1 | import { Box3 } from "./Box3.js";
2 | import { Matrix4 } from "./Matrix4.js";
3 | import { Plane } from "./Plane.js";
4 | import { Vector3 } from "./Vector3.js";
5 |
6 | export class Sphere {
7 | constructor(center?: Vector3, radius?: number);
8 |
9 | /**
10 | * Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type {@link Sphere}.
11 | */
12 | readonly isSphere: true;
13 |
14 | |
15 |
16 |
17 | center: Vector3;
18 |
19 | |
20 |
21 |
22 | radius: number;
23 |
24 | set(center: Vector3, radius: number): Sphere;
25 | setFromPoints(points: Vector3[], optionalCenter?: Vector3): Sphere;
26 | clone(): this;
27 | copy(sphere: Sphere): this;
28 | expandByPoint(point: Vector3): this;
29 | isEmpty(): boolean;
30 | makeEmpty(): this;
31 | containsPoint(point: Vector3): boolean;
32 | distanceToPoint(point: Vector3): number;
33 | intersectsSphere(sphere: Sphere): boolean;
34 | intersectsBox(box: Box3): boolean;
35 | intersectsPlane(plane: Plane): boolean;
36 | clampPoint(point: Vector3, target: Vector3): Vector3;
37 | getBoundingBox(target: Box3): Box3;
38 | applyMatrix4(matrix: Matrix4): Sphere;
39 | translate(offset: Vector3): Sphere;
40 | equals(sphere: Sphere): boolean;
41 | union(sphere: Sphere): this;
42 |
43 | |
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45 |
46 | empty(): any;
47 | }