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 * search.js: chainable search functions for Loggly
 * (C) 2010 Nodejitsu Inc.

var qs = require('querystring'),
    timespan = require('timespan'),
    common = require('./common');

function Search (query, client, callback) Chainable search object for Loggly API

var Search = exports.Search = function (query, client, callback) {
  this.query = query;
  this.client = client;
  if (!this.baseUrl) {
    this.baseUrl = 'search?';

If we're passed a callback, run immediately.

  if (callback) {
    this.callback = callback;

function meta (meta) Sets the appropriate metadata for this search query: e.g. ip, inputname

Search.prototype.meta = function (meta) {
  this._meta = meta;
  return this;

function context (context) Sets the appropriate context for this search query: e.g. rows, start, from, until, order, format, fields

Search.prototype.context = function (context) {
  this._context = context;
  return this;

function run (callback)

@callback {function} Continuation to respond to when complete

Runs the search query for for this instance with the query, metadata, context, and other parameters that have been configured on it.

Search.prototype.run = function (callback) {
  var rangeError;

Trim the search query


Update the callback for this instance if it's passed

  this.callback = callback || this.callback;
  if (!this.callback) {
    throw new Error('Cannot run search without a callback function.');

If meta was passed, update the search query appropriately

  if (this._meta) {
    this.query += ' ' + qs.unescape(qs.stringify(this._meta, ' ', ':'));

Set the context for the query string

  this._context = this._context || {};
  this._context.q = this.query;

  var self = this, searchOptions = {
    uri: this.client.logglyUrl(this.baseUrl + qs.stringify(this._context)),
    auth: this.client.config.auth
  common.loggly(searchOptions, this.callback, function (res, body) {
    self.callback(null, JSON.parse(body));
  return this;

function _checkRange ()

Checks if the range that has been configured for this instance is valid and updates if it is not.

Search.prototype._checkRange = function () {
  if (!this._context || (!this._context.until && !this._context.from)) {
  this._context.until = this._context.until || 'NOW';
  this._context.from  = this._context.from  || 'NOW-24HOURS';
  if (!timespan.parseDate(this._context.until)) {
    this._context.until = 'NOW';
  if (!timespan.parseDate(this._context.from)) {
    this._context.from = 'NOW-24HOURS';
  if (timespan.fromDates(this._context.from, this._context.until) < 0
    || this._context.until === this._context.from) {

If the length of the timespan for this Search instance is negative then set it to default values

    this._context.until = 'NOW';
    this._context.from = 'NOW-24HOURS';
  return this;