r+1)+".0.0"),n("caret return",a),a}))}(e,t)})).join(" ")}(e,t),n("caret",e),e=function(e,t){return e.trim().split(/\s+/).map((function(e){return function(e,t){var r=t.loose?i[T]:i[N];return e.replace(r,(function(t,r,i,s,o){var a;return n("tilde",e,t,r,i,s,o),oe(r)?a="":oe(i)?a=">="+r+".0.0 <"+(+r+1)+".0.0":oe(s)?a=">="+r+"."+i+".0 <"+r+"."+(+i+1)+".0":o?(n("replaceTilde pr",o),a=">="+r+"."+i+"."+s+"-"+o+" <"+r+"."+(+i+1)+".0"):a=">="+r+"."+i+"."+s+" <"+r+"."+(+i+1)+".0",n("tilde return",a),a}))}(e,t)})).join(" ")}(e,t),n("tildes",e),e=function(e,t){return n("replaceXRanges",e,t),e.split(/\s+/).map((function(e){return function(e,t){e=e.trim();var r=t.loose?i[D]:i[x];return e.replace(r,(function(t,r,i,s,o,a){n("xRange",e,t,r,i,s,o,a);var B=oe(i),c=B||oe(s),l=c||oe(o);return"="===r&&l&&(r=""),B?t=">"===r||"<"===r?"<0.0.0":"*":r&&l?(c&&(s=0),o=0,">"===r?(r=">=",c?(i=+i+1,s=0,o=0):(s=+s+1,o=0)):"<="===r&&(r="<",c?i=+i+1:s=+s+1),t=r+i+"."+s+"."+o):c?t=">="+i+".0.0 <"+(+i+1)+".0.0":l&&(t=">="+i+"."+s+".0 <"+i+"."+(+s+1)+".0"),n("xRange return",t),t}))}(e,t)})).join(" ")}(e,t),n("xrange",e),e=function(e,t){return n("replaceStars",e,t),e.trim().replace(i[U],"")}(e,t),n("stars",e),e}(e,this.options)}),this).join(" ").split(/\s+/);return this.options.loose&&(o=o.filter((function(e){return!!e.match(s)}))),o=o.map((function(e){return new re(e,this.options)}),this)},se.prototype.intersects=function(e,t){if(!(e instanceof se))throw new TypeError("a Range is required");return this.set.some((function(n){return n.every((function(n){return e.set.some((function(e){return e.every((function(e){return n.intersects(e,t)}))}))}))}))},t.toComparators=function(e,t){return new se(e,t).set.map((function(e){return e.map((function(e){return e.value})).join(" ").trim().split(" ")}))},se.prototype.test=function(e){if(!e)return!1;"string"==typeof e&&(e=new j(e,this.options));for(var t=0;t<this.set.length;t++)if(Be(this.set[t],e,this.options))return!0;return!1},t.satisfies=ce,t.maxSatisfying=function(e,t,n){var r=null,i=null;try{var s=new se(t,n)}catch(e){return null}return e.forEach((function(e){s.test(e)&&(r&&-1!==i.compare(e)||(i=new j(r=e,n)))})),r},t.minSatisfying=function(e,t,n){var r=null,i=null;try{var s=new se(t,n)}catch(e){return null}return e.forEach((function(e){s.test(e)&&(r&&1!==i.compare(e)||(i=new j(r=e,n)))})),r},t.minVersion=function(e,t){e=new se(e,t);var n=new j("0.0.0");if(e.test(n))return n;if(n=new j("0.0.0-0"),e.test(n))return n;n=null;for(var r=0;r<e.set.length;++r){e.set[r].forEach((function(e){var t=new j(e.semver.version);switch(e.operator){case">":0===t.prerelease.length?t.patch++:t.prerelease.push(0),t.raw=t.format();case"":case">=":n&&!z(n,t)||(n=t);break;case"<":case"<=":break;default:throw new Error("Unexpected operation: "+e.operator)}}))}if(n&&e.test(n))return n;return null},t.validRange=function(e,t){try{return new se(e,t).range||"*"}catch(e){return null}},t.ltr=function(e,t,n){return le(e,t,"<",n)},t.gtr=function(e,t,n){return le(e,t,">",n)},t.outside=le,t.prerelease=function(e,t){var n=J(e,t);return n&&n.prerelease.length?n.prerelease:null},t.intersects=function(e,t,n){return e=new se(e,n),t=new se(t,n),e.intersects(t)},t.coerce=function(e){if(e instanceof j)return e;if("string"!=typeof e)return null;var t=e.match(i[I]);if(null==t)return null;return J(t[1]+"."+(t[2]||"0")+"."+(t[3]||"0"))}}));const S5e=require("path"),w5e="win32"===process.platform,x5e=/\.(?:com|exe)$/i,D5e=/node_modules[\\/].bin[\\/][^\\/]+\.cmd$/i,I5e=F6e((()=>b5e.satisfies(process.version,"^4.8.0 || ^5.7.0 || >= 6.0.0",!0)))||!1;function k5e(e){e.file=p5e(e);const t=e.file&&_5e(e.file);return t?(e.args.unshift(e.file),e.command=t,p5e(e)):e.file}function O5e(e){if(!w5e)return e;const t=k5e(e),n=!x5e.test(t);if(e.options.forceShell||n){const n=D5e.test(t);e.command=S5e.normalize(e.command),e.command=g5e.command(e.command),e.args=e.args.map((e=>g5e.argument(e,n)));const r=[e.command].concat(e.args).join(" ");e.args=["/d","/s","/c",`"${r}"`],e.command=process.env.comspec||"cmd.exe",e.options.windowsVerbatimArguments=!0}return e}function N5e(e){if(I5e)return e;const t=[e.command].concat(e.args).join(" ");return w5e?(e.command="string"==typeof e.options.shell?e.options.shell:process.env.comspec||"cmd.exe",e.args=["/d","/s","/c",`"${t}"`],e.options.windowsVerbatimArguments=!0):("string"==typeof e.options.shell?e.command=e.options.shell:"android"===process.platform?e.command="/system/bin/sh":e.command="/bin/sh",e.args=["-c",t]),e}function T5e(e,t,n){t&&!Array.isArray(t)&&(n=t,t=null);const r={command:e,args:t=t?t.slice(0):[],options:n=Object.assign({},n),file:void 0,original:{command:e,args:t}};return n.shell?N5e(r):O5e(r)}var P5e=T5e;const M5e="win32"===process.platform;function F5e(e,t){return Object.assign(new Error(`${t} ${e.command} ENOENT`),{code:"ENOENT",errno:"ENOENT",syscall:`${t} ${e.command}`,path:e.command,spawnargs:e.args})}function L5e(e,t){if(!M5e)return;const n=e.emit;e.emit=function(r,i){if("exit"===r){const r=R5e(i,t);if(r)return n.call(e,"error",r)}return n.apply(e,arguments)}}function R5e(e,t){return M5e&&1===e&&!t.file?F5e(t.original,"spawn"):null}function G5e(e,t){return M5e&&1===e&&!t.file?F5e(t.original,"spawnSync"):null}var H5e={hookChildProcess:L5e,verifyENOENT:R5e,verifyENOENTSync:G5e,notFoundError:F5e};const K5e=require("child_process");function V5e(e,t,n){const r=P5e(e,t,n),i=K5e.spawn(r.command,r.args,r.options);return H5e.hookChildProcess(i,r),i}function U5e(e,t,n){const r=P5e(e,t,n),i=K5e.spawnSync(r.command,r.args,r.options);return i.error=i.error||H5e.verifyENOENTSync(i.status,r),i}var Q5e=V5e,J5e=V5e,j5e=U5e,W5e=P5e,X5e=H5e;Q5e.spawn=J5e,Q5e.sync=j5e,Q5e._parse=W5e,Q5e._enoent=X5e;const q5e=process.stdin,z5e=process.stderr;let Y5e={hide:(e,t={})=>Y5e.raw(e,!1,t),mask:(e,t={})=>Y5e.raw(e,!0,t),raw:(e,t,n={})=>q5e.setRawMode&&"dumb"!==process.env.TERM?new Promise((function(r,i){const s=M6e;let o="";function a(){t?z5e.write(s.cursorHide+s.cursorLeft+e+o.replace(/./g,"*")+"\n"+s.cursorShow):z5e.write("\n"),q5e.removeListener("data",B),q5e.setRawMode(!1),q5e.pause()}z5e.write(s.eraseLine),z5e.write(s.cursorLeft),z5e.write(e),q5e.resume(),q5e.setRawMode(!0);let B=function(e){switch(e){case"":case"\r":case"\n":return void(n.required&&0===o.length||(a(),o=o.replace(/\r$/,""),o=o||n.default,r(o)));case"":return i(new Error("SIGINT")),void a();default:return 127===e.charCodeAt(0)?void(0!==o.length&&(o=o.substr(0,o.length-1),z5e.write(s.cursorBackward(1)),z5e.write(s.eraseEndLine))):function(e){o+=e,z5e.write(t?e:"*".repeat(e.length))}(e)}};q5e.on("data",B)})):Y5e.notty(e),notty:e=>new Promise(((t,n)=>{const r=Q5e;z5e.write(e);let i=r.sync("sh",["-c","read -s PASS && echo $PASS"],{stdio:["inherit","pipe","inherit"],encoding:"utf8"});if(z5e.write("\n"),i.error)return n(i.error);t(i.stdout.trim())}))};function $5e(e,t={}){return t=Object.assign({method:"mask",required:void 0===t.default,default:""},t),q5e.setEncoding("utf8"),Y5e[t.method](e,t).then((n=>n||(t.required?$5e(e):"")))}var Z5e=$5e,e4e=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});const n=AZe.__importDefault(Z5e),r={getWindowsEncryptionPassword(){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){return yield n.default("devcert password (http://bit.ly/devcert-what-password?):")}))},warnChromeOnLinuxWithoutCertutil(){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){console.warn("\n WARNING: It looks like you have Chrome installed, but you specified\n 'skipCertutilInstall: true'. Unfortunately, without installing\n certutil, it's impossible get Chrome to trust devcert's certificates\n The certificates will work, but Chrome will continue to warn you that\n they are untrusted.\n ")}))},closeFirefoxBeforeContinuing(){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){console.log("Please close Firefox before continuing")}))},startFirefoxWizard(e){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){console.log(`\n devcert was unable to automatically configure Firefox. You'll need to\n complete this process manually. Don't worry though - Firefox will walk\n you through it.\n\n When you're ready, hit any key to continue. Firefox will launch and\n display a wizard to walk you through how to trust the devcert\n certificate. When you are finished, come back here and we'll finish up.\n\n (If Firefox doesn't start, go ahead and start it and navigate to\n ${e} in a new tab.)\n\n If you are curious about why all this is necessary, check out\n https://github.com/davewasmer/devcert#how-it-works\n\n <Press any key to launch Firefox wizard>\n `),yield k6e.waitForUser()}))},firefoxWizardPromptPage(e){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){return`\n <html>\n <head>\n <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=${e}" />\n </head>\n </html>\n `}))},waitForFirefoxWizard(){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){console.log("\n Launching Firefox ...\n\n Great! Once you've finished the Firefox wizard for adding the devcert\n certificate, just hit any key here again and we'll wrap up.\n\n <Press any key to continue>\n "),yield k6e.waitForUser()}))}};t.default=r})),t4e=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});const n=AZe.__importDefault(require("path")),r=AZe.__importDefault(require("url")),i=AZe.__importDefault(QZe),s=AZe.__importDefault(require("assert")),o=AZe.__importDefault(P6e),a=AZe.__importDefault(require("http")),B=require("fs"),c=AZe.__importDefault(e4e),l=require("child_process"),u=i.default("devcert:platforms:shared");function p(e,t){d2e.sync(e).forEach((e=>{u(`checking to see if ${e} is a valid NSS database directory`),B.existsSync(n.default.join(e,"cert8.db"))&&(u(`Found legacy NSS database in ${e}, running callback...`),t(e,"legacy")),B.existsSync(n.default.join(e,"cert9.db"))&&(u(`Found modern NSS database in ${e}, running callback...`),t(e,"modern"))}))}function h(){return s.default(O6e.isMac||O6e.isLinux,"checkForOpenFirefox was invoked on a platform other than Mac or Linux"),l.execSync("ps aux").indexOf("firefox")>-1}function d(e){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){return new Promise((t=>setTimeout(t,e)))}))}t.addCertificateToNSSCertDB=function(e,t,n){u(`trying to install certificate into NSS databases in ${e}`),p(e,((e,r)=>{const i="modern"===r?`sql:${e}`:e;k6e.run(n,["-A","-d",i,"-t","C,,","-i",t,"-n","devcert"])})),u(`finished scanning & installing certificate in NSS databases in ${e}`)},t.removeCertificateFromNSSCertDB=function(e,t,n){u(`trying to remove certificates from NSS databases in ${e}`),p(e,((e,r)=>{const i="modern"===r?`sql:${e}`:e;try{k6e.run(n,["-A","-d",i,"-t","C,,","-i",t,"-n","devcert"])}catch(n){u(`failed to remove ${t} from ${e}, continuing. ${n.toString()}`)}})),u(`finished scanning & installing certificate in NSS databases in ${e}`)},t.closeFirefox=function(){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){if(h())for(yield c.default.closeFirefoxBeforeContinuing();h();)yield d(50)}))},t.openCertificateInFirefox=function(e,t){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){u("Adding devert to Firefox trust stores manually. Launching a webserver to host our certificate temporarily ...");let n=yield o.default(),i=a.default.createServer(((e,i)=>AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){let{pathname:s}=r.default.parse(e.url);"/certificate"===s?(i.writeHead(200,{"Content-type":"application/x-x509-ca-cert"}),i.write(B.readFileSync(t)),i.end()):(i.writeHead(200),i.write(yield c.default.firefoxWizardPromptPage(`http://localhost:${n}/certificate`)),i.end())})))).listen(n);u("Certificate server is up. Printing instructions for user and launching Firefox with hosted certificate URL"),yield c.default.startFirefoxWizard(`http://localhost:${n}`),k6e.run(e,[`http://localhost:${n}`]),yield c.default.waitForFirefoxWizard(),i.close()}))},t.assertNotTouchingFiles=function(e,t){if(!e.startsWith(O6e.configDir)&&!e.startsWith(O6e.getLegacyConfigDir()))throw new Error(`Devcert cannot ${t} ${e}; it is outside known devcert config directories!`)}})),n4e=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});const n=AZe.__importDefault(require("path")),r=require("fs"),i=AZe.__importDefault(QZe).default("devcert:platforms:macos"),s=()=>n.default.join(k6e.run("brew",["--prefix","nss"]).toString().trim(),"bin","certutil");t.default=class{constructor(){this.FIREFOX_BUNDLE_PATH="/Applications/Firefox.app",this.FIREFOX_BIN_PATH=n.default.join(this.FIREFOX_BUNDLE_PATH,"Contents/MacOS/firefox"),this.FIREFOX_NSS_DIR=n.default.join(process.env.HOME,"Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/*"),this.HOST_FILE_PATH="/etc/hosts"}addToTrustStores(e,t={}){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){if(i("Adding devcert root CA to macOS system keychain"),k6e.run("sudo",["security","add-trusted-cert","-d","-r","trustRoot","-k","/Library/Keychains/System.keychain","-p","ssl","-p","basic",e]),this.isFirefoxInstalled()){if(i("Firefox install detected. Adding devcert root CA to Firefox trust store"),!this.isNSSInstalled()){if(t.skipCertutilInstall)return i("certutil is not already installed, and skipCertutilInstall is true, so we have to fall back to a manual install"),yield t4e.openCertificateInFirefox(this.FIREFOX_BIN_PATH,e);if(!l1e.sync("brew"))return i("Homebrew didn't work, so we can't try to install certutil. Falling back to manual certificate install"),yield t4e.openCertificateInFirefox(this.FIREFOX_BIN_PATH,e);i("certutil is not already installed, but Homebrew is detected. Trying to install certutil via Homebrew...");try{k6e.run("brew",["install","nss"],{stdio:"ignore"})}catch(e){i("brew install nss failed")}}yield t4e.closeFirefox(),yield t4e.addCertificateToNSSCertDB(this.FIREFOX_NSS_DIR,e,s())}else i("Firefox does not appear to be installed, skipping Firefox-specific steps...")}))}removeFromTrustStores(e){i("Removing devcert root CA from macOS system keychain");try{k6e.run("sudo",["security","remove-trusted-cert","-d",e],{stdio:"ignore"})}catch(t){i(`failed to remove ${e} from macOS cert store, continuing. ${t.toString()}`)}this.isFirefoxInstalled()&&this.isNSSInstalled()&&(i("Firefox install and certutil install detected. Trying to remove root CA from Firefox NSS databases"),t4e.removeCertificateFromNSSCertDB(this.FIREFOX_NSS_DIR,e,s()))}addDomainToHostFileIfMissing(e){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){const t=e.trim().replace(/[\s;]/g,"");r.readFileSync(this.HOST_FILE_PATH,"utf8").includes(t)||k6e.sudoAppend(this.HOST_FILE_PATH,` ${t}\n`)}))}deleteProtectedFiles(e){t4e.assertNotTouchingFiles(e,"delete"),k6e.run("sudo",["rm","-rf",e])}readProtectedFile(e){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){return t4e.assertNotTouchingFiles(e,"read"),(yield k6e.run("sudo",["cat",e])).toString().trim()}))}writeProtectedFile(e,t){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){t4e.assertNotTouchingFiles(e,"write"),r.existsSync(e)&&(yield k6e.run("sudo",["rm",e])),r.writeFileSync(e,t),yield k6e.run("sudo",["chown","0",e]),yield k6e.run("sudo",["chmod","600",e])}))}isFirefoxInstalled(){return r.existsSync(this.FIREFOX_BUNDLE_PATH)}isNSSInstalled(){try{return k6e.run("brew",["list","-1"]).toString().includes("\nnss\n")}catch(e){return!1}}}})),r4e=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});const n=AZe.__importDefault(require("path")),r=require("fs"),i=AZe.__importDefault(QZe),s=AZe.__importDefault(e4e),o=i.default("devcert:platforms:linux");t.default=class{constructor(){this.FIREFOX_NSS_DIR=n.default.join(process.env.HOME,".mozilla/firefox/*"),this.CHROME_NSS_DIR=n.default.join(process.env.HOME,".pki/nssdb"),this.FIREFOX_BIN_PATH="/usr/bin/firefox",this.CHROME_BIN_PATH="/usr/bin/google-chrome",this.HOST_FILE_PATH="/etc/hosts"}addToTrustStores(e,t={}){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){o("Adding devcert root CA to Linux system-wide trust stores"),k6e.run("sudo",["cp",e,"/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/devcert.crt"]),k6e.run("sudo",["update-ca-certificates"]),this.isFirefoxInstalled()?(o("Firefox install detected: adding devcert root CA to Firefox-specific trust stores ..."),l1e.sync("certutil")||(t.skipCertutilInstall?(o("NSS tooling is not already installed, and `skipCertutil` is true, so falling back to manual certificate install for Firefox"),t4e.openCertificateInFirefox(this.FIREFOX_BIN_PATH,e)):(o("NSS tooling is not already installed. Trying to install NSS tooling now with `apt install`"),k6e.run("sudo",["apt","install","libnss3-tools"]),o("Installing certificate into Firefox trust stores using NSS tooling"),yield t4e.closeFirefox(),yield t4e.addCertificateToNSSCertDB(this.FIREFOX_NSS_DIR,e,"certutil")))):o("Firefox does not appear to be installed, skipping Firefox-specific steps..."),this.isChromeInstalled()?(o("Chrome install detected: adding devcert root CA to Chrome trust store ..."),l1e.sync("certutil")?(yield t4e.closeFirefox(),yield t4e.addCertificateToNSSCertDB(this.CHROME_NSS_DIR,e,"certutil")):s.default.warnChromeOnLinuxWithoutCertutil()):o("Chrome does not appear to be installed, skipping Chrome-specific steps...")}))}removeFromTrustStores(e){try{k6e.run("sudo",["rm","/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/devcert.crt"]),k6e.run("sudo",["update-ca-certificates"])}catch(t){o(`failed to remove ${e} from /usr/local/share/ca-certificates, continuing. ${t.toString()}`)}l1e.sync("certutil")&&(this.isFirefoxInstalled()&&t4e.removeCertificateFromNSSCertDB(this.FIREFOX_NSS_DIR,e,"certutil"),this.isChromeInstalled()&&t4e.removeCertificateFromNSSCertDB(this.CHROME_NSS_DIR,e,"certutil"))}addDomainToHostFileIfMissing(e){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){const t=e.trim().replace(/[\s;]/g,"");r.readFileSync(this.HOST_FILE_PATH,"utf8").includes(t)||k6e.sudoAppend(this.HOST_FILE_PATH,` ${t}\n`)}))}deleteProtectedFiles(e){t4e.assertNotTouchingFiles(e,"delete"),k6e.run("sudo",["rm","-rf",e])}readProtectedFile(e){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){return t4e.assertNotTouchingFiles(e,"read"),(yield k6e.run("sudo",["cat",e])).toString().trim()}))}writeProtectedFile(e,t){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){t4e.assertNotTouchingFiles(e,"write"),r.existsSync(e)&&(yield k6e.run("sudo",["rm",e])),r.writeFileSync(e,t),yield k6e.run("sudo",["chown","0",e]),yield k6e.run("sudo",["chmod","600",e])}))}isFirefoxInstalled(){return r.existsSync(this.FIREFOX_BIN_PATH)}isChromeInstalled(){return r.existsSync(this.CHROME_BIN_PATH)}}})),i4e=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});const n=AZe.__importDefault(QZe),r=AZe.__importDefault(require("crypto")),i=require("fs"),s=AZe.__importDefault(e4e),o=n.default("devcert:platforms:windows");let a;t.default=class{constructor(){this.HOST_FILE_PATH="C:\\Windows\\System32\\Drivers\\etc\\hosts"}addToTrustStores(e,t={}){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){o("adding devcert root to Windows OS trust store");try{k6e.run("certutil",["-addstore","-user","root",e])}catch(e){e.output.map((e=>{e&&console.log(e.toString())}))}o("adding devcert root to Firefox trust store");try{yield t4e.openCertificateInFirefox("start firefox",e)}catch(e){o("Error opening Firefox, most likely Firefox is not installed")}}))}removeFromTrustStores(e){o("removing devcert root from Windows OS trust store");try{console.warn("Removing old certificates from trust stores. You may be prompted to grant permission for this. It's safe to delete old devcert certificates."),k6e.run("certutil",["-delstore","-user","root","devcert"])}catch(t){o(`failed to remove ${e} from Windows OS trust store, continuing. ${t.toString()}`)}}addDomainToHostFileIfMissing(e){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){i.readFileSync(this.HOST_FILE_PATH,"utf8").includes(e)||(yield k6e.sudo(`echo ${e} >> ${this.HOST_FILE_PATH}`))}))}deleteProtectedFiles(e){t4e.assertNotTouchingFiles(e,"delete"),D2e.sync(e)}readProtectedFile(e){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){t4e.assertNotTouchingFiles(e,"read"),a||(a=yield s.default.getWindowsEncryptionPassword());try{return this.decrypt(i.readFileSync(e,"utf8"),a)}catch(t){if(t.message.indexOf("bad decrypt")>=-1)return a=null,yield this.readProtectedFile(e);throw t}}))}writeProtectedFile(e,t){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){t4e.assertNotTouchingFiles(e,"write"),a||(a=yield s.default.getWindowsEncryptionPassword());let n=this.encrypt(t,a);i.writeFileSync(e,n)}))}encrypt(e,t){let n=r.default.createCipher("aes256",new Buffer(t));return n.update(e,"utf8","hex")+n.final("hex")}decrypt(e,t){let n=r.default.createDecipher("aes256",new Buffer(t));return n.update(e,"hex","utf8")+n.final("utf8")}}})),s4e=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});const n={darwin:n4e,linux:r4e,shared:t4e,win32:i4e}[process.platform].default;t.default=new n})),o4e=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});const n=AZe.