1 | import * as React from "react";
2 | import { createComponent } from "reakit-system/createComponent";
3 | import { createHook } from "reakit-system/createHook";
4 | import { useLiveRef } from "reakit-utils/useLiveRef";
5 | import { useForkRef } from "reakit-utils/useForkRef";
6 | import { warning } from "reakit-warning";
7 | import { useUpdateEffect } from "reakit-utils/useUpdateEffect";
8 | import {
9 | CompositeOptions,
10 | CompositeHTMLProps,
11 | useComposite,
12 | } from "../Composite/Composite";
13 | import { COMBOBOX_KEYS } from "./__keys";
14 | import { unstable_ComboboxStateReturn } from "./ComboboxState";
15 | import { getMenuId } from "./__utils/getMenuId";
16 |
17 | function getControls(baseId: string, ariaControls?: string) {
18 | const menuId = getMenuId(baseId);
19 | if (ariaControls) {
20 | return `${ariaControls} ${menuId}`;
21 | }
22 | return menuId;
23 | }
24 |
25 | function getAutocomplete(options: unstable_ComboboxOptions) {
26 | if (options.list && options.inline) return "both";
27 | if (options.list) return "list";
28 | if (options.inline) return "inline";
29 | return "none";
30 | }
31 |
32 | function isFirstItemAutoSelected(
33 | items: unstable_ComboboxOptions["items"],
34 | autoSelect: unstable_ComboboxOptions["autoSelect"],
35 | currentId: unstable_ComboboxOptions["currentId"]
36 | ) {
37 | if (!autoSelect) return false;
38 | const firstItem = items.find((item) => !item.disabled);
39 | return currentId && firstItem?.id === currentId;
40 | }
41 |
42 | function hasCompletionString(inputValue: string, currentValue?: string) {
43 | return (
44 | !!currentValue &&
45 | currentValue.length > inputValue.length &&
46 | currentValue.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue.toLowerCase()) === 0
47 | );
48 | }
49 |
50 | function getCompletionString(inputValue: string, currentValue?: string) {
51 | if (!currentValue) return "";
52 | const index = currentValue.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue.toLowerCase());
53 | return currentValue.slice(index + inputValue.length);
54 | }
55 |
56 | function useValue(options: unstable_ComboboxOptions) {
57 | return React.useMemo(() => {
58 | if (!options.inline) {
59 | return options.inputValue;
60 | }
61 | const firstItemAutoSelected = isFirstItemAutoSelected(
62 | options.items,
63 | options.autoSelect,
64 | options.currentId
65 | );
66 | if (firstItemAutoSelected) {
67 | if (hasCompletionString(options.inputValue, options.currentValue)) {
68 | return (
69 | options.inputValue +
70 | getCompletionString(options.inputValue, options.currentValue)
71 | );
72 | }
73 | return options.inputValue;
74 | }
75 | return options.currentValue || options.inputValue;
76 | }, [
77 | options.inline,
78 | options.inputValue,
79 | options.autoSelect,
80 | options.items,
81 | options.currentId,
82 | options.currentValue,
83 | ]);
84 | }
85 |
86 | function getFirstEnabledItemId(items: unstable_ComboboxOptions["items"]) {
87 | return items.find((item) => !item.disabled)?.id;
88 | }
89 |
90 | export const unstable_useCombobox = createHook<
91 | unstable_ComboboxOptions,
92 | unstable_ComboboxHTMLProps
93 | >({
94 | name: "Combobox",
95 | compose: useComposite,
96 | keys: COMBOBOX_KEYS,
97 |
98 | useOptions({ menuRole = "listbox", hideOnEsc = true, ...options }) {
99 | return { menuRole, hideOnEsc, ...options };
100 | },
101 |
102 | useProps(
103 | options,
104 | {
105 | ref: htmlRef,
106 | onKeyDown: htmlOnKeyDown,
107 | onKeyPress: htmlOnKeyPress,
108 | onChange: htmlOnChange,
109 | onClick: htmlOnClick,
110 | onBlur: htmlOnBlur,
111 | "aria-controls": ariaControls,
112 | ...htmlProps
113 | }
114 | ) {
