import * as program from 'commander'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import { CommandLineOptions } from '../index.d.ts'; const packageJSON: { version: string; } = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./package.json').toString()); program .version(packageJSON.version) .option('-p, --port [port]', 'Specify the server\'s port') // .option('-nw, --no-watch-files', 'Do not watch files in current directory and do not reload browser on changes') // .option('--ts-warning', 'Report TypeScript errors in the browser console as warnings') // .option('--ts-error', 'Report TypeScript errors in the browser console as errors') .option('--build-static', 'Create a static build of the current working directory. The output will be in a directory called dist in the current working directory') .option('--target [target]', 'The ECMAScript version to compile to; if omitted, defaults to ES2015. Any targets supported by the TypeScript compiler are supported here (ES3, ES5, ES6/ES2015, ES2016, ES2017, ESNext)') .option('--disable-spa', 'Disable the SPA redirect to index.html') .option('--exclude [exclude]', 'A comma-separated list of paths, relative to the current directory, to exclude from the static build') //TODO I know this is wrong, I need to figure out how to do variadic arguments .option('--include [include]', 'A comma-separated list of paths, relative to the current directory, to include in the static build') //TODO I know this is wrong, I need to figure out how to do variadic arguments .option('--headers [headers]', 'A path to a file, relative to the current directory, for custom HTTP headers') .parse(process.argv); // TODO understand how null and undefined are going to work here const buildStatic: boolean = program.buildStatic || false; // const watchFiles: boolean = program.watchFiles || true; const watchFiles: boolean = true; const httpPort: number = parseInt(program.port || 5000); const wsPort: number = httpPort + 1; const jsTarget: string = || 'ES2015'; const exclude: string | undefined = program.exclude; const include: string | undefined = program.include; const disableSpa: boolean = program.disableSpa || false; const customHTTPHeadersFilePath: string | undefined = program.headers; export const commandLineOptions: Readonly = { buildStatic, watchFiles, httpPort, wsPort, jsTarget, exclude, include, disableSpa, customHTTPHeadersFilePath };