GeospatialDraw is library of tools for drawing geometric shapes on a map. It provides a library of classes, methods, and React hooks for developing a UI for editing geometric shapes, both through on screen forms and via mouse interactions on an interactive map. All of these interfaces standardize on GeometryJSON (see documentation below) as the format for geometric data.
For the map interface a suit of classes are provided which create custom interactions in OpenLayers producing a rich user experience for drawing and editing Polygons, Lines, Bounding Boxes, Circles, and Points. Additionally support code is provided to develop a menu for drawing these shapes on a map.
Editing the coordinates of the various geometric shapes is supported in the units of Latitude/Longitude in decimal format, degrees minutes seconds format, and coordinates in UTM, UPS, USNG and MGRS. A library of React hooks and functions make the process of developing a UI for editing these coordinates on GeometryJSON objects much easier.
Usage import 'geospatialdraw/bin/...'
- Tools for creating drawing interactions for geometric shapes on a map.coordinates
- Boilerplate code for generating UI components for manipulating GeometryJSON in all of the supported coordinate
- Boilerplate code for generating a drawing menu for 'lib/drawing'.renderer
- An OpenLayers GeometryJSON renderer.shapes
- Methods and type definitions for manipulating and identifying geometric shapes in GeometryJSON.geometry
- Methods and type definitions for manipulating GeometryJSON.See ui folder and geospatialdraw-ui
package for example UI Components.
npm install geospatialdraw
yarn build:all
Note: Be certain to update version number in package.json
documentation link.
yarn publish
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