27.9 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * This file was automatically generated by json-schema-to-typescript.
3 * DO NOT MODIFY IT BY HAND. Instead, modify the source JSONSchema file,
4 * and run json-schema-to-typescript to regenerate this file.
5 */
6export interface Config {
7 serve?: ServeConfig;
8 require?: string[];
9 /**
10 * Defines the list of your external data sources for your API mesh
11 */
12 sources: Source[];
13 /**
14 * Transform to apply to the unified mesh schema
15 */
16 transforms?: Transform[];
17 /**
18 * Additional type definitions, or type definitions overrides you wish to add to the schema mesh
19 */
20 additionalTypeDefs?: string;
21 /**
22 * Additional resolvers, or resolvers overrides you wish to add to the schema mesh (Any of: String, AdditionalStitchingResolverObject, AdditionalSubscriptionObject)
23 */
24 additionalResolvers?: (string | AdditionalStitchingResolverObject | AdditionalSubscriptionObject)[];
25 cache?: Cache;
26 /**
27 * Merge method
28 */
29 merger?: string;
30 /**
31 * PubSub Implementation (Any of: String, PubSubConfig)
32 */
33 pubsub?: string | PubSubConfig;
35export interface ServeConfig {
36 /**
37 * Spawn multiple server instances as node clusters (default: `1`) (Any of: Int, Boolean)
38 */
39 fork?: number | boolean;
40 /**
41 * TCP Port to listen (default: `3000`) (Any of: Int, String)
42 */
43 port?: number | string;
44 /**
45 * Provide an example query or queries for GraphQL Playground
46 */
47 exampleQuery?: string;
48 cors?: CorsConfig;
49 /**
50 * Any of: WebhookHandler, ExpressHandler
51 */
52 handlers?: (WebhookHandler | ExpressHandler)[];
53 staticFiles?: string;
55export interface CorsConfig {
56 origin?: string[];
57 allowedHeaders?: string[];
58 exposedHeaders?: string[];
59 credentials?: boolean;
60 maxAge?: number;
61 preflightContinue?: boolean;
62 optionsSuccessStatus?: number;
64export interface WebhookHandler {
65 path: string;
66 pubsubTopic: string;
67 payload?: string;
69export interface ExpressHandler {
70 path: string;
71 handler: string;
72 /**
73 * Allowed values: GET, POST, DELETE, PATCH
74 */
75 method?: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'DELETE' | 'PATCH';
77export interface Source {
78 /**
79 * The name you wish to set to your remote API, this will be used for building the GraphQL context
80 */
81 name: string;
82 handler: Handler;
83 /**
84 * List of transforms to apply to the current API source, before unifying it with the rest of the sources
85 */
86 transforms?: Transform[];
89 * Point to the handler you wish to use, it can either be a predefined handler, or a custom
90 */
91export interface Handler {
92 graphql?: GraphQLHandler;
93 grpc?: GrpcHandler;
94 jsonSchema?: JsonSchemaHandler;
95 mongoose?: MongooseHandler;
96 mysql?: MySQLHandler;
97 neo4j?: Neo4JHandler;
98 odata?: ODataHandler;
99 openapi?: OpenapiHandler;
100 postgraphile?: PostGraphileHandler;
101 soap?: SoapHandler;
102 thrift?: ThriftHandler;
103 tuql?: TuqlHandler;
104 [k: string]: any;
107 * Handler for remote/local/third-party GraphQL schema
108 */
109export interface GraphQLHandler {
110 /**
111 * A url to your remote GraphQL endpoint
112 */
113 endpoint: string;
114 /**
115 * JSON object representing the Headers to add to the runtime of the API calls only for schema introspection
116 */
117 schemaHeaders?: {
118 [k: string]: any;
119 };
120 /**
121 * JSON object representing the Headers to add to the runtime of the API calls only for operation during runtime
122 */
123 operationHeaders?: {
124 [k: string]: any;
125 };
126 /**
127 * Use HTTP GET for Query operations
128 */
129 useGETForQueries?: boolean;
130 /**
131 * HTTP method used for GraphQL operations (Allowed values: GET, POST)
132 */
133 method?: 'GET' | 'POST';
134 /**
135 * Enable GraphQL Subscriptions using WebSocket
136 */
137 enableSubscriptions?: boolean;
138 /**
139 * Path to a custom W3 Compatible Fetch Implementation
140 */
141 customFetch?: any;
142 /**
143 * Path to a custom W3 Compatible WebSocket Implementation
144 */
145 webSocketImpl?: string;
146 /**
147 * Path to the introspection
148 * You can seperately give schema introspection
149 */
150 introspection?: string;
151 /**
152 * Cache Introspection (Any of: GraphQLIntrospectionCachingOptions, Boolean)
153 */
154 cacheIntrospection?: GraphQLIntrospectionCachingOptions | boolean;
156export interface GraphQLIntrospectionCachingOptions {
157 /**
