Static class to manage the current client. It will return itself if it is tried to be instantiated. It can use BrowserDetect (source code rescued).
- Source:
- To Do:
- Think about implementing a getDocumentParents function (similar to
). - Think about implementing "onClose" event (to fire when app/web is going to be closed).
- Think about implementing a getDocumentParents function (similar to
<static> exit( [allowWindowCloseFallback] [, allowRedirectionFallback] [, redirectionAddress])
Exits and finishes the script. In a browser, it will try to close the window or at least abandon it redirecting to an empty one (or to a desired URL). In an app (NW.js (formerly node-webkit)/Electron (Electron.js)/Apache Cordova/Adobe PhoneGap/Appcelerator Titanium SDK/Appcelerator TideSDK (Titanium Desktop)/Weixin (WeChat)/etc.), it will try to close the app.
Name Type Argument Default Description allowWindowCloseFallback
boolean <optional>
true Defines whether to allow using the window.close method as a fallback.
boolean <optional>
true Defines whether to redirect the current client as a fallback (to the URL defined in the "redirectionAddress" parameter).
boolean <optional>
'about:blank' Defines the URL where the current client will be redirected to in the case that the window cannot be closed. Only used if the "allowRedirectionFallback" parameter is set to true.
- Source:
- To Do:
- Have in mind iframes (think about it).
<static> get() → {string}
Returns the current web client (if possible) as a string. It uses BrowserDetect (source code rescued) internally.
- Source:
- Type
- string
<static> getAddressWithoutFile(address [, fallbackURL] [, allowsLocal]) → {string}
Returns the given address without the file (for example, if "" is given, it will return "").
Name Type Argument Default Description address
string The address that we want to filter.
string <optional>
The address that we want it to return in the case that the given one is not allowed (used when "allowsLocal" does not allow a local address). If it contains a file, it will not be stripped out.
boolean <optional>
true Defines whether to allow returning a local address or not. If it is set to false and the address is local, it will return the "fallbackURL" instead (without stripping out the file, if any).
- Source:
- Type
- string
<static> getBoundingClientRectMargin( [leftOrTop]) → {integer}
Gets the starting pixel of top or left coordinates for getBoundingClientRect (it's not 0 in some Internet Explorer versions).
Name Type Argument Default Description leftOrTop
'left' | 'top' <optional>
'left' String that defines whether we want it to return the values for "left" or for "top".
- Source:
- Type
- integer
<static> getBrowser()
Alias for
.- Source:
- See:
<static> getBrowserVersion()
Alias for
.- Source:
- See:
<static> getBrowserVersionMain()
Alias for
.- Source:
- See:
<static> getButtonsDown()
Alias for
.- Source:
- See:
<static> getDocument( [mindIframes]) → {Object}
Returns the document object (having in mind whether the script is running in one iframe or more, if we want).
Name Type Argument Default Description mindIframes
boolean <optional>
If set to true, it will try to get and return the topmost document object. Useful in case the script is running in an iframe or more.
- Source:
- Type
- Object
<static> getDocumentBase() → {Object}
Returns the document object of the first parent (the topmost one). Useful in case the script is running in an iframe or more.
- Source:
- Type
- Object
<static> getFlashVersion( [asString]) → {array|string}
Returns the available version of Adobe Flash (formerly Macromedia Flash) plugin, if any, as either an array of strings or as a string.
Name Type Argument Default Description asString
boolean <optional>
false If set to true, returns the version as a string.
- Source:
- Type
- array | string
<static> getLanguage( [allowNavigatorLanguages] [, PHPAcceptedLanguagesFirst]) → {string}
Returns the most preferred language as a string.
Name Type Argument Default Description allowNavigatorLanguages
boolean <optional>
Defines whether to allow using the window.navigator.languages property (if not available, it will proceed normally).
boolean <optional>
If it is set to true, it will try to return the accepted languages found out by PHP (if PHP is available) in $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] or it will proceed normally otherwise.
- Source:
- To Do:
- Use other back-end ways to calculate the language (using Node.js, for example).
- Type
- string
<static> getLanguages( [allowNavigatorLanguages] [, PHPAcceptedLanguagesFirst]) → {array}
Returns the most preferred languages as an array of strings.
Name Type Argument Default Description allowNavigatorLanguages
boolean <optional>
Defines whether to allow using the window.navigator.languages property (if not available, it will proceed normally).
boolean <optional>
If it is set to true, it will try to return the accepted languages found out by PHP (if PHP is available) in $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] or it will proceed normally otherwise.
- Source:
- To Do:
- Use other back-end ways to calculate languages (using Node.js, for example).
- Type
- array
<static> getLocation( [mindIframes]) → {string}
Returns the current URL, if possible (having in mind whether the script is running in one iframe or more, if we want).
Name Type Argument Default Description mindIframes
boolean <optional>
If set to true, it will try to get the location of the topmost window object. Useful in case the script is running in an iframe or more.
- Source:
- Type
- string
<static> getLocationWithoutFile( [fallbackURL] [, allowsLocal] [, mindIframes]) → {string}
Returns the current URL without the file (for example, if "" is the current URL, it will return ""), if possible (having in mind whether the script is running in one iframe or more, if we want).
