Static class to manage the screen. It will return itself if it is tried to be instantiated. It can use detect-zoom and NoSleep.js.
<static> focus()
Sets the focus to the main window (if possible).
<static> getAvailableHeight() → {number}
Gets the current available screen height (vertical resolution). Uses the window.screen.availHeight property internally, when possible.
Returns the current available screen height (vertical resolution) in pixels.
- Type
- number
<static> getAvailableHeightPrevious() → {number}
Gets the previous available screen height (vertical resolution). Useful when the resolution (screen size and/or orientation) changed. Uses the window.screen.availHeight property internally, when possible.
Returns the previous available screen height (vertical resolution) in pixels.
- Type
- number
<static> getAvailableWidth() → {number}
Gets the current available screen width (horizontal resolution). Uses the window.screen.availWidth property internally, when possible.
Returns the current available screen width (horizontal resolution) in pixels.
- Type
- number
<static> getAvailableWidthPrevious() → {number}
Gets the previous available screen width (horizontal resolution). Useful when the resolution (screen size and/or orientation) changed. Uses the window.screen.availWidth property internally, when possible.
Returns the previous available screen width (horizontal resolution) in pixels.
- Type
- number
<static> getColorDepth() → {number}
Gets the current color depth. Uses the window.screen.colorDepth property internally, when possible.
Returns the current color depth.
- Type
- number
<static> getHeight() → {number}
Gets the current screen height (vertical resolution). Uses the window.screen.height property internally, when possible.
Returns the current screen height (vertical resolution) in pixels.
- Type
- number
<static> getHeightPrevious() → {number}
Gets the previous screen height (vertical resolution). Calculated through the window.screen.height property internally, when possible. Useful when the resolution (screen size and/or orientation) changed.
Returns the previous screen height (vertical resolution) in pixels.
- Type
- number
<static> getOrientation() → {string}
Gets the current orientation from the screen orientation object of the Screen Orientation API.
Returns a string with the current orientation from the screen orientation object of the Screen Orientation API. If cannot be found, it will return "landscape-primary" as default.
- Type
- string
<static> getOrientationObject() → {Object}
Gets the screen orientation object of the Screen Orientation API.
Returns the screen orientation object of the Screen Orientation API.
- Type
- Object
<static> getPixelRatio() → {number}
Gets the current pixel ratio of the screen (main window). Uses detect-zoom internally.
- Source:
- To Do:
- Find a better and more-compatible way to detect pixel ratio which supports as many web clients as possible.
Returns the current pixel ratio of the screen (main window). Default pixel ratio is 1 (one) even when it fails.
- Type
- number
<static> getPixelRatioPrevious() → {number}
Gets the previous pixel ratio of the screen (main window). Useful when the zoom/pixel-ratio changed. Uses detect-zoom internally.
- Source:
- To Do:
- Find a better and more-compatible way to detect pixel ratio which supports as many web clients as possible.
Returns the previous pixel ratio of the screen (main window). Default previous pixel ratio is 0 (zero) even when it fails.
- Type
- number
<static> getScrollLeft() → {number|null}
Gets the current scroll left position (horizontal scroll) of the screen (main window). Uses the
function internally.Returns:
Returns the current scroll left position (horizontal scroll) of the screen (main window). It could return null if something fails.
- Type
- number | null
<static> getScrollTop() → {number|null}
Gets the current scroll top position (vertical scroll) of the screen (main window). Uses the
function internally.Returns:
Returns the current scroll top position (vertical scroll) of the screen (main window). It could return null if something fails.
- Type
- number | null
<static> getWidth() → {number}
Gets the current screen width (horizontal resolution). Uses the window.screen.width property internally, when possible.
Returns the current screen width (horizontal resolution) in pixels.
- Type
- number
<static> getWidthPrevious() → {number}
Gets the previous screen width (horizontal resolution). Calculated through the window.screen.width property internally, when possible. Useful when the resolution (screen size and/or orientation) changed.
Returns the previous screen width (horizontal resolution) in pixels.
- Type
- number
<static> getWindowHeight() → {number}
Gets the current window height (vertical resolution). Internally, uses the window.innerHeight if possible and fallbacks to document.documentElement.clientHeight or document.body.clientHeight property otherwise, when possible.
