9.41 kBPlain TextView Raw
1import 'reflect-metadata';
2import kernel from '../inversify.config';
3import {expect} from 'chai';
4import * as sinon from 'sinon';
5import * as _ from 'lodash';
6import path = require('path');
7import {Spawn} from "../interfaces/spawn";
8import {SpawnOptions2} from "../custom-typings";
10const pathToScripts = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../ts/test/shell-scripts');
11const testScript = path.resolve(pathToScripts, 'kitchen-sink.sh');
12const testArgs = [
13 'arg1',
14 'arg2'
17function checkError(error,
18 code: number = 0,
19 signal: string = '',
20 stdOut: string = '',
21 stdErr: string = '') {
22 expect(error).to.exist;
23 expect(error.message).to.be.not.empty;
24 checkResult(error.message, code, signal, stdOut, stdErr);
27function checkResult(result,
28 code: number = 0,
29 signal: string = '',
30 stdOut: string = '',
31 stdErr: string = '') {
32 const resultObj = JSON.parse(result);
33 expect(resultObj.code).to.equal(code);
34 expect(resultObj.signal).to.equal(signal);
35 expect(resultObj.stderrText).to.equal(stdErr);
36 expect(resultObj.stdoutText).to.equal(stdOut);
39function getNewSpawnOptions(): SpawnOptions2 {
40 return _.clone({
41 preSpawnMessage: 'PreSpawn Message',
42 postSpawnMessage: 'PostSpawn Message',
43 suppressDiagnostics: true,
44 suppressStdErr: true,
45 suppressStdOut: true,
46 cacheStdErr: true,
47 cacheStdOut: true,
48 suppressResult: true,
49 suppressFinalError: true
50 });
53function getArgArray(): string[] {
54 return [
55 testScript,
56 'writeToStdOutErrExitWithErrCode',
57 '0',
58 'writeToStdOut',
59 'writeToStdErr',
60 ...testArgs
61 ];
64describe('Testing Spawn Creation/Force Error', () => {
65 it('should be created by kernel', (done) => {
66 const spawn = kernel.get<Spawn>('Spawn');
67 expect(spawn).to.exist;
68 done();
69 });
70 it('should have final callback with error', (done) => {
71 const spawn = kernel.get<Spawn>('Spawn');
72 spawn.forceError = true;
73 spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync(null, null, null,
74 (err) => {
75 expect(err).to.exist;
76 expect(err.message).to.equal('force error: spawnShellCommandAsync');
77 done();
78 });
79 });
82describe('Testing Spawn ', () => {
83 let spawn: Spawn;
84 let argArray: string[];
85 let spawnOptions: SpawnOptions2;
86 let sinonSandbox;
87 let cbStdOutSpy;
88 let cbStdErrSpy;
89 let cbDiagnosticSpy;
91 function cbStatusMock(err, result) {
92 if (err) {
93 cbStdErrSpy(err, result);
94 } else {
95 cbStdOutSpy(err, result);
96 }
97 }
99 const o = {
100 cbStdOutCall: () => {
101 },
102 cbStdErrCall: () => {
103 },
104 cbStatus: () => {
105 },
106 cbDiagnostic: () => {
107 }
108 };
109 beforeEach(() => {
110 spawn = kernel.get<Spawn>('Spawn');
111 argArray = getArgArray();
112 spawnOptions = getNewSpawnOptions();
113 sinonSandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
114 cbDiagnosticSpy = sinonSandbox.spy(o, 'cbDiagnostic');
115 cbStdOutSpy = sinonSandbox.spy(o, 'cbStdOutCall');
116 cbStdErrSpy = sinonSandbox.spy(o, 'cbStdErrCall');
117 });
118 afterEach(() => {
119 sinonSandbox.restore();
120 });
121 it('no result, exit with code 0', (done) => {
122 argArray[1] = 'exitWithErrCode';
123 spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync(
124 argArray,
125 spawnOptions,
126 o.cbStatus,
127 (err, result) => {
128 expect(err).to.not.exist;
129 expect(result).to.be.empty;
130 expect(cbStdErrSpy.called).to.be.false;
131 expect(cbStdOutSpy.called).to.be.false;
132 expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called).to.be.false;
133 done();
134 },
135 o.cbDiagnostic
136 );
137 });
138 it('no result, yes diagnostics, exit with code 0', (done) => {
139 argArray[1] = 'exitWithErrCode';
140 spawnOptions.suppressDiagnostics = false;
141 spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync(
142 argArray,
143 spawnOptions,
144 o.cbStatus,
145 (err, result) => {
146 expect(err).to.not.exist;
147 expect(result).to.be.empty;
148 expect(cbStdErrSpy.called).to.be.false;
149 expect(cbStdOutSpy.called).to.be.false;
150 expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called).to.be.true;
151 done();
152 },
153 o.cbDiagnostic
154 );
155 });
156 it('yes result, exit with code 0', (done) => {
157 argArray[1] = 'exitWithErrCode';
158 spawnOptions.suppressResult = false;
159 spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync(
160 argArray,
161 spawnOptions,
162 o.cbStatus,
163 (err, result) => {
164 expect(err).to.not.exist;
165 checkResult(result);
166 expect(cbStdErrSpy.called).to.be.false;
167 expect(cbStdOutSpy.called).to.be.false;
168 expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called).to.be.false;
169 done();
170 },
171 o.cbDiagnostic
172 );
173 });
174 it('no result, no finalError, exit with code 3', (done) => {