__importDefault(QZe),r=require("fs"),i=n.default("devcert:certificates");function s(e){i(`generateKey: ${e}`),k6e.openssl(["genrsa","-out",e,"2048"]),r.chmodSync(e,400)}t.default=function(e){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){z2e.sync(O6e.pathForDomain(e)),i(`Generating private key for ${e}`);let t=O6e.pathForDomain(e,"private-key.key");s(t),i(`Generating certificate signing request for ${e}`);let n=O6e.pathForDomain(e,"certificate-signing-request.csr");O6e.withDomainSigningRequestConfig(e,(e=>{k6e.openssl(["req","-new","-config",e,"-key",t,"-out",n])})),i(`Generating certificate for ${e} from signing request and signing with root CA`);let r=O6e.pathForDomain(e,"certificate.crt");yield a4e.withCertificateAuthorityCredentials((({caKeyPath:t,caCertPath:i})=>{O6e.withDomainCertificateConfig(e,(e=>{k6e.openssl(["ca","-config",e,"-in",n,"-out",r,"-keyfile",t,"-cert",i,"-days","825","-batch"])}))}))}))},t.generateKey=s})),a4e=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});const n=require("fs"),r=AZe.__importDefault(QZe),i=AZe.__importDefault(s4e),s=r.default("devcert:certificate-authority");function o(e={}){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){s("Uninstalling existing certificates, which will be void once any existing CA is gone"),B(),O6e.ensureConfigDirs(),s("Making a temp working directory for files to copied in");let t=k6e.mktmp();s("Generating the OpenSSL configuration needed to setup the certificate authority"),n.writeFileSync(O6e.caVersionFile,"2"),n.writeFileSync(O6e.opensslDatabaseFilePath,""),n.writeFileSync(O6e.opensslSerialFilePath,"01"),s("Generating a private key"),o4e.generateKey(t),s("Generating a CA certificate"),k6e.openssl(["req","-new","-x509","-config",O6e.caSelfSignConfig,"-key",t,"-out",O6e.rootCACertPath,"-days","825"]),s("Saving certificate authority credentials"),yield function(e){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){s("Saving devcert's certificate authority credentials");let t=n.readFileSync(e,"utf-8");yield i.default.writeProtectedFile(O6e.rootCAKeyPath,t)}))}(t),s("Adding the root certificate authority to trust stores"),yield i.default.addToTrustStores(O6e.rootCACertPath,e)}))}function a(){try{return k6e.openssl(["x509","-in",O6e.rootCACertPath,"-noout"]),""}catch(e){return e.toString()}}function B(){i.default.removeFromTrustStores(O6e.rootCACertPath),i.default.deleteProtectedFiles(O6e.domainsDir),i.default.deleteProtectedFiles(O6e.rootCADir),i.default.deleteProtectedFiles(O6e.getLegacyConfigDir())}t.default=o,t.withCertificateAuthorityCredentials=function(e){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){s("Retrieving devcert's certificate authority credentials");let t=k6e.mktmp(),r=yield i.default.readProtectedFile(O6e.rootCAKeyPath);n.writeFileSync(t,r),yield e({caKeyPath:t,caCertPath:O6e.rootCACertPath}),n.unlinkSync(t)}))},t.ensureCACertReadable=function(e={}){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){if(!a())return;try{const e=yield i.default.readProtectedFile(O6e.rootCACertPath);i.default.deleteProtectedFiles(O6e.rootCACertPath),n.writeFileSync(O6e.rootCACertPath,e)}catch(t){return o(e)}return a()?o(e):void 0}))},t.uninstall=B})),B4e=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});const n=require("fs"),r=AZe.__importDefault(QZe),i=AZe.__importDefault(D2e),s=AZe.__importDefault(s4e),o=AZe.__importStar(a4e);t.uninstall=o.uninstall;const a=AZe.__importDefault(o4e),B=AZe.__importDefault(e4e),c=r.default("devcert");t.certificateFor=function(e,t={}){return AZe.__awaiter(this,void 0,void 0,(function*(){if(O6e.VALID_IP.test(e))throw new Error("IP addresses are not supported currently");if(!O6e.VALID_DOMAIN.test(e))throw new Error(`"${e}" is not a valid domain name.`);if(c(`Certificate requested for ${e}. Skipping certutil install: ${Boolean(t.skipCertutilInstall)}. Skipping hosts file: ${Boolean(t.skipHostsFile)}`),t.ui&&Object.assign(B.default,t.ui),!O6e.isMac&&!O6e.isLinux&&!O6e.isWindows)throw new Error(`Platform not supported: "${process.platform}"`);if(!l1e.sync("openssl"))throw new Error("OpenSSL not found: OpenSSL is required to generate SSL certificates - make sure it is installed and available in your PATH");let r=O6e.pathForDomain(e,"private-key.key"),i=O6e.pathForDomain(e,"certificate.crt");n.existsSync(O6e.rootCAKeyPath)?(t.getCaBuffer||t.getCaPath)&&(c("Root CA is not readable, but it probably is because an earlier version of devcert locked it. Trying to fix..."),yield o.ensureCACertReadable(t)):(c("Root CA is not installed yet, so it must be our first run. Installing root CA ..."),yield o.default(t)),n.existsSync(O6e.pathForDomain(e,"certificate.crt"))||(c(`Can't find certificate file for ${e}, so it must be the first request for ${e}. Generating and caching ...`),yield a.default(e)),t.skipHostsFile||(yield s.default.addDomainToHostFileIfMissing(e)),c("Returning domain certificate");const l={key:n.readFileSync(r),cert:n.readFileSync(i)};return t.getCaBuffer&&(l.ca=n.readFileSync(O6e.rootCACertPath)),t.getCaPath&&(l.caPath=O6e.rootCACertPath),l}))},t.hasCertificateFor=function(e){return n.existsSync(O6e.pathForDomain(e,"certificate.crt"))},t.configuredDomains=function(){return n.readdirSync(O6e.domainsDir)},t.removeDomain=function(e){return i.default.sync(O6e.pathForDomain(e))}}));async function c4e(e={}){const t=process.env.HOST||"localhost",{key:n,cert:r}=await B4e.certificateFor(t);return p.createSecureServer({key:n,cert:r,allowHTTP1:!0,...e})}function l4e(e,t){for(var n=0,r=e.length;n<r;n++)if(!t(e[n],n,e))return!1;return!0}const u4e="/",p4e=0,h4e=1,d4e=2,f4e=3,C4e=47,m4e=58,g4e=42,A4e=63;function y4e(e){if(e===u4e)return e;e.charCodeAt(0)===C4e&&(e=e.substring(1));var t=e.length-1;return e.charCodeAt(t)===C4e?e.substring(0,t):e}function E4e(e){return(e=y4e(e))===u4e?[u4e]:e.split(u4e)}function v4e(e,t,n){return n=e[n],t.val===n&&t.type===p4e||(n===u4e?t.type>h4e:t.type!==p4e&&(n||"").endsWith(t.end))}function _4e(e,t){for(var n,r,i=0,s=E4e(e),o=s.length,a=v4e.bind(v4e,s);i<t.length;i++)if(((r=(n=t[i]).length)===o||r<o&&n[r-1].type===d4e||r>o&&n[r-1].type===f4e)&&l4e(n,a))return n;return[]}function b4e(e){if(e===u4e)return[{old:e,type:p4e,val:e,end:""}];for(var t,n,r,i,s=y4e(e),o=-1,a=0,B=s.length,c=[];++o<B;)if((t=s.charCodeAt(o))!==m4e)if(t!==g4e){for(a=o;o<B&&s.charCodeAt(o)!==C4e;)++o;c.push({old:e,type:p4e,val:s.substring(a,o),end:""}),s=s.substring(o),B-=o,o=a=0}else c.push({old:e,type:d4e,val:s.substring(o),end:""});else{for(a=o+1,r=h4e,n=0,i="";o<B&&s.charCodeAt(o)!==C4e;)(t=s.charCodeAt(o))===A4e?(n=o,r=f4e):46===t&&0===i.length&&(i=s.substring(n=o)),o++;c.push({old:e,type:r,val:s.substring(a,n||o),end:i}),s=s.substring(o),B-=o,o=0}return c}function S4e(e,t){for(var n,r,i=0,s=E4e(e),o={};i<t.length;i++)n=s[i],r=t[i],n!==u4e&&void 0!==n&&r.type|2===f4e&&(o[r.val]=n.replace(r.end,""));return o}const w4e={__proto__:null,match:_4e,parse:b4e,exec:S4e},x4e=T(w4e),{exec:D4e,match:I4e,parse:k4e}=x4e;class O4e{constructor(e){this.opts=e||{},this.routes={},this.handlers={},this.all=this.add.bind(this,"*"),this.get=this.add.bind(this,"GET"),this.head=this.add.bind(this,"HEAD"),this.patch=this.add.bind(this,"PATCH"),this.options=this.add.bind(this,"OPTIONS"),this.connect=this.add.bind(this,"CONNECT"),this.delete=this.add.bind(this,"DELETE"),this.trace=this.add.bind(this,"TRACE"),this.post=this.add.bind(this,"POST"),this.put=this.add.bind(this,"PUT")}add(e,t,...n){return void 0===this.routes[e]&&(this.routes[e]=[]),this.routes[e].push(k4e(t)),void 0===this.handlers[e]&&(this.handlers[e]={}),this.handlers[e][t]=n,this}find(e,t){let n=I4e(t,this.routes[e]||[]);return!(0===n.length&&(n=I4e(t,this.routes[e="*"]||[]),!n.length))&&{params:D4e(t,n),handlers:this.handlers[e][n[0].old]}}}var N4e=O4e,T4e=function(e){let t=e.url;if(void 0===t)return t;let n=e._parsedUrl;if(n&&n._raw===t)return n;n={},n.query=n.search=null,n.href=n.path=n.pathname=t;let r=t.indexOf("?",1);return-1!==r&&(n.search=t.substring(r),n.query=n.search.substring(1),n.pathname=t.substring(0,r)),n._raw=t,e._parsedUrl=n};const P4e=require("http"),{parse:M4e}=require("querystring");function F4e(e){return 47===e.charCodeAt(0)?e:"/"+e}function L4e(e){let t=e.indexOf("/",1);return t>1?e.substring(0,t):e}function R4e(e,t){t.url=t.url.substring(e.length)||"/",t.path=t.path.substring(e.length)||"/"}function G4e(e,t,n,r){let i=n.statusCode=e.code||e.status||500;n.end(e.length&&e||e.message||P4e.STATUS_CODES[i])}class H4e extends N4e{constructor(e={}){super(e),this.apps={},this.wares=[],this.bwares={},this.parse=T4e,this.server=e.server,this.handler=this.handler.bind(this),this.onError=e.onError||G4e,this.onNoMatch=e.onNoMatch||this.onError.bind(null,{code:404})}add(e,t,...n){let r=F4e(L4e(t));if(void 0!==this.apps[r])throw new Error(`Cannot mount ".${e.toLowerCase()}('${F4e(t)}')" because a Polka application at ".use('${r}')" already exists! 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B=[""],h=e.headers["accept-encoding"]||"";o&&h.includes("gzip")&&B.unshift(...o),a&&/(br|brotli)/i.test(h)&&B.unshift(...a),B.push(...s);let f=e.path||Q4e(e,!0).pathname,C=d(f,B)||u&&!z4e(f,p)&&d(c,B);return C?l&&e.headers["if-none-match"]===C.headers.ETag?(t.writeHead(304),t.end()):((o||a)&&t.setHeader("Vary","Accept-Encoding"),i(t,f,C.stats),void t8e(e,t,C.abs,C.stats,C.headers)):n?n():r(e,t)}}const s8e=/text|javascript|\/json|xml/i,o8e=()=>{},a8e=(e,t)=>e?Buffer.byteLength(e,t):0;function B8e({threshold:e=1024,level:t=-1,brotli:n=!1,gzip:r=!0,mimes:i=s8e}={}){const o="object"==typeof n&&n||{},a="object"==typeof r&&r||{};return s.createBrotliCompress||(n=!1),(B,c,l=o8e)=>{const u=B.headers["accept-encoding"]+"",p=(n&&u.match(/\bbr\b/)||r&&u.match(/\bgzip\b/)||[])[0];if("HEAD"===B.method||!p)return l();let h,d,f=[],C=!1,m=0;function g(){C=!0,m=0|c.getHeader("Content-Length")||m;const 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a=u8e;if(p8e=n,u8e=o,a)return null}}return e}const m8e={ArrayPattern(e,t){for(const n of t.elements)n&&m8e[n.type](e,n)},AssignmentPattern(e,t){m8e[t.left.type](e,t.left)},Identifier(e,t){e.push(t.name)},MemberExpression(){},ObjectPattern(e,t){for(const n of t.properties)"RestElement"===n.type?m8e.RestElement(e,n):m8e[n.value.type](e,n.value)},RestElement(e,t){m8e[t.argument.type](e,t.argument)}},g8e=function(e){const t=[];return m8e[e.type](t,e),t},A8e={const:!0,let:!0};class y8e{constructor(e={}){this.parent=e.parent,this.isBlockScope=!!e.block,this.declarations=Object.create(null),e.params&&e.params.forEach((e=>{g8e(e).forEach((e=>{this.declarations[e]=!0}))}))}addDeclaration(e,t,n){!t&&this.isBlockScope?this.parent.addDeclaration(e,t,n):e.id&&g8e(e.id).forEach((e=>{this.declarations[e]=!0}))}contains(e){return this.declarations[e]||!!this.parent&&this.parent.contains(e)}}const E8e=function(e,t="scope"){let n=new y8e;return c8e(e,{enter(e,r){const i=e;if(/(Function|Class)Declaration/.test(i.type)&&n.addDeclaration(i,!1,!1),"VariableDeclaration"===i.type){const{kind:e}=i,t=A8e[e],s=r?r.type:"";t&&/ForOfStatement/.test(s)||i.declarations.forEach((e=>{n.addDeclaration(e,t,!0)}))}let s;if(/Function/.test(i.type)){const e=i;s=new y8e({parent:n,block:!1,params:e.params}),"FunctionExpression"===e.type&&e.id&&s.addDeclaration(e,!1,!1)}"BlockStatement"!==i.type||/Function/.test(r.type)||(s=new y8e({parent:n,block:!0})),"CatchClause"===i.type&&(s=new y8e({parent:n,params:i.param?[i.param]:[],block:!0})),s&&(Object.defineProperty(i,t,{value:s,configurable:!0}),n=s)},leave(e){e[t]&&(n=n.parent)}}),n};function v8e(e){return Array.isArray(e)}function _8e(e){return v8e(e)?e:null==e?[]:[e]}function b8e(e,n){if(!1===n)return e;const r=t.resolve(n||"").split(t.sep).join("/").replace(/[-^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g,"\\$&");return t.posix.join(r,e)}const S8e=function(e,n,r){const i=r&&r.resolve,s=e=>e instanceof RegExp?e:{test:t=>{const n=b8e(e,i);return Nje(n,{dot:!0})(t)}},o=_8e(e).map(s),a=_8e(n).map(s);return function(e){if("string"!=typeof e)return!1;if(/\0/.test(e))return!1;const n=e.split(t.sep).join("/");for(let e=0;e<a.length;++e){if(a[e].test(n))return!1}for(let e=0;e<o.length;++e){if(o[e].test(n))return!0}return!o.length}},w8e="break case class catch const continue debugger default delete do else export extends finally for function if import in instanceof let new return super switch this throw try typeof var void while with yield enum await implements package protected static interface private public",x8e="arguments Infinity NaN undefined null true false eval uneval isFinite isNaN parseFloat parseInt decodeURI decodeURIComponent encodeURI encodeURIComponent escape unescape Object Function Boolean Symbol Error EvalError InternalError RangeError ReferenceError SyntaxError TypeError URIError Number Math Date String RegExp Array Int8Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray Int16Array Uint16Array Int32Array Uint32Array Float32Array Float64Array Map Set WeakMap WeakSet SIMD ArrayBuffer DataView JSON Promise Generator GeneratorFunction Reflect Proxy Intl",D8e=new Set(`${w8e} ${x8e}`.split(" "));D8e.add("");const I8e=function(e){let t=e.replace(/-(\w)/g,((e,t)=>t.toUpperCase())).replace(/[^$_a-zA-Z0-9]/g,"_");return(/\d/.test(t[0])||D8e.has(t))&&(t=`_${t}`),t||"_"};var k8e=require("path"),O8e=function(e,t){if(t)var n=t.map((function(t){return k8e.resolve(e,t)}));else n=e;var r=n.slice(1).reduce((function(e,t){if(!t.match(/^([A-Za-z]:)?\/|\\/))throw new Error("relative path without a basedir");for(var n=t.split(/\/+|\\+/),r=0;e[r]===n[r]&&r<Math.min(e.length,n.length);r++);return e.slice(0,r)}),n[0].split(/\/+|\\+/));return r.length>1?r.join("/"):"/"};function N8e(e,{enter:t,leave:n}){return G8e(e,null,t,n)}let T8e=!1,P8e=!1,M8e=null;const F8e={skip:()=>T8e=!0,remove:()=>P8e=!0,replace:e=>M8e=e};function L8e(e,t,n,r){e&&(null!==n?e[t][n]=r:e[t]=r)}function R8e(e,t,n){e&&(null!==n?e[t].splice(n,1):delete e[t])}function G8e(e,t,n,r,i,s){if(e){if(n){const r=T8e,o=P8e,a=M8e;T8e=!1,P8e=!1,M8e=null,n.call(F8e,e,t,i,s),M8e&&L8e(t,i,s,e=M8e),P8e&&R8e(t,i,s);const B=T8e,c=P8e;if(T8e=r,P8e=o,M8e=a,B)return e;if(c)return null}for(const t in e){const i=e[t];if("object"==typeof i)if(Array.isArray(i))for(let s=0,o=0;s<i.length;s+=1,o+=1)null!==i[s]&&"string"==typeof i[s].type&&(G8e(i[s],e,n,r,t,o)||s--);else null!==i&&"string"==typeof i.type&&G8e(i,e,n,r,t,null)}if(r){const n=M8e,o=P8e;M8e=null,P8e=!1,r.call(F8e,e,t,i,s),M8e&&L8e(t,i,s,e=M8e),P8e&&R8e(t,i,s);const a=P8e;if(M8e=n,P8e=o,a)return null}}return e}var H8e=function(){var e=Error.prepareStackTrace;Error.prepareStackTrace=function(e,t){return t};var t=(new Error).stack;return Error.prepareStackTrace=e,t[2].getFileName()},K8e=N((function(e){var t="win32"===process.platform,n=/^([a-zA-Z]:|[\\\/]{2}[^\\\/]+[\\\/]+[^\\\/]+)?([\\\/])?([\s\S]*?)$/,r=/^([\s\S]*?)((?:\.{1,2}|[^\\\/]+?|)(\.[^.\/\\]*|))(?:[\\\/]*)$/,i={};i.parse=function(e){if("string"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("Parameter 'pathString' must be a string, not "+typeof e);var t,i,s,o,a,B=(t=e,i=n.exec(t),s=(i[1]||"")+(i[2]||""),o=i[3]||"",a=r.exec(o),[s,a[1],a[2],a[3]]);if(!B||4!==B.length)throw new TypeError("Invalid path '"+e+"'");return{root:B[0],dir:B[0]+B[1].slice(0,-1),base:B[2],ext:B[3],name:B[2].slice(0,B[2].length-B[3].length)}};var s=/^(\/?|)([\s\S]*?)((?:\.{1,2}|[^\/]+?|)(\.[^.\/]*|))(?:[\/]*)$/,o={};o.parse=function(e){if("string"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("Parameter 'pathString' must be a string, not "+typeof e);var t,n=(t=e,s.exec(t).slice(1));if(!n||4!==n.length)throw new TypeError("Invalid path '"+e+"'");return n[1]=n[1]||"",n[2]=n[2]||"",n[3]=n[3]||"",{root:n[0],dir:n[0]+n[1].slice(0,-1),base:n[2],ext:n[3],name:n[2].slice(0,n[2].length-n[3].length)}},e.exports=t?i.parse:o.parse,e.exports.posix=o.parse,e.exports.win32=i.parse})),V8e=require("path"),U8e=V8e.parse||K8e,Q8e=function(e,t){var n="/";/^([A-Za-z]:)/.test(e)?n="":/^\\\\/.test(e)&&(n="\\\\");for(var r=[e],i=U8e(e);i.dir!==r[r.length-1];)r.push(i.dir),i=U8e(i.dir);return r.reduce((function(e,r){return e.concat(t.map((function(e){return V8e.resolve(n,r,e)})))}),[])},J8e=function(e,t,n){var r=t&&t.moduleDirectory?[].concat(t.moduleDirectory):["node_modules"];if(t&&"function"==typeof t.paths)return t.paths(n,e,(function(){return Q8e(e,r)}),t);var i=Q8e(e,r);return t&&t.paths?i.concat(t.paths):i},j8e=function(e,t){return t||{}},W8e=!0,X8e=">= 8",q8e="< 0.9.7",z8e=!0,Y8e=!0,$8e=!0,Z8e=!0,e9e=!0,t9e=!0,n9e=">= 1 && < 8",r9e="< 8",i9e=!0,s9e=">= 15.1",o9e=!0,a9e=">= 0.7.12",B9e=!0,c9e="< 6",l9e=!0,u9e=">= 0.11.1",p9e=">= 0.11.1",h9e=">= 0.11.1",d9e=">= 0.11.1",f9e=">= 0.11.1",C9e=">= 0.11.1",m9e=!0,g9e=">= 8.8",A9e=!0,y9e=">= 8.0.0",E9e="< 8",v9e=!0,_9e=!0,b9e=!0,S9e=!0,w9e=">= 8.5",x9e=">= 1",D9e=!0,I9e=!0,k9e=!0,O9e=!0,N9e=">= 0.11.5 && < 3",T9e=">= 0.9.4",P9e=">= 0.9.4",M9e=">= 1.4.1",F9e=">= 0.9.4",L9e=">= 0.9.4",R9e=">= 0.9.4",G9e=!0,H9e=!0,K9e=[">= 0.6 && < 0.7",">= 0.8"],V9e=!0,U9e=">= 0.11.13",Q9e=">= 0.11.3 && < 10",J9e=">= 0.11.3",j9e=!0,W9e=">= 10",X9e=!0,q9e=!0,z9e=!0,Y9e=">= 1",$9e=!0,Z9e=">= 13.4 && < 13.5",e7e=">= 11.7",t7e=!0;const n7e={assert:W8e,"assert/strict":">= 15",async_hooks:X8e,buffer_ieee754:q8e,buffer:z8e,child_process:Y8e,cluster:$8e,console:Z8e,constants:e9e,crypto:t9e,_debug_agent:n9e,_debugger:r9e,dgram:i9e,diagnostics_channel:s9e,dns:o9e,"dns/promises":">= 15",domain:a9e,events:B9e,freelist:c9e,fs:l9e,"fs/promises":[">= 10 && < 10.1",">= 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12"],v8:Y9e,vm:$9e,wasi:Z9e,worker_threads:e7e,zlib:t7e},r7e={__proto__:null,assert:W8e,async_hooks:X8e,buffer_ieee754:q8e,buffer:z8e,child_process:Y8e,cluster:$8e,console:Z8e,constants:e9e,crypto:t9e,_debug_agent:n9e,_debugger:r9e,dgram:i9e,diagnostics_channel:s9e,dns:o9e,domain:a9e,events:B9e,freelist:c9e,fs:l9e,_http_agent:u9e,_http_client:p9e,_http_common:h9e,_http_incoming:d9e,_http_outgoing:f9e,_http_server:C9e,http:m9e,http2:g9e,https:A9e,inspector:y9e,_linklist:E9e,module:v9e,net:_9e,os:b9e,path:S9e,perf_hooks:w9e,process:x9e,punycode:D9e,querystring:I9e,readline:k9e,repl:O9e,smalloc:N9e,_stream_duplex:T9e,_stream_transform:P9e,_stream_wrap:M9e,_stream_passthrough:F9e,_stream_readable:L9e,_stream_writable:R9e,stream:G9e,string_decoder:H9e,sys:K9e,timers:V9e,_tls_common:U9e,_tls_legacy:Q9e,_tls_wrap:J9e,tls:j9e,trace_events:W9e,tty:X9e,url:q9e,util:z9e,v8:Y9e,vm:$9e,wasi:Z9e,worker_threads:e7e,zlib:t7e,default:n7e},i7e=T(r7e);function s7e(e,t){for(var n=e.split("."),r=t.split(" "),i=r.length>1?r[0]:"=",s=(r.length>1?r[1]:r[0]).split("."),o=0;o<3;++o){var a=parseInt(n[o]||0,10),B=parseInt(s[o]||0,10);if(a!==B)return"<"===i?a<B:">="===i&&a>=B}return">="===i}function o7e(e,t){var n=t.split(/ ?&& ?/);if(0===n.length)return!1;for(var r=0;r<n.length;++r)if(!s7e(e,n[r]))return!1;return!0}function a7e(e,t){if("boolean"==typeof t)return t;var n=void 0===e?process.versions&&process.versions.node&&process.versions.node:e;if("string"!=typeof n)throw new TypeError(void 0===e?"Unable to determine current node version":"If provided, a valid node version is required");if(t&&"object"==typeof t){for(var r=0;r<t.length;++r)if(o7e(n,t[r]))return!0;return!1}return o7e(n,t)}var B7e=function(e,t){return fK(i7e,e)&&a7e(t,i7e[e])},c7e=require("fs"),l7e=require("path"),u7e=c7e.realpath&&"function"==typeof c7e.realpath.native?c7e.realpath.native:c7e.realpath,p7e=function(e,t){c7e.stat(e,(function(e,n){return e?"ENOENT"===e.code||"ENOTDIR"===e.code?t(null,!1):t(e):t(null,n.isFile()||n.isFIFO())}))},h7e=function(e,t){c7e.stat(e,(function(e,n){return e?"ENOENT"===e.code||"ENOTDIR"===e.code?t(null,!1):t(e):t(null,n.isDirectory())}))},d7e=function(e,t){u7e(e,(function(n,r){n&&"ENOENT"!==n.code?t(n):t(null,n?e:r)}))},f7e=function(e,t,n,r){n&&!1===n.preserveSymlinks?e(t,r):r(null,t)},C7e=function(e,t,n){e(t,(function(e,t){if(e)n(e);else try{var r=JSON.parse(t);n(null,r)}catch(e){n(null)}}))},m7e=function(e,t,n){for(var r=J8e(t,n,e),i=0;i<r.length;i++)r[i]=l7e.join(r[i],e);return r},g7e=function(e,t,n){var r=n,i=t;if("function"==typeof t&&(r=i,i={}),"string"!=typeof e){var s=new TypeError("Path must be a string.");return process.nextTick((function(){r(s)}))}var o=(i=j8e(e,i)).isFile||p7e,a=i.isDirectory||h7e,B=i.readFile||c7e.readFile,c=i.realpath||d7e,l=i.readPackage||C7e;if(i.readFile&&i.readPackage){var u=new TypeError("`readFile` and `readPackage` are mutually exclusive.");return process.nextTick((function(){r(u)}))}var p=i.packageIterator,h=i.extensions||[".js"],d=!1!==i.includeCoreModules,f=i.basedir||l7e.dirname(H8e()),C=i.filename||f;i.paths=i.paths||[];var m,g=l7e.resolve(f);function A(t,n,s){t?r(t):n?r(null,n,s):v(m,(function(t,n,s){if(t)r(t);else if(n)f7e(c,n,i,(function(e,t){e?r(e):r(null,t,s)}));else{var o=new Error("Cannot find module '"+e+"' from '"+C+"'");o.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",r(o)}}))}function y(e,t,n){var r=t,s=n;"function"==typeof r&&(s=r,r=void 0),function e(t,n,r){if(0===t.length)return s(null,void 0,r);var a=n+t[0],B=r;B?c(null,B):E(l7e.dirname(a),c);function c(r,c,u){if(B=c,r)return s(r);if(u&&B&&i.pathFilter){var p=l7e.relative(u,a),d=p.slice(0,p.length-t[0].length),f=i.pathFilter(B,n,d);if(f)return e([""].concat(h.slice()),l7e.resolve(u,f),B)}o(a,l)}function l(r,i){return r?s(r):i?s(null,a,B):void e(t.slice(1),n,B)}}([""].concat(h),e,r)}function E(e,t){return""===e||"/"===e||"win32"===process.platform&&/^\w:[/\\]*$/.test(e)||/[/\\]node_modules[/\\]*$/.test(e)?t(null):void f7e(c,e,i,(function(n,r){if(n)return E(l7e.dirname(e),t);var s=l7e.join(r,"package.json");o(s,(function(n,r){if(!r)return E(l7e.dirname(e),t);l(B,s,(function(n,r){n&&t(n);var o=r;o&&i.packageFilter&&(o=i.packageFilter(o,s)),t(null,o,e)}))}))}))}function v(e,t,n){var r=n,s=t;"function"==typeof s&&(r=s,s=i.package),f7e(c,e,i,(function(t,n){if(t)return r(t);var a=l7e.join(n,"package.json");o(a,(function(t,n){return t?r(t):n?void l(B,a,(function(t,n){if(t)return r(t);var s=n;if(s&&i.packageFilter&&(s=i.packageFilter(s,a)),s&&s.main){if("string"!