Returns the current window height (vertical resolution) in pixels.
- Type
- number
<static> getWindowHeightPrevious() → {number}
Gets the previous window height (vertical resolution). Useful when the resolution (screen size and/or orientation) or window size changed. Internally, uses the window.innerHeight if possible and fallbacks to document.documentElement.clientHeight or document.body.clientHeight property otherwise, when possible.
Returns the previous window height (vertical resolution) in pixels.
- Type
- number
<static> getWindowWidth() → {number}
Gets the current window width (horizontal resolution). Internally, uses the window.innerWidth if possible and fallbacks to document.documentElement.clientWidth or document.body.clientWidth property otherwise, when possible.
Returns the current window width (horizontal resolution) in pixels.
- Type
- number
<static> getWindowWidthPrevious() → {number}
Gets the previous window width (horizontal resolution). Useful when the resolution (screen size and/or orientation) or window size changed. Internally, uses the window.innerWidth if possible and fallbacks to document.documentElement.clientWidth or document.body.clientWidth property otherwise, when possible.
Returns the previous window width (horizontal resolution) in pixels.
- Type
- number
<static> getZoom() → {number}
Gets the current zoom level of the screen (main window). Uses detect-zoom internally.
- Source:
- To Do:
- Find a better and more-compatible way to detect zoom which supports as many web clients as possible.
Returns the current zoom level of the screen (main window). Default zoom level is 1 (one) even when it fails.
- Type
- number
<static> getZoomPrevious() → {number}
Gets the previous zoom level of the screen (main window). Useful when the zoom changed. Uses detect-zoom internally.
Returns the previous zoom level of the screen (main window). Default previous zoom level is 0 (zero) even when it fails.
- Type
- number
<static> isFocused() → {boolean}
Tells whether the main window is focused or not.
Returns whether the main window is focused or not.
- Type
- boolean
<static> isFullScreen( [allowedWidthMarginPercentage] [, allowedHeightMarginPercentage]) → {boolean}
Tells whether we are in full screen mode or not. Uses the Fullscreen API and fallbacks to other methods internally, including NW.js (formerly node-webkit) and Electron (Electron.js) ones, when not available.
Name Type Argument Default Description allowedWidthMarginPercentage
number <optional>
CB_Configuration.CrossBase.CB_Screen_isFullScreen_ALLOWED_WIDTH_MARGIN_PERCENTAGE Allowed width margin, in percentage, of the total screen available to detect whether it is in full screen or not. Needed by old web clients without Fullscreen API support, mainly.
number <optional>
CB_Configuration.CrossBase.CB_Screen_isFullScreen_ALLOWED_HEIGHT_MARGIN_PERCENTAGE Allowed height margin, in percentage, of the total screen available to detect whether it is in full screen or not. Needed by old web clients without Fullscreen API support, mainly.
Returns whether we are in full screen mode or not.
- Type
- boolean
<static> isFullScreenAPICompatible() → {boolean}
Tells whether the web client is compatible with the FullScreen API or not.
Returns whether the web client is compatible with the FullScreen API or not.
- Type
- boolean
<static> isLandscape() → {boolean}
Tells whether the screen (main window) is in landscape position.
Returns whether the screen is in landscape position.
- Type
- boolean
<static> isVisible() → {boolean}
Tells whether the main window is visible or not.
Returns whether the main window is visible or not.
- Type
- boolean
<static> keepAwake( [callbackOk] [, callbackError]) → {boolean}
Keeps the screen awake and prevents it from turning off. Uses different methods internally: Apache Cordova's Insomnia plugin, Standby API, Mozilla's Wake Lock API, new W3C's Wake Lock API, old W3C's Wake Lock API, NoSleep.js library (it should be activated by an event fired by the user as onclick or ontouchstart, etc.)...
Name Type Argument Description callbackOk
function <optional>
Function that will be called if the action has been performed successfully, without parameters.
function <optional>
Function that will be called if the action has not been performed successfully, without parameters.
- Source:
- To Do:
- Pay attention since many internal functions as the new W3C's Wake Lock API are still experimental and not well-tested.
If it uses the new W3C's Wake Lock API internally, it will return a Promise. Otherwise, it will return a boolean depending on whether the internal method has been called successfully or not. The fact that the internal method has been called successfully does not mean that the action will perform successfully so it is recommended to relay on the "callbackOk" and "callbackError" functions and ignore this returning value.
