1.94 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { CopyTuple, IMap, ICopy, ICpu } from './interfaces';
2import { Options, BrowserSyncInstance } from 'browser-sync';
3export declare const cwd: string;
5 * Clean
6 * Removes file(s) using provided glob(s).
7 *
8 * @param globs glob or array of glob strings.
9 */
10export declare function clean(globs: string | string[]): void;
12 * Copy
13 * Copies source to target. Does NOT support globs.
14 *
15 * @param src the source path to be copied.
16 * @param dest the destination path to copy to.
17 */
18export declare function copy(src: string, dest: string): boolean;
20 * Copy All
21 * Takes collection and copies to destination.
22 *
23 * @param copies collection of source and destination targets.
24 */
25export declare function copyAll(copies: CopyTuple[] | CopyTuple | IMap<ICopy> | string[]): {
26 success: any;
27 failed: any;
30 * Pkg
31 * Loads the package.json file for project or saves package.json.
32 *
33 * @param val the package.json object to be written to file.
34 */
35export declare function pkg(val?: any): any;
37 * Bump
38 * : Bumps the package version.
39 *
40 * @param type the release type to increment the package by.
41 */
42export declare function bump(type?: 'major' | 'premajor' | 'minor' | 'preminor' | 'patch' | 'prepatch' | 'prerelease'): {
43 name: any;
44 version: any;
45 previous: any;
46 current: any;
49 * Serve
50 * Hook to Browser Sync accepts name and options returning a Browser Sync Server Instance.
51 * @see https://www.browsersync.io/docs/api
52 *
53 * @param name the name of the server or Browser Sync options.
54 * @param options the Browser Sync Options.
55 */
56export declare function serve(name?: string | Options, options?: Options | boolean, init?: boolean): BrowserSyncInstance;
58 * Platform
59 * Gets information and paths for the current platform.
60 */
61export declare function platform(): {
62 platform: any;
63 arch: string;
64 release: string;
65 hostname: string;
66 homedir: string;
67 cpu: ICpu;