* @file xhr.js
* A wrapper for videojs.xhr that tracks bandwidth.
* @param {Object} options options for the XHR
* @param {Function} callback the callback to call when done
* @return {Request} the xhr request that is going to be made
import {xhr as videojsXHR, mergeOptions} from 'video.js';
const xhrFactory = function() {
const xhr = function XhrFunction(options, callback) {
// Add a default timeout for all hls requests
options = mergeOptions({
timeout: 45e3
}, options);
// Allow an optional user-specified function to modify the option
// object before we construct the xhr request
if (XhrFunction.beforeRequest &&
typeof XhrFunction.beforeRequest === 'function') {
let newOptions = XhrFunction.beforeRequest(options);
if (newOptions) {
options = newOptions;
let request = videojsXHR(options, function(error, response) {
if (!error && request.response) {
request.responseTime = (new Date()).getTime();
request.roundTripTime = request.responseTime - request.requestTime;
request.bytesReceived = request.response.byteLength || request.response.length;
if (!request.bandwidth) {
request.bandwidth =
Math.floor((request.bytesReceived / request.roundTripTime) * 8 * 1000);
// videojs.xhr now uses a specific code
// on the error object to signal that a request has
// timed out errors of setting a boolean on the request object
if (error || request.timedout) {
request.timedout = request.timedout || (error.code === 'ETIMEDOUT');
} else {
request.timedout = false;
// videojs.xhr no longer considers status codes outside of 200 and 0
// (for file uris) to be errors, but the old XHR did, so emulate that
// behavior. Status 206 may be used in response to byterange requests.
if (!error &&
response.statusCode !== 200 &&
response.statusCode !== 206 &&
response.statusCode !== 0) {
error = new Error('XHR Failed with a response of: ' +
(request && (request.response || request.responseText)));
callback(error, request);
request.requestTime = (new Date()).getTime();
return request;
return xhr;
export default xhrFactory;