18.5 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { AwsOptions, AwsState } from "./aws/aws-faast";
2import { CostSnapshot } from "./cost";
3import { GoogleOptions, GoogleState } from "./google/google-faast";
4import { LocalOptions, LocalState } from "./local/local-faast";
5import { CleanupOptions, CommonOptions, FunctionStats, Provider, ProviderImpl } from "./provider";
7 * An array of all available provider.
8 * @public
9 */
10export declare const providers: Provider[];
12 * `Async<T>` maps regular values to Promises and Iterators to AsyncIterators,
13 * If `T` is already a Promise or an AsyncIterator, it remains the same. This
14 * type is used to infer the return value of cloud functions from the types of
15 * the functions in the user's input module.
16 * @public
17 */
18export declare type Async<T> = T extends AsyncGenerator<infer R> ? AsyncGenerator<R> : T extends Generator<infer R> ? AsyncGenerator<R> : T extends Promise<infer R> ? Promise<R> : Promise<T>;
20 * `AsyncDetail<T>` is similar to {@link Async} except it maps retun values R to
21 * `Detail<R>`, which is the return value with additional information about each
22 * cloud function invocation.
23 * @public
24 */
25export declare type AsyncDetail<T> = T extends AsyncGenerator<infer R> ? AsyncGenerator<Detail<R>> : T extends Generator<infer R> ? AsyncGenerator<Detail<R>> : T extends Promise<infer R> ? Promise<Detail<R>> : Promise<Detail<T>>;
27 * `ProxyModule<M>` is the type of {@link FaastModule.functions}.
28 * @remarks
29 * `ProxyModule<M>` maps an imported module's functions to promise-returning or
30 * async-iteratable versions of those functions. Non-function exports of the
31 * module are omitted. When invoked, the functions in a `ProxyModule` invoke a
32 * remote cloud function.
33 * @public
34 */
35export declare type ProxyModule<M> = {
36 [K in keyof M]: M[K] extends (...args: infer A) => infer R ? (...args: A) => Async<R> : never;
39 * Similar to {@link ProxyModule} except each function returns a {@link Detail}
40 * object.
41 * @remarks
42 * See {@link FaastModule.functionsDetail}.
43 * @public
44 */
45export declare type ProxyModuleDetail<M> = {
46 [K in keyof M]: M[K] extends (...args: infer A) => infer R ? (...args: A) => AsyncDetail<R> : never;
49 * A function return value with additional detailed information.
50 * @public
51 */
52export interface Detail<R> {
53 /**
54 * A Promise for the function's return value.
55 */
56 value: R;
57 /**
58 * The URL of the logs for the specific execution of this function call.
59 * @remarks
60 * This is different from the general logUrl from
61 * {@link FaastModule.logUrl}, which provides a link to the logs for all
62 * invocations of all functions within that module. Whereas this logUrl is
63 * only for this specific invocation.
64 */
65 logUrl?: string;
66 /**
67 * If available, the provider-specific execution identifier for this
68 * invocation.
69 * @remarks
70 * This ID may be added to the log entries for this invocation by the cloud
71 * provider.
72 */
73 executionId?: string;
74 /**
75 * If available, the provider-specific instance identifier for this
76 * invocation.
77 * @remarks
78 * This ID refers to the specific container or VM used to execute this
79 * function invocation. The instance may be reused across multiple
80 * invocations.
81 */
82 instanceId?: string;
85 * Summarize statistics about cloud function invocations.
86 * @public
87 */
88export declare class FunctionStatsEvent {
89 /** The name of the cloud function the statistics are about. */
90 readonly fn: string;
91 /** See {@link FunctionStats}. */
92 readonly stats: FunctionStats;
93 /**
94 * @internal
95 */
96 constructor(
97 /** The name of the cloud function the statistics are about. */
98 fn: string,
99 /** See {@link FunctionStats}. */
100 stats: FunctionStats);
101 /**
102 * Returns a string summarizing the statistics event.
103 * @remarks
104 * The string includes number of completed calls, errors, and retries, and
105 * the mean execution time for the calls that completed within the last time
106 * interval (1s).
107 */
108 toString(): string;
111 * The main interface for invoking, cleaning up, and managing faast.js cloud
112 * functions. Returned by {@link faast}.
113 * @public
114 */
115export interface FaastModule<M extends object> {
116 /** See {@link Provider}. */
117 provider: Provider;
118 /**
119 * Each call of a cloud function creates a separate remote invocation.
