import type { ServerRequest, Params } from 'worktop/request'; import type { ServerResponse } from 'worktop/response'; export interface Config { /** * The specific origin to allow. * Sets the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header. * @default "*" – Allows all origins by default. * @example "" */ origin: string; /** * The duration (in seconds) that a preflight results can be cached. * Sets the `Access-Control-Max-Age` header. * @example 3600 – Caches for 1 hour */ maxage?: number; /** * The methods allowed when accessing the resource * Sets the `Access-Control-Allow-Methods` header. * @default ['GET','HEAD','PUT','PATCH','POST','DELETE'] */ methods?: string[]; /** * Whether or not the actual request can be made using credentials. * Sets the `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` header. * @default false */ credentials?: boolean; /** * The HTTP headers that can be used when making the actual request. * Sets the `Access-Control-Allow-Headers` header. * @default request.headers.get('Access-Control-Request-Headers') || [] */ headers?: string[]; /** * The HTTP response header names that a client is allowed to access. * Sets the `Access-Control-Expose-Headers` header. * @default [] */ expose?: string[]; } /** * The defaults used for CORS construction. */ export const config: Config; /** * Apply CORS headers. * Conditionallyy sets headers for preflight (aka OPTIONS) requests. * @NOTE Values in `options` are given priority, otherwise the `config` defaults are used. */ export function headers(res: ServerResponse, options?: Partial, isPreflight?: boolean): void; type PreflightConfig = Omit & { /** * When a string, only requests from the specified value are allowed. * When `true`, the incoming `Origin` header will always be allowed. * When a RegExp, matching `Origin` header values will be allowed. * When `false`, allows any origin – equivalent to `"*"` value. * @default "*" */ origin?: string | boolean | RegExp; } /** * Apply all CORS headers (see `headers` export) * Will also handle preflight (aka, OPTIONS) requests. */ export function preflight(options?: PreflightConfig):

(req: ServerRequest

, res: ServerResponse) => void;