1 | import minimist = require('minimist')
2 | import ChainableConfig = require('webpack-chain')
3 | import webpack = require('webpack')
4 | import WebpackDevServer = require('webpack-dev-server')
5 | import express = require('express') // @types/webpack-dev-server depends on @types/express
6 | import { ProjectOptions, ConfigFunction } from './ProjectOptions'
7 |
8 | type RegisterCommandFn = (args: minimist.ParsedArgs, rawArgv: string[]) => any
9 |
10 | type RegisterCommandOpts = Partial<{
11 | description: string
12 | usage: string
13 | options: {
14 | [flags: string]: string
15 | }
16 | details: string
17 | }>
18 |
19 | type WebpackChainFn = (chainableConfig: ChainableConfig) => void
20 |
21 | type webpackRawConfigFn = ((config: webpack.Configuration) => webpack.Configuration | void) | webpack.Configuration
22 |
23 | type DevServerConfigFn = (app: express.Application, server: WebpackDevServer) => void
24 |
25 | interface CacheConfig {
26 | cacheDirectory: string
27 | cacheIdentifier: string
28 | }
29 | declare class PluginAPI {
30 | id: string
31 |
32 | service: any
33 |
34 | readonly version: string
35 |
36 | assertVersion(range: number | string): void
37 |
38 | /**
39 | * Current working directory.
40 | */
41 | getCwd(): string
42 |
43 | /**
44 | * Resolve path for a project.
45 | *
46 | * @param _path - Relative path from project root
47 | * @return The resolved absolute path.
48 | */
49 | resolve(_path: string): string
50 |
51 | /**
52 | * Check if the project has a given plugin.
53 | *
54 | * @param id - Plugin id, can omit the (@vue/|vue-|@scope/vue)-cli-plugin- prefix
55 | * @return `boolean`
56 | */
57 | hasPlugin(id: string): boolean
58 |
59 | /**
60 | * Register a command that will become available as `vue-cli-service [name]`.
61 | *
62 | * @param name
63 | * @param [opts]
64 | * @param fn
65 | */
66 | registerCommand(name: string, fn: RegisterCommandFn): void
67 | registerCommand(name: string, opts: RegisterCommandOpts, fn: RegisterCommandFn): void
68 |
69 | /**
70 | * Register a function that will receive a chainable webpack config
71 | * the function is lazy and won't be called until `resolveWebpackConfig` is
72 | * called
73 | *
74 | * @param fn
75 | */
76 | chainWebpack(fn: WebpackChainFn): void
77 |
78 | /**
79 | * Register
80 | * - a webpack configuration object that will be merged into the config
81 | * OR
82 | * - a function that will receive the raw webpack config.
83 | * the function can either mutate the config directly or return an object
84 | * that will be merged into the config.
85 | *
86 | * @param fn
87 | */
88 | configureWebpack(fn: webpackRawConfigFn): void
89 |
90 | /**
91 | * Register a dev serve config function. It will receive the express `app`
92 | * instance of the dev server.
93 | *
94 | * @param fn
95 | */
96 | configureDevServer(fn: DevServerConfigFn): void
97 |
98 | /**
99 | * Resolve the final raw webpack config, that will be passed to webpack.
100 | *
101 | * @param [chainableConfig]
102 | * @return Raw webpack config.
103 | */
104 | resolveWebpackConfig(chainableConfig?: ChainableConfig): webpack.Configuration
105 |
106 | /**
107 | * Resolve an intermediate chainable webpack config instance, which can be
108 | * further tweaked before generating the final raw webpack config.
109 | * You can call this multiple times to generate different branches of the
110 | * base webpack config.
111 | * See https://github.com/mozilla-neutrino/webpack-chain
112 | *
113 | * @return ChainableWebpackConfig
114 | */
115 | resolveChainableWebpackConfig(): ChainableConfig
116 |
117 | /**
118 | * Generate a cache identifier from a number of variables
119 | */
120 | genCacheConfig(id: string, partialIdentifier: any, configFiles?: string | string[]): CacheConfig
121 | }
122 |
123 | /**
124 | * Service plugin serves for modifying webpack config,
125 | * creating new vue-cli service commands or changing existing commands
126 | *
127 | * @param api - A PluginAPI instance
128 | * @param options - An object containing project local options specified in vue.config.js,
129 | * or in the "vue" field in package.json.
130 | */
131 | type ServicePlugin = (
132 | api: PluginAPI,
133 | options: ProjectOptions
134 | ) => any
135 |
136 | export { ProjectOptions, ServicePlugin, PluginAPI }
137 | type UserConfig = ProjectOptions | ConfigFunction
138 | export function defineConfig(config: UserConfig): UserConfig
139 |
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