=typeof s.main){var o=new TypeError("package “"+s.name+"” `main` must be a string");return o.code="INVALID_PACKAGE_MAIN",r(o)}return"."!==s.main&&"./"!==s.main||(s.main="index"),void y(l7e.resolve(e,s.main),s,(function(t,n,i){return t?r(t):n?r(null,n,i):i?void v(l7e.resolve(e,i.main),i,(function(t,n,i){return t?r(t):n?r(null,n,i):void y(l7e.join(e,"index"),i,r)})):y(l7e.join(e,"index"),i,r)}))}y(l7e.join(e,"/index"),s,r)})):y(l7e.join(e,"index"),s,r)}))}))}function _(e,t){if(0===t.length)return e(null,void 0);var n=t[0];function r(t,r,o){return t?e(t):r?e(null,r,o):void v(n,i.package,s)}function s(n,r,i){return n?e(n):r?e(null,r,i):void _(e,t.slice(1))}a(l7e.dirname(n),(function(s,o){if(s)return e(s);if(!o)return _(e,t.slice(1));y(n,i.package,r)}))}f7e(c,g,i,(function(t,n){t?r(t):function(t){if(/^(?:\.\.?(?:\/|$)|\/|([A-Za-z]:)?[/\\])/.test(e))m=l7e.resolve(t,e),"."!==e&&".."!==e&&"/"!==e.slice(-1)||(m+="/"),/\/$/.test(e)&&m===t?v(m,i.package,A):y(m,i.package,A);else{if(d&&B7e(e))return r(null,e);!function(e,t,n){var r=function(){return m7e(e,t,i)};_(n,p?p(e,t,r,i):r())}(e,t,(function(t,n,s){if(t)r(t);else{if(n)return f7e(c,n,i,(function(e,t){e?r(e):r(null,t,s)}));var o=new Error("Cannot find module '"+e+"' from '"+C+"'");o.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",r(o)}}))}}(n)}))},A7e=!0,y7e=">= 8",E7e="< 0.9.7",v7e=!0,_7e=!0,b7e=!0,S7e=!0,w7e=!0,x7e=!0,D7e=">= 1 && < 8",I7e="< 8",k7e=!0,O7e=">= 15.1",N7e=!0,T7e=">= 0.7.12",P7e=!0,M7e="< 6",F7e=!0,L7e=">= 0.11.1",R7e=">= 0.11.1",G7e=">= 0.11.1",H7e=">= 0.11.1",K7e=">= 0.11.1",V7e=">= 0.11.1",U7e=!0,Q7e=">= 8.8",J7e=!0,j7e=">= 8.0.0",W7e="< 8",X7e=!0,q7e=!0,z7e=!0,Y7e=!0,$7e=">= 8.5",Z7e=">= 1",eet=!0,tet=!0,net=!0,ret=!0,iet=">= 0.11.5 && < 3",set=">= 0.9.4",oet=">= 0.9.4",aet=">= 1.4.1",Bet=">= 0.9.4",cet=">= 0.9.4",uet=">= 0.9.4",pet=!0,het=!0,det=[">= 0.6 && < 0.7",">= 0.8"],fet=!0,Cet=">= 0.11.13",met=">= 0.11.3 && < 10",get=">= 0.11.3",Aet=!0,yet=">= 10",Eet=!0,vet=!0,_et=!0,bet=">= 1",wet=!0,xet=">= 13.4 && < 13.5",Det=">= 11.7",Iet=!0;const ket={assert:A7e,"assert/strict":">= 15",async_hooks:y7e,buffer_ieee754:E7e,buffer:v7e,child_process:_7e,cluster:b7e,console:S7e,constants:w7e,crypto:x7e,_debug_agent:D7e,_debugger:I7e,dgram:k7e,diagnostics_channel:O7e,dns:N7e,"dns/promises":">= 15",domain:T7e,events:P7e,freelist:M7e,fs:F7e,"fs/promises":[">= 10 && < 10.1",">= 14"],_http_agent:L7e,_http_client:R7e,_http_common:G7e,_http_incoming:H7e,_http_outgoing:K7e,_http_server:V7e,http:U7e,http2:Q7e,https:J7e,inspector:j7e,_linklist:W7e,module:X7e,net:q7e,"node-inspect/lib/_inspect":">= 7.6.0 && < 12","node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_client":">= 7.6.0 && < 12","node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_repl":">= 7.6.0 && < 12",os:z7e,path:Y7e,"path/posix":">= 15.3","path/win32":">= 15.3",perf_hooks:$7e,process:Z7e,punycode:eet,querystring:tet,readline:net,repl:ret,smalloc:iet,_stream_duplex:set,_stream_transform:oet,_stream_wrap:aet,_stream_passthrough:Bet,_stream_readable:cet,_stream_writable:uet,stream:pet,"stream/promises":">= 15",string_decoder:het,sys:det,timers:fet,"timers/promises":">= 15",_tls_common:Cet,_tls_legacy:met,_tls_wrap:get,tls:Aet,trace_events:yet,tty:Eet,url:vet,util:_et,"util/types":">= 15.3","v8/tools/arguments":">= 10 && < 12","v8/tools/codemap":[">= 4.4.0 && < 5",">= 5.2.0 && < 12"],"v8/tools/consarray":[">= 4.4.0 && < 5",">= 5.2.0 && < 12"],"v8/tools/csvparser":[">= 4.4.0 && < 5",">= 5.2.0 && < 12"],"v8/tools/logreader":[">= 4.4.0 && < 5",">= 5.2.0 && < 12"],"v8/tools/profile_view":[">= 4.4.0 && < 5",">= 5.2.0 && < 12"],"v8/tools/splaytree":[">= 4.4.0 && < 5",">= 5.2.0 && < 12"],v8:bet,vm:wet,wasi:xet,worker_threads:Det,zlib:Iet},Oet={__proto__:null,assert:A7e,async_hooks:y7e,buffer_ieee754:E7e,buffer:v7e,child_process:_7e,cluster:b7e,console:S7e,constants:w7e,crypto:x7e,_debug_agent:D7e,_debugger:I7e,dgram:k7e,diagnostics_channel:O7e,dns:N7e,domain:T7e,events:P7e,freelist:M7e,fs:F7e,_http_agent:L7e,_http_client:R7e,_http_common:G7e,_http_incoming:H7e,_http_outgoing:K7e,_http_server:V7e,http:U7e,http2:Q7e,https:J7e,inspector:j7e,_linklist:W7e,module:X7e,net:q7e,os:z7e,path:Y7e,perf_hooks:$7e,process:Z7e,punycode:eet,querystring:tet,readline:net,repl:ret,smalloc:iet,_stream_duplex:set,_stream_transform:oet,_stream_wrap:aet,_stream_passthrough:Bet,_stream_readable:cet,_stream_writable:uet,stream:pet,string_decoder:het,sys:det,timers:fet,_tls_common:Cet,_tls_legacy:met,_tls_wrap:get,tls:Aet,trace_events:yet,tty:Eet,url:vet,util:_et,v8:bet,vm:wet,wasi:xet,worker_threads:Det,zlib:Iet,default:ket},Net=T(Oet);var Tet=process.versions&&process.versions.node&&process.versions.node.split(".")||[];function Pet(e){for(var t=e.split(" "),n=t.length>1?t[0]:"=",r=(t.length>1?t[1]:t[0]).split("."),i=0;i<3;++i){var s=parseInt(Tet[i]||0,10),o=parseInt(r[i]||0,10);if(s!==o)return"<"===n?s<o:">="===n&&s>=o}return">="===n}function Met(e){var t=e.split(/ ?&& ?/);if(0===t.length)return!1;for(var n=0;n<t.length;++n)if(!Pet(t[n]))return!1;return!0}function Fet(e){if("boolean"==typeof e)return e;if(e&&"object"==typeof e){for(var t=0;t<e.length;++t)if(Met(e[t]))return!0;return!1}return Met(e)}var Let={};for(var Ret in Net)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Net,Ret)&&(Let[Ret]=Fet(Net[Ret]));var Get=Let,Het=function(e){return B7e(e)},Ket=require("fs"),Vet=require("path"),Uet=Ket.realpathSync&&"function"==typeof Ket.realpathSync.native?Ket.realpathSync.native:Ket.realpathSync,Qet=function(e){try{var t=Ket.statSync(e)}catch(e){if(e&&("ENOENT"===e.code||"ENOTDIR"===e.code))return!1;throw e}return t.isFile()||t.isFIFO()},Jet=function(e){try{var t=Ket.statSync(e)}catch(e){if(e&&("ENOENT"===e.code||"ENOTDIR"===e.code))return!1;throw e}return t.isDirectory()},jet=function(e){try{return Uet(e)}catch(e){if("ENOENT"!==e.code)throw e}return e},Wet=function(e,t,n){return n&&!1===n.preserveSymlinks?e(t):t},Xet=function(e,t){var n=e(t);try{return JSON.parse(n)}catch(e){}},qet=function(e,t,n){for(var r=J8e(t,n,e),i=0;i<r.length;i++)r[i]=Vet.join(r[i],e);return r},zet=function(e,t){if("string"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("Path must be a string.");var n=j8e(e,t),r=n.isFile||Qet,i=n.readFileSync||Ket.readFileSync,s=n.isDirectory||Jet,o=n.realpathSync||jet,a=n.readPackageSync||Xet;if(n.readFileSync&&n.readPackageSync)throw new TypeError("`readFileSync` and `readPackageSync` are mutually exclusive.");var B=n.packageIterator,c=n.extensions||[".js"],l=!1!==n.includeCoreModules,u=n.basedir||Vet.dirname(H8e()),p=n.filename||u;n.paths=n.paths||[];var h=Wet(o,Vet.resolve(u),n);if(/^(?:\.\.?(?:\/|$)|\/|([A-Za-z]:)?[/\\])/.test(e)){var d=Vet.resolve(h,e);"."!==e&&".."!==e&&"/"!==e.slice(-1)||(d+="/");var f=g(d)||y(d);if(f)return Wet(o,f,n)}else{if(l&&B7e(e))return e;var C=function(e,t){for(var r=function(){return qet(e,t,n)},i=B?B(e,t,r,n):r(),o=0;o<i.length;o++){var a=i[o];if(s(Vet.dirname(a))){var c=g(a);if(c)return c;var l=y(a);if(l)return l}}}(e,h);if(C)return Wet(o,C,n)}var m=new Error("Cannot find module '"+e+"' from '"+p+"'");throw m.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",m;function g(e){var t=A(Vet.dirname(e));if(t&&t.dir&&t.pkg&&n.pathFilter){var i=Vet.relative(t.dir,e),s=n.pathFilter(t.pkg,e,i);s&&(e=Vet.resolve(t.dir,s))}if(r(e))return e;for(var o=0;o<c.length;o++){var a=e+c[o];if(r(a))return a}}function A(e){if(""!==e&&"/"!==e&&!("win32"===process.platform&&/^\w:[/\\]*$/.test(e)||/[/\\]node_modules[/\\]*$/.test(e))){var t=Vet.join(Wet(o,e,n),"package.json");if(!r(t))return A(Vet.dirname(e));var s=a(i,t);return s&&n.packageFilter&&(s=n.packageFilter(s,e)),{pkg:s,dir:e}}}function y(e){var t=Vet.join(Wet(o,e,n),"/package.json");if(r(t)){try{var s=a(i,t)}catch(e){}if(s&&n.packageFilter&&(s=n.packageFilter(s,e)),s&&s.main){if("string"!=typeof s.main){var B=new TypeError("package “"+s.name+"” `main` must be a string");throw B.code="INVALID_PACKAGE_MAIN",B}"."!==s.main&&"./"!==s.main||(s.main="index");try{var c=g(Vet.resolve(e,s.main));if(c)return c;var l=y(Vet.resolve(e,s.main));if(l)return l}catch(e){}}}return g(Vet.join(e,"/index"))}};g7e.core=Get,g7e.isCore=Het,g7e.sync=zet;var Yet=g7e;function $et(e,t){if("MemberExpression"===e.type)return!e.computed&&$et(e.object,e);if("Identifier"===e.type){if(!t)return!0;switch(t.type){case"MemberExpression":return t.computed||e===t.object;case"MethodDefinition":return t.computed;case"FieldDefinition":case"Property":return t.computed||e===t.value;case"ExportSpecifier":case"ImportSpecifier":return e===t.local;case"LabeledStatement":case"BreakStatement":case"ContinueStatement":return!1;default:return!0}}return!1}function Zet(e,t){return ett(e)||ttt(e,t)||ntt(e,t)||itt()}function ett(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}function ttt(e,t){if("undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.iterator in Object(e)){var n=[],r=!0,i=!1,s=void 0;try{for(var o,a=e[Symbol.iterator]();!(r=(o=a.next()).done)&&(n.push(o.value),!t||n.length!==t);r=!0);}catch(e){i=!0,s=e}finally{try{r||null==a.return||a.return()}finally{if(i)throw s}}return n}}function ntt(e,t){if(e){if("string"==typeof e)return rtt(e,t);var n=Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8,-1);return"Object"===n&&e.constructor&&(n=e.constructor.name),"Map"===n||"Set"===n?Array.from(n):"Arguments"===n||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)?rtt(e,t):void 0}}function rtt(e,t){(null==t||t>e.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var n=0,r=new Array(t);n<t;n++)r[n]=e[n];return r}function itt(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}function stt(e){if("undefined"==typeof Symbol||null==e[Symbol.iterator]){if(Array.isArray(e)||(e=ntt(e))){var t=0,n=function(){};return{s:n,n:function(){return t>=e.length?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:e[t++]}},e:function(e){throw e},f:n}}throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}var r,i,s=!0,o=!1;return{s:function(){r=e[Symbol.iterator]()},n:function(){var e=r.next();return s=e.done,e},e:function(e){o=!0,i=e},f:function(){try{s||null==r.return||r.return()}finally{if(o)throw i}}}}var ott={rollup:"^2.3.4"};const att={"==":e=>ptt(e.left,e.right,!1),"!=":e=>utt(att["=="](e)),"===":e=>ptt(e.left,e.right,!0),"!==":e=>utt(att["==="](e)),"!":e=>ltt(e.argument),"&&":e=>ctt(e.left)&&ctt(e.right),"||":e=>ctt(e.left)||ctt(e.right)};function Btt(e){const t=[];for(;"MemberExpression"===e.type;){if(e.computed)return null;t.unshift(e.property.name),e=e.object}if("Identifier"!==e.type)return null;const n=e.name;return t.unshift(n),{name:n,keypath:t.join(".")}}function ctt(e){return"Literal"===e.type?!!e.value:"ParenthesizedExpression"===e.type?ctt(e.expression):e.operator in att?att[e.operator](e):void 0}function ltt(e){return utt(ctt(e))}function utt(e){return void 0===e?e:!e}function ptt(e,t,n){if(e.type===t.type)return"Literal"===e.type?n?e.value===t.value:e.value==t.value:void 0}const htt="?commonjs-proxy",dtt=e=>`\0${e}${htt}`,ftt=e=>e.slice(1,-htt.length),Ctt="?commonjs-external",mtt=e=>`\0${e}${Ctt}`,gtt=e=>e.slice(1,-Ctt.length),Att="/$$rollup_base$$",ytt=(e,t)=>e.startsWith(t)?Att+e.slice(t.length):e,Ett="\0commonjs-dynamic-register:",vtt="\0commonjs-dynamic-json:",_tt="\0commonjs-dynamic-packages",btt="\0commonjsHelpers.js",Stt="\nexport var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {};\n\nexport function createCommonjsModule(fn, basedir, module) {\n\treturn module = {\n\t path: basedir,\n\t exports: {},\n\t require: function (path, base) {\n return commonjsRequire(path, (base === undefined || base === null) ? module.path : base);\n }\n\t}, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports;\n}\n\nexport function getCjsExportFromNamespace (n) {\n\treturn n && n['default'] || n;\n}\n",wtt="\nexport function commonjsRequire () {\n\tthrow new Error('Dynamic requires are not currently supported by @rollup/plugin-commonjs');\n}\n",xtt="\nexport function commonjsRegister (path, loader) {\n\tDYNAMIC_REQUIRE_LOADERS[path] = loader;\n}\n\nconst DYNAMIC_REQUIRE_LOADERS = Object.create(null);\nconst DYNAMIC_REQUIRE_CACHE = Object.create(null);\nconst DEFAULT_PARENT_MODULE = {\n\tid: '<' + 'rollup>', exports: {}, parent: undefined, filename: null, loaded: false, children: [], paths: []\n};\nconst CHECKED_EXTENSIONS = ['', '.js', '.json'];\n\nfunction normalize (path) {\n\tpath = path.replace(/\\\\/g, '/');\n\tconst parts = path.split('/');\n\tconst slashed = parts[0] === '';\n\tfor (let i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) {\n\t\tif (parts[i] === '.' || parts[i] === '') {\n\t\t\tparts.splice(i--, 1);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tfor (let i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) {\n\t\tif (parts[i] !== '..') continue;\n\t\tif (i > 0 && parts[i - 1] !== '..' && parts[i - 1] !== '.') {\n\t\t\tparts.splice(--i, 2);\n\t\t\ti--;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tpath = parts.join('/');\n\tif (slashed && path[0] !== '/')\n\t path = '/' + path;\n\telse if (path.length === 0)\n\t path = '.';\n\treturn path;\n}\n\nfunction join () {\n\tif (arguments.length === 0)\n\t return '.';\n\tlet joined;\n\tfor (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {\n\t let arg = arguments[i];\n\t if (arg.length > 0) {\n\t\tif (joined === undefined)\n\t\t joined = arg;\n\t\telse\n\t\t joined += '/' + arg;\n\t }\n\t}\n\tif (joined === undefined)\n\t return '.';\n\n\treturn joined;\n}\n\nfunction isPossibleNodeModulesPath (modulePath) {\n\tlet c0 = modulePath[0];\n\tif (c0 === '/' || c0 === '\\\\') return false;\n\tlet c1 = modulePath[1], c2 = modulePath[2];\n\tif ((c0 === '.' && (!c1 || c1 === '/' || c1 === '\\\\')) ||\n\t\t(c0 === '.' && c1 === '.' && (!c2 || c2 === '/' || c2 === '\\\\'))) return false;\n\tif (c1 === ':' && (c2 === '/' || c2 === '\\\\'))\n\t\treturn false;\n\treturn true;\n}\n\nfunction dirname (path) {\n if (path.length === 0)\n return '.';\n\n let i = path.length - 1;\n while (i > 0) {\n const c = path.charCodeAt(i);\n if ((c === 47 || c === 92) && i !== path.length - 1)\n break;\n i--;\n }\n\n if (i > 0)\n return path.substr(0, i);\n\n if (path.chartCodeAt(0) === 47 || path.chartCodeAt(0) === 92)\n return path.charAt(0);\n\n return '.';\n}\n\nexport function commonjsRequire (path, originalModuleDir) {\n\tconst shouldTryNodeModules = isPossibleNodeModulesPath(path);\n\tpath = normalize(path);\n\tlet relPath;\n\twhile (true) {\n\t\tif (!shouldTryNodeModules) {\n\t\t\trelPath = originalModuleDir ? normalize(originalModuleDir + '/' + path) : path;\n\t\t} else if (originalModuleDir) {\n\t\t\trelPath = normalize(originalModuleDir + '/node_modules/' + path);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\trelPath = normalize(join('node_modules', path));\n\t\t}\n\t\tfor (let extensionIndex = 0; extensionIndex < CHECKED_EXTENSIONS.length; extensionIndex++) {\n\t\t\tconst resolvedPath = relPath + CHECKED_EXTENSIONS[extensionIndex];\n\t\t\tlet cachedModule = DYNAMIC_REQUIRE_CACHE[resolvedPath];\n\t\t\tif (cachedModule) return cachedModule.exports;\n\t\t\tconst loader = DYNAMIC_REQUIRE_LOADERS[resolvedPath];\n\t\t\tif (loader) {\n\t\t\t\tDYNAMIC_REQUIRE_CACHE[resolvedPath] = cachedModule = {\n\t\t\t\t\tid: resolvedPath,\n\t\t\t\t\tfilename: resolvedPath,\n\t\t\t\t\tpath: dirname(resolvedPath),\n\t\t\t\t\texports: {},\n\t\t\t\t\tparent: DEFAULT_PARENT_MODULE,\n\t\t\t\t\tloaded: false,\n\t\t\t\t\tchildren: [],\n\t\t\t\t\tpaths: [],\n\t\t\t\t\trequire: function (path, base) {\n\t\t\t\t\t return commonjsRequire(path, (base === undefined || base === null) ? cachedModule.path : base);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\t\tloader.call(commonjsGlobal, cachedModule, cachedModule.exports);\n\t\t\t\t} catch (error) {\n\t\t\t\t\tdelete DYNAMIC_REQUIRE_CACHE[resolvedPath];\n\t\t\t\t\tthrow error;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tcachedModule.loaded = true;\n\t\t\t\treturn cachedModule.exports;\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (!shouldTryNodeModules) break;\n\t\tconst nextDir = normalize(originalModuleDir + '/..');\n\t\tif (nextDir === originalModuleDir) break;\n\t\toriginalModuleDir = nextDir;\n\t}\n\treturn require(path);\n}\n\ncommonjsRequire.cache = DYNAMIC_REQUIRE_CACHE;\n";function Dtt(e){const n=I8e(t.basename(e,t.extname(e)));if("index"!==n)return n;const r=t.dirname(e).split(t.sep);return I8e(r[r.length-1])}const Itt="process location abstract arguments boolean break byte case catch char class const continue debugger default delete do double else enum eval export extends false final finally float for from function goto if implements import in instanceof int interface let long native new null package private protected public return short static super switch synchronized this throw throws transient true try typeof var void volatile while with yield".split(" "),ktt={__esModule:!0};Itt.forEach((e=>ktt[e]=!0));const Ott=/^(?:module\.)?exports(?:\.([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*))?$/,Ntt=/\b(?:require|module|exports|global)\b/,Ttt=/\b(?:require|module|exports)\b/,Ptt=/^(?:Import|Export(?:Named|Default))Declaration/,Mtt=/^(?:FunctionDeclaration|FunctionExpression|ArrowFunctionExpression)$/;function Ftt(e,t,n){let r=1,i=I8e(n);for(;e.contains(i)||t.has(i)||i in ktt;)i=`${n}_${r}`,r+=1;return e.declarations[i]=!0,i}function Ltt(e,t,n){try{return e(t,{allowReturnOutsideFunction:!0})}catch(e){throw e.message+=` in ${n}`,e}}function Rtt(e){return e.replace(/\\/g,"/")}function Gtt(e,t){return(t?Ttt:Ntt).test(e)}function Htt(e,t,n){const r=Ltt(e,t,n);let i=!1;var s,o=stt(r.body);try{for(o.s();!(s=o.n()).done;){const e=s.value;if("ExportDefaultDeclaration"===e.type)return{isEsModule:!0,hasDefaultExport:!0,ast:r};if("ExportNamedDeclaration"===e.type){i=!0;var a,B=stt(e.specifiers);try{for(B.s();!(a=B.n()).done;){if("default"===a.value.exported.name)return{isEsModule:!0,hasDefaultExport:!0,ast:r}}}catch(e){B.e(e)}finally{B.f()}}else Ptt.test(e.type)&&(i=!0)}}catch(e){o.e(e)}finally{o.f()}return{isEsModule:i,hasDefaultExport:!1,ast:r}}function Ktt(e,t){if("CallExpression"!==e.type)return;const n=e.callee,r=n.object,i=n.property;if(!r||"Identifier"!==r.type||"Object"!==r.name)return;if(!i||"Identifier"!==i.type||"defineProperty"!==i.name)return;if(3!==e.arguments.length)return;const s=Zet(e.arguments,2),o=s[0],a=s[1];return"Identifier"===o.type&&o.name===t?a.value:void 0}function Vtt(e,n,r,i,s,o,a,B,c,l,u,p,h){const d=h||Ltt(e,n,r),f=new u_(n),C={},m=[];let g=0,A=E8e(d,"scope");const y={module:!1,exports:!1,global:!1,require:!1};let E=0,v=0;const _=new Set,b=Ftt(A,_,"commonjsHelpers"),S={};let w=/__esModule/.test(n),x=!1;function D(e){return!!e&&("CallExpression"===e.type&&(0!==e.arguments.length&&I(e.callee)))}function I(e){return!!e&&("Identifier"===e.type&&"require"===e.name?!A.contains("require"):"MemberExpression"===e.type&&("Identifier"===e.object.type&&"module"===e.object.name&&(!A.contains("module")&&("Identifier"===e.property.type&&"require"===e.property.name))))}function k(e){return!!D(e)&&!function(e){return e.arguments.length>1||"Literal"!==e.arguments[0].type&&("TemplateLiteral"!==e.arguments[0].type||e.arguments[0].expressions.length>0)}(e)}function O(e){return B(e.arguments[0].value)}function N(e,t){let n=function(e){return"Literal"===e.arguments[0].type?e.arguments[0].value:e.arguments[0].quasis[0].value.cooked}(e);const r=n.startsWith(Ett);r&&(n=n.substr(Ett.length));if(void 0===C[n]){const e=T(n);if(!t)do{t=`require$$${g}`,g+=1}while(A.contains(t));r&&n.endsWith(".json")&&(n=vtt+n),(r||!e||n.endsWith(".json"))&&m.push([n,!r]),C[n]={source:n,name:t,importsDefault:!1,isDynamic:e}}return C[n]}function T(e){if(!/[/\\]/.test(e)){try{const n=Rtt(Yet.sync(e,{basedir:t.dirname(r)}));if(u.has(n))return!0}catch(e){return!1}return!1}for(var n=0,i=["",".js",".json"];n<i.length;n++){const s=i[n],o=Rtt(t.resolve(t.dirname(r),e+s));if(u.has(o))return!0}return!1}const P=new Set;if(N8e(d,{enter(e){"AssignmentExpression"===e.type&&"MemberExpression"!==e.left.type&&g8e(e.left).forEach((e=>{P.add(e)}))}}),N8e(d,{enter(e,n){if(c&&(f.addSourcemapLocation(e.start),f.addSourcemapLocation(e.end)),n&&("IfStatement"===n.type||"ConditionalExpression"===n.type)){if(e===n.consequent&<t(n.test))return void this.skip();if(e===n.alternate&&ctt(n.test))return void this.skip()}if(e._skip)return void this.skip();if(v+=1,e.scope&&(A=e.scope),Mtt.test(e.type)&&(E+=1),"ReturnStatement"===e.type&&0===E&&(w=!0),"ThisExpression"===e.type&&0===E)return y.global=!0,void(a||(f.overwrite(e.start,e.end,`${b}.commonjsGlobal`,{storeName:!0}),x=!0));if("UnaryExpression"===e.type&&"typeof"===e.operator){const t=Btt(e.argument);if(!t)return;if(A.contains(t.name))return;"module.exports"!==t.keypath&&"module"!==t.keypath&&"exports"!==t.keypath||f.overwrite(e.start,e.end,"'object'",{storeName:!1})}if("Identifier"===e.type){if($et(e,n)&&!A.contains(e.name)){if(e.name in y){if(I(e)){if(function(e){return!!(e&&e.property&&["resolve","cache","main"].indexOf(e.property.name)>-1)}(n))return;if(!l&&k(n))return;l&&D(n)&&f.appendLeft(n.end-1,`,${JSON.stringify("."