Name Type Argument Default Description fallbackURL
string <optional>
The address that we want it to return in the case that the current one is not allowed (used when "allowsLocal" does not allow a local address). If it contains a file, it will not be stripped out.
boolean <optional>
true Defines whether to allow returning a local address or not. If it is set to false and the current address is local, it will return the "fallbackURL" instead (without stripping out the file, if any).
boolean <optional>
If set to true, it will try to get the location of the topmost window object. Useful in case the script is running in an iframe or more.
- Source:
- Type
- string
<static> getNodeJSVersion( [asString]) → {array|string}
Returns the available version of Node.js (if any), as either an array of strings or as a string.
Name Type Argument Default Description asString
boolean <optional>
false If set to true, returns the version as a string.
- Source:
- Type
- array | string
<static> getPHPVersion( [asString]) → {array|string}
Returns the available version of PHP (if any), as either an array of strings or as a string.
Name Type Argument Default Description asString
boolean <optional>
false If set to true, returns the version as a string.
- Source:
- Type
- array | string
<static> getSilverlightVersion( [asString]) → {array|string}
Returns the available version of Microsoft Silverlight plugin (if any), as either an array of strings or as a string.
Name Type Argument Default Description asString
boolean <optional>
false If set to true, returns the version as a string.
- Source:
- Type
- array | string
<static> getTitle() → {string}
Returns the current document title.
- Source:
- Type
- string
<static> getVersion() → {string}
Returns the current web client version (if possible) as a string. It uses BrowserDetect (source code rescued) internally.
- Source:
- Type
- string
<static> getVersionMain() → {integer}
Returns the current web client main version (first number), if possible, as an integer. It uses BrowserDetect (source code rescued) internally.
- Source:
- Type
- integer
<static> getWindow( [mindIframes]) → {Object}
Returns the window object (having in mind whether the script is running in one iframe or more, if we want).
Name Type Argument Default Description mindIframes
boolean <optional>
If set to true, it will try to get and return the topmost window object. Useful in case the script is running in an iframe or more.
- Source:
- Type
- Object
<static> getWindowBase() → {Object}
Returns the window object of the first parent (the topmost one). Useful in case the script is running in an iframe or more.
- Source:
- Type
- Object
<static> getWindowParents() → {array}
Returns all the window objects, parents and last son (main one) in an array (with the topmost parent in the highest index). Useful in case the script is running in an iframe or more.
- Source:
- Type
- array
<static> isRunningLocally( [mindIframes]) → {boolean}
Tells whether the script is running locally (using "file:" protocol) or not.
Name Type Argument Default Description mindIframes
boolean <optional>
If set to true, it will try to check the protocol of the topmost window object. Useful in case the script is running in an iframe or more.
- Source:
- Type
- boolean
<static> isRunningOnElectron() → {boolean}
Tells whether the script is running on Electron (Electron.js) or not.
- Source:
- Type
- boolean
<static> isRunningOnNWjs() → {boolean}
Tells whether the script is running on NW.js (formerly node-webkit) or not.
- Source:
- Type
- boolean
<static> onLanguageChanges(eventFunction [, keepOldFunction] [, useCapture])
Sets a function to execute when the languagechange event is fired (only for some web clients) or removes it.
Name Type Argument Default Description eventFunction
function | null Function that represents the event listener that will be called when the event is fired. If a null value is used, the event will be removed.
boolean <optional>
true Defines whether to also keep the previous listeners or remove them otherwise.
boolean <optional>
false Defines whether the event we want to add will use capture or not. This parameter will be effective only if the current client supports the addEventListener method and will be used as its third parameter.
- Source:
<static> redirectTo(address [, getData] [, mindIframes])
Redirects the current client to the desired location (having in mind whether the script is running in one iframe or more, if we want).
Name Type Argument Default Description address
string The address where we want to go.
string <optional>
Any URL (GET) variables we want to send (as for example "data1=value1&data2=value2").
boolean <optional>
If set to true, it will try to redirect the topmost window object. Useful in case the script is running in an iframe or more.
- Source:
<static> setTitle(newTitle) → {string}
Tries to change the document title and returns it.
Name Type Description newTitle
newTitle The desired new title.
- Source:
- Type
- string
<static> supportsCSS3Transform() → {boolean}
- Source:
- Type
- boolean
<static> supportsCanvas() → {boolean}
Tells whether the canvas element is supported natively or not.
- Source:
- Type
- boolean
<static> supportsFlash() → {boolean}
Function that tells whether Adobe Flash (formerly Macromedia Flash) plugin is available or not.
- Source:
- Type
- boolean
<static> supportsNodeJS() → {boolean}
Function that tells whether Node.js is available (checks the availability of process.versions.node) or not.
- Source:
- Type
- boolean
<static> supportsPHP() → {boolean}
Function that tells whether PHP is available or not.
- Source:
- Type
- boolean
<static> supportsSilverlight() → {boolean}
Function that tells whether Microsoft Silverlight plugin is available or not.
- Source:
- Type
- boolean