Class: GtmDnsProvider


new GtmDnsProvider(optionsopt)


Name Type Attributes Description
options Ojbect <optional>

Options for the instance.

Name Type Attributes Description
clOptions Object <optional>

Command line options if called from a script.

logger Object <optional>

Logger to use. Or, pass loggerOptions to get your own logger.

loggerOptions Object <optional>

Options for the logger. See module:logger.getLogger for details.


init(providerOptions) → {Promise}

Initialize class

Override for implementation specific initialization needs (read info from cloud provider, read database, etc.). Called at the start of processing.

Name Type Description
providerOptions Object

Provider specific options.

Name Type Attributes Description
host String

BIG-IP GTM management IP or hostname to which to send commands.

user String

BIG-IP GTM admin user name.

port String

BIG-IP GTM management SSL port to connect to. Default 443.

password String

BIG-IP GTM admin user password. Use this or passwordUrl.

passwordUrl String

URL (file, http(s), arn) to location that contains BIG-IP GTM admin user password. Use this or password.

passwordEncrypted String <optional>

Indicates that the BIG-IP GTM password is encrypted (either with encryptDataToFile or generatePassword).

serverName String

GSLB server name.

poolName String

GSLB pool name.

datacenter String <optional>

GSLB data center. Required if creating the GTM server.

vsMonitor String <optional>

Full path to monitor for the virtual server. Default is existing monitor.

poolMonitor String <optional>

Full path to monitor for the pool. Default is existing monitor.

loadBalancingMode String <optional>

Load balancing mode for the pool. Default is existing load balancing mode.

partition String <optional>

Partition of pool and server. Default is Common.


A promise which will be resolved when init is complete.


update(instances) → {Promise}

Updates DNS records with the given instances

Name Type Description
instances Object

Array of instances, each having the form

    name: name for instance,
    ip: ip address,
    port: port

A promise which will be resolved with the instance ID of the elected primary.
