17.8 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { QueryRunner, SelectQueryBuilder } from "..";
2import { ObjectLiteral } from "../common/ObjectLiteral";
3import { Connection } from "../connection/Connection";
4import { OrderByCondition } from "../find-options/OrderByCondition";
5import { TableMetadataArgs } from "../metadata-args/TableMetadataArgs";
6import { TreeMetadataArgs } from "../metadata-args/TreeMetadataArgs";
7import { CheckMetadata } from "./CheckMetadata";
8import { ColumnMetadata } from "./ColumnMetadata";
9import { EmbeddedMetadata } from "./EmbeddedMetadata";
10import { EntityListenerMetadata } from "./EntityListenerMetadata";
11import { ExclusionMetadata } from "./ExclusionMetadata";
12import { ForeignKeyMetadata } from "./ForeignKeyMetadata";
13import { IndexMetadata } from "./IndexMetadata";
14import { RelationCountMetadata } from "./RelationCountMetadata";
15import { RelationIdMetadata } from "./RelationIdMetadata";
16import { RelationMetadata } from "./RelationMetadata";
17import { TableType } from "./types/TableTypes";
18import { TreeType } from "./types/TreeTypes";
19import { UniqueMetadata } from "./UniqueMetadata";
21 * Contains all entity metadata.
22 */
23export declare class EntityMetadata {
24 /**
25 * Connection where this entity metadata is created.
26 */
27 connection: Connection;
28 /**
29 * Metadata arguments used to build this entity metadata.
30 */
31 tableMetadataArgs: TableMetadataArgs;
32 /**
33 * If entity's table is a closure-typed table, then this entity will have a closure junction table metadata.
34 */
35 closureJunctionTable: EntityMetadata;
36 /**
37 * If this is entity metadata for a junction closure table then its owner closure table metadata will be set here.
38 */
39 parentClosureEntityMetadata: EntityMetadata;
40 /**
41 * Parent's entity metadata. Used in inheritance patterns.
42 */
43 parentEntityMetadata: EntityMetadata;
44 /**
45 * Children entity metadatas. Used in inheritance patterns.
46 */
47 childEntityMetadatas: EntityMetadata[];
48 /**
49 * All "inheritance tree" from a target entity.
50 * For example for target Post < ContentModel < Unit it will be an array of [Post, ContentModel, Unit].
51 * It also contains child entities for single table inheritance.
52 */
53 inheritanceTree: Function[];
54 /**
55 * Table type. Tables can be abstract, closure, junction, embedded, etc.
56 */
57 tableType: TableType;
58 /**
59 * Target class to which this entity metadata is bind.
60 * Note, that when using table inheritance patterns target can be different rather then table's target.
61 * For virtual tables which lack of real entity (like junction tables) target is equal to their table name.
62 */
63 target: Function | string;
64 /**
65 * Gets the name of the target.
66 */
67 targetName: string;
68 /**
69 * Entity's name.
70 * Equal to entity target class's name if target is set to table.
71 * If target class is not then then it equals to table name.
72 */
73 name: string;
74 /**
75 * View's expression.
76 * Used in views
77 */
78 expression?: string | ((connection: Connection) => SelectQueryBuilder<any>);
79 /**
80 * Original user-given table name (taken from schema or @Entity(tableName) decorator).
81 * If user haven't specified a table name this property will be undefined.
82 */
83 givenTableName?: string;
84 /**
85 * Entity table name in the database.
86 * This is final table name of the entity.
87 * This name already passed naming strategy, and generated based on
88 * multiple criteria, including user table name and global table prefix.
89 */
90 tableName: string;
91 /**
92 * Entity table path. Contains database name, schema name and table name.
93 * E.g. myDB.mySchema.myTable
94 */
95 tablePath: string;
96 /**
97 * Entity schema path. Contains database name and schema name.
98 * E.g. myDB.mySchema
99 */
100 schemaPath?: string;
101 /**
102 * Gets the table name without global table prefix.
103 * When querying table you need a table name with prefix, but in some scenarios,
104 * for example when you want to name a junction table that contains names of two other tables,
105 * you may want a table name without prefix.
106 */
107 tableNameWithoutPrefix: string;
108 /**
109 * Indicates if schema will be synchronized for this entity or not.
110 */
111 synchronize: boolean;
112 /**
113 * Table's database engine type (like "InnoDB", "MyISAM", etc).
114 */
115 engine?: string;
116 /**
117 * Database name.
118 */
119 database?: string;
120 /**
121 * Schema name. Used in Postgres and Sql Server.