===t.dirname(r)?null:ytt(Rtt(t.dirname(r)),p))}`),f.overwrite(e.start,e.end,`${b}.commonjsRequire`,{storeName:!0}),x=!0}y[e.name]=!0,"global"!==e.name||a||(f.overwrite(e.start,e.end,`${b}.commonjsGlobal`,{storeName:!0}),x=!0),"module"!==e.name&&"exports"!==e.name||(w=!0)}"define"===e.name&&f.overwrite(e.start,e.end,"undefined",{storeName:!0}),_.add(e.name)}return}if("AssignmentExpression"===e.type){if("MemberExpression"!==e.left.type)return;const t=Btt(e.left);if(!t)return;if(A.contains(t.name))return;const n=Ott.exec(t.keypath);if(!n||"exports"===t.keypath)return;return y[t.name]=!0,v>3&&(w=!0),e.left._skip=!0,"module.exports"===t.keypath&&"ObjectExpression"===e.right.type?void e.right.properties.forEach((e=>{if(e.computed||!("key"in e)||"Identifier"!==e.key.type)return;const t=e.key.name;t===I8e(t)&&(S[t]=!0)})):void(n[1]&&(S[n[1]]=!0))}const i=Ktt(e,"exports");if(i&&i===I8e(i)&&(S[i]=!0),"VariableDeclarator"===e.type&&"Identifier"===e.id.type&&k(e.init)&&!O(e.init)){if(A.parent)return;if(P.has(e.id.name))return;const t=N(e.init,e.id.name);t.importsDefault=!0,t.name!==e.id.name||t.isDynamic||(e._shouldRemove=!0)}if(!k(e)||O(e))return;const s=N(e);"ExpressionStatement"===n.type?f.remove(n.start,n.end):(s.importsDefault=!0,!function(e){return T(e.source)&&(e.source.startsWith(Ett)||!e.source.endsWith(".json"))}(s)?f.overwrite(e.start,e.end,s.name):(f.overwrite(e.start,e.end,`${b}.commonjsRequire(${JSON.stringify(ytt(Rtt(s.source),p))}, ${JSON.stringify("."===t.dirname(r)?null:ytt(Rtt(t.dirname(r)),p))})`),x=!0)),e.callee._skip=!0},leave(e){if(v-=1,e.scope&&(A=A.parent),Mtt.test(e.type)&&(E-=1),"VariableDeclaration"===e.type){let t=!1,n=e.declarations[0].start;for(let r=0;r<e.declarations.length;r+=1){const i=e.declarations[r];i._shouldRemove?f.remove(n,i.end):(t||(f.remove(n,i.start),t=!0),n=i.end)}t||f.remove(e.start,e.end)}}}),!m.length&&!y.module&&!y.exports&&!y.require&&(a||!y.global))return null;o&&(w=!1),x=x||w;const M=`${(x?[`import * as ${b} from '${btt}';`]:[]).concat(m.map((([e])=>`import '${e}';`)),m.filter((([,e])=>e)).map((([e])=>{const t=C[e],n=t.name;return`import ${t.importsDefault?`${n} from `:""}'${dtt(e)}';`}))).join("\n")}\n\n`,F=[];let L="",R="";const G=Ftt(A,_,Dtt(r));if((!i||s)&&!o){const e={str:`export { ${G} as __moduleExports };`,name:"__moduleExports"};F.push(e)}const H=[];let K=!1;if(w){const e="module"+(y.exports?", exports":"");L=`var ${G} = ${b}.createCommonjsModule(function (${e}) {\n`,R="\n}",l&&(R+=`, ${JSON.stringify(ytt(Rtt(t.dirname(r)),p))}`),R+=");"}else{const e=[];var V,U=stt(d.body);try{for(U.s();!(V=U.n()).done;){const t=V.value;if("ExpressionStatement"===t.type&&"AssignmentExpression"===t.expression.type){const n=t.expression.left,r=Btt(n);if(!r)continue;const i=Ott.exec(r.keypath);if(!i)continue;if("module.exports"===r.keypath)K=!0,f.overwrite(n.start,n.end,`var ${G}`);else{const r=Zet(i,2)[1],s=Ftt(A,_,r);e.push({name:r,deconflicted:s}),f.overwrite(t.start,n.end,`var ${s}`);const o=r===s?`export { ${r} };`:`export { ${s} as ${r} };`;"default"!==r&&F.push({str:o,name:r}),H.push(`${G}.${r} = ${s};`)}}}}catch(e){U.e(e)}finally{U.f()}K||!e.length&&(i&&!s||o)||(R=`\n\nvar ${G} = {\n${e.map((({name:e,deconflicted:t})=>`\t${e}: ${t}`)).join(",\n")}\n};`)}const Q=`export default ${G};`,J=F.filter((e=>"default"!==e.name||!K)).map((e=>e.str)),j=`\n\n${(o?[]:[Q]).concat(J).concat(K?H:[]).join("\n")}`;f.trim().prepend(M+L).trim().append(R);const W=K||J.length>0||w||!i||s;W&&f.append(j);return{code:n=f.toString(),map:c?f.generateMap():null,syntheticNamedExports:W}}function Utt(n){const r=new Set;var i,s=stt(!n||Array.isArray(n)?n||[]:[n]);try{for(s.s();!(i=s.n()).done;){const e=i.value,n=e.startsWith("!"),s=Set.prototype[n?"delete":"add"].bind(r);var o,a=stt(d2e.sync(n?e.substr(1):e));try{for(a.s();!(o=a.n()).done;){const e=o.value;s(Rtt(t.resolve(e)))}}catch(e){a.e(e)}finally{a.f()}}}catch(e){s.e(e)}finally{s.f()}const B=Array.from(r.values()).filter((t=>{try{if(e.statSync(t).isDirectory())return!0}catch(e){}return!1}));return{dynamicRequireModuleSet:r,dynamicRequireModuleDirPaths:B}}const Qtt=new Map;function Jtt(e){let t=Qtt.get(e);if(t)return t.promise;const n=new Promise((n=>{t={resolve:n,promise:void 0},Qtt.set(e,t)}));return t.promise=n,n}function jtt(e,t){const n=Qtt.get(e);n?n.resolve&&(n.resolve(t),n.resolve=void 0):Qtt.set(e,{promise:Promise.resolve(t),resolve:void 0})}function Wtt(e,n){return[e+n,`${e}${t.sep}index${n}`]}function Xtt(e,t){return t.reduce(((t,n)=>t.concat(Wtt(e,n))),[e])}function qtt(n){return function(r,i){const s=r.endsWith(htt);if(s)r=ftt(r);else if(r.startsWith("\0"))return r===btt||r===_tt||r.startsWith(vtt)?r:null;return r.startsWith(vtt)?r:(i&&i.endsWith(htt)&&(i=ftt(i)),this.resolve(r,i,{skipSelf:!0}).then((o=>(o||(o=function(r,i){if("."!==r[0]||!i)return;const s=Xtt(t.resolve(t.dirname(i),r),n);for(let t=0;t<s.length;t+=1)try{if(e.statSync(s[t]).isFile())return{id:s[t]}}catch(e){}}(r,i)),s?o?(o.id=(o.external?mtt:dtt)(o.id),o.external=!1,o):{id:mtt(r),external:!1}:o))))}}function ztt(n={}){const r=n.extensions||[".js"],i=S8e(n.include,n.exclude),s=n.ignoreGlobal,o=Utt(n.dynamicRequireTargets),a=o.dynamicRequireModuleSet,B=o.dynamicRequireModuleDirPaths,c=a.size>0,l=c?O8e(null,Array.from(a).concat(process.cwd())):null,u=new Set,p=new Set,h="function"==typeof n.ignore?n.ignore:Array.isArray(n.ignore)?e=>n.ignore.includes(e):()=>!1,d=qtt(r),f=!1!==n.sourceMap;function C(e,t){const r=Htt(this.parse,e,t),i=r.isEsModule,o=r.hasDefaultExport,B=r.ast,d=a.has(Rtt(t));if(!i||d&&n.transformMixedEsModules){if(!Gtt(e,s))return u.add(t),jtt(t,!1),null}else if((o?p:u).add(t),!n.transformMixedEsModules)return jtt(t,!1),null;const C=this.getModuleInfo(t),m=Vtt(this.parse,e,t,C.isEntry,C.importers&&C.importers.length>0,i,s||i,h,f,c,a,l,B);return jtt(t,!i&&Boolean(m)),m||(i&&!d||u.add(t),null)}return{name:"commonjs",buildStart(){null!=n.namedExports&&this.warn('The namedExports option from "@rollup/plugin-commonjs" is deprecated. Named exports are now handled automatically.');const e=Zet(this.meta.rollupVersion.split(".").map(Number),2),t=e[0],r=e[1],i=ott.rollup.slice(2),s=Zet(i.split(".").map(Number),2),o=s[0],a=s[1];(t<o||t===o&&r<a)&&this.error(`Insufficient Rollup version: "@rollup/plugin-commonjs" requires at least rollup@${i} but found rollup@${this.meta.rollupVersion}.`)},resolveId:d,load(n){if(n===btt){let e=Stt;return e+=c?xtt:wtt,e}if(n.endsWith(Ctt)){const e=gtt(n),t=Dtt(e);return e===btt||e===_tt?`import * as ${t} from ${JSON.stringify(e)}; export default ${t};`:`import ${t} from ${JSON.stringify(e)}; export default ${t};`}if(n===_tt){let n=`const { commonjsRegister } = require('${btt}');`;var r,i=stt(B);try{for(i.s();!(r=i.n()).done;){const i=r.value;let s="index.js";try{e.existsSync(t.join(i,"package.json"))&&(s=JSON.parse(e.readFileSync(t.join(i,"package.json"),{encoding:"utf8"})).main||s)}catch(e){}n+=`\ncommonjsRegister(${JSON.stringify(ytt(i,l))}, function (module, exports) {\n module.exports = require(${JSON.stringify(Rtt(t.join(i,s)))});\n});`}}catch(e){i.e(e)}finally{i.f()}return n}let s=n;const o=s.startsWith(vtt);o&&(s=s.slice(vtt.length));const h=Rtt(s);if(o)return`require('${btt}').commonjsRegister(${JSON.stringify(ytt(h,l))}, function (module, exports) {\n module.exports = require(${JSON.stringify(h)});\n});`;if(a.has(h)&&!h.endsWith(".json"))return`require('${btt}').commonjsRegister(${JSON.stringify(ytt(h,l))}, function (module, exports) {\n ${e.readFileSync(h,{encoding:"utf8"})}\n});`;if(s.endsWith(htt)){s=ftt(s);const e=Dtt(s);return Jtt(s).then((t=>a.has(Rtt(s))&&!s.endsWith(".json")?`import {commonjsRequire} from '${btt}'; const ${e} = commonjsRequire(${JSON.stringify(ytt(Rtt(s),l))}); export default (${e} && ${e}['default']) || ${e}`:t?`import { __moduleExports } from ${JSON.stringify(s)}; export default __moduleExports;`:u.has(s)?`import * as ${e} from ${JSON.stringify(s)}; export default ${e};`:p.has(s)?`export {default} from ${JSON.stringify(s)};`:`import * as ${e} from ${JSON.stringify(s)}; import {getCjsExportFromNamespace} from "${btt}"; export default getCjsExportFromNamespace(${e})`))}if(c&&this.getModuleInfo(n).isEntry){let t;try{t=e.readFileSync(s,{encoding:"utf8"})}catch(e){return this.warn(`Failed to read file ${s}, dynamic modules might not work correctly`),null}let n=Array.from(a).map((e=>`require(${JSON.stringify(Ett+e)});`)).join("\n");return B.length&&(n+=`require(${JSON.stringify(Ett+_tt)});`),t=`${n}\n${t}`,t}return null},transform(e,n){if(!(n===_tt||n.startsWith(vtt)||i(n)&&-1!==r.indexOf(t.extname(n))))return jtt(n,null),null;let s;try{s=C.call(this,e,n)}catch(e){s=null,jtt(n,!1),this.error(e,e.loc)}return s}}}function Ytt(e){void 0===e&&(e={});var t=_qe(e.include,e.exclude),n="indent"in e?e.indent:"\t";return{name:"json",transform:function(r,i){if(".json"!==i.slice(-5)||!t(i))return null;try{var s=JSON.parse(r);return{code:Nqe(s,{preferConst:e.preferConst,compact:e.compact,namedExports:e.namedExports,indent:n}),map:{mappings:""}}}catch(e){var o=parseInt(/[\d]/.exec(e.message)[0],10);return this.warn({message:"Could not parse JSON file",id:i,position:o}),null}}}}const $tt=36e5,Ztt=new Map,ent={params:{[s.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_MODE]:s.constants.BROTLI_DEFAULT_MODE,[s.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY]:s.constants.BROTLI_MAX_QUALITY,[s.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_SIZE_HINT]:0}};function tnt(t){let n;return t.upgrading=!0,HA(t.code,{mangle:{keep_fnames:!0},compress:!0,module:!0,ecma:2018,safari10:!0,sourceMap:!1}).catch((e=>(console.error(e),n=e,{code:void 0}))).then((r=>{t.code=r.code||t.code;const i=cnt(t,t.cwd);return e.promises.writeFile(i,t.code),new Promise(((r,o)=>{s.brotliCompress(t.code,ent,((s,a)=>{if(t.upgrading=!1,s&&n)return o(Error(`Minification and Brotli compression failed for ${t.module}/${t.path}.`));t.brotli=a,e.promises.writeFile(i+".br",a),r(null)}))}))}))}const nnt=new Set;function rnt(e){nnt.add(e),1===nnt.size&&setTimeout(int,1e3)}function int(){const e=nnt.values().next().value;if(!e)return;tnt(Ztt.get(e)).then((()=>{setTimeout((()=>{nnt.delete(e),int()}),1e3)}))}async function snt(t,{module:n,path:r,version:i},s){if(Ztt.has(t)){const e=Ztt.get(t);if(Date.now()-e.modified>$tt)return;return{code:e.code,brotli:e.brotli,cacheStatus:"MEMORY"}}const o=cnt({module:n,path:r,version:i},s),a=await e.promises.stat(o).catch((()=>null));if(!a||Date.now()-a.mtimeMs>$tt)return;const[B,c]=await Promise.all([e.promises.readFile(o,"utf-8"),e.promises.readFile(o+".br").catch((()=>null))]);return Ztt.set(t,{module:n,path:r,version:i,brotli:c,upgrading:!1,modified:a.mtimeMs,code:B,cwd:s}),{code:B,brotli:c,cacheStatus:"DISK"}}function ont(e,t,{module:n,path:r,version:i},s){Ztt.set(e,{module:n,path:r,version:i,brotli:null,upgrading:!1,modified:Date.now(),code:t,cwd:s});Bnt(cnt({module:n,path:r,version:i},s),t)}function 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function dnt(e,{source:t,alias:n,cwd:r}){let i;if("unpkg"===t)throw Error("unpkg plugin is disabled");i=aR({publicPath:"/@npm"});const s=await _p({input:e,cache:hnt,shimMissingExports:!0,treeshake:!1,preserveEntrySignatures:"allow-extension",plugins:[XUe({}),mUe({alias:n,cwd:r}),i,AUe({NODE_ENV:"development"}),ztt({extensions:[".js",".cjs",""],sourceMap:!1,transformMixedEsModules:!0}),Ytt(),{name:"no-builtins",load(e){if("fs"===e||"path"===e)return"export default {};"}},{name:"never-disk",load(e){throw Error("local access not allowed")}}]});hnt=s.cache;const{output:o}=await s.generate({format:"es",indent:!1,paths:String});return o[0].code}var fnt={BINARY_TYPES:["nodebuffer","arraybuffer","fragments"],GUID:"258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11",kStatusCode:Symbol("status-code"),kWebSocket:Symbol("websocket"),EMPTY_BUFFER:Buffer.alloc(0),NOOP:()=>{}};const Cnt=(e,t,n,r,i)=>{for(var s=0;s<i;s++)n[r+s]=e[s]^t[3&s]},mnt=(e,t)=>{const n=e.length;for(var r=0;r<n;r++)e[r]^=t[3&r]};var gnt={mask:Cnt,unmask:mnt},Ant=N((function(e){const{EMPTY_BUFFER:t}=fnt;function n(e,n){if(0===e.length)return t;if(1===e.length)return e[0];const r=Buffer.allocUnsafe(n);let i=0;for(let t=0;t<e.length;t++){const n=e[t];r.set(n,i),i+=n.length}return i<n?r.slice(0,i):r}function r(e,t,n,r,i){for(let s=0;s<i;s++)n[r+s]=e[s]^t[3&s]}function i(e,t){const n=e.length;for(let r=0;r<n;r++)e[r]^=t[3&r]}function s(e){return e.byteLength===e.buffer.byteLength?e.buffer:e.buffer.slice(e.byteOffset,e.byteOffset+e.byteLength)}function o(e){if(o.readOnly=!0,Buffer.isBuffer(e))return e;let t;return e instanceof ArrayBuffer?t=Buffer.from(e):ArrayBuffer.isView(e)?t=Buffer.from(e.buffer,e.byteOffset,e.byteLength):(t=Buffer.from(e),o.readOnly=!1),t}try{const t=gnt,a=t.BufferUtil||t;e.exports={concat:n,mask(e,t,n,i,s){s<48?r(e,t,n,i,s):a.mask(e,t,n,i,s)},toArrayBuffer:s,toBuffer:o,unmask(e,t){e.length<32?i(e,t):a.unmask(e,t)}}}catch(t){e.exports={concat:n,mask:r,toArrayBuffer:s,toBuffer:o,unmask:i}}}));const ynt=Symbol("kDone"),Ent=Symbol("kRun");class vnt{constructor(e){this[ynt]=()=>{this.pending--,this[Ent]()},this.concurrency=e||1/0,this.jobs=[],this.pending=0}add(e){this.jobs.push(e),this[Ent]()}[Ent](){if(this.pending!==this.concurrency&&this.jobs.length){const e=this.jobs.shift();this.pending++,e(this[ynt])}}}var _nt=vnt;const bnt=require("zlib"),{kStatusCode:Snt,NOOP:wnt}=fnt,xnt=Buffer.from([0,0,255,255]),Dnt=Symbol("permessage-deflate"),Int=Symbol("total-length"),knt=Symbol("callback"),Ont=Symbol("buffers"),Nnt=Symbol("error");let Tnt;class Pnt{constructor(e,t,n){if(this._maxPayload=0|n,this._options=e||{},this._threshold=void 0!==this._options.threshold?this._options.threshold:1024,this._isServer=!!t,this._deflate=null,this._inflate=null,this.params=null,!Tnt){const e=void 0!==this._options.concurrencyLimit?this._options.concurrencyLimit:10;Tnt=new _nt(e)}}static get extensionName(){return"permessage-deflate"}offer(){const e={};return this._options.serverNoContextTakeover&&(e.server_no_context_takeover=!0),this._options.clientNoContextTakeover&&(e.client_no_context_takeover=!0),this._options.serverMaxWindowBits&&(e.server_max_window_bits=this._options.serverMaxWindowBits),this._options.clientMaxWindowBits?e.client_max_window_bits=this._options.clientMaxWindowBits:null==this._options.clientMaxWindowBits&&(e.client_max_window_bits=!0),e}accept(e){return e=this.normalizeParams(e),this.params=this._isServer?this.acceptAsServer(e):this.acceptAsClient(e),this.params}cleanup(){if(this._inflate&&(this._inflate.close(),this._inflate=null),this._deflate){const e=this._deflate[knt];this._deflate.close(),this._deflate=null,e&&e(new Error("The deflate stream was closed while data was being processed"))}}acceptAsServer(e){const t=this._options,n=e.find((e=>!(!1===t.serverNoContextTakeover&&e.server_no_context_takeover||e.server_max_window_bits&&(!1===t.serverMaxWindowBits||"number"==typeof t.serverMaxWindowBits&&t.serverMaxWindowBits>e.server_max_window_bits)||"number"==typeof t.clientMaxWindowBits&&!e.client_max_window_bits)));if(!n)throw new Error("None of the extension offers can be accepted");return t.serverNoContextTakeover&&(n.server_no_context_takeover=!0),t.clientNoContextTakeover&&(n.client_no_context_takeover=!0),"number"==typeof t.serverMaxWindowBits&&(n.server_max_window_bits=t.serverMaxWindowBits),"number"==typeof t.clientMaxWindowBits?n.client_max_window_bits=t.clientMaxWindowBits:!0!==n.client_max_window_bits&&!1!==t.clientMaxWindowBits||delete n.client_max_window_bits,n}acceptAsClient(e){const t=e[0];if(!1===this._options.clientNoContextTakeover&&t.client_no_context_takeover)throw new Error('Unexpected parameter "client_no_context_takeover"');if(t.client_max_window_bits){if(!1===this._options.clientMaxWindowBits||"number"==typeof this._options.clientMaxWindowBits&&t.client_max_window_bits>this._options.clientMaxWindowBits)throw new Error('Unexpected or invalid parameter "client_max_window_bits"')}else"number"==typeof this._options.clientMaxWindowBits&&(t.client_max_window_bits=this._options.clientMaxWindowBits);return t}normalizeParams(e){return e.forEach((e=>{Object.keys(e).forEach((t=>{let n=e[t];if(n.length>1)throw new Error(`Parameter "${t}" must have only a single value`);if(n=n[0],"client_max_window_bits"===t){if(!0!==n){const e=+n;if(!Number.isInteger(e)||e<8||e>15)throw new TypeError(`Invalid value for parameter "${t}": ${n}`);n=e}else if(!this._isServer)throw new TypeError(`Invalid value for parameter "${t}": ${n}`)}else if("server_max_window_bits"===t){const e=+n;if(!Number.isInteger(e)||e<8||e>15)throw new TypeError(`Invalid value for parameter "${t}": ${n}`);n=e}else{if("client_no_context_takeover"!==t&&"server_no_context_takeover"!==t)throw new Error(`Unknown parameter "${t}"`);if(!0!==n)throw new TypeError(`Invalid value for parameter "${t}": ${n}`)}e[t]=n}))})),e}decompress(e,t,n){Tnt.add((r=>{this._decompress(e,t,((e,t)=>{r(),n(e,t)}))}))}compress(e,t,n){Tnt.add((r=>{this._compress(e,t,((e,t)=>{r(),n(e,t)}))}))}_decompress(e,t,n){const r=this._isServer?"client":"server";if(!this._inflate){const e=`${r}_max_window_bits`,t="number"!=typeof this.params[e]?bnt.Z_DEFAULT_WINDOWBITS:this.params[e];this._inflate=bnt.createInflateRaw({...this._options.zlibInflateOptions,windowBits:t}),this._inflate[Dnt]=this,this._inflate[Int]=0,this._inflate[Ont]=[],this._inflate.on("error",Rnt),this._inflate.on("data",Lnt)}this._inflate[knt]=n,this._inflate.write(e),t&&this._inflate.write(xnt),this._inflate.flush((()=>{const e=this._inflate[Nnt];if(e)return this._inflate.close(),this._inflate=null,void n(e);const i=Ant.concat(this._inflate[Ont],this._inflate[Int]);this._inflate[Int]=0,this._inflate[Ont]=[],t&&this.params[`${r}_no_context_takeover`]&&this._inflate.reset(),n(null,i)}))}_compress(e,t,n){const r=this._isServer?"server":"client";if(!this._deflate){const e=`${r}_max_window_bits`,t="number"!=typeof this.params[e]?bnt.Z_DEFAULT_WINDOWBITS:this.params[e];this._deflate=bnt.createDeflateRaw({...this._options.zlibDeflateOptions,windowBits:t}),this._deflate[Int]=0,this._deflate[Ont]=[],this._deflate.on("error",wnt),this._deflate.on("data",Fnt)}this._deflate[knt]=n,this._deflate.write(e),this._deflate.flush(bnt.Z_SYNC_FLUSH,(()=>{if(!this._deflate)return;let e=Ant.concat(this._deflate[Ont],this._deflate[Int]);t&&(e=e.slice(0,e.length-4)),this._deflate[knt]=null,this._deflate[Int]=0,this._deflate[Ont]=[],t&&this.params[`${r}_no_context_takeover`]&&this._deflate.reset(),n(null,e)}))}}var Mnt=Pnt;function Fnt(e){this[Ont].push(e),this[Int]+=e.length}function Lnt(e){this[Int]+=e.length,this[Dnt]._maxPayload<1||this[Int]<=this[Dnt]._maxPayload?this[Ont].push(e):(this[Nnt]=new RangeError("Max payload size exceeded"),this[Nnt][Snt]=1009,this.removeListener("data",Lnt),this.reset())}function Rnt(e){this[Dnt]._inflate=null,e[Snt]=1007,this[knt](e)}const Gnt=e=>{for(var t=e.length,n=0;n<t;)if(e[n]<128)n++;else if(192==(224&e[n])){if(n+1===t||128!=(192&e[n+1])||192==(254&e[n]))return!1;n+=2}else if(224==(240&e[n])){if(n+2>=t||128!=(192&e[n+1])||128!=(192&e[n+2])||224===e[n]&&128==(224&e[n+1])||237===e[n]&&160==(224&e[n+1]))return!1;n+=3}else{if(240!=(248&e[n]))return!1;if(n+3>=t||128!=(192&e[n+1])||128!=(192&e[n+2])||128!=(192&e[n+3])||240===e[n]&&128==(240&e[n+1])||244===e[n]&&e[n+1]>143||e[n]>244)return!1;n+=4}return!0};var Hnt=Gnt,Knt=N((function(e,t){try{const e=Hnt;t.isValidUTF8="object"==typeof e?e.Validation.isValidUTF8:e}catch(e){t.isValidUTF8=()=>!0}t.isValidStatusCode=e=>e>=1e3&&e<=1014&&1004!==e&&1005!==e&&1006!==e||e>=3e3&&e<=4999}));const{Writable:Vnt}=require("stream"),{BINARY_TYPES:Unt,EMPTY_BUFFER:Qnt,kStatusCode:Jnt,kWebSocket:jnt}=fnt,{concat:Wnt,toArrayBuffer:Xnt,unmask:qnt}=Ant,{isValidStatusCode:znt,isValidUTF8:Ynt}=Knt,$nt=0,Znt=1,ert=2,trt=3,nrt=4,rrt=5;class irt extends Vnt{constructor(e,t,n,r){super(),this._binaryType=e||Unt[0],this[jnt]=void 0,this._extensions=t||{},this._isServer=!!n,this._maxPayload=0|r,this._bufferedBytes=0,this._buffers=[],this._compressed=!1,this._payloadLength=0,this._mask=void 0,this._fragmented=0,this._masked=!1,this._fin=!1,this._opcode=0,this._totalPayloadLength=0,this._messageLength=0,this._fragments=[],this._state=$nt,this._loop=!1}_write(e,t,n){if(8===this._opcode&&this._state==$nt)return n();this._bufferedBytes+=e.length,this._buffers.push(e),this.startLoop(n)}consume(e){if(this._bufferedBytes-=e,e===this._buffers[0].length)return this._buffers.shift();if(e<this._buffers[0].length){const t=this._buffers[0];return this._buffers[0]=t.slice(e),t.slice(0,e)}const t=Buffer.allocUnsafe(e);do{const n=this._buffers[0],r=t.length-e;e>=n.length?t.set(this._buffers.shift(),r):(t.set(new Uint8Array(n.buffer,n.byteOffset,e),r),this._buffers[0]=n.slice(e)),e-=n.length}while(e>0);return t}startLoop(e){let t;this._loop=!0;do{switch(this._state){case $nt:t=this.getInfo();break;case Znt:t=this.getPayloadLength16();break;case ert:t=this.getPayloadLength64();break;case trt:this.getMask();break;case nrt:t=this.getData(e);break;default:return void(this._loop=!1)}}while(this._loop);e(t)}getInfo(){if(this._bufferedBytes<2)return void(this._loop=!1);const e=this.consume(2);if(0!