import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import { Clients, CompiledFiles, JavaScript, TypeScript, Transformer, CustomHTTPHeaders, HTTPHeaders, FileContentsResult } from '../index.d.ts'; import * as chokidar from 'chokidar'; import * as WebSocket from 'ws'; import * as tsc from 'typescript'; import * as babel from '@babel/core'; import { resolveBareSpecifiers } from './babel-plugins/babel-plugin-transform-resolve-bare-specifiers.js'; import { resolveImportPathExtensions } from './babel-plugins/babel-plugin-transform-resolve-import-path-extensions.js'; export async function getFileContents(params: { url: string; compiledFiles: CompiledFiles; disableSpa: boolean; watchFiles: boolean; clients: Clients; transformer: Transformer | 'NOT_SET'; }): Promise> { const cachedFileContents: Readonly | null | undefined = await returnFileContentsFromCache({ url: params.url, compiledFiles: params.compiledFiles }); if ( cachedFileContents !== null && cachedFileContents !== undefined ) { return { fileContents: cachedFileContents }; } else { if (await (fs.exists as any)(params.url)) { const fileContents: Readonly = await fs.readFile(params.url); const transformedFileContents: Readonly = params.transformer === 'NOT_SET' ? fileContents : Buffer.from(params.transformer(fileContents.toString())); params.compiledFiles[params.url] = transformedFileContents; watchFile({ filePath: params.url, watchFiles: params.watchFiles, clients: params.clients, compiledFiles: params.compiledFiles }); return { fileContents: transformedFileContents }; } if (!params.disableSpa) { const indexFileContents: Readonly = await fs.readFile(`./index.html`); return { fileContents: indexFileContents }; } else { return 'FILE_NOT_FOUND'; } } } async function returnFileContentsFromCache(params: { url: string; compiledFiles: CompiledFiles; }): Promise | null | undefined> { const cachedFileContents: Readonly | null | undefined = params.compiledFiles[params.url]; return cachedFileContents; } export function watchFile(params: { filePath: string; watchFiles: boolean; clients: Clients; compiledFiles: CompiledFiles; }) { if (params.watchFiles) {'change', () => { params.compiledFiles[params.filePath] = null; Object.values(params.clients).forEach((client: Readonly) => { try { client.send('RELOAD_MESSAGE'); } catch(error) { //TODO something should be done about this. What's happening I believe is that if two files are changed in a very short period of time, one file will start the browser reloading, and the other file will try to send a message to the browser while it is reloading, and thus the websocket connection will not be established with the browser. This is a temporary solution console.log(error); } }); }); } } export function addGlobals(params: { source: JavaScript; wsPort: number; }): JavaScript { return ` var process = self.process; if (!self.ZWITTERION_SOCKET &&'localhost:')) { self.ZWITTERION_SOCKET = new WebSocket('ws://${params.wsPort}'); self.ZWITTERION_SOCKET.addEventListener('message', (message) => { self.location.reload(); }); } ${params.source} `; } export function compileToJs(params: { source: JavaScript | TypeScript; jsTarget: string; filePath: string; }): JavaScript { const typeScriptTranspileOutput: Readonly = tsc.transpileModule(params.source, { compilerOptions: { module: 'ES2015' as unknown as tsc.ModuleKind, target: params.jsTarget as any } }); const babelFileResult: Readonly | null = babel.transform(typeScriptTranspileOutput.outputText, { 'plugins': [ require('@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import'), resolveBareSpecifiers(params.filePath, false), resolveImportPathExtensions(params.filePath) ] }); if ( babelFileResult === null || babelFileResult.code === null || babelFileResult.code === undefined ) { throw new Error(`Compilation error`); } return babelFileResult.code; } export async function getCustomHTTPHeadersFromFile(headersFilePath: string) { const headersFile: Readonly = await fs.readFile(headersFilePath); return JSON.parse(headersFile.toString()); } export function getCustomHTTPHeadersForURL(params: { customHTTPHeaders: Readonly; url: string; defaultHTTPHeaders: Readonly; }): Readonly { return Object.keys(params.customHTTPHeaders).reduce((result: Readonly, customHTTPHeaderRegex: string) => { if (params.url.match(customHTTPHeaderRegex)) { return { ...result, ...params.customHTTPHeaders[customHTTPHeaderRegex] }; } return result; }, params.defaultHTTPHeaders); } export function wrapWasmInJS(binary: Readonly): JavaScript { return ` //TODO perhaps there is a better way to get the ArrayBuffer that wasm needs...but for now this works const base64EncodedByteCode = Uint8Array.from('${binary}'.split(',')); export default WebAssembly.instantiate(base64EncodedByteCode, { env: { abort: () => console.log('aborting') } }).then((result) => { return result.instance.exports; }); `; }