120 * @remarks
121 * The module passed into {@link faast} or its provider-specific variants
122 * ({@link faastAws}, {@link faastGoogle}, and {@link faastLocal}) is mapped
123 * to a {@link ProxyModule} version of the module, which performs the
124 * following mapping:
125 *
126 * - All function exports that are generators are mapped to async
127 * generators.
128 *
129 * - All function exports that return async generators are preserved as-is.
130 *
131 * - All function exports that return promises have their type signatures
132 * preserved as-is.
133 *
134 * - All function exports that return type T, where T is not a Promise,
135 * Generator, or AsyncGenerator, are mapped to functions that return
136 * Promise<T>. Argument types are preserved as-is.
137 *
138 * - All non-function exports are omitted in the remote module.
139 *
140 * Arguments and return values are serialized with `JSON.stringify` when
141 * cloud functions are called, therefore what is received on the remote side
142 * might not match what was sent. Faast.js attempts to detect nonsupported
143 * arguments on a best effort basis.
144 *
145 * If the cloud function throws an exception or rejects its promise with an
146 * instance of `Error`, then the function will reject with
147 * {@link FaastError} on the local side. If the exception or rejection
148 * resolves to any value that is not an instance of `Error`, the remote
149 * function proxy will reject with the value of
150 * `JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(err))`.
151 *
152 * Arguments and return values have size limitations that vary by provider
153 * and mode:
154 *
155 * - AWS: 256KB in queue mode, 6MB arguments and 256KB return values in https mode. See
156 * {@link https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/limits.html | AWS Lambda Limits}.
157 *
158 * - Google: 10MB in https and queue modes. See
159 * {@link https://cloud.google.com/functions/quotas | Google Cloud Function Quotas}.
160 *
161 * - Local: limited only by available memory and the limits of
162 * {@link https://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html#child_process_subprocess_send_message_sendhandle_options_callback | childprocess.send}.
163 *
164 * Note that payloads may be base64 encoded for some providers and therefore
165 * different in size than the original payload. Also, some bookkeeping data
166 * are passed along with arguments and contribute to the size limit.
167 */
168 functions: ProxyModule<M>;
169 /**
170 * Similar to {@link FaastModule.functions} except each function returns a
171 * {@link Detail} object
172 * @remarks
173 * Advanced users of faast.js may want more information about each function
174 * invocation than simply the result of the function call. For example, the
175 * specific logUrl for each invocation, to help with detailed debugging.
176 * This interface provides a way to get this detailed information.
177 */
178 functionsDetail: ProxyModuleDetail<M>;
179 /**
180 * Stop the faast.js runtime for this cloud function and clean up ephemeral
181 * cloud resources.
182 * @returns a Promise that resolves when the `FaastModule` runtime stops and
183 * ephemeral resources have been deleted.
184 * @remarks
185 * It is best practice to always call `cleanup` when done with a cloud
186 * function. A typical way to ensure this in normal execution is to use the
187 * `finally` construct:
188 *
189 * ```typescript
190 * const faastModule = await faast("aws", m);
191 * try {
192 * // Call faastModule.functions.*
193 * } finally {
194 * // Note the `await`
195 * await faastModule.cleanup();
196 * }
197 * ```
198 *
199 * After the cleanup promise resolves, the cloud function instance can no
200 * longer invoke new calls on {@link FaastModule.functions}. However, other
201 * methods on {@link FaastModule} are safe to call, such as
202 * {@link FaastModule.costSnapshot}.
203 *
204 * Cleanup also stops statistics events (See {@link FaastModule.off}).
205 *
206 * By default, cleanup will delete all ephemeral cloud resources but leave
207 * behind cached resources for use by future cloud functions. Deleted
208 * resources typically include cloud functions, queues, and queue
209 * subscriptions. Logs are not deleted by cleanup.
210 *
211 * Note that `cleanup` leaves behind some provider-specific resources:
212 *
213 * - AWS: Cloudwatch logs are preserved until the garbage collector in a
214 * future cloud function instance deletes them. The default log expiration
215 * time is 24h (or the value of {@link CommonOptions.retentionInDays}). In
216 * addition, the AWS Lambda IAM role is not deleted by cleanup. This role
217 * is shared across cloud function instances. Lambda layers are also not
218 * cleaned up immediately on AWS when {@link CommonOptions.packageJson} is
219 * used and {@link CommonOptions.useDependencyCaching} is true. Cached
220 * layers are cleaned up by garbage collection. Also see
221 * {@link CleanupOptions.deleteCaches}.
222 *
223 * - Google: Google Stackdriver automatically deletes log entries after 30
224 * days.
