is an abstraction for the Identify API found in Map Services. It provides a chainable API for building request parameters and executing the request.
Constructor |
Description |
L.esri.Tasks.identifyFeatures(<ImageService> endpoint )
L.esri.Tasks.identifyFeatures(<Object> options )
Accepts either an options object or an instance of . |
Option |
Type |
Default |
Description |
url |
String |
'' |
URL of the ArcGIS service you would like to consume. |
proxy |
String |
false |
URL of an ArcGIS API for JavaScript proxy or ArcGIS Resource Proxy to use for proxying POST requests. |
useCors |
Boolean |
true |
If this task should use CORS when making GET requests. |
Method |
Returns |
Description |
on(<Map> map ) |
this |
The map to identify features on. |
at(<LatLng> latlng ) |
this |
Identifies feautres at a given LatLng |
layerDef(<Integer> id , <String> where ) |
this |
Add a layer definition to the query. |
between(<Date> from , <Date> to ) |
this |
Identifies features within a given time range. |
layers(<String> layers ) |
this |
The string representing which layers should be identified. |
precision(<Integer> precision ) |
this |
Return only this many decimal points of precision in the output geometries. |
tolerance(<Integer> precision ) |
this |
Buffer the identify area by a given number of screen pixels. |
returnGeometry(<Boolean> returnGeometry ) |
this |
Return geometry with results. Default is true . |
simplify(<Map> map , <Integer> factor ) |
this |
Simplify the geometries of the output features for the current map view. the factor parameter controls the amount of simplification between 0 (no simplification) and 1 (simplify to the most basic shape possible). |
token(<String> token ) |
this |
Adds a token to this request if the service requires authentication. Will be added automatically if used with a service. |
run(<Function> callback , <Object> context ) |
this |
Executes the identify request with the current parameters, identified features will be passed to callback as a GeoJSON FeatureCollection. Accepts an optional function context |
var map = new L.Map('map').setView([ 45.543, -122.621 ], 5);
url: 'http://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/WorldTimeZones/MapServer'
.at([45.543, -122.621])
.run(function(error, featureCollection, response){
console.log("UTC Offset: " + featureCollection.features[0].properties.ZONE);
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