1 | import { CancellationToken, UpdateFileInfo, UpdateInfo } from "builder-util-runtime";
2 | import { OutgoingHttpHeaders, RequestOptions } from "http";
3 | import { URL } from "url";
4 | import { ElectronHttpExecutor } from "../electronHttpExecutor";
5 | import { ResolvedUpdateFileInfo } from "../main";
6 | export type ProviderPlatform = "darwin" | "linux" | "win32";
7 | export interface ProviderRuntimeOptions {
8 | isUseMultipleRangeRequest: boolean;
9 | platform: ProviderPlatform;
10 | executor: ElectronHttpExecutor;
11 | }
12 | export declare abstract class Provider<T extends UpdateInfo> {
13 | private readonly runtimeOptions;
14 | private requestHeaders;
15 | protected readonly executor: ElectronHttpExecutor;
16 | protected constructor(runtimeOptions: ProviderRuntimeOptions);
17 | get isUseMultipleRangeRequest(): boolean;
18 | private getChannelFilePrefix;
19 | protected getDefaultChannelName(): string;
20 | protected getCustomChannelName(channel: string): string;
21 | get fileExtraDownloadHeaders(): OutgoingHttpHeaders | null;
22 | setRequestHeaders(value: OutgoingHttpHeaders | null): void;
23 | abstract getLatestVersion(): Promise<T>;
24 | abstract resolveFiles(updateInfo: T): Array<ResolvedUpdateFileInfo>;
25 | /**
26 | * Method to perform API request only to resolve update info, but not to download update.
27 | */
28 | protected httpRequest(url: URL, headers?: OutgoingHttpHeaders | null, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): Promise<string | null>;
29 | protected createRequestOptions(url: URL, headers?: OutgoingHttpHeaders | null): RequestOptions;
30 | }
31 | export declare function findFile(files: Array<ResolvedUpdateFileInfo>, extension: string, not?: Array<string>): ResolvedUpdateFileInfo | null | undefined;
32 | export declare function parseUpdateInfo(rawData: string | null, channelFile: string, channelFileUrl: URL): UpdateInfo;
33 | export declare function getFileList(updateInfo: UpdateInfo): Array<UpdateFileInfo>;
34 | export declare function resolveFiles(updateInfo: UpdateInfo, baseUrl: URL, pathTransformer?: (p: string) => string): Array<ResolvedUpdateFileInfo>;