158 * Time to live of introspection cache
159 */
160 ttl?: number;
161 /**
162 * Path to Introspection JSON File
163 */
164 path?: string;
167 * Handler for gRPC and Protobuf schemas
168 */
169export interface GrpcHandler {
170 /**
171 * gRPC Endpoint
172 */
173 endpoint: string;
174 /**
175 * gRPC Proto file that contains your protobuf schema (Any of: ProtoFilePath, String)
176 */
177 protoFilePath: ProtoFilePath | string;
178 /**
179 * Your base service name
180 * Used for naming only
181 */
182 serviceName?: string;
183 /**
184 * Your base package name
185 * Used for naming only
186 */
187 packageName?: string;
188 /**
189 * Request timeout in milliseconds
190 * Default: 200000
191 */
192 requestTimeout?: number;
193 credentialsSsl?: GrpcCredentialsSsl;
194 /**
195 * Use https instead of http for gRPC connection
196 */
197 useHTTPS?: boolean;
198 /**
199 * MetaData
200 */
201 metaData?: {
202 [k: string]: any;
203 };
205export interface ProtoFilePath {
206 file: string;
207 load?: LoadOptions;
209export interface LoadOptions {
210 includeDirs?: string[];
213 * SSL Credentials
214 */
215export interface GrpcCredentialsSsl {
216 rootCA?: string;
217 certChain?: string;
218 privateKey?: string;
221 * Handler for JSON Schema specification. Source could be a local json file, or a url to it.
222 */
223export interface JsonSchemaHandler {
224 baseUrl: string;
225 operationHeaders?: {
226 [k: string]: any;
227 };
228 schemaHeaders?: {
229 [k: string]: any;
230 };
231 operations: JsonSchemaOperation[];
232 disableTimestampScalar?: boolean;
233 baseSchema?: any;
235export interface JsonSchemaOperation {
236 field: string;
237 path?: string;
238 pubsubTopic?: string;
239 description?: string;
240 /**
241 * Allowed values: Query, Mutation, Subscription
242 */
243 type: 'Query' | 'Mutation' | 'Subscription';
244 /**
245 * Allowed values: GET, DELETE, POST, PUT, PATCH
246 */
247 method: 'GET' | 'DELETE' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'PATCH';
248 requestSchema?: any;
249 requestSample?: any;
250 requestTypeName?: string;
251 responseSample?: any;
252 responseSchema?: any;
253 responseTypeName?: string;
254 argTypeMap?: {
255 [k: string]: any;
256 };
257 headers?: {
258 [k: string]: any;
259 };
261export interface MongooseHandler {
262 connectionString?: string;
263 models?: MongooseModel[];
264 discriminators?: MongooseModel[];
266export interface MongooseModel {
267 name: string;
268 path: string;
269 options?: ComposeWithMongooseOpts;
271export interface ComposeWithMongooseOpts {
272 name?: string;
273 description?: string;
274 fields?: ComposeWithMongooseFieldsOpts;
275 inputType?: ComposeMongooseInputType;
276 resolvers?: TypeConverterResolversOpts1;
278export interface ComposeWithMongooseFieldsOpts {
279 only?: string[];
280 remove?: string[];
281 required?: string[];
283export interface ComposeMongooseInputType {
284 name?: string;
285 description?: string;
286 fields?: ComposeWithMongooseFieldsOpts1;
287 resolvers?: TypeConverterResolversOpts;
289export interface ComposeWithMongooseFieldsOpts1 {
290 only?: string[];
291 remove?: string[];
292 required?: string[];
294export interface TypeConverterResolversOpts {
295 /**
296 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
297 */
298 findById?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
299 /**
300 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
301 */
302 findByIds?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
303 /**
304 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
305 */
306 findOne?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
307 /**
308 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
309 */
310 findMany?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
311 /**
312 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
313 */
314 updateById?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
315 /**
316 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
317 */
318 updateOne?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
319 /**
320 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
321 */
322 updateMany?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
323 /**
324 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
325 */
326 removeById?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
327 /**
328 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
329 */
330 removeOne?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
