CatSnake JS

CatSnake JS - Open source, free to use persistant pubsub for building realtime applications.

What is CatSnake JS?

CatSnake JS is a PubSub solution that allows realtime communications between clients and devices. With CatSnake you can simply subscribe a device to a channel and any time a JavaScript object is published to that channel your device or client will be notified.

The best part is Catsnake is built using WebSockets and MessagePack so it's incredibly fast.

Something worth noting

Catsnake will soon feature pluggable modules for things like Mapping, IOT and more. In addition we will have libraries for Python and Java, as well as native implementations for mobile development. Stay tuned :)


For detailed documentation visit this link.

Quickstart Guide


If you're using npm you can simply require and create a catsnake client.

const CatSnake = require('catsnake');
const catsnake = new CatSnake('ws://', {
    commonName: 'A Random Catsnake'

If you're using this without a module builder just go ahead and use the following without the require. CatSnake will already be defined.


Before you can start sending messages, you should subscribe to a channel (but you don't have to). Don't worry, it's super easy.

CatSnake.subscribe('General', msg => console.log(msg));


Now that you've subscibed to a channel, let's publish a message to all of the other subscribers, and ourselves ofcourse.

CatSnake.publish('General', msg => {
    message: 'Ahh! Your dog is attacking me! What is it with mail men and dogs anyways?'

Access Control

Catsnake gives you multiple options for access control to a channel. We'll talk about denying access to a channel as well as granting access.

Denying a client access to a channel protected by access control is easy

CatSnake.deny('General', 'client-123215', 'secretKey');

Granting a client access to a channel protected by access control is just as simple.

CatSnake.grant('General', 'client-123215', 'secretKey');


Nice, now let's get info from the channel, this will return information like connected clients, author, etc.'General');


Well that was easy. Let's go over one last thing, before we get into the more advanced features of jsps. Once you're done pubsubbing you can unsubscribe from the channel. This will leave your client in an offline state but you can later reconnect with the same client id via the subscribe method, we will go over this more in the advanced features below.



Wanna get some history? Just put the channel, the limit, and a privateKey if the channel is private. History will be sent back in the subscriber function, you can check the metadata.type for the type of 'history'

CatSnake.history('General', limit);