Class: BigIq


Provides core functionality (CRUD operations, ready, etc) and maintains references to other modules in f5-cloud-libs.

After creating a BigIq with this constructor, you must call the async init() method.


new BigIq(optionsopt)

BigIq constructor

Name Type Attributes Description
options Object <optional>

Optional parameters.

Name Type Attributes Description
logger Object <optional>

Logger to use. Or, pass loggerOptions to get your own logger.

loggerOptions Object <optional>

Options for the logger. See module:logger.getLogger for details.


init(host, user, passwordOrUri, optionsopt) → {Promise}

Initialize this instance w/ host user password

Name Type Attributes Description
host String

Host to connect to.

user String

User (with admin rights).

passwordOrUri String

Password for user or URL (file, http, https, arn) to location containing password.

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters.

Name Type Attributes Description
passwordIsUri Boolean <optional>

Indicates that password is a URI for the password

passwordEncrypted Boolean <optional>

Indicates that the password is encrypted

port Number <optional>

Port of management port. Default 443.

bigIp Object <optional>

BigIp object. BigIp to control.


A promise which is resolved when initialization is complete or rejected if an error occurs.


licenseBigIp(poolName, bigIpMgmtAddress, bigIpMgmtPort, optionsopt) → {Promise}

Licenses a BIG-IP from a license pool

Name Type Attributes Description
poolName String

Name of the BIG-IQ pool to license from.

bigIpMgmtAddress String

Management address of BIG-IP

bigIpMgmtPort String

Management port of BIG-IP

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters

Name Type Attributes Description
cloud String <optional>

Name of cloud. Only BIG-IQ 5.4+ needs this. Supported values are: aws, azure, gce, vmware, hyperv, kvm, xen

skuKeyword1 String <optional>

skuKeyword1 parameter for CLPv2 licensing. Default none.

skuKeyword2 String <optional>

skuKeyword2 parameter for CLPv2 licensing. Default none.

unitOfMeasure String <optional>

unitOfMeasure parameter for CLPv2 licensing. Default none.

noUnreachable Boolean <optional>

Do not use the unreachable API even on BIG-IQs that support it.

autoApiType Boolean <optional>

Automatically determine API type rather than basing on BIG-IQ version.


A promise which is resolved when the licensing is complete or rejected if an error occurs.


revokeLicense(poolName, instance, optionsopt)

Revokes a license for a BIG-IP

Name Type Attributes Description
poolName String

The name of the license pool to revoke from

instance String

AutoscaleInstance to revoke license for

options Object <optional>

Optional parameters

Name Type Attributes Description
noUnreachable Boolean <optional>

Do not use the unreachable API even on BIG-IQs that support it.