=(48&e[0]))return this._loop=!1,ort(RangeError,"RSV2 and RSV3 must be clear",!0,1002);const t=64==(64&e[0]);if(t&&!this._extensions[Mnt.extensionName])return this._loop=!1,ort(RangeError,"RSV1 must be clear",!0,1002);if(this._fin=128==(128&e[0]),this._opcode=15&e[0],this._payloadLength=127&e[1],0===this._opcode){if(t)return this._loop=!1,ort(RangeError,"RSV1 must be clear",!0,1002);if(!this._fragmented)return this._loop=!1,ort(RangeError,"invalid opcode 0",!0,1002);this._opcode=this._fragmented}else if(1===this._opcode||2===this._opcode){if(this._fragmented)return this._loop=!1,ort(RangeError,`invalid opcode ${this._opcode}`,!0,1002);this._compressed=t}else{if(!(this._opcode>7&&this._opcode<11))return this._loop=!1,ort(RangeError,`invalid opcode ${this._opcode}`,!0,1002);if(!this._fin)return this._loop=!1,ort(RangeError,"FIN must be set",!0,1002);if(t)return this._loop=!1,ort(RangeError,"RSV1 must be clear",!0,1002);if(this._payloadLength>125)return this._loop=!1,ort(RangeError,`invalid payload length ${this._payloadLength}`,!0,1002)}if(this._fin||this._fragmented||(this._fragmented=this._opcode),this._masked=128==(128&e[1]),this._isServer){if(!this._masked)return this._loop=!1,ort(RangeError,"MASK must be set",!0,1002)}else if(this._masked)return this._loop=!1,ort(RangeError,"MASK must be clear",!0,1002);if(126===this._payloadLength)this._state=Znt;else{if(127!==this._payloadLength)return this.haveLength();this._state=ert}}getPayloadLength16(){if(!(this._bufferedBytes<2))return this._payloadLength=this.consume(2).readUInt16BE(0),this.haveLength();this._loop=!1}getPayloadLength64(){if(this._bufferedBytes<8)return void(this._loop=!1);const e=this.consume(8),t=e.readUInt32BE(0);return t>Math.pow(2,21)-1?(this._loop=!1,ort(RangeError,"Unsupported WebSocket frame: payload length > 2^53 - 1",!1,1009)):(this._payloadLength=t*Math.pow(2,32)+e.readUInt32BE(4),this.haveLength())}haveLength(){if(this._payloadLength&&this._opcode<8&&(this._totalPayloadLength+=this._payloadLength,this._totalPayloadLength>this._maxPayload&&this._maxPayload>0))return this._loop=!1,ort(RangeError,"Max payload size exceeded",!1,1009);this._masked?this._state=trt:this._state=nrt}getMask(){this._bufferedBytes<4?this._loop=!1:(this._mask=this.consume(4),this._state=nrt)}getData(e){let t=Qnt;if(this._payloadLength){if(this._bufferedBytes<this._payloadLength)return void(this._loop=!1);t=this.consume(this._payloadLength),this._masked&&qnt(t,this._mask)}return this._opcode>7?this.controlMessage(t):this._compressed?(this._state=rrt,void this.decompress(t,e)):(t.length&&(this._messageLength=this._totalPayloadLength,this._fragments.push(t)),this.dataMessage())}decompress(e,t){this._extensions[Mnt.extensionName].decompress(e,this._fin,((e,n)=>{if(e)return t(e);if(n.length){if(this._messageLength+=n.length,this._messageLength>this._maxPayload&&this._maxPayload>0)return t(ort(RangeError,"Max payload size exceeded",!1,1009));this._fragments.push(n)}const r=this.dataMessage();if(r)return t(r);this.startLoop(t)}))}dataMessage(){if(this._fin){const e=this._messageLength,t=this._fragments;if(this._totalPayloadLength=0,this._messageLength=0,this._fragmented=0,this._fragments=[],2===this._opcode){let n;n="nodebuffer"===this._binaryType?Wnt(t,e):"arraybuffer"===this._binaryType?Xnt(Wnt(t,e)):t,this.emit("message",n)}else{const n=Wnt(t,e);if(!Ynt(n))return this._loop=!1,ort(Error,"invalid UTF-8 sequence",!0,1007);this.emit("message",n.toString())}}this._state=$nt}controlMessage(e){if(8===this._opcode)if(this._loop=!1,0===e.length)this.emit("conclude",1005,""),this.end();else{if(1===e.length)return ort(RangeError,"invalid payload length 1",!0,1002);{const t=e.readUInt16BE(0);if(!znt(t))return ort(RangeError,`invalid status code ${t}`,!0,1002);const n=e.slice(2);if(!Ynt(n))return ort(Error,"invalid UTF-8 sequence",!0,1007);this.emit("conclude",t,n.toString()),this.end()}}else 9===this._opcode?this.emit("ping",e):this.emit("pong",e);this._state=$nt}}var srt=irt;function ort(e,t,n,r){const i=new e(n?`Invalid WebSocket frame: ${t}`:t);return Error.captureStackTrace(i,ort),i[Jnt]=r,i}const{randomFillSync:art}=require("crypto"),{EMPTY_BUFFER:Brt}=fnt,{isValidStatusCode:crt}=Knt,{mask:lrt,toBuffer:urt}=Ant,prt=Buffer.alloc(4);class hrt{constructor(e,t){this._extensions=t||{},this._socket=e,this._firstFragment=!0,this._compress=!1,this._bufferedBytes=0,this._deflating=!1,this._queue=[]}static frame(e,t){const n=t.mask&&t.readOnly;let r=t.mask?6:2,i=e.length;e.length>=65536?(r+=8,i=127):e.length>125&&(r+=2,i=126);const s=Buffer.allocUnsafe(n?e.length+r:r);return s[0]=t.fin?128|t.opcode:t.opcode,t.rsv1&&(s[0]|=64),s[1]=i,126===i?s.writeUInt16BE(e.length,2):127===i&&(s.writeUInt32BE(0,2),s.writeUInt32BE(e.length,6)),t.mask?(art(prt,0,4),s[1]|=128,s[r-4]=prt[0],s[r-3]=prt[1],s[r-2]=prt[2],s[r-1]=prt[3],n?(lrt(e,prt,s,r,e.length),[s]):(lrt(e,prt,e,0,e.length),[s,e])):[s,e]}close(e,t,n,r){let i;if(void 0===e)i=Brt;else{if("number"!=typeof e||!crt(e))throw new TypeError("First argument must be a valid error code number");if(void 0===t||""===t)i=Buffer.allocUnsafe(2),i.writeUInt16BE(e,0);else{const n=Buffer.byteLength(t);if(n>123)throw new RangeError("The message must not be greater than 123 bytes");i=Buffer.allocUnsafe(2+n),i.writeUInt16BE(e,0),i.write(t,2)}}this._deflating?this.enqueue([this.doClose,i,n,r]):this.doClose(i,n,r)}doClose(e,t,n){this.sendFrame(hrt.frame(e,{fin:!0,rsv1:!1,opcode:8,mask:t,readOnly:!1}),n)}ping(e,t,n){const r=urt(e);if(r.length>125)throw new RangeError("The data size must not be greater than 125 bytes");this._deflating?this.enqueue([this.doPing,r,t,urt.readOnly,n]):this.doPing(r,t,urt.readOnly,n)}doPing(e,t,n,r){this.sendFrame(hrt.frame(e,{fin:!0,rsv1:!1,opcode:9,mask:t,readOnly:n}),r)}pong(e,t,n){const r=urt(e);if(r.length>125)throw new RangeError("The data size must not be greater than 125 bytes");this._deflating?this.enqueue([this.doPong,r,t,urt.readOnly,n]):this.doPong(r,t,urt.readOnly,n)}doPong(e,t,n,r){this.sendFrame(hrt.frame(e,{fin:!0,rsv1:!1,opcode:10,mask:t,readOnly:n}),r)}send(e,t,n){const r=urt(e),i=this._extensions[Mnt.extensionName];let s=t.binary?2:1,o=t.compress;if(this._firstFragment?(this._firstFragment=!1,o&&i&&(o=r.length>=i._threshold),this._compress=o):(o=!1,s=0),t.fin&&(this._firstFragment=!0),i){const e={fin:t.fin,rsv1:o,opcode:s,mask:t.mask,readOnly:urt.readOnly};this._deflating?this.enqueue([this.dispatch,r,this._compress,e,n]):this.dispatch(r,this._compress,e,n)}else this.sendFrame(hrt.frame(r,{fin:t.fin,rsv1:!1,opcode:s,mask:t.mask,readOnly:urt.readOnly}),n)}dispatch(e,t,n,r){if(!t)return void this.sendFrame(hrt.frame(e,n),r);const i=this._extensions[Mnt.extensionName];this._bufferedBytes+=e.length,this._deflating=!0,i.compress(e,n.fin,((t,i)=>{if(this._socket.destroyed){const e=new Error("The socket was closed while data was being compressed");"function"==typeof r&&r(e);for(let t=0;t<this._queue.length;t++){const n=this._queue[t][4];"function"==typeof n&&n(e)}}else this._bufferedBytes-=e.length,this._deflating=!1,n.readOnly=!1,this.sendFrame(hrt.frame(i,n),r),this.dequeue()}))}dequeue(){for(;!this._deflating&&this._queue.length;){const e=this._queue.shift();this._bufferedBytes-=e[1].length,Reflect.apply(e[0],this,e.slice(1))}}enqueue(e){this._bufferedBytes+=e[1].length,this._queue.push(e)}sendFrame(e,t){2===e.length?(this._socket.cork(),this._socket.write(e[0]),this._socket.write(e[1],t),this._socket.uncork()):this._socket.write(e[0],t)}}var drt=hrt;class frt{constructor(e,t){this.target=t,this.type=e}}class Crt extends frt{constructor(e,t){super("message",t),this.data=e}}class mrt extends frt{constructor(e,t,n){super("close",n),this.wasClean=n._closeFrameReceived&&n._closeFrameSent,this.reason=t,this.code=e}}class grt extends frt{constructor(e){super("open",e)}}class Art extends frt{constructor(e,t){super("error",t),this.message=e.message,this.error=e}}const yrt={addEventListener(e,t,n){if("function"!=typeof t)return;function r(e){t.call(this,new Crt(e,this))}function i(e,n){t.call(this,new mrt(e,n,this))}function s(e){t.call(this,new Art(e,this))}function o(){t.call(this,new grt(this))}const a=n&&n.once?"once":"on";"message"===e?(r._listener=t,this[a](e,r)):"close"===e?(i._listener=t,this[a](e,i)):"error"===e?(s._listener=t,this[a](e,s)):"open"===e?(o._listener=t,this[a](e,o)):this[a](e,t)},removeEventListener(e,t){const n=this.listeners(e);for(let r=0;r<n.length;r++)n[r]!==t&&n[r]._listener!==t||this.removeListener(e,n[r])}};var Ert=yrt;const vrt=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0];function _rt(e,t,n){void 0===e[t]?e[t]=[n]:e[t].push(n)}function brt(e){const t=Object.create(null);if(void 0===e||""===e)return t;let n,r,i=Object.create(null),s=!1,o=!1,a=!1,B=-1,c=-1,l=0;for(;l<e.length;l++){const u=e.charCodeAt(l);if(void 0===n)if(-1===c&&1===vrt[u])-1===B&&(B=l);else if(32===u||9===u)-1===c&&-1!==B&&(c=l);else{if(59!==u&&44!==u)throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${l}`);{if(-1===B)throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${l}`);-1===c&&(c=l);const r=e.slice(B,c);44===u?(_rt(t,r,i),i=Object.create(null)):n=r,B=c=-1}}else if(void 0===r)if(-1===c&&1===vrt[u])-1===B&&(B=l);else if(32===u||9===u)-1===c&&-1!==B&&(c=l);else if(59===u||44===u){if(-1===B)throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${l}`);-1===c&&(c=l),_rt(i,e.slice(B,c),!0),44===u&&(_rt(t,n,i),i=Object.create(null),n=void 0),B=c=-1}else{if(61!==u||-1===B||-1!==c)throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${l}`);r=e.slice(B,l),B=c=-1}else if(o){if(1!==vrt[u])throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${l}`);-1===B?B=l:s||(s=!0),o=!1}else if(a)if(1===vrt[u])-1===B&&(B=l);else if(34===u&&-1!==B)a=!1,c=l;else{if(92!==u)throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${l}`);o=!0}else if(34===u&&61===e.charCodeAt(l-1))a=!0;else if(-1===c&&1===vrt[u])-1===B&&(B=l);else if(-1===B||32!==u&&9!==u){if(59!==u&&44!==u)throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${l}`);{if(-1===B)throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character at index ${l}`);-1===c&&(c=l);let o=e.slice(B,c);s&&(o=o.replace(/\\/g,""),s=!1),_rt(i,r,o),44===u&&(_rt(t,n,i),i=Object.create(null),n=void 0),r=void 0,B=c=-1}}else-1===c&&(c=l)}if(-1===B||a)throw new SyntaxError("Unexpected end of input");-1===c&&(c=l);const u=e.slice(B,c);return void 0===n?_rt(t,u,i):(void 0===r?_rt(i,u,!0):_rt(i,r,s?u.replace(/\\/g,""):u),_rt(t,n,i)),t}function Srt(e){return Object.keys(e).map((t=>{let n=e[t];return Array.isArray(n)||(n=[n]),n.map((e=>[t].concat(Object.keys(e).map((t=>{let n=e[t];return Array.isArray(n)||(n=[n]),n.map((e=>!0===e?t:`${t}=${e}`)).join("; ")}))).join("; "))).join(", ")})).join(", ")}var wrt={format:Srt,parse:brt};const xrt=require("events"),Drt=require("https"),Irt=require("http"),krt=require("net"),Ort=require("tls"),{randomBytes:Nrt,createHash:Trt}=require("crypto"),{URL:Prt}=require("url"),{BINARY_TYPES:Mrt,EMPTY_BUFFER:Frt,GUID:Lrt,kStatusCode:Rrt,kWebSocket:Grt,NOOP:Hrt}=fnt,{addEventListener:Krt,removeEventListener:Vrt}=Ert,{format:Urt,parse:Qrt}=wrt,{toBuffer:Jrt}=Ant,jrt=["CONNECTING","OPEN","CLOSING","CLOSED"],Wrt=[8,13],Xrt=3e4;class qrt extends xrt{constructor(e,t,n){super(),this._binaryType=Mrt[0],this._closeCode=1006,this._closeFrameReceived=!1,this._closeFrameSent=!1,this._closeMessage="",this._closeTimer=null,this._extensions={},this._protocol="",this._readyState=qrt.CONNECTING,this._receiver=null,this._sender=null,this._socket=null,null!==e?(this._bufferedAmount=0,this._isServer=!1,this._redirects=0,Array.isArray(t)?t=t.join(", "):"object"==typeof t&&null!==t&&(n=t,t=void 0),Yrt(this,e,t,n)):this._isServer=!0}get binaryType(){return this._binaryType}set binaryType(e){Mrt.includes(e)&&(this._binaryType=e,this._receiver&&(this._receiver._binaryType=e))}get bufferedAmount(){return this._socket?this._socket._writableState.length+this._sender._bufferedBytes:this._bufferedAmount}get extensions(){return Object.keys(this._extensions).join()}get protocol(){return this._protocol}get readyState(){return this._readyState}get url(){return this._url}setSocket(e,t,n){const r=new srt(this.binaryType,this._extensions,this._isServer,n);this._sender=new drt(e,this._extensions),this._receiver=r,this._socket=e,r[Grt]=this,e[Grt]=this,r.on("conclude",nit),r.on("drain",rit),r.on("error",iit),r.on("message",oit),r.on("ping",ait),r.on("pong",Bit),e.setTimeout(0),e.setNoDelay(),t.length>0&&e.unshift(t),e.on("close",cit),e.on("data",lit),e.on("end",uit),e.on("error",pit),this._readyState=qrt.OPEN,this.emit("open")}emitClose(){if(!this._socket)return this._readyState=qrt.CLOSED,void this.emit("close",this._closeCode,this._closeMessage);this._extensions[Mnt.extensionName]&&this._extensions[Mnt.extensionName].cleanup(),this._receiver.removeAllListeners(),this._readyState=qrt.CLOSED,this.emit("close",this._closeCode,this._closeMessage)}close(e,t){if(this.readyState!==qrt.CLOSED){if(this.readyState===qrt.CONNECTING){const e="WebSocket was closed before the connection was established";return eit(this,this._req,e)}this.readyState!==qrt.CLOSING?(this._readyState=qrt.CLOSING,this._sender.close(e,t,!this._isServer,(e=>{e||(this._closeFrameSent=!0,this._closeFrameReceived&&this._socket.end())})),this._closeTimer=setTimeout(this._socket.destroy.bind(this._socket),Xrt)):this._closeFrameSent&&this._closeFrameReceived&&this._socket.end()}}ping(e,t,n){if(this.readyState===qrt.CONNECTING)throw new Error("WebSocket is not open: readyState 0 (CONNECTING)");"function"==typeof e?(n=e,e=t=void 0):"function"==typeof t&&(n=t,t=void 0),"number"==typeof e&&(e=e.toString()),this.readyState===qrt.OPEN?(void 0===t&&(t=!this._isServer),this._sender.ping(e||Frt,t,n)):tit(this,e,n)}pong(e,t,n){if(this.readyState===qrt.CONNECTING)throw new Error("WebSocket is not open: readyState 0 (CONNECTING)");"function"==typeof e?(n=e,e=t=void 0):"function"==typeof t&&(n=t,t=void 0),"number"==typeof e&&(e=e.toString()),this.readyState===qrt.OPEN?(void 0===t&&(t=!this._isServer),this._sender.pong(e||Frt,t,n)):tit(this,e,n)}send(e,t,n){if(this.readyState===qrt.CONNECTING)throw new Error("WebSocket is not open: readyState 0 (CONNECTING)");if("function"==typeof t&&(n=t,t={}),"number"==typeof e&&(e=e.toString()),this.readyState!==qrt.OPEN)return void tit(this,e,n);const r={binary:"string"!=typeof e,mask:!this._isServer,compress:!0,fin:!0,...t};this._extensions[Mnt.extensionName]||(r.compress=!1),this._sender.send(e||Frt,r,n)}terminate(){if(this.readyState!==qrt.CLOSED){if(this.readyState===qrt.CONNECTING){const e="WebSocket was closed before the connection was established";return eit(this,this._req,e)}this._socket&&(this._readyState=qrt.CLOSING,this._socket.destroy())}}}jrt.forEach(((e,t)=>{const n={enumerable:!0,value:t};Object.defineProperty(qrt.prototype,e,n),Object.defineProperty(qrt,e,n)})),["binaryType","bufferedAmount","extensions","protocol","readyState","url"].forEach((e=>{Object.defineProperty(qrt.prototype,e,{enumerable:!0})})),["open","error","close","message"].forEach((e=>{Object.defineProperty(qrt.prototype,`on${e}`,{configurable:!0,enumerable:!0,get(){const t=this.listeners(e);for(let e=0;e<t.length;e++)if(t[e]._listener)return t[e]._listener},set(t){const n=this.listeners(e);for(let t=0;t<n.length;t++)n[t]._listener&&this.removeListener(e,n[t]);this.addEventListener(e,t)}})})),qrt.prototype.addEventListener=Krt,qrt.prototype.removeEventListener=Vrt;var zrt=qrt;function Yrt(e,t,n,r){const i={protocolVersion:Wrt[1],maxPayload:104857600,perMessageDeflate:!0,followRedirects:!1,maxRedirects:10,...r,createConnection:void 0,socketPath:void 0,hostname:void 0,protocol:void 0,timeout:void 0,method:void 0,host:void 0,path:void 0,port:void 0};if(!Wrt.includes(i.protocolVersion))throw new RangeError(`Unsupported protocol version: ${i.protocolVersion} (supported versions: ${Wrt.join(", ")})`);let s;t instanceof Prt?(s=t,e._url=t.href):(s=new Prt(t),e._url=t);const o="ws+unix:"===s.protocol;if(!(s.host||o&&s.pathname))throw new Error(`Invalid URL: ${e.url}`);const a="wss:"===s.protocol||"https:"===s.protocol,B=a?443:80,c=Nrt(16).toString("base64"),l=a?Drt.get:Irt.get;let u;if(i.createConnection=a?Zrt:$rt,i.defaultPort=i.defaultPort||B,i.port=s.port||B,i.host=s.hostname.startsWith("[")?s.hostname.slice(1,-1):s.hostname,i.headers={"Sec-WebSocket-Version":i.protocolVersion,"Sec-WebSocket-Key":c,Connection:"Upgrade",Upgrade:"websocket",...i.headers},i.path=s.pathname+s.search,i.timeout=i.handshakeTimeout,i.perMessageDeflate&&(u=new Mnt(!0!==i.perMessageDeflate?i.perMessageDeflate:{},!1,i.maxPayload),i.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"]=Urt({[Mnt.extensionName]:u.offer()})),n&&(i.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"]=n),i.origin&&(i.protocolVersion<13?i.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Origin"]=i.origin:i.headers.Origin=i.origin),(s.username||s.password)&&(i.auth=`${s.username}:${s.password}`),o){const e=i.path.split(":");i.socketPath=e[0],i.path=e[1]}let p=e._req=l(i);i.timeout&&p.on("timeout",(()=>{eit(e,p,"Opening handshake has timed out")})),p.on("error",(t=>{null===p||p.aborted||(p=e._req=null,e._readyState=qrt.CLOSING,e.emit("error",t),e.emitClose())})),p.on("response",(s=>{const o=s.headers.location,a=s.statusCode;if(o&&i.followRedirects&&a>=300&&a<400){if(++e._redirects>i.maxRedirects)return void eit(e,p,"Maximum redirects exceeded");p.abort();const s=new Prt(o,t);Yrt(e,s,n,r)}else e.emit("unexpected-response",p,s)||eit(e,p,`Unexpected server response: ${s.statusCode}`)})),p.on("upgrade",((t,r,s)=>{if(e.emit("upgrade",t),e.readyState!==qrt.CONNECTING)return;p=e._req=null;const o=Trt("sha1").update(c+Lrt).digest("base64");if(t.headers["sec-websocket-accept"]!==o)return void eit(e,r,"Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Accept header");const a=t.headers["sec-websocket-protocol"],B=(n||"").split(/, */);let l;if(!n&&a?l="Server sent a subprotocol but none was requested":n&&!a?l="Server sent no subprotocol":a&&!B.includes(a)&&(l="Server sent an invalid subprotocol"),l)eit(e,r,l);else{if(a&&(e._protocol=a),u)try{const n=Qrt(t.headers["sec-websocket-extensions"]);n[Mnt.extensionName]&&(u.accept(n[Mnt.extensionName]),e._extensions[Mnt.extensionName]=u)}catch(t){return void eit(e,r,"Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header")}e.setSocket(r,s,i.maxPayload)}}))}function $rt(e){return e.path=e.socketPath,krt.connect(e)}function Zrt(e){return e.path=void 0,e.servername||""===e.servername||(e.servername=krt.isIP(e.host)?"":e.host),Ort.connect(e)}function eit(e,t,n){e._readyState=qrt.CLOSING;const r=new Error(n);Error.captureStackTrace(r,eit),t.setHeader?(t.abort(),t.once("abort",e.emitClose.bind(e)),e.emit("error",r)):(t.destroy(r),t.once("error",e.emit.bind(e,"error")),t.once("close",e.emitClose.bind(e)))}function tit(e,t,n){if(t){const n=Jrt(t).length;e._socket?e._sender._bufferedBytes+=n:e._bufferedAmount+=n}if(n){n(new Error(`WebSocket is not open: readyState ${e.readyState} (${jrt[e.readyState]})`))}}function nit(e,t){const n=this[Grt];n._socket.removeListener("data",lit),n._socket.resume(),n._closeFrameReceived=!0,n._closeMessage=t,n._closeCode=e,1005===e?n.close():n.close(e,t)}function rit(){this[Grt]._socket.resume()}function iit(e){const t=this[Grt];t._socket.removeListener("data",lit),t._readyState=qrt.CLOSING,t._closeCode=e[Rrt],t.emit("error",e),t._socket.destroy()}function sit(){this[Grt].emitClose()}function oit(e){this[Grt].emit("message",e)}function ait(e){const t=this[Grt];t.pong(e,!t._isServer,Hrt),t.emit("ping",e)}function Bit(e){this[Grt].emit("pong",e)}function cit(){const e=this[Grt];this.removeListener("close",cit),this.removeListener("end",uit),e._readyState=qrt.CLOSING,e._socket.read(),e._receiver.end(),this.removeListener("data",lit),this[Grt]=void 0,clearTimeout(e._closeTimer),e._receiver._writableState.finished||e._receiver._writableState.errorEmitted?e.emitClose():(e._receiver.on("error",sit),e._receiver.on("finish",sit))}function lit(e){this[Grt]._receiver.write(e)||this.pause()}function uit(){const e=this[Grt];e._readyState=qrt.CLOSING,e._receiver.end(),this.end()}function pit(){const e=this[Grt];this.removeListener("error",pit),this.on("error",Hrt),e&&(e._readyState=qrt.CLOSING,this.destroy())}const{Duplex:hit}=require("stream");function dit(e){e.emit("close")}function fit(){!this.destroyed&&this._writableState.finished&&this.destroy()}function Cit(e){this.removeListener("error",Cit),this.destroy(),0===this.listenerCount("error")&&this.emit("error",e)}function mit(e,t){let n=!0;function r(){n&&e._socket.resume()}e.readyState===e.CONNECTING?e.once("open",(function(){e._receiver.removeAllListeners("drain"),e._receiver.on("drain",r)})):(e._receiver.removeAllListeners("drain"),e._receiver.on("drain",r));const i=new hit({...t,autoDestroy:!1,emitClose:!1,objectMode:!1,writableObjectMode:!1});return e.on("message",(function(t){i.push(t)||(n=!1,e._socket.pause())})),e.once("error",(function(e){i.destroyed||i.destroy(e)})),e.once("close",(function(){i.destroyed||i.push(null)})),i._destroy=function(t,n){if(e.readyState===e.CLOSED)return n(t),void process.nextTick(dit,i);let r=!1;e.once("error",(function(e){r=!0,n(e)})),e.once("close",(function(){r||n(t),process.nextTick(dit,i)})),e.terminate()},i._final=function(t){e.readyState!==e.CONNECTING?null!==e._socket&&(e._socket._writableState.finished?(t(),i._readableState.endEmitted&&i.destroy()):(e._socket.once("finish",(function(){t()})),e.close())):e.once("open",(function(){i._final(t)}))},i._read=function(){e.readyState!