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Namespace workspace

The logical workspace that the extension is running in, which may consist of multiple folders, projects, and repositories.



Const onDidChangeRoots

onDidChangeRoots: Subscribable<void>

An event that is fired when a workspace root is added or removed from the workspace.


Renamed to {@link workspace.rootsChanges}.

Const onDidOpenTextDocument

onDidOpenTextDocument: Subscribable<TextDocument>

An event that is fired when a new text document is opened.


Renamed to workspace.openedTextDocuments.

Const openedTextDocuments

openedTextDocuments: Subscribable<TextDocument>

An event that is fired when a new text document is opened.

Const rootChanges

rootChanges: Subscribable<void>

An event that is fired when a workspace root is added or removed from the workspace.

Const roots

roots: keyof WorkspaceRoot[]

The root directories of the workspace, if any.


The repository that is currently being viewed is a root.


Currently only a single root is supported.


Const searchContext

searchContext: string | undefined

The current search context of the workspace, if any.

A search context is a set of repositories and revisions on a Sourcegraph instance. When set, extensions use it to scope search queries, code intelligence actions, etc.

See more information at https://docs.sourcegraph.com/code_search/explanations/features#search-contexts-experimental.

Const searchContextChanges

searchContextChanges: Subscribable<string | undefined>

An event that is fired when a workspace's search context changes.

Const textDocuments

textDocuments: TextDocument[]

All text documents currently known to the system.


Const versionContext

versionContext: string | undefined

The current version context of the workspace, if any.

A version context is a set of repositories and revisions on a Sourcegraph instance. When set, extensions use it to scope search queries, code intelligence actions, etc.

See more information at http://docs.sourcegraph.com/user/search#version-contexts.

Const versionContextChanges

versionContextChanges: Subscribable<string | undefined>

An event that is fired when a workspace's version context changes.

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