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 * common.js: Common utility functions for requesting against Loggly APIs
 * (C) 2010 Nodejitsu Inc.

var request = require('request'),
    loggly = require('../loggly');

var common = exports;

Failure HTTP Response codes based off Loggly specification.

var failCodes = common.failCodes = {
  400: "Bad Request",
  401: "Unauthorized",
  403: "Forbidden",
  404: "Not Found",
  409: "Conflict / Duplicate",
  410: "Gone",
  500: "Internal Server Error",
  501: "Not Implemented",
  503: "Throttled"

Success HTTP Response codes based off Loggly specification.

var successCodes = common.successCodes = {
  200: "OK",
  201: "Created", 
  202: "Accepted",
  203: "Non-authoritative information",
  204: "Deleted",

Core method that actually sends requests to Loggly. This method is designed to be flexible w.r.t. arguments and continuation passing given the wide range of different requests required to fully implement the Loggly API.

Continuations: 1. 'callback': The callback passed into every node-loggly method 2. 'success': A callback that will only be called on successful requests. This is used throughout node-loggly to conditionally do post-request processing such as JSON parsing.

Possible Arguments (1 & 2 are equivalent): 1. common.loggly('some-fully-qualified-url', auth, callback, success) 2. common.loggly('GET', 'some-fully-qualified-url', auth, callback, success) 3. common.loggly('DELETE', 'some-fully-qualified-url', auth, callback, success) 4. common.loggly({ method: 'POST', uri: 'some-url', body: { some: 'body'} }, callback, success)

common.loggly = function () {
  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
      success = args.pop(),
      callback = args.pop(),

Now that we've popped off the two callbacks We can make decisions about other arguments

  if (args.length == 1) {
    if (typeof args[0] === 'string') {

If we got a string assume that it's the URI

      method = 'GET';
      uri    = args[0];
    else {
      method      = args[0]['method'] || 'GET',
      uri         = args[0]['uri'];
      requestBody = args[0]['body'];
      auth        = args[0]['auth'];
      headers     = args[0]['headers'];
  else if (args.length == 2) {
    method = 'GET';
    uri    = args[0];
    auth   = args[1];
  else {
    method = args[0];
    uri    = args[1];
    auth   = args[2];
  function onError (err) {
    if (callback) {
  var requestOptions = {
    uri: uri,
    method: method,
    headers: headers || {}
  if (auth) {
    requestOptions.headers['authorization'] = 'Basic ' + new Buffer(auth.username + ':' + auth.password).toString('base64');
  if (requestBody) {
    requestOptions.body = requestBody;
  try {
    request(requestOptions, function (err, res, body) {
      if (err) {
        return onError(err);

      var statusCode = res.statusCode.toString();
      if (Object.keys(failCodes).indexOf(statusCode) !== -1) {
        return onError((new Error('Loggly Error (' + statusCode + '): ' + failCodes[statusCode])));

      success(res, body);
  catch (ex) {

function clone (obj) Helper method for deep cloning pure JSON objects i.e. JSON objects that are either literals or objects (no Arrays, etc)

common.clone = function (obj) {
  var clone = {};
  for (var i in obj) {
    clone[i] = obj[i] instanceof Object ? common.clone(obj[i]) : obj[i];

  return clone;