==e.OPEN||n||(n=!0,e._receiver._writableState.needDrain||e._socket.resume())},i._write=function(t,n,r){e.readyState!==e.CONNECTING?e.send(t,r):e.once("open",(function(){i._write(t,n,r)}))},i.on("end",fit),i.on("error",Cit),i}var git=mit;const Ait=require("events"),{createHash:yit}=require("crypto"),{createServer:Eit,STATUS_CODES:vit}=require("http"),{format:_it,parse:bit}=wrt,{GUID:Sit,kWebSocket:wit}=fnt,xit=/^[+/0-9A-Za-z]{22}==$/;class Dit extends Ait{constructor(e,t){if(super(),null==(e={maxPayload:104857600,perMessageDeflate:!1,handleProtocols:null,clientTracking:!0,verifyClient:null,noServer:!1,backlog:null,server:null,host:null,path:null,port:null,...e}).port&&!e.server&&!e.noServer)throw new TypeError('One of the "port", "server", or "noServer" options must be specified');if(null!=e.port?(this._server=Eit(((e,t)=>{const n=vit[426];t.writeHead(426,{"Content-Length":n.length,"Content-Type":"text/plain"}),t.end(n)})),this._server.listen(e.port,e.host,e.backlog,t)):e.server&&(this._server=e.server),this._server){const e=this.emit.bind(this,"connection");this._removeListeners=kit(this._server,{listening:this.emit.bind(this,"listening"),error:this.emit.bind(this,"error"),upgrade:(t,n,r)=>{this.handleUpgrade(t,n,r,e)}})}!0===e.perMessageDeflate&&(e.perMessageDeflate={}),e.clientTracking&&(this.clients=new Set),this.options=e}address(){if(this.options.noServer)throw new Error('The server is operating in "noServer" mode');return this._server?this._server.address():null}close(e){if(e&&this.once("close",e),this.clients)for(const e of this.clients)e.terminate();const t=this._server;t&&(this._removeListeners(),this._removeListeners=this._server=null,null!=this.options.port)?t.close((()=>this.emit("close"))):process.nextTick(Oit,this)}shouldHandle(e){if(this.options.path){const t=e.url.indexOf("?");if((-1!==t?e.url.slice(0,t):e.url)!==this.options.path)return!1}return!0}handleUpgrade(e,t,n,r){t.on("error",Nit);const i=void 0!==e.headers["sec-websocket-key"]&&e.headers["sec-websocket-key"].trim(),s=+e.headers["sec-websocket-version"],o={};if("GET"!==e.method||"websocket"!==e.headers.upgrade.toLowerCase()||!i||!xit.test(i)||8!==s&&13!==s||!this.shouldHandle(e))return Tit(t,400);if(this.options.perMessageDeflate){const n=new Mnt(this.options.perMessageDeflate,!0,this.options.maxPayload);try{const t=bit(e.headers["sec-websocket-extensions"]);t[Mnt.extensionName]&&(n.accept(t[Mnt.extensionName]),o[Mnt.extensionName]=n)}catch(e){return Tit(t,400)}}if(this.options.verifyClient){const a={origin:e.headers[""+(8===s?"sec-websocket-origin":"origin")],secure:!(!e.socket.authorized&&!e.socket.encrypted),req:e};if(2===this.options.verifyClient.length)return void this.options.verifyClient(a,((s,a,B,c)=>{if(!s)return Tit(t,a||401,B,c);this.completeUpgrade(i,o,e,t,n,r)}));if(!this.options.verifyClient(a))return Tit(t,401)}this.completeUpgrade(i,o,e,t,n,r)}completeUpgrade(e,t,n,r,i,s){if(!r.readable||!r.writable)return r.destroy();if(r[wit])throw new Error("server.handleUpgrade() was called more than once with the same socket, possibly due to a misconfiguration");const o=["HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols","Upgrade: websocket","Connection: Upgrade",`Sec-WebSocket-Accept: ${yit("sha1").update(e+Sit).digest("base64")}`],a=new zrt(null);let B=n.headers["sec-websocket-protocol"];if(B&&(B=B.trim().split(/ *, */),B=this.options.handleProtocols?this.options.handleProtocols(B,n):B[0],B&&(o.push(`Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: ${B}`),a._protocol=B)),t[Mnt.extensionName]){const e=t[Mnt.extensionName].params,n=_it({[Mnt.extensionName]:[e]});o.push(`Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: ${n}`),a._extensions=t}this.emit("headers",o,n),r.write(o.concat("\r\n").join("\r\n")),r.removeListener("error",Nit),a.setSocket(r,i,this.options.maxPayload),this.clients&&(this.clients.add(a),a.on("close",(()=>this.clients.delete(a)))),s(a,n)}}var Iit=Dit;function kit(e,t){for(const n of Object.keys(t))e.on(n,t[n]);return function(){for(const n of Object.keys(t))e.removeListener(n,t[n])}}function Oit(e){e.emit("close")}function Nit(){this.destroy()}function Tit(e,t,n,r){e.writable&&(n=n||vit[t],r={Connection:"close","Content-Type":"text/html","Content-Length":Buffer.byteLength(n),...r},e.write(`HTTP/1.1 ${t} ${vit[t]}\r\n`+Object.keys(r).map((e=>`${e}: ${r[e]}`)).join("\r\n")+"\r\n\r\n"+n)),e.removeListener("error",Nit),e.destroy()}zrt.createWebSocketStream=git,zrt.Server=Iit,zrt.Receiver=srt,zrt.Sender=drt;var Pit=zrt;const Mit=Object.getPrototypeOf||(e=>e.__proto__),Fit=e=>{if(e.acorn)return e.acorn;const t=WE;if(0!=t.version.indexOf("6.")&&0==t.version.indexOf("6.0.")&&0!=t.version.indexOf("7."))throw new Error(`acorn-private-class-elements requires acorn@^6.1.0 or acorn@7.0.0, not ${t.version}`);for(let n=e;n&&n!==t.Parser;n=Mit(n))if(n!==t.Parser)throw new Error("acorn-private-class-elements does not support mixing different acorn copies");return t};var Lit=function(e){if(e.prototype.parsePrivateName)return e;const t=Fit(e);return(e=class extends e{_branch(){return this.__branch=this.__branch||new e({ecmaVersion:this.options.ecmaVersion},this.input),this.__branch.end=this.end,this.__branch.pos=this.pos,this.__branch.type=this.type,this.__branch.value=this.value,this.__branch.containsEsc=this.containsEsc,this.__branch}parsePrivateClassElementName(e){e.computed=!1,e.key=this.parsePrivateName(),"constructor"==e.key.name&&this.raise(e.key.start,"Classes may not have a private element named constructor");const t={get:"set",set:"get"}[e.kind],n=this._privateBoundNames;return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,e.key.name)&&n[e.key.name]!==t&&this.raise(e.start,"Duplicate private element"),n[e.key.name]=e.kind||!0,delete this._unresolvedPrivateNames[e.key.name],e.key}parsePrivateName(){const e=this.startNode();return e.name=this.value,this.next(),this.finishNode(e,"PrivateIdentifier"),"never"==this.options.allowReserved&&this.checkUnreserved(e),e}getTokenFromCode(e){if(35===e){++this.pos;const e=this.readWord1();return this.finishToken(this.privateIdentifierToken,e)}return super.getTokenFromCode(e)}parseClass(e,t){const n=this._outerPrivateBoundNames;this._outerPrivateBoundNames=this._privateBoundNames,this._privateBoundNames=Object.create(this._privateBoundNames||null);const r=this._outerUnresolvedPrivateNames;this._outerUnresolvedPrivateNames=this._unresolvedPrivateNames,this._unresolvedPrivateNames=Object.create(null);const i=super.parseClass(e,t),s=this._unresolvedPrivateNames;if(this._privateBoundNames=this._outerPrivateBoundNames,this._outerPrivateBoundNames=n,this._unresolvedPrivateNames=this._outerUnresolvedPrivateNames,this._outerUnresolvedPrivateNames=r,this._unresolvedPrivateNames)Object.assign(this._unresolvedPrivateNames,s);else{const e=Object.keys(s);e.length&&(e.sort(((e,t)=>s[e]-s[t])),this.raise(s[e[0]],"Usage of undeclared private name"))}return i}parseClassSuper(e){const t=this._privateBoundNames;this._privateBoundNames=this._outerPrivateBoundNames;const n=this._unresolvedPrivateNames;this._unresolvedPrivateNames=this._outerUnresolvedPrivateNames;const r=super.parseClassSuper(e);return this._privateBoundNames=t,this._unresolvedPrivateNames=n,r}parseSubscript(e,n,r,i,s,o){const a=this.options.ecmaVersion>=11&&t.tokTypes.questionDot,B=this._branch();if(!(B.eat(t.tokTypes.dot)||a&&B.eat(t.tokTypes.questionDot))||B.type!=this.privateIdentifierToken)return super.parseSubscript.apply(this,arguments);let c=!1;this.eat(t.tokTypes.dot)||(this.expect(t.tokTypes.questionDot),c=!0);let l=this.startNodeAt(n,r);return l.object=e,l.computed=!1,a&&(l.optional=c),this.type==this.privateIdentifierToken?("Super"==e.type&&this.raise(this.start,"Cannot access private element on super"),l.property=this.parsePrivateName(),this._privateBoundNames&&this._privateBoundNames[l.property.name]||(this._unresolvedPrivateNames||this.raise(l.property.start,"Usage of undeclared private name"),this._unresolvedPrivateNames[l.property.name]=l.property.start)):l.property=this.parseIdent(!0),this.finishNode(l,"MemberExpression")}parseMaybeUnary(e,t){const n=super.parseMaybeUnary(e,t);return"delete"==n.operator&&"MemberExpression"==n.argument.type&&"PrivateIdentifier"==n.argument.property.type&&this.raise(n.start,"Private elements may not be deleted"),n}}).prototype.privateIdentifierToken=new t.TokenType("privateIdentifier"),e},Rit=function(e){const t=(e.acorn||WE).tokTypes;return e=Lit(e),class extends e{_maybeParseFieldValue(e){if(this.eat(t.eq)){const n=this._inFieldValue;this._inFieldValue=!0,this.type===t.name&&"await"===this.value&&(this.inAsync||this.options.allowAwaitOutsideFunction)?e.value=this.parseAwait():e.value=this.parseExpression(),this._inFieldValue=n}else e.value=null}parseClassElement(e){if(this.options.ecmaVersion>=8&&(this.type==t.name||this.type.keyword||this.type==this.privateIdentifierToken||this.type==t.bracketL||this.type==t.string||this.type==t.num)){const e=this._branch();if(e.type==t.bracketL){let n=0;do{e.eat(t.bracketL)?++n:e.eat(t.bracketR)?--n:e.next()}while(n>0)}else e.next(!0);let n=e.type==t.eq||e.type==t.semi;if(!n&&e.canInsertSemicolon()&&(n=e.type!=t.parenL),n){const e=this.startNode();return this.type==this.privateIdentifierToken?this.parsePrivateClassElementName(e):this.parsePropertyName(e),("Identifier"===e.key.type&&"constructor"===e.key.name||"Literal"===e.key.type&&"constructor"===e.key.value)&&this.raise(e.key.start,"Classes may not have a field called constructor"),this.enterScope(67),this._maybeParseFieldValue(e),this.exitScope(),this.finishNode(e,"PropertyDefinition"),this.semicolon(),e}}return super.parseClassElement.apply(this,arguments)}parseIdent(e,t){const n=super.parseIdent(e,t);return this._inFieldValue&&"arguments"==n.name&&this.raise(n.start,"A class field initializer may not contain arguments"),n}}};const Git=e=>"default"in e?e.default:e,{Parser:Hit}=Git(jE),Kit=e=>e.split(t.sep).join(t.posix.sep);function Vit(e,t){const n=e.pop();t!==e.length&&(e[t]=n)}function Uit(e,t){return t?e+"\n"+t:e}function Qit(r,i={}){Array.isArray(r)||(r=[r]);const s=i.modules||new Map;let o,a=0,B=new Map,c=new Set,l=Hit;const u={meta:{rollupVersion:"2.8.0",watchMode:!0},options:{...i},outputOptions:{dir:i.output&&i.output.dir,file:i.output&&i.output.file,entryFileNames:i.output&&i.output.entryFileNames,chunkFileNames:i.output&&i.output.chunkFileNames,assetFileNames:i.output&&i.output.assetFileNames},parse:(e,t)=>l.parse(e,{sourceType:"module",ecmaVersion:2020,locations:!0,onComment:[],...t}),async resolve(e,n,{skipSelf:r=!1}={skipSelf:!1}){const s=[];r&&o&&s.push(o);let a=await f.resolveId(e,n,s);return"string"==typeof a&&(a={id:a}),a&&a.id||(a={id:e}),a.id.match(/^\.\.?[/\\]/)&&(a.id=t.resolve(i.cwd||".",n?t.dirname(n):".",a.id)),a||!1},getModuleInfo(e){let t=s.get(e);return t||(t={info:{}},s.set(e,t)),t.info},emitFile(r){const{type:s,name:o,fileName:c}=r,l="asset"===r.type&&r.source,p=String(++a),h=c||function({type:e,name:r,fileName:s,source:o}){const a=Kit(r);return s||(s=(s=(s=(s=(s="entry"===e&&u.outputOptions.file||u.outputOptions[e+"FileNames"]||"[name][extname]").replace("[hash]",(()=>n.createHash("md5").update(o).digest("hex").substring(0,5)))).replace("[extname]",t.posix.extname(a))).replace("[ext]",t.posix.extname(a).substring(1))).replace("[name]",t.posix.basename(a).replace(/\.[a-z0-9]+$/g,""))),t.resolve(i.cwd||".",u.outputOptions.dir||".",s)}({type:s,name:o,source:l,fileName:c});if(B.set(p,{id:p,name:o,filename:h}),l){if("chunk"===s)throw Error('emitFile({ type:"chunk" }) cannot include a source');i.writeFile?i.writeFile(h,l):e.promises.writeFile(h,l)}return p},setAssetSource(t,n){const r=B.get(String(t));if("chunk"===r.type)throw Error("setAssetSource() called on a chunk");r.source=n,i.writeFile?i.writeFile(r.filename,n):e.promises.writeFile(r.filename,n)},getFileName:e=>f.resolveFileUrl({referenceId:e}),addWatchFile(e){c.add(e)},warn(...e){console.log(`[${o.name}]`,...e)}},p=gv("wmr:resolve"),h=gv("wmr:transform"),d=gv("wmr:load"),f={ctx:u,options(e){for(o of r)o.options&&(e=o.options.call(u,e)||e);return e.acornInjectPlugins&&(l=Hit.extend(...[Rit].concat(e.acornInjectPlugins))),e},async buildStart(){await Promise.all(r.map((e=>{e.buildStart&&e.buildStart.call(u,f.options)})))},watchChange(e){const t=[];if(c.has(e))for(o of r){if(!o.watchChange)continue;const n=o.watchChange.call(u,e);Array.isArray(n)&&t.push(...n)}return t},resolveImportMeta(e){for(o of r){if(!o.resolveImportMeta)continue;const t=o.resolveImportMeta.call(u,e);if(t)return t}const t=e.match(/^ROLLUP_FILE_URL_(\d+)$/);if(t){const e=t[1],n=f.resolveFileUrl({referenceId:e});if(n)return n}},async resolveId(e,t,n){let i=e;const s=Uit(e,t),a={};for(const B of r){if(!B.resolveId)continue;if(n){if(n.includes(B))continue;if(C.has(B,s))continue;C.add(B,s)}let r;o=B;try{r=await B.resolveId.call(u,e,t)}finally{n&&C.delete(B,s)}if(r){"string"==typeof r?e=r:(e=r.id,Object.assign(a,r)),p(`${Ev(i,e)} [${B.name}]`);break}}return a.id=e,Object.keys(a).length>1?a:e},async transform(e,t){for(o of r){if(!o.transform)continue;const n=await o.transform.call(u,e,t);n&&(h(`${Y(yv(t))} [${o.name}]`),e="object"==typeof n?n.code:n)}return e},async load(e){for(o of r){if(!o.load)continue;const t=await o.load.call(u,e);if(t)return d(`${Y(yv(e))} [${o.name}]`),t}return d(`${Y(yv(e))} [__fallback__]`),null},resolveFileUrl({referenceId:e}){e=String(e);const n=B.get(e);if(null==n)return null;const s=t.resolve(i.cwd||".",u.outputOptions.dir||"."),a=t.isAbsolute(n.filename)?t.relative(s,n.filename):n.filename,c={referenceId:e,fileName:a,relativePath:a};for(o of r){if(!o.resolveFileUrl)continue;const e=o.resolveFileUrl.call(u,c);if(null!=e)return e}return JSON.stringify(t.posix.normalize("/"+a.split(t.sep).join(t.posix.sep)))}},C={skip:new Map,has(e,t){const n=this.skip.get(e);return!!n&&n.includes(t)},add(e,t){const n=this.skip.get(e);n?n.push(t):this.skip.set(e,[t])},delete(e,t){const n=this.skip.get(e);if(!n)return;const r=n.indexOf(t);-1!==r&&Vit(n,r)}};return u.options=f.options({acornInjectPlugins:[]}),f}const Jit=require("fs"),{Readable:jit}=require("stream"),Wit=require("path"),{promisify:Xit}=require("util"),qit=Xit(Jit.readdir),zit=Xit(Jit.stat),Yit=Xit(Jit.lstat),$it=Xit(Jit.realpath),Zit="!",est=new Set(["ENOENT","EPERM","EACCES","ELOOP"]),tst="files",nst="directories",rst="files_directories",ist="all",sst=[tst,nst,rst,ist],ost=e=>est.has(e.code),ast=e=>{if(void 0!==e){if("function"==typeof e)return e;if("string"==typeof e){const t=Nje(e.trim());return e=>t(e.basename)}if(Array.isArray(e)){const t=[],n=[];for(const r of e){const e=r.trim();e.charAt(0)===Zit?n.push(Nje(e.slice(1))):t.push(Nje(e))}return n.length>0?t.length>0?e=>t.some((t=>t(e.basename)))&&!n.some((t=>t(e.basename))):e=>!n.some((t=>t(e.basename))):e=>t.some((t=>t(e.basename)))}}};class Bst extends jit{static get defaultOptions(){return{root:".",fileFilter:e=>!0,directoryFilter:e=>!0,type:tst,lstat:!1,depth:2147483648,alwaysStat:!1}}constructor(e={}){super({objectMode:!0,autoDestroy:!0,highWaterMark:e.highWaterMark||4096});const t={...Bst.defaultOptions,...e},{root:n,type:r}=t;this._fileFilter=ast(t.fileFilter),this._directoryFilter=ast(t.directoryFilter);const i=t.lstat?Yit:zit;"win32"===process.platform&&3===zit.length?this._stat=e=>i(e,{bigint:!0}):this._stat=i,this._maxDepth=t.depth,this._wantsDir=[nst,rst,ist].includes(r),this._wantsFile=[tst,rst,ist].includes(r),this._wantsEverything=r===ist,this._root=Wit.resolve(n),this._isDirent="Dirent"in Jit&&!t.alwaysStat,this._statsProp=this._isDirent?"dirent":"stats",this._rdOptions={encoding:"utf8",withFileTypes:this._isDirent},this.parents=[this._exploreDir(n,1)],this.reading=!1,this.parent=void 0}async _read(e){if(!this.reading){this.reading=!0;try{for(;!this.destroyed&&e>0;){const{path:t,depth:n,files:r=[]}=this.parent||{};if(r.length>0){const i=r.splice(0,e).map((e=>this._formatEntry(e,t)));for(const t of await Promise.all(i)){if(this.destroyed)return;const r=await this._getEntryType(t);"directory"===r&&this._directoryFilter(t)?(n<=this._maxDepth&&this.parents.push(this._exploreDir(t.fullPath,n+1)),this._wantsDir&&(this.push(t),e--)):("file"===r||this._includeAsFile(t))&&this._fileFilter(t)&&this._wantsFile&&(this.push(t),e--)}}else{const e=this.parents.pop();if(!e){this.push(null);break}if(this.parent=await e,this.destroyed)return}}}catch(e){this.destroy(e)}finally{this.reading=!1}}}async _exploreDir(e,t){let n;try{n=await qit(e,this._rdOptions)}catch(e){this._onError(e)}return{files:n,depth:t,path:e}}async _formatEntry(e,t){let n;try{const r=this._isDirent?e.name:e,i=Wit.resolve(Wit.join(t,r));n={path:Wit.relative(this._root,i),fullPath:i,basename:r},n[this._statsProp]=this._isDirent?e:await this._stat(i)}catch(e){this._onError(e)}return n}_onError(e){ost(e)&&!this.destroyed?this.emit("warn",e):this.destroy(e)}async _getEntryType(e){const t=e&&e[this._statsProp];if(t){if(t.isFile())return"file";if(t.isDirectory())return"directory";if(t&&t.isSymbolicLink()){const t=e.fullPath;try{const e=await $it(t),n=await Yit(e);if(n.isFile())return"file";if(n.isDirectory()){const n=e.length;return t.startsWith(e)&&t.substr(n,1)===Wit.sep?this._onError(new Error(`Circular symlink detected: "${t}" points to "${e}"`)):"directory"}}catch(e){this._onError(e)}}}}_includeAsFile(e){const t=e&&e[this._statsProp];return t&&this._wantsEverything&&!t.isDirectory()}}const cst=(e,t={})=>{let n=t.entryType||t.type;if("both"===n&&(n=rst),n&&(t.type=n),!e)throw new Error("readdirp: root argument is required. Usage: readdirp(root, options)");if("string"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("readdirp: root argument must be a string. Usage: readdirp(root, options)");if(n&&!sst.includes(n))throw new Error(`readdirp: Invalid type passed. Use one of ${sst.join(", ")}`);return t.root=e,new Bst(t)},lst=(e,t={})=>new Promise(((n,r)=>{const i=[];cst(e,t).on("data",(e=>i.push(e))).on("end",(()=>n(i))).on("error",(e=>r(e)))}));cst.promise=lst,cst.ReaddirpStream=Bst,cst.default=cst;var ust=cst,pst=function(e,t){if("string"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("expected path to be a string");if("\\"===e||"/"===e)return"/";var n=e.length;if(n<=1)return e;var r="";if(n>4&&"\\"===e[3]){var i=e[2];"?"!==i&&"."!==i||"\\\\"!==e.slice(0,2)||(e=e.slice(2),r="//")}var s=e.split(/[/\\]+/);return!1!==t&&""===s[s.length-1]&&s.pop(),r+s.join("/")},hst=N((function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});const n={returnIndex:!1},r=(e,t,n,r)=>{const i=Array.isArray(n),s=i?n[0]:n;if(!i&&"string"!=typeof s)throw new TypeError("anymatch: second argument must be a string: got "+Object.prototype.toString.call(s));const o=pst(s);for(let e=0;e<t.length;e++){if((0,t[e])(o))return!!r&&-1}const a=i&&[o].concat(n.slice(1));for(let t=0;t<e.length;t++){const n=e[t];if(i?n(...a):n(o))return!r||t}return!!r&&-1},i=(e,t,i=n)=>{if(null==e)throw new TypeError("anymatch: specify first argument");const s="boolean"==typeof i?{returnIndex:i}:i,o=s.returnIndex||!1,a=(B=e,Array.isArray(B)?B:[B]);var B;const c=a.filter((e=>"string"==typeof e&&"!"===e.charAt(0))).map((e=>e.slice(1))).map((e=>Nje(e,s))),l=a.map((e=>((e,t)=>{if("function"==typeof e)return e;if("string"==typeof e){const n=Nje(e,t);return t=>e===t||n(t)}return e instanceof RegExp?t=>e.test(t):e=>!1})(e,s)));return null==t?(e,t=!1)=>r(l,c,e,"boolean"==typeof t&&t):r(l,c,t,o)};i.default=i,e.exports=i}));const dst=["3dm","3ds","3g2","3gp","7z","a","aac","adp","ai","aif","aiff","alz","ape","apk","appimage","ar","arj","asf","au","avi","bak","baml","bh","bin","bk","bmp","btif","bz2","bzip2","cab","caf","cgm","class","cmx","cpio","cr2","cur","dat","dcm","deb","dex","djvu","dll","dmg","dng","doc","docm","docx","dot","dotm","dra","DS_Store","dsk","dts","dtshd","dvb","dwg","dxf","ecelp4800","ecelp7470","ecelp9600","egg","eol","eot","epub","exe","f4v","fbs","fh","fla","flac","flatpak","fli","flv","fpx","fst","fvt","g3","gh","gif","graffle","gz","gzip","h261","h263","h264","icns","ico","ief","img","ipa","iso","jar","jpeg","jpg","jpgv","jpm","jxr","key","ktx","lha","lib","lvp","lz","lzh","lzma","lzo","m3u","m4a","m4v","mar","mdi","mht","mid","midi","mj2","mka","mkv","mmr","mng","mobi","mov","movie","mp3","mp4","mp4a","mpeg","mpg","mpga","mxu","nef","npx","numbers","nupkg","o","odp","ods","odt","oga","ogg","ogv","otf","ott","pages","pbm","pcx","pdb","pdf","pea","pgm","pic","png","pnm","pot","potm","potx","ppa","ppam","ppm","pps","ppsm","ppsx","ppt","pptm","pptx","psd","pya","pyc","pyo","pyv","qt","rar","ras","raw","resources","rgb","rip","rlc","rmf","rmvb","rpm","rtf","rz","s3m","s7z","scpt","sgi","shar","snap","sil","sketch","slk","smv","snk","so","stl","suo","sub","swf","tar","tbz","tbz2","tga","tgz","thmx","tif","tiff","tlz","ttc","ttf","txz","udf","uvh","uvi","uvm","uvp","uvs","uvu","viv","vob","war","wav","wax","wbmp","wdp","weba","webm","webp","whl","wim","wm","wma","wmv","wmx","woff","woff2","wrm","wvx","xbm","xif","xla","xlam","xls","xlsb","xlsm","xlsx","xlt","xltm","xltx","xm","xmind","xpi","xpm","xwd","xz","z","zip","zipx"],fst={__proto__:null,default:dst},Cst=T(fst);var mst=Cst;const gst=require("path"),Ast=new Set(mst);var yst=e=>Ast.has(gst.extname(e).slice(1).toLowerCase()),Est=N((function(e,t){const{sep:n}=require("path"),{platform:r}=process;t.EV_ALL="all",t.EV_READY="ready",t.EV_ADD="add",t.EV_CHANGE="change",t.EV_ADD_DIR="addDir",t.EV_UNLINK="unlink",t.EV_UNLINK_DIR="unlinkDir",t.EV_RAW="raw",t.EV_ERROR="error",t.STR_DATA="data",t.STR_END="end",t.STR_CLOSE="close",t.FSEVENT_CREATED="created",t.FSEVENT_MODIFIED="modified",t.FSEVENT_DELETED="deleted",t.FSEVENT_MOVED="moved",t.FSEVENT_CLONED="cloned",t.FSEVENT_UNKNOWN="unknown",t.FSEVENT_TYPE_FILE="file",t.FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY="directory",t.FSEVENT_TYPE_SYMLINK="symlink",t.KEY_LISTENERS="listeners",t.KEY_ERR="errHandlers",t.KEY_RAW="rawEmitters",t.HANDLER_KEYS=[t.KEY_LISTENERS,t.KEY_ERR,t.KEY_RAW],t.DOT_SLASH=`.