331 /**
332 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
333 */
334 removeMany?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
335 /**
336 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
337 */
338 createOne?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
339 /**
340 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
341 */
342 createMany?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
343 /**
344 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
345 */
346 count?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
347 /**
348 * Any of: Boolean, JSON
349 */
350 connection?: boolean | {
351 [k: string]: any;
352 };
353 /**
354 * Any of: Boolean, PaginationResolverOpts
355 */
356 pagination?: boolean | PaginationResolverOpts;
358export interface ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts {
359 filter?: FilterHelperArgsOpts;
360 sort?: SortHelperArgsOpts;
361 limit?: LimitHelperArgsOpts;
362 record?: RecordHelperArgsOpts;
363 skip?: boolean;
365export interface FilterHelperArgsOpts {
366 filterTypeName?: string;
367 isRequired?: boolean;
368 onlyIndexed?: boolean;
369 requiredFields?: string[];
370 /**
371 * Any of: Boolean, JSON
372 */
373 operators?: boolean | {
374 [k: string]: any;
375 };
376 removeFields?: string[];
378export interface SortHelperArgsOpts {
379 sortTypeName?: string;
381export interface LimitHelperArgsOpts {
382 defaultValue?: number;
384export interface RecordHelperArgsOpts {
385 recordTypeName?: string;
386 isRequired?: boolean;
387 removeFields?: string[];
388 requiredFields?: string[];
390export interface PaginationResolverOpts {
391 perPage?: number;
393export interface TypeConverterResolversOpts1 {
394 /**
395 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
396 */
397 findById?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
398 /**
399 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
400 */
401 findByIds?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
402 /**
403 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
404 */
405 findOne?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
406 /**
407 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
408 */
409 findMany?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
410 /**
411 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
412 */
413 updateById?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
414 /**
415 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
416 */
417 updateOne?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
418 /**
419 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
420 */
421 updateMany?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
422 /**
423 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
424 */
425 removeById?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
426 /**
427 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
428 */
429 removeOne?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
430 /**
431 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
432 */
433 removeMany?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
434 /**
435 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
436 */
437 createOne?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
438 /**
439 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
440 */
441 createMany?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
442 /**
443 * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts
444 */
445 count?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts;
446 /**
447 * Any of: Boolean, JSON
448 */
449 connection?: boolean | {
450 [k: string]: any;
451 };
452 /**
453 * Any of: Boolean, PaginationResolverOpts
454 */
455 pagination?: boolean | PaginationResolverOpts;
457export interface MySQLHandler {
458 host: string;
459 port: number;
460 user: string;
461 password?: string;
462 database: string;
465 * Handler for Neo4j
466 */
467export interface Neo4JHandler {
468 /**
469 * URL for the Neo4j Instance e.g. neo4j://localhost
470 */
471 url: string;
472 /**
473 * Username for basic authentication
474 */
475 username: string;
476 /**
477 * Password for basic authentication
478 */
479 password: string;
480 /**
481 * Specifies whether relationships should always be included in the type definitions as [relationship](https://grandstack.io/docs/neo4j-graphql-js.html#relationship-types) types, even if the relationships do not have properties.