225 *
226 * - Local: Logs are preserved in a temporary directory on local disk.
227 * Garbage collection in a future cloud function instance will delete logs
228 * older than 24h.
229 */
230 cleanup(options?: CleanupOptions): Promise<void>;
231 /**
232 * The URL of logs generated by this cloud function.
233 * @remarks
234 * Logs are not automatically downloaded because they cause outbound data
235 * transfer, which can be expensive. Also, logs may arrive at the logging
236 * service well after the cloud functions have completed. This log URL
237 * specifically filters the logs for this cloud function instance.
238 * Authentication is required to view cloud provider logs.
239 *
240 * The local provider returns a `file://` url pointing to a file for logs.
241 */
242 logUrl(): string;
243 /**
244 * Register a callback for statistics events.
245 * @remarks
246 * The callback is invoked once for each cloud function that was invoked
247 * within the last 1s interval, with a {@link FunctionStatsEvent}
248 * summarizing the statistics for each function. Typical usage:
249 *
250 * ```typescript
251 * faastModule.on("stats", console.log);
252 * ```
253 */
254 on(name: "stats", listener: (statsEvent: FunctionStatsEvent) => void): void;
255 /**
256 * Deregister a callback for statistics events.
257 * @remarks
258 * Stops the callback listener from receiving future function statistics
259 * events. Calling {@link FaastModule.cleanup} also turns off statistics
260 * events.
261 */
262 off(name: "stats", listener: (statsEvent: FunctionStatsEvent) => void): void;
263 /**
264 * Get a near real-time cost estimate of cloud function invocations.
265 * @returns a Promise for a {@link CostSnapshot}.
266 * @remarks
267 * A cost snapshot provides a near real-time estimate of the costs of the
268 * cloud functions invoked. The cost estimate only includes the cost of
269 * successfully completed calls. Unsuccessful calls may lack the data
270 * required to provide cost information. Calls that are still in flight are
271 * not included in the cost snapshot. For this reason, it is typically a
272 * good idea to get a cost snapshot after awaiting the result of
273 * {@link FaastModule.cleanup}.
274 *
275 * Code example:
276 *
277 * ```typescript
278 * const faastModule = await faast("aws", m);
279 * try {
280 * // invoke cloud functions on faastModule.functions.*
281 * } finally {
282 * await faastModule.cleanup();
283 * const costSnapshot = await faastModule.costSnapshot();
284 * console.log(costSnapshot);
285 * }
286 * ```
287 */
288 costSnapshot(): Promise<CostSnapshot>;
289 /**
290 * Statistics for a specific function or the entire faast.js module.
291 *
292 * @param functionName - The name of the function to retrieve statistics
293 * for. If the function does not exist or has not been invoked, a new
294 * instance of {@link FunctionStats} is returned with zero values. If
295 * `functionName` omitted (undefined), then aggregate statistics are
296 * returned that summarize all cloud functions within this faast.js module.
297 * @returns an snapshot of {@link FunctionStats} at a point in time.
298 */
299 stats(functionName?: string): FunctionStats;
302 * Implementation of {@link FaastModule}.
303 * @remarks
304 * `FaastModuleProxy` provides a unified developer experience for faast.js
305 * modules on top of provider-specific runtime APIs. Most users will not create
306 * `FaastModuleProxy` instances themselves; instead use {@link faast}, or
307 * {@link faastAws}, {@link faastGoogle}, or {@link faastLocal}.
308 * `FaastModuleProxy` implements the {@link FaastModule} interface, which is the
309 * preferred public interface for faast modules. `FaastModuleProxy` can be used
310 * to access provider-specific details and state, and is useful for deeper
311 * testing.