${n}`,t.BACK_SLASH_RE=/\\/g,t.DOUBLE_SLASH_RE=/\/\//,t.SLASH_OR_BACK_SLASH_RE=/[/\\]/,t.DOT_RE=/\..*\.(sw[px])$|~$|\.subl.*\.tmp/,t.REPLACER_RE=/^\.[/\\]/,t.SLASH="/",t.SLASH_SLASH="//",t.BRACE_START="{",t.BANG="!",t.ONE_DOT=".",t.TWO_DOTS="..",t.STAR="*",t.GLOBSTAR="**",t.ROOT_GLOBSTAR="/**/*",t.SLASH_GLOBSTAR="/**",t.DIR_SUFFIX="Dir",t.ANYMATCH_OPTS={dot:!0},t.STRING_TYPE="string",t.FUNCTION_TYPE="function",t.EMPTY_STR="",t.EMPTY_FN=()=>{},t.IDENTITY_FN=e=>e,t.isWindows="win32"===r,t.isMacos="darwin"===r,t.isLinux="linux"===r}));const vst=require("fs"),_st=require("path"),{promisify:bst}=require("util"),{isWindows:Sst,isLinux:wst,EMPTY_FN:xst,EMPTY_STR:Dst,KEY_LISTENERS:Ist,KEY_ERR:kst,KEY_RAW:Ost,HANDLER_KEYS:Nst,EV_CHANGE:Tst,EV_ADD:Pst,EV_ADD_DIR:Mst,EV_ERROR:Fst,STR_DATA:Lst,STR_END:Rst,BRACE_START:Gst,STAR:Hst}=Est,Kst="watch",Vst=bst(vst.open),Ust=bst(vst.stat),Qst=bst(vst.lstat),Jst=bst(vst.close),jst=bst(vst.realpath),Wst={lstat:Qst,stat:Ust},Xst=(e,t)=>{e instanceof Set?e.forEach(t):t(e)},qst=(e,t,n)=>{let r=e[t];r instanceof Set||(e[t]=r=new Set([r])),r.add(n)},zst=e=>t=>{const n=e[t];n instanceof Set?n.clear():delete e[t]},Yst=(e,t,n)=>{const r=e[t];r instanceof Set?r.delete(n):r===n&&delete e[t]},$st=e=>e instanceof Set?0===e.size:!e,Zst=new Map;function eot(e,t,n,r,i){const s=(t,r)=>{n(e),i(t,r,{watchedPath:e}),r&&e!==r&&tot(_st.resolve(e,r),Ist,_st.join(e,r))};try{return vst.watch(e,t,s)}catch(e){r(e)}}const tot=(e,t,n,r,i)=>{const s=Zst.get(e);s&&Xst(s[t],(e=>{e(n,r,i)}))},not=(e,t,n,r)=>{const{listener:i,errHandler:s,rawEmitter:o}=r;let a,B=Zst.get(t);if(!n.persistent)return a=eot(e,n,i,s,o),a.close.bind(a);if(B)qst(B,Ist,i),qst(B,kst,s),qst(B,Ost,o);else{if(a=eot(e,n,tot.bind(null,t,Ist),s,tot.bind(null,t,Ost)),!a)return;a.on(Fst,(async n=>{const r=tot.bind(null,t,kst);if(B.watcherUnusable=!0,Sst&&"EPERM"===n.code)try{const t=await Vst(e,"r");await Jst(t),r(n)}catch(e){}else r(n)})),B={listeners:i,errHandlers:s,rawEmitters:o,watcher:a},Zst.set(t,B)}return()=>{Yst(B,Ist,i),Yst(B,kst,s),Yst(B,Ost,o),$st(B.listeners)&&(B.watcher.close(),Zst.delete(t),Nst.forEach(zst(B)),B.watcher=void 0,Object.freeze(B))}},rot=new Map,iot=(e,t,n,r)=>{const{listener:i,rawEmitter:s}=r;let o=rot.get(t);const a=o&&o.options;return a&&(a.persistent<n.persistent||a.interval>n.interval)&&(o.listeners,o.rawEmitters,vst.unwatchFile(t),o=void 0),o?(qst(o,Ist,i),qst(o,Ost,s)):(o={listeners:i,rawEmitters:s,options:n,watcher:vst.watchFile(t,n,((n,r)=>{Xst(o.rawEmitters,(e=>{e(Tst,t,{curr:n,prev:r})}));const i=n.mtimeMs;(n.size!==r.size||i>r.mtimeMs||0===i)&&Xst(o.listeners,(t=>t(e,n)))}))},rot.set(t,o)),()=>{Yst(o,Ist,i),Yst(o,Ost,s),$st(o.listeners)&&(rot.delete(t),vst.unwatchFile(t),o.options=o.watcher=void 0,Object.freeze(o))}};class sot{constructor(e){this.fsw=e,this._boundHandleError=t=>e._handleError(t)}_watchWithNodeFs(e,t){const n=this.fsw.options,r=_st.dirname(e),i=_st.basename(e);this.fsw._getWatchedDir(r).add(i);const s=_st.resolve(e),o={persistent:n.persistent};let a;return t||(t=xst),n.usePolling?(o.interval=n.enableBinaryInterval&&yst(i)?n.binaryInterval:n.interval,a=iot(e,s,o,{listener:t,rawEmitter:this.fsw._emitRaw})):a=not(e,s,o,{listener:t,errHandler:this._boundHandleError,rawEmitter:this.fsw._emitRaw}),a}_handleFile(e,t,n){if(this.fsw.closed)return;const r=_st.dirname(e),i=_st.basename(e),s=this.fsw._getWatchedDir(r);let o=t;if(s.has(i))return;const a=async(t,n)=>{if(this.fsw._throttle(Kst,e,5))if(n&&0!==n.mtimeMs){if(s.has(i)){const t=n.atimeMs,r=n.mtimeMs;(!t||t<=r||r!==o.mtimeMs)&&this.fsw._emit(Tst,e,n),o=n}}else try{const n=await Ust(e);if(this.fsw.closed)return;const r=n.atimeMs,i=n.mtimeMs;(!r||r<=i||i!==o.mtimeMs)&&this.fsw._emit(Tst,e,n),wst&&o.ino!==n.ino?(this.fsw._closeFile(t),o=n,this.fsw._addPathCloser(t,this._watchWithNodeFs(e,a))):o=n}catch(e){this.fsw._remove(r,i)}},B=this._watchWithNodeFs(e,a);if((!n||!this.fsw.options.ignoreInitial)&&this.fsw._isntIgnored(e)){if(!this.fsw._throttle(Pst,e,0))return;this.fsw._emit(Pst,e,t)}return B}async _handleSymlink(e,t,n,r){if(this.fsw.closed)return;const i=e.fullPath,s=this.fsw._getWatchedDir(t);if(!this.fsw.options.followSymlinks){this.fsw._incrReadyCount();const t=await jst(n);if(this.fsw.closed)return;return s.has(r)?this.fsw._symlinkPaths.get(i)!==t&&(this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(i,t),this.fsw._emit(Tst,n,e.stats)):(s.add(r),this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(i,t),this.fsw._emit(Pst,n,e.stats)),this.fsw._emitReady(),!0}if(this.fsw._symlinkPaths.has(i))return!0;this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(i,!0)}_handleRead(e,t,n,r,i,s,o){if(e=_st.join(e,Dst),!n.hasGlob&&!(o=this.fsw._throttle("readdir",e,1e3)))return;const a=this.fsw._getWatchedDir(n.path),B=new Set;let c=this.fsw._readdirp(e,{fileFilter:e=>n.filterPath(e),directoryFilter:e=>n.filterDir(e),depth:0}).on(Lst,(async o=>{if(this.fsw.closed)return void(c=void 0);const l=o.path;let u=_st.join(e,l);B.add(l),o.stats.isSymbolicLink()&&await this._handleSymlink(o,e,u,l)||(this.fsw.closed?c=void 0:l!==r&&(r||a.has(l))||(this.fsw._incrReadyCount(),u=_st.join(i,_st.relative(i,u)),this._addToNodeFs(u,t,n,s+1)))})).on(Fst,this._boundHandleError);return new Promise((t=>c.once(Rst,(()=>{if(this.fsw.closed)return void(c=void 0);const l=!!o&&o.clear();t(),a.getChildren().filter((t=>t!==e&&!B.has(t)&&(!n.hasGlob||n.filterPath({fullPath:_st.resolve(e,t)})))).forEach((t=>{this.fsw._remove(e,t)})),c=void 0,l&&this._handleRead(e,!1,n,r,i,s,o)}))))}async _handleDir(e,t,n,r,i,s,o){const a=this.fsw._getWatchedDir(_st.dirname(e)),B=a.has(_st.basename(e));let c,l;n&&this.fsw.options.ignoreInitial||i||B||s.hasGlob&&!s.globFilter(e)||this.fsw._emit(Mst,e,t),a.add(_st.basename(e)),this.fsw._getWatchedDir(e);const u=this.fsw.options.depth;if((null==u||r<=u)&&!this.fsw._symlinkPaths.has(o)){if(!i&&(await this._handleRead(e,n,s,i,e,r,c),this.fsw.closed))return;l=this._watchWithNodeFs(e,((t,n)=>{n&&0===n.mtimeMs||this._handleRead(t,!1,s,i,e,r,c)}))}return l}async _addToNodeFs(e,t,n,r,i){const s=this.fsw._emitReady;if(this.fsw._isIgnored(e)||this.fsw.closed)return s(),!1;const o=this.fsw._getWatchHelpers(e,r);!o.hasGlob&&n&&(o.hasGlob=n.hasGlob,o.globFilter=n.globFilter,o.filterPath=e=>n.filterPath(e),o.filterDir=e=>n.filterDir(e));try{const n=await Wst[o.statMethod](o.watchPath);if(this.fsw.closed)return;if(this.fsw._isIgnored(o.watchPath,n))return s(),!1;const a=this.fsw.options.followSymlinks&&!e.includes(Hst)&&!e.includes(Gst);let B;if(n.isDirectory()){const s=_st.resolve(e),c=a?await jst(e):e;if(this.fsw.closed)return;if(B=await this._handleDir(o.watchPath,n,t,r,i,o,c),this.fsw.closed)return;s!==c&&void 0!==c&&this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(s,c)}else if(n.isSymbolicLink()){const i=a?await jst(e):e;if(this.fsw.closed)return;const s=_st.dirname(o.watchPath);if(this.fsw._getWatchedDir(s).add(o.watchPath),this.fsw._emit(Pst,o.watchPath,n),B=await this._handleDir(s,n,t,r,e,o,i),this.fsw.closed)return;void 0!==i&&this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(_st.resolve(e),i)}else B=this._handleFile(o.watchPath,n,t);return s(),this.fsw._addPathCloser(e,B),!1}catch(t){if(this.fsw._handleError(t))return s(),e}}}var oot=sot,aot=N((function(e){try{e.exports=eval("require")("fsevents")}catch(e){}}));const Bot=require("fs"),cot=require("path"),{promisify:lot}=require("util");let uot;try{uot=aot}catch(ort){process.env.CHOKIDAR_PRINT_FSEVENTS_REQUIRE_ERROR&&console.error(ort)}if(uot){const e=process.version.match(/v(\d+)\.(\d+)/);if(e&&e[1]&&e[2]){const t=Number.parseInt(e[1],10),n=Number.parseInt(e[2],10);8===t&&n<16&&(uot=void 0)}}const{EV_ADD:pot,EV_CHANGE:hot,EV_ADD_DIR:dot,EV_UNLINK:fot,EV_ERROR:Cot,STR_DATA:mot,STR_END:got,FSEVENT_CREATED:Aot,FSEVENT_MODIFIED:yot,FSEVENT_DELETED:Eot,FSEVENT_MOVED:vot,FSEVENT_UNKNOWN:_ot,FSEVENT_TYPE_FILE:bot,FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY:Sot,FSEVENT_TYPE_SYMLINK:wot,ROOT_GLOBSTAR:xot,DIR_SUFFIX:Dot,DOT_SLASH:Iot,FUNCTION_TYPE:kot,EMPTY_FN:Oot,IDENTITY_FN:Not}=Est,Tot=e=>isNaN(e)?{}:{depth:e},Pot=lot(Bot.stat),Mot=lot(Bot.lstat),Fot=lot(Bot.realpath),Lot={stat:Pot,lstat:Mot},Rot=new Map,Got=10,Hot=new Set([69888,70400,71424,72704,73472,131328,131840,262912]),Kot=(e,t)=>({stop:uot.watch(e,t)});function Vot(e,t,n,r){let i=cot.extname(e)?cot.dirname(e):e;const s=cot.dirname(i);let o=Rot.get(i);Uot(s)&&(i=s);const a=cot.resolve(e),B=a!==t,c=(e,r,i)=>{B&&(e=e.replace(t,a)),e!==a&&e.indexOf(a+cot.sep)||n(e,r,i)};let l=!1;for(const e of Rot.keys())if(0===t.indexOf(cot.resolve(e)+cot.sep)){i=e,o=Rot.get(i),l=!0;break}return o||l?o.listeners.add(c):(o={listeners:new Set([c]),rawEmitter:r,watcher:Kot(i,((e,t)=>{if(!o.listeners.size)return;const n=uot.getInfo(e,t);o.listeners.forEach((r=>{r(e,t,n)})),o.rawEmitter(n.event,e,n)}))},Rot.set(i,o)),()=>{const e=o.listeners;if(e.delete(c),!e.size&&(Rot.delete(i),o.watcher))return o.watcher.stop().then((()=>{o.rawEmitter=o.watcher=void 0,Object.freeze(o)}))}}const Uot=e=>{let t=0;for(const n of Rot.keys())if(0===n.indexOf(e)&&(t++,t>=Got))return!0;return!1},Qot=()=>uot&&Rot.size<128,Jot=(e,t)=>{let n=0;for(;!e.indexOf(t)&&(e=cot.dirname(e))!==t;)n++;return n},jot=(e,t)=>e.type===Sot&&t.isDirectory()||e.type===wot&&t.isSymbolicLink()||e.type===bot&&t.isFile();class Wot{constructor(e){this.fsw=e}checkIgnored(e,t){const n=this.fsw._ignoredPaths;if(this.fsw._isIgnored(e,t))return n.add(e),t&&t.isDirectory()&&n.add(e+xot),!0;n.delete(e),n.delete(e+xot)}addOrChange(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a){const B=i.has(s)?hot:pot;this.handleEvent(B,e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a)}async checkExists(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a){try{const B=await Pot(e);if(this.fsw.closed)return;jot(o,B)?this.addOrChange(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a):this.handleEvent(fot,e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a)}catch(B){"EACCES"===B.code?this.addOrChange(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a):this.handleEvent(fot,e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a)}}handleEvent(e,t,n,r,i,s,o,a,B){if(!this.fsw.closed&&!this.checkIgnored(t))if(e===fot){const e=a.type===Sot;(e||s.has(o))&&this.fsw._remove(i,o,e)}else{if(e===pot){if(a.type===Sot&&this.fsw._getWatchedDir(t),a.type===wot&&B.followSymlinks){const e=void 0===B.depth?void 0:Jot(n,r)+1;return this._addToFsEvents(t,!1,!0,e)}this.fsw._getWatchedDir(i).add(o)}const s=a.type===Sot?e+Dot:e;this.fsw._emit(s,t),s===dot&&this._addToFsEvents(t,!1,!0)}}_watchWithFsEvents(e,t,n,r){if(this.fsw.closed||this.fsw._isIgnored(e))return;const i=this.fsw.options,s=Vot(e,t,(async(s,o,a)=>{if(this.fsw.closed)return;if(void 0!==i.depth&&Jot(s,t)>i.depth)return;const B=n(cot.join(e,cot.relative(e,s)));if(r&&!r(B))return;const c=cot.dirname(B),l=cot.basename(B),u=this.fsw._getWatchedDir(a.type===Sot?B:c);if(Hot.has(o)||a.event===_ot)if(typeof i.ignored===kot){let e;try{e=await Pot(B)}catch(e){}if(this.fsw.closed)return;if(this.checkIgnored(B,e))return;jot(a,e)?this.addOrChange(B,s,t,c,u,l,a,i):this.handleEvent(fot,B,s,t,c,u,l,a,i)}else this.checkExists(B,s,t,c,u,l,a,i);else switch(a.event){case Aot:case yot:return this.addOrChange(B,s,t,c,u,l,a,i);case Eot:case vot:return this.checkExists(B,s,t,c,u,l,a,i)}}),this.fsw._emitRaw);return this.fsw._emitReady(),s}async _handleFsEventsSymlink(e,t,n,r){if(!this.fsw.closed&&!this.fsw._symlinkPaths.has(t)){this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(t,!0),this.fsw._incrReadyCount();try{const t=await Fot(e);if(this.fsw.closed)return;if(this.fsw._isIgnored(t))return this.fsw._emitReady();this.fsw._incrReadyCount(),this._addToFsEvents(t||e,(r=>{let i=e;return t&&t!==Iot?i=r.replace(t,e):r!==Iot&&(i=cot.join(e,r)),n(i)}),!1,r)}catch(e){if(this.fsw._handleError(e))return this.fsw._emitReady()}}}emitAdd(e,t,n,r,i){const s=n(e),o=t.isDirectory(),a=this.fsw._getWatchedDir(cot.dirname(s)),B=cot.basename(s);o&&this.fsw._getWatchedDir(s),a.has(B)||(a.add(B),r.ignoreInitial&&!0!==i||this.fsw._emit(o?dot:pot,s,t))}initWatch(e,t,n,r){if(this.fsw.closed)return;const i=this._watchWithFsEvents(n.watchPath,cot.resolve(e||n.watchPath),r,n.globFilter);this.fsw._addPathCloser(t,i)}async _addToFsEvents(e,t,n,r){if(this.fsw.closed)return;const i=this.fsw.options,s=typeof t===kot?t:Not,o=this.fsw._getWatchHelpers(e);try{const t=await Lot[o.statMethod](o.watchPath);if(this.fsw.closed)return;if(this.fsw._isIgnored(o.watchPath,t))throw null;if(t.isDirectory()){if(o.globFilter||this.emitAdd(s(e),t,s,i,n),r&&r>i.depth)return;this.fsw._readdirp(o.watchPath,{fileFilter:e=>o.filterPath(e),directoryFilter:e=>o.filterDir(e),...Tot(i.depth-(r||0))}).on(mot,(e=>{if(this.fsw.closed)return;if(e.stats.isDirectory()&&!o.filterPath(e))return;const t=cot.join(o.watchPath,e.path),{fullPath:r}=e;if(o.followSymlinks&&e.stats.isSymbolicLink()){const e=void 0===i.depth?void 0:Jot(t,cot.resolve(o.watchPath))+1;this._handleFsEventsSymlink(t,r,s,e)}else this.emitAdd(t,e.stats,s,i,n)})).on(Cot,Oot).on(got,(()=>{this.fsw._emitReady()}))}else this.emitAdd(o.watchPath,t,s,i,n),this.fsw._emitReady()}catch(e){e&&!this.fsw._handleError(e)||(this.fsw._emitReady(),this.fsw._emitReady())}if(i.persistent&&!0!==n)if(typeof t===kot)this.initWatch(void 0,e,o,s);else{let t;try{t=await Fot(o.watchPath)}catch(e){}this.initWatch(t,e,o,s)}}}var Xot=Wot,qot=Qot;Xot.canUse=qot;const{EventEmitter:zot}=require("events"),Yot=require("fs"),$ot=require("path"),{promisify:Zot}=require("util"),eat=hst.default,{EV_ALL:tat,EV_READY:nat,EV_ADD:rat,EV_CHANGE:iat,EV_UNLINK:sat,EV_ADD_DIR:oat,EV_UNLINK_DIR:aat,EV_RAW:Bat,EV_ERROR:cat,STR_CLOSE:lat,STR_END:uat,BACK_SLASH_RE:pat,DOUBLE_SLASH_RE:hat,SLASH_OR_BACK_SLASH_RE:dat,DOT_RE:fat,REPLACER_RE:Cat,SLASH:mat,SLASH_SLASH:gat,BRACE_START:Aat,BANG:yat,ONE_DOT:Eat,TWO_DOTS:vat,GLOBSTAR:_at,SLASH_GLOBSTAR:bat,ANYMATCH_OPTS:Sat,STRING_TYPE:wat,FUNCTION_TYPE:xat,EMPTY_STR:Dat,EMPTY_FN:Iat,isWindows:kat,isMacos:Oat}=Est,Nat=Zot(Yot.stat),Tat=Zot(Yot.readdir),Pat=(e=[])=>Array.isArray(e)?e:[e],Mat=(e,t=[])=>(e.forEach((e=>{Array.isArray(e)?Mat(e,t):t.push(e)})),t),Fat=e=>{const t=Mat(Pat(e));if(!t.every((e=>typeof e===wat)))throw new TypeError(`Non-string provided as watch path: ${t}`);return t.map(Rat)},Lat=e=>{let t=e.replace(pat,mat),n=!1;for(t.startsWith(gat)&&(n=!0);t.match(hat);)t=t.replace(hat,mat);return n&&(t=mat+t),t},Rat=e=>Lat($ot.normalize(Lat(e))),Gat=(e=Dat)=>t=>typeof t!==wat?t:Rat($ot.isAbsolute(t)?t:$ot.join(e,t)),Hat=(e,t)=>$ot.isAbsolute(e)?e:e.startsWith(yat)?yat+$ot.join(t,e.slice(1)):$ot.join(t,e),Kat=(e,t)=>void 0===e[t];class Vat{constructor(e,t){this.path=e,this._removeWatcher=t,this.items=new Set}add(e){const{items:t}=this;t&&e!==Eat&&e!==vat&&t.add(e)}async remove(e){const{items:t}=this;if(!t)return;if(t.delete(e),t.size>0)return;const n=this.path;try{await Tat(n)}catch(e){this._removeWatcher&&this._removeWatcher($ot.dirname(n),$ot.basename(n))}}has(e){const{items:t}=this;if(t)return t.has(e)}getChildren(){const{items:e}=this;if(e)return[...e.values()]}dispose(){this.items.clear(),delete this.path,delete this._removeWatcher,delete this.items,Object.freeze(this)}}const Uat="stat",Qat="lstat";class Jat{constructor(e,t,n,r){this.fsw=r,this.path=e=e.replace(Cat,Dat),this.watchPath=t,this.fullWatchPath=$ot.resolve(t),this.hasGlob=t!==e,e===Dat&&(this.hasGlob=!1),this.globSymlink=!(!this.hasGlob||!n)&&void 0,this.globFilter=!!this.hasGlob&&eat(e,void 0,Sat),this.dirParts=this.getDirParts(e),this.dirParts.forEach((e=>{e.length>1&&e.pop()})),this.followSymlinks=n,this.statMethod=n?Uat:Qat}checkGlobSymlink(e){return void 0===this.globSymlink&&(this.globSymlink=e.fullParentDir!==this.fullWatchPath&&{realPath:e.fullParentDir,linkPath:this.fullWatchPath}),this.globSymlink?e.fullPath.replace(this.globSymlink.realPath,this.globSymlink.linkPath):e.fullPath}entryPath(e){return $ot.join(this.watchPath,$ot.relative(this.watchPath,this.checkGlobSymlink(e)))}filterPath(e){const{stats:t}=e;if(t&&t.isSymbolicLink())return this.filterDir(e);const n=this.entryPath(e);return(!this.hasGlob||typeof this.globFilter!==xat||this.globFilter(n))&&this.fsw._isntIgnored(n,t)&&this.fsw._hasReadPermissions(t)}getDirParts(e){if(!this.hasGlob)return[];const t=[];return(e.includes(Aat)?kJe.expand(e):[e]).forEach((e=>{t.push($ot.relative(this.watchPath,e).split(dat))})),t}filterDir(e){if(this.hasGlob){const t=this.getDirParts(this.checkGlobSymlink(e));let n=!1;this.unmatchedGlob=!this.dirParts.some((e=>e.every(((e,r)=>(e===_at&&(n=!0),n||!t[0][r]||eat(e,t[0][r],Sat))))))}return!this.unmatchedGlob&&this.fsw._isntIgnored(this.entryPath(e),e.stats)}}class jat extends zot{constructor(e){super();const t={};e&&Object.assign(t,e),this._watched=new Map,this._closers=new Map,this._ignoredPaths=new Set,this._throttled=new Map,this._symlinkPaths=new Map,this._streams=new Set,this.closed=!1,Kat(t,"persistent")&&(t.persistent=!0),Kat(t,"ignoreInitial")&&(t.ignoreInitial=!1),Kat(t,"ignorePermissionErrors")&&(t.ignorePermissionErrors=!1),Kat(t,"interval")&&(t.interval=100),Kat(t,"binaryInterval")&&(t.binaryInterval=300),Kat(t,"disableGlobbing")&&(t.disableGlobbing=!1),t.enableBinaryInterval=t.binaryInterval!==t.interval,Kat(t,"useFsEvents")&&(t.useFsEvents=!t.usePolling);Xot.canUse()||(t.useFsEvents=!1),Kat(t,"usePolling")&&!t.useFsEvents&&(t.usePolling=Oat);const n=process.env.CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING;if(void 0!==n){const e=n.toLowerCase();t.usePolling="false"!==e&&"0"!==e&&("true"===e||"1"===e||!!e)}const r=process.env.CHOKIDAR_INTERVAL;r&&(t.interval=Number.parseInt(r,10)),Kat(t,"atomic")&&(t.atomic=!t.usePolling&&!t.useFsEvents),t.atomic&&(this._pendingUnlinks=new Map),Kat(t,"followSymlinks")&&(t.followSymlinks=!0),Kat(t,"awaitWriteFinish")&&(t.awaitWriteFinish=!1),!0===t.awaitWriteFinish&&(t.awaitWriteFinish={});const i=t.awaitWriteFinish;i&&(i.stabilityThreshold||(i.stabilityThreshold=2e3),i.pollInterval||(i.pollInterval=100),this._pendingWrites=new Map),t.ignored&&(t.ignored=Pat(t.ignored));let s=0;this._emitReady=()=>{s++,s>=this._readyCount&&(this._emitReady=Iat,this._readyEmitted=!0,process.nextTick((()=>this.emit(nat))))},this._emitRaw=(...e)=>this.emit(Bat,...e),this._readyEmitted=!1,this.options=t,t.useFsEvents?this._fsEventsHandler=new Xot(this):this._nodeFsHandler=new oot(this),Object.freeze(t)}add(e,t,n){const{cwd:r,disableGlobbing:i}=this.options;this.closed=!1;let s=Fat(e);return r&&(s=s.map((e=>{const t=Hat(e,r);return i||!hQe(e)?t:pst(t)}))),s=s.filter((e=>e.startsWith(yat)?(this._ignoredPaths.add(e.slice(1)),!1):(this._ignoredPaths.delete(e),this._ignoredPaths.delete(e+bat),this._userIgnored=void 0,!0))),this.options.useFsEvents&&this._fsEventsHandler?(this._readyCount||(this._readyCount=s.length),this.options.persistent&&(this._readyCount*=2),s.forEach((e=>this._fsEventsHandler._addToFsEvents(e)))):(this._readyCount||(this._readyCount=0),this._readyCount+=s.length,Promise.all(s.map((async e=>{const r=await this._nodeFsHandler._addToNodeFs(e,!n,0,0,t);return r&&this._emitReady(),r}))).then((e=>{this.closed||e.filter((e=>e)).forEach((e=>{this.add($ot.dirname(e),$ot.basename(t||e))}))}))),this}unwatch(e){if(this.closed)return this;const t=Fat(e),{cwd:n}=this.options;return t.forEach((e=>{$ot.isAbsolute(e)||this._closers.has(e)||(n&&(e=$ot.join(n,e)),e=$ot.resolve(e)),this._closePath(e),this._ignoredPaths.add(e),this._watched.has(e)&&this._ignoredPaths.add(e+bat),this._userIgnored=void 0})),this}close(){if(this.closed)return this._closePromise;this.closed=!0,this.removeAllListeners();const e=[];return this._closers.forEach((t=>t.forEach((t=>{const n=t();n instanceof Promise&&e.push(n)})))),this._streams.forEach((e=>e.destroy())),this._userIgnored=void 0,this._readyCount=0,this._readyEmitted=!1,this._watched.forEach((e=>e.dispose())),["closers","watched","streams","symlinkPaths","throttled"].forEach((e=>{this[`_${e}`].clear()})),this._closePromise=e.length?Promise.all(e).then((()=>{})):Promise.resolve(),this._closePromise}getWatched(){const e={};return this._watched.forEach(((t,n)=>{const r=this.options.cwd?$ot.relative(this.options.cwd,n):n;e[r||Eat]=t.getChildren().sort()})),e}emitWithAll(e,t){this.emit(...t),e!==cat&&this.emit(tat,...t)}async _emit(e,t,n,r,i){if(this.closed)return;const s=this.options;kat&&(t=$ot.normalize(t)),s.cwd&&(t=$ot.relative(s.cwd,t));const o=[e,t];void 0!==i?o.push(n,r,i):void 0!==r?o.push(n,r):void 0!