482 */
483 alwaysIncludeRelationships?: boolean;
484 /**
485 * Specifies database name
486 */
487 database?: string;
488 /**
489 * Provide GraphQL Type Definitions instead of inferring
490 */
491 typeDefs?: string;
492 /**
493 * Cache Introspection (Any of: Neo4jIntrospectionCachingOptions, Boolean)
494 */
495 cacheIntrospection?: Neo4JIntrospectionCachingOptions | boolean;
497export interface Neo4JIntrospectionCachingOptions {
498 /**
499 * Time to live of introspection cache
500 */
501 ttl?: number;
504 * Handler for OData
505 */
506export interface ODataHandler {
507 /**
508 * Base URL for OData API
509 */
510 baseUrl: string;
511 /**
512 * Custom $metadata File or URL
513 */
514 metadata?: string;
515 /**
516 * Headers to be used with the operation requests
517 */
518 operationHeaders?: {
519 [k: string]: any;
520 };
521 /**
522 * Headers to be used with the $metadata requests
523 */
524 schemaHeaders?: {
525 [k: string]: any;
526 };
527 /**
528 * Enable batching (Allowed values: multipart, json)
529 */
530 batch?: 'multipart' | 'json';
531 /**
532 * Use $expand for navigation props instead of seperate HTTP requests (Default: false)
533 */
534 expandNavProps?: boolean;
537 * Handler for Swagger / OpenAPI 2/3 specification. Source could be a local json/swagger file, or a url to it.
538 */
539export interface OpenapiHandler {
540 /**
541 * A pointer to your API source - could be a local file, remote file or url endpoint
542 */
543 source: string;
544 /**
545 * Format of the source file (Allowed values: json, yaml)
546 */
547 sourceFormat?: 'json' | 'yaml';
548 /**
549 * JSON object representing the Headers to add to the runtime of the API calls
550 */
551 operationHeaders?: {
552 [k: string]: any;
553 };
554 /**
555 * If you are using a remote URL endpoint to fetch your schema, you can set headers for the HTTP request to fetch your schema.
556 */
557 schemaHeaders?: {
558 [k: string]: any;
559 };
560 /**
561 * Specifies the URL on which all paths will be based on.
562 * Overrides the server object in the OAS.
563 */
564 baseUrl?: string;
565 /**
566 * JSON object representing the query search parameters to add to the API calls
567 */
568 qs?: {
569 [k: string]: any;
570 };
571 /**
572 * W3 Compatible Fetch Implementation
573 */
574 customFetch?: any;
575 /**
576 * Include HTTP Response details to the result object
577 */
578 includeHttpDetails?: boolean;
579 /**
580 * Auto-generate a 'limit' argument for all fields that return lists of objects, including ones produced by links
581 */
582 addLimitArgument?: boolean;
585 * Handler for Postgres database, based on `postgraphile`
586 */
587export interface PostGraphileHandler {
588 /**
589 * A connection string to your Postgres database
590 */
591 connectionString?: string;
592 /**
593 * An array of strings which specifies the PostgreSQL schemas that PostGraphile will use to create a GraphQL schema. The default schema is the public schema.