122 */
123 schema?: string;
124 /**
125 * Specifies a default order by used for queries from this table when no explicit order by is specified.
126 */
127 orderBy?: OrderByCondition;
128 /**
129 * If this entity metadata's table using one of the inheritance patterns,
130 * then this will contain what pattern it uses.
131 */
132 inheritancePattern?: "STI";
133 /**
134 * Checks if there any non-nullable column exist in this entity.
135 */
136 hasNonNullableRelations: boolean;
137 /**
138 * Indicates if this entity metadata of a junction table, or not.
139 * Junction table is a table created by many-to-many relationship.
140 *
141 * Its also possible to understand if entity is junction via tableType.
142 */
143 isJunction: boolean;
144 /**
145 * Indicates if this entity is a tree, what type of tree it is.
146 */
147 treeType?: TreeType;
148 /**
149 * Checks if this table is a junction table of the closure table.
150 * This type is for tables that contain junction metadata of the closure tables.
151 */
152 isClosureJunction: boolean;
153 /**
154 * Checks if entity's table has multiple primary columns.
155 */
156 hasMultiplePrimaryKeys: boolean;
157 /**
158 * Indicates if this entity metadata has uuid generated columns.
159 */
160 hasUUIDGeneratedColumns: boolean;
161 /**
162 * If this entity metadata is a child table of some table, it should have a discriminator value.
163 * Used to store a value in a discriminator column.
164 */
165 discriminatorValue?: string;
166 /**
167 * Entity's column metadatas defined by user.
168 */
169 ownColumns: ColumnMetadata[];
170 /**
171 * Columns of the entity, including columns that are coming from the embeddeds of this entity.
172 */
173 columns: ColumnMetadata[];
174 /**
175 * Ancestor columns used only in closure junction tables.
176 */
177 ancestorColumns: ColumnMetadata[];
178 /**
179 * Descendant columns used only in closure junction tables.
180 */
181 descendantColumns: ColumnMetadata[];
182 /**
183 * All columns except for virtual columns.
184 */
185 nonVirtualColumns: ColumnMetadata[];
186 /**
187 * In the case if this entity metadata is junction table's entity metadata,
188 * this will contain all referenced columns of owner entity.
189 */
190 ownerColumns: ColumnMetadata[];
191 /**
192 * In the case if this entity metadata is junction table's entity metadata,
193 * this will contain all referenced columns of inverse entity.
194 */
195 inverseColumns: ColumnMetadata[];
196 /**
197 * Gets the column with generated flag.
198 */
199 generatedColumns: ColumnMetadata[];
200 /**
201 * Gets the object id column used with mongodb database.
202 */
203 objectIdColumn?: ColumnMetadata;
204 /**
205 * Gets entity column which contains a create date value.
206 */
207 createDateColumn?: ColumnMetadata;
208 /**
209 * Gets entity column which contains an update date value.
210 */
211 updateDateColumn?: ColumnMetadata;
212 /**
213 * Gets entity column which contains an entity version.
214 */
215 versionColumn?: ColumnMetadata;
216 /**
217 * Gets the discriminator column used to store entity identificator in single-table inheritance tables.
218 */
219 discriminatorColumn?: ColumnMetadata;
220 /**
221 * Special column that stores tree level in tree entities.
222 */
223 treeLevelColumn?: ColumnMetadata;
224 /**
225 * Nested set's left value column.
226 * Used only in tree entities with nested set pattern applied.
227 */
228 nestedSetLeftColumn?: ColumnMetadata;
229 /**
230 * Nested set's right value column.
231 * Used only in tree entities with nested set pattern applied.
232 */
233 nestedSetRightColumn?: ColumnMetadata;
234 /**
235 * Materialized path column.
236 * Used only in tree entities with materialized path pattern applied.
237 */
238 materializedPathColumn?: ColumnMetadata;
239 /**
240 * Gets the primary columns.
241 */
242 primaryColumns: ColumnMetadata[];
243 /**
244 * Entity's relation metadatas.
245 */
246 ownRelations: RelationMetadata[];
247 /**
248 * Relations of the entity, including relations that are coming from the embeddeds of this entity.
249 */
250 relations: RelationMetadata[];
251 /**
252 * List of eager relations this metadata has.
253 */
254 eagerRelations: RelationMetadata[];
255 /**
256 * List of eager relations this metadata has.
257 */
258 lazyRelations: RelationMetadata[];
259 /**
260 * Gets only one-to-one relations of the entity.
261 */
262 oneToOneRelations: RelationMetadata[];
263 /**
264 * Gets only owner one-to-one relations of the entity.
