1 | import { AmplitudeEnvelope } from "../component/envelope/AmplitudeEnvelope.js";
2 | import { NormalRange, Time } from "../core/type/Units.js";
3 | import { RecursivePartial } from "../core/util/Interface.js";
4 | import { Noise, NoiseOptions } from "../source/Noise.js";
5 | import { Instrument, InstrumentOptions } from "./Instrument.js";
6 | import { ToneAudioNodeOptions } from "../core/context/ToneAudioNode.js";
7 | import { EnvelopeOptions } from "../component/envelope/Envelope.js";
8 | export interface NoiseSynthOptions extends InstrumentOptions {
9 | envelope: Omit<EnvelopeOptions, keyof ToneAudioNodeOptions>;
10 | noise: Omit<NoiseOptions, keyof ToneAudioNodeOptions>;
11 | }
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24 | export declare class NoiseSynth extends Instrument<NoiseSynthOptions> {
25 | readonly name = "NoiseSynth";
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29 | readonly noise: Noise;
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33 | readonly envelope: AmplitudeEnvelope;
34 | constructor(options?: RecursivePartial<NoiseSynthOptions>);
35 | static getDefaults(): NoiseSynthOptions;
36 | /**
37 | * Start the attack portion of the envelopes. Unlike other
38 | * instruments, Tone.NoiseSynth doesn't have a note.
39 | * @example
40 | * const noiseSynth = new Tone.NoiseSynth().toDestination();
41 | * noiseSynth.triggerAttack();
42 | */
43 | triggerAttack(time?: Time, velocity?: NormalRange): this;
44 | /**
45 | * Start the release portion of the envelopes.
46 | */
47 | triggerRelease(time?: Time): this;
48 | sync(): this;
49 | /**
50 | * Trigger the attack and then the release after the duration.
51 | * @param duration The amount of time to hold the note for
52 | * @param time The time the note should start
53 | * @param velocity The volume of the note (0-1)
54 | * @example
55 | * const noiseSynth = new Tone.NoiseSynth().toDestination();
56 | * // hold the note for 0.5 seconds
57 | * noiseSynth.triggerAttackRelease(0.5);
58 | */
59 | triggerAttackRelease(duration: Time, time?: Time, velocity?: NormalRange): this;
60 | dispose(): this;
61 | }