175 argArray[1] = 'exitWithErrCode';
176 argArray[2] = '3';
177 spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync(
178 argArray,
179 spawnOptions,
180 o.cbStatus,
181 (err, result) => {
182 expect(err).to.not.exist;
183 expect(result).to.be.empty;
184 expect(cbStdErrSpy.called).to.be.false;
185 expect(cbStdOutSpy.called).to.be.false;
186 expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called).to.be.false;
187 done();
188 },
189 o.cbDiagnostic
190 );
191 });
192 it('no result, yes finalError, exit with code 3', (done) => {
193 argArray[1] = 'exitWithErrCode';
194 argArray[2] = '3';
195 spawnOptions.suppressFinalError = false;
196 spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync(
197 argArray,
198 spawnOptions,
199 o.cbStatus,
200 (err, result) => {
201 checkError(err, 3);
202 expect(result).to.be.empty;
203 expect(cbStdErrSpy.called).to.be.false;
204 expect(cbStdOutSpy.called).to.be.false;
205 expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called).to.be.false;
206 done();
207 },
208 o.cbDiagnostic
209 );
210 });
211 it('yes result, yes finalError, exit with code 3', (done) => {
212 argArray[1] = 'exitWithErrCode';
213 argArray[2] = '3';
214 spawnOptions.suppressFinalError = false;
215 spawnOptions.suppressResult = false;
216 spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync(
217 argArray,
218 spawnOptions,
219 o.cbStatus,
220 (err, result) => {
221 checkError(err, 3);
222 checkResult(result, 3);
223 expect(cbStdErrSpy.called).to.be.false;
224 expect(cbStdOutSpy.called).to.be.false;
225 expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called).to.be.false;
226 done();
227 },
228 o.cbDiagnostic
229 );
230 });
231 it('yes result, no finalError, exit with code 3', (done) => {
232 argArray[1] = 'exitWithErrCode';
233 argArray[2] = '3';
234 spawnOptions.suppressResult = false;
235 spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync(
236 argArray,
237 spawnOptions,
238 o.cbStatus,
239 (err, result) => {
240 expect(err).to.not.exist;
241 checkResult(result, 3);
242 expect(cbStdErrSpy.called).to.be.false;
243 expect(cbStdOutSpy.called).to.be.false;
244 expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called).to.be.false;
245 done();
246 },
247 o.cbDiagnostic
248 );
249 });
250 it('yes result, no finalError, yes stdout, yes stderr, exit with code 0', (done) => {
251 spawnOptions.suppressStdOut = false;
252 spawnOptions.suppressStdErr = false;
253 spawnOptions.suppressResult = false;
254 spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync(
255 argArray,
256 spawnOptions,
257 cbStatusMock,
258 (err, result) => {
259 expect(err).to.not.exist;
260 const concatArgs = testArgs.join('');
261 checkResult(result, 0, '', concatArgs, concatArgs);
262 expect(cbStdErrSpy.called).to.be.true;
263 expect(cbStdOutSpy.called).to.be.true;
264 expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called).to.be.false;
265 done();
266 },
267 o.cbDiagnostic
268 );
269 });
270 it('edge: yes suppressStdErr, no cacheStdErr', (done) => {
271 spawnOptions.suppressResult = false;
272 spawnOptions.cacheStdOut = false;
273 spawnOptions.cacheStdErr = false;
274 spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync(
275 argArray,
276 spawnOptions,
277 cbStatusMock,
278 (err, result) => {
279 expect(err).to.not.exist;
280 checkResult(result);
281 expect(cbStdErrSpy.called).to.be.false;
282 expect(cbStdOutSpy.called).to.be.false;
283 expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called).to.be.false;
284 done();
285 },
286 o.cbDiagnostic
287 );
288 });
289 it(`edge: fire 'error' event on child process`, (done) => {
290 spawnOptions.suppressResult = false;
291 spawnOptions.suppressFinalError = false;
292 const cp = spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync(
293 argArray,
294 spawnOptions,
295 o.cbStatus,
296 (err, result) => {
297 checkResult(result, 30, 'SIGUSR1');
298 checkError(err, 30, 'SIGUSR1');
299 expect(cbStdErrSpy.called).to.be.false;
300 expect(cbStdOutSpy.called).to.be.false;
301 expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called).to.be.false;
302 done();
303 },
304 o.cbDiagnostic
305 );
306 cp.emit('error', 30, 'SIGUSR1');
307 });
308 it(`edge: fire 'error' event on child process`, (done) => {
309 argArray[0] = '/';
310 spawnOptions.suppressResult = false;
311 spawnOptions.suppressFinalError = false;
312 spawn.spawnShellCommandAsync(
313 argArray,
314 spawnOptions,
315 o.cbStatus,
316 (err, result) => {
317 expect(result).to.not.exist;
318 expect(err['code']).to.equal('EACCES');
319 expect(err['errno']).to.equal('EACCES');
320 expect(err.message).to.equal('spawn EACCES');
321 expect(cbStdErrSpy.called).to.be.false;
322 expect(cbStdOutSpy.called).to.be.false;
323 expect(cbDiagnosticSpy.called).to.be.false;
324 done();
325 },
326 o.cbDiagnostic
327 );
328 });