115 | const ref = React.useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
116 | const [updated, update] = React.useReducer(() => ({}), {});
117 | const onKeyDownRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnKeyDown);
118 | const onKeyPressRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnKeyPress);
119 | const onChangeRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnChange);
120 | const onClickRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnClick);
121 | const onBlurRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnBlur);
122 | const value = useValue(options);
123 | const hasInsertedTextRef = React.useRef(false);
124 |
125 |
126 | React.useEffect(() => {
127 | if (!options.inline) return;
128 | if (!options.autoSelect) return;
129 | if (!options.currentValue) return;
130 | if (options.currentId !== getFirstEnabledItemId(options.items)) return;
131 | if (!hasCompletionString(options.inputValue, options.currentValue)) {
132 | return;
133 | }
134 | const element = ref.current;
135 | warning(
136 | !element,
137 | "Can't auto select combobox because `ref` wasn't passed to the component",
138 | "See https://reakit.io/docs/combobox"
139 | );
140 | element?.setSelectionRange(
141 | options.inputValue.length,
142 | options.currentValue.length
143 | );
144 | }, [
145 | updated,
146 | options.inline,
147 | options.autoSelect,
148 | options.currentValue,
149 | options.inputValue,
150 | options.currentId,
151 | options.items,
152 | ]);
153 |
154 |
155 | useUpdateEffect(() => {
156 | if (
157 | options.autoSelect &&
158 | options.items.length &&
159 | hasInsertedTextRef.current
160 | ) {
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 | options.setCurrentId(undefined);
166 | } else {
167 |
168 |
169 | options.setCurrentId(null);
170 | }
171 | }, [
172 | options.items,
173 | options.inputValue,
174 | options.autoSelect,
175 | options.setCurrentId,
176 | ]);
177 |
178 | const onKeyDown = React.useCallback(
179 | (event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
180 | onKeyDownRef.current?.(event);
181 |
182 |
183 | hasInsertedTextRef.current = false;
184 | if (event.defaultPrevented) return;
185 | if (event.key === "Escape" && options.hideOnEsc) {
186 | options.hide?.();
187 | }
188 | },
189 | [options.hideOnEsc, options.hide]
190 | );
191 |
192 | const onKeyPress = React.useCallback(
193 | (event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
194 | onKeyPressRef.current?.(event);
195 |
196 |
197 | hasInsertedTextRef.current = true;
198 | },
199 | []
200 | );
201 |
202 | const onChange = React.useCallback(
203 | (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
204 | onChangeRef.current?.(event);
205 | if (event.defaultPrevented) return;
206 | options.show?.();
207 | options.setInputValue?.(event.target.value);
208 | update();
209 | if (!options.autoSelect || !hasInsertedTextRef.current) {
210 |
211 |
212 | options.setCurrentId?.(null);
213 | } else {
214 |
215 | options.setCurrentId?.(undefined);
216 | }
217 | },
218 | [
219 | options.show,
220 | options.autoSelect,
221 | options.setCurrentId,
222 | options.setInputValue,
223 | ]
224 | );
225 |
226 | const onClick = React.useCallback(
227 | (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLInputElement, MouseEvent>) => {
228 | onClickRef.current?.(event);
229 | if (event.defaultPrevented) return;
230 |
231 | if (!options.minValueLength || value.length >= options.minValueLength) {
232 | options.show?.();
233 | }
234 | options.setCurrentId?.(null);
235 | options.setInputValue(value);
236 | },
237 | [
238 | options.show,
239 | options.setCurrentId,
240 | options.setInputValue,
241 | options.minValueLength,
