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RandomAccessLoggable =
  (require './RandomAccessLoggable.coffee').RandomAccessLoggable
RandomAccessByteIterable =
  (require './RandomAccessByteIterable.coffee').RandomAccessByteIterable
IllegalStateError =
  (require '../errors/IllegalStateError.coffee').IllegalStateError

This class is a stub for empty logable. It has only type, no id and data.

class NullLoggable extends RandomAccessLoggable
  @TYPE: 0
  @LENGTH: 1


@param address the addres of this loggable.

  @create$Addr64: (address, o) ->
    if !o? then o = new NullLoggable
    o = RandomAccessLoggable.
            address, NullLoggable.TYPE, NullLoggable.LENGTH,
            RandomAccessByteIterable.EMPTY, 0, NullLoggable.NO_STRUCTURE_ID, o)
    return o

  getData: () ->
    throw new IllegalStateError("Can't access NullLoggable.getData()")

  getDataLength: () ->
    throw new IllegalStateError("Can't access NullLoggable.getDataLength()")

Create new NullLoggable.

@return new NullLoggable.

  @create: () ->
    return NullLoggable.create$Addr64 undefined

Check whether loggable is NullLoggable.

@param type the type to check. @return true is the loggable or type is NullLoggable and false otherwise.

  @isNullLoggable$int: (type) ->
    return type == NullLoggable.TYPE

Check whether loggable is NullLoggable.

@param loggable the loggable to check. @return true is the loggable or type is NullLoggable and false otherwise.

  @isNullLoggable$Loggable: (loggable) ->
    return NullLoggable.isNullLoggable$int loggable.getType()

exports.NullLoggable = NullLoggable