15.5 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Event, Emitter, DisposableCollection, Disposable } from '../../common';
2import { Deferred } from '../../common/promise-util';
3import { PreferenceProvider, PreferenceProviderDataChange, PreferenceProviderDataChanges, PreferenceResolveResult } from './preference-provider';
4import { PreferenceSchemaProvider } from './preference-contribution';
5import URI from '../../common/uri';
6import { PreferenceScope } from './preference-scope';
7import { PreferenceConfigurations } from './preference-configurations';
8import { JSONValue } from '@phosphor/coreutils/lib/json';
9import { OverridePreferenceName, PreferenceLanguageOverrideService } from './preference-language-override-service';
10export { PreferenceScope };
12 * Representation of a preference change. A preference value can be set to `undefined` for a specific scope.
13 * This means that the value from a more general scope will be used.
14 */
15export interface PreferenceChange extends PreferenceProviderDataChange {
16 /**
17 * Tests wether the given resource is affected by the preference change.
18 * @param resourceUri the uri of the resource to test.
19 */
20 affects(resourceUri?: string): boolean;
22export declare class PreferenceChangeImpl implements PreferenceChange {
23 protected readonly change: PreferenceProviderDataChange;
24 constructor(change: PreferenceProviderDataChange);
25 get preferenceName(): string;
26 get newValue(): string;
27 get oldValue(): string;
28 get scope(): PreferenceScope;
29 get domain(): string[] | undefined;
30 affects(resourceUri?: string): boolean;
33 * A key-value storage for {@link PreferenceChange}s. Used to aggregate multiple simultaneous preference changes.
34 */
35export interface PreferenceChanges {
36 [preferenceName: string]: PreferenceChange;
38export declare const PreferenceService: unique symbol;
40 * Service to manage preferences including, among others, getting and setting preference values as well
41 * as listening to preference changes.
42 *
43 * Depending on your use case you might also want to look at {@link createPreferenceProxy} with which
44 * you can easily create a typesafe schema-based interface for your preferences. Internally the proxy
45 * uses the PreferenceService so both approaches are compatible.
46 */
47export interface PreferenceService extends Disposable {
48 /**
49 * Promise indicating whether the service successfully initialized.
50 */
51 readonly ready: Promise<void>;
52 /**
53 * Indicates whether the service has successfully initialized. Will be `true` when {@link PreferenceService.ready the `ready` Promise} resolves.
54 */
55 readonly isReady: boolean;
56 /**
57 * Retrieve the stored value for the given preference.
58 *
59 * @param preferenceName the preference identifier.
60 *
61 * @returns the value stored for the given preference when it exists, `undefined` otherwise.
62 */
63 get<T>(preferenceName: string): T | undefined;
64 /**
65 * Retrieve the stored value for the given preference.
66 *
67 * @param preferenceName the preference identifier.
68 * @param defaultValue the value to return when no value for the given preference is stored.
69 *
70 * @returns the value stored for the given preference when it exists, otherwise the given default value.
71 */
72 get<T>(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: T): T;
73 /**
74 * Retrieve the stored value for the given preference and resourceUri.
75 *
76 * @param preferenceName the preference identifier.
77 * @param defaultValue the value to return when no value for the given preference is stored.
78 * @param resourceUri the uri of the resource for which the preference is stored. This used to retrieve
79 * a potentially different value for the same preference for different resources, for example `files.encoding`.
80 *
81 * @returns the value stored for the given preference and resourceUri when it exists, otherwise the given
82 * default value.
83 */
84 get<T>(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: T, resourceUri?: string): T;
85 /**
86 * Retrieve the stored value for the given preference and resourceUri.
87 *
88 * @param preferenceName the preference identifier.
89 * @param defaultValue the value to return when no value for the given preference is stored.
90 * @param resourceUri the uri of the resource for which the preference is stored. This used to retrieve
91 * a potentially different value for the same preference for different resources, for example `files.encoding`.
92 *
93 * @returns the value stored for the given preference and resourceUri when it exists, otherwise the given
94 * default value.
95 */
96 get<T>(preferenceName: string, defaultValue?: T, resourceUri?: string): T | undefined;
97 /**
98 * Sets the given preference to the given value.
99 *
100 * @param preferenceName the preference identifier.
101 * @param value the new value of the preference.
102 * @param scope the scope for which the value shall be set, i.e. user, workspace etc.
103 * When the folder scope is specified a resourceUri must be provided.
104 * @param resourceUri the uri of the resource for which the preference is stored. This used to store
105 * a potentially different value for the same preference for different resources, for example `files.encoding`.
106 *
107 * @returns a promise which resolves to `undefined` when setting the preference was successful. Otherwise it rejects
108 * with an error.