265 */
266 ownerOneToOneRelations: RelationMetadata[];
267 /**
268 * Gets only one-to-many relations of the entity.
269 */
270 oneToManyRelations: RelationMetadata[];
271 /**
272 * Gets only many-to-one relations of the entity.
273 */
274 manyToOneRelations: RelationMetadata[];
275 /**
276 * Gets only many-to-many relations of the entity.
277 */
278 manyToManyRelations: RelationMetadata[];
279 /**
280 * Gets only owner many-to-many relations of the entity.
281 */
282 ownerManyToManyRelations: RelationMetadata[];
283 /**
284 * Gets only owner one-to-one and many-to-one relations.
285 */
286 relationsWithJoinColumns: RelationMetadata[];
287 /**
288 * Tree parent relation. Used only in tree-tables.
289 */
290 treeParentRelation?: RelationMetadata;
291 /**
292 * Tree children relation. Used only in tree-tables.
293 */
294 treeChildrenRelation?: RelationMetadata;
295 /**
296 * Entity's relation id metadatas.
297 */
298 relationIds: RelationIdMetadata[];
299 /**
300 * Entity's relation id metadatas.
301 */
302 relationCounts: RelationCountMetadata[];
303 /**
304 * Entity's foreign key metadatas.
305 */
306 foreignKeys: ForeignKeyMetadata[];
307 /**
308 * Entity's embedded metadatas.
309 */
310 embeddeds: EmbeddedMetadata[];
311 /**
312 * All embeddeds - embeddeds from this entity metadata and from all child embeddeds, etc.
313 */
314 allEmbeddeds: EmbeddedMetadata[];
315 /**
316 * Entity's own indices.
317 */
318 ownIndices: IndexMetadata[];
319 /**
320 * Entity's index metadatas.
321 */
322 indices: IndexMetadata[];
323 /**
324 * Entity's unique metadatas.
325 */
326 uniques: UniqueMetadata[];
327 /**
328 * Entity's own uniques.
329 */
330 ownUniques: UniqueMetadata[];
331 /**
332 * Entity's check metadatas.
333 */
334 checks: CheckMetadata[];
335 /**
336 * Entity's exclusion metadatas.
337 */
338 exclusions: ExclusionMetadata[];
339 /**
340 * Entity's own listener metadatas.
341 */
342 ownListeners: EntityListenerMetadata[];
343 /**
344 * Entity listener metadatas.
345 */
346 listeners: EntityListenerMetadata[];
347 /**
348 * Listener metadatas with "AFTER LOAD" type.
349 */
350 afterLoadListeners: EntityListenerMetadata[];
351 /**
352 * Listener metadatas with "AFTER INSERT" type.
353 */
354 beforeInsertListeners: EntityListenerMetadata[];
355 /**
356 * Listener metadatas with "AFTER INSERT" type.
357 */
358 afterInsertListeners: EntityListenerMetadata[];
359 /**
360 * Listener metadatas with "AFTER UPDATE" type.
361 */
362 beforeUpdateListeners: EntityListenerMetadata[];
363 /**
364 * Listener metadatas with "AFTER UPDATE" type.
365 */
366 afterUpdateListeners: EntityListenerMetadata[];
367 /**
368 * Listener metadatas with "AFTER REMOVE" type.
369 */
370 beforeRemoveListeners: EntityListenerMetadata[];
371 /**
372 * Listener metadatas with "AFTER REMOVE" type.
373 */
374 afterRemoveListeners: EntityListenerMetadata[];
375 /**
376 * Map of columns and relations of the entity.
377 *
378 * example: Post{ id: number, name: string, counterEmbed: { count: number }, category: Category }.
379 * This method will create following object:
380 * { id: "id", counterEmbed: { count: "counterEmbed.count" }, category: "category" }
381 */
382 propertiesMap: ObjectLiteral;
383 constructor(options: {
384 connection: Connection;
385 inheritanceTree?: Function[];
386 inheritancePattern?: "STI";
387 tableTree?: TreeMetadataArgs;
388 parentClosureEntityMetadata?: EntityMetadata;
389 args: TableMetadataArgs;
390 });
391 /**
392 * Creates a new entity.
393 */
394 create(queryRunner?: QueryRunner): any;
395 /**
396 * Checks if given entity has an id.
397 */
398 hasId(entity: ObjectLiteral): boolean;
399 /**
400 * Checks if given entity / object contains ALL primary keys entity must have.
401 * Returns true if it contains all of them, false if at least one of them is not defined.
402 */
403 hasAllPrimaryKeys(entity: ObjectLiteral): boolean;
404 /**
405 * Ensures that given object is an entity id map.