594 */
595 schemaName?: string[];
596 /**
597 * Connection Pool settings
598 */
599 pool?: {
600 [k: string]: any;
601 };
602 /**
603 * Extra Postgraphile Plugins to append
604 */
605 appendPlugins?: string[];
606 /**
607 * Postgraphile Plugins to skip (e.g. "graphile-build#NodePlugin")
608 */
609 skipPlugins?: string[];
610 /**
611 * Extra Postgraphile options that will be added to the postgraphile constructor. It can either be an object or a string pointing to the object's path (e.g. "./my-config#options"). See the [postgraphile docs](https://www.graphile.org/postgraphile/usage-library/) for more information. (Any of: JSON, String)
612 */
613 options?: {
614 [k: string]: any;
615 } | string;
616 /**
617 * Cache Introspection (Any of: GraphQLIntrospectionCachingOptions, Boolean)
618 */
619 cacheIntrospection?: GraphQLIntrospectionCachingOptions | boolean;
622 * Handler for SOAP
623 */
624export interface SoapHandler {
625 /**
626 * A url to your WSDL
627 */
628 wsdl: string;
629 basicAuth?: SoapSecurityBasicAuthConfig;
630 securityCert?: SoapSecurityCertificateConfig;
633 * Basic Authentication Configuration
634 * Including username and password fields
635 */
636export interface SoapSecurityBasicAuthConfig {
637 /**
638 * Username for Basic Authentication
639 */
640 username: string;
641 /**
642 * Password for Basic Authentication
643 */
644 password: string;
647 * SSL Certificate Based Authentication Configuration
648 * Including public key, private key and password fields
649 */
650export interface SoapSecurityCertificateConfig {
651 /**
652 * Your public key
653 */
654 publicKey?: string;
655 /**
656 * Your private key
657 */
658 privateKey?: string;
659 /**
660 * Password
661 */
662 password?: string;
663 /**
664 * Path to the file or URL contains your public key
665 */
666 publicKeyPath?: string;
667 /**
668 * Path to the file or URL contains your private key
669 */
670 privateKeyPath?: string;
671 /**
672 * Path to the file or URL contains your password
673 */
674 passwordPath?: string;
677 * Handler for OData
678 */
679export interface ThriftHandler {
680 /**
681 * The name of the host to connect to.
682 */
683 hostName: string;
684 /**
685 * The port number to attach to on the host.
686 */
687 port: number;
688 /**
689 * The path on which the Thrift service is listening. Defaults to '/thrift'.
690 */
691 path?: string;
692 /**
693 * Boolean value indicating whether to use https. Defaults to false.
694 */
695 https?: boolean;
696 /**
697 * Name of the Thrift protocol type to use. Defaults to 'binary'. (Allowed values: binary, compact, json)
698 */
699 protocol?: 'binary' | 'compact' | 'json';
700 /**
701 * The name of your service. Used for logging.
702 */
703 serviceName: string;
704 /**
705 * JSON object representing the Headers to add to the runtime of the API calls
706 */
707 operationHeaders?: {
708 [k: string]: any;
709 };
710 /**
711 * If you are using a remote URL endpoint to fetch your schema, you can set headers for the HTTP request to fetch your schema.
712 */
713 schemaHeaders?: {
714 [k: string]: any;
715 };
716 /**
717 * Path to IDL file
718 */
719 idl: string;
722 * Handler for SQLite database, based on `tuql`
723 */
724export interface TuqlHandler {
725 /**
726 * Pointer to your SQLite database
727 */
728 db?: string;
729 /**
730 * Path to the SQL Dump file if you want to build a in-memory database
731 */
732 infile?: string;
734export interface Transform {
735 /**
736 * Transformer to apply caching for your data sources
737 */
738 cache?: CacheTransformConfig[];
739 federation?: FederationTransform;
740 filterSchema?: string[];
741 mock?: MockingConfig;
742 namingConvention?: NamingConventionTransformConfig;
743 prefix?: PrefixTransformConfig;
744 /**
745 * Transformer to apply rename of a GraphQL type
746 */
747 rename?: RenameTransformObject[];
748 /**
749 * Transformer to apply composition to resolvers
750 */
751 resolversComposition?: ResolversCompositionTransformObject[];
752 snapshot?: SnapshotTransformConfig;
753 [k: string]: any;
755export interface CacheTransformConfig {
756 /**
757 * The type and field to apply cache to, you can use wild cards as well, for example: `Query.*`
758 */
759 field: string;
760 /**
761 * Cache key to use to store your resolvers responses.