109 */
110 set(preferenceName: string, value: any, scope?: PreferenceScope, resourceUri?: string): Promise<void>;
111 /**
112 * Determines and applies the changes necessary to apply `value` to either the `resourceUri` supplied or the active session.
113 * If there is no setting for the `preferenceName`, the change will be applied in user scope.
114 * If there is a setting conflicting with the specified `value`, the change will be applied in the most specific scope with a conflicting value.
115 *
116 * @param preferenceName the identifier of the preference to modify.
117 * @param value the value to which to set the preference. `undefined` will reset the preference to its default value.
118 * @param resourceUri the uri of the resource to which the change is to apply. If none is provided, folder scope will be ignored.
119 */
120 updateValue(preferenceName: string, value: any, resourceUri?: string): Promise<void>;
121 /**
122 * Registers a callback which will be called whenever a preference is changed.
123 */
124 onPreferenceChanged: Event<PreferenceChange>;
125 /**
126 * Registers a callback which will be called whenever one or more preferences are changed.
127 */
128 onPreferencesChanged: Event<PreferenceChanges>;
129 /**
130 * Retrieve the stored value for the given preference and resourceUri in all available scopes.
131 *
132 * @param preferenceName the preference identifier.
133 * @param resourceUri the uri of the resource for which the preference is stored.
134 * @param forceLanguageOverride if `true` and `preferenceName` is a language override, only values for the specified override will be returned.
135 * Otherwise, values for the override will be returned where defined, and values from the base preference will be returned otherwise.
136 *
137 * @return an object containing the value of the given preference for all scopes.
138 */
139 inspect<T extends JSONValue>(preferenceName: string, resourceUri?: string, forceLanguageOverride?: boolean): PreferenceInspection<T> | undefined;
140 /**
141 * For behavior, see {@link PreferenceService.inspect}.
142 *
143 * @returns the value in the scope specified.
144 */
145 inspectInScope<T extends JSONValue>(preferenceName: string, scope: PreferenceScope, resourceUri?: string, forceLanguageOverride?: boolean): T | undefined;
146 /**
147 * Returns a new preference identifier based on the given OverridePreferenceName.
148 *
149 * @param options the override specification.
150 *
151 * @returns the calculated string based on the given OverridePreferenceName.
152 */
153 overridePreferenceName(options: OverridePreferenceName): string;
154 /**
155 * Tries to split the given preference identifier into the original OverridePreferenceName attributes
156 * with which this identifier was created. Returns `undefined` if this is not possible, for example
157 * when the given preference identifier was not generated by `overridePreferenceName`.
158 *
159 * This method is checked when resolving preferences. Therefore together with "overridePreferenceName"
160 * this can be used to handle specialized preferences, e.g. "[markdown].editor.autoIndent" and "editor.autoIndent".
161 *
162 * @param preferenceName the preferenceName which might have been created via {@link PreferenceService.overridePreferenceName}.
163 *
164 * @returns the OverridePreferenceName which was used to create the given `preferenceName` if this was the case,
165 * `undefined` otherwise.
166 */
167 overriddenPreferenceName(preferenceName: string): OverridePreferenceName | undefined;
168 /**
169 * Retrieve the stored value for the given preference and resourceUri.
170 *
171 * @param preferenceName the preference identifier.
172 * @param defaultValue the value to return when no value for the given preference is stored.
173 * @param resourceUri the uri of the resource for which the preference is stored. This used to retrieve
174 * a potentially different value for the same preference for different resources, for example `files.encoding`.
175 *
176 * @returns an object containing the value stored for the given preference and resourceUri when it exists,
177 * otherwise the given default value. If determinable the object will also contain the uri of the configuration
178 * resource in which the preference was stored.
179 */
180 resolve<T>(preferenceName: string, defaultValue?: T, resourceUri?: string): PreferenceResolveResult<T>;
181 /**
182 * Returns the uri of the configuration resource for the given scope and optional resource uri.
183 *
184 * @param scope the PreferenceScope to query for.
185 * @param resourceUri the optional uri of the resource-specific preference handling
186 * @param sectionName the optional preference section to query for.
187 *
188 * @returns the uri of the configuration resource for the given scope and optional resource uri it it exists,
189 * `undefined` otherwise.
190 */
191 getConfigUri(scope: PreferenceScope, resourceUri?: string, sectionName?: string): URI | undefined;
194 * Return type of the {@link PreferenceService.inspect} call.
195 */
196export interface PreferenceInspection<T = JSONValue> {
197 /**
198 * The preference identifier.
199 */
200 preferenceName: string;
201 /**
202 * Value in default scope.
203 */
204 defaultValue: T | undefined;
205 /**
206 * Value in user scope.
