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fs = require 'fs'
ByteIterableBase = (require './ByteIterableBase.coffee').ByteIterableBase
ByteIterator = (require '../../ByteIterator.coffee').ByteIterator
UnsupportedOperationError =
  (require '../../../errors/UnsupportedOperationError.coffee').

This class allows working with Buffer as iterable.

class ArrayByteIterable extends ByteIterableBase


@param bytes the Buffer with data. @param length the length of Buffer or it's part.

  @create$Buffer$int: (bytes, length, o) ->
    if !o? then o = new ArrayByteIterable()
    if length == 0
      o.fillBytes$ByteIterator ByteIterableBase.EMPTY_ITERATOR
      if length == 1
        o.fillBytes$int$ByteIterator bytes[0], ByteIterableBase.EMPTY_ITERATOR
        o.bytes = bytes
        o.length = length
    return o


@param bytes the Buffer with data.

  @create$Buffer: (bytes, o) ->
    return ArrayByteIterable.create$Buffer$int bytes, bytes.length, o

This class implements iterator for this iterable.

  class Iterator extends ByteIterator


    offs: undefined


    obj: undefined


@param offset. @param obj the object which this iterator is created inside (to get access to it's properties).

    @create$int: (offset, obj, o) =>
      if !o? then o = new Iterator()
      o.offs = offset
      o.obj = obj
      return o

    hasNext$emit: () =>
      return @offs < @obj.length

    next$emit: () =>
      offset = @offs
      result = @obj.bytes[offset]
      @offs = offset + 1
      return result

    skip$int: (length) =>
      result = Math.min length, @obj.length - @offs
      @offs += result
      return result

    getOffset: () ->
      return @offs

@private This class implements empty array iterable (analogue of zero).

  class EmptyIterable extends ArrayByteIterable


    ITERATOR: undefined


    obj: undefined


@param obj the object which this iterator is created inside (to get access to it's properties).

    @create: (obj, o) ->
      if !o? then o = new EmptyIterable()
      o = EmptyIterable.create$Buffer$int new Buffer(0), 0, o
      o.obj = obj
      o.ITERATOR = Iterator.create$int 0, o
      return o

    getIterator: () ->
      return @ITERATOR

    setBytes$Buffer: (bytes) ->
      throw new UnsupportedOperationError()

  @EMPTY: EmptyIterable.create()


@param bi another ByteIterable that will be used as a prototype for new one.

  @create$ByteIterable: (bi, o) ->
    if !o? then o = new ArrayByteIterable()
    length = bi.getLength()
    if length == 0
      o.fillBytes$ByteIterator ByteIterableBase.EMPTY_ITERATOR
      bytes = bi.getBytesUnsafe()
      if length == 1
        o.fillBytes$int$ByteIterator bytes[0], ByteIterableBase.EMPTY_ITERATOR
        o.length = length
        o.bytes = bytes
    return o


@param it ByteIterator of data.

  @create$ByteIterator: (it, o) ->
    if !o? then o = new ArrayByteIterable()
    o.fillBytes$ByteIterator it
    return o


@param firstByte. @param bi another ByteIterable that will be used as a prototype for new one.

  @create$int$ByteIterable: (firstByte, bi, o) ->
    if !o? then o = new ArrayByteIterable()
    o.fillBytes$int$ByteIterator firstByte, bi.iterator()
    return o


@param firstByte. @param it ByteIterator of data.

  @create$int$ByteIterator: (firstByte, it, o) ->
    if !o? then o = new ArrayByteIterable()
    o.fillBytes$int$ByteIterator firstByte, it
    return o

  iterator: () ->
    return @getIterator()

  iterator$int: (offset) ->
    return Iterator.create$int offset, this

  setBytes$Buffer: (bytes) ->
    @bytes = bytes
    @length = bytes.length

  getBytesUnsafe: () ->
    return @bytes

TODO this method is never used in exodus. What can I do with it?

  writeTo$ByteArrayOutputStream: (output) ->
    output.write @bytes, 0, @length

  @getEmptyIterator: () ->
    return @EMPTY.ITERATOR


  getIterator: () ->
    return Iterator.create$int 0, this


  fillBytes: () ->

do nothing

exports.ArrayByteIterable = ArrayByteIterable