762 * The defualt is: {typeName}-{fieldName}-{argsHash}-{fieldNamesHash}
763 *
764 * Available variables:
765 * - {args.argName} - use resolver argument
766 * - {typeName} - use name of the type
767 * - {fieldName} - use name of the field
768 * - {argsHash} - a hash based on the 'args' object
769 * - {fieldNamesHash} - a hash based on the field names selected by the client
770 * - {info} - the GraphQLResolveInfo of the resolver
771 *
772 * Available interpolations:
773 * - {format|date} - returns the current date with a specific format
774 */
775 cacheKey?: string;
776 invalidate?: CacheInvalidateConfig;
779 * Invalidation rules
780 */
781export interface CacheInvalidateConfig {
782 /**
783 * Invalidate the cache when a specific operation is done without an error
784 */
785 effectingOperations?: CacheEffectingOperationConfig[];
786 /**
787 * Specified in seconds, the time-to-live (TTL) value limits the lifespan
788 */
789 ttl?: number;
791export interface CacheEffectingOperationConfig {
792 /**
793 * Path to the operation that could effect it. In a form: Mutation.something. Note that wildcard is not supported in this field.
794 */
795 operation: string;
796 /**
797 * Cache key to invalidate on sucessful resolver (no error), see `cacheKey` for list of available options in this field.
798 */
799 matchKey?: string;
801export interface FederationTransform {
802 types?: FederationTransformType[];
804export interface FederationTransformType {
805 name: string;
806 config?: FederationObjectConfig;
808export interface FederationObjectConfig {
809 keyFields?: string[];
810 extend?: boolean;
811 fields?: FederationField[];
812 /**
813 * Any of: String, ResolveReferenceObject
814 */
815 resolveReference?: string | ResolveReferenceObject;
817export interface FederationField {
818 name: string;
819 config: FederationFieldConfig;
821export interface FederationFieldConfig {
822 external?: boolean;
823 provides?: string;
824 required?: string;
826export interface ResolveReferenceObject {
827 targetSource: string;
828 targetMethod: string;
829 args: {
830 [k: string]: any;
831 };
832 returnData?: string;
833 resultSelectedFields?: {
834 [k: string]: any;
835 };
836 resultSelectionSet?: string;
837 resultDepth?: number;
840 * Mock configuration for your source
841 */
842export interface MockingConfig {
843 /**
844 * If this expression is truthy, mocking would be enabled
845 * You can use environment variables expression, for example: `${MOCKING_ENABLED}`
846 */
847 if?: boolean;
848 /**
849 * Do not mock any other resolvers other than defined in `mocks`.
850 * For example, you can enable this if you don't want to mock entire schema but partially.
851 */
852 preserveResolvers?: boolean;
853 /**
854 * Mock configurations
855 */
856 mocks?: MockingFieldConfig[];
858export interface MockingFieldConfig {
859 /**
860 * Resolver path
861 * Example: User.firstName
862 */
863 apply: string;
864 /**
865 * If this expression is truthy, mocking would be enabled
866 * You can use environment variables expression, for example: `${MOCKING_ENABLED}`
867 */
868 if?: boolean;
869 /**
870 * Faker.js expression or function
871 * Read more (https://github.com/marak/Faker.js/#fakerfake)
872 * Example;
873 * faker: name.firstName
874 * faker: "{{ name.firstName }} {{ name.lastName }}"
875 */
876 faker?: string;
877 /**
878 * Custom mocking
879 * It can be a module or json file.
