Class: LokiPartitioningAdapter


new LokiPartitioningAdapter(adapter, optionsopt)

An adapter for adapters. Converts a non reference mode adapter into a reference mode adapter which can perform destructuring and partioning. Each collection will be stored in its own key/save and only dirty collections will be saved. If you turn on paging with default page size of 25megs and save a 75 meg collection it should use up roughly 3 save slots (key/value pairs sent to inner adapter). A dirty collection that spans three pages will save all three pages again Paging mode was added mainly because Chrome has issues saving 'too large' of a string within a single indexeddb row. If a single document update causes the collection to be flagged as dirty, all of that collection's pages will be written on next save.

Name Type Attributes Description
adapter object

reference to a 'non-reference' mode loki adapter instance.

options object <optional>

configuration options for partitioning and paging

Name Type Description
paging bool

(default: false) set to true to enable paging collection data.

pageSize int

(default : 25MB) you can use this to limit size of strings passed to inner adapter.

delimiter string

allows you to override the default delimeter



exportDatabase(dbname, dbref, callback)

Saves a database by partioning into separate key/value saves. (Loki 'reference mode' persistence adapter interface function)

Name Type Description
dbname string

name of the database (filename/keyname)

dbref object

reference to database which we will partition and save.

callback function

adapter callback to return load result to caller


loadDatabase(dbname, callback)

Loads a database which was partitioned into several key/value saves. (Loki persistence adapter interface function)

Name Type Description
dbname string

name of the database (filename/keyname)

callback function

adapter callback to return load result to caller
