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RandomAccessLoggable =
  (require './RandomAccessLoggable.coffee').RandomAccessLoggable
ExodusError = (require '../util/ExodusVersion.coffee').ExodusError

This class provides an ability to create various loggables of the same type.

class LoggableFactory




  @FACTORY: new Array LoggableFactory.MAXIMUM_LOGGABLE_TYPE

@protected Constructor.

  @create: (o) ->
    if !o? then o = new LoggableFactory
    return o

Register new factory.

@param type loggable type. @param loggableFactory new factory.

  @registerLoggable$int$LoggableFactory: (type, loggableFactory) ->
    prevLoggableFactory = LoggableFactory.FACTORY[type]
    if prevLoggableFactory? && prevLoggableFactory != loggableFactory
       throw new ExodusError("Loggable type is already registered: " +
    LoggableFactory.FACTORY[type] = loggableFactory

Clears all prototypes.

  @clear: () ->
    for i in [0..LoggableFactory.FACTORY.length - 1]
      LoggableFactory.FACTORY[i] = null

Creates new instance of loggable.

@param address address of result in the log. @param type type of loggable. @param length length of the loggable. @param data loggable data. @param dataLength length of the loggable data. @param structureId structure id of loggable. @return new loggable instance.

  @create$Addr64$int$int$RandomAccessByteIterable$int$int: (address, type, length, data, dataLength, structureId) ->
    prototype = LoggableFactory.FACTORY[type]
    if prototype?
      return prototype.create address, length, data, dataLength, structureId
    return RandomAccessLoggable.
    create$Addr64$int$int$RandomAccessByteIterable$int$int address, type,
            length, data, dataLength, structureId

@protected Creates new instance of loggable.

@param address address of result in the log. @param length length of the loggable. @param data loggable data. @param dataLength length of the loggable data. @param structureId structure id of loggable. @return new loggable instance.

  create$Addr64$int$RandomAccessByteIterable$int$int: (address, length, data, dataLength, structureId) ->

Overload in child classes.

exports.LoggableFactory = LoggableFactory