880 * Both "moduleName#exportName" or only "moduleName" would work
881 */
882 custom?: string;
885 * Transformer to apply naming convention to GraphQL Types
886 */
887export interface NamingConventionTransformConfig {
888 /**
889 * Allowed values: camelCase, capitalCase, constantCase, dotCase, headerCase, noCase, paramCase, pascalCase, pathCase, sentenceCase, snakeCase, upperCase, lowerCase
890 */
891 typeNames?: 'camelCase' | 'capitalCase' | 'constantCase' | 'dotCase' | 'headerCase' | 'noCase' | 'paramCase' | 'pascalCase' | 'pathCase' | 'sentenceCase' | 'snakeCase' | 'upperCase' | 'lowerCase';
892 /**
893 * Allowed values: camelCase, capitalCase, constantCase, dotCase, headerCase, noCase, paramCase, pascalCase, pathCase, sentenceCase, snakeCase, upperCase, lowerCase
894 */
895 fieldNames?: 'camelCase' | 'capitalCase' | 'constantCase' | 'dotCase' | 'headerCase' | 'noCase' | 'paramCase' | 'pascalCase' | 'pathCase' | 'sentenceCase' | 'snakeCase' | 'upperCase' | 'lowerCase';
896 /**
897 * Allowed values: camelCase, capitalCase, constantCase, dotCase, headerCase, noCase, paramCase, pascalCase, pathCase, sentenceCase, snakeCase, upperCase, lowerCase
898 */
899 enumValues?: 'camelCase' | 'capitalCase' | 'constantCase' | 'dotCase' | 'headerCase' | 'noCase' | 'paramCase' | 'pascalCase' | 'pathCase' | 'sentenceCase' | 'snakeCase' | 'upperCase' | 'lowerCase';
902 * Prefix transform
903 */
904export interface PrefixTransformConfig {
905 /**
906 * The prefix to apply to the schema types. By default it's the API name.
907 */
908 value?: string;
909 /**
910 * List of ignored types
911 */
912 ignore?: string[];
913 /**
914 * Changes root types and changes the field names
915 */
916 includeRootOperations?: boolean;
918export interface RenameTransformObject {
919 /**
920 * The GraphQL type to rename
921 */
922 from: string;
923 /**
924 * The new name
925 */
926 to: string;
928export interface ResolversCompositionTransformObject {
929 /**
930 * The GraphQL Resolver path
931 * Example: Query.users
932 */
933 resolver: string;
934 /**
935 * Path to the composer function
936 * Example: ./src/auth.js#authComposer
937 */
938 composer: any;
941 * Configuration for Snapshot extension
942 */
943export interface SnapshotTransformConfig {
944 /**
945 * Expression for when to activate this extension.
946 * Value can be a valid JS expression string or a boolean (Any of: String, Boolean)
947 */
948 if?: string | boolean;
949 /**
950 * Resolver to be applied
951 * For example;
952 * apply:
953 * - Query.* <- * will apply this extension to all fields of Query type
954 * - Mutation.someMutationButProbablyYouWontNeedIt
955 */
956 apply: string[];
957 /**
958 * Path to the directory of the generated snapshot files
959 */
960 outputDir: string;
962export interface AdditionalStitchingResolverObject {
963 type: string;
964 field: string;
965 requiredSelectionSet?: string;
966 targetSource: string;
967 targetMethod: string;
968 args?: {
969 [k: string]: any;
970 };
971 returnData?: string;
972 resultSelectedFields?: {
973 [k: string]: any;
974 };
975 resultSelectionSet?: string;
976 resultDepth?: number;
978export interface AdditionalSubscriptionObject {
979 type: string;
980 field: string;
981 pubsubTopic: string;
982 returnData?: string;
983 filterBy?: string;
986 * Backend cache
987 */
988export interface Cache {
989 file?: FileCacheConfig;
990 inmemoryLRU?: InMemoryLRUConfig;
991 localforage?: LocalforageConfig;
992 redis?: RedisConfig;
993 [k: string]: any;
995export interface FileCacheConfig {
996 path?: string;
998export interface InMemoryLRUConfig {
999 max?: number;
1001export interface LocalforageConfig {
1002 /**
1004 */
1005 driver?: ('WEBSQL' | 'INDEXEDDB' | 'LOCALSTORAGE')[];
1006 name?: string;
1007 version?: number;
1008 size?: number;
1009 storeName?: string;
1010 description?: string;
1012export interface RedisConfig {
1013 host?: string;
1014 port?: number;
1015 password?: string;
1017export interface PubSubConfig {
1018 name: string;
1019 config?: any;