==n&&o.push(n);const a=s.awaitWriteFinish;let B;if(a&&(B=this._pendingWrites.get(t)))return B.lastChange=new Date,this;if(s.atomic){if(e===sat)return this._pendingUnlinks.set(t,o),setTimeout((()=>{this._pendingUnlinks.forEach(((e,t)=>{this.emit(...e),this.emit(tat,...e),this._pendingUnlinks.delete(t)}))}),"number"==typeof s.atomic?s.atomic:100),this;e===rat&&this._pendingUnlinks.has(t)&&(e=o[0]=iat,this._pendingUnlinks.delete(t))}if(a&&(e===rat||e===iat)&&this._readyEmitted){const n=(t,n)=>{t?(e=o[0]=cat,o[1]=t,this.emitWithAll(e,o)):n&&(o.length>2?o[2]=n:o.push(n),this.emitWithAll(e,o))};return this._awaitWriteFinish(t,a.stabilityThreshold,e,n),this}if(e===iat){if(!this._throttle(iat,t,50))return this}if(s.alwaysStat&&void 0===n&&(e===rat||e===oat||e===iat)){const e=s.cwd?$ot.join(s.cwd,t):t;let n;try{n=await Nat(e)}catch(e){}if(!n||this.closed)return;o.push(n)}return this.emitWithAll(e,o),this}_handleError(e){const t=e&&e.code;return e&&"ENOENT"!==t&&"ENOTDIR"!==t&&(!this.options.ignorePermissionErrors||"EPERM"!==t&&"EACCES"!==t)&&this.emit(cat,e),e||this.closed}_throttle(e,t,n){this._throttled.has(e)||this._throttled.set(e,new Map);const r=this._throttled.get(e),i=r.get(t);if(i)return i.count++,!1;let s;const o=()=>{const e=r.get(t),n=e?e.count:0;return r.delete(t),clearTimeout(s),e&&clearTimeout(e.timeoutObject),n};s=setTimeout(o,n);const a={timeoutObject:s,clear:o,count:0};return r.set(t,a),a}_incrReadyCount(){return this._readyCount++}_awaitWriteFinish(e,t,n,r){let i,s=e;this.options.cwd&&!$ot.isAbsolute(e)&&(s=$ot.join(this.options.cwd,e));const o=new Date,a=n=>{Yot.stat(s,((s,o)=>{if(s||!this._pendingWrites.has(e))return void(s&&"ENOENT"!==s.code&&r(s));const B=Number(new Date);n&&o.size!==n.size&&(this._pendingWrites.get(e).lastChange=B);B-this._pendingWrites.get(e).lastChange>=t?(this._pendingWrites.delete(e),r(void 0,o)):i=setTimeout(a,this.options.awaitWriteFinish.pollInterval,o)}))};this._pendingWrites.has(e)||(this._pendingWrites.set(e,{lastChange:o,cancelWait:()=>(this._pendingWrites.delete(e),clearTimeout(i),n)}),i=setTimeout(a,this.options.awaitWriteFinish.pollInterval))}_getGlobIgnored(){return[...this._ignoredPaths.values()]}_isIgnored(e,t){if(this.options.atomic&&fat.test(e))return!0;if(!this._userIgnored){const{cwd:e}=this.options,t=this.options.ignored,n=t&&t.map(Gat(e)),r=Pat(n).filter((e=>typeof e===wat&&!hQe(e))).map((e=>e+bat)),i=this._getGlobIgnored().map(Gat(e)).concat(n,r);this._userIgnored=eat(i,void 0,Sat)}return this._userIgnored([e,t])}_isntIgnored(e,t){return!this._isIgnored(e,t)}_getWatchHelpers(e,t){const n=t||this.options.disableGlobbing||!hQe(e)?e:EQe(e),r=this.options.followSymlinks;return new Jat(e,n,r,this)}_getWatchedDir(e){this._boundRemove||(this._boundRemove=this._remove.bind(this));const t=$ot.resolve(e);return this._watched.has(t)||this._watched.set(t,new Vat(t,this._boundRemove)),this._watched.get(t)}_hasReadPermissions(e){if(this.options.ignorePermissionErrors)return!0;const t=511&(e&&Number.parseInt(e.mode,10)),n=Number.parseInt(t.toString(8)[0],10);return Boolean(4&n)}_remove(e,t,n){const r=$ot.join(e,t),i=$ot.resolve(r);if(n=null!=n?n:this._watched.has(r)||this._watched.has(i),!this._throttle("remove",r,100))return;n||this.options.useFsEvents||1!==this._watched.size||this.add(e,t,!0);this._getWatchedDir(r).getChildren().forEach((e=>this._remove(r,e)));const s=this._getWatchedDir(e),o=s.has(t);s.remove(t),this._symlinkPaths.has(i)&&this._symlinkPaths.delete(i);let a=r;if(this.options.cwd&&(a=$ot.relative(this.options.cwd,r)),this.options.awaitWriteFinish&&this._pendingWrites.has(a)){if(this._pendingWrites.get(a).cancelWait()===rat)return}this._watched.delete(r),this._watched.delete(i);const B=n?aat:sat;o&&!this._isIgnored(r)&&this._emit(B,r),this.options.useFsEvents||this._closePath(r)}_closePath(e){this._closeFile(e);const t=$ot.dirname(e);this._getWatchedDir(t).remove($ot.basename(e))}_closeFile(e){const t=this._closers.get(e);t&&(t.forEach((e=>e())),this._closers.delete(e))}_addPathCloser(e,t){if(!t)return;let n=this._closers.get(e);n||(n=[],this._closers.set(e,n)),n.push(t)}_readdirp(e,t){if(this.closed)return;const n={type:tat,alwaysStat:!0,lstat:!0,...t};let r=ust(e,n);return this._streams.add(r),r.once(lat,(()=>{r=void 0})),r.once(uat,(()=>{r&&(this._streams.delete(r),r=void 0)})),r}}var Wat=jat;const Xat=(e,t)=>{const n=new jat(t);return n.add(e),n};var qat=Xat,zat={FSWatcher:Wat,watch:qat};let Yat;function $at(){if(void 0===Yat)try{eval("require")("fsevents"),Yat=!0}catch(e){Yat=!1}}function Zat(e,t){return $at(),zat.watch(e,{useFsEvents:Yat,...t})}const eBt=()=>{},tBt=gv("wmr:middleware"),nBt=gv("wmr:watcher"),rBt=gv("wmr:cache"),iBt=new Map,sBt=new Map;function oBt(e){let{cwd:n,root:r,out:i,distDir:s="dist",onError:o,onChange:a=eBt,alias:B}=e;s=t.resolve(t.dirname(i),s);const c=Qit(S$e(e),{cwd:r,writeFile:(e,n)=>{if(t.isAbsolute(e)){const n=t.relative(i,e);n.startsWith("..")||(e=n)}uBt(i,e,n)},output:{assetFileNames:"[name][extname]?asset",dir:i}});c.buildStart();const l=Object.keys(B).filter((e=>e.endsWith("/*"))).map((e=>B[e])),u=[r,t.resolve(n,"package.json"),...l];nBt(`watching:\n${u.map((e=>Y("- "+e))).join("\n")}`);const p=Zat(u,{cwd:n,disableGlobbing:!0,ignored:[/(^|[/\\])(node_modules|\.git|\.DS_Store)([/\\]|$)/,t.resolve(n,i),t.resolve(n,s)]}),h=new Set;let d=null;function f(){d=null,a({changes:Array.from(h),duration:0}),h.clear()}function C(e,t=new Set){if(t.has(e))return!0;t.add(e),iBt.delete(e);const n=sBt.get(e);if(!n)return!1;if(n.hasErrored)return n.hasErrored=!1,!1;if(n.acceptingUpdates)return n.stale=!0,h.add(e),!0;if(n.dependents.size){let e=!0;return[...n.dependents].forEach((n=>{C(n,t)||(e=!1)})),e&&(n.stale=!0),e}return!1}return p.on("change",(e=>{const i=t.resolve(n,e),s=new Set,o=[i];let l;for(;void 0!==(l=o.pop());){if(s.has(l))continue;const e=c.watchChange(l);Array.isArray(e)&&o.push(...e),s.add(l)}const u=Array.from(s);for(let e of u){const n=e;e=t.normalize(e);const i=QT(B,e.split(t.sep).join(t.posix.sep));if(i)e=i.slice(1);else{if(t.isAbsolute(e)){const n=t.relative(r,e);n.startsWith("..")||(e=n)}e=e.split(t.sep).join(t.posix.sep)}if(nBt(`${re(n)} -> ${Y(e)} [change]`),rBt(`delete: ${re(e)}`),iBt.delete(e),iBt.has(e+"?asset")){const t=e+"?asset";rBt(`delete: ${re(t)}`),iBt.delete(t)}if(h.size||(d=setTimeout(f,60)),/\.(css|s[ac]ss)$/.test(e))h.add("/"+e);else if(/\.(mjs|[tj]sx?)$/.test(e)){if(!sBt.has(e))return a({reload:!0}),void clearTimeout(d);C(e)||(h.clear(),clearTimeout(d),a({reload:!0}))}else h.clear(),clearTimeout(d),a({reload:!0})}})),async(n,s,a)=>{let B=t.posix.normalize(n.path);const l=new URL(n.url,"file://").searchParams;if(B.startsWith("/@npm/"))return a();let u="",p=!1,h="",d=B,f=d.slice(1);if(B.startsWith("/@id/"))p=!0,d=B.slice("/@id/".length);else if(B.startsWith("/@alias/"))d=t.posix.normalize(B.slice("/@alias/".length)),h=JT(e.alias,d);else{const e=B.match(/^\/?@([a-z-]+)(\/.+)$/);e&&(u="\0"+e[1]+":",B=e[2]),B.startsWith("/@id/")&&(p=!0,B=B.slice("/@id".length));const n=B.slice(1).split(t.posix.sep).join(t.sep);h=t.resolve(r,n),d=t.relative(r,h).replace(/^\.\//,"").replace(/^[\0]/,"").split(t.sep).join(t.posix.sep),f=u+d,p||(d=`./${d}`),h=u+h,d=u+d}const C=l.has("module");let m,g=C?"application/javascript;charset=utf-8":lnt(h);g&&s.setHeader("Content-Type",g),tBt(`${re(yv(B))} -> ${Y(d)} file: ${Y(h)}`),"/_wmr.js"===B?m=HN.bind(null):l.has("asset")?(f+="?asset",m=lBt.asset):m=u||p||C||/\.([mc]js|[tj]sx?)$/.test(h)||/\.(css|s[ac]ss)$/.test(h)?lBt.js:lBt.generic;try{const t=Date.now();let o=await m({req:n,res:s,id:d,file:h,path:B,prefix:u,root:r,out:i,NonRollup:c,alias:e.alias,cacheKey:f});if(!1===o)return a();if(null!=o){if(!C&&/\.(css|s[ac]ss)$/.test(h)&&"string"==typeof o){const e=o.match(/style\(["']\/([^"']+?)["'].*?\);/m);e&&iBt.has(e[1])&&(o=iBt.get(e[1]),s.setHeader("Content-Type","text/css;charset=utf-8"))}tBt(`<-- ${re(yv(d))} as ${Y(""+s.getHeader("Content-Type"))}`);const e=Date.now()-t;s.writeHead(200,{"Content-Length":Buffer.byteLength(o,"utf-8"),"Server-Timing":`${m.name};dur=${e}`}),s.end(o)}}catch(e){if(null==e)return a();"ENOENT"===e.code&&(e.message="File not found",e.code=404),o(e),a(e)}}}function aBt(e,n,r){if(!t.isAbsolute(e))throw new Error(`Expected absolute path but got: ${e}`);if(e=t.normalize(e),t.basename(e).startsWith("."))throw new Error(`Loading files starting with a dot is not allowed: ${e}`);e:if(t.relative(n,e).startsWith("..")){const i=[n];for(const n in r){const s=r[n];if(t.isAbsolute(s)&&(i.push(s),!t.relative(s,e).startsWith("..")))break e}const s=i.map((e=>`- ${e}`)).join("\n");throw new Error(`Not allowed to load file: ${e}.\nAdd an alias to a directory if you want to include load files outside of the web root. The current configured directories to load files from are:\n${s}`)}return e}const BBt=gv("wmr:transform.js"),cBt=gv("wmr:transform.asset"),lBt={async asset({file:n,root:r,req:i,res:s,id:o,cacheKey:a}){if(iBt.has(a))return cBt(`<-- ${re(yv(o))} [cached]`),iBt.get(a);const B=t.resolve(r,n);let c;try{c=await e.promises.stat(B)}catch(e){if("ENOENT"===e.code)return s.writeHead(404),void s.end();throw e}c.isDirectory()&&(s.writeHead(403),s.end());const l=i.headers["if-modified-since"];if(l&&c.mtime>new Date(l))return s.writeHead(304),void s.end();s.writeHead(200,{"Content-Length":c.size,"Last-Modified":c.mtime.toUTCString()}),e.createReadStream(B).pipe(s,{end:!0})},async js({id:n,file:r,prefix:i,res:s,root:o,out:a,NonRollup:B,req:c,alias:l,cacheKey:u}){let p;try{if(s.setHeader("Content-Type","application/javascript;charset=utf-8"),iBt.has(n))return BBt(`<-- ${re(yv(n))} [cached]`),iBt.get(n);const c=await B.resolveId(n),h="object"==typeof c?c&&c.id:c;let d=h&&await B.load(h);if(p="object"==typeof d?d&&d.code:d,null==p||!1===p){let n=h;i&&(n=n.replace(i,"")),n=n.split(t.posix.sep).join(t.sep),t.isAbsolute(n)||(n=t.resolve(o,n)),p=await e.promises.readFile(aBt(n,o,l),"utf-8")}return p=await B.transform(p,n),p=await _$e(p,n,{resolveImportMeta:e=>B.resolveImportMeta(e),async resolveId(e,n){if("wmr"===e)return"/_wmr.js";if(/^(data:|https?:|\/\/)/.test(e))return BBt(`${re(yv(e))} [external]`),e;let i=n.replace(/^\.?\.?\//,"");sBt.has(i)||sBt.set(i,{dependencies:new Set,dependents:new Set,acceptingUpdates:!1});const s=sBt.get(i);s.hasErrored&&(s.hasErrored=!1);let a=e;const c=await B.resolveId(e,r);if(c&&(e="object"==typeof c?c.id:c,/^(\/|\\|[a-z]:\\)/i.test(e)&&(e=t.relative(t.dirname(r),e).split(t.sep).join(t.posix.sep),/^\.?\.?\//.test(e)||(e="./"+e)),"object"==typeof c&&c.external))return/^(data|https?):/.test(e)?(BBt(`${re(yv(e))} [external]`),e):(e=t.relative(o,e).split(t.sep).join(t.posix.sep),/^(\/|[\w-]+:)/.test(e)||(e=`/${e}`),e);if((e=e.replace(/^\0?([a-z-]+):(.+)$/,((e,n,r)=>("/"===r[0]||r[0]===t.sep?r=t.relative(o,r).split(t.sep).join(t.posix.sep):/^\.?\.\//.test(r)||(r=`@id/${r}`),"/@"+n+"/"+r)))).match(/\.(css|s[ac]ss)$/)&&(e+="?module"),e.startsWith(".")){const n=QT(l,t.posix.resolve(t.posix.dirname(r),e));n&&(e=n)}if(!e.startsWith("/@alias/")&&!/^\0?\.?\.?[/\\]/.test(e)){const t=QT(l,e);if(t&&(e=t),!e.startsWith("/@alias/")){if(null===await B.load(e)){const t=cR(e);e=`/@npm/${t.module}${t.path?"/"+t.path:""}`}else e=`/@id/${e}`}}const u=e.replace(/^\.?\.\//,"");s.dependencies.add(u),sBt.has(u)||sBt.set(u,{dependencies:new Set,dependents:new Set,acceptingUpdates:!1});const p=sBt.get(u);return p.dependents.add(i),p.stale?e+`?t=${Date.now()}`:(a!==e&&BBt(`${re(yv(a))} -> ${Y(yv(e))}`),e)}}),uBt(a,u,p),p}catch(e){const t=sBt.get(n);throw t&&(t.hasErrored=!0),e}},async generic(n){if(!/\.[a-z]+$/gi.test(n.path)){const r=t.resolve(n.root,"200.html");let i=!1;try{i=!await e.promises.lstat(n.file).catch((()=>!1))&&!!await e.promises.lstat(r)}catch(e){}if(i){n.file=r;const e=lnt(n.file)||"text/html;charset=utf-8";return n.res.setHeader("Content-Type",e),lBt.asset(n)}}return!1}};async function uBt(n,r,i){if(r.includes("\0"))return;r=t.normalize(r),iBt.set(r,i);const s=t.resolve(n,r);if(rBt(`write ${re(r)} -> ${Y(s)}`),!s.startsWith(n))throw new Error(`Attempting to write outside cache dir: ${s}`);t.dirname(s)!==n&&await e.promises.mkdir(t.dirname(s),{recursive:!0}),await e.promises.writeFile(s,i)}class pBt extends Pit.Server{constructor(e,t){super({noServer:!0}),this.mountPath=t,e.on("connection",this.registerListener.bind(this)),e.on("upgrade",this._handleUpgrade.bind(this))}registerListener(e){e.on("message",(function(e){const t=JSON.parse(e.toString());if("hotAccepted"===t.type){let[e]=t.id.split("?");e=e.startsWith("/")?e.slice(1):e,sBt.has(e)||sBt.set(e,{dependencies:new Set,dependents:new Set,acceptingUpdates:!1});const n=sBt.get(e);n.acceptingUpdates=!0,n.stale=!1}}))}broadcast(e){this.clients.forEach((t=>{t.readyState===Pit.OPEN&&t.send(JSON.stringify(e))}))}_handleUpgrade(e,t,n){if("hmr"!==e.headers["sec-websocket-protocol"])return;T4e(e).pathname==this.mountPath?this.handleUpgrade(e,t,n,(t=>{t.emit("connection",t,e),this.registerListener(t)})):t.destroy()}}function hBt(e){return{column:-1,fileName:"",line:-1,name:"",raw:e,sourceColumn:-1,sourceFileName:"",sourceLine:-1,type:""}}var dBt=/([^@]+|^)@(.*):(\d+):(\d+)/,fBt=/^(http(s)?:\/\/.*):(\d+):(\d+)$/,CBt="[native code]";function mBt(e){if(e.includes(CBt))return{line:-1,column:-1,type:"native",fileName:"",name:"",raw:e,sourceColumn:-1,sourceFileName:"",sourceLine:-1};var t=e.match(fBt);return t?{line:t[3]?+t[3]:-1,column:t[4]?+t[4]:-1,type:"",fileName:t[1]?t[1]:"",name:"",raw:e,sourceColumn:-1,sourceFileName:"",sourceLine:-1}:hBt(e)}function gBt(e){return e.map((function(e){var t=e.match(dBt);if(!t)return mBt(e);var n=t[3]?+t[3]:-1,r=t[4]?+t[4]:-1,i=t[2]?t[2]:"";return{line:n,column:r,type:t[0]?"":"native",fileName:i,name:(t[1]||"").trim(),raw:e,sourceColumn:-1,sourceFileName:"",sourceLine:-1}}))}var ABt=/(.*?):(\d+):(\d+)(\s<-\s(.+):(\d+):(\d+))?/;function yBt(e,t){var n=t.match(ABt);n&&(e.fileName=n[1],e.line=+n[2],e.column=+n[3],n[5]&&(e.sourceFileName=n[5]),n[6]&&(e.sourceLine=+n[6]),n[7]&&(e.sourceColumn=+n[7]))}var EBt=/^at\s(<.*>)$/,vBt=/^\s*at\s(<.*>):(\d+):(\d+)$/,_Bt=/^at\s(.*)\s\((.*)\)$/,bBt=/^([\w\W]*)\s\((.*)\)/,SBt=/\s*at\s.+/,wBt=/\s*at\s(.*):(\d+):(\d+)$/;function xBt(e){var t=e.findIndex((function(e){return SBt.test(e)}));if(-1===t)return[];for(var n=[],r=t;r<e.length;r++){var i=e[r].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""),s=hBt(e[r]),o=i.match(EBt);if(o)s.fileName=o[1],s.type="native",n.push(s);else{var a=i.match(vBt);if(a)s.fileName=a[1],s.type="native",a[2]&&(s.line=+a[2]),a[3]&&(s.column=+a[3]),n.push(s);else{var B=i.match(_Bt);if(B)s.name=B[1],yBt(s,B[2]),n.push(s);else{var c=i.match(wBt);if(c)s.fileName=c[1],s.line=+c[2],s.column=+c[3],n.push(s);else{var l=i.match(bBt);l?(s.name=l[1],yBt(s,l[2]),n.push(s)):n.push(s)}}}}}return n}function DBt(e){if(!e)return[];var t=e.split("\n").filter(Boolean);return t.some((function(e){return SBt.test(e)}))?xBt(t):gBt(t)}async function IBt({cwd:n,root:r,overlayDir:i,middleware:s,http2:o,compress:a=!0,optimize:B,alias:c}){try{await e.promises.access(t.resolve(r,"index.html"))}catch(e){process.stderr.write(te(`Warning: missing "index.html" file ${Y(`(in ${r})`)}`)+"\n")}const l=K4e({onError(e,i,s){const o=i.originalUrl.replace(/\?.+$/,"");if("/favicon.ico"==o)return s.writeHead(200,{"content-type":"image/x-icon","content-length":"0"}),s.end("");const a="number"==typeof e.code?e.code:500;let B="";e&&(B=e.message?e.message:"code"===String(Object.keys(e))?404===a?"Not Found":`Error ${a}`:String(e)),s.writeHead(a,{"content-type":"text/plain"});const c=mv()&&e.stack?e.stack:B;s.end(c);const l=o.startsWith("/@")?o:"./"+t.join(t.relative(n,r),o.replace(/^\//,"")),u=e.codeFrame?`\n${e.codeFrame}`:"",p=DBt(e.stack).map((e=>Y(` at ${e.name} (`)+re(e.fileName)+Y(`:${e.line}:${e.column})`))).join("\n"),h=p?`\n${p}`:"";console.error(`\n${te(a)} ${z(l)} - ${B}\n${u}${h}`)}});if(o)try{l.server=await c4e(),l.http2=!0}catch(e){console.error(`Unable to create HTTP2 server, falling back to HTTP1:\n${e}`)}if(l.server||(l.server=u.createServer(),l.server.keepAliveTimeout=6e4,l.http2=!1),l.ws=new pBt(l.server,"/_hmr"),a){const e=!0===a?1024:a;l.use(B8e({threshold:e,level:4}))}return l.use("/@npm",pnt({alias:c,optimize:B,cwd:n})),s&&l.use(...s),i&&l.use(i8e(t.resolve(r||"",i),{dev:!0})),l.use(i8e(r||"",{ignores:["@npm"],single:!0,etag:!0,dev:!0})),l}const kBt=e=>JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e));async function OBt(e={}){kL(e.cwd);const t=kBt(e),n=[];let r=await NBt(t,n);if(e.port=await r.resolvePort,J$e){const i=gv("wmr:watcher"),s=Zat(n,{cwd:t.cwd,disableGlobbing:!0});s.on("ready",(()=>i(" watching for config changes"))),s.on("change",(async()=>{await r.close(),console.log(te("WMR: ")+ee("config or .env file changed, restarting server...\n"));const t=kBt(e),n=[];r=await NBt(t,n),s.add(n),i("Server restarted")}))}else console.log(te("WMR: Automatic config reloading is not supported on Node <= 12.18.4"))}async function NBt(e,t){(e=await j$e(e,"start",t)).middleware=[].concat(e.middleware||[],oBt({...e,onError:function(e){n.ws.clients.size>0&&n.ws.broadcast({type:"error",error:e.clientMessage||e.message,codeFrame:q(e.codeFrame),stack:DBt(e.stack)})},onChange:function({changes:t,reload:r}){e.reload||r?n.ws.broadcast({type:"reload"}):n.ws.broadcast({type:"update",changes:t})}}),TBt(e));const n=await IBt(e);let r,i=new Promise((e=>r=e));const s=PBt(n.server);return n.listen(e.port,e.host,(()=>{const t=U$e(n.server.address(),{host:e.host,https:n.http2});process.stdout.write(_v("server running at:",t));const i=+n.server.address().port;r(i)})),{resolvePort:i,async close(){n.ws.broadcast({type:"info",message:"Server restarting...",kind:"restart"}),n.ws.close(),await s()}}}const TBt=({root:n})=>async(r,i,s)=>{const o=t.posix.normalize(r.path);if(/\.[a-z]+$/gi.test(o)||o.startsWith("/@npm"))return s();try{const r=Date.now(),s=t.resolve(n,"index.html"),o=await e.promises.readFile(s,"utf-8"),a=await hUe(o),B=Date.now()-r;i.writeHead(200,{"Content-Type":"text/html;charset=utf-8","Content-Length":Buffer.byteLength(a,"utf-8"),"Server-Timing":`index.html;dur=${B}`}),i.end(a)}catch(e){s()}};function PBt(e){const t=new Set;let n=!1;return e.on("connection",(e=>{t.add(e),e.on("close",(()=>t.delete(e)))})),e.once("listening",(()=>n=!0)),async()=>{t.forEach((e=>e.destroy())),n&&await new Promise(((t,n)=>{e.close((e=>e?n(e):t()))}))}}async function MBt(e={}){e.out=e.out||"dist",e=await j$e(e,"serve");const t=K4e({onError(e,t,n){const r=t.originalUrl.replace(/\?.+$/,"");let i=500,s="";e&&("number"==typeof e.code&&(i=e.code),s=e.message?e.message:"code"===String(Object.keys(e))?404===i?"Not Found":`Error ${i}`:String(e)),n.writeHead(i,{"content-type":"text/plain"}),n.end(s),console.error(`${te(i)} ${z(r)} ${s?` - ${s}`:""}`)}});if(e.compress){const n=!0===e.compress?1024:e.compress;t.use(B8e({threshold:n}))}if(e.middleware&&e.middleware.length&&t.use(...e.middleware),t.use(i8e(e.out,{single:!0,etag:!0,brotli:!1,gzip:!1,setHeaders(e,t){const n=e.setHeader;e.setHeader=function(e,t){return/^content-type$/i.test(e)&&/text/i.test(t)&&!/;\s*charset/i.test(t)&&(t+=";charset=utf-8"),n.call(this,e,t)}}})),e.http2)try{t.server=await c4e(),t.http2=!0}catch(e){console.error(`Unable to create HTTP2 server, falling back to HTTP1:\n${e}`)}t.server||(t.server=u.createServer(),t.http2=!1);const n=e.port,r=e.host;t.listen(n,r,(()=>{const n=U$e(t.server.address(),{https:t.http2,host:e.host});process.stdout.write(_v("dev server running at:",n))}))}const FBt=G("wmr");function LBt(e){return!1!==e&&!/false|0/.test(e)}function RBt(e){e.catch(GBt)}function GBt(e){let t="",n="";if(e.stack){const r=DBt(e.stack);if(r.length>0){const i=e.stack.indexOf(r[0].raw);t=e.stack.slice(0,i).trim()+"\n",n=r.map((e=>e.raw)).join("\n")}}t||(t=e.message||e+""),process.stderr.write(`\n${Z(t)}\n${n?Y(n+"\n\n"):""}`),process.exit(1)}FBt.option("--cwd",'The working directory - equivalent to "(cd FOO && wmr)"').option("--debug","Print internal debugging messages to the console. Same as setting DEBUG=true"),FBt.command("build","make a production build").option("--public","Your web app root directory (default: ./public)").option("--out","Where to store generated files (default: ./dist)").option("--prerender","Pre-render the application to HTML").option("--sourcemap","Enable Source Maps").option("--visualize","Launch interactive bundle visualizer").action((e=>{e.minify=!1!==e.minify&&!/false|0/.test(e.minify),RBt(X$e(e))})),FBt.command("serve","Start a production server").option("--out","Directory to serve (default: ./dist)").option("--port, -p","HTTP port to listen on (default: $PORT or 8080)").option("--host","HTTP host to listen on (default: localhost)").option("--http2","Use HTTP/2 (default: false)").option("--compress","Enable compression (default: enabled)").action((e=>{e.compress=LBt(e.compress),RBt(MBt(e))})),FBt.command("start","Start a development server",{default:!0}).option("--public","Your web app root directory (default: ./public)").option("--port, -p","HTTP port to listen on (default: $PORT or 8080)").option("--host","HTTP host to listen on (default: localhost)").option("--http2","Use HTTP/2 (default: false)").option("--compress","Enable compression (default: enabled)").option("--profile","Generate build statistics").option("--reload","Switch off hmr and reload on file saves").action((e=>{e.optimize=!/false|0/.test(e.compress),e.compress=LBt(e.compress),/true/.test(process.env.PROFILE||"")&&(e.profile=!0),RBt(OBt(e))})),FBt.parse(process.argv),process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback(GBt);