1 | /**
2 | Style of the box border.
3 | */
4 | export type BoxStyle = {
5 | readonly topLeft: string;
6 | readonly top: string;
7 | readonly topRight: string;
8 | readonly right: string;
9 | readonly bottomRight: string;
10 | readonly bottom: string;
11 | readonly bottomLeft: string;
12 | readonly left: string;
13 | };
14 |
15 | /**
16 | All box styles.
17 | */
18 | export type Boxes = {
19 | /**
20 | @example
21 | ```
22 | ┌────┐
23 | │ │
24 | └────┘
25 | ```
26 | */
27 | readonly single: BoxStyle;
28 |
29 | /**
30 | @example
31 | ```
32 | ╔════╗
33 | ║ ║
34 | ╚════╝
35 | ```
36 | */
37 | readonly double: BoxStyle;
38 |
39 | /**
40 | @example
41 | ```
42 | ╭────╮
43 | │ │
44 | ╰────╯
45 | ```
46 | */
47 | readonly round: BoxStyle;
48 |
49 | /**
50 | @example
51 | ```
52 | ┏━━━━┓
53 | ┃ ┃
54 | ┗━━━━┛
55 | ```
56 | */
57 | readonly bold: BoxStyle;
58 |
59 | /**
60 | @example
61 | ```
62 | ╓────╖
63 | ║ ║
64 | ╙────╜
65 | ```
66 | */
67 | readonly singleDouble: BoxStyle;
68 |
69 | /**
70 | @example
71 | ```
72 | ╒════╕
73 | │ │
74 | ╘════╛
75 | ```
76 | */
77 | readonly doubleSingle: BoxStyle;
78 |
79 | /**
80 | @example
81 | ```
82 | +----+
83 | | |
84 | +----+
85 | ```
86 | */
87 | readonly classic: BoxStyle;
88 |
89 | /**
90 | @example
91 | ```
92 | ↘↓↓↓↓↙
93 | → ←
94 | ↗↑↑↑↑↖
95 | ```
96 | */
97 | readonly arrow: BoxStyle;
98 | };
99 |
100 | /**
101 | Boxes for use in the terminal.
102 |
103 | @example
104 | ```
105 | import cliBoxes from 'cli-boxes';
106 |
107 | console.log(cliBoxes.single);
108 | // {
109 | // topLeft: '┌',
110 | // top: '─',
111 | // topRight: '┐',
112 | // right: '│',
113 | // bottomRight: '┘',
114 | // bottom: '─',
115 | // bottomLeft: '└',
116 | // left: '│'
117 | // }
118 | ```
119 | */
120 | declare const cliBoxes: Boxes;
121 |
122 | export default cliBoxes;