- Type
- boolean
<static> keepAwakeDisable( [callbackOk] [, callbackError]) → {boolean}
Lets the screen sleep again and stops preventing it from turning off. Uses different methods internally: Apache Cordova's Insomnia plugin, Standby API, Mozilla's Wake Lock API, new W3C's Wake Lock API, old W3C's Wake Lock API, NoSleep.js library (it should be activated by an event fired by the user as onclick or ontouchstart, etc.)...
Name Type Argument Description callbackOk
function <optional>
Function that will be called if the action has been performed successfully, without parameters.
function <optional>
Function that will be called if the action has not been performed successfully, without parameters.
- Source:
- To Do:
- Pay attention since many internal functions as the new W3C's Wake Lock API are still experimental and not well-tested.
If it uses the new W3C's Wake Lock API internally, it will return a Promise. Otherwise, it will return a boolean depending on whether the internal method has been called successfully or not. The fact that the internal method has been called successfully does not mean that the action will perform successfully so it is recommended to relay on the "callbackOk" and "callbackError" functions and ignore this returning value.
- Type
- boolean
<static> lockOrientation(orientationMode [, onSuccess] [, onError]) → {boolean}
Function that forces a desired screen orientation. Using the lock function and fallbacks to the lockOrientation function of the Screen Orientation API internally.
Name Type Argument Description orientationMode
'default' | 'any' | 'natural' | 'landscape' | 'portrait' | 'portrait-primary' | 'portrait-secondary' | 'landscape-primary' | 'landscape-secondary' Desired orientation. Internally, "default" and "natural" will be exchanged and "any" will be transformed to "default", depending on the internal function used. Values "default", "any" and "natural" are not recommended because they are not supported in all web clients.
function <optional>
Callback function with no parameters that will be called if the orientation has been set successfully.
function <optional>
Callback function that will be called if the orientation has not been set successfully. Unique parameter received will be an error object (probably a DOMException, depending on the client) with the error.
- Source:
- To Do:
- Transform values of "default", "any" and "natural" to "portrait", "landscape", etc. when the web clients do not support it (calculating current orientation and trying to guess natural/default one, etc.).
Returns the same Promise that the lock function returns, if available. Otherwise, returns the same boolean as the lockOrientation function (true if the locking action has been performed successfully), if available. Otherwise, returns false when the Screen Orientation API is not available.
- Type
- boolean
<static> onFocusChange(callbackFunction [, keepOldFunction])
Sets a function to execute when the screen (main window) focus is changed or removes it.
Name Type Argument Default Description callbackFunction
function | null The function (event listener) that we want to execute when the event is fired, with no parameters. If a null value is used, the event will be removed.
boolean <optional>
true Defines whether we want to keep any possible previous event listener for the same target and event name or not.
<static> onFullScreenChange(callbackFunction [, keepOldFunction])
Sets a function to execute when full screen mode is changed (enabled or disabled) or removes it.
Name Type Argument Default Description callbackFunction
function | null The function (event listener) that we want to execute when the event is fired, with no parameters. If a null value is used, the event will be removed.
boolean <optional>
true Defines whether we want to keep any possible previous event listener for the same target and event name or not.
<static> onOrientationChange(callbackFunction [, keepOldFunction])
Sets a function to execute when the screen (main window) orientation is changed (portrait or landscape) or removes it.
Name Type Argument Default Description callbackFunction
function | null The function (event listener) that we want to execute when the event is fired, with no parameters. If a null value is used, the event will be removed.
boolean <optional>
true Defines whether we want to keep any possible previous event listener for the same target and event name or not.
<static> onResize(callbackFunction [, keepOldFunction])
Sets a function to execute when the screen (main window) is resized (onResize event) or removes it.
Name Type Argument Default Description callbackFunction
function | null The function (event listener) that we want to execute when the event is fired, with no parameters. If a null value is used, the event will be removed.
boolean <optional>
true Defines whether we want to keep any possible previous event listener for the same target and event name or not.
<static> onResizeOrZoom(callbackFunction [, keepOldFunction])
Sets a function to execute when the screen (main window) is resized or the zoom is changed, or removes it.
