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 * core.js: Core functions for accessing Loggly
 * (C) 2010 Nodejitsu Inc.

var events = require('events'),
    qs = require('querystring'),
    config = require('./config'),
    common = require('./common'),
    Search = require('./search').Search,
    Facet = require('./facet').Facet,
    loggly = require('../loggly');

function createClient (options) Creates a new instance of a Loggly client.

exports.createClient = function (options) {
  return new Loggly(config.createConfig(options));

Loggly (config) Constructor for the Loggly object

var Loggly = exports.Loggly = function (config) {
  this.config = config;

function log (callback) logs args to input device

Loggly.prototype.log = function (inputId, msg, callback) {
  var emitter = new (events.EventEmitter)(),
  if (msg instanceof Object) {
    message = this.config.json ? JSON.stringify(msg) : qs.unescape(qs.stringify(msg, ','));
  } else {
    message = this.config.json ? JSON.stringify({ message : msg }) : msg;

  var logOptions = {
    uri: this.config.inputUrl + inputId,
    method: 'POST', 
    body: message,
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': this.config.json ? 'application/json' : 'text/plain'

  common.loggly(logOptions, callback, function (res, body) {
    try {
      var result = JSON.parse(body);
      if (callback) {
        callback(null, result);
      emitter.emit('log', result);
    catch (ex) {
      if (callback) {
        callback(new Error('Unspecified error from Loggly: ' + ex));
  return emitter; 

function search (query, callback) Returns a new search object which can be chained with options or called directly if @callback is passed initially.

Sample Usage:

client.search('404') .meta({ ip: '' }) .context({ rows: 100 }) .run(function () { /* ... */ });

Loggly.prototype.search = function (query, callback) {
  return new Search(query, this, callback);

function facet (facet, query, [options], callback) Performs a facet search against loggly with the specified facet, query and options.

Loggly.prototype.facet = function (facet, query, callback) {
  return new Facet(facet, query, this, callback);

function getInputs ([raw], callback) Returns a list of all inputs for the authenicated account

Loggly.prototype.getInputs = function () {
  var self = this,
      args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
      callback = args.pop(),
      raw = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : false;
  common.loggly(this.logglyUrl('inputs'), this.config.auth, callback, function (res, body) {
    var inputs = [], 
        results = JSON.parse(body);
    if (!raw) {
      results.forEach(function (result) {
        inputs.push(new (loggly.Input)(self, result));
      return callback(null, inputs);
    callback(null, results);

function getInput (name, callback) Returns the input with the specified name

Loggly.prototype.getInput = function (name, callback) {
  var self = this;
  this.getInputs(true, function (err, results) {
    if (err) {
      return callback(err);
    var matches = results.filter(function (r) { return r.name === name }),
        input = null;
    if (matches.length > 0) {
      input = new (loggly.Input)(self, matches[0]);
    callback(null, input);

function addDevice (inputId, address, callback) Adds the device at address to the input specified by inputId

Loggly.prototype.addDeviceToInput = function (inputId, address, callback) {
  var addOptions = {
    uri: this.logglyUrl('devices'),
    auth: this.config.auth,
    method: 'POST', 
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
    body: qs.stringify({ 'input_id': inputId, 'ip': address }).replace('"', '')

  common.loggly(addOptions, callback, function (res, body) {
    callback(null, res);

function addDevice (inputId, callback) Adds the calling device to the input

Loggly.prototype.addDevice = function (inputId, callback) {

Remark: This is not fully implemented yet

  callback(new Error('Not Implemented Yet...'));

common.loggly(this.logglyUrl('inputs', inputId, 'adddevice'), this.config.auth, callback, function (res, body) { });


function getDevices (callback) Returns a list of all devices for the authenicated account

Loggly.prototype.getDevices = function (callback) {
  var self = this;
  common.loggly(this.logglyUrl('devices'), this.config.auth, callback, function (res, body) {
    var results = JSON.parse(body),
        devices = [];
    results.forEach(function (result) {
      devices.push(new (loggly.Device)(self, result));
    callback(null, devices);

function logglyUrl ([path, to, resource]) Helper method that concats the string params into a url to request against a loggly serverUrl.

Loggly.prototype.logglyUrl = function (/* path, to, resource */) {
  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
  return [this.config.logglyUrl].concat(args).join('/');