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EventEmitter = (require 'events').EventEmitter
List = (require '../list/List.coffee').List
Cursor = (require './Cursor.coffee').Cursor

class Store extends EventEmitter


  env: undefined


  name: undefined


  structureId: undefined


  config: undefined


  log: undefined


  list: undefined

  @EMITTER: new EventEmitter()


@param env @param name @param structureId @param config

  @create$Environment$String$int$StoreConfiguration: (env, name, structureId, config, o) ->
    if !o? then o = new Store
    o.env = env
    o.name = name
    o.structureId = structureId
    o.config = config
    log = env.getLog$String name
    List.EMITTER.once 'create', (list) =>
      o.list = list
      Store.EMITTER.emit 'create', o
    List.create$Log$Boolean$int log, config.dublicates, structureId

  getName: () ->
    return @name

  getList: () ->
    return @list

  getConfig: () ->
    return @config

  get$TransactionDescriptor$ByteIterable$emit: (txn, key) ->
    list = txn.getCurrentList$String @name
    list.once 'get', (node) =>
      if node?
        @emit 'get', node.value
        @emit 'get', undefined
    list.get$ByteIterable$emit key

  exists$TransactionDescriptor$ByteIterable$ByteIterable$emit: (txn, key, data) ->
    list = txn.getCurrentList$String @name
    list.once 'get', (node) =>
      if node?
        value = node.value
        value.once 'compare', (res) =>
          @emit 'exists', res
        res = value.compare$int$int$ByteIterable$emit(0, value.getLength(), data)
        if res?
          value.removeAllListeners 'compare'
          @emit 'exists', res
        @emit 'exists', false
    list.get$ByteIterable$emit key

If tree supports duplicates, then add key/value pair.

If tree doesn't support duplicates and key already exists, then overwrite value.

If tree doesn't support duplicates and key doesn't exists, then add key/value pair.

DupNo Dup < /tr>
Existsadd < td > overwrite < /td> tr > < th > Not Exists < /th>add < td > add < /td> < /table>

@param txn transaction or null to automatically commit @param key not null store key @param value not null store value

  put$TransactionDescriptor$ByteIterable$ByteIterable$emit: (txn, key, value) ->
    list = txn.getCurrentList$String @name
    list.once 'push', (node) =>
      @emit 'put'
    list.push$ByteIterable$ByteIterable$emit key, value

  putRight$TransactionDescriptor$ByteIterable$ByteIterable$emit: (txn, key, value) ->
    list = txn.getCurrentList$String @name
    list.once 'push', (node) =>
      @emit 'put'
    list.push$ByteIterable$ByteIterable$emit key, value

If tree support duplicates and key already exists, then return false.

If tree support duplicates and key doesn't exists, then add key/value pair, return true.

If tree doesn't support duplicates and key already exists, then return false.

If tree doesn't support duplicates and key doesn't exists, then add key/value pair, return true.

DupNo Dup < /tr>
Existsret false < td > ret false < /td> < tr > < th > Not Exists < /th>add, ret true < td > add, ret true < /td> < /table>

@param txn transaction or null to automatically commit @param key not null store key @param value not null store value @return true if key/value pair was added

  add$TransactionDescriptor$ByteIterable$ByteIterable$emit: (txn, key, value) ->
    list = txn.getCurrentList$String @name
    list.once 'add', (isAdded) ->
      @emit 'add', isAdded
    list.add$ByteIterable$ByteIterable$emit key, value

Delete key/value pair for given key. If duplicate values exists for given key, all them will be removed.

@param txn @param key @return false if key wasn't found

  delete$TransactionDescriptor$ByteIterable$emit: (txn, key) ->
    list = txn.getCurrentList$String @name
    list.once 'delete', (key) ->
      @emit 'delete', key
    list.delete$ByteIterable$emit key

  count: () ->
    list = @env.getCurrentTransaction().getCurrentList$String @name
    return list.getLength()

  openCursor$TransactionDescriptor: (txn) ->
    return Cursor.create$Store$TransactionDescriptor this, txn

  close$emit: () ->
    @list.once 'close', () =>
      @emit 'close'

  getName: () ->
    return @name

  getConfig: () ->
    return @config

exports.Store = Store