312 * @public
313 */
314export declare class FaastModuleProxy<M extends object, O, S> implements FaastModule<M> {
315 private impl;
316 /** @internal */
317 readonly state: S;
318 private fmodule;
319 private modulePath;
320 /** The options set for this instance, which includes default values. */
321 readonly options: Required<CommonOptions>;
322 /** The {@link Provider}, e.g. "aws" or "google". */
323 provider: Provider;
324 /** {@inheritdoc FaastModule.functions} */
325 functions: ProxyModule<M>;
326 /** {@inheritdoc FaastModule.functionsDetail} */
327 functionsDetail: ProxyModuleDetail<M>;
328 /** @internal */
329 private _stats;
330 private _cpuUsage;
331 private _memoryLeakDetector;
332 private _funnel;
333 private _rateLimiter?;
334 private _skew;
335 private _statsTimer?;
336 private _cleanupHooks;
337 private _initialInvocationTime;
338 private _callResultsPending;
339 private _collectorPump;
340 private _emitter;
341 /**
342 * Constructor
343 * @internal
344 */
345 constructor(impl: ProviderImpl<O, S>,
346 /** @internal */
347 state: S, fmodule: M, modulePath: string,
348 /** The options set for this instance, which includes default values. */
349 options: Required<CommonOptions>);
350 /** {@inheritdoc FaastModule.cleanup} */
351 cleanup(userCleanupOptions?: CleanupOptions): Promise<void>;
352 /** {@inheritdoc FaastModule.logUrl} */
353 logUrl(): string;
354 private startStats;
355 private stopStats;
356 /** {@inheritdoc FaastModule.on} */
357 on(name: "stats", listener: (statsEvent: FunctionStatsEvent) => void): void;
358 /** {@inheritdoc FaastModule.off} */
359 off(name: "stats", listener: (statsEvent: FunctionStatsEvent) => void): void;
360 private withCancellation;
361 private processResponse;
362 private invoke;
363 private lookupFname;
364 private createCallId;
365 private wrapGenerator;
366 private clearPending;
367 private wrapFunction;
368 /** {@inheritdoc FaastModule.costSnapshot} */
369 costSnapshot(): Promise<CostSnapshot>;
370 /** {@inheritdoc FaastModule.stats} */
371 stats(functionName?: string): FunctionStats;
372 private resultCollector;
373 private adjustCollectorConcurrencyLevel;
376 * The return type of {@link faastAws}. See {@link FaastModuleProxy}.
377 * @public
378 */
379export declare type AwsFaastModule<M extends object = object> = FaastModuleProxy<M, AwsOptions, AwsState>;
381 * The return type of {@link faastGoogle}. See {@link FaastModuleProxy}.
382 * @public
383 */
384export declare type GoogleFaastModule<M extends object = object> = FaastModuleProxy<M, GoogleOptions, GoogleState>;
386 * The return type of {@link faastLocal}. See {@link FaastModuleProxy}.
387 * @public
388 */
389export declare type LocalFaastModule<M extends object = object> = FaastModuleProxy<M, LocalOptions, LocalState>;
391 * The main entry point for faast with any provider and only common options.
392 * @param provider - One of `"aws"`, `"google"`, or `"local"`. See
393 * {@link Provider}.
394 * @param fmodule - A module imported with `import * as X from "Y";`. Using
395 * `require` also works but loses type information.
396 * @param options - See {@link CommonOptions}.
397 * @returns See {@link FaastModule}.
398 * @remarks
399 * Example of usage:
400 * ```typescript
401 * import { faast } from "faastjs";
402 * import * as mod from "./path/to/module";
403 * (async () => {
404 * const faastModule = await faast("aws", mod);
405 * try {
406 * const result = await faastModule.functions.func("arg");
407 * } finally {
408 * await faastModule.cleanup();
409 * }
410 * })();
411 * ```
412 * @public
413 */
414export declare function faast<M extends object>(provider: Provider, fmodule: M, options?: CommonOptions): Promise<FaastModule<M>>;
416 * The main entry point for faast with AWS provider.
417 * @param fmodule - A module imported with `import * as X from "Y";`. Using
418 * `require` also works but loses type information.
419 * @param options - Most common options are in {@link CommonOptions}.
420 * Additional AWS-specific options are in {@link AwsOptions}.
421 * @public
422 */
423export declare function faastAws<M extends object>(fmodule: M, options?: AwsOptions): Promise<AwsFaastModule<M>>;
425 * The main entry point for faast with Google provider.
426 * @param fmodule - A module imported with `import * as X from "Y";`. Using
427 * `require` also works but loses type information.
428 * @param options - Most common options are in {@link CommonOptions}.
429 * Additional Google-specific options are in {@link GoogleOptions}.
430 * @public
431 */
432export declare function faastGoogle<M extends object>(fmodule: M, options?: GoogleOptions): Promise<GoogleFaastModule<M>>;
434 * The main entry point for faast with Local provider.
435 * @param fmodule - A module imported with `import * as X from "Y";`. Using
436 * `require` also works but loses type information.
437 * @param options - Most common options are in {@link CommonOptions}.
438 * Additional Local-specific options are in {@link LocalOptions}.
439 * @returns a Promise for {@link LocalFaastModule}.
440 * @public
441 */
442export declare function faastLocal<M extends object>(fmodule: M, options?: LocalOptions): Promise<LocalFaastModule<M>>;