
Versus Lodash

Underscore is a library of utility functions. Lodash is a more modern implementation of it.

Unlike Lodash and Underscore, scour is primarily a utility to traverse deep object trees. Lodash covers many functions useful for managing objects and arrays, but very few for making immutable edits.

Scour can also traverse through scopes using go(), which allows you to manage a subtrees and navigate through it.

Scour also has extensions via use(), which allows you to navigate your data with model-like objects (example).

  • Features
    • Lodash: includes object utilities, as well as functions, strings, and many others.
    • Scour: only utilities relevant for objects/arrays.
  • Chaining
    • Lodash: supports chaining.
    • Scour: supports chaining, and scope traversal (go()).
  • Immutable utilities
    • Lodash: has a lot, but none for setting keys deep in an object tree.
    • Scour: has get().
  • Lazy evaluation
    • Underscore: not supported.
    • Lodash: calls to .map(), .filter() (et al) can be chained and will be optimized.
    • Scour: not supported yet.
  • Size (minified and gzipped)
    • Underscore: 5.7kb (as of 1.8.3)
    • Lodash: 18.4kb (as of 3.0.0)
    • Scour: 3.4kb

Versus Immutable.js

Immutable is a library for dealing with data in an immutable fashion.

Scour also has extensions via use(), which allows you to navigate your data with model-like objects (example).

It is really hefty (like 57kb) and has a huge API surface area.