1.81 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
4 *
5 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
6 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.dev/license
7 */
8import type { CompilerOptions } from '@angular/compiler-cli';
9import type { Compiler } from 'webpack';
10export declare const imageDomains: Set<string>;
11export interface AngularWebpackPluginOptions {
12 tsconfig: string;
13 compilerOptions?: CompilerOptions;
14 fileReplacements: Record<string, string>;
15 substitutions: Record<string, string>;
16 directTemplateLoading: boolean;
17 emitClassMetadata: boolean;
18 emitNgModuleScope: boolean;
19 emitSetClassDebugInfo?: boolean;
20 jitMode: boolean;
21 inlineStyleFileExtension?: string;
23export declare class AngularWebpackPlugin {
24 private readonly pluginOptions;
25 private compilerCliModule?;
26 private compilerCliToolingModule?;
27 private watchMode?;
28 private ngtscNextProgram?;
29 private builder?;
30 private sourceFileCache?;
31 private webpackCache?;
32 private webpackCreateHash?;
33 private readonly fileDependencies;
34 private readonly requiredFilesToEmit;
35 private readonly requiredFilesToEmitCache;
36 private readonly fileEmitHistory;
37 constructor(options?: Partial<AngularWebpackPluginOptions>);
38 private get compilerCli();
39 private get compilerCliTooling();
40 get options(): AngularWebpackPluginOptions;
41 apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
42 private setupCompilation;
43 private registerWithCompilation;
44 private markResourceUsed;
45 private rebuildRequiredFiles;
46 private loadConfiguration;
47 private updateAotProgram;
48 private updateJitProgram;
49 private createFileEmitter;
50 private initializeCompilerCli;
51 private addFileEmitHistory;
52 private getFileEmitHistory;