242 | value,
243 | ]
244 | );
245 |
246 | const onBlur = React.useCallback(
247 | (event: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
248 | onBlurRef.current?.(event);
249 | if (event.defaultPrevented) return;
250 | options.setInputValue(value);
251 | },
252 | [options.setInputValue, value]
253 | );
254 |
255 | return {
256 | ref: useForkRef(ref, useForkRef(options.unstable_referenceRef, htmlRef)),
257 | role: "combobox",
258 | autoComplete: "off",
259 | "aria-controls": getControls(options.baseId, ariaControls),
260 | "aria-haspopup": options.menuRole,
261 | "aria-expanded": options.visible,
262 | "aria-autocomplete": getAutocomplete(options),
263 | value,
264 | onKeyDown,
265 | onKeyPress,
266 | onChange,
267 | onClick,
268 | onBlur,
269 | ...htmlProps,
270 | };
271 | },
272 |
273 | useComposeProps(
274 | options,
275 | {
276 | onKeyUp,
277 | onKeyDownCapture: htmlOnKeyDownCapture,
278 | onKeyDown: htmlOnKeyDown,
279 | ...htmlProps
280 | }
281 | ) {
282 | const compositeHTMLProps = useComposite(options, htmlProps, true);
283 | const onKeyDownCaptureRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnKeyDownCapture);
284 | const onKeyDownRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnKeyDown);
285 |
286 | const onKeyDownCapture = React.useCallback(
287 | (event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
288 | onKeyDownCaptureRef.current?.(event);
289 | if (event.defaultPrevented) return;
290 | if (options.menuRole !== "grid") {
291 |
292 |
293 |
294 | if (event.key === "Home") return;
295 | if (event.key === "End") return;
296 | }
297 | if (event.key.length === 1) return;
298 |
299 |
300 | compositeHTMLProps.onKeyDownCapture?.(event);
301 | },
302 | [options.menuRole, compositeHTMLProps.onKeyDownCapture]
303 | );
304 |
305 | const onKeyDown = React.useCallback(
306 | (event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
307 | onKeyDownRef.current?.(event);
308 | if (event.defaultPrevented) return;
309 | const onlyInputHasFocus = options.currentId === null;
310 | if (!onlyInputHasFocus) return;
311 |
312 |
313 | if (event.key === "ArrowLeft") return;
314 | if (event.key === "ArrowRight") return;
315 | if (event.key === "Home") return;
316 | if (event.key === "End") return;
317 | if (
318 | !event.ctrlKey &&
319 | !event.altKey &&
320 | !event.shiftKey &&
321 | !event.metaKey &&
322 | (event.key === "ArrowUp" ||
323 | event.key === "ArrowDown" ||
324 | event.key.length === 1)
325 | ) {
326 |
327 |
328 | options.show?.();
329 | }
330 | compositeHTMLProps.onKeyDown?.(event);
331 | },
332 | [options.currentId, options.show, compositeHTMLProps.onKeyDown]
333 | );
334 |
335 | return {
336 | ...compositeHTMLProps,
337 | onKeyDownCapture,
338 | onKeyDown,
339 | onKeyUp,
340 | };
341 | },
342 | });
343 |
344 | export const unstable_Combobox = createComponent({
345 | as: "input",
346 | memo: true,
347 | useHook: unstable_useCombobox,
348 | });
349 |
350 | export type unstable_ComboboxOptions = CompositeOptions &
351 | Pick<
352 | Partial<unstable_ComboboxStateReturn>,
353 | | "currentValue"
354 | | "menuRole"
355 | | "list"
356 | | "inline"
357 | | "autoSelect"
358 | | "visible"
359 | | "show"
360 | | "hide"
361 | | "unstable_referenceRef"
362 | | "minValueLength"
363 | > &
364 | Pick<
365 | unstable_ComboboxStateReturn,
366 | "baseId" | "inputValue" | "setInputValue"
367 | > & {
368 | |
369 |
370 |
371 |
372 |
373 | hideOnEsc?: boolean;
374 | };
375 |
376 | export type unstable_ComboboxHTMLProps = CompositeHTMLProps &
377 | React.InputHTMLAttributes<any>;
378 |
379 | export type unstable_ComboboxProps = unstable_ComboboxOptions &
380 | unstable_ComboboxHTMLProps;