207 */
208 globalValue: T | undefined;
209 /**
210 * Value in workspace scope.
211 */
212 workspaceValue: T | undefined;
213 /**
214 * Value in folder scope.
215 */
216 workspaceFolderValue: T | undefined;
217 /**
218 * The value that is active, i.e. the value set in the lowest scope available.
219 */
220 value: T | undefined;
222export declare type PreferenceInspectionScope = keyof Omit<PreferenceInspection<unknown>, 'preferenceName'>;
224 * We cannot load providers directly in the case if they depend on `PreferenceService` somehow.
225 * It allows to load them lazily after DI is configured.
226 */
227export declare const PreferenceProviderProvider: unique symbol;
228export declare type PreferenceProviderProvider = (scope: PreferenceScope, uri?: URI) => PreferenceProvider;
229export declare class PreferenceServiceImpl implements PreferenceService {
230 protected readonly onPreferenceChangedEmitter: Emitter<PreferenceChange>;
231 readonly onPreferenceChanged: Event<PreferenceChange>;
232 protected readonly onPreferencesChangedEmitter: Emitter<PreferenceChanges>;
233 readonly onPreferencesChanged: Event<PreferenceChanges>;
234 protected readonly toDispose: DisposableCollection;
235 protected readonly schema: PreferenceSchemaProvider;
236 protected readonly providerProvider: PreferenceProviderProvider;
237 protected readonly configurations: PreferenceConfigurations;
238 protected readonly preferenceOverrideService: PreferenceLanguageOverrideService;
239 protected readonly preferenceProviders: Map<PreferenceScope, PreferenceProvider>;
240 protected initializeProviders(): Promise<void>;
241 protected init(): void;
242 dispose(): void;
243 protected readonly _ready: Deferred<void>;
244 get ready(): Promise<void>;
245 protected _isReady: boolean;
246 get isReady(): boolean;
247 protected reconcilePreferences(changes: PreferenceProviderDataChanges): void;
248 protected getAffectedPreferenceNames(change: PreferenceProviderDataChange, accept: (affectedPreferenceName: string) => void): void;
249 protected getProvider(scope: PreferenceScope): PreferenceProvider | undefined;
250 has(preferenceName: string, resourceUri?: string): boolean;
251 get<T>(preferenceName: string): T | undefined;
252 get<T>(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: T): T;
253 get<T>(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: T, resourceUri: string): T;
254 get<T>(preferenceName: string, defaultValue?: T, resourceUri?: string): T | undefined;
255 resolve<T>(preferenceName: string, defaultValue?: T, resourceUri?: string): PreferenceResolveResult<T>;
256 set(preferenceName: string, value: any, scope: PreferenceScope | undefined, resourceUri?: string): Promise<void>;
257 getBoolean(preferenceName: string): boolean | undefined;
258 getBoolean(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: boolean): boolean;
259 getBoolean(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: boolean, resourceUri: string): boolean;
260 getString(preferenceName: string): string | undefined;
261 getString(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: string): string;
262 getString(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: string, resourceUri: string): string;
263 getNumber(preferenceName: string): number | undefined;
264 getNumber(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: number): number;
265 getNumber(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: number, resourceUri: string): number;
266 inspect<T extends JSONValue>(preferenceName: string, resourceUri?: string, forceLanguageOverride?: boolean): PreferenceInspection<T> | undefined;
267 inspectInScope<T extends JSONValue>(preferenceName: string, scope: PreferenceScope, resourceUri?: string, forceLanguageOverride?: boolean): T | undefined;
268 protected getScopedValueFromInspection<T>(inspection: PreferenceInspection<T>, scope: PreferenceScope): T | undefined;
269 updateValue(preferenceName: string, value: any, resourceUri?: string): Promise<void>;
270 protected getScopesToChange(inspection: PreferenceInspection<any>, intendedValue: any): PreferenceScope[];
271 overridePreferenceName(options: OverridePreferenceName): string;
272 overriddenPreferenceName(preferenceName: string): OverridePreferenceName | undefined;
273 protected doHas(preferenceName: string, resourceUri?: string): boolean;
274 protected doInspectInScope<T>(preferenceName: string, scope: PreferenceScope, resourceUri?: string): T | undefined;
275 protected doGet<T>(preferenceName: string, defaultValue?: T, resourceUri?: string): T | undefined;
276 protected doResolve<T>(preferenceName: string, defaultValue?: T, resourceUri?: string): PreferenceResolveResult<T>;
277 getConfigUri(scope: PreferenceScope, resourceUri?: string, sectionName?: string): URI | undefined;
279//# sourceMappingURL=preference-service.d.ts.map
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