pejava.js (alpha 0.18)

Powered by React from Facebook


npm install --save pejava.js


// es5
<script src=""></script>
    document.addEventListener("app", function (e) {

    function application(app) {
        // "app" ready to work


pejava.js is an ecosystem which is already defined set of components to quickly build JS application.

The peculiarity of the ecosystem is that there is no need for the application to develop html markup or css styles. Everything is built on pure javascript (es5 or es6).

To better understand the essence, it would be better to look at a demo example:

And take a look the source code of this example:

Or it is possible to clone git repository:

git clone


See documentation


Icons library

Discover more here the source code here

Quick start on es5 (video)

Quick start on es5

To see the source code here

Quick start on es6 ()

mkdir project
cd project/
npm init
npm i pejava.js -D
cp -r ./node_modules/pejava.js/projects/template/* ./
npm i -D
npm run serve

And you can start to work with this template.

If your application should be MultiLanguage, then use template_multilang instead template

cp -r ./node_modules/pejava.js/projects/template_multilang/* ./

Some features of pejava.js

  1. pejava.js is ecosystem (To use prepared components out of box)

  2. All components are elements or container-elements. That means inside each container-elements can be placed container-elements or elements.

  3. pejava.js is intended for technical design only, when final interface has lists, forms or texts only.

  4. Chain of windows, when all windows on one screen (see screenshot).

  5. Powered by javascript library "React"

  6. It doesn't support Internet Explorer