Name Type Argument Default Description callbackFunction
function | null The function (event listener) that we want to execute when the event is fired, with no parameters. If a null value is used, the event will be removed.
boolean <optional>
true Defines whether we want to keep any possible previous event listener for the same target and event name or not.
<static> onScrollLeft(callbackFunction [, keepOldFunction])
Sets a function to execute when the left scroll position (horizontal scroll) is changed in the screen (main window) or removes it.
Name Type Argument Default Description callbackFunction
function | null The function (event listener) that we want to execute when the event is fired, with no parameters. If a null value is used, the event will be removed.
boolean <optional>
true Defines whether we want to keep any possible previous event listener for the same target and event name or not.
<static> onScrollTop(callbackFunction [, keepOldFunction])
Sets a function to execute when the top scroll position (vertical scroll) is changed in the screen (main window) or removes it.
Name Type Argument Default Description callbackFunction
function | null The function (event listener) that we want to execute when the event is fired, with no parameters. If a null value is used, the event will be removed.
boolean <optional>
true Defines whether we want to keep any possible previous event listener for the same target and event name or not.
<static> onVisibilityChange(callbackFunction [, keepOldFunction])
Sets a function to execute when the screen (main window) visibility is changed or removes it.
Name Type Argument Default Description callbackFunction
function | null The function (event listener) that we want to execute when the event is fired, with no parameters. If a null value is used, the event will be removed.
boolean <optional>
true Defines whether we want to keep any possible previous event listener for the same target and event name or not.
<static> setFullScreen( [useFullScreen] [, element] [, allowReload])
Toggles between full screen and normal mode. Uses the Fullscreen API and fallbacks to other methods internally, including NW.js (formerly node-webkit) and Electron (Electron.js) ones, when not available. Recommended to be called through an event fired by the user as onclick or ontouchstart, etc.
Name Type Argument Default Description useFullScreen
boolean <optional>
true If set to true, it will try to enable full screen mode. Otherwise, it will try to enable normal mode.
Element <optional>
document.documentElement|document.body Element which we want to use in full screen mode. By default uses the whole document body. Only used when the "useFullScreen" parameter is set to true. If an element is provided, it will use neither NW.js (formerly node-webkit) nor Electron (Electron.js) methods.
boolean <optional>
false If set to true and "useFullScreen" is set to true but it fails to enable full screen normally, it will try to reload the entire current document again in a new bigger window. Useful for very old web clients. Only used when the "useFullScreen" parameter is set to true.
<static> setOrientation()
Alias for
. -
<static> setViewport( [width] [, height] [, userScalable] [, initialScale] [, minimumScale] [, maximumScale] [, shrinkToFit] [, targetDensityDPI]) → {Node|null}
Sets the Viewport meta tag dynamically with the desired options. If the Viewport meta tag already exists, it will be updated. Otherwise, it will create a new one (and append it to the HEAD tag, if found).
Name Type Argument Default Description width
string | integer <optional>
Desired value for the "width" parameter.
string | integer <optional>
Desired value for the "height" parameter.
string | boolean <optional>
'no' Desired value for the "user-scalable" parameter.
number <optional>
Desired value for the "initial-scale" parameter.
number <optional>
Desired value for the "minimum-scale" parameter.
number <optional>
Desired value for the "maximum-scale" parameter.
string <optional>
Desired value for the "shrink-to-fit" parameter.
string | number <optional>
Desired value for the "target-densitydpi" parameter.
Returns the DOM element which belongs to the Viewport meta tag affected (it will have been just created if no one existed before). If a Viewport meta tag could not be created or modified, returns null.
- Type
- Node | null
<static> unlockOrientation( [onError]) → {boolean}
Function that unlocks the screen orientation. Using the unlock function and fallbacks to the unlockOrientation function of the Screen Orientation API internally.
Name Type Argument Description onError
function <optional>
Callback function that will be called if the orientation has not been unlocked successfully. Unique parameter received will be an error object (probably a DOMException, depending on the client) with the error.
Returns the same that the unlock function returns (undefined, normally), if available. Otherwise, returns the same boolean as the unlockOrientation function (true if the unlocking action has been performed successfully), if available. Otherwise, returns false when the Screen Orientation API is not available.
- Type
- boolean
<static> unsetOrientation()
Alias for