406 * If given id is an object then it means its already id map.
407 * If given id isn't an object then it means its a value of the id column
408 * and it creates a new id map with this value and name of the primary column.
409 */
410 ensureEntityIdMap(id: any): ObjectLiteral;
411 /**
412 * Gets primary keys of the entity and returns them in a literal object.
413 * For example, for Post{ id: 1, title: "hello" } where id is primary it will return { id: 1 }
414 * For multiple primary keys it returns multiple keys in object.
415 * For primary keys inside embeds it returns complex object literal with keys in them.
416 */
417 getEntityIdMap(entity: ObjectLiteral | undefined): ObjectLiteral | undefined;
418 /**
419 * Creates a "mixed id map".
420 * If entity has multiple primary keys (ids) then it will return just regular id map, like what getEntityIdMap returns.
421 * But if entity has a single primary key then it will return just value of the id column of the entity, just value.
422 * This is called mixed id map.
423 */
424 getEntityIdMixedMap(entity: ObjectLiteral | undefined): ObjectLiteral | undefined;
425 /**
426 * Compares two different entities by their ids.
427 * Returns true if they match, false otherwise.
428 */
429 compareEntities(firstEntity: ObjectLiteral, secondEntity: ObjectLiteral): boolean;
430 /**
431 * Finds column with a given property name.
432 */
433 findColumnWithPropertyName(propertyName: string): ColumnMetadata | undefined;
434 /**
435 * Finds column with a given database name.
436 */
437 findColumnWithDatabaseName(databaseName: string): ColumnMetadata | undefined;
438 /**
439 * Finds column with a given property path.
440 */
441 findColumnWithPropertyPath(propertyPath: string): ColumnMetadata | undefined;
442 /**
443 * Finds columns with a given property path.
444 * Property path can match a relation, and relations can contain multiple columns.
445 */
446 findColumnsWithPropertyPath(propertyPath: string): ColumnMetadata[];
447 /**
448 * Finds relation with the given property path.
449 */
450 findRelationWithPropertyPath(propertyPath: string): RelationMetadata | undefined;
451 /**
452 * Checks if there is an embedded with a given property path.
453 */
454 hasEmbeddedWithPropertyPath(propertyPath: string): boolean;
455 /**
456 * Finds embedded with a given property path.
457 */
458 findEmbeddedWithPropertyPath(propertyPath: string): EmbeddedMetadata | undefined;
459 /**
460 * Iterates through entity and finds and extracts all values from relations in the entity.
461 * If relation value is an array its being flattened.
462 */
463 extractRelationValuesFromEntity(entity: ObjectLiteral, relations: RelationMetadata[]): [RelationMetadata, any, EntityMetadata][];
464 /**
465 * Creates a property paths for a given entity.
466 */
467 static createPropertyPath(metadata: EntityMetadata, entity: ObjectLiteral, prefix?: string): string[];
468 /**
469 * Finds difference between two entity id maps.
470 * Returns items that exist in the first array and absent in the second array.
471 */
472 static difference(firstIdMaps: ObjectLiteral[], secondIdMaps: ObjectLiteral[]): ObjectLiteral[];
473 /**
474 * Compares ids of the two entities.
475 * Returns true if they match, false otherwise.
476 */
477 static compareIds(firstId: ObjectLiteral | undefined, secondId: ObjectLiteral | undefined): boolean;
478 /**
479 * Creates value map from the given values and columns.
480 * Examples of usages are primary columns map and join columns map.
481 */
482 static getValueMap(entity: ObjectLiteral, columns: ColumnMetadata[], options?: {
483 skipNulls?: boolean;
484 }): ObjectLiteral | undefined;
485 build(): void;
486 /**
487 * Registers a new column in the entity and recomputes all depend properties.
488 */
489 registerColumn(column: ColumnMetadata): void;
490 /**
491 * Creates a special object - all columns and relations of the object (plus columns and relations from embeds)
492 * in a special format - { propertyName: propertyName }.
493 *
494 * example: Post{ id: number, name: string, counterEmbed: { count: number }, category: Category }.
495 * This method will create following object:
496 * { id: "id", counterEmbed: { count: "counterEmbed.count" }, category: "category" }
497 */
498 createPropertiesMap(): {
499 [name: string]: string | any;
500 };
501 /**
502 * Builds table path using database name, schema name and table name.
503 */
504 protected buildTablePath(): string;
505 /**
506 * Builds table path using schema name and database name.
507 */
508 protected buildSchemaPath(): string | undefined;
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