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1/// <reference types="node" />
2import { PromptModule } from '@ionic/cli-framework';
3import { NetworkInterface } from '@ionic/utils-network';
4import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
5import * as stream from 'stream';
6import { CommandLineInputs, CommandLineOptions, CommandMetadata, CommandMetadataOption, DevAppDetails, IConfig, ILogger, IProject, IShell, IonicEnvironmentFlags, LabServeDetails, NpmClient, Runner, ServeDetails, ServeOptions } from '../definitions';
7export declare const DEFAULT_DEV_LOGGER_PORT = 53703;
8export declare const DEFAULT_LIVERELOAD_PORT = 35729;
9export declare const DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT = 8100;
10export declare const DEFAULT_LAB_PORT = 8200;
11export declare const DEFAULT_DEVAPP_COMM_PORT = 53233;
12export declare const DEFAULT_ADDRESS = "localhost";
13export declare const BIND_ALL_ADDRESS = "";
14export declare const LOCAL_ADDRESSES: string[];
15export declare const BROWSERS: string[];
16export declare const SERVE_SCRIPT = "ionic:serve";
17export declare const COMMON_SERVE_COMMAND_OPTIONS: readonly CommandMetadataOption[];
18export interface ServeRunnerDeps {
19 readonly config: IConfig;
20 readonly flags: IonicEnvironmentFlags;
21 readonly log: ILogger;
22 readonly project: IProject;
23 readonly prompt: PromptModule;
24 readonly shell: IShell;
26export declare abstract class ServeRunner<T extends ServeOptions> implements Runner<T, ServeDetails> {
27 protected devAppConnectionMade: boolean;
28 protected abstract readonly e: ServeRunnerDeps;
29 abstract getCommandMetadata(): Promise<Partial<CommandMetadata>>;
30 abstract serveProject(options: T): Promise<ServeDetails>;
31 abstract modifyOpenURL(url: string, options: T): string;
32 getPkgManagerServeCLI(): PkgManagerServeCLI;
33 createOptionsFromCommandLine(inputs: CommandLineInputs, options: CommandLineOptions): ServeOptions;
34 determineEngineFromCommandLine(options: CommandLineOptions): string;
35 displayDevAppMessage(options: T): Promise<void>;
36 beforeServe(options: T): Promise<void>;
37 run(options: T): Promise<ServeDetails>;
38 afterServe(options: T, details: ServeDetails): Promise<void>;
39 scheduleAfterServe(options: T, details: ServeDetails): void;
40 getUsedPorts(options: T, details: ServeDetails): number[];
41 gatherDevAppDetails(options: T, details: ServeDetails): Promise<DevAppDetails | undefined>;
42 publishDevApp(options: T, details: DevAppDetails): Promise<string | undefined>;
43 getSupportedDevAppPlugins(): Promise<Set<string>>;
44 runLab(options: T, serveDetails: ServeDetails): Promise<LabServeDetails>;
45 selectExternalIP(options: T): Promise<[string, NetworkInterface[]]>;
47export interface ServeCLIOptions {
48 readonly address: string;
49 readonly port: number;
51export interface ServeCLI<T extends ServeCLIOptions> {
52 emit(event: 'compile', chunks: number): boolean;
53 emit(event: 'ready'): boolean;
54 on(event: 'compile', handler: (chunks: number) => void): this;
55 on(event: 'ready', handler: () => void): this;
56 once(event: 'compile', handler: (chunks: number) => void): this;
57 once(event: 'ready', handler: () => void): this;
59export declare abstract class ServeCLI<T extends ServeCLIOptions> extends EventEmitter {
60 protected readonly e: ServeRunnerDeps;
61 /**
62 * The pretty name of this Serve CLI.
63 */
64 abstract readonly name: string;
65 /**
66 * The npm package of this Serve CLI.
67 */
68 abstract readonly pkg: string;
69 /**
70 * The bin program to use for this Serve CLI.
71 */
72 abstract readonly program: string;
73 /**
74 * The prefix to use for log statements.
75 */
76 abstract readonly prefix: string;
77 /**
78 * If specified, `package.json` is inspected for this script to use instead
79 * of `program`.
80 */
81 abstract readonly script?: string;
82 /**
83 * If true, the Serve CLI will not prompt to be installed.
84 */
85 readonly global: boolean;
86 private _resolvedProgram?;
87 constructor(e: ServeRunnerDeps);
88 readonly resolvedProgram: string;
89 /**
90 * Build the arguments for starting this Serve CLI. Called by `this.start()`.
91 */
92 protected abstract buildArgs(options: T): Promise<string[]>;
93 /**
94 * Build the environment variables to be passed to the Serve CLI. Called by `this.start()`;
95 */
96 protected buildEnvVars(options: T): Promise<NodeJS.ProcessEnv>;
97 /**
98 * Called whenever a line of stdout is received.
99 *
100 * If `false` is returned, the line is not emitted to the log.
101 *
102 * By default, the CLI is considered ready whenever stdout is emitted. This
103 * method should be overridden to more accurately portray readiness.
104 *
105 * @param line A line of stdout.
106 */
107 protected stdoutFilter(line: string): boolean;
108 /**
109 * Called whenever a line of stderr is received.
110 *
111 * If `false` is returned, the line is not emitted to the log.
112 */
113 protected stderrFilter(line: string): boolean;
114 resolveScript(): Promise<string | undefined>;
115 serve(options: T): Promise<void>;
116 protected spawnWrapper(options: T): Promise<void>;
117 protected spawn(options: T): Promise<void>;
118 protected createLoggerStream(): NodeJS.WritableStream;
119 protected resolveProgram(): Promise<string>;
120 protected createStreamFilter(filter: (line: string) => boolean): stream.Transform;
121 protected promptToInstall(): Promise<boolean>;
123declare abstract class PkgManagerServeCLI extends ServeCLI<ServeOptions> {
124 readonly abstract program: NpmClient;
125 readonly global = true;
126 readonly script = "ionic:serve";
127 protected resolveProgram(): Promise<string>;
128 protected buildArgs(options: ServeOptions): Promise<string[]>;
130export declare class NpmServeCLI extends PkgManagerServeCLI {
131 readonly name = "npm CLI";
132 readonly pkg = "npm";
133 readonly program = "npm";
134 readonly prefix = "npm";
136export declare class YarnServeCLI extends PkgManagerServeCLI {
137 readonly name = "Yarn";
138 readonly pkg = "yarn";
139 readonly program = "yarn";
140 readonly prefix = "yarn";
142export {};